Baldur's Gate 3 - NEW HIGHEST DAMAGE BUILD FOUND - Best Paladin Fighter Bard Guide & OP Multiclass!

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if I had to describe this build in six words it would be boom boom boom boom drums boom Oh yes you have never smoked like this before hello my fellow adventurers and welcome to a whole world of divine hurt that we are about to put down on anyone foolish enough to as they say a AO this is my ultimate crit Smite setup and by that I don't mean oh we do one look of the far welms ilth power to a guaranteed crit and then that's it okay all right move on no no no no we're not going to be ithd scum today this is a permanent passive near 60% crit and smite that at base does up to 90 damage and it's likely going to always roll for that top end because of a certain combination that we have got set up too this is a quad class multiclass build set up to enable this to happen using a select bit of gear one very special weapon and and generally the utmost highest power of smiting Fury but it's not just a one Divine Smite Pony you have a whole bag of tricks to use here a load of barge Shenanigans all of the flourishes and the utility they give you some wizard spice sprinkled in for some self haste of course the Paladin and even just a little bit of fighter because why not and this recipe bakes one hell of a damage pie I really need to stop trying to cram food metaphors into my build videos and maybe just have dinner before making them so it's not on the brain anyway I have been wanting to explore the realm of crit fishing for a while now so I asked myself what is the most satisfying thing to crit with and well a high level Divine Smite is kind of up there there isn't really much else that gives you that look at the damage feeling and of course naturally I wanted it to happen as often and as hard as possible and then I remembered a certain little mace that I've been wanting to make something around because it's just so ludicrous though we will get to that essentially this just turns you into to a Onan holy Army that runs from enemy to enemy utterly obliterating them most of the time in one attack and you get to do four of them a turn and there's plenty of bonus action options for you too here it's just so much fun it really is and with Tempest cleric and Paladin Smite hybrid being fixed to no longer Max damage dice that it shouldn't it really doesn't get better than this and it also doesn't get more Long Live than this 12 smites that all do like 50 plus damage at the low end and up to 200 at the high end gets a long way into a day especially if you're playing normally with three allies and not trying to solo three steel Watchers and friends on tactician to prove a point in a build guide though we should probably focus on those last two words there build guide join me then on this ultimate crit smiting Journey starting with Paladin then and taking well technically whichever o you like though I prefer Vengeance for the inquisitor's might extra damage and I just think vengance is cooler than devotion and ancients if I'm honest with you but really the Paladin is just here to get to level two to give us Divine Smite this is your stat load out that you want the Charisma and strength the 16s of choice is our two most important stats decks and Constitution getting the 14 and 12 and sadly intelligence and wisdom not looking too great ful we don't actually have to roleplay these characters level two Paladin is next then and we can get well our divine smites which is the whole point but also our fighting style and since we're using a onehanded non-f finesse weapon jeweling makes sense spells Wise choose whatever you like the look of none of them are key or required I like to at least get the other two smites but it really doesn't matter so that is Paladin already taken care of we then want to move over to Bard B is utterly perfect as a combination here and that shouldn't come as a surprise I'm sure you are likely very aware of the very popular time honored bedin in any case spell wise again nothing is absolutely mandatory so just choose what you like the look of and of course the drum is the superior of the five instruments then we will be taking this all the way to level six so at level two nothing crazy going on just an extra spell that's all well and good and then at level three we get to choose our subass we want to be going for the College of Swords this gets us our flourishing which are really nice to have really good utility especially uh the ability to teleport to a enemy it's really neat to have when you're smiting around the place playing quy a paladin spells wise again just grab whatever you like the look of and then we don't really have a choice when it comes to fighting style so grab yourself to weapon technically on Paladin you could choose the extra AC and then here choose jeweling so you get two that are actually useful to you which is the minmax way to go about it so we move on then and get to our first feat after grabbing more spells and Gand trips that you like the look of the feet that we want and the one downside of this build is we only get one feet so we have to make sure it's the perfect one it is Savage attacker so this normally pretty n in actual DN d but in Boulders Gate 3 it works on all of the things including your smites and every attack essentially this massively increases our average damage output in a big way and it can't really be ignored in a Smite spamming setup then we move on to get to level five which is nice get a bit of improved inspiration and the like and then we get our level three spells again grab whichever takes your fancy then at level six and our final Bard level we get the extra attack this is what is so good about combining this with Bard we get the spell Slots of a full Caster in Bard but also the extra attack of a marshall class to combo perfectly with the smites both needing spell slots and as many swings as we can get spell wise again whatever you like the look of it is at this point that we start going in to that crit fishing energy with fighter now technically speaking three more levels of b or three more levels of Paladin gives you a more well-rounded class and build but I specifically and the goal here is to crit as often and as hard as possible with smites so that's what we're going to be leaning into and here we go again with even more fighting styles so technically here we can get the defense that we could have chosen earlier along with jeweling essentially we get to the point where there is too many styles to choose and none of them really actually help us certainly not at this point in any case get that lovely action surge that no one will ever say no to and then finally level three lets us go into Champion to get the improved critical hit that is it for fighter which gives us one last level to spend which is going to be as you might imagine on the wizard this is literally just for haste grab whatever can trips you like the look of and then the Spells don't really matter because we only have one wizard spell slot and it is going to be used for haste so that is all good learn it via your scroll and have it prepared here we are then with the world's largest amount of buttons on your bars ever all set up and ready to go a lot of these you probably won't ever press depending on what you chose and whether you actually find use for it but the core is what matters our flourishing options to spend our Bic inspiration our smiting endlessly our haste from Wizard which is really really nice to have just that single one make sure as I said you actually learn it and then use it as your one spell slot we can whack on our inquisitor's might for a little bit of extra damage so that's a good use of our oath and everything else just as it comes up healing if you need it buff yourself up etc etc all of our spell slots though should be going on Smite so if you're casting anything else make sure it really is worth it past that then it comes down to what we are wearing and indeed holding so let's cover that last part first hold buing it is the daa mace this plain unseeing little Walker that really is kind of nuts it just comes with an extra 4 d8 radiant damage which is basically a free fairly high level Smite per swing which yes stacks of course with your actual smites which is how we end up doing this 16 to 89 damage and a just metric ton of of radiant power you get this by killing a d the easiest one to get a hold of is by cursing yourself in the basement of the storm Shaw Tabernacle and then removing the curse and then killing the David that spawns you then rest go back there'll be a little bag on the floor and in the bag is the Dava mace this is just built to be a smiter is it not and I've been wanting to actually do things of this for the longest time if I had a second feat I would get dual wield and then put on this for improved critical but sadly I cannot in any case let's actually look at improved critical so we have Champion which has taken us to 19 or 20 we put on this the Deadshot for even more improved critical which gives us 18 19 and 20 as our potential rols which is sold by Fitz the firecracker in the storm Shore Armory in act three you just buy it off him and then you just have it there for the passive it also lets you do your range flourishes so it does actually play into the build mechanically too then we have ourselves the horned helmet from the Big B man himself you get this off of his cops in the murder tribunal and once more the crits go down we're now on 17 18 19 and 20 so a 20% chance to crit you can also then drink an elixir of viciousness to get you down to 16 if you want to go through them all of that crit then is combined with this little gem the risky ring you can buy this in act two in the moonrise Towers from araj oblodra and it gives you a very simple yet very potent effect just straight up advantage on all your attack rolls that is obviously huge huge the disadvantage on saving throws sucks but that's why I've comboed it with the held dis boots to use a reaction to succeed saving throws the extra teleport and ignoring difficult terrain ain't too shabby either use whatever boots you want but I think these pair well in any case this is yeah Advantage great we more likely to hit our smites but the actual mechanical of it being that we're rolling two attacks every time we attack so as we have a crit available on 16 17 18 19 and 20 if you've drunk The Elixir that's a 25% chance to crit so a quarter of your attacks this is rolling your attack twice which means we have two chances to roll the 167 18 192 which is nearly a 50% coin flip crit chance which is obviously ludicrous nearly every other attack that is so potent onp top of you know this insane damage output by default so yeah we are really looking good when it comes to Smite damage I combine this then with the Shad Slayer cloak just in case we ever managed to get that stealthy even lower crit chance we get the hust gloves because the spell attack roll and spell safety C for whatever reason actually does help Smite land even though other increased spell attack rolls and spell saf DC items don't so I'm not quite sure what's going on there but I've tested it and it does but mainly that extra D6 of fire damage will also get increased with the crits that we're fishing for so it's a nice double up and then armor wise I've thrown on persistence just to be massively unkillable having 21 AC and essentially double effective Health as most damage you take is damage half by blade Ward is obviously wonderful and then my necklace is greater health for the advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain the concentration on haste as easily as possible and yes if you are also going to use this technically you want to dump your con at character creation at level one down to eight and put the extra points into decks and then int and wisdom as you see fit I didn't do that at the start of this when and I showed you what you needed just for people that are actually going to follow this along from a lower level in any case then this is all set up in any case that is what your gear is looking like Max damage weapon with Max damage and survivability Supporting Cast along with all of the lowered crit chance we can get without giving up anything that is more important than a single lowered crit chance so when we're actually using it in combat it's as simple as could be because we just want to hit things repeatedly with Smite so when it comes to actually running the build it couldn't be more straightforward as I said we want to avoid using spell slots on anything other than smiting and haste so if you are going to make sure it is very needed other than that buff up with what is safe to do so give yourself the haste and then we are ready to get into it we'll open with a level one Smite on Ellen here and I'm sorry oh God it's just oh it was so unnecessary oh that was like 80 damage my God and now we wait for everyone to try their best to do any kind of significant damage or break my concentration on haste but that's what the amulet is for So in theory they statistically speaking shouldn't get anywhere near to actually doing anything concerning to me why did he run up and punch me for zero damage that is a brave brave Archer so here we are then on our turn you do want to at least use your inquisitors might just so we get a little bit of extra damage out of everything and then we just start going to town level four and here we go so got like over a 100 damage oh and then because this actually lets us days enemies our chance to hit skyrockets to the full 99% which is just awesome we will do that and now we'll go to a level one always use the about right amount of damage even though that's sometimes easier said than done we'll go for a level two on this guy just so silly it is absolutely so silly we actually missed no we'll do our action surge just to have another pop at this guy oh well done to him and then I'm going to use my defensive flourish just to both kill him and to make myself that much harder to hit for the rest of well proceedings so once again we'll let them try their best to do anything of note to us no I've been pinned down oh anyway let's carry on smiting one more level four oh that's a shame no crit but that's okay for we just keep on keeping on smiting our way through cuz that's the thing with this you don't need to crit to do an absolutely metric ton of damage because we just have an absolute Ely metric ton of damage might as well use my bonus action on a little bit of healing here that's all well and good and then we'll let him try to well again achieve literally anything of note ah we're going for the old invisible Arrow delay turn tactic very very nice oh come on you don't need to go on the bloody roof h fortunately our boots will let us teleport up here after him and then carry on the endless smiting offensive so yeah it's just it's just so much fun you just click and things explode in colossal amounts of damage and then you walk away job well done knowing that whatever your chosen deity is is very pleased with the utmost destruction that you have wrought it really is such a satisfying way to play and I for one cannot recommend recomended enough if you are a fan of smiting and of course a fan of playing the drums that is definitely a upside too all right then everybody I hope you have very much enjoyed this I hope it has inspired you and if you do end up using it or anything similar well have a blast dealing blasts of ultimate radiant it's just so brilliant it really really is for now then like you've enjoyed this subscribe hit the bell for more consider supporting the future the channel on patreon down below and until we meet again A Goodbye Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you in your hom to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 118,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 smite build, smite, smite build, baldurs gate 3 smite, baldurs gate 3 paladin, paladin build, bard, bard build, wizard, champion fighter, baldurs gate 3 crit fishing, baldurs gate 3 best build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, multiclass, level up guide, feat guide, feats, best class, build guide, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, subclasses, class, endgame, new, best bard build, best smite build, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: Tzhpb7k1UkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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