Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 13: Survival

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welcome back Adventures today we start episode 13 and hopefully infiltrate moonrise Towers on last episode we met one of the original characters from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 Jahira at the last Light Inn which was a camp where the Harpers were held up but unfortunately that camp has been overrun by the shadow curse now also at the last late end we met a character named Marcus who is a true Soul like ourselves and Marcus abducted the cleric Isabelle who tried to save Isabelle but it didn't work in our favor so Isabel I think is probably in Moonrise right now dealing with Catherine thorum and we are getting close to moonrise but I think I would like to check out the content before Moonrise and maybe get a little XP too because I'm only level six right now and a lot of enemies that I'm coming across are level eight we're going to start off by seeing if we can take down this a cursed Keeper of the coins I was really hoping to recruit Jahira into my group so I could use the heat metal spell and give that a try but Jahira doesn't want to join my group just yet so we're gonna have to deal with this uh in our own way all right so I have long Strider make sure yep we got Mage Armor let's attack this thing from above and I'm gonna try to do it in a way where we don't aggro everybody really worried about these uh skulls right here let's bring everybody over here get a little I'm gonna set up the Bear right here no idea how this is gonna go this creature's got a ton of HP too a car lock right here shutter I put gal right here and we're gonna shoot down on this thing actually I should leave everybody near the opening that can at least take a shot if I surprise the enemy whatever comes in Shadow heart I'm gonna have Shadow heart start us off with a plus once this creature comes a little bit closer okay we got bless now I'm gonna grab hard again once it comes a little bit closer we're going to go into turn base mode yeah we still have eight turns of blast perfect we're going to start off with a level why is that not letting me get that shot hold on the Tactical mode okay well that kind of makes sense oh there we go we got it just start with the level one just to kind of see what it does here we go wish me luck 12. oh my God okay I thought all the skulls came out we have aggro at every single shit man well that's a great opportunity to push that thing off the ledge right there and I think I can still get the loot it weighs 300 pounds I wonder if I can push that [Music] foreign right now nobody else is in battle that's actually kind of nice let's see what we can do I can probably sneak somebody all the way around all this might be actually this could be crazy this seriously might work I also have potions of Hill giant strength I think somewhere in my inventory let's try something tricky here [Music] maybe I don't even need it okay it appears to me as if we can get down there so pushing this creature off might not be a bad idea oh my God yes free from the curse now oh perhaps you'll find peace 500 XP from that too okay and we can actually loot that creature too so we didn't lose any loot well that makes it a lot easier and that's why I'm a strength based Ranger right it looks like all the skulls have died too wow okay I don't know if we successfully removed the armor though so we might not be fully taking advantage of that but we'll have to try other characters and see how that goes we'll have to try other ways in the future oh go down right here absolutely oh it's a broken Moon land so that's why it's not working I did not expect that to actually work foreign only a hit that deals at least 22 damage can damage it no problem where's my zombies are my zombies are my zombies are hey come on guys come up here everybody stay back though damn not enough of the fire Bolt the thing there's got to be something else that I can do instead of wasting spell slots to get that thing open I really have to do another Fireball needs to be at least 22 damage yeah my sword's only seven to twenty might be able to pop some spells with Shadow heart too there's like another way into it before I Hold On wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are we doing here hold on hold on oh hold on oh that might be a little risky though let's see what route gal takes here I'm a little bit nervous about this okay we're okay might be trapped in here though we gotta be careful Red X plus one sure we'll take it for a book to saluna is there any other way to get this open I don't think there is we move Shadow heart close enough we might be able to get off a guidance though let's go ahead and try to open this damn it no guidance come on dice you gotta be kidding me come on come on come on got it thank you by your hearts whenever you take fire damage dealt by another creature you gain two turns of heat so there's that hurt the heat thing again whenever you take fire damage okay you gain heat so if we hit T again we can look at heat again this is called the fire art okay engulfed by a vengeful fire take one to four fire damage each turn but can cause heat convergence it's gonna be interesting to do a build around that shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times can't wait to go loot that creature oh damn it all these doors sturdy materials rather strong only a hit that deals at least 10 days we should be able to do it with our sword there we go online other chest over here rotten floorboards what would you do with them though do they will they break on you iron fine Shield while the wielder is holding a weapon empowered with sheleighly okay they're hit by a melee attack the attack attacker takes one piercing damage but pretty good for a druid you're rocking a shield you might as well use that I wonder if there's gonna break on me I think you can just break it if you want you're in battle let's get out of here I need all my gold it's freaking everywhere dude look I have to pick it up [Music] traveler's chest it's a far way forward ah oh just the grand prize might be trapped wait the gloves of battle mage's power when a weapon attack roll and flicks a condition the wielder gains Arcane acuity back to 90 has a plus one bonus to its spell attack rolls and spell difficulty class okay hmm spell attack rolls but yeah so I'm finding a lot of gear that'd be really good for like Battle Mages or like Eldritch Knights or arcane tricksters or they want you to use your weapons at the same time okay get out of here let's go loot that feature that we killed I wonder if I can take this thing down is there a lever around here I guess we could just click right here see how our companions work their way there so that's progress don't waste a step 250 golds Twist of Fortune when you roll a two or less with this weapons damage die re-roll it and take the new result also tenacity because it's a bludgeoning weapon Blood Money strike out greedily dealing an additional three bludgeoning damage per 300 gold that the target possesses okay so you only attack you attack them oh my gosh look at this this is hilarious the weapon that attacks rich people Undead in constructs can't receive gaping wounds that's awesome that's a really funny weapon oh we're gonna go ahead and keep on the lethander's light one we like that weapon and yeah let's push on that looks like takes you right to the towers there's 10th as I am I might not take it to the towers maybe the back side of the towers have seen everything go up this way a little bit I call this gold thing dead the absolute power is strong here oh look at this we're going like right into the moonrise area all right okay so let's go back this way a little bit the waning moon tells me we've got a lot to worry about up here all right what now oh crap I forgot about my bear all right let's click on the bear wow whoa what is that right there that reminds me of those things in Divinity original sin too the shriekers whoever they're called I want to just dismiss my bear this is how the freaking zombies are so far behind I wonder if they're gonna get into combat actually this is a good the zombies are a good way to test out an area to see there's anything to worry about oh that'd freaking hurt man ow and there's a fast travel Point here too oh whoa whoa I almost walked into moonrise towers with my Bear right there I must walked into moonrise Towers all right let's go ahead and get that fast travel point I can keep going a little longer reconnect everybody I think we're okay with just walking up there okay we got the Waypoint for Moonrise Towers that's gonna be fun but let's go over here and just see what this is all about the waning moon what just happened oh my God oh wow we're fighting Shadows right now a little bit different from the are they are the same as the mummy and the daddy that we fought earlier oh damn dude wow we were surprised too we're last in line okay all right so we got Shadow cursed Harpers resistant to necrotic and then we got these things again but they're much weaker than the other ones these things are resistant to freaking everything radiant they're vulnerable to though okay see you probably want to kill oh shit this guy's got a lot of HP foreign Shadow it's we got radiant vulnerability I'm going to come up right in the thick of things and we're going to drop a spirit Guardians actually I think I want to be nope that's about this is about where I want to be [Music] spiritual weapon okay so we got 29.51 I think it's good to just take this guy off the battlefield right now let's do a level one magic Missile okay beautiful and then we're going to back up a little bit okay we got the vine it's been a while oh that was beautiful these are level six like we are okay unleash the undead more Shadows oh my God Spirit Guardians is so good in this situation right here this is crazy 30 HP a couple more guys okay I think we got this yeah we'll go this way because she's got the difficult Terrain I'll use oh we just discovered something Oh shot the zombie in the back getting too fast what's that bear Guardians was clutched right there just pick up a tumor I'm not sure why looks like these plaques make for a mechanism of sorts lost secret pain all right okay Lady of loss um I don't even know what I just did oh my God nope I have no idea what I I just clicked on each plaque and it solved the puzzle I guess I mean I was reading these and you can see loss Lady of losses is the goddess char when something cut the Rick Lady of loss I don't know okay all right let's go down though doesn't matter what we did we did it right either way oh man this is gonna be okay let's uh let's do a quick save here we're gonna call it dungeon maybe we haven't solved the puzzle yet we're gonna have to remember something isn't it crazy that like a lot of people will play and they'll miss this completely but at the same time I'm gonna miss like several things that you guys stumble across statue of char oh you know where this leads to I bet you this leads into the underdark and this is the other path you didn't take the mountain pass or I don't know do you think yourself wise enough to be granted Shaw's blessing we even let's do that with Shadow heart fuel self-wise enough to be granted Shah's blessing look at that we got a cleric of char response bow your head modestly you are wise if shardeen so ignorant if she deems so a warm swell Rises through you acceptance you are worthy dark lady's awareness plus five bonus to wisdom until finishing a long rest we also have lethander's light too we got blessings of gods everywhere that's from our mace and the pixie blessing and the blessing of soluna that's kind of funny having a character that has a blessing of saloon and the blessing of Shar okay well let's see if we can get that with another care I'm a little bit worried about what's going to happen if we don't succeed though statue gazes at you and passively its challenge has been met okay all right bold of how can you turn any and all to the dark lady's cause try to stick out my shadow heart s and Blair always shot says her goddess after all you bold of heart and sharp of tongue nod can you with Char's words on your tongue and teachings in your heart none can deny confidence you feel like there is nothing you can't do no one you can't win over two seems to agree and approve man I really should have taken a long rest for getting all these blessings gazes at you in passively it's challenged oh they already do that one you accept Shaw's test of your intellect you are Char's child there is no reason to shy away not an acceptance you feel a small pulse of Energy race up your spine and a strange sensation of acceptance wow that heart's got three blessings right now plus five to Charisma and a plus five to intelligence and wisdom right now oh got a glitch in the sound it appears to seek prey and a blood offering your blood well my character is not gonna do it but Shadow heart absolutely pick up the dagger recite Char's wisdom and offer blood from your arm foreign about that noise that thing is glitched out let's take all these potions I wonder what that offering did let me click on it really quickly with my character okay you think we no we don't need that dagger we're not messing with it okay I think that's damn that stupid thing so loud let's see if we can close it I don't think we can let me get out of here okay it's not glitched out anymore let me just make sure there's nothing else that we missed in this room that's good got a bunch of offerings that was really cool look there's more to it though okay well we could check out up here real fast not level seven yet foreign appears to be a graveyard Mason's Guild time to press ahead hi not seeing any creatures what to do go check it out foreign take the one Trader guy can use that damn it if we ever see him again place is far too quiet there's got to be something going on here what's that a pile of crushed bones of varying shapes sizes and creatures my zombies aren't helping out with my stealth Mission here nice the books do give you recipes we got barkskin now the Druid spell that brings us back out let's be a warning to defy Shah's will shall suffer Darkness without her blessing okay go back through here got to be something else to this place what's on your mind and here we go nobody's here unless they're Shadows that might be worth a look reception skill is so good I wonder what the next move is 18. so we're going to take guidance and upholstering Magic from our wild magic Barb damn it come on oh man I think I have one more okay three more Thief stools nice that was a little buggy okay two more tries all I need is like a 15. 14 13 maybe even a yeah even a 12 could possibly do it now that foreign okay I do have four inspiration points so let's do one Inspiration Point for a freaking lock what is going on right now all right step away step away holy crap we have to call Starion in just to get that open okay this is right where we first went in all right let's do this again get to step away for a second oh I can't use the Inspiration Point unless we're already in it man it is what it is they have to come back when we have I wonder if there's another way into it there's like a key in this building or something that you can insert this keyholed Harold let's go back up okay foreign city of Baldur's Gate all right go that brings us back there okay so I'm not sure we're gonna have to come back if I can remember with a Starion when I have thieves tools again because I don't have thieves tool anymore make one quick last walk through seen anything here that's how we got down there swing back around foreign now we'll go straight in the graveyard that might be worth a look true love one of magical pairings of rings this allows the wearer to receive warding bond from a creature wearing the matching ring the warning bound is that cleric spell and wizard spell that I have in resistance to all damage a plus one to their Armor class but then again the person the other person also receives damage cool you gotta find the other ring and then yeah that's cool story on the ring yeah there's gonna be something in this graveyard foreign there's going to be something damn this place is freaking dark I've got no lock picks now if the deal is 22 damage is it vulnerable to bludgeoning it is and also acid too I have a see I have a mall a Warhammer which I don't have let me just let me try the blood of the Thunder maybe a vulnerability it's enough damage oh shit for a minute I got excited I thought I did damage that's not enough need a mighty Warhammer but actually you know what I got an idea also resistant to acid it's metal I get it okay what's on your mind I see here we go to Gail oh that's poison are you serious check talk I wasn't able to do 22 damage not even on one of them man I'm not gonna have enough spell slots [Music] I must just be getting really bad rolls with the damage I was hoping to get one of the higher rolls it's 4-32 and so I just needed it to land 22 and that would have worked I think oh hold on Lost in thought hold on hold on this is it it worked it's my first use of the knock spell ever in Baldur's Gate 3 history [Music] man that feels so good all right we're getting the boots of apparent death allow the wearer to cast feign death once per short rest okay all right sure I guess it's not bad to have feign death on the backup let's put an angle I feel like he would need it more than anyone else oh we only got a click one time then we got feign death right here put an ally in a protective coma they become resistant use it on yourself yeah you can yeah I'm resistant to all damage except psychic damage a little last minute Our Last Resort spell if somebody's about to go down when cut through oh man we're gonna read this the moment is nigh War has been brewing and now it overflows when Catherine turned us toward Char I followed him an appearance if not in heart this is my home I would not be removed from it no matter what I watched at a distance as the darkness here grew has catherx grief brought him farther and farther from life itself at the Rex grief as he gathered his army I prayed for his defeat as the Harpers March Upon Our Little Village or a little beautiful Village I can only hope Catherine will be felt at last wraithwen can begin to heal from this nightmare like the town of reichwind after X grief I'm so happy that I used the knock spell right there took me a minute to remember about it but now I think I'll remember it at all times just because that was such a moment of uh of me discovering that but I think I'll remember it in the future now let's go ahead and bolster good gal back a spell slot and let's give him back a level one spell slot as well and before we go deeper into the graveyard let me take a quick look at our backpack here making me sweat gotta remember that I have all of these if we need one got the jump potion Angelic slumber okay ocean of feather fall mind reading yeah it was ripe with magic breathe deep and move I'm getting so many items this particular episode ice bite robe gives you armor of agathis and resistant to cold damage we already have full damage but this is an upgrade because we also get armor of agathis and it doesn't cost a spell slot gain 15 temporary hit points and deal 15 cold damage yeah that's a really good robe right there to have at this level it looks pretty cool too all right go a little deeper into the graveyard I'm surprised we haven't foreign Spirits or anything a great many dark just this years seem to have perished while fighting near the graveyard we must be drawing close to the place Shadow heart wishes to find vouchers encircled preparing their rights kidding me are you kidding me right now [Music] look at his HP too he's got 666 HP [Music] oh all right well we might as well just walk up and talk to him the Huntsman and the huntress no match Starion did say that he wanted something with this character though he said Astoria wants to speak to Raphael the next time we see him hmm our hero thought but a treasure ahead did not consider the Peace of the Dead through the dark he went creeping and awoke what was sleeping a new Grave they dug which he himself fed spooky how long have you been standing around practicing that little recital until it was perfect I've grown quite fond of you you know in my way I thought it only fair to warn you about the dangers ahead [Music] what dangerous are those oh we both know they are soon to be revealed it would be pointless of me to try to buy you from entering but I can set the scene as it were prepare you for your role cut to the chase devil I already did if through the dark you go creeping and awake what is sleeping chances are many more Graves than yours alone will soon be fed [Music] spell it out very well there is a creature that lurks in silence and Shadow a creature who like me is very much of the infernal persuasion should it make its way out through the very doors you are about to brazenly swing open you will have Unleashed a pestilence upon this realm in truth it is Carnage incarnate so if you meet the devil of which I speak kill it consider no other course of action [Music] hey let's do an Insight check I have proficiency you're still only telling me half of what you really know I can tell foreign this creature and I go back a long way I admit it would be in my best interest as well should it remain trapped in the dark or this place its head perhaps what are we talking here limia pit faint orthon getting warmer warmer hot are you afraid of this creature Raphael listen here pipsqueak what the Hat underestimate this opponent at best you will have the blink of an eye to strike strike First Strike true defy the odds for they are distinctly in its favor that much I owe the bastard to concede after all if there is one rule I hold dear it's that one must always give the devil his due oh man wow okay I guess we're not going to moonrise right now we have or it's like interesting content up here the mausoleum entrance Rafael told us of a nemesis is who lurks in the depths beneath the mausoleum evidently we should try to deal with this old enemy should we though We Trust Raphael do we care unlock this Waypoint perfect all right so the mausoleum is right there let's check out over here real fast hearing a voice around here somewhere a long way from waterdeep [Music] the house of healing and we got some people down here on the bottom Hospital Library okay this is gonna be freaky we're in a freaking hospital right now [Music] staircase down here or something or what go out here somebody's waiting at the bottom foreign we'll take the ladder sister lydwin is shown on the map right here who is that like a hospital bed right there okay let's see if we can get in here without going into combat outside oh my gosh what the heck Undead Hospital right there oh there's a ton of sister lidwins what was the name of this one Mr Cinda okay I don't hold on hold on all right we got the ladder right here things go wrong I think I'm gonna walk in here because we can talk to sister lidwin I'm going to send gal though back up the ladder gallon of zombies they can wait right there the things go wrong zombie damn it yeah there we go don't call the doctor yet I've got potions switches I know I can do this oh you're a patient this is the children's Ward triage is back that way that's arabella's father or was arabella's father no way why are you treating a dead body Not Dead merely medicated to ease the pain well that patient's definitely dead been dead for a while judging by the smell the patient okay what's what the hell let's give the corpse a subtle poke no guidance oh man what next guidance would have been perfect don't do that to my patient well this is really freaky at least we know they're not hostile where's our patient I don't even see a patient I could lay in the bed let's put Shadow heart in this one are lacking this one now she has patience okay let's go have a chat with the other one bring gal back down are we poorly are we desperately poorly so well but well enough to wait join the line and you will be seen I don't have time to wait I need to see the doctor now his hands are full join the line you will be seen every monster you can imagine man or beast has tried to kill me I should really see the doctor pool creature who's so sad so sick the doctor will see you the doctor will soothe down to the theater be swift be saved I think I know what character this is in one of the trailers I think we saw this doctor character this surgeon oh my gosh this is about to be this is about to be really interesting look at this guy oh my God let's see if we can hear what he says before we go down and talk to him and I could just shoot a fireball down here and start combat something tells me that the way that I'm playing this game right now me and this guy might not be morally on the same side of the spectrum malice storm level 7 Undead resistant to Fire and resistant to all physical damage and Magic resistance has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects Okay so before we go down there should probably set up my party of where combat does occur we are in an advantageous position so let's go ahead and take gal let's see if we can get up top of course put him right here looks like there's a staircase right here no something similar okay and then I'm gonna take Shadow Hearts that was close we got Carlock dancing we'll put Shadow Hearts over here I think that's pretty good then we're gonna send down wolf and karlak give up now I got my bear with me we don't have any short rests crap pick a potion and let's see what this malice Thorn is all about it the objective of the scalpel sisters is to soothe for the scalpel indeed is an extension of Shah see how the patient reacts when I would stroke the right nerve yeah it's Comfort here the very Melody of Mercy [Music] pray sister show us the extent of your beneficence oh man oh stop stay your hand for it slaps where it should stroke we can hardly hear the patient's size of Solace Perhaps it is our unexpected audience that makes you quiver come step forward you are no sister but that matters none every student is welcome yeah what wrong has this man done to deserve such torture 's face of ignorance one who mistakes tenderness for torture go on acquaint the face of studies absence absence no other word captures the heart of Shahs or very perfectly it is the scalpel-led journey that leads from Pain the fuckers they've learned talking about see what is the light of eyes but the cancer that causes one to witness the laceration of being if light is the symptom then darkness is the cure for in light there is presence but in darkness there is absence in light is presence in darkness absence but you look how the sucker of Shah eludes you see how painfully present you remain we do not wish to see you use for some ask this is crazy I kind of wish that I had Shadow heart down here doing the talking I didn't realize that these were all Shar disciples let's try an investigation Jack at -1 examine the sisters and their implements foreign [Music] we're just going to continue on you know nothing unusual about the sisters aside from their Menace okay recall what you know of shar's teachings [Music] and the rolls aren't going too good here are they try as you might you can't think of any relevant teachings let's switch to Shadow heart see if we can bring her up now [Music] all right okay we can either attack or persuade the sisters aren't ready they'll make me sick instead of curing me all right that's what we're gonna try first [Music] as I don't know if we're in this situation right now to take on this place foreign their incisions are as yet still strict within Precision that much I must concede how to steady their hands I wonder they need a better subject to practice on first not a student but a master oh man okay maybe oh gosh I don't think I want to use inspiration points for this we're just going to continue on then I'd have the master what say you to the master sisters we would hear your Melody of Mercy okay okay [Music] [Music] holy crap oh my gosh everybody's red right now what is going on [Music] still have gal up top it's about time that it's my turn this is a really cool character right now we're confused the fact that entity is hostile to everyone wanders around aimlessly and occasionally skips turns and it's too poor I don't know what would take care of that with lesser restoration take care of confused it probably would of course they don't have it prepared in combat man there's so many spells in this game larion said over 600. move curse it's confusion a curse I don't think it is if you're a creature from disease poison paralysis and blindness so I don't think it would even help with that all right well let's um [Music] I'm actually tempted to hold wolf right now let's back up let's try to get some high grounds we're gonna bring Gail into this fight here in a second everybody's fire resistant that really messes up my Fireball doesn't it okay so I got a good idea here I got a good idea let's use let's use carlak to throw something I would like to throw a void bulb if I have one foreign bulbs when I need the void bulbs no item found man I had a great idea too well that's okay that is A-Okay so let's go ahead and do what I wanted to do without the void bulb [Music] oh what can I control yeah oh no [Music] oh game won't let me control my wizard we're not in the order of turns it should let me hold on y'all let me press f2 okay there we go just wouldn't let me click on the portrait but we figured it out okay so let's go ahead and so I don't have many spell slots here are you kidding me I have to prepare my spells better before I start a combat encounter unbelievable all right well shatter's gonna have to do I think I want to focus on the master first oh yeah that's perfect right there let's go into tactical mode if we can get this right trying to get all four of them oh perfect okay awesome now let's go attack with karlak front line the guy is unfortunately resistant to the damage that I'm going to do you can summon an intangible Spirit each round oh that's gonna be great and it does force damage that is a great one to get right now all right shadow actually tempted to bring her down and do Spirit Guardians let's do Glyph of warding go back to Carlock move her back just a little bit without taking an opportunity attack now let's go back to Glyph of boarding I can't start it really I can do it right here but not when it's out out a little bit nope still not enough movement should have thought of that before okay well in that case start off with a guiding Bolt level one this guy has unbelievable HP and let's do spiritual weapon [Music] 270 HP man I don't know how I'm gonna kill this guy not resistant to anything either yeah let's see if I can bring the bear down here move them up a little bit more oh that's okay I got two of them on me foreign [Music] okay that's actually not too bad for being confused [Music] surgeon's chosen carrying the implemented request by the surgeon to complete its surgery gift on Gale what the heck is that paralysis to a Target laughs in the brain I must open the crate oh no okay the zombies are in now how come I'm taking so much damage we're gonna have to find is there something in the environment we can use here this is this is actually crazy I might have to like retreat and try to pull these guys into a choke point this guy doesn't even man he's resistant to physical damage too okay let's see can we hold this guy hold person Target must be humanoid dang that guy's not a humanoid still curse oh man I'm a little bit uh okay oh do I do bless or do I do Spirit Guardians we're gonna go Spirit Guardians I'm gonna move in right behind karlak okay I like that I like that a lot we could disarm the target but okay hold on this actually might be pretty good awesome awesome awesome that'll save us some damage okay we succeeded in our saving throughout the coast so let's go ahead and I think it's time to go down definitely gonna need to take a potion though and let's go down and kick some ass should have brought the zombies in a long time ago man this is tough though just thinking about the resistance to physical damage I don't even know like what to use it's not that much damage oh spiritual weapon coming in clutch though come on 35 damaged wow [Music] [Music] yeah this isn't good and now carlock's confused this is real bad this is really really bad and no spell slots too whoa look at this potion of angelic reprieves drink to follow the two turn Slumber and less interrupt you gain the benefits of a short rest and regain all first and level spell level two spell slots that's kind of cool dang man so many Scrolls that I just can't use because they don't work against Undead okay wolf is confused right now too so I'm wondering if I should just not even pick him up yes that was huge right there that was huge okay all right oh if this worked this would be insane I'm using a scroll of banishment right now I wanted to save it to learn it with gal but I'm not high enough level but I think I'm gonna try it 56 chance come on larion just help me out one time I'm freaking you gotta be shitting me oh God relax almost dead right here too honestly I might just start killing these guys I don't have an action right now though I might have to start moving away um what are the zombies doing oh crap move them down and then you guys could actually help a little bit here foreign okay so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start moving this way um we got Shadow right there I need to find a way forward okay perfect I like that love and damage slowly but surely excellent choice come on come on come on don't kill her that's close oh man oh okay they're attacking the zombie that's good got him in a nice little choke point too okay so I feel like I gotta stay on him with Shadow Hearts because of that radiant damage [Music] [Applause] but then also the mace that I have out right now is blinding him this is so epic I could Dash actually this is actually really really really good the spirit Guardians all right it's a Sunbeam a beam of brilliant light Sears and blinds all creatures in this path wow oh my God feels sick elixir of necrotic resistance nope we don't need that okay all right so we're looking pretty good here and I might actually possibly pick up Carlock possibly with my last spell slot okay we got her coming at me you know what I'm actually gonna do we're going to [Music] [Music] foreign and then I'm gonna back up again maybe toss Hunter's Mark on this character right here let's back up all the way to the door [Music] all right Mr gal [Music] see what we can do with you keep you away from these zombies if I can bring you right here you actually have a shot I think at our boss enemy foreign come on okay so still have a bonus action with shadow see what we got here for our potions that's a really cool potion right there animal speaking lightning resistance drink this to jump I actually might drink this that's gonna allow me to jump around with Shadow or with Spirit Guardians all right let's hope that this guy doesn't attack her though actually I'm gonna get the spirit weapon in between me and that character perfect okay all right we'll bring the zombie down here and actually we're gonna help out I want to move the zombie up here what's that try to keep the zombie pulling the aggro here oh never mind oh no no no no no don't do that oh you gotta be shit in me Vanessa [Music] if only I had clouded daggers right now oh wow running all the way around okay let's go to Shadow heart and let's move right into the heart of all these folks right here okay that's really really good still have my action too so oh man the decisions right now this is intense is this guy is actually not resistant to necrotic damage I'm actually tempted to do a yeah let's do it [Music] okay not bad now let's see if we can get her out of the way oh man she's almost dead she has like no HP right now crap didn't realize that all right Mr gal you want to come help out now my friends move Gail down here actually I don't know if I want to give up this guy comes after a gal that's going to be a major problem but I do want to get a shot off the very least I could magic oh this this is going to be good okay let's move right here okay we got one right there that should kill that enemy and then see one two excellent excellent excellent let's see what we got for foreign take another potion of Vault jumping in an additional level one spell slot awesome and now we got to pray that shadowheart survives I have no choice but to kill this guy [Music] you've got to be kidding me one HP okay let's get in front of Shadow Hearts don't want this guy to attack her but actually I also don't want him to do an AOE that shoots at her so let's come over this way yeah I like it nice tack of opportunity holy cow holy cow I survived his hit oh I got so lucky right there good bro let's go man this is awesome this is freaking awesome thank you you've got to be kidding me are you serious dude [Music] okay let's go ahead and get karlak up the very least we have two Targets that he's gonna have to hit and I'm going to throw a potion and then I'm going to drink a potion myself hold on let me try something go back into them uh didn't work twice I figured it'd be worth a try okay we got carlak back now definitely want to keep him looking both ways here protective lights increasing Armor class by one and surrounding allies nice okay slowly but surely go ahead and back him up [Music] [Music] nice [Music] oh yeah that's why he missed before because I had the mirror image out forgot that guy's raising the Dead [Applause] [Music] wow that was so much fun and that was so intense I can't believe I pulled that off there's some super powerful items in this game and super powerful spells too such as the mace that I have with Shadow heart and using Sunbeam right there so definitely important to keep track of the items that you get and what they do and what potions you have would have helped if I had void bulbs and also rested before that fight but it's been a long time no regrets that was awesome surgeons subjugation amulet once prolonged rest when scoring a critical hit on a humanoid the wearer can paralyze the target for two turns back to density can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions attacks against the entity are always Critical Hits within 10 feet wow so we're going to take that and we're going to put that on [Music] we're gonna put that on Wolf and we also got the battered loot okay he does something in here heart-shaped Rock okay we definitely gotta take a long rest let's go ahead and loot though the weapon it's pretty cool listen to that music in the background holy crap I should also probably save surgeon dead seems like there's a lot of ways that that situation could have been handled even outside of combat just talking to him so it'll be interesting to see how everybody else experiences that character oh look there's a little bit of High Ground you can get right here too wow let me go check this out real fast okay this is where we were before When We snuck in I didn't realize it was a way down one with the weave would have been nice to actually notice that I have a character posted up there for that fight would have taken forever for those zombies to get up there Mr Patricia okay let's go through those double doors got to figure out what that key was for foreign did a great job in that fight okay so we have a painted chest right here we have another key only with sacrifices Mastery gained so has our lady said and so I say to you dearest reader I have some really interesting lore behind that character I'm gonna have to do some deeper digging offline poisoners gloves whenever you deal poison damage the target needs to succeed Constitution saving throw or become poisoned nice not bad if you're into using the poison spells okay so that key brought us back outside foreign that's what those keys were for okay I mean we got pretty good loot I was expecting something else though breathing let's um let's just walk back out here now that we know that we're safe in here or supposedly see if there's any loot Char's Temptation allows you to cast charm person once per short rest oh man I wonder what she's gonna say let's go talk to her she's showing yellow so probably saved before they're gonna have no HP the doctor's absent today come back another time yeah sure okay I think that's probably it for the hospital or maybe something secret that we're missing but that was a pretty cool character let's go ahead and take a long rest and then let's go investigate this Raphael Quest that we now have sorry about that I started coughing I thought Gail was Raphael for a second you wish to speak bolo just writing away I wonder if we can get to here under our group now greetings it doesn't look like they have any the companions have anything new to say to us I do want to talk to shadowheart though ladies Sorrows guidance you want something hmm figured she might have something to say about that doctor who was doing work for char ly you can join me on the road I need a little time okay all right let's go ahead and take a rest and push on I think after we figure out this Raphael mystery kill Rafael's old enemy we're probably going into moonrise Towers [Music] all right come on companions there you go okay let's see if we can go find got the Mason's Guild [Music] and here is okay moonrise towers down here to the South and this is Rafael's Quest Raphael told us of a nemesis of his who lurks in the depths beneath the mausoleum evidently we should try to deal with this old enemy we should probably check it out right oh man I gave my I gave my bear a long Strider failed attempt wait can I give everybody long Strider [Music] holy crap [Music] that is actually that is actually insane [Music] I don't know if it's supposed to work like that I just figured that wouldn't work but every every single one of my characters now has long Strider 10 feet increased movement speed wow the things you learn on your first run hey Mausoleum entrance here we go [Music] go ahead and prepare man I gotta start using haste a little bit more I will when I get to higher levels and I have more level three spell slots step oh look at this place [Music] symbols of soluna a moon Maiden [Music] I shall carry out General forms with alone it's needed it leave this place is not for you go no farther um okay it sounds like something's gonna happen if I go further but you know what you only live once miracle was here one of his fans anyway no way one of the dead three Merkel Bain ball and Merkel no never mind general thorm's orders were clear in order to find what lies Beyond this Mausoleum one must walk in his own footsteps Deed by deed from Splendor to tragedy infamy as he put it oh General Catholic Thorne may be associated with one of the dead three Merkel and I have no thieves tools can I break that hold on let's see if I can break it not sure what happens okay well that works oh wow I just picked up a cloak he gained seven temporary hit points after casting a spell while in melee we'll give that to Shadow heart [Music] awesome after casting a spell while in melee yeah so that could be Shadow heart he's more likely to be in melee than yeah see what it looks like nice man I'm so happy that I found this freaking mace dude so good legendary item these boots have seen everything okay we have a diary of cut their Thorn right here that we should probably take a look at considering he seems to be the man inside moonrise Towers how could she be gone where did she go the moon Maiden cannot be so unfeeling so cruel that toward her most devoted servant not after melodia it makes no sense it makes no sense I won't survive it that much I know we're getting is the only possibility the Embrace of Oblivion reprieve of nothingness it would not be possible for a man to survive knowing what he knows knowing what can be lost Char understands that hers is the only Mercy I can comprehend my mind is full of holes yet not enough The Emptiness the time the nothingness and still I remember still I remember it all there's no mercy in this beating heart there is no mercy in life at all clearly catharak has a troubled past Proving Grounds ruined Wings something present there wraths why so many damnable rats damn examinable damnable I don't know that word wow look at this this is crazy so these are all statuettes carvings of Stone carvings of soluna the Moon Maiden who is a good goddess but clearly these temples have been taken over by other gods we have a button over there why is that here lies Isabelle Thorne Isabelle is the cleric that we I hope you didn't follow in Daddy's footsteps oh man we are we met Isabelle at the last Light in with Jahira here lies Isabelle Thorne oh my God sarcophagus is open dude this is nuts all right we got pressure plates in here we gotta be real careful I don't think I have any trap disarmed tool kits oops I didn't mean to do that oh man oh God this place is true yes it is holy crap everybody back up trying to find something to put on the pressure plate here you have some trap disarm tool kits but I think I'd rather see what this is all about foreign oh that's a vent okay so hold on oh the pressure tool is right here okay oh no okay okay so we got both of those down what now what's next I wonder bring Shadow heart up here that looks like moonrise tower that is moonrise tower that tells us okay reef and it looks like cut the Rick Thorne possibly looking over maybe this right here either his wife or Isabelle his daughter was dead I'm leaning towards Isabel also being his wife but maybe not maybe Isabelle is Undead oh no [Music] and then as general Catherine Thorne look at this truck where will it bring us though we glitched out with the sound on the door so try to stay away oh man I have a feeling I know where this brings us to it must be to the underdark let's um let's go check it out Gauntlet of char holy crap dude she wanted me to find this place foreign [Music] [Music] cross from light Into Darkness give your life to the Shadows [Music] thank you let's lead with Shadow heart the answer lies in Shaw's Warriors tricked only loss awaits the Unworthy that ladies show whoa oh wow the answer lies in darkness answer lies in darkness I'm gonna take off that mace emitting light oh my God thank you place is trapped everywhere okay looks like a trap there it never comes I'm ready look at the lighting in here so epic before I walk up to that thing let's see if I can get some more of these lanterns down damn it man there's traps everywhere looks like a trap then looks like a trap there these are all vents okay this is locked by Arcane Locke I don't think knock would open Arcane lock or would it oh God that scared the living crap out of me right there oh God invalid Target lock picking impossible okay um so it looks like I can't walk up to this yet but let me just try again with shadow let's avoid that trap whoa she didn't oh at least it doesn't deal damage the rain of Night comes in a thousand fallen leaves really there's nothing good in that just check for anything useful I'll grab that okay not quite sure what to do now falling leaves put a puzzle here or something the reign of night oh we can turn those off oh okay you bring them down to turn them off [Music] I think oh geez keep scaring the crap out of me it's so loud in my freaking earphones I'm ready whatever it takes I'm sure you're perfectly delightful [Music] ah okay let's go check out this door over here we're missing something why did I just do that laughs okay let's see what happens now welcome child follow my voice okay we're gonna keep leading with Shadow heart in her name oh that's the wrong way we gotta go to the Arcane door over here let's see um Sharon architecture has a kind of beauty to it [Music] you do not belong here mind up ends somehow in the decade soup of this creature's brain a tadpole lives another presence nurtures it manipulates it like a puppet said my leave you leave I belong in this place far more than some array bone pile boom boom they are more than bones more than flesh more than skin blood hair and piss they are more they are mine no leave before super is you have awoken the Shadows by forces are split the defenses are thin rally on me a wall of bone and blade against the darkness now foreign wow wow we got justiciars here pretty cool level seven can't be blinded umbral tremors radiant damage vulnerability okay okay well here we go let's start off here let's start off with a little guiding bolts not sure what that did foreign get on up there nice oh damn it I keep shooting Mountain spiritual Weapon by accident look at that movement speed right there it's incredible oh I should have went after the guy without the shield first but that's okay foreign this was quite the session so far isn't it nice oh that looks so cool too counterspell that's the reaction spell that I have active on Gale oh damn dude yeah we got to take care of these freaking things as fast as possible I'm gonna do level two give us a better chance awesome awesome title Moore's cut we're doing good oh man it's a pile of bones yeah let's try nice try buddy okay all of the trembling orbs are gone so now we can just start working on these creatures look I don't have to waste spell slots right now I don't even need to use bless foreign HP 17 17. [Music] oh crap I think I just best collection no I didn't okay oh do they take damage to the cloud of daggers I'm not sure [Music] that was a great combat encounter everything went perfectly I got one more though soul Hunter [Music] come on everybody's got long Strider now that is just crazy powerful I'll have to look into that later and figure out if that's intentional or if it's a just larion overlooked it or if it's a bug if it's not meant to be like that then I probably won't use it like that so many pla where this is crazy I'm assuming that this connects into the underdark at some point we took the mountain pass instead of going in the underdark I'm assuming that people that took the underdark route may end up coming up this possibly from a different angle don't have anything to put here oh okay yeah this is definitely this is definitely in the underdark all right what now we found a plaque that claims the Night song is in the temple of char so we're looking for the night song now it's like something fits in here but alas I have nothing and that's actually a quest that I thought we weren't going to end up doing because we took the mountain pass but it looks like we are still going to be doing it which is awesome but it looks like we have a lot of content that we're getting into now for this night Song Quest so this is going to be a nice stopping point for episode 13. and wow we did a lot this episode and I think next episode we'll probably make it to moonrise Towers but who knows hopefully we can find This Night song and then head to Moonrise and then we'll be off to the city of Baldur's Gate well thank you all so much for watching I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 70,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, lets play, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, walk through bg3, guide, lets, play
Id: mpdM1o-tHg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 43sec (8323 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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