Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 10: Purification

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welcome back Adventures Alders Gate 3 has now officially released at the time of me recording this so I am updated to the 1.0 patch hopefully that will help out some of the bugs that we've been experiencing and with that said my mind has kind of in a million places right now as I've been waiting four years for this game to officially release and this is a pretty big moment for the channel so bear with me in this episode if I'm a little bit all over the place this happens sometimes to me I didn't have a chance to uh do a little meditation this morning which sometimes does help me out ways let's push on with episode 10 episode 9 was an amazing gameplay session we met one of the most famous Wizards in all of Beirut named elminster and we explored this Temple of the fander it was really interesting and fun and we solved this little stained glass window puzzle right here which opened up a door right here with a pouch and in that pouch contained an item called the dawn Masters Crest so to update you all on this Quest basically at first we found a note from a lethander worshiper about a precious Relic called the blood hidden somewhere in the rosie morn Monastery perhaps we can find it in our exploration and then we ended up finding that oddly shaped Crest that belonged to a high priest of lathander perhaps it can help us find the blood of a thunder so we gotta find a purpose for the dawn Masters Crest right now and I have no idea what that purpose is so we're going to do some exploration but honestly it's probably a good idea to start off this session by going to Camp let's see if the companions have anything to say also looks like I need to get some you know what never mind we're not going to Camp I have spell slots pretty much for all of my characters let me just do a short rest I'll feel that one later okay let's go uh let's go looking around hmm okay this place is a little bit confusing I'm thinking we should probably go through all of the rooms here there's got to be a place that we can like place that crest thinking maybe it's on the bottom floor maybe we'll go to the entrance of the temple because we didn't even come in that way we came in from a side entrance I don't even know the quickest way to get down I might honestly oh it looks like we can get down over here that's how we came in okay so let me click right here and see if oh great actually really close to this room whoa my character just went right through that door what do we got a perception check here for something over there I don't know what that is I think that's actually telling me that the wall can be broken so I think that's actually a bug could be wrong though all right we got some iron grates right here doesn't look like there's anything inside them I don't think I even have thieves tools right now we're looking for a place that we can maybe place this Dawn star let's go back outside we'll go to the front of the Temple where's my look at my bear Find A Way Forward okay yeah so we haven't been over here yet this is the main door and that is a statue of lathander right there and this is so beautiful this suddenly knows how to make space for New Life oh my gosh it looks like we can actually get down there are you serious that is crazy I think it might be time for feather fall but before we do that let me just come over here and check the entrance like a button right there looks like a good opportunity to use speak with the dead this is a novice of the absolute at the lethander temple within the artifact of feeling stirs uncertainty than the artifacts okay your curiosity is getting the better of you do not let it stay away from the githyanki oh yeah I forgot we have to find the good Yankee Crush the corpse regards you lifelessly what do you know about this weapon nothing no anything that was freaky where are you from hell somewhere don't remember he's a Hobbit it's actually really freaky having her stand up like that and face the other way and what were you doing here what is happening at moonrise Towers coalition prepare who are you novice oh yeah absolute the Spells power wanes you can ask no more questions okay Enchanted security lock picking is impossible we can't even examine it I wonder if a Wizard's spell would unlock this like the knock spell or something like that hopefully I can find some utility spell Scrolls or Gale oh wait who am I missing here I always do this why is Shadow heart not with me what are you doing shadow oh great now the whole group's gonna come meet up with her too I'm gonna separate her there we go yep they already started to meet up and actually they went through this window because of their pathing okay this should be that room with the kobolds yep okay don't believe we have been here before let's see if we can I don't know maybe of course I still don't have a shovel it's packed too tight I'll need a show I probably passed a ton of shovels just on the ground I'm just not noticing them or thinking of it a count of the establishment of crush elect what is this Stone disc has just Yankee runes carved into it below them is drawn a translation into common tongue it is an account of the Takeover of the rosie morne Monastery by the githyanki contingent many supplies found local area good for hunting more rameshka infestation but that will be no trouble and indeed will be useful in deterring unwanted visitors Rosie Moore and Monastery it's called but it seems these monks had plenty hidden away beneath the surface lots of valuable Goods to be found underground can be traded off after the best bits are shipped back the treasure room will prove a fitting location for the establishment of a military intelligence office seems to already have good defenses it's station Inquisitor w wargas he'll be able to keep the third risen under his thumb malar Mahal pick that up okay that's uh something more going on here that's for sure more than meets the eye hey that's the front door okay still alive so that's progress still breathing this despite everything I'm gonna cast guidance on Gail because I think we're gonna get like a perception or a religion or a history check up here um well in it the blood of La Thunder spilled in holy battle with samister immortalized here for all to worship here no wonder it was looted we found an oddly shaped Crest that belonged to a high priest of the fan oh no we already have that hold on oh this is a gale Quest update Gail's Mentor the great wizard elminster oh this was before hold on I don't know what just updated not sure something just updated [Music] he's not blood no never mind looking blade never give Yankee long sword right here take a look at it 6 to 18 damage plus 1d4 radiant oh this is a versatile one this could be a really good one-handed weapon but shadowheart can't wield it right now so we'll just hang on to it foreign not as bad as it could have nothing to click on that statue is there nope there's nothing over here except the mound that I can't dig music is so relaxing here so immersive that might be worth a look okay foreign pick that up I'd like to save my books because I like to read them later forgive me we have to fire the lands oh no whoa whoa what's going on here reminds me of ignatia wild Smith and Hogwarts Legacy the little fast travel points [Music] way to the nearest library Big Mouth spell someone long deceased okay if not open and through okay this must bring us up to where that little oh man I haven't explored any of this this is crazy I gotta get Shadow heart some better medium armor a few things I haven't been focusing on that much nice submate of wisp weed oh and this is gonna bring us down oh my gosh did we go down there right now or do I keep exploring let's go back in here one thing at a time so much verticality to this game okay let's go see what this little lower area was over here that was a weird way to go to where I clicked oh man Monastery basements I'm assuming that that other path probably leads to this place as well probably two entrances have you anything to hide but he might scour through the whole crash in his search become raw still those standing in truth need not fear of like it's gays blazel is definitely gonna have a lot to say and it looks like these are not hostile towards us right now so I think I am going to approach or Julie but cautiously let's send Lazelle and my character up and we'll leave these two in the back I have time to do a quick guidance no no shit oh my gosh wasting time oh God I keep clicking on the door he turns with guidance so let's use turn base mode State your purpose quickly Stand Down Gish is it not vlakit's command to welcome her faithful I expected no visitors faithful or otherwise why have you come we're gonna let lizelle do the talking here this is her people we seek show me the way you are infected a gate thrall is something to eradicate not reason with the faithful may be purified this is Rocket's protocol fine let the gusts still carry out your fate report to the infirmary at once and step carefully crush you like watches you do not expect the crash to be in the temple of lafander you know honestly it might be a good idea to leave one party member behind we can sneak in if this goes wrong because something tells me this is not going to go as planned but let's just say that wolf has like a little crush on Lazelle he likes Shadow heart more and he's trying to uh trying to get on lazelle's good side here so he's gonna let lizelle lead the way Lazelle wants to go into the crash so that's what we're gonna do walk well within Crush yellow cross still everybody's running from my bear can't get into any of these places without going hostile man there's probably a lot of great loot in here oh my gosh it's Alika can't see so Alika if I'm remembering yes it definitely is this is the tiefling that we saw on the bridge when we first encountered the gith Yankee back to the entrance to the mountain pass and she's dead now I heard they're making us join the patrol soon the search must be going badly I'm gonna put my bear away shouldn't be doing that forgive me we have not been visited by an Inquisitor in an age they don't want them all running around like that this is crazy the crush is huge an estic allowed to soil our holes nice stash dude can explain the latest batch of cultists knew nothing of the astral prism they were just trying to find moonrise they all head there my Gish have drafted plans to assault the tower they are ready to fight chip right we could sift the missing artifact from the tower's ashes if you would give us quiet find the astral prism there is in my patience falters yes chirai imagine him little do they know do what she says she remains your kithrak for now little do they know it's in my backpack looks like Dark Souls with a fog door right there Captain's Quarters we have agent neural kithrack therizin took me a whole 10 day to pass him if she keeps making me eat oh my I'm going on a hunger strike I always like to talk to the animals first if they're around give you a little bit of insight into what's going on map of the shadowlands Coast I'm not here speak to the captain see how well she handles this hey you got it in my crash you are one of the mercenaries then to bring the weapon the ear stick is with me honored kathrak so noted but my question goes unanswered do you bring the weapon don't tell her anything hmm I am no mercenary but I am a good tracker describe the weapon I can help you arrogance symptom of theistic condition but an arrogant tracker is a Tracker nonetheless tell me istick does this sound familiar it is small angular metal adorned with tearsu script stolen by true Soul Heretics you sense Shadow Hearts worry this weapon sounds like the artifact you carry what was that look know something do you have it I was already assuming that it was the artifact that we carry it just makes sense okay now we're in a bit of a now we're in a bit of a pickle here we either have to say that I have what you're looking for and of course to get the Yankee are going to take it from us or we have to try to deceive the captain here I don't have any bonuses for my role I don't know anything about it I don't think I want to give it to the get Yankee until I know what it is oh man it's not even let me use guidance this is going to be interesting okay we're gonna roll again this seems like a really really important moment come on we got this like I should have guidance not sure why that's not showing up holy crap we just got a 20. then stop wasting my time is stick you are one of the mercenaries we engaged are you not of course I'll be back on the search immediately Captain I have business to attend to return with the web oh this is interesting because they get the ink oh hold on the Shadow Hearts actually wow that scared of wolves I'm surprised she didn't say anything with my wolf companion that would have been cool if there was like a scene at first when I pulled out Fern if shadowheart said something but then they became friends so yeah anyways to get the ink you want the artifact of course I definitely don't want to give it to them yet but the gift Yankee Also may be able to help us if we decide to destroy moonrise Towers all right let's have a chat with shadow I suppose you've noticed I'm not terribly fond of wolves I've always been terrified of them ever since I was a child I showed you my memory of when I was lost in the woods it couldn't hardly come as a surprise the Mother Superior wasn't above using it against me if I disobeyed sometimes instead of a whipping she'd threatened to drag me to a Wolf Den never failed to bring me back in line why is it always the bad memories I can still recall in any case I'll be Keen to avoid them well this kind of messes up our relationship a little bit doesn't it I'll try to avoid wolves in the future where possible definitely not saying that wolves though really they're just dogs with no table manners you know that to the next one we cross paths with then provided it does throat out first all right never a dull moment okay all right the guards told us to report to the crash infirmary where the doctor will inspect us Shadow heart opened up to us about her fear of wolves she believes it stems from a childhood memory of being hunted by such a creature can't give up now how much farther can I go apparently they get the Yankee don't like wolves either we get into combat now I can't use an animal summons we have to take a long rest who is this right here oh my gosh it's flakketh the queen of the get Yankee the Lich Queen so much great lore out there on vlaka the resplendent portrait of Queen's lacketh in all her glory in the corner of the painting is a small symbol you can't quite place okay let's do the GIF Yankee response gay is upon vlakath's Regal Outlets that face that expression brimming with might and Glory her power and Beauty are beyond words inspect the symbol more closely are called stories of a prince riding a comet just like this one with sudden Clarity you realize it's the symbol of Orpheus a forgotten hero from the tales of your youth and draw a new face out of the portrait no I'm not gonna do that interesting stayed interesting I don't know about this place what the heck okay let's talk to zali what's in the chest it's making an awful noise looks like fun we're just gonna leave that as it is now is not the time to be intervening with get the Yankee affairs what's crazy is every single NPC you can talk to me might as well take a few things while we're in here [Music] all right there it is Castile store nugas we found the crash infirmary we should speak to whoever runs it onward vertical incision from pineal eye to end of notochord personal coloration consistent samples two three one to two five nine if you require treatment take a seat kin or do you have a question this is a cool character and Lazelle of clear is her Crush upon the tears of soluna the asteroids I have come to be purified cursed is the day that even we become geek incubators tell me how long have you been infected longer than you'd expect Sarah morphosis to take and with none of the symptoms or you are we must find out which go to the safest I will ensure you're cute I've waited long for this it will be worth it I assure you just haven't I can never get to experience to say this blackheads Smiles on you I don't know man I have a bad feeling about this zathisk we being misled right now go on my time is vital do not squander it really like her character okay so this is the zephisk so let's say that my character has a conversation with Lazelle no never mind and lizelle convinces him that this is the right thing to do because we do trust Lazelle in terms of her intentions question is does she understand her own people cloaked in the Silence of world space my Savage would find this one all together too genial all right F5 let's give it a try as hesitant as I am the device is strange might have taught flesh and pockmarked Metal it waits for something the safest Purity distilled still my duty my right oh man wow wow wow and let's uh wow I wish I could examine it with Gail this thing does not look good I don't have an Inspiration Point either the device is part organic Parts synthetic you can't tell how it was made okay definitely very very unsure about this but Lazelle is your own person and this is her people so I'm going to let her do what she wants and we will deal with the consequences go ahead lizelle you've earned it praise let it be done sit child let us say this and you're suffering this might be the last time we ever see Lazelle I don't know if I can watch this you must focus on the parasite at all times the zathisk will do the rest an unseen blade Cleaves your mind into impossible pains Sears your bones and Body in concert with lazelles the status psionic forces batter lazelle's thoughts no chance she will survive this unscathed [Music] lucky Northern yes child speak the to lock it meditate on its verses you feel lazelle's mind rip and rupture is this purification this The Cure all right at this point I don't want Lazelle in there and I want to persuade her to get out get out of there Lazelle you won't survive this anguish what no way is that a bug or is that real 30 difficulty class you guys are gonna have to let me know after you play this part what it was for you if you go this route that is I can't reach it are you kidding me there's no way that just happened that was literally the only way that I could have possibly succeeded in this role this moment is going to go down in history in bg3 I can't believe that just happened what Madness is this the safest Community destroyed me I am just Yankee I will not be gay my life's work gone and yet she lives and so does her parasite her voice Cuts with a fanatical Edge an obsession bordering on Mania if there's a chance the parasite lives she wants it you're wrong Can't You See It In Her Eyes the parasites dead what is going on right now really then all this destruction was a symptom of its power incredible I am disappointed that we could not extract it alive it would have been an exceptional specimen in any case the problem is resolved leave me I must Salvage what I can no it can't be it can't this was my right that was too close you were lucky I was there to save you once again we attempted to remove our parasites using the gift Yankee purification device but it failed and almost killed us our parasites must be very unusual so you can already just see the crazy permutations that this game has this could have gone a million different ways and somehow I pulled off one of the greatest roles I think in d d history because I don't think Lazelle would be with us right now if I didn't get that critical success I followed protocol I kept to my faith yet the safest might have killed me someone must have tampered with it aberrance I can't begin to comprehend who could have tampered with this device there must be trees few would dare dishonor their Queen let's go to the try and inform him of the safest champion not familiar with all of your gift Yankee terminology label all right let's definitely save this and this is going to be holy cow this is going to be called Lazelle I spelled that wrong close all really hard to type when I have a microphone in front of my face I don't think I'll ever forget that moment ever that was intense and I'm definitely gonna have to come back in the future and see what happens if I fail I would have stuck with it though if zaith killed Lazelle we would have had to move on and take that emotional loss it would have made Shadow heart Happy and then karlak would have been our main Frontline tank alongside my Ranger okay let's go to I think we gotta go to the Captain's Quarters we use the purifier lizelle told us about but it didn't work the parasite is still in our heads Lazelle believes that the zephisk was tampered with and is eager to inform The Inquisitor at the crash we should escort her to him okay you know we could take a quick peek at the area of the crush that we didn't see yet it's pretty cool to be in a gift Yankee crash right now and also a temple of lafander definitely don't want to get into combat here I mean it would be fun but the get Yankee are deadly there's like 50 of them in here I don't think that'll be smart silence it seems your child is prattling is attracting an audience you fight again it's time daggers only and to the death as instructed wow who wants to challenge this sniveling stock this is what get the Yankee crashes are like they're like gladiator training grounds for Young gith Yankee clearly this is like a Spartan society the weak do not survive we're not going to step in though this is not our Affairs so let's watch what happens I've been practicing every night Savage let me have a bow I I refuse there has to be a better way you dropped your guard on your weak side and were completely open to an offhand counter move him out of the way we've wasted enough time already Only the strongest survive the corpse regards you lifelessly who are you believer in the true Prince who is the true Prince I'm gonna have to do some reading on this Orpheus character I don't know much about that get Yankee lore what happened to you punishment is death I'm assuming if we skip this area and then we came back he would probably be laying here dead what do you think of your actually what can you tell me about Orpheus no way the son of Geth that's crazy the lore that ties into this game is insane is dead get Yankee youth all over the place here the prince of the Comet Orpheus himself LED his honor guard into battle the Red Dragons bellowed with righteous anger and the heavens erupted the Glorious Prince cried to all who could hear him praise be to my mother GIF the queen of the one sky sacrifice to the hells by the Renegade vlakath this is actually some serious d d lore here that answers some questions I'm assuming that this is Canon lore because larion is clearly working with Wizards of the Coast so now we actually know what happened to vlaka I did do an entire lore video on this I'll leave a link to it below if you guys want to watch that after the video but the true error the prince of the Comet could not overcome blackath's Knights and their ill-gotten worms Mighty Voss they still kipthrak let the astral Sky aflame when the ash had cleared beloved Orpheus was gone we read a forbidden book about a certain Prince Orpheus he seems to be a challenger to the queen vlakath and the son of gith the one who freed the gift Yankee from the Mind flares all right let's go talk to of a quick chat with Arden here we set up his target practice I suggest you leave is okay you know what I believe that guys let's get the heck out of here really incredible lore integration adelarian Studios oh silly me I'm going the wrong way I'm sure you would likely before they'd had the chance to say anything beautiful oh no I don't think I can go in here okay still in search is finally over now that this is all completely new content for me you guys are going to see me get lost quite often and always be checking my map it looks like there's more to that Orpheus Quest as well this is crazy we're in a gift Yankee Hatchery right now and it's so incredibly well presented here this is I am crying tears of joy right now this is where baby gift Yankee eggs are hatched because the eggs won't hatch when they're in the astral plane because time barely moves in the astral plane on the material plane time moves so the GIF Yankee are actually able to hatch and grow to adulthood good this is going to be a good time to uh put a natural stopping point into this episode I do have to use the restroom and get up so I'll see you all in a few moments and we'll continue on with the get Yankee Crush all right let's check out this Hatchery a little bit just because I'm a nerd for the lore I don't think this is actually going to get us where we need to go it might maybe it opens up over here we have to find a way to get through that little bog door but let's have a quick look around here as someone who is a total Fanboy over the get Yankee race let's check it out a little bit in here actually I should use Lazelle see what we can do here yeah perhaps everywhere but they're in the water okay never mind these are repulsion mines that we saw earlier so if we get hit by one of those we're definitely getting thrown into the water oh my gosh you can tell Keith rock therizine that my position has not changed the egg requires more time furthermore you are not from crash your leg what are you doing here I wanted to see the Hatchery I didn't expect it to look so empty though almost all of the eggs in his clutch have hatched we await only one more which is taking its time most caretakers would not give the child its fair chance but I shall there could be greatness in that shell you know that the Hope in his voices tinged with weariness it's the voice of a man who's fought the inevitable for a long time yeah let's do a gift Yankee persuasion check because we're kind of RP and Lazelle right now some eggs simply fail why do you care so much for this one and look at that now they give Yankee I keep forgetting that I even have this astral knowledge is a racial feature like if Yankee get I can use this now it gives me proficiency and deception intimidation performance and persuasion foreign it is a dangerous world out there I'm sure you know that I cannot afford to discard Warriors because we are simply impatient time for you to leave I think kin touch the egg that's tempting sisters so I'm sure we could you know steal the egg and then try to do something with it I'm sure larion has a permutation for that but I think I'm okay with leaving the leg or leg leaving the egg here is damn repulsion Minds not gonna be able to decide my party is really not equipped for disarming traps or lock picking I think I might be regretting that a little bit but do not disturb our peace okay oh no no no no no no no no do not think you can take Liberties because you are kin oh stay away from the egg man at least he warned us okay look at that egg wow oh that's intriguing definitely gonna be messing with that on another run let's get out of here door future ends now no way I hope to God the entire Camp is not hostile right now I got too close to it oh man I kind of like that guy too if Yankee are tough really hope the rest of the camp is not hostile I guess it was my fault I should have planned my route a little bit more carefully I should have went back that way and stayed away I kind of went towards the egg a little bit and went down now we'll pay for our mistakes [Music] back her up a little bit might need all my spell slots for this [Music] oh man man these guys are tough nice nice but are they Tough Enough oh they put I'm not sure maybe the cutscene just didn't come in where they put her in like jail that's pretty funny he's hurting really bad though okay all right how the heck do I get out of here I don't have any thieves tools need thieves tools to pick a lock or find its key okay so it is vulnerable we still have that bug ginine resistance budging damage against this entity is doubled okay so I do have a bludgeoning weapon they put me in jail with my weapon that's awesome gonna take a while to get out of here though never mind did it in no time all right what if I should action surge hmm do I have any potions of speed oh potions of speed Where Art Thou we have a lot of Scrolls too I gotta start using those Scrolls we're getting into probably some tough combat encounters here all right I'm gonna take the I can't do that right now okay you know save my action surge and let's focus on man I feel like this custodian's gonna be deadly but I guess I'll focus on the guy that's right in front of us first actually never mind never mind let me do no let me do a cloud of daggers right here maybe I can trap him in here and then I'm gonna back up with Gail probably shouldn't put party members next to each other but it is what it is I don't have my animal companion the heck was that oh counter spell you gotta be kidding me oh my gosh we have to deal with counterspell now and you know what speaking of that I still haven't been using shield with Gail oh man okay there's just so much to think about in this game this guy like okay nice great strikes out of wolf right there don't shoot Lazelle ah shite oh man okay okay concentration broken oh okay I do have shield never mind perfect okay let's go ahead and pick up Lazelle and I'm gonna do a healing word I don't know if it's worth it doing a level three healing work let's do a level two move up a little bit click on her portraits you've got to be kidding me at least he's using his spell slots oh man okay okay let's see if we can finish this guy off he already used counter spell so I'm gonna have to get used to dealing with counterspell and shield and things of that nature and I don't have guiding both prepared classic classic mistake right there you got to be kidding me 35 chance for that should have raised some of the Dead in here let's go ahead and do 45 chance on whole person okay I'll tell you what I'm gonna do oh you know it'll be nice I wonder if that would work not sure if it would I'm tempted to try it but I gotta pull these guys down into the you know what you only live once don't know if that was worth it but it might have been you gotta be kidding almost right into the Trap oh god dude this is oh man this might be the first wow okay all right let's get up here finish this guy off we got this okay one down two to go HP is not the greatest I'll tell you what we're gonna do should take a potion but I feel like getting a little bit more risky what do you guys think about the riskiness I don't mind having a little fun you know what I'm saying pull them right into the acid and we're going to Mark the oh my gosh well that counterspell take her down just because she's lower HP probably should take him out first but that's just not how things are working out here I'm gonna run my Ranger up here on the front line and then we're going to take Mr Gale and I'm going to drop another cloud of daggers kind of going offensive here wish I could get him behind that spiritual weapon can probably go right in here a mess oh okay let's go baby let's go oh he's front lining now okay he's frontlining I'm almost dead with Shadow though do I go up and become offensive let's see what whole person is right now that would be if I could land that that would be insane it'll be a huge help right now but honestly I think I'm gonna have to do mirror image great spell haven't used it yet all right Lazelle oh I keep forgetting I have second wind blazelle's almost back through action surge and then we're going to one of these days I'll organize my inventory I tell you guys that every session we're going to drink a post she'll wait oh drinking a potion's a bonus action in this game I forgot that okay well in that case let's um 50 chance 60 chance it's all about the focus fire gotta get out of this Burning acid though about to do that next turn all right Gail what do you got for us here [Music] 46 HP I don't have level three to do sleep with wouldn't work anyways I think I know what I want to do actually I think I want to leave him close I was thinking about no you never mind let's try it this is this is badass if I can land this this will be awesome oh no my character's in it too oh shit oh no I didn't mean to get that close that's okay it worked not gonna trigger that trap come on oh wow he's down I think he's drowning maybe I shouldn't have done that because now I can't see him did he disappear Ed I just who is this right here what the heck oh my God oh so this I think I know what it is now the the game wasn't bugged when you land on this trap it puts you in prison right away I guess that's crazy that's super cool all right we gotta start getting to work on this guy here I wonder what a fire arrow would do in this let's try it okay get a little bit huh gotta get this on the front lines oh I don't know if that was a good idea my friend oh we tried wow we tried Thunder waving me okay so 32 HP wow uh she's about to die right now um I'm gonna try something this is this is downright crazy [Music] that was incredible that was incredible and we can skip turns here too so it's pretty much over damn it I was trying to get her out of there I'm gonna use a scroll because revivalify I don't think teleports them we need to get Lazelle out of that water and there we go Let's uh Papa I don't have any short rest we're gonna have to go to Camp really really soon here probably be a mini camp that was crazy if Yankee crossbow 1d10 and also 1d4 radiant and then boots acidic surfaces don't affect you and you're resistant to acid damage thank you just walk right in there that's awesome I got a lot of stuff here don't I cool that's awesome all right you also got this crossbow about time I upgraded my Rangers range weapon I think I'm still using it I used a goblin bow actually the bow that I had wasn't too bad I take it back it's got the radiant damage but it was a short bow and I should have put on a longbow so excited to be playing right now and uh because I'm recording the let's play like I feel like nervous to sit there and stare at my inventory for too long and try to figure those things out trying to keep it like somewhat entertaining this is a great crossbow very happy that I just came across that okay all right let's finish up looting here I crave blood if Yankee long storage or we'll take it we got a key to something and you know what actually there's gonna be a great time to update Shadow Hearts armor which I should have done a long long time ago long toe God Chad I'll put some clothes on we're gonna put GIF Yankee on her nice big boost to Armor class and now that we're in this uh content way past Early Access I think we're gonna have to get serious with our gear making sure we stay up to date with everything okay and then else where's that other character that I killed over here I think I can walk right through that yeah the boots that I have on right now another get Yankee crossbow beautiful and I think we'll give that to Shadow heart can't wield that not proficient in crossbows but hmm yeah so it's not worth it put it on Lazelle upgrade her a little bit hope it's not working there we go nice little upgrade oh this will be interesting I guess those traps still work though I'm not resistant to going to prison apparently that's funny all right so what we have to do now they can't have anybody else go in the water we have to go ahead and switch him to the mall it's always good to carry a bludgeoning weapon on you at least for backup and let's get him out of here and you know what I think I'm actually going to leave the egg actually let's have Lazelle go check it out I I don't know if I can resist after what just happened Lazelle would definitely be curious about that so let's give Lazelle those boots we're gonna run her over there and hopefully not step on any of the prison stuff man I'm so low on HP right now let's just make sure we don't run into those traps maybe we'll get a little scene over here things are starting to get quite chaotic now that I'm in this content that I'm not familiar with wow it's right on that thing gotta be kidding me try just as I expected got a new nice and slow could have given her actually I should bring Shadow heart over here in case there's any other traps and use resistance but nice and slow oh no that's not good I'm just going for it Yankee egg at least on the outside you can see a vague outline of something within it hmm Reach Out And Touch the egg the egg is warm to the touch the rough shell like slate beneath your fingers whatever is within this stirring ever so slightly oh man you know what Lazelle is not happy that the get Yankee just attacked her so she's dang it what do I do here if I pick it up is it gonna die is the question doesn't look like it's gonna die it doesn't get Yankee child stirs Within all right we're gonna hold on to that because I'm kind of curious what's gonna happen um all right let's um let's take a long rest I need to get my HP back no time to rest perfect let's have a chat with our companions to The Inquisitor at the crash failure must be reported a hatchery with a single egg how many does a clutch usually contain khalid's clutch held three dozen eggs though I've learned of crashes that harbored a hundred and how do you evolve to lay eggs as the kittenki look humanoid humanoid oh I despise the term giveth Yankee are quite Superior to Human our biology slates state that gift Yankee came to lay eggs after we escaped a lipid enslavement and took to the astral plane it's an asexual process a favorable change by any estimation hideous to imagine a life where I couldn't partake in the pleasures of sex without the looming threat of bearing children that's hilarious is lizelle telling us something now and who does the lane I'm curious about the logistics slay and how many eggs they must bear Gianni passed their eggs in the material plane in the astral time barely passes it is a meticulous process carefully time so that the eggs hatch at once interesting I didn't know that Queen chooses who's gonna lay the eggs resounding success we were hoping for still the prize of ambition is occasionally catastrophic failure at least our skulls remain intact is mystra always such a demanding goddess she expects those who seek to use the weave to do so honestly respect for its potential to destroy as well as its potential to save I doubt she's asked many of her followers to blow themselves up fate she's bequeathed exclusively to me she wouldn't ask such a thing if it weren't our only means of survival however much she's annoyed at me all right we're gonna go ahead and finish the get Yankee quash plus before we question everybody be focused on what we're doing here look at this little mini camp though this is really cool the mini camp system definitely added to the game's immersion in Early Access you would always return back to the original River Camp until like patch I don't know five or six they added mini camps okay this will be interesting to see how the crush is right now I'm not sure if they would have known what happened in here oh I like this let's take that we'll pick it up with shadow but let's get out of here oh Shadow what are you doing no everybody over here come on okay here we go I'm gonna not call on my animal companion because everybody's scared of it for some reason but I am gonna cast longstrider looks like to get the Yankee are not hostile towards me so that's good let's go ahead and prepare guiding bolts so I'm not left without that speaking of Hope realities will gain the maximum hit points possible and healed they also gain advantage on wisdom saving throws that's actually a pretty cool concentration spell to put on a tank I want to prepare that you don't need to have revivifi prepared I mean unless you're Reviving in combat I guess but the resurrection scrolls are pretty good moving in a good Yankee are fine so should I close that door I think we're fine right let me go back to that room it looks like there's no other way to get into there I don't maybe there's something in that room like a lever or something that I missed with what he came for can't click on the door oh we have something next to it if Yankee barrier disrupter interesting try putting one of those get Yankee things in there invalid combination I think I have a couple more maybe there's like one that's a lock or something my inventory is so sad right now I'm sorry y'all I'm sorry no luck okay so that's clearly not it um I don't see a lever anywhere around here I jump through it path is interrupted can I Misty step through it cannot Okay so um might have to check to see if these guys have a key on them makes me a little bit nervous though Swift is my feet can carry me let's put the party over here I'm gonna take Shadow heart oh you can't Target yourself with blessing of the trickster we might have to do some pickpocketing here this is going to be really really risky did I save after that get the Yankee fight let me hit F5 just in case hmm I turn off that fire got some dim light right here oh wow okay dim light and then clear light right next to it so I guess here goes nothing this could be really really bad A gith Shard Santa Crystal that fits into a get Yankee barrier disrupter to suppress nearby energy Fields well that sounds like exactly what we're looking for I need an eight come on we got this we got this if this if I get caught doing this I'm definitely having to fight this Commander for sure pocketing was noticed now your life is on the line oh my God this is this is unbelievable [Music] oh man this is bad oh you gotta be kidding me right now I can't believe that I failed that role okay I got this who's not in combat not everybody is all right let's start off with we're gonna do Spirit Guardians I keep forgetting to animate the dead I gotta get my skeletons are you serious right oh there it is okay or I should do Mirror Image the spirit Guardians is hmm I'm gonna do a mirror image honestly I think that's a better call to start off here doesn't require concentration it's going to keep Shadow heart alive here for a little bit yeah let's feared right now okay all right we can't do nothing time to push my luck again I have to call my oh you can't you can't call your Ranger companion in combat man I might have to just the way that this get the Yankee crushes you what the heck you gotta be kidding me dude everybody's coming oh my God this is this is crazy all right Focus fire here we go I wish I could block that door Arcane Locke probably would do that might have to take that spell with Gail that's a good start oh my God that was pretty good actually concentrate I do have a bonus action um we could put something here drink to gain advantage on concentration saves you know what I'm gonna do that that'll be great for next round come on gal my man I need you to get out of that phase you're in right now oh man everybody's fearful okay so I have advantage on concentration saves right now so let's see what we can do fearful must run from the source of its fear and can't take any additional actions it's only for one more turn it might be time to uh spirit Guardians now or bless one of the two I think I'm going to Spirit Guardians you want to do necrotic or radiant damage is the question here don't think it matters we'll do radiant we'll get that going it actually looks like Gail needs a heel yeah that should be the last run round that he has that oh God man come on I can do this need my animal companion right now I'm gimped right now if I was a hunter Ranger I'll be Wrecking man I really want to focus fire oh everybody's freaking Commander it's just crazy adhp you got to be kidding me character's almost dead hmm it could get over there too it's got to take an opportunity attack I don't have any potions of speed fortunately I do have a hey scroll though I thought I did oh no you know what I think I ate it up with Gail I'm you know what I'm not playing around anymore okay we got a minor Elemental ice mud method okay let's go with let's do ice Andrew two ice methods from the Elemento chaos they can hurl exhale ice and explode when they die fire damage or mud you know let's do the fire one take a little pressure off my characters foreign guys we can do it we can do it oh man all right so let's see what we got here we got searing Smite cool these wolves actually have a lot of HP really didn't want to attack the commander first the only one I can reach though what hold on took no damage I already parried this turn has to recover for pairing again okay all right Lazelle you finally back did you get the Yankee sword it cost to your action but that's okay foreign man I really need ocean of haste a good stuff she had a heart you just gotta survive from your Shadow yes yes yes let's go baby okay okay here we go here we go oh it'll be nice if I could hit that right there we got fear too what do we got for our hold on let's take a look here [Music] I focus on the wolves or do I help out these guys over here 36 disadvantage I think I'm gonna have to okay you leave me no choice see if we can kill one of these wolves right away awesome and we'll drink a potion with our bonus action a15 HP it's just ridiculous all right here we go really just don't want I want a focus fire but the way I'm set up right now it's just not good for it yeah you're a little Perry wow yeah so that makes me drop my weapon ha okay lazel so you're free to help out hmm you know if I could get my entire group up here I really hate that kithrack dude she's gonna murder Gail I just know it he's gonna murder him okay I think that was worth it and you know what I think I just have to accept it that Gail may die because I can wipe this dude out real fast huh look at that that's incredible yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we're not out of this yet I'm not sure how we're gonna get out of the camp but figure that out later the weapon drop thing man it's crazy in here don't you bug out on me okay so who do we help first finish this guy off for shadow nope we're gonna go right after the kith rack can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions he's currently stunned okay you know honestly I wonder if I could push her a little bit and then hmm I used my bonus action so now I can't but come on all right I'm so happy that she attacked me and not Gail nice gal nice dude they just keep coming I better be like level eight after this fight is over all right Lazelle I want you to just help out we gotta take down the commander needed this jump spell but should be taking that before combat begins because it costs an action okay here we go and Battle Master Fighters they're rough wow critical hit can't do anything with her okay but we're back in Action though this is just quite nice let's back up a little bit with Gail it's one at a time here we're working on the commander right now won't be able to get off a good cloud of daggers if more calm I'm gonna have to put a cloud of daggers on the freaking door haven't had a chance to do that yet you do have sleep actually that might not be a bad idea right here 32 HP so if I did it at level two I could get this character to sleep [Music] yeah I think that's going to be a big help and then I don't know if I want to move gal at all I want him in a place where she can't get to him I think that looks pretty good you're not doing nothing Shadow heart we know excellent excellent excellent yeah you're done [Music] come on we got this I like this little guy man look at him he's so cool we can probably go help Shadow now foreign okay Shadow is out of her little phase you gotta be kidding me sucks that picking a weapon back up costs an action I'm gonna have to start getting into some real Alchemy to craft some health potions that are better than the Lesser ones all right Gail I think you got this 15. I think level two ought to do it let's see level two is 44. a minimum eight let's do a level I'm not playing around level three torn man and I still didn't get it wow one HP come on game no you know honestly I would go up and work on the wolf but this character is a ranged character so I should get up in her face with my Melee character get that opportunity attack if she tries running just straight up murderer oh my God I'm missing my guiding bolts at like 60 and 70 percent all right what do we got we got 11 HP [Music] okay she wasn't the one pulling the strings in let's close this damn door finish that guy off do some looting gotta find all my damn weapons oh I still had my mace on me I think when I was disarmed it was just one weapon I didn't notice that my crossbow was disarmed oh what is this the soul breaker Greatsword when wielded by a gift Yankee this weapon deals an additional 1-4 psychic damage seldom caught unawares you gain a plus two bonus to initiative rolls holy crap that is going right on Lazelle I like how it's race specific that's really cool I'm going from 7 to 17 damage to 8 to 21. with that plus two to initiative rules awesome okay so let's I think I have to rest after that do I need a long rest of the question I feel like I can try to push it but I don't know man I should probably long rest to be safe can't end the day while party members in the danger zone okay so it's showing red so I remember larion did say there's gonna be a few areas where you can't rest a little bit nervous to come out this way though okay so this isn't in the danger zone over here time to press ahead might have to start worrying about rationing our camp supplies too I don't know well this Crush has been interesting okay everybody get away from that one get Yankee where the hell am I okay there we are get back in this room close the door let's do our casting definitely calling in my animal now we're calling in the bear [Music] [Music] and let's raise the dead a little bit if you want to keep shield on I do have the hay spell too I just have so many good spells I don't know what like what I want to prepare we're very limited in our spell slots right now for the higher level spells okay I think we're good to press um let's see if that works in this we don't know if we're gonna be able to get in oh it is you make haste we have business to conduct oh it's like a beaker okay and um this will be a nice natural stopping point I am going to keep this particular episode going because we're still at the gift Yankee crash and if I can finish the crash in part three of episode 10 that'll be perfect but if you guys need to take a break right now is a great time to do it I'll catch you in a little welcome back to episode 10 part three this has been a crazy episode so far I can't say that things have gone as planned but we're still standing let's go ahead and press on and we're getting really close to take Lazelle to The Inquisitor one day okay judging by how everything's gone I'm assuming this is going to turn into combat too indeed this place makes my skin no makes it run full Pelt looks like Mario it's never been that simple before I don't know why it would be now that's what I'm saying that is me and we cannot rest in this area wow look at this it's crazy that we are in a temple of the Thunder but it's also get Yankee focused right now with the crash being down here everybody's running because of my bear okay this is interesting also looks extremely dangerous please approach we have much to discuss my Arden spoke of one of our kin that escaped a crashing gate slave vessel shit right blackest Justice and flesh you have accomplished much child I am pleased to finally meet you it must not have been easy to escape to business I suspect you plucked something precious from the cake ship something that belongs to us hmm the weapon give it to me he knows don't do it the weapon is how I protect you oh man okay so the guardian Works through the weapon or with the web oh man lizelle wants me to give the weapon but I definitely don't want to shouldn't you be more concerned with the Mind flare Invasion what makes you think we are not we are talking about The Grand Design the restoration of the illifid Empire there is nothing of Greater importance but the weapon is the solution I have heard it directly from Queen flakketh herself it is how we will stop the Mind flayers before they destroy us all hand it over and what is The Grand Design The Grand Design is what all geek seek seek the restoration of the illicit Empire which spans the entirety of the Multiverse centuries there Elder brains sought to bring back their Dominion every plot they hatched we stopped but now they are close to succeeding never before could they pause ceramorphosis never before could they let the infections spread undetected you saw the thralls gathered on the cake ship imagine that everywhere once needs Choice all would cease to be everything rendered under the cake so the weapon please I have a noble cause for the race but I can't give it over it's it's too mysterious and it's protected us from the voice of the absolute I won't let you take it hand over the artifact or die by my hand is all remember the zaith these gifts can't be trusted Follow My Lead I'll choose the right path I hate that you speak the truth choose path is mine to follow wow I wonder if my approval rating was lower with her if she would not follow me we are keeping the artifact Mother gift guide us your illustrious Adventure ends here oh great here we go listen to that Combat music what is that receive a minus two penalty on Armor class and is vulnerable to psychic damage 112 HP I wonder if I should take care of the ads first thinking I might do that they both succeeded in their save that's unfortunate oh come on Wolf oh my God oh that's ways out okay one at a time one at a time dang it my plus can't reach over there 45 35 on hold person hmm okay let's start off with spiritual weapon it's a really really good Bell and I don't have her prepared so never mind we're not starting off on spiritual weapon actually I think I'm gonna start off with mirror image or I take this guy out interesting let's think here spiritual op would have been perfect I'm gonna do a mirror image a little bit nervous for her right now and then we'll do little heel for lizelle all right lizelle I'm gonna need you to man the ardents need to die I feel like they need to die tough when you got an attack of opportunity though okay I'll tell you what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna disengage love it that was beautiful inventory is hard to look at isn't it I'll organize it after this episode I don't see any throwing weapons in there that would be nice right now I only got a Bonus action though so [Music] all right wolf one at a time my friends where's my bear oh my Bears right there okay 80 let's go dang 5 HP okay I can't actually no I can't dang it would have been nice to finish oh I can get that attack off but I'm gonna have to take an opportunity attack and you know what I'm gonna do it oh you got to be kidding me I thought I had I'm a little bit short okay let's get over here zombies should have put the zombies like on the front line when I first started well Dash move them right up here I'm sure this Ardent can teleport out of there though animal Dash again put this one right on top of this character foreign [Music] wow this guy is just I don't know what he's gonna end up doing but this is crazy but one at a time one at a time it's all we can do let's go ahead and finish this guy off right here 16 HP Molly I always come up just a little bit short with magic Missile looks like I got out of range let mine steal music changed okay so 5 hp's 45 chance to land in that really got to get some concentration spells out here but hmm it's about guiding bolt 65 Chance full spell slot though before we go after this guy so many options in this game can handle spell combinations that you choose first what I choose Etc whatever gets the job done right really no right answer or wrong answer oh that was the wrong answer apparently let's see if I can get away from this life steal [Music] all right you know what honestly big believer in Focus fire so I'm dazed right now have blade Ward on me too that's kind of nice can't make it up to this guy all right so let's go just go right here oh this is Lazelle getting this mixed up foreign baby one at a time worried that this guy's gonna drop like some massive AOE spell and just wreck everybody [Music] 's name what do you know about blacketh all right so we got 5 HP right here so let's ensure that we get this kill do one two okay now I probably want to stay out of this guy's sight laughs awesome gonna pop a bless off here soon I'm gonna move a little bit closer still behind this pillar a little bit you know what I'll go behind the pillar man no time to waste all right ah 's cut where the zombies attack [Music] shout out to Bobby the composer of this game incredible music I'd use a spell slot and his bonus action are you really starting to piss me off with this I mean he keeps using it on us he's not really taking advantage of it all right I'm thinking that we want Gail probably over here oh that's cool start looking for things in the environment too forgot that's a big thing in this game 112 HP foreign T close enough unbelievable I think bless would be great right now let's make sure that shadow is going to be all taken care of I'm gonna do another mirror image and here we go 30 percent man that gonna be tough at reached destination something going on here let's go the classic magic Missile to move okay we got 50 with Lazelle critical hit beautiful and we're back to 50. and wolf is going down oh no I just I didn't mean to hold on I can't see what I'm doing here there we go that'll help a lot and actually I'm Gonna Save healing word in case he goes down now we're up to 65 percent come on dude you got this my man awesome hey good thing I drank that potion why don't I not have a line of sight right here the hell I think we got this Jabroni I finished him off with a guiding bolts 60 let's do it Putin we are impressed the queen Scarface you are permitted to look upon me you are invited to me the deathless queen has spoken you will obey I can't believe it this is uh this is blacketh okay we're gonna we're gonna play it right here we're gonna listen to Lazelle and Neil doesn't mean anything these attendants you keep you taught them well my child my laser you know me a lot of career speaks most highly before you seek purity I may yet granted ethic you bear that which is ours but are you friend or are you Thief neither it is mine by rights the astral prison it is corrupted it there is someone inside their mind is broken uplight they are an agent of The Grand Design sent to sabotage the astral prison our life defense against the return of the unlisted Empire as long as long as they live prison is compromised tell them and I will cleanse you and your allies do this and ascend Ascension my queen and a bird and bold shoes but know this the cost of refusal is great not merely great laser colonel man the writing in this game is phenomenal oh man these freaking choices are insane there's so many things that could go wrong with every decision here but I do know blacketh's lore and I do not trust her I think Lazelle is brainwashed right now I think the cost of giving up the prism is greater than any consequence of me holding on to it here I am not doing the gift Yankees Queens bidding autonomy begets consequence use this to enter the prism or deny me the choice as ever is yours yours know this is it will see beyond the place we cannot hide come we must enter the prison its secrets are finally ours to know chances come place the artifact or know my rage are you serious right now God I think this is where we have to part ways with Lazelle she's too far gone with her Queen and they get Yankee Society I I can't I can't do this foreign throw the foe that caused the throw takes one to four psychic damage if Yankee also gained a plus one bonus to a tough man I love this race specific gear I mean lazelle's about I don't know if I should give this to her you know what actually we're gonna do this it's a great drive like it's judgment in flesh Spa very last night the artifact into the precious plane caster threat inside and I will have lackets eternal regard she will cleanse me she will Ascend me being blackath appeared as a projection in the inquisitor's chamber she wants us to enter the artifact and slay a prisoner held inside it these Ellis urged us to do so as the queen has bitten you know what I feel like I'm cheesing this by taking off lazelle's clothes like that I'm gonna put it all back on if she ends up fighting us How It's gotta be it wouldn't make sense for her to you know just be randomly naked and turn a scene like this can't remember what she had on I will fight her with honor if I have to but I'm not putting on that circlet though actually I'm taking that I'm taking that give that back to me yeah I might need to eat that one day oh man this is just uh this is this is crazy I'll feel that one later let me talk to one of these guys if I'm able to have our orders Yankee herself no less now might be the time to consider obeying them my orders would cannot pry into it but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious as to what exactly it's hiding I can just feel the intensity of this moment in time right now oh man look I can go in here and still choose not to slay whatever's in there if I decide not to but at least we'll get answers you know what I mean I'm doing it this is out of the astral prism as it begins to foreign holy crap Timeless space bounded compressed in a full pocket of Astral plain we're in the astral plane boundless timeless like every dream that ever was stitched together this actually looks like a pretty dang big area in a very important area so you know what this is going to be a great time to end episode 10. but this epic adventure will continue on episode 11. thank you all so much for watching so you came in spite of all my warnings disappointing come we will talk in private Just the Two of Us give me a moment first make it too short we can talk later please now's hardly the time you are the one in charge aren't you come in I may have made a mistake trusting you I told you to stay away from the gift Yankee you just couldn't help yourself could you you are a worthy Ally lackath told me you are an agent of the illicit Grand Design since then she has become desperate black is wants me dead because I know her Secret it is a secret so great that if her people ever found out that would be the end of her rule the end of her that same secret is how I've been protecting you from the absolute I can hear your thoughts you think I'm lying vlakath warned you that I would try to deceive you consider this what reason have I to deceive you I want the same thing as you freedom I'm on your side I have been since the very beginning is this some kind of trick I already told you I protect you that I saved you that I'm just like you if this was not enough to convince you what more is there to say I told vlakath I wouldn't kill you I meant what I said get up it's it seems I was right to put my faith in you Furious to make no mention of yoga's Yankee companion the Lich Queen fears nothing more than the loss of her Empire the knowledge I have of her deception will bring that about hmm lackaths a goddess what could you possibly know that would bring down her Empire I wonder if she's actually not a goddess Godlike in power yes but with none of the sanctity of lucketh is lying to her people he pretends to know how gift destroyed the Mind flayer Empire in truth she knows nothing if the illicit empire were ever to return she would be incapable of stopping them and if her people found out about her impotence there would be Mutiny Revolution the emperor but that very power the power to resist illicit control which blacketh only pretends to know is how I've been protecting you I suppose she hoped to extract it from my corpse since you spared me that fate she will come for you we are so deep into the lore right now and I also did do a lore video on the gift Yankee and vlaka if I can remember I'll put a link to that down below as well what's the power you're not ready for the answer I have delayed long enough the next attack is overdue and I can't risk you being caught in the middle of it I need you out there searching for the absolute you are on the right path to moonrise Towers return to it I hope you are ready to face blackheads Roth the entire crash stands ready to kill you in her name good luck not if I fast travel out of there speak have you killed my Queen's enemy and lie to laser holy cow I don't think telling her that her Queen is lying to her is the Smart Choice here there's not a shot in Hell she'll believe us I'm not going to kill them they protect us from the absolute blasphemy oh this should be interesting oh my gosh the choices in this game I feel like if I let her into my mind she's just not going to believe what the guardian told me at least not yet so I'm gonna try to close my mind well that was close Slither inside fortunate for you that head of yours has proven useful we're leaving this place now wow he didn't attack us this is crazy I wonder how far we can go in this place look at this like what is that come give up now Scroll of wall of ice and I can't wait to get higher level this session might even be cooler than last session just keeps getting better I'm gonna have to just dwell on this episode for like a few hours after really try to figure out where my head is with this story and what I want to do there's just so much that's unknown it's really hard to make decisions Valerian does a good job making the unknown like make sense in terms of it not being like silly that we don't know things all right I think that's it for here that's all we can do is I missed something yeah I don't think we can get anywhere so let's go ahead and leave back to the material plane pretty surreal to be walking around in the astral plane I'm glad you came to your senses now leave before the others come for us okay so the guardian was not happy with us but I'm happy that we investigated a little bit so we know a little bit more about the prism and we got some information out of that so all right so I'm assuming to get the ink you're going to be charging at us right now might be better just to fast travel out of this damn place oh what is this a little treasure room or something I went to augmentation when one of your cantrips deals acid cold fire lightning add your spell casting modifier I know who that's going on we can put speak with that on when we actually need it need to get some more rings I was about to say I wonder if there's a vendor in here but I don't think uh we're gonna be visiting any get the Yankee vendors for a little while and all sorts of great potions in here the skin burster what the heck is that 6 to 15. 1D 10 plus five from the wielder deals melee damage this weapon they gained two turns of force conduit budgeting piercing slashing damage against the effect entity is reduced by one per turn if the entity takes damage while it has five or more turns remaining it deals one to four Force damage okay let me just make sure I didn't miss anything over here and we'll check over here for these chests I'm gonna teleport back to camp and I'm sure the companions have a lot to say about that and then that'll be it for this episode the Thunder bids the Setting Sun afford farewell I'm gonna have to spend about a good hour after this and Morgan has you my inventory uh what is this the statue starts to rotate damn thing but it's Rusty mechanism jams stuck man let's get on with it oh they're Athletics check put guidance on Lazelle and try it with her the statues to rotate I found the freaking Athletics check again well we might as well try it with I don't think anybody else is going to succeed but we might as well try start with ourselves Shadow heart the statue starts to rotate but it's Rusty mechanism Jam stuck the Thunder bids the settings the statue starts to rotate but its Rusty mechanism jams stuck not a chance gal was gonna pass that okay I'm surprised that we failed with Lazelle as a champion fighter all right well I figured out how to get into this room it took me about 10 minutes I started regretting not having some utility spells like the light spell but I figured it out and Firebolt was my friend here but I did figure it out then I walked into the next room and I realized we're getting into a lot of new content so with that said this is probably a great stopping point what an episode I'm very excited to see everything that is still yet to come so thank you all so much for watching and I'll catch you on episode 11.
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 87,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, lets play, lets, play, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, walk through, guide, lets play baldurs gate 3
Id: mAX5KAr9Fm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 16sec (8836 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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