Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 26: Confronting Gortash & The Guild

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welcome back adventurers today we begin episode 26. I feel like this might be our second to last episode perhaps third to last but we're getting really close to the end of this game it's kind of sad as I've been greatly enjoying this run and I don't want it to end I've also greatly enjoyed you all coming along for the ride so thank you very much for that last episode we completed Will's Quest we did the legend of answer we also found out that the emperor is actually the founder of Baldur's Gate himself balderan which is a crazy lore drop hudlarian Studios today I think we're going to start off with one of the main quests and that is to get gortash's netherstone and this Quest also ties into carlax companion Quest as she is looking to confront cortash as gortash is the one that is responsible for karlak being sent to the nine Hells in serving zaryel so I do have karlak in my group right now I also have Minsk and of course my character and then we have a wizard to back us up so three frontliners in a wizard I thought that would be appropriate for confronting gortash who was the leader of the steel watch let's go ahead and head out I think we're heading to worms Rock according to the map that is where gortash currently is all right so I'm at the worms Rock Waypoint right now and the map is saying that gortash is I think directly above us here but I'm not entirely sure how to get up to whatever level he is on this brings us down to the cells this is a dead end right here and it doesn't look like there's any other way up over here so we're gonna head back to the audience Hall area I think most of the Flaming Fest at least in this immediate area are dead right now it was last episode we were forced to kill several of them but in the audience Hall area I'm not too sure there's probably a few up there let me just double check and make sure that we can't go up over here this is exciting I'm almost 100 sure that we will be in combat with gortash I'm kind of curious what he'll have up his sleeve all right let's go ahead and stealth my party because this is where there are still some flaming fist soldiers or soldiers of some sort like I said okay all right um we have concussion grenades dropped at our feet and it looks like incineration casters about to blow us to smithereens and we are facing black gauntlet Fighters the fighters that support Bane the god of tyranny fuck yes all right let's start off with let's see if we can throw this we're gonna pick that up and I'm gonna go into my inventory and we're gonna Chuck that grenade back where the heck is it didn't I just pick it up oh there it is go ahead and throw it right back give them a taste of their own medicine oh my God that is so good then expect it to insta kill her all right and then we'll move out of the way unless I can pick up the other one too I can we can throw twice because we have extra attack but let's Chuck it at this guy those are so so powerful that I feel like I should save them for gortash all right move up now oh Minsk wasn't even in combat that's funny still have a ton more coming from the Western Wing [Music] I'll go ahead and rage next turn I don't want to lose the rage [Music] no I can't reach I haven't really been using this I just want to see what it does here okay nice to send the bear straight on all the way to the enemy nice got one two okay I think we're pretty good here what are these concussion grenades keep coming from are these things shooting them out not entirely sure all right I'm kind of in the cone right here so I'm gonna Misty stuff away we'll get some cover hmm I don't want to send gal front line or we'll go right there Bane's commands bear is such a champ Aura of Terror on the god of tyranny okay let's go help out our bear I wonder if this would explode in my image I'm gonna pick it up and just Chuck it I'm afraid that it might I don't know the pin's already been pulled Maybe let's just throw it nice and then we can also take a shot foreign foreign they're getting hit by their own traps nobody said the followers of Bane were the smartest [Music] we have five rage charges at level 12. [Music] pretty incredible see what's up here oh perfect I wonder if I can jump over to that one too sorry about that boo I ran boo right through the fire we're gonna have Minsk follow we're gonna go right through the fire tips serious one damage from the fire and I actually broke my concentration with him foreign we don't even have to goad these guys are already attacking my Bear right now see what we got golden Roar honey pause yeah let's try honey pause I think that disarms the target when it hits that is blight on mints Blake's pretty powerful so we're gonna counter that spell light's a level four spell so let's do a level four counter spell I think it was worth it what do we have right now sure let's use unstable backlash nice now we have teleport oh teleport went away foreign [Music] [Music] these grenades getting popped out awesome that was close okay so we should have Reckless attack with great weapon Master toggled on let's see what that's giving us 75 chance that is incredible this is going to be so much damage and then we'll do it again perfect Let's do an offhand attack on this guy nice a clunk hey with this advantage oh because of Aura of Terra Terror excuse me I can't hear my own voice that well when I'm recording so sometimes I mumble things or I say things weirdly that's usually the reason why oh Spirit Guardians that would be quite annoying yeah we're gonna counter it 'll be a lot of AOE damage on pretty much all my party members oh we gotta get out of the way of that that's not good well that's real bad Minsk is right in the Blast Zone nice when you rage you can shoot a bolt of light from your chest each all right so I'm a little bit worried that Minsk is going to get nailed by this incinerator I think he might just be outside of the blast radius but this character on the other hand aha what's up burned alive Minsk took like a champ s but Church boy am I using I'm still on non-lethal right oh my God I just knocked all of them out these guys are Servants of Bane carlak take care of them nice and final spear we don't like these guys oh we killed that guy hear people talking and look at that worms Rock Bridge and then the Rivington District they're into the phenomenal job in this area [Music] okay back to what we're doing let's take a short rest might as well sit on the throne real fast yeah feels right oh this looks like a way up okay yeah sure I guess we're taking it let's hit F5 and we'll enter the party into sneak some reason the bear doesn't go into sneak nor does Boo and I have not been up here before so this is new territory step carefully there's a trap are you serious the whole party just walks right over it everybody come back this way let's just shoot at this damn thing I can you can't okay well let me try to disarm no we can do this we just need to single file line children single file line they're not gonna listen okay I'm assuming gortash is in there maybe I don't know okay Carlock your turn no can't get down to my boot all right we gotta be careful here trap Heaven oh man okay something I have a feeling right now that this is a Battleground you guys getting the same Vibe right now we have verticality I'm not entirely sure let me sneak wolf ahead leave everybody else back I don't think anybody's out here so we can probably come out of stealth this way at least if we get in combat oh my God look at this Arrow of monstrosity slain that's incredible we get in combat at least I can put gal up here on the high grounds there it is the beautiful chiantar River [Music] South to um wait that's North I'm all thrown off right now we're gonna just push on oh this is South Town okay all right there we go that's North to water deep in Neverwinter got some smoke powder Barrels in here could carry a few of those food step carefully there's a trap all right I think we're gonna go in now my Bear's sneaking behind me [Music] which weapons my friend there you go Yep this looks like where Edinburgh gortash would be hanging out he's probably in here somewhere maybe just not rendering in at the moment I'd love to thanks Saddle Up hot foot place is trapped I wonder if I should summon in a new bear or heal the bear oh yeah we're gonna summon in a new bear [Music] we have plaques right here not sure if they're Dukes or what Grand Duke yeah okay they are I mean we don't want to I don't think I just I really would like to see the cut scene right now as opposed to just attacking him even though strategically it would be better just to attack him right now we know we're gonna kill him then we'd be missing out on some epic cut scenes so let's send my character ahead by himself here we go very well we could have been allies powerful ones and yet your actions sparked the fall of my steel watch whatever bargain we might have made fell with it I did what I had to do I have no regrets cortash is that what you [Music] the brain awakens it's time I take matters into my own hands foreign [Music] we could have moved mountains we could have shaken the planes hang your corpse in the wide the archdukes would be assassin the people will celebrate your fall and my part in it your bones will be a souvenir what could it be no roll over and die give up your life just as easily as you are ready to give up the stones okay here we go do they not see my Giant Slayer sword oh man this is gonna be wait what the heck why'd he just attack his own guy now let's take a look and see what they have here a shell of resistance one turn micro modron forced Curtin Grant to this entity immunity to thunder damage and resistance to Elemental damage for one turn along with an extra bonus action and extra movement speed not too bad not worried about that at all the heck does this guy have on him projectile fired at this character sent back to where it came from okay and my character's a little messed up right now with something or of Terror okay what we're gonna do here I wonder if I can sneak through here without taking an opportunity attack I can let's push this guy I'm gonna go right after Ember gortash gotta turn him this way a little bit oh um oh this is perfect I have some movement speed left I have to take a double opportunity oh only one opportunity attack here we go seven damage not worried about it okay this is this is awfully close to be throwing a grenade so you're damn straight I'm gonna try it okay that didn't really do anything well damn all right that's unfortunate that was a little better craps all over this joint thank you dang it that's not good [Music] that's not good at all I don't have any don't have an action to get out of here right now okay we can pick it up with a different character let's go ahead and rage and then we'll go back to Minsk I wonder if I can get him in there to grab that oh we definitely can these freaking traps are everywhere man holy crap beautiful beautiful let's throw another grenade I've barely been using grenades this entire run now I'm feeling like I should oh damn I didn't okay I guess I hit wolf a little bit that's okay we're not worried about it all right now let's bring in Gail I wonder if I could interesting is there any High Ground in here it doesn't look like it I wonder if I could Misty step still be hidden I think I probably can let's see if this works and it did kind of Trapped in here though a little bit we're a little bit too close to that guy right there thinking about actually just taking this guy out right now screw it so powerful dang things are freaking everywhere dude this is crazy I will move to right here I think that's safe right there summon Mage hands as a distraction and here we go oops I think I gave up a harlak hold on did I no I don't think I did this I thought that guy was dead over there a little bit close to that right there but I have nowhere else I can go no I took an opportunity attack with uh with the Mage hands place is trapped to High Health oh cool come on man oh man carlac almost okay somebody just died in there what is going on right now hold on let's see what our rage is for karlak right now protective lights boost to Armor class we're gonna leave that damn dude what is going on right now parents blessing level six oh my God create a heavy magical chain that binds your targets having their movement speed if the chains are still present at the beginning of your next turn they break dealing eight to six to four Force damage not today gortash [Applause] what is what is the spirit right here manifestation of tyranny oh I knew it wasn't gonna oh man okay oh I knew I just knew it knew things weren't going to be that easy seriously I might have to retreat out of this room or of brutality all Servants of Bane around this character do an extra 1d4 player I could kill these things pretty fast what is like what is all this right now I thought this was going to be an easy fight the way it started anywhere I can teleport to Misty step two these guys are everywhere and wolf is officially dead too pretty rough I think I'm just gonna stay right here with gal relax one shot that's not good not good at all gotta have some nice shit I gotta have a couple nice healing potions there we go oh gortash used in large too and it really didn't give me that much health did it gotta think for a second y'all one second I think we might have to get out of this room I don't really know what's going on right now it's freaking me out no opportunity attack okay oh that was definitely immense thing to do right there I didn't mean to do that now I'm trapped in here okay we need our cleric really fast my Bear's already dead too a little bit nervous that if I move boo up here I can't tell yeah it looks like I'm just gonna put boo right here we have to counter this it's another level six spell I have to try to counter it with level four how do we get this stupid shell off Avatar of tyranny what was that oh my God empowered on armed Strike 10 to 44. this is nutty [Music] all right gal um first thing I need you to do is pull off a resurrection here actually let's see if we have any potions of speed I don't dang that's not a good start okay let's resurrect both I think I'm gonna start moving out of this room so let's move gal up here we're gonna teleport all the way to over here okay and then move to right I think I'm out of it okay I might be taking damage crap I'm gonna disengage this is this is crazy foreign see how far I can get Minsk take one opportunity attack not even showing as an opportunity attack and get him to right here through the fire score Tash not doing an opportunity it doesn't look like he has one right now I don't even understand what just happened oh my God you will not take this city I need my cleric okay look I have to play the bomb game Chuck grenades I don't know how else I could do this through a grenade at our feet over here showing one I'm not seeing it having a hard time picking it up because Minsk is in the way damn I ran over here to pick that up I'm not even gonna get it not even sure if it's worth resurrecting or picking him up at the moment foreign 's right there it's about to explode right now so explodes at the end of its turn so what we could do is didn't bring it away from carlak I could bring it over here actually let's try this bring it to Ray here I have a little bit I have a good amount of movement let's drop it oh man just dropping and exploded it not going good at all oh we're gonna pull this one off oh man okay how in the nine Hells are we gonna pull this one off [Music] Minsk is gonna get hit from the incinerator also foreign damn it man I can't even throw a potion back there fuck happened nice oh that's great it missed oh that's real great okay and all right hands right here [Music] thank you [Music] I am Bane's chosen I am your death advantage on strength saving throw strength ability checks resistance to Elemental damage for one turn oh there's bubbles down right now thank you this is where it'll be nice to have curriculum of strategy because I could put them down so quickly dominate person 42 chance on him oh what does this do there's a what is this I don't know what that is honestly I think I'm gonna try dominate person kind of desperate right now and you never know didn't work okay all right Minsk is dead wolf is still alive um what we could do here is could resurrect mints can start bringing him this way might not be a bad idea then we could take a potion of supreme healing we're not out of this yet and I must try to oh look oh so close to getting out of the radius I either have to take an attack from him or get hit by against grenade or the hands I guess it's the hand that's doing the Circle honestly I think it's better to take an attack of opportunity from from gortash and you know what I'll go this way we're gonna work to get wolf back up right now I'm not giving up nice car lack love you we'll go all the way over here perfect okay okay I guess we didn't want to go there with Minsk might be the most trapped room I think I've ever experienced in a video game all right so let me see what this attack is like what is this attached to all of us chain of tyranny back to the entity has only half its movement speed when the chain breaks it takes eight to eight Force damage it's not even concentration oh it is concentration so it could break its concentration all right let's go ahead and do that I am going to also take the attack hold on let's see Winter's breath goes this far I'm really going to try to break his concentration this would be maddening but I'm gonna try it oh oh my God barely made it there okay now we're doing it so definitely want to focus on the grenades at all costs not doing too bad right now honestly I might even run up there no it's not worth it let me back up a little bit we're gonna throw a health potion [Music] and that to Carlock we're gonna actually get it this time okay and then rage that could just it seems like there's probably if I came into this fight again there's like so many different strategies that you could take here my initial reaction would be to pull him and then bring everybody else outside here and not fight in that room but also I'm wondering like is it worth it going around and just killing all these manifestations it might be could do it pretty fast with magic missiles too I'm out of spell slots though all right so let's try to stay spread out a little bit I'm gonna move Carlock to right here Minsk is downed right now so he can't do anything we can actually get him up with gal though but also telekinesis him [Music] okay we're not doing too bad right now I'm gonna move gal out of the room oh it's like a breath of fresh air despite everything okay we are still alive can you believe this definitely got to get out of the that trap though pretty sure I can walk right across this but we don't want to go next to Carlock though we'll go right go right here that way if he attacks he's also going to hit his own guy let's say a little prayer I think I have one more healing potion nope I don't think I have any more healing potions giant strength that'd be pretty sweet poison resistance Arcane cultivation I should actually use that with Gail that'd be a big help right now oil pushing a flying foreign temporary hit points if I drink that and become blessed sure we'll give it a try [Applause] oh my God why critical hit ACH 126 HP I currently have that means I hit them take 1d6 Force damage yeah we're gonna change it oh nice I don't know how much that's gonna do but maybe it does help thank you okay now we're talking now we are talking all right we're going to get him to drop his concentration first and foremost oh no way are you serious the grenades like right at my feet you're gonna give them an opportunity attack come on man you gotta be kidding me that's pretty rough now I can't even reach Bane oh man or I can't even reach gortash with Gail oh okay all right let's go we got this awesome beautiful he held his concentration though nope we broke his concentration that was perfect okay now I'm gonna Hunters mark foreign no more traps in here perfect okay all hope is not lost yet a grenade is gonna blow though and it looks like wolf has Dove on top of it and he's going to take the grenade like a champ for the team that was the play right there it was all intentional trust me you guys gotta trust me you can always use another East orb blow up the entire map telekinesis doesn't have that um all right so here we go great weapon Master toggled on 84 chance foreign this is crazy and then we can push gortash and get out of the blast radius of that grenade oh I love it I love it love it love it that's such a cool spell right there I don't know what to do for you wolf I don't got any potions I'm certainly not running over there oh perfect it's over it's game over pick that grenade up with her go back to Minsk um it looks like I'm not going to take an opportunity attack let's just back up go back to Carlock let me hit F5 I don't think I've saved once during this fight and uh let's Chuck this grenade and I think it's game over oh my God don't okay oh I got so scared that I was gonna hit the water Elementals back and not make it to gortash gortash has died we did it we did it y'all that was a crazy crazy and cut it's not over yet we have to get through these traps right here that was a crazy encounter didn't expect like 80 of the things that went down didn't even know what was going on for the first half of the fight with all these explosions it looks like wolf is gonna die a really sad death right now but I don't know if there's anything I can do about it it's like a pickup I could make it over there actually pick up both the grenades there's no way I get that one it's gonna be too hard to get okay well let's just move on gotta survive the traps and we did it feeling fresh yeah we got a lot of Luton to do here we completed carlak's Quest and also killed ortas which was the main quest incredible just in case there's some more surprises here Colin fern gonna call boo back boo needs to be here for the celebration let's have a chat with carlak it's finished done I need to see him up close I need to know he's dead so God touch is nothing more than a pile of Flesh same as the rest of us perhaps a bit uglier I feel like I should love but just two Gods damn tired is that it then killed the bastard who ruined my life and now I crawl into a corner and die am I fucking fucking think something what do you mean it makes no sense [Music] none of it means anything he's dead and he's no fucking sorrier now than he was before what was the point I'm still dying I'm dying I'm going to die [Music] maybe we can still fix your engine perhaps stabilize it I'm going to be as dead as a gortash any day now any moment [Music] and what then off to the city of judgment to waste into Oblivion into the dirt to get eaten by maggots is that it for me is that fucking all and you you'll just keep going won't you watching the Stars warming your hands on the campfire dancing eating making fucking love all night all of it all of it for everything I suffered that that's why I survived 10 years of Torment the fighting the glory the loneliness fucking loneliness all of of it so I could erupt because the person I trusted the most gave me away to them the devil it isn't fair you don't want it like this [Music] tough responses here it is what it is it's time to Soldier forward with the time you have left Carlock deserve better I deserve more I deserve to live I deserve to live what the fuck am I supposed to do now [Music] foreign [Music] stupid fucking gigantic Bridge or whatever I think I need to go to camp for a while be alone scream at the sky you can come and find me later if you want to you might only find the pile of Ash but I'll be there all the same [Music] thank you time to rest well damn that was kind of sad we killed gortash we should take his netherstone not really sure though what to make out of that right there africated herbalest or to 18 crossbow nice about time I got an upgrade you also get Illuminating shots in dazzling Ray a beam of brilliant light that blinds all creatures in its path that's pretty cool cloth of authority can't be frightened it cannot be afflicted with other emotion altering conditions they have advantage on intimidation checks and insight checks you gain a plus one bonus to Charisma checks and saving throws for those boots I could use the Charisma bonus and another Stone studded gauntlet very rare your unarmed attacks deal an additional one to four Force damage you gain a plus one bonus to spell save DC look I found a lot of really good mostly monk gear that I have in my inventory and Camp storage the Lost Stone I need to see it for myself there it is so innocent IAL you have done very well indeed the nether Stones pulse with zionic energy permeating you pulling you in line with their rhythm Rising cresting on a single feeling the dogs under the city must lead to a morphic poor that's where the chosen imprisoned the brain why would they put it there and to maintain the illusion of their own control above ground do you think we're ready to face the Elder brain the stones in hand and the chosen Dead We Stand as good a chance as we ever will as to how good a chance that is I cannot say but I have hope something's breaking behind us I'm not ready you are right to be cautious a fight with the most powerful being in all the Realms is not to be entered into ill-prepared once we cross into the Elder brain's domain there will be no turning back we will end this one way or another in Death Throne them or freedom finish your business here before you proceed brain will be waiting for us there we have it the final part of the main quest before the final quest we have three nether stones note from helsink so helsink is the one that works at the devil's fee we dealt with last session Lord G yes if necessary I could get you back into the House of Hope for the right price of course though I doubt they'd be happy to see you again didn't exactly leave on the best of terms however you know your business better than I or anyone else thank you this is a bust of the god Bane as he first appeared the gortash in dreams and was then described to a Rivington Sculptor I'm going to explore this room a little bit and then we're gonna go back to camp and talk to carlak I think she has more to say and then that'll be it for not the entire episode but part one of this episode the orphan's friend founded several orphanages in the outer city the lower city was no place for children and the upper City declined to sponsor an orphanage founder of the Flaming fist later history is Kinder to him than accounts from his time which portray him as a cruel and hard-handed mercenary Commander so much Laura it's crazy first of the Baltimore patriarch family to start his own Venture Alec is the unscrupulous bastard who made their fortune in mines and Vineyards Baldur's Gate ship camps in Morgan red logs where demands Thrice her age after the wedding the groom suffered a heart attack redlocks converted his Merchant ships into a pirate Fleet nice Carrick started from nothing built a financial Empire and founded the counting house oh he refused to mingle with the other Patriarchs saying they didn't want me when I was in urchin and now they can't have me the counting houses the marble run bank that we're at many many episodes ago studies of the Elder brains a report for Lord gortash by scribbianthus and a lifted Elder brain is many things absolute ruler start over I'll let that Elder brain as many things absolute ruler of its mind flayer Colony fount of procreation through its production of alifid larva the so-called tadpoles but most of all an elder brain is a supremely powerful organic calculator a mental machine able to process a vast number of simultaneous thought process it is always a hundred moves ahead and cannot be surprised except by a sudden influence of unexpected variables oral genius and Innovation are no match for its sheer computational power below this the note is appended and gortash's precise handwriting no weakness but the unexpected it seems I shall need unexpected allies that's a little terrifying okay [Music] this city reeks of evil just needs to bathe this city breaks the evil okay I think we're good here I think I'm over encumbered right now oh I don't need gortash's key so all right I don't need knock hell dusk boots you cannot be forcibly moved by a foe's spells or actions and you ignore the effects of difficult terrain and you get hell crawler teleport to an area and deal 2 to 16 fire damage damn the lithid jar with larva an accelerated Grand Design I'm going to read this it seems important towards the story to Grand Design the key points as top leaders in the bay night hierarchy to effectively Implement what the Mad El Hoon known as blue Apex named The Accelerated Grand Design it's important that you understand its broad outlines don't worry about the details leave those to me the central element of this plan is that our dominated Elder brain lays lithid tadpoles that induce a state of suspended serramorphosis in which the host does not transform into a mind flare this is like the story of our character right now instead the tadpole become psychic minions of the hive mind of the Elder brain which they perceive as a goddess a deity of Conquest called the absolute this absolute however obeys the commands of the chosen of the dead 3. though katharek Oren in gortash we just killed in needless to say as Bane is the god of tyranny are allies who worship ball and Merkel Must In the End defer to us the Bane has always been the leader of the Dead 3 of ball and Merkel so we're gonna pick that up for sure when I examine Laura later on foreign let's go ahead and teleport back to the camp but actually it's like we have some more cool books here the astral prism Heist ortash private Memoir the astral prism Heist after that dream I had about the gift Yankee threat to our accelerated Grand Design our research led me to pour through the old archives left behind a moonrise towers by the high Heralds these records included some surprising early sources both gethianki and gith Sarai that mentioned a relic or artifact called the astral prison or prism though the source of its power was unstated this artifact was reputed to be able to project a field that disrupted a lithid psionics such an artifact would clearly be an existential threat to both our absolute Ambitions and The Grand Design all three of the ancient sources agreed that the astral prism was in the hands of the githyanki Lich Queen blacka thus was born the plan to send a tadpoled Strike Team in a regrown nautiloid piloted by the emperor steal the astral prism of vlaka thank you okay the camp we go we'll talk to carlak First I think everybody's going to have something to say [Music] hey Soldier oh she doesn't have anything to say right now okay how about Jahira garlic needs time space but more than this I think she needs to know she is not alone [Music] what carlak needs is for her friends to help her find a cure answers Justice ten years of her life back all men are things we cannot give her she's already lost her heart she deserves better than to have her friends keep happy lies upon her I'm not ready to give up on her just yet perhaps she needs that too okay so curious about the conclusion to gal's Quest indeed we have done to read fairun of this man all Helm hair and the hottiness oh this was the Lord God touch we were sworn to do better with you all were better then [Music] [Music] hell the agony of knowing the end is near I spent years swatting away my fears and doubts of my infernal fate and I eventually made my peace I had to you will too kalak I know it [Music] everybody's got something to say on the car lack situation I'm still thinking about Tarlac about what she said cots there really is no justice in the world [Music] having to face her own mortality in such a definitive manner most of us is still liable to perish if it's any consolation [Music] you gotta put clothes on gal no sense dawdling karlak has precious little time left to her would do better than to waste it okay I think this is going to be a good natural stopping point or episode 26 part 1 and then we'll continue part two of this same episode here in a few moments and let's continue on with this epic adventure as you can see karlak has something to say to us hey Soldier you're back I've been worried about you carlak are you all right yeah despite my best efforts I kept trying to flop over and give up but Carla just won't let me did I miss anything important [Music] we can talk about that later I'm more concerned about you would you believe it if I said I'm all right you know Soldier we're so fucked the dark three are trying to consume the sword Coast we've still got tadpoles in our eyes and I've got a ticking time bomb in my chest I'm not sure anyone has ever been more fucked than this and yet we're fine In This Moment we're fine here I am there you are breathing talking even laughing if we want is it very precious to say that despite it all I'm happy if you're happy carlak I'm happy in that something I wanted to ask you will you stay with me when it's time for me to go I think I can do anything if you're there even die damn of course I'll be there Carlock whatever you want thank you now enough tragedy I'm not gone yet and our schedule is packed with important heroics isn't it plus if I cry anymore I'm gonna run out of tears and start leaking motor oil thanks for everything Soldier extremely glad to be in this thing together well that's going to be pretty sad if that happens okay so what we're going to do now is the aid the underdue quest but first I am going to return to the Dragon's Lair and pick up a Helm that I missed last episode let's go ahead and go to worms Rock and I'll skip the video ahead to where I get to the helm itself this place is so badass and keep in mind you all that filming a let's play versus live streaming versus playing offline they're all very different experiences from one another with a live stream you're multitasking times 100 with a let's play you're trying to keep things moving and entertaining and you're not necessarily always rolling a 20 on perception checks and when you're playing offline you can just take your time you're not worried about anybody watching you you can stare at Battlegrounds and figure out the perfect strategy you can go to the Traders and spend all day in the market just organizing your gear let me go check that looks like the helm right there let me go check over here real fast is there another room in this room this area I don't think there is just keep that in mind I can definitely work to improve my gameplay and not miss things but I think even if I find a healthy balance I'm always going to miss things not to mention everybody misses things but most people don't post their gameplay and they'll never know the things that they miss that'll work to improve that but just something to keep in mind at the same time here we go the Helm of baldran Tempest and his raw hurdle through you answer's Essence still lives within the helm instilling you with power for as long as you wear it something opened up too heavy is the Hat gal is inspired okay this will get out of the way here we go the Helm of balderand helmet heals you two hit points at the beginning of every turn you also have a plus one bonus to Armor class and saving throws you can't be stunned attackers can't land Critical Hits on the wearer it's pretty sweet see what it looks like a little doofy but I think I'll take it all right let me just double check in here one more time I don't think you can jump to over there it doesn't look like it's something you can jump to we're gonna go ahead and head to the lower City wall Waypoint and down into the Guild Hall [Music] s savings pause cubes fools released youthfulness and thought s yeah unavoidable okay kind of weird [Music] although brain didn't sound like it was too smart it's supposed to be a being of supreme intelligence [Music] with all three nether stones in our possession it is time to go to the morphic pool and face the Elder brain return to find the Guild Hall at War the zentrum faced off against the guild hoping to topple nine fingers Keen we got to go down here on the map Guild Hall entrance which I stumbled on a few episodes ago we're lost aren't we it should be right down here on the left if nine fingers Survived The Fray she won't be right back to work in there we ought to speak to her she has you in her throat in school still her serpent tongue before it is a chance to climb around your thoughts that definitely have something to say about oh this is Roa from the zentorn faction [Music] season okay so the guild versus enterum right now I wonder if that's nine fingers Keen right there I think it is the nine fingers Keen is the leader of the guild organization and the reason why she's called nine fingers is because when she was a child she was taken by a one-eyed elf from her parents and that one-eyed elf chopped off her I think it's her left pinky finger and sent it back to her parents and asked them for money her parents sent the money and she was returned but she has never forgotten that and that's kind of shaped her life now she's the leader of the biggest criminal organization in the city all right so it looks like Roa is showing yellow right now so let's let's walk up instead of attacking we have two criminal organizations here so simple drop your weapons bring out nine fingers and this can all end peacefully for you at least what's this Stone lord it's a little late to change the terms of our deal the pieces are already in place this Stone Lord is no more [Music] and my friend would not let me stay cursed and the only terms we offer are between my boot and your treacherous buttocks I see that's unfortunate and what about the adult in the room whatever I told that look below this will end in bloodshed all you have to do is pick the right side hmm well this interim is a very powerful criminal organization scattered throughout I think the entirety of faerun The Guild is father's Gates what are you doing why turn on the guild I know this has been due a change in management for some time her Guild is disorganized undisciplined the cult broke them in a matter of days while my zentarim still stands strong a guild under our control can do what nine fingers failed to drive the absolute out of the city once and for all and then remain on in the city to protect its good citizens from any future threats for a reasonable fee of course my hamster can smell your lies villain thou not his little nose fine let us talk of truth then friends know how many you killed in the absolute's name Stone Lord do you I not call me that Minsky's Minsk oh I don't recall any Tales of mints helping the likes of nine fingers a known Thief a murderer I thought Minsk of rashaming served the side of good I'm the last to judge big man you were just following orders and hey that's all you have to do now if you don't know what's right just let the grown-ups talk because I know your friend will make a smart choice I think I would want to help out nine fingers here the actual leader of the guild because she's from this city so the absolute is threatening the city and nine fingers I think is going to fight with more passion than the zenteren faction also keep in mind the Zen term faction has a lot of history with Bane the god of tyranny foreign will be louder than the mating cries of a snow tiger [Music] here we go I'm assuming that the guild is showing up in yellow yes they are so it's got to be careful of AOE oh Roa you don't want to stand on the edge like that not with a party with two high strength characters fingers Keen That's so exciting hold on we gotta examine her let me go back over to that I've read a lot about nine fingers see if she's missing a pinky finger there it is look at the stub right there on her left arm too Valerian is accurate with the lore nine fingers Keane The Guild Master looks pretty cool level 12 wow all right but we're fighting the Zen turns us all but not today I wonder if Jahira could get the shove off here should have prepared more spells I'm gonna bring Jahira to the edge right here your father is my way we're gonna pop off maybe a call lightning or a condor Elemental lucondre Elemental the concentration spells don't work as good in bg3 with the moon druid as they do in 5e and we'll do a player mermaidon sure [Music] and then I'm in a wild shape into the owl bear all right we got scorching strike permanates immolation oh it's the haste wow ignite with incandescent primordial Flames that hasten you sounds pretty cool if we can survive oh we can and then Cinder a swipe see if we can reposition here awesome no I don't support the guild but it's pretty awesome to be fighting side by side with them at this moment in time this is really cool oh I keep thinking about the final battle in this game like is the guild gonna show up and we're all going to fight together decided to defeat the Elder brain a little Battleground ah I gotta make sure that nine fingers stays alive because I want to talk to her all right Fern get down there girl hmm that's too funny oh Houston's already gone oh maybe I misunderstood that particular haste all right Mr Gilly gal Let's Get You On The High Ground my friends I wonder if it's worth doing I missed a step sure then we're gonna rain down hell will exactly the spell that you all are thinking about actually that might be a little risky too many Guild members down there I could do it right here though interesting I think this whole thing is gonna let's let's give this a try we'll do level three if I cast it right there so it's hitting two Zen term agents and no Guild members but it is going to take out the ladder and possibly this entire the structure underneath Fern right now so I think Fern's fine okay risky but it looks like we're still good that was awesome [Music] nine fingers is wielding a great ax [Music] he's got 104 HP all right Minsk I'm gonna have you push Roa to her death and I can't get there I don't know if that's enough movement to push her oh it is don't have enough movement to shoot though not her at least Minsk is doing some sniping over here holy cow oh my god dude is that what a level 12 fighter is like holy crap gotta get over there and get that guy that's freaking nuts dude and great weapon Master bonus attack too that's what happened all right let's it might be time to go help out nine fingers Keen we're gonna do that by coming up here but I have to mentioned or I don't Bash we'll make it gentle M row is a bard vicious mockery I don't know if I want to counter spell that I'll do it what is she throwing that's awesome that'd be funny if the entire thing collapsed bro [Music] pretty straightforward battle here I don't think I got anything to worry about run boo run who must go through the fire oh [Music] my God [Music] perfect [Music] and fight side by side with wolf all right 28 HP pretty sure we're gonna be resting after this like I said I think the next Quest that we do is the actual final quest of the game it could go all out here let's use I'm gonna help out nine fingers Keen it's gonna conjure an air Elemental all right weep if you wish means will not judge well I made it all the way down and in that's incredible the problem is I'm afraid to use Whirlwind because I think it's going to hit the guild members so we're just going to do regular attacks [Music] I should hit F5 right top all the big Folk you know additional damage equal the proficiency bonus on a hit large huge or gargantuan creatures take an additional 2 to 12 slashing damage this creature is not large but next time we fight I mean we're not going to be fighting too many other creatures I bet you the Elder brain is considered a large organium creature we'll try to remember to use the top of the big folk attack thank you and I got that weapon action from the dragon slayer sword coated in purple worm toxin yeah we can't do the crushing flights do a regular jump minus 20 HPM prone really okay I guess we'll just go down [Music] you're forgetting to enrage lasts for three turns costs a bonus action also makes nearby creatures fearful let's give it a try it's quite better to use at the start of your turn but oh it's a good thing I everybody succeeded because those are that actually affected everybody just don't turn on me Guild it's all I ask who's under the water right here I think it's only one enemy oh no roast still alive where the heck's Roa oh she's back here okay let's get her beautiful I did fear that guy hopefully it doesn't turn hostile on us uh-oh what's the plan you got going here the heck is Minsk doing oh he's feared right now that's why because of the owl bears were rage I'm pretty sure that's what did it oopsie great not men's because black in the way apparently the rules of combat don't apply to this guy that's just walking around over here where'd he go he's in here somewhere just going about his merry day look at him 41 HP let's go ahead and do scorching Ray all right minus 23 HP and prone I'm doing it nice you're not knocking my Ranger prone you're not here with that nonsense [Music] very nice nine fingers okay one target left I think maybe two thank you there we go we help nine fingers defeat the zentrum we should speak to the Guild Master after I loot the bodies that I'm allowed to loot monster Slayer glaive bloodied great ax stolen golden bag Temple Traders key intricate key 10k gold are you serious holy crap that's crazy makes sense all right Jahira we're gonna need you to get out of your wild shape form you're scaring everybody I think there's a trap down here or something [Music] I don't really need all this stuff okay let's go talk to the guild where is she somebody playing though flute oh wow this is cool help help all right come on we gotta get rid of these guys sorry fern I got quite the crew here don't I that guy looks like the traitor here let's take a quick look and see what he has you won't catch me looting all that shiny Zen Thomas I'd rather go into Battle Bear asked nice okay oh my God it's Oscar now I don't remember on this playthrough did I talk to Oscar in act one can't remember on this particular character I've done so many runs in Early Access and I also have my live character my evil run going side by side this guy is was captured by the zentarim in The zentrum Hideout back in Act One near joaquin's rest now he's at the guild hideouts let's talk to him the more refined than the usual thugs walking these holes I don't suppose you have any interest in fine art apparently I haven't met him yet who are you my name is Oscar feveras though I doubt you'll have heard it my stardom has waned somewhat recently but I was once fated as one of the city's most promising artists these days my Uber is less original shall we say but no less in demand in fact you are fortunate to have caught me just now I have a rather special piece that's become unexpectedly available I assure you it's identical to the original down to the finest brush stroke a fine piece to hang on the wall of anyone you decide to sell it to he's a Salesman so it's a counterfeit of course no cost of Austin arrived [Music] source of inspiration I'll take a look fake portrait of a noble before his death that's too funny [Music] I'm sorry sweetie pie I don't do requests but toast me a few coppers and I'll shoot you a saucy wink across the bar all right let's hand over some coins you enjoy one sweet all right where's nine fingers Keen price see anything of yours who's the traitor you're buying or selling where do you get the items that you sell and we're not going to ask questions here show me what you got we don't want to know the answers to that all right let's see if they got anything good the shade Slayer cloak while hiding the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one honestly I might just get it because I have a ton of money and I want to see what it looks like sure we'll just do that or just maroon die yeah I think we're good here sure we'll take four of those we'll take all of those sometimes to see what that cloak looks like real fast I have more money right now that I won't be able to make use of that's pretty sweet okay oh we got a bartender here so the guild comes out on top sometimes nine fingers are all you need eh what are you having a drink bartender drunken cloth while drunk you have an advantage on Constitution saving through as you gain temporary hit points equal to your con modifier that's so funny you gotta do like a drunk build in this game all right so nine fingers is somewhere over here to the left here she is so cool to be in her Hideout right now kind of you to take this interim down first that doesn't make us friends come on then Stone Lord you'll get no better chance than this has no interest in your furniture nine fingers free and the wicked room that fills it what you have been a stone in this City's booth for too long and it will be no stone Lord who reaches Twix bordering sticky toes to dislodge you it will be Minsk I haven't got the slightest idea what he's trying to say Minsk calm down the Battle Is Over The Hound answers to his name again does he and you didn't have to put him down oh good I'd rather you die as Minsk the mad rashima it's silly but do you know you were something of the hero of mine when I was young even now your tongue twist the truth when you were young and ten fingered still means can Boo or stone in staturated on a city Square I I remember the spa by a garden on the wide soft Thicket near the market with ample Pockets to pick Celestia itself to a Street Route looking for shelter you might not have been wrestling monsters but you kept the wind and the rain off they're old enough for me you tried to dump and push eyes do not think you will be spared his teeth evil is evil even if it was once innocent oh I'm no innocent the evil you tell me with a fist the watch and the council itself all Lick in the absolute's boots who's the only one left standing to protect Boulder's Gate she's right Minsk she's been an ally down through the years a friend even a friend who cannot believe his ears has this city falling so far in our absence no Heroes left Heroes come and go Guild has always been here protecting the city until the stone Lord came to break us she's right the guild will fight for the city we just have to let them foreign [Music] and worthy to fight alongside my friends oh what am I to do I can't speak for your rodent but I know something of debts you reckon you've got one to repay well we could always work together with you Minsk has no lust for God that he would Shake grandmothers by their ankles or is that boo nibbling at their purse strings I'm not talking about that we've both got bigger enemies than one another this City's enemies and tears honest truth you gave my guild the wake-up call it needed we've grown complacent lazy too sure of our standing we never would have needed the zent if we'd had a fight in force of Our Own swords for the city when the watch and the fist fail us like a Berserker Lodge of my homeland no army or militia serving the local Lords but Heroes working for the common good Heroes sure very well means can the boo except I'm sorry you you what who and I will be your Berserker launch taking the ugly ways of your guild and beating them into a more virtuous shape that's not even slightly what I was saying I wasn't asking you are right I have proven myself unworthy I cannot serve this city if I was so easily turned against it if I do not know my own mind perhaps I no longer know what is good mints come fairly certain that good is literally the only thing that you do know my friend I am touched by your kind words and now I must be equal to them what say you boo we the absolute is slain shall We join nine fingers keen and show her the ways of goodness you did say he was your hero Estelle maybe you'll learn something oh can't we just go back to killing one another instead um all right fine let's leave this particular fight for when the actual war is won shall we Stone Lord off my back I'll be able to bring my people out of hiding Cobble together a force so we're ready when you call on us awesome that was an interesting conversation I love the interactions of Jahira and Minsk with nine fingers Keen because they have a history with her in this city let me talk to her one more time what do you need I need information knowing why I know usually comes across but let's say we'll put it on your tab how is it you know so much about the cult of the absolute and its leaders me and then appeared I went nosing into the cult for myself I could bore you with the details how I found evidence of gortash's projects traced him to or in the red and made a safe bet there was some dried out old Necromancer to round out the three because it's always the dead bloody three has been half Gods who can't help but make their irrelevance everyone else's problem there's more to it than just the dead three um oh man you know what I'm gonna tell her we're gonna tell her about the enslaved Elder brain the astral prism I think that we're both on the same side here for this particular issue so what do you plan to do now that you know I had no intention of leaving my city in the dead three's hands definitely not leaving it to some slimy shit that doesn't even have hands so as long as you can keep a lid on what's growing inside you we're allies until you can't I'm simple enough I reckon now water before you need anything Minsk went from an enemy to an asset you're welcome enemies and assets are all the guild no don't think I won't use him if the rashima wants to work off this guy's my kingpin's shitless my guilt was too fractured to stand up to the absolute too corrupt to see the threat Within I reckon a little bit of hamster talk might be good for them and you're sure you'll handle mints so easily as that what I was trying to spy a nice warm spot for Booze bedding I think I'll manage we need to survive the fight to come first so let's save our talk for a bright new day um story you told Minsk was any of it true you can't just swallow every bit of storybook tribe that you hear do I strike you as a little lost girl looking for a Hero and I'll lose the stupid look on your face and tell me what you need okay oh we can actually question her about uh back when we first came to Rivington for the first time we met with Arthur that guy who didn't want refugees staying in his house our first set I think it was the guild and we ended up fighting The Guild when we first came to Rivington let me ask her about that you you kill I ran into some of your thugs the Rivington rats did you enjoy the encounter I don't think they enjoyed it I mean their Nations but with the stone Lord Business distracting me some are starting to test the leash only more reason to be rid of the cult quickly so I can remind my Crews it's not a leash around them their necks if they cross me it's a noose okay we helped the guild defeat the zentrum they will Aid Us in the final fight against the Cults we have one more objective for this episode it's clever one more objective to do to end episode 26 than episode 27 is going to be the final episode and that is help kithrack Vos so we retrieve the orpha camera we should bring it to Vos who's waiting for us in the undercity I'm gonna go ahead and fast forward and teleport us down to the sewers in the undercity and we have arrived see we got the sewers right here the undercity and cataract boss is showing up on the map right here right through this door through there he is with kudenos a red Dragonborn consider the dragonborn's face in mannerisms is there anything unusual about him hmm let's use one Inspiration Point that I have to save the rest for the final episode I'm really curious right now though his voice carries the weight of Untold centuries and Bridges as God with uncounted battles this is Dragonborn there's a red dragon the very same who carried Vos near the gift crash wow I know you red dragon Voss was writing you near a crush it is so call me kudenos master of flames splitter of Skies I will be the one to carry Force into battle against vlakith and I will be the one to breathe the Flames that melt her that's awesome a red dragon Rebel how many more of you are there more than I could come count your mat and forced to serve the gith Yankee it is to the people that I'm loyal not to the little flacketh a corpse in gift clothing I know Orpheus just as I knew his mother a new future will be planted in the wake of the comet look larion did a better job with the facial animations on the Dragonborn than any other race surprising until we meet again mortal I look forward to fighting alongside you vlakith will tremble at the sound of our Roar that guy's awesome ah you finally come will our princess finally be broken where are the rest of your allies Voss the remaining Honor Guard serve as my eyes and ears a kid's forces hunt you and the prism my allies have slayed more than you know so that you might travel freely as for those that break through you've proven more than capable of bleeding them yourself I've retrieved the hammer the prince of the comet is not dead the prince of the Comet will come again the prince of the Comet will liberate us from the Lich Queen's tyranny the prophecy is one step closer to fruition among the gith Yankee one gift is esteemed above all others the silver sword take it wield it in honor of gith the great Liberator and her unforgotten son wow is Tick now that you have the hammer you must find a way to enter the astral prism once inside smash orpheus's bonds his cry will shake the planes and I will fly to your Aid Prince of the Comet will fear the heavens again first we'll defeat the absolute then we let the lich's queen tremble think again I will not permit your entry Let's ignore the emperor you seem to be lost in thought getting into the astral prism will be complicated yes but you will meet this challenge as you've met so many others Orpheus sensed the tadpole before and his guard attacked won't he attack if we free him the prince of the Comet aches forgive Yankee Liberation more than he abhors gake he might seed when you free him he might gnash his teeth and slander your name but he will see reason I promise you Mystic friend to Orpheus together we will end the Elder brain which shakes this city then I turn my sights to blacketh the queen of Deceit when you bring Prince Orpheus free his psionic cry will alert us I will fly to your side together we will fell the Elder brain and thwart The Grand Design all right it seems like we have some allies on our side now he showed Vos the orphic hammer and he gave us a powerful silver sword the highest grade of weapon in gethianki custom he left to prepare for the revolution that will follow orpheus's Deliverance 12 to 32 damage when wielded by a gift Yankee this weapon deals an additional one to six psychic damage I get the Yankee holding this weapon has advantage on intelligence wisdom and Christmas saving throws resistance to psychic damage and cannot be charred a little bit higher damage potential but also a lower minimum damage and I'm also not a gift Yankee but a really good sword and actually if you kill Vos back in act 1 when you first encounter him you can get this sword right away in act one I don't think I'll be using it though let's just check this out because I haven't seen that before Oh yeah this is just going to bring us back to the other room I think that's it for this episode we killed gortash we made allies with the guilds killed some zentrum agents while we were there the gur people are grateful for our role in taking down kazador Azar so they're going to help us fight the Elder brain Valeria feels indebted to us for having saved her from an untimely death she she and her City watch are prepared to support us in the final battle the Valeria is from the city watch which is the guard Force for the upper City the rich folks guards randu gravengard is on our side and also of course nine fingers with the guild first I would like to go back to Camp before I end the episode and see if anybody has anything to say on everything that occurred today and that way in the final episode we can focus purely on the main mission to the elf song We Go we'll talk to scratch and the owl bear cub again too my friend now we have settled the matter of the guild I fear there is something I must tell you you and boo both it may shock you both to know but Minsk and this Stone Lord they are one man the same one man and that same one man is Minsk uh I'm aware Minsky tried to kill me multiple times never has boo been more proud of my failures I wish to believe the stone Lord's evil as they were Malone attempting my thoughts with foul tongue but I see now the Don was within Minsk all along so I wonder if Minsk can be a villain and nine fingers a hero must it be so with all creatures is there good and evil within us all boo calls this nonsense less thinking of bad thoughts says he and the more breaking of bad bones but still I would hear what you have to say on the matter my friend everyone has the potential for good it's just buried deeper in some or lost along the way I see in the case of nine fingers perhaps it was all bunched up and that finger she lost it shall be for Minsk and bull to be her virtuous Pinky it is strange a worm sits within my skull twisting my thoughts but it is you that have made Minsk see the world Anew you my friend are the true parasite there is good and evil in all let us go crack villainous skulls so that the virtual might leak free yes boo I am becoming something of a philosophizer I think that's it nobody else had anything to say so that's going to be it for this episode tomorrow's episode the final episode we confront the Elder brain with all of our allies we'll catch you all on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 28,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate, lets, play, lets play bg3, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, walk through bg3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, full game bg3, guide
Id: Sai6Ybe8xzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 4sec (7744 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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