Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 14: Gauntlet of Shar

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welcome back Adventures The Gauntlet of Shar we discovered the gauntlet of char a huge Ancient Temple dedicated to the dark goddess shadowheart will surely want to investigate further then we also have the find the Night song quest which we picked up back in maybe episode three or four a wizard in Baldur's Gate is offering a huge sum of money to anyone who brings him the Night song but that Quest ended up going cold when we made it to the underdark under the goblin Fortress we didn't end up exploring the goblin or we didn't end up exploring the underdark we went back to the mountain pass but that was pretty much the last we solved that Quest until recently we found an abandoned Temple of Shar under the Thor Mausoleum the Night song must be within so let's check it out little rat right here I'm worthy unworthy to walk among friendly bones leave calm down what are you talking about talking of you worthy one walls are not for you I wonder if he's gonna attack us if we go forward whoa what just happened the shadow heart just murdered oh I think he bit Shadow heart Shadow heart received condition infected has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws and Constitution is reduced by one what the heck okay it's it only lasts for six turns doesn't seem to other ago five turns the rapid Shadow heart overcome my trials oh this is going to be so much fun seek the means to access the Relic search in the library do not deviate do not fail return promptly search in the library wow look at this place seeking to become dark justices I will follow in their path I don't succeed yeah this is this is a dream come true for shadow heart but I'm not sure about the rest of my party The Gauntlet of char from where an army of dark Justice ears shall rise join battle against those who shun her embrace it is said that the name of this most sacred of sights has two meanings firstly it is a series of trials that lady Char's initiates must surpass they are to join her Most Wanted ranks secondly it represents the most martial facet of the night singers embrace the armored first that shall Crush her foes but gently cradle those who serve her initiates cannot advance to ladyshar's final test so they have earned the right of passage each trial shall yield an umbral gem each gem shall bring the Victor closer to the night singer once the way is clear the final sacrifice beckons and Spilled selenite blood shall Herald the rise of a new dark just this year oh this is going to get intense we gotta find umbral gems but it seems like somebody's gonna have to die at the end if Shadow wants to become a dark Justice here okay well we got to get to the bottom of this even if we don't approve of what shadow heart is attempting to do here we got a door right here uh-oh a soft step trial and the map is red so you can't teleport out of here nothing tells me there's gonna be a lot of traps in here we have a lever right here looks like a maze waiting for a perception check the whole entire room to just blow up okay like Shadow heart foreign contains an ancient rust-colored blood stain it forms a neat disc as if spilled calmly and willingly you've recognize this as a trial where initiates would prove themselves to Lady Shah this one would put their skills of stealth and infiltration to the test [Music] offer your blood in Char's name those those that can remain unseen and can still obtain what they want oh man look at these things level 5 Undead shadow but they're yellow they're not red but perhaps we just have to avoid them Metal Gear Solid style oh look at that foreign lots of Chandelier go for it [Music] probably enter into turn based mode that's doing something thank you oh run Shadow run I'm watching the mini map right now here it comes I wonder if we can trap this thing I don't want to do it right now in a bit of a pickle here right now not sure why the whole thing is red boss is unseen okay where did that thing go seen this time got a button right here too I don't see that shadow anymore one right here though there it is I wonder if I should go the other way soft step trial key let's go this way you see which way this guy turns oh oh man whoa freaking traps everywhere oh want to get that key things coming back though not sure if I'm okay right here but we're gonna find out [Music] okay I'm in turn based mode right now I don't think that'll work oh nice it did work okay quick Shadow grab that key yes well I got the key I think wait did the key go back I don't know what happened to the okay I lost the key let me hit this button oh wow got a door and a skeleton yeah we made it to the end aha okay the first trial complete that was pretty fun that was awesome I guess we go try to find the second trial now probably save after that all right what now self same trial this will be interesting I wonder what happens if you don't do the sacrificial Bowl thing only reason why I'm doing it is because I'm RP and Shadow heart at the same time as my party and my character self same what does that mean another Bowl bearing the stains of an ancient blood offering [Music] mother of Lady Shah's trials that her initiates must face this one would challenge their combat prowess offer your blood in Char's name foreign worst enemy much of the time her Embrace will elude us until we shed that which holds us back just a brief respite send Shadow up by herself Prime spot for an ambush what if I need my entire party this is is this just going to be a combat oh yeah look at this no way it's Shadow heart is my whole part oh it's my whole party okay we better bring everybody up we're gonna be fighting ourselves whoa what are you doing gal's like hell no I'm getting the hell out of here oh no okay bugged out for a second [Music] I love that sword stance while sneaking oh look at that you can see carlak up there well let's see if we can Ambush them who's on top somebody's on top too breathe deep and move well that's wolf it's called elf 50 HP all right it's like there's no way up I guess we have to just get into combat oh look we can go around never mind this must be where the umbrella gem appears when we complete the trial oh wow they went right through it the paving okay carlax in combat now that's fine it's actually pretty good and get the rest of my party around the backside all right I wonder if I'm supposed to kill my own character says self-same trial let's send Carlock over on Carlock I don't know if that matters at all foreign it's time to get involved probably I can tank for a minute let me get Shadow heart out of here there we go oh yeah this is gonna be good oh wow Gail's able to use counter spell for all the way back here on I'm gonna not react I don't want to throw Gail into combat okay let's have wolf attack wolf have Shadow Hearts and I have no idea if that even matters at all I mean these guys are attacked maybe it doesn't matter these guys are attacking Shadow so and where is Gail thank you enemy Gail he's actually not in here I wonder if he wonder if it glitched out because he was back at the door or something like that okay here we go okay gal's in the battle now oh no whoa where did he just go the heck is going on here it's go time [Music] [Music] damn come on okay [Music] wow that was that was Sunbeam for my mace the heck did my where is let's try something he is right there but I missed I could kill Shadow right now I'm just worried about the puzzle saying self-same trial well you only you don't need only one way to learn didn't even kill her so perfect all right laid Ward okay what's up [Music] I guess it doesn't matter you don't have to attack your own character thank you and there's the umbrella gem killer sweetheart when you kill a creature your next attack roll will be a critical hit once spent this effect refreshes after a long rest wow it's a very rare item we're gonna put that on karlak because she's the one that typically kills creatures because she has advantage on her Reckless attack up here I should mind my stab okay I guess on to the next trial might have to take a long rest here shortly oh no my bear didn't come there's the bear just gonna go ahead and take the long rest right away talk to people afterwards okay thank you [Music] breathing okay did I miss something up here I'm not seeing any more doors I need to find a way forward we outnumber you leave me be we outnumber you honey wrap okay this one looks like a I don't know man it's gonna be a maze or something on the bowl bearing the stains of an ancient blood offering I judge the metal of Lady Shaw's initiates this one would test their ability to navigate Her Sacred Darkness I gotta find Shadow Hearts in better medium armor I hate wearing the gift Yankee armor offer your blood that loves losing a lot of blood today sure we put in even the darkest recesses of Lady Charles in Greece I must remember where to step and have she will guide me okay past resistance let's head on in can I just jump over this whole thing yeah I might be able to hold on could fly over here okay that didn't work um thank you [Music] okay I wonder if the darkness is going to teleport me back I must remember where to step oh okay I don't know if you're supposed to be able to do that but thinking about I was thinking about spells such as you know Mage hand and Thorn Whip and things like that I don't have Thorn whip on these characters but I think I completed the trial get the hell out of here what does that lever do right there hold on I'm curious I don't know what it does I mean I got another umbrella gem so we'll consider that complete asticer night Weaver what the heck is going on here is this another trial F5 oh the Silent Library not sure if you're supposed to fight these guys Silent Library so we can't use spells um well we gotta find a way to get that door open oh we got the librarian right here oh God there's no place I can spill my blood y oh okay I guess we're doing combat without spells you know that's okay is it though I never called in already no no okay we're good leave Gail up here we should let them do their first turn and then I can maybe sneak up behind them let's back up a little bit I wonder if I could stand gal out here and shoot into this place probably not okay bring it on probably should stay right here get a little bit of cover on my left I wonder if I should shoot that thing first actually these guys are all ranged perfect oh my Bear's in combat that's okay well what is that come on Wolf you can do it yes Tome of self-step trial we already did that one must excel in some lady showers such as stealth lock picking disarming and evasion okay so we already did self evasion okay never mind that's all the one the first trial that we did okay let's um I'm gonna attack the freaking librarian what's the story failing perception checks here damn it did something not quite sure what I'm gonna have gal stay back here oops I didn't mean to do that beckoning Darkness dude he ate necrotic if it enters or starts its turn in a lightly or heavily obscured area well damn okay oh I didn't mean to do that damn okay this thing's almost dead thank you can I cast spells now oh nice now we can cast spells okay I guess we're just gonna kill now [Music] wait no I can't cast spells no I can oh gal doesn't have an action that's why damn it might hurt a little bit that's okay okay time for Spirit Guardians let's go such a good spell freaking crazy how good it is [Applause] Shadow stuff little monks bam underwear would be nice right now not gonna lie shall be done heading there I didn't even notice that guy up there [Music] not sure why that guy's Shadow stuffed away maybe you saw Carlock [Music] [Music] all right I like to use a ranged attack on Darkness this year product needs 14 to hit they rolled 19. executioner once per long rest when you kill a creature your next attack roll will be a critical hit it's so awesome that is such a good good ring come on stayed interesting okay well still haven't gotten in there yet all right I'll take the Jade I'm not quite sure we got all these buttons I could press I use Shadow heart no time to no time of Faith leap trial uh that's why the thing says go to the library first because you get a bunch of hints here [Music] trying to examine this thing oh no I don't want to do that let's see if we can just go unlock it maybe I'll set off a bunch of traps I don't see the damn hit a good roll here come on we got it no I wonder if I can use knock actually hold on Lovely Day this now step by step yes we can wait did it work no time to rest looks like a trap there what can silence the Night song [Music] lady Charlotte knows what you bury deep inside your spirit she knows what pains you and Dolls away at your very being you open with her about your failings let her place soothing hands of Oblivion upon your wounds what can silence the Night song what can silence the Night song is a gas pit in here extra Scroll of cone of cold and polymorph nice man these are all higher level spells something over there maybe not the right time maybe not the right time yes I'll have to try this later can't use this right now what can silence the Night song oh damn wow oh my God oh my God okay what can silence the Night song what can silence the last song maybe a silent the silent spell we have to insert something [Music] what can silence the Night song oh hmm [Music] you know honestly I just don't know trapped in here too um teachings have lost the night singer oh look at this what can silence the Night song Only the night singer herself Char Mistress of The Night Lady of loss her names are many but her purpose is Simplicity itself light was a mistake and life is an illusion her twin sister saluna loves light the goddess of the moon and Char loves Darkness a discordant song composed of Lies breaking the piece of Oblivion put your faith in Char as your Champion allow her to silence the false song in your heart and return you to her Embrace nothingness is all you need the Eternal womb where you're safe is the darkness with Mother Sharp okay and try it let me check this bookshelf over here I don't even care about the traps love is the cruelest of all lies used by ladyshar's foes in its disease one that can ensnare hearts for a lifetime over something as slight as passing glimpse thank you what can silence the Night song oh okay for a minute I was getting real sad because it didn't look like it worked let's go check it out whoa must be the spirit that they're talking about in that book that we just read about the Spear of nights may be important Chara's blessing if Char allows it use this spear to kill Night song foreign just to see your helmets magical durability this wielder has a plus one bonus to saving throws against spells well while obscure the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one sofa can stack medium armor so Shadow can wear it oh my God thato is really really loving this dark just this year cosplay here shroud yourself in blackest at night okay I think we're done with I don't think this was a trial I don't think it was one of the trials maybe it was thank you but let's see what that lever at the top is all about see how we're doing with spell slots I have plenty with my Ranger magic do Arcane recovery and actually with karlak we can also do recover a level two spell slot for a gal but hold on let me make sure that he needs one yes he does and Shadow heart looking pretty good I don't think we need to take a rest I'm worthy of dark cloak Unworthy of dark fur unworthy doesn't mean old rap wonder what's bothering it okay animal handling study the rat's Behavior nope we didn't get it foreign anything it's just a rat Insight consider the rat's tone and choice of words the rest isn't merely territorial it's proud place means a great deal to it seems this place is important to you why we've always been here I'm in aside we need to explore this place leave away my Nest my dog okay something tells me these rats are gonna bite me oh look at this oh they left let's send the bear up first would he really bite a bear okay I think we're good now no carlak jump okay so this brought us back to the beginning you don't know where we're supposed to go now maybe the ancient altar you know what I can do I can do this oh that's not yeah this is where I wanted to go [Music] I don't think we have oh that is it what's wrong nothing nothing's wrong at all you detect the gentlest of presences disturbing the Temple's ancient stale air seems to encircle welcoming her I felt something a presence what was it lady Shah's presence felt her too we're right where we need to be under her gaze the right path let's continue okay let's go ahead and save this we're going to call it trials complete and actually if you guys want to take a little break this will be a nice little stopping point because I'm sure we're coming up to something quite important here it's going to also have quite a lot of cutscenes I'll see you momentarily this way oh I can click on this one my guys get up here [Music] step closer to finish your shotgun I'm ready thank you things should fit in here find it all right we have another one it's like something fits here yes Gail it's called an umbral orb I don't think I have another one so I must have missed something [Music] okay well that works too wondering if I missed something or if I'm just blind and it's in my inventory somewhere I just can't find it but it doesn't matter because we open up the door so let's see what it see what's up here need to keep going oh wow this must be wearing sheets undertook their final preparations [Music] rise again oh my God this is the shadowfell entrance we're going to the shadowfell plane of existence crazy so the shadow fell in the Fey while they're like parallel planes to the material plane and the shadowfell plane was actually created by Char long ago it's a plane it's a dark desolate Place filled with shadows and Undead and the feywild is like the land of fairies and green so let's go check out the shadowfell this must be the last step I need to pray only by Lady Charles Grace did we even make it this far she had a heart nothing Shadow heart continues her prayer and silence let's leave her to her prayers all right no need to dash in ahead of me I'm ready what's going on nothing just a show of respect trust me you wouldn't want to displease her not here let's continue party is gathered you are ready also you hope are you sure you want to proceed depending on your choices the state of the region could change and some active quests may become unavailable so this is a big moment trepidation and all Ripple through you as you enter the water Beyond blood shines to me the shadow fell we've been to the astral plane and now we're in the shadowfell I'm smiling so hard right now my face hurts lady sure I can feel her all around this is her domain this is the shadow fell you cleared the way for me true so but promising flesh you are as a reward I shall let you bear witness to my masterpiece this is the dark lady's domain he does not belong here Who the hell's are you my name is Balthazar trusted advisor of General Catherine Thorne surely he spoke of me if he sent you to my Aid I had been trying to reach this place to retrieve something of Great Value and thanks to you the path is unblocked Bravo Now get on with it try not to lose your footing I'd hate to see good flesh wasted on a long fall into Oblivion hey lighter unburdened as if the softest push could send me drifting away Balthazar followed us into the shadowfell he intends to claim The Relic we should hurry after him our search for the night song led us to the shadowfell a cage lies at its base plague that claims the Night song this game is so good this is crazy okay I think we can jump we do feel lighter so wow just your soul Hunter is that thing gonna attack me see my actions lady shall hear my words of Faith what's that shadow heart lead the group here witness my adoration this way yeah I have emptied my heart I have vanquished your foes lady Shaw's will shall be done as sure as night will fall how about that music is that Balthazar oh man I was trying to separate some of my party on years that's the Night song creature is greatly weakened by their imprisonment in a soul cage singer of Sorrows crap this is The Relic it's an oh my God it's an asimar look at that level eight azimar endowed with a Divine lineage azimar represent the physical and mental experience of other Mortal creatures elevated in the long uncertain night of the pharoonian life they burn like pale inspiring torches okay something tells me this is going to be combat I cannot prevent you but you know as well as I I will come for you in her blood be anointed let's try to set up a little bit here just in case so enthralled by gory Revenge fantasies you may find yourself disappointed by real ity let us look at all these bones on the ground too something tells me they're going to be coming to life here soon all right let's oh crap I think I just oh crap I started the scene okay well it is what it is come to add more bars to my cage or perhaps to lead this would be just this year's blade directly to my heart I invite you keep more sins upon your head my retribution will be all the sweeter for them all this time and you still fail to appreciate the gifts I bestowed on you alien thing of beauty recognize its own its own worth general form he appreciates you and he wants you close at hand so I am here to whisk you back to him I welcome the sight of him after these hundred years he whose immortality I Supply with my very Soul General fall I'm sure you'll be on your best behavior for him but just in case I've taken some precautions keep back it will take quite some concentration to secure alien for her little journey the Night song is just sacrifice she's my destiny she cannot have her wait the Night song is a person she is bound to a soul cage of my creation and lending her Immortal strength her power his will and my genius an unsurpassed wolf ramblings most unsane poor Balthazar for maggots ate his brain long ago hold your tongue alien or I'll take it away from you again no more questions no more interfere she's the reason catharak form is unvulnerable you're not taking her leave or you're a dead man threaten you then you'll have all the time in the world to think on your mistakes okay oh my God damn you shooting a level three spell at me right now oh no he's doing rare sickness okay I think he casted at level three though doesn't have that much HP he has a lot of zombies oh my God not the best placement for Gail of their holy crap all right so we got this guy right here honestly I think we gotta go all out on him I don't know I don't know if I have the right spells for this let's just go ahead and start off with Spirit Guardians let's move across the battlefield here 16 16. foreign [Applause] [Music] Mr gal what can you do for me let's take a look at this guy this guy is badass though what a cool character I'm dead Ward Allied Undead within 30 feet are resistant the bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage expected entity is resistant to bloating damn I should have animated some Undead before I came down here oh oh crap oh damn gal what the hell did you just do man said she'll rise again oh wow that wasn't good okay bro if I can just run right through the middle right here laughs well we're not getting his loot but you know what I'm happy to push that guy off into the Oblivion of the Shadow fell okay well this is going to be interesting I I really didn't mean to kill her but a careless Fireball at a gal it is what it is right so many skeletons God all right this librarian needs to die you gotta be kidding me yes she's back oh I'm so happy so happy right now okay great that would hurt all of us and hurt her I don't know if I want to damage her again I don't know if I want to risk that was nice what happened to my spiritual weapon is it they're not calling in yet he did say I'll rise again so we taste Target too far laughs I'm blind right now that's why I forgot about that foreign disadvantage on attack rolls range of attack spells reduced to 10 feet tack rolls against the blinded creature have advantage that's our radius right there it's just a really small circle [Music] it definitely Overkill but that's okay nice nice nice nice nice nice nice that's awesome thank you yes the ranger of the North okay all right there we go I'm afraid this guy might push me so let me move over this way a little bit [Applause] [Music] thank you pretty epic battle though thank you [Music] half damage I think he just tried pushing Carlock I gotta kill this guy real fast we're gonna get on the other side of him though see ya come on oh don't push me that makes me real nervous [Applause] can I get my Sunbeam up that high I don't think I can we can do this though I can't get it that didn't work whatever all good it's all good [Music] the hell of a battlefield right here survival is all that matters nice reach level seven two go ahead and save this and then we'll talk to the Night song after we do some really quick looting the night song's probably like what the hell man you're gonna help me out gotta get my gold first I'm a poor boy okay that's good enough let's let shadowheart lead the way for this this is primarily her quest after all pity it was not my hand that brought it about instead was you you have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess you you have come to drive a dagger through my heart not a dagger a spear my lady Char spear her fate is mine to seal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark Justice here is to turn your heart from everything but loss you will know no love love no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you there is much much she does not tell terrible blood price it may extend beyond my own death you feel Shadow heart bristling to your bond is strong be able to sway her from the path of Duty to the path of light and Night song is not blind to your conflict behind that raging heart is the Restless beat of one who knows too well fate hangs in the balance oh man we've been with Shadow heart for a very long time now and we've grown quite close to her our main mission right now is to figure out these tadpoles take out the absolute and cut the right form it's not necessarily to interfere with Shadow Hearts religion and our goddess but my character is definitely leaning towards not wanting Shadow to go through this I think ultimately it's going to be in Shadow's hand here Choose Your Own Way Shadow heart you cannot allow your goddess to control you my life's purpose and there it is the role of the die oh man we don't even get guidance because Shadow's the one that has guidance no it's not your life is whatever you make it don't give up on yourself oh my God it's another 30 DC let's give it one more try maybe two more tries I have to get a 20 it's the only way I can succeed in this but I do feel like this is important we have a five percent chance oh my God I thought that was a 20 last chance you know what shadow heart's worth it let's keep going and this is it one more chance to roll a 20. one more chance oh if I have to step over your corpse to fulfill what lady Shah asks of me so be it your choice she made that clear this is wrong shadow but I can't afford to lose you do what you must what's that yeah intended for my heart powered by your goddess I am empowered to kill the child of a god do you know what I am little assassin for I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark what did you say much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know whatever you think you know of me won't matter once I become who I'm meant to be oh man we get some more persuasion checks don't do it Shadow heart don't kill her you'll regret it oh now I get guidance I don't think that's right I'm not gonna use it that shouldn't I shouldn't be able to use guidance Shadow heart will be casting guidance on me for me to persuade her I don't think that's I don't think that's right I'm not going to use it no we wouldn't have got it anyways so [Music] no way there it is true death at last Charles child after all and I am I am it is done you have proven yourself you have answered my highest calling chosen Warrior my dark Justice let me show you let all see how you have served me shadowed home you've pain is n't it true my charge must be cleansed be my instrument in in then you shall take up the mantle is its new leader first hunt down the traitor IC Thor summed my brace he let my armies be slaughtered he used my domain to safeguard his wretched life but now without the Night song He's vulnerable end him in my name Shadow heart let him see you in your Splendor before you shut his eyes forever once he is vanquished bothers date awaits your holy work will continue then where you first learned of My Embrace take up my spear again and go through oh got a little bit of a bug again hopefully it comes back here in a second well that was pretty crazy we killed Night song making catharek Thorne vulnerable shadowheart has slain the Night song and has risen as the last last dark just this year conferred by The Gauntlet of char her goddess commanded her to carry out a purge of disloyal elements amongst her worshipers starting with the traitor cut the Rick Thorne shadowheart wielded the Spear of night and killed Night song greatly pleased Shar rewarded shadowheart gave her a new mission to pursue and I don't know if I made the right decision that a heart might be officially gone from us now done it the dark Justice he had chosen by lady shot it almost doesn't feel real what comes next the long overdue death of cathrich Thorne lady shows Church in Baldur's Gate has yet to be cleansed a rot has set in amongst the leadership one that I must cut out even once all that is done more will be asked of Me no doubt the holy work will not be done until the night singer's Eternal darkness is restored as the chosen of Lady Shah it is time to carry myself like what does that mean exactly I still carry certain vestiges of a novice that will no longer do if I am to lead in lady Shah's name I must look the part leave it to me you'll see exactly what I mean soon enough wow wow we have very rare medium armor while obscured the wearer has advantage on stealth checks it actually works with shadowheart subclass while the wearer has shielded Faith active reduce all incoming damage by two and reflect damage received back at the attacker who takes one to four necrotic damage invert critical oh that's the helmet that I already had you're getting a full Char armor set here well we got a lot to ponder now before we go to moonrise Towers this is going to be a nice stopping point for this episode and who knows what the future brings I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 54,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate, lets, play, lets play, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, walk through bg3, guide, full game
Id: nWKmWE2BAc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 23sec (5723 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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