Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 23: The Iron Throne

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welcome back Adventures today we begin episode 23. in last episode we killed Oren and took her netherstone now we only have one more netherstone to retrieve and that's from gortash himself unfortunately Oren was holding Lazelle captive lazel was murdered by Oren right in front of my own character's eyes we cannot revive her so what I'm going to do is pick up her body we're going to put it somewhere else it doesn't belong in this Temple of ball I think we'll start this session off a little bit more light-hearted and we'll do some City exploration but first we have to take a long rest and I can't fast travel out of this Temple of ball big on set my teeth to your flesh trust me we're leaving why must the Dead 3 be so obvious and ugly with their decor Blood and Bone bones and bloods pointing nonsense now lady shark she has home on Elysium her red thoughts I'm sure the companions have plenty to say after that so I'm gonna make my rounds stayed interesting also I think I'm gonna dismiss Shadow heart and we're gonna pick up Jahira because rumor has it a Jahira has a house in the city with kids so when I come across that house I want to make sure that she's in my party also familiar with this city as well should learn better than to send his offspring against us they might as well be babes dropped bare bottom into the rashimon winter that's orange out with good riddance now that we have her netherstone we're one big step closer to finishing this once and for all okay we're gonna have Shadow heart leads blessings upon you let's pick up Jahira I would be lying if I told you I was certain we would walk out of that Temple alive we faced the ball there once before and I was not ready to count on Lucky second time but luck had no part in it just you and now it is gortash's turn we'll need his Stone to finish this however you plan to acquire it so let us go pay Lord liar a visit join me as you wish balls chosen has been bled May her torment be tenfold of that which she inflicted hey let's go talk to carlak Gail and astarion we're gonna pass Missouri by Zora is no good to talk to he's just full of Temptation hell's take that ball freak she would have bled the whole world just for the fun of it her netherstone now one step closer to getting the nether brain under control we still have to do will Carl ax and shadowheart's Quest I'm putting Shadow Hearts off for last because I feel like a shadow heart story might be quite tragic my characters turned out to be a pretty good character and we've grown quite close to Shadow heart but it might come to a point where that relationship is broken off I've been putting it off to last orange was a monster whatever her fool suppose growing up somewhere like this would make a monster of anyone good riddance to the shape changer couldn't have happened to a worse rich okay I think we're good to head off I get to level jihira up to level 11. I think she's level nine right now [Music] gotta get her a new helm improved wild strike you can make two additional attacks after making an unarmed strike while in Wild shape wow that's awesome we get a can trip I'll go ahead and take guidance so we don't have Shadow heart and then we get some more spells we get to prepare more spells [Music] and now we get level six spells heal Heroes Feast Sunbeam wall of thorns and wind walk transform yourself in all nearby party members into tiny clouds of mist it's cool I'm gonna prepare Heroes Feast though we're spending a lot of time in Wild shape form would you hear us so we can buff our party with that out of combat [Music] [Music] foreign I think we're gonna start exploring the western side of the city maybe even go down to that temple of umberly so I'm gonna head to the Basilisk gate actually I meant to go to balder's Gates we'll take a look at the map here we're gonna head down this way do a little exploration hopefully come across shahira's home at some point [Music] s where's Little Boo oh oh my God oh man did boo just turn on my party is boo now a ball assassin that's too cute okay Boo come on can I get you out of here oh my gosh okay we're gonna we're gonna have to dismiss boo I think I have to do it on actual boo though so let me go back that's too funny who is over here planning some ultimate murder plan breaking news there we go okay let's head on out let me do fear Heroes feast too [Music] so much to explore so many buildings [Music] excuse me folks coming through the grizzly bear and there it is right there the water Queen's house and the water Queen is umberly the evil goddess of the sea times let's go ahead and call in Fern [Music] Jahira probably has some new wild shape forms too at her level man will pay we're gonna leave Fern back here kind of watching over the docks she can come in as backup if we need her because she does scare everybody away it's Volo Witness oh no what has he gotten himself into both of them could just listen I could explain you have done quite enough explaining full of thank godam very hearts and minds of these good kind gentle citizens with your lies your conspiracies though you hide behind a mask of Stories We have seen Beyond the Veil we see what you really are fear manga here here attention seeker here here agent of Chaos your parasites recognition this man is infected citizens we rid ourselves of this cankerous saw today we burn away all falsehoods today we will be divided no longer for today we rise in truth this man is no enemy of their people this man could not even hurt the mouse I know I have seen him try release this man at once what's this another heretic in our midst another mind clouded by the disruptor's lies another soul to cleanse well we are nothing if not gracious let us see if we cannot lift the veil from their eyes too I love having Jahira Minsk in my group because of scenes like that Volo was in the original Baldur's Gate oh please no you're gonna die he was in the original Baldur's Gate game so Minsk and Jahira know him hey that doesn't look too good all right Boo start us off here Boo and fern the dynamic duo probably try to save Volo first there's no one larion this whole thing could blow if I don't do that right away so let's see what we can do sleet storm or I don't think I have create water prepared right now I don't even know if it's on the Druid spell us I have ice storm volo's on vola only has 18 HP though that might not be too smart if I have any water I do okay I think I think that helped a little bit [Music] the true solo guy is only level three everybody else is level eight Aura of murder of course all right buddy will be our first time trying insect plague no I think I used it once before actually an accounting house oh my God that's so cool that was a lot of damage let's go ahead and wild shape and we have new forms we have a dinosaur Dilophosaurus corrosive spit in an armor class oh can dissolve the target's Armor class 74 HP we also have myrmidons fire water Earth okay let's try out the dinosaur of course that is so cool wow it's terrifying gives me nightmares used to be afraid of Jurassic Park when I was a kid because of the Velociraptor scene in the kitchen okay I wonder if I should oh it really would be a bummer if this thing exploded I don't think I can get any of my characters over there to help anyways not in time at least by the time it comes back around to gal's turn all right we'll just stay right here coming brother foreign okay let me see if I can come over here and help with well five resistant of resistance to fire so another step forward oh damn I walk through the insect plague see if we can throw some more water I thought I had nine water on him there there may be right here I wonder if I can hmm okay foreign critical hit just to be safe I think I'm gonna throw one more water bottle I don't even know if this is what you're supposed to do but makes me feel better looks like we have a little bit of a break in the fire right there now I like how the insect plate is difficult terrain my Ranger can run through that without it slowing him down he'll take damage though we have pounce and corrosive spit and also just regular bite oh nice I have like 10 of those tadpole jars now oh no more people are in the fight now what just happens wait why are the Flaming fists in this now hmm excuse me okay thank God they're helping me out all right they're showing red right there for a second foreign shield for the win I'm gonna take the opportunity attack can we do anything here aha there we go all right Lolo you just stare right there my man we're gonna kick some butt oh man they're shooting my for shooting my Raptor hold on they're hostile towards Jahira and only Jahira oh nice just leveled up I wonder what would happen if I dismissed the Raptor form I gotta get this guy off of me right now though magean might be going with him only Mage hands seriously seriously game I'm gonna hold my ground we'll save that spell slot you know what I have Arcane recovery teleport to over here gotta figure out what to do with this Jahira situation I'm just gonna run Jahira this way remember gonna Dash see if they're still showing as red they are okay so huh interesting not sure how we're gonna get out of that pickle should get some throwing weapons I haven't been using those at all but if I have Spears and hand axes with my high strength characters I can Chuck those all the time oh foreign I promise actually know what I can do to help her out without putting my character in combat oh no that was a mistake I didn't do anything nice good all right Boo stay out of that fire my man oh no the hamster's on fire there's no way to avoid it I have extra attack with my Animal Companions now all right Jahira I need you to well it's not your turn yet okay I need you to run as far away as you can only one more enemy got 51 HP I got just the spell he's dead camera glitched out though okay uh wait was that a flaming fist member no that was ruffian ormo why are these guys after me right now and this is the last fist member I am using non-lethal attacks right now [Applause] there we go where's Volo at is the question everyone subscribes to what is mine you can't not gonna let me loot any of these characters really okay see where's Volo this fist steel watcher oh I don't know where Volo went at least the steel Watchers aren't on us right now hopefully Volo is happy that we saved him oh there he is [Music] I really thought I was John fuck I suppose thanks Arnold again what's an heroic story without a little this king of one's neck hey and you know it they say the bigger the story the more people want to kill you for it I'll tell you all about it but not here too many eyes ears and we're poems about meet me at your Camp all right we have Volo back and also I am now level 12. so let's go ahead and level up this is Max Level this is exciting to replace the spell I think I'll replace Spike growth just because it's concentration I'm already using Hunter's Mark and then we'll pick up we'll pick up pass Without a Trace sure why not got a heart's not in our group right now or I could do good Berry do pass Without a Trace and then I think with him I will we already have a strength that's 20. it's only showing 19 but it's 20. I think I'm gonna do Constitution 18 keep it simple help us hold concentration on that Hunter's Mark great weapon Master is tempting but I'm using that with karlak with Reckless attack ah and yeah we have 20 inch strength and we're good [Music] X level wizard two more spells I think I'll pick up Arcane Gates create two-linked teleportation portals so many lower level spells that would be great but I just want to test out all the higher level spells because they're so cool I'll take disintegrate and also Arcane Gates and then for Gale let's see he already has a 20 in intelligence and his ability scores were a little bit weird they never respect him from what larian made him we do have an odd number but only one I think I'm gonna take warcaster with Gail you have advantage on saving throws to main constant maintain concentration you can use a reaction to cast shocking grasp at a Target moving out of melee range yeah we'll go with that shocking grasp has come in handy quite a lot with Gail and being able to use it as a reaction will be super nice okay in Jahira level 12. see larian has her with an odd number in wisdom hmm okay that's kind of awkward here only one odd number in our main ability score don't know if it's worth it there's no half Feats with wisdom there's one resilient but I don't need that so I think we'll take a feat with her especially as a moon druid about 20 in wisdom isn't as important as like a land druid okay I could do two in the Constitution but no we're a moon Druid so we take on the ability scores of our wild shape forms for constitution so you know what I'm gonna take I'm actually gonna take alert because it's a plus five bonus to our initiative that way we can go earlier in the order of turns in Wild shape and pounce on all the enemies okay perfect go check out the water Queens Temple I do have to go ahead and heal gal a and I'm gonna call in Fern again we're gonna leave her back a little bit and also boo foreign stay right here girl we'll be back oh wave mother Queen of the deaths hear me please carry holy to her final Rest In The Deep Wilds please sorry are you here for a way of servant Holly's funeral oh it's already started out and just inside is that what that singing is for yes please you're most welcome we have much to be thankful for May the wave mother smile on you as she did hurry I guess we're going to a funeral and here is a statue of the water Queen herself umbrelly the wave mother sees all even you offerings chest sure let's give the chest leather gloves less 1d4 bonus to attack rolls that's pretty nice I wonder how long it lasts we do it with everyone ripe with magic sure we'll donate seven apples to the water Queen she must like apples right and there we go my entire party has bless active now better than nothing it's the ambulent holy day when the timber Harvest for shipbuilding is blessed by the sacrifice [Music] oh glorious wave mother poor Fury upon the Beast responsible for this Injustice leave its Master a bloated carcass in the spume quite beautiful [Music] come on man Rejoice sisters for humbly has blessed her humble daughter with a pure death her lips blew with her kiss her lungs full of her quenching word humble his Mercy saved her from a slow sinking death in the Beast shadow how dare this be Sully the safety of gray Harbor we will find its master and send in struggling into the bitch Queen's embrace not a sweet sleep like Hollis but a suffocating flood of fruitless gods and bursting flesh you supplicant what tribute do you bring to honor the wave mother's Fallen daughter I've already made attributes a fine offering always appreciated in the eyes of the wave mother those apples tribute is well received breathe deep as she permits did this person drown yes thank the way mother blessed humbly so fit to spare an ignorable death but her passing was not as the wave mother intended it was a beast who took her life an unnatural one whose very existence is an affront to humbly a wretched metal monstrosity hewned by hubris a rusting pollutant that please black blood into umbily's pristine Waters a metal Beast I have yet to meet a beast I couldn't slay if you need a hunter you found one the queen of the depths is generous to those who serve her and her favor is far less deadly than her Wrath find the master of this poisonous beast and slay him then one of her most precious gifts shall be yours this precious gift isn't drowning is it that privilege is not yours to earn and where can I find The Beastmaster [Music] perhaps you can find where the Beast takes its slumber and skewer it before it wakes all right I'll see what I can do so kiss your brow we await your return and the Beast Masters demise rejoice as the wave mother welcomes another daughter to the Deep whales oh sorry about that when our time has come there it is the chiantara river gray Harbor and that's where we came in right over there the basila skates and we have the sea Tower of balderan the Sea of Swords is way over there cool beautiful Temple [Music] what if I can you speak with the Dead on Holly actually showing that I can I can loot Holly I don't know if that's recommended [Music] hopefully this doesn't get me in trouble I'm gonna hit F5 [Music] the corpse regards you lifelessly what happened to you do you remember what happened before you were attacked black blood from a metal Beast sounds like oil [Music] what killed you [Music] tell me about this metal monster [Music] and where were you attacked I was swimming in Gray Harbor the Spells power wanes you can ask no more questions okay Holly's corpse was retrieved by gray Harbor Fishers they might know more about the Beast that killed her [Music] for this Most Holy death go talk to the fishermen [Music] flood tide is the ambulent holy Day celebrating the arrival of the winter storms sacrifice of a withered Chrome let's take off my ball helmet for a little bit scaring too many people yeah that's a good girlfriend all right we gotta talk to the fishermen this catch is spoiled you'll have to wait for the next boat that looks pretty cool for me too mate you only get as many birds on my slope as you can pay for if I allow any freeloaders my own crew will scrag me um what's going on here I hate suddenly packing the girls off without me but if that Smuggler can get them to Water Deep and away from the absolute oh okay his life and death for me too mate you only get as many as many of my slopers you can pay for he's not allowing the father to go with his daughters Captain slim as it it'll be a shame to split up the family don't you think let the father go with them oh my gosh are you serious one more time let's try one more that was so close okay this is what happens when you play a Outlander Ranger not es here I can't do it business is business even no especially in Wartime okay which Charisma does Jahira have he has 12 charisma so does Gail Bill nobody's got anything spectacular everybody Hells it's everywhere still I don't suppose you've got any experience getting oil out of sealed wood oil this isn't black blood of course not you've been talking to that lot from the water Queens South Seventh year now did you want something or do you just have an interest in fish Investments I'm looking into the depth of a wave servant do you know anything about it oh we fished out of the water me and flea here were out on the water casting our Nets a expecting to find the usual crop of halibut then all of a sudden my net starts dragging and there's a bloody wave serving all twisted up in it we talk about another docks to try and help her but she was already dead do you see anything else unusual we both saw some sort of work moving towards the docks when we picked her up but there weren't any other boats around maybe it was something big moving underwater I don't know it was weird whatever it was kinda looked like it might have been headed towards that building across the channel actually why are there so many dead fish floating in the harbor might be something to do with all our oil in the water that's too bad we can't sell him bloody waste if you ask me [Music] you better catch up to us Ray Harbor's Fisher folks saw something huge underwater when Hallie died it went underneath flim cargo we should take a look okay come on girl foreign hate to do this in the city but uh we're gonna have to actually let me use let's create Undead set of anime Undead that zombie didn't seem to actually be scaring anyone and I called it earlier there we go 93 HP mummy they're probably running from Fern right now actually in that case might as well animate Undead too let's do flying ghouls requires a much higher spell slot sure let's do it though come on guys the heck out of gal's way let him do his thing oh my God okay everybody's gonna be so scared of us now okay it's gotta be that way all right so how do I get over there I guess we gotta run around let me click over here and we'll let the Abbey and just lead the way hello mate this is the last place you need to be clear off yeah I'm talking to a board why can't I be here two words Guild business only an idiot gets between them and their shipments oh okay he's down on a ship hmm okay I'll leave you to it best idea we're not going that way so happy I discovered F10 those ghouls are noisy and here is the blushing mermaid still gotta spend some good time in there at some point hey come here kid just a ghoul [Music] oh no you're that nasty person from today's edition and balder's mouth [Music] calm down I'm just buy in a paper okay see what's going on in this balder's mouth Gazette 1492 issue 98. [Music] balder's mouth hot and scandalous spice chefs multiple affairs apiary anxiety bug bear causes bumblebee fuss toppling blow dealt to the Absolute General by brave adventures yeah that was me okay narcotics dealer dealt very high fine Sex Lies and gnomish antimine at the five flagons theater [Music] okay it's not really bad about us people are just scared of us right now I can't read the Thor ass alphabet so that's all we're gonna get out of that okay let's go check this building out [Music] the singing loot the singing loot sure let's check it out send wolf in by himself how you doing Hank oh the marks happened that's no way to talk to a pain customer can I get something to drink do it yourself do it yourself we're not giving any business to this tavern it's the last time we come to the singing loot angry half orc nice little establishment though okay so I guess we're gonna come down here lemon cargo foreign right there so this Metal Beast went underneath flim cargo immediately feather fall is a ritual spell so might as well use it you know what I mean might as well use it [Music] use Arcane recovery here one with the weave oh my God [Music] step by step okay we entered flim cargo but apart from Works we've encountered no beasts of note we should keep exploring inside we have a dead Goblin over here that's interesting the heck is this right here okay so here we go let's go ahead and use ask about a Trace invisible actually I think my Ranger has advantage on stealth checks now too but my dexterity is just so low I'm gonna send him in you stay back yeah let me do some scouting ahead here assuming that this is going to be yeah these guys are red right now we're gonna have to just face them I think oh wow the perception check oh there's like a hatch on the ground right here thank you well take that foreign cargo has a hidden basement but we found it contained neither Beast nor Master we should keep exploring the warehouse problem is how am I gonna get everybody down there without fighting the works not gonna be easy not gonna be easy at all actually I wonder if I should bring these these guys can't actually hide okay we're just gonna leave them on the outside actually let me bring my zombie it costs too much to cast oh he can't jump no can you climb no he can't no sorry buddy interesting oh man oh okay all right oh man would you get us into gal what did you do to us yeah here we go surrender two wild-shaped forms left let's see you got any cool new spells that we haven't tried out yet it's a fairy fire and not be a bad idea actually the problem is my friendlies are right there foreign let's see what this mermaidon shape is all about oh nice like an elemental these things can fly [Music] oh bro oh you little cutie are you stay back here everybody's in combat here oh I still have non-lethal on take that off swallow your battle cries fiend and wash them down with steel I want to know what this attack is all about this sludgy slime try not to hit Minsk cool hmm [Music] laughs okay [Music] see ya foreign got the upper Warehouse to ourselves rotten fish I'm actually tempted to take another long rest over there I'll need to rest it soon nice we got boo down here okay let's see what we got here Rangers are always doing fine with spell slots has plenty of spell slots it's just Gail who doesn't have that many I wonder if I have Arcane slumber such a good potion Arcane cultivation sure I drink one of those with him I think we're gonna push on a little bit more Arcane cultivation Luxor of C invisibility foreign let's Press On a time to rest another ladder right here I'm gonna hold off on going up on that I feel like I'm just gonna end up in combat myself hero you look so odd come on Fern come on girl red hammer the divisor showing up yellow right now oh look underneath him whoa what the heck is going on here schematics for subsurface vessel schematic drawing of a metallic passenger submersible spans the many folding Pages within this book the bottom right of each page is watermarked with a representation of the gandian House of Wonders so Gand is the god of craft and inventiveness the house of Wonders is a museum I think it's located in the upper City might be in the lower City it's a museum of inventions the Hall of Wonders is in the upper City I know that that's like a Temple of Gand all right let's stand up and see if we can converse with this guy how many further can I go hi what's this you ain't supposed to be down here mate you spot a curious metal Contraption in the water a submersible that's submersible why is it here what is this place the only poor in this whole bleeding City that matters now why are you here did gorthouse send you bring my party up and music is so good we know that this is done who will die non-type for a month these ghouls are quite loud okay let's try some deception here boss sent me to check up on the situation down here no news is good news right especially with the rough water between here and the iron throne no prisoners lost in a last batch of runs either though then servers of humbly are making the trip damn near deadly bloody salt is always flopping around in the water I've almost hit one or two now might have been nicked one off the port Bell the other day maybe they'll teach them to keep out of the way I've never heard of this Iron Throne it's an underwater prison most secure in the Realms myself and cap are the only ones who can make it there in one piece Lord gortash keeps some gondians there collateral to keep those working in the steel watch Foundry under control I need to get to the Iron Throne do you know boss never sends anyone that away but prisoners okay let's try deception again it worked the first time I don't know what to tell you he sent me ahead and said your payment would follow 25 damn it foreign bye didn't I tell you to fuck off take me to the iron throne now yes they lowered it still 20. I mean we could get away with a 16. if we get lucky on the guidance Roll come on give it to me games oh to use one Inspiration Point just one get out of my fucking face with that how about you talk to my bald friend hi what's this you ain't supposed to be down here mate you spot a curious metal Contraption in the water oh nice we can do it hold on let's do it with Jahira or Gail because they have the highest charisma [Music] all right well let's try I get a plus one it's really not that big of a deal nice no news is good news nope bloody soft maybe I'll teach him to keep out of the way all right let's try change it up a little bit you killed one of those Servants of umberly now they want you dead oh yeah and are you here to make good on that I'll make you a deal take me to the Iron Throne not protect you from umbrelly's servants bloody mermaids I'll take you in but look there's some bad shit going down in there you don't want to get involved neither did I but it was them or me I'll get cat warmed up get in when you're ready we're actually going in the submersible well this should be interesting all right before we go into the submersible hatch right here might be a good idea to take a long rest considering I have basically no spell slots left with Gail and I have no more Arcane recovery charges but let's go ahead and do that quickly and it looks like Volo is here and wants to speak with us so it is Splendid to see you again my friend if you hadn't saved me from that mob I'd be pending a guide to the afterlife based on first-hand experience perhaps it would Hazard a guess as to why the mob turned on me [Music] I assume you criticized Archduke gortash he controls the city now I can't remember if those were ball so I think they were let's go with number one or in the red controls a Syndicate of killers perhaps you've pissed her off we already killed Lauren though but that's okay quite right but it is not Oren herself who has marked me for death it has had dread Master the Lord of murder has returned as he did a hundred years ago Paul has set his accursed sights on balder's gate and his temple runs red with the blood of the innocent orange is his chosen and like shadowvok before her she is able to take on the Savage form of the Slayer if the Slayer is not stopped it will Slaughter every living thing in this city as one of those things I'm particularly eager to stop it and there is a way I have a study of the Beast penned by the wizard illenicus himself it remains all of the knowledge needed to slay the Slayer now I just need a brave Adventurer willing to face bowels chosen and to put the knowledge into practice well that was a reference to bg1 and 2 sarahvak from bg1 and then irenicus is the main antagonist from bg2 um we've already killed Oren though so let's go ahead and tell Volo I'm happy that this Choice exists here I already defeated the Slayer you triumphed over balls chosen such a historic deed must be documented in every gory detail you and I shall pen the book of your experiences together but I suppose you'll have to deal with their lipids first please do tell me when you've thought of every apocalypse that's currently in motion Clarion has accounted for so many permutations in this game it's crazy at first I thought he wasn't we weren't going to have the dialogue option to tell him that we already killed Oren but larion has accounted for that so all right let's check it out are you sure you want to take the submersible to the iron throne it's so interesting because the Iron Throne is from Baldur's Gate one it's confused here as to how it's being used it was a building in the lower city of Baldur's Gate aren't you the Intrepid little Adventurer digging and Diving where you don't belong what are you doing here gortash the Iron Throne there it is dark past that could become a template for a brighter future it is the most useful tool for motivating my Gandhi and Workforce key to the construction of the steel watch that keep the city safe but like all tools the moment it ceases to be useful I will break thanks to your trespassing that moment may have come return to the docks or the depths of everyone inside will be on your conscience how many lives will be lost the Iron Throne was taken over by cerevac in Baldur's Gate 1 and then ultimately destroyed and now it's at the bottom of gray Harbor here that building looked exactly like it looks in Baldur's Gate one okay we're not going to listen to gortash we didn't come down here to go back let's Dock at the iron throne that was a mistake when the corpses start to wash up on the shore remember you could have prevented thank you what's that dwarf doing well this is cool ever thought we would be doing underwater missions yeah larian did a great job on the depiction of the Iron Throne building he played bg1 you wouldn't miss this all right so what are we supposed to do we reached gortash's underwater Command Center also known as the iron throne we need to find Grand Duke Raven guard I didn't expect that I guess it makes sense if it's a prison we spared red hammer umbrelly's wrath for now and have charged him with taking us to gortash's iron throne well I don't have will in my group right now but we can't fast travel we're gonna have to do it without him where do I go metal hatch well that was quick oh my gosh escape to the submersible dock before the Iron Throne collapses six turns remaining oh crap okay all right Boo I guess we're going down this hatch right here too okay so we're already at the submersible so Gandhi and hostage Gandhi and hostage Gandhi and hostage I guess we're saving the hostages and there's ravengard all right Boo or Fern you go down first check it out for us girl [Music] we have a green hostage and then these what the heck I guess that's what we're facing off against a lot of explosives down here we have a door foreign all right let's see if we can find ravengard says that ravengard is in this cell right here probably not rendering in that you can barely see them okay well let's go after Raven guard I mean I want to save all the hostages actually because this is kind of my fault gotta love her wait wait the lever I don't think my animal companion can hit the lever foreign next up is Boo come on buddy all right we'll send boo after this guy I'm coming I'm coming all right it's a hero's turn um we'll use Jahira to rescue can I reach any of these Kenwood Dash let's see what happens all right then we'll come over this way and get the other one are my character is going to be at the move super far because I'm a wood elf with crusher's ring I think I still have crusher's ring on and also a long Strider I cast on my entire party after that long rest and actually hold on see do I have any no potions of speed but I think I do have hold on death is put a word away haste that's for 10 turns wish I could cast it on Minsk and my Ranger that would be amazing I don't think you can cast it on Target yourself or an ally an upcasting doesn't Grant any additional benefits okay so let's go ahead and cast aced on Wolf and then survival we'll go on down and Raven guard is this way yeah look how far I can move that is just crazy six turns we made it halfway to Raven guard okay I wonder if I can get by this guy I can't without taking an opportunity attack I can get all the way to Raven guard right now let's kill this guy right here first come here buddy nice this guy's a champion all right Gail um gotta make sure that we maintain concentration I guess I'll bring him down I don't know if I should go down any of the hallways with him let's go right over here we'll just stand on the outside and then Minsk little butt kick for goodness we'll send Minsk down let's see oh there's a lot of hostages all right Minsk you're gonna go this way my man you can handle this Corridor by yourself I think you can can't go as far with him I do have Misty step though get it once per short rest save it oh I also have the flying boots forgot about that oh they're throwing Nets that's not good it's not good at all holy crap it's not gonna be good if I get trapped by a net I don't know how to get those things off and this music is intense got some Gandhi and gnomes right here or halflings they're probably gnomes because gnomes are known for their inventiveness Ganda is the god of inventions but ever call a gnome a halfling oh no oh my God one HP run gnome oh great they're popping up everywhere that's not good it's not good at all all right um great all right Boo I'm gonna have you would love to close the door on this guy that would be hilarious I wonder if I have like a wall of stone or something prepared right now that'd be perfect oh no careful boo foreign gust of winds let's use conjure Elemental and we will do I guess I'll do water versus water these guys don't oh yeah they don't have any resistance to oh they do double damage with colds and double with lightning I think the water Elemental does cold damage I don't know which one it is though is it the myrmidon or the elemental one of them does cold one of them does lightning screwed that up Winter's breath okay try that nice and it might be time to Wild shape here we're going to use Jahira to hold off I think we have some hostages down here though too that's yeah crap all right Shahira give me your tankiest form activate the owl bear oh man I love when wolf and fern fight side by side Minsk might need some backup over here five turns remaining oh my God you guys aren't very good at throwing nuts are they all right Gail where do we want you to go [Music] honestly I think I'm going to leave him just right here in the middle I don't want him to lose his concentration we could help out Jahira a little bit or could help out wolf or boo anybody coming this way nope all right let's uh let's go this way a little bit we gotta get ravengarden out of here and I'm gonna do a the scorching Ray without a spell slot damn that was really good and back up a little bit I do have made chance too let's call that in I'll have that help out Jahira all right five turns remaining jukes and there he is look it's raping guard hey buddy oh man he's only got 29 HP collected entity must obey the commands of the fiend directly controlling it Azora all right I'm coming guys give me a freaking second get them all in one I think oh no why did the door close uh oh not enough okay hold on did that not open okay I think it's unlocked still stuck fast by some we have a faulty door there you go buddy all right well go get this one now you know what I should do I should throw a potion at Raven guard we have any good potions here greater healing Superior healing so yeah let's throw one of those hope I can't see you buddy [Music] all right hopefully the throw doesn't hurt them could throw it right here sometimes it's risky though because you're not sure if it's actually going to give them a Healer if it's going to land on the ground I think this will work nice 32 HP okay got a chest right here you are for the absolute's glory no foreign let's go baby oh be cool if I threw this and then blew it up it's gonna go right in still five turns I love Hunter Rangers they're the best run oh we get to control Raven guard holy crap that's awesome doesn't have an inventory though ravengard probably has a high strength yeah look how much further we can move if we jump Resort uh what are you doing here well look who it is I was hoping you'd bound along a bargain's a bargain and I've come to see it through Mia fioria kneel for me well we're here to just this is what he wanted after all now stand back and enjoy the show oh man oh the heck was that come on boo put a big fat owl Bear right in front of the main hallway here all you need all right what the heck's going on here combustion belly spider leans 18 HP combustion belly creature takes one to six necrotic damage each turn and detonates upon death oh my God like suicide bombers spiders um okay well that's not good got one right here we got wolf back here good thing is it's fire damage so my character wolf can take it pretty pretty good Raven guard has 48 HP right now let's go ahead and I think I want to try to like block the door or something I'm gonna take the opportunity to attack and just move right up here try to get in the way of these spiders or something I don't know if I should kill this one right now gonna blow up we could do these ones all right y'all this is where I ended up muting my microphone and not realizing it though the rest of this battle you're not going to be hearing me talk in the actual moment but I will narrate it just a little bit so you guys kind of know what's going through my head and right here I decided to give telekinesis a try on ravenguard who was stuck in the Neil position because mazora commanded him to kneel I was a little bit unsure if it would cause a lot of damage to him or what so I hit the F5 button just in case we tpk later I can come back to that spot and there goes ravenberg smacks into the ground but only takes three bludgeoning damage in the kneeling condition is now gone but he is currently prone it worked out pretty good much closer to the ladder now then when it was ravengard's turn I decided to have him go up the first ladder then I did a little bit of RP because this is the Archduke of Baldur's Gate well currently gortash is technically but ravengard is a leader and even though he may be under the control of a devil I decided to have him stand guard on the ladder instead of going up to the submersible before everyone else a little bit of RP action there now ended up freeing the hostages in the Western Wing and we're starting to head back to the latter there's only two turns left until this place collapses unfortunately at this point I'm realizing with only two turns left with Jahira I don't think I can save the hostages in the southern wing because I wouldn't end up getting Jahira back in time most likely and the hostages won't make it either so I ended up retreating with Jahira which was sad but it was all that could be done in the situation or I could die down there with Jahira and the hostages so now we only have one round left until this place collapses and I got Jahira out of there I cut it really close with my character and the companions here far too close for comfort unfortunately Fern wasn't able to climb two ladders the game wouldn't let me click on both of them so I had her go up the first ladder and then just have her stand guard over the hatch as Boo and fern are summons and they can be summoned back they can't actually die and they know that and here's where I made a really really big mistake that almost cost a gal's life so gal doesn't have that much movement speed and what I did was I used the globe of invulnerability for a little RP because I knew that the Gnomes in the Eastern Wing were not going to make it because there's only one round left so I decided to use the globe and vulnerability it just kind of RP in my mind that the Gnomes would run inside that Globe when the place collapses and then somehow they would be rescued and saved but I didn't realize that the globe of invulnerability caused a gale to move wasting some of the movement that I needed to get him to safety I didn't realize it was a 10 foot range spell so when I cast it gal moved up and I lost more than half of my movement bar now I'm trying to figure out how the heck am I going to get Gale into the submersible but I did figure out something and that something was using dimension door I was really trying to figure out do I have enough movement speed to move my character up to cast dimension door and then teleport Gale to the base of the ladder and then still get my character up too and mathematically it seemed like it was going to work so I went ahead and gave it a try I was really trying to be able to just do it up to the second floor but there's no line of sight and this actually saved gal's life you'll see here in a minute my character has plenty of movement speed to make it out of there now you're gonna see with Gail we have to climb up the ladder and then I run out of movement speed luckily I still have Misty step because I didn't use it initially I decided to use dimension door with wolf accuracy this actually worked out I actually couldn't believe that I pulled that off I was also able to save Minsk as well due to the get Yankee boots that he's wearing which gave him the fly spell if I didn't have those he probably wouldn't have made it either unfortunately there's still a lot of rock gnomes down there but we're gonna RP that the globe of invulnerability save them not sure how they would get to the surface though and then I realized that my mic was muted so we'll get back to regular gameplay calmness greets you as the submersible slice to a halt unlike the Iron Throne you remain intact the same cannot be said for most of gortash's hostages to cravengard approaches you looking confused tadpole but under my protection now just like you like you his mind is his own again I'm free in my own mind again holy we're in the album is naked for granted you have my gratitude friend you acted quickly decisively no soul who fell here did so in vain I will honor their sacrifice there he is how did you end up in the Iron Throne it's where gortash stores his playthings his keepsakes I am his head no longer and my purpose certain I will wait at your camp we can speak more there oh man ravengar coming to our camp we actually made it it's an honor say goodbye to cap and come up the hatch when you're ready okay let's dismiss this owl bear so that doesn't happen again let me talk to the Duke one more time I'll get to your camp we'll talk there okay so let's head to camp this should be interesting we have a few hostages here I just I I can't thank you enough I was certain that place was to be my cold wet tomb I just wish more of us had made it through good morning Lil Wayne We were kept Hostage to control our families and the steel watch Foundry to keep them building gortash's death machines please they need to know what happened here they have no reason to obey gordash anymore if they Rebel it'll put a dent in go Tasha steel might interesting all right I'll help The Foundry workers Rebel gone Smiles on me this day thank you yeah the prisoners seem happy with what I did so that makes me a little bit happier we also picked up another Quest it's a Grand Duke Raven guard is safe at last we should speak to him at our camp the Iron Throne hostages we saved asked us to go to the steel watch Foundry and liberate their families that seems like a quest that I would like to take on instead of instead of confronting gortash head on right now we should do that you were to administer unbelie's Justice instead conspire with the Abomination he who sickened over with blood sir black the sea itself chokes Gods they're not you have to help me step out of the way protect him and unbelievable swallow you whole I don't really like this dwarf he helped us but he has a major disregard for sea life in these priestesses of umbrelly he's all yours man right and you thanks for nothing prick we surrendered red hammer to the wave servants after all Justice needs to be served wave Brothers Rogue oh this is cool resistance to Fire and cold damage and if the wearer is standing in a water surface at the start of their turn they heal for one to four hit points and you get great water let's put that on Wolf real fast just so we can see what it looks like the rest of my party is still in the submarine right now let's just take a quick look um um I don't know if that's the type of a tire that wolf is comfortable wearing but it will give it to Shadow heart if you know what I'm saying all as well that ends no it doesn't matter [Music] where's the ducats where there's oh there he is first you cleave my heart in Twain now you shatter it to Pieces my son a monster twist it beyond recognition to think my blood flows through those veins is this my fate to be freed from gortash's Hell only to be trapped in yours it isn't what you think it never was you turned your back on me on your city to chase the she devil and her power stinks up the place even now it is exactly what I think [Music] Wills devoted his life to protecting the coast he's used his power wisely there is no wise use of the hell's powers father please there's something I must show you Raven God's tadpole clenches as your memories Wills will listen to him the Grand Duke sees Missouri and her infernal sisters he sees the agony in Will's face as an impossible choice is set before him no my son past becomes present and Will's thoughts are laid bare ravenguard sees will partnering with mazora to defeat tiamat's cultists before they could lay Siege to balder's gate and he sees everything Beyond the nautiloid journey the perilous path to moonrise the astral prism the emperor within well everything I did I did for Baldur's Gate I did for you it's the truth ravengard will has always been a faithful defender of Baldur's Gate my son soul to save Boulder's Gate and I cast you out for it you gave yourself to the hell's Eternal fire so I might walk free by the Gods can you ever forgive me there's nothing to forgive you wanted to protect the city I only ever wanted the same you are a better man than most and a better son than I deserve Elliot make amends but my duty is first and foremost to the city and its people something I must ask of you go on before I was captured I was on a mission returning from El Doral I discovered the plans of the absolutists I immediately realized that City couldn't defend itself against such an army I didn't despair because the city has a secret Guardian a worm that sleeps beneath he can be called upon in times of great need this is such a Time you've been trained in the ways of the great Champions and proven to be one of them the worm will answer your call you must seek him out a worm are you saying there's a dragon living under the city a bronze dragon yes he sleeps beneath us even now awaiting a hero to Rouse him the worm goes by many names answer The Waiting storm the heart of the gate he promised Boulder and he'd protect the city if ever its existence was threatened but just the once since then the city has faced countless threats but we always overcame there was never a need to call on the world [Music] until now the absolute is the greatest threat Boulder's Gate ever faced the worm must be awakened and the task Falls to you [Music] the legend of anser an ancient epic ill remembered dismissed as a mere tale let it set the path before you lore is incredible will what do you make of this Boulder's Gate stands on the brink of the Abyss my father was Clay we awakened the worm and take back the city or valorous than bouldering himself May the city know the truth of my only son pride of Raven God pride of Baldur's Gate well that seems like everything worked out pretty good with will and his father the legend of answer Luke gravengard told will the only way to save Baldur's Gate from the absolute Scourge is to awaken a powerful worm called answer sleeps under the city a Tome called The Legend of answers key to finding the entrance to the worm's lair he retrieved a book called The Legend of answer we should read it [Music] Baldur's Gate great balderan's birth oh baldran founder do veneration his Guardian Dragon answer tremendous and worth a savior below are Eternal Elation to warm ways Neath prison's deepest level to be found by not a soul nor devil with a lightning shock a true heroes spark flickers the torch is a light and worms eyes shall awaken a glitter trials no common Adventure May exceed when each day sends forth new ones to their Fates one great hero by the founders will decreed shall only once grant our age the heart of the gate the trials we have to pass trials to awaken answer that sounds like it's going to be a fun Quest these quests are coming out of nowhere right now it's crazy what's this of a true hero Spark we'll finish what my father couldn't we an awaken answer the heart of the gate oh bouldering founder Jew veneration his Guardian Dragon answered tremendous in worth a savior below our Eternal elation how about a translation well I don't speak Bard consider this to wormway Leaf prison's deepest level that must mean worms Rock prison that's where we'll find the entrance to this wormway then this with the shock of a true hero spark flickers the Torches are light and worm's eyes shall awake a glitter to open the way we'll need to spark torches this dragon on saw was balduran's Ally we'd be fools to let him sleep while the dead three's chosen raised the city reunited with your father how does it feel will it's complicated there's the joy of reconciliation the relief of forgiveness and the anxiety of new expectation it's a flurry of emotion I'm not sure how to make sense of it focus on the relief finally your father knows the truth relief my last seven years have been defined by the secrets I carried I feel light is a feather now that I've shed them when I left the city my father saw only a boy carrying the stench of the hells now he sees the man I made of myself once all this has ended once we've crushed the brain and freed the people I could once more call Baldur's Gate home whether I return there well only time will tell [Music] okay let's have a chat with some of the other companions uh I've had a lifetimes feel of watching little men buff themselves up with grand titles I look forward to the day we show the Archduke that his tongue is not half so silvered as he thinks you're not interested in his offer Jahira to walk to the [Music] sincere but even if we unite to command the brain it's not as if we can leave the city under Bane's Boot Hill once it's done we'll be back to the same old battle still if you see sense in making an alliance I won't question it I'll just look forward to the inevitable breaking make sure you are refreshed before we set out again friend the road to justice is paved with kicked buttocks [Music] Lady of Sorrows guide us I have a chat with mazora I bet you're pleased with yourself saving Raven guard and me in a single swoop go on do your gloating you've earned it damn right I did my father is safe and my chains are broken it's a trick It's gotta be a bargain's a bargain right indeed to bargain and the man who skirts are sworn packed is living on borrowed time for now you've tipped the scales in your favor all it takes is a whisper for me to tip them back what do you mean about tipping the scales in your favor why look for hidden meaning when the words are laid sober sides now is a time of Celebration I am sure you and Duke Raven guard have plenty to talk about one attack mazura will disappear to the hells in return after a minute I was about to kill her right then and there okay we're gonna lay lazelle's body down in the bed right now if it's possible that'll have to do [Music] and let's get out of here actually gonna do a partial rest and let's head back to the city to do a little bit more exploration try to find jahira's house we'll go to the gray Harbor Docks we could return to the water Queens Temple see what they have to say about everything that just happened I can't give up now all right Fern I'm gonna need you to stay back here girl we missing where's Tahira oh no uh he's stuck there we go it's raining a little bit I wonder if we should get our blessings again we'll be all right you tamed The Beastmaster we thank you friend okay all right let's head oh cool could go over we could continue to save the Guardians quest which will allow us to explore the city a little bit [Music] let's do that and this is the harbor Masters office right here if you sail a ship into gray Harbor you have to speak of the Harbor Master pay your taxes Etc looks like we can't get in there though I guess we're gonna go around it I love these moments where we're just running through the city streets with nothing really going on interesting blocked off over here [Music] hmm okay oh North a little bit [Music] if we'd only push through I don't know [Music] it's peaceful isn't it what if we can get over up here one must be prepared at all times so many NPCs that we can chat with it's crazy oh my gosh this is the house of grief we have found a Sharon Lookout called Ferg droger he revealed that The Cloister is hidden in a place called the house of grief in the lower city of Baldur's Gate I think I'll do that Quest perhaps next episode is that Shadow Hearts Quest I think that deserves its own start at least the first half it deserves to be in the first half of an episode we found the house of grief interesting I don't know how we get over to this side of the city can't even click over here huh wonder if we have to go back let's go back to great I think we have to get inside the Arbor Masters office see what we can do medium toughness door deals 22 damage okay hold on hmm I wonder if I would get caught right away if I jumped over there okay oh this is the steel watch Foundry okay I thought it was the harbor Master's office unless they're both the same and I guess the steel watch is new so they've taken over the harbor Masters office yeah this guy's coming back so we got to do this quickly yeah it was ripe with magic hmm never gets out a line of sight interesting I can't go through the gate I can nope I can't all right well this is going to be a little bit scary I might have to cast a spell this robot's Gonna Come Back I think I'm gonna have to get up on top of [Music] on top of this all right let's do this we're going the whole corner here and turn okay we'll leave gal up there let there be something [Music] okay and now we're going to foreign that'll keep us safe for a little bit I guess we didn't even need it wow yeah this building's pretty serious here is where they're manufacturing all of the steel Watchers as that gnome told us had my attention okay I think we can probably sneak everybody else around just go ahead and end turn who says come on up Jahira can't get up there there you go foreign which means they won't attack on sight but yeah I don't think I'm supposed to be here not at all so I think if they catch me it'll be a dialogue scene where they either send me to prison or kick me out or attack thank you every kicked buttock another step on the path hey we've made it in live in more interesting times I wonder if Buca Di run just run right through that gate right there I tried that okay let's call in the bear companion let's see what we got here put in there okay oh wow man yep it's pretty serious right now black gauntlet okay I have a plan go into cat form see if we can get in there oh interesting that is so cool you didn't you couldn't figure out how to get in through the front door if you didn't have the right spells go through the vent all right we're gonna send you here up though in cat form because I'm pretty sure that the enemies don't attack cats if we can scope it out in here a little bit like I can't get up there but there are some boxes here a strong cat [Music] I can't climb on top of that [Music] feel too high there'll be another box around here [Music] you can't climb on top of the barrels I guess [Music] my old bones creak ever ready don't think I have to sneak with the cats Security office right here let's check our Quest again throwing hostages we saved asked us to go to the steel watch Foundry and liberate their families so that would mean that we just probably have to fill everything in here right you will die today beg and scream all you wish I have an idea for a new watch or one that could flatten the city with a single swing and we have another Security office here so I wonder if we could get in there before we do combat maybe we should check out these Security offices and maybe we can like disable something I wonder if there's like a vent or something that I can get in go down check it out here in unpowered Prototype form stands a completed steel Watcher the proudest achievement of The Foundry and a tribute to the untiring efforts of the bay night overseers many events around here doesn't look like it okay so let's bring everybody else in I guess we're pretty easy pretty safe to sneak over here [Music] keep it down Minsk probably want to sneak my party here though soft and sure as hunting hamsters stay away from that Vision cone oh man everybody get over holy crap oh damn okay I think we're okay um oh the The Bear and Boo never go into stealth there we go the gal was caught right there though but this guy seems to be I don't know if he's coming at us or if he's running from the bear that he just saw let's press on everybody get the heck out of here whoa whoa careful gal I'm gonna do this in turn based it is far away from this phone as we can come on come on guys keep it moving oh crap crap crap no nobody's doing I don't know what he's doing but we might have to subdue this guy all right let's just find out what happens I guess you got a problem brother you got a problem my man I would get out of here too be quiet you tell any of your friends I'll send my bear after you yeah that's what I thought okay okay all right we're still good get everybody together go back into stealth and then we're gonna take Gail do knock you can you shall find me quietly as I can nobody's in here right now it's a diagram of mechanical designs not just written but ridged so that blind fingers can trace out their shapes okay regarding the gandhian Gnomes day night confidential though it's important to cooperate with our siblings who worship Merkel and ball remember that Bane is the Tyrant it is Bane who rules subversion and capture of gandhian operations in Baldur's Gate is a bay night project particularly as regards to the gnomish artificers there are ours or more particularly mine they are not to be tadpoled as that would expose them to control through the absolute hierarchy instead they are to be locked in incineration powers that are remote controlled by Prince Key's motivators I want those gnomes aware of what they're doing and deeply unhappy about it when the Watcher project is complete the artificers are of no further use the survivors will then be tadpoled they're locked in incineration collars that are remote controlled by prinsky's motivators okay got some underwear up there foreign restricted area entrance only with Lord gortash's permission violate that was close I wonder if I can get up on those pipes it's too high I might actually be able to cat just can't jump high enough you take potions with cats yes you can I even need to hide her I'm not sure it doesn't look like I do actually it can move a little faster as a cat around here better hurry up I only got a little bit left on this oh man what the heck is going on here let's go into turn based mode surgical bed brain removal dude cortash is up to some sick stuff in here the inscription reads fresh supplies for the steel watch courtesy of necromancer Balthazar wow we killed balthazarback in act two okay if I came in over here we got to get a little closer to down there and see what that's all about here comes the this should be interesting I don't know okay we're good no need to stealth as the cats you're not open this door without my key this entire operation relies on you following this simple rule and I will personally cleave the head from the neck of the idiot who does otherwise black gauntlet Hans Rives moving no big deal it's a cat controlling the elevator this brought us back to the first floor okay go back down hold on can we talk to this guy hold on could try this hold on I'm gonna try this this is really risky this is a gandian let's go ahead and back up over here oh no it doesn't let me yes it does a lot let me speak to him what my house look at that collar around him [Music] working at it brother all right back into cat form we go I wonder if Raven form if you could fly around without being recorded okay let's see if there's something we can do here go back to that door all right Wicked or wise God man look at this this is crazy I think I'm gonna have Gail come over if it's possible we're gonna use knock on that door problem is hold on do I have I never took invisibility I do have gaseous form though if I have a potion of invisibility I don't or scroll dimension door Misty step okay let's try this with Gail I got to get him a little bit closer though super risky being right here okay and then let's go ahead and prepare gaseous form I probably have like another spell to oh god oh crap crap crap there's probably a million ways that you can do this but in the moment this is what I'm thinking of so let's go with it okay I have this until concentration so I think we can probably just yes we can a little puff of gas no big deal here let's get gal over here could put them on top it actually now might be the time let the steel watch guy go past before I dismiss my form why are you sneaking around yes okay so here we go rather have these two together all right let's do this right now before those things come back I don't know what the code is but I might be able to guess it if I die taking down the Titan that will be a good death I love you Xander tuben mentioned that if the proper coat is entered into the neurociter IT triggers a fatal cyanic feedback loop of brain jars right here we hit F5 we've done a lot right now oh my God if one steel Watcher here a couple steel Watchers okay peculiar head is part of an automaton but it doesn't resemble any steel Watcher you've encountered the neural switchboard all right okay so I think I have to be all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do this with Gail because I can always cast gaseous cloud in combat which will save me by wild shape with your hero they'll still attack the the cat let's move to here over here that guard doesn't seem to be affected by a meow okay yeah I'm not sure not sure what this is going to do but this is this is gonna this is really risky oh man okay we're also today awaits your input wizard intelligence call upon your knowledge of ancient scripts to decipher the symbols the new roster is the epicenter of the steel one controlling and connecting every single Watcher in this city technology is far beyond anything you have ever seen more than magic or steel to this story I don't think pressing a button would be smart right foreign let's do it the machine doesn't respond okay so now we gotta figure out something okay so I've been wandering around this place for like a half hour not able to figure out what I need to do to disable the steel watch so I fast forwarded the video a little bit and now I'm back in the first room and I have Jahira here and also wolf and what I'm going to attempt to do is try to talk to one of these gnomes right here without getting into combat or a cut scene with these black gauntlet soldiers so I have wolf sneaking up oh what'd I just do oh crap here they come I didn't mean to actually meow that early but it seems like it's working now we gotta take wolf damn it I wasn't ready for that this probably won't work anyways motion of speed would be nice right now than hiding did we though it will stay back here let's see what happens maybe I should do it again I'll move this way a little bit all right oh no they're all coming back oh no okay hold on back to Jahira well this might actually be it I don't even know if this is gonna work but we're gonna try oh okay and and tormented us to the brink of insanity you cut out my my eyes rip the motivator from this bastard's hands for God okay well that didn't work thought it was worth a try and we are now in battle the gandians are fighting with us so that's good I have gal all the way back over here I'm gonna leave him over here let's get minskin boo involved and also my bear all right Minsk we need you to pull a little sneak operation here a little stealth attack come on up my brother also move the bear up here too soft and sure as hunting hamsters so much fun just trying to figure out this stuff there's just so many different ways that you can handle things all right maybe we'll help out Jahira first we can get over there I think I can from up here oh okay I guess we're taking the upper path all right I thought I was going or we took the lower path I thought I was gonna be on the second level but fair enough okay here we go who's already in combat let's just rush you down there my friend and let's get my bear let's actually stick to the upper level with the bear reinforcements you summon an additional bear to fight alongside you I didn't even notice that holy crap these Animal Companions are getting some cool stuff all right and then we're gonna I wonder if I should just belly flop into there right now be 17 damage and also prone we'll just jump right here okay probably get out of wild shape right now and let's go ahead and recall lightning I almost want to do it down here though I can do that without taking an opportunity attack looks like I can try not to hit that gnome nice from a wild shape into something that will actually help us here this guy is his eyes were taken out nice the gnomes are pretty powerful it's okay Aura of Terror is a very bane-like thing nearby enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws all right Mr bear let's go ahead and oh I don't have only be cast outside of combat oh I can't call in another bear oh man a friendly fire there gnome [Music] all right wolf time to kick some ass get you right down here I think because they're green I can do AOE attacks they're yellow then you can actually hit them so I think we're good here foreign there we go that's even going on here wow look at this oh my gosh just noticed that it's a diva Deva he's a Deva look at that it's like zaryl almost level 10 Celestial damn oh no that's not good that's not good I think we gotta go help out these gnomes even if it means an opportunity attack two opportunity to all of it that's there's two of them in here I can barely see them ah let's see the Gnomes die then my whole plan of talking to them isn't going to help at all so we got two right here they're looking pretty good in HP that guy's getting kind of low kind of low all right two opportunity attacks enough movement what the heck I thought it was good another opportunity attack okay 10 damage not worried about it belly flop time yeah we got wolf that guy and that guy hard to tell who's who actually I thought wolf was one of the enemies where's my spirit Guardians when I need it we ended that guy's Spirit Guardians which was nice with that owl bear leap initiate collar detonation sequence activated no the motivator whoa that's where is that thing oh it must have been on oh man levitating this device will make something explode well we gotta get to that immediately okay let's I don't think my bear is gonna be able to do anything just goad disengage and move this way where's our wizard will meet him all right mint's coming to have you Dan freaking surrounded holy crap I wonder how much time we have with this thing wolf can get over there too okay we're gonna hold our ground with Minsk okay not too bad and then I'm Gonna Run Wolf over here I have full HP okay let's see what this thing's all about oh great oh man I have a minus one though imagine if I roll the five and it went down to a four I'm speechless I'm speechless oh man okay well thanks thank God for the inspiration this has to be a joke right now this has to be a joke that was close yeah that was close oh my God all right now let's just try to save these gnomes I mean I I can't believe that they just that I I'm at a loss for words okay let's just carry on the mint seems to be doing kind of fine actually everybody seems to be doing fairly good all right foreign an enemy right there so if we jump right here that'll be perfect or if we jump right here we go rupture I think hits friendlies I don't think we want to do that we're getting all the attacks that I get it's crazy fuck sucks on the clerics not on your team you guys keep passing their saves get him boo kind of hard to see in here all right Minsk let's go our effects where'd that Deva go infernal mace pretty nice Hill switch protocol rinsky's motivators of supreme baynight means of ultimate coercion but it's useful solely as a deterrent and not as a weapon when triggered the user has only moments to deactivate it before the prison tank charges detany and the hostages are killed as long as you hold the motivator you are safe from the gandians they know that if you're attacked their loved ones will die motivator can be activated easily with the correct input Security office Key Well we don't need that we've already been through the entire place safe key Lord go attach will go far and if you're right to hit yourself to a star all right Minsky get down there my man said F5 we're doing pretty good okay actually tempted to bring gal back now I don't want these gnomes to die that'll be a hell of a journey back I'm afraid to cast gaseous form right now I don't want it to activate combat foreign oh no Jahira we didn't get a chance to cast lunar mend 45 chance I have no more wild shapes falling in Elemental is that gnome a little heal oh boo go thank you [Music] scorching right that wasn't scorching right all right let's kill this guy first because it looks like he's we're gonna have advantage on our attack not enough movement really huh the heck I do have enough movement foreign disadvantage from Aura of Terror keep spalling on his grease oh no but uh oh great nice good care of that okay 13 HP 28 HP let's do nice I'm gonna toss the heel on this guy 10 to 31 damage it was fun fighting with the Guardians laughs face speak to xanner tuben oh no we're in combat again the motivator is my little girl is obedience safe she is don't worry I would give more than just my sight to keep us safe our destination is the neurositor the nerve center of the steel watch guide me there and I'll do the rest agreed let's finish this this prison we're bringing this place down we got tubing in our party now nice okay let's do some looting and then let's try to give gal some backup we talked to this guy again I would rather just tell me what to do then you Rosita lies in the depths of The Foundry okay all right let's do it's better than nothing I don't think I want to take the elevator because that would put me right in front of those other guys go back up the way we came I'm gonna try to stealth Mr tubin here where gal is at go ahead and hit F5 actually I'm going to take Jahira first and we're going to go into cat form let's go check it out oh man these guys are all in combat with each other oh damn my water elemental's in here brother you got to get away from me foreign we gotta get tubing all the way around I wonder if I still have dimension door I do okay let's see what happens here oh somebody's in combat who is it we got to get all the way to over here it's pretty open problem is actually my work this actually might work let's go into turn-based mode that's not going to do anything water Elemental is really freaking me out right now okay tube and get down hello me sir I don't know if this is a smart move oh my God holy crap oh it's the that water out the water up Monitor marmadon and the bear are now in combat that's gonna mess up our plans a little bit all right come come down here my man stay crouched forever God I am so close right now being spotted there's no vision cone showing for him oh my God no brother what are you doing oh my God that was insane all right so what I need to do now is I need to try something close to the red as we possibly can actually I wonder if I could hold on would that require me to move no really oh really hope that tubing doesn't go in the red oh there's one of the parasite jars up here we're collecting those not using them but we're collecting them I have like 18 of them on Gale all right we have made it to the room that gal is in still don't know what I'm gonna do here though like are they going to doesn't look like there's any way around I don't have dimension door anymore you have an amulet of Misty step and a scroll of Misty step two that's equipped on C step would get one of us over wait elevated gyroscopes triple sec quadrupex oh can't be what is it what's wrong I hear it through the floor powerful indestructible the ultimate watcher the Titan I know the confident appraisal oh damn girl I'll show them the flaws in their design it shames me to admit this but you must face this Beast of Gandhi and Folly alone I would be crushed in an instant when it raises its Shields Strike It with every scrap of magic and might you possess and pray to God that it does not fire upon you good luck my friend okay I see it you're gonna throw my whole stealth Mission out the door right now Xander two been warned us of a steel Watcher Titan guarding the foundry's control center to prepare ourselves for a fight oh and he's he's gone now are you serious a brother my whole plan where's the boss in here he's underneath us all right well that complicates things a little bit actually a lot of it I can't get over there with her later to look evil in the eye even if it'd be very small foreign foreign that might work I do have fly too hold on okay hold on let's take I have fly with him and we can give the Misty step amulet to Jahira all right let's bring these two back oh I don't know if I'm gonna make it back said hiding failed but I made it up all right let's give it I can't tell if she's gonna end up in combat or not in her cap form maybe I should just try I'm gonna try it let's just walk into the oh man oh we know the answer to that now see where these guys go okay oh nice the water Elemental came out too oh he is still here he's right here come on man we can sneak in there and do this telling you I'm telling you buddy all right I'm gonna send the water Elemental I can't I'm gonna send Ursa back I hope you can't open the door with Ursa Hey look right into combat holy crap I think we're surfing into battle foreign foreign and we can sneak men skin and I might be able to get her to the Next Room they're all shooting with the minus two to their attack rolls oh damn that's not good there we go it was absolute Madness wow that is close we have fly for 10 turns we see if we can fly in stealth that would be awesome oh damn there's a steel Watcher up there holy crap you're running out of time it's going to turn base oh damn it didn't work oh great okay all right all right Jahira I need you to get all the way down there might be able to do that let's see Wild shape charge doesn't cost me nice okay hold on it's a bonus action so let's go ahead and disengage run all the way over here bam can we fight though who is not used to this taking of turns oh to see if this works okay it worked now we just got to get you here over there though that's a bit of a problem a little bit of a problem hold your ground brother ninja hero to survive until it's her turn foreign [Music] from low grounds never good [Music] oh my God no no dude this has to be a joke is this is this serious okay I have to take the uh I have to take the opportunity attack I got maimed this is nutty everything that can go wrong is going wrong I was just going to take one opportunity attack and then Retreat through the door she's screwed all right well ah old all right gal you stay right there guess we're going in here thank you I think we have to fight these things 206 HP I can't waste any more time this is uh this is crazy [Music] okay he's got 369 HP these little ones have 206 lightning don't even have lightning spells prepared look to Queen six foreign huh only attacks don't at least 15 damage can harm the steel watcher what the heck is this redness around Gale right now it's got what doesn't have Hunter's Mark zero damage there we go 16. oh I do have a lightning Arrow let's go baby threatened right now can't push this guy I think I'm going to take the opportunity attack nice finally something goes my way about 36 percent oh that was a lot of damage that was a lot of damage this healing itself though [Music] oh no way I'm not standing in that that was bullshit I don't think I'm surviving this this is crazy oh great now he's in it too what if I threw water and then used the arrow hold on what if I back up a little bit through water now it's wet let me move back up that loose Hunter's Mark no I didn't all right Mr Gale I Need You To Survive my friends let's see what we got proportions or Also let's see what we got for Scrolls phone of cold no lightning Scrolls step disintegrate I'm pinned down right now 16 chance hmm cannot be Charmed next to 48 radiance I wonder if that would mess up his wet condition I should be careful with that [Music] all right Minsk okay won't leave me alone oh that was big time damage right there foreign want to keep this guy as far away as I can from that fight and also this guy though too so let me move I guess I'll move right here no okay all right let's get nice and close now let's try ah come on man it was 72 chance all I needed that would have been so much damage all right still wet right now let's go ahead and swing I guess doing pretty good actually I don't know about how we're gonna kill these other ones but what if I could run away go resurrect your hero something tells me of this other room though probably not a good idea to go back into it let's go 80 damage left or 80 HP [Music] foreign get away from the gnome a little luck on our side finally I don't know what was better multi-attack or Kona cold that wasn't good all right we're all the way back here with him again Yale's almost dead too minor Elemental might not actually be a bad idea right now get this guy off of me all right let's do ball of ice damn that's a lot of damage too what if I could cast it foreign that was a big waste still haven't really like messed with the walls that much I don't even know what I just did but it didn't work that's for sure I was trying to cast it right here so this thing would just take continuous cold damage but that wasn't it didn't work back up a little bit more because I took damage last time come on come on let's go laughs it's going to heal itself again foreign maimed heck was that your little bunny hop all right oh no that's not good that's not good all right Gail finally you're free bring him all the way over here I wonder if blight would be a good spell yeah he has 91 HP all right let's move over here let's see curiosity what our percentage chance of Landing that is seriously I'm a little bit out of the range okay things are gonna go wrong they're gonna go wrong that's for sure okay I'll take it okay he's no longer wet so I'm going to back up again I think that was working I'm gonna throw another water okay now it's wet let's go up ah I'll be nice if I could get both of them I can here we go zero damage man I have no more of those lightning arrows but maybe I have some in my bag no I don't ice arrows I have to do how much damage in order to hurt it 15 damage really hard all right we're gonna take a potion we're not done yet and we'll just take a shot at this guy I guess all right if blade doesn't work on that Target all right trying to kill this damn thing okay so they self-destruct you get into a certain HP detonation and pending all right Mr bear I'll remained right now whoa I get one of those things to explode on top of the boss this would be so much easier if I have lightning spells right now I've never fought steel watch before car hit Minsk by accident oops ice breath is two to twelve it's not going to be enough damage to deal anything oh nice okay might be come on come on come on we have one Hunter's Mark on there and it's from wolf I think we're concentrating on it too though foreign problem with dual wielding is I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough power to let's just do Sunbeam I'm gonna have to hit Gale come on I need pause actually distance I didn't realize that [Music] okay so you know what this thing also okay so it's only vulnerable to cold damage I think when it's wet I thought I saw a cold vulnerability on there now it's just showing lightning okay 22 damage here we go completely out of potions now we have Arcane cultivation no think you can take me on there we go foreign thinking Cloud might not be that bad I wonder if this thing won't be able to take actions if I did it in this area don't get too excited it's not over yet I didn't think it was possible that I was gonna kill that thing all right let's focus in on these things now we'll help out Gail guess we'll run up this way uh-oh this guy might attack The Gnome now foreign that's incredible not enough movement so close thank you I wonder if this would hurt me yep I think I need this guy to survive I might actually go over and help him with Minsk see if we can get another goad awesome okay now let's move this way I think the gnome will be fine swallow your battle crys field I wash them down with deal we'll do Focus fire a lot of damage right there seen his MVP right now that's for sure thank you gotta stay out of the way of the Sunbeam I'm about to do oh man okay I don't think I should even shoot it I don't want it to detonate early ersen's been the best foreign no oh my God this is crazy this is actually crazy don't have any potions don't have any heels I got nothing right now nothing we gotta just go in for it now I think this guy's gonna come towards us let's see where do I want to go okay if you attack if you attacks wolf again that's fine he uses of action I'm gonna go right over there gotta give him the face this way come on tubing need you to pull through right now let's go right over there with Minsk too let's arrest oh I do have I do have cure wounds but that's not gonna be enough not gonna be enough tell you what though let's see we got four to 16 with that I am going to I am going to use cure ones I use it on Minsk ah and foreign stay away my man thank you not detonating there it is okay wait Oh I thought it was going to detonate damn scared the crap out of me tubing you got to get out of there my man is tuba gonna get out of there I hope he does come on tubing [Music] are you serious he's still in the detonation this can't be I have to push him yes it worked okay we gotta let's hit F5 this is one of the craziest how many counters I think I've ever been in the turn-based Tactical RPG and I have to say I think I was the uh the underdog coming into this one especially with a missing companion or a dead companion and no lightning spells foreign yet I want to make sure that we complete this the steel Watcher Titan lies destroyed at our feet we just need zanner to begin the foundry's destruction have no heels no short rests no healing potions we're also to I can hear its hum Ilia it's painful I helped design the steel watches toiled night and day on the first bipedal prototype this week I will bring down not only the steel watch but the very Foundry itself this place will be smoke and Rubble when I am finished are you ready my friend okay I'm actually hold on let's switch to Minsk I'm a little bit worried that if I blow the place right now to hear us actually I can resurrect her back at camp never mind it doesn't matter and we can resurrect resurrect to hero with Withers back at Camp I don't think I've needed that service even once yet so I almost forgot about it what are you going to do like the the neurosis extremely impossible to penetrate however its inner circuitry is highly unstable I'm going to rain fire opponent from the inside out do it gone let your Hammer be my courage your furnace my heart what is the harbor Master's office crumbles behind us sound is as sweet as a well-oiled cog yet we paid the price in blood so few of us remain gone's name will soon Fade Into the annals of History I must leave now and gather those of us still standing look after this city my friend I pray treats you better than it did us and this will be a good time to call it quits for this episode I don't know how my characters are still standing but we are so great time to take a little break thank you all so much for watching I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 91,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, lets play baldurs gate, lets, play, lets play bg3, walk through bg3, guide, full game bg3
Id: FDIK0FLl4mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 6sec (14166 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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