Baldur's Gate 3 Evil Tactician Gameplay Pt. 8 (Grymforge & Into the Shadows)

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foreign [Music] [Music] are we live is it working Andrew Walton hello you guys hear me please don't turn this into Hack and Slash I don't get it what would I be turning into Hack and Slash D.L Brown hello Harry what's up T what's up mate Yasmine Gonzo Larry [Music] my first time here live here in the last hour of the last episode nice are you watching uh almadura are you watching the let's play series are you watching the live stream let's play series out of curiosity because I have two separate runs going right now a few people have been confusing both of those characters [Music] but my non-stream run is a what else it's a neutral good run and my live stream run is a Dragonborn and it's an evil run okay well thank you all for being here tonight we're not going to waste too much time because it is Sunday night and I know a lot of you guys got to work in the morning so what's up LG we're gonna head to the tavern and Jump Right In last session we teamed up with near and there was a lot of death in grimforge so today maybe we'll finish up Grim Forge and then maybe head to the mountain pass starting to get really uh really excited to once again leave the Early Access content and head into the new areas so that'll be really cool if we make it to the mountain pass tonight I don't know if I actually will there's this one character that I'm hoping that we come across a very famous character in The Forgotten Realms and I plan on trying to kill him and it's going to be epic and I think I'm gonna get my ass kicked but I plan on trying it and if I succeed I will take his head and put it on a pike at my camp to The Tavern like a Rudolph Ranger can't wait to see how the rest of the story goes man it's getting insane Andrew I'm a few episodes ahead of what you guys are watching because I don't want to release all the episodes in one day but yeah oh the next episode's pretty crazy moonrise Towers is a lot of fun Witcher Steve thank you so much for the 499 Super Chat having a hard time waiting for the PS5 version help yeah yeah help you you gotta you gotta you have a PC of any type you have a Macbook do you have an old PC because you can play the game on GeForce now right now you'd have to buy the game on Steam though but you can play on GeForce now which is like a streaming service you might even be able to play GeForce now on your PlayStation 5 right now and play ball for skate 3. so make sure to look into that a lot of people aren't aware of that but basically almost everyone can play Baldur's Gate through right now even if you're on Console you just have to look into what GeForce now is well thanks to the Dono more death for the tavern is Right hell yeah Todd what's up a change from Ranger tank to Paladin yeah you know the ranger tank can be a little underwhelming at times the ranger just fits me Paladin's too powerful okay can't play a paladin unbalanced that would make the game too easy all right let's jump right into it it should be coming to Xbox but uh larion's latest update on that is 2024. they're having a lot of development problems with the series s and Microsoft has a requirement where you must release a game exactly the same on the series S as the series X that gives a lot of developers problems in an amazing game like Baldur's Gate 3. the series s isn't really cutting it so larion's having some problems with the split screen capabilities on the series s so they're not able to launch it yet on Xbox but like I said GeForce now I'm not sponsored by GeForce now I don't give a shit if you guys play or you don't play it but if you're looking to play ball there's gate three look into GeForce now a lot of people in this community also vouch for it you might seriously be able to just start GeForce now up on your Xbox right now and be playing Ballers Gate 3 tonight with that said you would have to buy it and then you have to buy it again on Xbox if you plan on playing Xbox in the future but hey Amy's what's up okay let's uh let's do it Midori binge the last two seasons thanks Amis I appreciate you watching I know it's crazy okay near asked us to report on a situation to moonrise Towers this might be our chance to infiltrate the heart of the absolute's power minthara told us of a creature in her service who can guide us safely to moonrise Towers we can meet him and his minions at the mountain pass adwergar mentioned the adamantine Forge was nearby shadowheart told us that she had allowed her memory to be suppressed so she can serve Shar without compromising her so we're going to focus on the adamantine Forge right now this is actually content that a lot of people miss so let's figure out what this adamantine Forge is all about really got to do some inventory organization I was running behind though and I like to do this off stream because it takes me a while we'll figure it out I'm not sure what my split's gonna be yet either two or three into Warlock I haven't really thought that far ahead I just know the sore lot can be a really good DND build we're gonna test it out a little bit I should be hitting level six maybe tonight we'll see it's weird having a Starion in my group because in my other care my other group I don't have anybody that can pick locks don't give up now keep getting my Dragonborn and Astoria mixed up they both got white hair hey chief what's up appreciate it a little bit nervous about about the adamantine forge on tactician I wonder like some of you guys might not know what's there so I don't want to spoil it yet but I'm wondering how much more difficult it's going to be if at all the heat of ownership let it be known from the far dream to the Firelands from more Denver to the spawning deep the iron hand gnomes the blessings of The Shield of the Golden Hills declare possession of the tunnels Open Spaces peoples and contents of underdark territory beneath the Western heartlands ignore this deed under penalty of imprisonment or death walburn Bongo all right let's um let's go unlock the Waypoint I think I got most of the loot here but what's oh freaking barcas man this is the gnome that we saved from the windmill the bloody amulet yeah we're gonna pick that up because I think the bloody amulet's actually going to be a quest when we get to the city of Aldersgate locations of Interest elf song Tavern blushing mermaid Moon Haven ruins underdark Waldron likely taken by force so walbrin is barcus Root's friend and he's trying to find him I will find him so when we get to the city I want to pick this book up we should be checking the elf song Tavern the blushing mermaid Moon Haven and well also the underdark while we're here um but when we get to the city elf song and blushing I'm assuming that Wolverine is going to be in one of those places watch your back okay so we could get up to I could Misty step or jump over there um could go a different way too so that's progress let me see if you can get over from over here oh no they don't let you don't let you sneak on by over here so in that case could go back here I'll tell you what we're gonna do let me see if I have a potion of strength I do I think I'd rather use this than use my Misti step scroll so now we should be able to jump look at that we don't even need the entire party over here and we got our first mold here the splint mold this is going to be really heavy used in forges to cast armor and weapons so let's go ahead and send that to Shadow Hearts we're going to be doing a little crafting today y'all if I can finish the adamantine Forge that is I don't get my ass kicked lawful good Barbarian kill the Starion the moment he tried to bite him that's funny yeah I can understand why Starion dies in a lot of people's playthroughs he puts a knife to your neck when you first meet him and then he tries biting you picture of lightning resistance bark skin and scroll of blink so I was testing out blink On My Level 8 wizard a level 9 wizard pretty good spell really cool like right after you finish your Wizard's turn um the game rolls a D20 and if you get 11 or higher your your wizard goes into the Ethereal plane and basically just becomes a wisp and then that entire round of combat nobody can Target your Wizard and then when it comes back to your Wizard's turn hey I'm back to the material plane you can cast a spell and then after that you might go back to the Ethereal plane really cool maybe I'll try it out hey back oh yeah what's up Tavern brawler it's funny thinking my storm cleric that sounds pretty cool immune to electricity damage nice hey Sven you had a right click on items and send them to Companions that way too you know what's cool is I didn't know this until I put out my video today inspect things to inspect enemies I used to right click on them and hit examine all you gotta do is hit t that's it it brings it right up that saves the step too that's nice look at that with that said I'm you know a thousand something hours into this game if you include Early Access so my habits have been formed so I know um larion updated the guidance mechanic to where you have to choose if you want to cast it level one or two or something like that and in my other series I I keep forgetting I have to hit guidance twice to get it to work but people don't realize I've played Early Access for like 1200 hours and only had to click on guidance one time so in the full game when that gets changed it is very very hard for me to click on guidance twice because I am just in I've formed so many hard habits in this game I don't even think about what I'm doing my hands just naturally go through certain movements and when larion changes some of those things up it really throws me off all right so we unlock the Waypoint so we can get everybody else over here and I think there's another mold right here oh dark prison we do we have another mold and this is the mace mold you know honestly I might even do the mace because I don't have a good weapon for shadow heart right now although we're probably gonna get one when we go to the mountain pass I'm using a crappy mace with her Rocky thanks for the five pound Super Chat I will just want to thank you for your content I've been enjoying it for many years I can finally get back I appreciate that thanks man thanks a lot very generous pg3 is so good hell yeah all right so we got two molds I think there might be like five total we also have to find some mithril ore and I'm trying to think here do I want to do we want to go down to the forge right now or do we want to do this little side area over here oh there's some Metro ore right there there's also Mithra ore down here too okay let's go this way I'm a little bit nervous about the adamantine Forge right now I think I would rather come down here first and let's just get it over with how amazing this isn't that incredible the environments in this game this definitely feels like the minds of Moria on Lord of the Rings hey Dooms what's up Andy big Shield armor would last a lot longer before the update comes I don't really get non-lethal damage either Scott I haven't found like it actually doing anything besides just making me feel a little bit better RP wise if any of you guys in this chat figured out what non-lethal damage does besides make it look like the the opponent is alive but then they disappear to never be seen again I was hoping if we use non-lethal um I've missed a couple a couple molds crazy new I was hoping that if we use non-lethal like later on the game that character would show up or something but I haven't really been able to test that out so all right so um there's no sense in doing the forge until we get some ore so I'm going to come down here now if I remember correctly if it's like Early Access we're going to get some methods that pop up out of the lava here and I'm actually not quite sure how you don't become surprised I'm not sure how you can find these without them finding you first but we're gonna we're gonna test it out give it a go I'm actually going to pop mirror image lasts for 10 oh hide again us for 10 turns interesting what happens if I stand up yep okay oh shit I'm here to test things out for you guys okay all right the good thing is the rest of my party is right here so it should be fine nice shadow might be a little bit far away oh damn Shadow surprise she might end up dying we better better get a shot off here these guys are vulnerable to cold um so let's go ahead and let's do a prayer Frost take one of those bastards out shadowhart's almost dead holy crap and then we will do an ice knife that should be pretty good hold on do I have any oh my God I have sleet storm are you kidding me holy crap watch this you guys ready for this although hold on sleet storm doesn't do damage it just creates a difficult terrain and interrupts concentration so I don't think that's going to do anything um all right let's stick with we'll stick with ice knife see if we can get a couple of them I wonder if I hit the ground right here if that would hit them you know what honestly I seriously think it might be worth just hitting Shadow heart here we go okay maybe it wasn't oh hold on we still have a Starion bro stop hold on come here Shadow I'm gonna get you back up baby I'm gonna get you back up oh God bless hey bros you love ice knife me too it's a new spell that we didn't have in Early Access all right um yeah well I guess we're starting off the session like that shadow heart's been murdered and you know what I'm okay with it I am okay with it should also have chromatic orb you non-lethal the goblin kids the question is did it do anything hey honey what's up hey I recognize the uh the name from the YouTube comments thanks for stopping it say Lil jimberg haven't been watching as much as I wanted who's wolfheart Romancing and I mean who am I not Romancing come on right right chat you know what I'm saying like the hag Withers you name it it's been done I'm actually gonna stay back a little bit this isn't going as planned you know what in my defense we did test out Shadow heart standing up to see what would happen so I think she would still be alive if I didn't do that hope they end up adding artificer it'd be pretty cool there's some artifice or characters in the game the class is referenced quite a lot that would be a really cool like three months down the line learning and announcing another class this is different playthrough depends on what playthrough you're watching Zool man this is my live stream playthrough where I'm playing an evil character on tactician the uh the non-stream series is a different character yes if that's what you're talking about [Music] okay okay this is how these guys want to play seriously all right you guys ready for this chromatic orb is perfect for this situation ninety percent with disadvantage let's do it this is gonna hit my character too you think I care wait how come I can't whatever hey gold thanks for stopping in I'm worried about your choices of romance true all right it's time to get serious I'm not playing games anymore I'm at disadvantage oh cause I'm disarmed oh heat metal man the sound effects of the spells in this game are so good well this turned out a lot harder than I thought it was going to be hey Melbourne what's up thanks thanks for watching thanks my next playthrough will be a circle the moon do it man the Druid class is so good in this game and they're so it's so cool too owl bear Panther saber-toothed tiger like it's so cool I don't know what the shapes are after that but I think there's even more than that foreign costs an action to pick it back up pretty powerful it's what that's what should happen when you push a flying enemy they shouldn't die so that's fair enough give me my dagger back boy what do we want to run with a Starion it will do Rapier for a little bit with a Starion kind of cool all right I'll tell you what we're gonna do here you guys ready for this this is what you call taking risks see that does that really only hit one come on man might as well just do ray of Frost are you kidding me can you say rape here on YouTube yeah charm works for me enemies can also go for the kill and balanced it's less often hey thanks Chima Channel I appreciate it the owl bear is insane bonus action leap that does damage and prone I know it really is insane it's so beefy too it's got like 60 something HP at like level eight or something like that level nine all right I wish I had like a melee cold attack which I don't you have Thunder Wave it's all about the cold damage right now okay you know what I wonder if I can actually get all the way up here no okay everybody's disarmed right now I am going to take the melee attack my character's almost dead and then we're gonna ice knife this guy without disadvantage this guy's lower HP it's probably better to Target this guy come off the battlefield you know what I'm saying and then maybe we'll take a potion I feel like I need to save the potions though we're about to come up to a really tough battle here soon a little Spore Druid action right there I think I forgot to cast some biotic entity I still haven't figured out how to use wall of fire at the practice of wall of fire and Wall of cold oh he's messed it up when I try casting it [Music] yeah the reason why um oh God the reason why chromatic orb only does damage to one is because these creatures are flying and it does a surface effect that makes sense Wildfire plus ice storm qualifier does not break ice storm it's not break ice from ice storm wow that was powerful all right um let's go ahead and back up out of this fire and let's do a another ice knife Delilah see ya yeah we're gonna be a-okay could go res Shadow heart too I like how these little methods have heat metal it's funny and that's a wrap folks oh wait there's one left what the hell is he doing down here see if we can get off of Ray of Frost is interrupted seriously damn I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get it off from up here nope guess we're going back down this way I'll be risky imagine jumping that IRL right near that little Gap right there really liking the Combo level 6 heroism spell that prevents poison disease just dropping Cloud kill on my party and being fine the deadly combination you got right there ice knife why not right let's get this fight over with I guess I can't gotta make sure to pick up my weapons okay there we go we did it go get Shadow heart let's get our mithril ore we gotta pick up my weapons here nice sweet all right Dragonborn I've actually been using I've actually oh never mind I changed it I keep forgetting I have the staff of the Arcane blessing which allows me to cast bless with my sorcerer but I really really really enjoy the falar aloof sword even though I don't use it as a weapon I just use it for its abilities but I can't find it in my inventory too much of a mess these boots have seen everything a little help please don't run oh God don't run to the lava oh my God I thought I was running into lava right there okay we should be able to take this down with a mace the Sharon registry a registry of proud followers recruited by her loyal Paladin Patrick Thorne okay so cut the right Thorne was a Shar follower horse resistance damage against this entity has doubled what about bludgeoning should be fine using the mace and there we have it our first piece of mithril ore not sure how many total pieces there are in myth in Grim Forge I don't think I'm gonna spend the time to search for them all but if we can craft one piece of armor that would be pretty cool or a mace damn fly ice storm holy crap really good Scrolls all right so because I used up some spell slots that fight let's go ahead and take out the other skeletons that are on the top side of the forge here before we come down here and end up doing the boss fight because I'd like to do a long rest before I do that fight and then after the boss if we are successful then we'll go figure out the monk side quests that you can activate in Grim Forge but you can't actually complete it until you get to act three and you make it to the city oh crap careful that was close oh there's another mold right here wait is this different was it always animated armor I feel like these were skeletons before am I crazy or psychic resistance and poison resistance anti-magic susceptibility held together by The Weave itself this armor is incapacitated by anti-magic fields Phil what's up man thanks for watching the let's play series and thanks for stopping in during the live stream thanks for the 20 Super Chat wolf is the master of the bg3 universe keep on showing us all this amazing thanks Phil skull brother I'm 50 hours in and still debating between going through the high road or underdark don't forget that you can do um you can do like a good amount of the underdark content and then go to the mountain pass you just don't want to press too far on the underdark and I think that point of no return is going past a grim Forge but you can still do the majority of the underdark thanks Phil that's the mold you're talking about okay we're gonna take a look at it right now um it looks like there's only one enemy now I feel like this was like three skeletons before but what are you gonna do you know all right let's just surprise this jabroni and push on [Music] don't go up there buddy I was gonna try to turn that off if oh there is two okay okay I see what's up I wonder if there's a third one hiding around here somewhere that's real close I think this is the heavy armor mold right here which I don't really need in my group although I do plan on having menthara join my group at some point I don't know what armor she's gonna have on I wonder if this will work there's only one way to find out shit okay all right there is there's four of them now oh dude where was this guy what the hell okay okay guys gold I guess it's time to kick some ass let's go ahead and let me back up over here I gotta do symbiotic entity shield in the armor you get makes you immune to Critical Hits is that one of the benefits because you can already oh you know what larian did change up the heavy helmets it used to be when you picked up some of those heavy helmets helmets in Early Access you would get immunity to Critical Hits but I think they changed that a little bit and they made that they made the helmets a plus one to Constitution saving throws all right let's do symbiotic entity it's like a true Spore druid very nice let me see what spells I have prepared here we have sleet storm call lightning plant growth we're looking pretty good Shadow heart we're gonna do some Spirit Guardians absolutely you know what's interesting is I have a hill giant strength potion so you know what I might be able to do that might actually be able to get up top here let's try this we're gonna try some stuff hey Samantha been playing d d for 10 years I'm old now let's see if this works oh my God look at that the potions that you can use in this game sometimes they can Amaze you oh really you're not gonna let me do that seriously game really that's that's close enough come on give me the jump I'm surprised I think larion might have widened that Gap a little bit whatever happened if I took a shot from over here we use distant spell 88 percent that I could do poison resistant psychic resistance that was actually really good both of those animated armors are pretty much dead right now we're going to take Shadow heart we're gonna move her up take our Spore Druid we'll move him up leveling is really fast in this game not finished at act two and I'm already level nine just act two at level seven or maybe I hit level eight row and I finished act two okay let's finish these guys off in one cast of call lightning right here not sure if that's gonna put me in combat nope I think we're good nice and then Shadow heart she's not in combat yet so we're gonna go do Spirit Guardians combat I didn't expect that okay well it is what it is we can go all out with our spell slots because I'm gonna rest after this I forgot about a Starion over here with his buddy nice should we bite them too imagine oh no you can't bite a construct of course the Starion would try though right gotta push this guy out a little bit get him out of this corner nope I can't how much does this guy weigh 80 pounds okay we'll pick this Moda oh I'm not close enough hit Level 10 around the Act 2 big fight wow that's crazy I was level seven for that fight and I know I was under leveled because everything I was fighting was like eight and nine I mean you would think it would be pretty slow to level in act three levels like 9 to 12. yes press ahead this is why Spirit Guardians is so good if you do like a cleric build with Spirit Guardians and you play like a Wood Elf to get that five feet movement increase and then you take crusher's ring to get another 10 feet and you just run around the battlefield and never get close enough to enemies to where you're gonna proc an opportunity attack you just get close enough for the spirit Guardians to hit them I mean you could literally do like 100 damage just by running around the battlefield with Spirit Guardians in one turn probably and that doesn't even count you using your spell slot and if you play as a light cleric and you have like Fireball people are sleeping on the cleric class and telling you might be the most powerful class [Music] [Music] I lost concentration on call lightning fifty percent just want to kill this guy that's it I think that sucks with the Druid and the cleric you don't really have like that many great combat can trips I thought that would be pretty cool [Music] can get plus 10 movement I've been using um long Strider quite a lot with my Ranger I can tell you that much that spell is badass and he adds a ritual you can just cast it on all your party members and your Animal Companions it's crazy or cleric with moon Druid sounds pretty cool look at that you just walk right up 18 19 damage then come back this way hit another enemy it's crazy not even using my actions who needs an action oh shit I always do that hit my spare Guardians by accident you think I care I'll Fireball this bastard right now watch this if danton's in the way then he's in the way it is what it is you know what I'm saying okay downtown if you don't want to move this is definitely Overkill yeah what does it look like I care nice Fireball such a fun spell okay let's go ahead and do a little looting and then we're gonna go down into the adamantine Forge and see what this boss construct is like I don't really have like a person who can tank or hold aggro in my group right now so it'll be interesting to see how that works out I wonder if you can craft all of the uh all of the molds in the full game scale Mal they buff Spirit Guardians it doesn't work like that in 5B it only does damage on the enemy's turn interesting all right let's take a long rest hey shy I think I found at least three chunks in Early Access maybe more shy I think you could only craft one though poorly is uh look at her right here it's so sad I wonder if I even have camp supplies oh yes I do bring methyl oars you're able to craft two things oh and the full game shy raging Barb slash monk that sounds pretty awesome you guys are looking for tips on Inventory management I mean you're looking in the right place this is called chaotic organization say something right now I'll tell you tell me something right now and I'll find it within three seconds somebody type something in chat find it within three seconds Revival five scroll done right there done next level two healing potion easy just hit tab you scroll down here right there done any any other any other items you guys want me to find didn't think so exactly get on my level all right let's go kill some things still breathing let's get going with Heist thank you Paul I don't have a ball no ball in my inventory right now you know how I know because I know every item in my inventory and I know exactly where it's placed everything is strategically placed in my inventory legendary gear I mean it'd be nice if you gave me a challenge legendary gear is a special color find that in half a second this must be the forge okay what do we got here I remember last time I was here in Early Access it was bugged bus completed we got past the rubble all right all right fair enough something tells me this isn't going to go as planned I think this might be a shield of Faith type of thing here so let's take let's take animate dead and equip Shield of faith [Music] I'm not playing the dark urge they'll in Act One Nolan okay here goes nothing let me think um what do we want to craft here is the question I'm thinking about doing the mace we're doing the mace we're doing the mace and then I'll replace Shadow heart space with a better one when we get to the mountain pass I just want to know like what the what the stats of the mace is going to be I can't remember [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you we got to be careful here I'm a little bit nervous could send all my food back to camp I'm gonna put my sorcerer right here I'm gonna put Shadow Hearts no no no I'm back buddy you stay right here my friend we're gonna take downtown we're gonna put him over here six or seven mold options yeah we're going with the mace now Starion you're gonna be our movie special lever guy even though I think you can shoot the lever Wheels and levers in this game now all right you all ready for this or what because it's seriously about to get absolutely crazy okay I'm losing all my mirror image arriving in style I rather like thanks Shaq you can shoot levers yeah larion changed that from Early Access remember the first time that I came here in Early Access like how terrifying this was quite a first time run through a game is always the best oh shit dude what's this going to be like on tactician I probably have like 800 hp visuals remind you much of the early 2000s fantasy trend looks a little different okay oh man mighty mighty 450 HP let me just make sure I always gotta check this okay we are on tactician bludgeoning damage against this entity is doubled McDouble pretty much everything else doesn't work only bludgeoning all right so what we're going to do is we're going to take Shadow Hearts we're gonna move her right here [Music] we're gonna try that again and I'm going to throw an alchemy potion you know why because the main thing is just getting this guy to aggro onto my character 50 chance with guiding bolts not going to cut it so let's see if we can throw doesn't need to do damage just needs to pull aggro I don't know if it's the right call but I think this might be a smarter play okay because if we throw it at him it's gonna hit him no matter what and it didn't and it didn't do it okay and it didn't it didn't aggro him you're fuck kidding me right now dude this is nuts this is not going good right now this is not going good at all the only way I can kill this guy is I don't have like a two-handed bludgeoning weapon-wielding fighter I have to use the forge to kill this guy you gotta be kidding me right now all right I got a plan ooh this wasn't gonna work out good I knew something was wrong yeah we got him we got a major problem here all right a story on the things coming after you so I'm gonna need you to come over here I'm gonna need you to disengage or Dash okay great that was stupid because that used my bonus action so that didn't do what I wanted it to do man it's just not going as planned right now shit we're gonna leave the Dragonborn hidden actually hold on let me bring him over here foreign all right Ninja Gaiden oh nice why are you still going after shadow maybe maybe I did get threat threat assessment let's go yes oh that's real good okay now hold on let me think how many times can I pull the lever in one turn this is going to be two separate rounds of combat let's ask toodaloo Mr Grim Forge how's it feel jackass oh shit the muffet I didn't even notice that they're in the fight that's not good polls didn't do anything for you as a Pally I keep my boom sex things not going to plan makes more fun true using the hammer again is pointless okay The Muppets are putting a little bit of um a little bit of a tear in our plan here you know what I'm saying my plan was going perfectly and the methods came they're all over Shadow heart too that's not good at all okay just had to just had to test it out just had to test it out I believe you guys in chat but sometimes I gotta test things out too okay all right a Starion I need you on method Duty do we have any more potions of speed I should save the potions of speed for my sorcerer though because we have cold hold spells that will kill these methods much quicker so we're just going to go ahead and do a sneak attack we're gonna sneak attack this guy right here that's great okay all right good to know might have to pull out Spirit Guardians right now seriously I can't afford it Spirit Guardians will get me killed um there's really nothing I can do right now let's heal myself I could do inflict wounds I'll tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna drink a good old potion okay then I'm gonna cast inflict wounds level three aha see ya okay and then we're gonna damn I forgot that they explode that's messing up my mirror image okay and we're gonna do inflict wounds level one [Music] okay big guys getting back up no problem don't you go right back down buddy oh shit heels he's not shit it's been a while since I've done this that was pointless he didn't take any damage because he's not man okay still not worried about it a little bit I forgot he has to be he has to be like keep prone before he can take damage oh shit okay we gotta let him walk around a little bit or something I might actually have to shoot him for the Starion see ya chef's kiss foreign I'm gonna drink another potion we're gonna drink a little potion and uh I'm going to recast mayor image and then we're gonna do a little guiding bolts level one on this jabroni over here on the south of the battlefield all right I gotta get this guy to walk in the lava see what he does here how is he not heating up again they change this flight or something okay here he goes what is this guy doing he's not heating up again maybe he's just not far enough in the right here we got thrust threat assessment let me come over this way go as far back as we possibly can so stay in town I think you're doing fine pick up your weapon stop crying maybe spread out just a little bit here pop a little potion see what this guy oh there he goes you see oh shit he was heating up again I guess he wasn't in the lava enough or something like that I don't know that's not good for a Starion I'm just gonna simply uh no you know what let's go ahead and let's move my sork over here foreign really we're gonna pull threat assessment from a Starion it doesn't really matter what we use let's finish this shit foreign dude I gotta stop missing I might have to cast bless you know what I'm going to with my staff next time you could do fairy fire too 65 chance that's actually a really good idea let's do it Miss let's what's up man listen up Wolf's term with my kids trying to convince them to play multiplayer with me so you need to do well cut down on the curse scene all right you got it Mitch shout out to your kids what's the names Mitch give us the names so the wolf pack can say hello I'm gonna start saying crikey how do you critical Miss such a huge Target he's a dexterous guy all right I wish I had the Dodge action right now that would be fantastic okay here we go come on Shadow see what I was thinking is maybe I did get threat assessment when I threw that that Alchemist fire before I have three with scorching Ray I have three chances to get threat assessment so we're gonna do that even though he's immune to fire damage okay never mind I shouldn't do that not entirely sure if only I had to scroll a magic Missile that would make life a little bit easier you know what I'm saying what if ice storm would do anything all right let's just take a shot 45 chance all right fair enough I respect it okay here we go watch this things are going to change now moved downtown a little I can't move downtown a little bit closer foreign bitch thanks for the 20. Emily and Leah and curse all you want all right to the tavern let's do a nice grape juice cheer okay for Emily and Leah beautiful names great choice Mitch did you choose those names let's go all right this fight goes out to Emily and Leo I really do love both of those names Mitch are you guys ready for this watch and learn seriously seriously aha that's not what I wanted that's not that was stupid I literally drank that potion for no reason there was no there's no reason for me to drink that potion not even one reason you gotta be kidding me oh that was close at least they get two attacks okay we're missing everything apparently hey Don what's up can't wait till I can watch again without worrying about spoilers I miss y'all go wolf thanks for stopping in down enjoy your run I'm in a bit of a pickle right here my brain's not working anymore I don't know what to do just didn't go as planned this just didn't go as planned anyway all right we got threat assessment here we go why is the story on down I was using him as bait replicator are you guys ready for this now it's time to get serious why is Danton in the lava right now I didn't do that did I the whole party's about the wipe right now this is ridiculous I forgot I have I had magic Missile this entire time had magic Missile this entire time and I haven't even used it once that's how confused I am with what characters I'm running on what playthrough literally have magic Missile this entire time you can't miss with magic Missile okay I like it all right Danton you get your ass back over here and you stop crying over there like a little baby little baby sport druid all right we're gonna toss uh we're gonna toss Shadow heart a little heel right now actually no I'm not because I don't have my bonus action all right we're not gonna do anything come on little guy get your ass up perfect yes oh that's perfect that is perfect okay all right let's think here let's think a 300 HP I'm almost dead we're gonna drink a potion and we're gonna throw a potion how about that because I got haste active right now God all right he's down to 170 HP in the battle of survival now too far with the Starion okay no problem go ahead and drink another potion very nice I'm just going to hold our ground right here we're doing pretty good problem is when he stands up we're gonna have to get in the move a little bit I think so in that case we probably want hmm I think I'm Gonna Leave Shadow heart right there we're gonna take Danton Gotta Have Danton ready though that's the thing you know what I'm saying the Anton has to be ready at all times the starion's gonna have to wait now Moonbeam would not miss you know what I mean radiant resistance is that nullified nullified okay 25 chance with a bow okay Shadow I need you I need Shadow to hold their ground I really really do it's very very important that she holds her ground and doesn't do anything oh shit that's not what I wanted all right foreign that's real good okay downtown I need you to come back over here my friends assume your position Shadow Hearts honestly stop right there stop right there I love using the starry on this bait ah let's go it's actually turned out to be a lot harder than I expected I'm not gonna lie a lot of things just didn't go right all right and then we're gonna bring shadow hold on he's not on the 41 damage I could actually maybe swing at him with my mace with Shadow heart two to seven four to fourteen that would take a little while let's um all right let's pull aggro I wish I had a little bit this way but that might work catch up on the chat here shortly y'all let me just finish this battle I don't want to multitask too much at the moment I'm gonna see if I can get through this first okay start you're fine and Starion God a story on a Danton are such crybabies ridiculous don't you guys agree I gotta think about a starion's movement here if he comes after a Starion I need him to I need his movement to work out good to where when he goes back he ends up on this middle part so let's move to right here that's probably perfect and you know what honestly I'm not gonna do anything I want him to go to a Starion okay historian has died seven times this fight so far perfect all right hand does better as the gloomstalker the or Thief multiple files not as fodder oh no he's doing a pretty good job right now dude look at my character's HP right now this is insane it's over though I already won yeah damn that was intense that was fun though not gonna lie is the lava gonna go away sorry I will just leave him over there he's fine I think I'm gonna swap out of Starion now so we'll just leave his dead body in Grim Forge I'm just kidding the Starion is one of my main companions on this run I'll get a Starion up before I get my loot how about that hey Mike I haven't done this fight yeah if you know how it works it's definitely a lot easier on on the attempts after your first one because your first attempt you like have no idea what's going on I remember my first time like I didn't even like think about using the hammer until like 30 minutes into the fight I was just trying to swing at him doing like no damage he's too hot we're getting more through all right let's um let's loot everything and we'll grab our new mace you know it wasn't pretty but we got the job done that's all that matters the Grim skull helm attackers can't land Critical Hits on the wear grants resistance to fire damage this is a really good Helm and it gives you Hunter's Mark I can't use it with any of my current companions but this is really good look really good I mean if you're playing a fighter or a paladin and you're not playing as a Vengeance Paladin because you already get Hunter's Mark or a heavy or a strength based Ranger well you don't even need that with a strength based Ranger but you get Hunter's Mark as part of your spell that's insane that's an extra one that's crazy Hunter's Mark is the reason why people play a ranger in the first place and you're giving it away on it on the helm Basel has that home for you that's awesome that's freaking powerful man let's see what it looks like too dude oh my God it looks so sick that's pretty cool I need my state trooper hat back though there we go hey Trooper Leon At Your Service all right let's see what we got for the mace the adamantine mace three to eight damage diamonds Bane if adamantine weapon hits an object the hit is always critical this weapon ignores bludgeoning if an adamantine weapon hits an object the hit is always critical there's object and creature are they different words they must be it's like a really good utility mace for breaking down things or something like that I don't know man we're gonna test it out in combat looks pretty cool looks awesome actually I love Shadow heart with her witch hat you've used this on walls and stuff that's what I was thinking at first I was like holy crap wait I get a critical hit every time I hit an enemy but it must not be that I mean the mace is pretty good it ignores resistances so that's actually a pretty powerful feature that it has I mean that can be used in combat too and it also does one more damage than my other maze too on average okay let's um we only have one more thing I mean there's a few things we could do in Grim Forge but I think the only other thing that I want to do is maybe pick up the monk amulet Quest and then I think I'm pretty much good here I don't need to explore every nook and cranny I'm itching to get to the new content really helpful against the steel watch Robots oh and think about that adamantine armor is way stronger well you know I don't really have anybody wait there might be adamantine medium armor is there medium armor I probably could have made use of that I could always come back and do it again just have to get another piece of mithril ore I don't think there's anything over here but I want to check there is medium scale so I thought I wonder which one I have that splint scale male mold I wonder if that's it right there hold on let me look up DND real fast gal Mal DMD 5e yeah okay scale male is medium armor okay maybe we'll do that one put that on Shadow heart Ed the thing has 123 HP that's like 40 or 50 more than unbalanced okay the question is do I have to rest before I do this no spell slots on pretty much anybody but my sorcerer that might actually be okay let's scope it out you don't even have to fight this thing I don't think when do I get the dire Raven form or is that only Moon drone I'm not entirely sure okay shit I didn't pick up my staff it must be on the ground back there somewhere oh there it is No One Like Home will ever believe that damn dude that thing's getting close oh shit oh shit get back oh my God I might be screwed right here oh this might be real bad this might be a real bad that's a melee spell too late I can't even get back shit foreign attack unless you do is that is that really hot I don't know if I trust you I kind of trust you but I don't at the same time because I never know when people are trolling me [Music] we gained 20 to 120 hit points when starting in lava presence of this creature disturbs nearby lava making it bubble and explode bold damage against this entity is doubled I feel like I need like I need spell slots with my druid I only have one level three spell slot so glad to see that Dan Tom's still alive you have some ice arrows that's a good idea not a big fan of Druid but the utility is amazing true I think Spore is better as a midline support Caster than trying to make a melee use the necrotic damage you don't want to lose symbiotic entity yeah you got to be somewhat close to use the uh use the Halo of spores the range is not that far so you got to be like somewhat on the front lines maybe you could move back to Mid a little bit but I haven't really quite figured it out yet we haven't really had it much past level four so all right the sentient amulets let's go ahead and pick that up with my sorcerer The Amulet is heavy but it's a subtle warmth it's like it was left under the sun it's amazing you're under an overwhelming urge to laugh close your eyes and let your magic flow through you all it's wild and beautiful glory and bg3 is killing it with a perfus right now I'd love to see it thank you horn Creole thanks for the dollar 99 have a good night love the content you have a good night as well and thanks for your first Super Chat cheers better not says I'm at the same spot my first playthrough have been taking a long slow walk through this first part I'm glad your evil playthrough is at the same spot as mine so much to do in Grim Forge it's crazy pure power rips through the urge to love has done well for what is a laugh if not one step toward Madness look at my Dragonborn with blessings return you where to whom she waits in worms Crossing take me there and thou shalt bathe in her golden gifts are you a ghost what happened to you on Cross Sharon's broke my body but my spirit they could not well not completely okay Thou shalt return me home it is written that thing's tainted better to leave it than buried Dead Man's grudges interesting so I never picked this up on my other character so I feel like I want to do this Quest but let's go ahead and try and insight check here focus on this entity what are its intentions beneath the rampant joy since the Monk's fear and sincerity he doesn't wish to harm you it doesn't mean he was up ice cream okay let's also examine the amulet might be testing my luck here awesome oh my God are you serious that's pretty funny I just said that that's an image of lethander the morning Lord now we can do a religion check consider the inscribed image what could it mean three for three damn do you recognize the symbol it belongs to those sworn to lathander God of Dawn and renewal whatever Madness the spirit suffers was inflicted by lavanda's enemies followers of Shah and this madness May flow into you oh perfect okay I will take you to your granddaughters at worms Crossing I really like my Dragonborn to help others really but this guy is also offering some extra power so of course we're gonna take it go ahead and equip the amulet no frontliners in my group at the moment there will be when I pick up menthara later on you guys can see we have talked to the sentient amulets [Music] you feel a chuckle coming on but it seemed Fades like an evil clown okay you guys think I should try killing the uh lava Elemental now with minimal spell slots I think we got him I think we go for it problem is as it says the creature regains hit points when starting turning lava so we need Shadow heart to be my frontliner going to turn based mode whatever it takes you gotta get this guy out of the lava probably right there that's probably pretty good let me hit F5 because this might not go as planned and here we go I kind of feel bad if it doesn't attack why do I feel bad I'm doing an evil run hell man okay all right here we go pretty cool hits back up a little bit my sorcerer's still not in combat as Danton in combat he is okay Shadow heart will have you take a shot too gotta block off the entire front part right here I don't want to waste any spell slots right now here we go again how much he regained all of his HP all of it hey Jessica game looks gorgeous it is man there's some really really nice looking Spa actually the entire game looks nice but Under the Mountain Pass maybe after I finish this part right here and that area of the map is some of the best looking crpg history that's for sure probably RPG history too although the witcher's got some beautiful scenes come on buddy wait the hell up come on okay here we go melt the Earth okay now we're going all out you guys ready for this I do have an arrow of ice not that much damage but okay all right downtown we need a my only spell slot and then let's pull in Leon now we're gonna do a good old chromatic orb cold with Advantage nice oh yeah we're gonna get this guy in in one round maybe unless he runs back into the lava I'm not sure if he does then we might have a problem I have no more arrows of colds oh you know what we never did in the underdark I never crafted that spear oh yeah it's because we never got the third part of it I never never went back to the micanids maybe we'll go kill some Mike units here it goes thank God for Mirror Image wait why does it have 100 HP again shit lava pools in this creature's footsteps you gotta be kidding me like you gotta be is this a joke right now larion is this funny to you what if I throw what if I throw water at the lava would that do anything I thought I had this guy dead in like one round now I'm about to die I don't have any more spell slots shit yeah all right we're gonna back up a little bit I remember the trolls and dos too yeah those are some scary mofos all right damn I really shouldn't I didn't realize he could he just keeps creating his own lava what are you serious Houston we've got a problem you try to create water I don't have any spell slots I should have rested before I did this I thought I was gonna have this guy down like yeah I gotta get rid of that lava that's crazy see what Scrolls I got might might be in for a bit of a punishment here you know what I mean I don't have any ice knife spell slots left anymore whereas unfortunately I have no spell slots except with my sork [Music] hold on we can do this we don't have our tpk let's go we can figure this out I need Arcane recovery I wish I was a wizard all right Shadow it looks like I can't see look look there is an ice surface underneath him but he's also still standing in the lava this is ridiculous oh no that's insane dude he just keeps creating lava everywhere are you serious that's nutty man I don't think I can do this yeah I don't think I can get this encounter right now without any there's I have no way to get rid of the lava at his feet Starion will be fine don't worry about him he'll be he'll be fine over here you need spells yeah I do need spells don't worry about it the story on spine he knows what he's doing he'll be perfectly fine all right watch this we're gonna come up here hunting action disengage I'm down a little bit right into the lava sorry you can take it I'm not worried about it I'm gonna grab shadow we're not at the end of our range yet so let's let's go down a little bit more please don't die in the lava please don't die in the lava I'm out of movement okay I refuse the tpk I refuse [Music] aha necro can trip to make it so he can't heal I don't know that's an interesting idea I'm not sure if that works you think that would apply with lava maybe it would a good idea I could try it once before I piece out with this character even if I do get it to work I don't think it's going to happen right now with the condition of my party so this guy's a freaking Beast Man I respect him though definitely respect him you gotta be kidding me shit oh I mean Mitch's children are shite all right starting I need you to stay back I need you to tank this guy story on spine I told you he'll be just fine ah not a starion's first rodeo ah I shall be here in like him for whenever thou Hast need of my services be assured it is not by choice this guy not resurrect companions anymore I literally haven't needed to use him for that at all he's doing hirelings and also respecting there are many answers to that correct no Faith Dost thou require a new app there we go well for a minute I thought they changed it does I strike thy name I doom and dusk I strike my name from The Archives bone chill and the El Mater arrow is pretty good for that has anybody tried bone Chill on on the lava Elemental we have to look at his resistances again to see like maybe he's like fully resistant to necrotic and it won't take effect or something like that hey Barbara what's up R.I.P to that Elemental fight churro yeah R.I.P to me I know it was larion's signature enemies all Elementals heal from their own elements yeah shadowheart does have chromatic orb oh no I mean Glyph of warding excuse me Glyph of warding also has cold though too so I could take this guy down pretty fast it's just I don't know how to get rid of that I think we should go back and do it again I think we should go right back and kill him what do you guys think about that and actually I wonder if I could pull him oh shit what is everybody doing that's so close Mitch thanks for the 20 Super Chat they're dying laughing every time you curse they're out here they're out of here now though it's all good so glad I played enough to be able to watch all your streams even into act three can't wait for you to get to the newer stuff hey zaif yeah what's up thanks Mitch that's funny he embarrassed you now you embarrass him true all right let's take a look at his resistances again poison it says nothing about necrotic so maybe bone chill actually is the answer to this prevent the target from healing until your next turn okay let's think about this though quite well where do we want to fight him I'm thinking we probably want to pull him up this way and not on that Little Rock right there so let's let some time go by let me get my team back up here no time to rest oh my God you guys got wax in your ears what's going on I'm not muted you guys are crazy so anyways what happened right there was I thought I selected a different party member but I didn't I was still selected on Shadow heart and I clicked on the ground and shadowheart decided to take a stroll through the lava why she would do that I'm not sure but she did so all right thank you I wonder if there's an easier way to get around here I don't remember it being this hard to navigate this area with a low strength character I thought I told you guys I know where everything is in my inventory I'm out of Resurrection Scrolls holy crap I don't even have Resurrection Scrolls in my inventory right now these things have stayed interesting Tom thanks for the 4.99 I appreciate it man where are the water jars when you need them I don't have any Resurrection Scrolls I wonder if you can still pickpocket wither for Resurrection Scrolls my cleric is dead my cleric is dead right now if I can't use a revivalify all right I guess we gotta start collecting like Resurrection Scrolls and start getting serious here because the game is starting to come at us now Faith does thou require a new Ally Then thou must return this is the price of that well I'm gonna pickpocket this bastard here in a second hold on it's pissing me off I strike thy name very stupid skeleton yeah give me my gold back biatch I resurrect all day you think I care I got all the time in the world my friend all the time in the world you know what we're gonna end the day and do a partial rest because I want to make sure I teleport back to uh that exact spot hopefully I don't end up inside the lava again start getting serious after 10 plus deaths you could steal the gold yep that's just what I did yeah they must have nerfed the red Scrolls on we used to have like three of them on him come on companion sometimes it bugs out there we go okay nice yeah I like this positioning much better all right you guys ready to kill this damn thing let me hit F5 and let's see what we got here I might do distance spell to pull him and we'll have him come right up here that'll be perfect bone chill has a 60 foot radius that's great okay now we wait now we wait for hunting a lava Elemental y'all it's gonna be a good one yeah I definitely like this a lot more than being over there because I have a lot more room to move around I wonder if he's even gonna come over here though perfect this is kind of cool I feel like I'm in like a Monster hunting party or something we've been sent to the underdark to take out a lava Elemental hey mister what's up let me see what uh gal I didn't save from The Rock and I haven't seen him since let me just make sure we have the best spells prepared right now Shadow heart Let's see we might want to we might want to prepare revivalify since I don't have any Scrolls spiritual weapons probably not going to help we have eight I should be casting Aid I gotta get in the habit of doing it um let's see guiding bolt healing word and flicked wounds Shield of faith we can drop that we'll take create water because we're going to test it out yeah I think we're looking pretty good Glyph of warden's gonna help because that's going to be cold damage let's go ahead and cast Aid right now we'll do Aid level let's see Glyph of boarding is level three so we'll do a level two [Music] sorcerer we don't prepare spells Dan Tom let's see what you got my man we got ice knife call lightning sleet storms Not Really Gonna help but I'm wondering if sleet storm would actually get rid of the lava on the ground so let's prepare it we'll try it out and yeah should start using longstrider I think we're looking pretty good we'll take great water with him as well I don't think keep metal is going to work do you and here we go attempt number two technically I didn't tpk we only have one tpk so far intact wait two we have one or two you might have two because I think I wiped to the Knolls at one time when I wasn't paying attention and I actually walked by them and we'll back up a little bit guys dashing company oh damn he is pissed off right now dude he is pissed off moment foreign chilled cannot regain hit points I think it actually is gonna work that was a genius play out of one of you guys that brought that up it's like very few enemies do you find like the need to use bone Chill on in this game but if there was one this is the enemy all right so let's do it's only gonna last one turn that's way to be careful 90 path in Toronto let's just do another can trip damn I don't like being this close I don't want to do quick and spell not yet not yet see what he does here okay I'll do bone chill again shit 22 damage too thank you oh it's gonna be too easy with bone chill spoke too soon I wish I kept them too hidden because I could have done a surprise attack right now damn this guy's a joke now isn't he all right so he doesn't have bone chill active anymore we probably want to make sure I mean I could just kill him right now be dumb with it he's done one one ice knife and he's done okay all right well that was a lot easier I don't feel that one later all right you guys ready to go to uh the mountain pass I don't know if I want to do any more Grim Forge content I mean there's a whole upper area that I didn't explore yet I just don't know if I'm in the mood to do it right now I think I want to go to the mountain pass hey we can make a potion of healing we can make a bunch of elixirs here Arcane cultivation craft one of those elixir of the Colossus craft one of those tadpole elixir gain Sonic weakening in Sonic enrichment replaces effects from other elixirs when drunk okay make sure the Colossus drink to increase your size weapons deal an additional one to four in advantage on strength checks and saves wonder how long that lasts whoa oh my god dude that's crazy dude that's a true Dragonborn right there hey Michael what's up how long am I streaming I don't know maybe another another hour maybe we'll see that's pretty badass an Arcane cultivation gained an additional level two spell swap that could actually be super useful do we want to make more though that's the question here let's focus we'll make another we'll make another Colossus one two why not and then we got Coatings too drought poison the latest let's make let's make a starry on a big boy too how about that anything that sucks is I'm low on HP right now times oh shit I clicked I didn't wasted that that's okay Midori big lizard time I was hoping to make a start never I'm not gonna say it some of you guys are gonna be taking that the wrong one it's going to give a Starion of Viagra over there breathe deep and move all right let's go check out let's go back to the front part of grim Forge I do want to check out this one room [Music] trying to play the game on PS5 but not enough to also buy it on Steam foreign laughs time to rest oh the spider's not even for a minute I thought the spider might be resistant to poison I can't really see in this room right now I gotta start using F1 through F4 because double clicking on portraits is just such a pain in the butt wow moving in nice soloi congrats that was pretty cool I like trying things in a different way that we don't typically do it like using Gusto wind like that's super cool isn't that awesome it's made like a little path down the middle I need to lock pick it say what who said something about Lockpick Sharon that structure we saw from a distance in the Grim Forge something about it struck me as noteworthy perhaps we'll find an easier way to reach it if we keep pressing forward care to elaborate not just yet I wouldn't want to get my hopes up if we can get any closer and if there's anything more to that place well I think I'll have plenty to say then you and I we share something special I think I want to talk about it very serious of you go ahead I forgot me and Shadow heart made out that one night admit it you've never had a relationship quite like this one have you even if I could remember I'm not sure I'd tell you ego to get over inflated okay all right I want to get to know you more Shadow heart you already know my biggest secret what more can you ask Heatwave in your PC ooh yeah that sucks okay we're done yeah so I'm actually not sure like where you go in the underdark to push on to this content I don't know where the next step is not that we're doing that anyways oh hold on oh because I didn't even come to the underdark on my other run I went straight to the mountain pass I peaked the underdark but then I went right to the mountain pass I just wanted to get into the new content so bad let's go out this elevator kind of curious never been up this elevator before um there's better Dr sissy or armor later on in the game so I don't feel how small everybody looks uh the doctor says here armor that I have in my inventory is only 13 Armor class and I care more about having a higher armor class with her because she's kind of like my front liner believe it or not right now oh you can do most of the underdark content and also do that mountain pass so I'd recommend that I would recommend doing as much in the underdark as you can before you get to possibly this point right here yeah okay so you can do basically the entirety of the underdark and Grim Forge but once you see a screen right here that says you're about to progress your adventure then maybe go to the mountain pass after I think that's probably how you get the most content out of Early Access um I did create a save point let's go ahead and go up and see where this brings us Where'd I get that sexy hat out honestly I don't remember oh yeah we're going into yeah so this is okay oh shit there's a devil at our camp this is content that I haven't done before yet I am Raphael very much at your service you weren't invited here explain yourself why I never must be the surroundings rather Bleak and Lonesome one feels so exposed this quaint little scene is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my tastes come my dragonborn's underwear historians in his underwear somewhere reach for your weapons need for that crude Cutlery of yours as you can see I'm amply provisioned this is the House of Hope where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed lavishly looks delicious enjoy your supper after all it might just be your last you know if I was if I was a millionaire or a billionaire I would create the House of Hope and I would invite you all out for dinner okay it would look exactly like this room I'm getting tired of your games fair enough what's better than a devil you don't know a devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's for certain I don't care what you are I care what you want Oh Amir trifle how dear is one's Soul really a rhetorical question of course but let me Venture an answer it's worth very little with a tadpole in your head one skull two tenants and no solution in sight I could fix it all like that see the thing is my character likes his tadpole in his head so I can't break the RP here you're mad if you think I'll Make a Deal with the devil and what is madness but a denial of reality still I have a feeling if I were to feel change your mind for it's changed for you try to cure yourself shop around beg borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until none look at his horns and win he looks so cool has been whittled down to the very marrow of this despair that's when you'll come knocking on my door hope [Music] [Laughter] such a tease there's so many different like types of runs that we gotta try in this game because like my other character didn't want to make a deal the devil and I'm doing a good run and this character who's evil also doesn't want to do a deal with the Devil nobody wants to do a deal with the devil so we're gonna have to do another run where we get like we trust Raphael with everything [Music] I'll rip out your mocking tongue devil ah yes the tongue yet another piece of pleasurable Anatomy you'll soon have to do without all those pretty little symptoms sundering skin dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they one might say you're a paragon of luck I'll be there when it runs out you want to beat this devil to a pulp full character right great voice acting nice model too okay well we might be going back might be loading the previous load point because I think I want to do the mountain pass I'm not sure if this is going to block me off but we're going to find out I want menthara in my group and if I screw that up I will reload because that's the whole point of this run is to have her as the tank get to know her character and look at the beautiful concept art in this game I feel like concept artists are some of the coolest people out there imagine that being your job um like that's badass I want to invite all of you for your last dinner yeah I mean you're gonna have to make some choices but okay I've never been here before Maybe if this is the gauntlet of char I have been here but I came from a different angle let's see where we can Fast Track oh look we can still fast travel and hold on okay should I got some revive Scrolls Mountain Pass is available until you do the Night song yeah they do have fantastic imaginations let me click on that plaque I like to see the lore we offer ourselves to the darkness that blessed Shah may give us her mercy okay so our Quest has updated we've reached the shadow cursed lands the dream visitor told us to go to moonrise towers and Infiltrate The Cult of the absolute the cult Secrets May teach us how to free ourselves we reach the shadow cursed lands we can use we can use mynthara's instrument to summon a creature to guide us to moonrise but we need to find the right place to play it okay let's move don't waste a step what can I do for you hello I don't think I have menthara's instrument on me right now I don't know what I did with it that might be a problem all's well that ends what did I do with that loot I don't think it's that one that I just searched definitely not that one spider loot yeah I don't have it on me oh it's a liar okay I think we're good not a loop okay the good the thing is I don't know where to play it but let's uh let's push on a little bit oh wall of stone holy crap I have been given the crucial task to clear the entrance to grimforge for future Expeditions Bruce Sol near will follow once the entrance is cleared as I make my way to the entrance I can't help but feel excitement what might we find here that cutthric created so long ago now sealed by the curse rimforge could hold Untold Treasures for the absolute's uses I'll continue to explore and document my findings the entrance is currently blocked by Vines and Rubble quite cursed explosives ought to do the job though not as experienced in such matters as I'd wish to be I set up the explosives with care though I admit I'm almost afraid to detonate them there's no telling what power these curse Vines hold what might lie Beyond or whether I've seen set things up correctly wall of stone man that's going to be a freaking great CC spell listen to the background Ambience that crazy Yep this is not the entrance to the shadow cursed lands that I took the Shadows there's power coursing through them oddly familiar better stay on alert your in-game music is always off Mark Darkness like the best part ner tactician run nice man goodbye Act One hasn't been too bad so far I wonder if this is the same Shadow cursed lands that came out from the mountain pass did I find a waypoint yet that's all I want to find because I want to see if we can go back let's go ahead how many torches do I have I think I have plenty the problem is if you get into combat with the torch it costs an action to switch to your weapon I can feel the Shadow's power here but they don't seem to be harming me Shadow curse doesn't seem to affect me like it does others not as badly at least do you know what this means I must be blessed lady Shah is protecting me where others are left to face her Roth she loves me she must do what about me useful you'll find a way don't give me that look it's a good thing that I'm resistant to the Shadows this way I can help you later Shaw wouldn't bless me like this for no reason there must be something she wants of me those signs we found about dark justices perhaps they were no coincidence in either case I need to watch for any place dedicated to Lady Char a temple perhaps I know where that Temple is because I've been there on my other character for a minute I thought we might be ending I thought we might be going right Into The Gauntlet of char from there but I'm having a hard time believing they're a coincidence it could be nothing all the same lands like these must have seen all sorts throughout the year still there may be more to it I need to keep Alert in case let's have a look I love the shadow cursed lands made good progress through the mountains seeing the curse for the first time filled me with an awe and fear that was difficult to describe no writing could have prepared me nor any artist's rendition as Grave as the archdruid helson's warnings were they were still lacking compared to the reality I shall make Camp soon and press on in the morning oh in truth such terms have little meaning in this place a dreadful night the campfire needed Thrice the wood that would normally be needed in order to keep it burning terrible sounds came to my ears from Beyond The Fire Light rust has not restored me if anything I feel weaker but I must preserve I must trust in Sylvanas I must Venture deeper features from the darkness foul things once grazed me only my torch saved me deep Darkness Flames are instantly Dallas the wounds sting flesh is turning black with corruption the Shadows are growing stronger they are spreading and need to return to light the wood will not burn I can barely see the page I am surrounded I truly hope this blight isn't spreading all right Luna plays a big partner story okay I'm kind of like we're kind of in Exploration mode now because this is I mean even though I've done some of this content on my other character this is still kind of new so I'm gonna have to focus in a little bit more on what I'm doing here so this is a hole right here hold on oh that's a bonfire okay let's head a little deeper I know that place aha I know exactly where we are now they know exactly where we are so when you go through the mountain pass I think you come out somewhere over here never a dull moment the animal never had a chance because consumes everything it touches I like how there's like not that much music in this area and it's more so just this low like drone sound there's a power in these Shadows I can send Amelia you said before that you want to become a dark just this year what does that mean to you everything potential tend to save perhaps if you become the head of her church to become a duck just this year is to become the night singer's sword arm her Implement with which she will cast down the unbelievers and win the final battle to restore her perfect endless Darkness it's all I ever wanted I prayed it was my calling but mother forbid me from seeking to prove myself worthy of the rank she said I was not ready oh good like the voice acting is not my mother animations I should add the Mother Superior head of Lady Char's Enclave in Boulder's Gate sometimes I wonder if she would ever deem me ready I owe her everything and I only wish to serve yet she can prove inscrutable chatterheart makes a good witch [Music] do you think she'll ever relent and make you a dark just this year I don't know perhaps if I succeed in my mission and reach Boulder's Gate hope has little place amongst lady Char's children it's an illusion a distraction Army issues for this time will yet Anton what the hell you looking at that's my girl I don't understand why be so secret about such an ambition doc justicies are hated by many judged to be ruthless fanatics even the few who would accept a follower of Lady Shah would likely bulk at a Justice here in their midst but there's a simpler answer to your question I simply forgot about the desire I had until I saw some things that reminded me now can't get it out of my mind these are dark times friends dark dark times we have entered the shadow curse and it appears as if there is a building down there that is being protected by some sort of moon bubble hmm Harpers I was told by the dragons back on a beer that Harpers May stand in my way not be afraid to slaughter them whenever they may cross my path I've got a long road ahead Stay Together keep to the light here Michael stop who's there this is new for me I'm a sorcerer so kindly lower your weapons where things might get ugly very ugly I don't think coming to the dollar hmm I don't like these Harpers Jonas move in laughs foreign [Music] can you see our torches I can't see anything [Music] something's wrong follow my voice come back to the light who's there all right like a legit movie [Music] dude this is sick man just coming in from this angle like I never got this cut scene before move I'll take care of this do they get hold of you okay well we're gonna be fighting with the Harpers for a second they didn't really stand in our way yet so you don't want to make powerful enemies if we don't necessarily have to you know what I'm saying okay these are shadows radiant vulnerability I know just the spell I know just the spell is my friends well technically I think these guys are the enemy of the guy that I want to join so it doesn't really work out like that but in this moment right now I don't think we're looking to get taken over by Harpers and shadows at the same time you know what I'm saying all right you guys ready for one of the best spells in the game [Music] should have done that before but that's okay I did a ton of damage on my sorcerer right there holy crap [Music] I don't think that the Harpers will get hit by my spirit guardians but I'm not entirely sure these guys are level five so yeah we should be able to handle this the enemy of my enemy is at least not my enemy yet sandal Hearts no I haven't yeah I know that I can press T I'm just not in the habit of doing it right now I'm gonna try to get into the habit of it that was a good scene like your game's bugged out a little bit right now though again looks like he's cosplaying as a macho man all right um t really radiant damage everything else is just not good against these creatures um what about Force the same thing on Force okay magic missiles not bad thing is I don't even need to waste a spell slot shadowhawks turns coming up and she's gonna wipe the field trust me Carmen the shot finished damn dude Harpers are getting owned right now by a bunch of Shadows gotta save the dwarf you know what I think was a majorly missed opportunity out of larion was a dwarf companion oh man I would have loved it so much oh I miss clicked just let shadowheart handle this entire fight it's so cool isn't it I feel weak okay so that guy's up here let's go ahead and be affected by this really with Spirit Guardians I mean people aren't grouped up that well right now but all you gotta do is just run around the battlefield dead yet wow we're gonna Dash over to here could do spiritual weapon too but we're fine Moonbeam would fry this guy in one one attack sure we'll do that why not damn the sound it sounds like The Grudge doesn't it that light is protecting me from the curse yes I got to be careful when I'm walking around here because I'm getting cursed love this fight for an intro into this land so you must have come this way too shy you came from grimforge yeah cause mine was totally different the way I met the Harpers was they were setting up an ambush as I was venturing through the land with that drier character Harper is set up an ambush and they attacked but I helped them as opposed to going against them on my other character yeah the non-origin characters you just gotta watch your movement when you're doing this so if we go right here damn it I didn't hit him still alive really moving nothing will stand in my way remember such a cool spell oh yeah you hear a mess yeah here on Minsk you don't meet Minsk for a long time though I think it's pretty cool that larion has like a bunch of characters that all of our companions but only some of them are origin characters I think that fits better too like playing as Jahira or Minsk as An Origin character wouldn't wouldn't be and I think it'd be okay but they're established characters in The Realms think they fit better as just Companions and thara and helson I can see them being an origin character maybe larian just ran out of budget all right we're gonna save spell slots part of that shadow picture go see oh damn I wonder where he is I wonder if I can hmm I don't know where the creature went I think he's somewhere up there but oh starion's encumbered right now too just drop that I don't need that oh I can't do it on my turn oh foreign I love the sound effects made it without your help we need to get out of here there's a safe place follow me hmm all right seems like the Harpers have instilled a little bit of trust into us right now maybe we should just roll with this you know what I mean it would be a powerful Ally to have of the time being and then the future I plan on destroying them lead on stay close avoid the shadows I'm sorry Jonas I have not played dark urge yet nope won't be probably for a little while that Shadow's still alive apparently holy crap well some rest is better than none the image of an orange-haired cat to sleep before a fireplace comes to you what came of it in her former life this girl played in the nearby Woods she was always the best at climbing trees you see an older woman on her knees scrubbing the floor of an inn Oh I thought that was going to go a different way just made a mess of things again the night before nice we picked up a regular cloak that'd be pretty cool let's put it on let's put it on Shadow you're gonna have the full witch look going here whoa dude my shadow is so perfect right now don't you guys agree doesn't she look great like I'm going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this vessel is shut the hell up you say that one more time I swear to God I'm Thunder waving your ass off a cliff next to elphira it's maxi I'm playing a bad guy on this one that doesn't mean I need to just kill everybody that that I see you know it's not necessarily A murder hobo run so we had dreams of folding us ship in Boulder's Gate and seeing the world but then the darkness came is that blood no yeah we still have a ton to explore as my feet Carry Me well let's go check this out I was hoping that would get a waypoint I think we get a waypoint when we get to the last Light in I just want to double check and make sure we're good at still doing like the mountain pass and everything the mountain pass content is phenomenal I think I liked it more than this area right here all right are you kidding me right now I've never seen this common encounter before oh shit it was like 7 000 crows is this serious right now forgot to turn on dead here oh my what another fight dude is this serious right now take me thank you [Music] damn dude that was crazy that's like the first time I ever like legit actually needed turn on dead in this game and that worked out really really well because I have the upgraded turn Undead Shadow is money she really is I was thinking about doing Spirit Guardians first it's a good thing I didn't I mean that would have probably wrecked most of the crows too but all right we don't need to loot them okay let's um we gotta take a long rest this dark land must be filled with the broken the beaten the desperate the perfect praying ground for a devil who offers a way out for those who sign on the dotted line I hope we end up seeing our friend Raphael down here somewhere and did the Raphael quest in this area it's pretty cool so if you guys get it I would recommend doing it you get some good loot too why do you want to see him help me find him and you'll find out okay when I was taken to his house I was caught off guard but now now I know what to ask for okay I think we'll probably we're gonna side with a starry on here because he's one of the few companions here that actually I feel like he's okay with my evil ways and there's a good Ally to have throughout this campaign for what I'm looking to achieve sure I want to see how this plays out perfect long rest Deep In Shadows I don't think the Warlock level 5 Second attack doesn't stack with a paladin that is not 5e rules and probably will not remain I've heard a few things about multi-classing with warlocks not working as good as it should but all right I think we're good here um I love the mini camp system in this game can you imagine if like every time we went to rest it was always back at the river camp another step forward I gotta make sure that I don't lose um I gotta make sure that I don't lose the chance to get menthara that is something that I will save scum if that ends up happening because we need menthara in our group we need to learn about her character and we need a Frontline tank 88 get out of here you like the vampire elf well written I think all the companions are actually really well here my girl I don't know how much longer I can resist it but it's good to see your making progress it's a good thing you decided to infiltrate the cultists rather than fight them the absolute has already mustered an impressive Army and its forces still grow does what happened in the Grove bother you haven't lost any sleep over it I respect that they want and do what they want so the needs of others it just doesn't stop we are being bombarded by waves of telepathic energy wave after wave with hardly a breath between them I almost dare not rest each wave a set of orders to the infected the order for your transformation has been given many times already I just hope my Powers last long enough to see this through I'm into an understanding is much easier while wearing only underwear needs a foil hat it's clear that the parasites are coming from moonrise Towers okay you like the idea of always going back to the river camp yeah I mean I guess it'll be nice to have a home base that you can just decorate all the time but like it doesn't make sense like immersion wise though because we're traveling to the city River Camp is it a Mobile River camp there's something I've been wanting to travel with us now's a good time what brought this on honestly Trust I can't remember the last time I sought to confide in someone like this maybe I never have for all I know now it just feels right difficult to put into words you guys ready for this here's the tadpole the connection come into my mind I'm assuming you only get this if you have decent Shadow heart approval of course I do as a natural as a natural Shadow heart romancer use the parasite to explore her mind wants to share a blunt I don't remember how it started only how it ended yes Nora so thanks for hanging out I was fleeing it is I feel I totally understand that struggle [Music] thank you she asked my name can't remember what I said I can't remember anything before those woods all I know is she saved my life and gave me a new home with Lady Sharp hurts that's all I remember no wonder you're so dedicated to char you feel like you owe your life to her but yes huh and those who saved me and taught me her ways the Mother Superior she made me who I am at least as best as I can remember taught me trained me punished me when I failed her which was often sounds like abuse shadow for the dark lady foreign guys ready we're getting up to a coming up to a really good part here you might find allies here or at least supplies and when I found out that shadow heart hates wolves or was scared of wolves it was an interesting moment I had my wolf companion out at the moment I think that I discovered that too I had lovely fern step forward and keep your hands off your weapons he's with me music's so good here love this song any more dwarves [Music] anyone who played the original Ballers gate games this is a pretty big moment she's one of the more well-known companions he's a half elf so she's still alive a magic incarnate these Vines will not hold me they'll last long enough magic and Garnet this is why we're here you see it is a curious creature that hides all manner of Secrets but if there's one thing that we know that it knows its own kind it'd be funny if you save The Village on this run I know and my evil run I end up saving the village not my good run everybody dies okay so we're trying to RP this to where you know like I mean we're in the Harpers complex right now we probably want to get along with them but at the same time Jahira seems to be kind of uh torture me a little bit here and I don't like being held like this I feel quite vulnerable especially as a Dragonborn let's do sorcerer Charisma force your own magic through the vines weakening them damn just got it Nostalgia I know right isn't it incredible to see jihira it really is I will put you down hmm get to do what to do what to do what to do what to do it's not smart to engage in battle with the Harpers faction like this on their territory that we're gonna play along hopefully maybe talk our way out of this situation and make a plan in the future old I can explain everything I'm not interested in the absolute manipulations Harpers cut this true Soul down stop oh don't you hear it I think I know this one his eyes meet yours there's no recognition there just a sick intensity as his voice reverberates a true Soul if you want to survive this then trust me one true song to another he's infected I but he's not with the cultists help me fight them off a while back in fact is this true nod how is that possible The Weave itself Burns through my veins perhaps the tadpole is afraid I've met no sorcerer that powerful and I've met many now speak plain how do you have control I know it's hard to trust anyone right now but believe me I am not an absolute cultist oh foreign not good enough what's in the Hills is that thing oh it's so hard Amy's it is so hard be the friends can't trip your guess is as good as mine strangest magic I've seen since roaming the ruins of myth Draenor but I can't argue with the results congratulations you've earned yourself the benefit of the doubts hear me Harpers all clear at ease okay we avoided we tend to understand what that artifact is but I'm old and wise enough to recognize a sliver of Hope when it crawls out of the dark tell me why have you come here nothing like deceiving Jahira a legend of the land Mad Max hello thanks so much for the 9.99 love the late night streams with the wolf Clan cheers man thanks for stopping in as always as he increases inventory size I don't think you can actually expand the inventory anymore like you could in Early Access but if you want to be able to carry more you gotta have a higher carry you gotta have a higher strength on your character I think strength might be the only ability score we're having an odd number might actually have some sort of benefit I could be wrong in saying that but I feel like that's how it is I'll have to test that out sometime but pretty much any ability score that you have as an odd number is not doing you anything on the odd number I think strength actually does help so if you have to make like one ability score odd strength is usually not a bad idea if that's true and I'm like 70 sure that is true okay sixty percent fifty percent true my intentions are my own not anymore not with not too much at stake there's food in the over there beds too require rest the cupboard in case the lines gave you a rush any coconut oil come join me for a drink you may just be the godsend we've been praying for yeah nothing like that your hero and such an epic intro scene for Jahira it's crazy so good like the flag that I'm drinking from matches games about things I try to pull it out as much as I can to keep uh keep all of us immersed even when drinking water yeah really cool a really cool section here the last Light in and actually I'm gonna do something that some of you guys might not know an interesting start to the last Light in stumbled across this in my other run by accident let's go ahead and go into wild shape and we'll do badger looks like that oh The Oaks made it through the Shadows seems like a good moment to talk glad to see you made it I am indeed I am brother I assaulted The Druids growth that's funny so these are some of these axes were back at The Druids Grove for the tieflings how'd you make it through the Shadows one hoof quickly following the alert okay glad to see you made it too bro I remember you from The Grove with The Druids I hope to see you again yeah Zane here no more no incapable incapable of what not for you to know you're a rare breed an authentic red-backed River Ox I thought you'd be more discerning well well come close your mind to mine [Music] how does an ox like herself have such horrifying thoughts I'll trade you your secret for one of mine not a busy body you ought to use me as an example get yourself in trouble is that a threat that's up to you whatever you are you're coming out of hiding now all I wanted was a bit of a good brushing and a clean stall the simple life is that so much to ask a strange ax level 5 ooze that's funny okay Fireball his ass 163 HP holy crap dude way less HP unbalanced okay I actually have to might have to back up here I have to do this right attack obnoxious it was fun to kill the Mass Effect one reference okay these axes are not evil yeah let's do oh my God I was looking at the chat Danton got one shot by this thing what the hell just happened are you serious that's crazy might have to go all out here calling in spiritual weapon absolutely Anton got murdered I didn't even see it happen oh we got this guy let's do a dude he's not vulnerable to anything really do whatever we want oh my God spiritual weapon is so good like even if it dies on the first round that guy just used his action and didn't attack any of my party members and spiritual weapon you're able to cast as a bonus action I mean it does cost a spell Slava all right let's kill this damn thing foreign dude it is so powerful holy crap when I did this fight on balance like I was like sleeping I was just in his face just swinging away with karlak and everybody by the way having carlak in the last Light in is really cool because she's like a fan girl over Jahira it's cool to see like Laura like that implemented Carlock has heard of Jahira before okay all right now we gotta get serious you freaking kidding me right now dude let's do a yeah we're gonna do a scorching Ray level three okay that was pretty good I'm gonna back up nobody's helping me here are they we'll do a Rapier attack okay yeah okay oh damn oh here we go okay this freaking ooze just three holy crap you almost tpked me this is insane I was almost tpked by a freaking ooze and I still might be actually why did I do that that was so stupid midcast I realized I realized midcast that this thing is oh my God resistant to lightning oh now we got a major problem now we actually got a problem except I can Quicken a spell and let's go ahead and Quicken magic Missile and I will catch you on the flip side brother I did not expect that holy crap wow that was incredible I think it's strong third tpk it was not a tpk I'm still alive Midori okay get on my level bro that took the edge off actually before you do a short rest you should use the Spells every charge on a short rest like wild shape type things okay so I got symbiotic entity active and then I don't know cinematic entities State no it goes away if you wild shapes so we'll leave it at that um Shadow heart leveled up but I don't want to level up everybody without her so we're not going to level her up let's do another short rest and yeah that was pretty crazy the Hat of fire Acuity whenever you deal fire damage you gain Arcane Acuity for two turns back to entity has a plus one bonus to its spell attack rolls and spell difficulty class or turf sector entity has a plus one bonus to its spell attack rules okay we're definitely gonna put that on definitely gonna put that on because I have fire resistance too I'm gonna just do all fire gear we're gonna start using gear that gives you heat that would be pretty cool see what this looks like I don't know if I can get rid of the state trooper look though you know it's kind of badass too I think if I dye it it'll look much better we'll die at a certain color okay and then the shape shifter's Boon ring while shape-shifting or disguising yourself gain a 1d4 bonus to all checks so we would give that to Danton even though he's not really a chip changing druid [Music] and we're gonna hold off I'm leveling up Shadow heart these boots have seen everything can't chat I need to reinforce the barricade we're going to see any gelatinous cubes that would be pretty cool as long as I've seen someone play with a hireling I'm waiting for menthara to join my group that's why and then I'm gonna replace Danton I figured I'd keep playing the Spore Druid because it's not really a common class so hey close enough artifact I don't know I don't like the likes of you crashing our party give it a rest Alfred we need all the gods down to help we can get what party is it that I'm crashing rescue party not that you'll give a triple shot then we were ambushed by their bloody cultists bastards torch the pigsty we were staying in and made off with the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate himself hmm look at this flaming fist logo look how well done that is like it actually looks like stitching like it looks like cloth that's incredible Larry if they're in the aftermath if I was there in the aftermath I don't suppose Consular Floric made it all the way here sure did for all the good that does us oh wow she's inside No Way floor Chambers it's crazy to be a godstand counselor to get room and board around here this is crazy so counselor Floric I never I wasn't able to save in time on my other run and now she was saved and now she's here at the last Light in like that's super cool okay let's talk to a few more people husband's in act three he's evil he's a murder hobo like to inside funny okay Cavern Brawler's op murdering people with a sausage nice remember to a multi-class scene trying to work out Morlock Paladin I mean pack to the blade is probably I mean I don't I'm not really like an expert on d d multi-class and I still have to experiment with it in this game but pack to the blade multi-class with Paladin initially I would think that that's a very good idea because pact of the blade allows you to use your charisma modifier for your weapon attack so yeah so you could essentially you you could kind of dump strength and just boost up Constitution and all of your saving throws and just become this crazy tank damage dealer you still probably want your strength decent because strength high strength characters can jump around the battlefield and get places get further distances than most other characters but hey I would think back to the blade they just go all out on Charisma and Constitution and maybe like wisdom saves or something like that dexterity too for initiative actually maybe dexterity over over wisdom try to get that Dex High you could be like the one who goes first in combat that'd be terrifying okay let's uh let's see if we can find Council of Floric real fast yeah one of the biggest drawbacks of the Paladin is you're kind of like fighting over strength and Charisma when you do pack to the blade with the Warlock you don't have to fight over that anymore you have like a prime your primary ability score is charisma that's pretty sweet for the palette and the Paladin's already strong as it is okay yeah so this is uh wow counselor Flora this is going to be all new content for me right here if you have an alternative in mind please do propose it he still won't speak just keeps going with the bloody song nothing of use on his person his original writ of Duty signed by Elton himself fella must be one of the very first flaming fists he must know something let's not give up on him yet we believe the cultists have taken Duke Raven God to moonrise Towers I don't suppose you've found a way in yeah it's really cool that they put the play testers in the credits I feel I'm assuming that your name is in there as you went to Canada to play test and I was very happy that they put my name in there too they definitely didn't need to do that so it was a pleasant surprise it's different from if you save the tieflings too really all right let's focus in I don't suppose you found a way in what's with the fellow in the cot Isabel Isabel's place and he just appeared we think he's staying at the Inn when the curse fell which means he's been trapped inside for a century Beggar's belief he's alive at all hopefully he'll come round tell us something useful about getting through the Shadows right now he seems to have little more to him than a refrain from some song or other I don't mean to break the immersion of this conversation but now I'm thinking about something else with zafiel said it that's super late like that's that's just the type of company that larion Studios is like they put all the play testers and the credits of their game like they took the time to do that and recognize those folks that helped play test the game and ultimately helped you know the game become what it is that's just really cool for larion to do that like I don't think like blizzard or any maybe other companies do that too but I don't know I'd like to talk to him wouldn't we all I'm not even sure he's fully conscious but feel free to new face would Inspire him unfortunately I won't be here when he comes around I'm heading to Baldur's Gate to seek reinforcements the council sent a carrier pigeon with news that the city has been dealing with absolutist attacks the steel watch is holding strong all requests that Lord gortash send some of them to Aid in the fight against moonrise the curse won't arm them you know the name gortash a counselor with considerable influence on baldurian industry and politics he is no Lord yeah true K Bar absolutely all right so my dragon is not a Bulgarian so we're not going to say that we're gonna do uh what are the steel watch the steel watch are the future of warfare that can be sent into battle without risking any lives except those of our enemies Lord quarter should only completed work on the prototypes before ravengard and I left for elterol but even they were formidable with the steel watch at our backs we can storm the tower whatever ketherick throws at us I'm sure of it I'll do my best but there's every chance I'll fall to the curse of all the cult before I reach the city don't count on me and assume no Aid is coming work with Jahira that Harper's mind is as sharp as her blade follow her guidance farewell we'll meet again God's willing you know I thought Floric was I mean I don't have no idea what her character is going to turn out to be but when I was in Early Access I was like convinced that she was like a spy or some really evil character and ever since the full game I don't know I'm starting to think she might be a good character but I don't know what is this lunatic doing over here art collage flame color that's your name isn't it art color on fistula [Music] I'm in a tree I know Daniel wait we need you sir one of our own's been taken a grand joke you might know something that could help us bring him back we found him out in the shadows just wandering nothing survives out there for law don't know how he made it or where he came from this is no physical ailment it is a spiritual malaise the man's mind has been gripped by the shadow fell yet it has not broken counselor Floric was in Early Access Zachary he's at walking's rest and you can save her by moving the burning Rubble or you can let her die in the fire she actually gives some pretty nice weapons um the bow that I have on a story on right now is from me saving counselor Floric a couple episodes ago that name he mentioned Danielle who is that no audio I'm afraid whoever is must be someone important to him saying the same thing over and over ever since we found him can he hear you you hear me don't you sir you might not be able to answer but can you hear me let me have a look at him if you 'd get through to him don't hesitate oh look at this detect thoughts or sorcerer Arcana you only get a plus one but that's our best chance here look for any signs of errant magic afflicting this man he spent a long time in the shadow foul a Sharon realm without color or light it's had a terrible effect on him his mind lingers in the shadow fell but perhaps it can be returned we need to remind him who he is some personal effects Maybe yeah so if you guys watched um my lore video forget what it's called thumbnail says Shadow fell on it um you would know all about what happens to folks who spend too much time in that plane of existence all right look closer at him there may be something you missed open skin is it from manual labor or playing a stringed instrument perhaps flame color do you know where you are if he does he isn't saying nice Sophia that's awesome super cool did you already check for personal effects this was in his pocket he does he does it now but he held on to it for a hundred years anyway she gives it to me and my character just puts it in his back pocket what were you saying to stereo a shiny art color rank flame objective to obtain information about current activities in Moonrise towers and its environs headed by cut their thorm are the Region's ancestral thorm family take lodging in the last Light in and begin investigation in the local House of healing reports indicate corruption but no corroboration has yet been obtained the region storm family are long-standing devotees of saluna but rumors indicate a Sharon Enclave might be gaining momentum investigate and Report Grand Duke Elton the house of healing I wonder what he found so many quests that you just like somebody that you're never gonna get on on your run if things don't go a certain way we found Art's last orders to investigate the house of healing if we follow in his footsteps we might learn more about him heard you're meant to be heading toward the towers doing your job you mean a good soldier knows when he isn't the man for the job so saith Floric Jose into the towers we'll be there Shield to Shield until then we wait seems like a nice guy but I can't I can't get attached to any of these characters man you know I guess I got my goals my power must be achieved we're discussing fist business and you're no fist the hell would you just say to me shorty if you're poking around this God's forsaken place you must have someone in Moonrise too hope you find them softies you know what I'm saying all right we'll talk to fist Aubry too an extra blade I don't give a shit about this Grand Duke Raven I mean yeah sure actually a really good item back here excuse me sir uh is that a cat we must speak cat to cat peace it's got your whiskers and a Twist this is my mic I wonder if this is unique at all to the cat form probably not it's probably for any wild shape my intentions are pure I only wanted to admire you up close [Applause] quite the specimen you are how did you come to this place of course you seem like someone who knows what he's about heard anything interesting around here 's notice the clear she promised me a bit of milk do you see any milk do you nor do I disgraceful damn scurvy you're sticking with it though good for you things happen you know you love helson's voice actor absolutely all right let's quietly admire the cat had enough now go quickly yes that's funny are you okay so we're gonna do Guidance with Shadow because there is a check in here we're gonna give it to me that's curious how much longer must a language here I'd hope to be in Baldur's Gate 10 days ago but the Blasted toll housekeeper won't accept my papers when father hears about this you'll be furious something odd about this Village People skulk around like they have something to hide the shrines to the Moon Maiden seem ill intended and Barren I hope to learn more about Catholic thorum The Village's leader but talk of him seems to put people on edge not sure I can bear another hour in this loathsome place snow burst ring when the wearer deals cold damage there also create a 15-foot circle of ice around the target actually not too shabby if you have an open ring slot and you have like I don't need this ring get this get it out of here what do I need light for you have an open ring slot and you have the cantrip Brea Frost or if you use ice knife or Glyph of warding actually Glyph of warding already does the so we'll put it on sure all right let's um let's see oh man look at this wouldn't it be incredible to be here hanging out with Jahira time to press ahead I like how nothing you can take anything you want here it doesn't say that it's stealing for me please be welcome nice for a drink to your very good health I'm not thirsty indulge me decline you don't know what you're missing [Applause] well over a century old and yet it hasn't lost a hint of flavor still not quite so sure about you though people tend to lose more than just flavor when illicits get their hands on them speak from experience as an air about you something alien answer me through and do not lie the parasite is changing you isn't it it's trying to change me to win me over but I'm resisting its Temptations and you're certain you will continue to resist we'll see maybe I shouldn't have said that look around you good man good women stranded here can I I'm interested in saving my own skin not yours whether you trust me is immaterial I want to begrudge you that our interests a line mm-hmm and I hope no loyalty of that thing in your head to the absolute will interfere with our Salvation I've traced people like you people with parasites in their brains all the way here from Baldur's Gate The Cult of the absolute is spreading through the city quietly quickly and with unsettling deliberation we tracked them to this ancient Village only to be faced with a man we killed and buried over a century ago if he's back perhaps he should have hit him harder in the first place believe me he was well and truly dead I locked his corpse in the Thor Mausoleum myself he was a shot at once took to building an army of dark Justice years beneath this very Village alongside the local Druids we made at our business to see him deposed dead and buried but he's returned not only does General Catholic Thorne live again it seems he is no longer mortal he has become in fact Invincible we met him on the road here commanding an army of the absolute intent on destroying Baldur's Gate I put an arrow through his eye myself only to watch him pluck it out like a splinter he healed right in front of me and chased us into the Shadows things looked hopeless but the experience has taught me that no matter how Bleak things look there's always hope you are that hope invincibility that's powerful magic thankfully I have my own and the wit to know when it will not Avail you I think try another one by your artifact you can infiltrate his forces at memorize Towers posing as a true soul find out what it is that makes him invincible so we can strip him of his advantage once Gathering is without his shield the sword together we assault his Tower and put a final end to this blight okay we're gonna play along at the Rex days are numbered I'll make sure of it you hear without the Cure for your infection your days are number two yet you're selflessly offered to spend them fighting alongside us I like you I promise I will do everything I can to make sure you survive this any cure starts with understanding the disease whatever magic ketherick's using to control these tadpoles it must be at moonrise how do I reach him the towers are surrounded by Shadows you're not our only secret weapon Isabel a faithful cleric of seluna and a light in the Darkness she cast the moon shield around the Inn it's the only reason we're still alive she's upstairs in her Chambers tell her I sent you and she'll see you through the Shadows safely yeah the scrolls are expensive all right we have uh we have deceived Jahira the problem is I'm just trying to think how I want to play this out because on my other run I don't know how I can play this without signing up with Marcus like I want a different outcome but I also don't want I also I want a different outcome for my first run but at the same time like I want to RP my character evil route correctly ozobel this is a really cool scene coming up so get ready you stayed standoffish to my Paladin I got natural charm rep what can I say you know my old friend oh very very cleverus showing off your little artifact was all too he made it to believe you explain the excitement to my non-gaming husband my family just doesn't get this okay let's see um are we the only true souls in this place now remember my character is very interested in the absolute in working up the ranks and standing side by side with the absolute to achieve ultimate power that seems like the most appealing path to him as of right now seeing another true Soul here we're very interested in talking to this guy are we the only true souls in this place oh no I suppose General Thorne sent you to help with my mission that's all right I don't mind sharing the glory this man takes orders from General storm helping him maybe just what you need to gain deeper access to the cult hmm what is your mission here Isabel the solenoid cleric that guards this place General Thorne wants her alive why that cleric specifically the general speaks for the absolute and I don't question the absolute I can take the cleric myself I won't waste time in a petty tug of war we'll do this together we've got the cleric alone now is the time all right so on my other run I exposed him Isabelle turned into combat he ultimately won that combat encounter and took Isabelle with him to moonrise Towers I'm very curious what's going to happen if I team up with him right now how that whole cut scene will play out so we're gonna do that and then I'm gonna call it a night but we still might have like another 15-20 minutes what's up Callum how are you man thanks for stopping in some of you guys might know Callum Upton in the chat right now runs a fantastic YouTube channel make sure you guys look him up thanks for stopping in man hope you're doing well I met Callum over in Belgium last month power is the goal I want saloona cleric to join me it's definitely interesting thinking about her actually joining your group and then you going through the shadow cursed lands with her by your side but I'm not exactly sure how that works because I haven't had that outcome occur yet okay let's Press On let's get moving then Isabella's on the balcony should be nearly done with her press okay get ready for a really cool cut scene you all ready should I do it with my cat let's send the cat up first see if the cat can up Rock the cutscene that'd be kind of funny damn what a cool character right here dark vision defy villainy fanceustry opportunity attack potent spell casting Saloon as protection while the Ware has Mage Armor each successful saving throw causes the source of the saving throw to take one to four radiant damage full character oh I can't activate the scene with the cat never mind I thought that would have been funny take it back my torches protect mortal Souls from a shadow curse dousing one is considered a crime [Music] [Music] couldn't get the cutscene to proc well there we go I pressed on the torch [Music] I wanted to talk to the torch what's wrong with that [Music] how do you get him there you talked about Marcus Marcus should already be here regardless of what you do I think oh I can't wait to get her I had an audience Isabel this is the true soul Who's going to save us all pleased to meet you I know your name but little else care to enlighten me I am a cleric of Our Lady of silver the moon goddess Saloon as long as I keep channeling her power this Inn stays uncursed a defense to your offense we've been waiting hoping against hope for someone like you free from the absolute influence yet able to walk among cultists it's almost too good to be true but I'd be a poor cleric indeed not to Avail of a blessing when I see one let me guess sent you to beg a protection spell of her favorite cleric I feel like shadowheart would step in here and look how good she looks oh there we go perfect it'll make you immune to the Lesser effects of the Shadow curse which will get you closer to the towers but there are places it won't help places where the curse is darker stronger the cultists are able to Traverse even the deepest Shadows though I don't know how the Harpers are trying to figure it out Magic dark lady forgive me good nose like a nasty little Terrier nice nice anything else I should know before heading I was hoping that I still had that response where I could say you're coming with me but that's gone now anything else I should know before heading off catherick is a frightening man worth having while you're busy in the towers I'll be sure to Marcus what's wrong [Music] Isabel I've just gotten word I need you to come with me do you hear his orders come with you where let's do this remember Catholic wants her alive okay what is going on look at all the choices just go quietly Isabel he doesn't want to hurt you you you're one of them aren't you what full he already has yes look at those bone Wings time to go Isabella [Music] okay so I'm assuming that all these are gonna be on my side right now lethal and use the Sleep spell why would I do such a thing what do you think you're watching right now to hear his favorite cleric once you're alive no matter what okay that's why you want not leave one this actually might be the first legit use of non-lethal attacks have you tested that out before Megan thanks for the 9.99 Super Chat I appreciate it favorite NPC in the game is Majesty thank you lizard dude with a wizard hat hey watch who you're calling a lizard brother okay all right you watch or you're calling a damn lizard okay well I mean this is similar to my other run but uh yeah it's different because all of these Wing tours are on my side right now that makes a little bit easier um Jahira is still showing as yellow interesting why is jahiro yell why is Jahira yellow right now okay well let's go kick some ass we're gonna turn on non-lethals this might be like legit the first uh the first non-lethal use here I don't know where it actually has an effect on the game nice historian respect brother oh wait what was that other thing that I just had where did Marcus go oh whoa he's on the bottom floor okay all right let's do um you got to be careful though I don't want to do too much damage [Music] Fireball [Music] like she might have some crazy spells yeah get the hell out of here there goes to here oh damn jira just took a critical hit don't let her heal I'm gonna have to drop a little uh bone chill what do you think about that I'm definitely staying in cat form absolutely hahaha cat's got two HP all right Shadow oh Shadow would love killing Isabel right now because shadow hates saluna so let's go ahead and drop I'm a little bit so I'm a little bit nervous right now I don't know how to non-lethily kill Isabelle because I'm trying to stay in Cutler's favor I gotta be careful with what I do you'll make excellent fertilizer don't have the heart to go evil Mitch everyone there is gonna die doesn't know what happens I mean yeah I guess she doesn't know what my decision was yeah okay true we are in a back room up here Isabelle could call out for help Just Gonna Keep healing next 23 is going to be the dark urge nice can't wait to try a dark fridge myself what's up kit all right sounds good man enjoy your run are you sure I think now non-lethal just has to be any melee weapon it doesn't matter if it's bludgeoning or anything look must be unarmed or using a melee weapon doesn't work on undeading constructs unless there's a hidden rule that I don't know about [Music] we gonna find out probably shouldn't have done that oh okay it's just minus one to attack rules gotta bite Isabelle you know what I'm saying all right I'm going to um do one magic Missile 6-2 shit that's risky as hell one match I'm doing one magic Missile and the rest are gonna be on the ground I only did two damage beautiful we're good probably if it works on Range weapons and 5V so that's a change that larion made next playthrough I'm doing either Shadow origin or female seldering drow sorcerer and taking helson and lazel respect I respect that all right cat you just stay there you're useless [Music] I don't think I can get outside right now blocking the whole door getting shot in the knee knock your outcome well I stream my dark Birds play through yeah I'm not against that I know I'm gonna get age restricted for certain streams but yeah in the future maybe we'll yeah we'll see after I do my one offline run my let's play series every time I play from there on out probably will be on stream to find time as a video creator play a game offline and do a stream series at the same time like it's really hard to find time the only reason why I'm doing it right now is because Baldur's Gate 3 is so important to me I wanted to experience the game not on stream and I decided to try a let's play series for the first time in my life and to my surprise um it's doing pretty well so I appreciate you guys watching that doing let's play videos is like a dream come true that's literally a dream job that's like I literally turn on the thing light commentary and play a game like that's some easy shit right there I've avoided it for so long because it's not a good way to grow a channel everything else that you do on YouTube uh you know comes with its pluses and minuses a lot of hard work um but I'm very happy to be doing a let's play series but after the let's play series is over I I gotta my times my time's gonna be better spent doing streams so I'll probably be doing live streams for every every run after that whiz thanks for the 10 gifted memberships you absolute lizard man thanks Wiz this is really bad positioning what am I doing right now I should have moved a Starion out of the way I can't even shoot a spell because I don't want to kill her thanks Wiz look at that look at all the new members welcome y'all love the let's play thanks you know hopefully uh it's a bit of a learning experience for me and because even though it's not like that hard to do like work wise a little bit time consuming editing videos and making sure like if there's any major bugs like I have to re-record something or something like that but um hopefully I can figure out a nice style for Let's Plays then do more in the future because like I said that's literally like a dream like a dream come true to do content like that so this is such bad positioning okay here we go watch this oh a little bit worried passives are on here we go you gotta be kidding me I need extra attack Nicholas thank you for the 500 yen I believe that is thanks for the great content watching the let's play since I don't have time by myself good to have a very different style in this sorelock run thanks a lot man can you please win with the cat I can try is fire fighter valid absolutely every class in this game is valid if you're playing on balance I mean even tactician two every class is valid but if you're playing on balance every class is 100 valid the fighter is a very good class action surge boosted up ability scores I mean it might be a little bit underwhelming not as many things to choose from but [Music] possible to play a good dark urge from everything I've seen yes your past is your past though so but it's possible to turn that around I think yes okay pretty much the same ending as I got on my run it's very similar to what I did on my good run um with that said there's a key difference here Marcus knows that I helped him defeat Isabelle so he could take Isabel to the towers on my other run I exposed Marcus for being a true Soul he ended up winning the fight though and taking Isabelle so I'm assuming that larion probably has like a permutation for what I did versus what I did on my let's play series um but yeah this is not a fight that I was looking to get I'm freaking hungry and thirsty are you kidding me I gotta go through this entire combat encounter shit damn it man gonna be shitting me right now one takes forever too oh yeah we can always save two and come back all right we'll start a little bit though let's kill these guys here in the in the middle yeah anybody else anybody else want to die okay so the first thing we got to do is we got to get to high ground with this character scroll up Missy step would be great right now I have very minimal maneuverability with him I think I already used my Misty stop scroll I did all right well I guess in that case might as well just cast Fireball right oh void bulb Fireball would be epic I got an idea let's see if we can do that whoa cat stop holy crap 's sake dude do we have a void bulb are you serious I don't have a void bulb this is ridiculous foreign music's so good these boots have seen everything let's see stop is a must-have I plan on getting it at some point didn't feel like a net needle in act one you know what I'm saying all right so let's start off with spiritual weapon we're gonna cover our back side here actually front side [Music] and then it's time for the one and only Spirit guardians but actually it's probably better to do Mirror Image First it definitely is shit I just I just used up all my spell slots oh my God guess no Spirit Guardians like sexy Can't appreciate it all right well we'll see what are we gonna do here let's kill this little stupid little Kathleen yeah we don't like halflings right according to Valerian statistics half liens are one of the least popular races next to gift Yankee the rinky wrinkly aliens all right let's do um let's do why am I a disadvantage right now is there dark around here it is it's too dark crap um [Music] that won't affect Darkness all right Mr Druid give me a moon beam right here dude and I actually have a fantastic idea I'm gonna do it in a second I'm gonna use a scroll we're in shape shifting yeah but I'm playing as a Spore Druid so sport Druids don't typically use wild shape because if they wild shape they lose their symbiotic entity that's the reason why you don't see me wild shaping the many bodies for your zombie Commander Shred what's the strongest Druid subclass in your opinion oh you know what mouse I think you're talking I'm Excuse me you weren't talking to me you were talking I think you're replying to him so forget what I just told you um okay let's do we might need a little light in here combo let's do a little combination watch this y'all ready for this okay that's a fireball waiting to happen right there I find necromancy underwhelming on my other character yes a little bits on my other run with Gail I have found it a little bit underwhelming with that said I'm still getting used to it and learning it so kind of annoying like activating Undead like half the corpses you can't do and then you gotta have enough corpses to do it and sometimes you don't write a story what are you gonna do here my friend Pokemon the Rapier nice damn I don't have any more level three spell slots I'll tell you what we do have though is Scrolls oh I have a scroll of fly that actually would come in use wall of stone I don't I don't understand the wall spells yet and I haven't had a chance to practice them ah shit I just ruined that all right let's move Moonbeam having four zombies Punchy things though it's like four bad bunks what level do you get four lead singer wizard works well for summoning spells yeah it sounds cool damn dude I just need some spell slots right now I could toast all these dudes with one Fireball Fireball uh level four spells okay uh-oh this is not looking good right now this is not looking good no AOE shit dude I just need all I need is I just need some spell slots and these dudes are a toast right now and you know what I do have a potion I made that potion earlier that potion of Arcane acuity foreign defensive and offensive yeah I was going to use the wall of stone to cut off these guys from coming in but it didn't work out all good I gotta get a Starion back to duel all right we got we got fly right now so let's go ahead and fly I don't think we take opportunity attacks with that nice okay and now we're gonna go ahead and look at what potions we got here an additional level two spell slot okay now I have two but Fireball is level three so that's not gonna help us [Music] important actually might be it might be time to it might have been time the wild shape right there and say screw the symbiotic entity I already lost it anyways but it's too late I've made my decision all right okay you need the bodies close together yeah just I yeah I don't get why it's like that it's really frustrating it's really frustrating because like you might have like two corpses that are just too fuck I don't get why you can't just do one and if those of you guys that have played Necromancer is there a way to to only do like if you have like two Undead summons is there a way to only do one I didn't see a way to do that I might be wiping here this is not looking good at all like seriously this is not looking good at all I don't have like anything right now all I can think about is food right now food food food food not even worth getting him up he's just gonna get knocked back down but at the same time that was my last spell slot that was stupid not sure if you can level up mid to fight be cool if it gave me full HP again pick one and then the green check mark if there's one Okay click one and then the green check mark if there's one yeah yeah I guess you could pick them up that's that's a good point at the same time it's still kind of a pain in the butt you know what I mean but yeah good thinking all right let's um yeah I can still probably win this maybe damn man that really bad my party members are in horrible positions right now should have moved them back you know what would take care of all this right now Spirit Guardians one more Fireball one Spirit Guardians in this fight is over okay please not even like a place where I could get off a fireball though because my companions are kind of mixed in between all of it I'd have to do like a suicide Fireball ah I have one sorcery point costs a bonus action to create us to create another one and then it might be able to create a level two spell slot that's not gonna do me any good this is uh this is just bad news this is bad bad stuff everyone this is a bad situation I'm not gonna run from it Greece [Music] Raven feeblement stinking Cloud scroll a cloud of daggers blindness see where's our lowest level lowest HP I want to just do it right there but Shadow heart's right in the middle of it unfortunate look how many clouded daggers I would get off right there [Music] oh I shouldn't realize create two sorcery points two companions alive right now no way to no way to revive the other ones they don't have the spell slots for it look at Shadow hearting now this is insane just surrounded I have point I don't even have bombs what about smoke foreign actually watch this if I successfully am able to Blink oh my God I got it no I didn't it might be next round or I failed the blink I'm not sure I don't have any channels the names left or do I I don't have any Revival Scrolls now There She Goes and I got this jackass in my face right now you got to be kidding me yeah to create a level three spell slot you need five sorcery points that's crazy [Music] foreign sometimes you gotta just sacrifice your own companions for ultimate damage I should have flew a little bit higher oh well I'm gonna wipe With Honor this is a tough fight when you come out of the Isabel fight you're just caught off guard hold on and then there was one you're screwed bro true true look at Midori he's ready he's ready for the tpk Midori wants it you can feel it you know what I could just save right here go get some food you know what I mean and you guys will never ever know if I tpked or not I could also never stream again too I could just save right here we could call it a night then I start another character next time I go live you know what I'm saying all right I wish I had get I really wish I had Gail in my group right now because we would do the suicide bomb to have anything that can just blow up everybody at one time right now Scroll of fear is Shadow yeah Shadow is officially dead so I have no way to even pick anybody up right now I should probably get some Resurrection Scrolls at some point Scroll of stinking Cloud whole person well you know I do oh yeah I don't even have fly active anymore I mean I could just run away with this character start retreating I'm gonna accept my death okay all right y'all it's gonna be on my own terms if I can survive these opportunity attacks my death is going to be on my own terms ladies and gentlemen that will be a wrap that would be tpk number three on tactician I got wrecked in that fight you know what I love it all right y'all you guys have a wonderful night I gotta go get some food and hydrate and uh yeah um I guess the streaming schedule as of right now is still me just trying to go live at 7 pm Eastern as many nights as I can in the week so I if you want to watch more live streams just check back after 7 P.M Eastern on the channel and I may be live I might not be and then once we get through the next couple weeks then I can figure out a more official consistent streaming schedule but right now I'm just doing so much at one time it's hard to really set a time aside for for dedicated streams so just as many nights as I can at 7 pm Eastern okay thanks Megan Wiz thanks for the 10 gifted memberships when's this game coming out for mobile well it's already out on mobile if you have GeForce now I think you can play on your phone so be a replicator [Music] both your playthroughs are neutral so OC to make dialogue decisions for the Goodyear party it makes sense in your other playthrough be deceitful thanks Alice UV peace oh this playthrough hasn't I don't think I would consider this playthrough in neutral I think I've rp'd it pretty evil so far looking for power with the absolute I think um I don't think it would have been a good idea for me to tell Jahira that I want to be an absolute cultist and then just have the entire Camp turn on me at the start of this stream right here I mean I assaulted The Grove with menthara it's about the most evil thing you can do in act one I Thunder waved elfir off the cliff because her singing sucks and I've embraced my Powers so far and I've worked with every true soul that I've talked to including Marcus so I don't think I would call this neutral that's just my perspective though but whatever you see it as is whatever you see it as I guess oh my my Ranger is my angels my Ranger is probably on the good side of things um I've made some neutral decisions with my Ranger but definitely good overall but I'm not I'm not like uh I'm not like a paladin you know what I'm saying like with Shadow heart on my Ranger I kind of letting her do her thing even though I think I know it's wrong but at the same time I'm kind of giving her the agency to handle her own problems I don't know sometimes I get confused with both of my characters too I I'm like schizophrenic right now got too many personalities going on albums aren't good um oath of devotion and ancient Paladin I mean and generally speaking they are good in this game if you do something evil you'll break your oath and then you're an oath breaker so in bg3 a devotion an ancient pal then are at large pretty good I would say with the oath breaking mechanics that larian has implemented a Vengeance Paladin or oath breaker is probably the path you're gonna have to go if you want to go evil at least that was my experience with the Paladin when they released it and whatever patch that was in the past I think vengeance is probably the path that you could go yeah or oath breaker it was thank you for the twenty dollar Super Chat and the 10 gifted memberships you don't have to go to talk to Isabella just leave and go find the dreider in the tower yeah I'm pretty aware that you can skip a lot of the content in this game but I didn't want to skip it because I'm trying to experience as much of it as I can I think people in the chat wanted to see you hear it too first you let Shadow be light but the current dark plan making her stay Shar didn't break your oath once as a Vengeance nice mintara I believe is a Vengeance Paladin too so that makes sense valerians letting you play uh Vengeance Paladin's evil is it even possible to oath break mythara maybe not because of vengeance paladins Odes can't be broken then maybe not I think menthara's offended Paladin well the vengeance is hard to break I've done lots of morally gray stuff but it was always in pursuit of slain of the greater evil though if mintaro is a Vengeance Pally she's definitely evil so I don't know what larian's view is on that because yeah like the d d 5th edition Vengeance Pally is still fighting for good foreign just not afraid of doing anything to slaughter evil okay but I gotta go find food goodbye thanks for hanging out [Music] you kill innocence you oath break Vengeance Pally oh interesting good to know the videos go up and just like attack the tiefling or something without raiding the Grove you might break it whiz I was like two seconds away from hitting the end button your donation was going to get denied thanks Wiz appreciate it man seriously I could only add up all of whiz's gifted memberships and donations over the past couple years it would be pretty ridiculous part is this is this part eight I don't even know or eight music in this game is so good true yeah show your support to larian's composer uh Bobby uploaded all of the soundtrack on his own YouTube channel his name is borislav forget his last name borislav Slovak something like that and he also updated uploaded all the music on Spotify on his channel as well I think Marion is like letting him like have even though larion owns the music I think larion's letting him upload on his own YouTube and his own Spotify and probably getting the benefits from that which is pretty cool I could be wrong I'm not sure what his deal is with larion but it seems like larian is letting him do what he wants with his own music which is really cool you're doing her as a Pally of char cool that's that's nice Willa's devotion paddled into his patreon would be neat wizard of char yeah ziki what he's what he's saying is you can respect companions in this game so if you want to take you want to take mantara you can respect her into a wizard if you want to Clarion has said that like some of the respeking might mess with their story a little bit depending on how far you Speck away from their original class but we don't really know like what exactly it does yet I want to know what happens if you turn will if you if you turn will into a different class and have no warlock in him at all I'm wondering if he still gets like the mazora patron scenes that would be the easiest way to test out respecting companions okay goodbye thanks Liz
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 38,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 live, baldurs gate 3 livestream, livestream, baldurs gate 3 full game, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 classes, beginners guide, bg3 live, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, tactician mode baldurs gate 3, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: 3sAgX5r_ECs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 259min 46sec (15586 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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