Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 8: The Aliens

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welcome back adventurers and before I started this episode up I was actually looking at my inventory and I noticed this little Mark right here that says inventory controls and larian has actually given us the ability to select multiple individual items at once so if you hold down control and then you click you can click a bunch of different items which will make it much easier to sell things or move certain things and things of that nature so we definitely have some improvements in the inventory management but anyways let's get on with episode 8 here so in episode 7 we spent the entirety of the episode in the goblin Fortress the ruined Temple of saluna over here and we went in and peacefully talked to Priestess gut who was one of the first of the three leaders of the Fortress and we creeped into her mind a little bit and found out that she was being given orders by a young handsome man so that's kind of interesting one of the chosen of the absolute and we did have that vision of the absolute in episode six that talked about a young handsome man and then later on in the goblin Camp I ended up trying to kill one of the goblins and set the entire camp on me so we missed out on the dialogue with the other leaders in the camp but we did rescue the Druid helson and he's happy that we just cleared out the camp so let's go to The Druids Grove and talk to not only zevlor but also helps interesting times probably take a long rest first though a fine Camp you have here certainly an improvement on that filthy cage the Goblins add me in my thanks again for all you did with the growth safe I am free to turn to other matters I wish to come with you help solve this problem that's plaguing you it's the least I can do I will join you help you with that which plagues you the illicit curse is obliged to Old nature there is hope but it isn't found here at my hands at least not yet there's a Chokehold of magic binding the creature to you any efforts to remove it would almost certainly kill you or worse Elson just showed up at our camp and it seems like he is going to join us as a companion this magic isn't typical of xeromorphosis moonrise Towers it's the source of this magic and where the cultists send their captives to be infected they're building an army innocence go in true Souls come out find whoever's behind the parasites and the magic if we can understand it then perhaps we can cure it provided you survive long enough luckily you have time this magic has slowed your ceremophosis to a cruel I just can't fathom why someone would do that at last a cure is in reach to the towers then where the Moonlight will lend way to a new door moonrise Towers what is that place an ancient Citadel abandoned for years and for very good reason until these cultists took over and how are you so sure moonrise is where I have to go nature speaks to me Birds report what they've seen and I've overheard goblins speaking of it too Moon Rises at the heart of all this I'm sure of it and what's so dangerous apart from facing Legions of absolute followers the whole region is shrouded in a curse a shadow curse for years now this curse has consumed all light and life it spits out only darkness and despair if you survive long those who do are transformed by the curse it is not a place to venture into lightly and what do you suggest Helsing you could go Overland along the Risen Road or through the mountains easier at first but you'll run into the shadow curse eventually you could also go under there is a tunnel somewhere in the ruined Temple of soluna it leads to moonrise Towers through the underdark long ago a man called catheric Thorne built a secret stronghold deep down there before rallying a whole Army of dark justices Shaw worshipers dark Justice is I must see for myself aaradan and his lot were looking for a way down there they were promised riches if they retrieved A Relic called The Night song but I think there's more from this stronghold catharik's forces could access both the Temple of saluna and moonrise Towers but he was defeated before he could launch an attack if you can find this place our wager it will reveal a path to moonrise Towers bypassing the worst of the Shadow curse I don't want to risk getting lost in the underdark else and I am a Wood Elf after all I'm not a drow a journey Overland you may reconsider once you see the effects of the curse for yourself I would like to join your Camp if you'll allow me I can offer my skills my counsel I've long sought to return to moonrise Towers unfinished business it seems our Fates have aligned and you want to go to moonrise yourself why those illicit creatures threatened the natural order it's my duty to do what I can to stop them is also the shadow curse it's an affront and must be cleansed I helped overthrow Catholic Thorne and his dark Justice years years ago but I failed to prevent him from unleashing Darkness across the region before he was defeated I spent years researching The Curse trying to put an end to it nothing has worked yet if I can join you and get close to moonrise perhaps I can lift this curse same as you may find a cure for your infection okay so helson is part of the emerald Enclave Druid faction and they of course don't support anything unnatural but they're also willing to work with civilization to live in harmony the civilization and nature can live together while the shadow Druids and the reason why I'm getting into this is because my character's backstory deals with Shadow Druids the shadow Druids are like the radicalized section of Druids that basically just want to kill any and everything that even comes close to not being tied to Nature so in my character's history obviously the shadow Druids killed that farmer brem and his family basically you have the reasonable faction and then the radicalized faction the terrorists is that why you went with eredon you thought he might find this route to moonrise precisely then perhaps I could have done something about both the shadow curse and ceremophosis aberrations but in my eagerness I put far too much faith in the abilities of aaradin and his band we didn't even get close and what about the Grove I've chosen a successor as first Druid Francesca of the high Forest a bird's already been dispatched to summon her oh precisely who indeed you do not know and neither do any of the others The Grove needs to move beyond the mistakes of the past what it needs is an unknown quantity an outsider who can enforce the oak father's teachings without bias this is why I chose Francesca she will restore Simplicity and Purity to The Grove in my absence okay it sounds like the Grove will be in good hands then we should get going indeed we quite the journey ahead of us I advise you start in the temple of soluna if you find the dark Justice Year's hidden entrance it could lead you all the way to moonrise oh we have a little bit mess up on the dialogue here these responses correlate to a different dialogue line but let's just go ahead and say won't this cause resentment this deals with Francesca taking over The Grove resemblance will spring up like mushrooms no matter what I do you cannot please everyone and you'd be a fool to try now we've quite the journey ahead best get started wow this is exciting now look at helson he's in our camp right now man playing act one so far has been a blast I mean a lot of things are clearly similar to Early Access act one but a lot of things are also different we were not able to actually recruit helson as a companion in Early Access so anyways when we're in the goblin Camp okay hold on I gotta get rid of these freaking barrels man we're in the goblin camp we did creep into that Cellar area for that giant ogre troll was and I believe that is where we could actually find the entrance to the underdark but I think I'm actually going to focus on the Overland route please just note if you guys are watching this and you haven't watched me play Early Access in the past like I said there is so much content that I am not doing on this run so much more out there still breathing and I'm kind of curious if we go the Overland route are we not going to be going into the underdark at all I'm not sure the underdark is one of the coolest areas in all of Early Access but I'm sure it probably is in the full game as well but we're going to find out what happens I'm making my choice that I don't want to go in the underdark as a Wood Elf I've grown up on stories of how dangerous the underdark is I could even make a backstory deal with the underdark if I wanted to maybe I had a brother or sister who went into the underdark and never came back we're going to focus on the Overland route which should be interesting I think we actually already kind of went into the Overland route in episode six all right let's have a conversation with a few of these Companions and maybe have helsin join our group here [Music] good hello quite the Cozy setup you have here I'll just make myself comfortable thank you so much I was just settling in and reviewing my latest findings mind flares cultists and of course your esteemed company what do you know about mind flares well I'm pretty clear and expert in a jar in his quarters a replica no doubt but truly fascinated to see up close I fought one of them here on the sword Coast possible now only have I encountered a mind flare I've killed one polo that that we can just tell him I was captured by mind flares before I'm lucky to be alive oh man I'm asked any residual psionic belays since the alleged encounter I have and the mind flare infected me with a parasite that's quite impossible you'd have undergone set of offices by now I don't necessarily believe everything bolo says but I also don't think that he's a bad character and as someone who has he sent knowledge on the lore of the Forgotten Realms I think we're okay with conversing with him on this particular run Sarah morphosis tell me more I want to test that not long after in session the host that's you turns into a mind flayer as there's not a tentacle on your head I can only assume you haven't been infected never mind Volo get us isn't it okay we're done with Volo for now volo's decide to remain in her Camp having such a learned scholar nearby might be useful we got Blazer of benevolence when you inspire an ally using Bardock inspiration you gain four temporary hit points so if you have a Bard in your group that's actually quite nice okay let's uh let's have a chat with the Companions and then we're going to head out I'm thinking about actually before we start heading to the mountain pass I think we're going to maybe work on lazelle's Quest a little bit and try to find those GIF Yankee that she's been searching for I dismissed though if we have helson in the group we don't necessarily need Shadow heart because I'll have healing word decisions this isn't decisions wish we could have a party of five or six okay I'm gonna dismiss karlak I'll make hellson a moon druid very glad Shadow hot and lazelle's second things without letting any blood I would have enjoyed this spectacle but not losing either one of those lunatics [Music] you'll need to stay behind in Camp for now carlak oh fine let's change my freaking underwear holy crap I'm about to steal I'm gonna steal gals briefs oh man I just stole can't say I've ever stolen another man's briefs but it's the first time for everything all right Gail's got the uh Periwinkle underground it's on now I'm okay with that there we go oh man everything's purple let me die I'm gonna dye these freaking undies you know what I mean okay we have the die right here let's see if we can dye these damn things throw my undies in there combine okay that's much more respectable all right it feels fresh Oak father's blessings to you this Shadow curse you spoke of surely it can't be that bad it's had the whole region around moonrise Towers in a Chokehold of darkness and despair for years now those who remained are Shadow cursed if you don't die at their hands then you become one of them we have to get to moonrise but the less time we spend in its blighted surrounds the better and what about the secret stronghold in the underdark you must know more precious little but I'm quite certain it can still be found aradim was convinced there was a hidden entrance in the temple of saluna I'd start there it seems like you feel responsible for the shadow curse somehow well there's hardly anyone left to share the responsibility with few who witnessed the fall of moonrise still draw breath while Catherine Thorne Unleashed is not something that nature can undo by itself I must do what I can I studied the shadow curse for years but to truly understand this and stop it I must reach its source and how do you know so much about the parasites I studied one up close to the most would care to be to those things a drow attacked me and I defended myself afterwards I was able to examine the tadpole that emerged hideous but fascinating like nothing else in nature I'm glad to say and you know how that shadow curse can be stopped perhaps but we'll need to get closer before I can put my theory into practice put it from your mind for now once we near the curse then there will be more to be said is that why you went with Eridan you thought he might find this route to moonrise precisely then perhaps I could have done something about both the shadow curse and ceremorphosis aberrations but in my eagerness I put far too much faith in the abilities of aaradin and his band we didn't even get close how are you faring out here at the camp wonderfully if I'm honest The Grove was too comfortable for my tastes I felt removed from nature I'll miss my books but I can find all the wisdom they contain out here first hand you'll find plenty of books before long I keep coming across them everywhere is that so well nature does a poor waste I will keep watch thank you I had a feeling time in your company would prove fruitful foreign hold on can I not I thought he's got to be a companion I mean we already know this but I can't get him to join my group right now you wish to speak huh the archdruid helson described how there was once an entire Army of Darkness this year's that wages war against followers of seluna long ago the rights of becoming a dark just this year are no mean Feats they must have had substantial lair in order to train and anoint a force of such sides Elson can't cure us but he'll accompany us to moonrise Towers there are main quest is we can either travel through the underdark Kelson told us that there's a way to moonrise towers that leads through the underdark tunnels beneath the Temple of soluna will lead us there or follow the mountain pass we decided to take the mountain pass the road should lead us to moonrise Towers we did kind of walk onto the mountain pass in episode six that's why it's saying that even though we didn't technically decide to take it stop me yeah yeah I'm not sure um it doesn't look like I can get Elson to join me with such stimulating company I'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to be right now or if it's bugged out I have no idea but you know what that's fine we'll just have Lazelle join the group right now you must have questions join me it is done and we got Lazelle we'll level up here so let me save this [Music] oops [Music] yeah this should be pretty simple the champion seam is pretty simple it's kind of nice though to have a few companions where you don't have to figure out a million different spells all right so Lazelle has 17 strength you know I'm tempted to take great weapon master but I just want to boost that strength to 18. I could take the heavily armored or the heavy armor Master feat like I did with my character making Lazelle a bit more tanky but let's go ahead and it looks like we should be good with 18 and strength and 16 in Constitution but actually yeah you know I'm gonna leave it like that because I think Lazelle has on medium armor right now so actually with the current armor that she has on we would probably benefit more by boosting dexterity by one it would boost our armor class but if I switch to Heavy Armor which I plan on doing at some point with her than that dexterity boost won't really help with the armor class so yeah let's go with strength and con I like that awesome let me take a look at what she's wearing Yeah medium armor so you get a maximum of plus two added to your armor class with medium armor when you switch to Heavy Armor that goes away I don't think I have any heavy armor right now nope okay so for the good thing you have played on and yeah that's about it I do want to give will that can I send this to will nope you can only send it to party members all right let's head off on our journey no never mind still have a lot of inventory management that I should be doing here but uh well we'll figure that out some other time I promised I'd be back don't worry I have things under control for now you haven't been using the parasite's power you think you don't need it but things haven't gone as you expected you hope to Drew it as powerful as hellson might be able to remove your tadpole but he couldn't you're desperate to be rid of it understandable but you're looking for Solutions in the wrong places tell me who you are infected with a mind Flay of parasite just like you I seek to be free of it but to do that we'll need to think Beyond local Healers your parasite is unusual it is wrapped in Magic that prevents its removal until the source of the tadpole's magic is destroyed any attempt to remove it will kill you you are lucky that Halsey knew this his instincts are right the parasites are merely a symptom of a greater sickness in faerun how do I destroy the source of the tadpole's magic more than a lithid spawn they are vassals for control the infected hear the voice of the absolute and believe it to be a god that is how the cult of the absolute is spreading the highest of their rank the true Souls carry a tadpole just like yours it is how they receive their orders it is what makes them obey when the order to transform is given it will not be a matter of days they will be mind flayers in an instant worried not for my protection so would you how is it that you protect me I have powers of my own unique powers but know that we are alike I've been trying to escape from this evil for a long time once I almost succeeded now through you I've been given a new chance you can go where I cannot and I can protect you from that evil if we work together we may turn this around Health they need me I have to go he's awfully convincing not gonna lie and what is going on over there the power sooner or later I will be worn down you must discover the source of the magic that controls the parasites before that happens the cultists are gathering at moonrise Towers use the powers your parasite gives you to convince them you are one of them and when you find the source of their magic destroy it go our freedom depends on it hmm she is called The Guardian too learn to think that dream visitor might not be so bad but it could be being deceived still breathing let me check on helson real fast just to see if I can't get him to join my group to speak nope I can't okay so Shadow gal me and yeah I think this is probably good let's head on out I like having Shadow and lays out in the same group especially especially after their little scuffle let's get going I don't think I've had to use a resurrection scroll even once yet have I live but I feel like that time will be coming before we know it okay we're gonna stop in the Grove real fast talk to have we buried the hatchet is that floor why would I bury a weapon is is broken did he need help digging I will find a shovel give up now I'll catch a break foreign again I need to consume some powerful magic or it may become volatile okay let's give them another one damn can I give him the absolute stuff some of these items are really good tell writer's Pride silver pendant's actually good too if I don't have Shadow heart in my group it's nice to have that item okay I'm gonna give away I'm gonna give away Shadow Hearts hat even though she looked great in it thank you all right strange experience each time I knew I could lost soul is splunking through the darkness that is me only to be sacrificed on the dread altar of the heart but quite right it never feels right but it relieves this doesn't relieve oh what is happening the magic isn't having the effect it should have it's not like the last time like a rainstorm that quells a forest fire drizzles The Embers still sizzle the fire remains undefeated I'm not certain what's going on but nothing good please I need to think two Trace My Steps to a Glade of calm thank you for the artifact a great deal of trouble it was too a great deal of trouble indeed okay all right what now [Music] we gave Gail another magical item but this time the weave inside wasn't quite as effective at stabilizing his condition seems only mildly concerned about that for now we should keep looking for any suitable items for the next time right the dream visitor told us to go to moonrise Towers you might find answers there about our parasites okay let's see where's zevolor [Music] I expected to come back here first and talk to Helsing in the Grove but he met us at our camp right away so fair enough how much money do I have right now not that much assuming zevolor should be down here somewhere let's call fernan hey girl interesting times I like to have Fern by my side while I'm out adventuring oh is that floor is not in here where the heck you at it wasn't here before I steal stuff now we're not gonna steal stuff and these things have stayed interesting we're a ranger from the Misty Forest we might not like the shadow Druids but we do support the emerald Enclave got Liam over there oh oh let's talk to Damon real fast we had that one side quest where we picked up that item oh I think are the tiefling's gone interesting it looks like the tieflings have left the Grove on my run wow and there's just no telling like if it's just because of the the actions that I took in the order that I did things it's hard to know or if it's actually like a bug he just sits just really hard to know because your choices have such great consequence in this game but it looks like uh yeah we have nothing to do here at The Druids Grove LR and we ask still breathing let me just stop inside where kagra used to be I'll talk to tahan real fast Coco was right we must put ourselves first damn straight I think I care okay wrath is down here we'll have a little chat with him you've done it you brought house in back thank you no thanks is not enough May Sylvanas bless you for all your days I cannot imagine taking on a camp full of goblins was a simple task think nothing of it I'm glad helson is safe as am I The Grove will be whole again let me show you on your map where you can find the cash take this rune you'll need it place it among the pedestals inside our library Wonder wolf glows brightest everything in the vault below will be yours yeah let's do it okay yeah it looks like we're not going to see zevlar for a little while maybe not until we make it to the city because the tieflings have left for Baldur's Gate and you know what that's fair enough because you know they didn't have to sit around and wait for me right Elson must have came back and told them that the roads are safe and the tieflings got right on out of there no rest for the wicked I see I love that let's get going oh no no no no no dang it the emerald Enclave won't send help even if I asked this land is wounded and the rod is deep but it's deep everywhere I can't wait for help to come but perhaps I need not face the darkness alone beautiful glave so why does touching it give me a knot in my stomach sorrow weapon enchantment plus one then we get the thorn whip can trip there it is right there for every drop of blood spill the piece of the Soul perishes until nothing remains but regret yeah I don't know if I want to be using this just so you guys can see Thorn whip okay go ahead and put my ever burn blade back on such a good sword and let's get out of here robe of Summoner Grant resistance to cold damage we can actually put that on Mr Gale could use a little robe upgrade not that there's a lot of old damage in this game at least in Early Access okay let's go see everything I'll loot every single vase on my live stream session [Music] all right so I think we're good to uh let's push on with lazelle's Quest now which is actually towards the mountain pass [Music] search the sword Coast for signs of a gift Yankee Crush [Music] let's go ahead and I will teleport to the Risen Road your skills are improving my skills were just fun to begin with you can save the compliments I don't pay compliments I make observations this is where the so-called paladins of tear were or carlak's Quest looking ahead to do no we have to pick up each individual food item right through these people they didn't stand a chance got some hyenas down the road with a lot of blood you know what that tells me they're not just regular hyenas go up this way any failure will be mine alone if you say so just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket that expression no time to rest all these things have stayed interesting okay we got some nulls up here the Knowles are not good they're not good at all shooting times I forgot to buy a shovel I should have bought a shovel when I was in the Druid school what Tales of her reaches are terrifying I suppose that's not how you would describe is like onyx Onyx teeth like teeth wait who's in combat interesting somehow they caught my wolf hold on though hold on we're okay we are okay oh they're fighting down here I better quickly help out then [Music] I could have done that better but it is what it is [Music] okay and then we're gonna call in spiritual weapon foreign back her up probably should back up a little bit not sure if these guys can pull me off or what the whole thing of yinogu thank you awesome get up there Mr Wolfie actually I'm gonna stay back I'm not gonna Dash up it's been a little while since we had Lazelle in the group [Music] okay we got the warlord right here was looking awfully intimidating any nearby creatures with a rampage trait can make bite as a bonus action focus on one at a time light on my feet it's 75 percent and I missed hey you're supposed to okay he took some damage it worked mind clamps onto yours you see yourself through her eyes a pulsing red cluster of organs no voice has forbidden this meat no I'll see your whole world as a meal this voice is acting as a leash but it won't hold them for long as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority we can use the elected powers to Brave the flames and feast on the meat in the cave because there was two guys out in the cave all right let's search her mind for the source of the voice a memory dorbs the symbol of the absolute on a cave at Paul struggles to assert control against the ravenous chaos of her mind wow you see drow and goblins restraining her a mind player reaching out and then the voice bringing order eating this meat was forbidden would lead her to a feast okay this is awfully tempting I'm not gonna lie she wants meat command her to Feast on the other Knolls so my character is kind of having fun right now using the wisdom Powers a little bit at the same time refuses to take it too far rides in ecstasy command its host will Feast on null flesh to control the hunger to keep her teeth from your throat your blood runs quicker feeding the gnawing absence at the center of your mind yeah man every time I use it though I lose something but we got Flynn down our side right now he's so much damage 85 HP too level five tough opponent can't take bonus actions or reactions okay go ahead and end cloud of daggers I have full HP so I really don't need to do a necromancy spell well let's do it anyways okay so it's just oh we got oh we got one down here okay so all right Shadow can you make it up to that ledge it doesn't look like you can ah so close it's so far away forgot about my wolf I'm gonna use my wolf to block the Knoll from coming up because Fern doesn't want a null coming up on Wolf's backside [Music] her mind a hungry pit the Flesh of her pack wasn't enough to satisfy her okay dominate her mind commanding her to Feast on herself wow not my lucky day she resists her mind's teeth piercing your brain pain shoots through you she serve as the connection and prepares to attack okay here we go I use the ellipid tadpole powers for no no reason thank you come on I don't think I can hit from this angle right here if I get high ground from up here yep nice do level two foreign on the ground here that's okay reduces our Armor class by a little bit [Music] oh no that ain't good [Music] you must kill this Beast there's a parasite in that corpse brimming with potent Matt by the Gods you're a sweet sight are any of my Crews still alive out there that scene probably like it makes sense that it procked but it would have been nicer if I was able to finish looty and then walk down towards the cave but I guess you could have came up to me all I saw was blood and guts damn it I guess that's a no resin Road's more dangerous than ever you're the first friendly face we've seen since Elder guard 's a long way from here where are you heading we're Bound for Boulder's Gate got some cargo to deliver but Weaver stopped to make along the way and where is that well Kane's rest it's just up the road I'll be enjoying a mug of Ale right now if those beasts hadn't jumped as listen you look like you know how to handle yourself you should meet my associates we've got our own drinking spot by The Tavern Invitation Only till the fella on the door little serpent long shadow it'll take good care of you this is the zentarim and I've had um and I can sense it had some rough run-ins with the Zen term faction back up north near daggerford in the misty Forest I'm not having this guy it's not Hospitality that I want it's coin we're gonna take some coin back because his interim has been known to do some evil things for coin of course I was just about to suggest the same thing okay a shattered flail hitting an enemy with this weapon heals the wielder for one to six hit points but they can go mad if they don't continue hitting an enemy each turn hostile to everyone in the vicinity as an interesting weapon I will take this mind player vial here Gail is collecting them right now I have four of them still alive a long road ahead okay let's check out this cave real fast I think we have another guy down there he comes can I talk to him let's have a quick chat with him Holly I'll be glad when we're out of this bloody cave all right come on give up gotcha brother what do we have here there's no talking your way out of this okay you'll have to defend your actions the old-fashioned way should have left when I gave you the chance buddy gotta be kidding me unbelievable see ya where's Ali [Music] stop breathing hey fair enough fair enough oh we can easily make it to him so let's do Hunter's Mark no we can't make it [Music] don't cross the chest like that to hold trinkets surely back to what we're doing 20 wow try again try one more time well I only have okay find someone to Camp soon I have two thieves tools oh man okay we're gonna pick that whole damn thing up and we're going to send it to Camp we'll work on it later maybe with a star yeah what now things have stayed interesting looks empty I don't want to spend my last lock pick on that I like that um I feel a little bit Limited in supplies I'm not doing as much as looting as I typically do blood but I like not having like a million lock picks to pick every chest I like having to make decisions like yeah I don't want to use my lock pick on this chest I'd rather wait for a cooler looking chest uh-oh perception failed something going on in here ready I was resistance uh melee it is a melee spell I get Shadow heart up here I can looks like a trap oh yeah look at that yeah you stay out there and you keep watch for us okay probably should get off this ledge but that's okay ah that doesn't get rid of the poison cloud well it did but okay so this one I will use my lock on because this one was trapped so it must be more important oh wait oh man okay never mind I don't have any thieves tools okay fair enough an empty box if I were a cat this would be a great find fair enough despite everything gods are watching me yeah gal wasn't even in that fight but we killed them so fast I didn't even notice Alchemist fire is pretty useful in this game a hand crossbows too those are fun the two men died but left behind a valuable chest we could try to find its owner or just open it and take what's inside running pretty low on HP right now and also low on spell slots as well so this might be a good time to take a rest before we run into these hyenas oh blood hurts you're hurt let me see look cut and we do have survival proficiency so this is nice come here I'll clean it for you the cop inspects the wound giving it a curious Peck good no hurt how did this happen teeth Clues bigger you fought something bigger than you why strong Fight Win okay I respect that I'll take on something closer to your own size next time unless you have spells too big wait strong show you you do realize these things grow do you not teeth and Talons first hey look at that we got an Inspiration Point awesome because I'm the Outlander background ah no time to rest okay let me just go right back at it then push on to the get Yankee hurry off we can find them it looks like we're about an hour into the episode so this is going to be a nice natural halfway stopping point welcome back Adventures but the good news is I decided to exit out of steam and there was a little bit of a patch update for Baldur's Gate 3 so hopefully that fixes a few of the bugs that we've been experiencing it always sucks doing a let's play off of a review copy but don't really have much of a choice in the matter if I want to get any views on these videos and these videos do take up a lot of my time exporting and everything so it's important that I start recording these as early as possible but hopefully a lot of these bugs are fixed by launch and hopefully that patch will fix a few of them as well so let's go ahead and press on and see if we can find lizelle's people and the zentrum that we just encountered and killed told us that there is perhaps a zentrum hideout somewhere near joaquin's rest which is the Inn that the Goblins raided okay we got some Knolls up here if we can get a little bit of high ground on them I don't even need to talk to Knolls they must die not a big fan of Knolls are you guys okay so let's put that I should probably start I've gotten pretty LAX just because I've done this content so much in Early Access I should start getting serious with trying to surprise enemies and things of that nature let's take Lazelle we're gonna put her down here now Knowles do have multi-attack and it can be quite deadly put her in the bushes right here yeah nice fully gal up here perfect and actually I think I would like to see what we can start off with here curious what they're gonna do if I take a shot down here I'm probably better off let's start off with Gail with an AOE and actually I think I'm gonna instead of doing cloud of daggers I'm going to switch that out we're going to take chatter let me move my Ranger back a little bit to be a pretty good shatter right here I can get all four of them oh yeah oh yes wow I could just solo this with Gail let's back up a little bit of course some to come up and actually this is a good time to try to if I can stay out of their line of sight and try to take a shot myself foreign my Ranger misses so much this reminds me of my Ranger in solasta oh this should be really good we can get right up behind him with blazel I think I'm gonna start handling the encounters a little bit more tactically from here on out just so I can get into the rhythm of it because I think act two in the mountain pass area we're gonna start getting our ass kicked 91 let's go baby see ya and you know what I think I can just save my action surge but let's move up so this guy has to disengage [Music] thank you so much for peace on my way okay well let's do a can trip here uh magic Missile would finish them both off though you know what else would something I could throw like Alchemist fire might kill them both too so let's see if we got that and then I don't have to waste another spell slot and I do let's go ahead and grow as I gotta get used to that hotkey okay one damage each it might die on their next turn you know I should have instead of wasting The Alchemist potion I could have just switched turns because as long as you're in consecutive order in the order of turns you can choose whoever you want to go first [Music] that's Gonna Knock Me prone really can't get a shot oh I can't here we go oh my God my Ranger I can't believe it dude he's so bad okay come on Fern you're good you can get out of stealth we got some more hyenas on the road down there we don't got time for them oppression and peacocks the bullywood trumpet the suspension of bully wug trumpets I would spend more time like really really looking into the Alchemy and trying to find things it's just oh look at this okay we can make a basic poison yeah let's do it even though I haven't been using poison oh and the oil of accuracy awesome for that we need ashes of dagger root and any salt I need to make some potions of Greater healing we need ashes of Balsam and then any salt in the game okay so we do have okay all right yeah it was ripe with magic all is well that ends now since I can't cast speak with the dead as much as you could in Early Access with the amulet you can only do it once per long rest I think I'm not going to use it on this character right here we should be getting that spell soon though as the necromancy subclass or we might come across a speak with that scroll and if we do I need to learn that immediately because it only cost me half gold I'm a necromancer wizard so so that's good oh the map is so much better than it used to be [Music] I have to survive this unseen as I was taught unnoticed okay we are coming across a series of buildings here welcome to joaquin's rest West Boulder's Gate East El Torell okay so that way to alter all this way to Baldur's Gate let's go check out joaquin's rest this is where the Goblins raided and we know that because Volo was singing about that raid and also one of the Goblins told us too that they were celebrating this raid this appears to be a flaming fist Soldier right here these are the guards of Baldur's Gate technically a mercenary Army but basically the main Army of Baldur's Gate something's burning okay let me save this real fast we'll call this Joaquin I spelled that wrong he is the only eyes grant me the might to carry this burden grant me the faith to face Darkness without fear so I can't use the Bulgarian response here because my character is not from Baldur's Gate so I refuse to use that one what the hell has happened here the cup draw and Goblin slaughtered the lot please just leave me be okay interesting we have a dead drow Raider here someone needs help I think I got time to do speak with that though look at gals gauntlets regards you lifelessly who are you where are you from from the absolute so shamath is a drowess city probably the closest drow City to Baldur's Gate and also El Torell it's actually I think the only patriarchal drow Society in all of the underdark how did you die sure why were you at the end right retrieval for the absolute what were you trying to retrieve d [Music] demands him the Spells you can ask no more questions for the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate is Alder ravengard you know your Forgotten Realms history all the Raven guard went to El Torell for a meeting when El Torell was transported to the nine Hells he's been missing from Baldur's Gate for quite a while apparently he was here baby heading back to Baldur's Gate and this raid occurred in the absolute wants him for whatever reason oh we can never mind I can recast speak with the dead whenever I want okay immediately [Music] the Colts regards you lifelessly where were you trying to take the Duke oh I like this we can ask different questions because we already asked the other character and heard about the Duke and why were you after the Duke wants him I already knew that was your mission successful corpse remained silent it does not know did you leave any survivors slaves raid and who are you the Spells power waned you can ask no more questions you only get five questions iron Studios had to name every single NPC in this game I wonder if they had like a random name generator for goblins or if they had like one employee that their entire career at laryn Studios was naming every character look what they did to him That Could Have Been Me did you know him he was a new recruit but he was a flaming fist that made us better than Brothers okay oh no the people screaming for help they uh okay let's go check out up here hoping it could spell trouble wow counselor florek advisor to the Archduke uh you know so here's another example of wow so I decided to speak with the dead while people were screaming for help because of that it appears as if counselor Floric has perished and you know what I'm gonna stick with that because it actually popped up in the back of my mind that maybe I should just go help immediately and then do speak with the dead after but I chose not to do that now I have to deal with those actions so that's pretty and with the larian studios game this should make it interesting thank you okay can we speak with the Dead with her because that would be super interesting corpse is too damaged oh man okay well it well let's get the heck out of here looks like we have a man trapped underneath some beams here foreign oh my God uh always cast resistance before you go on a door okay we got a room on fire in here let's pause it real fast going to turn base any valuables in here man there was a chest right there and I'm wondering if me once again not coming in oh this chest right here too coming in to not help immediately oh man okay all right we got we got problems now we got major major problems they in turn based mode the fire is freaking spreading man I don't think create water helps here but let's try I can't see because the door okay all right let's just push on oh and he's dead too man oh okay oh yeah the fire's coming oh jump jump oh the game is gonna play out so differently from one to another it's crazy everybody's playthrough is just gonna be so different laughs take your gold Bell okay we talked to Gauntlet Dane here Vegeta two maybe three drow at least one of ours from here they went dumb it's all so confused those tracks lead to moonrise Towers the old fortress all area is cursed I'll pass it up the chain of command will do for the grand Juke we'll stay put for now might get something out of these tracks yeah so it's cool to think about um counselor Floric dying up here and me not being able to help her because now she's obviously not going to be in the city of Baldur's cave when we make it there and maybe she had like a special plot line where she manipulates the story in some way shape or form and now that she's dead that will completely change so that's the beautiful thing about well-made crpgs with player agency and permutations sorry about that fern my faith will guide me while I go come on folks let's go we're out of here we got everybody who am I missing oh there we go yeah she's coming Okay so we're gonna go ahead and leave here not explore those buildings actually there is a little bit so the zentarim did say the two guys that we killed earlier they did say that they have a little hide out here somewhere though just make sure in your playthrough that you look around you look everywhere but my character has more important business to attend to and is not interested in the affairs or the zentarum at the moment yeah yeah we got a waypoint nice ancient sigil this is pretty cool this is a nice little way you can get on top of all the buildings over here if you end up you know going hostile against the Flaming fist or whatever you end up doing okay I'm actually going to hey Fern what are you doing come here all right girl despite everything oh kill him we have made it to the mountain pass a dragon rider my kin are near it's huge where I don't see no dragon it would be too much to hope that's nothing to do with us wouldn't it suggest we admire it from afar where is this dragon that you all are seeing hold up before they see you mark Gresham I might have been concerned had I the slightest idea who they are look down there that lot are swarming all over the bridge I don't know what they want but it can't be good I'm going to find another way around you ought to do the same I doubt a fight against them would go your way it's a group of flaming fist soldiers and gift Yankee who are you nobody just another harassing fool trying to stay alive there's plenty of us around I like her name Alika seems you have good survival instincts maybe you should join me instead what follow you around I go my own way alone okay I respect that as long as she doesn't comment on my heavy armor I'll let her live that's it I'm getting out of here okay this hasn't rendered in yet let's uh let's get a little bit closer here probably should go into stealth mode probably should cast all my spells if you ain't getting flaming fists together is not a good combination [Music] and let's see what we have for prepared spells I gotta start really making sure that I'm a little bit more aware of this stuff as we get further into the game so we got magic Missile ice knife Ray of sickness I'm actually going to pick up Thunder Wave because there's a lot of verticality in this area so let's get rid of which bolts and then for level two spells we only have three slots actually missing one that's okay let's um shatter should I take clouded daggers too um gotta keep Misty step in a fight like this as backup okay all right I'm okay with having three level two spells and just being able to cast one of those if needed won't be able to cast them all but that's fine so I'm gonna get rid of ice knife and grab oh I'm out of prepared hold on there we go about it daggers okay and I'm also going to use Arcane recovery actually keep forgetting that I have that we'll do Arcane recovery level too get a spell slot back beautiful how are we looking with Lazelle pretty simple the champion fighter not really much to think about at this point okay let's uh let's investigate what's going on down here to rest drop your weapons I'll feed your innards to the ants before I do that is take this is your last chance no look up that was your last chance is stick now burn there's the Red Dragon foreign stop wasting time Beretta you're not here to play with the locals of course kithrak we merely sought to no excuses question kill then move on find the weapon Our Queen watches us fail her at your pill find the weapon with the Tie Road such a steed crash must be must become kind of wait these gethianki look dangerous no I'm not gonna say that the dragon incinerated those soldiers surely this isn't safe the dragons serve gives Yankee I'll see it does you no harm follow me we are close to the Cure we seek huh okay we found to get the Yankee Patrol near the mountain pass we should speak to them they may know where we can find a gethianki crush to cure our lipid infection so lazelle's telling us to trust her hope she went down there okay okay so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna put Gail and Shadow heart up here I'm gonna take my character we're gonna pull out a bear oh my God I pulled out a boar oh my God okay I have one short rest left that took the edge off actually speaking of that okay never mind all right let's try that again bear not more [Music] and let's go uh let's go see what Lazelle is up to see him few of our Queen's children prove so stubborn shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times honestly having chilled the faith right now wouldn't be a bad idea on my way I might have Lazelle cast that on me I think she'd be able to concentrate from up there even though bless is probably the better play for a little bit of extra protection or I could do warding bonds resistance to all damage and a plus one to Armor class but when you do warding bonds the other character also takes damage okay so let's go ahead and we're gonna grab a spiritual weapon I got bless hold person could be good here get rid of sanctuary and I'm gonna pick up inflict wounds is really good to have prepared as a cleric who doesn't have a lot of melee capabilities because it's like the one good melee spell that you have um you know I should probably be casting Aid after each long rest but that's okay all right I'm gonna get rid of Aid go Shield of faith we just double check its description a little bit nervous she's gonna get caught over there so let's move right here [Music] okay beautiful I don't think this is gonna go away and now let's uh let's be really stupid and go talk to the get Yankee we're going to show Lazelle a little bit of trust here interesting it's been pretty good to us so far definitely do a save point here closed due to inclement weather seek marked detour and here goes nothing Ryder my time is short lead me to sh such a familiar tune were I not merciful I would slice the skin clean from your meat yet you are not bleeding for I am nothing if not merciful your name child I don't think I like this guy all right let's let Lazelle do the talking we're putting some trust in her Lazelle proud Regal even you will call me just still kithrak thus Knight Supreme the Queen's silver the Queen's sword I am who you say a geek vessel has fallen from the sky Lazelle thieves aboard have taken a weapon most precious it is polyhedric in shape and inscribed with the sacred Runes of our people you suddenly feel a strange anxiety take hold not your own but that of the artifact you carry somehow I was afraid he would tune your mind to it the artifact does not want apart from you it does not want to fall into the death Raider's hands take word to your crush you are to join our search speak up child affirm your mandate oh my gosh you can produce the artifact wow we're definitely not going to show this guy though out on this run okay let's mouth the silent command to Lazelle and tell her to play along after all there is a red dragon right here and it might not be smart too have to fight it you honor me with this Duty kithrack I shall alert my caretaker with Haste The kathrak nods content with lazelle's answer you serve your queen well child take your slaves and hunt those who escaped the gay ship they must carry the weapon I fly now to vlakis our undying Queen she will see your faith rewarded in this plane and ours a current of deception carries bosses words wherever he flies it is not to blacketh to the sky oh we found we succeeded in a lot of passive chunks right there oh yeah I don't think fighting that thing was a good idea you did well to intervene vexed as I am to admit it this is still Kid Rock would have flayed our skin and left our carcasses to burn in the sun all for the sake of the artifact that we carry the crush is near this much we know we follow the path forward and into the valley no one not even the ignobles are still kithrak will keep me from my purification okay well that was interesting we avoided combat oh well that ends you know what was really cool is in that check I persuaded Lazelle to go along with it and then on top of that if you guys noticed in the top left Lazelle had to succeed in a deception skill check it was like a little passive role that occurred so that could have gone wrong all right what now even after succeeding in Persuasion that's really cool with Heist looking at it how many father can I go I applaud your taste the corpse regards you lifelessly who are you done black spots he crossed blades with a gift Yankee few survive the ordeal few still claim victory where can I find the crush the corpse remain silent it does not know where did this monstrous Warrior come from and what were you doing here this gate the Spells power aways you can ask no more questions okay I'd be on my way but this looks like the path to the mountain pass here to bring us back to that area that we went to in episode six where does this path lead to detour can I get over here putting in Early Access but is not around so I might as well and we're getting really really close to the next map and a bunch of content that I will be experiencing for the first time even though a lot of act 1 has been different not gonna let me go over there what about with a guess Yankee jump I gotta start casting that doesn't look like it's gonna let me do it says death in Early Access I didn't tell you death so you had to you had to experiment with all this and just see if you could survive okay it doesn't look like we can get over there see how we're looking level wise right now very close to level five so I'm wondering if I should just try to get that level before we go into the mountain pass I think we're probably gonna be a little bit too out leveled in that area so let me take a look at my map here and I think what I'll do is actually let's go back to the goblin Fortress and explore that lower location which may possibly lead to the underdark I'm sure we can get our XP in the underdark even if I don't fully explore it so let's go to the goblin camp let's head inside all the Goblins should be dead here and most of them should be oh crap oh that's Shadow heart wrong character well whatever guys roll in my favor [Music] foreign stragglers out here not scared of them trying to use no spell slots or actions right now come on you can do it see ya these boots have seen everything wasn't very nice I gotta say the Animal Companions do miss quite a lot I feel like the hunter Ranger is much more powerful than The Beastmaster at least at this point Destroyer time to strike come on aha I shouldn't have done that it's just gonna take longer now but whatever it was funny it was funny dexterous little bastards all right come on bear 50 you can do it 50 of the time right there we go sh the messes are so bad 70 60 percent okay Gail why don't you get some high ground oh no this is gonna knock her prone I think okay nice oh yeah lizelle good stuff I love having high strength and just being able to jump around everywhere hey at least they're messing a little bit too get up that ladder bear well done fry them what is gal suffering from right now Arcane hunger oh wow I just I you know I saw him leaning over earlier I just didn't think it was anything gal's spirit is being drained he has disadvantage to Constitution saving throws wow not exactly sure okay what if we could feed him another artifact haha it said Miss but I still got four damage those goblins are nothing XP wise oh he needs to talk now okay Fishin likes being ignored as little as I do I must consume another artifact soon oh okay that just signifies that he needs to eat another artifact and if you like magical items don't have gal in your group holy crap I think I'll sell the water sparkers boots the wearer starts their turn in electrified surface I don't think I want to do like a shock build so maybe like blue items are better for him too I'm not sure you know we'll get rid of the Watcher's guide definitely not using that so you're welcome oh good gods and hardly has any effect a Mr have mercy on us all listen I need to speak to you to all of you 'll be unconscionable of me to remain silent oh man here we go let's find out the truth about Gail ah there's no need I trust you Gail I appreciate it greatly but I can no longer keep you in the dark to know who I was you have to know who I really am what I am is a walking shadow of the promise I once held and what one might call a wizard prodigy from an early age could not only control The Weave but compose it was like a musician or a poet such was my skill that it earned me the attention of the mother of magic herself the lady of mysteries the goddess mistra she revealed herself to me and she became my teacher in time she became my muse later even my lover is that technically mean he's a chosen of mistra are you telling me you made love to a goddess oh yes enjoyed each other's company body mind and soul but even so I desired more you see no matter how powerful a wizard we Immortals can become we never scratch more than the surface of the weave mistra Keeps Us in check there are boundaries she doesn't let us cross yet time I was with her stood on the precipice gazing into the Wonders that lay Beyond sought across her boundaries and how exactly did you do this I try to convince her I counted pleaded swore my ambition was only to serve her better she only smiled and told me to be contented inconceivable as it seems to me now I shared a bed with a goddess and yet I wasn't satisfied so I sort to prove myself worthy to her instead we come now to the Crux of my folly shall I share the story behind it or would you rather head straight to its sordid finale I'm intrigued tell me very well here goes Once Upon a very long time ago a mighty Lord lived in a tower a flying Tower to be precise I'll save his history for another time but the gist of it is that he sought to usurp the goddess of magic so that he could become a God himself you almost managed but not quite his entire Empire netherill Came Crashing Down around him as he turned to stone the magic that was Unleashed that day was phenomenal roiling at the Prime Chaos that outdates creation even the weave itself could not withstand the onslaught fractured and shattered and all magic was lost to the Mortal realms the day mistra she restored the weave reuniting all its scattered shards also I thought until in the course of my studies I learned of a book never ease tone in which a piece of the fractured weave had been sealed Beyond her reach what if I thought what if after all this time turn this lost part of herself to the goddess I guess he ruled out flowers and chocolates all together then you know me my gestures can never be grand enough concern for this D of raw power draped in Romance would convince Mr to take me by the hand and welcome me into a hitherto forbidden domains I was mistaken obtain the fabled book took it into my study as for what happened next here place your hand over my heart let me show you you feel the tadpole quiver as realize Gail is letting you in Into the Dark about open Ed inside there are no Pages only a swirling mass of blackest weave pump its teeth its claws it's Unstoppable as it digs through and becomes part of you and God says it ever hungry how are you still alive thankfully the moment I absorb the fragment wasn't enough to kill me outright this nethery's blight this orb for lack of a better word is balled up inside my chest and it needs to be fed as long as I absorb traces of the weave from potent enough sources remains quiet I would ever to fully destabilize however go on I will erupt I don't know the exact magnitude of the eruption but given my studies of nethery's magic I'd say even a fragment as small as the one I carry at a levelless city the size of water Heap you thrice damned rotten bastard you've been the greatest threat to our lives all this time you I wasn't but I have no choice but to admit I am now perhaps it would be best if I leave put as much distance between us as I can before the orb erupts hmm I actually appreciate him saying that that makes me like him is there nothing we can do he might chance upon a king's collection of magical artifacts around the corner we might cross paths with a miracle around the bend then again we might not all of this it must feel like a betrayal say the word and we'll part ways I would hear what the others say first consider letting him stay we must be rid of this Menace who Minds frankly I don't care a great deal either decision is fine by me if we were to part ways where would you go once I'd step out of the protective Aura of the artifact we wouldn't be long before the absolute overtakes me I've never let that happen so I'd aim for a swift end I would consume some midnight tears and Venture as deep into the underdark as I possibly could till I Cloud My Eyes Forever with a bit of luck I've managed to make it to a mind flare Colony so that when the orb erupts one loud song of Vengeance would reverberate Through The Dark be a heroic end are coarsely poetic enough in his Justice stories of these companions are so well written in my opinion I'm genuinely intrigued by all of them right now all right we've come this far together and we'll continue on together that is how it will be a great relief oh a great relief indeed truly are a soul that steals my own from all my new rallied heart I thank you I thank you all I understand if you stand against me I'm humbled if you stand with me either way I will do my best not to let you down I stand at a precipice but if you do not give up hope neither shall I I'll fight I'll resist as long as I can now even I am tired of the sound of my own voice let us Venture forth interesting interesting interesting Gail's condition is no longer responding to treatment we need to keep traveling and find another way to stabilize the orb okay let's see if we can get back to trying to get to level five that would be a good stopping point if I could get to level five for this episode I know we're probably running quite long but it'll be nice to hit that foreign next episode we might be heading to the mountain pass I don't think I want to head there though at level four um crap oh yeah we're going this way we're going into Priestess guts room then to the back and we're gonna investigate it down here it's not showing us red let's have a little chat here let's see what's up actually it's wounded into a forbidden area you sense it might be time to leave look at their face oh my gosh 2 000 gold to buy our way in okay let's try to convince okay yeah let's do I've been sent to join the patrol there have been reports of someone trying to sneak in oh no might be killing Big Bertha here come and now you know what okay you think I'm Gonna Leave say hello to my bear I should have positioned my party a little bit better before doing that 75 hp okay we have some things in the environment that we can manipulate here too all right let's start off with it I think I am going to use spell slots now let's start off with a hmm do a little poison action disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks actually Ray's thickness is really good I haven't looked like there's certain spells I didn't mess with that much in Early Access that's really good actually if you get that poison effect for two rounds too this advantage on attack rolls I got to start using that more often oh no that's not good nice we taunted so let's see if we can talk yogurt back underneath this make sure I'm not exactly underneath it okay I like that I like that blood comes easy these days okay 65 chance not too shabby should have started off with Shadow with Bless but that's okay we're gonna do bless one two and three [Music] I think she can hold her ground right there and lazelle's turn I wonder if I'm gonna get an opportunity is he still he is still goated this will be interesting to see if he actually takes three opportunity attacks to try to get to my bear come on another flight let's go okay never a dull moment nope the goaded status ended hope I wasted that I can't even catch my breath not now and this is where inflict wounds comes in handy beautiful great spell good damage even at level one don't want to use action surge yet how much xp did I get from that 75 experience oh man we're so close so close to level five Can't Stop I'm ready you know what I haven't been using just because I have dark vision but I might start using it oh I don't have the light can trip okay quite ready for you I still have dancing lights from that yeah I don't have the light can trip many of you all are playing with characters especially they don't have dark vision the light can't joke's pretty good you can just cast it on like your Tank's weapon and then wherever they go they can see much much better and you can see the room's a little bit better you can also use torches in this game too and actually I don't even have a torch on me okay I didn't even realize it was a torch slot right here till now so it doesn't take up your weapon slot okay look at this creepy I was curious seems they get in fact none of us oops I skipped the first thing is shielding us some I don't want to know what happens if we lose it there must be more to the artifact you were sent to take it you must know why it's so important I only know what I know I was ordered to retrieve it and that's what I intend to do the rest is immaterial to me for adult moment Scroll of ice knife and scroll of detect thoughts Amulet of Misty stepped wow what a great item right there pretty much any character in this game can benefit from Misty's step and honestly I might even use no ready by Hunter my Ranger needs it for what's next Hunter's Mark give it to Lazelle or we could give lizelle the broodmother's Revenge he'll do that these all can get to most enemies because she has high strength then we can jump no never mind what now got the dungeon areas in this game are so eerie so beautiful at the same time put that statue right there what to do okay so we're going to cast guidance when you come into a mysterious room where it looks like there's puzzles it's probably a good idea to cast guidance only lasts for one minute though and then look around the room see if you can pop off any of the passive investigation or perception checks that's curious what did I just notice okay let's keep running around okay I guess we noticed that lever right there come over here real fast and then we'll check up here guidance is still running right now okay here we go we got that interesting puzzle and I talked about this a few episodes ago on the Walls Within the temple you can see that if you arrange the moons in a certain order it will do something and I'm gonna try not to do it right now because I don't think we have to and it might take a little while but yeah on the on the drawings on the wall I don't know if there's any down here is there not seeing any down here it was the full moon on the top the half Moons with a light facing towards the full moon on the side and the bottom was all black you gotta arrange them try to get that to happen I remember when I first played Early Access I actually did it on my first attempt it didn't take me that insanely long but then like after that took me forever to try to get it to line up so I think I got lucky oh no I don't have any you gotta be kidding me not as bad as it gonna have any lock picks hold on so before let's go to Let's Travel to camp foreign has lock effects on him can carry me give Yankee patrolling these Wilds is an unexpected surprise whatever they seek they'll not hesitate to kill us if we stand in their way we're going to ask him more about a story hope I wanted him to leave my party when we come back to Camp go ahead I question the wisdom of that decision but so I'll be here yes yeah let's check a Starion apparent doesn't have any lock picks either I do have to level up a Starion too to level four but I don't even need to do that at this moment and I'm not going to because I plan on Switching him out for Gail then I don't have to rush my choice of what I want to give a sorry on I can think about it a little bit more because I'm not taking him at the moment I have a feeling that some of these companions are going to end up leaving at some point because they all can't be aligned the same way morally we know that they're not another outside well met and just some bits and Bulbs all right my friend what do you have here gives tools perfect love it okay great you know what might as well grab a trap disarm bulkhead too okay Sylvanas guide your path of honest guide your path as well okay perfect now let's go back to camp group everybody together let's head down here um should I end the day hold on if I have to oh crap sorry we're not ready to lovely level you up yet okay objective noted I have a load on my mind well it it's just end the day why not looking at something how did you know I was here the only benefit to a mirror when you have my condition it doesn't quite make up for the lack of a reflection behind you preening in the Looking Glass Petty vanity of course I miss it I've never even seen this face not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red what color were they before I I don't know I can't remember my face is just some dark shape in my past another thing I've lost it's for the best you're not exactly aging gracefully a Starion aging I'm a vampire Forever Young that was kind of funny oh we gotta pick we gotta pick on him a little bit sure but was your mole always so prominent might what but I don't excuse me that's funny hey Volo what are you doing with my bear I don't even want to ask okay you know what I'm actually going to level up a staryum probably just take the ability score increase then I can respect later if I do want to try a feat because we want to get his decks to 18 and that'll help with what's coming up and then I guess we'll boost his wisdom to 14. but actually since yeah we wasn't a 14. but there are some hybrid Feats here when you're prone standing up no it's not that one's not going to help us let's see which one's offer us dexterity plus one resilience saving throws War caster Sentinels are really good feat hmm we'll just do wisdom plus that's fine stick with that then I guess I am going to do a rest what the hell was that okay let's hurry towards the sound oh my God observe the pair for any signs of injury both animals look fine I thought that was blood are you two friends [Music] best friends it's nice to have company while you're gone all day Goblin's had me in a cage me with pointy sticks us now it was just a nightmare we're safe here with master he'll settle in give it a little time would you call me master just not suppose I did you've been good to us to both of us comic would be happy I'm with you I think fire while you're both welcome here Big Brother another owl bear out there we're gonna have to meet thank you still alive so that's progress okay now we're gonna take a Starion where's our Starion oh man I wonder if I can go to camp and then click on the bedroll hopefully oh what is it hold on okay this is interesting we got a story I'm back let's go let's do partial rest a little bit nervous about passing time like that though with the tadpoles in our brain I should have just traveled the Starion over there okay let's see if a Starion actually comes with us this time nope okay well make sure you group up make sure you group up your party members so before you leave camp like that I know about these parasites will we [Music] see the blade okay wonderful I can't wait to go to the get the Yankee crash even though I don't trust it one bit I have to think of a way to RP that into where my character allows it there's no way that this purification is going to be good and if it is good they get Yankee probably wouldn't care about us They Might care about Lazelle just all around a bad idea okay we've made it back we have a Starion now so we should be able to do some good lock picking with that sleight of hand proficiency then we don't have to mess with the puzzle I kind of want to I just don't know how long it's going to take me we're trying to make progress right now I want to see the next area of this game man this dexterity modifier Alone look at that that's incredible would you look at that we solved the puzzle in the goblin Camp revealing a secret passage that leads underground let's go check it out heck of a ladder right there to Starion but give me so much as a hungry look we are so close to leveling up and welcome to the underdark everyone this is one of the coolest locations and Forgotten Realms lore how delicious and also in this game too because I have seen it in Early Access should difficulty class 20 for that oh my God let's try it again we'll use thieves tool come on just need like a oh my God no no no no don't do this to me don't do this to me don't do this to me I want to use all my lock picks um is there another way in here okay you know what silly me why even waste lock picks I even waste lock picks when we can stack boxes or we can jump places where's that Amulet of Misty step who did I put that on I put that on Lazelle I didn't let's go ahead and put it on her right now actually we're gonna put that on a Starion check this out what okay we can't we can't fail any more lock picking I don't have guidance on this one we're gonna go for it anyways actually oh hold on I forgot about customizing dice I'm just noticing that right now wow look at that let's go with the dragon flame red for now oh that looks sick the helmet of smiting when you apply the condition with one of your Smite spells you gain temperate hit points equal to your charisma modifier Charisma Constitution saving throws plus one really good for paladins that's for sure oh whoa someone doesn't like visitors come on come on we got this we got the new dice now you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me okay oh man I'm gonna use inspiration am I really doing this I'm doing it oh man wow look at the freaking proficiencies just helping me out so much right wait I thought oh my God I thought I succeed you have to go back and watch that video got it unbelievable unbelievable I'll never know what's in that chest now but you know what it is what it is that's what happens we deal with it oh thieves tools okay let's try again I'll be away from me to get Shadow heart up here but come on come on come on come on yes it was just to disarm the Trap why are you doing this to me game why oh my god oh no oh oh no okay let's just let's just get out of here that was pretty pathetic how's the starting gonna get out of here though there we go hello time to get going look at this mysterious oh nice we got the Waypoint too what have we got in here we got a potion of healing I could just get to level five look at this place look how beautiful this place is filled with so many Mysteries and deadly creatures the whole way by all means return topside what is that right there oh no wait I want experience better not take that from me let's go what a way to end the episode it was a freaking Minotaur at the gates and not everyone looks you gotta be careful going out that gate this Moonstone seems to be shooting anything that comes up okay and that is a great time to end episode 8 in an episode nine I think I'm actually going to push towards the mountain pass as opposed to going into the underdark but those of you guys that are watching this and haven't played Early Access as you can see this place is a very very very mysterious intriguing but also fun place to explore and I might actually do it in this run too but as of right now I want to focus on the mountain pass and actually shadowheart didn't level up she's just a little bit behind but that's fine thank you all so much for watching and I'll catch you on the next episode
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 144,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play, lets, play, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, walk through, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, guide, lets play baldurs gate
Id: mlmA1S9y-KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 12sec (8592 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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