Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 27: The Finale (My Ending)

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welcome back Adventures today we embark on the final step of this Baldur's Gate 3 Bernie it is time to confront the Elder brain as you can see I have minskin boots scratch Fern Gale and Shadow heart at my side I've done no reading on this I've watched no reviews on this game I'm going into this completely blind time to bring this journey to a close I'm currently at the morphic pool dock waypoints we're going to be taking this little skiff right here out to the Elder brain with all three nether stones in our possession it is time to go to the morphic pool and face the Elder brain we should head to the sewers there is no turning back pristine darkness in every direction silence but for the gentle rhythmic slap of water on rock as your vessel cuts through what the heck that looks so weird all right guys a hell of a swimmer isn't he wearing like 200 pounds of armor overwhelming Force pushes into your mind hopefully our allies show up at some point [Music] Magic should be good to go with supplies I did stop at one of the vendors before I turned on the recording today [Music] foreign use for gold to be honest with you I do have a use for potions of speed though [Music] preparing calculating Strikers like that the true test of my Baldur's Gate 3 Let's Play do I have a shovel on me in the final episode nothing interesting very nothing okay there's nothing buried there I do have a shovel interesting why is it not letting me dig I haven't seen a dirt Mound pop up like that before without a chest in it unless there's a mechanic that I'm not aware of what now this place looks so cool is that a bunny that just ran by oh intellect devourers of course [Music] the only thing I didn't get were potions of psychic resistance which I should have done because the Elder brain is all about that psychic damage according to the lore of course might be to make some actually psychic requires any sublimate which I don't have any right now we can't do that I think we're going back over here [Music] this is the Calm before the storm kick it all in hope scratch is telling us something where's fern well scratch was telling us that Fern wasn't with us Fern's stuck on the ground for some reason there you go girl now we got the whole game it does look like an ambush I was about to say this looks like a Battleground oh boo come here boo no you can't make it up there little buddy there we go I'll gladly bring boo over game looks quite different from down here all right so what I'm going to do here is let's see I don't see any enemies around here let's go ahead and sneak wolf ahead with scratch and burn [Music] I've come all the way from the Misty forests of the North going now we're fighting an elder brain can you believe it what a story [Music] it looks like an ambush but I'm not seeing anything see how the hamster stalks his prey [Music] control the brain keeps doing that it's gonna be really hard to hold concentration spells that's for sure I have Shadow Hearts AC boosted way up right now as I put Raphael's armor on her the hell dusk armor and I also have the Amulet of Greater Health on her as well to give her a constitution 23. try to help her hold concentration in this battle but we'll see how it goes something tells me nothing is going to go as planned does it ever holy crap I hope I wasn't supposed to go back and like get all of my allies to come with me I'm hoping that they show up here otherwise we've got a real problem didn't mean to do that but okay luckily I have resistance to fire thank you scratch almost died from that though I'm gonna use cure wounds on scratch with my Ranger my Ranger always has a ton of spell slots minskin wolf do we got plenty of spell slots there you go buddy 10 F5 because it looks like we're coming up to an arena oh brain is near it's probably inside this brine right here there's something's going on oh man she's turning Souls into mind flares I think yell the rain [Music] the air is stale and putrid [Music] Stones ready blood slows your senses strung so tight they could snap in an instant [Music] oh man a lot bigger than I thought you you know why you are here you think that by killing the Chosen and taking the nether Stones you can destroy me you are wrong [Music] foreign check muster the full might of your physical form throw it into breaking through the brain's defenses by eliminating Patrick Oren and gortash you have simply Unbound me exactly as I intended the crown is now mine to command crisp on the crown number four says bow before the glory of the nether brain submit to domination the unfortunate thing is yeah we had one strength check which was nice but now we're back to having basically no bonuses with my low Charisma and low decks character so I want to go with wisdom because we do get a plus one a first attempt is just that iteration is key aim for the crown and try again five percent chance of getting a 20. I don't think it's even worth using inspiration of my weakness it is what made me what I am they would not have surrendered it freely so I gave them what they wanted just enough that they would play their part in my design their part has ended the next folders will be mine again dominated you are strong you are Mighty you will dominate the brain yeah 30. that's so difficult I think I there's no way for me to even get it I have to I have to roll a Nat 20. let's try one more time we have an advantage so you you had your road to play too who do you think told the chosen about the astral prison who do you think planted the knowledge of Orpheus and power and the fear of what it could do when the chosen sent my thralls to retrieve the prison think let the emperor slip its leash knowing it would be the one to bring you to me were you a part of its plan I only needed one netherstone accent from the chosen's grasp guarantee my freedom you never rated me this was your role and it is complete now you will witness The Grand Design we have strength Dex con intelligence wisdom and Charisma larian's giving everybody a chance to succeed here this is probably going to be another 30 check maybe 99 it doesn't matter dominate the brain 99 there it is oh I got a oh man I thought that was a 20 per second it was a one I'm gonna use one more Inspiration Point because this will be incredible if we actually got this come on baby come on kiss the dice so close nothing [Music] absolutely terrifying balder in both wow I was wondering when we would be back [Music] [Music] foreign trailer from 2019 this is what we were seeing and we had no idea [Music] [Music] oh wow foreign [Music] [Music] no longer the magic of the crown has caused it to evolve it has become something more brain that's why it was so big I thought the nether Stones were supposed to allow us to dominate the brain I thought so too when I believe in our every move I underestimate arrested we will need to rethink our plan we tried to dominate The Elder brain but has become too powerful to submit to orders the emperor might know what went wrong now keep in mind we don't trust the emperor right now he isn't too uh you keen on us either I wonder if I can you speak with a dead on this kith Yankee the corpse does not respond nope my Misty step amulet back on wish to live in more interesting times okay we should be able to jump in here without taking too much damage where am I even going right now nice oh and there it is that's where Orpheus is being kept and as of right now my character is leaning towards wanting to free Orpheus doing it in honor of lazelle's death but I'm also kind of unsure of what the right choice is our encounter with the netherby from every angle I know why we failed the problem was not the stones the problem was you you can make only one move at a time but the nether brain calculates every possible that knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do cannot outmaneuver it you would have to think like an a mythid yet [Music] your mind is not capable of this mine you will give the stones to me I will assimilate Orpheus and then I will be able to lead this prison to fix brain I don't believe a word you just said emperor you still don't trust me after all we've been through remember I have been your salvation from the very beginning your night and shining armor I freed you from the nautiloid prevented you from crashing to your death I have protected you ever since at no small cost to myself I came to you as a leader but I did not shy away from showing you vulnerability I needed you as much as you needed me I was not above recognizing this when you discovered my true identity I did not flinch from the truth I never lied to you not once I am just like you we have the same enemy the same story I encouraged you to fulfill your potential all while protecting you from harm now I ask you for the last time to trust me release the never Stokes to me do not forget there's a card yet to come into play the orb we do not want to surrender the stones still use it to ensure the brain's destruction along with my own of course this is a risk we cannot take you failed before I cannot trust that you will not fail again hand me okay I will never trust you I told you we had one solution rejected it I told you I sought only one thing Freedom you have denied me this you have exhausted our alliance and in so doing it you have ruined us all everything I could to avoid this but it seems you have whittled my options down to a single one in order to survive I must now join the nether brain wow he is not angry about the eons of imprisonment I have been a statue it is not so bad hope so too men's I hope so too the orfik hammer [Music] as the get Yankee Prince takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head it's unlike any sensation you've ever felt freak of related you stole an unborn hatchling from my people oh that was an accident my honor guard bro nonetheless seems we must be allies you may address me as your majesty is your honor guard attacked me what was I supposed to do you should have yielded to the to the worthy individual destined to become cake would have done so my God would have freed me and I would have stopped the Elder Brain before it evolved into another brain avoidable were it not for the choices you made while we bicker the nether brain is executing The Grand Design we need to stop it in this we are aligned but look your transgressions we will destroy the nether brain together and stop to this nascent Empire before it expands into the Stars cake was correct about one thing the nether brain's power is beyond us with metal in the world would not cut through its mind for it is made of thought itself and a lifted to unleash the full potential of the nether Stars wizard to unleash a cataclysm powerful enough to tear apart the brain's very being no choice but to consider using the orb I do not know you Wizard and I do not know this orb but what I do know is that we must not gamble with the fate of the world I cannot simply depend upon your word this isn't an easy decision I need a moment to consider it consider yes answer is resigned whatever prevents you from doing what is necessary face it overcome it return to me when you are ready to transform is asking me to become an alerted what has the world become barely woken from his Slumber and already the prince of the gift Yankee demands one of us surrender our souls in service of him no doubt in the context of eons of torture it seems a small ask but of course he does not realize what else we might have to offer thought must have crossed your mind and certainly wait on mine I think it's time we reconsider the or I could put an end to this whole thing crown never brain absolute you would rather end your own life than trust the emperor with the stones word real question is do you trust me do not mistake me I want to live in Cal is enough in my life in the past I can hardly stand by and watch you sacrifice yours once I'm in position ensure you are removed to a safe vantage point to watch the fireworks you did not die alongside me No Surrender Your Soul in the coming unlithered so becoming a lithid or let gal become a suicide bomber are you kidding me right now absolutely not we came this far together Gail we're going to survive together too I like the sound of that very well we'll do this the old-fashioned way then swords spells and sweats adventurous to the end whatever form it may take oh all right let's talk a shadow see if she has anything to say to be true I suppose do you think we can win this I do think of all we've been through to get to this that was us let's just stay shoulder to shoulder and see this through Minsk onward if you are so set on taking the form of a fish then means Can bull will keep you from the nether brain's hook okay quickly now even here we do not have infinite time I trust you have weighed your options and reached the only honorable conclusion are you ready to transform I don't think I am to be quite honest with you Prince of the get Yankee wants me to transform the emperor wants me to transform I don't know if it's the right call I will never be a mind flare Orpheus I'm free I will do it I will come illicit I will sacrifice my soul for my people I will end The Grand Design oh my God that changes things he's willing to sacrifice himself that that means that means that that's probably the right play one of us has to become a mind flare I still don't know if I completely trust him or the emperor I'm gonna go with number one you are a true hero Orpheus another brain will be only too pleased [Music] The Darkest Hours I knew it was my destiny to save my people could never have imagined this would be the way gift card have came crashed [Music] wow wow that would have been us [Music] foreign let us seek out the nether brain and finish this once The Grand Design is ended kill me it is the very least you can you can this is crazy time for us to meet up I kind of feel bad that I let him change right now but at the same time there's too many unknowns that my character is unaware of let's get going Orpheus and the emperor seem to know a lot more than I do so let's hope that he made the right decision doing that I think we're done here I'll certainly be glad to see the back of it anyway a city to save I think it's about time we got started back to the city who thinks it is time for a second bite of this brain my adventuring party works best when none of us are space octopuses all right portal to high Hall that's in the upper City all right [Music] let's go swarm like flies on ooze on its bottom wow okay so we're at high hall right now which is the city's main government building apparently it's not doing too well right now another brand has made its way to the high Hall we're going to have to fight or sneak our way through to reach it okay we're not there yet this is where the brain came out of the ground I think and just tore the city apart this is crazy what an ending you held the future of the people in your hands how dare you take our print from us how dare you parade around this abomination can't have came across what stands down true air has spoken can't be and yet it is Orpheus took this form so we could defeat the nether brain obvious treats I must be ended sacrifice had to be made the duty fell to me I am not long for this world or any other what a blacketh what of our Liberty you underestimate your own people their imaginations have kept the name Orpheus alive for millennia bring them my message well then my fate some will doubt some Will Mock will listen and the spark will be lit youth Yankee Freedom means nothing if the Grand Design comes to pass we need your help thus find your nerve my friend today we strike at the brain this Champion holds the key to the Grand Design's end answer to him as you would to me Your Majesty I have spoken as you wish I stand at the ready your friendship your constancy when I fell to despair they elated me thank you friend now to the nether brain let it be the first victim in the war for the skies your allies have pledged to help you you can summon them during combat with that icon button okay where would that be on my hot bar oh it's right there call forth allies and Orpheus turned out to be quite the incredible character and what an important figure in the lore of this world absolute war zone it looks like War of the Worlds right now nautiloy chips flying around everywhere and nautily chips haven't been seen for thousands of years we have lost much already and we will lose more before the day is out but even when the last Soul Falls Boulder's Gate will stand for Baldur's Gate is more than just a city it is more than a place of opportunity for those of Mercantile spirit more than a place of Refuge for those who are lost more than a home for an adventuring Soul Baldur's Gate is a place where anyone can find what they need if they're just willing to fight for it today foldersgate needs us today we fight forth you're late friend this is the one you spoke of the very same the one who comes to save the city they will lay the final stitch on the fate of Baldur's Gate fist examines your illicit Ally with suspicion he was not expecting the savior of Baldur's Gate to be accompanied by a mind flare appearances may change at the one Within this one I know observe with whom it traveleth friends this mind flare will fight with thee it will save thy City and thy lives the first eyes your lithid ally with suspicion softening to curiosity this hostility melting at the recognition that there's more behind those eyes than malice my steel is yours and I'm not alone whatever strength I have to land I will lend it I will make my city proud again I'm in the mood to crack some skulls after that fuckery in the temple of bar the city watch will be glad to oblige me not sure what I have to offer a mind Flair if I'm honest but I hope my words of encouragement and reassurance will strengthen your honor it was all I want my city back and I've brought the toughest bastards from The Guild to get the job done my people have never hunted a monster this large they are eager to join their Fray Nature's servant awaits glad to have you with us and not a moment too soon the air is thick with anticipation all eyes are on you they're expecting a speech something to stir their hearts and put fire in their bellies for the fighter head please embrace your courage allies and let it guide you through battle do not give in to fear hell of a speech right there well said we'll prepare ourselves we'll be ready when you call upon us Baldwin's Grace be with you well look at this this is incredible this is so epic right now everybody coming together at the ends of course I have to talk to a few of these characters of Courage my friend your Victory is assured don't look at me this is your charge to lead and no one better to do it I wish I could have Jahira in my group I mean I could have but armored owl bear 's running from Fern still the end of the world and everybody's scared of my Animal Companions geez Lulu's gonna toss herself off a cliff all right I don't think we have to care as much about loot anymore it is time [Music] to defeat the Elder brain not sure which way I'm supposed to go I think I'm supposed to go this way to battle dragons overhead still feel like looting because I want gold let's try to speak with dead real fast hope it doesn't let me leaving me we have to keep running there it is I haul is this how the city watch valiantly defends its home it's over there's a glimmer of something Beyond his words but in a moment it's gone consumed with fear scared there one last run then we're clear but you see where the nether brain went um all transformation chaos elevates everywhere how do I get to the brain from here make it that way is there another way to reach the brain not sure where what forces a weight in the courtyard too many how many lipids are there enough restoration pod right here is so cool foreign wow look at orpheus's hot bar right here concentrated blast extract brain Force tunnel black hole airless Stakes stage fright there's so many and karsus says compulsion handle the Stone's magic to control the crown of karsus dominate The Nether brain yeah the last board is set I don't fancy their chances [Music] it's called four more it'll take care of this one first nice and easy if we have restoration pods around here I can use some spell slots foreign really dice roll in my favor oh we got one back here too damn it larion has a plan for these flying creatures now apparently now I'm in a tough position okay wow critical hit on gal at the start foreign even the hells are here and just make it to that one to help out Gail we'll use Minsk to go there actually mitsk has good AOE so [Music] beautiful beautiful all right I think we need it [Music] can't get a shot off foreign well I blew up our ladder we needed oh man okay all right well fair enough there is no saves coming on this run all right let's see what this guy has here tentacle whip 8 to 35 damage it's a melee attack levitate float heiferous efferolocy to a destination Blaster creature with a sapping psychic energy if the target was concentrating on the spell you heal equal to the damage dealt extract brain ten foot radius mind Blast has a 47 foot range we'll do that Target is blocked really fucked by what damn that was crazy oh looks like we can go down here too send wolf across where is uh Fern okay Fern's back here scratch too come on doggies [Music] would have been nice to get up there not gonna lie I can get up a few companions I wonder if I have I have Misty step really don't want to go back down I have Misty step with wolf and Gail [Music] let's think about this for a second I'm back I have a potion of flying okay I can do this actually the animals on the other hands aren't going to be able to come up so let's go ahead and start off separate everybody we're gonna go up with Gail first and we'll put him right there you could also stack some boxes too oh you know what I have I have dimension door Shadow heart has to fly oh that we can just do this without without it all right get up there Minsk I'll go this way this is cool and then all we have left is wolf and Mr Orpheus oh he's coming right up perfect okay and then I can actually laughs got this all figured out and the crew is back let's make a manual save point here I was trying to make a save point but then a mind flare came up all right well here we go [Music] everybody's calling for help it's gonna take a while to really understand all these abilities foreign man they look really cool extract brain this might pull Fern into it we'll leave scratch back here soft and sure as hunting hamsters get a Minsk whoa Vision cones [Music] no doubt they'll be opposite I'm back here Minsk okay we're still looking pretty good got most of our spell slots what an incredible architecture such great attention to detail oop I'm pickpocketing the Mind flare it's probably not a good idea I have an ogre right there Goblin trackers I'm gonna stay to the left and see if we can kill these guys real fast well these guys are in combat with whoever's inside here foreign no get out of my boat things have stayed interesting run note to the kitchen staff it's gonna take many years for Baldur's Gate to recover from this I am not here to kill you you're not but the Mind flare don't look at it like that that's the Mind flare that's going to save the city um sure we'll just go [Music] low-key that gnome was pretty hot I think we have to go and through that door right there yeah we can't come down here all right back into sneak mode the Prem elixir of Arcane cultivation I got my oh my God well there goes our mission of stealth it's only Shadow heart that's actually in combat right now let's see how many people she's in combat with so two intellective hours and one mind flare honestly not too bad I'm gonna bring her back into this room and wow how am I not in combat with these guys what if I can jump over this side right here yes I can okay wolf just walks right through it like a badass okay and gal is also in combat [Music] oh everybody's in combat 71 HP that's not too bad take this guy down pretty fast it's gonna use cant trips yeah he's definitely dead now time to push my luck again see ya foreign [Music] s which are coming up this way epic music one more little brain he's all the way down there I think we're gonna let him come to us yeah we'll do that Brave little brain he is I respect it oh my God I just noticed there is a spectator I just noticed it because from this angle you can only see its backside which kind of camouflages but when you scroll around to the front can't miss that eye that's for sure okay and we also have a bunch of goblins below it some nautiloy tanks too okay let's go ahead and make sure that Orpheus is sneaking scratch is sneaking I'm gonna leave scratch up here actually he's our revive dog he does have the help action in Minsk actually I'm going to send you with this crew sending in a strike force whoa why did I oh man no it was so it looked after I jumped I couldn't tell if I was installed or if I wasn't oh it would have been so epic to come up behind that spectator and whack them with minskan boo he would have taken him down and like second round of combat you leave me no choice we must attack yeah The Spectator needs to go down first so we're going to start off with a little bit too far hold on if we can get gal up here or we can Misty step gal can we get up here [Music] I don't think we can get up there not enough movements [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful all right in Shadow before we do any concentration spells or anything let's see if we can get a guiding bolt off The Guiding boat level three spiritual weapon we'll back up a little bit that takes care of the spectator I don't think I want we got to make sure that Orpheus doesn't die but I shouldn't send Tim up necessarily thank you let's leave him right there still have a bonus action and all of these are bonus actions crazy oh man I could do that though charge forward pushing all objects and creatures in your path 40 feet away from you I did that would have pushed all of these guys that way I think it would also have to watch out for the nautiloy tank though pretty good I'll go right down there perhaps you're staying up here Minsk take care of these goblins great job foreign are so cool I can't wait to embrace the alith in me on my other hand boo just one shot of goblin I love my miniature giant space hamster all right gal let's see what we can get you to do my man we got the Mind flare right there I think these are the only combatants down here so let's go ahead and Misty step we got this guy up here Misty step to over here let's drop a cloud of daggers it's been a while since we've used that title great job we'll go behind the wagon which I still had fly active Channel teleport though let's go perfect everybody's doing pretty good health-wise when did I get the reflective shell did I miss something why is that power available in the shadow heart right now I haven't used I haven't consumed any tadpoles I do want to call in my allies but I'm afraid that we only get to do it one time and this combat encounter doesn't seem like it's too bad so I want to extract brain here can't do it on a mind flare I want to see what that does seems like concentrated blast is the way to go though foreign oh man okay oh man I don't know what's going on but there's a lot of people in this combat encounter now okay they leave me no choice I know exactly what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do something that you guys never thought I would ever do oh no I thought it was going to work I saved the ogre horn for the end of the game there's no overs around here though fair enough larion fair enough that takes care of that guy absolute cultists [Music] The Inquisitor of the absolute oh damn I think it's time for Spirit Guardians what do you all think Arrow of Arcane interference 6 to 15 damage it's really not that much we'll do a level one Shield [Music] all right so cloud of daggers is pretty much good now let's go ahead and pick our next targets I think we're gonna help out with these winged Horrors probably could just one shot one of these inquisitors of the absolute for the disintegrate that would be pretty cool and that would also be pretty Epic maybe I'll save it for the Mind flare that'd be a risky Misty step I'm gonna hold off with gal we're gonna save our power play for next round gonna create Undead after this fight okay Mirror Image First okay you know we probably could have snuck in through the double iron doors if I wasn't spotted you probably could have avoided all of this black hole but hey I don't mind some good combat right if you wish become absolute didn't expect that voice from the line player [Music] let's go ahead and cancel this cloud of daggers it's hard to see over there [Music] no I got rid of all no way Joy Joy dude where are these guys coming from this is crazy when things start looking fishy I'll all my allies these guys are grouped up for a nice Fireball there's no description here hold on I'm gonna let me hit F5 I'm gonna click on this call forth allies and see if it just lets you choose or something it does you can call in the Gir hunt Wardens silver harp Squadron Guild Master Keane the watch and also ithraki Inferno command the red dragon of supreme kitarak Vos to breathe a wall of Fire onto the battlefield dismissed after combat until re-summons can't be re-summoned again if killed in combat okay let's go ahead and call in let's call in the watch because the watch are the city's guard Force for the upper City so they will be fighting for their territory actually we'll see what that does nice nice nice okay let's go spear Guardians and hope to God we don't lose our concentration I do have a really high Constitution and I have War Caster too so [Music] honestly I seriously might move Shadow up here by herself Frontline it's all good spirit Guardians is [Music] foreign cleric's not the best class in the game incubating oh no not this again it reminds me of bone chill we're gonna let that one go reminds me of the Merkel Avatar Fight that can act two at moonrise Towers paralyzed okay can't get the black hole off I can a lot of damage guardian of Faith really okay well we better get away from that smack a mind flare foreign gotta stay away from that Guardian still got a little Goblin right here okay so Shadow Hearts got this guy Shadow Hearts definitely got these two as well I'm gonna hold my grounds huh [Music] oh man I didn't think that was going into the radius doesn't look like it is okay well in that case we'll just come down here there are ogres in the vicinity just not the ogres that work with my horn if you're wondering don't save the ogre horn for the end of the game Hunter barrage ranged weapon not today my friend not today let's see if we can keep these I want to try to keep these Watch Guardians alive because the Elder brain fight's probably going to be crazy [Applause] thank you these Watch Guardians are going to get destroyed by the guardian of Faith though nice it took it like Champs they're even wearing blue too Clarion staying very accurate to the lore I appreciate it thank you sometimes you gotta go for the plays with Gail you know what I'm saying this is my high ground [Applause] can I get through here without taking an opportunity attack it doesn't look like I can go here it's 20 feet 19 feet I don't think I can pull it I'm just going to go straight in between them both perfect perfect Fireball yeah we're going to counter that absolutely wow just kind of learning these mind flare powers for the first time that was awesome that was basically counter spell the Mind flare version I wish I blew up those barrels and we got one more mind flare back there scratch you're being a good boy you stay right back there foreign must help out Shadow Hearts oh I forgot about this look at this so topple the big Folk 20 to 35 damage deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus on a hit large huge or gargantuan creatures take an additional 2 to 12 slashing damage they may also fall prone and this is a sword that I have aldrin's Giant Slayer [Music] nice powerful very powerful spiritual weapons not doing too much is it the reach that hellbergs have is crazy how's my guard doing here they're doing pretty good one's got 8 HP though I'm a little bit worried about him he also misses a lot too HP and 27. so close three HP left we're almost done with this battle I can't get out of this guy's reach foreign let's go help out over here oh let me do it why not there we go oh no nice I can't even catch my breath what do we got left two soldiers I think just two oh the Adept is up here too [Music] keep going kill this guy first [Music] [Music] actually completely out of spell slots with Gail laughs foreign ability too [Music] and that's a wrap wow get everybody together come on scratch good boy you said I'm not too worried about loot right now let's see if we can go get that actually I don't want to get into another competent counter though hold on it seemed like anybody's here go get this restoration pod there we go we have all of our spell slots back oh do I not have Aid active right now must have lost it let's see rallied we need to do Mage Armor too I guess I didn't do my precasting unless I did in the restoration pod resets here [Music] where's Little Boo the boo die in that battle always give boo long Strider always okay I guess we're going through those double iron doors now let's go ahead and F5 and see what challenges await us the high Hall Courtyard here we go looks like part of the never party but we'll need to be higher up to climate [Music] okay I won't do that again this happens need to get to the break something's going on I'm not exactly sure what it is what it is but perfect favor more than 60 feet of Prince Orpheus the affected entity has resistant to psychic damage and plus three bonus to intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws were also rallied from Duke ravengard we're gonna move sliced and bird [Music] oh they're actually oh damn murderous clouded daggers black gauntlet of Bane damn I wish I countered that thank you I don't know if I can get through this might be able to nice nope I got hit I think we got to make our charge I know you can't jump through the cloud of daggers but we're just gonna run through it foreign what's going on in the combat log holy crap I think it's been doing that most of most of the time oh that's not good okay so that's what that is my player reinforcements intellect gluttons oh this is bad this is real bad oh well that works out pretty good all right we got slow on three targets I mean wouldn't he just be able to I don't think I have to do it with both just in case through yeah you're right man hmm you know what this call is for I'll tell you right now how do you know where we're gonna go here the statue looks like it will break though it's calls for potion of speed I actually didn't think that one through because I need my bonus action for what I was about to do this will work too all right ah worked very well I'm gonna figure out how I'm gonna get up there hmm I wonder which way this statue would fall protect me foreign way you can jump up there doesn't look like a another forward next turn we're gonna Misty Step Up 6 hp oh my God that was incredible oh damn there's more intellect of hours behind us again I'm assuming there's going to be a restoration pod or something up here perfect foreign [Music] path is interrupted because the intellect of hour is too short I can't do anything over here I have no movement left okay at least we're out of the danger zone I could Fireball actually let's do it why not don't even need it displace your b shape let's do that this is gonna be cool nice that's awesome we have displays teleport yourself and a Target near to a nearby location shredding the target's mind and leaving behind an illusory copy of yourself nothing not even one hit that she's about to come down though oh damn mind player got hit where does this thing get [Music] this is starting to get pretty crazy no end to them all right we really gotta just I don't know we've really gotta just go for the doors up here I think it's clear that it's never going to end see ya still alive wow that's impressive [Music] yeah everybody's up now let's go ahead and do Spirit Guardians [Music] oh no no no no no no no no crap I'm in the Kill Zone here with Minsk there's no way off it now Minsk is going to take some damage just say that much unless I have a potion of flying which I do but I don't have a bonus action that doesn't help all right Minsk maybe go right here he might be safe right there actually get right up there with wolf right up there perfect oh I can't do that I try to get him to be inside the circle that's so badass thank you [Music] okay here we go oh no there's nowhere to go wait no look at that movement speed right there incredible dominate but we made it to the door spiritual weapon you're gonna die I hate to tell you Gail might be in trouble too actually swarm AI was such a nice Improvement to the game oh my god dude this is this is crazy can't get him to safety might have to go over here with Gail if you're gonna fire next round thank you [Music] ah there it is the restoration pod what can I get through here there we go ah you only have to send one player ahead and that'll disable the ship kind of feels like Game of Thrones right now doesn't it are you ready to face the nether brain I think Emma's ready as I'll ever be so let's go for it we're gonna call in we're gonna call in the bear for this oh did that bug out I think it bugged out and let's go ahead and I don't know if it's actually worth using uh higher level spell slot to create the zombie or The Mummy but I will do animate dead hmm let's do flying ghouls perfect there we go and we also need Bill apparently boo got murdered by the not a Lloyd ship the brain it's high above the city now far away from any Innocents end this now stop the absolute and spare the city they just sat for my final Act mistress bidding and the Redemption that lies Beyond Broadway Right Where I Need to Be no right to ask more of you it's time I spirited you to safety this is a fate let's face alone Orpheus has already transformed into a mind flare true no gal we can Ascend together and put an end to this should it look like we'll fail that's your moment you'd be dying in vain I don't need company to sacrifice myself please for too long I've lived in fear of taking a host of Innocence with me when I expired at least I could be assured My Demise will be saving them instead we're going to end this together and live to tell the tale if you're mistaken this could be the end of everything will be failing right at the last hurdle uh we made it this far thanks to you questions such Sterling guidance now mistra won't be pleased but perhaps trying to please the gods is a Fool's Aaron lead on then so stay my hand as long as I can but if the tide of Battle Turns against us remember I have the means to bring a swift end to this foreign dragon has weird colored eyes the crown of Casas the site of power the sight of domination a place where the nether Stones can enforce control foreign the emperor I know you I know everything about you your thoughts your feelings and it says and so do they do Atop The Nether brain this might be one of the most badass Battlegrounds I've ever seen in a video game to date my mind flares up here on the second shelf effective entity sheds late in a 10-foot radius has resistance to cold damage and Deals 2 to 16 fire damage to anyone who hits it with a melee attack we have the crown dominated red dragon 400 HP being dominated by the nether brain fire damage is nullified about the emperor astral gravity triple dump distance and volatile Shields Grant to Temporary hit points by anolith if these are removed by incoming damage the shield bursts possibly stunning nearby foes these guys don't seem like they have too much okay well I think I'm gonna go after the emperor first and we will send let's send little boo over here off to the side pull a little bit of ow my God oh okay take my flying goal see if we can make it to the emperor send up our pawns first every time you step on the Elder brain a tentacle Sprouts up seriously um hmm okay where's wolf let me send wolf up she has fire resistance and we're facing a red dragon I guess I can't not a good start that's for sure I don't know if I should I I don't think I can stay back I think I have to go for it no I'm not gonna be able to make it there okay so on this term let's just take a melee shot a range shot excuse me got rid of a shield damn two Critical Hits [Music] I'm gonna send Orpheus up right now should I do it I think I'm going to curriculum of strategy damn 29 HP the emperor has left right now that's crazy video I'm gonna back up with gal and call forth allies too common names Shadow heart what do we want to do with you my friends I might actually do bless right now or I could just jump down there with Spirit Guardians and let it do work think for a second I don't have I do have less I'm gonna do it [Music] start off with that scratch you stay back here buddy transformed and we're so close right now Emperor is almost dead on the first round right here nice one more of those come on Wolf you can do it Emperor has been defeated I think I'm nervous about jumping down there because of the tentacles look I gotta get back on these mind players as fast as possible oh look at this okay I'm gonna take the opportunity attack yes [Music] Sonic suggestion the wisdom saved try it again nice everybody's targeting gal right now oh man the red dragon's turn is coming up that's not good oh my God are you serious mime players are shooting curriculum of strategies Orpheus has 40 HP right now that's not good all right let's hit F5 foreign HP I think I'm gonna go back into [Music] this place or beast form did I use that wrong I must have honestly I don't know what to do right now I am going to send Gail up this way foreign problem is we still have a dragon right now oh man okay do I put Minsk on the Dragon oh you know what I think I have hold on let's take a look real fast I swear to God I have oh man hold on Arrow of aberration slain Arrow of Dragon Slain thank you turn that to Minsk 50 chance really even with bless okay let's go ahead and do Hunter's Mark let's give it a try I really wasn't that good I thought I was gonna like do massive damage he is bleeding so that's good I guess I wonder if guardian of Faith would be good probably not you know what I think I'm gonna move Shadow heart over this way too I don't like being down here we're gonna start moving up this way scratch is still hidden so perfect good all right well for you the dragon slayer what are you what are we gonna do with you foreign Hunters Mark focusing on right now Minsk has the Hunter's Mark on the Dragon don't have potions of speed go get it massive damage massive damage I'm also going to do top of the big Folk invalid Target oh you can't use it on a dragon unfortunate thank you [Music] oh another light is on the way it will appear soon three turns remaining I literally just noticed that oh great character just dropped his weapon thank you are you okay my man magic Missile on six targets aha damn look at these mine flares just this is crazy and look at the city this is such an epic ending it's crazy there's the sea Tower of balduran and we see sorcerer Sundries from up here somewhere over here or somewhere over here okay Orpheus is about to die I gotta do something about that I mean Target is blocked that should work oh come on man all right I guess I'm never gonna do it again on any creatures that can fly or levitate I was working in act two well that sucks okay I gotta get our buddy Orpheus up here hey nice 47 HP I'm about to throw another one screw it and then we'll get up and Hmm this guy's almost dead we'll get up in his face wow I can make it all the way up there a little bit nervous right now though he's really low HP over here oh damn oh damn nice okay we got Orpheus to safety kinda what should I do beautiful we'll see off the enemies get to the crown okay all right wolf I'm gonna put you right on the dragon once again my man you do that for me phase optimizer I don't want that oh my weapon oh damn my weapons on the ground over there no no I'm gonna put on the sword of chaos now why the heck did she do that what are they doing yeah oh I almost got shoved off right there okay we're holding our own I think where are these oh my God there's like eight more people in the order of turns now [Music] okay wolf has 24 HP [Music] I think we have to get Orpheus close to that all right foreign [Music] oh my God yes that was incredible that was disintegrate for those of you guys wondering what spell that was all right channel the stones magic control the crown of karsus it looks so cool Okay so effective entity is focusing all their magic and effort on casting karsuses compulsion until their next turn coming capacity to stun polymorph or knock down ends the spell okay so we gotta protect the Mind player I guess now This Heart I don't know if I want to go all out on the dragon or if I want to start moving my entire team up to the top don't quite know what to do at the moment I can call in allies um you know what maybe I will right now let's well you need an action to do that you're not coming back are you nope you're not need my weapon back well what if I could cast Sanctuary um not sure if I can scratch you just stare right there my man you're our resurrect dog I need you I think you can take me on oh man we can't be having that my man there you go this is actually kind of nice I have both of my strength based Rangers on the front line here picking on the dragon everybody else is taking The High Ground [Music] okay okay I like how it kills the tentacles foreign [Music] okay we gotta do something here this is getting getting out of hand here man I can't get them both in it so close so close [Music] I honestly might use Blink let's call fourth allies let's call in we can do a wall of Fire The kitaraki Inferno The Watch get Harper's or the girl hunt warden so we'll do that they like to hunt mine flares perfect perfect placement I don't know if I did that or what okay this Dragon still got 308 HP that's insane doesn't even make sense oh chip away at it slowly right [Music] I think she survived I might try casting Sanctuary on Orpheus I have it prepared I don't know what it looks like [Music] I do gotta get a little bit closer okay let's do a do a guiding bolts [Music] help out our Rangers a little bit damn I'm running super low on HP again [Music] [Music] incinerated to one of the Mind flares all the dragons right in the nautiloid Circle right now [Applause] no Harper still Blown Away by the visuals like this is a crpg how insane is this okay whose turn is it it's gal's turn so maybe we'll help out with the dragon we have one mind player left up here I should haste wolf but I don't I can't get down there hmm okay we'll take care of the immediate threat what about telekinesis this guy all the way down here I don't think that would really do much it'll be funny though I didn't even know that I had Shields hey do I try this again I think I'm going to we can just survive until Shadow Hearts turn hey Minsk has pretty good HP let's see if we can get down there a little bit worried about the tentacles though sometimes you gotta just go for it we call in some watch members here actually I don't know if that's a good oh we have a mind flare down here okay let's move up to here and let's do sanctuary oh my God I think it worked I think it works effective entity can't be targeted by enemy attacks or spells however it can still take damage from AOE spells and Sanctuary is only a bonus action that's crazy can't go through this kind of Trapped back here what to do what to do what to do still concentrating on blessed is good okay I don't think there's anything I can do on this turn right now side sanctuary whoa that guy's spazzing out holy cow oh my God look at him oh please don't break on me this encounter I feel like it's going pretty good right now okay thank God [Music] get over there wolf you dragon slayer I mean not enough resources and I oh I'm not close enough really I'm not close enough to the dragon right now are you kidding me it's buttholes on top of my head try to face the Mind player attacks I want him aiming this way perfect so now if he does that soundic blast it's not going to hit Orpheus over here at least I don't think it will [Music] no no wow that was close it's fine he is can you believe it from The Druids Grove to the top of an elder brain over a burning City well hopefully Orpheus doesn't get hit by that foreign use the portal or bring it down together absolute freedom killings the brain is almost defeated wow wow is it okay everybody's got to come through the portal now this might be the most epic thing I've ever seen in my entire life I have nightmares from this chains of karsis another man is too powerful for even the momentary Gods magic karsus compulsion could not dominate it completely the spell is instead bound the brain's will in place to complete the domination you must strike it down okay whatever you say I guess I'm gonna try I'm not close enough for that just don't know all of these abilities can I extract the brain with the Elder brain okay that was a mistake honestly I could just leave the I think I could just leave the Dragon um I would take one opportunity attack make it almost all the way there oh nice foreign some more allies what do we got left we got silver harp Squadron and the wall of Fire these guys are ranged combat let's summon them in over here perfect we got some archers on The High Ground I like it Moana and Shadow going you mean not enough movement oh there we go okay we probably want to spread out here I'm assuming thank you that's how much I'm working might it would have taken to design this encounter imagine how much work it took to design this encounter okay it's okay it's okay nice will is weakening I wonder if you can blind blind it I don't think I did anything well it's okay I had okay can I get into the portal of my bear I don't think I can okay looks like my Bears gotta stay out here bare necessities fuck oh is the dragon completely out of the nether brain's control right now I'm not sure no okay just killing everything foreign marked for negation doesn't sound good what the heck is that the affected entity is within range of the nether brain's orb of negation the orb will explode on its turn dealing two 20 to 200 Force damage yeah we're gonna probably get away from that here we go our first damage thank you Epic shall be done whoa no don't do that to me right now oh thank god let's hit that five again all right Minsk head on Eminem we're gonna let the Harpers handle handle the dragon in the nautiloid ships they'll be all right don't worry about it they will be a-okay why is that showing death I'm throwing a smoke powder bomb how how could I die okay okay all right Shadow I think I want I wonder if a guardian of Faith would be doing a lot of testing when I probably shouldn't be I just need to be a little bit closer [Music] I might be able to dish out some good damage we'll find out probably spread these two out from each other though damn it takes forever to get down there that's crazy we have feather fall potions I do not seriously tempted to just jump [Music] oh my God I how big is that radius oh no okay we gotta really be careful of whatever that I don't know man that was crazy gotta make sure it doesn't say marked for a negation okay it doesn't say it over gal's head does it over the guardian of Faith's head what if I can use like dominate monster on this thing that'll be crazy Auto's irresistible laughter on an elder brain cannot be Charmed hmm what do we want to do here but netherries or a blast and just end it right now I think that was a good play oh you know what I'm worried about when this thing blows up is oh crap hold on let's go back to Gail it's gonna take down it might take down that platform right here I don't have messy step anyways come on we got this we got this kind of do the black hole without getting wolf in it perfect oh there we go let's go foreign 's about to blow up oh no where'd gay I'll go gal is dead what it's crazy there's nowhere else to go except over here [Music] the big hits whoa it's only Shadow heart alive right now okay Orpheus is still alive all right hold on thank you okay we gotta we gotta do something here we gotta do something be very careful of wolf here hold on it's got 40 HP left I don't know if I can survive another another round all right wolf let's go baby oh you got no damn it we don't have any actions right now teleport to an area and deal two to 16 damage where you land the impact blast spreads in a 10-foot Zone I don't know what happens if I teleport on top of this thing it looks like let me try this that looks like I'm Still Still Landing it worked a little bit of damage right I think it did oh God bless oh everybody's dead except Shadow heart it's up to Shadow heart oh got Orpheus too okay I'm looking on the left at the portraits over here I didn't see Orpheus all right so what we're gonna do [Music] hmm let's use Orpheus first game over hey Arrow reconsider assessed in floor surrender the at last it is subdued join me wield me become absolute and thus I honor my mother's Legacy The Grand Design once again ended by my line the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of orpheus's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps what would happen if Orpheus died in in the fight in the previous fight all right an opportunity perhaps let's see you can betray Orpheus dominate the brain and become the absolute how is that even an option and I have so many bonuses too do I just do I change everything right now was I deceiving you all with my RP this entire time with my ultimate goal of just becoming the absolute command the brain to destroy all tadpoles and then itself [Music] pipes nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions together the pain rips through you obliterating all thought all feeling Paul Burns in your brain foreign for the first time in a long time your thoughts are entirely your own and then gravity thank you make it to the harbor [Music] wow [Music] speechless right now [Music] [Music] yes I remember this music from the panel from Hells that's getting me so pumped up right now so sad that this game is over [Music] [Music] [Applause] everything you did everything you sacrificed it was worth it for this [Music] I was banned from sorcerer's sundry so I'm happy that it was destroyed a little bit foreign there will be tadpoles to snack on later my Powers they're draining just like mazura said they would a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things we did it the nether brain is dead Against All Odds we cured ourselves free from the parasite free from the prospect of ceremorphosis hard to believe it we will not become accursed in lithids not to cast any slights on you of course your present form is but a sign of your gallantry even when my time in the prison stretched out like eternity when Escape seemed impossible I never lost hope I knew that my destiny was to liberate my people to return to them triumphant I was wrong it seems I can only fulfill one part of my destiny my people will be liberated I cannot return to them not like this you helped me destroy that Abomination now help me destroy myself you must kill me come on Orpheus do it quickly I cannot live in this skin a moment longer [Music] what a guy I'm so happy that we decided to save him now all right we really had no idea what was right and wrong throughout this entire Journey so happy that it turned out I mean I don't want to kill him right now but happy that we saved him you're a mind flare but you're still you aren't you yes how long my mind screams it will never stop until it has slipped away from me entirely I will not be cake I did what I did to save my people the rest is up to them someone else must rise within the ranks to lead the revolution against blacketh give me my freedom from this form release my soul to the astral Seas well I still have one to call my own laughs I wish one of his people would do this let's try a persuasion Chuck hopefully he doesn't get mad at this you may not be able to return to your people Orpheus you deserve to live to see their future I'll use my last Inspiration Point on Orpheus absolutely a true hero a true hero of the world and his people [Music] this can't be this I I don't know if the game on the back end is like working to help me out or something [Music] that's insane I could do this a million times and never get that perhaps you are right I may not be the one to lead my people but I can still bear witness to their Glory I shall find a place for myself in a corner of these realms for even in darkness the stars of tuna wrath will shine upon me wow you were a worthy Ally freedom is freedom no matter the fall I hope he finds peace with his Newfound nature it's the least he deserves [Music] I'm getting a little teary-eyed right now man this is thank you [Music] it's crazy to be at the end of this game right now [Music] it gets young here leaving it would have been hard to imagine passing ways from them peacefully once with the gift Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of smoldering waiting to be rebuilt but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere a crown it's somewhere in the giantha if I Salvage the stones become reforge it of course this would be in my hands what about them what would I do with it once I have it [Music] perhaps it's best you leave it where it is Gail bust anyone should ever be tempted by such power I'm hesitant to say that though because I'm assuming that others probably know that the crown is in the bottom of gray Harbor I will go with a wise suggestion I felt a hubris once before and landed myself with this orb they could rather not make the same mistake again this adventure has taught me anything is that there are things in this world far more valuable than power besides going quite fond of this merry band of ours but I quite like to see what happens to it I'm sure Mr will summer me soon enough but until then I propose we celebrate our Victory the Mortal way the drink in our hands and Reckless abandon in our hearts what do you think time for a quick one before the work begins again we should stay in the city and help to rebuild it I can Circle back to that one once the fires have died and the rubble settled I do think we deserve a little rest I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the owl oh my God well it was it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go wow I thought we'll ever see that face basking in the sun again oh man now we got Carla the city's going to be all right engines finally cooked hold on just long enough so how'd I do you were spectacular in every way Carlock so are you my friend my companion I adore you careful hot [Music] I never gave up I did my best my best that's the one thing I can't be isn't it I wanted to live in my city friends [Music] goodbye son goodbye see no stop I won't allow this car like you're coming with me back to awareness it's your decision karlak you have to choose she goes to avernus so what do you say die here now or live on with the blade of avernus at your side Rosario won't touch you I swear at kalak Define I'll go well with you we have to go no can't hang on come on go go go that was close because of you you who were destined to become a troll thanks to you there will be no elephant Empire no death Gods tyranny [Music] you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast you are the saviors of Boulder's Gate [Music] what a phenomenal phenomenal experience I can easily say that that's one of the best games I've ever played in my entire life I'm so happy that larion was the one to make it because they are bringing in probably thousands and thousands and thousands if not hundreds of thousands possibly millions of people into the crpg genre [Music] thank you all so much for coming along with me on this very long let's play series but I appreciate you guys so much it was so much fun to do content like this I've been avoiding let's play content for most of my YouTube career because it's not a great way to grow a channel and now that I finally did it and there was a lot of support for this series I am forever thankful to you guys so thank you very much and I was told by a few people that they might have put my name in the credits somewhere but I think it's probably way way at the end in the special thanks section so perhaps I'll fast forward the video if you guys want to see that we have made it to the special thanks section of the end credits and as you guys can see right there we'll fart FPS super nice of larian to do that for me obviously they didn't have to pretty cool to be in the end credits I am going to leave a link below in the video description to a video that shows the entire end credits if you'd like to go watch them it's over 30 minutes long which is really awesome and it just shows you how much larian cares about everyone that has anything to do with their games I'm a little bit worried about copyright with all the music so I'm not going to play it all out myself but I do recommend that you go watch it and that's going to be it for this let's play series hopefully I can do some more let's play series in the future for some other games I'll definitely continue to live stream this game right here on this channel but for the most part we're going to be back to more regular content from here on out thank you all so much for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 72,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate, lets, play, lets play bg3, lets play, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, walk through bg3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, full game bg3, guide
Id: rJEgqCPF_iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 1sec (11881 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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