Parasites Living Rent Free - Baldur's Gate 3 Let's Play [Tactician] Pt. 1

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welcome everyone I'm Amari and the day is finally here we're gonna be playing Baldur's Gate 3 today I mean it's it's like one in the morning for me but at least I want to get through character creation and get some of the gameplay in and I'm really really excited I've been watching a download it was so so slow so let's let's get started I I already knew I wanted to go tactician yeah I mean balanced is nice do I want to go tactician I kind of want to just go tactician even if I have to die a hundred times I want to go tactician I'm gonna do it we're gonna die a hundred times and it doesn't even matter to me I could I could watch this intro over and over and over again it's pretty gruesome but enjoy if you've never seen it before foreign [Music] goosebumps every time enable tutorials who are you all right oh where do we even begin here we go so these are origin characters and they have their own storyline like a Starion they sell Gayle Shadow heart will Carlock and then there's like the dark urge which you know the the Dragonborn were not in Early Access so if a lot of people are probably going to be clambering to play one of these um but um I'm I'm probably gonna lean towards like making my own character uh just because you know it would be nice it would be nice to have like my own storyline going and to be honest I am still indecisive I haven't figured out what I wanted to do uh so it's just gonna come down to right now what I want to do and what I do know I want is between it was really between a Bard and a warlock for even up to now like I'm I'm feeling both of them like I want to play The Bard I decided I'll play a paladin um when I do multiplayer um so I'll probably be Paladin as a group in another gameplay but for solo um I mean for me this is a toss-up because they're so much fun it's animation for the Warlock oh it's pretty sweet I'm I'm gonna go with bard this is a uh the class that I usually play tabletop so I'm gonna go with Bard um I was trying to think of like a backstory I had I had so many different ideas in my head I was like what if before I was part of some Orchestra like a proper classical Orchestra and I was like no I want to be a rock star there's something stupid I don't know I had like a few ideas that I'll probably just like figure it out as I go but let's see so I'll go to be honest like I really like the half elf let's see there's elf there's tiefling let's make me a female actually wait how do I change into how do I change into a female um [Music] is it an appearance ah email oh that's how I identify um [Music] is it body type oh it's body type [Music] why is this why is this dude so huge this is a very meaty man like this is normal man very meaty man what does that look like in Barbarian or is that class it's so bizarre having it to the side here I'm so thrown off it's a good Barbarian meaty man normal such a big difference let's look I guess human is kind of like the the standard right and then human on steroids big dude okay stop messing around let's go with like I'm a normal Bard woman let's not be human they're kind of boring so I love tieflings love love love tieflings it's probably like one of my favorite races as well um however I was gonna make that like for another playthrough so I would probably go with half elves they're kind of cool oh they show their the stuff here now uh dark vision because for me the dark vision is I hate carrying a torch around I I absolutely hate carrying torches around so I usually go into one of the CL one of the races that have dark vision so I mean draw is also pretty cool like look at the draw they're so cool I mean they get the same except they get draw weapon draw weapon training fun fact draw weapons do not work on sunlight ah [Music] the domes are so cute it's like a like a big toddler oh gosh her face is so cute though the gnome's face is adorable hmm so I want oh but the dark vision that's like a a Make It or Break It For Me In solo like as a in in a tabletop I wouldn't mind so much but in a Solo I I want to see and it's a it's it's one of those things that why there's half orc I don't know why I was expecting also an orc not just half orc I don't see it here Brave lucky halflings also good but there's no dark vision uh dwarves have dark vision I don't want to be a dwarf [Music] so they do have I don't know is this like does it show which ones are the racial ability uh racial proficiencies it might just be from the the standard dice roll that I have here it doesn't say what is this okay I don't know all right let's go with half elf let's make it more like like identifiable for me since I'm I'm biracial this kind of like speaks to me the half elfness that's what my storyline can be it could be like my mom wanted to be in me and me to be in an orchestra but my dad ran away to be a rock star that's who I want to be I can do drow half elf no oh that's such a oh that's such a nice look oh she's cute those freckles okay I'm oh they show it here you have free Fireball with high half elf and then a Wood Elf gets Fleet to put I like this I just like movement speed but also these freckles are kind of drawn to them in Dancing Lights the eyebrows need work though oh this is really really such a cute look I know I can change appearance but you know ah and it's nice like let's see I don't know if I just want I don't want just another casting ability having this like Fleet of foot it's a pretty good ability you're able to move around a lot faster you can get you know especially when you're in combat that extra extra little bit of movement can really really help so then we're gonna go with that per cantrips vicious mockery if you're a Bard and you're not taking vicious mockery I don't know um as for the second one it's really up to you um I don't know what I would want to do I mean blade Ward is okay but magehand is more fun can I change I can change it okay great because this is way more fun like just send your hand out to do stuff and I want to see the limits to it I want to see like what I can do with magehand in this game because in a tabletop you know like imagination's the limit and of course whatever the DM says but when you're constrained by the programming of the video game it's always interesting to see what magehand allows you to do so I'm gonna get go with magehand and then vicious mockery basically vicious mockery anytime you debuff something give something a disadvantage you're you're going to be doing much better as a whole group because instead of every single person having to do something good all you have to do is disadvantage one enemy and now everyone everyone is doing much better I don't know I didn't explain that well but you know hopefully you got it but I vicious mockery is like a staple for bards let's go spells okay do I want to heal probably not should I have it probably I'm in tactician but if I play it right I probably don't need this but maybe early game it would be Reckless of me not to have this heroism uh I mean that is useful what do we got here animal friendship I mean I oh maybe I can bring someone that can speak with ah you know okay when I played Divinity original sin I got Pet Pals as my first like feature if you haven't played it um basically every few levels you get a feature and then I said the most important feature that I must get first is Pet Pals and it was my ability to speak with animals right and everyone was so mad at me in the group but guess what that I'm not gonna spoil anything but we got so much more information about out of those Critters it helped so much I also kind of wanted to fit I do love Tasha's hideous laughter I'm probably gonna get that because it's it's again another ability with with some kind of disadvantage leaving Mark like prone I mean this is also a good support spell it's hard it's hard to decide what you want to keep and what you don't brightening a creature also good healing word you know I probably couldn't care less about so I'm probably gonna get rid of this to be honest [Music] because I'm gonna take Shadow heart with me she heals right I can't remember is she the Healer goodness I couldn't remember charm charm is also good Sky itself if I was gonna if I was going to I would probably because this is a wisdom save wisdom saved I shouldn't have too many wisdom saved stuff I need something that is like a a an attack type like this like sleep but I don't know how well sleep does in this game which is a problem [Music] oh Charisma save actually I should take Bane because these three are wisdom saves and just in case like some creatures are gonna have a high wisdom like these two things some creatures are gonna have high wisdom and that's just gonna be bad news for me I'm just gonna be a buff monkey that's all I'm gonna be a buff monkey now I think about it [Music] okay yeah [Music] intelligence [Music] Evermore I'm Gonna Keep healing word in the very beginning just because it would be foolish and tactician not to have like an emergency heel um probably gonna get rid of Tasha's actually [Music] oh okay let's go with cannot move see okay let's get rid of that one and then it's it's gonna be between Bane if I want to be just a pure like buff monkey but I can probably pick that second level I should probably prioritize Thunder Wave just in case yeah so this will be my lineup for at least the first level okay starting instrument I'm definitely gonna go with I was a classical trained musician oh gosh it has sounds with it I didn't even notice when I recorded unless it's new that's comically large on my body [Music] do I want to be a sad girl the sad violin because this is just oh whoops this is just so much happier kind of would be the sad girl though with the sad violin let's go with the sad violin I'll be a sad half elf okay background now I mean it it's it's synonymous almost you're a Bard and you're an Entertainer and it's not just about the stats for me it's like um the class itself unless you're gonna go kind of like a con man you can kind of build a bar to be kind of like a performer and a con man so you can probably take like charlatan it could also just be a snooty rich boy or a rich girl and just be really really good at performing you know like you perform at your parents parties whatever I don't care you could be an urchin and and busk I try to think of it like a story um I did play a barred Sage once and I was kind of like acting like um uh like David Attenborough I was like how I played it was I I was creating a documentary of my travels and the world and I was basically David Attenborough and I would I would narrate and it was frustrating for everyone I would narrate everything the creatures were doing and it kind of helped because as a DM I kind of know the the way the creatures behave as a player and it was great because it gave me a little loophole for it for the DM sometimes to be like I know how this creature is but um I'm not gonna do the documentaries style today that would be a little bit annoying let's go with Entertainer this is really like The Bard's like vein you know like this is their the family entertainers as for ability scores that's an okay spread for me actually you don't want your con too low though I I kind of wanna I kind of want to level this out a little bit oops sorry wrong way [Music] um I don't like this I mean I don't need intelligence do I I'm a Bard I kind of want to remove some intelligence here I'm not going to be this the sharpest tool [Music] but I I do want my con actually I also want my strength I wonder the strength affect how much I can carry it affects how much I can carry although it doesn't matter too much solo because um solo I can have my the rest of the party carry stuff for me although it affects how far you can jump ah I need to sort this out I can make my intelligence my dump stat [Music] and then just bump up my strength a little bit the Charisma is insanely High it's almost it's almost unusual to start like in a tabletop with 17 or higher usually it's kind of like evened out a little bit um I don't want to miss out on this extra jump but I could probably use another character in the party to be able to jump farther so as long as I can jump a decent amount I think a 10 would give me maybe a decent jump distance but this is how I would rather prefer it I I'm not gonna put I know some if you're gonna go maybe like swords you'd probably want more dexterity it's like kind of interchangeable these two so I mean I'm gonna go with this there's no totally Riot or totally wrong way to build this anyways it's it's like part of it is Flavor part of it is what you intend to do with the character I'm still deciding whether I want to go lore or Valor swords I'm already not building it especially like the backstory in my head but we're gonna make together um I haven't I couldn't decide for so long that I haven't figured out a backstory but it'll unfurl so I'm kind of building this to either Laura Valor we have time all right now the top the part that's going to take me like two hours to build so I want to go with female voice the locals are friendly health something just woke up down here I love that voice voice number four be wary it's opened things oh it's like magic keeping this chest sealed I can where to next what was that let's hope the locals are friendly Health be wary it's opened more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed where to next I kind of like this voice the most Voice number four is my my jam and so now for like kind of the face shape like this is just like here like everyone that has like that chin dimple it looks so nice it's too narrow I like this face shape it's between this one but it's very angular and this one is much softer it's also her eyes are much softer I'm gonna work with this one and I'm I'm half wood elf right so oh okay so they they categorize like what your natural tones would be because otherwise if you check this you're getting all the skin tones of like this would be a drow [Music] okay so let's not do that let's let's keep it to what I would be what's pallid oh it's like corpse-like very very no blood in your skin and then there's like the more green I don't know I'm not a fan of the the green I do like these blushier tones it's like she went she runs through the woods and gets a tan [Music] let's do it like that watch I'm gonna end up just using this no I like warm tones like these are the on the colder oh this one is yellowish yeah let's do this one do I want a scar oh no my busted lip oh oh that's a bit much oh no let's let's not maturity is basically how old you are you're gonna be a young girl Freckle quantity oh I want some I want like across my nose like that oh okay so how like faded they are I want it to be like this oops I put a little too many freckles like that that's cute it's like a little bit okay so they have Vitiligo here which is that's nice that's like a cool a cool little representation thing oh gosh there's genitals ah am I gonna get spanked by YouTube for this I think so I think YouTube is not okay with me showing this so I'm gonna put it to default um I might have to edit it out I apologize I'll I'll confirm but for right now I'm gonna hide like I'm not gonna show it and then I'll see if later on because there is like romanceable options in the game later on I'll just check whether it's okay with YouTube I know on on Twitch I could show it but not gonna take my chances here so not yet anyways bodyguard I feel like this should go kind of semi-last after I've created so we'll come back to that um let's do oh let's do eyes actually wait let's remove the makeup so we can see what she looks like without makeup [Music] is there a way like could I like the head is just a set head right yeah yeah um oh heterochromia I I have like a little bit of heterochromia one of my eyes is like nearly black another one is a light brown so it's not totally obvious but somewhat there I've always liked these especially early access this was probably my favorite eye color the the gold like I don't know there's just something about it isn't it so mesmerizing like there's like this blue is kind of unsettling oh the silver is really nice too yeah one of my eyes is like black brown the other one oh like darker than this actually and the other one is like I'll show you what I'll show you what my my eyes kind of look like am I right is the darker one my left is like kind of like kind of like that so that's that's somewhat close but I'd have to say it's kind of colder it's like between this one and this one like it's not as as gold as this but it's like close [Music] okay it shows here all eye colors as well holy crap that's a little it's kind of cool oh when I roll a warlock you can bet that's that's gonna be it oh no this solid black oh my I'm excited to play my Aurora lock as well that's gonna be her stick with what what you really will get from an elf though the Red's kind of cool too [Music] it's like a drizzle drizzled purple eyes I just look so much nicer huh the green is too light oh look at that holy crap you can see like the gold you know how people with green eyes you can really see the gold flecks in the middle in the middle like you can actually see it here that's that's nice this one green number one you can see it could you see it in the other ones oh that's beaut that was a nice little detail I was a little bit taken aback by that red is kind of cool all right stuff stop faffing about all right let's see from here this distance no it's really gotta be this one oh or maybe this one yeah this one elf gold too I like this to make up last we'll do hair first um let's pick a color that we like I'm gonna be a ginger I want more of like coppery than Ginger Laura kind of blonde it's just actually nice but not too blonde oh gosh I'm gonna be here forever you know what maybe I should pick a hairstyle first [Music] the ginger tones are nice though [Music] thank you okay let's pick a hairstyle it'll help decide they have some really really nice Styles so they're not gender locked which is great anyone can have any of the hairstyles there's like a nice undercut undercut ponytail like a half braid whoa those are long braids in the back she's got a lot of hair and just a simple top knot okay mohawk mohawk what oh whoa It's like a female mohawk that's insane who has time to do that when you're out on an adventure I guess if you have magic what is this what the hell this is like a troll doll you know the trolls doll that was weird it's a very high pony this is like a pretty down here I do want it in like yeah like this like a braid a braid looks nice like a braid on the side that's so so cute too long and straight see like stuff like this I like it's just nice and cute and kept is actually this suits like a barred Entertainer you know probably not this no it's too loose although it's a very very pretty hair just because it's like very simple such a severe cut looks so messy I tend to like hair up like tied away like that just because it looks nicer just in a game it's cute oh I like this too every time I go to the beach I do my hair like this just because it's out the way swim much easier swim faster with it like this I know it's like I want that but I also want this I think like this one's cuter I'm feeling this one oh gosh there's a lot of hair okay wait I want to see them all I apologize you saw that one I haven't seen this one oh gosh what is this that's bizarre that's a choice to do there oh that's nice look at those braids it's very very nice that's a little not me that's cute I like the the haircuts I'm glad that they're opened up to both male and female characters because it's like you can use them interchangeably and it still looks very very good like like she looks awesome still oh shoot see I miss my Pixie okay maybe this is not flattering well you know if you want to get into it I don't want to just trim that just trim it oh that's so cute I like this foreign cuts to choose from there's way too many I mean it's good but I'm gonna be here longer than I thought I would be oh there's also highlights okay this is cute [Music] why is that sticking out like that that's cute it's very like laid back [Music] there's something about like the way that down the hair down oh this is nice I would probably ever like roll a ranger or Druid like this like probably a ranger um something about braids I just want something with a braid if I had the energy I would braid my hair every single day but I'm really not one of those girls that can braid my hair in like three seconds it takes me forever oh that's one long raid okay I am set no it's not that one it was all the way up here somewhere oh no I think I passed it did I there's so many you're gonna be here for a while oh I'm just into this one I even love the color that I happen to pick but let's see if we can do like a highlight um oh okay so it kind of mixes in there let's see what it looks like if we pick like a oh oh you can do like a brown how come that looks kind of reddish though is it because of the copper what if you do it the other way around we do mostly Brown [Music] like a a warm Brown I guess that and then we go in with like where's the ginger colors oh I don't like how that layers as much the other way around was much much better okay Ginger four three four I like that one and then going like a brown that's how it's supposed to look actually [Music] let me get a second [Music] I don't see much of the difference oh I do kind of it actually turns it kind of greenish go with is there like a gold gold blonde [Music] [Music] no it turns it to two yellowish [Music] it kind of lightens it a little bit right yeah let's put it halfway do we want to be aging [Music] oh it gets very very intense that's so cool so I'm a female I'm probably not going to pick any of these but these beards some of the options of these beards I remember seeing some and they look dull like they look so good you're gonna have like a lot of fun with these beards but I'm not gonna have one because I want to be cute um let's do makeup let's see nice and simple oh I already like that one or a wing line some of you are gonna be like what the hell is a wing line is that wingline flick upwards like that Shadow's too heavy for me oh cute two dots so for me it would be between this and this although I like the simpler makeup but she is a performer but it just for some reason it doesn't fit her face oh actually that's like a little bit too much I prefer this one yeah for that one there's like a beauty mark it's a little too much let's go with this one nice and simple makeup and then the lip tint oh whoa let's not have any lip I'm on an adventure I don't need to be wearing oh that looks weird that must look so oh that actually hold on that actually looks much nicer it's like a little bit shiny so it just looks like a healthy lip right because that looks too dry but just like a tiny tiny bit looks like she has some lip gloss on or something there we go yeah yeah like you don't have to add like the color in it just makes it look more I don't know much nicer all right body art now tattoos I love tattoos I have many I don't know how I feel about them on my face though I mean I have I have somewhat face tattoos I just I don't I don't know if I am feeling having them actually on my face this is actually kind of a kind of cool hold on I mean it's kind of a look right this is kind of a look I don't know if I do it but it is something cool it's like future option for my Warlock I'm gonna make my warlock like pretty crazy like she'll have crazy makeup and stuff but I'm not gonna do that um let's not have that oh what the hell this was crazy thing I've seen it's like the most normal day tattoo oh I love neck tattoos though maybe I could I could do with probably a neck tattoo just not feeling in the face so a rose okay pretty standard or what is this is that a beholder it's hard that's too many eyes to be a beholder no it's all on the face I already have freckles I don't need more dots it's a sword I could be cut throat it makes sense like when I got cutting words The Cutting words are coming from my throat um it's kind of a cool idea right cutting words Cut Throat I'm gonna do it it's like it's minimalist tattoo okay that's what we're going with okay okay okay I'm happy with that I'm happy with everything going on right now makeup hair facial hair proceed there are so many times I've actually just started the game with it saying Tav We're not gonna do that oh we don't have the who do you choose anymore or who do you desire what was that thing the who do you choose you need to guard him choose one [Music] I think by now this this cinematic is is is famous like everyone's seen it I remember the first time seeing this I was so blown away so excited thank you is that the Wilhelm scream here we go a portal and there's the gift with the Red Dragons if you watch my other video you would know like the relationship between the two ah oh such a good sound [Music] foreign [Music] oh this is so good the music the way it swells in that moment it's so good here we are here's lizelle foreign yeah it's a furnace the in the nine house exciting I can I kind of remember like parts of the the intro like being on that ship I wonder how difficult this will be alone this part there you are oh my gosh my head might still be stuck inside if we haven't been actually getting back in that thing okay so I tried to I tried to open this before is it F5 it is F5 I don't think my intelligence would be high enough to actually like look at this is the center character uh camera oh okay what is it to turn the camera though trying to hold on let me let me figure out the buttons options interface no key binds middle Mouse button that's what I'm doing oh it wasn't doing it earlier now it is though that was so weird okay I will save it here and then I will I will attempt it and I will save scum this because I just want to see the difficulty of tacticians the pool that thing came from the parasite now Rising behind your eye investigate some dialogue options require a skill check a dice roll that must meet or exceed a target number your character's skill add a bonus to this role so depending on how you build your character essentially as set roles for people that are new to Baldur's Gate and games like this um there is a difficulty class so here it would be a 10. I need to get a 10 or higher it's gambling but a great way of doing it with consequences so my intelligence is pretty much pretty low it's very very low um How I build my character so I don't know whether oh didn't even with a minus one I still made it awesome touch could cause it to crumble uh okay I know what happens if I reach towards it just because I remember this there we go there is oh yeah there is the restoration pod here so so that happened to me and that was bad is there anything that highlights are there alt if you press alt it highlights all the in interactable things you can restore your health at these little pods mind player here and I am a loot monkey so bear with me I just remember these from before there's nothing else right oh wait no there's nothing else you gotta be careful with moving sometimes the padding here it'll lead you into a danger like it'll walk over the fire so you just gotta be very very careful don't just click somewhere and expect it to go go okay oh so gross kind of want to be like a little bit closer and just to get more immersion anything of use oh wait what what's new this Goblin here before [Music] I don't think so images of goblins their habits and histories flash into your let's explore all the way down here yep I can I can hear you stop being so creepy remember there's stuff here before or am I crazy brain jar could I attack it I can so if you hold down control you can just like attack without moving my crossbow oh The Sounds freak me out a little bit oh I can actually destroy it it's destroyed already a flash behind your eyes it flashes behind my eyes this is kind of like a neural apparatus it's kind of like the button to make the elevator go up thank God for dark vision see this is what I mean I have dark vision it kind of acts like a little Spotlight for me if you do not have dark vision you will not be able to see it and that always bothers me in games nope I don't want to kill him I think we can save him from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers and expectation please they return um am I talking to a man or brain a newborn you realize you're talking to an intellect Devourer a minion of the Mind flayers who abducted you insane that I'm succeeding on Arcana and intelligence stuff the enemy so many enemies I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do I didn't realize that there was my part I forgot it was not voiced earlier I said you sound afraid yeah um I want to see if I can inspect the exposed brain first oh okay I didn't make it I have no idea what this is it might be a brain about from this strange context you notice nothing unusual about the brain okay I I at least know it's a brain all right um I have a higher dexterity good thing it actually shows you here so if you're unsure it'll show I have a plus two for a dexterity I have a flat strength so I'll probably use my dexterity see if that's successful it is plus two sorry that's my microphone gently gently very gentle could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat [Music] making it more okay now I can't remember I could [ __ ] it yeah why not it's gonna be more subservient geez okay come on come on plus two oh okay I probably killed it it's probably dead now come on I use my thumb no wonder I got a 10. it's dead no it's so sludgy oh it's not dead yeah and it hates me it definitely hates me now let's see if you have anything oh there you have nothing what are these these things like it's just fun to destroy all of this stuff oh that that caustic brine though don't mess with that oh it's all exploding oh my little intellect Devourer friend has left me okay I don't remember the hotkeys for like jump and stuff so we're gonna figure it out in a moment oh look at this oh this is different you had drops and your skin tingles Visions Rush past Dragon swing a silver sword flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes what is this blesses me this day together we might survive what made you think I was thrall we are cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be gay mind players um we're turning into mind players there must be something we can do we can do nothing until got it my face is like hmm I don't know are you sure she just like Dove right into the fight she's like yeah we're gonna go now and she just goes combat General tutorial get ready to fight combat happens in rounds it is a turn-based game much like the tabletop each participant gets a turn to act the game pauses around okay that's good that's a very larion thing and it kind of helps for people who are not used to this type of combat um in D each turn each round is about six seconds so everyone is taking this round simultaneously in a way in a matter of speaking um what am I again I'm a fighter I get second wind game proficiency of a skill ranged attack oh she has the main Chan too did she have that in Early Access now I feel useless kind of don't want to have her now all right oh these things are pretty pretty easy to get rid of now I can start making my way halfway here I don't have another I don't have a bonus action so I can just no never a dull moment all right let's see vicious mockery at work it's saved against me I'm gonna hide behind Lazelle this is very very different this terrain we're fighting on this wasn't in the The Early Access so there's another one there you can see all of them they're about to take their turns up here ha Miss yeah okay I'm just gonna attack you because these things die pretty easily almost strike there it's dazed time to push my luck again I'm gonna try vicious mockery again there are actual insults that's hilarious oh that one actually got her what she low and hit points use a healing potion okay so we're connected does she have healing potions in her back she does gosh that that hit was kind of kind of kind of hard I'm just gonna loot everything did I take it so I'm having her pick up everything right now because I don't have the strength to it and I'll see what I want to keep oh wait I should have taken the gold uh [Music] perfect they start out with some stuff at least oh there's one here there's a mine player here what's a void bulb could I throw that I think I can the ready it's not a chest is it no there's a restoration thing here so we don't need it okay let's restore oh it restores both perfect oh nice little quality of life thing if you're playing solo you don't have to click each individual person it's too late this music is very intense I'm getting really really amped up and I'm trying to just loot gold ah yes I should probably make her meet first like crazy I barred follow could I jump this oh jump to where though what is this why can't my brain figure out what it is Auto saves for me thank you okay I kind of remember this room but not so nothing without knowing its purpose okay what is my in oh we're both at 10 in all right so it doesn't matter who does what we're gonna probably kill someone here um it's a Joel okay it's I cannot read this language I can't read this is there a quick button to switch between characters oh annihilate okay we know one of the buttons man isn't dead totally unresponsive I can't remember exactly what I did last time but there is a way to get her out of here uh the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar uh I'll look around there must be some way to get this thing open they did something to it when they sealed me in hurry please there must be a way to switch this contraption the console appears dormant look for a switch the console okay hit it nothing remains dormant uh we'll look around whatever fits in that socket must power this thing uh yeah something goes in there flickers in his eyes but he seems totally unaware of his surroundings their brains are turned to Mush I can't remember what the buttons did but we might as well have fun with it oh that was a bad idea that was a bad idea oh they're in my range perfect [Music] I'm gonna stay back here [Music] how dare they Dash Bane would have been greater about now I should strike one and then see if I can oh Palm will strike the other okay that helps and then that means I can Thunder Wave both of you jerks away from here oh it's gonna hit liezel too never a friggin mind what do I cancel okay left click um I mean I could vicious mockery this one it's gonna die this one is still and so on some days is that say two for two turns there's days for two turns attention [Music] I think I can move away from this one and it's safe to do so oh how dare I thought that meant two turns is that what not what that meant oh oh I can't move away the opportunity attack it's gonna hit me so when you move away they have a chance to hit me and that already hit me so wait I need to get rid of this one um I'm gonna heal myself oh good thing I did oh opportunity attack there we go there we freaking go don't miss okay don't miss okay I wonder if it was two because the other one is the one I messed with seala and Save this one is annihilate so let's see what this middle button does ah ah I see the Folly of my ways buffer I wonder if this will work on them bar Dance Play up or Delight to attract delay arousing I wonder what's the difference with each Dazzle and intrigue excite courage and inspire what does this mean what does that do though I have no idea what it does like or whether it's just for flavor but we'll see [Music] lassery should lacerate you not enough movement [Music] what there's enough oh is it because I have to get behind him [Music] whoa it missed [Music] okay is dazed cop oh no [Music] oh I'm flanked this is not okay [Music] my playing is not doing anything so I'm gonna see if I can just get him there we go [Music] bardic inspiration as a Bard this is like literally your job oh he died from my Thunder Wave nice well they died that was like this the middle bundling I wonder does this replenish my spell slots it does let's go oh that guy didn't have loot oh there's a backpack here gold okay we're gonna look for something to go in there I need to keep thieves tools images appear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness brain in a jar oh I can just take it I'm gonna take everything disappear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior um I guess I could just sell that but I need thieves tools it might be in this room yeah let's see if it's in this room yep we're gonna get you out this is the room right yeah gold key Centaur maybe the gold key will have it there was something here as well yeah there was like this button oh God look at the detail here all these pods or all of those people that are going to become a awesome you're gonna be thrall I'm gonna take that one yep I'm taking them all with me all these brains they're all mine I'm going to push this button oh place your hand on the console you place your hand on the card you hear something presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to change foreign and now it's a beautiful baby mind flare if we are not purified this may be Our Fate go red and preserve me I it cannot be Our Fate I wonder if we can kill him while he's in there mind flash stares at you weak and dazed oh gosh she's so ripped I wonder could we destroy this thing and let it out oh yeah it says zero all right well we have what we need wait what's this oh I can sit on this and it's like the viewing room yes change before my eyes oh I hear voices nothing of the sort wait lizelle you gotta you gotta check this out you gotta sit on the chair do you hear it no proceeding okay not as bad as it could have one day I'll catch a break oh the key the key can go in here take all and then now to interact with this thing insert the Rune into the socket the console humps to life but what is its purpose will it free the captive or Transformer like that other unfortunate take a closer look at the powered up console might as well take our chances ah oh God oh God I got a one nothing in the appearance parent that the device betrayed betrayed this yeah it could even transform the occupant of the Pod like what happened before it could do anything let's put our hand on it that's Comfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection Authority laughs will the Pod to open it's a two because of my parasite I was confused I was like why is that so low command and yield to it Shiva runs across your mind sated foreign [Music] did you feel that just now I did it must be because it let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way yes let's go all right then let's go and I'm a Mario what's that you got there what's that nothing trust me we need to get to the helm now she's right yes look at our party just in case Shadow heart needs a little top up we're gonna visit the restoration pod and then go to a little a little pick-me-up let me head on in here sphincter oh there was there was one right here could be oh no those might have caustic bulbs or whatever in them [Music] once inside do as I say who put you in charge I'll Trust my own judgment so this is like a pretty far in fight from The Early Access there is a lot more before you got here so I'm glad that I have that memory in my head of that first part but I'm glad they also kind of sped it up so that you're past this already it should probably be Lysol that goes for blood hmm which is guard down for a moment [Music] now okay so we have a few things to defeat here these things are going to come after us return and I remember this this thing was was quite terrible let's give you some extra hit points and then oh shoot that was Shadow heart well why can't I bardic inspiration you oh that's bizarre why not weird that I couldn't bartic inspiration by myself I'm just gonna perform some music for this round we're gonna perform a a barred dance okay I haven't had a look at your spell shield of faith protect the creature from attacks increase Armor class by two I can't remember your armor classes but should be okay since the spell effects sacred flame charm inflict wounds this oh this is a touch spell guidance [Music] blessing of a trickster Grant another advantage and stealth tracks disguise self okay so let's give Lysol some extra armor and then let's [Music] how many spell [ __ ] do I have now let's let's leave it at that I wish there was a way can I can I organize these because these are Level these are spell slots and these are like can trips and they're like not organized [Music] Fury just like buff each other insanely together no you had you had so much working for you okay at least you're dazed [Music] okay that didn't work I should have moved away she had so much going on for her so much there we go not enough resources do I need arrows or something or do I always have arrows oh I don't have enough action but I have more bardic inspiration I wonder if I can charm this one oh it must be humanoid oh that's a touch not gonna take that chance all right so you have my shield of Faith right now I think we're all good slowly move forward okay at least I hit it yeah miss that one's oh miss as well awesome all right Bird time did I magehand anything here I want to loot everything I'm gonna loot while everyone else does the work they're gonna thank me later that's I have extra movement so I can totally do it damn it you had nothing on him all right all right I'll do my job ah it's saved how dare you rude um I could have probably looked too damn it and then lizel will will loot those ones what's this I never noticed this thing what is it oh it's a nautiloid tank all right please don't miss okay good girl now to loot I'm telling you it's it's um it's a problem I have I can't I can't not do it I have to I think there's a way to kill this guy yeah you just have to help this dude but I kind of don't want to ship hits the ground with debt yeah yeah we'll get there um I insulted it to death hell yeah oh oh God oh it's it's not okay oh these boots have seen everything oh wow it's like I can't even loot it oh no no sorry I'm scared that that's the caustic bulb stuff should we help kill the Mind flare let's Loot and get out of here I could probably Dash oh not jump where's Dash there it is on the move don't forget to loot take all of that take all of that oh crap there's more stuff to kill oh I don't have enough oh this thing is nasty I'll get a little closer one day I'll catch a break and then it's saved That is bull [Music] I inspire you now you're inspired okay meaning you gotta do good I'm gonna make it a little closer I have two spell slots left I probably should be a little bit careful just in case I need to use it for a heel could I shove it didn't work okay okay okay okay okay that thing oh I don't know what off balance does oh that's cool all the Buffs go here how do I read the their debuff off balance oh God I don't know man this is this is bad this is bad I should probably helped that mind flayer this is real bad oh this is a real bad how do I disengage with haste I gotta get to that thing oh okay we're all running for it basically and I gotta be careful I don't get in their range I don't know girl I don't think it's gonna do anything oh it'll draw them away oh okay good only one of us has to make it there okay good good [Music] oh okay I got a dash out of here tactician's a little nuts don't don't do what I did downed okay down to remember if your adventuring party reaches zero they are down this is a state between life and death where they roll each turn to survive on a successful on three successful roles that become stable on three failures that's permadeath who has the highest chance of survival survival is all that matters I'm gonna Dash I don't care if the opportunity attack okay go go opportunity attack leaving an enemies melee range allows them to attack you as a reaction avoid this by taking disengage that's why I healed her first okay I can make it there we go that went a little bit rougher than I expected I should have helped the Mind flare should have didn't spend my time looting come on you gotta flick it [Music] foreign [Music] the art the loading screen art is just so good look at this this is amazing so beautiful it does take quite a while to load oh the drow and a goblin [Music] ah oh I thought he was dead it's another my player I don't know what it is getting hit in the head is never not funny I mean it's serious it's never not funny and that chunk of meat is still falling down with me too [Music] but who saved me foreign squirms in your skull uh or check yourself for injuries infection you're more or less intact a miracle given everything you've been through but it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure Journal updated find a cure see I'm such a loot monkey I'm looking for loot let's let's come get back to our party Shadow heart are you okay D20 wake her alive how is this possible um perhaps it was some dramatically timed divine intervention the Divine tend to keep their interventions close to the chest so I suppose it's not impossible uh uh do you have any idea where we are no no where we just came from first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads uh uh the number three option indeed I'd better get moving then farewell uh we want to stay together we need each other no this is where we part ways now all right let's get moving one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again referring me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I remember that lead the way hopefully we find our gift friend I can't remember where she was I think she was like way farther down but let's see I can't really remember oh there's a pouch here that's new so if yeah if you hold down alt it'll highlight items that you could you could interact with so you know where to fix you are not like pixel hunting I I just pick up everything gold see intellect devour backpack look there's a backpack and a book here Shanti is of the sea [ __ ] fresh water and we all roll with the spray upon our necks and we all roll with the spray upon our backs and we all roll with the c beneath our feet and the [ __ ] Queen stays the storm wave mother wave mother lashes to the prowl wave mother wave mother we asked to sail your skirt if you allow wave mother wave mother sink us if you will wave mother wave mother our skulls are yours with Brian and Santa Phil oh gosh this is longer Souls away and anchor still the wind won't move without the sea [ __ ] Queen's will without the [ __ ] Queen's will Will Wait gladly years and days till the [ __ ] Queen brings the waves hey ho she told us so hey ho she told us so beautiful poetry quality here's more oh a perfumed letter I want to read it oh God that's so tiny see I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again and keep on saying it till we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate I know it's risky but so staying here the last few months have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring whatever you can carry we'll make do without the rest don't be late love Anna well she's he's late oh no no we should go find Anna there is another body here there's many actually but I know that's going to trigger another fight so I'll circle around there in a bit take everything your recipes and stuff oh no it closed the Alchemy tab thing the tutorial on Alchemy I'll have to look that up later because I I don't know how the Alchemy works here now this is an ancient sigil yeah this is like the the map uh you can view quest locations place custom markers you can teleport to these waypoints so those things that sigil those are waypoints Alchemy you can craft your own potions poisons and elixir is using Alchemy gather ingredients to distill into extracts and experiment to grow wondrous Solutions but how party yeah yeah spell book oh here Alchemy perfect I can make something all right I don't think there's a way to open this way oh I didn't mean to what's the story with that old little artifact you have there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it oh yeah what do you think of all that's happened to us so far we have I don't know uh you must have thoughts about our little stowaways thinking about it won't help we know what to do so let's do it okay sorry a way to rid ourselves with these things we've no solid leads right now though we best get hunting if you discover anything that might help us I'm all ears uh uh okay let's just turn to other matters oh I don't annoy her asking her a ton of questions when she clearly wants to leave so let's salute these guys [Music] did I go around a long way I am oh let's be careful there's wretched things interactive hours here and I want to loot um how do we sneak I don't need anything idiot oh lysol's not need to find a way forward all right we're gonna get these intellect devourers I'm gonna jump up here not enough space path is interrupted can I not jump up there oh it has to be there I think all right Shadow heart we can do this oh there well at least I have the higher ground whoa whoa whoa vicious filth you guys are super terrible um could I charm these it's not humanoid I was like oh maybe it's a human-like brain you know Shield of Faith myself and then sacred flame get a guiding Bolt oh they're all pretty injured 50 they all have 50 percent oh God that has like a lot of hell that thing has a ton of Health I wonder if I can a good idea heroism oh God I had to touch you damn it and then I have nothing else to give you oh God this is very very bad [Music] ah it's saved it's saved could I bardic inspiration myself could I bar dick inspiration you pass your death rolls oh I hate you oh okay I didn't realize that they had ranged like that I should probably sneak up on them I wonder if we could both sneak where's the where's the other one it's one or maybe they only show up later light on my feet just out of view should mind my step oh this will help separate them a little bit hope your soul is in good hands there we go at least that one died better stay back one strike could be lethal yeah um there we go and I'm gonna say back here oh god oh thank God it missed this one might be a problem though okay that one got me I'm just gonna do another one okay now it's frightened I wonder if I can oh my God what that that is such BS how did it shoot me from under there there's no line of sight ah wait can I can I help okay I can help and then heal and then that's it for my turn is that one shouldn't have been able to hit me from underneath that's a whole the whole point of me going here if you can shoot me from that's bull oh okay are you kidding me are you kidding me oh my God maybe it's where I'm standing ah why not enough resources oh crap I only have bonus action [Music] I swear if you can hit you can still hit from under there that is such a cheat you better die from this now oh thank God the problem is this one it's like there is no way that that should be allowed to hit me from down there so I'm gonna I'm gonna move over here can I can I vicious mockery that one if it could hit me from under there I should be able to hit it okay that worked that's just such BS it shouldn't be able to there's no line of sight there okay now it's moving I think it was just where I was okay okay girl we are going to kill the crap out of this thing with me with nothing left I wish I could hit you but I can't I wish I had Thunder Wave but I don't have that anymore so I'm just gonna oh I don't have any more actions do I is consuming this is a bonus action okay okay uh this is stupid wait how much damage does it do again 1d4 it's an intellect of our I should not be doing that there we go I remember being able to do that I'm just gonna crossbow it I know I have a disadvantage 81 disadvantage that's pretty bad [Music] this is such crap we're never gonna be able to kill this thing there we go ah end of the day you replenishable resources are dwindling take a long rest to restore hit points and other resources open rest menu initiates long rest and then or take a short rest oh crap well it basically works the same way as it does with DND let's Loot and then we can take that rest that was that was rough that was rough that was very very rough where's the last one oh the last one died over there but just like using the terrain I thought I was at an advantage that shouldn't happen right like am I nuts that I thought I thought that was safe there diluted oil of sharpness awesome I'm gonna sell that I know I can throw those you had nothing on you the skull perfect there's another dead intellect of hour here I can't remember there's anything to pick up here well just like resources and decoration stuff oh I can hear stuff there's a chest Belladonna how do we short rest where is the short rest button I will find it maybe it's this ah here short rest time to get going I'll level up in a moment I know it's there I know it's flashing I just wanted to make my way over here I remember there was something here chasm let's see there's like stuff there but let's go over here first to a Starion hurry I've got one of those bring things corners in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others ah easily stand back do it yourself you look capable enough I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry oh that was gonna happen either way uh dexterity quickly roll away oh gosh I just made it just made it I sue you on the ship strutting about whilst I was trapped in that pot huh you saw me what did you and those tentacle freaks do to me ah you have it backwards they snatched me up too I'm not an idiot your mind of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on uh it's the Mind flares worm it connects us honestly I have no idea whatever they did whatever they put in US just created a connection they took you to I saw it during whatever just happened and think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards you can try uh I might have done the same where the rules reversed a kindred spirit my name's Astorian I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me uh uh Bulgarian I guess yeah I would be from there I'm a Bulgarian too is that so we clearly moving vehicles clearly do you know anything about these worms um yes unfortunately they'll turn us into mind flares turn us into look you can see his bite marks on his neck what else did I expect yeah although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time ah control it we need to get rid of it well yes of course but first things first you should travel with me our odds are better together you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea maybe don't you seem like a useful person to know all right I accept lead on Party Line your party is shown in the side of your screen the portraits show your character's health and conditions yep and you can drag them to split them up so for example I can move and they won't follow me like if I need to sneak somewhere very very useful oops oh whatever can be use this oh it's the pig observe the board to see what it does it runs away I wish I had animal handling see it's so useful I want to pick up just one more person I can't remember exactly where I think it was this way I believe no that's where we came from because the mind flare would have been here right had he survived you had been trying to convince people to help him oh no he's here let's see if we can see if we can deal with these people approach the that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion oh it's trying to make me feel no you should be furious shouldn't you you feel hate what no you should be whipped made to Bow before this creature in shame no absolutely not in your mind forcing you to to love it lips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere take advantage of the labs Break Free exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice close Those Eyes Forever I think I don't know what was the difference but why before there were people it had enthralled but why not this time did I do something differently or is that the way of it now I think other this is who I wanted to pick up what's going on with that room approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically because malfunctioning looks slightly dangerous touch it no fear just touch ow I'm so cute oh a hand anyone this has got to be my favorite companion uh what the sigil magic grab the hand uh Bard charisma bit it's a quiet down bid the sigil to quiet down no I want Gail uh grab the hand and pull yay I made it I like Gail why was he stuck in there hello I'm Gail of waterdeep apologies he's so likable are you all right friend friends straight away so likable in a manner of speaking I was yes assume you too rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region yeah yeah couldn't have phrased it more repellently myself sugar coating it is there the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers here's a tattoo known as ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle I like his animation seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most cleric skills most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them no I can tend to basic wounds and ailments with alien parasites I'm afraid not as we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together sounds like a plan you're welcome to join me before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone it was an act of four-sighted kindness I assure you I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor yay so who's part he just came to my party let's go to camp oh how much camping supplies do we have I don't want to use them frivolously where is the camping supply I don't see it anywhere or is it just like stuff in general that oh there six how do I see all of us all of our inventories again there was a way to see everyone's party View right camping supply one camping supply so we have nine nine camping supplies so let's save that all right we'll save that for later because I think we can still oh I don't have any more spell slots though so we might have to actually long rest yeah let's go do that oh nope I just got out of turn base all right let's go long rest foreign we're in Camp I hear Camp you can take a long rest and fully heal your party you can also manage party members Advanced relationships with your companions store items and eventually change your character and recruit from our followers fantastic I am going to talk to them next time oh we actually have like camp Camp outfits that's so interesting I cannot wait to take a look around Camp so this is where we'll leave it this episode it is now three in the morning for me so I'm gonna go to bed thank you all for watching um if you like the Baldur's Gate 3 Series please like And subscribe and I will see you all in the next video good night take care everyone
Channel: HeyAmarii
Views: 54,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heyamarii, amarii, playthrough, Baldurs gate 3 review, Baldurs gate 3 gameplay, Baldurs gate 3 let’s play, Baldurs gate 3 tactician, Baldurs gate 3 playthrough, Baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, BG3 let’s play, BG3 tactician, BG3 gameplay, BG3 playthrough, BG3 bard, Baldurs gate 3 bard, BG3 bard playthrough, BG3 review, Baldurs gate 3 classes, Baldurs gate 3 races, Baldurs gate 3 elves, half elves, Walkthrough, Let’s play, review, Rpg, Baldurs gate 3 companions
Id: 70QxLWDEy14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 9sec (7929 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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