Baldur's Gate 3 - The Blazing Blades (Dual Wield Build)

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all right I am back with another video and today we just kind of have well a personal build of mine um I mean this is just kind of a build that I just happened to kind of be messing around with in the game I was playing with it kind of during act 3 and you know what it's a ton of fun and I thought I'll just share this for you know a Friday video cuz I'm kind of leaving some of you know the build requests and some bigger stuff until after the live stream that we're going to have this weekend which I will talk more about at the end of the video but I thought you know what kind of an interim in the meantime kind of you know keep uh things going like you know kind of after coming down from the origin build Series in the Christmas holidays and I'm back back to full-time work now so I thought let's just do something a bit simple and it's something personal so I can just kind of talk about my own experience with it so uh yeah this is just one of my personal builds and you know this channel started with one of my personal builds so I figured it would make sense anyways I'll just I'll start rambling on now let's get into it we're starting off as a fighter we're going to need a couple of things from this number one is a fighting style that being two weapon fighting this is going to allow us to make an attack with our off-hand weapon allowing us to add our ability modifier to the damage of the attack essentially what that means is this is a du wielding build I personally love dual wielding builds and boulders Gate 3 compared to fifth edition has made them extremely powerful and as such they're some of my favorites to play so we need two weapon find for this build so we're going to pick it up here we also want this for uh the simple weapon and Marshall weapon proficiency because this will allow us to do this with any race technically you wouldn't need to take uh this level dip if you were playing something like an elf maybe you could grab it from Ranger or something instead if you wanted to maybe do two levels of Ranger with this build that's totally possible however I wanted to keep it as simple as I could and I was just kind of playing casually anyway so we're just going with our starting level being fighter and this is going to give us things like con tion saving for proficiency which we love as for my ability scores they're a little bit strange but I'll go over them dexterity at 16 we're going to need this for our offhand weapon attacks and our AC with our armor so it's definitely welcome Constitution at 14 cuz I find this to be a perfectly happy number intelligence and strength are both at eight cuz we don't need them wisdom is at 10 just cuz it's a bit of leftover points and Charisma is at 17 and we're going to be using eel Boon to bump this up to a total of 18 which works out quite nicely for us since we're going to be mainly Charisma focused as for my skill proficiencies we get stealth because I am [Music] a half elf half wood elf yes sorry I made this character a little while ago I have to remember everything but it does say it right there we also get animal handling and survival because this is a folk hero build it's pretty much my favorite background because you get the inspiration from basically just doing cool fun hero stuff so I quite like to grab it and because our wisdom is actually a semide decent level it's not in the negatives I've gone for perception and intimidation ation for our uh proficiencies but because we have such high Charisma all of our Charisma stats are pretty decent next up at level two I'm going to be leaving fighter immediately while it would be nice to get action surge we are kind of tight for levels in this build and I really kind of wanted to um you know get a bunch of different a bunch of different features so unfortunately no action search for this build but of course play around with the levels in this one if you would like instead we are going to be going straight into our main multiclass warlock warlock is going to give us a ton of things namely two krips and of course I'm taking Alish blast and friends we might as well play to the strengths of the build we're also going to be taking the Fiend subclass I did originally do this build with the arch Fay but I found that when I kind of finalized exactly what I wanted this build to be and I mainly went for the level six Arch feature cuz originally this build was kind of more focused on teleporting cuz I was kind of modeling it after um noctis the protagonist of Final Fantasy 15 um but that kind of changed in the long run and I ended up getting a bit more of a fire theme going bit fire is a bit of a theme this week but uh you know with the blue flame being my last build however this isn't like a pyromancer build fire just happened to make sense in the end you'll see what I mean so we're going with the fiend for our subass this is just going to get us things like dark one's blessing allowing us to whenever we kill a hostile Tre creature we gain temporary hit points equal to our Charisma modifier which is pretty good as for our spells again keeping on the Fire theme I want to grab H rebuke just because it's kind of one of my favorite reaction spells in the game we might as well pick it up then our next spell can be whatever we like if we want to keep the fire fee we could go with burning hands or hex which was my personal choice it's kind of an early game concentration spell cuz that extra damage is always nice next up at warlock level two we are going to be getting invocations and again I'm just I'm not doing anything too fancy here I'm just playing to the strength of the Warlock so we're grabbing agonizing and repelling blast to B bup up our Alish blast because why not and again we do get to pick another spell at this level in keeping with the fire Fame I'm going to grab burning hands now at level three of warlock obviously we get to pick our packed Boon and I again not exactly being very creative here I went with packed of the blade this is going to get us a few things again when this was originally a noctis build I was building it around the pack of the blade feature here which allows us to summon various different types of weapons and I was like oh because that's cool you know cuz not just can you know summon weapons you know from his inventory and they kind of appear as like as like they magically appear before him and then he attacks with them the problem is the pack of the blade uh weapons that you summon are literally just basic weapons and not even plus one weapons so they're kind of bad and even though they do scare with Charisma without having to be bound through b pack weapon they their attack actions so like things like lacerate or concussive strike or piercing strike they still use your dexterity or strength so if I wanted to use a great sword since we dump decks it's kind of useless so unfortunately that didn't really work out which is why this which is kind of the first reason this build started to change I do want to do a bit more of a Teleport focused build later on into the future but I kind of have done stuff like that with my night crawler build from way way long ago anyways I'm rambling which is taking back to the blade because I want buying pack weapon to us to bind a weapon and use our Charisma for the attack and damage rolls as for our spells we can kind of take whatever we like here I'm personally going to be keeping the fire feing and going with scorching Ray for a big uh you know multi-target fire attack but things like Misty step hold person Mirror Image are all good even Darkness if you took the devil site uh what's it called invocation there we go at warlock level four we are going to be getting our first feat and I am going to put this into an ability score Improvement but not the one you're thinking of you think oh yeah well let's bump up Charisma no I want dexterity because we're actually going to be able to reach 22 Charisma without needing to level up Charisma once because we used a f Boon for the plus one and Equipment we're going to be getting later is going to help us bump that up to a 22 without needing to level it up so we can just round out our dexterity so offhand attacks are a bit stronger or if you don't care to make this a du wi wielding build just bump up your Constitution instead as for our can trips uh it's up to you what you want to pick here we'll go with this one uh and as for our spells I we are going to have quite a few concentration spells on this build one of which is pretty important so I think actually mirror image is going to be quite nice here it's just a bit more Armor class especially when we're a light armor build but again something like Misty step would not hurt and then finally at warlock level five we get our um our class feature which is deep imp packed which allows us being a packed to the blade warlock to gain an extra attack with our packed weapon so we now have extra attack which is pretty good but the unique thing about this extra attack is that on all modes excluding on a mode if they specifically fix this just for on a mode this extra attack Stacks with regular extra attack gain from another class meaning that if we get extra attack from another class we can attack up to three times of a single action well we're going to be doing that as for our spells we do get level three Spells at this point and of course I'm taking Fireball because it's fireable it's the big fire or that just goes K and blow up for the record every single time I mention Fireball in a build I'm going to make my explanation sound way more ridiculous every single time look forward to that or don't uh and as for our final invocation is it's whatever we could go for beging influence uh because you know cuz we don't actually have Proficiency in deception and persuasion so that could be quite nice all you can go as Beast speech if you want to speak of animals or devil s if you want to replace a spell with the darkness spell now you have plenty of different options I'm going to go with beging influence now we're going to be multiclassing one more time here this is a three multiclass build if you even count fighted it really but uh this next class is super important to the play style and I really wanted to get warlocks extra attack first to kind of get the basic systems going and now this is where we start kicking things into higher gear this is one of my favorite most underrated warlock multiclass kind of options you can go for I've used it a couple of times but they were both on builds not a lot of people really saw so I really kind of wanted an opportunity to show it off again because I think it is extremely underrated monk now monk the monk War multi class is super super interesting to me even though we're not necessarily going for unarmored defense or anything like that so we're not really getting the extra movement from monks so much oh we're not really here for that what we're here for is the versatility that comes with getting bonus action attacks from things like Flurry of Blows we also have things like uh you know being able to get higher unarm strike damage and also monk weapons meaning that now with our high dexterity we can use our offhand weapon which we'll be getting later using our dexterity instead of our um strength because otherwise normally it would be a strength weapon so with Charisma being our main hand weapon and dexterity being our offhand weapon we're not really sacrificing any of the core parts of the um you know warlock stat spread to make this multiclass work and again since we're wearing light armor anyway we don't need to go for an armored defense which means we don't really need to level our wisdom now that may change slightly depending on the multic class you choose but I'll have to but you guys will have to experiment with that and maybe swap out some pieces of equipment as we'll get into it but for now let's keep going at monk level two we're just going to get the basic stuff we get a bit of unarmored movement which we're not really using for this build uh but we we do get things like patient defense uh which can be quite good and things like step of the wind to Dash and disengage as a bonus action dashing we won't be using so much as I've supplemented that with something else however disengage can still be useful but let's move on at mon three you get to choose your subass now you do have a couple of options here depending on how you want to do your build now I personally I'm going for way of the open hand here because my original intention with this with this build while it was meant to be kind of like a noctis build like I said I also just wanted to make someone who was just really really good at fighting just getting up close and personal being able to use melee attacks with both weapons and their rarm strengths to kind of create some sort of badass like you know sword fighter Warrior type which I think open hand does really well and because none of open hand's features directly rely on our wisdom modifier such as the Flurry of Blows variants we don't act or the U manifestation of body or anything like that we don't actually really need to level wisdom if we're not going for an armored defense however if you wanted to lean more into the fire feing you could obviously go with way of the four elements but that comes with the caveat of needing to level wisdom to use these steps so I would recommend if you wanted to do this swap out the gloves that I have here which I'll get into when we get to the equipment uh section for the gloves of dexterity which automatically set your dexterity to 18 which is the same that you would get with this build anyway and put those points into wisdom instead to have 18 wisdom which would allow you to use the way of the four elements among features such as fangs of the fire snake which would absolutely love to be a part of this build and also you know other stuff like chromatic orb and uh burning hands but using your key points instead um so that is absolutely an option the only thing you'd be missing out on is the extra kind of damage your weapon and unarmed strikes would get from the gloves that I have here but if you feel like that might be a more interesting build V is a variant I'll have them obviously the links to everything in the description if you kind of wanted to try out either versions of the build but for now I wanted to go with way of the open hand because that is my personal preference I mean way of the Shadow could also work but I do just feel like way of the Shadows extra features are a bit too situational a lot of the time the big drawer of it is if you go all the way in it if you just build a pure Shadow Monk and then you get the ability to teleport and like do like you know the super powerful psychic strike but again it's really situational because you have to go with obscured areas it's whatever I'm rambling a bit too much we're going off way of the open hand but four elements is a good choice if you build for it at monk level four we are going to get another feat and this is where we're going to get the final thing that we need to make this build work at least the way I want it to dual wielder now this this is because I'm planning on du wielding weapons that art light if you wanted to Du wield daggers or short swords you don't actually need this feat feature you could just go for an ability score Improvement to bump up your dexterity or your Constitution or your wisdom if you've got the four elements around but I want to be able to doal wield so we're doing this here at monk level 5 we're going to be getting some really important things namely extra attack because as I said before this Stacks with our warlock extra attack we actually going to be able to make three attacks with our main hand weapon per action which is super super good allowing us to really put on the offensive pressure we also get stunning strike which can be done with both a weapon or your unarmed strike now initially I looked I kind of overlooked this because in 5e I understand that stunning strength is quite good in fact I believe it's one of the reasons that monk like kind of the rest of the monk features that it gets are kind of nerfed is because this one skill is kind of strong enough that if they made monk any stronger this would be too broken or something along those lines in Boulders Gate 3 the kind of initial reception to it is if it's kind of me it doesn't go off as much as you would like in practice but I kind of did some combat footage and I was like you know what when I did the combat testing I mean um I was like you know what I'll actually give this skill a proper shake and it actually went off quite a few times stunning the enemy so if you're lucky you can get a pretty decent STL out of this so I'm just saying this kind of just because usually I kind of just dismiss it but I'm going to give it a bit more credit than it is due this time around but I still would recommend if you just want consistency to go with like other options like throw Flurry of Blows but this still works out sometimes but not always and finally at monk level six we're going to be getting some final pretty important features first up we're getting our subass feature manifestation of body mind and soul allowing us to imbue our unarmed attacks with an extra de4 of necrotic psychic or radiant damage respectively this is just more damage and while this build is more focused on weapons having this little bit of extra damage when you do decide to go for the utility of maybe uh toppling uh staggering or pushing an enemy with your Flurry of Blows it makes sense but more importantly we're going to get wholeness of body this is a little bit of healing we gain half our key points so if we have been using our FL of blows quite a bit we get to do it even more but we also for three turns gain an extra bonus Action Now obviously you still you would get a permanent version of this if you took three levels of Rogue but if we were to take three levels of Rogue with a build set up like this we're not going to be able to get enough levels in another class to get extra attack so while with levels of Rogue we would have a little bit less offensive power overall because you know while we do get to attack four times twice of our action uh and twice with our bonus action this gives us a bit more freedom cuz now we can attack three times of our main action and then also have our bonus action and have our double bonus action occasionally but then it does give us a bit more freedom of like you know we have the extra attack uh we now have the opportunity to do five extra attacks per turn we also have um you know the Flurry of Blows as well to give us a bit more uh combat maneuverability you know with the ability to Stager and you know topple foes which is super super good knocking them prone you know you get just a bit more utility and I just quite like theming of it more of just being able to go slash slash kick punch slash and kind of mix in unarmed strengths with our weapons I think it works out really really nicely thematically mechanically and just overall gameplay-wise because it's going to feel really satisfying when you get that big three turn kind of Nova damage round where you're doing five attacks in a turn and all of them are doing a ton of damage in my opinion I quite like this but obviously you could just play the standard going like uh 11 levels of fighter if you wanted three attacks that way and then a bonus action that way or maybe even fighter Rogue if you want those two permanent two bonus actions maybe for other things but this is just a different way of doing it and it's one that I personally quite enjoy and that is the build overall you're going to be getting a ton of cool stuff out of this like I said when you get into that Nova damage round with a Hess of body you are going to be getting up to five attacks per turn and again you're doing really well stat-wise you have high Charisma you can be the face of the party High dexterity so you have a lot of AC and you know a lot of damage off your off hand weapon you have close range and um you know you have close range attacks with both your weapons and your unarmed strengths allowing you to do both slashing and melee and you have a ton of maneuverability which overall is going to make this build feel super super good but you also have a a cool ranged options like Aldridge blast Fireball scorching Ray to get that overall f Fire theme but the equipment is where this build really starts to take off so let's look into it now a lot of this is going to be the Fairly standard kind of Kit so I'll just go over it relatively quickly if you've played a warlock you know what I'm talking about here first up is the birth right this is going to give us a plus two Charisma up to 22 for the cost of a head slot pretty much every Charisma based character wants this it is just more power and warlocks especially love it if you're playing a packed packed to the blade Warlock it just gives you so much out of one equipment piece when you already want your crisma to be as high as it possibly can for both your spells and your melee damage birth right is perfect next up is the elegant studded leather this is going to give us a plus two initi two initiative roles advantage on stealth checks and the ability to use Shield once per short rest it's just a super good uh level like late game armor piece but you have a ton of options if you want to go with other stuff in the meantime you can even go with just regular clothing if you want to you know do something with that since you do have an armored defense so feel free to play around around with this one but I quite like just having this armor set because again this is a personal build I really like the way this looks in black and red so I just wanted to pick this one up next up is the hell dust gloves another kind of act three um you know piece of equipment this is going to add 1d6 of fire damage to our weapon attacks and 1 D6 in chronic damage to our unarmed strikes and allow them to possibly inflict bleeding since we're using both in this build this just does a huge amount of extra damage and this is kind of where the fire feing started to kicking is when I realized how well these work on this build and while this is an X3 option you can get a slightly lesser version called the floored hust gloves in X2 which exchange for D6 of damage for a D4 instead but basically do the same thing and you with these gloves you also get a r the rise of fire cantrip which is basically just a more powerful version of scorching Ray which you can use once per short rest which is quite nice next up we also have the boots of speed while we can Dash as a bonus action by spending a key point I feel like it's quite nice just to get it for free regard this it just gives us a bunch more maneuverability and is a decent Acton option but something like the disintegrating night Walkers to be able to avoid you know being slipping or being in Tangled and also getting a usage of Misty St for short rest might be more your thing but again I kind of just wanted these for the fashion because they one of the better looking boots in the game in my opinion and as much as I love the disintegrating night Walkers the boots design doesn't really do it for me a lot of the time I feel like it's a bit too spiky so I just kind of like having a more standard sort of look for my boots but it's entirely up to you use your preference basically Ellie boots will work on this build next up is the spell CRS amulet I usually recommend this for warlocks uh basically because it effectively gives you a extra spell slot which warlocks absolutely love however with this build we do only go up to level three with war loock spell slots so of a slightly lesser version which is the uh I believe the pearl of power or something uh which restores which does the same thing but only up to level three would effectively be the same however you have to go through a very long quest line and act once again get that whereas this one you just have to kill an enemy in act two so this one's a bit easy to get but if you want both feel free to go for both um this is the ring of regeneration this is kind of just here I like it just to have the constant healing because again if you're knocked down this ring just automatically gets you up which I really really like um but you could replace this with something like the Ring of Arcane Synergy if you plan on using alra blast a bit more you can get more weapon damage that way which is probably a pretty good recommendation probably something I would go with but I do just quite like the extra healing that's just my personal preference and then finally the Ring of protection just to give us a plus one to Armor class and saving for is a really really nice act one option that I quite appreciate now let's get into the weapons now this is totally inefficient but I am a 100% a sucker for people for long swords I don't know why long swords are just kind of like my favorite like medieval weapon they just something about them just works for me and dual wielding them especially in recent times is just one of my favorite things and the primary weapon here Duke's ra Duke ravengard cards long sword is super super important you'll remember this from my Blue Flame video if you watch that which a lot of people did for some reason uh you'll know this one is quite good because yes it has a couple of benefits like being able to use Commander strike and it just is a generally good plus one long sword but it also gives you a plus two to Charisma unconditionally meaning that if we start with 17 Charisma use a full spoon to get it to 18 and then use this Sword and the birthright we automatically get 22 Charisma without having to invest a single AB ility score Improvement in it which is super good this is on par with the effel spoon uh potion of everlasting Viger combination that you can get you know from um you know if you're playing a strength build which is super awesome I absolutely love this and then we can also pair this with voss's silver sword which is going to give us ra R Smite it's one of the only plus two long swords in the game and it gets a little bit of a bonus to damage and attack rolles against Gian aberration fiend and Elementals but also gets a little bit of psychic damage on top of it anyway which is super nice so overall we're getting fire and psychic damage on this build which is super cool and because these swords share the same model just different textures they look a lot nicer when they are sheath on your back if I just show that off very quickly I mean look that just looks sick it's a personal preference uh over and then top off the kind of combo here we have the dark fire short bow which is going to give us resistance to Fire and cold damage a plus two range attack option if we need it but we really just use out blast if we needed a range attack this one can work its way into your um melee combo as well so you're taking out a group of enemies and you go melee attack and kill one that's close to you shoot one that's far away and then melee attack another close one that can kind of work but the main thing obviously that we're here for is haste again this is one of my favorite kind of you know sidearms in the game because this is going to give you the ability to cast haste once per long rest which is going to you know give you an extra action which means now we're making with all of our Buffs up we have both haste and holess of body that is six attacks of our two actions and two of our bonus bonus action so that's eight attacks in a round which is insane uh that is going to be super super strong overall but we're also going to get a plus two to our Armor class and we gain more movement speed so yes it is a concentration spell and yes we have to stay concentrated on it but our only other concentration spell is hex which is that which is by the time you get this you're probably not using hex that much anyway so overall definitely worth it getting everything that we get on this bow in a single thing is great and it also gets the fire bonus from our gloves as well so so might as well take it um but I'm not quite done yet there's another piece of equipment that I think really ties this together but in order to use it effectively we have to have a companion no time to D I've brought Shadow heart as an example for this example I have made Shadow heart just a level three sorcerer on top of her usual cleric level so this can be done as as low as level three if you as long as you just have a sorcerer in the party that is level three whether they are a main party member like Shadow heart or Gale or just a hiring that you hire from for a bit of gold this will work you want to equip the Drake Thro glaive now everybody knows the Drake Thro glaive has the draconic elemental weapon buff which if you cast on a weapon that is on the floor that it will remain buffed until the next long rest giving it a plus one to attack rolles and it deals an additional one def4 damage of your choice that being fire ice thunder lightning acid all that good stuff however there's a trick to it and people have pointed this out in the comments before and I have attempted to show this off in the past but due to the game kind of being bugged at the time it didn't work so I get to show it off in its full Glory here if I go to uh my inventory here and I drop both of my weapons on the floor like so and then I go over to Shadow heart I say shadow heart I would like you to use metamagic twin spell and cast draconic Elemental weapon and because this is a fire build we're going to be going with fire damage she can Target both weapons which means for the cost of once use of this spell oh she's a storm sorcerer by the way you now have two buffed weapons I'm going to have to do a video one day where I just show all the different hings that I like to give keep in Camp on a given playthrough and the different effects they can give cuz just having a highing with this that can twincast this and also has enough cleric levels to twincast like wng Bond or something you get a lot of mileage out of a half out of a highing but now we can re-equip both of these weapons really quickly and as you can see they both retain the fire buff even though it was cast by someone else meaning that now Duke Raven guard's long sword is a plus to weapon with an extra 1 D4 of fire damage in addition to everything else it gains from our equipment and voss's silver sword now has a D4 of fire damage as well and is a plus three weapon in addition to the psychic and the stuff we get from our equipment overall extremely powerful little setup now we're going to be doing tons of fire damage in addition to with either our spells or our melee attacks and we're going to be an absolute Whirlwind throwing out tons of attacks in a single turn so with this build you definitely want to make sure you have a sorcerer that's at least level three that can twincast and then you will get the most out of this build possible and I think with that I don't have anything else to say so yeah that is the build overall you're going to like I said you're going to get a ton out of this you're going to get a ton of melee damage a ton of range damage a ton of attacks per turn a ton of Versatility with the with different types of spells and attacks you can do between doing bludgeoning damage that has different effects with your various flare of blows being able to stun enemies with st stunning strike being able to heal yourself and restore your own Resources with like the with um you know holess of body and technically Second Wind as well but yeah and also being able to restore your own spell source with the spell crack amulet being able to bump yourself up with haste or have that same sorcerer that is giving you the twin cast of draconic element Elemental weapon do it and allow you to maybe focus on a different concentration spell if you have maybe like a scroll or something you just have so many many options here it is insane and I feel like again this is just a personal build of mine and when I do personal builds I like to power build a little bit while still making something cool and I think this does both so I really really hope you guys enjoyed this one as for End video stuff while the combat footage kind of plays on there's actually quite a few things I'd like to talk about um like I said my previous video the blue flame has done super well uh in fact pretty much all of my videos since I started doing origin build series have seen a massive uptick and Views so the channel is absolutely getting it second win we're like 20 subscribers away from 4,000 now which is insane that's another amazing Milestone to achieve especially that as if we do kind of achieve that within the next couple of days that'll be keeping with the 1,000 subscribers every month type deal which would be insane so that would be awesome um also I've if you've been paying attention to the channel recently and quite a few of you have um especially the community t you'll notice that I've had a couple of polls up lately uh poll number one was to determine if this weekend's live stream was going to be our usual honor Mode live stream or a build Theory crafting live stream where we all kind of get together in chat uh sit in front of the Wii and come up with builds for future videos together and as such with an overwhelming majority of the votes that is what is going to be happening about 200 of you voted and as such with about a 69 I think percentage in favor of the theory crafting stream so that is what's going to be happening this Sunday the stream is going to be on Sunday as I will be busy on Saturday so I hope all 209 of you I think if I remember what I the screenshot I took correctly can make it to that stream obviously don't worry if you can't but you know what I mean just jokes but I think it's going to be super super fun I I bet we're going to be coming up with a ton of interesting stuff and if you've seen my previous streams of of the ano playthrough we are going to be designing the beard build that out of context is going to make no sense but trust me if you're on the streams you'll know uh second off was the other poll and this means a slight change is going to be coming to the channel I asked if people would be okay with me using cosmetic mods in future videos when I say cosmetic mods I mean no class mods no weapon or armor mods nothing the builds themselves will remain vanilla but things like the heads and the hair and maybe even tattoos and such like that will have some modded elements to them like some new heads and such just to kind of keep things looking fresh visually I know I could like delve more into like other races like Orcs And halflings and such in order to kind of keep builds looking a bit more diverse but whenever I make builds with those character types they don't seem to be as popular so I kind of have to play to the strengths of you know YouTube here and just kind of be like and AAS the YouTube Gods so I'm going to be bringing in some um you know cosmetic mods to kind of make to kind of make all the races a bit more interesting to design with and as such it's going to diversify things a bit but also just make things look a bit nicer visually for the videos I will be completely transparent with the fact that the visuals are modded right at the start of the video and I will include links to the mods that I use in the description of those videos as well so that's another change that's going to be coming to the channel and I know not everyone's going to be happy with that change I might roll it back if I feel like it's not really worth the trouble but um so yeah for console players it's going to suck a bit but I do just want to try something new again when I'm making new characters virtually every day it it gets a bit stale and I just want a bit more to work with so thank you for your understanding with that but I promise I'm going to use it to make stuff look cool as um I don't think there's anything else to go over I mean just I mean again I can thank you all for the overwhelming support that you all have given me uh 2024 is off to a really strong St for the channel and I'm super super happy about that so yeah I think I'm going to call it here uh thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all next time
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 62,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's, Gate, Builds, Baldur's Gate 3 Builds, RPG, DND, DND 5E, HOBOZONE, DND Character, DND Build, OP Builds, Roleplay, Roleplay Builds, Lore Builds, Broken Build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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