Baldur's Gate 3: Druid Class & Subclass Guide & Overview | BG3

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The Defenders of Nature and shape-shifters that  stalk the lands as dreaded wear Badgers ready   to eat your face in this video I'll be going  over another of the 12 classes ahead of the   launch of Baldur's Gate 3 come August 3rd today  we'll be focusing on the Druid you can find the   other classes Linked In the playlist at the end  of this video I'll be pulling information from   the 5th edition player's handbook as well as a  ton of information from the brand new Baldur's   Gate 3 official wiki this is a community run  project that is ad free so I'm going to throw   a link down to it in the in the description  in the pinned comment these guys have poured   a ton of information in a lot of really good  comprehensive easy to read formats so you can go   ahead and check those out if you want to get more  details on what I'm talking about there are some   other wikis out there that are just not really as  comprehensive as this one so please go ahead and   check those links out they're really going to  give you a lot of really cool information but   there won't be a ton of visuals what of what I'm  going through I'm going to be using the Early   Access character select screen because I do not  want to spell anything from the game for myself or   for you and how we'll do this video is by talking  about the base kit without any subclasses then go   into the three subclasses that we know are coming  at launch it's worth noting that most subclass   abilities go up to level 20 in d d but the cap for  Ballers Gate 3 is all 12. so we'll talk about the   high-end capabilities because we're still aren't  sure what's kind of coming into the game what   they might modify but just want to be a little  bit transparent with that up front keep in mind   that you can fully respect both your character  and companions for the exception of their race   so I encourage you to try out every class you're  curious about when the game launches and please   as always play how you want and not have the  internet tells you lastly I am no expert no DND   expert at all not even slightly so I apologize  if I missed a mark on any of these descriptions   if you need any help with any of the terms I  made a quick terms guide for you in the upper   right corner that goes over stuff like Advantage  ability checks and more you can quickly navigate   to any part of the video that interests you the  most using the chapters of the timeline in the   description also don't forget to swing on by my  twitch where I'll be streaming Baldur's Gate 3 on   launch Linked In the description and pin comment  but let's get started here on my druid class and   subclass detailed breakdown for Baldur's Gate 3.  so to open us up with the Druid we have a class   that is pretty crazy you have a lot of things  going for you and you have three subclasses   that again jump into a lot of different directions  and one thing that's really important to kind of   know with DND is that you can really be anything  within a class right you can be a tankier person   you can be a DPS person you can be a Healer person  and those three the Trinity doesn't really exist   in tabletop DND the way that it really doesn't  say World of Warcraft so don't think of yourself   jumping into a druid as someone who's going to  be um all the different facets of something in a   very set way you can really play this in a lot of  different ways and a way to approach it and even   multi-class into something entirely different  it's something I just wanted to bring up about   Druid real quick up front because it's like the  fighter which we talked about do it has a lot   of really wild uh multi-class potential that's  going to come when we talk about wild shape in   just a second here so the Druid is a wisdom class  meaning that you'll be using wisdom primarily for   your ability checks to find out how many spells  you can prepare which we'll talk about in a second   um your uh uh spell casting capabilities all  sorts of fun things when it all comes to wisdom   and that is going to be your big primary  thing but of course Constitution is going   to be important because there are quite a  few spells that are concentrated uh in that   you need to maintain concentration to keep them  up and remember what we've talked about before   you would do a concentration or Constitution  check for uh whether or not you'd fail or pass   a constitution role so anytime an enemy hits  you when you have a concentration ability up   oh there you go here's one right here um you would  do a constitution check to see for that con that   concentration check uh it's just just think that  Khan goes to Khan it's a really weird way to just   look at it and also dexterity is important because  that is going to be linked to your armor class in   your initiative but outside of those things we  have quite a few class features right here right   wisdom and intelligence saving throw proficiencies  which we've talked about before that you add your   proficiency bonus to intelligent saving throws  remember your proficiency bonus starts at two   but it will scale up as you level through the  game um but you'd add that to anytime you have   to do any of those roles we're going to have  light and medium armor proficiency as well   as Shield Club dagger Javelin mace Quarter  Staff Scimitar sickle and spear proficiency   um and then we have spells so you can see here  that we have four prepared spells but then we have   all this list of spells down here so the way that  it works with a druid and not every class is like   this I like we've talked about with the sorcerer  writer we talked about with the Warlock you have   the ability to prepare these spells that you kind  of know well you you know you don't kind of know   you know them um so all these spells right here  you need to prepare and the number of spells that   you can prepare is based off of uh like a wisdom  score and your uh level I believe and I can't   remember what that actual equation is uh when  you do so choose a number of Druid spells equal   to your wisdom modifier plus your Druid level  so our Druid level is level one our wisdom our   wisdom modifiers number is plus three so if I go  ahead and like try to tank this down there we go   we'll go back here and you can see that we can  only prepare one spell right because our wizard   our wisdom our Druid level is one and our wisdom  score is zero plus ability um zero plus multiplier   there just to kind of show that off so prepared  spells and press customize and I can go ahead and   prepare these basically you prepare four of the  13 known spells and those spell numbers increase   over time as you get access to more and more and  you get more and more um spell slots available   you increase your wisdom you can know more so  I'm sorry you can prepare more you level up you   can prepare more all sorts of ways to increase  the prepared spells portion so basically think   of it as I know 13 spells but I can only cast four  of them at a time and if I want to swap out these   four spells I would simply go like this and then  we'll prepare fog Cloud instead and then I need to   do a long rest once I've done that long rest that  spell that I've now swapped out becomes part of my   spells that I can cast this enables me to have a  little bit of flexibility and you'll see this when   we talk about the cleric we talk about the wizard  are just this ability to kind of slot in different   spells for the occasions that we might need maybe  the utility maybe they're healing maybe they're   damaged maybe they're summoning whatever it is  that you want to kind of add some Flair into your   um kind of current Druid now remember cantrips  and spells are different cantrips are considered   level zero spells so they do not take up a  spell slot so effectively you could cast a   cantrip every single turn if you you so wish uh  here's a fun side note about me and how dumb I   am when I was growing up playing Baldur's Gate I  thought this was shalaga so yeah it's shillelae I   I I'm I have not become I'm still not that dumb  but I'm pretty dumb so outside of that though   our skills that we get we're looking at our Cana  animal handling medicine nature perception and   survival let me just make sure that we also have  religion and insight to our part of our skills   remember skills proficiency whenever we select  one of these we're adding that proficiency bonus   to the role so take animal handling for example  it's a wisdom skill we have a plus three wisdom   modifier we use Proficiency in it we get that plus  two up to five now so those are our skills that we   have access to now outside of that what makes this  a very crazy class well you you can speak druidic   which is that's kind of cool right you have spell  casting capability can trips you get wild shape   though and really everything else outside of  that I'm going to talk about wild chip in a sec   um is is not important Timeless body and Beast  spells and Arch Druid they happen on level 18   and 20. so you'll never actually encounter them  in Baldur's Gate 3. um outside of it though is   your Druid Circle which is the subclass you would  select at level two and I'm unsure if you selected   at level two or if you start the game with it  because the way that I've seen the Character   Creator work now is you choose your subclaster in  that character creation it might take into level   two for it to actually trigger but it seems  like you you created that at the very least   so wild shape and the most important thing  about the Druid arguably wild shape works like   this and and here there's a different there's  different rules for wild shape in the actual   um this is not a codex this is not Warhammer  40 000. in the actual Army book so I'm gonna oh   gosh in in the player handbook I'm gonna read  the actual games wild shape magically assume   the shape of a beast while in animal shape you  can't talk or cast spells you take on the game   statistics of your Beast form excluding your  intelligence wisdom and Charisma scores when   your Beast form drops to zero points you then  will take on the health that you you'll revert   back to your normal form with the number of hit  points you had before transforming if your hit   points dropped below zero in Beast form that  damage is applied after you revert spells that   require concentration are not broken by turning  into an animal your equipment merges into your   animal form and won't have any effect until you  revert that is very cool right very strong and   we're going to go through what your wild shape  form uh options are in a sec because they differ   depending on your uh subclass but wild shape in  tabletop enabled you to still use any kind of   additional class capabilities like Divine Smite  for example that is not a druid ability right   um or a sneak attack which is a rogue capability  right so or rage from Barbarian which is really   cool so those things were in tabletop and we don't  know necessarily if they're part of Baldur's Gate   3 just yet I haven't been able to find full  confirmation if you know please by all means   let me know in the comment section below but  we know you can't cast spells obviously and   you can't talk but we I'm unsure if you cannot  use your class skills if you can use your class   skill it makes Druids still a very strong class  and if you multi-class to say I take Druid and   then I'm multi-class into a barbarian now I can  wild shape into a bear if I choose the circle of   the Moon and then become enraged as a portion of  my Barbarian rage capability and I just become   disgustingly strong so let me show you what the  wild shape forms are like for Druid and this is   the bg3 wiki this is probably just the easiest  way to show it but every single shape will have a   special capability like take the wild shape Badger  for example they get burrow burrow is a wild shape   Badger action Badgers use this ability to burrow  themselves underground and Traverse through   terrain like locked doors and stuff like that so  this is a really cool thing that you can do as a   badger and there are certain wild shapes that  are relegated to subclasses like the circle of   the Moon Druid can be the bear so if you are not a  circle of the Moon Jude so if you choose circle of   spores or Circle the land you unfortunately  will not be able to wildship into a bear   but cat is a cat and Badger are  default as well as Spider and wolf   and just to kind of show you I guess we don't  really have all these yeah here's the inciting   hell is a wild-shaped wolf action wolves use  this ability to increase their allies movement   speed so you get some really cool fun abilities  with each one of these individual um uh wild   shape capabilities like for example Bears can  basically taunt people taunt them to attack them   um cats over here have meow wild shaped cat  and find familiar cat action cats use this   ability to distract enemies which is lovely  I think I believe it gives them disadvantage   um spiders here have web spider spiders use  ability to shoot out webbing that can entangle   creatures which is really sick then dire Raven is  also a circle of the Moon only Druid form this is   going to give you red Vision here um dire Ravens  and Ravens use this ability to make a melee attack   that deals piercing damage to enemies and possibly  blinds them which is cool and then the Deep growth   is available to circle of the land and circle  of the Moon Druids from what I understand uh   the circle the spores has not confirmed which  forms it will get but it gets charge and gory   here which are pretty cool there's also like beak  attack and stuff like that all these other things   get but it's there's always like some sort of kind  of like big buff or big like utility that each a   wild shape has in Baldur's Gate 3. now the only  wild chip that's not shown here in this situation   is the wild shape for owl bear which again Moon  and land will get access to at level six uh but   these are only these are the ones in the game  that we know of so far that are 100 confirmed   um and there might be more at launch but these  are the definitely the ones in tabletop it was   way different but I just wanted to show you what  this looked like in a Baldur's Gate 3 term in   the first subclass I want to talk about is the  circle of the land now this is a subclass that   is geared far more towards casting that is kind  of the name to claim to fame here because you're   going to select a land and then get specific  spells from that land and what have you kind   of a land Affinity that you'll that you'll get and  what's nice here is too that you get a really cool   ability their kind of claim to fame is natural  recovery basically what this does is it gives you   the ability to recover spell slots without having  to rest so when it starts off I think it's like   just strength one and then the the combined  number and level of spell slots that natural   recovery action can restore is based off of that  strength number and then you also have natural   recovery charges so as you level up you'll be  able to recover more spells uh higher spell   levels and you'll have more charges to be able  to do this multiple times before having to long   rest it basically allows you to get more spells  cast in a single rest without having to jump into   um well a long rest and we talked about  the wild shape forms right cat Badger wolf   um and uh Spider are your ones that you'll get as  access to land with that with Alberta level six   but at once you hit Level three you will choose  your circle more your your Association your land   Association as it were and this allows you also  you get a deep Roth as wild shaped deep row throth   at a level four as well forgot about that one but  these will give you access to different spells so   for example Arctic will give you hold person and  Spike growth desert will give you blur and silence   Forest will give you bark skin and hold person  and this is kind of the big thing that makes this   um a part of you as a Caster Druid because  these spells do not count as prepared they   are I'm sorry they are always prepared they  do not count against the number that you can   prepare so for example we have four prepared  spells if I choose um Forest well now I will   always have barkskin and hold person as kind of  like a plus two to this number right I'll always   have those spells to take advantage of plus the  four I've selected of my known spells this is   pretty spicy and then this becomes expanded here  we get even more spells like Arctic will get sleet   storm and haste at level five or protection from  energy and hypnotic pattern call lightning plant   growth for forest or grassland gets daylight and  hey East Mountain gets caught lightning and fly   so these things will expand and give us even more  capabilities as a land Associated Druid which is   it is very very very fun we get land stride at  level six here which allows you to move through   non-magical different difficult terrain which  costs you no extra movement so I could see that   actually coming into the game because of how  movement Works in Baldur's Gate 3. I'm just   not quite sure how it exactly Works maybe you're  able to Traverse certain things because you know   if I say hey Arctic and I never go to an Arctic  portion of the game that's not going to really   benefit me so I'm going to one I'm wondering  how they're gonna put Lance right into the game   um also we get Nature's Ward so when you reach the  10th level you can't be Charmed or frightened by   Elementals or Fray and you are immune to poison  and diseases so you've got all those things as   your advantage with the circle of the land so the  circle land again is very geared towards casting   and if that's the type of Jude you want to be then  circle of land is absolutely going to be for you   circle of the Moon as I mentioned as I  mentioned is all about taking advantage   of that wild shape form that you get access  to we get exclusive access to special forms   like wild shape bear which we talked about  is definitely more tanky can actually taunt   things and we get wild shaped diary Raven and we  will also get access to deep growth at four and   um I'm sorry I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncing the  growth but also get access to aloe vera level six   outside of that though we have a different type  of wild shape so wild shape takes a action to cast   combat wild shape is what you get as the circle  of the Moon and that is a bonus action remember   every turn you can use an action and a bonus  action actions are typically things like casting   spells attacking with a weapon whereas bonus  actions are things like a dashing or jumping   or leaping onto things whatever it is bonus  actions are definitely kind of giving you   a little bit more utility versus actions  are kind of a direct impact into the world   that's a real weird way to kind of put it but  it's probably the easiest way I can think of   um so being able to cast or do anything as an  action and then shape-shifting or shape-shifting   and then moving or attacking is really awesome  because remember you can't cast in shape-shifted   form but you can maintain any concentrated spell  you have when you jump into um your Beast form   so you know guidance bestow guidance upon an ally  they gain one D4 bonus to Ability checks you can   cast this and then go into your combat wild shape  in the same term just to again kind of create a   kind of scenario on how some of this would work  fog Cloud for example this is a concentration   ability cast it and then go into your combat wild  shape now outside of that you also get lunar mend   which is an ability that you can use when you  are in Wild shape which allows you to heal   yourself keeping you in that wild shape for longer  remember if you go into wild shape you take on the   hit points of the thing that you wild chip into  let's just say it's a bear which I think had like   30 or 45 hit points and once you lose those hit  points you jump out of the wild shape unless you   you forcibly or voluntarily end the wild shape so  using lunar mend kind of extends the time in which   you are in that wild shape which is absolutely  crucial now in um the fifth edition book we also   have Primal strike which happens at level six so  your tax and Beast form count as magical for the   purpose of overcoming resistance and Immunity to  non-magical attacks and damage gives you a little   bit more viability in the in the later portions  of the game and then Elemental wild shape which   I don't know if it's going to be in Baldur's  Gate 3 but I hope to God it is where you get   to use two uses of your wild shape at the same  time to transform into an air Earth fire or water   Elemental which is pretty sick so if you want  to be a close combat Druid that really relies   on using wild shape well then definitely circle  of the moon is going to be for you but also think   of how you can apply this to other classes mainly  melee classes that you can just kind of pull out   of the benefits from like we've talked about  it before but sneak attack rage Divine strike   Smite whatever it is trying to pull those benefits  into the Druid class by using this as your base to   get that Circle of the Moon activate that uh  uh combat wild shape and just go to town and   stuff so our last subclass is the Druid of spores  circle of spores which kind of essentially turns   you into like a necromancer Druid and that's  probably the easiest way to explain it you get   special spouses you'll get access to also you  have these kind of symbiotic fungi that are   always kind of floating around you is pretty wild  so you learn Chill Touch which is a pretty cool   spell and as you go through more levels you'll  get access to blindness deafness gentle Repose   um anime dead gaseous form blight confusion Cloud  kill contagion all throughout more levels of this   subclass but you get the big one is Halo of spores  and this one is pretty wild so these spores float   around you and you can use whenever you uh when  a creature you can see moves into a space within   10 feet of you or starts in its turn there you  can use your reaction remember a reaction is   done when another creature takes something or  does something you can use this as a result   use your reaction to deal one D4 necrotic  damage to that creature unless it succeeds   on a constitutional saving throw against your  spell save DC difficulty class the necrotic damage   increases to 1 B6 at the sixth level 1d8 at the  10th level and One D 10 of the 14th level which we   probably wouldn't take access to because we only  can get to level 12. and then symbiotic entity   is kind of a different way that we can approach  wild shape for this Druid so this Druid will get   access to your typical wild shape forms you know  like your wolf your Badger your cat your spider   um but symbiotic entity is basically allows you  to use a wild shape activation to trigger these   symbiote the symbiotic entity so essentially  what happens here is you can expand the use of   your wild shape feature to awaken those spores  rather than transforming into a beast form and   you gain four temp hit points for each level you  have in this class while this feature is active   you gain the following benefits When you deal your  Halo of spores damage role the the that's the one   where someone is within 10 PW roll the damage  die a second time and add it to the total so if   someone activates within 10 feet of me I'm level  one or a level two because that's what it takes   to get this thing to turn on then I do 2d4 rather  than 1d4 also your melee weapon attacks deal an   extra 1d6 necrotic damage to any Target they hit  this benefit lasts for 10 minutes until you lose   all 10 hit points or until you use your wild shape  again those are the big kind of things you can do   remember how I said though this is kind of like a  necromancer you also get fungal infestation which   is disgusting so you can infest and animate a  corpse if there's if it is next to you if it's   a beast or humanoid that is kind of the uh the  the Restriction it has to be small or medium but   you can use your reaction to animate it which is  lovely right you're not using an action or a bonus   action like oh that someone died it wasn't my  turn well I'm just gonna go ahead and animate it   do you so when that happens it comes back with one  hit point and it uses um essentially the zombie   stats from the monster manual I'm not sure what  they're going to do here for balder's gate 3. but   it remains around for about an hour and again  I don't know how they're gonna do that in uh   skate 3. but this zombie takes a turn as its own  creature after you and that's nice because you're   not using actions or bonus actions to command it  it just has its own term which is pretty sick um   and you can use this the number a number of times  equal to your wisdom modifier and you regain all   expanded uses of it when you finish a long rest so  I can use this ability two times if I was if I had   this wisdom score I think then do this oh I guess  not never mind never mind I was going to say if   this was if this was a three a plus three then I'd  be able to use it three times at level 10 though   you get spreading spores so basically you can send  uh spores a seat in area with deadly Sports as a   bonus action while your symbiotic entity feature  is active so while your zombies are moving around   um you can hurl spores up to 30 feet away I'm  sorry not zombies moving around when you have when   you've used your wild shape to have those spores  floating around um so you can hurl your spores 30   feet away and where they swirl in a 10 foot Cube  for one minute the spores disappear early if you   use this feature again if you dismiss them as a  bonus action or if your symbiotic entity feature   is no longer active so then now as you've you've  cast this cube out whenever a creature moves into   the cube or starts its turn there that creature  takes your Halo of spores damage that Halo of   spores damage is that 1D for that 1d6 that 1d8  we talked about before right but now it's got   that symbiotic entity so it gets more damage so  unless the creature succeeds on this constitution   saving throw against your spell damage to  DC a creature can take this damage no map no   more than once per turn and while the Q of spores  persists you can't use your Halo spores reaction   so um this is really cool because you're taking  that Halo of sports that was around you and you're   casting it out that's no longer around you and you  can't use that reaction damage and whenever time   someone comes into that they're gonna take that  1d8 that that uh uh 2d8 depending on whatever   situations are going on right you need symbiotic  entity active so it gets that additional damage so   this is all about animating corpses and getting a  lot of damage out and it's a pretty complex class   but I think it's one that a lot of people are  going to like if they enjoy the base Druid kit   and they want to get a lot more out of it so at  that it brings our video here to a close we've   covered all three of the subclasses here for the  Druid and I think that the Druid is again it's   in fifth edition it's considered a very broken  class because of wild shape and what you can do   with wild shape as it expands to other classes  are you gonna play a pure Druid are you gonna   simply stick with a single subclass or are you  gonna try to mix this into other classes maybe   playing a druid and a ranger and going wild with  stuff with wild shape or land let me know in the   comment section below because I'd love to see what  you guys are going to do with Druid or if you're   even gonna play one I personally it was the I  remember buying the second or third edition d   d uh Druid handbook because I played a druid  in EverQuest and I had like a real boner for   Druid so it is one of my favorite classes so  I'm very excited to see how this plays itself   out and Baldur's Gate 3 especially the circle of  spores do it and what that all kind of entails   when it makes that transition from tabletop into  fifth edition or into Baldur's Gate three but as   always guys thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 61,282
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Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3: Druid Class & Subclass Guide & Overview | BG3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 druid, bg3 druid, bg3 druid guide, bg3 druid build, bg3 druid wild shape, baldur's gate 3 druid subclasses, baldur's gate 3 druid moon, baldur's gate 3 druid spore, baldur's gate 3 druid land, baldur's gate 3 druid gameplay, bg3 druid subclasses, subclasses, wild heart, spore, land, druid, bg3 classes, circle of the moon, circle of the land, circle of spores
Id: xYAiqRjhFrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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