Baldur's Gate 3 - The Devil Slayer (DMC Inspired Build)

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Devil May Cry is probably one of my favorite video game series of all time and now with the release of all the Skate 3 and me actually having played the game I have to say that this game is incredible bald Escape 3 is probably one of if not my favorite game of all time now just because of the sheer complexity the story The many different builds you can do it is incredible as a tabletop game kind of nerd this game absolutely like just blew my mind when I first started playing it and of course my immediate thought on my third playthrough was to combine one of my favorite game series with one of my new favorite games that being Devil May Cry and Baldur's Gate so I decided to go with a build that is based on Devil May Cry not necessarily trying to 100 recreate a Devil May Cry character's abilities as such but to get as close as possible and I think the final build that I have here definitely encompasses that as you can see we have Dante on the main screen and I've just realized there's been no audio this entire time for the game but that's okay we'll work with it Alex I don't want to redo that intro but here we have a character I've made that obviously is meant to represent Dante you know you have the white hair the kind of hairstyle and kind of the red jacket here so as far as looks goes the character definitely kind of nails it um but basically here's exactly what I wanted to accomplish with this build we're mainly going to be trying to copy Dante's abilities so that means wielding a big great sword type weapon but also being able to use very stylish attacks because obviously the whole thing about Devil May Cry is that there's a lot of style to it a lot of connection a lot of maneuverability and being able to string together very long combos so I want to try and replicate that in this character so I'm going to outline the character goals for this build right from the get-go so first thing we want is long combos this will be achieved by using things like the haste spell and things like extra attack and using our bonus action to attack to be able to just get as many hits in a single turn as possible second thing we want to accomplish is being stylish to being able to use lots of different variations of attacks luckily bombers Gate 3 allows for this by the use of these once per short rest alternate attacks but we're also going to be going the extra step further as you'll see later the third thing as I said it is the fashion a lot of Devil May Cry characters use things like leather jackets um and like just general kind of over the top not quite anime clothes but you get the point and so I've kind of tried to replicate that as best I can here while also giving us armor that gives us benefits that are in line with Devil May Cry abilities and now we're going to get into into the specific things about for example Dante who this character is mainly going to be based off of there are four things that don't there's four different fighting styles that Dante uses but until specific to his character that being trickster which allows a lot for a lot of maneuverability and the ability to teleport a swordmaster which allows you to use various different sword combos a gunslinger which allows for the use of ranged weapons and different I guess ammo types or shot types basically you get on alternate gun attacks which we will be covering and lastly is royal guard which was definitely the hardest to replicate but I think I've got it so we're going to be going for Dante's four Styles and also the two other things that make Devil May Cry so popular and like make the combat so fun by being taunts and a Devil Trigger transformation now if you've already played Baldur Skate 3 and kind of familiar with DND you're probably know where I'm gonna go with this but I will be providing some alternatives to certain things that may seem obvious in case because let's a slight spoiler warning um the way you would get the Devil Trigger transformation in this game involves being a very evil character and obviously that doesn't really fit them all of a Devil May Cry character but I do think I have an alternate way of achieving Devil Trigger while not being as cool or just kind of achieving a transformation in general that gives you a power boost so I think I've got it covered but let's get into the actual build I will get into the equipment we use in specific details at the end of the game I'm pretty sure I already put in the spoiler warning so um I will be spoiling certain locations and items but I will not be spoiling anything Story related except for one specific example which I will leave a time stamp four so you're going to be starting as a paladin this is very important because it's going to get you a few things a it's going to give you great superficiency which we need proficiency with any type of armor even though we're only going to be using light on by the end of the game medium and heavy armor in the early to mid game is still very important so I would use that and it's going to later on get us Divine smites because spoilers we're going to be taking a second level of Paladin so moving forward is choosing your oath now I originally did go with oath of the Ancients in my playthrough of this um because well I thought that the healing would be really useful early on because I played this on tactician which was very difficult in the other game and I thought that might help but um it didn't really work out because I almost immediately broke my oaf and that ended up costing me a lot of money because you can't respect your character and you will be respecting this character a bit as you go through the game um so unless you pay like a huge sum of money to like reinstate your oath so I would actually choose a Vengeance because it's by far the hardest one to Break accidentally you can break it intentionally but as long as you're playing like a good aligned character it's very hard to break the oath of engine so you also get like the inquisitor's mind and such so yeah uh looking at our stats so this is obviously looking a bit weird um as if you look over here on the right these are the stats I currently have because this is just a character respects right um well no actually that's not the stats I have I've just realized it automatically changed it so let me set all these to zero and I'll show you exactly what you want to do in fact if I just click clear oh Marion I found a new bug oh okay there we go uh so let me show you the kind of stats you want to use maybe at the start of the game and then I'll also show you the stats we're going to respect by the time we reach to act three so here is the first night you want at Max this is not going to change you want 17 strand this is really really important because once you get your strength to 17 through certain in-game events which I'll talk about later you can actually get your strength to 20 without having to use an ability score Improvement and that's about where we want it to sit um but for the start of the game you definitely want to have arisma at 16 and just you don't need to touch that again then you're going to want to just pump your Constitution and dexterity it up you kind of just want your standard Paladin Affair nothing too crazy here leave intelligence and wisdom is eight we won't be needing them that's for the start of the game by the time you're at the end of the game your stats are going to look a bit more like this and well I'll explain why later like I said I don't want to do any spoilers for items that you get in the game until later but this will make a lot of sense later but basically you're going to have a dexterity of 10 a constitutional 10 just you have that so you don't have a negative penalty to it because even when you wear items to increase your base stats in Builders gate if your starting stat is eight for example you will still take a negative one penalty before the items buff is applied so you want to make sure that for your dexterity and Constitution you want to have them at 10. intelligence and wisdom are at 10 just because that means we're not going to be taking a negative penalty on those and we are never and here's a bit of a spoiler you are never ever going to be taking an ability to score improvement with this build you are only going to be getting two of those and they're going to be both spent into Feats so that's where our ability is lies so as a quick overview rather than to start oh for vengeance this will be your final stat spread obviously you go back in the video to see but like I said before go back in the video to kind of look at the starter stat spread or just use your best judgment whatever works for you because you'll be respecting later anyway we will confirm this oh as an aside for this pick whatever you want I would personally make sure you have Athletics and perception and possibly persuasion just to get you through a lot of those checks in the game that's just my personal recommendation um we have medicine and intimidation as our background because when you play for dark urge which is what I played for this character you don't get to choose your background so you're stuck with the haunted one intimidation is not a bad skill to have but medicine is kind of air so you do take a bit of a loss there if you don't want to play a dark urge character uh just pick whatever background kind of fits your skill set the most but yeah we will confirm that and move on as you can see my bottom screen here is a bit all over the place but we'll get to one in a minute so let's go to the level up screen but from level two you're not going to go anywhere particularly interesting you're just going to go straight into Paladin now uh I was in level two you get Divine Smite which is absolutely huge and it's going to be probably your main damage dealer for this build um so if you don't know what the Divine side is basically just means you get to spend the spell slot to just absolutely dunk on enemies with radiant damage it's really really powerful and you will be making a lot of heat out of it you also get a fighting style now this is entirely up to personal preference I personally went with defense because since we're going to be wearing my armor we want to get we want to be able to stack as much Armor class as possible reasons we'll get into later especially on tactician but you can choose to go for defense or great weapon fighting if you want a bit more offense so you get to re-roll once or two some damage die which could be very very powerful especially if you're doing a lot of attacks around so it's entirely up to personal preference I personally like going with defense but if you want to choose great weapon fighting which is probably the power building move I would go with that now the Spells this is going to be interesting so as you play this build maybe in the early game it'll be a bit different but you are never ever going to use your spell slots for casting spells in combat at least there are going to be some situations where you'll be able to do it outside of combatville but we're mostly going to be taking ritual spells which you don't spend a spells for in as long as you are not in combat but there are a couple of utility spells that you're going to want to have on this build which are just worth having anyway and eventually you'll get to the point where you're gonna have so many spell science it's not really going to matter so pick whatever you like for this uh I would personally take command because you can do some early game Shenanigans with that and helpful kind of works a bit like a taunt from Devil May Cry so it's nice thematically like you kind of go the enemy into attacking only you so that's kind of fun um less it's a very useful spell uh Shield of faith if you're not concentrating on anything else could be really good and for your last spell you can just take your wounds because you might as well just have a heal but if you want to use like the kind of different smites you can as well but this is what I would personally go with right at level three we are leaving Paladin and we are never coming back you only need two levels of Paladin to make this build work so we are going to be multi-classing now the thing is again if you've probably if you played D you play build this game you probably know where this is going to be going but again we want to go in for that very charismatic fight to that one that does a bunch of different things has a lot of move maneuverability has a lot of utility has a lot of different tricks up this sleeve so we're going bad Dante is 100 apart in the terms of DnD going bad of this early on is going to give us a lot of things and it's also going to allow us to get to some abilities that we want really really early on first off can trips vicious mockery there's YouTube that's it that is one of our goals encapsulated in a single can trip it's just my career is really really fun in bald Escape 3 because EU at there's actually like a ton of recorded like lines for taunts and you actually like all the animations are just very full of like Swagger and Panache it's literally perfect for this build so we're going to take vicious mockery and the next thing you're going to want to take is Friends it literally just gives you advantage on pretty much every important role in the game that's related to dialogue it is so broken yes in tactician um it's like oh you know people will get mad at you because they know you Charmed them the amount of times where that actually came up was negligible party members like your relationship with them will just go down a little bit but that easily comes back up just through playing the game um and story events where you're just talking to a character one off they almost never bring it up anyway so just taking friends even in tactician mode is so broken and the fact that you get it this early on like pretty much before the end of act one or heck even before like you know you go to the goblin camp for the first time for example early game I guess but like it's really powerful you you'd be nerfing yourself heavily not to take this now for the Spells this is where it gets a bit interesting but as I said before we're not going to be taking any spells that actually deal damage or using comeback so you want to save our spell slots for divine smites so in in this case we're going to be taking ritual spells if which we can get four right away longstrider is probably the most important here until you're an excellent rest you cast it right as soon as you wake up in the morning and you get a plus three you get three meters to your movement speed that is insane especially early on in the game and that also helps with our maneuverability which is something we were going to you know want to get anyway so this really really helps it just gives you more maneuverability for absolutely free and there's you don't have to concentrate on it it's always prepared and you never have to spend some muscle on it it is broken and when you get higher level spell slots for example like a level four spot slot you can come sit on your whole party for free at the start of the day so everyone gets a spot if you are not using long Strider and you have the option to you are definitely missing out um next one is going to be speak of animals this is just because it's again a ritual spell that lasts all day and it lets you talk with animals which just gives you a ton of extra dialogue extra role play extra quests extra cool things again it's one of the Spells you just always want to have because it's just fun especially in the terms of this game uh next is the size is the sky itself another really powerful ritual spell allowing you to disguise yourself and just you know gain engage in much more role play engaging much more dialogue options it's just perfect obviously it's not exactly very fitting for devil maker I build but since we're not using our spell slots for damage there's no reason not to take this and lastly you're going to take featherfall again just an extremely powerful utility spell cast form cancels fall damage adds to your maneuverability just makes everything way better so yeah we're not taking any damaging spells no fairy fire no healing word which is taking everything that gives us out of combat Buffs that help us with our maneuverability are you a starting instrument as a Bard can be whatever I would personally choose a loot because Dante is actually economically used a guitar as a weapon before so you know but pick your favorite here it doesn't really matter you can get more later in the game anyway and as for your ability you get one free skill proficiency choose whatever I personally went with deception because that would give me all three pillars of conversation in one build and again a small spoiler here we're not going to be taking certain abilities later in the game that would give us expertise in those so because I don't know I this is more of a personal preference but I just didn't go with the elephant powers in this run uh what now we're going to be staying with Bob for a little bit because there's a few things we want to get a ride away with level two bars you get some really really powerful ability to get you get Jack of all trades adding a proficiency bonus or half a bit sorry to any ability checks you are not proficient in so by taking our steps the way we did getting our wisdom intelligence all that up to so there's no negative penalty that means we have a plus two to any skill roll in the game minimum that is strong we're also getting a couple of extra spell slots including our first level two spell slots because the way multi-conscing works in DND and all this game is that when you mix spell casters or spell caster and Hospital cast it you kind of level up your spell slots out either a bit sooner or just slightly delayed I'm not exactly sure how it works but basically you're still going to be getting a large amount of spousals even though you're not a full Caster all the way you also get song of rest which especially in tactician mode is extremely powerful you get a third short rest per long rest so you get three instead of two which is insane it is insanely good in this game and it's absolutely worth having at the early levels uh we're also gonna gain a new spell uh you can kind of take whatever you like kicks it's not really consequential I mean charm person seems like an obvious choice but you don't actually need it because well friends Works anyway I think this is a ritual spell as well but don't quote me on that because I'm not 100 sure it doesn't say it here I'm not sure if it's like a better bonus than friends but you might as well just use friends I've never found a reason to use TransPass a child person even when I've had it on my character uh so you can choose fairy fire Destiny Whispers basically pick your favorite here it doesn't really matter I'm gonna go fairy fire just because it's like getting advantage on attacks it's pretty good you replace the spell but we're not going to moving on [Music] level three and this is where we finally get out of our subclass we're coming into this really late and unfortunately this build does take until the mid game to kind of really kick off but this is where at level five you're gonna be getting your bard subclass uh you can pick a spell uh you can pick a level two spell here I would personally pick the knock spell or the invisibility spell it's kind of up to you and you can pick whatever you like but I prefer having either of these two for utility reasons or if you wanted another ritual spell you can have detect faults so but I feel like you don't need this one straight away since your Christmas skills are so high but if you wanted some extra dialogue choices you can go with the tech thoughts the fact that now that I think about it I would probably go with this one first before these two because if you have someone who can pick Fox knock it's not the best spelled I have it's kind of a waste like so if I would but since we're gonna be picking up level two spell slots later we definitely want to have either detect faults invisibly or knock and you're going to be getting those kind of in whatever audio please so you're gonna end up with all three eventually but you can start with the tech thoughts now here is the most important thing of a subclass and again if you've played it as one of these parts in bald Escape 3 you probably already know when I was going from this on my other way but I didn't actually notice this installed until I started fairy crafting for this build the College of Swords is extremely different in this game compared to 5e for the most part because you get these the weapon flourishes this is huge well this weapons I cannot speak today but these weapon flourishes do is they give you attacks that do an extra D6 of slashing damage but also have various effects both in melee and in range so we're covering alternative gun attacks and alternative sword attacks in one subclass this is huge first up slashing flourish for both mainly and ranged you get to attack two enemies at once so we have slashing flourish in melee you can attack two enemies that are right in front of you pretty similar to the cleave attack but in fact but also um but sorry if you go with the ranged version you just get to shoot uh where is it yeah you just get to shoot two enemies anywhere in your natural range it is broken get an extra D6 slashing damage on any ranged attack but here's the kicker for some reason with the slashing footage ranged you can Target the same enemy twice so you can just deal double damage on a crossbow shot because spoilers are getting crossbows in a single hit same that's 2 running one of those like dual crossbow builds that I've seen going around so much uh where you go like fight a rogue I would honestly consider taking three levels a bar just for this and the other two flourishes that we'll get to in a minute so so good all it costs is a use of robotic inspiration which you get back on a short list of which we have three of so this alone slashing flourish ranged is one of the most powerful things you get out of this build but we're not even done next we get defensive flourish which if you land your hit you get an Armory armor class increase of four that's almost as much as the shield spell while you're still doing damage it's insane uh and again all the questions about inspiration this covers one aspect of our kit that we're trying to go for and that's Royal Guard because the only way to really get like the instantaneous blocks that Royal Guard get gives you in the Devil May Cry games is to increase your armor class so by doing this we're covering royal guard and swordmaster in one blow it's insane but you again you also get this at ranged so all it costs is robotic inspiration which again is a really really easy resource to maintain and then lastly is the mobile flourish and this is awesome you get to knock an enemy away from you either in melee or at range feeling extra damage and then afterwards you can teleport to them that's Trickster easily that is trickster with nothing like no sacrifice is made you're just getting more power but completing the kit the College of Swords is my favorite bar College bad sub class whatever you want to call it in this game not to mention that pushing attacks like obviously I think a lot of people who play build Escape 3 know how powerful shoving is in this game so being able to do that basically for free and at range like for example having a repelling blast Eldridge blast like this one subclass covers so many facets of combat it's insane not to mention as a bit of a buff as well we're going to be getting an extra fighting style and then you only have two to choose from and we're going to be going with two weapon fighting because link Dante we're going to be dual wielding crossbows and so having two weapon fighting allows us to have our offhand weapon which is going to be our fan crossbow use our ability modifier so it's going to give our crossbow fighting even more power insane you can also replace a spell here but we're not going to do that next oh yeah you also can have expertise to perception and or persuasion interception so you just get expertise too it's awesome right we're going to continue in Bard we get another can trip here uh this is kind of a pick your favorite situation if you want more defensive options so if you want to kind of go into Royal Guard a bit more uh you can go for blade Ward there's also maintained which is just really good in general uh since you're most likely gonna be playing a human if you want to go for the full um and a Dante look uh you might want to go with lights or dancing lights because you won't have dark vision but honestly that doesn't really matter my personal choice would be uh play toward or main Chad or if you want to go into Dante's listen on style Doppelganger from Devil May Cry 3 you could go for minor illusion but it's not really necessary I would personally just take properly blade Ward just because of the extra defense you can get um but something else I was going to mention I'm sure it'll come to me right we get another level two spell here um you can grab personal invisibility whatever I'm just going to take the invisibility spell for the utility or you could take C invisibility that can also be really useful um but you know it's entirely up to you uh you can take whatever you like here but I would personally take another utility spell so see invisibility knock or invisibility but here we get our first feat now at this point in the game you're probably not going to be using your crossbows yet because we haven't taken the subclass that's going to give us the most out of our um you know our um our crossbows yet so you probably are going to want to go with a different feat again you can respect so if you want to take an ability score Improvement to get any of your stats up you can but I'm just going to go with the first feat we're going to be taking and that is a great weapon master now I have a love-hate relationship with this I know how good it is um obviously taking a minus five to your chance to hit to get a plot to get a flat 10 damage on all of your melee attacks is huge it is extremely powerful but this build in particular you're not really going to be getting much out of that because it's going to lower your chance to hit and we're not really countering that enough so um it's up to personal preference whether or not you have that specific feature on because it's a toggleable passive but you you can choose to have that if you want or not I personally had it toggled off um because I didn't get this ability until the late game it was the second fee I chose but I'm kind of changing it around for this video so use it if you feel like you're going to be able to hit or if you really need to kind of do go for the risk reward but the main thing we're here for actually is the great weapon Master bonus attack when you land a critical hit or kill enemy you can use your bonus attack to make another attack with the maneuverability that we have you're going to be able to use this quite a lot and again it's another part of our long combo so definitely want to take this as soon as you can next up we have barred five now that takes off even more from this point you're gonna get a lot of inspiration you regain all your boss Bardock inspiration after a long or short rest boom now you just get basically you get to upkeep your flourishes pretty much off the in between each combat so you need to have a combat you have a short rest which most people will do hit all your flourishes back you get to do it again by the end of this build you're going to have four points of body inspiration so you're gonna do four of these flourishes per combat between mixing them in with your smites um you're going to be able to do a lot of damage and have a lot of flat and Panache because the fun thing about the floor is just as well as they each have different attack animations so you get to be really stylish uh you get some you also get improved biotic inspiration so if you want to use it outside of combat you get to have a d8 instead of a D6 that's not going to come up much but it does exist so it's cool to have level three spell slots at this point uh which is a nice buff to our divine smites and then we're gonna go for a spell so we now have access to level three spells none of which I'm too particularly interesting you could take speaker dead here um because it's another ritual out of combat thing that you can have but I I don't this is kind of a uh can I have with this game 99 of the time when I try to use speak with Dead the game just says this corpse has nothing to say and I just find that there's barely any actually any actual opportunities to use this so I don't think it's really worth it personally I would take C invisibility or knock I would take knock just because it's a nice extra thing to have if you roll really bad on your love picking rolls and you run out of Thieves tools you can at least get that thing open regardless of course to a level two spell slot and our journey in Bard ends with level six where we finally finally at level eight get extra attack finalizing our combo string allowing us to use an extra Divine Smite an extra flourish an extra attack whatever we want to do so that's here now let's look at counter charm which isn't the greatest in this game there is a few situations where in combat you are going to be getting Charmed a lot and frightened a lot uh there's a few boss battles in particular I can think of where this might actually be useful but the fact it takes an entire action and if you use this you don't get your extra attacks and such it's not great and the fact that unless free turns kind of sucks if you want to use it effectively you kind of have to preempt when your enemy is going to be trying to cast these um charm or frame Spells at you uh I would personally just forget it's there but use it as you feel like you need to uh we get our level 4 spell slot here unfortunately the only one we're going to be getting which kind of hampers this build a bit in exam for in comparison to a paladin sorcerer for example but with my experience um in with this film playing on tactician I was able to be pretty much all of the in-game bosses really really easily um with this build like this build is strong even with a minimal amount of spell slots it's and I think this is still more than a paladin would normally get if you just went all the way Paladin but I can't remember that if they only go up to level three or not I'm not personally an expert in them uh beginning of a spell here I would just take scene visibility again it's a nice utility that you get to have um especially against enemies where they can turn invisible which is really really annoying so yeah I would take that yeah now at level nine um we are going to be doing another multi-class into our final class for this build and again if any of you are power builders in this game you know exactly what I'm going for we are going rogue so with Rogue we get to skill uh expertise which is really really awesome take whatever you want uh we've already got expertise and persuasion I think or perhaps not I don't know you can get intimidation expertise I would personally take sleight of hand and perhaps perception for being able to sense traps or maybe even Athletics so you can shove people and like do a bunch of stuff even better but I would definitely make sure you have sleight of hand the picking locks are which again can make Knock kind of redundant but then you can just um change that spell maybe when you respect but I'm gonna go with a slight handle perception for now next up is level two um which is going to add to our maneuverability so we're going to get bonus action disengage Dash and hide through the coming actions these kind of fall into the trickster line of just giving us way more maneuverability and combat with this plus a long Strider you get a ton of maneuverability you will be able to run it across entire Arenas and attack whoever you need to with your great sword even without having to use ranged attacks this much maneuverability is extremely important while I didn't and also before I forget well I didn't really touch on it a level one we did get sneak attack you are never going to be able to use sneak attack as a melee fighter because we're not going to be using FNS weapon but your crossbows you'll do a Prosper so you'll be getting we'll be using um your your you can use sneak attack ranged with that it's never going to come up much uh but you can get a sneak attack with range with that so that does still work but yeah we're going to take level two of Rogue nothing so much to see here just to love them round three is where this build finally kicks off into the stratosphere because we are going to be getting the thief subclass now I don't know what kind of like crack um larion was smoking when they made the thief subclass you get but if you know you know but you get you get two bonus actions per turn with the funnestense feet gain an additional bonus action two bonus actions per turn whenever I make a melee fighter building this game or just a fighter kind of character in general like a barbarian for example it is incredibly difficult not to take four three or four levels of Rogue to get this feature because for example if you're playing a frenzy Barbarian uh or I think it's called the Berserker whatever your rage gets turned into frenzyo which is called the frenzy Barbarian where you can make bonus action attacks like that way and you can do bonus action throws you get to do that twice it's insane this plus our great weapon Master feature and our dual crossbows we can do Insane things so for example you can do um Ryan Smite a second Divine Smite with your extra attack uh and then you can do two off-handed attacks with your crossbow or crossbow attack and a great weapon master attack you can do a flourish if you decide to forgot one of your second smites it is insane how much utility the second bonus action gives you so let's say I'm just going to do the math quickly in my head let's say you have haste uh you unfortunately we don't get haste on this build on our own which sucks but you can get it obviously just have like maybe like a sorcerer in your party I personally um respect Gail into a sorcerer and give him and get so he gets the ability to Twin haste so basically get someone on your body to cast haste on you you get want two attacks from Attack an extra attack or attacks so two more attacks from uh the haste so you get to do your action in your extra attack again so that's four Divine smites or flourishes whatever have you then you get to make two crossbow attacks using your bonus action that is six attacks in a ton now you're probably thinking why not just go Fighter for Action search here I find that taking two levels of fighter for Action surge doesn't actually give you as much because whereas action searches once per shot rest you get this is constant so I feel like in those scenarios when you're going to be going on for a long time this is just more valuable and I mean if I did originally test a version of this Pilgrim instead of taking the four levels of Rogue he took four levels of Eldridge Knight fighter in order to get more spell slots and um obviously action Surge and second win in that but I found it to be less effective in practice than this particular build obviously it's down to preference if you want to go with and I'll just note finder for more spells lots and more spells such as you know Misty step and shield and such which we do get anyway but I'll explain later um you can do that but I would personally go with fast hands Rogue and just Blitz and with ranged crossbow attacks because you can do like a full crossbow flurry and it's just more like in tune with double May Cry I think so yeah we're taking the future class here [Music] and finally at level 12 we are a rogue four which means we get a fee and we are going to be finally taking since now we have our full crossbow attacked we're going to be taking crossbow expert because what this does is it allows you to not take disadvantage on your attack rolls in close combat with crossbows which means that now you can work your crossbow shots all on one enemy even at close range because before what you would have been doing is you would have been doing attacks on a character that's in front of you and then trying to get crossbow shots off or maybe someone else in the same combat whereas now you can focus everything on one character and just do Nova damage uh again I was able to take on some really really powerful bosses in the end game doing this uh and we'll iterate them it was insane and yeah uh that is it for the actual character build the final stat to here uh you get some hit points and you get your feet here so now spoiler warning we're going to be going on to the items here I'm going to try not to spoil story stuff but you are going to be getting um some important items that make this build work and kind of allow us to take those lower stats in order to gain more power so let's move on to the equipment so so like I say full spoiler winning here I am going to be spoiling um end game items and locations but nothing Sports Story related so if you're worried about that um you know just end the video here but here we go uh into our inventory we are going here are the equipment we're going here here are the equipment here is the equipment you can tell I'm not reading off a script here um so first off let's go with the armor we are wearing the elegant studded lever you get this by completing the Quest for the counting house in which you have to get back some stolen gold um in which case you get a key that unlocks a vault that allows you to get this uh it is it's essentially a studded lover plus two with a few extra features uh you get uh plus two to initiative rolls uh base 14 Armor class advantage on stealth checks but you also get Shield which one special rest which again you have three of you get to increase your armor class by five as a reaction um one of the most powerful level one spells in the game one of the most powerful reaction choices in the game it is really really good yes we only get it once per short rest which sucks but this also gives an extra oomph to our Royal Guard because if you stack this with the defensive flourish you can't get hit it's just nothing can hit you it's it's absolutely crazy so definitely definitely definitely want to pick this up also you can uh re-dye it to look this kind of reddish brown color this is as close as you can get to like an actual like ante look I found I know it looks a bit more Brown than red but it's the closest you can get um I forget which diverse is it's either the Lush burgundy or the muddy red so do some experimentation and figure out which one it is uh next up one of the most important items you can get the gloves of dexterity since the rarest dexterity school to 18. and also gives you an attack plus one this is insane this is an extremely powerful item that you can get as early as the start of Act 2 from a vendor in the GIF Yankee crash before the cursed lens absolutely want to get your hands on this as early as you can in the game uh because again once you have that 10 set in dexterity where these you never have to level your dexterity again and the extra attack plus one on top is just chef's kiss it's beautiful exactly what you want uh and also it fits perfectly with the outfit fashion wise like it just it's perfect and next up is the disintegrating night Walkers you get these in Act 2 in the underdark by completing the quest to save uh uh the person who's trapped in a cave-in now the reason I decided to go with these is they are kind of like a black boot type thing they're lightweight so they kind of resemble Dante's boots a bit but the thing is is what's important about these is uh you cannot be in webbed entangled or it's nerdy you cannot slip on Grease device or grease or ice so you get total maneuverability but the big ticket item here is the once per short rest Misty snap a full unrestricted teleport that you get to use as a bonus section any point again only one per short rest which sucks similar to Shield but having one use of it is better than not having any use of it at all especially when we have other options for maneuverability and teleporting as well and again it's another teleport more trickster abilities really really really strong set of boots here uh the next thing we have is our amulet which is the Amulet of Greater Health sets your Constitution score to 23 again not needing to level constitution in that case you also get advantage on Constitution saving pros this is insanely overpowered as you can see on tactician mode where you get a little bit less hitch People level iron sitting at a comfortable 138 HP insane really really good um absolutely the best thing you can wear here uh you'll notice I'm not wearing a cloak actually as I'll go on about it just it's purely for fashion reasons but if you want to wear a cloak I would just wear the cloak of protection or something or whatever your personal preference is because that just gives the custom cloak of protection it's really easy to get neck too at the in and it gives you a plus one to saving pros and armor class so you know Nicky poison there uh but you can use whatever you feel like is appropriate if you don't feel like going with if you don't care about fashion um next up we have the ring of regeneration this is extremely strong it recovers 1d4 of hit points at the start of each round even if but here's the reason why it's important so yes you get a little bit of healing of each round but if you go down in combat right uh and you don't fail your death saver press immediately you actually get back up on your next turn without anyone having to intervene and since you still get your two bonus actions on that turn after you get up because you don't get an action if you on the same time you get up from being downed you still have to fire off two crossbow shots you still get to have a bit and a bit more maneuverability so for example you could get a piece of Misty stuff to get out of danger so it's very very much worth having I mean if you can think of another ring that would fit better here go ahead but it also works in tandem with our Helm the helm Aldrin uh you get this by finishing baldran's hero trial underneath the underneath the city builders game in act three it's next with the uh effect of the Ring giving you a plus giving you a two point heal at the start of each turn which is strongly combined with the ring so you can get anywhere from three to six hitch Point hit points per round um which kind of works in the devil maker I think is you know Dante and all the others they have insane like healing Factor so just having that little bit of healing is quite nice you have a plus one bonus to Armor class and saving throws again really powerful especially when we're wearing like armor so we need as much armor class as we can get it means being stunned brilliant completely takes away another aspect that would stop our Combos and attackers cannot land Critical Hits absolutely broken all that in a single Helm slot yes it takes quite a lot to get it but if you know where to go at the start of act three you can actually get this without fighting anything so it's really important to just grab this as early as you can lastly this is a bit of a weird thing so this is the ring of reaction now I wasn't sure what ring to put in the second slot here because none of them really appealed to me originally I had crush's ring to give an extra three movement speed to just give even more maneuverability but I found it to be a bit Overkill uh you can also try the risky ring to give you advantage on saving to give it you advantage on attack rolls which is really strong at the cost of disadvantage on saving throws which can be a bit air but I don't know play around with the second ring slot if you want kind of a guaranteed all-around safe bet I mean I'm using the Ring of free action which just ignores difficult terrain you can't be paralyzed or restrained so in combination with you know the helmet Boulder and preventing stuns and this preventing um surface issues you basically cannot be stopped by any sort of terrain or effect that would keep you immobile I think the only one that still affects you is frightened so keep an eye out for that um but another ring you could use here is the ring of protection which just gives you a plus one arm across and saving Pros if you really just don't know what to put in that slot you just want a flat buff um but yeah playing around with that second ring song but I personally found that the writing of reaction just gives you a lot of maneuverability now on to the weapons which is probably the the most important part of this build as far as actually making Dante so obviously we wanted to use a great sword so I went with the best possible Choice the bouldering's Giant Slayer Giants it has the Giant Slayer ability which on a hit doubles the damage from your strength modifier while we have our strength for 20. so that takes a plus five and makes it into a plus 10. insane you actually get a plus 13 overall here if you look at the stats [Music] but it does 15 to 25 damage so pretty good it's a plus free enchantment and but here's the thing now this is what I want to talk about Devil Trigger so obviously the most close thing you can get to Devil Trigger is and I will put a spoiler warning here skip to the time on the screen if you don't want to hear this big story spoiler but if you're playing the dark urge character and you go into the Temple of ball or you kill certain NPCs throughout the game you will get access to the Slayer form which as if you know if you played this game is basically a demon transformation which gives you a lot of different attacks and such but again in order to do this you need to commit a lot of really evil ax and if you don't want to do that with this character then the Slayer form is out of your reach so I've so luckily our weapon of choice has actually provided an alternative that being the giant form road to a fearsome size your weapons deal an extra 1d6 slashing damage and you gain 27 temporary hit points in addition to Advantage on strength checks and saving throws recovers every short rest and lots for 10 turns so not only are we getting the most powerful weapon in the game we're also getting Devil Trigger built in or something close to it it's basically just a type of transformation I mean I mean calling it double trigger is a bit of a stretch obviously Slayer is closer thematically but when you're in Slayer form you can't use your weapons and I swear the DC's for that form are super super low so it's not really worth using in my opinion I found the Slayer form to be really underpowered actually you actually I feel like you would be nerfing yourself if you actually use the snap Slayer form of this build but using the giant form it's just another massive buff additional damage additional hit points additional checks and saving Pros for strength you can't go wrong so I feel like in this case we've at least covered double trigger lastly covering Gunslinger is our dual crossbows first up is the Hellfire and crossbow now this is really cool because it's a plus two crossbow as far as I understand it's the only one in the game uh I don't I I've been told you can buy plus two hand crossbows from vendors but I haven't seen anything like that so correct me if I'm wrong but you know you can use this with the flourishes um if you're hiding or invisible so if you're you know playing well into a stealth aspect you actually get to a flick burning but you also get and this is just a little bonus you get scorching Ray cost is a level three which allows you to do 86 fire damage or free out ranged covering the alternate shot type that you would get with the Gunslinger style and DMC so yeah pretty cool you get a plus 11 to hit with it and it does decent damage again if you're attacking with this multiple times in a round it's pretty powerful the other crossbow we're going to be using is the near missa which you can get from oh I didn't actually say what you get I'll just say you get it around the same time you get the Helm um the Hellfire hand crisper you can get an Act 2 in the underground Temple that leads to kind of like the finale of act two uh you get that there from a certain enemy uh the near missa you get inactive as well you can buy it from a vendor in Moonrise Towers this is kind of a similar deal to the Hellfire hand crossbow it's only a plus one but it has a unique property in that it does entirely Force damage so you can bypass piercing resistance and you also get magic Missile to cast as a level three once per short rest so yeah another alternate shot type that you get magic Missile for free pretty damn cool so that is the build overall you get 20 AC with the ability to up to bring it up with your skills and spells your healing you get you get stylish great sword combos you get stylish ranged combos with your tall crossbows you get a whole bunch of different Buffs you get different stats you get to use diff a bunch of different subclasses you get a ton of dialogue options you get um you get decent stats all around I kind of would like Charisma to be a bit higher but it doesn't really affect too much [Music] um but yeah you also get a ton of really cool proficiencies at the very worst you have plus two and everything at the best you have plus 12 inside of hand for example where you get 11 in your speech stuff it's really really really strong uh yep you get it and then you get all these saving for a Buffs so yeah I think that this build in testing and in my own personal experience this is one of the strongest builds I've ever made uh in between d and d and this game because I've played a few playthroughs now um and I find that this build is insanely strong it's thematic it's cool you get to do a whole bunch of different things with it um I think that's gonna do it here I mean the only like one of the big downsides you actually get with this build is that you have to organize all of this but um you know you can do that easily yeah I think I think that's going to do it for this video um try it out for yourself respect one of your characters give it a go see how you feel about it it as far as actually playing the game with it is concerned in which you actually go for level 1 to 12 in a natural playthrough you know playing casually um I mean you can I would say that this can work as a first build although I would definitely just lay this I would use this on maybe like a secondary playthrough as kind of like something fun to try out because trying to is getting getting extra attack as late as we do really hurts the melee aspect you don't get your full power crossbow stuff until pretty much the very end of the build and you don't get a lot of offensive spells so you have to kind of use your utility to the best of its ability my experience playing through the game was pretty good I felt underpowered compared to some of my party members kind of around the early to early mid game sort of as soon as you get past that kind of mid game point and you get into like act three and you get all your items and you get like the final levels you need to really make this build powerful you will be shredding anything that comes towards you and it is just such a fun build to do it's stylish it's thematic it's fun it's funny you know with vicious mockery and such which at this point is 3d4 like and you just get to do so many cool different things teleporting around the map you're shooting you're slashing you're transforming yeah casting spells you're jumping around and teleporting it's just oh it's so fun give this build a try you won't regret it and yeah
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 7,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iHBkMko7_kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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