Baldur's Gate 3: Circle Of The Spores Druid - All Spells and Abilities (Full Release)

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hey guys Omaha here do you want to be able to shape shift and have an army of fungal zombies well today I'm going to go over the circle of the Spore subclass for the Druid and show you all the Spells and abilities so the circle of the Spore subclass is a little bit different than the other two it dips a little bit into necromancy as well as some cool fungal abilities that are pretty unique so upon hitting level two you're gonna choose your subclass circle of spores and then you're gonna get your wild shape ability and you're gonna get these four wild shape forms I made another video I'll link it up at the top it showcases all of the wild shape forms and abilities you're gonna get the wild shape badger the wild-shaped spider wild-shaped wolf and the wild-shaped cat so you're gonna get two actions Halo of spores and you're gonna get symbiotic entity the cantrip that's chosen for you bone chill there's one to eight necrotic damage prevent the target from healing until your next turn an undead Target receives disadvantage on attack rolls so how Halo of spores works is it does one to four necrotic damage and that's gonna slowly scale up to one to eight necrotic damage at level 12. um unleash a cloud of necrotic spores upon a Target this uses a reaction so other reactions won't trigger this turn instead of using an action like when you use a spell that uses up one of your action slots this uses a reaction which is once per turn that's like an opportunity attack so say you move close to an Archer the next turn they decide to run away from you and your guy swings at them automatically that's your opportunity attack which is it's a reaction but I like to do is we press L on the keyboard that'll pull up your reactions page you can check it to ask when that happens it'll pause the game for a second and it'll ask you do you want to use your opportunity attack you can say yes or no if you say no then you can use your Halo of spores next turn if you say yes then you're guys going to swing at them you're not going to be able to use your Halo of spores next so how that looks Halo spores use the reaction now I can still use a spell so symbiotic entity lets you gain eight temporary hit points and deal an additional one to six necrotic damage while you have those temporary hit points you cast Halo of spores with double damage this lasts until you do a long rest or until you use your wild shape form you can only have temporary hit points from One Source this uses an action and a wild shape charge so now you can see my Quarter Staff does 2 to 14 damage the one to eight bludgeoning plus the one to six necrotic and then Halo spores it's gonna do it says one to four but it's gonna do one to eight damage it's gonna actually roll it twice there's four and three damage right there here the stats at level 12 where you get 48 temporary hit points and you still get the one to six necrotic damage so remember when you have symbiotic entity active since you're doing more damage to their Quarter Staff your opportunity attacks are going to be doing more damage too so you can kind of decide whether you want to use the more damage on this or if you want to use the double damage on Halo of spores so your level 1 spells are going to be cure wounds entangle good Berry Thunder Wave ice knife fog Cloud speak with animals which you don't really need because you can go into your wild shape form and talk to animals that way animal friendship charm person healing word fairy fire enhanced sleep long Strider and create or destroy water upon hitting level three you're gonna get another Health increase you're gonna get another level in spell slot which brings you up to four two level two spell slots which will give you two total bark skin dark vision enhance ability flame blade flaming sphere gust of wind heat metal hold person lesser restoration Moonbeam pass without Trace protection from Poison Spike growth and then you're gonna get two spells that are always prepared which means they don't count towards your six total at level three so you can have these six plus you'll have these two automatically so that's blindness and detect thoughts when you get to level four you're gonna get a health increase you're going to get another level two spell slot which will bring up to three you're gonna get another can trip which will bring you up to four you're gonna get the wild shape deep Roth a and you're gonna get a feat that you can choose from this list when you get to level five you're gonna get another Health increase two level three spell slots so you'll have two total wild strike feature which lets you attack twice every turn while you're in your wild shape form some level three spells call lightning daylight Fame death plant growth protection from energy and sleet storm and then you're also gonna get two more always prepared spells that don't count your count towards your total prepared spells and those are animate dead and gaseous form when you get to level six you're gonna get another Health increase third level three spell slot the wild shape Panther in the wild-shaped owl bear and then you're gonna get the fungales infestation action so the fungal infestation action you raise a mildewed mold encrusted zombie from a corpse it lasts until a long rest the target must be a beast or humanoid corpse and the range is 10 feet so it uses a reaction like we talked about earlier same as the opportunity attacks and the Halo explore and it uses a new thing called fungal infestation charge so you're gonna get four of those and they replenish on a long rest blasphemous so here's your fungal zombie he's got Undead fortitude condition when reduced to zero hit points regain one hit point instead unless the damage was radiant or caused by critical hit and he has poison resistance one thing to note is the zombie stats aren't going to scale with you as you go up to level 12 and yes you can have four there's one and only attack is slammed as five to 15 damage of bludgeoning hit a target with your bare fists and affect it with the crawling gnaw constructs Elementals oozes plants Undead and members of your adventuring party can't be infected crawling all lasts for one turn infects them with a zombie mucus if the affected entity dies before the infection wears off it will temporarily rise again as a newborn zombie newborn zombies are born from The Crawling gnaw they cannot last they take one necrotic damage each turn and only follow the zombie that infected them here's your newborn zombie immune to poison damage as you can see he's taking one necrotic damage per turn when you get to level seven you're gonna get another Health increase level four spell slot so you'll have one you're gonna get the Spells conjure minor Elemental conjure Woodland Bean she has nature step entangle and summon a wood load dominate Beast freedom of movement grasping Vine ice storm polymorph Stone skin and Wall of Fire and then you're gonna get two always prepared spells which are also these two but doesn't matter because you got them always prepared now and blight and confusion level eight you're gonna get another Health increase another level four spell slot so now you have two and you're gonna get another feat level nine you're gonna get another Health increase third level four spell slot your first level five spell slot conjure Elemental greater restoration insect plague mask your wounds planar binding wall of stone and then you're gonna get the always prepared spells Cloud kill and contagion which is also right here level 10. you're going to get a health increase your second level five spell slot the feature improved wild strike so now you can make two additional attacks after making an unarmed strike while on wild shape so now you can attack three times per turn when you're in your wild shape form you're gonna gain your fifth can trip you're gonna get the subclass feature spreading spores while symbiotic entity is active you can create a cloud of spreading spores and you're gonna get the wild-shaped dilophosaurus so how spreading spores works as it doesn't pop up until you use symbiotic entity there it is 2 to 16 damage of necrotic see an area and deadly spores that deal 2 to 16 necrotic damage per turn to all creatures that inhale them except you and your allies the spores disappear when symbiotic entity ends that's a bonus action so you can use that and you can use symbiotic entity in the same turn since this doesn't hurt your allies your zombies will be fine all right level 11. you're gonna get another Health increase you're gonna get a level six spell slot and you're gonna get healed Heroes feast Sunbeam wall of thorns and wind walk to cap it off with level 12 you're going to get a final Health increase and you're going to choose another feat alrighty guys thank you for watching if you like this video make sure you leave a like down below and subscribe if you want to see more videos like this let me know down in the comments which subclass you want to see next thank you guys for watching
Channel: Omaha
Views: 34,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 circle of the land, baldurs gate 3 circle of the moon, baldurs gate 3 druid shapeshifter, baldurs gate 3 wild shape, baldur's gate 3 wild shape, baldurs gate 3 druid, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 class, baldur's gate 3 druid, baldur's gate 3 combat, baldurs gate druid forms, baldurs gate 3 bear, baldurs gate 3 circle of the spores, baldur's gate 3 circle of the spores, baldurs gate 3 zombies, baldurs gate 3
Id: HgxDiXQw9Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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