Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide - All Quests & Achievements - Part 1 (Nautiloid Crash Site)

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this balers Gate 3 Series covers how to do all major quests and missable content in order so that all achievements or trophies choices and major rewards will be available we will be striving to get the most optimal or good outcome for all companions recruit the most allies obtain all legendary weapons and armor and have an overall satisfying playthrough for best results follow this series from the start of Part One spoilers will be limited to important information and as usual useful timestamps can be found in the video description in these earlier videos I'll also be giving some pointers for newer players that are not as familiar with the mechanics of Balter Gate 3 that being said there should be plenty of useful information for even experienced players with multiple playthroughs part one of this series will take us from character creation through our arrival at The Druids Grove there's a lot to cover so let's get started to start we're going to play on tacti I difficulty for the critical hit achievement and choose the custom character origin this will allow us to save all the teelings which cannot be done with the dark urge origin you can choose whichever starting class and race you want but I will also be explaining my own play style and builds for this character and others as we progress through the game in case you want to follow along or copy anything for my own part I'll be playing as a high half elf sorcerer I went with sorcerer for multiple reasons their primary trait is charisma making them good at negotiations which will make achieving good outcomes much easier in addition Sorcerers gain access to metamagic more specifically we will have access to twined spell which when combined with haste will make combat encounters much easier starting at level five the reason why I chose halfelf is that they get the Civil militia feature which grants proficiency with shields humans also get this feature and it is great for spellcasters I'll be taking the utility spell light as my high elf cantrip and for my four sorcery cantrips I will be getting bone chill Ray of frost shocking grasp and Firebolt for starting spells I'll be taking Mage Armor and magic Missile for the subass I'll be going with storm sorcery as it's the strongest sorcerer subclass in my opinion and provides additional combat spells The Guild Artisan background will provide us with insight and persuasion efficiency both of which will help us in negotiations if all this stuff is new to you don't worry everything will be explained in due time for Ability points I have adjusted them so that both dexterity and Charisma are at 16 and Constitution is at 14 as a sorcerer Charisma will determine the effectiveness of our spells meanwhile both dexterity and Constitution will improve our survivability finally we will select skill profic efficiencies intimidation and deception are both worth taking from there all that's left to do is customize the appearance of both your character and your guardian and then Venture forth as a sorcerer the first thing we'll want to do every adventuring day is used Mage Armor this will raise our AC or Armor class up to 16 making us significantly harder to hit with targeted attacks the spell will use a level one spell slot which we currently have two of in this first room we can interact with the nursery to perform our first skill ability check in this case it's the investigation skill being used for any ability check we roll a 20-sided die also known as a D20 then add our modifier to get the result for me that modifier is zero if the total result is equal to or higher than the particular skill checks difficulty class or DC we will succeed if it's less than the DC we fail in this case the DC is 10 and don't worry if you fail this check as it's ultimately of little importance we can use the nearby alien device to restore our spell slots or other resources then move on to the next room feel free to look around and loot any bodies or other containers to highlight things that are generally worth interacting with hold the alt button on keyboard mouse or right stick click on a controller this is a very useful mechanic to start taking advantage of early on we can activate a lift in this room and ride it up to find a person with an open Cranium and this is an opportunity to get a temporary Ally called us that can also be found later in the game to get it you must choose the dialogue option where you try to help then succeed in one of three ability checks for my character dexterity gets the highest bonus plus three so I will use that to free the brain saving us is not required for any achievements but if you really want this little brain guy as a companion you can save the game before rolling the ability check that way if you fail you can load the save and try again this is known as save scumming and in order to get all the achievements and ideal outcomes it may be necessary to do on occasion that being said we will play in such a way that gives us the best odds of success so that safe scumming is rarely needed after prying the brain free you can mutilate it to make it more docile but this is unnecessary up ahead we will meet our first major companion lazel the gith Yankee in addition after speaking with her we will get our first combat encounter and this is a good time to explain the basic mechanics combat in this game is turn-based and the order that characters take their turn in is determined by their initiative role in general characters with higher Dex terity will have higher initiative and get to go before the characters with lower initiative since all my characters are grouped up in the initiative order their turns take place simultaneously allowing for better coordination of attacks during each turn a character is allowed to move a certain distance determined by their movement speed generally this is 30 ft a character also gets one action which is typically required for primary weapon attacks and most spells and one bonus action which is required for more minor actions such as shove using a potion and jump although jump also requires 10 ft of movement speed you can see what resources different abilities require by hovering over them for this combat encounter I'm going to start by using my two melee fighters to attack different targets then clean up with my sorcerer using magic Missile after the fight we'll use the restoration device then continue towards the [Music] helm in this next room there are two unconscious THS that we can defeat to get some free experience [Music] points in addition another potential companion shadowart is trapped in the nearby mind flare pod to free her head through the door to the east the first body on the ground has a key which we will use in short order near the back end of this area is a console that you can interact with for a short cut scene there's also a second body with an eldrich Rune which we will need to free sh Shadow heart you can also grab the green brain jar which has a purely lore-based use quite a bit later in the game returning to the room with Shadow heart we can open the elaborate reliquary chest with a gold key for some loot grab the brain jar then go to free Shadow heart to do this interact with the nearby console and insert the eldrich Rune you may want to save before this skill check as failing it could mean losing Shadow heart as a companion this is very unlikely though as you only need to meet a DC of two to succeed once Shadow heart is free we'll speak with and allow her to join the party before moving on you can open Shadow heart's Spellbook and switch out the shield of Faith spell with bless which is a fantastic support spell for combat looking at bless you might notice that it lasts for 10 turns and requires concentration a character can only concentrate on one spell at a time time so if you cast any other spell that also requires concentration it will end the previous spell that was being concentrated on once ready we'll move South towards the helm before going in we can prepare for combat by entering turn-based mode on a controller do this by pressing the right trigger then selecting the turn-based mode option this allows us to efficiently use a various buff spells or abilities with short durations such as bless before entering a com bat encounter for now all we really have is Shadow heart's bless which can Target up to three allies we can then use another character's action to activate the nearby alien device replenishing the level one spell slot that shadow heart used to cast bless A good rule to follow is to save the game before every combat encounter so we'll do that here next we'll exit turn-based mode so all characters stay grouped up then quickly enter the helm through the sphincter door before bless has a chance to wear off our main objective here is to reach the transponder and Escape but we can also defeat some if not all of the minor enemies along the way to get some bonus experience points I'll say here that there is an achievement for defeating Commander zeik the fiend fighting the Mind flare it's called devils in the details however on tactician difficulty that just isn't feasible not unless you want to save scum a whole lot to make sure the Mind flare always hits the commander on each of its turns and also so that the commander misses the Mind flare on each of its own turns realistically to get this achievement you are much better off starting a new character on the easiest difficulty which will make the task of defeating the commander substantially easier also as a warning if you turn the difficulty down to easy on this playthrough to defeat Commander zik then continue playing on the same save and turn the difficulty back to tactician you won't be able to get the critical hit achievement for beating the game on tactician ition so with that in mind just move all characters steadily towards the transponder while taking shots at the various minor enemies along the way using your bonus action to jump is a good way to increase the distance you are able to cover in a single turn especially for characters with high strength which allows them to jump further all it's going to take is one character interacting with the transponder to finally escape the nautiloid after the cut scene will awaken to a new adventuring day so put on any daily Buffs such as Mage Armor before continuing our first objective will be to recruit all companions in the beach area starting with shadowart right nearby we'll speak through her dialogue and agree to team up if you earned enough XP on the nautiloid you should also reach level two which will make the next encounter significantly easier Shadow heart doesn't get much at level two but if you are playing a sorcerer you will be be able to choose a new spell and I highly recommend Shield as it's a great defensive spell in addition you'll get to choose two meta magic options for this twin spell is a must and distant spell also comes in handy moving on feel free to loot the coastline up towards the Northeast you'll find camping supplies along with at least one set of thief's tools once ready we'll head West for the next combat encounter with some intellect devourers up to this point we haven't been able to initiate Combat on our own terms so let's quickly cover how to surprise our enemy which will give us a huge Advantage first get everyone into sneak mode by clicking shift plus C on keyboard mouse or by holding the down button on the d-pad if using a controller we'll save the game just in case then move closer to the enemies enter turn-based mode to have better control then move in for an attack on the enemy while staying out of sight ranged attacks often work best for this if you successfully hit the enemy while sneaking they and any nearby enemies will get the surprised condition surprise basically causes the affected creature to have their first turn in combat skipped giving the ambushers a huge Advantage also note that any allies that are also sneaking will probably not be automatically entered into the combat encounter in that case you'll have to switch over to them and either Exit hiding or launch an attack of their own at the enemy to get them in the turn order another tip for combat encounters is to end your turn while staying back and out of sight of enemies this will force them to waste their action on dashing in order to close the Distance by making use of surprise mechanics and playing tactically this otherwise difficult early en encounter is handled with relative ease if you need to heal after the encounter you can expend a short rest short rests heal half of each character's hit point maximum and restore certain resources depending on the class one example being the channel Divinity charges of a cleric you get two short rests per adventuring day and both are replenished when taking a long rest but more on that later before moving on make sure to Lo the surrounding bodies and containers as there should be some useful items such as a potion of [Music] speed next we'll head further west to recruit our second companion AAR on the [Music] Rogue after a small altercation aarion will apologize for the misunderstanding you can accept Aaron's apology or reject it accepting his apology will gain approval from shadowart and this is a good time to explain the approval system different companions will either approve or disapprove of specific actions you take most of which occur through dialogue choices each companion reacts differently and for shadowart she approves of discretion above all else on the other hand aarion mostly approves of Cruelty but regardless we should be able to get him to tog the line ultimately the approval system is a crucial mechanic in balers Gate 3 and raising approval with companions will cause them to open up and share personal information about their past motivations and willingness to engage in Romance if you ever worried about how a companion might react to a choice you're about to make just save the game beforehand so that you can go back if needed I'll do my best to point out key opportunities for raising companion approval when possible as well as how to avoid disapproval as a reminder here is where we are at on the map just to help everyone follow along before moving on we can interact with the frightened boar a successful animal handling check here will result in gaining more approval from Shadow heart whenever we do an ability check we'll want to take advantage of the guidance spell from shadowart it's a cantrip so it won't consume any spell slots and it adds an additional four-sided die or D4 to our skill checks increasing the likelihood of success next we can briefly move west jumping down to a secluded area near the [Music] coastline there a boulder can be shuffled out of the way by shadowart to reveal a chest inside we'll find two potions of speed valuables and a map and book from the Harper faction we'll be sure to read any books or notes that we come across as they will contribute to the Bookworm achievement and can provide important information for quests or add markers on the map for Supply caches next we'll move north into the crashed nautiloid where an encounter with a dying mind flare awaits you can try to learn more about the Mind flare at the risk of having your brains eaten or just finish it off instead and I recommend the latter we'll loot the Mind flare for another chance at a potion of speed then move East to find and loot a final mind flare at this point we should have a handful of potions of speed these are extremely strong and we can save them for any particularly difficult combat encounters moving on we'll head north to the ancient sigil Circle save your game before interacting with it as this is where a third companion gaale can either be saved or lost at the role of a die depending on your class you may get to choose a special ability check to save gaale such as Charisma with Sorcerers Gail is a kind-hearted if a bit overconfident wizard that approves of those who make peace avoid conflict and help the innocent in short he'll be very easy to get along with and gain the approval of after saving gaale will'll agree to team up and increase his level to two as a wizard subclass selection becomes available at level two and I've always liked the Divination subclass as it gives us access to the portent subclass feature portent gives Gail two pre-rolled d20s that can be used to replace any attack roll or saving throw made by a nearby creature during combat I also really like taking the long Strider spell on Gail as soon as possible this spell can be cast as a ritual what that means is that if you use it out of combat and while not in turn-based mode it does not consume a spell slot this means Gail can give all his companions and himself the long Strider buff which increases movement speed by 10 ft per turn and it lasts until taking a long rest Gail is also a spellcaster without any form of physical armor so make sure to use Mage Armor on him before moving on before finding the last Beach bound companion will head a short distance West to loot some goblins from there move north there's a small patch of burning ground which we can either jump over or neutralize with ice or water the only thing we want up here at this moment is a a shovel which can be found stuck in a dirt [Music] Mound shovels allow us to dig up chests from dirt Mounds which often contain useful loot from there we'll head back East to find lelle trapped by teelings and in need of rescue [Music] in order to get the leave no one behind achievement we cannot harm the teelings so instead use deception to trick the teelings into leaving peacefully some classes such as monks will have access to Alternative ability checks in order to resolve things peacefully in any case once we've peacefully gotten rid of the teelings we can Freel we can tell her that she needs to say please in order to score some easy approval points with both both aarion and Shadow heart afterwards we'll shoot out the bottom of the trap to Freel shadowart will disapprove of teaming up with LEL but there is a pretty simple trick to avoiding companion disapproval simply take control of the character that will disapprove ungroup them from the rest of the party this is done by clicking G on the keyboard or through the party interface when using a controller and then move them a fair distance from the interaction doing so will prevent that companion from registering your actions thereby avoiding the loss in approval just make sure that you remember to group everyone back up afterwards so as to keep the party moving as a single unit when you agree to join forces with lasel she'll tell you to make room in your party at this point you can either make room for her or have her go wait at Camp instead I'm going to make room by telling a story on to return to camp and although companions May pout or complain about it telling them to return to Camp will not have any impact on their approval or anything else for that matter I had LEL join the party increased her level to two and had Gail cast long Strider on her we'll make sure the party is all grouped up and move East towards the chapel runes upon arrival will be accosted by several leaders we can attack them or talk our way out of the situation now this is a good point to take a long rest for story and companion approval purposes if nothing else at the camp it's a good idea to speak with our companions if we speak with shadowart and agree that finding a Healer is the top priority we'll gain some approval with both Gail and shadowart we can also speak with shadowart and choose the we should get to know each other more option then choose if you're not comfortable I won't press you to gain additional approval points with a Starion he should offer to stay up and keep watch picking thank you I'll sleep better for that will get us some approval points with him with Lazelle we can ask her if she knows much about mind flares and following that about what happens if a cure isn't found finally we can say that's not going to happen we will find a cure to get some approval points from her for Gail he should start the conversation with go to hell responding with and a good evening to you will'll get us some approval now when taking a long rest you can either use camp supplies for a full long rest or save camp supplies and take a partial long rest instead for my situation a partial long rest will be just fine and we will be taking another long rest soon a quick bonus tip I have is to make a manual or permanent save at the start of each adventuring day they serve as excellent checkpoints to load back to we'll start the new adventuring Day by getting all of our Buffs in order once that's taken care of we'll leave camp and Venture into the chapel ruins we can shoot down the nearby Foundation block with a ranged attack don't enter just yet but this will open a hole down into the ruins there is a group of enemies that will need to be taken care of and we are going to get the jump on them group up around the entrance and have the group enter sneak mode then toggle turn-based mode and jump in we're going to strategically position our characters around the sides of the door so that they stay out of sight move the wooden chest in the way of the door so as to block anyone trying to walk in then save the game and end everyone's turn if all goes right no one will discover your party in the time that [Music] passes at this point we'll select one of our characters with arranged attack options and hit one of the enemies from hiding this should cause all the enemies to be surprised next have another character with the Firebolt spell hit the oil barrel just beyond the [Music] door this will cause an explosion that will decimate the enemy's numbers and lead to very easy [Music] cleanup there's one other enemy in the chamber to the north that we can also get the drop on in addition there are plenty of food or camp supplies on the nearby table we'll loot all of the Fallen enemies then move to the southernmost room in this area there are plenty of books to find and read here but what we are mainly looking for is the lever on the Southern Wall of the chamber pulling it will open a new passage leading to the West which is where we are heading next after looting everything in the immediate vicinity of this new area we'll want to split off from the group and go through the doors to the South it's also a good idea for us to save before doing this we don't want pollot the central sarcophagus as it is trapped instead we'll loot these smaller in tments near the room's periphery first one of these containers will have a shield which I'll be equipping to my sorcerer and Gil can also make use of it another of these containers will have a soul coin which a companion that we have yet to meet can make use of once we've looted all the surrounding containers we'll position oursel between the central sarcophagus and the room where the rest of our companions are are approach the sarcophagus then enter turn-based mode we'll loot the engraved key and Watchers guide magic spear from the sarcophagus then skirt around the grease that appears on the ground and return to our companions using Dash if necessary upon leaving turn-based mode the room will be inundated with fire and explosions at this point we'll group the party back up and go through the doors to the north which we now have the key [Music] for to the West is a small room with a sarcophagus where another Soul coin can be found there is also a book of the Dead Gods which if you manage to open and successfully read will gain some approval with Shadow heart and inspiration for both Gail and shadowart next up we'll have to face off with a group of skeletons and I'm going to position and hide my characters to prepare and get the jump on them once ready we'll enter turn-based mode and have a character interact with a button in the North West corner of the room this will open a door to a secret room nearby as well as unleash a handful of reanimated skeletons by carefully positioning our characters we should be able to get a surprise attack on them to initiate the combat [Music] encounter after the encounter head head into that newly opened room and open the sarcophagus we'll meet a new helpful NPC by the name of Withers answer withers's question sufficiently and he'll head off to our camp before going there ourselves let's loot wither sarcophagus for yet another Soul coin along with some valuables in the nearby heavy chest we'll also find The Amulet of lost voices which allows the wearer to cast speak with dead at will at this point we'll take our second long rest the first thing I recommend doing is to take control of Shadow heart and speak with Withers in the westmost room ask Withers what kind of services can a skeleton offer then speak through the rest of his dialogue you should be able to speak with Withers again and change Shadow heart's class for 100 gold and you can also do this with any other character I'm going to switch shadowart to a light domain cleric and optimize her ability score points like domain clerics are all around incredible the light domain spells warding flare subclass feature and Radiance of dawn Channel Divinity that they gain at level two all make for an extremely formidable combatant after handling that we can go ahead and speak with our companions it doesn't seem like there is any approval to be gained with shadowart Gail or lasel but all of them should have new things to say aarion on the other hand will ask how we would want to go out if we were to become a mind flayer if we say not sure how would you like to go then follow it up with decapitation sounds good actually we will get some approval points with him afterwards we can take our long rest and this time I'll be using camp supplies to gain all the benefits of a full long rest after performing our morning rituals we will fast travel back to the roadside Cliffs and head north past a broken [Music] Carriage there is a battle up ahead so I'm going to have shadowart bless everyone but herself then have the party climb the nearby Hill to the north for a good vantage point there are quite a few enemies in this encounter but fortunately we will also have plenty of allies to back us up so we can lean on them in order to conserve re resources we'll just need to do enough to keep any of them from dying to that end the bug bear is capable of dealing a lot of damage so I always prioritize defeating him first once the raiding party has been dealt with we'll visit the nearby ancient sigil Circle to activate a new fast travel point then we'll loot all the bodies for sellable Loot and a shield which we can equip Gail with Zug the goblin boss should also have the gloves of power on him which are good when equipped by Lael or any other Marshall class there are a good deal of important tasks to take care of in the Druid Grove saving several teelings among them all of which and more will be covered in the next part of this series if you have any questions you can reach out to me in the comments where I'll do my best to help if you want to see more great guides you can head over to my channel and if you're new consider subscribing you're helping me feed my cat her name's marshmallow have a great day if you're here today have a great Friday and a great weekend and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Its Shatter
Views: 7,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3, bg3, rare, magic, legendary, items, item, npcs, choices, weapon, weapons, armor, amulet, ring, hidden, secret, its, where, find, get, how, do, unlock, open, class, cleric, dead, of, lost, level, spells, npc, NPC, options, build, sub, ability, proficiency, character, romance, quest, side, companion, miss, balders, balder's, epic, legendaries, all, gold, the, barrier, approve, disapprove, approval, system, explained, combat, tips, tricks, complete, full, walkthrough, entire, quests, in, order, 100%, trophies, achievements, BG3
Id: pRPWBx747BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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