Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide - All Quests & Achievements - Part 3 (Blighted Village and Beyond)

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this balers Gate 3 Series covers how to do all major quests and missable content in order so that all achievements or trophies choices and major rewards will be available we'll be striving to get the most optimal or good outcome for all companions recruit the most allies obtain all legendary weapons and armor and have an overall satisfying playthrough for best results follow this series from the start of Part One spoilers will be limited to important information and as usual useful timestamps can be found in the video description one last thing before starting if you've been following this series and find it helpful you'd be doing me a huge favor by clicking the like button so if you can thank you I sincerely appreciate it when last we left off we had just arrived at the blighted Village we'll start off by grabbing the haste Helm from the nearby chest we may need to speak with Gail and give him a magical artifact we should give him one that we don't use such as dragon's grasp or the Watcher's guide as it will be destroyed and lost forever on the upside we will get 10 points of approval with Gail out of the deal next we'll go to the southwestern house there we'll meet a group of ogres led by lump the enlightened lump the enlightened has the Warped headband of intellect which is a useful magic item that being said we can save ourselves from a tough fight right now and make the ogres our formidable allies instead not to mention we can always get the crown from lump later on to do this we'll start with a deception check after that we can say I notice you don't bear a brand of your own and then forget goblins you should be fighting for me at this point we can pay lump 500 gold or entice him with large battles through a difficult persuasion check the deception path for gaining their Alliance is best to be avoided persuading the ogre to form an alliance will gain approval with both shadowart and carlac we can then loot the barrels in the southwest corner of the room for some camp supplies and the bookshelf for a diary that will trigger a cut scene with Shadow heart one [Music] red next we'll go into the dilapidated potion shop that is right next to the Fast Travel point there are several useful potions sitting out including two antidotes which we will want to grab and Save for later use afterwards we can go to the basement through a wooden hatch behind the counter there are lots of useful potions and Alchemy reagents to be looted down here after stocking up we'll pull the lever along the north wall hidden behind a stack of wooden crates this will open up a secret path nearby heading down that way we'll enter a cave with multiple caskets all but one of them is trapped and will trigger a very pesky encounter if opened because of that we will only be opening the one casket along the southern rock wall inside is the scroll of summon quasit amongst other items this scroll summons a unique familiar or companion and so we don't want to just use it instead we can give it to Gail to permanently learn and if your main character is a wizard they can learn it instead all we need to do then is cast it doing so will earn us the rude crude and full of attitude achieve mement as well as summon shovel aite companion following along the southern wall we'll reach an ornate mirror which we can interact with to successfully pass the mirror we can start by telling it our name next we'll say yes an ally I'm an ally of your Masters the first answer is szam is a foul wretched creature the answer to the second question is to clean a wound and the answer for the fin final question is I'd look for whatever spell will rid me of this worm in my head passing through the mirror will enter a secret lab there are several items we'll want to make sure we grab and keep on hand for future use the first two are the scroll of featherfall and basilisk oil next we'll grab the Rusted key from the chamber to the West in the chest near the stuffed bear are several more useful spell squirrels towards the east we'll find the bracers of def fence in a gilded chest and these are great for carlac there are also plenty of unique books that can be read for progress towards the Bookworm achievement finally we'll ungroup from the party and open the iron gate to the east enter turn-based mode and grab the necromancy of thebook then use jump and Sprint to escape the trapped room before exiting turn-based mode we can't do anything with this book right now but we will definitely want to hang on to it for later use at this point we can return to the surface level of the blighted village we'll find and interact with the water well to the northwest of the Fast Travel Point either a successful investigation check or tossing a coin into the well will allow us to enter the cave system beneath it the first thing we'll want to do is travel Southwest along the bottom path to a work area we're mainly after the spider step boots here and will want to equip these to a character with the ability to push enemies such as carlac or anyone with the Thunder Wave spell we can then head Northwest deeper into the cave system while staying off of the spiderwebs having everyone hide is also recommended and the quasit can turn invisible there are three phase spiders and two Eder caps that will need to be eliminated and we can get surprise on the first group from this vantage point we'll want to hit the Eder caps with Firebolt or some other fire damage to remove the infested condition which can spread to our melee combatants this is also the first unavoidable combat encounter since we recruited carlac and turned her into a monk and as can be seen the amount of damage she can deal in a turn when powered by a soul coin and using Flurry of Blows is staggering after the encounter we can loot the surrounding area before heading further west into the cave and once again we will want to make sure everyone is sneaking we're going to get the pest control achievement here by punting the face spider matriarch into the green Chasm below and it's a good idea for for us to save here I'm going to be using carlac for this as she has Flurry of Blows push what we'll need to do is first make sure that she has the spider step boots equipped next we'll ungroup carlac from the party make sure she is hiding and then wait at the edge of the spiderweb Bridge until the matriarch walks towards the south end of her patrol path at that point we can move across the spiderweb bridge and use the rock formation as cover as soon as the matriarch turns around we'll have carlac jump to the next spider web Bridge just behind the matriarch and then enter turn-based mode as soon as possible we should be able to sneak and position ourselves so that our push attack will push the matriarch into the chasm saving once more before attacking is a good idea just in case of a catastrophic failure where we aren't able to get the matriarch to fall into the chasm before its first turn all that's left is to go for the push attack in this case a pushing Flurry of Blows once the matriarch has been dealt with we can have the rest of the party move in to sneak attack the remaining Two phas fighters helping to clean up the encounter with relative ease after the encounter we can take a short rest if needed and otherwise heal up I don't think I've mentioned it before but healing potions can actually be thrown on the ground between two or more characters to heal them all with that single potion maximizing healing efficiency once ready we'll head down near the chasm and pick up the dark amethyst we can then go to read the necromancy of thebook and we may want to put some distance between ourselves and the rest of the party as both Gail and carlac will disapprove of us reading it we should keep shadowart with us though as she won't disapprove and she can help us with either the guidance or resistance can trips we'll need to insert the dark amethyst into the book's mouth and we'll want to save before proceeding through the following skill checks as succeeding in them will provide several major benefits after inserting the amethyst we open the book following this we'll need to complete a series of checks if we're a spellcaster the example here being a sorcerer we can perform a series of easier skill checks to read the book If our chosen class has no Arcane aptitude however we will instead need to perform a series of more difficult wisdom saving throws if you need to do the saving throws Shadow heart can help with the resistance cantrip which functions similarly to guidance but for saving throws instead of skill checks successfully completing all three skill checks or saving throws will accomplish multiple things first off it will allow our character to cast speak with dead at will without consuming any spell slots and also give us a permanent plus one bonus to wisdom checks secondly gaale should gain a point of inspiration and last but not least this sets us up to complete multiple related objectives in act three of the game all of which will have major benefits next up we're going to make a small detour to get a very strong pair of magic boots along with several other great magic items we'll make sure the party is all grouped up then cast featherfall on everyone using the scroll we found earlier before featherfall wears off we'll jump headlong into the green Chasm which will trigger a cutscene we'll want to have everyone hide as soon as the cuts scene ends to avoid detection by the nearby minotaurs which are very strong and should be avoided next we can loot the poisoner's robes off the face spider matriarch and then start moving south it's a good idea for us to save here as there is a weakened Minotaur that we can get the drop on in turn-based mode and defeating it will get us a nice 75 experience [Music] points around this time we will also receive some incoming telepathic messages but it's nothing to get con concerned over if we try to approach the gate to the South we're going to get zapped and die so instead we'll sneak around the gates with one character preferably one with ranged attacks before stepping on the bridge ungroup the selected character from the party hide and enter turn-based mode next we'll approach the blood stain on the ground and jump Southwest to the rocky [Music] ledge from here we can e easily Infiltrate The selenite Outpost eliminating any torch stocks in our path from a distance once inside we can destroy the Moonstone and open the gate there are multiple useful items in this Outpost including a basic Greatsword that we will want to pick up and save for later use along Ong with several oil barrels these will be critical for our success in an upcoming encounter so we will want to distribute as many as we can across the party without getting anyone encumbered ideally we will have at least nine oil barrels to that end an easy way to reduce the amount of weight on a character is by sending all of their camping supplies back to [Music] Camp next up we'll move into the East room to activate the Fast Travel point then use a high strength character like carlac to jump up into a hidden area we'll want to clear this room of explosive barrels as the opulent chest is trapped inside the opulent chest is the Luminous armor which I don't exaggerate in saying is extremely overpowered and borderline broken on a light domain cleric such as Shadow heart behind the dc20 locked gate nearby there is another chest with a dc15 lock on it inside the chest is the helmet of smiting which is specific to paladins and honestly not that great moving on we'll head north back out of the Outpost towards the West we'll find a magic sword planted in stone either religion or strength can be used to try and pull the sword free and everyone in the party can take a crack at it because of that it is unlikely that inspiration or safe scumming will be necessary it's called faar Alo and it's a neat magic sword but not really one that we can make use of next up we'll save the game then head north down the inclined path we should clear the timas spores with ranged attacks to prevent confusion then send one character out ahead of the pack carlac is a good choice since monks have great Mobility be ready to steer clear of a monster burrowing underground getting to the side of the [Music] ramp the game should automatically switch to turn-based mode and will end everyone's turn once we're positioned and ready once the bullet is on the field we can use carlac to stack all the oil barrels that we have around it in a [Music] [Music] circle after that we will disengage and Retreat using step of the wind Dash if necessary we will then use a character with Firebolt to set off the oil barrels nine oil barrels appears to be just enough to defeat the bullet in a single strike or make it so weak that one or two casts of magic Missile will finish the job if needed we can use a potion of speed on one or more characters to ensure the bullet is defeated before it takes its turn we really want to take out the bullet as quickly as possible because it's a tank that can deal extreme amounts of damage in addition it will Retreat and burrow back under the ground within two or three rounds of combat only to heal and later reemerge at other locations defeating the bullet will give us a nice 150 XP and it will also drop the blood guzzler GARP which we can put on carlac afterwards we'll continue North clearing out the field of fir stocks and timas spores in our [Music] way across the field to the Northwest will arrive at the mikid colony although uncanny these humanoid fungi are easy enough to make peace with through various skill checks peacefully resolving the encounter will gain us approval with Gail shadowart and carlac moving into the colony we will activate the Fast Travel point then move up towards the Sovereign along the way we can speak with Thula a deep gnome that has been poisoned thanks to the antidotes we picked up earlier we should be able to cure her gaining more approval from Gail and carlac in addition if we agree to help rescue thul's fellow gnomes she will give us the boots of speed which are great on just about any character they essentially allow the wearer to do an enhanced dash for a bonus action rather than an action just ahead we can talk with the Sovereign spa and agree to help defeat the durgar we won't actually be doing this until a bit later but we can accept the quest now without issue before leaving here we can grab one last useful magic item from blur to the East and it's best if we limit our interactions to trading for now specifically we'll want the sidekick SP AR necklace which will boost the magic Missile spell for the [Music] wearer we will resume our Journeys in the underd dark later on but for now let's fast travel back to the blighted Village if you need to take a long rest you can but personally I still have enough resources to keep going and I like to make the soul coins last as long as possible given that they are very limited and if you are taking a long rest now you can just skip ahead in the time stamps to the the next long rest and come back to this point in the video after in any case we will next head into the Northeast building after picking the locked door many of the containers in this Workshop contain theves tools and trap disarm toolkits just be wary of the wooden chest on the ground level as it is trapped if the Trap is set off it will destroy the ladder nearby so it's wise for us to climb the ladder and elute the top area first there is a smoke powder Barrel up here that we will definitely want to grab and save for later in addition within the locked wooden chest there is a piece of infernal iron which we will need for carlac personal Quest within the trapped chest is the high Cliffs Blueprints and we can read it to start the finish the Masterwork weapon Quest once we get the required suser bark we can return to the forge here to make the weapon moving on we'll save the game then head back outside and move west to the windmill for the purpose of gaining more allies we need to rescue The Gnome in distress and diplomacy is our best option here to that end we can say release the gnome at once and afterwards we will have the option to use our ilod power for an easy skill check but we're better off saving it for an encounter that is coming up any of the other skill checks can also work and if we have a potion of mind reading we can perform a relatively easy detect thought skill check succeeding in it will open up a new dialogue option to peacefully resolve the encounter and unlock the no Penny required achievement if we haven't gotten it already afterwards we can head around to the back of the windmill and go down the wooden hatch we can grab the Speedy light feet boots from the chest and this is medium armor so shadowart is the only character currently in our group that can use it we can also grab a smoke powder Satchel from the heavy backpack we'll want to be very careful at this next step returning to the surface we'll need to pull the brake lever to stop the windmill from spinning pulling the release lever will result in a funny cut scene but will also kill our gnome friend after stopping the windmill we can go speak with the gnome Barkus root and free him he will be a little cranky and frustrated but showing kindness is the way to go barcus will offer up his heavy backpack which we already found and explain his current situation before leaving we'll catch up with him later but for now we should have gotten enough experience to reach level four level four is a big milestone as each character will get to choose a feat along with other upgrades as a sorcerer we get to learn a new cantrip and unless you don't already have light there aren't any that that we absolutely need so I'll just be taking minor illusion spells are a different story and I'll be taking Misty step which is very useful moving on to Feats you might feel overwhelmed by the many options out of them all alert is one of the most immediately useful as it will prevent us from ever being surprised and almost always allow us to go first in combat which is a huge Advantage there are a few exceptions to this but for sorcerer alert is definitely the way to go moving on to Gale we can learn the light cantrip for spells enhanced leap is another very useful spell that can be cast as a ritual where it does not take a spell slot when cast outside of combat The Shield spell is also very nice to have and will'll want to have it prepared once again alert is probably the best option for our feet in fact multiple characters having alert compounds the benefit as it will put them next to each other in the a turn order allowing for coordinated tactics for shadow heart we can learn the thury cantrip which comes in handy if we ever need to pass an intimidation check with her we will also be taking alert for her feet finally we have carlac and we will not be taking the alert feet on her instead we want the tavern brawler feet this essentially doubles the effect of our strength modifier for all attack and damage rolles with unarmed strikes we can also add a point to Constitution rounding it up from 15 to an even 16 which will raise our modifier for that stat from plus2 to + three before moving on we'll make a quick stop at the emerald Grove when speaking with Damon he'll recognize the infernal engine in carlac chest given the piece of infernal iron we found earlier damage can improve the infernal engine this will give carlac the heart of iron feature granting her advantage on saving throws against being Charmed we'll also gain 10 points of approval with her and can get another 10 points by speaking with her and saying I still can't touch you though followed by of course I do doing this may limit our romance options with some other characters however so keep that in mind around this time Gil will also need to consume another magic artifact once again again we'll need to give him a magic item to be destroyed such as the Watchers guide and once again we will get 10 points of approval with gaale for doing it as well as progress his quest we can return to the bladed Village and exit to the north there is some noise coming from the building to the East and will want to save before investigating and you should know that this en counter is entirely optional with the reward being limited to around 100 XP and a couple hundred gold we can choose to enter the Hut but doing so will get us disapproval from both carlac and shadowart so we might want to move them back a good distance before doing that then bring them back mid dialogue this combat encounter can be handled with mostly can trips and a couple Flurry of Blows from carlac followed by a round of healing potions for anyone that was damaged [Music] we can get a plus one dagger to the north by passing one of three skill checks then continue moving Northwest if we succeed in a survival check near the bridge a diggable mount of dirt will appear even if we fail the check we can manually dig in that area with a shovel to get the chest anyways moving further north we'll jump across the broken bridge around this point Gail may need a third magic item to consume fortunately this is the last one we'll need to give him and I'm going to be giving up the Helm of smiting afterward Gail will have more to say we can say go on you're among friends to gain some approval following this we will eventually need to say we've come this far together and we'll continue together that is how it will be in order to keep Gail from leading the party permanently now there's also a chance that Gail does not ask for a magical artifact at this time and if that happens don't worry it just means he will ask later on once that is resolved we can head along the Eastern Road stumbling upon a gruesome scene we'll want to strike the initial hyena to stop it from turning into a null we will also want to Target and kill the one standing hyena before it runs to grab reinforcements which would make this encounter significantly more difficult and this must be done on the first turn of combat the remaining hyenas are fairly easy to deal with as long as it's done before they can transform into nles hyenas and NES drop hyena ears which can be turned into additional potions of speed to do this pick up all the ears then pull up the inventory screen and navigate to the Alchemy tab we can click extract all ingredients then open the potions drop down and find the potion of speed it requires the ashes of hyena ear and any salt at this point we should be able to craft one or two but we will be getting more hyena ears as we continue adventuring we'll make sure to loot and read the shipment orders which are found on the dead Caravan agent starting the find the missing shipment Quest next will hide and sneak our way up North to get the drop on several nles once again we'll want to pick up all of those valuable hyena ears then continue Northeast there is another much larger pack of NS to the north attacking a pair of humans this encounter can be fairly difficult however we can make it much easier first we should have the entire party enter hiding we can then move all of our ranged attackers to the elevated position towards the Northeast and attack the NES from hiding to gain surprise we just want to make sure we don't attack the null named FN this is because we can gain FN the N warlord as a temporary Ally if we avoid attacking her and also stand near her and we'll do this with carlac on her first turn that FN is not surprised she will engage in a conversation of sorts with whoever is nearest to her what we want to do is search her mind for the source of The Voice next we will Explore her memories seeking a nearby Target for the Hunger if that's an option and then finally we can do an elith wisdom check you are of the same pack command her to Devour the other NES getting FN as an ally will make the fight far easier allowing us to conserve resources once we are down to the last one or two enemies we can start chipping away at FN while she is distracted by those remaining enemies after the fight we'll be approached by rugan one of the few survivors from the Caravan we should stay on good terms with him for now and he will tell us how to actess access a hidden underground Hub nearby at that point if we succeed on an intimidation check we can also get some extra gold from rugan with no negative consequences there are many null ears to be looted off these surrounding bodies there are also two magic items to be had those being the Speedy reply and shattered flail next we'll want to save the game then distract rugan and OE by playing our instrument while standing a fair distance away from the Caravan strong box we should be able to hide with carlac steal the lock box then quickly return to Camp to avoid turning rugan hostile for now we absolutely do not want to open the lock box at this point we can move west towards wen's rest activating the nearby fast travel point it's not necessary but the non-combat en en counter at Walken's rest is relevant to Will's story so we can trade him out for shadowart before continuing after testing it out I opted not to do this as it seemed to complicate the sequence of events and caused me to miss out on additional approval with carlac and Gale moving into wen's rest we'll find that the entire complex has been set Ablaze it is best if we get a strength-based character such as carlac to help break down the main entrance if Will is in the party he can also open the door on his own without the need of a skill check we'll need to rush up to the top floor and break down the broken door to the east this will free counselor Floric an essential character we will then want to wait for everyone to clear the area before blasting away the broken door to the West with arranged attacks this will cause the building to start burning in Earnest and so we will want to complete these next steps in turn-based mode first we can use step of the wind Dash on carlac Hop towards Benin and free him from the wreckage we can then say come on follow [Music] me next we'll bust down the broken door directly to the South to open an escape path for Benin there is also a magic item in the room to the north which is engulfed in flames we can use Ray of frost on gaale and any other spellcaster with the attack to temporarily douse the Flames allowing carlac to jump in and pick up the locked chest containing the magic item it's in the northwest corner of the [Music] room once everyone is grouped back up we can escape with Benin out the South door to safety [Music] we can ask benan about a dowry to start a very small side quest related to it heading downstairs we can talk to counselor Floric and agree to rescue the kidnapped Duke ravengard this will gain us approval with Gail and carlac along with our choice of rare Magic Weapon personally I think the spell sparkler is the best choice as it synergizes with magic Missile to deal a lot of additional damage we can also lock pick or punch open the chest that we pulled from the fire earlier inside we'll find the hammer raft magic mall next we can go grab the dowy from the small building to the Northwest we'll need to interact with the stack of hay and succeed on a perception check to get it once we have the Dowry we can return it to Benin to complete his quest now we'll head into the building further to the Northwest upon entering we'll need to say the pass phrase that rugan gave us to a Sentry standing guard we can then enter the basement through the nearby hatch there are plenty of camp supplies scattered throughout this room once ready we'll head through the locked wardrobe into a hideout the first first thing we will want to do here is speak with zaras we can go ahead and give her the Caravan lock box for now as we'll be getting it back in a moment next we'll need to go speak with Oscar fos and agree to buying his freedom we'll then speak with brm and ask him about buying FAS we can talk in down from his starting 1,000 gold price point to a more acceptable 600 gold this will get us some approval with Gail and carlac we can get a bit more but we may want to send shadowart to stand a fair distance away to avoid disapproval from her speaking with Oscar we can then spare him another 200 gold to gain more approval with our kind-hearted companions now that Oscar is free we can set about getting our money back and a lot of useful smoke powder barrels first we can sell whatever items we want to brem in order to recoup our gold and we will also want to grab a potion of invisibility off of him if we don't already have one we can then turn on non-lethal damage and save the game then position Gail up behind zaras finally we will have Gail enter hiding and then go to turn-based mode we will also want to have everyone else hiding so that we can get surprise although for some reason this doesn't always work consistently carlac can start things off by knocking out [Music] brm Gail can follow by launching zaras off the high point with thunderwave this should put her within a few HP of being knocked out from here we will just start knocking everyone unconscious with carlax [Music] punches once that's done we can reclaim all the stuff we sold to brem as well as some new and useful magic items especially those gloves of thievery we can also get the strong box back from Zara's and loot everything that isn't nailed down including the 10 or 11 smoke powder barrels afterwards we can speak with rugan and set him free next we are going to head north deeper into The zenim Hideout to get some Choice items before entering hostile territory we will have carlac hide have Gail cast enhanced leap on carlac and we will also have carlac take the potion of invisibility we should enter turn-based mode right after doing this then have Shadow heart cast guidance on carlac and use step of the wind Dash on carlac this will allow us to jump very far up to 10 times in a single turn saving frequently is a good idea here in case things go side [Music] ways we will need to lockpick a 20 DC lock to access the room to the Northeast inside we'll find our first very rare item the abyss beckoners which are unfortunately not that good for anyone in our group there is a second room to the West with a dc15 lock in the [Music] way there are two chests here and both are trapped rather than stick around trying to safely open them we can just pick both of them up then exit turn based mode and quickly return to [Music] camp after regrouping with the rest of the party we can disarm and unlock the chests one of the chests will contain some valuables whereas the other will contain a piece of infernal iron and more gold Damon won't be able to use the infernal iron until we get to act two so we'll just hold on to it for now the last thing we are going to do before a long rest is take down those pesky false paladins of tear we'll move East from wen's rest crossing over a battle scarred [Music] Bridge we can then sneak onto the roof of the Paladin space of operations to get the drop on them there is also a soul coin on the ground up here and if we pick it up we will get some new dialogue with carlac to get some approval with carlac we can say intriguing next time we're in battle we'll make sure you get one Anders is the biggest threat in this combat encounter and while we can talk with him to initiate the fight we are much better off getting surprise instead while normally fairly difficult we should be strong enough to handle this fight with relative ease even if the game bugs out a little and doesn't give us surprise afterwards carlac will come speak with us then proceed to tear the place apart while leaving behind a trail of fire this is a good time for us to get everyone else out so as to avoid collateral damage we can loot the nearby null bodies for hyena ears and activate the Fast Travel point to the Northwest while carlac wears herself out once carlac calms down a little we can speak with her and say hot to get more approval after the fires are all out we can go loot all the bodies getting the Sword of Justice magic great sword from ERS we can also loot a good amount of camp supplies from the surrounding boxes and containers we can then go into the basement through the wooden hatch the key we got quite a bit earlier before recruiting carlac should be able to open up the pair of Doors Down Here There is a lot to loot in this area but most of the good stuff is behind a secret door to open it we will have to have a character sit in each of the stone chairs a third companion can jump into the newly accessible room avoiding the pressure plate trap that would otherwise fill this area with poison the one magic item we can get here are the gloves of heroism stashed within a wooden chest these are meant to be worn by a paladin and are actually really good on an oath of Vengeance Paladin after sufficiently looting this area we can return to camp for a well-deserved long rest will is going to confront carlac to resolve things while want to say you got it all wrong followed by Stand Down you saw what I saw and finally Gods your stubborn carlac not a devil and you know it everyone nearby will approve of this once everyone is settled down we can speak with carlac about Will and with Will about Duke Raven guard's abduction saying then the choice is clear we should rescue Duke ravenguard will earn us some approval to earn more approval we can ask Will what it was like being being the son of a Duke and follow it up with good wine I'll toast to that we can also ask Will how he became the blade of the Frontiers and follow it with what act could be finer than saving a life you must have felt proud at this point if we speak with a Starion he will inform us of his condition which we will let slide for now after taking a full long rest we can speak with Will to get some ominous foreshadowing of things to come scratch the the dog should also have shown up at our camp and we can pet him to earn some approval with any nearby companions besides aarion at this point I'm going to give everyone long Strider with Gail and save a spell slot by having Gail cast Mage Armor on my sorcerer then switch him out for lazel our relationship with Gail should be exceptional at this point which is more than enough we can level up lelle and either give her the alert or great weapon Master feed I will be giving her the alert feat first and get great weapon Master later upon reaching level six we can also go ahead and equip her with the Sword of Justice there is a lot to do this adventuring day and that includes dealing with the goblin Threat all of that and more will be covered in part four of this series if you have any questions you can reach out to me in the comments where I will do my best to help if you want to watch part 4 you can find it over at my channel and if you're new consider subscribing you're helping me feed my cat her name is marshmallow have a great day if you're here today have a great Friday and a great weekend and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Its Shatter
Views: 3,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3, bg3, rare, magic, legendary, choices, weapon, weapons, armor, hidden, secret, its, where, find, get, how, do, unlock, open, class, of, level, spells, npc, build, ability, character, romance, quest, side, companion, miss, balders, balder's, epic, legendaries, all, gold, the, approve, disapprove, approval, system, explained, combat, tips, complete, full, walkthrough, entire, quests, 100%, trophies, achievements, BG3, karlach, laezel, SH, tricks, shovel, rude, quasit, matriarch, pest, control, waukeen, boots, speed, items, in
Id: TGvJx8Zumo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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