Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide - All Quests & Achievements - Part 5 (The Underdark & Grymforge)

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this balers Gate 3 Series covers how to do all major quests and missable content in order so that all achievements or trophies choices and major rewards will be available we'll be striving to get the most optimal or good outcome for all companions recruit the most allies obtain all legendary weapons and armor and have an overall satisfying playthrough for best results follow this series from the start of Part One spoilers will be limited to important information and as usual useful timestamps can be found in the video description when last we left off we had just defended the Druid Grove from the goblin threat and spend some quality time with our companions at the tlink camp party a warning here besides will if we want to try and maintain a romance between two characters going into act two such as carlac and shadowart it would be necessary to romance both before defending the Druid Grove from the Goblin Raid at which point there will not be an option to romance anyone else during the teeling party we will still need to choose one romance near the end of act two and as long as we spent the night of the teing party with carlac we will be able to get all achievements relating to Companions so you don't have to go back and redo anything if you are fine with that but I wanted to put this option out there for anyone that really wants an additional romance option carried later into the game to go along with that information we will be covering the remaining unique act on one long rests as far as story companion approval and achievements are concerned we will also want the silver pendant equipped for these long rests for the first of them which should center around will and carlac will want to say just who in the nine Hells are you and then we can say you better not lay a damned finger on carlac to get approval from any nearby companions after maora leaves we can speak to carlac and say he's a good man maybe the best of us to get more approval if it isn't already maxed we can also speak to will eventually telling him you should get out of this pact and we can beat her if we put our worms together to gain a good amount of approval finally we can explore any remaining dialogue options with Will being either neutral or flattering to get even more approval if you've been following this walkth through closely approval with Will should be nearly maxed out despite being stuck at Camp the entire time when we go to bed there will be another encounter with the dream visitor this encounter may play out slightly differently depending on if we've opened ourselves up to any mind flare parasites the next morning we can speak with our companions about the dream visitor with laelle we can say I distrust the visitor too for more approval from her long rest 8 will start uneventfully but there will be an encounter with a Starion once we go to bed to get the just a nibble achievement here we'll will need to start by saying why didn't you tell me followed by I do I believe you and then fine but not a drop more than you need all of this will get us approval and in order to avoid dying here we will need to pass an easy persuasion check or a less easy strength check we can speak with a story on the next morning and learn more about his condition also around this time scratch will bring us a ball passing one of the skill checks will get us the ball and then we can throw it for Scratch to earn the the fetch Quest achievement this will be delayed until the next long rest if we are doing these long rests before the Goblin Raid speaking of which if you are doing that make sure to initiate a romance with whoever your second romance choice is through dialogue before the next long rest with shadowart that dialogue option is I can't help but feel you and I might have missed a chance to connect followed by I'd like that just lead the way if you have any questions on how to romance another companion Canon feel free to ask in the comments and I'll do my best to help after doing that the next one or two long rests should be when the Act One romance scenes with carlac and shadowart or another compatible companion occur around this time if we're Romancing carlac we can say I'd like to try cooling you down somehow then hit her with a ray of frost to get a small additional romance scene we can also speak with any other companion we romanced about the time spent together after that we can go defend the Grove from the Goblin Raid and will be unable to romance anyone else at the tling party that follows besides maybe aarion going to bed that night will be given the option to think about any of the characters we are successfully maintaining a romantic relationship with whether you stayed the course with just one romance option or went back for another we should all be on the same page at this point as far as story progression goes goes the next long rest will feature an altercation between shadowart and Lazelle we will need to succeed on a persuasion check with shadowart or else lazel will be permanently lost as a companion the morning after we can speak with both shadowart and lazel about the commotion but they should start getting along better at this point at the next long rest we'll be approached by the owl bear cub when we go to bed we will first need to succeed on an animal hand in check and saving is recommended then we can fetch a piece of food and toss it to the owl bear this will get us approval with our nearby companions the Cub will run away but don't worry that is normal moving on to the penultimate long rest the albear Cub will return once more this time we can perform either a survival or medicine check to heal it and success here will guarantee that the AL bear cub joins the camp there's just one more left after after going to bed for this Final Long rest we'll be awakened by a sound which we will need to hurry towards after calling out to the two pets we can perform an animal handling check to learn about their budding friendship and we can then pet scratch and following this pet the ow bear cuup doing so will unlock the you have two hands for a reason achievement the next morning scratch will bring us a bone if he hasn't already and he will start bringing us more things every so often at this point we should also have the find familiar scratch spell which can summon scratch once per short rest as a companion with a talent for finding secrets and don't worry if scratch is defeated in combat he won't actually die and can be resummoned after a short rest with that all taken care of we can go ahead and prepare for the day then fast travel to the miket colony in the underdark we will pick up from where we left off back in part three of this series series the first thing we'll do is speak with blur we can start with I've never heard of the Society of Brilliance and follow it with a mind flare infected me with a tadpole then explain the whole story at this point we'll be introduced to a new NPC by the name of omam if we speak peacefully with omam they will eventually give us a quest while here we can also check if blur has any Hill giant fingers which can be used to make more elixir of Hill giant strength moving Southwest Sovereign glut will ask if they can join us in our quest to defeat the durar Invaders after that we can speak with Darth Bon cloak and agree to help her find her husband Balin Darth also sells some useful items that we will want such as the costic band ring of jumping and any elixir of giant strength moving on we can find Balin to the West there will be some Biber bangs along the way and a combination of Firebolt and Ray of frost can deal with the obstacles quickly we will want to avoid destroying any of the Biber bangs down the vines and to the north however as Balin is stuck right in the middle of them he will warn us as we approach and we can send carlac to get his pack we can jump up on the rocks jutting out from the Western Wall to avoid the Biber bangs then jump directly where balon's pack is all that's left to do is to throw it near him then retrace our steps back back to safety afterwards we can speak with Balin for a small reward then group back up and return South moving Southwest will need to defeat several hook horvers and getting the jump on them is definitely recommended and I cannot emphasize enough how powerful Carlock is with the returning Pike here [Music] there is also a mad Dr here by the name of filo and we will need to defeat him he will drop a scribbled note referring to the adamantine Forge as well as an i crystal which is a crafting component for a very rare Magic staff running along the bark to the Northeast we can take a piece of CER tree bark a tombstone can be found to the South but we should leave it alone for the time being at least if we want to get a unique and hidden interaction later on moving Northeast we can look over the beach where the dugar attacked we'll leave carlac up here to provide cover with her returning Pike while we move the rest of the party towards the beach upon our arrival we'll be confronted by get Cole we can convince him that we are an ally and even show him that we have the boots he is looking for we can then clear the area and have carlac dispatch geek from a safe distance distance with the returning Pike using a potion of speed if [Music] necessary at that point we can have the rest of the party move in to help damage reveal and push the remaining dagar into the open where Carla can hit them and gek drops the Exterminator axe when defeated after Sovereign glut sees that the dugar are all gone they will ask us to help defeat the curent ruling Sovereign back at the miket colony instead of that I put an end to Sovereign [Music] glut after grouping back up we'll head down to the beach activate the Fast Travel point then continue moving Southeast jumping a small Gap will go up the staircase to the Southwest this area is is under protection by Arcane turrets but we can lower these defenses by activating the power generator on the bottom floor as a monk carlac is the best choice for this task we can separate her from the group and hide entering turn-based mode will Dash and use step of the wind Dash this will allow us to jump a total of 15 times in a single turn which we can use to move South past all of the Arcane turrets we can then hop along the giant mushrooms to the West eventually reaching the Lower Garden area of the Arcane Tower we'll want to grab a suser Blossom from under the nearby tree then enter the Arcane Tower we can insert the blossom into the power generator to activate the Arcane elevator and lower the tower's defenses at this point we can bring the rest of the party into the tower through an open window near the main [Music] entrance we will descend two floors on the elevator to meet back up with carlac on this bottom level there is a chest containing the uncovered Mysteries rare Magic Necklace also be sure to check the barrels and crates in this Tower as they can contain useful potions the rows of books on bookshelves can also contain spell Scrolls ascending one floor we'll find the mushrooms we need for ellum's Quest the timas spores are in the northwest corner of the room and the tongues of Madness are in the Southeast there is also a threadbear book on a shelf along the west wall that we must read it should say how can I trust how will I ever know and this is the first of several command phrases that we will want our character to read before going to the top floor ascending another floor we will be back on the entrance level where we can loot the crates for potions or ingredients there is the Evil's Ascent book sitting on a stand in the northeast corner and it will give us another command phrase when we read it in addition there is the chest of the mundane sitting on the Northern balcony the contents appear to be mundane things but are actually revealed to be magical when looted this includes the mistress Grace boots which will allow us to cast featherfall at will I would also say that the chest of the mundane is certainly an interesting enough item to be sent back to Camp going to the next floor up we'll find the mage's friend in a bedside chest a a useful magic ring for certain skill checks this Tower also contains many unique books all of which will contribute to the Bookworm achievement there are several other tasks for us on this floor on a table near the elevator is a torn out paper containing another command phrase right next to it is a GI Yankee text Cipher which we will want to both read and pick up in the Southeast Corner we will want to read the to the gray page on the ground the roads to Darkness and the handwritten letter on the table as well as the engraved giane disc up on the Shelf upon reading it lazel will speak to us and we should convince her to tell us what it says and then to consider what it could mean if true after this we will want to save the game just in case we missed something then take the elevator to the top floor when spoken to by Bernard we should recog recognize the stanza and reply with or art thou friend a rescue from my lonely wake we'll want to be careful when reading command phrases to Bernard as the wrong one can turn him hostile the phrase beginning with the silence stretches on will have Bernard give us a hug the phrase beginning with how can I trust will have Bernard give us the Guiding Light ring the final phrase is one we probably should not speak there is a light in every living thing will turn Bernard and the nearby sets of animated armor hostile Bernard drops a unique Magic hird light of creation when defeated but we don't actually have to defeat or make Bernard permanently hostile to get the halir instead we can first equip Shadow heart with The Guiding Light ring this will reveal a button on the elevator that takes us to the basement level once the whole group is there we can ungroup shadowart and return to the top floor alone after saving the game we can use command drop on Bernard it has a pretty good chance of succeeding which will result in the light of creation halir being dropped we can then pick it up which will cause everyone to become temporarily hostile however we will simply disengage and return to the basement fleeing from combat if necessary in my case this just ended the combat and returned Bernard and the other to neutral status within the basement we'll find more books and spell Scrolls along with some basilis oil which we will want to save for later there is also the Sparks wall magic ring in a gilded chest and the staff of Arcane blessing leaning against a shelf nearby which is great on shadowart and really Buffs the power of her bless [Music] spell next we'll fast travel to the selenite Outpost then exit through the window to the West we'll want any characters without out the alert feet such as carlac to stay back and in hiding here as there is an unavoidable Ambush to the Southwest quickly saving we can head further west springing the Trap after a short cut scene we will face off with a spectator this is another boss that we really want to stun before it gets its own turn that is because the spectator will call reinforcements in at its first opportunity upon defeat The Spectator will drop the very rare spectator eyes neck at this point we can throw a basilisk oil onto the nearby petrified Dr with 20 hp to free him he is very likely to turn hostile in any exchanges that follow and that suits us just fine upon defeat he will drop the blast pendant necklace memory Shard and icy H the icy H is the second component we've gotten now for the icy weapon and we will be getting the final piece very soon one last thing down to the Northwest past several clouds of noxious fumes we can burn through some webs and lockpick a chest to get some Dr studded leather [Music] armor to complete the Masterwork weapon Quest we'll want to make sure that we have a regular Greatsword on hand then fast travel to the bladed Village going to the blacksmith's Forge we can activate the Melting Furnace then stoke the Flames with the Bellows we'll next need to insert the susser bark into the [Music] furnace and follow it with a dagger sickle or great sord after a cut scene we will get the completed suser weapon as well as some experience for completing the Quest for a bit of an Easter egg if we read the handwritten note at the Arcane Tower we can actually return to the tombstone just south of the suser tree fast travel point for a new interaction if we have some Autumn crocus we can place it near the tombstone in memory of Leno's best front to my knowledge that is the majority of important things to do in this section of the underdark we won't want to speak with anyone back at the mikid colony until just after a long rest but feel free to explore anywhere else you'd like then take a long rest to get back resources given that we already long rested through all major events we shouldn't have anything new to do after the long rest we can return to the miket Colony and speak with Sovereign Spa we want to choose the specific dialogue Choice the dogar are slain the rot has been purged as this will give us a very useful buff we can also accept the sovereign's request for us to go deal with a Dr named near before moving on take note of the Bliss Sports condition which will add a 1d6 to basically any D20 rolls we make before our next long rest which is great next we'll want to equip both the headband of intellect and the M's friend ring we can then go speak with omam letting them know that we found the mushrooms they were looking for drinking the resulting potion we will need to make a series of saving throws and Shadow heart can help out here with the resistance can trip succeeding on all of the saving throws will negate any negative effects and instead will result in the unlocking of a new mind flare power it is called survival Instinct and can be used once per short rest to protect a creature against being knocked unconscious for three turns because of the procedures failure omam will consider giving us a ring of Mind shielding but requires some convincing to peacefully gain the ring we can say how about I tell you more about that nautiloid every last detail and must follow it by succeeding ing in either a performance or intelligence skill check after that we'll be able to purchase some useful magic items from omam including a pearl of power amulet boots of Stormy clamor and ring of [Music] salving to the West we can speak with Darth to get the gloves of uninhibited cuso we will also want to check her wear for useful potions and elixir within the now opened cave to our immediate North we'll find a drought body the final component of the craftable weapon icy metal can be looted off the body along with a book on flump mating rituals an investigation check will reveal the true coded contents of the [Music] book combining the three icy components will craft the very rare Magic staff morning Frost it can be nice on shadowart to give her the ray of frost cantrip but I'm not sure it beats the benefits provided by the staff of Arcane blessing we'll be sure to loot everything else in this cave including the rare Magic Hood shadow of menzo barzen then fast travel to the under dark Beach there we'll want to save then take the underd dark dagar boat across the lake we will be intercepted by another boat full of dagar and can use the information we got from Geek to pass without incident upon our arrival to the Grim Forge we can pretend to be true souls and decline the request for gold that follows I also want to give a quick warning that upon our arrival we will be on a timer of sorts to free true Soul near we will need to free and deal with him before leaving this area or taking a long rest otherwise he could die which will result in the Deep gnome slaves being lost as well once free to move around we can go to an elev ated spot a short distance South enter turn-based mode then cast a spell like summon familiar scratch or any other leveled spell as a storm sorcerer this will allow us to use tempestuous Magic Flight to fly up to the elevated ledge nearby you may need to use tactical camera which can be toggled with the o key to be able to see the ledge properly and fly to it up here we'll find an idol of sh along with a chest containing the protecte Sparks wall rare Magic robes these are very good and thematically fitting for a storm Sorcerer And pair exceptionally well with the spell sparkler staff we can fast travel to the Grim Forge to easily get back down and then give the idol of sh to shadowart for some unique dialogue along with a massive boost and approval if it's not already maxed next we can equip the headband of intellect then speak with stonemason kith to the north if we agree to help him then pass all three of the following skill checks he will give us a free piece of infernal alloy which I believe is similar to infernal iron we can also trade with K and he occasionally has useful stuff on offer moving further north we can loot the dark justicier skeletons for some unique items also triggering an interaction with shadowart avoid saying they are better off dead if you want to avoid some major disapproval further north we'll find the herd master and we can agree to help him get the Roes working then after succeeding in an animal handling check encourage the Roes to turn on the dwarves while they do have sellable loot none of the dwarves have anything unique so pushing them off the edge is a completely valid strategy we will just need to be careful not to end up on the receiving end of that tactic afterwards we can interact with the RO and have them destroy the rubble this path leads to the adamantine Forge which we will go to after dealing with near for now if we backtrack a short distance then move out west we'll come to a ledge overlooking three chests these are all mimics and we can use the returning Pike on carlac to make short work of them from this vantage point we will just want to step back from the ledge before ending our turn to avoid getting lashed by any of the mimics if they end up hiding behind walls magic Missile can be used to clean them up there is also a locked and trapped chest to the north across a gap and it contains the real Sparky Sparks swall Shield we can then circle around to the South to safely reach that area with the mimics one of the mimics will contain the wondrous gloves we can then interact with a toy chest at the bottom of this area to reveal a trapped chest that we will want to equip the gloves of thievery to disarm the chest will contain a scroll of evidence which contains some interesting information moving a short distance east of the Fast Travel point then turning North we can speak with the dwarves near a bunch of gnome bodies we can then perform a couple of skill checks to get the fetish of card Duran smooth hands a magic ring without setting off any alarms next we can unlock the door to the East and click the button in the northeast corner opening a secret passage walking into the following room will be ambushed by three okra jellies while they are easy to hit they are also fairly tanky and and can hit hard because of that it's best to take them down one at a time then Retreat to cover to avoid their attacks after the fight we can move up to the Northeast and make use of that rare ring we just [Music] got before entering the contemplation chamber you will ungroup from the party equip the ring turn ourselves invisible then sneak up and around the gnome named fomine to steal the Rune powder [Music] Barrel this will leave filine with no other option than to let us have it after a short conversation she should leave without further incident this Rune powder Barrel is basically a nuke and could come in handy at some point but for now I'll just send it back to Camp moving on south of the Fast Travel point we can speak with elder brvar we'll need to make sure we move close to him before initiating a conversation or else he may bug out and refuse to speak with us we can use a combination of deception and persuasion checks to form an alliance against true Soul near gvar will ask us to eliminate the scrying eye but as far as I can tell this is is unnecessary further south we can speak with Sergeant thin and give her the boots of speed don't worry we will be getting these back in a moment we can then choose to receive either the bracing band or the armor of the uninhibited cuso neither are particularly good but I went with the armor given that it is part of a set next we will ungroup one character from the party and have them go to Camp alone to grab a smoke powder Barrel we will place it near the rubble short rest if needed save and blow it up after blowing up the rubble trusol near will emerge we'll tell them to stop killing the Gnomes then say that's your Q Briar it's time you got paid and side with Briar at the start of combat we can cast last Twin haste on carlac and Lazelle to help them take down threats faster we will want to prioritize defeating or stunning the two mind Masters as they can dominate our characters which is really detrimental trusel near takes priority if he is going before carlac in the turn order with both haste and action surge lasel should be able to take him down in a single turn also don't stand near the lava or other edges as that is a good way for us to get instant killed after the first fight brvar will try to extort us we can either do some skill checks for a fair deal and the freedom of the Gnomes or we can just attack him given that he and his fellow slavers have some unique magic items I went with the ladder there is also no need to wait until after the initial bout ends to do this we can just start attacking them once n's forces are almost entirely defeated once all the fighting has ceased we can speak with barcus root and convince him to rest at our camp we can also speak with Beldon to witness a happy reunion and agree to free wulbrand from moonrise Towers there are a ton of magic items scattered across the bodies including the bow of the Banshee jorger roll's great swword shining staver of skulls cap of Wrath deep Delver ring of absolute Force boots of speed n's head sword of Screams and the disintegrating night Walkers which are a great Mobility item there is also a broken Moon Lantern which we can investigate for information but is otherwise unimportant to succeed in we can also cross the chamber to the southwest and go out the doors on the other side to catch a glimpse of a future destination east of the Fast Travel point we will need to defeat some remaining dogar then speak with ski pit and tell them to join the others at the dig site if you want to fully explore the long route to the adamantine Forge return to the path that was opened by the Roes north of the Fast Travel point that said I'm going to simplify this section by having carlac go solo to grab the Bare Essentials starting at the dig site we can cross a beam over a stream of magma then jump East up to an elevated area from there we can jump North up to an even higher area and continue moving North until reaching a pair of iron doors after picking the lock we can move to the back of this room and loot a shield mold off the skeleton there if we go through the locked doors to the South we will trigger a combat encounter that I personally prefer to avoid in any case we can return South use the featherfall boots then jump back down to to where we came from we'll grab the splint mold then head Southwest to activate the Fast Travel Point here only two pieces of gear can be made from the adamantine Forge and I'll be getting the shield and the splint armor given that we'll just need to get some Mythril to make those items with for that we'll start by heading Southwest and dispatching these sets of animated armor by the way I am a huge fan of of chucking them into the lava below afterwards we can send one character to harvest the Mythril vein located west of the lava carlac can make use of the featherfall boots again here jumping South down to the ruins in the middle of a lake where an adamantine chest is located once we crack the dc20 lock we will be rewarded with a magic and sentient amulet that has specific benefits for monks we can fight the roaming lava Elemental if we want but it doesn't drop anything unique and we've got some tough fights ahead next we can save then regroup at the Fast Travel point and head down the central staircase towards the forge half halfway down there is a path leading Northeast to a second mithal vein we'll want to be careful as there are several enemies waiting in Ambush it's a good idea to send one character with the alert feet in while everyone else hangs back once the ambushers do emerge we can have the rest of the party join The Fray the me fits explode so we will want to stick to ranged attacks when possible also some will use the heat metal spell against us which can make us drop our weapons because of that we'll want to make sure we don't leave our legendary sword behind after the fight we can harvest the mythal and we should also be getting to level six right about now at this level storm Sorcerers get access to several spells for free including thunderwave because of this we can switch out thunderwave as a learned spell for something else such as counter [Music] spell we also o learn one additional spell of our choice as usual and a lightning bolt is always nice to have on hand Shadow heart will gain an additional Channel Divinity charge as well as improved warding flare as a monk carlac gets a huge upgrade at level six unarmed attacks are now considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and we can toggle passives that add additional necrotic psychic or radiant damage to each punch we also get whole of body which we can use once per short rest to really crank up our damage potential Fighters like laelle gain an extra feet at level six and we'll be taking great weapon master or alert whichever one we don't already have to prepare for the upcoming boss fight and to get the arrim Fate achievement we will want to equip lelle with a two-handed blunt weapon and the hammer raft is a good choice next we'll move everyone down to the forge we can insert the splint mold into the mold chamber then put a piece of mythal ore in The [Music] Crucible once everyone is a safe distance back we can pull the forge lever because The Crucible is cold the only effect this will have is to lower the platform now we definitely want to wait on opening the lava valve until we are ready for a fight and positioning is really important here Lazelle and carlac should be positioned up on the platform near the lava tube Shadow heart can stand near the valve control and we will want to move to a position as far away as possible on our sorcerer before doing that we can enter turn-based mode and cast twin haste on both carlac and lasel in addition addition shadowart can give everyone the upgraded bless thanks to her staff once that is done we'll position our sorcerer far from carlac and lazel near the forge lever then pass one [Music] [Music] turn at this point we will save the game in case things go catastrophically wrong finally we can use the wholeness of body on [Music] carlac then direct Shadow hard to open the valve and start the fight to begin we can use two Flurry of Blows topple on the Grim to hopefully knock it prone it's immune to stun so stunning strikes are wasted on it assuming it is knocked prone we will proceed to hit the Grim as many times as possible we need to defeat it without the use of the forge hammer in order order to get the associated achievement to that end we will next hit the Grim with lasel we can toggle on the Allin passive to deal more damage but it will lower our chance to hit this can be compensated for by using something like an oil of accuracy as well as the Precision attack maneuver if we do this all correctly and most or all of our attacks hit we can defeat the Grim before it even has a chance to act and make our lives miserable [Music] it drops the very rare Grim skull Helm when defeated which is great on lasel in addition we can have shadowart open the lava valve back up then pull the forge lever with another character this will craft a specific item depending on what mold we used in our case it was the split splint armor the adamantine splint armor is very rare heavy armor and an incredible upgrade for lasel we can make one more piece of adamantine gear and while the medium scale armor is certainly good I actually prefer the Luminous armor on Shadow heart so I will instead be making an adamantine shield for shadow heart to use we can pull the mold ejection lever insert the desired mold put a piece of mithil in The Crucible then repeat the smithing process at this point we can return to the mid colony and Report our success to both Thula and The Sovereign we will be rewarded with the envoy amulet we will also get the title of kinp if we tell the Sovereign that we've defeated Sovereign glut though I'm not entirely sure what that does we can go ahead and take another long rest there we can speak with barcus root and assure him that we will both rescue his friend wbr and stop the destructive plot of the ironhand Gnomes that we need to wait until we visited the gith Yankee Crush in the mountain pass which will be covered in part six in the meantime feel free to return to Thula to see her reunited with her gnome allies and finish up any other exploration within the nautiloid crash region or underd dark if you have any questions you can reach out in the comments where I'll do my best to help if you want to watch part six you can find it over on my channel and if you're new consider subscribing you're helping me feed my cat her name's marshmallow have a great day if you're here today have a great Saturday and a great weekend and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Its Shatter
Views: 2,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3, bg3, rare, magic, legendary, choices, weapon, weapons, armor, hidden, secret, its, where, find, get, how, do, unlock, open, class, of, level, spells, npc, build, ability, character, romance, quest, side, companion, balders, balder's, epic, legendaries, all, the, approval, explained, combat, tips, complete, full, walkthrough, entire, quests, 100%, trophies, achievements, BG3, karlach, laezel, tricks, items, dark, justiciar, under, justicar, near, nere, truesoul, grimforge, adamantite, grim, fate, arcane, icy, gold, money
Id: tty6SZ-lw1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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