Baldur’s Gate 3: Lae’zel Build Guide - (Best Fighter Class Companion)

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in this fast leveling guide for the companion Lazelle I'll be showing you how to level from Level 1 to level 12. this is a two-handed Lazelle fighter build that allows her to attack six times a turn it's pretty basic but extremely effective in combat and you can favorite the video and use it as a quick reference for leveling her up everything's times down below this video is aimed at beginners but just so you know in the camp it's possible to come and talk with the NPC Withers and for a hundred gold you'll be able to reset your class subclass and ability points next we're going to go ahead and level up the Dell at level 2 we unlock the action surge ability normally you can only attack once per turn but if you use this you can actually attack twice in one turn it only works once per short wrestler each time you have a short rest action charge will be usable once again and now we've reached level three when you reach level three you'll unlock the option on the top left here to select a subclass I'd highly recommend Battle Master it's a very strong diverse class and you literally can't go wrong with it now Battle Masters get access to superiority dices superiority die are spent on empowering Battle Master Maneuvers your superiority dice Maneuvers will also be recharged every time you have a short rest so if we click on maneuver we now get to pick what our superiority dices do I'd recommend menacing attack which makes your targets scared making them easier to hit Pershing attack which lets you push enemies away from you and full damage can potentially kill people in this game and then repost because every time an enemy attacks you and misses you'll be able to attack them back for free now there are some other really good options here that you can pick if you like but that's my recommendation now at level 4 we can choose a new feat so let's click on the Feats button just here and we have a long list of options which gets a bit confusing getting great weapon Master this gives you -5 to your attack roll reducing your chance to hit but when you land a critical hit or killer Target you can make another attack meaning you can potentially attack three times in one turn with action search level five we unlock Extra attack and this this allows you to attack twice every single combat if we then Critical Strike we attack a third time and then if we use action search you're gonna attack five times in total because it refreshes your extra attack at level 6 we can pick another feat however I'm gonna recommend that you now go for Ability Improvement we can finally increase lizelle's strength to 18 to round that out so she gets plus four to strength checks and then secondly we're gonna increase our constitution to 16 so she gets plus three at level seven we're going to unlock even more Maneuvers to select so we're going to click on maneuvers we're going to grab Precision attack now this gives you an even higher chance of hitting the Target and stacks really well with our other abilities next I would highly recommend getting disarming attack this gives you an ability that can be used at range or melee when you can force the enemy to drop their weapon some boss enemies have really strong enemies and doing this will make them laughable fighting with their fists level eight we can now select other feet so we're going to go ahead and get an ability Improvement and we're going to push our strength all the way to 20. giving us plus five to strength checks level 9 you unlock indomitable now whenever you fail a saving throw you can just roll it again and take the new result instead it makes you much more survivable now we've reached level 10 and we have improved combat superiority which means instead of d8 dice we use d10 dice so we can potentially get a better result on our superiority roll and we can select another two Maneuvers sweeping attacks is great for getting rid of multiple enemies rally while situational is very good for healing companions giving them eight temporary hit points commanding strike lets your allies make a reaction attack now we've reached level 11 and we've got improved extra attack you can now make two additional tags after attacking with your main hand weapon this is insane now we can attack at least six times at level 12 we unlock another feat option First Choice is Savage attacker when making weapon attacks you roll your damage twice and use the highest result and considering we can attack six times per turn potentially we're gonna have really high damage consistently on average however the other one I would actually highly recommend if lizelle is especially like your front line fighter you want her to be quite tanky and survivable would be Sentinel so now when an enemy attacks an ally near you you can then use an opportunity attack on that enemy which means you get to attack again and it's not even your turn you also get advantage on any opportunity attack so anytime someone tries to run past you or run away from you you'll get an advantage on those attacks and when you hit them because of Sentinel snare they'll no longer be able to move now we're going to talk about making Lazelle even more powerful by optimizing her core class abilities you can do this at any point in the leveling process all you need to do is find the NPC called with others there's a guide on where to game in the description below we're going to ask him to help change our class for a hundred goal now here you will be able to change your class into something else but I would highly recommend that for lore reasons you keep lizelle as a fighter geospecific written dialogue for her class and if you change it you'll miss out on all that dialogue now we click on fighting style and this is really important but currently lizelle has great weapon fighting when you wrote a one or a two on a damage dice it gets re-rolled which sounds great but if you do the math behind this you actually end up kind of doing one more damage on average but considering how many times you can attack with this Lazelle build it still can be pretty decent but in my opinion the best thing here by far is defense you're getting plus one bonus to Armor class while wearing armor the higher Armor Plus the harder you are to hit considering you don't have a shield this just makes you infinitely more survivable and tanky as a Frontline fighter now we have the abilities as a fighter we want to max out our strength we're gonna put our strength of 14 and then we're gonna give it the Plus 2 bonus so it's 16. then for our dexterity we want this to be 14 which increases our armor class then health is also really important so we're going to put that up to 15 then we're going to put the plus one bonus so it's also 16. we don't care about intelligence wisdom we're gonna leave at 10 and Charisma we're gonna put it 10 and this is mostly for saving throws and skill checks when you're walking around in the environment now we need to click on skill proficiencies at the bottom currently acrobatics is selected which is good survival is selected this isn't amazing instead we can put this in perception and it's going to help with result just spotting things in the environment a bit more and now when we reset we can just level up our character back to their previous level now the only difference in leveling is now that when you reach level six when you select ability Improvement we're going to put strength from 16 to 18 and your Constitution's already 60. now if you're wondering what the best equipment for Lazelle is I'll leave my recommendations in the description below but I hope you found the guide helpful please do drop a like if you did
Channel: ESO
Views: 213,862
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Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, laezel build, baldurs gate 3 laezel build, batlle master laezel build, bg3 laezel build, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 guide, lae'zel, baldurs gate 3 fighter, baldurs gate 3 classes, bg3 fighter build, baldurs gate 3 best companion, baldurs gate 3 laezel guide, bg3 companion guide, bg3 best companion, best build for laezel, build guide, baldurs gate 3 build guide, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, companion, companion build, eso
Id: lj01tGjV_jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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