Baldur's Gate 3 Land Druid Class Guide 🔥 (Spellcaster Build)

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welcome back for another baldur's gate 3 in-depth class guide in today's video i'll be focusing on the circle of the land druid as many of you guys know i've already done a circle of the moon guide and in that video i focused more on character creation and of course the wild shape forms so in this video i'm going to focus mostly on the spell casting which is of course what the circle of the land druid is all about if you guys end up enjoying this video please subscribe there will be much more baldur's gate 3 content on the way links to my twitter and my discord server will be below let's get right into it [Music] as a circle of the land druid you're going to want to get your wisdom ability score to 16 in character creation with the plus 3 modifier wisdom is what powers most of your spells so it's very important the only races that currently allow you to do this in early access are the wood elf human all the half elves and the gold dwarf after wisdom constitution and dexterity will be the next two important ability scores both of these should be at least a 14 with a plus two modifier but you might be able to get one of them to 16 depending on your racial choice constitution if possible dexterity helps with initiative and armor class while constitution helps with hp but even more importantly it helps your druid hold concentration on spells that require concentration and that's a major major part of this class the rest of your ability scores are up to you the great thing about the druid is that they use prepared spells which means you don't have to stress out over choosing spells your choices are not permanent you get access to all of the druid's level 1 spells right away at level 1 and if you have a 16 in wisdom you can have 4 of these spells at your disposal during a combat encounter if you find that you don't like the spells that you have active simply swap them out when not in combat by going to your spell list interface the druids level 1 spells are not nearly as cool as the level 2 spells that you get access to at level 3 but i'll quickly go over a few of the combat oriented ones that stand out starting with the spells that require concentration fairy fire is an evocation spell that forces all enemies within its radius to do a dexterity saving throw any enemies who fail will now be prime targets for you and your party because you'll now get advantage on your attack roles against those specific opponents for those of you who are unfamiliar with the basics that basically means that your percentage chance of landing your strikes will greatly increase like i said the spell requires concentration which means that any time you take damage your druid will be forced to do a constitution saving throw and if you fail the spell will come to an end but if you succeed it stays active so many times you'll want to keep your druid out of harm's way when using certain concentration spells to make the most out of them fairy fire also makes invisible enemies visible giving it some situational use such as when dealing with the dwergar entangle is a conjuration concentration spell that does what you think it does it sprouts vines on the ground creating difficult terrain meaning that it slows down movement also enemies within its area will be required to do a strength saving throw and if they fail they will become entangled meaning they're unable to move until they pass a strength saving throw it's not a bad spell if there are multiple melee based enemies in an area and you need some battlefield control in the last combat oriented concentration spell here is fog cloud this spell creates a cloud of dense fog creating a heavily obscured area and blinding creatures within i typically will use this spell in a defensive matter to protect a teammate who is down or about to go down but you can also use this more offensively as it will prevent an enemy within the fog from being able to make a ranged attack just keep in mind that the enemy can move out of the fog on their turn so using it effectively this way will depend on the environment that you're in so those three spells all require concentration which means you can only have one of them active at a time other spells that i'd recommend that do not require concentration that you can use while a concentration spell is active include healing word and thunder wave healing word is a distance heal at the cost of just your bonus action and of course a spell slot so you can attack an enemy and heal someone or yourself all in the same turn this spell can be really good at getting up downed party members it has definitely saved my party many many times thunder wave you guys know that i love this spell too too much it's a spell that can hit multiple enemies dealing nice damage but its most op effects come from its ability to push enemies really far away from you if they fail a constitution saving throw in a game like baldur's gate 3 which has a lot of verticality this spell can single-handedly turn the tide of a battle seriously and if the push effect fails you still get that thunder damage this spell like some of the others can also be upcasted with a level 2 spell slot when you get access to them at level 3. and the last spell i'll mention here is good berry never mind it sucks in character creation you also get to choose two druid cantrips out of six choices cantrips are spells that can be cast at will they do not use up one of your limited spell slots my personal favorites are produce flame thorn whip and chaleli produce flame will create some light and you can also throw the flame at an enemy and or set flammable objects on fire thornwhip is a great can trip because it deals damage but also pulls a target 10 feet closer to you if you play the environment in a clever way this can equate to pulling enemies off ledges to their deaths chileli costs a bonus action and will turn your staff or club into 1d8 bludgeoning damage and also add your wisdom modifier to it this spell gives your druid the ability to deal good damage with a weapon this can really be a great can trip for the land druid because most of the land druids spells are concentration spells meaning you can only have one of those active at a time using chileli will allow you to deal decent weapon damage if someone's in your face and not cost you a spell slot or force you to switch to a different concentration spell so if you're using a staff or a club you might as well just keep it active on your weapon at all times and that's it for level one in character creation when you reach level two you'll get to choose your druid subclass and we of course will be going with the circle of the land all druids will learn wild shape at this level circle the moon druids will specialize in it while circle of the land druids are better spell casters as a land druid you'll still get access to the badger spider wolf and cat at level 2 and when you reach level 4 you'll get to add the deep roth to that list i'm not going to go too deep into these forms as i already have on my moon druid guide just remember that these wild shape forms can be great for many utility-based situations and even as a landruid the wild shape form will still give you that extra hp pool from the animal that you turn into so it can still be very useful at times land druids also get the subclass specific feature called natural recovery natural recovery allows you to recover a limited amount of spell slots outside of combat you don't have to take a long rest back at your camp to get them back because of the resting system currently being so easy to use in this game natural recovery loses a bit of its power you can basically long rest almost anywhere at any time to get all of your spell slots back however what natural recovery can do for your lan druid is allow you to cast some spells before you enter into combat and basically make it seem like you never used up a spell slot or slots to cast those spells for example cast the jump spell on your druid using up a level 1 spell slot then use natural recovery to get that spell slot back jump will still be active on your druid because you didn't take a long rest enter into combat and now you'll have jump on your character basically for free this can work great with many of the druid spells such as dark vision flame blade flaming sphere you can even set up difficult terrain before a fight begins with spike growth and much more make sure to take advantage of this feature at druid level 3 you'll get to choose what type of circle of the land druid you want to be your choice here will give you two spell slots that will be prepared at all times meaning that you'll never have to swap them in and out they are always available for use if you have the spell slot of course some of these spells are already spells that are on the druid spell list that you have access to while others are not the spells that you get with your choice somewhat correspond to the type of environment that you choose for example the desert druid gets blur in silence and the underdark druid gets webb and misty's step misty step is a great choice and the druid does not get it from their spell list so i typically choose one of the environments that includes this spell misty step is a level 2 spell that teleports your druid 60 feet away which can be extremely useful not only for positioning but also just to get away from enemies it also costs a bonus action so you can still attack on the same turn it's one of the best spells in the game in my opinion level 3 druids also get access to level 2 spells and this is where the fun really starts i'll start off with the spells that require concentration bark skin increases a creature's armor class to 16. you'll likely already be able to have a 16 armor class with medium armor so you might not need this spell but keep in mind that it can also be used on others such as gal who can only wear light armor embark skin also stays active when you wild shape into an animal form enhanceability gives you the choice of one of six different buffs on ability checks to give yourself or a party member for example the owl gives advantage on wisdom checks and the eagle gives advantage on charisma checks a couple of these enhanced abilities also have some nice extra benefits that can be useful so read carefully such as the bear giving an extra seven temporary hp the cat giving half fall damage in the bowl increasing carrying capacity this is a situational spell mostly to be used outside of combat flame blade conjures a flaming scimitar at the cost of a bonus action and at the cost of an action you can then attack with it dealing 3d6 fire damage when you conjure this blade it also creates light in your immediate area and dim light a little further out a really cool and powerful spell especially when fighting in darker areas flame blade can be especially deadly when used against enemies that are vulnerable to fire damage such as the wood loads in the swamp flaming sphere is another firebase concentration spell but this time you summon a giant flaming ball this ball of fire is immune to damage and you can roll it into multiple creatures on one turn it deals 2d6 fire damage but if the enemy succeeds in a dexterity saving throw they'll only take half damage the best thing about this spell is that it takes its own place in the order of turns and like i said you can move it around on its turn it is of course also capable of setting some things in the environment on fire such as webs it's a fun and powerful spell heat metal is a funny spell that makes an enemy's metal armor or metal weapons glow red hot dealing 2d8 fire damage and also giving them disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn the cool thing is that on your next turn at the cost of just a bonus action you can then deal another 2d8 fire damage and impose disadvantage this can really hurt an opponent not only their hp but also make them really bad at striking you and your party your target has to be using something metal it will not work on leather cloth or wood moonbeam is another amazing level 2 druid spell that calls down a silvery beam of light and any creatures in the light will take 2d10 radiant damage if they succeed on a constitution saving throw that damage will be halved you can also move this beam of light around at the cost of your druid's action which can absolutely be worth it if you can move it into another group of enemies call it down on top of a group of two or three and then on your next turn after they try to run away move it back into them surprisingly enemies also just seem to run right into it doing some of your job for you just be careful because you and your party members will also take damage if you get too close and spike growth is the last combat oriented concentration spell that i'll mention it not only creates difficult terrain but it also deals 1d4 piercing damage to targets that move in the spikes it doesn't sound like a lot of damage but this spell's radius is huge and if you can place it on a large group of enemies it can really make a fight much easier the damage will add up keep in mind that those spells all require concentration so you can only have one of them active at a time this will affect which spells you prepare and which ones you leave out of a fight because you simply cannot use all of the concentration spells in one fight all of these spells are also level two spells and you only have two or three level two spell slots available in early access so choose a couple of your favorite ones and accompany those concentration spells with spells that don't require concentration such as thunder wave also at this level you'll get lesser restoration which removes a disease or condition you get the dark vision spell allowing you to see in darkness pass without a trace which gives your entire party a buff to stealth protection from poison which gives resistance against poison which means half damage and also gives advantage on saving throws from poison and hold person which is another level 2 concentration spell that can paralyze an enemy for multiple turns when you reach level 4 you'll likely want to bump your wisdom ability score to 18 giving you that sweet plus 4 modifier you'll also get the deep roth wild shape form and get to choose another can trip at this level you'll be able to prepare a total of seven spells at a time and that's basically it for the circle of the land druid the great thing is that all those spells are prepared spells so you can swap them in and out and really try out them all and find the ones that you think are the most fun or the ones that fit whatever situation that you're in also don't forget that you do have wild shape as a land druid as well you're not going to use it nearly as much but it can come in handy so give it a try in certain situations thanks so much for watching guys if you guys ended up enjoying this video please like comment and subscribe i really appreciate it it's a huge help to my channel i do all sorts of videos on this channel ranging from live streams to game reviews to game go crap what am i saying now game reviews the lore videos the class guides i screwed it up anyways hope to see you guys again in the future until next time you
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 81,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 druid class, druid class guide, druid, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 druid, classes, land druid, circle of the land druid, circle of the moon, moon druid, bg3, early access, druid spellcasting, spells, wild shape, beginner's guide, ranger knight, warlock, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, bg3 druid, baldurs gate 3 druid build, wolfheartfps, larian studios
Id: rdMh3Q4qDjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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