Baldur's Gate 3 - Land Druid - All Terrain Spells

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hello everyone welcome so we decided to play the land Druid and as soon as you go to level 3 you still have to choose the terrain and at level five you're going you're going to make another Choice okay what is the difference between a network that goes through the desert to it well basically each one of these strings give you access to spells that are always prepared some are pretty cool because you might get a Terrain that gives you access to spells that Drewes do not have access normally so now let's have a look on all the range to see what you get a level 3 the arch could do it gets access to hold person and Spike growth always prepared for the length like domain power but we need to consider that these spells are two spells that Druids already have access to so you're not getting new axes however these are very good spells like premium second level third spells so you're actually getting slow spells that you want to have memorized it and just because you chose at the ring on level three doesn't mean you need to choose the same Terrain in level five okay now at least on Baldur's Gate so on level five here you can choose another drawing but let's go for Arctic Arctic rain will give you access to haste and sleet storm spell now this is pretty good because page is actually a very good spell that Drew is not normally have X you can actually check that look I'm going to select post here now customize here as you can see my close to it can't choose haze from this list so at least you're getting access you're getting access to spells that you are not normally able to choose from the other but is this storm it is a spell that rules can choose from as you can see here that we have on the list patient though a is a very good spell and well I'll point to the art through it now about these spells that The Druids get I think but lion is going pretty much by book uh I mean unless there's some spell like create food and water for example yeah they don't have that in game so they change it so let's have a look Arctic level seven you get rid of movement it's a pretty good spell that I think you do is usually usually don't have a nice storm that's such people that usually usually do you would have and that's all right not the best one ninth level spell community nature that's like yeah that's fluffy spell I don't know if Lottery will keep that it might change it and cone of code that's a very good spell that those usually don't get and that's a good one very good damaging spell so the Arctic level height is good I mean maybe level 9 could be worth that at level 3 The Cools through it gets access to pretty much wonderful spells so you get me this busy step that those don't normally have and you get Mirror Image another spell that those don't normally have they're both very useful with me with Misty stat being one of the best spells in the whole game if you select the coach Druid a level 5 your spells are going to have hours memorizers lead to storm and call lightning there is a problem there these two are spells that Dukes already have access to so not the best not the best Lane to choose on level 5. level 7 we get control water now I don't think Larry will have control water in the game so they might change it some other water spell but we shall see it when the water would allow him you to manipulate water like move water and stuff like that and I don't see that happening so I don't know let's see we're in field of moving again alright ninth level conjure element that's something that Druids can have already and that's a good spell and it's crying that also I don't think we will have in game so you shall see what Larry will put in place of it right if you pick that as dude a level 3 you get access to blur and silence actually two good spells that dude do not normally have access to and Sal is a little bit circumstancio and blur is better if you're planning to engage a lot in melee but still in there that you have to have concentration so very good concert semi draw a few good spells to have useful when you pick deserts through it at level 5 the Spells you're going to have are protection from energy and epidemic pattern so protection is not a good spell and dudes already have access to it but if your nautical partner is actually a great spell that there is don't have access to it so it kind of balance each other level 7 blight that's a damaging spell that dudes already have but that's okay spell and hallucinator Ray I don't think drugs are having that I know the big lease of spells was confirmed already but maybe they'll add more or maybe do take something out of it I don't know but I think they have they need to change that I wanted to keep another illusion 9th level insect plague that's alright wolfstone that's okay spell also but they also both spells you have not mistaken the dudes get access to if you choose the circle of the land Force Droid level 3 you get two spells prepared the spark skin and hold person which is unfortunately because Druids already have access to these spells so pretty much not very good choice here yeah level 5 for the force Drew is not very good also I mean whole lighting is you one of your best third level spells yes but Druids have access to that already so yeah and plant growth is another nice spell but The Druids also have access so oh sorry first dude you're not the one level 7 divination which I think do it is going to but I don't think we'll be in the game we have moved again okay that's a pretty look another fruit of wooden here so they love to give that to do it but that's a good spell okay there's a very good spell to make so your your guy can be stunned they can't really grapple him they can't be restrained he can move without problems that's a pretty good spell that was nice conversation yeah I don't think we're having that three stride we might have it that sees a bit issue enter one tree and leave another discount teleport so I don't think you will have that because we have teleportation between the rooms right maybe you can they can give that so they can do in combat I don't know let's see level three the dirt of the land grassland Druid have access to invisibility and pass without tracers they're Circle spells now invisibility is not a spell the dudes usually usually have access to so that's cool we have it that new available spell best results race through the red have axis as the grassland through the level 5 you get access to Daylight and haste now daylight is a spell that there is have access already and not the best one but the haze it is a very good spell that those don't normally access grassland divination again nah we're not having that freedom of movement pretty much force and aggression looks similar here right such a shame we don't have spotted X by the climb the game I love spider climb uh Now give me back Restland level 93 without having dreams that's so you can invade someone's dream giving the mass or even like um pastoring them and the insect plague a good spell that dudes already have access to so lots of spells here they agree to have to change in the circle of the lens let's see they might change something they'll be much better right if you opt to go as a mountain Druid on Level 3 you get actually very nice spell in Mirror Image that's one of the best spells in the game I think because it's not concentration can really save your droids and you get Spike growth now Spike growth it is a spell that dudes have access but it is one of the very best spells so it's pretty cool to have it well another wing for the mountain through the level 5 you get access to core lighting as we said one of the best dual spells but you still you already would have access to that but we get excess of fly that's a pretty good spell and well now we can cross it and you wouldn't be able to as another type of Druid mounting we get that's funny thing is lightning bolt wasn't in the game uh so the video I did now that's early access right so the mounting is not getting lightning bolts and we don't have melting to Stone so he said other true spell for mounting but we're getting lighting booked when we post the game that I don't I don't see not any lightning bolts in the game I think they are so maybe Mountain will lose one of those problems and get lightning bulk that's it seven spells Thomas King that will be the game where there's a good spell now if you need more protection and stone shape that's I don't think that would be the game so we shall see nice like a basketball well it is to pass away as you can imagine all the uses for it but they do have knock right or they add passwords no I don't think so imagine you're able to create passives and stuff elsewhere I don't think so and love Stone the good spell that's a nice real threat to the game but also you need to be able to summon obstacles and we haven't seen something like that yet but I hope it is so lots of stuff they are not in the game incredible right on Level 3 the swamp through you'll get access to melf's acid arrow and darkness now darker is a mess spell that we wouldn't have normally that's a good spell especially for some money say cheesy tactics but milf's Sr is not a spell that I love you know what it's nice to get newer spells we wouldn't have access to that that is that okay the swamp through the level 5 gets access to syncing cloud and children you wouldn't normally have excess of any of the Spells so that's cool to new spells now seeking cloud is kind of like a circumstantial maybe even cheesy spell I would say kind of strange I don't really like it but you can fit it and one pretty touch could be good but immediate you need to make a melee build for that so they're very a lot of like things that you have to put in motion to be able to use this spell in a good way but it's a good spell I think so and now swamp through it afraid of moon again what a surprise them and locate creature that pretty much doesn't work so the right other thing and look at the knife insect play again and it's crying so they have to change that though also oh man the under attack through the level 3 get access to web and Misty step two spells it dudes don't normally have access and two excellent spells Mr slap is one of the best players in the game allowing you to teleport the dudes can't do that and the web is one of the best home throw spells in the game so great spells here the great spells here now the under attack spell was doing so then I like drew it was doing so good in level three but level five and not so good so sticking cloud and there it is how it is and gaju's form there's a very bad spell um but that you can maybe strangely use to go around and like explore apart from that kind of bad and on the attack we can't greatly the beach will be on the game and that's a very good spell you can pretty much cast on your Druid and then you attack of Advantage all the time then whoever attacks you has the advantage and that's the Constitution is pretty good strong shape again they should change it pull out the Q I know lots of people are a fan of cloud kills and that's a that is a classical spell classical spell and can be good so I I like to use cloud Q and G stuff next that we have here those wouldn't have it I think and instead playing again so yeah guys pretty much lots of spells here that we don't have in the game we're not having the game but I mean I think there's no way we're having Alice in our terrain or great food and water oh that was the video guys thank you very much for thinking sticking up to for here and thank you your support all right and if you guys like the video and want to see more of it please like And subscribe to the channel see ya
Channel: Yaba Games
Views: 4,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yaba games, first impressions, steam games, Baldur's Gate 3 - Land Druid, Circle of the land druid, Druid, Druid Spells, COAST, DESERT, FOREST, GRASSLAND, MOUNTAIN, SWAMP, UNDERDARK, Arctic
Id: UpuVyLeKCVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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