Baldur's Gate 3 Cheat Engine Tutorial

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all right in the last video I talked about all the legendary items I was able to find in ball the skate 3. apparently I missed a few but whatever I got the most important ones anyway some of you asked I was able to do this so I'm going to go into a bit more detail here about the process of finding these items and spawning them into your game it's really easy to do take about five minutes to set up if that do want to say it's your choice to spawn the game's most powerful items into your actual playthrough save game I don't recommend actually doing that but it's your game your choice obviously personally I'll just use this program to test things and plan builds up that kind of stuff anyway so you're gonna need three things first of all well actually four things you're gonna need Boulder's Gate hopefully you've got that um you're going to need cheat engine so the website for cheat engine is cheat you're gonna need a file 4G engine that tells it how to interact with Baldur's Gate 3. BG 3.ct and you can find this by putting into Google Cheat Engine and Baldur's Gate 3 and it's the first result and then you're going to need a list of codes item codes for each item they want to spawn in this is the right pane to get all these items they have to get them from the games files and to format them nicely like this it took quite a while but I've done it for you so look at you and I'll be putting the link for this into the video's description now all the items I say all I'm gonna let somebody saying you didn't go to the books um these are all the items that are classified as armor or weapons I didn't look at any other items um so don't ask me about those I'm not really interested in those right now anyway so all the magical armor and weapons in the game are in this file most of them in a way there might be a few that are missing apparently there's some legendary Spears that you can get part as part of Shadow Hearts Quest on in here but whatever it's not that important really um now some of these are just really boring like Commons and uncommons um the ones that are legendary or very rare which are the two rarest types in the game I've tagged them for you so all you have to do to find the legendaries Ctrl F legendary and it will go straight to the legendary items and then if you want the very rares there's a lot more of those but just search for very rare there's probably about 84 of those so there's quite a lot oh no 115 it says there you go um but that there's also there's some really good items that are very rare that I would recommend looking at if you're interested in checking these out um okay so you need those three things so the first thing you're going to do is you're going to install cheat engine so download the file install it then you're going to download the bg3.ct file as as I said earlier to find this website you just need to put into Google Baldur's Gate 3 Cheat Engine and you will find this this website so called Fearless Revolution and then you'll need the list of item codes which will be in the video description okay once you've got those three things all right so the first thing you're going to do is you're going to load up cheat engine by double clicking the executable and then you're going to be doing two things first thing you're going to do is load up the bg3 CT file by double clicking it so you click on the open button click on bg3.ct and then you'll know you've done it right because there's a list of commands here and these These are the commands that will do things in bold to get through now you need to hook the cheat engine um executable into the game do that by clicking the little flashing button and going to Baldur's Gate three you know they're on the right one because it'll have the resolution next to it um now obviously it's safe to do this because it's a single player game don't do this in games like Rainbow Six Call of Duty they're online games because obviously they have programs with to detect um things like Cheat Engine and you'll get banned but I'm sure you already know that but just making sure everybody knows but it's perfectly safe to do with Baldur's Gate 3 because it's a single player game so double click that click yes to that and now we're hooked into the game and anything we do in these commands will take place in the game so I'm going to go to console commands we're going to click register commands and then we're going to click item spawner so we've got the command spawn hand crossbow plus two so if we click on the little box next to it and go to our game you'll see that a hand crossbow plus two has been spawned into the game there it is okay obviously we don't want to hang crossbow plus two we want the better stuff than that so you're going to go back to your item codes and I'm just going to search for this item here which is a very rare warlock gloves I just want the codes I'm going to copy the code so I'm going to go back to the spawn hand crossbow plus two command I'm going to right click on it I'm going to click change script I'm going to go to where it says local uid and I'm going to select the code inside the quotation marks and copy the new code over the top of it and press ok the name of the code the name of the command won't have changed but it will now spawn in the new item there it is and here's a sneak peek for the next video I'm going to do which is all going to be which is going to be all about the rare very rare items in the game this is probably one of the best ones warlocks are going to enjoy this one it makes your eldrich blast hit twice so that's pretty good in it anyway um so that is how to use the item spawner hopefully that's helpful there are other things you can do I mean you can explore it yourself but the most useful one probably from a testing perspective is if you go to on-demand so we were in item spawn and now we go to on on demand cheats click on that and there's a whole bunch of cheats here which are really useful so first of all you can re rest it says restore part this one doesn't work for some reason you go to restore party that's like taking a long rest so if I just burn a spell whatever so now if I click restore party you can see I've got the spell slot back and there's other ones here so there's add gold if you want to add gold you can do um this is probably the most useful one though so add 100 experience this is how I got my character to level 12. and I did that so that I can test things find out what the cleric gets at level 10 for example test how attacks work and stuff like that you know if I've got an idea for a build and I want to test them to see if it will really work then you can get yourself to level 10 12 sorry now you can do this by clicking the button and it will just give you the XP however this 100 experience it's going to take a long time to get to level 12. that's a lot of clicks so if you right click on the command go to change script change the 100 to a thousand well you could do 10 000 if you wanted and now I'm getting a thousand and that's going to get to level 12 a lot faster which means you can do your testing much more easily so you can test out builds and so on see how things work so those are probably the most two the the two most useful commands that you can get uh but there are other ones here you might want to use them maybe you're stuck maybe a bugs cause you to get stuck in the game and you need to cheat to get past it whatever um anyway so that's cheat engine hopefully that's uh answered all your questions on how to use that program any other questions let me know in the comments um yeah okay see ya
Channel: Yosharian's Builds
Views: 22,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, Cheat, Cheat Engine, Legendary, Legendary Items, Spawn, Level up, Editor, Bug, Stuck
Id: ZP70AUyxSFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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