How to spawn items in Baldurs Gate 3 using CheatEngine

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hello and welcome to the video this is going to  be relatively short it's just going to be how   to find a full item list of everything in the  game and how to use cheat engine and a cheat   table to spawn one of those items or multiple of  those items into the game and kind of a little   tutorial on how to get familiar with cheat engine  interface itself so the first thing that you're   going to need is you're going to need cheat  engine and you're going to need a cheat table the cheat table if you go to Google  and you type in Z Baldur's Gate three   it'll be the first link here and you can download the latest table here once you get the table downloaded and you have  cheat engine you're going to click the yellow   folder here select Boulders gate 3 hit  okay and you should not get a pop-up   I already have it populated so I have  a pop-up here but yes we want it here   basically what I did is I just opened it  twice that shouldn't affect me too much   um the next thing you're going to do is  you're going to select Baldur's Gate 3   on this monitor icon Boulders Gate 3 and it shows  the resolution that's the one we're looking for   open and yes keep the current  address listing code list so now cheat engine is set up and ready for us the  next thing that we need is we need a list of IDs   but luckily the same place you  use to download the cheat table has a list of every single asset ID in the game  and every item in the game so we click the eyeball   and then here's a list of everything and the  good thing about this specific table from what   I found is that you can search within this  table so if you're here and you hit control F   you can search and I was going to add hell dusk  gloves so let's just go ahead and search that so   you can either click the down arrow to go  to the next result or you can hit enter   so here we are and we have held us gloves the important information is the information in  between the quotation marks for the item you want   so I'm going to highlight that and  I'm going to copy it so I copy that I go over to cheat engine click the box next to console commands click the box next to register commands scroll down until you see item spawner  click the box next to item spawner   and then you're going to see spawn  hand crossbow plus two sample Scripts   you're going to right click on this  and you're going to click change script so this script right here what this is going to  do is whenever you execute it is going to add   this item end of the game and it's going to spawn  one of them that's what this value means so I want   to add hell dust gloves so I'm going to highlight  the code that is in there I'm going to delete it   I'm going to backspace and between the quotation  marks I'm going to paste so I'm going to control V   and I only want one pair so I'm going to leave  this value here at 1. so I'm going to click ok and I'm going to click the box next  to spawn hand crossbow plus two so that is done and you see it  says item received how dust gloves   I'm going to unclick the Box I'm going to check  it out let's see held us gloves here we are   your weapon attack still additional one to  six fire damage look at that so that is how   you spawn one item into the game no I want  to show you how to spawn multiple things at   once because it is possible for the game to crash  whenever you are loading these so after you get a   successful item spawn I always would suggest that  you save so I'm going to overwrite my my save here and I'm going to show you how to get multiple  items so we're going to have cheat engine here   and I'm going to bring my cheat table back  up because let's just say that I want held   us gloves boots helmet and armor so what  you're going to do is you're going to   open up where it says spawn hand crossbow  2 and you're going to change the script now you see we're right here now we're going to  add a second item here so I want held us I want   the full set so I want the boots so you're going  to highlight everything here quotations and all   copy paste that you're going to put a  comma and then I'm going to get helmet copy paste and then a comma and I want the armor I'm going to copy I'm going to paste and I'm going to put  a comma and then I'm going to hit OK now there's a high chance that this is going  to crash the game if it does that is it's awful   but let's go ahead and now we're going  to click this box next to spawn a hand   crossbow and it should spawn one of  each one of those items into the game four items received so here we go   click I and then look we have gloves we  have boots we have helmet we have armor boom so that is how you spawn multiple items at  once and then this right here is going to cut down   the time that it takes to spawn in your full sets  uh drastically and then if you have any crashes   that occur it's going to be less devastating  to you if you've already loaded in five items   and then it crashes after you've been copying  and pasting codes so that's how you do that   and I just want to show one more example on how  to spawn multiple of one item into the game so on   a word pad here I uh I went through those codes  and I pulled out every single scroll in the game   so I want Scroll of uh Fireball  so I'm going to search fireball and I have Scroll of Fireball here gonna highlight this and copy  and all of these are inside of the the master list here it's  just easier for me to have them   in a Word document for frequently used items we're going to open sheet engine back up we're  going to go into the script of the hand crossbow   so change script and then we're going to  delete all of the code that we just put in because we're no longer spawning in those items I'm going to paste the new code  in between the quotation marks   and we're going to change  this value here from 1 to 20.   or five or six however many you want so okay  and then click spawn hand crossbow plus two and as you see right here I got  Scrolls of Fireball added to the game so and as always or you could do new saves  overwrite saves but make sure you save before   you go into spawn the next item because  I have run into quite a few crashes when   experimenting with this but that covers this  video um if you run into any trouble or have   any questions about how to do this or any  information I share with you isn't working   correctly please comment and I'll reply as  soon as possible thank you and have a great day
Channel: Forgetable
Views: 1,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, CheatEngine, Legendary, rare, spawn items, baldur's gate 3
Id: R0h3Asnruic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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