How to edit player stats in Baldurs Gate 3 using CheatEngine

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hello and welcome this video is going to be a short uh guider tutorial on how to edit the player stats and the follower stats using cheat engine the first thing that you need to have is to download cheat engine I'm going to post a video in the description that covers how to download and install cheat engine and the cheat table that we're going to be using today so we're going to be using cheat engine and the cheat table from the video in the description all right once you get cheat engine open you're going to open your cheat table by clicking this yellow folder and then the cheat table and then open then we need to select Boulder's Gate for the window that we're going to be editing here so click the computer icon here's the pop-up then you're going to click Boulder Skate 3 you'll know it's the right one because it has the resolution and yes keep the current address code and code list all right the only reason why this video is being made is because it seemed very very buggy whenever I was going through this process on my own and I couldn't find any video tutorials or text tutorials on how to get this to work without the game crashing constantly so what you're going to do is you're going to go to Ability stat points right here you're going to click this box ability stat points then it tells you to save the game to populate then save and load to see results now if you're using a follower and you have anything like that whenever you do this load option do not click off to a different character don't open up any menus leave it directly as you you have it whenever you save the game because what will happen is it's going to change the values for the names and there'll be question marks and you won't be able to actually change the abilities for the character that you're trying to change them for so what we're going to do is we're going to follow what it tells us to do now so we're going to save the game to populate save game I'm just going to do a new save and I'll do an underneath test so game saves bring this here and you'll see here underneath abilities that we only have one thing populated that is because we don't have a follower here so it's only going to have me now if you're doing this and you have multiple characters like uh if you're doing this at camp and you're like halfway through your campaign or something you're going to have a bunch of followers at the camp it's going to try to pick everyone around you but if you only want to edit your party I would suggest going to a place where there's no one else around you okay so we saved and now we have data populated here so we're going to click the box next to abilities and we see here we have the name do not change and we have orc Barb and orc Barb is the name of this character because that's what it's going to be the next thing we're going to do here is we need to edit the stats so right click on the stat that you want to change which for me is gonna I'm just going to change them all to level 30. so right click go down to change record and then select value then you can add this to 30. then just press the down arrow on the directional do 30 30. 30 . now we have edited all of the stats to 30. now click the box next to each stat don't click name doesn't matter leave it here the next thing we're going to do is you're going to save and whenever you save this name right here is going to change and don't worry about it just don't open up any menus just save the game auto save it and then load and then you're going to see that all of our stats are going to be level 30. so save the game I'm going to overwrite test save successful named it and changed that's fine then we're going to hit load game and load the saved game all right here we are let's see game didn't crash lovely the name disappeared on here great delete or sorry not delete but click the boxes next to here because we're done editing you can minimize you can close Gene engine now it doesn't matter it's going to be good we check our stats all level 30. so that covers it nice and easy not too bad
Channel: Forgetable
Views: 1,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CheatEngine, Cheat, Engine, BG3, BaldursGate3, Player stats
Id: 2kdvygg8lh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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