Baldur's Gate 3: Becoming a Mind Flayer and options

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what's up for discussion I have assessed our encounter with the nether breath from every angle I know why we failed the problem was not the stones the problem was you you can make only one move at a time with the nether brain calculates every possible knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do you cannot outmaneuver it fit it you would have to think like in a mythid yet E1 your mind is not capable of this mine you will give the stones to me I will assimilate Orpheus and then I will be able to leave this prison to face the brain please in theory yes you have resisted such a fate so far and this would be a complete evil evil and you'll be an enlisted for the rest of your days is this really something you would be willing to accept this isn't a decision to take lightly we should talk first mother gifts only son has suffered long in his prison refuse better yet crush his revolting skull and let this prism be his grave then smash the crystals with the orphic hammer and free the prince from his bonds Comet will guide us to assure Victory against the brain Jamar Salah obvious I trust you and stand by you however you choose the blade is at the ready oh they lost I trust you have aired opinions and Grievances and made your decision are you ready to become a mind flayer very well I had the means to evolve you I told this one from the nautiloid I have been nurturing it ever since primate for your use all you have to do is open your mind to it its latent potential will do the rest the boundary between thought and feeling is gone your mind and body are as one bristling with concentrated cerebral energy as the emperor described but there is something else Tina's to be filled a hunger to be sated is overwhelming don't you the hunger embrace it stop you would keep my people chained to their damnable Queen driven a blade through your throat at first chance to free Prince Orpheus and you side with cake you want Orpheus dead you'll have to kill me first lies you have been seduced by empty promises gate tricks think I ever hoped for more from you you damned my people for eternity rip off your every lemon bask in your agony so to give Yankee lips what then are you left with what ideas remain untested how will you defeat a nether brain your only choice is to trust me it is a shame we could not have cooperated your powers of manipulation are quite something very well since you will not work with me you work against me you leave me no option but to join the nether brain Gods not look torturous set smash the crystals with the hammer and free the prince of the Comet kiss beloved Son will lead us to a sure Victory against the nether brain foreign silenced but even with his mind caged you can feel his power you can almost taste the fluid beneath his scalp cushioning dense brain and The Power Within it you are hungry I see that look I know that look don't you dare [Music] your mind and body whine with disappointment song lets out a gentle thrum of relief imprisoned though he may be Prince Orpheus lives [Music] you geek Ally of my abuser you will face my retribution takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head it's unlike any sensation you've ever felt you attempted to obliterate my mind for your own gain and yet you freed me and stand before me now a living contradiction what have you to say for yourself speak foreign [Music] against your own Hive might and I am the Noble gift Yankee Val rag full of rebel Rebel not only capable willing intentions by Vantage I cannot over an advantage that must be grasped for our enemy is formidable indeed very well I propose an alliance [Music] Let Us return now to the city and follow the path of the nether brain come it's time for us to meet our Fates and end this illithic nightmare you want office dead you'll have to kill me first [Music] lies you have been seduced by empty promises gate tricks think I ever hoped for more from you you have damned my people for eternity rip off your every limb and bask in your agony foreign Grace do it we will end The Grand Design and then we will go our separate ways I'm sure you will learn how to do it more gracefully with time but you have done what is necessary the greater challenge Now lies ahead of us the nether brain come we must follow the brain's path will not fail I wasn't prepared it's time to leave foreign foreign two steps at a time yes [Music] foreign I admire the get Yankee you know what she lacked in foresight she made up for passion passion is a consolation prize for those who lack intellect now enough of this distraction we must assimilate Orpheus I'm sure you will learn how to do it more gracefully with time but you have done what is necessary the greater challenge Now lies ahead of us the nether brain come we must follow the brain's path this time will not fail you've come it's time to leave a look
Channel: YannimalGR
Views: 7,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, dnd, larian, bhaal, mind flayer, lae'zel, githyanki, gale, astarion, wyll, shadowheart, paladin, karlach, true soul, absolute, tadpole, baldur's gate, lower city, jaheira, minsc, bg3
Id: Fef1bT1RFjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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