BG3 Karlach Build Guide - Wildheart Barbarian & Battle Master Fighter

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in the spaldersgate 3 guide I'll be showing you how to play karlak if you want to make her a bit more Dynamic than just a barbarian by adding the Battle Master subclass of fighter even though barbarians are quite strong and their own right I'll cover ability score as class features equipment and I will provide tips on how to get the most out of karlak when played This Way being a barbarian Carlock is a melee oriented character that does absolutely devastating damage from close range and is quite tanky thanks to Rage which reduces all physical damage he takes by half when this is active however in this build we'll be multi-classing her with fighter for even more damage from action surge the fighting style great weapon fighting Maneuvers that deal increased damage as well as their effects and you still get three Feats with this build since Carlock begins bg3 as a barbarian her ability scores are in line with what a melee Warrior might have however you will want to respect her eventually to get the most out of her and this will allow you to take great weapon Master for your first feat without having serious ability score issues that need correcting you can see on the screen what she starts with and what I've changed it too when it comes to skills Carlock has Proficiency in athletics and survival by default and Athletics is good at preventing her from being shoved and helps with shoving enemies I recommend selecting animal handling and perception proficiencies since she has decent wisdom though she will likely not be the best at these in your group still her survival and perception will help to give you better chances to spot hidden things if the main party member you use for these fails their checks so it's not bad to have a backup moving along to the character progression of karlak I like to keep my companions at least the class to begin the game with since it feels like that's how lyrion intended for them to be played and it's no exception here with Carla so we begin with Barbarian and we pick up a lot of nice things from this unarmored defense may not be used early on and is very gear dependent but it's still nice to have as an option rage is great as this will add plus two to her melee attacks and throwing and also gives Carlock damage resistance against physical damage cutting this damage in half while her rage is active you can use this two times before she must long rest at this level but at last 10 turns so should get her through two combats before running out at level 2 Carlock will gain dangerous sense and Reckless attack dangerous sense is great for preventing AOE type damage from any sources but the big pickup here is reckless attack this will give Carlock advantage on her melee attacks though enemies will gain advantage against her when she uses it this is a good trade-off though since she will usually have damage resistance from Rage reducing the damage she takes by half and she must get hit or attack every turn or rage ends anyway Reckless attack allows her to use the great weapon Master feat more effectively than just about any class out there when using a two-handed weapon so it's a must-have at level 3 karlik will gain an additional rage charge between each long rest for a total of three rage charges and will get to choose her subclass we are selecting Wild Heart here in order to gain Eagle heart Eagle heart will allow Carlock to Dash as a bonus action improving her Mobility on the battlefield even further and also makes it so opportunity attacks made against her have disadvantage which means she can ignore them for the most part and she can also use diving strike while enraged which allows her to jump down onto a Target without taking fall damage and hit it for weapon damage and knock it prone if she is above the target at level 4 she'll gain her first feat and we want great weapon Master here for the increased damage while using a two-handed weapon as well as the bonus action attack if she critically hits or kills something with a melee weapon attack this will increase her damage by a lot and the attack roll penalty is mostly offset by Advantage from Reckless attack at level 5 karlak will gain fast movement increasing the amount she can move each turn by three meters as long as she isn't using heavy armor she will also gain extra attack allowing her to attack a second time each turn if she uses her action to attack when combined with great weapon Master this often results in three attacks since she can attack with her bonus action if she crits or kills something with the first two attacks at level 6 of Barbarian Carlock will gain one more rage charge for a total of four uses between long rests she will also get to select an animal aspect and we will choose aspect of the Beast stallion this aspect provides Carlock with temporary hit points every time she dashes two temp hit points per level and since we've selected eagleheart she can Dash as a bonus action allowing her to still attack two times when using this note that she doesn't actually have to move to gain the benefit of temporary HP and she can just refresh this each time she runs out of it at this point we'll take levels of fighter to pick up things from this class and the Battle Master subclass before going back to Barbarian it may not be inherently obvious what you gain by doing this or you might think there's too much overlap so let's take a closer look at why this is a good pairing multi-class wise a level 7 Carlock will take her first level of fighter granting her second wind and a fighting style second win is a bonus action heal that will get stronger as she takes more levels of the fighter and is usable every short rest so she will likely use it once per combat as needed for fighting style carlec will select great weapon fighting to make it so that she cannot roll a one or two on her damage dice when making her attack rolls this all but commits her to using a two-handed weapon since they are needed to make use of this fighting style at level 8 Carlock will gain action Surge from taking her second level of fighter this allows her to refresh her action once per short rest this is particularly deadly when combined with extra attacks since it allows her to attack four times on the turn that she uses it not including any bonus action attack from great weapon master so potentially five times she should use this each combat when needed at level 9 carlec will get to choose a fighter subclass and we're going with Battle Master here in order to pick up some Maneuvers for Carlock to use in combat she will select three from a list of 14 and these will consume a superiority die each time they are used Carlock will gain four superiority die with this build which add 1d8 to damage on top of the maneuver's effect and these replenish each short rest so you should not be afraid to use them each combat Maneuvers I recommend are up on the screen you'll only be able to select three of these but there is a case for each disarming attack disarms the enemy forcing them to spend actions picking up their weapon and then equipping it this can prevent huge damage to karlak or your party menacing attack frightens the enemy preventing movement and giving the target disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks pushing attack allows Carlock to hit the enemy and knock it backwards 4.5 meters this can sometimes allow her to push enemies to their death and is situational but can come in handy all three of these attacks add 1d8 Dam used and do not consume a superiority die if they miss robust allows you to attack as a reaction with 1d8 increased damage if an enemy misses you with a melee attack once per round costing one superiority die this is extremely powerful if you have high Armor class however enemies are likely to have Advantage when attacking karlak from Reckless attack so she is more likely to be hit so she may not get as much use from this as some Fighters would at level 10 karlak will reach level 4 in Battle Master allowing her a second feat takeability Improvement here and get her strength to 18. this will further improve her hit chance and damage after reaching level 4 and Battlemaster will swap back to Barbarian for the last couple of levels at level 11 Carlock will gain feral Instinct providing her an initiative bonus of plus 3 and making her immune to surprise so she doesn't forfeit her turn when ambushed this is really good as it means she'll take her turn sooner in combat sooner in combat means enemies die before they have a chance to attack at level 12 karlik will gain her final feat take ability Improvement here and get straight length to 20. this will further improve her hit chance and damage next let's take a look at what equipment carlak should use farlac won't be using heavy armor since she gains increased movement speed at level 5 Barbarian when not wearing it and has 14 dexterity which will help boost her Armor class higher she can wear medium armor if you find a good one like adamantine scale male however you can also go unarmored if you find gear that is more appropriate like bracers of defense or the mighty claw when it comes to carlak's weapon great swords are ideal for this build since they actually roll two D6 try to get minimally a plus two great sword as soon as you can to help offset the -5 penalty to attack rolls Carla has when using raid weapon Master for the rest of carlex equipment you want to focus on Armor class damage reduction movement speed and attack all of these things benefit Carlock in some way but attack can help further offset the minus 5 penalty to attack rolls garlic has when using great weapon master final tips the general strategy with this build is to move carlec up to any enemy she can reach use rage and then attack the target twice hopefully killing it if not she can use action search if needed however if she does kill it she should move to the next Target and use action surge to attack them twice if possible on Turn 2 she should attack whomever she can kill dashing to give her temporary HP to protect herself if necessary or using her bonus action to attack if she can make sure she is using her bonus action each turn if possible make sure to set up Reckless attack and carlax reaction so that she can be prompted when making normal attacks Maneuvers or weapon actions this way she can use these together and only uses Reckless attack if she is going to miss this prevents unnecessary advantage on incoming attacks if you're going to hit your Target anyway don't forget to use carlex Maneuvers this will not only boost the damage of her attacks but can cause negative effects on the enemies she hits decide if you need the extra damage to kill the Target or if it's better to use or maneuver on a hard to kill Target than might need debuffing lastly you can swap one level of fighter for one level of Barbarian if you wish to pick up brutal critical but you will lose out on a third feat which is typically plus two strength choice is up to you though and either are very good for this bill so that wraps up our karlak build guide I hope you guys can see why I matched fighter with Barbarian here it's really good to gain action Surge and then also picking up some Maneuvers from Battle Master really helps to increase her damage since she can regain these every short rest which is typically in between each combat that's going to further improve her damage and give her more things she can do in combat to make her a little more dynamic as always if you guys have tips that I didn't mention in this video make sure to leave them in the comments and if you have further questions post them there as well and I will answer them as soon as [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 169,264
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Keywords: bg3 karlach build, bg3 karlach guide, baldurs gate 3 karlach build, baldurs gate 3 karlach guide, bg3 rogue build, bg3 rogue, bg3 rogue guide, bg3 karlach rogue build, bg3 karlach rogue multiclass, bg3 karlach trickery build, bg3 cleric build guide, baldurs gate 3 karlach, bg3 build, baldur's gate 3 karlach build, baldur's gate 3 karlach guide, baldur's gate 3 build, karlach build guide, bg3 karlach, baldur's gate 3 karlach, bg3 karlach voice, bg3 karlach companion
Id: C-eE78SDrz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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