Baldur's Gate 3 Build: INSANE Cleric/Sorcerer Fire Build That You Should Try! (Multiclass Guide)

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 build guide I'm going to show you a pyro build that is mainly focused on fire damage spells and Fire Resistance I'm going to show you every single level from level one all the way up to level 12. I'm going to show you all of these spells that I'm using and I'm also going to show you some of the gear that works very well with this build so if you're looking for a Baldur's Gate fire build this is the one for you we have lots of pyro stuff that we can dive into so let's jump into this Baldur's Gate 3 build guide and I'll show you exactly how this build Works alright guys so let's get started with this pyro build fire build that we have here so for race we're going with Alf and we get a advantage on saving throws against Charmed magic and we can't be put to sleep we can see up to dark 12 meters but we get proficiency and long sword short swords short bow and longbow it's not necessarily needed for this but I do pick up specific weapons while in my playthrough that I do use sometimes so I like to have this one we're going going with high elf and this is because we get the fire bolt can trip that we're going to use we're going with the cleric class for now and these are the cantrips that we're using I use sacred flame I use this one and then I use this one so essentially what these do is this is just a one to eight damage this one here a Target gains a 1d4 bonus to Ability checks in this last 10 turns make a Target more resistant to spell effects and conditions it receives a 1d4 bonus of saving throws and this lasts 10 turns and then what we're going with is light domain because what we get is we get this can trip I don't really use this too much but we get this which is burning hands this goes very well with our fire build and then we get this all Targets within the light turn visible and attack rolls against them have advantage and this lasts for 10 turns and then we get the subclass feature Shield yourself with Divine Light you can choose any one of these with the background I've gone with acolyte with abilities this is what I have with abilities it's a little bit different from a previous build that I did but similar so eighth strength 14 dexterity 16 Constitution 12 intelligence 16 wisdom and eight Charisma now you could potentially want to change this around a little bit so the reason we have a little bit of intelligence is because this fire bolt scales off intelligence so I do have a little bit in intelligence you could potentially bring this down to 10 and put some points somewhere else but I leave it at 12 and then I have 16 into wisdom 8 into Charisma now you could take some out of Constitution and put it into wisdom but the reason I have it at this is because I like that Constitution for a little bit more hit points but this is the setup I'm using anyway right now for this particular build and it is working well if maybe you could change this around now these are the spells that I'm running guiding bolts Bliss Shield of faith and cure wounds okay I'm not using this one here I'm trying to not use as many damage spouses I as I as I can because I have this cantrip here and we're doing a fire build but these are the ones I'm using bless is very good bless up to three creatures and they gain a 1d4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws this one is protect a creature from attacks increase the armor class by two so this will actually last until your long rest so you just have this on all the time until you rest again you can put this on yourself and we have cure wounds which is pretty self-explanatory you can heal a creature that you can touch so that is the setup that I have for the start of this particular class okay so with this class we don't really get a lot of our really good fire spells until later on in our levels but we have fire bolt and this just sends out a fireball and does once 10 damage which you probably already know and then another damage one that we have right now is this now it's not fire obviously but it's very good so that's why I have it on and then we have burning hands which gives us a wall of fire that we can essentially spew out of our hands and then we just have these other ones that we can use I don't need to explain all of these because they're self-explanatory and you probably already know what these are but these are essentially defensive ones and stuff like that and just stuff for our Dice and all of that stuff I actually do this one put this on myself so now I have Shield of Faith until I rest again so this is a good one and it and it protects a creature from a text and increases its armor class by two right now on level two we stick with the cleric class and we haven't I've added another spell which is Bane up to three creatures receive a minus 1 D4 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws in this lasts for 10 turns right so level three we start to get some more fire stuff so we now have a few more spells that we can go and have a look at but more importantly we get the Flaming spare we get 2 to 12 damage summons a flaming sphere that um damages nearby enemies and objects you can move the sphere it emits a bright light and this lasts for 10 turns and then we also get this one here which is scorching Ray and this is very good it's one of my favorites Hill three rays of fire each raid deals 2 to 12 fire damage now this is a setup I have at level three I didn't really change much here I just added this spiritual weapon which I do use and this is a bonus action and it uses a bonus action rather than an action and then we have these two here which I'll quickly show you what they look like right now so now we have scorching Ray and essentially you tap it three times and it just destroys enemies and then we have this one here where we can move this around and say [Music] and you can move it around so that's really cool so let's jump into the next level and we actually get a feat now first of all we get another can trip and you can just choose whatever you like here I like to go with blade Ward you could choose anyone you like and you can prepare your spells however you like as well like nothing's really changed here too much we do have a another slot here and you can just go ahead and choose what you'd like to put in there I like to put in this one healing I like to have quite a lot of healing stuff with this specific class because we don't really have too much fire stuff just yet we just unlocked a couple before but this is the setup that I have right here for the feet you want to go with this Elemental one and you want to choose fire and what this does is spells you cast ignore resistance to fire damage in addition when you deal fire damage with your spell you cannot roll a one so what that means is only take half the amount of damage from a from a certain damage so what this means is if an enemy has resistance to fire they will take full damage instead of half the damage if they have the if they are resistant to fire so you want to have that one on all right so level five we're about to multi-class in a second but level five we've unlocked a bunch of stuff and we've unlocked this when you successfully turn an undead creature it also takes 4 to 24 radiant damage now we've changed our spells a little bit we have now unlocked level three spells so you could with this kind of here it's a bit hard because as you play you're going to figure out the best spells for yourself but I've gone with glip of warden because we get a fire damage Elemental in there that we could use so that is what I go for in my prepared spells but then we also now get this which is the level three Fireball 8 to 48 damage so we now have this that we can use so now we're starting to get some really good fire damage stuff at level six we are now going to multi-class into sorcerer and we're going to go and choose um draconic bloodline and this gives us extra armor if we have no armor on but more importantly we're going to go with this which is the draconic ancestry at level six it spells that deal fire damage are more powerful and you could become resistant to fire damage you could also choose this but it's pointless because we actually already have burning hands so if you go with this one you then get this disguise yourself I don't use this very much but it's just better than having this because obviously I would have the same spell it doesn't it that's pointless but we want to go with this because we get spells that deal fire damage are more powerful and then we and then you could go ahead and just do whatever you like here it doesn't really matter too much now with the can trips it doesn't really matter choose whatever you want I don't use most of this stuff but I do use this one here you can go choose whatever you want for spells though I would recommend choosing chromatic orb you because you can choose a fire damage Elementor in there and then also this magic Missile was very good although it's not a fire damage spell this is a hundred percent hit success rate so you can actually hit things around corners and stuff like that so this is very good as well I would recommend that and then just make sure you have the same stuff as this all right at level seven things have changed a little bit we go back to the cleric and you will have to do these again because it actually resets from the multi-class I've gone to guiding bolts here Bliss Bane shot of Faith uh prey of Hurley I've got the spiritual weapon again I've gone with hold person now you can put whatever you like in here just but this is what I'm running hold a humanoid enemies still they can't move act or react attacks from within three meters are always at Critical Hits then we have the glyph of wadding which I'll show you and then I also have another healing one which is mass healing word so that is now what I have at this level all right so now we're getting into some more spells we now have a level for a wall of fire which is very good and we now have another spell slot that we could potentially use you can use banishment brain of movement or death Ward this is the one I usually go with death water protect that creature from Death the next time damage would reduce it to zero hit points it remains conscious with one hip Point left and this will last for until a rest so that is what I'm running there but if you if you're struggling with this build um at this point of time you could potentially look at adding another damage spell but you don't really need to because we have a pretty good setup of spells at this point of time all right so level nine where you get an extra feat and we also get you another get another spell slot that we could use uh just choose whatever you like to be honest at this point this one is pretty good create an undead servant from a corpse and then we now have another feat we are going to go ability Improvement and we're gonna pop two points and into wisdom now if you want to you could do this on the first feet rather than now and then you could do the elemental one now but you do want to get that wisdom pumped up to 18 at least all right level 10 we start to get some pretty cool spells again we've unlocked a bunch of more spells more importantly we have flame Strike 10 to 60 damage fire as a 5d6 roll and this is very good so I will show you that but more importantly we now have some more space we have two more spell slots what I would go with here is the insect plague this is very good and also this one here poison a Target and possibly afflict them with the disease of your choice I would go with those two at this point of time you could potentially use some of these but these are the two that I use at level 11 nothing much happens here we go we get a class feature which is pretty good and then we get another can trip that we could uh choose I go with this one here or you could go with this just to stick with your fire damage themed build but I like this one instead and now we have another spell slot that we could use and I would go something like this where you touch a creature and negate any charm stun or curse affecting it but you could obviously again choose whatever you like with that one level 12 we unlock some more spells and I'm going to take away this one here don't really need it because I want to use two more and what I use is I use this blade barrier and I go with this one here Heroes Feast you and everyone around can't be poison disease or Frights and your HP increases and you make wisdom saved with advantage and this will last until a long rest so this is the setup I have at this point of time with all of our fire spells and stuff so let me show you what this kind of looks like in our in our hot bar and then I'll show you the actual gear that we use because we do have some gear that we use with this as well that works very well with the fire theme build alright Guys these are all of the can trips and spells that we now have at our disposal we have quite a lot what I've done is I've done a custom bar down here showing all the fire ones that we have and I've actually included this one in it even though it is a radiant damage it's a flame so we'll just add it in there anyway but technically it's not really a pyro part of the Pyro build but this is still pretty good and I do use it quite often and it's just an action so that's why you use it and then we have these ones down here and I'm going to show you these in a second but first I want to show you some gear that we actually have for this build that actually amplifies this just a little bit more so we can get the maximum potential out of this build all right guys let's have a look at some of our gear before we move on to testing out the spouts so we have this hat here now obviously um you might not be able to find this gear or you you know might take you some time I'm using mods to Showcase you the specific gear right now but this is what I have been running in my build with this so the Hat of fire whenever you deal fire damage you gain Arcane for two turns so if I go like this actually shows you affected entity has a plus one bonus to its spell attack rolls and spell difficulty class per turn remaining so you want to have that one I haven't really found another hat that's better than this for this specific build this is good a creature a creature that damages the wearer within two meters receives burning this works very well with the fire theme of this build now this thing here you're probably not going to get to way later on in the game and remember if you actually don't have any armor on at all we get a plus two to our um to our armor so you're probably not going to be wearing armor until you find a good piece so you gain a two plus bonus to your rolls and then you have resistance to fire damage and a two plus bonus of saving throws and we get a fire Shield a level 4 fire Shield so that's this is a very good piece this one here your weapon attacks deal an additional one two six fire damage and we get rays of Fire this is very good piece here we have this weapon we this does and this does two to 16 damage um and it ignores fire resistance then we also are proficient in this so we get some uh things I'll share a sec let's see how you gain an additional level two spouse slot this here when dealing fire damage the wearer deals an additional one fire damage and then we get when you heal a creature you gain one D4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for two turns so we did quite a bit of healing with this class as well as fire damage so this is a good piece if you can pick this up I haven't found a good pair of boots yet for this class uh I usually just use whatever something that gives me like a better role bonuses and stuff like that so this is the gear that I'm using for this specific class now let me show you some of these spells that we have now all right so we now have rays of fire which is a can trip and it has 9 to 54 damage and it ignores fire resistance so it Hills three and it's just an action so yeah we just wasted an enemy real quick I wasn't expecting that to happen um so that is that one and we also have a few others that we got we got this flaming blade so it ignores fire resistance and it's pretty good so it's a blade of Fire super cool then we go back we also have this one here which is an action scorching flame Shield light and a three meter radius you take only half the damage of all cold damage and deal two to 16 by damage anyone who hits you within a melee attack so we can put that on ourselves so any enemy that comes within this will get damaged okay so now we've got some more fire stuff we have scorching Ray which I showed you we have Fireball which is just a huge Fireball massive radius on this insane we also have burning hands which you already know about and remember guys you can choose what spell you want uh what spell level you want to use for more damage we have flame strike which hails down a flame just slide that on the target we have sacred flame I'm not even going to count that in this but I do use it we have Wall of fire this is really good so essentially you can choose a a point to start from any point to go across and you can create a wall of Fire really good and then we have the glyph of warding and what this is here is you can choose different Elemental damages now we're going to go with the fire one the glyph the glyphs explode and hurt anyone within range when Stepped On by an enemy this has a massive radius as well I'll try and do it here if I can see anyone within that radius or when they go into that into that radius they're going to get damaged now another one that I missed was this one here the chromatic orb if we click on the chromatic orb it's just kind of the same thing we have different Elemental damages that we can use so chromatic orb has a fire one and this is more for early early game oh light game if you want and that's like just a ball of Fire so we have an insane amount of fire stuff that we can use for this build it's really really good go and try it out and see if this works for you and I think it will I think you really like it it's worked very well for me it's just heaps of fun don't forget to subscribed tap that notification Bell smash that like button and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Sike
Views: 28,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, best cleric multiclass bg3, cleric multiclass baldur's gate 3, multiclassing bg3, multiclassing baldur's gate 3, best cleric build baldur's, best sorcerer build baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 build guide, baldurs gate 3 guide, cleric baldur's gate 3 subclasses, sorcerer bg3 build, best baldur's gate 3 multiclass builds, multiclass guide bg3, bg3 fire build, best bg3 fire build, baldurs gate 3 fire build
Id: NFZ-KrvwJKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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