Baldur's Gate 3 - Best Items In Act 3

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act three of Baldur's Gate 3. easily some of the best items in the game I would actually even say most of the best items are in act 3 which is unfortunate but at the same time if you think of it like this that's a good thing in my opinion because that means there's progression in the game imagine you get all your best gear in act one then what the is the point in playing the rest of the game so I like the fact that a lot of builds get enabled in act 3. I know some people don't feel that way and that's cool everyone can have their own opinion but for me I like how an act 3 you can turn a mid build into a god-like build alright y'all have already seen some of the builds that I've made on this channel and a lot of those builds use items from act 3 right I try to make those builds you know not entirely act three items because I get it right um You don't want to make your whole build based around one act I I I understand that and that's what I try to do but the truth is the best items are an act three that's just the truth the best armor the best weapons you know all that type of so with this video I'm gonna show y'all what I think are the best items to get in act 3. now before I show anything I have to preface this video like I do with every other video by saying everything that I might show y'all and tell y'all it's just my opinion it's just a random dude on the internet's opinion okay if you disagree if you agree if you want to put in your two cents that's what the comments are for baby you know what I mean it's uh it's all good you know we ain't got to go to war over oh my God you know we ain't gotta we don't have to go to war with everything right we can discuss it and I'm I'm all for discussion all right so with that being said I present to y'all the best items in act 3 of balder's gate 3. the band The Mystic scoundrel after hitting a creature with a weapon attack you can cast illusion or enchantment spells as a bonus action um I like this ring a lot this ring can make for some very spicy gishy Ranger type builds you know what I'm saying um one that comes to mind is the Dual hand crossbow because we got two bonus actions because you can use one to cast a spell one of your Bard spells you know what I'm saying um and you can find this actually I'm gonna tell you where you can find this after I show you about the next item which is you probably know if you know where I am right now it it it is the Trident that's coming so um just if you want to know how to get this item just stick around for a little bit I'll show you the location the night Rule now probably the best throwing weapon in the game the Dwarven thrower is not bad that's pretty good but for me this is the best one this weapon will return to your hand when thrown only one other weapon in the game has this passive feature and that's the returning Pike which you can buy in in the goblin vendor at the goblin camp in act one way back then you cannot be forced to drop the weapon that means it can't be disarmed off of you which is pretty good or commanded off of you when thrown the weapon creates an explosion that deals 3 to 12 Thunder damage in a six meter blast centered on the target so not only does it do pretty decent single Target damage it bling up it being a plus three weapon and all but it actually does a little AOE and you're probably going to be playing a class that has those extra attacks like a fighter with this weapon um fighter Barbarian for example so you're going to be throwing this quite a lot per turn which means this three to twelve damage which may seem small will add up in in an AOE area of effect not my name okay you gain a three meter bonus to movement speed and jump distance nice equipping this weapon gives you immunity to Falling damage a free feather fall it just keeps stacking up there's so many positives with this weapon this object shines with a glowing light in a radius of six meters so it also comes with light it is just it it's lighted all the time which is nice for those characters that don't have dark vision okay medium comes with cool attacks Zephyr flash 6 to 48 damage that's that's the same thing as Fireball by the way Rush forward creating an air Vortex that blasts foes so it's it's a you can hit more than one enemy and possibly inflicts bleeding great attack if they're lined up hit him with this bleed him Fireball damage crazy and the last attack Zephyr break 636 pretty good damage too it made a powerful Gale of wind that clears all clouds and pushes creatures back five meters possibly inflicting off balance so it also comes with a push attack and when an enemy is off balance and then he has disadvantage on strength and dexterity checks and attack rules against it have Advantage boom so yeah this weapon kind of comes with a lot of positives all right if you're throwing if you are throwing if you're a throwing Barbarian throwing eldest Knight this weapon is really really good possibly invest in slot probably okay and you can get this weapon and the band of Mystic scoundrel and in the jungle all right the nairuna will be in here in a little chest you can lock pick it I decided to punch it that's what my monk does but I want to show you where to get both of these items we're gonna exit we're going to exit through this portal here and we'll be at the circus the circus is the first thing that you'll be running into probably okay in act three uh you enter through here right and then you turn left boom here's the circus you gotta pass a couple dialogue checks to get in and then you'll see this gin Genie akabi all right he runs The Willow The Wheel of Fortune minigame here at the circus and if you talk to him and spin the wheel you'll always lose and the reason why you always lose is because he has a he he has a ring he has a ring in his inventory you have to so this is how I would do it you have to pickpocket this ring off of them you gotta pickpock of this ring if you pickpocket the ring then his machine will automatically let you win and then he'll teleport you one of your characters the one that was talking to him to that jungle to get the band of Mystic scoundrel and the night Rule now okay now how I recommend doing it is obviously having your highest Dex person do it as well okay and you're gonna have someone talk to him while you're stealing it just makes it easier you know I'm saying and this this same method can be used to steal off of vendors and that's what I did and basically I was I was super rich by by act three by doing that method but yeah you gotta pickpock of this ring uh for this dude he'll send that character that he was talking to that spun the wheel to the Jungle you gotta fight if you keep you gotta fight a few uh Velociraptors in there and you and you find these really really good items Bang Bang and bang bang um okay I'm gonna have to help me with this vendor name I'm gonna try but I'm probably gonna get it wrong all right let's give it a go X Vic Yap okay this is a Dragonborn you can find uh in act three one of the first vendors that you run into it's right across the street from the circus okay and there's a couple items in here that I want to show you all right uh first is The Shield Swire sled board The Shield shrouds the wearer with Force conduit at the start of his turn in combat Forest conduit is basically um if if if if it takes damage it like repels as Force damage in a six meter radius right and this can go along with some of those builds that you know Thrive off of reflect damage bills that wanna get hit to do damage like that one wizard build that I'm gonna have I'm gonna have a build guy later for you know what I'm saying this would probably fit that and I definitely will try that so I a sled board next time that I want to um I think the last item that I want to show here is actually the the bones by Garb you gain 15 temporary hit points whenever you rage reduce all incoming damage by two when the wearer is struck by the melee attack the attacker takes two piercing damage it's just a solid uh clothing if you you know if you go in the pure Barbarian style where you're not wearing any armor or any Shield so you get the unarmored benefits from barbarians you can rock this um Until the End of Time really it's pretty solid 15 10 part hit points is is pretty good and it also gets reduced damage so if you are playing one of those pure barbarian builds it's probably one of them go to's um and that's it about this vendor that's all that xvideop has okay all right next item martial exertion gloves what is Marshall exertion exactly push past your physical limits look it look it limits taking 6 to 36 piercing damage to gain an additional attack per turn and to double your movement speed this is kind of like having haste except you're not going to be lethargic afterwards it recovers after a short rest so you could do it after every fight six to 36 damage is kind of a lot but if you put another character like on a bow character like I'm about to do this these gloves would shine uh especially for Fighters because if you get if you give Fighters an extra attack and their level 11 Fighters which is I almost have an 11 a level 11 fighter right here that means it's three extra attacks so these gloves would shine on those fighter 11s I'm gonna test it out as soon as my fighter is level 11 and I'll probably make a video about it so watch out for that but yes don't sleep on these gloves there are a lot of good gloves in this game that add damage that do this that do that but getting an extra attack is for especially for attack for classes that attack multiple times in a turn it's pretty sweet oh and you could find this here uh so we are where the iron hands are okay I guess I should go up a ladder and show you exactly where it is you know uh but if you happen to help um you don't even have to help Wolverine but it leads you down here and let me just show where I am just so you all know so you can you can access through here the Rivington General there's a hatch okay uh the Rivington General is the shop that I showed you earlier right um there's a hatch down here that you can go down and you could talk to the iron hands this hatch is going to be locked though so the the real way to get here is through the back end and let me show you guys where the back end is located from because that way you have to unlock it through a lever or a lever root route tomato tomato um let me just show y'all where it is real quick before I move on to the next item so the real entrance to the iron hands to get these gloves and to talk to the eye iron hand deep gnomes is over here still in the first map of act 3 Rivington go a little North set north of the sword Coast Coast couriers where you can do it a little dialogue to get a little bit of extra money by the way right here to get these pretty sweet gloves the silver sword of the astral plane now first thing first thing I want to mention I know you can get this item in act one if you do command drop if you do disarming attack I'm 100 aware of that okay but I wanted to I wanted to leave and wait for it because it you know the game really wants you to get it in act three and having this item in act one it really defeats the purpose purpose of progression because whoever you're a gift Yankee fighter Barbarian is in the group they're gonna be wearing this for the rest of the game you know so I want I don't want to show it in the act one video I could have but I chose not to because it really belongs in act three okay and what does it do when will the buyer gets Yankee this weapon deals an additional one to six psychic damage against Yankee Holdings weapon has advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws at resistance to psychic damage and cannot be Charmed it's a plus three weapon it comes with an attack called Soul breaker that can stun the enemy it's just super good if you have to get the Yankee manly person on your team they could be packed with the blade they can be a fighter they could be a barbarian give this to them it's really good okay and of course you can get this um first you want to go talk to Rafael who is over here uh Raphael's over here you talked to Raphael in this area Okay uh the kith rag Voss the guy you get the weapon from will be talking to him they'll be arguing okay you're gonna get the orphan camera from from Raphael all right you're gonna bring the orpha camera over here that's uh the bar or whatever the and he's gonna give you if you say You're Gonna free Orpheus you don't have the free orbs by the way if you say You're Gonna free him he'll give you the sword and then bang There It Is and thorough danthalon okay uh this is a vendor that you may or may not have come across and if you haven't that is unfortunate because he sells some pretty good items okay um and I guess I'm just gonna show you what they are first item I want to show y'all from this vendor gauntlets of the war master targets have disadvantage on saving throws against your maneuver and weapon actions alright this is obviously made specifically for Battle Masters I have a battle master in my group so I'm gonna go ahead and buy these and test them out I mean if they have this advantage against saving throws then it looks like uh you know disarming attacks fainting attacks goading attacks that's all gonna work and if you're playing a character that relies on the Battle Master Maneuvers then these may be the gloves for you that's why I want to show these gloves next item horn to the Berserker you you gain a plus two bonus to attack girls when attacking creatures that have already taken damage which is pretty much all the time right and then he has another effect unarmed and melee attacks will deal an extra two necrotic damage as long as you don't have your full health which is probably all the time if you don't deal any damage you can just like deal one point of damage to your character by the way and have this active at all times just letting y'all know okay uh if you don't deal any damage this turn you take one to four necrotic damage which is probably never gonna happen this seems like it is made for melee builds maybe even specifically a monk build and lo and behold I have Punchy boy over here who was a monk and I'm going definitely buy these and equip this on my monk alright that's the next item third item I want to show you from this vendor cloak of displacement this is a very classic DND item at the beginning of the wearer's turn the Chloe activates granting enemies disadvantage on attack rolls that Target the wear this effect lasts until the wearer takes damage I don't think this is better than the cloak of um protection because cloaker protection as you can see here AC plus one taping third plus one that's kind of invaluable you know what I'm saying it's kind of Priceless uh but I'd say as far as power level goes cloak of displacement is right there I'd say it's it is second close to first and if you uh if one of your party members need some defense and you already have someone wearing the cloak of protection then go ahead and put the cloak of displacement on them okay it's a very very good cloak all right and the last item I want to show you from this vendor is this one so I I just found this one right now harmonic Dueler it's your normal blue item but it's a plus one weapon whatever but what's really cool about this weapon is the Mellow Harmony you make a performance check success granting all your melee attacks additional damage equal your to your charisma modifier and this lasts for 10 turns um yeah if you have Max Charisma that is a plus five to each of your attacks so if you're playing a melee dual wield Bard you're probably going to be using this right now then again you would probably have to go play it uh warlock packed the blade to make your charisma fire you know to stack this and that sounds pretty crazy in fact I might I might even make a build off of this weapon specifically but yeah I saw this one weapon and I thought to myself yeah a pack of the blade uh through building Bard is probably going to use this and there you go that's the best items that I found on this guy you can found enthrall Dental on over here dancing ax let me go and just step outside actually show y'all so we are in so this this is uh the first map in act 3 Rivington I'll go north here's the South span worms Crossing Waypoint and go a little bit up and before you talk to the bridge people it'll be on your left right here okay and the vendor will be right here okay and he sells the pretty sweet items that I just showed you I'm going to remove them again gone to the war Master horns of the Berserker cloak of displacement and harmonic Dueler valderens Giant Slayer yes sir possibly the best melee weapon in the game on a hit double the damage from your strength modifier this weapon grants you advantage on attack rolls against large huge or gargantuan creatures plus three weapon comes with giant form grow to a fearsome size your weapons deal additional 1d6 and you gain 2710 for a hit points and advantage on strength checks and saving throws this Stacks with elixir of Colossus I believe I could be wrong on that but I'm pretty sure it does and it comes with top of the big folk deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus on a hit large huge or gargantuan creatures take an additional 2-12 bludgeoning damage and must exceed a strength saving throw or fall Pro this weapon is crazy if you're playing a melee build whether it be just straight up melee strength back to the blade Charisma this way this works the back of the blade by the way you know what I'm saying it's just it's the best melee weapon two-hander if we're talking two-hander this is the best one all right I'm currently working on a build where I combine this with the offhand monk attacks and do crazy damage I expect that I expect that to be on my channel if it is if it already hasn't been on there okay but I mean if y'all already know you guys can find this my killing on store the level 17 dragon and this can be found I'm going to show that a little later to show how you can find this place but another item I want to show y'all obviously besides this a beautiful great sword is the helm the hell is down here I just killed him helmet balderan and this sounds crazy too let's get the cut scene what does this Helm do the helmet heals you for two hit points at the bidding of every turn so it's kind of like a cheat death as well because if you get downed it'll heal you so you'll be fine and you can still do your turn you have a plus one bonus to AC and saving throws can't be stunned and you can't be critically hit as far as defense goes probably the best helmet in the game it comes with AC it comes with saving throws it can't be stunned and you can be crit and it comes with a heel definitely the best time when it comes to defense all right um now I'm going to show y'all where we got these and how to get these it's very easy all right we are here at worms Rock Fortress okay here's the Waypoint right here you want to go down here down to the prison all right sleeping guard unlock the door then you have to turn left over here and you need a lightning spell you're gonna cast a lightning spell on this dragon head torch and on this dragon head torch [Music] and there you go it'll open keep going okay it'll lead you to this room so this score this big ass door is going to be closed there's going to be a puzzle here or not a puzzle but a trial okay kind of a puzzle some other puzzles there's gonna be a trial here it's gonna be a trial here it's going to be a trail here it's going to be a trial here and I'm not going to say how to solve each one individually it's going to take too long but this one make sure you have removed curse or greater restoration for this one hit the left hit the left kid okay you'll know what I mean when I say that hit the left kid for this one uh just use lightning again on the king destroy the king with the Lightning Spell and for this one it's just fighting and then this door will open and you will meet big boy answer if you've never done it before you're gonna have a little cut scene he'll be here he's gonna look all dead just click on him as if you're gonna loot him you'll start the cut scene and you can get the sweet ass sword and helmet V car humble toes this vendor first let me show you what this vendor is so this vendor is in the storm Source Tabernacle um and he's actually not marked as a vendor but it is right next to the basilis gate you're going to turn right into it's kind of a church right there's like a bunch of gods you could you could pray to and they might give you some kind of blessing or whatever um this guy's actually a vendor he's a vendor and he sells a couple good items that I want to show you guys uh first is the Reviving hands when you heal a creature against the effect of Blade horde when you revive a creature against the effect of death war and it also comes with a free vivify which is kind of useless in Bossier K3 because we have Withers but this can easily replace the gloves I've been wearing this whole time that I got from act one would the investigate Kaka Quest hellrider's Pride which is the Lesser version of these gloves so if you've been wearing these the whole time this is just the upgraded version and probably the best cleric support item because it it just gives so much you know you can make them basically resistant to physical damage give them a cheat death and come with a come with a revive you know what I'm saying come with the Phoenix down if you will to my Final Fantasy fan um but yeah we're having hands over here and you can also buy the mantle of the Holy War I actually missed this the first time around that I went to this vendor this is um a concentration smell radiate a holy power that emboldens nearby allies they're open attack steal an additional wonderful rating damage so if you are a support character and you're holding staff of the Arcane blessing you kind of only have to cast blessed once right and you can concentrate on another spell because mr's blessing is the bless that stays on on your team so you can concentrate on something else and something like Crusaders mantle just gives them your team more damage so on top of bless which gives them a bonus to their attack roast and their saving throws you are now giving your teammates one to four one D4 more damage in their attack so you're kind of giving them everything they need in a battle so I'm never gonna put this on for my support clear player and it's also not even that expensive it's like what a thousand okay um and yeah there's also another item I want to show in this place at the storm Shore Tabernacle um and that's going to be in a little bit but yes V car humble toes he's a vendor The Amulet of The Devout you gain a plus two bonus to spell save DC crazy and if you have the channel Divinity ability you gain an additional use of it very good for clerics but I want to point out this is definitely the best of slot for uh that Tempest sorcerer cleric wizard build running around okay uh I'll definitely be making a build guide if I haven't already on the Channel all right that is business a lot because that means you could use destructive wrath another another time okay and also just adding any bonus to spell save DC is crazy I think when I was testing stuff on my sorcerer I I was able to get it to 2728 spellsave DC crazy okay uh and you can find this underneath the stormshort Tabernacle the vendor that we just talked to um there's a hatch around there it's pretty easy to spot but um you know you you you're gonna have to be invis opening the hatch because it is locked you're gonna have to cast a knock or something and then go into the hatch invis as a group or just one person in this because the game for some reason thinks you're all into this for that so not not too hard to get not too hard to get down here although I will suggest just grabbing this the more things you grab from this room there really isn't anything else good in this room by the way this is like the best thing by far there are some other like chests here but the more things you grab the heart of the consequences okay let's just say um the consequence is pretty harsh so I suggest just grabbing this and getting the hell out emulated The Devout boots of psionic movement when I get the Yankee cast fly their next melee weapon attack deals an additional one to four psychic damage okay and it comes with fly even better all right so every time you fly you land you do damage with your weapon the electric second damage all right and you can find this off of one of the gift Yankees okay uh and this is of course in The Hideout of your boy all right let me go and go outside show you guys exactly where I am um go over here at the store got this little Barrel you gotta kill a bunch of one HP rats so make sure you got a nice Hefty large AOE spell like Cloud kill or some I used ice storm for sleepstorm whatever you want to call it um and it is here we are in the final map well not the final map the sewers of the final map but this is uh the the big city in act three where everyone lags including myself even with my Beast computer okay here's the basilis case Waypoint here's the storm short Tabernacle just a little bit just a little bit to the left of that is the elf song Tavern where your your dream visitor is gonna be like hey I used to live here by the way and you go downstairs and then you have that get Yankee interaction and you can get those sweet boots that I forgot to loot Damon act 3 Damon yes if you keep him alive the vendor in act one if you keep them alive defender in Act 2 at last Light if you keep him alive here until this point he adds a few more items that are pretty damn good let me show you them okay first one is the gloves the legacy of the Masters getting a plus two bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons having a better chance to hit and doing more damage at the same time is kind of what you're looking for in most weapon attack builds so these gloves pretty good I will definitely be buying these and I'll be equipping them on one of my weapon attack users boots of persistence you gain freedom of movement and long Strider now if you have a good support on your team and you shouldn't need these boots because you should always have long Strider and freedom of movement because they're until long rest spells I don't require concentration but if you don't have a support with those things and you know one of your one of your melee people are having trouble moving around and and they're slow Bang who is the persistence right here okay and the last item I want to show you from this vendor I think the second best item second best armor in the game armor persistence all incoming damage reduced by two all first of all is 20 AC must have Festa highest we've come across so far in this video that is um there's only one other armor with the higher AC and that that'll be later you gain resistance and blood and blade Ward okay so um you have a 1D for bonus of saving throws and you're pretty much resistant to physical damage okay okay yeah this is this is the best heavy armor again so far not in the game but so far there's one other that surpasses we're gonna get to that later the pro here's the problem I have with this with this item if you look down here it's pretty expensive for me I'd much rather just buy the gloves and the boots and Scrolls and potions and very useful stuff you know especially that not that I know that there's a better armor out there than this so from me to you I would not suggest buying this this is a lot of money that you could spend again on Scrolls and just more useful stuff okay the armor that you get from the adamantine Forge and the armor that I'm about to show you later is good enough you really don't need this but if you brought if you're balling like that if you got a pickpocketer on your team and you're basically a you know you got all the monies then for for sure buy this but for me I still have yet to found a playthrough where I felt it was worth buying this armor as good as it good as it is expensive as all right and there you go and of course what do you find Damon we are in the big city in act three okay elsong Tavern it's to the west of that to the south of the graveyard okay and I'm I mainly I went over here first because I want to wrap up carlak's storyline and I was told this is where I need to go okay but there you go there's Damon act 3 vendor with all that goodies the dead shot the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking if you're just buy one this effect can stack I am currently working on a build that basically runs all the critical stacking items even the champion stuff along with Elixir viciousness I'm currently working on that I I I I did that for the Dual hand crossbow build that's not that's on my channel if you haven't checked that out The Bard dual hand crossover that freaking slaps right um but I didn't do it with this with this bow and not only that does it stack with Chris the wielder doubles their proficiency bonus when rolling range attacks with this weapon um so you might not not even have to run something like a risky ring you know what I'm saying you could just run another damage ring um so I'm trying something with this bow it's a really good bow where you can get this you can get this that fits the firecracker the reason why I'm not showing any other items because this is the only one that she has that's kind of worth buying and you can find bits to cry crack the grill the firecracker right next to sorceress Sundries the Mage Library she's right here you probably have found her before you probably know where she is but just in case you don't she is I'll show you in the map as well bang bang and there's the other vendor here that I will go over in just a second the armor of agility this is best in slot for pretty much any one of your dexterity characters because it has base 17 AC and it adds your dexterity modifier on top of that so at this point in the game your dexterity on your dexterity characters probably 20 giving you a plus five bonus so AC with just this armor and your decks well art will be 22 That's not including a shield That's not including anything from clocker protection or evasive boots or rate of protection um so you can get your AC really really high on one of your sneaky you know high damage dealing agility dexterity characters okay and not not to mention it also gives saving throw plus two and I'm pretty sure that applies to all your saving throws so this armor is kind of correct and you can get this again right next to the vendor I just showed you okay she was over here Betsy fits the firecracker my boy gloomy fentonson who Okay whoever made these names are definitely use the generator definitely use the online generator and of course it's right next to sorceress senderies the Mage library right here gloomy fentonson the armor of agility ah lorokins projection in my opinion this is by far the best vendor in the game not only because it gives some really good items but it gives really good Scrolls I'll show everything just give me a second we'll go over the items first then we'll go over some squirrels that are super good and um yeah this vendor is my favorite vendor so first the quick spell gloves can trips that cost in action cost a bonus action Instead This effect can be used once per short rest so pretty often okay and this is normally tied in with the Eldridge blast build in fact this is these are the gloves that I used in my Eldridge blast build uh mostly because I felt the spell my gloves I was missing right and I and I'm um I'm all about damage but I'm also about you know consistency and with quick spell gloves which can be used pretty much every fight because it's because of the short rest feature I was firing off an extra I'll just blast you know killing off another enemy because that I'll just blast build is the strongest build that I've seen so far so yeah these can be found let me let me go and tell the items first and the Scrolls and then I'll show you guys the location but you guys already probably know where this is uh next item vest of Soul Rejuvenation whenever the wearer succeeds on a saving throw against a spell they regain one to four hit points the wearer can use a reaction to make an unarmed strike against any attacker misses and it comes with AC plus two now I know a lot of manka builds are using this as their best in slot but I don't know this this chest this clothing to me is very mid um and it costs a lot of money too personally I don't think I would use this on my monk the the best thing on this on this chest is the plus two AC to me you know um using a reaction to make an unarmed attack against any attacker that misses normally monks don't have very high AC anyway so they're gonna get hit um so to me this vest is kind of meh but I know a lot of builds are using it and maybe you guys can convince me as well why why it's pretty good so there's a here's a monk a monk chest there for y'all the next item I want to show is the birthright the Charisma plus two now if I'm not mistaken some of these items might not be available if you like progress in the sorcerer's Sundries like questing line so you want to go in here you want to talk to the vendor you want to buy your stuff first and then you want to do whatever you want in the sorcerer settings that could be wrong on that but someone told me and you know I just wanna I just want to make sure y'all ain't missing stuff and have to start a whole new campaign I see some of you in the comments saying damn I missed that item now I gotta start a whole another campaign and I mean none of us ain't got time for that well except for me because I'm a loser but you know no I I just love playing games but anyway um so yeah Birthright plus two Charisma and you can get that all the way to 22. it's I mean that's just so good that's just so good not even not even for Eldridge blast builds but anyone that uses the Charisma for their spell casting modifier right uh you could even use this as packed of the blade it's just solid then you stack this on top of the mirror to give you plus two even more you can get up to 24 Charisma and it's not even hard you know what I'm saying so boom birth ripe and let me just show you some squirrels that are really good here disintegrate one of the highest damage dealing single Target spells the good thing about disintegrate is at at the very least it's doing 50 damage and that's still a lot of damage you know what I'm saying um my favorite scroll the scroll that I use a lot is globe of invulnerability I use this because I combine this with the Mind Sanctuary um power illicit power turning all your bonus actions and actions the same I combined this with that and I keep everyone in there and I kind of just go crazy I kind of just go crazy and also a little a little hint sometimes you know when you got to keep NPCs alive sometimes you don't you don't have the feign death on on hand sometimes you don't have the sanctuary on hand this will definitely keep the NPCs with very stupid Ai and coding that this will keep them alive and you're definitely going to need this at some point in the game I don't want to spoil anything but this scroll and this spell in general is very very useful all right chain lightning really really good especially if you're playing that Tempest clerk build um crazy damage it bounces off you know three enemies it's very solid and if you're a wizard you don't even have to be a Max Level wizard you can just learn this if you're evocation and then you have chain landing on on hand kind of crazy okay um what are some other spells that I like I also like qualifier no of course the fly dimension door greater invisibility these are these are Scrolls that I kind of always keep around I don't necessarily buy them but if I have some extra money I will but if I find them on the ground I definitely keep Scrolls like that dimension door fly greater invisibility and invisibility or Misty step those Scrolls I always keep on hand because those are those are the kind of spells that you might need on a pinch you know what I'm saying as far as the damage spells for these while the fire is an amazing control concentration damage spell that your fire sourcer will definitely like you know what I mean I also have been liking using ice storm right even on my fire sorcerer because ice storm Fireball is great but Fireball covers a medium-sized AOE ice storm is like double Fireballs AOE radius and when I need to kill 30 rats in one turn because they're so annoying I'm gonna use ice storm so I like ice storm you know what I'm saying um what are some other spells Fame death if you're not using the fame that's Sanctuary combo something's wrong with you that com was crazy for keeping NPCs alive then yeah man just lowrokin's projection it's right here right when you walk into sorcery Sundries there's the entrance as soon as you walk in talk to the projection say you want to trade before you do anything just so the items stay there say you want to trade and get these freaking goodies the Marco Hesh gear I mean you don't know about this item and you got a spellcast in your party you're up okay you gained plus one bonus spell save DC and spell attack rolls it comes with Arcane battery where basically you can use any level spell including level 6 spells and it doesn't cost a spell slot activated over here okay on their passive side it's a plus three it's a plus two weapon which I don't think matters unless you're doing spell attack rules okay um but the most important feature is careska's favorite what is caress's favor Craig's favor you can imbue your weapon with stuff acid this comes with um Cloud kill in Ray of sickness and noxious fumes you could honestly make a build out of each and every single one of these like elements low-key okay that's cold fire lightning lightning is the most popular because lightning um lightning can be used with Elders blasts make it even stronger okay if you haven't watched my video I suggest watching it uh you can do freaking poison you could do Thunder okay I chose fire I'm working on a fire build right now pure fire build pure sorcerer build maybe not Pure Source maybe a two a level two dip into wizard for that you know shape that that sculpt spells feature just so I don't kill my team with wall of fire and firewalls um but yeah you pretty much you can imbue your weapon with any of these elements and if you're you're a proficiency bonus gets added on to the damage for every single one of the elements on top of you know if you're a sorcerer you go with the draconic feature it's on top of all that all right and each each element comes with spells that don't cost a spell slot on your side right here this with fire it comes with Fireball and Wall of fire um with lightning it comes with lightning bolt and chain lightning seriously this is absolutely there's no debate this is absolutely best in slot for most if not all of these spellcaster builds out there all right Marco hash gear where can you find this you can find this so in the sorcerer's foundries library and the place that that you just saw me in when you go upstairs they'll put up four portals you want to go in the leftmost portal okay and do the whole and do the interaction there with the real larocan then you want to go on the balcony in that room and you're gonna jump down or fly off or miss you step down whatever okay and then you're gonna try to find an entrance so you're gonna be out here you're gonna fly down here you're gonna try to find an entrance it's probably going to be a wooden board just break the board and then you want to have C invisibility on because then you can only see these these plaques here if you have C invisibility you should have volo's eye you know if you've been following my guides so you should always have some invisibility on you and you can see these and one of them can say below click the wave button up you got to be careful though you don't you don't want there's like four weave buttons you press the wrong one you're gonna get attacked by a bunch of Arcane turrets and you don't want that that's a waste of time click the wave button on the below one takes you below there will be the staff and the robe in these two parts you got to make a 20 DC um intelligence check so whatever your Mage is or if you're barred make those checks the great thing is you can keep trying you don't have to use inspiration points you can keep trying because I don't know why they should have had a limit honestly because these items are crazy um but yeah Marco Hesh gear and the Rope of the weave which I might as well include it in this uh same part plus some bonus facilities into attack rolls AC plus two just your you know run in the mill common um pretty damn good spell casting clothing all right it doesn't get much better than this it really doesn't so yeah man get these items you kind of smell Caster these are a must for sure the Red Knights final strata gym all right this is one of them legendary books that you get at the sorcerer's Vault I'll tell you how to get here in a second book you get the squirrel Scroll of artistry of War alright some of the apparitions of six Master strategist each Apparition strikes a target of your choosing dealing 8 to 18 Force damage and this is basically a better magic Missile there's no save okay you choose your targets and it just does damage damage it's pretty damn good all right if you want guaranteed damage you're probably sick of using magic Missile by now this is just a better version of it alright um and of course if you have a wizard in your party all they gotta do is right click and learn the spell and they have it in in their spell is forever so it was just so damn good okay um and you get here so in that place that I showed you the where you get the Marco Hesh gear right and the Rope of the weave that same place when you click that uh that button to go above you're gonna keep walking around until you see one of the weave buttons that leads to vaults and it will lead exactly to the spot and you'll find you'll find the book in this display case right here all right the annals of courses all right I'm showing this book because I believe it is a part of Gail's uh storyline if you're interested in progressing that okay and of course the book also comes with a scroll of Dethrone another uh pretty freaking good damage spell okay um and what I want to point out about this is it does Plus 20. see how this says 1 10 D6 plus 20. so that 20 is added on no matter what you roll so even if you will roll um it's not it's kind of similar to disintegrate disintegrate will do 50 at the minimum if you land the hit you know what I'm saying so Dethrone is that kind of similar kind of lower the uh damage but it all this is also a different damage type if something is weakened to necrotic they will get absolutely smashed by this spell okay same thing if you got a wizard you can learn it you can find this one okay um it'll it'll be a door marked karsis right there are two doors one is Mark karsis elminster you go in the cars room you know and you loot all the good stuff in there comes with pretty good Scrolls and you can find the animals of car system there the Pyro quickness hat one of my favorite hats especially for a fire damage dealer when you deal fire damage with a leveled spell that basically means just like Fireball or some you burn yourself and gain an additional bonus action this round burn it's not too bad it's pretty much having you know it pretty much goes in line with all the other fire items when you apply heat to yourself same listen any any anything in this game if if you've played D for a while or if you've played this game for a while you know having extra actions having extra bonus actions is just how you play if you want a min max and you want to beat and you want to win combats and just have and just not give any chance to to the enemy you want as many actions and bonus actions as possible okay and just just imagine this hat with a fighter to love the fighter three levels of Rogue for thief and now you have the you have the ability to have two actions and two bonus actions and it doesn't even cost that much you know you can get action search back on a short rest that's just crazy and then that's not including haste it's not including elixir of bloodlust That's not including if you want to go really deep into it you know wholeness of body for monk which gives you an extra bonus action like I'm working on builds all the time I'm Theory crafting and I want to make a build where you can do just endless amount of actions and bonus actions I think you can get to like four each or something like crazy like that but yeah the power quick is that this is this is in the room of the elements there and this chest right here all right and I definitely wanted to point out this hat if you are a fire build you are 100 using this hat because an extra bonus action especially if you're a sorcerer if you're a sorcerer you have to use this hat because that means you can cast two acoustic sorcery points which you can cost two uh extra pop fire spells in that turn crazy Dark Yet codex or darch yet whatever you want to say it uh if you read this book I just read it okay uh what's gonna happen to your character is they're gonna have a curse on them where their life gets reduced their constitution gets reduced by five it's kind of huge okay but good thing we have a support character with greater restoration so all we gotta do is remove that the wrong person oh I have no more spell slots it's okay I have squirrels I'm blind okay anyway see now the curse is removed and now we have 20 extra hit points be careful who use this on I think I just used on the wrong person it is what it is um you get now every long this is a permanent buff every long rest you are rewarded 20 temporary points it's you can find this in the same elements the room as the Pyro quickness hat all right it'll be here inside this box you got to make a dc-20 lock pick get it read it on the character that you want extra hit points on most likely your tank or your really really squishy character that keeps dying put it on them remove the curse easy 28 temperate and 20 temporary hit points is a lot by the way veconias walking Fortress undoubtedly the best shield in the game alright I believe it's the only legendary Shield all right 3ac that's nice you can get on a shield in this game when a foe hits you with a melee attack you can use a reaction dealing two to eight Force damage and not get prone unless they succeed at x37 throw so just a better version of Shield bash you gain advantage on saving throws against spells spell attack rolls against your disadvantage destroying against Bell casters it also comes with a couple things here reflective shell a practice a protective shell envelops you it reflects any projectiles targeted at you back at their point of origin this is a bonus action so now we're good against archers and of course warding Bond so good Warden Ally to gain resistance to all damage plus one bonus with our AC and saving throws each time the Ally takes damage your tickets are the same amount of damage okay um yeah just a really good support type of move you know you want a warding bond your carry right the person that or the person that just keeps dying every fight right you warding Bond them so you could take some of the Heat and okay um and it really does doesn't get any better than this Shield best shield in the game straight up all right and of course you can get this off of viconia devere where is this exactly this is in the house of grief all right you want to keep going in the house of grief you want to go as deep as you can until you find this room it's going to be full of a bunch of bunch of people and if you're following Shadow Hearts storyline should be pretty easy to get here but if you're not you know there you go house of grief the konia also her other items aren't too bad handmade is Mace sets your strength to 18. no matter no matter what and it comes with a bit of poison damage and of course for robe um Shield of Faith also grants you plus two bonus to all saving throws on top of plus two AC so not bad but of course her best item is by far but konia is blocking Fortress at the house of grief the mirror of loss this can be found on the way at the end of the House of grief what does this mirror do well you talk to it you got to make a few checks you give up minus two to a stat it gives you plus two to a stat alright and don't worry about the minus two to a stat because it does it counts as a curse so all you got to do is either use remove curse or get a restoration on the character they got the minus two and it'll be gone so it's just a the positive net no matter what pretty much if you have the necessary spells okay the checks are intelligence checks so I'd recommend using where did I put that helmet I recommend using the Warped band of intellect set the wearer's intelligence score to 17 okay unless you already unless you're putting it on your Wizard and most likely you don't have one because source is just op okay um but yeah you wanna uh you wanna put this helmet on and of course you can get this from lump in act one so if you didn't get it it is that's unfortunate but this helmet helps a lot and then you want to use something like enhanceability the intelligence version It's called Fox's cunning you combine that helmet with this um plus like a Bard some Bardock inspiration plus some guidance you're probably gonna pass that role uh no matter what the DC is pretty high it's like DC 2020 or 25 I think so DC is pretty high but if you get it you get a you get a plus two permanent to to that stat and it lasts forever it lasts forever and someone told me you can get this for each of your characters I just Master checks I don't know if that's true I haven't tested it yet but as soon as I have I'll tell y'all um I I've only used this once per once per on one character per play through because I thought that was the limit because that debt just seems like you know what they what they intended but if you can use this on all your characters that's kind of crazy alright but in any case mirror of loss at the end of the House of grief plus two to permanently twist that it's very very good especially for endgame when you're reaching those levels of power it's helsick the vendor at Devil's fee okay you guys probably recognize her um the thing about helsick is when you first talk to her she actually doesn't have her full shop right because she's kind of secretive about her stuff okay um to activate her full shop the way I do there's multiple ways to do it the way I do it is I in the house of grief there's a little this little thing there's a there's a little note or a book in one of the interrogation rooms in the house of grief you read one of those and it'll activate a new dialogue with her okay and you make a deal with her you know to get it she helps you get into the House of Hope Raphael's house and then she opens up her actual secret shop and there's a couple items here that I want to show you all for example cloak of the weave plus one bonus as well save these and spell attack rolls and it also comes with absorb elements so this is just an upgrade on the cloak of absorb elements okay and is also pretty much best in slot for any spellcaster build if you got a spell Caster you're probably gonna buy this this uh cloak all right next item is so there aren't that many Druid items in the game unfortunately I'm pretty sure Larry and Studios is aware of this and hopefully they fixed that there's like two or three like seriously Drews need more love for sure um but this is if you're a moon Druid you're probably gonna want this you know Druids specifically made that that love shape-shifting you know this will give you another wild shape charge not that you really need any because they refresh after a short rest but just in case you do here you go okay another item that I don't really like um Gemini gloves can trips targeting foes and allies can Target an additional creature the same Target can be chosen twice so so uh the wording on this makes it seem like if you're using Eldritch blast it'll do another Eldritch blast that is not true that is not true it adds an extra Ray every short rest so it's actually weaker than the quick spell gloves or the smell my gloves okay now I don't know if that's a bug if they change it then these gloves will probably be uh better okay but for now there are better Eldridge blast clubs trust all right other than that that's pretty much the best things that helps the cats has and you could find her of course Devil's V right here okay here's the lower City Center wall Waypoint just go north here's sorcerer Sundays just go north and here and again you want to activate her dialogue the way I like doing it is I like going to the house of grief which I already already finished and I showed you the mirror of loss I like going over here in one of the interrogation rooms is going to be a note or a book you have to read it it's going to be on like a on like a desk you got to read it it'll activate her new dialogue and make sure you talk to her with a nice Charisma character so you don't have to pay her a bunch of gold because she'll try to scam you but if you have a high Charisma character you should be all right spaces hunt boots comes with dimension door pretty sweet this is I wouldn't say an upgraded version of the disintegration disintegrating night Walkers the near boots but I would say it is an alternate alternative because while dimension door is a better spell and can be used in a longer distance than Misty step which is what those other boots come with those other boots have other qualities as well like you can be on web they're entangled right so I say these are pretty much right up there and you know a lot of builds don't really have end game boots so you're either wearing those near boots or these I would recommend these these are very good I every time I find these boots per play through I 100 use them right um and you can find these off of dolor the boy dolor okay okay on the ground right here um and you can kill him in other places you can kill him earlier and get these boots but the safest way for me to get these because sometimes he doesn't always have them you know the safe is 100 way for me to get these was I had to follow the investigate the murderer um quest line right and be the good guy basically you want to stop all the murders and then hit dolor's last stop is here where he's going to try to murder Figaro figure out the guy right here and the officer General lady um that you talked to earlier and what I just did I just put a globe of invulnerability on both of them and they lived you can also feign death him and sanctuary I don't know if you can't if you have to keep them alive but for sure you have to kill dolor who will be here on the last of his murdering spree okay and once you once you do kill him he will unlock he will give you these boots and another one another item I want to point out is his weapon that he uses dolor amaros when you land a crit with this weapon it deals an additional seven okay any items that give extra damage I always take a second look at because if you stack enough of these if you stack enough of these dice rolls and have these flat damage bonuses you'll be doing crazy damage so I will definitely be using this in my next assassin build that I'm currently working on watch out for that okay um and yeah we are currently at the facemakers boutique again the last stop in dolor's Murder Mystery Case and make sure you kill him and you can get these sweet boots and the sweet weapon mask of Soul perception again plus two bonus to attack rolls initial rules and perception checks this is a pretty solid element okay um this is probably better than one one of your characters is wearing go ahead and replace that with this and it also comes with detect thoughts which is actually pretty useful in dialogue occasionally you know what I'm saying so you can find this at the devil's fee where you talk to helsick about the whole Raphael thing go upstairs it's going to be in her room and this little chest over here bang bang mask of Soul perception [Music] Mystic carry-on the level 12 mummy Lord this guy has a couple good items that I want to show you all first the armor of the sport keeper the wearer gains plus one bonus is spell save DC and when dealing The Chronic damage they deal an additional one and chronic damage and while imbue with symbiotic entity you can subscribe everything orange to Max boars and hey spores now I just want to let y'all know when uh for sport Druids if if you are imbued with symbiotic entity all of your attacks deal and additional one D6 necrotic damage line of this armorer already applies if you're if you're using symbiotic entity okay so this is obviously super Niche but very very good for those who are portraits I haste I mean if you don't know what so this is cool Beaver bang this poison to mask this poison and befuddles but haste Spore so the thing about haste in this game haste is a really really good spell potions of speed is a really really good potion but the problem with the with that is you become lethargic which basically means you're stunned for one turn you know and that's really really bad like if you break concentration on haste you you probably just lose you know but haste spores gives you the effect of haste but doesn't have the drawback you know what I'm saying and all you gotta all you gotta do is keep walking back and forth between the hay spores it's very very good all right um so yeah that's armored sport keeper the next item probably has better item and an item you've probably already heard of is hood of the weave you gain a plus two bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rules all right uh so yeah if you're an elder Blaster if you're any type of spellcaster there's pretty much no reason why you wouldn't use this Helm all right um the birthright is also a very good option for spell casters you could pretty much just pick one you know and of course if you're a wizard this is definitely your go-to plus two bonuses spell save DC along with the other plus two bonuses spell save DC amulet that's a plus four that's crazy you can get your spell saved DC 25 plus easily with the weave with the weave items you know what I'm saying so there you go hood of the weave and harmless support Keeper at Mystic carry-on and you can find Mystic carry on at Phil Graves Mansion if you haven't been near it's south of source where sunris the door is outside it's like a little wall you got to make a pretty high perception check to view it okay and you can either lock pick it use knock or destroy the door I have a I have a beefy monk that with a big with a big two-handed sword so I kind of I don't lock pick anymore I can't just destroy stuff okay um but yeah you can find Mr carry on over here at Phil Gray's mansion the shade Slayer cloak while hiding the number you need to roll a crit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack obviously this goes to your assassin this goes to your long range Ranger okay um and if you didn't know stealth thing in this game kinda goes crazy if you're looking for the type of build that can beat the game with only one character going stealth also the darkness double side combo it's pretty crazy all right and you can find this amazing cloak at Sticky Dondo part of the same Thief Guild that mall from act one is from okay and we are in the yield Hall of the nine fingers and you could find this deal Hall let me just go ahead and step outside real quick so you guys know exactly where I am find this Guild Hall near like the docking area in Factory map the big the big city inactory I'm sure exactly where I am right now uh so here we are here is the Heap side strand Waypoint here sorcerer Sundays just go a little bit to the right you gotta and before you get here though you gotta have make sure you have your charisma character walk into this little alley because then these guys are going to be like who the are you and then you got to be like I matter okay and then you can enter here to the Guild Hall and uh get the shadeslayer coke from sticky Dondo the kid ring of Faye wild Sparks while your sorceress tides of chaos feature is active you will always trigger wild magic surge when casting spells now if you don't know what this means there is a sorcerer subclass called wild magic and it's basically the RNG uh one it's like you roll the dice you see what happens I it's not the strongest subclass for Sorcerers but it's easily the most fun okay and um this ring is made specifically for that build uh wild magic surge basically it's you cast a random a magical effect a random magical effect out of a list happens okay and with this ring even more magic random magical effects happens so this could either be good or bad but um if you are running that build this is definitely the ring for you and of course you can find this we are still in act three we just beat the final version of the hag okay the hag can be found in act one and in act three I don't know about act two but I know she could be found in act 1 and act 3 and this is following the save the save genre save the little girl quest which you should do by the way because you get a nice reward from it but you get a final match with the hag and the way to beat the hag is gotta be there there'll be a healing mushroom here a healing mushroom here and a healing mushroom here you have to make sure you beat those mushrooms and then you take out the hags and then you find out which which one of The Hags are real because she casts her illusion spell and then you throw a hags Bane on her which if you're following the quest you should know what that is basically it makes her um throw up the kid okay and you want to make sure you do that trust me there's a good request award for that um but yeah if you beat the hag for this last time she drops this sweet uh wild magic surge ring Buffet semblance amulet you have advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws I like this amulet okay you can definitely put this on one of your four characters that you're running in the game um this can also offset something double-edged sword like the risky ring that gives you disadvantage on all your saving throws you can cut out half of that while wearing this amulet okay and mind blast is we don't find mine we don't fight mind flares much in the game but you do fight them and when you do fight them and you get stunned by mine blast you're probably gonna get a team wipe okay because that is really strong so this something like this will help a lot all right um and you can find this we are over here that old garlo's place here's the Heap side strand left oh I didn't show you guys where the hag was so the hag is here at the blushing mermaid it's like a Tavern or Bar and you could you have to go underneath the blushing mermaid to find the hack I didn't show that earlier sorry about that but there you go anyway this uh you follow up with a quest you go here first you follow up with a quest you uncursed the doll in this in this place you take out the you take out the mole they give you a quest to go deal with the hag and make sure you pick up the save on request as well for the little girl trust me that's a good reward I'm gonna show you in a second okay you do that you go to the blushing mermaid you deal with the hag you say vanra you come back here and they give you the face ambulance amulet and I'm about to show you what the other reward you get for saving the little girl uh inside the hack duelist prerogative legendary plus three weapon this is the weapon that you can get from the Save A Von request that I was talking about but there's actually something I didn't know I think you also have to keep my Arena alive all the way from act one so basically moral of the story here guys as many NPC NPCs alive as much as possible okay even if you want one of their items just kill them off later you know what I'm saying because they can activate uh more quests and Quest items in the future alright so anyway this is a really good weapon while your offhand is empty you score a critical hit while rolling a 19 or over you gain an additional reaction per turn so this is obviously a dualist type of build there is a duelist fighting style where you get plus two to your uh either Attack girls with damage rolls I forget but this is obviously the best in slot for that that type of that type of build on a hit with a melee weapon use a reaction to deal additional necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus and your proficiency bonus at max level is plus four it goes from plus two three to four I think it does every four levels I can be wrong uh or I think it's every three levels actually anyway having again having extra damage on on a weapon is really good and because you get an additional reaction you could do this twice because you're probably playing a a build that can attack more than once per turn so as an extra four damage at max level that you are doing plus what actually that's that's an extra eight because you're doing it twice as an extra eight damage on that turn um not including your other additional damage items that you probably have in your build like hell dust gloves like a caustic ring or a conduit ring or you know some extra damage on your Helm like that you know what I'm saying this is a really good uh one-handed rape you're specifically made for duelist builds okay um and of course it comes with some pretty cool stuff as well challenge the Dual bonus action challenge any anime to attack Only You inflicting bleeding on the target so you can price you can basically taunt one enemy and into like bleeding on them and it only costs a bonus in action and because you're playing a duelist build you're probably not doing much in your bonus action anyway okay so there's that and it also comes with doula's enthusiasm while you are not dual wielding you can make an additional melee attack with the Dueler uh yeah just you basically can use your bonus action again to either challenge duel or now you can make another attack so this is a really really really good weapon for their duelist type builds I will definitely make a build guide for uh built around this weapon I just haven't you know Theory crafted it yet but yes you can get this from the Save Von request an act 3 that I just explained but make sure you have also saved the main Arena from the hag cave because I think that has something to do with it uh you can probably tell I have different characters here that's because I wasn't actually able to get this from the Save on request that's because I I I I neglected to save my Arena because I didn't think it was that important but apparently it is so make sure you do okay the helmet of grit when the wearer has 50 hit points or less and they have an additional bonus action and the reason why I'm showing this item uh obviously having 50 less HP is a no no okay um but I feel like any items that give you uh additional action or bonus actions manipulated in the right way can be really really strong um and for me I'm gonna try using this on my monk because for monks they Thrive off additional bonus actions you know what I mean so with this helmet and with wholeness of body you can get four bonus actions that's four Florida blows and Muffler blows us a lot of damage by the way okay so yeah you can get this we are in the vampire Place Cesar Palace there's gonna be a little body here that's going to be cursed I believe remove curse is the only thing that works um I've tried using greater restoration before it didn't work so I think remove curse is the only thing but you can easily have that on a cleric or you could buy a scroll so that shouldn't be a worry anyway you remove the curse you don't even have to remove the curse it just does a lot of damage because inside this chest right here the helmet of grit all right we're in the vampire Palace the Rhapsody one of my favorite one-handers in this game I mostly like to use this as a stat stick if I'm playing a ranger build because it gives a plus one to attack rules and plus one the damage and plus one is spell save DC for everything every full you slay up to a maximum of three and this is recovered or this is reset after a long rest so you could pretty much have this on pretty easily you just gotta kill three things that includes three rats at one HP okay um and I like this for Ranger builds because obviously any bonus to our Attack rules it's great to offset the Sharpshooter feet and bonus to damage is just really really good too and the spell save DC if you're playing a ranger that likes using stuff like Spike growth it's not bad either this is for me this is pretty perfect for a ranger type build you know um but you can definitely use this for uh other one-hander builds as well and I mean to be honest plus three spell save DC is kind of a lot so you could even use this as your off-hander if you if you want to get your spell saved DC as high as possible this item gives the most spellsave DC out of all the items you know what I mean so the low key might even be a spell Caster offhand I might even try that out myself but anyway you can get this item if you don't know now you know cazador's dungeon you get you can get him off defeating cazigore kazakore Cazador okay and I'm pretty sure you can also use his level 12 body as an undead like Necromancer thing otherwise why would they have his body here because you got to right click and loot then you could find the Rhapsody in it um let me know let me know down in the comments if you guys have actually used um his body I definitely am I'm making some type of necromancer build uh so I'll be looting that as well um but yeah the Rhapsody super good stat stick for air for a lot of builds and I feel like I haven't seen the Rhapsody in many build guides either which I don't know why this item is really really good and I'll definitely be making a few myself held us gloves very good gloves you gain plus one bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DC and your weapon attacks deal an additional 106 fire you're an armed attack still an additional one to six necrotic this is not stack by the way okay and you can possibly inflict bleeding and it comes with a cantrip called raise a fire which is only on these gloves I believe and what rays of fire does is a lot of damage nice okay and it refreshes off a short rest pretty good um most likely though you're not going to be using rays of fire because you're if you're using these gloves you're probably a spell Caster uh or maybe an Elvis blaster or a weapon attack user so you're probably not going to raise a fire but just in case it's there now saying um I like these gloves a lot I normally put them again on either a spell Caster just to increase my spell save DC or um you know any any type of build that does any weapon or unarm attacks these these gloves are very versatile they're good for a lot of builds and I equip these every time I play this game every playthrough okay and you can find these off of harlip we are in Raphael's House of Hope and you can get here by talking to Hell stick she'll give you the items and I remember what I said on how to activate her dialogue earlier do that she'll give you the items you gotta open the hell hole and you get transported here and I recommend going around where in the Boudoir I think that's what it's called instead of going through the front door I recommend going around okay it's pretty easy to to you're into this door it goes around and you can just hop on these rocks and you can like gank him you get like one free attack because he has like this really annoying thing where if you attack him his reaction is he puts himself into the Ethereal plane and you can't attack him till his next turn okay it's really annoying um but going this way it's a nice little sneaky way and also if you do want to save hope if you have done this Quest before there's there's a better entrance here than the one over there because here you can like you can like flank the beholders okay but anyway this is where you find the held us gloves off of harlip very good very good gloves I'm gonna go and hover over the item one more time before I move on to the next one staff of spell power okay and a plus one bonus to spell save these scenes spell attack rules uh and it comes with Arcane battery um just like Marco Hesh gear or the Marco Hesh gear app let me go ahead and just transfer it to my Mage so I can show you guys both items all right so staff of spell power is pretty much the Lesser version of the Marco Hesh gear and just in case you guys didn't know if you take the dual wield your feet all right you can dual wield both these items and have all their bonuses okay you can have double arcing batter which means you could use two level six spell slot spells without using a level 6 spell slot it kind of goes crazy it kind of goes crazy all right um for me I like using the shield just because I like that extra AC and with with the spell shield uh with the level one spell shield that most Wizards get um you get plus five ACS so you have 24 AC so pretty much my spell Caster who does a lot of damage has 24 AC that's why I like using a shield um but if you feel like you need that extra spell slot or that extra power just have a spell power super duper good you can find this at the House of Hope we're still in the House of Hope okay we are across the street from the Boudoir where we got the hell hell dust gloves it is over here this wall is going to be closed though you got to make a perception check first to view the the key that can open this wall then you have to pass two intelligence checks I believe um so make sure you got a Bard make sure you got you know one of your Wizards or something like that the the the second pass is like a 20 DC uh so use your Buffs use whatever you need to do to pass that over here will be miles contract I still don't know have I still haven't figured out what what to do with that yet um there'll be like a little helmet in here that's not even that good but here on this little pedestal this little thing altar there will be the staff of spell power super duper good The Amulet of Greater Health set the whereas Constitution scored a 23 the enchantment has no effect if their constitution score is higher without it and it most likely will not be so you're fine on that and you have advantage on the Constitution saving throw checks which is the same thing as concentration saving throat checks uh like concentrating on blast or concentrating on haste this will give you advantage on that so this amulet is really really good uh and I'd recommend this amulet on one of your spellcasters actually because this means you can um you can respect out of the war Caster feat you know which already gives you advantage on concentration saving checks you can respect out of that and get something even uh get an additional feat that that'll help out your character you know what I'm saying uh for me I love putting this on my my support character because so now I know that my support character will never die because it has so much Constitution like look at her she has 140 HP pretty much over here and um they'll also be able to concentrate on High level spells no no no problem because their constitution score is so high so this is a really good amulet for spellcasters um but then again if you just want to use this on one of your melee characters to get their constitution super high so they never die as well then that's cool but I think it's super useful on spellcasters and you can get this we are still in the House of Hope the House of Hope is arguably the best place with items there's a lot of good items here and I'm not done there's there's still a couple more items that I want to show y'all but here we are we're in the archive okay here's the contract or the orpha camera if you went that route okay and you go left here is the Amulet of Greater Health um I don't know if there's a way to steal these things without you know letting the guards know but I just take them and fight everyone in the house I hope anyway so yeah greater Health super duper good the gauntlets of Hill a giant strength set the wire strength to 23 being Shaman is no effect if their strength score is higher without it really good gauntlets again with the House of Hope has got some crazy items okay and you could find this um we're in the same room here was the amulet greater Health here is the contract morphic hammer and here would be the gauntlets and uh I mean I'll just let you know what I'm using it for so I'm currently um testing out a build we're already max level um on car Lac just because she she was an extra person that I could use and you could see my strength and decks are high and the reason for that is I'm using this bow this Titan spring bow this weapon deals additional damage equal to your strength modifier so until these gauntlets I was using a lectures of Hill giant strength and elixirs of cloud giant strength okay until he's gone is always using those but now that we have these gauntlets I don't have to use those elixirs and I could use I can now use elixir of bloodlust so now I'm a level 11 fighter so I have three attacks per turn because of an improved extra attack so I could I can attack three times per action right now I have uh regular action action surge action Elixir bloodless action and haste action so Carlock is pretty much attacking 12 times per turn uh plus the the level one war clerk so she's attacking at least uh 13 times per turn kind of goes crazy you can you can do some crazy in this game but yeah that's what I'm testing out right now and of course I told y'all where you can find this the House of Hope got some crazy ass items Galaxy Hill giant strength super good the devotee's mace plus three weapon adds 1d8 radiating damage to your melee attacks and it comes with healing instance aura for a bonus action you can emanate a soothing Aura and you and nearby allies will gain one to four hit points at the start of your turn every 10 turns not bad all right um this isn't to be honest to me this weapon isn't really that good but the reason I'm showing it is because it is a legendary weapon and I feel like I should be showing legendary weapons in this game and for those that don't know um this is one of those web um one of those items that you can easily Miss and all you need to have is a a cleric high enough level to cast divine intervention right I just used it um but then you cast arms I servant so this is divine intervention Army servant a high level clearance can cast this and get this weapon if you want might as well right and you could you could just do this by uh uh you didn't even have to use Shadow heart if you don't want to you could do this just in case you want to use the other Divine interventions you I believe you can use a uh like a hireling or something like that you know like a higher recruiter hireling real quick make them a high level cleric make this weapon and then take the weapon off their character put into your inventory and then you know uh dismiss the hireling I'm pretty sure you could do that um so in in a sense you could kind of activate all of these in Divine interventions if you really wanted to but yeah this is a this is okay weapon there are a lot of better choices like the staff of Arcane blessing or the the blood of the Thunder but if you want to use this weapon to to follow a thematic Builder type ship then you could um divine intervention devotees mace the gloves of Soul catching your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1 to 10 Force once per turn on an unarmed hit you regain 10 hit points alternatively you may forego healing to gain advantage on Attack rules and saving throws until the end of your turn and on top of all that you get a plus two to your Constitution this is clearly and obviously the best in slot for any manga build because if you're playing a monk build you're probably punching you're probably um unarmed hating with Florida blows right um and you can get this if you didn't know defeating Raphael I just beat his ass in like two three turns easy op okay and um there is a condition though you have to keep hope alive you got to keep hope alive where is she at she's outside but you got it you gotta make sure she stays alive so you can either do the fame death Sanctuary combo um or you can you know you can have her stand outside or actually that that doesn't work you can turn her invisible and just not her and not have her do anything in the fight you know whatever just keep hope alive by the way someone someone said in the car someone be saying in the comments that I don't play on tactician I only play in tactician even when I'm not recording anyway um but yeah make sure you keep hope alive so you can get the gloves of Soul catching um and these gloves are insane for monks literally best in slot the hell dusk armor I think I'm not too crazy in saying that this is definitely the best armor in the game alright second best I would say armor of persistence armor of agility those are also good options but tail desk armor this should go crazy it has base 21ac okay and you are considered proficient with this armor while wearing it that means you don't have to be proficient in any armor you can have Zero armor proficiencies and still wear this crazy when you succeed a saving throw the Caster receives burning so if you're a character that has has good saving throws against common spells like wisdom saving spells and deck saving spells you're gonna burn them okay so it even does a little bit of damage okay and of course it has even more lines you have resistance to fire damage and cannot be burned and you take three less damage from all sources like this is so this armor will make any squishy character fine you know you could have a zero defense items but this armor only and be kind of tanky to be honest okay and I don't dude and it comes with fly like seriously it's such a good armor fly with a bonus action by the way even crazier it's just such a good armor best armor game you know when when laryn Studios made this armor they're like okay what can we make the best armor in the game look like and it's it's definitely this all right and if you didn't know now you know you can find this obviously off of defeating Raphael we're just gonna go and loot that oh I'm encumbered beat Raphael however which way you want um and he drops this sweet ass armor piece The Amulet of the drunkard while wearing this amulet regained two to eight hit points per turn while drunk additionally increase the duration of your inebriation by five rounds and just in case you don't know while you're drunk you've got disadvantage on dexterity and Charisma saving checks which is not not really a problem uh whatsoever uh having disadvantage on wisdom and intelligence saving checks I think are more hurtful because of the Mind flares and there are a lot of wisdom spells like old person and some um but the reason why I'm showing you on this is because I am I want to make I want to make a drunken master build okay using this amulet and this weapon punch drunk bastard I feel like this amulet and this weapon were made for each other you know what I'm saying and of course it's really easy to get drunk in this game just gotta drink one of these um like some type of alcohol see how it costs a bonus action so um I think I found a build a drunken master build so I'm showing this to y'all now just in case you haven't seen my drunken master video If it hasn't come out yet you know what I'm saying but for me the most important sentence in this amulet is additionally increase the duration of your inebriation by five rounds because I think normally when you get drunk it lasts for two turns with this amulet it will last for seven which is basically a whole combat combats never last more than 10 rounds basically more than five rounds if you have a crazy ass team like I'd be having you know what I'm saying so I'm showing you all this but you can only find this so we are here at the charesis caress you know uh the popular Tavern over here at Baldur's Gate okay and it is uh on at this vendor but you have to do a dialogue with this vendor you have to try out what they have you have to try out their certain little beer or alcohol or whatever they have and then it'll um once you had that it'll open up the the two new items in their shop which is The Hoots Hooch and the Amulet the drunkard again watch out for that video I'm making it to Drunken Master the Hellfire engine crossbow now before I show you guys the item I'm sure how to make it because the game isn't necessarily super clear on how to get this item it's a very missable item in fact out of all my playthroughs is the first time that I'm finding this item or making it crafting okay but first i'm gonna show you where to get the parts then I'm gonna show you what I'm making all right so first things first the first part is the steel arm it's gonna be your arm it's gonna be laid out all across this table I'm gonna grab it okay oh obviously we're in this we're in the steel watch Foundry by the way show where it's at bottom left on the map okay when the steel watch Foundry you can find the arm on the left side of the building right here okay go over here oh sorry don't go up this ladder on this table will be the target module you want to grab that on this table the target module and you want to go in here this door will be closed I want to go in here on this table will be the blueprints to the for the crossbow okay now and now you go over here and your inventory you should have the washer crossbow blueprint the steel arm and the targeting module which you're gonna do on this crafting table you're gonna put all these in okay I'm gonna do that right now and there it is the Hellfire engine crossbow plus two heavy crossbow comes with a level four lighting Arrow pretty decent pretty decent okay and also comes with repositioned malefactor pulls the creature closer to you and has a very long range so well that's not a it's not a super good crossbow uh in fact I would say some crossbar is even better than this if we're just going for straight damage but I put this in the video because I know most people have probably not even heard of this crossbow so you can get that by doing what I just said you need three items you need this crafting table um and you can get this Hellfire engine crossbow if you want it the gaunter male or is it gontra mail gontra mail sounds better anyway on a hit possibly inflict guiding bolt upon the target this is the only legendary bow in the game by the way on a hit possibly inflict guiding bolt is really good that means the next attack on it will be Advantage pretty good this object shines with a glowing light in a radius of six meters so it comes with an innate light not bad pretty good especially if your character doesn't have dark vision um it comes with also both of celestial light which can frighten your target with intimidating arrows and after attacking range weapon attacks made by what the that's that's definitely type was that the original name of the of the of the item I took French anyway um so yeah obviously if you're fighting a big bad boss you want to hit him with this attack first all your attacks after this will deal additional rating damage sure um but like I said the most important thing about this bow is the haste now what is the difference between Celestial haste and regular haste well first let me tell you what regular haste does regular haste uh gives you an extra action gives you Ace gives you uh like plus two to your AC gives you a lot of movement speed super good spell the only bad thing about haste but it's a really bad thing is if your concentration gets broken or when haste ends you get lethargic which is basically you're stunned you bet you're stunned for a whole turn um so that extra action that you get during haste uh if your hay stands early it's kind of a waste I didn't mean to rhyme there um and I tell you that because Celestial haste that lethargic condition that being stunned once haste is over doesn't exist so it's pretty much all the benefits of haste without any drawbacks that's why this weapon is super good in my opinion I like to put it on you know any character that I want to have haste on okay and you definitely want to put this on any uh the character that doesn't have War Caster or doesn't isn't wearing the AMU Amulet of Greater Health you know someone that isn't going to make concentration checks very often you give them this and they'll have that's a free haste every long rest Celestial haste super good and of course you could find this at the end of the steel watch Foundry at the big bad boss the big bad steel washer Titan okay um there's a super easy way to fight these things you can get room powder bombs um I didn't use it because my team is op but you can get room powder bombs in the same place that you can get the the the super big bomb in okay um yeah you can get a you can get flash binder uh I think they're called flash binders they're in the same place where you get this room powder bomb if you save Wolverine and and you know mess with the iron hands uh that vendor will sell four slash binders and if you throw flash binders at any steel watcher creature or a robotic thing they get stunned and become pretty much useless so that makes the fight super easy um and yeah you come to the the steel watch Foundry and to the last room and you loot the gone from Gone to nail out of the steel Watcher Titan The Amulet a ball on a hit inflict bleeding upon targets that have maximum hit points so this automatically bleeds targets okay if they have maxit points um and the reason why I'm showing this item is because it's not necessarily a super good item but I know there are a couple builds out there that do bleed that have bleed as as dirt as the core of the concept so that's why I'm showing this item and of course you can get this or you kind of need this um one of the ways to fight Oren off of this over here saravalkev okay you can get it either by becoming a ball a chosen one where you get dipped in the pool of blood over here it's kind of awesome or you can just murder him okay uh the reason why I chose to become a spawn of balls so I could access access this vendor which I want to show you in a little bit but that is how you get the Amulet of ball the ball armor set now these pieces are okay but there's one that shines that sticks out out of all three of them let me show you all them though so the gloves the ball is gloves gives you a plus one bonus to your attack which means attack rolls okay um and what does garage do garage wrap a shadow rope around the humanoid creature's throat to start corroding it and of course if they fail their save um the affected entity is being strangled by a garot it is silenced and takes 3 to 18 bludgeoning damage per turn if the entity in the garage move more than five meters apart this condition ends so you you most likely want to combo this with like a stun or a restrain you know to to keep your target from moving then these levels will kind of go crazy all right then you have the helmet Assassin of the ball Cal you can see in the dark up up to um three meters and you get a plus two bonus two initiative rolls and it also comes with a nice seat invisibility divination spell okay but best piece in this ball set is of course the armor you automatically get Aura of murder enemies within two meters become vulnerable to piercing damage unless they are resistant or immune to it and of course you gain a plus two bonus too initiative rolls um I definitely am going to buy this armor so I could work on a crit build using you know Double Daggers piercing damage I think that is for sure what this item is made for you know what I'm saying it's not easy to find vulnerable stuff items that give vulnerability the best one is probably the amulet okay but because if we use this armor we can change the amulet slot to something else you know what I'm saying so there you go that's the boss hit and of course this this vendor first of all this vendor echo of zigal has really good crit items you know whenever you land to create you know extra damage and dealing extra damage in this game is also hard to find so decent crit items here but of course the best item is demolished armor and you can find these items at the echo of and the only way to access this vendor is to become a uh a ball spawn which means you have to play along with severovoc ankev over here get dipped in blood do whatever um which is fine because you could just kill him afterwards to get his stuff anyway and actually right after right after right after this right after I buy some items off of this Echo I'm gonna teach Saturday vocal lesson so I can uh get some of the some of the items that he's wearing and there is a particular piece that he has that is really really good Saturday Vox horn helmet you gain dark vision up to a range of three meters or 15 meters if you already have it okay so it gives you dark vision and of course the most important line the number you need to roll a crit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack so there are a couple other helmets that do this there's the covert cowl and there's the Dark Justice CR helmet but those helmets you have to be lightly obscured or something like that you gotta be sneaky for that crit stacking thing to work for this helmet you don't need any of that it just works okay so this is this is the best helmet out of those three of course it has more lines you cannot be frightened and cannot be afflicted with other emotion altering conditions great line okay and you can get the sweet ass helmet off of killing saddlebok okay but like I said make sure you make sure you buy the stuff off of the vendors because when when you kill sadowbox the Avenger is gone I mean there's no the vendor no longer exists so make sure you buy the items or pickpocket whatever you want to do and then kill sarabok to get his super good helmet the armor of moon masking you gain 22 temporary hit points after casting wild shape while those temporary hit points are active reduce all incoming damage by one you have plus two bonus to Armor class you also have advantage on saving throws against spells this effect persists while using your druidic wild shape ability so to me this just seems like the best wild shape druid I haven't seen anything else in the game that's better than this specifically for Druids you know what I'm saying um for sure I will I I still have yet to make a pure Druid in one of my playthroughs so I'll be doing that next time and I will definitely be using this armor and you can get this armor we are currently in the undercity sewers here's the undercity ruins Waypoint and it's the guy that that doesn't talk right here he will sell this armor uh and he also has a has a has a barbarian helmet which I I didn't I didn't put that as a timestamp because I didn't think it was that great I think there are better helmets but you know this is here if you need it you know what I'm saying but in any case this Fender has a really good Druid type armor armor of moon basking flame enameled armor you gain plus two bonus to initiative rules and you have resistance to fire damage and plus two bonus to saving throws and it also comes with the fire Shield warm and the fire Shield I believe is one of those Thor's thing where if you um if you put on fire Shield then you can like reflect the damage back of your opponent okay and you take half of all cool damage so um I'm showing this armor because one it's really not bad at all I mean really it could replace the adamantine um medium armor you could replace that with this you know what I'm saying if you have an extra medium armor person in your group right um but also I feel like this is easily missable so you can find this where currently here's the Waypoint okay here's the wait we're at worms Rock Fortress here's a waypoint to the place okay and it's actually back here behind like the bankers it's back here in this room and there's probably some more goodies over here that I'm gonna show you guys but in this chest you could find this pretty decent medium armor Lord envir gortash one of the three main bosses you gotta kill in act three to progress through the storyline all right so you probably killed this guy already before but in just in case you haven't and you're wondering what items he has first is this heavy crossbow the fabricated arborist a plus two weapon very rare comes with Illuminating shot which you can do on a bonus action comes with Illuminating shot which if you go into bonus action and you can inflict one turn of radiating or radiating radiating orb is a really good Diva giving the opponent minus one to their attack rolls every turn remaining so you can have them have like minus five attack rolls pretty easily which stuff like this and it also comes a dazzling Ray which is a beam of light that blinds all creatures in its path so it's like a line and until the spell ends you can recast its ability cast it again so it's kind of like you can have this concentration spell without having having to concentrate on it that's pretty crazy all right so this heavy bow uh probably pretty good for a ranger spellcaster build you know uh that's interested in stuff like this so there you go his chest you can't be frightened cloth of authority can't be frightened and cannot be afflicted with other emotion altering activities you also have advantage on intimidation checks and insight checks kind of a meh Male clothing but you know that's what he's wearing his boots are also kind of meh you get a plus one bonus took original chest and saving throws so this is um this makes sense as to why he has these it's because he's uh he's probably the best talker out of the three you know main bosses that you gotta kill right so but these are pretty members if you probably already if you have a barn you're already making Charisma checks anyway but just in case you need a little extra boost you can find it on these boots I think his best item is his gloves though our second best item uh you're on another Stone instead of Gauntlet your unarmed attack still additional 104 Force damage which is obviously not as good as the gloves are catching but you get a plus one bonus to spell save DC and it comes with command already command is a super useful spell it is not concentration and you could have an enemy like drop their weapon or just basically remove their turn from combat uh one turn from their combat okay and of course there's only one other gloves to have plus one spell save DC and that's the hell desk gloves which you would rather have on your weapon attacker so these gloves are very good for a spell caster and I uh for that and uh yeah that's cortash's glove that those those are gourd hashes items I am now going to fight Oren next uh and I'm gonna show her her items as soon as I can this spell might gloves when casting a spell that requires uh you can take a minus five penalty to the role to deal an additional one to eight damage this is basically the spellcaster version of great weapon master or sharpshooter except this can be used for spells and something like this is really really good for altitude Blast for scorching Ray and if I'm not mistaken it also works with magic Missile okay I've heard it works magic Missile too so this is super good okay um you could definitely put this on the Eldritch Blaster if you're if your attack rolls are high enough to where you don't you know you know the minus five penalty doesn't really matter putting this on the algis blaster or a scorching red character is pretty crazy pretty crazy okay and of course you can get this by finding all the pieces of dribbles the clown okay so when you defeat triples the clown here we're at the circus so I'm gonna show you where I'm in the map so here's the Rivington TP this is the first map in act three here's a circus to the left of it super close you're gonna have an interaction here where you gotta beat the fake dribbles the clown um and there's a fake dribbles because the real dribbles got their body got cut up into pieces by some murderers okay so your job is to talk to this lady her name is all right you talk to her she gives you a quest to find all the pieces of dribbles there are seven pieces of dribbles all right and um well I'm not going to show you where the pieces are because that's that's not the kind of video this is right I but I I can tell you go to Google and type in dribbles the clown Ballers Gate 3 and you can easily find the location of all of them all right um I'm just gonna tell you that you can find these super sweet gloves by activating this Quest and these gloves are very very good good Oren my favorite out of the three chosen all right for let's be honest here obvious reasons okay um but besides that she drops uh a couple pretty good items one better than the other but still pretty damn good definitely a lot better than gortash's drops I'd say Oren drops the best item I say Catholic drops second best in his shield and in his armor and I said gortash's items are the weakest but in any case let me show y'all what you got so her armor just a red just a regular set of letter leather armor nothing too crazy uh the weapon that you you see her holding throughout the game is this one the really cool looking weapon and of course it has the crit stacking reducing by one pretty good uh it comes to True strike meh and of course if it's near mayhand creatures hit with this weapon receive vulnerability to piercing damage alright which again is good but if you're wearing the ballist armor that I showed you guys earlier then you would need something like this in your main hand and the offhand effect is when a creature misses with you you with a melee attack you can retaliate and gain true strike which gives you advantage on your next attack roll which again if you're playing an assassin build you're already gonna have Advantage anyway so this weapon's pretty it's pretty meh the best linings in this weapon is the first one where the number you need to roll a crit is reduced by one because this effect can stack so you can wear a bunch of crit stacking items like this um but her best item by far in my opinion is the Crimson Mischief the other weapon she's holding okay uh this weapon deals an additional one to four piercing damage against targets with 50 of their hit points or fewer all right uh which again for an assassin build is not too hard to do because you'll be critting and you'll be envised and you'll be having advantage in every single attack and all that kind of stuff right when you make an attack with Advantage the target takes an additional seven piercing damage again you'll if you're a really good assassin you and you have a a reliable Mage in your party they can cast greater invisibility on you and all you got to do is pass your stealth checks which is super easy by the way if you're playing a rogue and you'll just be doing an extra seven plus one D4 piercing damage pretty much all the time okay and of course the offhand effect is when you make an attack with your offhand weapon you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack this this can be easily obtained through a fighting style um so you don't really need this in your offhand I would use this in my main hand and I'm also working on Assassin builds uh and this in the main hand just makes a lot of sense combined with another weapon you know that does extra damage on that's the goal and of course the dice damage is what's doubled in um in when when you crit against enemies not the not the additional damage but the dice damage is what's get what's what's get doubled from what I understand uh and you can have a lot of dice get doubled for that assassin build that is what I'm working on but in any case where you can find Oren at the Temple of ball okay and to get in here you have to either be a dark urge um they just let you in you have to get the Amulet of ball from saravalk that I showed earlier by becoming an Unholy ball assassin or just by killing him either or there's a few ways to get in here much like the most of the game there's a few ways to to do things I love how there's more than one way to do mostly everything in this game that's one of one of the reasons why this game is so freaking good and why it's game of the year not even close by the way okay but yeah you can find Oren here um if you're dark urge you can do a 1v1 which is a very easy way to kill her the the harder way though most of you will um will have to kill her while she has the ball buff and the ball buff every round she gets 10 Unstoppable charges which is really really hard to deal with you either have to have a magic missileer you have to have a scorching rare you have to have someone that could hit her a lot of times in one turn and then you can start stacking damage onto her so with that way I'd recommend actually killing off um the ritual list so there will be a circle of ritual list there's like six or seven of them they'll they have low HP but they all have Sanctuary on them um but if you kill off all the ritualists in this circle right here then her buff goes away and she will no longer have the Unstoppable or rather she would not be getting it every turn so I'd recommend just pushing them off with um the Repulsor elephant power with uh freaking these the the arrows that you know where are these arrows arrows are roaring Thunder where you can you know push people off any any push type of Spell ability or attack to get rid of all the ritualists would help the fight a lot against Oren because that those 10 Unstoppable charges if you're not playing the right builds can be pretty impossible to beat alright and again once you beat her up loot her body and get this super sweet short sword and there we have it y'all the best items in act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3. now if you feel like I missed an item maybe I did miss an item or two you know though I feel like I've played this okay so this is my fifth sixth place or something like that I would not doubt if even with all those playthroughs I may have missed one or two good stuff I might have and if I have let me know let me know so I could Pat it into the notebook yes it will not be in this video but at least it'll be in the comments you know what I'm saying and if you're like me I always read the comments for every video I watch the comments lucky be more entertaining than the video low-key um but yeah man look I I try my best I got all the items that I felt were good enough build enabling you know best one slotters good to keep in your inventories that type of right and hey if you did find this video useful if you did like the video like the content like the commentary like comment subscribe man all that actually helps y'all know how the algorithm be algorithm is ruthless if I'm going to be honest they care about everything so like comment subscribing leaving the video on in the tab mute that I don't know anything that can help
Channel: AoE
Views: 10,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wyll, karlach, shadowheart, dark urge, dnd, 5e, laezel, astarion, gale, withers, dungeons and dragons, tiefling, gnome, dwarf, drow, elf, half elf, paladin, warlock, sorcerer, barbarian, wizard, druid, cleric, bard, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, dragonborn, duergar, githyanki, human, halfling, illithid, ability check, saving throw, bonus action, background, feat, attack roll, stealth, sleight of hand, charisma, persuasion, deception, equipment, act 1, act 2, act 3, mind flayer, concentration, action surge, bg3, lae'zel
Id: gyofTBVBop8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 2sec (6962 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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