9 Insanely Cool Secrets You Might've Missed in Act 3 in Baldur's Gate 3

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first up is the Helm of balduran and the balderan Giant Slayer within worms Rock prison lies a secret door marked by two dragon head torches the only way to get this secret door to appear is by attacking both these torches with an attack that deals lightning damage once both are attacked by lightning the dragon head torches will glow blue and the wall will evaporate showing the way forward beyond the hall leads to a room with four statues and four chambers each with unique trials the Chamber of Courage a room where you must survive for four turns the Chamber of judgment where you must determine what happens next in the story told by paintings the Chamber of insight where you must slay one of three who would lead Baldur's Gate to ruin and the Chamber of strategy where you must perform a Checkmate into turns now if you fail any one of the trials in a non-lethal way then the dead will rise to fight you but you can still progress to the following room in there you'll find your reward the Helm of balderan directly across from you enter the room and you'll also find the corpse of a massive Creature if you loot its dead body you'll find the ball during a giant slayer but also a big big surprise these two items are incredibly powerful I highly recommend you get them they're probably some of the best items in the entire game and if you like that tip don't forget to click that like button and subscribe for more Baldur's Gate 3 videos number two is the unsolvable puzzle hidden within cazador's Palace is a secret room opened by pressing a button in another room this room has yet another hidden trapdoor covered by a treasure chest move the chest aside and there'll be a hatch that you can lock pick below that is yet another puzzle there are marble plates on the floor and metal trunks scattered about if you manage to solve that puzzle then a door is going to open leading to yet another puzzle but this one nobody has actually solved yet it's unsolvable there are more marble plates in this room but also a lever base in what appears to be a broken off lever however this puzzle might be unsolvable not because it's difficult but instead because it's bugged the second lever base is actually called marble plate along with both of the broken off levers so this is clearly a mistake because the lever base is called a marble plate even though it's the same model as the actual lever base right next to it and even the levers are called marble plates and what's really interesting if you place a metal trunk on these supposed metal plates they actually just disappear just evaporate Into Thin Air so while this puzzle can't be solved as of this video is publishing because of bugs you might want to create a save file here for when this gets fixed to see what's behind all these puzzles number three is unstable blood if you give a Raja blood draw your blood in Act 2 she will offer you a mysterious potion when you return to her again in Baldur's Gate if you drink this potion you'll receive the unstable blood passive feature which makes your blood become highly flammable and explode when in contact with fire you can give the post motion to anyone in your party so this would go great on a Melee character who might get hit in melee range and allow for creating a fire surface near your enemies even better on a melee tiefling like karlak with hellish resistance to cut that fire damage in half unstable blood is also incredibly powerful because like we discussed in the secret spell interactions video having a fire surface below you allows you to drop potions repeatedly because dropping and moving potions doesn't cost an action and the fire surface breaks them open causing the Mist to heal you so unstable blood while it might not look super amazing at first glance could be really really helpful for a melee fighter number four is nairulna the legendary Trident this amazing Trident can be found within the circus of The Last Days by playing spin the wheel with akabi the Gin however if you simply spin the wheel you'll actually never win you'll need to pickpocket the genie ring from him in order to win once you do you'll be teleported to a strange jungle filled with troll alioramas you can fight or sneak your way to the opposite end where you're going to find a locked chest now you need to either lock pick it or smash through it and you'll find nairulna inside now this amazing Trident is perfect for a throwing Barbarian with the tavern brawler feet the Trident returns to you after each throw it grants increased movement speed and jump distance and it illuminates 6 meters around you what I think is actually particularly interesting about this trident is that it also does 3 to 12 Thunder damage and a six meter blast around where it was thrown now this is actually pretty serious AOE damage especially if you're throwing it more than once so if you have a Melee character they could probably take a lot of friendly fire damage from this so depending on your setup you might want to be aware about that AOE damage and try to go after mobs that are away from your other allies number five is the true hero of balder's gate this is a statue that grants one of your characters a permanent bless buff that gets applied after every long rest so you can't Lose It by dying in order to get this buff you'll need to head to the circus of the last days and talk to bony one of the dialogue options is that you'd like a statue of yourself for your Camp bony will tell you it costs 5 000 gold and if you pay then after each long rest you'll now have blasts on your character granting 1d4 bonus to attack rules and saving throws and you'll also have a sweet statue of your character in your Camp called the true hero of balder's gate number six is tharkiite Vigor by reading the tharkiite Codex and getting the curse placed on You by reading it removed you will gain 20 temporary hit points after each long rest this is another permanent buff that you'll keep even if you die because it's restored on Long rest it's important to make sure the character you want to get this buff reads the tharkiite Codex first because they will get the curse and subsequent buff and it can't be moved to any other character after that now in order to find the tharkiite Codex you'll need to ascend ramazith's Tower by taking the portal in sorcerer's Sundries once there you'll see a curious set of furniture floating in glowing blue and you can actually jump down to them and reach the middle floor you'll need to use C invisibility or find the elixir of C invisibility on the outer ring of the tower to read the plaques which are invisible which detail which weave buttons do what and you'll be looking for a weave button that says Vault now pressing the wrong weave button can lead to activating pretty difficult to kill Arcane cannons so make sure you're pushing the right one pressing the Vault button teleports you there and you'll be looking for a door called ramazith behind that door are three more doors and a puzzle you'll need to pass through the right sequence of doors to find a lever that will open the door leading to the tharkiite Codex all of this is very much worth it the 20 temporary hit points is very great but also really great for number seven and number seven is the dance Macabre once you acquire the archaeite Codex while it's in your inventory of the same character that has the necromancy of fey you can read the necromancy of Fae again and you'll be faced with a wisdom check if you manage to pass it you will learn the dance Macabre spell this spell is a level 5 necromancy spell that summons four ghouls to fight for you previously six however if you're a necromancer subclass wizard this spell is currently summoning five instead which is pretty awesome it's a very powerful spell that requires you to have gotten both the necromancy of thane act 1 and then the tharkiite Codex and act 3. so it's actually really quite rare if you didn't know about these two items beforehand coming in at number eight is the mirror of loss which is found deep within the house of grief this mirror grants you one to three additional ability points if you succeed all the ability checks and choose the appropriate dialogue options when interacting with this mirror you'll have a number of dialogue options in Arcana or religion option to discover the purpose of the mirror and another religion option to pray to the mirror all of these roles are very difficult and will likely require you to quick save before you attempt them if you want to succeed you'll have to pass both roles in order to gain the permanent buff but once you pass both roles you'll be given the option of a memory to sacrifice giving you -2 to a given ability based on what memory you sacrifice then there is a chance that the mirror will grant you a memory of your choice granting the corresponding ability points the option to gain a memory doesn't always appear though it actually took me sacrificing three memories to be given the option of gaining a memory but don't worry once you've gotten your bonus ability points all the minus two ability Point curses can be removed and you keep your bonus ability points permanently so it's totally worth it finally at number nine is the sentient amulet this amulet is particularly interesting for monks granting lesser key restoration once per long rest restoring two key points and also can cast shatter this amulet can only be found in act 1 within the Grim Forge inside a locked adamantine chest and once acquired a cursed monk offers a blessing if you bring this amulet to his daughter Shira who is in a sarcophagus below the Open Hand temple in act 3. when you use the amulet's power you need to succeed a wisdom saving throw to prevent becoming hysterical through a feature called High Spirits hysterical is the equivalent of Tasha's hideous laughter but only lasting one turn but if you bring this amulet to Shira you're given the option to Bear the curse yourself or reject the offer of taking the curse if you choose to Bear the curse you're going to need to succeed two ability checks and you will be rewarded with the ability to cast Tasha's hideous laughter once per long rest however if you fail any of the roles you will lose one wisdom Point per failure and it's permanent so this is a pretty risky Endeavor unless you choose the illithid option which is much easier if you reject the curse then the amulet will become very rare and you will lose the High Spirits feature which is what required you to succeed a wisdom saving throw or become hysterical so it's a pretty nice upgrade also the key restoration is upgraded to restore key points up to their martial arts die value instead of just two so that's a very nice upgrade as well if you reject the curse the monk will raise the dead to attack you but they are very easily defeated and if you're a monk I think it makes a lot of sense to decline the curse and get that upgraded amulet and those are nine things you might have missed in act 3. thanks for watching
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 87,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate, sentient amulet, mirror of loss, danse macabre, tharchiate vigour, tharchiate vigor, thatchiate codex, necromancy of thay, true hero of baldurs gate, nyrulna, unstable blood, araj ablodra, cazador, helm of balduran, balduran's giantslayer, dragon head torch, chamber of courage, chamber of insight, chamber of strategy, chamber of judgement, circus of the last days, boney, house of grief, monk, high spirits, amulet
Id: Ppqm3qa_beM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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