The 10 Best Weapons in BG3 Act 2

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hey folks this is Aus back again with another weapons and items video for you guys if you are new to my channel I make content on tactics and optimization in Boulders Gate 3 My Hope Is that you get more enjoyment out of this game through a better Mastery of it this video is part four in a series where I make lists of the top 10 weapons and non-weapon items that you can find in each Act this video is the top 10 weapons you can find in act two one of the things I like about this is that by act two the weapons that you find are really good and you're getting them early enough that you can actually make a build around them and use that build for a lot of the game if not most of the game cuz I find it personally very frustrating when I see a YouTube video that's giving me this really cool tactical build that's all centered around items that you get right before the final boss and it's like I don't even get to use these I get to use them for one fight and the game is over but items that you get KN to weapons that you get KN to you actually do get to use them for most of the game so that is very cool just some disclaimers before we dive into the list first off I am listing these in no particular order so the first weapon I talk about is not necessarily the 10th best weapon in Act 2 and it's not necessarily the best weapon in Act 2 it's just as a whole this is the top 10 weapons in Act 2 in my opinion also I have heavily favored weapons that do something interesting mechanically that is opposed to weapons that just give you flat bonuses maybe to your attack or your damage roles there are some weapons you can get an act to that might belong in the top 10 list but they're just giving you flat damage I like for example I believe there's a short sword you can get pretty early that gives you one8 psychic damage on hit and that's really quite good one8 damage adds up especially in class that make a lot of attacks but there's nothing really interesting to say about it there's nothing interesting really to build around it's just a weapon that does a lot of damage so you might use it often in your runs but it's not making it on my top 10 list because it's not something interesting you can build around ultimately just philosophically speaking I find that weapons which you might not use every run but that are really good if you build around them are better items and they're also just better for a you video right so all right enough disclaimers let's dive into the list now first up on our list is this weapon right here the infernal Rapier The Infernal Rapier is sadly a weapon that you get pretty late in act two you get it in kind of the last Zone if you are doing Will's Quest I don't want to spoil anything but if you have will with you in act two and you're doing his quest line you are going to get to a point where you free a captive and there will be a chance to make a dc14 persuasion check if you succeed on that check which you should invest everything to succeed on it you will get an extra item as a reward and that item is the infernal Rapier this weapon right here so the infernal Rapier is a plus two Rapier that's offering three extra things that are all good first off it's giving you a plus one bonus to your spell save DC that's just a flat bonus but it's a really nice flat bonus on on any spellcaster so already this is a weapon you want to wield with your spellcasters then you get the melee Caster feature instead of dexterity or strength the affected entity that is the one using this weapon adds their spell casting ability modifier to attack rolls okay so this means if for example I'm a warlock like will Charisma is my spellcasting ability and that means when I make an attack roll instead of using dexteria strength I'll be adding Charisma to my attack rolles into my damage or if I'm a druid I'll add wisdom if I'm a wizard I'll add intelligence you get the idea so what this allows you to do is take a Caster that also wants to make the occasional weapon attack invest everything into your spellcasting modifier and then your spellcasting modifier will be doing double duty both for making attacks and for your spells and it can take multiple attribute dependent class and actually allow you to focus on one attribute it's really good for that and that's not even all the weapon does we haven't even got to the summon once prolong rest with this weapon you can summon a cambian and the cambian is a pretty good summon you know it's just an injection into your action economy that's great it's an extra Target for your unlimited Buffs that is great and it can cast spells like fish charm it's like a charm person draining kiss is an attack that does a lot of damage against Charmed targets so you actually just chain these two together and then it can cast rays of fire which is like scorching Ray which is a pretty good spell so uh yeah this is giving you an extra summon prolonged rest just by wielding this weapon insanely good it's really quite a good weapon so that is infernal Rapier next up on our list number two is the Drake Thro glaive that's this baby right here I'm probably most excited to talk about this weapon I love it I use it in every single run I've done in this game it's absolutely incredible so first off you can buy this plus two glaive from Roa Moonglow at moonrise Towers in Act 2 as I said it's a plus two glaive if you are a dragon born while wielding this you get this vicious dragon breath ability where enemies have disadvantage on saving throws against your dragon breath weapon now honestly that is negligible I've never once combined this with a dragon born to be frank because even when enemies have disadvantage the breath weapon isn't that good I mean maybe best case scenario if you have lightning or coal damage on your breath weapon you're wielding a dthr glaive maybe then it could start to be an efficient action but still not really something worth building around the thing that makes this weapon good is draconic Elemental weapon while you're wielding this glaive once prolonged rest you get a special version of the spell Elemental weapon Elemental weapon is normally a third level Paladin exclusive spell when you cast it you buff your weapon giving it a plus one enhancement bonus that's two attack rolls and a damage and an extra 1 di4 Elemental damage of an element of your choice and I believe with the Paladin it is a concentration spell but with Drake throat glaive it is not a concentration spell it is a concentration free spell that lasts until your next long rest which means just as a ritual every every time you finish along rest you're going to cast this Elemental weapon and get a free plus one to attack rolls and damage and plus one die four to your damage and that really really adds up uh especially on class like Hunter Ranger late game or a late game fighter classes that make a ton of attacks in a round that's a lot of damage just from one cast of a spell now you're probably thinking okay that's cool but aren't there a lot of weapons that do an extra one four Elemental damage why does it make Drake throw glaive special well what makes it special is that you don't need to cast this on Drake throat glaive okay here's the trick that really unlocks this as you can see oh sadly I've already cast it ah oh that's too bad well I'll just show you how it works if you throw a weapon on the ground in this case I threw infernal Rapier on the ground you equip Drake Thro wave you will have in your tool tip this uh draconic Elemental weapon that you can cast I'm G to do tasa cious laughter to show you you you click on it and then you target the weapon that you threw on the ground and it will cast it on that weapon then you can pick it up equip it and now it's got Elemental weapon on it until your next long rest concentration free you don't actually need to use the glaive so basically the glaive actually functions like a wand for casting elements weapon actually I believe I cast it in the save on yes I did so in this save I cast it on balder's Giant Slayer and you can see here I'm getting that plus one that's the extra plus one from Elemental weapon and there's an extra 1 die4 cold damage from Elemental weapon yeah Drake throat glaive it actually functions pretty well as a weapon cuz I mean technically if you cast it on itself it's a plus three weapon you can find very early in the game but if you don't even want to to use the glaive you can just use this to get elemental damage on other weapons and in particular this is good when you start combining it with certain items which proc affects when you deal Elemental damage and there's two I want to mention I know I'm taking a while but I'll I'll make this quick uh the first in this game I've been using it with Winter's clutches whenever you deal cold damage you'll inflict two turns of encrusted with frost now when you're dealing cold damage on every attack and attacking multiple times in a turn you you can stack up a ton of stacks of encrusted with frost very quickly encrusted with frost gives disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and then whenever you get over seven Stacks enemies will have to make a constitution saving throw or become Frozen and you start canceling turns a frozen Target also has vulnerability of certain damage types it's actually pretty good especially on eldrich Knight Fighters so that's one way but probably the better way is with the gloves of the belligerent Skies these are gloves I talked about in my top 10 items of Acts one video you should go back and watch it but if you deal thunder lightning or radiant damage on hit you'll start stacking up reverberation and each stack of reverberation debuffs enemies Constitution dexterity and strength saving throws by one and it's in particular it's the Constitution saving throw you want to debuff so uh with Drake throw glaive you can get that lightning damage or that cold damage on any weapon in the game and of course both of those Elemental types are doubled against wet targets right so absolutely insane such a great item really really fun but enough about that next up on our list number three it's punch drunk bastard man I probably shouldn't have grouped these up these are two of the most fun weapons to talk about actually I'm just going to touch on punch drunk bastard I slept on this weapon for a long time until my very good friend and fellow YouTuber build the Barbarian really explored this item and discovered how good it was so I am going to link his video that he made about it in the comments of this one you should definitely watch it builda Barbarian is one of my favorite new Boulders gate3 YouTubers and he's all about making builds so please check that out but just as a teaser for what he will discuss in more detail punch drunk bastard you can get this from the waning moon in the back room when you're wielding this weapon and you are drunk you're going to get a few effects the first is you have advantage on all attack roles by the way to get drunk all you need to do is drink alcohol and you could do that as a bonus action in fights if I'm remembering right so yeah you just hoard up all the alcohol you find in the game and you just progressively drink it in a fight for a buff that gives you advantage on all attack roles that's already incredible and then also your attacks create a blast of 1 di4 in a 3 metor radius on the Target that you hit so this is kind of weird but basically when you attack a Target while drunk that Target and every other Enemy Within 3 m of them is going to take one di4 Thunder damage and where this really starts getting out of control is when you combine AOE attacks with clustered up enemies in this ability now each of the AOE from each Target is proing on all the others and you can start dealing a ton of Thunder damage to every Target in that cluster it really really adds up and then it's Thunder damage so you can also combine this with the gloves of the belligerent Guy this is probably the best item for stacking reverberation in the game so yeah punch run bastter really good and then there's another trick for this that unlocks this even further but I'm not going to spoil it for you I want you to watch the builda Barbarian video I've Linked In the description to discover that trick so please do check it out that is punch drunk bastard number three on my list number four on our list is slicing shortsword this is an item I'm really excited about to test more and actually in this save file I built a carlac build all around it slicing shortsword you can buy from l tarve in the moonrise Towers ignore this 1 di4 radiant damage coming from something else also this acid damage slicing shortsword is actually a plus one shortsword that gets the Deep flesh slice ability when the wielder attacks with Advantage the attack inflicts bleeding a Target that is bleeding takes two slashing damage at the start of each of its turns and has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws it's removed by healing okay disadvantage on Constitution saving throws is pretty good there's a lot of effects really debilitating effects in this game that Target the Constitution save it's probably the second most important save in the game to debuff bleeding is a great way to debuff it and with this shortsword you can impose bleeding just by hitting an attack that you make with advantage and that is it for this short sword it might not seem like much but there's a lot of abilities in this game that function around bleeding that you can really make a build just around the short sord so there are three AB ities that are worth mentioning the first is a an ability you can get on your main character maybe you can get in your companions too haven't actually tried either way you can only get in on one person through an optional kind of hard defined area in the underd dark in act one you will encounter some fish people that worship a god named bual if you choose to support bual you will get bal's blessing with Ball's blessing this is a permanent ability you will get for the rest of the game you will have advantage on all Attack rules against bleeding targets and you can see how that synergizes really well with slicing shortsword if you attack with Advantage one time you will INF inflict bleeding and then all subsequent attacks against them will have advantage and will Perma inflict bleeding so you'll have a constant effect of bleeding with slicing shortsword and the blessing of ball and then you can combine that with certain Wild heart Barbarian features um I have one of them in this run I'm not sure where it is here oh here it is aspect of the Wolverine so aspect of the Wolverine you can get this I believe at level six on the Wild Heart barbarian when you attack a bleeding or poison Target you also MIM them for one turn and MIM target has his movement speed reduced to zero and his disadvantage on dexterity saving throws so now and by the way it it says when you attack a bleeding Target but actually it's an attack which causes bleeding will simultaneously cause MIM as well so the very first attack you make with Advantage will cause both bleeding and maimed while you have this ability and the slicing shortsword so now the targets will have disadvantage both in Constitution and dexterity throws so that's cool and uh they also have their movement speed reduced to zero and there's some really cool things you can do with this when you start stacking other crowd control effects like fog cloud or prone you can really pile them all up and actually just straight up cancel enemies turns and it all snowballs out of control just by getting the bleeding effect on a target with aspect of the Wolverine so again my good friend builda Barbarian actually has a video all around this as well I don't think he mentions the slicing short sword but uh you can watch that video I will also have it linked in the description to get an idea of what you can do with aspect of the Beast Wolverine in combination with the short sword and then also finally there's a aspect of tiger you can also get with the Wild Heart Barbarian you can get both Wolverine and tiger if you go um a full class build with aspect of the tiger your attacks against bleeding targets will apply double your strength bonus on the attack rolls not on the damage rolls for some reason that might be a bug but even just applying it double on the attack roles is really good because you'll be attacking with advantage against a bleeding Target with aspect toall and also doubling your strength bonus you hit everything I mean they could have armor class 28 and you're probably still hitting reli with all of those bonuses to hit so yeah you can really add all of those things up I'm doing that build on carlac right now but I actually really like it on aarion for thematic reasons I don't want to spoil anything but bleeding builds are really cool with a Stan I'll just say that and that is the slicing shortsword next up on our list number five is Twist of Fortune I think Twist of Fortune might be the best weapon in the entire game honestly and I say might because I haven't tested it that much because when I just read this item I realized this so overpowered that I didn't even want to use it it felt like it would just trivialize every fight and from what I've seen on YouTube videos of other people have used it I was 100% right on that instinct so anyways let's talk about it uh and then you can test it out and let me know if I'm right about this being actually bandw worthy so first off Twist of Fortune is a Morning Star and stars are already pretty good items just vanilla because of the weapon attacks that they get so all morning stars get the Heart Stopper ability only morning stars get it with Heart Stopper when you make an attack and it hits enemies make a constitution saving throw and if they fail they get the chest trauma debuff with chest trauma they have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws and lose an action per turn and of course most enemies only only get one action per turn so you're canceling two actions cuz this lasts two turns with this and there isn't a weapon attack like a vanilla weapon attack that's as good as Heart Stopper like it's so insane so already that's awesome they get concuss a smash another really really good weapon attack really really good weapon attack and then Twist of Fortune gets Blood Money a unique weapon attack special to it and this is what really makes this weapon so insane uh by the way I forgot to mention you can loot this off of Garing go at the toll house you can do it if you prioritize it very early in act two it is not a difficult fight at all pretty much as soon as you enter act two you can rush it and it's easy to beat so all right let's talk about blood Money blood money is a special attack where you will deal an extra four piercing damage per 300 gold that the enemy you're attacking has okay so against most enemies this isn't going to be adding that much damage but if if you're willing to metagame and and set up with reverse pickpocketing you can put a bunch of money in enemy Pockets to set up basically a onot like if you have enough if you hoarded enough gold you just oneshot them and it's piercing damage and I don't want to give any spoilers for my act three videos but there's some items in act three which can reliably impose vulnerability to piercing damage specifically so you can actually double all of this damage so with enough gold you just start one-shotting bosses if you reverse pickpocket now the thing is is I've never done this I've never actually reversed pickpocket at any money I've seen videos of people doing it so I believe in theory it works the thing is is I don't know how difficult or reliable it is to do that you guys should play around with it and let me know in the comments but in theory on a rogue that's invested in stealth you should be able to reliably do this to most of the bosses and now you can just start one-shotting all the bosses in the game as soon as you get this item and that's just too good that's way too good so that's why I kind of don't use it but you should use it because it's also hilarious and fun um and that's not even all the weapon does it also gets this Twist of Fortune ability when you roll a two or less with this weapon's damage die you reroll it and take the new result that definitely adds up especially if you start adding more damage dice to the weapon I haven't tested this either but there's other features in the game that do things like this like the great weapon fighting style or Savage attack ER I'm sure it works exactly like them where if you are doing like if you add up a lot of weapon dice either through sneak attacks through smites through Elemental weapon from the Drake throw glaive against a wet Target that rrolling ones and twos really adds up so even if you ignore blood Money Twist of Fortune is a pretty good weapon it's definitely worth using next up on our list number six is darkfire bow dark fire short bow you can buy this from Damon in the Smithy and last Light in honestly this isn't that good of a weapon it's just an insane stat stick for melee Fighters it's kind of breaking my rule about uh not picking just flat stat boost items but there's enough interesting things to say about this and it's honestly a really really good item it it deserves to be on my list so it's a plus two short bow that's pretty good when you wield it you get resistance to fire damage and cold damage two very common damage types so I mean yeah that's incredible and then you also get one cast of haste per long rest haste one of the best spells in the game so yeah tons of great features and what's really cool is you don't need to actually be using this weapon it's kind of like Drake thr glaive or that cool trick with the punch drunk bastard you can use it in your offense slot so just as an example I have a melee fighter here that's using this great sword and I have dark fire short bow and my my range slot because I normally don't make range attacks I don't it it's normally just an empty slot right but you can see I can still cast haste on myself and if you look in my inventory even though I'm not using the bow right now I still get the resistance to fire in cold damage so it's a great stat stick in your offhand weapon and uh I mean just getting an extra cast of haste per long rest already incredible so that is dark fire short bow number seven on our list is this spear right here sh Spear of evening now this is a quest item that happens at a very important moment in act two especially if you're following Shadow heart's quest line in the shadowfell you'll be presented with a choice and depending on what you choose you might get this spear or another uh the other we will talk about next this is a plus three spear that gives you several things first sh's blessing you gain advantage on saving throws while lightly or heavily obscured this weapon deals an additional one di6 to creatures that are lightly or heavily obscured as well so you want to be obscured and you want to be attacking a Target that's obscured and in that situation you'll be doing one di6 extra damage to your attack so this is actually a one di6 plus three to your damage for the spear and you'll also have advantage on on all saving throws while lightly or heavily obscured okay so you want to be fighting while obscured and then the rest of what the spear does basically allows you to do that so first off you get blind immunity can't be blinded that means you can cast Darkness on yourself I'll go ahead and demonstrate this just to be sure so you can see one of my allies is blinded here Menara but I am unaffected so functions really well with darkness that spell I actually cast is sh's darkness which just it's a concentration it's basically the spell Darkness you create a a a cloud that blinds people and it is a heavily obscured area so while you're fighting in it you have advantage on your saving throws you're doing all that extra damage awesome and then finally you get Edge of Darkness ability this also creates a cloud of darkness when you attack for three turns so you can either summon a cloud with your action through the sh's darkness spell oh yes by the way you get this once per turn this is refreshing once per turn I can't I almost forgot to mention that and it's probably the best part about it or as an action you can attack so I can make an attack and you see it creates a small Cloud which blinds an obscures targets just like the Char's Darkness so if you don't want to use an action once per short rest you can do it on an attack back as well so yeah wow I mean what an incredible spear it's not even just something you can build around it's really build defining it's like a build in one weapon that you can get in my opinion this is the much better proactive version of the spear to pick the Spear of evening as we'll see next Spear of night is also good but it's a much more passive weapon it functions much better as a stat stick than um the Spear of evening which is really like a m main weapon they can build a whole build around really great for rogue builds for shadow monk builds uh I'm I'm definitely going to make a build around it at some point so that is the Spear of Knight number eight on our list is Saloon Spear of Knight that's this right here you can get this or the uh Spear of evening variant which we've already talked about in this video in the same way it has to do with the shadowfell and Shadow heart's quest line you can get either the Spear of night or the Spear of evening so here is the Spear of Knight version It's A plus three spear it gives you dark vision up to 12 M that's pretty nifty um if you don't already have it but honestly there's a ton of ways to get this without this weapon you gain advantage on wisdom saving throws okay that's really good wisdom saving throws are the most important to make other than concentration checks so advantage on them is really good and you also gain advantage on perception checks which is really can be useful both in combat and out of combat so really really good and this is a good stat stick ability even if you're a ranged attacker and you just have this equipped in your off hand you're going to get a lot of value out of it and then it also gives you two casts uh of moon beam and moon Moes both Refresh on a long rest moon beam is just the standard second level spell that Druids get access to it's pretty good for a second level spell now there have been times in my game where when I cast Moonbeam with the Spear of Knight it doesn't take concentration and there's times where it also does so you can't really count on it it's honestly not even worth mentioning because if you can't rely on it then what's really the point but uh yeah they probably patched it that's that's probably what happened cuz I know in Early Access moon beam had certain patch is where it wasn't requiring concentration so yeah it's probably been fixed but either way a cast a moon beam is is good that's great and it also gives you this Moon mode ability which is pretty cool so Moon mode is a concentration spell that lasts 10 turns and it it works a lot like the dancing lights cantrip uh that's kind of what it looks like it it's going to illuminate an area and each hostile creature in that area must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or treat the area as difficult terrain so now it's difficult terrain that's always Nifty and then allies in the area will deal an extra one4 radiant damage on hit with melee attacks this is an unlimited buff I've talked about unlimited Buffs several times but all allies in the area are getting this one4 damage that means every single summon in the game is going to get this one4 damage if you go back to our best weapons in act one video I talked about this with fer ALU unlimited Buffs in combination with summon comps or even just a composition that's built around making a lot of attacks and around it really really adds up radiant damage is also quite good when you can stack it with certain Illuminating gear which we talked about in our top 10 non-weapon items of Act 2 so you should go back to look at those either way a saluna spear of Knight is just a really really good basically stat stick item you can throw it on your melee slot and all of your range builds to get all of these really good spells and really good passive features next up on our list number nine is justicier citar you can loot Justice year citar off of Lindor in The Gauntlet of sh this is a plus two citar that gets two extra features first off Shadow blinding if you attack with Advantage you have a chance to Blind your target now I always hate this you have a chance language because I'm never sure what it means but after doing a little bit of testing with the citar it seems like what's happening is every time you attack with Advantage enemies must make a dc14 constitution saving throw and if they fail they become blinded I believe it's for two turns now once a Target is blinded you have advantage on attacks against them so you can kind of snowball this where you blind them once and now you have advantage in all attacks against them and you're more likely to Blind them again but you can also just combine this the same with the uh slicing short sword that we talked about with any of the items or classes in the game which can get advantage on attacks easily blind is a very good condition a blinded target has disadvantage on their attack roles and you have advantage on your attack rolls against them so already that's really good and then it also gets this Shadow soaked blow ability once per short rest when you strike an enemy you add your proficiency bonus to the damage so at the time you get the short sword it's probably a plus three but by late game it's a plus4 that's pretty good moreover if the attack hits it's going to deal an additional 1 di6 psychic damage so in total you'll be averaging around a plus 7 to8 damage with this attack and then it does not break concealment so if you are stealth you remain stealth if you're invisible you remain invisible and I haven't played around with this a lot yet but I mean I can just tell you that's quite good at the least that's an extra turn avoiding aggro but I'm sure there's a ton of interesting tricks you can do with this at the start of combat to weaken an opponent so that's very interesting basically it's a a great attack from stealth weapon because attacking from stealth already gives you Advantage you have this whole thing around attacking with stealth with Shadow soap blow and then you can start blinding targets and blinding targets especially boss targets is really good I could imagine combining this again with an eldrich Knight because a lake game Elders Knight is going to be imposing disadvantage on the saving throw against that blind and you can just reliably Perma blind enemies and that is really really good that's definitely something you can build around so that is just this year's citar number 10 on our list is near misser uh or never misser rather this is a hand crossbow you can buy from Roa Moonglow in Moonrise Towers it's very interesting again just like last time we were on the save ignore the acid and radiant damage that's coming from other things this is a plus one hand crossbow which does force damage okay yeah not piercing damage is force damage which is very interesting not a lot of targets resist Force damage so there's already that I like it especially on Rogues for sneak attack being able to diversify your damage on sneak attack is really important but also there are some ways to impose vulnerability to force damage and you can then really start benefiting from stacking damage on near misser one way is the Frozen condition that we talked about with you can get through en crusted with frost uh it's difficult to proc late game you can do it with some pretty special builds and when you do it any damage any Force damage gets doubled so that's very cool yeah so Force damage is already really interesting it's just bypassing a lot of resistances and there's the opportunity to impose vulnerability to it which is really cool and then you also get a cast of magic Missile upcast as a level three spell once per short rest and magic Missile is actually a very very good spell on anyone it's good I mean it's just really reliable damage to kill a Target and that's always good it's especially good if you run this on a evocation wizard because they get to stack up a lot of damage on magic Missile so that's really good magic Missile is an action to cast and the cool thing about about hand crossbows is you can actually dual wield them so you could have this in your offhand if you wanted it so you can cast magic Missile once per short rest on your as your action and then offhand attack with your hand crossbow it's very good and just in General hand crossbows are kind of a broken weapon because there's some bugs in this game that have been around so long I've starting to believe they're actually intended and it's basically so not only can you dual wield it to make offhand attacks with the double crossbows the offend attack applies your dexterity modifier to attack rolls and damage even if you don't have two weapon fighting style so it's kind of like you get a built-in two weapon fighting style with the Dual hand crossbows so this is the the best way to deal damage with Rogues if you go the thief build but there's a ton of builds that benefit from Dual hand crossbow um bars actually do really well um swords bars believe it or not really like dual hand crossbow so yeah very cool weapon just in general the fact that deals Force damage you're getting a free cast of magic Missile definitely something you can build around and that is it for our list I have one honorable mention I'll just jump to a different save for it I we just have one honorable mention Act two is a short act um and there's some very interesting items as we've seen But there aren't that many items to really talk about so this is the last one we're going to cover and it's the Hellfire hand crossbow nor the plus two acid damage that's coming from a ring uh this is a plus two hand crossbow and the highest enchantment hand crossbow you can find in the game which is honestly a shame you can't find any plus three hand crossbows which yeah like I mean that sucks because hand crosss are such a cool weapon but they're so good just on their own own that it's almost like it's a deserved Nerf that you can't find any like legendary ones anyways it's plus two and it gets two abilities first hell stalker you can possibly inflict burning when hitting a creature with his weapon while hiding or invisible so in this run I have the Hellfire hand crossbow on my durgar dogars get an basically an invisibility cantrip so they find it very easy to practice but any class which can hide on a bonus action can also practice very easily what happens when you attack from hiding or invisible they'll have to make a save so uh I don't actually know how often it inflicts burning If someone knows that they can please let me know in the comments the little bit I've played around with this I've noticed that it's not proing a saving throw all the time so it's not like uh justicier citar that we talked about where rocks every time a DC when you meet the conditions um either way occasionally when you're attacking from stealth and invisibility you might inflict burning which is pretty cool and then it also gives you a cast of scorching Ray anyways of course this is best to combine with the never misser it's a great combo together and uh you're getting a cast of scorch of gray you're getting a cast of magic Missile both of those spells function very similarly and they're very good offensive spells I mean altogether though there isn't much to build around with this it's it's kind of lackluster but I felt like it deserved a mention because it does fit into a hiding and invisibility run and it is technically one of the best crossbows that you can find hand crossbows you can find and just because hand crossbows are so good you're likely going to make builds around it so so as a final list of all of the items and locations just in case I forgot to say any the first item on our list was infernal Rapier you can get this at the very last zone of act two during Will's Quest next one was Drake Thro glaive you can buy this from Roa Moonglow and moon rice Towers third was punch drunk bastard you can get this from the back room of the waning moon number four was slicing shortsword you can buy this from larve in Moonrise Towers number five was Twist of Fortune which you loot off of garang goth at the toll house number six dark fire bow you can buy from Damon at the last Light in number seven with SH Spear of evening and number eight with Saloon Spear of night these are competing items you can only get one of them depending on the choices you make in the shadow fell during Shadow Hearts quest number nine was justicier citar you can loot this from Lindor in The Gauntlet of sh number 10 was near misser you can buy this from Roa Moonglow and then I had one unroll mention the Hellfire hand crossbow which you can loot from your gear in Char's Gauntlet that is it for this video guys I hope you like this one I'll be making more for act three very soon so if you are interested please subscribe I'll catch you next time
Channel: Aestus_RPG
Views: 93,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bg3, Weapons, Tier List, Aestus Guides, Larian, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons
Id: PISifOAc_qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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