Worlds First 0 Damage All Bosses+DLC Run - Dark Souls 3

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efficiency there so yeah it's not even about the capacity or the decisions anymore it's just about not using that finger at all because it's too hard for me to not do that bap you are the next one or gg nice jump yeah that's why I always do sprint to jump yeah the problem is is less of an advantage for the entirety of the game if you do that so there's things you can't do if you map it the other way mapping it's not gonna solve it it's just not even using my thumb because it like I said it would be actually hard to push the button if I didn't use my thumb there so we changed that up solves the problem call it today what some it's beyond just you know my capacity to you know approach things certain way or any kind of it's not a mental thing at all now it's just literally I can't use my hand that way it's not gonna work or at least it won't work enough times consistently to be acceptable or how many hours have on all this soul Siri is quite a bit man maybe she try hitting body on now we're not going invisible on this run that's a little bit cheesy there's no need to that problem has nothing to do with what I know how to do and what I don't know it's not misinformation it's not that I need practice it's just I can't actually do that anymore can't allow myself to hold the controller in that exact way with that finger cuz like I said it's as simple as that my index will not be able to push the button unless I like tried very hard to so it's almost impossible easiest way to fix it I should have done that before but I was thinking of it as something where I was making a decision or there was some sort of mental process those squad but it's not even that now [Music] caviar welcome back what's up dude wanna see the end Twix you probably won't see the end man if you're here to watch the end of the game I would recommend leaving when you have to go to bed or like whenever you plan to leave already and then come back and watch the bots in the morning or something is to see if we made it instead of waiting cuz it's it's very improbable that will actually make it all the way through we could and we do make it through a decent amount on average but it's not enough to prove that I can I can't just choose to and do it it's just based on how everything goes so I would recommend coming back and watching the bots if you gotta go or something like that and then you'll you'll have to you won't waste as much time that way but I appreciate you understanding zoo goal it was it was just completely destroyed someone wants the equipment they can but just unintentional jumps and why see what's up dude holy swamp get good guess so man my losito what's up dude thanks for good luck is it pretty sensitive um no it's not it's not that sensitive it's just a flaw the amount of pressure applied to hold the controller on that angle with my thumb itself will produce that situation a certain amount of times and it will never stop until I don't use my thumb it's just the thumb itself the amount of pressure I can apply is not safe to be able to do that I have to use a finger where it's actually hard to it's so simple to solve but I just didn't know how so now I'm happy because I can just I didn't think of it before as something like that I thought I was just like you know thinking of something incorrectly and it's there's nothing mental to it at all it's just the physicality it's very simple it's only on that angle not forward really I mean barely ever happens it's usually when it's backward towards the camera Cosmo it's going pretty good dude how are you today it's prime not working might be like broken or something I don't know I'll think anyone else has mentioned that so tired me Conan Patrick that he's not even gonna bother reply name or Wendell oh sorry dude honestly I didn't even I didn't get to that part yet I didn't see that what uh thanks to the good luck dude I'll take the good luck even if it's for Patrick why not be gentle Danica Brian it's not that simple dude I wasn't trying to be anything at all I was I was literally just thinking push this in this direction I wasn't I wasn't super tense that wasn't anything out of the ordinary but it's just enough if there's any extra amount to get the jump so it's a simple solution there's nothing to even worry about from now on I don't have an excuse at this point if it happens again then I'm actually I'm mentally making the decision to apply extra pressure more than I normally would have to to do that so then it's actually something that's on me and I'm sabotaging myself but because it's easy to accidentally have that happen you know we're just gonna try this for now should have already had that in place yesterday I just didn't even see it as that kind of thing and J Bailey thank you for the brand-new sub man the first time in your feeble cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the school umma naughty enjoy remotes enjoy bein a skeleton dude thank you very much scholar the curse thumb yes apparently what a spook do persephone so basically nullifies fall damage until the point of death but you are Patrick I'm not Patrick that one today did I sign some sort of agreement for that [Music] oh yeah so yo your footsteps also are solid that's true it's a very good point stole your ds3 disc stole your disc like stole it to play it or stole it for another reason like they do mean they borrowed it without asking Lemur I haven't yet man I haven't yet but again like I said I don't usually just like find an album and then listen to all 12 to 20 whatever tracks Tinh one sitting I usually just chip away at is so I will eventually I can enjoy it more that way hadn't been forcing myself to go through the entire thing but I'm liking it so far I'm definitely liking it with spooked casted any fall distance would kill you and he fall distance that would kill you still does but you won't take damage from shorter Falls yeah pretty much so you're gonna die if you're gonna die regardless but if it's something where you take a tiny bit of damage and nullifies that I learning a lot of stuff from the gameplay you finished yes once it's gonna try speedruns or something like that it's why you want to see they face the hard ones yeah the problem is though I mean just like if you're expecting for any for anyone that thinks that we're gonna make to the end every single day there's no way to guarantee that at all unless I just continue for the sake of that so I could but because we're trying to achieve something and get better and enforce those rules there's no guarantees so that's why I said just if you want to like don't stick around longer than you would normally plan to just in case you see it just come back and watch the bots and you'll know if it happened or not or you could watch vod's from other runs and their that therefore you don't have to worry about kind of inconvenience in yourself because it's I can't I can't promise you that who's a promise I would say yeah like I this exact time we should be there what sides nice so you're gonna have to somehow check out other BOTS or see if we got it if you want to make sure that you're not hanging around too long especially if you got to sleep on that settlement where they burrow the dead that's why there's so many farm Mahalo oh yeah that's what they got all those tools and stuff they're just they're digging graves well yeah I'm glad that you're learning stuff magic thanks man anyone know why the lore on those bodies are hanging upside down wrapped up I think there's some sort of sacrifices or something like that but um yeah tree pulses at the end it is man I'm thinking though that if it was a run that was good I'd let you guys pick which one you want to see for the end cuz we could switch it up and do ODK loss wouldn't really matter but Donkey Kong yeah basically because it's really easy so it saves us the time where we can get to the harder stuff sooner instead of putting it first just get it done at the end okay dog please do not somehow choose to just chase me please leaves the fun to the end yeah what's the big hype for papa big hype for what what do you mean big hype last run last one I jumped when I wasn't supposed to say best best to last my right well I mean to some people it might be the best so who knows I I would be surprised I was saying earlier like how could you like the tree as like the best fight but maybe you do hold on to murder the tree balls yeah I know well I guess if you want to see it happening you're probably getting getting ripped off a bit with with the tree balls especially because I don't need to practice it but I mean if if it was better to do earlier I would definitely would Connor what's up dude Christel sages mandatory yeah it is that's true you need to kill a crystal sage so we do it the latest you possibly could without you know doing other optional stuff before it so earliest it could come in the mandatory order stuff or sorry latest you can come in the mandatory order stuff they drop minuscule amounts of souls yeah the tree doesn't give you too many so there wouldn't really be an advantage for any reason at all other than preference we're gonna get the rest the fire bombs we come back right okay so for abyss Watchers we end up getting four I think wild hutch what's up dude welcome back huh tree balls any % noobest run spread the word man it was fun doing it early in the speedruns but the pullin off this skip was the the shitty part buttery Joe thank you for the host man and green mists welcome back isn't your name supposed to be green if green is in the title it's not how this works you can't just have a name that has a color in it and not have the name the color of whatever the name is it's not even matching how do you get away with that how do you justify that how do you live with yourself Moomin Ryder what's up dude alright so cuz we're always gonna be offering one firebomb and I can only really manage to buy - I think it's - I can get after I get into five bosses I'm gonna basically just make sure that one cage falls instead of hitting it first and then that'll that'll be the way we do this from now on it'll actually end up being faster overall our globe what's up with German Germans uh dude that's in blood-borne character was supposed to be a ton a bleedin DPS devolved into an SOC cosplay because why not that last minute switch up trying to stay low don't blow the cover okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it I mean I wasn't talking about somebody in shadow I was talking about others stuff that's green and Misty and hey how is the weather guess what's going on Vitruvius what's not man say the same about you that I did for Miss so what color would your name be then if it's Vitruvius like you're saying it shouldn't be green mad manatee what's up bleedin DPS don't really go together on current patch yeah so what they did the bleed is basically reduced the effectiveness of Karthus Rouge itself and then increase the effectiveness of blood gems so stacking Karthus Rouge on a natural buoyed weapon isn't going to be really good it's gonna be okay but not comparable that was before c'mon onion bro save me you can do it do it here we go Wow he took so long that time I think okay maybe they're fighting already yeah they are I was just takin extra bits of time he like said the line if it seems like he was later or something but he says that when he runs over Aoyama thank you for the good luck man no happy birthday is no ferrous bow none of that [ __ ] I'm disappointed in you undercover in the pink name game even though your green green vest okay well that's a confusing plot because your name has the the color green in it you're not that color and you're saying it's just supposed to be a different color that's not either because it's like red so this is confusing Tilt Zilla what's up why do I kick him so he can get to the demon faster so it cuts back the chances of me getting hit through the floor when I'm trying to kill the cages if you were to just do a normal play through what weapon build what I do not sure man it's a good question I don't know I probably just use a bunch of different stuff I don't think I'd take like one thing I just use whatever I want at the time but um yeah I don't know no clue Sebby what's up dude zero damage yes ball damage to every single type sage gets the own split but watches only gets catacombs yeah I was I was trying to condense their sage and Deacons could be the same split to be honest apparently I'm speaking twice here Movistar what's up dude you're getting your moped license soon nice dude how long does that take to do is it just like a written test or is there Street test as well too spooky for you don't fall please thank you like he never falls and that's really good what I was thinking when he jumped right there he might actually land beside me King Nephilim welcome back what's up dude how are you doing today you wait for it do you want me to throw all the best things at me at the same time don't rush it ok I will I will very carefully anticipate the the happy birthdays and the hey you should use Ferris PO comments say trow F R a poem huawei's and damage count in this run it does yeah every damage being bomb slow bro thank you for the two months in a row did welcome back continue to enjoy your remotes and being a skeleton it's kind of stuck there this is fine to go for it but then I missed the first time Nephilim I'm doing pretty good man pretty good thank you for asking went through ng+ plus and everything weighed should be doing that for the armor okay there we go I was I was actually switching it the slowest way I could have before forgot about nameless took six seven tries everything wait everything about nameless oh you forgot everything like how to do the fight okay sorry I thought you were trying to say everything but nameless first yeah that's that's not too bad those six or seven tries in van I'm sure that's uh much less than many people so good job man here we gotta wait for this again anyways got destroyed by those huge mushrooms and Darkroot garden are you bad there's they're actually really scary dude I usually don't go over there unless there's an item I need or something but like they know you're not bad that's that they're pretty they're pretty scary I don't blame you the small ones are okay but the big ones are really saying sometimes and they sound scary too d-pod what's up dude having a flag wait okay if I pronounced that right now I'm gonna implode flagrantly okay explain the word flag written me so no I know you're not trying to say fragrant I'm sure you would probably do your double-checking first to make sure that it's said right so what is flag Rijn let me know what that is spider-man we didn't accidental jump so I'm trying to address that situation now by just not using my thumb on the stick for that situation ever had one of these NPCs falling on you causing stagger yes but I think the only time something fell on me to cause a stagger to ruin a run was a crystal lizard and it was because it was knocked off the wall and rebounded why I've had I've had more things land on my head and kill me in ds1 because I feel like there's a lot more opportunity for that to happen I've fallen on an npc itself and agro to dude and killed him because I got stuck like in between him and an object and it hit him three times whereas if it was one stagger at defined but trapped me so the other way around that band is scoot thank you for the prime sub man for the first time in your feeble cursed life I have discovered the secret circle of the school timenado surely remotes enjoy being a skeleton dude also I was really worried that the buff would run out on the last swing but I think I got more time to to wait on that anyways van is screwed how was your day going dude what's up the timings and such but it came back fast luckily yeah nameless is one of those fights where you probably would get rekt if it had been a while definitely man because I mean it makes sense like I took the longest to me to learn out of anything in the game just to kill it once so I mean if you didn't engrave it to the point where you knew everything and you were like excessively practising it then there'd be no reason for you to like go back to and have an easy time he probably would have some of that you know challenge of when you tried to do it the first time coming back to you being that you didn't really practice outside of just killing him on any run that you did glioma what's up dude on Z what's going on okay let me not lose my spot on this it's okay you keep pissing off ring finger because you go to roll to get down from patches and fall on his head is that guy's name actually called ring finger that's that's his name yes so that's what I did too but I got stuck in between the ledge and his head so it hit three times in a row cuz it counted as consistent falling damage so if I just fallen and hit him it would be fine but because it counted three times it takes three instances of hitting the NPC to piss them off then the run was ruined after that point there's like prolong the inevitable doom where I should I wish I had just died on the spa you know instead of having to go through that process because once he's pissed off and he's in there you're not really gonna be able to kill him without getting damaged or even sit at the bonfire safely cuz he's got a homing soul mass and [ __ ] you know I must unless you had practice that as a thing particularly but one would you ever actually pissed him off or stun him three times right just not likely to happen so see ya ons either going okay man we had one that was started but I screwed it up myself and I'm hopefully never gonna do that again I that same thing has happened yet that happened yesterday pretty much but I guess the reason and the reasoning is I just shouldn't try to play the game that way like I shouldn't do that part that way Shoob is how old am i 175 and a half it's my half birthday today - like I don't know 100 and 150 - off of that Amakusa what's up how's it going dude what's the music that I use for slug Lords both of the tracks don't have a name they're they're both unused tracks so they're just like a number on a playlist but basically they're their music that was come from the game both struck what's up deuce like I can if you type in cut content music or cut music from this if you just go through all of them you'll find some of them but again they don't really have names I think the one was also unnamed but it was like cut it was uh for a trailer for ds1 I think wait let me let me just double check and see just sorry I was wrong there's two unnamed ones and there's the one that's the trailer and that one might actually have a name same age movement robbery yeah there's actually a lot of people here that are around the same range like more or less by a couple years or so got to keep each other feeling young together even though we're like getting dusty just kidding okay let's let's see what these are so we got where is it unused os2 wait no that's yeah most of the OS T's I have run use so secret betrayal is the one for fire link I think hidden track trailer music is ds1 trailer music that I use for it before and then unused track 10 and unused track 9 or the other 2 so then maybe that'll help you anyone managed to a no damage run cynical it's been done 90% but never all bosses plus DLC okay now I gotta sell the stuff oh I got to remove this first we're gonna actually have probably two extra levels on this one maybe something like that Shuba Siam from Canada then he seems to be asking a lot of questions like that's not a problem or anything but notice also holy [ __ ] that alert was loud when you go from hollow to human you go from sweat pants that say jerky to sweat pants that say juicy ah kitchen thank you for the six months in a row man welcome back how have you been enjoying Monster Hunter you seem to be like getting really really serious with that I watched you play it for like a little bit once and I had no idea what's going on but you were like giving advice to people like a pro man once the MLG sponsorship once one's the the land battles you go from sweat pants that say jerky to sweat pants to say juicy okay we only got one of the extra levels because apparently I was off by a bit but anyways we got one extra Dex that's not bad and yeah thank you again kitchen welcome back dude follow kitchen if you guys don't he likes Souls content if you like Monster Hunter possibly Shadow of the Colossus possibly just things getting broken into pieces like bones of your enemies you know between 5 and 55 well I guess you wouldn't be wrong if you said that but I don't know how accurate that is overall like they're the average but so it's a wide range you gave yourself forever I'm doing pretty good man how are you what is your social just wondering go screw what does that mean like like social networks and stuff I've been enjoying it be it burn tone on Souls at the moments trying to slow down on it to not go mad yeah you were doing a lot of the boss rush on this too right it's going pretty good so far man we're trying to make up for the ultimate mistakes ultimate mistakes with the brackets around the s social security number yeah we're not gonna be talking about that nice try though shame on me for thinking you were talking about something that wasn't sensitive information also I'm pretty sure it's si n but you're probably talking about American red as the SSC I'm pretty sure with the American it's si n you got antisocial in security number damn dude you're cracking the codes character really scares you the face yeah it's um you know what it looks like it reminds me of like the upper part of the face looks like kolp ster for some reason I don't know why reminds me of cold sir but then like a woman that also had to like breathe but didn't breathe for a while some reason sequence of nine numbers oh no he's cracking the code for the amount of digits now all I needs is one other key detail and he'll figure it out [ __ ] back to grandma face how they run Subaru I don't know you tell me it look like we're doing okay commie Kazin what's up man I don't think I said hi to you sorry if I missed anybody Norma not you what you were here too and I didn't say wow like why are you trying to sue me right now you should be missing all this stuff Julis what's up which state retro live in a state of constant fear yeah I guess the sad thing is you actually could be in that situation that all jokes aside but I don't blame you man Connor not as good as I want but for changing that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kill my understood that for a while man that's what I usually would say to most people if you want to do this just don't do it it's the best way or if you sorry if you want to take zero damage don't do it hasn't really worked out too well though I mean rise II what's up how's it going dude last run cat accidental jump so we're cracking down on that it's time never doing that again Shabazz what's up dude how's it going discount fools idle or tame Oda sage well I guess pin pinwheel was almost well I wouldn't say it's a discount fools Idol because it uses you know same concept but in a way that you know the backstory is kind of important the lore itself so like pin mill isn't really like a bootleg Fool's Idol but in a way they're they're all technically like fullest idols so yeah right Raisa I'm doing pretty good thank you for asking that instant fan been here first time you've only you've only been here today is that what you're saying aster gaster what's up is this like the Nike employee meeting ran out what the hell's going on where's this coincidental I've been here for a while but never watch the stream because you always watch the youtube vids I see men well welcome then we are in the midst of getting good which is the the goal but I know no promises I'm gonna try I'm gonna try really hard LZ what's up man so G good evening too many verify I know it's just it's just a Nike meeting or something like that gotta discuss the plans for the shoe sales next year why is that rats here moving in the water like that that makes me really really concerned its ear is flapping in the water irregularly or in a really weird way this is a meme run though you could consider it a me run I mean in terms of speedrunning this would be a meme run every every run that's not a speed run technically would be every run in a latest speedrun vocabulary read what I can also agree it's definitely I mean as many memes in store for us so why not you know saying hi to everybody I thought if I see your name man I will say idea unless it's clear that you don't want it and you call this what's up dude Astra I'm doing good so yeah okay so what's this what's this deal with checkmarks water we just is this just coincidental I can't be no what's up how are you doing man Sorrell what's going on bass reader mmm not really not really bad I think I just might be in the Lucian you might you might think that but I'm not the fastest reader I mean I could read something fast but like I'm not gonna be able to like tell you what it is necessarily I could tell you some things but you don't know if I'm reading something more than wants to you know be able to understand it right I might have to read it a few times especially if I don't get more than one full second per time I look to actually look so I usually have to make up pieces of things multiple times until it fits into one sentence what I mean there's some times where I can actually take time and read but yeah I try to just glance and then make out what I can twin cell swords wallet what's up how's it going man these are the cell sort twin blades with sharpened fusion boat Lulu got out for his afternoon nap Imperial well okay it's time to get edgy now if you've put the the child is sleeping we need to do edgy things like not half the worry about wall near pulling the sword on the spice we can go through here all at once and not spend twice the amount of time and not get stuck there either pancakes don't you dare jump off the cliff again I'll try not to but anyways dude when are you using that because the analogy that I was mentioning before like comparing it to just like choosing to jump off the cliff or something cuz that's funny that you remember that but uh yeah man have a good rest today possibly I'm surprised you remember that school rise II thank you for the brand new sub man for the first time in your Fievel cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the scholar Minotti enjoy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton ru cringed enough now to rethink your decision obviously I was doing that as a test I want to see if I changed your mind all of a sudden oh man Kathy was still alive at the end right there instant fan boo okay I gotta check out what you will your plan rise II I'm gonna give you a follow and also we shall not forget aster gaster as well I think that's like some sort of like TOS where you don't follow someone that's verified you actually get like fired or something you get banned unsub because the cringe is silliest dammit dude oh I I knew it was a bad idea I knew it was a really bad idea and I just decided to do it still [ __ ] goddamn it okay come he discuss this can we negotiate it maybe maybe change some minds this once big Tony down so you're saying that Tony the skeleton is such an iconic enemy now that we have to think of wall near already being distinguished as an individual as little or big big Tony he is some sort of extension of Tony cuz Tony has more importance in the game and wall near this it's actually a boss Tony the basic scrubby skeleton is more important than wall near that's how we were saying I'm your hero gaster okay this is getting scary now this is this is definitely a setup also I need to check that alerts to give me a second let me um let's kill Tony best shoutouts EU didn't see the hydration body take responsibility to say drink some water yeah I definitely got to do that too I have been trying through this certain points that I usually have as like designated times to be able to drink without having to worry about you know something going on like getting hit or whatever in the meantime brain welcome back what's up dude okay give me a second sometimes depending on what name it is it's hard to see cuz what I think it's the spot of the alert now cuz I can kind of can increase the size the video player on OBS a bit more but with the spot that I put it in it's like behind the other text as taro thank you very much man also welcome back I don't think I said hi to but if you are here I think you are I would imagine you are Thank You Man what else do you use BOTS for obviously to do no damage runs like this is a bot run right now you didn't know got a plugged into the Panasonic no hit no hit guarantee bot my strats are firing you up what the hell is going on right now this house I have to be getting Punk'd or something just coming out of nowhere say that you're like enjoying yourself on like one of the most boring parts of the run and that the strats are getting you excited there's definitely some camera crew like right around the corner right now it has to be who did it who called them where's Ashton Kutcher come on it's not real now I appreciate that man I've said before if anyone learns from anything that is just like even I might consider basic or just the expectation in this run that's really cool cuz I'm not even like there's some sort of bonus or positive out of something that I might find as a very insignificant part of the run you know we got to do it but like I wouldn't consider anything at this part of the game super super important right so that's that's really cool if it helps you then I hope to continue to do that no Punk'd you're dead serious and godlike this is honestly at this point man I bet you if you had the focus of trying to not get hit or not take damage and you ran the game like not even enough times to get a no damage run you could get to this point pretty damn easily and you would understand like that getting to this point doesn't mean too much after this point there's certain stuff that yes it would be very hard to get past that but this is still kind of easy mode so I'd say once you get after dancer then yes it would probably be hard that's why you see most people that are starting no-hit runs they usually get hit on dancing on average most of the time or right around that area because Easy Street is kind of over at that point and I easy streets not even necessary meaning that things are really easy it just means that like therefore these the weird thing is though the RNG is worse on easy street you found that wall near does not have legs Rick have some has someone tested or whatever and and like look to see if he had legs or not what would wall near do anyways you mean the dude is stuck in a small area unable to move that's true I thought he was just going for the push-ups man he's getting some like some some SATs in some multi grip sets you know but apparently he's not he's just trying to go vape nahshon you predict Oh blood start beast with pairing as you said and you you can't finish it he's on 20% health he's going crazy and you're getting out of the blood vials are you trying to focus on not existing in the area that it moved across like the you got to pay attention to the floor and if it stepped on the floor you can't step on that part of the floor after you're gonna get poisoned so you want to like move to another part of the room where it didn't walk so you don't get poisoned just pay attention to like the trail and that helps tremendously because I mean you're just getting instantly poisoned guaranteed if you're on that spot see one that you want to pay attention to that as taro thank you again med you've been doing this for a while too man like this happened again like not too long ago you have you have these like patterns that you're you you going for Thank You Man thank you very much can you whisper me at all can you show me something wash it when I have the time yeah go for it dude you can put it in chat if you want to as well you have automatic permission because your sub because you think you're you're so cool because your skeleton and stuff you can just put links whenever you want cuz if people are gonna be scared of you you big bully all these people looking looking scary and [ __ ] thinking they're tough think it's Halloween it's not Halloween okay maybe it's Halloween in like an alternate universe and maybe you're not in this dimension so okay I could be wrong I got to get my my celestial calendar out of the out of the Cosmo Cosmo filing cabinet I don't know Yokohama blues what's up dude I just hate when you do push-ups and suddenly get stuck on a cursed chalice relatable yeah that probably wouldn't happen to you yeah I would out for anybody that wants to show me anything I always recommend just giving me a whisper and I'll try to I'll try to either respond to it or I'll look at it as soon as I can remember I might not check whispers right away but I will I will look at it I've caught up on all the recent ones so I will be able to to see it at the table unless there's someone else doing something trying to push it to the bottom or whatever push it out of sight yeah I'll definitely check it [Music] whispers sent that's a Twitter status oh [ __ ] man I was thinking it was gonna be like a youtube link or something now I'm kind of wanting to check it out is this something that if I checked it out right now it would be like something to look at very quick or would it take more than like a second wait where's the staff there we go Steve Buscemi we don't only use the washing pole I had a washing pole clip that I was gonna put him one of the one of the meme things and I was gonna do something with it and then I decided not to and I'm kind of glad I did because it would have been it probably wouldn't have lived up to its potential and now you're making me think if I if I had you Steve as the inspiration it could have been better I don't want to spoil it for me but it's 2-minute investment okay well it's a tweet from twitch okay I'm gonna check it out I'm gonna watch this you got the key or is it really important is it something that like I need to see cuz now I'm getting excited and I don't know why because like Jacobus is saying there's spoilers and [ __ ] it doesn't no one ever says that kind of stuff so now I don't know now I'm getting worried oh man it's probably not even a big deal but like I for some reason for the fact that you said there's spoilers I don't know hey how easy you make it look honestly enough the fight on this run isn't as bad as it could be you you bait you barely get any Phase two if you uh if you don't have her go face too early you don't really experience too much of it oh that's awesome dude nice [Music] let strength be grand so the world might be mended that's actually really cool so the world might be mended mmm pseudo thank you very much for the prime sub man for the first time in your feeble cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the school to Minotti enjoy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton like I have mentioned before now you are a spooky person but you don't get a trumpet though you got to get your own we used to give away free trumpets potent I guess like it got too expensive so now everyone's got to bring their own I have mouthpieces but I don't have the actual instruments and you got to have a name tag on it to snow and steals it if you're getting into the all the Deutz and stuff yeah Rhys I'll definitely check that out man that's that's amazing man they've they've done that for a few people that I know before and it's cool to see them give you recognition it probably feels really awesome to know trumpet Tarkus what's up man that's a good combination with lull I never noticed that I feel like that's like a necessary combo like where you just have to use it that way there's no point of using one of the other by themselves it's got to be together [Applause] okay so I actually really don't have to wait for this part but I'm just gonna let him get to the mid staircase just in case I I gotta take a moment right here anyways and he might poke me out of nowhere I go immediately all right that's good I actually don't think you take fall damage on this part but just in case I honestly don't think you do on the the second ledge it looks like it could be high enough where it's the tiniest tiniest bit though why it's tree balls laughs ferrets so basically it's really easy and there's no point of putting it before something that's harder anything that is more likely to reset the run I want to put as soon as possible in the runs to the attempts are shorter especially if we're making it to the harder parts I want to have less time to get back into the next run so it's just it's not really a setup that's made for a climactic finish it's more of just like the smartest way to you know save the time save that little bit of extra time and there could even still be a little bit more shuffling like if I can somehow get that dagger ready and then still have the stats that I need for half-light we could do the LC even sooner what ssam yeah this one is the run where I got to figure that out because there's other items that have nothing to do with my levels I that I have to be getting a certain times and some of them are pretty expensive so I'm not sure if I could just go and get the dagger ready early because of that stuff there might be other reasons we'll have to see but the trumpet is for work right yeah but the trumpet you can you can write it off man Sal I thank you for the memes on that good guy ray Dex I think so last time I checked maybe maybe not anymore maybe something happened huh I feel like things would be a lot different than I'd be the most effective non-human ever at this point yeah I'd be an even bigger disgrace to whatever species or you know technology than a human to the human race so I don't think I'd want that it would be probably worse for me otherwise we need to see better results if that was the case all right so I need all of these right now one more of those and we were going you know watch it Kobus you just made me realize the name could actually work in rhythm with the song itself I could like to replace the skeletons with that and would actually it would still sound like it would flow really went really nicely still the syllable synergy synergy ray is Oni what's up how's it going it's gonna get pretty Mimi and chaste so be wary targets are you trying to like drop a bomb on me though is this like a preparation for something that you're pulling off plus nine bloody how your speedster a speedster yeah well actually the funny thing is when you speed run you don't actually have upgrades like I do right now as soon as we get them like you're actually less upgraded the entire time you're speedrunning until a certain point so it takes longer to go and get the upgrades it just makes some of the stuff a bit safer obviously it's this v8 we can't just be in sages face like doing speedrun strats I mean we could but it wouldn't really be smart Paul D I'm doing pretty good man why is he running across the ledge what the [ __ ] man I was getting worried if he doesn't attack immediately because I'm thinking there's gonna be some time where the fairings are it hits me from like the blind angle across that stretch because there's been times where he's attacked late and then one crosses over and then hits like just around the doorway when I'm exiting it then he fires again and I'm like if it was something that was gonna hit me I wouldn't be able to Sikhs I can't look back since there's a dude right in front of me with a spear that I got a you know be quick enough to avoid that's hiding in the corners so it's like oh man I'm waiting I don't know if it's possible but I'm thinking that one day is gonna get a fair and darkness gonna go through the door but I can't say I've seen him just run away like that he's still racing time kalenna I'm doing pretty good how are you today Paulie what's up man ready for the the most exhilarating sage fight you've seen in your life a heart's beatin my hands are shakin I think yeah we have silver serpent on already on ng+ the enemies tougher just the bosses so basically every single thing that is a I I don't know if this actually includes NPCs that are friendly by default but any enemy would have more health and more more damage dealt that could also include things that aren't hostile like lizards and [ __ ] like that or like special cases of things but I've never tested it typically you can expect anything that you're gonna fight is gonna have more health than more damage think you'd be able to one cycle that trusty you you would miss by a little bit I think you'd still have like one or two swings left trust me we've tried to one cycle sage way way back like when we first were making strats for no hit runs so that's that's the reason I do it that way right now tested many even if you're not seeing things that are happening we probably tested mostly everything a lot of things have been tested that you might never see happen in these runs just just in case you know just to make sure we have the best strats and it's not like we can test everything in the on the planet you know there might be something still that's not but there's a lot of stuff we went over for that fight to get it to a point where it's reliable well yeah it's fairly easy either way a good guy radix thank you for the brand new sub man the first time in your feeble cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the school loominatee enjoy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton man inhaling the salt let strength be grounded so the world might be mended rui-zi are you friends with Astor or you guys know each other like before you got here or something as if I didn't know any better I would think that you're exercising favoritism check mark Wow streamer you have people that are trying to steal your views because they're verified giving subs to other people that are trying to steal your view streamer Wow man thank you very much for the first time in your feeble cursed life aster gaster you have also discovered the secret circle of the school loominatee enjoy remotes enjoy being a skeleton courtesy in the rising sub if you can get the video of the torch only run blank there's no video for it there's just highlights men you don't have to sub unless you want to and honestly I'd prefer that you do because you like the stream and you'd want to come back and stuff but yeah the torch only stuff isn't it a video it's in it's an individual highlights probably towards I don't know maybe the middle of my highlights or something it's it's definitely farther back than anything recent what I just cut it up into the fights Mika what's up welcome back that's a very very pondering looking a boat I don't know like the amount of depth in the thought of that face is greater than any thinking about I have seen to this day like that the thought going on and whatever that that thing's head is like is just it's something it's something at the next level I can tell it's beyond regular thought and there's there's a very important thing that it's considering I need to know who owns that that's hilarious man DJ tackle I've actually know who that is I just have never seen his emotes before skies what's up how's it going welcome back habet you made a whole pizza you're gonna smash it you made one how did you make it was it with like just raw ingredients ooh did you have like a pre-made dough or something about your remotes rui-zi honestly I noticed when you when you came in you used some of them they look really nice like they pop quite a bit with the amount of small details especially the one with the bird or well I guess there might be more than one with the bird but the one that has the looks like a happy face kind of or like the laughing one there's a lot of small stuff on that but it pops pretty well oh it's the love it's called Lolich okay yeah yeah that's cool man I like them they remind me of the art style of like it's almost it reminds me of the arts out in like older Pokemon cards kind of like know how some of them were like I know there it wasn't the same style for every single thing they made but there were certain ones that were like Illustrated versions of like the graphic design one so there's ones that remained like probably with a computer that someone didn't illustrate or it wasn't as noticeably Illustrated like by hand but they almost look like the ones that are illustrated by hand on the cards like for example there was a dragon i-44 reference that it wasn't like like right like computer-generated but it looked like someone had drawn it by hand and everyone think it reminds me of that with the way it's shaded and everything yeah we need to get out of here really quick get the dagger on Hey I keep forgetting at this part we don't actually have to continue to do the - we're gonna get late mud on this oh no I don't think I've ever seen this giant go this far and then do the mud at this point so if he did I'd be really shocked but you never know man like he's not even supposed to go that far usually backs off what's I guess that is it could be a possibility unless he just isn't told to attack their Star Wars have a good rest your day man thank you for the good luck I'll tre enjoy your food man that livestream my first DST playthrough vision I did for the beginning and then there's too many spoilers for me to want to continuous so I probably got through about half the game on stream and then I just got really frustrated with people telling me stuff so I took a few days and then I came back again and streamed the end of it but I just wanted to get to the part where it was that I had found everything that I could find within those spoilers and then after I'd beaten cinder and that is said that I could go to a New Game+ I was like okay now I will allow people to give me hints and heads up on stuff that I missed that I couldn't find so I it was kind of like a sandwich there's like this in-between part from pontiff to cinder where I didn't I didn't want anyone telling me what to do because there was a lot of spoilers thrown out luckily I didn't catch like some of the worst ones but there was some that I caught and I got kind of mad so don't like that stuff but it's my fault for streaming it and I learned that like sub only mode wasn't enough but then again it's my decision [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I think I might add um one split to many there again didn't I streamer needs to on split let's see oh I did too too too many okay that's not good there we go this is modded ds3 credible no this is this is regular ds3 man the remember looking this good is just the pc version on like medium to high settings why do you use the crystal soul sage they're just so i don't have to sell it later because i have to wait the same amount of time there anyways so just getting that over with one less thing to to do once we're in fire link stress balls the abbot's it's to de-stress the run that's not I like that reasoning a lot better we actually we don't even want that ring right now Shuba see added yeah no jumps just for like a idea of what I'm going for him it's gonna practice right now how I'm gonna switch back to my thumb once it's safe but basically I'm gonna just hold it in a way where there's no way I can actually put force downwards at all I'm just gonna have my index like on the outside so I couldn't push the button even if I tried to cuz it's just it's so [ __ ] annoying doing that and usually it's cool enough for you don't have to make a conscious effort to always assess that but apparently there it is dine at that spot over 20 times do you mean on deacons yeah normally deacons it's kind of just based around figuring out the the trick right like how the system works at when they switch it's just kind of a gimmick but um cathedral itself though I was there for hours now I was there for pry lady before I even found deacons from getting to the like right after sage was at least a few hours and there was still all this stuff in Cathedral to to go back to later as well so like it's just a really big area if you go everywhere in it oh the wash dog on the bridge pontiff beast okay okay yeah I can I can see how you'd have problems with it pontiff beast took me probably about an hour so they can have like a plus four I had the deprived club at plus four and I was using I think I used a couple lighting resins then I ran out of them so I just did it with the regular buff on it and it did take a while I think the problem was though I wasn't actually hitting him from the front like I am now so I probably could have staggered him still I just didn't hit his face because he was always trying to you know obviously bite you and his head's Giants he try to stay behind but then his head reaches behind him pretty easily and that's kind of the catch so but the good thing is I refused to key to progress until I killed him I think part of that was because I thought you had to but at the same time I didn't I didn't run away from him and just continue through so I actually got something out of it I got the ring and everything didn't really understand how it worked but got that experience still and quite a bit of souls 2:17 honestly dude I did something pretty disappointing earlier so we're trying to make up for that right now but it's going alright man how are you just had the best view of the church fight Olaf give me your luck on that please like let's just trade for a bit what gem do I have is my infusion that is a sharp gem most be drawn from space let strength be granted so the world might be mended might be mended blank thank you very much for the brand-new sub man for the first time in your feeble cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the squid loominatee enjoy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton dude appreciate that dad's oxy ribose what's up man you're kind of lucky doing it one try with more or less no trouble yeah I think it really just depends on your weapon at that point I definitely didn't have a lot of upgrades when I got there I think you +4 would have been ok but yeah it wouldn't have even been enough if I hit him on the head a couple times the stun I probably would have had to hit his nose at least like three or four times so like and then if you're not going for the stun the only other good thing for that is fire and I didn't use fire agent how the runs today I don't know man we're still kind of trying to determine that I feel like we need to give it another another 30 minutes to an hour to see then we can look back on it what the hell was that actually Ivan dude man did you just actually do that Ivan you can't [ __ ] go on your your crews [ __ ] go on your trips I can work for like that long be away from your family be away from your home you know [ __ ] putting in the hours sacrificing parts of your life then come back here and the first thing you do is that that's absolutely nuts man and I'm the one that should be doing you know getting the preparations made for your return because you're one of the best mods that anyone can have so you can't just do that that's nuts man unannounced out of nowhere and you haven't even been here because you couldn't and it's like now you're here and that's no that's nuts man that's absolutely insane Jesus dude how are you how long were you gone for in total because before it was like seven months right so I think you mentioned did you say that you were staying longer this time around because I know it's been more than seven months at this point I know for a fact that I know when you popped and it's been like you're in there but yeah how was your experience overall you get to see any cool places it's [ __ ] ridiculous man Jesus I've been law sorry I'm gonna use that to give give me as a key to good old one two maybe even a three four if we get there Arman Arman sale sale ax arm and Sayla thank you freezing your prime sub for the first time in your feeble cursed life arm and Sayla you have discovered the secret circle of the school Illuminati enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton now for that is that is what you are Ashley six months total plus or minus two days it wasn't seven months okay well it feels like it's been wait longer dude that's crazy man you went to Hollywood and Universal Studios and stuff had some fun days okay so it's not all just work then you actually got to do some cool [ __ ] man I'm honestly I have a lot of respect for you doing that man mainly because the sacrifice of not being able to be home like you can never actually be at in your real home so that's that's insane man like I just the intentions of coming back and doing that after that much time that's like I honestly above and beyond not even not even important but that's just nuts 70 plus our weeks well yeah because you're like a living where you work pretty much so in a way you always are technically on the job well you're not you're not necessarily like getting you know you're not doing the work all the time but you're in your workplace while you're sleeping even so yeah I have a lot of respect for that man it's most people wouldn't want to do that because of the sacrifices not being able to go back home so that's really cool where the [ __ ] did the chunks come from we pick them up after dancer tied pot hearts so vibrant man so what is what is your plan now that you're back are you like are you gonna just relax for a while and stuff like that like how does that feel you gotta explain it to me are you excited are you actually missing being away and stuff like aside from stream stuff but just like in general with your your own life and stuff like how does how does that feel to return free time not included that's that's crazy man well I wasn't trying to say that like any hour you were awake that I was counting that as like leisure time I was saying that when you're sleeping you're still technically in your workplace so you're always in that environment no matter how many hours you're actually doing stuff or getting clocked right so I'm gonna focus on some studies and paperwork probably stick around until mid-may I see so is that gonna be like a thing you go back to again alright now we have what we need I did I level I guess I leveled enough see if we can get one more yeah cuz we got a lot of the stuff from patches so we don't have to go back to him again [Music] sorry but I had to leave for a while and you missed out the Squealer Minotti run scrub ya string I did dude but hey you know what we're even worse with this runs still technically better than that now so and we're we're making good time with it to 1/16 on pot that is pretty sick pretty crazy I think that if we if we do this right if there's no run backs on Aldridge we could get like a 1:45 any % so let's let's pay attention to that and see but anyways thank you very much just walking back meme run dying surveil what's up man the last few years yes you'll be on ships as much as per year as home if not more okay well I hope that it gives you a good experiences and helps in the future man yeah I still have to say that the the most admirable part is just like that that time away I think but it's cool though I guess in a way it could teach you how to like focus on something where you're not distracted by that you don't have the ability to be distracted by something so you can actually you know focus on your [ __ ] and then end that chapter when you're finished come back and enjoy everything else after will the character be your Valentine both struck honestly I don't know I'm not sure if that's safe you might actually stop breathing too maybe this maybe there's a reason this character it looks like it's not breathing it maybe anybody around it is that risk of not breathing once it's once it's close maybe that Pontiff night got really uh aggressive towards me a man just stopped in his tracks before he attacks he's like I could feel the suffocation feel it sneering I can't breathe you know like you never you never get to see these things but maybe that's that's what happened right there [Music] [Music] [Music] ah hell hello hum dice what's up dude so fun after doing all these runs in a different type of way yes it is man there's definitely some things that change but it most certainly is men and it's more fun in certain ways that it couldn't be before as well it's just it's it's the same thing it's a different type of spin on it I guess because then you have expectations and goals that you're trying to meet so I mean there has to be some negatives to go into that because obviously some of these tasks are not you know just free cheap for you to get whenever you want but you get more reward than you could from anything else so it's like as long as you're understanding you're paying that that price of having to have some some struggle that's it's definitely even even more enjoyable in some ways or just as overall you know wait I need to spook right here instead well yeah I don't know it's hard to kind of like focus on the positives as much as the negatives with this because you the positives aren't really even extra they're just expected like I expect that I have to do you know certain amount of things perfect and if I don't then it's a negative so it's like when something goes right I'm not really rewarding myself on that it's more of just like it's how it's supposed to be and that's why I could probably convey that it's not exciting but I mean that's only just to be efficient so I can focus on the main goal get it done and then after that that's that's gonna last forever you know everything that I've done on this I'm never gonna not feel satisfied about it it was it was something that didn't even just you know get done on the game but there was a lot of experience in that that taught me some things even just mentally you know with if you have a task how to you know not let it get to you too much so I mean it taught me some structure with that kind of stuff in your thought process why on equip weapons before the parry you can't actually parry unless you don't have a weapon in your other hand otherwise we do the weapon our rise iana steed you've been here like food like how long maybe an hour or something saying saying that after an hour might you might regret it dude I don't know just just in case I just want to say maybe give it like a little bit more time so I'm worried about you I feel like you might get like excited and then there's a bad day there's something that's terrible that happens once which is inevitable and then you're like wow this is the worst place ever this sucks oh yeah thanks man that's that's I don't know I don't have no idea how that works but okay I mean I can relate in the way that it's happening to me where there's been streamers that and it doesn't happen often at all it's very very hard to find this where you you don't actually have to be there for too long but you just have that instant it's almost like you skip all the in-between stuff of like going back and like Washington do different things to kind of have an idea of how much you like their channel you just instantly know it's like you know so if that's what's going on then I appreciate it but do not be fooled you're here on a particular event where I haven't made a mistake since you've gotten here so it might just feel more exciting which I mean that's good but you got it you got to prepare yourself for the letdowns to get some Dragon Slayer Grabow flashbacks and that run was so good except for a gale and except for a grave tenor and I didn't think those would be the fights that would actually make me salty why don't use a shield instead of your hand in the offhand retro because I just I've been used to it man I just do it that way it's a little bit more hardcore in a way and I mean the parry shield like for me because I use shield of one on this yes I can't say there's no shield's allowed in the inventory but at the same time I would be I would be intentionally handicapping the parries by putting a shield on the amount of extra frames I would get would actually make it so that I would know when I'm not actually hitting the parry perfectly and that still get away with it and I wouldn't I wouldn't like that at this point I want it to be the same as it was before it's more exciting it's the way I've done it I mean the parry shield would be the same thing because it's the same animation it's just the even better frames but I just don't want to do that you know I feel like it's our thing now so and there's no reason to I mean if I'm not hitting the timing I'm not hitting the time it's my fault there's this shouldn't be any kind of like workarounds for that unless that's the way it's always always was supposed to be from the beginning you know at this point there's no word time no point of worrying about that kind of stuff it's not working out the right way it's for a reason it's cuz I'm not doing it properly and I don't like that whole you can tell when you've made an error but then it still works on the shield and it's not like you're making an error for that weapon but you'd be making an error in the sense of how perfect the parry was because it gives you more leniency so yeah that would bother me a little bit at this point unless it was 100% necessary and I was pairing some that was so hard to do and there's nothing that's like impossible it's all very doable with my own you know practice and focus on it you might get the 1 cycle yes okay we got it that attack is gold on this it's the best thing that can happen only the recovery out of that that little hook or like u-turn is enough to actually give you the one cycle on this unless you got really lucky on something before that or the fight was being weird or something so that's good Mary T what's up welcome back penguin Exorcist what's going on not timing small rise there's no like actual timer set for anything but I've looked at the game time a little bit just to see what the pace is like I mean a goal that would be nice to have you know most of the time with beginning under two hours 20% that would help a lot because on average I would say two and a half hours for any percent still okay but I mean cutting out that extra half-hour is not gonna hurt you at all it's gonna help you get another run started if you have to reset or something so I mean we're gonna be cutting this run down over an hour and a half I think in the end if it if the run that it happens on is fast it could be cut down over an hour and a half compared to the same thing with the without the other sources of damage counting you know 16 K thank you for the brand new sub man I'm gonna thank you for that properly right after this so I can pay attention this part I'm a timing on that was pretty good he could've probably in a bit later and it wouldn't really matter too much add some wiggle room there right there but it's pretty good skip the homeward bones because of you know just to have that extra time in case okay anyways I think it was 16 K right 16 K house thank you very much for the brand new sub man for the first time in your feeble cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the school Illuminati enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton man creepy penguin welcome back what's up hyped on the Red Bull harvester dude actually saw them on front page again I think it was like two or three days ago but there was a UH there was like a snowboard anything they were doing it's pretty cool I think that's what it wasn't pretty sure but it was pretty interesting man I'm assuming you were there for that cuz you're big on that stuff so every time you come in and ask me was I there did I see the most recent thing that I did see that so there you go the lump honestly it better be pretty good for the for the you know the fact that it is pretty good hardware but it's not set up the best it could be there's still one thing I'm missing I'm not sure if I'm going to get it yet I kind of like the way that I fine-tune some of the extra stuff as it is now but it could sound a lot better it's be honest it's not powered to the point where it could be so I can remove the post process things like the depression and all that that's already turned on there so didn't have to switch the silver serpent for the Olympics in Pyeongchang sorry for caps that's okay man your name is in caps and matches at least senpai welcome back dude how's it going alright so right here levels and then checking for the fire bombs since the zero damage and not no hits does your stop count as damage it doesn't count as damage but I'm not gonna allow it though there's an extra preference on top of the damage that I'm not allowing my staggers or allowing anything to stagger me so technically no it's not damage but I'm not gonna allow it still because I've done a pretty decent job out of winning staggers before so they're really not the biggest deal you have to put yourself in silly situations where you probably would take damage as well or be out risk of just not really having a good approach to run if you were gonna get staggered and if one happens randomly I'm still gonna count it you know cuz it's their avoidable why not make it uh you know that as well action you 16k house Astor and Kilmer all from India we were part of the stream team and we were slowly bringing every other streamer from India here why cuz we are all in love with you Razi that's actually cool I didn't know that man I didn't know kill him streamed either am I saying dude honestly kill him you should have told me you should have said something about it damn like you should have mentioned it why didn't you we could have made it could have taken over the University of it it's too late now though it's unfortunate we'll there are other plants no but that's that's really cool I didn't know that so what's the name of the team also I'm going after they that follow you now there you go sorry guys like friends outside of Twitter did you just all like find each other's dreams and stuff ashen one aha was she laugh and I you probably everyone at Firelink probably should talk see while you're gone so I'm not surprised like how buying with seven hundred alluring skills what a [ __ ] scrub I remember when I used to try to [ __ ] not get hit in this game hahahahaha pleb only levels Dex like it's like there's like this fire keeper ashen one confidentiality act and like as soon as you're gone she just like rips up the [ __ ] agreement and then like starts like whispering other people be like you know we just leveled dex seventy times at a [ __ ] idiot imagine anyways barky what's up how's it goin dude the team is Indian broadcasters you and kill my brothers okay I see well awesome man I'm assuming killed you the channel so if that's the case I appreciate it that's really cool of you to do man thank you I'm gonna actually just take this slot off there we go pammi sure what's up welcome back [Music] [Music] [Applause] and really get orangey at the end actually beat the pilgrims so don't worry about switching anything it's good people in Firelink obviously don't talk to each other you think they don't any idea why everyone ends their sentences with a laugh it always happens I don't know dude it's kind of one of those things where you probably read things so fast you can't actually take in the humor until you're done it so that laughs happens late in the sentence cuz you're trying to catch up with everything so you're not thinking that much of what you're reading until the end that's probably how it at least that's how I could think of it with me like I probably am just realizing it's funny at the very end of the sentence whereas if you read it first and then thought about it then reread it or whatever you know you'd laugh first but I might not have time to do that so yeah amasai just was stopping constantly so I probably is just a bad habit formed around that or something and yeah I do agree a lot of people do that definitely the people who made this game British vinegar Bob know why cuz the accents the NPC's or something all of the lost withdrawn from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended squeal smug herma thank you for the five months in a row welcome back how have you been lately I haven't actually seen you're yourself the stuff for a while how's that going how many in with a smug how long until an angry voice hit everything run oh my god dude that was honestly harder to do that actually probably being mad I would I don't I never won I'm removing that from the list of modifiers if we ever do anything again like that in the future I'm not having that included again it was such a bad idea such a bad idea man I should just picked like a mod that would have just made me mad anyways and then called it you know restricting like this or that and then resulting in anger that would have been better rather than having to pretend to what area has the most cheap hits Dan well it's not really about cheap it depends what you mean by cheap like what would be your definition of cheap it's probably important to establish first what you mean by that because she's saying something would be cheap would be implying that it was not fair right so what exactly would be a definition of that or what what you would think of when you think of that wall that can you be a mod honestly man I can't say that in this lifetime you will ever be a mom but I also can equally say you I can't I can't I don't know if you will be you might be you might never be I do know that if I make someone a mod though I don't make them a lot just because they ask it helps to know that people have interest but it's not just as simple as asking so I'll keep that in mind especially if you here for in the into the future and stuff like that but who knows men if I need more moderators who knows I mean there's much more than that if you want to know what makes a good mod you got to demonstrate you know the things that would a mob would do so helping people without really being asked to being active in chat to a certain degree in being here probably majority of the week if you can not for every hour of the stream but just like at least like most days out of the week if you count what some I mean we already have so many awesome mods that if anyone ever seriously want to be a mod it wouldn't be me not choosing them because I just am biased to certain people it literally just be that we have so many that are perfect for their time zones and when they can be here that it might even just be a matter that someone gets picked because their time zone allows them to be here at a time that you couldn't be even if you're both you know good mod material because there's so many people that would make good mods they just don't need to be you know John John what's up yeah cuz there was a case where I was mentioning before if you ever have interested in being a mod just shoot me a message and I got a lot of messages about that but I want to make it clear that like even if you were someone that had interest and would make a good mod you might not be a mod not for any reason other than you know it could just be other factors like again the time the time frame or the time zone was one of the bigger ones ok so we got the +10 J you're drunk make you a mod that's a compelling argument I I I have to agree with you now how could I refuse you just me you make it so tempting like I think the factor that you just outright demanded it to it's just like damn I'm probably gonna have to do it now my job is overrated especially in larger streams exactly actually that's a really good point too so not only is it the fact that I mean you have more responsibility no matter what because you're signing up to you know take take into you know other things in your hand than just watching the channel you're gonna be someone that from time to time is expected if there's a situation where someone needs to be banned or you need to give someone a permit or you need to perma you know put a link in chat to explain something or use a command that other people might not know about and be aware of all these other things you know you're actually doing more you're putting in more effort so you just have to be the type of person that would already put in that effort in my eyes so that would make it the most sensible choice so you're not be feeling force that you have to do all that stuff because you're already that type of person but then furthermore the larger the channel you become a mod and the harder it is and some people even have like actual job as being the mob where they're getting paid to be the moderators because the amount of effort and work they have to put in on that level is so much it actually is a job so I mean like that's it gets even worse like you know the more relevant the channel is with with being a mod so the way I've always put it is like not being a mod could possibly be the best thing you could do it could be especially if like if it's just the case you want to be able to [ __ ] around and get away with it I mean like you're not gonna be able to [ __ ] around and get away with it as a mod necessarily so it's not for that you know you're not gonna be benefited that way and if you already are enjoying the channel and you've been there before that getting banned you don't have to worry about like you know being at risk of getting banned cuz you're not a mod or something so there's no other advantage other than you're just you know there's more responsibilities in in the mods repertoire of like what there they can do they have more tools but at times is expected that someone's gonna use them to help the situation so do you want to be that person who do you not also this has got to be put to this Slav okay let's go chisel what's up dude that's a scary-looking bird [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] play a new shall the Colossus yeah I just finished an you love it Camelot I haven't yet I what we will be playing it later on in February though I wanted to wait after the release but then I realized that if I want to get this run by the time I get back from my trip that I'm going on for a week I want to be able to like you know get really good progress before I leave so I can come back and have it a little bit easier because we're probably gonna have to deer us to a degree but I want to keep it simplified that way so if I did shadow first I'd feel kind of you know sad that I wouldn't be able to play more shadow right after I beat it cuz I want to beat it and then do speed runs right out right away so yeah it would allow me to be able to just jump into that right after without having to wait in between and all that stuff so game plays so smooth that relaxes you before bed nice during the game play relaxes you I've never heard that before never heard that my life you might be the only person on this planet day man the frames make me want to sleep like I'm I don't know how to imagine that but yeah a big C thank you for the prime subdued for the first time in your feeble cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the school Illuminati enjoy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton of exceed your bird now wait is the first amount that you have another version of ela Pablo okay it is that's why it look familiar cuz I knew I didn't think it was a horse it looked like a bird but the color was different than the regular Pablo cuz the head shape and the face and everything was the same so it is just another Pablo what am i leaving Jackson on the 14th so in a handful of days I'll be talking more about it beforehand and stop there there also is a letter that any sub would have gotten but I'll also put that information back out there again what there's nothing that's gonna really change too much other than there's gonna probably be at least two to three days off at the max and then there's gonna be shorter streams and that's most streams would be blood-borne if they're just me by myself and if there's anything with anyone else then we'll do some ds3 or some ds1 probably maybe even different games I don't know we'll see there's there's a bunch of other people so we're gonna have to figure out what everyone wants to do but you can you can depend on blood-borne quite a bit and then again there's gonna be some days where we're not live and also all the times when I'm live might be completely different than than usual so I might be live like really late for it for no reason or super super early in the morning for no reason so you have to expect that to what some yeah and then after that everything will go back to how you usually expect it okay so we need we need to save at least one of these or wyvern for chain snacks so I can use the second phase goal pine resin Bruce has got to be the dark [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that's any percents we did a little bit better it's pretty should he fight actually how does a very shitty fight faced he was kind of normal but face once sucked on that so bad thank you for the gee-gees any reason for not using RTS R and playing with low HP this is a no damage run dovakin I can't have my health where I dropped below 100% so I can't do that on this that would be the reason all right so now we're gonna level a little bit more and you know what actually I think we just literally just put in levels that's it at this point what I reset now if I got hit anew - I probably continued anything that's close to in any percents good enough for me but most of any percent should be no hit or flawless before we even consider continuing because it's it's just kind of like a thing that has to happen now there's no excuse eventually it's gonna have to be everything obviously so any percent at the minimum is kind of expected to be flawless for a near-flawless ah no more stamina I'm gonna put in a bit more stem and I usually get up to like 25 I could rock the same amount that I got now for the rest and we would be fine there's nothing that requires a certain amount beyond this I would say but it helps a bit more on certain things to tap the extra bit yeah I will be cranking it up to 25 eventually would it used to track the hits banana all you have to do is type in exclamation point hit counter and it should tell you it'll give you a link to the website dice what's up man until after okay so now dice is even learning he was he came in here after being away for a while and then was saying like oh you know what like this is it and then now now he's realizing we finally we've got the message across dice has evolved anyways how have you been man what's up doc what's going on character looks sick Odom yeah it's something about like the mouth man if you just if you took off the lower half of the face it'd be fine but something with the mouth okay the Rings already switched before hand on this side took care of that that's good because runkiller tyrol ah there hasn't been anything in particular that I've noticed to be a runkiller on this I mean runkiller would be based off results right not just based off of your your biggest challenge cuz your biggest challenge might not actually kill you enough to be the Diwan killer like challenging things aren't the only things that kill me like anything done so I can't really gauge it out other than picking whatever is the most consistent thing the run fails to and I don't think at this point I've paid attention to that so I'm not sure I'd have to wait [Music] [Applause] we got the one cycle on that his phase one was really really bad but we got rewarded with the one cycle because of how bad the face one was like it kind of progressed it enough to be able to have that stamina everything rhod horse welcome back to all bosses no stamina loss run yet that's the next school do don't use one one fraction of stamina on anything yeah it's so weird like I used to remember the student being at the corner it must be because we somehow wasted more time before opening that door or something but he's always been at the same spot now Tariq oh I don't know man I've never heard of that before gonna have to ask somebody that that knows what you mean this this foreign dialect using glitches like spook whitout no there's no skip sir or glitches for this alright so I want the bundle I want this before that wait did he give me more than one large titanite right there I didn't see the number on it I like skipped it right away what the [ __ ] was that go get a gun to your blindfolded well you know what we can do we can we can hire save you to do the gun to your fight and then if she screws up then it's not on me we'll do that that would be a pretty crazy run like no hit run but every time you get to gun deer someone random comes in and a blindfold and does it just like a like a relay with you and just tosses the controller and just [ __ ] does it blindfolded what does damage mean to Rico I don't know I've never heard of that before either man [Music] [Music] [Music] IRA getting memed a little bit right there he did one cancel I've never seen before as well not a dangerous thing unless I was like really close but by default I got to keep a range so I was going for like regular strats that might have been a little bit weird for some people what most people probably have no idea what I'm talking about so that's fine Oh Maura watch how you approach setbacks and such more convince you that you could have been top three and getting over it I don't I don't have a doubt that I I mean anybody could be top three and getting over it any human on the planet can do it if they're physically able to do something and their brain works there's no at debilitation x' that prevent them to do something anyone can do anything I could be number one on getting over it it can be number one on any game is okay except for when we get to the point where this biological you know advantages like the APM so I'm not gonna include Starcraft or anything like that but you know anything that can be learned anything that's based off learning alone you could definitely do but yeah I don't I don't have any interested in speed-running getting over it mainly because I really I really enjoyed my first playthrough and I want to remember it that way and not start to hate the game beyond that for other reasons so I mean I like it but I don't love it enough to take it to that point I feel like that game already kind of gives you that experience enough itself so I don't think I'd ever speedrunning man what song yeah I appreciate what you're what you're suggesting though pause the clip it was only one shard okay nevermind why be number one in skate probably not probably not APM is biological yeah there's biological circumstances that can give you a higher actions per minute rating so there is a case where there was someone that some was like pretty big I believe it was in StarCraft it might have it might have been dota or something I don't know it was one of those and they were they were saying that basically it's not even a matter of how much he knows or how much time he's practiced it's just like there's a distinct biological advantage that's going on where anything that requires an actions per minute kind of calculation or like where you're doing better if you can do more things per minute in terms of in terms of inputs you would Excel just biologically just based off the conditions he was born with right where other people can't actually get to that level because they have they have limitations biologically so like he wasn't necessarily smart or anything but he was able to actually play the game better because he could do more inputs per minute from the conditions that he was born with so yeah there is it's Korean biological I don't again all officer I'll try to find the article about it and and I'll put it in the command or something or I'll give it to people in discord or whatever but it was interesting I mean there's nothing to say that you couldn't like train your ass off until you get to that point but like it might take you so much longer than that person right and this this isn't a matter of that like you don't have to worry about a PMS on this or many games so that's why I was trying to alienate those because they're very unique in that way so for before Libran I don't actually think there's anything else other than levels again we got to get the ash on the way and we already have our 70 decks so I'm just gonna stick with this we have our skulls okay and I have my one lightening resin left some people can't react as fast others can it's not actually reaction based it's just inputs so the amount of things you can do the amount of can clear and concise inputs you can make logically in a minute you know it's not it's not about reacting to something happening like it's just the amount of things you can do so you can play the game at a better efficiency because you'd be able to do more things that other people aren't physically able to in that type of game it doesn't apply to a lot of stuff but for those I would have to exempt that because it's not just about being good at putting time at that point but not everyone is that lucky so from the majority of people playing it it would just be about practice and comprehension and stuff army what's up dude welcome back ninja no this is what we're doing right now Korean zone Starcraft yeah I feel it's kind of sad that you have to kind of say it that way but I mean as long as we're not implying that like you're not your nationality gives you an advantage because that's definitely not the case it's probably just the regime and stuff you know the the structure the the scene over there as well I mean if you're playing against people that are better that you can't have access or that other people don't have access to play there's no way you can learn those things unless you're experiencing that stuff so that's where the bots thing that's the a I think for me a lot musk would help in those kinds of scenes because if you're not able to actually face off against people that would give you the best learning experience you can at least generate something that is good in that competitive environment you know but I'm not even I don't even play those so some of the things I'm saying like I I'm sure there's people that play them that know better about every little detail with that so I don't want to overstep what is this speech about Frank oh we're talking about like a PMS and stuff like actions per minute in competitive like our TAS and Mo busts and stuff like that do you know about sea slugs born unisex that fight with the penises to try to get the other one no that's I've never heard of that before since when is that a thing what's what's the name of the sea slug what's the actual name of it it's soo an innovation during GSL though smooth buns what's up how's it going I have no idea what you're talking about but okay can you clarify what that means with this be world's first yes it would why you so wise this isn't wise I'm just giving my opinion on something that is it it's just a story you know none of this information is [ __ ] that I came up with this is stuff this just actually happened that's the way it is all right um let's reload that so that's the first crash out wyvern that's where I would usually expect it to be if it wasn't a random spot on that loading screen the second one would either be at the latest by the tree on the stairs or DLC to probably after demon prints like you would get on a speedrun but he only had one before we didn't actually get through an entire run since the 5 though so I don't know did the five hit have second crash I'm gonna think Zeon what's up Koreans gigas well okay as long as we're not saying like when people say Koreans dominate that scene it's like as long as you're not saying because they were born you know Korean or something you know it's more of just like the the circumstances of practice and you know who's accessible to you if all the players in career like leading you can play more people in your area that are better you're gonna have to travel across the sea or like you know I guess um organize some sort of like land masher or online match if you're not in that place like you don't you can't even you can't get advice directly to people the same way as easily so I mean it's more accessible to be good not necessarily that you're just born to be better ready but in some cases there is that means without certain individuals shizzle thanks man I appreciate it pulse it is the first time we've done this where this guy's not chasing me that's nice appreciate the courtesy having an allergic reaction to something you popped in and you see a 90% Baxter what's up man it's in a know him proud thank you very much hey and the mentality is very different there exactly yeah just the environment the situation you're in there the norms for like you know or expectations you might have or other people might have themselves in affect you it's like you could put someone that's capable of something really good like by themself and like that's all up to them but if you put them with other people that are just as capable and they're always like wanting to go and do crazy [ __ ] they're gonna just keep trying to one-up each other or like just push each other more than that person could've so you're inevitably going to have for the good results and that's the same here too but like it just might not be the same degree or the same specifics that but I hate when people are like oh yeah iteration you're just good at games that's there's no such thing as that that doesn't make any sense it could be the results that you are from there and you just had a different type of experience that led you to that why don't you do the jump skip here I agreed I'm not doing it for this run so we're going to be doing it the normal way [Music] [Music] many me you stand there to wait for them to die she can go in and there's no enemies and then you have to wait for the right timing as well or wait for you know a decent chance I beat in the for game before but you can't do it this time Mehta oh you're having trouble beating it again as though you mean well you might have just got some some lucky situations in the first time through man that's that's the beauty of the orangey and and all the variety I've said that before you could have a first playthrough figure out that something was a certain way for you but then it's completely different the next time unless you really know everything and understand why it's you know worse for you or whatever and that's that's cool man it gives you some more longevity some more replayability more of a reason to feel like that you know that thing that was getting you down is still a problem and learn more about it [Music] [Music] [Music] my man haven't been around at all lately but I sincerely hope you're being well so happy twelve money [Music] how's a really Mimi fight while the just fan is a Sabah's fate we were getting to the boss but pretty much yeah I smell the PB nothing more nothing less what is happening now that this is starting to look like a run I wanted to personally commend your steadfast devotion and unwavering determination you have repeated proving yourself to be an exemplary streamer and worthy of the highest honors you truly are the best Dark Souls are on this channel see I like the ending part of that because it's almost like it's like I am the best this in in my like rumor like I am the best like [ __ ] Souls player in like this one square kilometer it's just so true Thank You mash dice thank you very much as well appreciate that it's totally not necessary you guys are absolutely crazy as long as that is straight and put out there that is all but Subaru your message has has never been more true and never been more or I guess never I don't know there's there's a lack of bullying there I like it I feel less building yeah to recline oh right like it's some sort of like really really popular [ __ ] platform that people actually use like what is this silly man Jynx Wow of course I shouldn't have said anything I should I said thank you and that's what happens okay thanks thanks for the drinks man now we're gonna have to worry about this [ __ ] happening because this is a thing right here you saw that that could have been a thing I got popped up to 10% first try and you're thinking not that hard needed 70 more tries after that yeah you might just have like one good run with something because you got good rng or whatever you were trying worked out really well you know in all seriousness no you're definitely the best p.p players in this game if not the very best Carl I appreciate it man I don't think it's really about that though I don't feel there's a way to even measure that because there's no there's no competition really it's just a very individualized thing so it's almost like saying someone that likes to you know comb their hair is better at combing their hair than the other person is when they have different hair or like you know there's there's a different idea going on this very individual thing that is not going on a leader board of any sort so yeah I appreciate it though where's PB mean PB is uh personal best and also I got a replace this right here camera double check if anything else is being pulled by me doing that I don't think there's even any other enemies in this place until we go forward but just in case cuz I went really far okay oh wait we need clone clones he doesn't even matter I pointed that out before can't really really utilize it all right we save some skulls that's good Doxey thank you very much man for chillin I hope you have a good sleep oh we got a circle dude again they say about your comon skills yeah I mean okay I'm giving a very very different idea there but it's the same view less like how could you say you're better than at combing hair than someone else when it's like you're mainly only combing your own hair you know really it's not common unless you're a hairdresser the comb other people hair come with people's hair so it's like it's a weird thing like that or like I'm better at drinking water than you are and it's not like a competitive situation just for owning your own refreshment like oh maybe someone does it differently maybe someone does is slower maybe someone does it faster maybe someone doesn't do it a certain way that you do you know it's hard to kind of make a competition into that originally the competition was mostly just created by you guys upon anticipating the first no hit run of this game in general which was I can understand that that's not created by me or anybody else but by you guys anticipating the result of the first but I mean even with that being said it's not really like you can say something's better than the other when it is just that individual person and there's not really a way to measure how much better you know or at least the way I see it you're talking about your drinking skills I don't care what you say streamer I'm better at watching you stream than you are okay we're gonna gonna go for all of these now oh why am i buying more homered bones that's a waste I already have the the coiled sword it's not good okay well how many skills do you have left in total let's see that first gab enough that's good probably gonna need to get more right after DLC one though so I guess I didn't I the having to go back to patches is have heavily dependent on the dude that's rolling around because if you don't have to use any on him you could have enough for the entire game tech technically at this point I would be cutting it too close to actually try to pull it off that way so we're gonna have to go get more now because we use some on him and if I get any more earlier on I'm gonna be throwing off the balance so you don't really need like an excessive amount but be more crystal buzzard can actually hit you yeah there I think it's in one of the older older videos things that I made but there should be a highlight of it somewhere still if you hit them at a surface and they like rebound they can like they calculate fall damage because it has weight is this program both wait so wait and falling at the same time making contact with the hitbox of another a I would just caused the fall damage so it's it's not even like it can attack you but it did it like rebounded then fell and the falling was counted as damage in staggering what normally they don't have a tax they're not actually really enemies they just have health because you kill them for the items so they regain a bur Kook favorite game ever would be blood-borne men all right so I gold resin for part one maybe yeah I guess so we don't really want the bundles on this alright and then I got to move this again the second slot hell yeah the urn has arrived on it's literally a competition that is why you're doing it if anything competition against the game oh yeah exactly its competition against yourself I agree with that 100% agree with that they've got the speedrun strats one hit sooner to stun two I might have been one of the best nameless fights we've had on this run that we I don't think we'll ever get a fight like that again like a legitimately perfect orangey I don't think there could have been anything that could have changed to make it better it was pretty much perfect so best the best kind of fight you could get because if he gives you that one attack on the intro face once instantly over as soon as it does that if you know how to get the stun on the head a mistake before though as I was like thinking it was the same amount of hits to stun as the speedrun it's one less though so it's like I don't actually have to worry as much about being set up the same way you would on the first part but yeah it's pretty much like the one attack you can do that ends phase one right there not getting pissed at first is the hardest thing wait not getting pissed at the first one you mean getting pissed like on first phase want that RNG for your sl1 yeah that orangey on a speedrun as well would be perfect like it's it's literally just the best rng in any way shape or form that I can think of I'm trying to think of anything he did where he could have done something different that was better but I can't honestly it was pretty much perfect like asking for anything different on that would just be like silly in my opinion anyways so we need this is where we have extra souls but I'm gonna save them now so you get the 25 endurance then we don't do anything for a while and actually let's just check our in-game time - and see pygmy thank you for the good luck I appreciate it so the first run tonight all this isn't the first run that we've reset we definitely read we reset for the first like two hours probably rise II honestly men if you want to get better just got a practice that's it I think I think it's the case that either people are expecting to get good immediately or they're just not even practicing to get better but they want to be better so it's like you got to make some sacrifices man it's all it really is anyone done this kind of run shadow so no damage has been done any percent and with all the main content but never with DLC one and two so that is what's going on right now and I need skulls right here I probably should have a blossom that I use on the second part but it hasn't been like a big problem yet especially with how I change the idea from not like going to the bonfire then not going there anymore so in a way you wouldn't really even need the stamina yeah they're not gonna go past there that's weird that they didn't try to bite the bridge that time yeah again so the thing is with the bridge I thought that they were programmed to always do that but it's just an option they can choose to or not to so taking the chance that they or considering the fact that there's a chance they don't that method actually is safer overall and was safe rightist every time that I went on the bridge before and I was trying to figure out how to do it originally and just no hit runs it was the idea that they had been in the bridge every time so it wasn't even worth it especially like right at the beginning of it to not even in the middle or anything but mostly towards the beginning of it so it's weird that that's not happening now but it's to my benefit I guess I even if he did I still would have made it but you need those extra tosses in case at the end all right what is Odie King and three balls okay so it's tree but I should say tree balls that's Chris right a great wood oh D K is old demon king red toast I don't know dude find something that moves you I don't know I'm thinking of something to cringey to say it's a good question man you're allowed to get hit by staggering but no damaging attacks like your arm stomp oats I'm not allowing staggers on this No so yeah just finished after not playing for six months movies thought nice did you do you feel like you were rusty or that you needed to relearn some things and then there was the lizard didn't get show bite I think I did dude oh I didn't okay I'll grab it from her once we go back I usually would do that later anyways cuz we were originally hitting the other bond for hours so I actually just are based off muscle memory I talk to her anyway so once we get back over there I thought I saw a pop-up though that's good to know okay and then we want the we still want the homer bones I wanted to put the cold sword thing here instead and then Pont this right I let me switch blood ring for Hornet right after the dogs are gone so and then this goes slot to which attorney is all right cool sorry I make sure I can't like screw it up by accidentally using the the catalyst or whatever cuz it's an extra thing it's an extra liability in a way [Music] yeah I don't like the space I got right now on this in case he does the swipe you kind of gotta like see how much room you have the runs straight if he's chasing you so like that angle was too sharp kind of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that wolf was giving me some bad orangey-red there too I was strange man can't say I've seen him follow up with that bite over and over and over again that's it's really weird it was like the quick one too there's two different quick ones he went like quick one into the other quick one backstep quick one back yeah kept doing it alright now we're gonna have to go back to the chapel I didn't get the bonus souls on accident switch the shield it's probably not gonna be the biggest deal I think we'll be fine honestly we could probably just stop switching the shield at this point and everything would be like just as good is that SIF or just unrelated giant wolf so body had made a video before it had said that he believed it to be SIF but like there's no there's no proof right so it's it's up to you and your interpretation that was a weird wolf yeah it was if that was city would be so disappointing its discounts if bargain been safe yes if is dead that's a good point but this is a painting builder on so like how do you justify death inside of a painting like if you if you were alive in a painting aren't you always alive in that painting can you argue with that and about you but Mona Lisa still looks like she's inside that frame so I feel like Mona Lisa lives in that painting there you go mister a Draven is a nice MF or writes REM read Raven that's probably deaf warning Co slate thank you for the two months in a row man welcome back continue to enjoy your remotes and being a skeleton dude oh and then this time he actually is close to the ladder nice finally Mona Lisa's SIF confirmed yeah shadow what's up badi also talked about how the pontiff left of the painting oh I see well pontiff's dead in this game right now so it's all the same man he died outside the painting still everything is dead nothing matters that is so grim man like I mean this plant right here it but well okay yeah the grass actually does look like I said nevermind I must say that the tombstones look like they're getting watered pretty well by the other rainfall they look like they're uh they're growing nicely saying what the pavement over here it looks very fresh okay come on bilham what are you doing so there's actually no need for spook itself on this next part from what I remember but just taking the catalyst off on this incase rainfall yeah I know there's no rainfall I'm just making a joke because did whatever whatever man holy Sh what's up welcome back phors and rain is that like for sin brand ray brand rain like he's just such a good streamer now that he's got his own rain holding the breath kook yeah that's what we we discussed it before as that house what the character looked like you see a doctor for the allergic reaction oh man so close to falling actually that wasn't the closest we've gotten before you can get closer and still live I mean you can just land in the same spot he's standing at the very worst and get back up but haven't fallen off there on this run yet well yeah it might actually be better if I can get a weapon that can jump a tag with a longer hitbox just in case like jump attack on this won't work but storm ruler might be a good idea or even the spear like you could just do the jump with the spear without meeting the requirements and it might give you that that range advantage yeah I'm not liking the stamina on this chlorin 'they should have put back on she got put back on [Music] show us of the character build just fan alright one second difference between ds1 and three painting they're just different places or I guess at this point in time they're different places maybe they were the same place at one point little risky funny story that actually the only thing that was risky was I didn't have chlorin Theon I don't think so yeah that was the biggest mistake everything else was done perfectly it's just the [ __ ] Corinth earring would help so much more I could have been faster so yeah I made a really bad decision not having it there next time I gotta do that let's see oh yeah I was gonna show you the stats kay here you go so uh 70 Dex 25 endurance everything else unleveled pretty much starting with the assassin makes your heart stop with the clothes dodges what it kind of has to be that way there's no other way to do it right trying to do everything the best you can but yeah I can understand man it's the same thing for me like if I wasn't in the situation myself at this point spectating it would also be crazy for me too so I agree with you man I gotta separate myself from that though to be more effective on this so can't be doing that best pvp build it might be a good pvp build who knows man could be mmm ech what's up dude what is the spell do spook so it gets rid of all damage until the point of it being like a I got death I'm falling okay so everything's ready for this I think we're gonna move this back to the second slot damn Alzheimer's what anyone jinx the run by pointing out how while you're doing well people will do whatever they do man I don't know at this point it doesn't matter if you do that or not it's just how it is so go for it what is the plan for this just go pine resin right oh yeah no switch no I need this on first then I need to use this to get rid of it there we go that's what I was forgetting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's DLC 1gg why we did that get again only thing I can fix on that is Corinth II before the last running section that's it what everything else was pretty good [Applause] opening the chakra hey that looks so easy that was not the best phase 2 the phase 2 was pretty shitty everything else is fun trying to think is anything else to consider I guess chlorin the-- for this part too and then we still have tons skulls that's pretty good we did get extra though [Music] [Applause] rikiya you can go there two different ways so you can go there from basically after free tour you can go there from right before cinder if you want to as well napping I don't think that's the case man but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself I feel like in no matter what like the [ __ ] angel just goes earlier than then he used to every time on that stretch unless there's something I'm missing where I'm not like doing it right but he goes early though as an M with old demon king in the tree just to kind of save time so I don't have to do them before doing the harder stuff and then fail to the harder stuff and have that extra wasted time just to keep it quick or quicker [Music] Doni thank you for the host dude welcome back one hippie be nice man that's that's what the dlc as well right alright so if you guys don't follow donnie rekt he's trying to no hit blood-borne in its entirety right now and he's got a one-hit PB that's that's absolutely nuts man I'm scared to ask where it is though I'm wondering it would be really shitty if it wasn't on the DLC but at the same time if it wasn't in the DLC you know you're doing the DLC right so [ __ ] anyways Thank You Man anyone come in from Donny stream crow what's going on welcome back dopamine what's up mop what's up let's get out of here scoob's Aires making you clients Giada sprite and one in between from like the very intro and then like right now it's probably like the Perth Angels probably one of the hardest running parts in the DLC but there's still more memes to surpass more potential means alright so I need to have this back on and we're gonna try to see if we can go for the same setup as before and that's it I think it's good okay oh wait I got to take this off the slide again you dark resin okay anyways Donnie thank you very much for the host man I appreciate it Milty What's Up B Cavs honestly dude I wouldn't I wouldn't be dead set on it but thank you for hoping that's cool or thank you for believing [Music] [Music] so there's actually a lot of things I did wrong on that fight so it was pretty good RNG but I [ __ ] up quite a bit so I mean everything's cool and stuff but I did I didn't do it the best I could it could have been better it could been safer also the whiffs at the end - I gotta gotta aim at the fingers instead of trying to just you know somehow like have like a mid camera level or whatever okay next challenge you must kill all bosses with closed eyes Nevada I don't know about that man I don't think that's gonna happen I mean there's some fights you could do with sound cues like gun deer and Pontiff because they're based around you know if you do enough damage with a parry you're only gonna need like one or two attacks to kill them right other fights you're not gonna be able to complete just by listening to them it's not gonna work so only in those special instances for other circumstances or other reasons mr. repose for one yeah I was trying to push it to the limit man you got a crank and all that extra damage cuz when he gets sent back it's hard to actually connect with the nice getting up didn't he still have the same amount of time or actually you might have lost time at that point okay so the thing with this part now it's been weird is I feel like um like I'm just like kind of rushing to get to the spa so we're gonna take the first location and then we're gonna go for the second and then the last to give us more time because I have been doing this part and I feel like it's just like this less time that I'm getting or something we might be just the amount of stamina that I had before on this like I might have used characters that I like way more at this point so you might have an advantage in that just running to the last second that you can but there's no point on this if it's kind of risky I could do it but it would be forcing myself to just like kind of either do like a mini sprint at the end of the roll the rest of the distance and that's kind of too close when is Gail mop two flights from now we're gonna do men your last on this dlc that's how we've been doing it agent what's up man welcome back your damage have to be all in a row er can you just restart the split after you get hit for that flight now it's got to be the entire game dude it's one sequence not individual segments that would be too easy man and everyone would be able to do that I mean obviously with some practice but still that would make it pretty simple I think isn't there speedruns Colt segmented runs' like that isn't isn't that what a segmented run is the speed money so haven't actually seen one before the people talked about them I've heard about it [Music] [Music] still kind of worried about those small dudes too because for some reason I don't even know how this happens but they like cut you off and then they they like paint you with mud or something and I've seen it a few times but I'm still curious of how they do that cuz like you can run through there so many times and none of them will actually try to attack you they just if one gets cut off what's running across you it just it seems to do it then and I have only been able to have it happen like I think once or twice maybe like literally just like not very often at all so yeah okay so we want have it set up like this and the rings are all good [Applause] the soundscape yeah the sound effects the fire on that are pretty loud Jani what's up dude ideas - all boss no damage run possibly I'm not sure man no idea when it comes to that you probably want to ask Ostara about that because he actually did no damage I think he's the only person that's done no damage on the s2 so you'd have to get his opinion cuz he he would probably know like the areas and like the fall damage stuff and other status effects other little things I know if you were gonna do all bosses like no hit that the debuff from smelter diamond it's like one of his attacks so you still have to avoid that I know you can avoid that with having a lot of damage but I'm not sure how it works still so it would be a matter of the areas I just realized something else I think we used to use the coiled sword fragment for the slab didn't we and then we switch that to the nameless one cuz wondering how I got that gesture I think it's because of that name of the tall black dudes on the beach that shot lasers URI I don't know what you're talking about shoot late wait what how long did it take you to be capable of doing such runs you aspire to do runs like me house but you're only catching like a good attempt man it's not even like you can't you can't look at this and think of like the entirety of what I do as this all the time this is like the very small percentage of the majorities so and it's not even done yet we're still not even at the hardest part so it's honestly hard to tell but a lot of practice meant quite a lot I mean also experience from other runs previous as well and practice in those so that's it's gonna help you a little bit oh we need the dagger ready first let's do that and then I gotta send the lift back up so I don't die from that later I don't know how to phrase this as you know what the general no-hit rules are but you always found it strange that poison damage a friend keep didn't count thoughts because in a no head run you're not it's not that you're trying to avoid any source of damage you're trying to not get hit by an enemy in the water it's not an enemy it doesn't count as a I I can't be killed so in its it's categorized as an environmental feature right and and in in that regard we're trying to avoid attacks from enemies that deal damage or stagger you and because the status effects in the water naturally in that area it's not an enemy it's not like it's just that you got to disassociate no hit from no damage like did no hit isn't another image run it's we did you take damage in a no hit run it's not getting it's outsmarting the AI you're trying to not have an enemy be able to get the best to you that's the original point of it so I think that might make it easier to understand now we got to get the chunks and everything I think this will be enough to go like all together with it and just get everything ready we only need ten of these we already have we have two slabs what what how did I get two slabs did I not use the slab on oh I did okay what how did that work then oh I guess for Freda that's why okay you get one on freedom my bad forgot about that [Music] and then yeah it's a stall endurance now I think did we get the poison resin let me check that and see I don't believe we got that yet no we didn't okay how many of these do I have left [Music] [Music] all right cool as taro hurry up it's 2:00 a.m. I don't think that's how this works though man I don't think that's how it works well we have grading the dagger sit I'm gonna use it for this fight right here we're gonna use it for uh for half light Perry's bull gear what's that man how's it going gank spank time yeah so one thing to be of importance in this is the fact that we dictate the the situation immediately as something that I should home or bone or not depending on how it goes down immediately I really gotta try to get the backstab but if I can then I got to know my limits on that and then anything that's weird outside of that as well just got to know if it's smart to to go back to it facecam percent after this runs completed hanuta honestly what do you think the answer is to that at curiosity what do you think Jeana what's up dude welcome back for I am no regrets ty Roth that's what I like to hear except for when it gets to the point where you're regretting being up that late but hopefully you don't have any important gay support this right eye stays on the entire time let me switch do we even have I guess we don't even worry about blood ring we just I've worn it on consistently and that's the setup for that no staff required it'll be really funny if he went into this and then spook was actually helpful peach verse Miyazaki dagger yeah we don't use the dagger right away Greg we use it after this part although I'm not sure if there would be an advantage she's in the beginning there might like I think the animation is the same [Music] [Music] [Music] they're gonna have to wait another round on this [Music] [Music] so unfortunately good practice for this run but saw yeah there is no way it could have been done because he did an extra animation before it's acting that's just completely random that has nothing to do with anything I did wrong I did very good on that so uh yeah good warm-up what table there's no way possible to close down the fight unless he does an attack again after that which is pretty rare actually it's more likely he'd roll in tea or walk fast instead so what I said we'd have to be ready for many of those even on a successful run to drag and I think the more important thing they get out of this is the fact that we did it right that time so that's good what some it's not about doing it wants to both being able to do it consistently whenever you have to you just in case doesn't do it being able to do it once doesn't matter that's good but it's not enough on the water what's up how's it going man it's crazy yeah it's actually unfortunate that he made me there but at the same time like there could be other things like the painting guarding could just get to him sooner anyways that was a good setup though where I believe even if she was fast I think I still would have got it what's uh either way I know there's no damage there it's just not possible to close down the fight reliably at that point so he would have had to have not attacked again with the overhead he would have had to have just ran or back steps waited to do the weapon art then did her did a sprint at me it's time for sure uh honestly there's just as many odds as before so doesn't really change anything I'll have a little bit less damage there I wonder how that works hmm it's weird [Music] [Music] [Music] stole the lost be drawn from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might amen [Music] whoa that was [ __ ] insane dude whoa I've never seen that okay that's cool just because I've never seen that and look how close that was to just what how did the [ __ ] painting dirty and do that dude I must have been too centered there must have been some placement issue I still [ __ ] got away with it that was lucky but because normally you don't actually have that happen I can't I can't feel like I made a big mistake there there was something with placement that was incorrect that's the only way that could have happened but that's that's [ __ ] crazy though I've never seen that Jesus man Jesus Christ dude that was elbows even cooler but yeah yeah yeah it [ __ ] took off like a [ __ ] hair man I was so close Jesus man goddammit holy Shi McCain would be scared cuz I did right but like there is something with the placement that [ __ ] up painting dirty and she didn't wanna heal him as soon he must have been too far away and she just didn't want to go to him before me can you be watch that Katie F oh yeah I get a clip of that so he can play it [ __ ] crazy dude his live like right beside my head we were in between probably I don't know if it was one on the back and one on the front or there both came across the front once I once I got into the riposte obviously you have iframes but right before that there was one like an inch away from the head I was insane dude that like that made the run better just because it happened I'm not even gonna complain about it but I do have to rewatch everything before that to see how I made it happen somehow or what my my approach was with the [ __ ] like the placement of where I set up the parry and stuff because there was some there was some sort of mistake that shouldn't be possible and God blessed that day I know Jesus man okay anyways anyways we pulled off the Perry's properly that's the most important part - time consistency it's even better so even the way we got held up there's some memes good [ __ ] gotta continue tiny poison for the beginning of this and then that's it gotta take that put it back on this again alright let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] at gg one more quite on this oh dude it's actually kind of weird that you could die after that fights done too but la anything I don't even realize that before [ __ ] okay now it's actually getting kind of serious guys because I didn't I didn't think we'd actually go this way okay now it's getting kind of serious you can stop you now now we can actually level up Dex again - I forgot about that we can actually put some levels in the Dex kind of see well I mean like for me the run doesn't start till half light man I mean in a way it does but like the real rawness is basically just half light and the fact that you have to pull it off without my stuff down before to me not maybe not to you but yeah still not over yet don't get excited I'm not excited I am informed though okay Monty what's up dude wait a second are you safe to say it now not yet Foxfire thank you for the prime sub welcome back dude or if not welcome back sorry okay now you know my brains not working cuz I can English even even greater than normal okay anyways Hawke thank you very much man you have discovered the secret circle of the school loominatee enjoy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton one thing we didn't actually check that I wanted to was the the timeframe of the run so I'm actually really curious to see but I'm not gonna peek at it I'm not gonna distract myself right now but I really want to see the timeframe I know he slowed down a little bit but obviously I'd ever run back for athlei so that's that I'm gonna put this on in case homered bones which probably wouldn't happen unless it was a laser but even then I should be fine so practiced it [Music] I was actually afraid that I didn't have enough damage to the ones for the one cycle yeah thank god oh man dude it's actually weird to feel nervous on m'dear honestly that's so [ __ ] weird alright Easy Street time okay all we need we need the fire bombs this time - I said I was gonna do that and no jumping off any staircase or anything like that because it's the last actually no there's one more spook for tree balls we're gonna do tree balls first guys actually no what no [ __ ] we'll keep the order it's that doesn't make any sense we'll we'll do it now but um just so no one thinks that something weird is going on but I'll do the tree balls now time for some SKS there's one more one more gravity situation outside of fire link I think unless I like rush the ledge with odk and the brainy goober a list of things I got to watch out for as well I Carl memory thank you for dropping the prawn sub man for the first time in your feeble cursed life you have discovered the secret circle of the school - Menotti joy remotes enjoy being a skeleton man so one thing to go over would be uh there's a stagger that you get from being beside him with him moving forward at the beginning so I need to be on the side of his foot I can't be near his butt because that's also a little part where you get stagger and damaged for no reason so at the very least I got to just be slower on this pretty simple should we use a bundle to start off on it I think we have another pail wrestling the mask won't do that let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended that's Messiah thank you for the prime subdued first time and your people Kurt's life you have also discovered the secret circle of the school loominatee enjoy remotes enjoy being at skeleton alright so pretty simple on this that's it keeping it simple [Music] keeping it simple go streamer [Music] [Music] well tried to keep it simple that wasn't too simple but I mean I got some pretty bad rng on that fight he didn't do once one of the lava spits at all at least it was a little bit more climactic than usual so that's good all right just gotta go from here okay you see much harder than all the other bosses it's because I was trying to play it safe there's two instances where you can actually take this one stagger this one that stagger and damage the one that staggering damage shouldn't actually be possible there's no reason for it makes no sense should have been patched a while ago but they never fixed it and there's no indication now how it happens and then the other one is one that just is the product of him stepping forward and nudging you with his knee or in between where his legs are the hitbox counts at all even so you don't want to be in front of him when he does that the other ones really the big problem so hello YouTube usually I'd be worried about that oh drawn from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world my Berlin he tried to step out of the way he still got it you tried to avoid it I've had him how to do that before but he never actually was able to get hit when he avoided it he was fine they look pretty funny [Music] okay okay that's it guys Jesus Christ man my chest hurts right now like [ __ ] swear in my life not even to you see this is what I mean you got to keep yourself in check until you can like let yourself get emotional and let yourself get invested because now it's all happening at once because it was supposed to happen really dude I put it off and I can feel it on it hurts man holy [ __ ] that's insane I did not expect to just go into [ __ ] Gigi's dreama the one thing that makes me not disappointed though or not feel like it wasn't really that we did half-light back-to-back twice and we did the parry still so because of that that demonstrates that I was consistent enough to do it it wasn't that I need more practice beyond this point to actually get the runs so I don't feel like anything was approached in a way that was not the right way where it should have been a lot different and I got a free pass let's go to man I [ __ ] kanya what am i where where is the [ __ ] thing jayjay try not to die on the way to the fire squeals where the hell's the thinker's pretty cool no I don't I don't know where it is oh wait no dude I actually can't find the fight do I not have the bonfire day hiking Jay do you ever get inside your head dream there we go oh you so practice you can hold it all off till the end so basically what I was just explaining was exactly that like I said I try to separate my uh my investment emotionally and all that until the end and that's when you feel it and right now I'm telling you it was kind of painful dude it's kind of caught up with me right around m'dear this is amazing you are a legend dude Congrats what I'm honest I'm honestly like I don't know man [ __ ] I don't even know way to be Squealer squeal hype squeal hi it was just such a sick run because of that second half light fight man that makes it even more exciting like I could imagine if you hadn't seen this you're gonna watch it later that you're just gonna [ __ ] die you see that such a nice touch that wasn't even something I can explain but just the fact that it actually was able to happen that was surprising but a nice surprise that doesn't happen too often usually it's the other way around we're also gonna check the time on the flower right after this endgame stuff oh man I actually drank all my water [ __ ] I was getting thirsty all right first of all thank you everybody that's here that was was here for this one benefit of the fact that there is a lot of failure but that's success once in a while is that there is sometimes that that once in a while will include you and hopefully anyone that's here feels that they were special and included in this because I know there's gonna be people complaining tomorrow they missed it in stuff's JJ RJ I I can't say there is a better run for you to see just because of some of the stuff that happened on the net which is [ __ ] amazing honestly so we the one of the the small goals I had that wasn't like something that needed to be unlike these [ __ ] hoes and jet cam it I'm gonna turn this down for a moment it's loud so one of the small goals I had was trying to cut half the time that it takes to get the run at the very least and maybe at the longest maybe take a week off the time it took me to get this versus no hits all boss plus DLC to kind of show the progression and show how much you know retention of the knowledge I got an execution and how quick I can be rust on it and this is this is the quickest I wouldn't have even guessed it so that's this might be the most most content the most written the most amount of risk and the most amount of challenge in the least timeframe that I've done for anything so I think that's the biggest accomplishment there I'm pretty happy with that man like I'm [ __ ] hyped also I guess the the fact that we almost maintained that 180 percent per day on this once we got down to a lower PPS that's also really good too we almost got the any per se us that was almost 180 percent per day so that's that's blowing my mind because I remember how hard any percent was to get in the beginning and obviously there's reasons for that but still even even with that being the case it's not an easy run so I'm a happy man this is this is nuts thank you everybody as well for doing crazy things I'm gonna catch up with that in a moment and I show us the in-game time yeah we'll skip the credits really quick right now I'm gonna go to journey - we'll do that just so you know that it was completed unreal ability to only tune in when streamers get the run for us no hits this - final first all boss world record yeah see I'm the opposite of that I don't have the luck like that I mean maybe half the time I catch the really cool runs but 3:28 dude that's [ __ ] sick that is so good man this see I'm happy right now because every single thing I wanted to address was addressed perfectly under 3:30 saved over an hour and a half still was slow still could have been faster I was right you could get quicker to get closer to 3:15 on that that's awesome man the time that it took to do that is so short that's that's [ __ ] sick I cherry on the top couldn't I mean I wouldn't even be even been disappointed it was four hours I didn't think it was gonna be 328 that's sick that's that's just the ultimate little extra at the very end oh man and I guess that's also a testament to me improving in speed by trying to focus on those elements - like a pretty good extent - a pretty great extent because although there was a lot of slow down on the the previous no hit with DLC there was still a lot of stuff that wasn't really as speedy as it could be and I still save some time despite the you know the afk moments and all that that's that's sick I'm super happy about that - all right give me a moment let's uh quickly just go over the alerts cuz I mists like a lot of that stuff going on sorry give me a moment so where were we so Donnie hosted that's the last delimiter I remember seeing I think odo Hawks fire I did I did welcome you I said thank you for that and gar lasted thank you for and death okay so fable thank you very much for the prime sub man method thank you for the follow rainbow thank you for the host man commie cupcake thank you for the bits that's insane Monty thank you for the tier-one resub or it might it might be a brand new sub I'm not sure d-pod thank you for the bit scroll thank you for the bits JC prime thank you for the bits I'd accosting boss thank you for the tier one sub I Grif thank you for the bits you doing sneaking through this mob thank you for the follow form and lo thank you for this the second month we some welcome back kook thank you for the brand new sub Tassie thank you for the follow Branston thank you for the bits fuzzy teabags thank you for the the prime sub the Ron thank you for the bits niche finder thinking for the follow Nevada thinking for the follow boy stur thank you for the bits pygmy thank you for the bits TX crew thank you for the follow full-metal haim thank you for the prime sub and Miller to the max I haven't seen you for a bit around here dude I'm glad that you got to catch that man know it to the max is a low key absorber god so if you ever watched us play absorber he was actually one of the best fights that I had on that so it is an honor man thank you very much I think that's a brand new sub Thank You Man seriously thank you for all the and everything before that anyone that followed before I have been read out you know the most recent alert that I had missed welcome thank you I'm extremely happy I'm so happy to the point that if I continue to do anything else right now it would ruin this so we have to leave on this note I know it was a little bit of a shorter stream in that case what we the only right thing to do now is just give somebody a rate of world's first rate so we got to do that dark zone thank you for the prime cement the world might be mended Jesus Christ okay wait let's get some let's get some victory tunes what am I feeling like for the victory we need we need a good soundtrack actually I mentioned this one earlier we'll put this on this is the ds1 trailer music this is the perfect song to rate you so basically there's some things I want to say before we even get going anywhere just fan Gabe you Oakley mash that was a oh wait okay so that means that the name wasn't specified who did that who did the the donation man because that's what it says if there's no name Jackson winters thank you very much for the brand-new set as well you have all discovered the secret circle of the school the Menotti and then just fan jumped in at the end kasuba room through him and cheated because he gave him the boosts to piggyback him over there and then lamer got popped him a bits and threw him on the floor and I tripped and then there was a third pile that I missed and Subaru trip too as he was trying to piggyback just fan over the crowds victory music yeah whoever whoever did that and the name didn't show up please give me a whisper and tell me who you are just so I can say thank you because just fan is what it says when there's no name specified unless oh no just wait you're in ok no you're in chat dude thank you for that I thought I thought it you might gawk box man's like that it says fan when it's some it's the names not specialty is to old bosses no damn anyways just fan that's absolutely insane dude you I didn't even know you made a bet that you were gonna do that if I got it I didn't even see her Thank You Man seriously please never sob in your life ever just that's the lifetime free subs alright we are going to go and bring the type to someone else give them a little bit of rape and you know what Rayna ray died she's with streams he's someone that you'll be seeing on the channel soon so I'm gonna go on a trip with him one of our mods moderators cope stir and another streamer Lucar so you will see them along the channel in like a week or two about a week from now a handful of days to a week during that week and has lost a plan during then what if you've never been here before and you want to make it back or any streaming I'll probably be doing some some ds1 tomorrow we'll see if we can get back-to-back no hair rocks [Music] here's the Twitter if you want to know here is the youtube if you haven't seen and we're gonna give the host to cheese with its plans some Celeste action of expectancy so give them give them of the Logan job and honestly kind of like if there was an instructional video on how to be a good person on this site he would be the person so that's how good of a recommendation I can give either way thank you again let's do it I'll see you guys again
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 2,071,896
Rating: 4.793283 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Livestream, Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Lets Play Dark Souls, Lets Play, FromSoftware, Namco Bandai, Sony, Steam, Microsoft, Xbox, PvP, PvE, Action Role Playing Game, ARPG, Hardest Game, Speedrun, Moments, Reactions, Reacting, The Ringed City, Ashes of Ariandel, How To, Walkthrough, Playstation, 0 Damage Run, 0 Damage
Id: abJQgfjJP1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 56sec (13856 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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