The Best Build in Baldur's Gate 3 | Bardadin Build Guide

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] after just over 500 hours on balers Gate 3 I can confidently say that this balless variation of the bed in is the best build in the game and I know that term gets used quite liberally I I know that every build on YouTube is the best build in the game and although there are builds with better damage profiles arguably so like the Open Hand monk or the gloomstalker Assassin uh even just any sorcerer variation holistically I don't think there's any other build in the game that has the damage profile of a bedan with the same outof combat versatility and group utility even though we're building a conventionally damage oriented build in the swords barded in we maintain some of those really important and beneficial group party Buffs such as a long Strider to increase everyone's movement speed by a noticeable amount enhan ability which grants advantage on ability checks of a corresponding ability speak with animals so that you don't have to make a dice roll with scratch to be rewarded sandals I hope you like it and most importantly the song of rest which grants you three short rests per long rest when it comes to selecting a race you've got a few options the wood elf and the wood half elf stand out as some of the more consistent and safe picks the increased Mobility is fantastic for us as we're a melee class they have relevant proficiencies relevant skills dark vision and advantage on on saving throws against being Charmed being Charmed is going to be a common Affliction in boss fights in the latter portions of Act 2 and act three so it's always nice to have another great candidate to host the beden is going to be the halfling their lucky passive is especially valuable to us because this build will quickly scale to a point where the only way it can miss both attack and ability checks is by critically missing them so having a racial passive that further mitigates our only potential for missing especially over the acral of many many dice rolls which most likely The Bard will be doing as it's going to be your face character is extremely valuable and makes halflink a very very strong candidate in terms of just damage output the best race is going to be the half work and that's not to say the Relentless endurance isn't great durability it is it's a fantastic contingency especially in honor mode we're a melee class we are inevitably going to take damage relentless endurance can save an auto mode run entirely by itself but the real value of the half fork in terms of damage output is Savage attacks for all tens and purposes this is a crit fishing build so when the build is fully realized in act three in terms of equipment and gear our critical hit range will be so low such that we are critting on just about every other melee weapon attack if I were to read Savage attacks as you deal an extra dice of weapon damage on every other melee weapon attack it pulls away from the other races by a pretty glaring margin just in terms of damage output the bottom line is that you should play whatever you want to play from a role playing perspective every single race in this game fulfills some form of Niche and they have passives that you can use to justify playing that race um except maybe the dragon born so just go ahead and pick whatever you want to is the political answer the correct answer for the best race to play the bedman with is aaran there are many ways to go about leveling this build it's tempting to start out as a paladin maybe take another level into Paladin and only then take 10 levels into swords SP that way you start the game with heavy armor proficiency relevant saving throw proficiencies as well as Divine smites already at level two I'd recommend against that leveling curve for one bards already have their Marshall extra attack delayed by one turn instead of the normal level five where Marshall classes get their extra attack bards get it at level six at level five bards have their Bic Inspirations refreshed on short rest as opposed to Long rest so Bard level five and Bard level six are huge power Spike levels that we want to hit as early as possible although the heavy armor proficiency would be nice and divine Smite is definitely great for our damage output starting the game off as a paladin and taking two levels into Paladin it it just delays our other power Spike Levels by way too much to consider taking Paladin first so in this video I'll be starting out as a Bard taking six levels of Swords B and then the minute we hit level seven I'm going to go Respec to restart as a paladin and then take six levels of Swords b a second Paladin level at level eight and then swords B for the rest of the game so at level one we start out as a Bard you can pick any two can trips you want Mage hand is always great and has out of combat utility as well as in combat utility vicious mockery is not too bad although we will be a marshall class we are hybrid Caster yes but you want to be expending your resources on flourishes mobile range attacks generally you do not want to be spellcasting in combat for our spells I always take long Strider and speak with animals there's cases to be made for Tasha's hideous laughter there's cases to be made for dissonant Whispers both have situational uses as does fairy fire and Thunder Wave so feel free to pick any other two combinations of spells for the last two slots for starting instrument pick whatever you want that's to your flavor for our ability scores we're going to put two into dexterity and put a plus one bonus into Charisma dexterity 16 Charisma 16 14 Constitution and the rest into wisdom for wisdom saving throws there are two caveats to this stat distribution one is that I always use strength elixir in act one and I highly recommend you to use strength elixir in Act One ATI ethyl sells three per long rest another way you can go about forcing the long rest is if you save level UPS until you reach ATI ethyl in the emerald Grove every time you level up her shop will refresh so you can go to her buy out her shop of three Elixir level up buy out her shop of three elixir elers and just constantly rinse and repeat until you have a sufficient amount of Elixir this is because light weapons and finesse weapons that we'll be using dual wielding can scale with your strength instead of your dexterity if your strength is higher The Elixir allow us to bring our strength higher than we could ever bring our dexterity in the first two acts of the game for skill proficiencies as this is always my face character I usually go with the Charisma based proficiencies it's also a good idea to use acrobatics and Athletics because again we will be a melee class I find persuasion to be the most common type of Charisma check in the game you can take out performance and intimidation in favor of those at bar level two we get access to the song of rest and thus our third short rest per long rest we also get another spell again these spells are not too valuable so just pick what you hadn't picked last time that best fits your party comp and utility needs at bar double three we get access to our subass for this build we're going to be going with the College of swords and finally have our most important offensive options in our flourish attacks the flourishes are the reasons that we choose to use our Bic Inspirations offensively rather than defensively or for autoc combat utility whenever possible you want to use your Bic Inspirations on one of these following flourishes slashing flourish is perhaps our most important flourishing ability as it compensates Ates for our delayed extra attack and giving us a pseudo extra attack essentially letting us hit three enemies a turn once with our main action on a slashing flourish and once with our offhand bonus action another important thing to mention is that although the tool tip of slashing flourish ranged says that you can attack up to two enemies at once you can actually use both shots on the same enemy we also get access to our fighting style we're going to go with two weapon fighting as in holding a dagger or a light sword in each hand we also get access to another spell enhance ability is one of our most important spells and makes us so that ability checks are practically impossible to miss from this point onwards especially with all our proficiency bonuses it lasts until long rest and although it requires concentration it's a very versatile spell you can cast on yourself on a party member overall just one of our better utility Spells at B level four we get access to our first feat there's only really two options and one of which is just way better than the other one we can either take an ability score and put both points into dexterity to increase our attack roll chance and our AC by one point but as I said earlier in the video you should be drinking strength Elixir at this point to where your strength will perpetually be 21 Which is higher than 18 dexterity so the attack rules will be unaffected as your weapons will scale with your strength instead and the 1 AC is relatively inconsequential at this point in the game so I would recommend going for a Savage attacker Savage attackers just going to allow us to roll our damage die twice when making attacks with our swords just a flat bonus uh damage increase to our damage and it comes at no penalty unlike great weapon master or Sharpshooter it's not something you have to play around it's not something you have to think about you just plug it in and you deal more damage as a result we also get access to another can trip again just pick as you need at this point in the campaign another spell as I've mentioned before what you see fit at B level five we finally hit one of our really important power Spike levels Bic inspiration is now reset on short rest as well as long rest which is just fantastic for Action economy your Bic inspiration is also improved to a 1d8 instead of a 1d6 this is relatively unimportant because as I mentioned because we're a swords bar you want to be using your Bic Inspirations on slashing flourishes or just flourish attacks in general rather than for outof combat ability checks we also get access to another spell these are more powerful than the ones we've been offered so far Glyph of Waring hypnotic pattern and plant growth are all great CC choices at bar level six we finally get access to our Marshall extra attack which with the swords bar is more of a extra extra attack you can now slashing flourish twice a turn which hits up to four enemies and then also you have your two weapon fighting offhand bonus action attack so at bar level you've become one of the better if not best two target cleave damage dealers in the entire game you also gain another spell again just pick one of the ones you hadn't picked before Bard level s is the level where we're finally going to introduce Paladin into our build but rather than adding Paladin by way of multiclassing we're actually going to go to Withers resp the entire build and then start from Paladin this will finally give us the heavy armor proficiency we were missing out on and slightly better saving throw con proficiencies so we're going to go to Withers respect Paladin start with the exact same stat distribution and then put six straight levels into swords B picking everything the exact same as you've done to this point just to demonstrate the point I've gone to Withers respect myself and I'm now starting from Paladin one we're going to choose the oath of Vengeance as we're only taking two levels into Paladin so we're never going to get the actual subass benefit and the oath of Vengeance inquisitors might is going to be the best use of our channal oath charge throughout the game it's just a tiny but nice damage bonus to our weapon attacks dealing two radiant damage there's going to be enemies When You Reach This level you're most likely going to be an act two so a lot of the enemies are vulnerable to raing damage so it's just nice to have [Music] at total level eight we're going to take our second and final level into Paladin this will finally unlock our divine smites which we should now take precedence for use of our spell slots we can now Divine Smite enemies as a reaction after hitting them we can Smite both enemies we hit with a slashing flourish meaning that in one turn without haste we can actually deal 10 instances of damage two for the slashing flourish which you can Smite both and again with your extra attack you can Smite both and once with your off hand which you can also Smite so the damage of the build at this point is pretty much realized and should be pretty Bonkers in terms of fighting style we're just going to go with defense because we will be wearing hey heavy armor until we reach act three and switch to the boss armor which is still considered an armor piece so it's just a flat nice plus one bonus to armor class none of the other fighting styles have any sort of relevance or use for our build in terms of which spells to prepare I would just prepare all the smiting types thunderus searing wrathful bless is a great buff so I will prepare that and then either Divine favor protection from evil and good or command as a final utility spell at level 9 and for every other level of this build we're just going to go straight back into our swords bar at level seven barard you don't really get anything that's too important you get access to some situationally useful spells but again these are now fourth level spell slots which are just way better used on Smite damage so although there are some interesting options like dimension door like freedom of movement or greater invisibility you really shouldn't be casting any of these spells or using your spell slots on anything but smiting at level 10 we take our eighth level into swords Bard and get our second feet the choice for our second feet is a lot more ambiguous and Up For Debate than the choice for our first feet which is unambiguously going to be Savage attacker you have a few options one would be to take an ability Improvement and put your dexterity up to 18 for an plus one bonus to your AC the thing is this should be inconsequential to your attack B again your strength should always be higher than your dexterity by way of Elixir if you either refuse to use Elixir or don't have enough by this point in the game this actually could be a consequential choice for your attack roles and make a difference in terms of hitting enemies if you are however using Elixir then this is definitely not the pick one AC is not worth an entire feet slot another fantastic option and probably the option I would go with is alert especially when you have a build that has the damage output potential that this build does where fights can usually end before they even begin going first is invaluable it's probably one of the most important elements of this build for that reason alone I would value alert a lot higher than I would value any sort of other like durable feat like any of the armor Masters something like lucky to minimize your misses maybe even athlete for Mobility so we're going to go with alert you gain access to another spell but again the best spell slot is a divine might spell slot so just pick whatever you want the penultimate level 11 we put our ninth level into swords B again we're not offered much here we're offered another spell I mean the the best spell is definitely a Divine Smite but ironically hold monster is actually worth considering and even more worth casting if you're able to land hold monster on any enemy every subsequent attack rooll made with them in melee range which will always be in is going to be a critical hit the Smite also critically hits if your weapon attack roll critically hit so this is one of the cases where I would say that this spell is actually worth taking and worth considering when in combat if you have a high spell save DC and at the final level 12 we put our last level into swords B and are given a few interesting options one of the less interesting options is is picking another cant trip at this point you've probably picked all the valuable canant trips so this is just a filler slot again we're offered another spell and after having taken hold monster there's no longer anything that is more valuable than a Divine Smite so as always just take whatever provides the best utility to your party comp magical Secrets however are some of the best spells in the entire game offered to debard at level 10 there are a ton of options here I can make an entire video this discussing which combination of two magical Secrets is the most optimal or the best choices I mean there are so many choices here that it's going to vary based on your team composition who you're fighting who you've already fought I'll just go over some generally great options haste is always fantastic up until this point you've either had to rely on potions of speed Scrolls of haste or someone else to cast haste on you maybe a sorcerer with twin spell so having one in Your Arsenal is really really strong and valuable this is a strong Contender hunger of Hadar is one of the best spells in the game that I don't see get talked about enough it almost makes it worth it to go straight warlock or at least warlock level five it can trivialize entire fights and is easily one of the best CC spells in the entire game it's another strong Contender counter spell is one of the strongest reactions you can take in a turn you can completely nullify a really strong spell cast by the opponent which also skips their turn essentially another really strong cand did it otherwise I would just go for something like a combination of haste and hunger and Hadar haste and counter spell there's room to talk about and think about banishing Smite it's good it does a lot of damage but the thing is you want to banish people to the shadow realm when your damaged you don't really want to banish them for two turns out of combat where you can't hurt them you have enough damage that there shouldn't really be an enemy that is so threatening to you and your party that you have to get them out of combat for two turns it's ni to be able to do this uh as a ranged option you also get this as a melee the tool tip doesn't tell you that but again like I said you deal so much damage that the banishing Smite is just your Divine Smite you don't really need to invest a fifth level spell slot to banish someone for two turns you're also offered more skill proficiencies I would just go for persuasion and sight of hand they're by far two of the more useful abilities in the entire game there's a lot of persuasion checks in act three that are pretty important eltha powers are usually supplementary but there are two that I highly recommend you taking which are really well suited for this build those being favorable beginnings and luck of the far Realms favorable Beginnings makes it so that your first attack roll or ability check you make against any Target gains a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus in practice this just means that the first attack roll you make against any Target will be your most accurate and the first of ability check you make against any target has the highest chance of succeeding the attack roll portion of favorable Beginnings is especially important as the first turn of your combat is usually the most important in terms of damage dealing luck of the far Realms can convert any successful attack role into a guaranteed critical hit as a reaction because favorable Beginnings makes it so that your first attack roll is likely to land and therefore guaranteed to crit with luck of the far Realms your Your Divine Smite will also subsequently crit this pairing of eltha powers is exceptionally strong at dealing a ton of damage to high priority targets such as bosses or spellcasters even those crier type enemies that call reinforcements in that first invaluable turn of combat after that I would make my way down to psionic backlash and call the weak I know that going partial lith it is a topic of discourse and discussion in the Ballers gate community you either condemn it or you condone it we 100% condone it on this channel you always go partial lith it especially for melee builds fly just closes that disadvantage we have in comparison to range attackers way too much we can seamlessly Traverse through the three-dimensional Battlefield you don't have to jump to get to higher places anymore you don't have to take fall damage to get to lower places you can get to multiple pairings and groups of enemies within one turn whereas previously just by way of Dashing or walking you could only really get to one maybe two groups of enemies if you're lucky if for nothing but fly it's worth going partial withth it I know it's ugly if you're on PC there's mods to get around it Fly is just way too important for this build not to consider taking a quick note to mention before we move on to discussing the best and Slot gear and equipment in all three acts regardless of what class or build you're playing you should get in the habit of going to your reactions underneath your spell book and manually turning on all of the reactions particularly for this build as your spell slots increase in level the game does not automatically turn on your higher level spell slots so it's important to go to your reactions and make sure that all of your higher level Divine smites for the higher level spell slots are turned on it's also important to make sure that the ask prompt is turned on for all of your reactions not only do you want to exercise agency in terms of of your resource management and not let the game make decisions for you as it will often make the wrong decision but there's something to consider in conserving your higher level spell slots and higher level Divine smites for critical hits on your melee weapons as opposed to just successful attack roles when you critically hit with your normal melee weapon attack roll the reactive Divine Smite will also critically hit that's not to say that you should only spend your higher level Divine smites on critical hits but but there are certain ways in this game to guarantee Critical Hits like the luck of the far Realms liiit ability like the killer sweetheart ring which I'm going to talk about in your act 2 gear so it's at least worth considering saving your highest level spell slot smites on guaranteed Critical Hits if not just regular not 20 Critical Hits let's talk about our best and Slot gear so for each one of these chapters I'm going to be wearing what I think is is the best combination of the available gear in each Act but because I know that some of the gear I'm going to be wearing only appears later in each Act I'm going to have Alternatives in my inventory of gear pieces that you can wear from the same act that you can either use as placeholders to wear until you get the gear that I'm wearing on my character or as interchangeable substitutes if you feel that they're better pieces of gear so our best gear in act one starting with the haste Helm you can get this from a chest in the middle of the blighted village if just really good for our movement speed and allows us to cover more ground in combat the adamantine scale male armor you can craft this in the Grim Forge after defeating Grim it's our best defensive option and the medium armor with the highest AC in act one specifically the attackers can't land Critical Hits on the wearer tag will significantly reduce the amount of damage we're expected to take as a melee class next are the gloves of the growling Underdog this can be found in the treasury room behind drawer Raglin in the goblin camp usually I would say that these are pretty underwhelming and too situational and too Niche to consider using but this build happens to be one of those situational niches where these actually have really good efficiency because we want to utilize slashing flourish as much as possible we actually want to be surrounded by two or more foes in combat on a regular basis which will then mean that we have advantage on our melee attack roles on a regular basis which is the most relevant in act one where we're the most likely to miss so the are actually a good choice for this build the disintegrating night Walkers you can get these off of near in Grim Forge again it just synergizes with our haste Helm if we can move more we want to be unimpeded by difficult terrains to make use of our movement speed so that and the short rest refreshing Missy step are just nice for our Mobility for our necklace the perap of wound closure you can buy this off of Lady Esther and the mountain pass it's just essentially the Relentless endurance passive that half Works gets and like like I mentioned in the race selection it's a nice contingency and fail safe especially for Honor mode players for our Rings it is the strange conduit ring you can find this in a chest in the inquisitor's room in the crush concentration is a relatively easy requirement to satisfy you can concentrate on enhance ability until long rest I know you have Scrolls of detect thoughts in your inventory you can use those to concentrate throughout the entire day and they will satisfy this condition or you can just pop haste before going into combat for a similar reason we have the costic you can buy this off of Darth bone cloak in the Mike and colony in the under dark unlike the strange conduit ring the two acid damage is just applied passively to all of our weapon attacks and doesn't have a saving throw or a requirement not that the conduit ring has a saving throw but it does have a requirement whereas the cic band just always works the cic band you can honestly wear it until act three same with the conduit ring so once you get these Rings you're pretty much set until you reach the end of the game for our melee weapon options we have the short sword of First Blood which you can get from a deep gnome on the uh underd dark Beach where the ship is that leads you to Grim Forge pretty relevant enchant to have and Deals a nice chunk of additional damage our best weapon in act one is by far the knife of the under Mountain King you can buy this from the GI Trader inside crash it's the only plus two weapon enchant light weapon in act one so it's great for our accuracy and also the first instance of crit hit fishing or crit range reduction even though it's just by one point it increases our chance to critically hit by a whole 5% so now on every weapon attack we have a 10% chance to critically hit after getting the knife of the under Mountain King you're going to realize just how much more you're critting and how much more of a difference that 5% is making so this is the best weapon in act one maybe even one of the best weapons in the game for this build for our ranged option because we are two weapon fighting we want to use two hand crossbows as opposed to one Longbow or crossbow in act one any p hand crossbow plus one that you can find any magic hand crossbow is just going to be your best choice I also have the fire stoker equipped and it's something to think about but to be honest I don't know how often enemies are burning targets so I would just go for two hand crossbows to maximize my efficiency and accuracy the graceful cloth which you can buy from Lady Esther is a nice bonus to our dexterity and to our accuracy if we're not using potions but the base AC is a little too low you become a little too susceptible to incoming damage the gloves of power from the goblin boss outside of the drw Grove and that first Goblin fight it's just okay it's not better than the underdog but it's okay to wear until then the gloves of dexterity similar to what I was saying with the graceful cloth if we're not using elixir of strength are actually probably better than the gloves of the growling Underdog these you can buy from the GI Trader inside the crash and should wear over the gloves of the growling underdog if you're not using strength Elixir to bring your strength to 21 the boots of speed from the pois deep gnome in the mik colony these are just okay um you really shouldn't be using your bonus action on click hails as we are two weapon fighting and you want to be using it on ranged or melee attacks but it's okay for Mobility the Speedy reply which you can get from one of rugan's dead members as he's fighting Flyn the boss null near Walkins rest it's probably the other best light weapon in the game until you get the short sword of first blood or sorry in act one so I'll just carry it until then this is more of a meme pick and just more of a plea for laran to introduce a sickle that is viable in this game because it would be the coolest looking light weapon unfortunately it's just not really good the moon drop pendant from the salite chest inside the albear cave it's just a worse version than the perap as when you're above 50% Health you essentially don't have a necklace slot whereas the perap is always a nice like contingency it's just okay the absolutes Talisman dropped from press gut inside the goblin Camp it's nice to be able to cast Aid on yourself even if you don't have the absolutes brand the Ring of protection a CR reward from handing mole the idol of Sylvanas which you can do by the way way after you've cleared the goblin Camp so that it's not as volatile and they don't fight you to the death for doing it it brings your AC to a really respectable 20 in Act One Crusher ring drop from Crusher the goblin outside of goblin camp for some more movement speed or the wisping promise giving you bless if you drink a healing pot you can do it before or in combat or throw a healing pot or just any way any other way you have of healing your teammates it grants them bless it's a pretty strong ring and should be kept on another party member if you're not wearing it only after hitting these critical upgrades in act two did I decide that yeah this is probably the best build in the entire game so in act two we're going to switch over to the dark Justice year helmet to get another Point reduction to our critical hit range this is going to increase our critical hit chance to 15% without Advantage we get the helmet at the end of the Shon trials in The Gauntlet of sh if you find that you are not obscured enough to solicit wearing the helmet you can always switch back to the Grim skull helmet for a more defensive option we finally get a cloak in the cloer protection from quartermaster tally At Last Light in for just a nice plus one to our armor class and saving throws we're going to change our armor to The Heavy Armor Dwarven splint mail you're usually level seven by the time you entera to meaning that you will have gone to withers's resp to start as a paladin and gain the heavy armor proficiency if for some reason you are not level seven by act two and therefore haven't done this it's perfectly acceptable to just go buy the Yuan scale mail from Quarter Master T wear it until you get the dwen splint mail and therefore heavy armor proficiency the Yanti is actually going to give you the same AC as the Dwarven splint mail with so it's a perfectly good substitution you can get the Dwarven splint mail from larve and mooniz Towers unfortunately though there is a caveat to buying this piece of gear to gain access to Lars exclusive Armory that sells both the Dwarven splint mail and our best and Slot sword in this act you need to pass an inside check when speaking to disciples zel that'll reveal that she is nervous when talking about the Night song upon passing this check you can convince her to Grant you access to lant's exclusive Armory but it's contingent on passing the inside check to notice it in the first place this is a super important check it it it gives us access to two of our better gear pieces so to get this armor and the sword you need to pass it you can maximize your chance of succeeding this check by pre-c casting enhan ability on yourself for Advantage on the wisdom ability checks which is what Insight is and having a companion pre-cast guidance on you only after you've cast these on yourself should you go speak to disciples zerel hopefully you pass if you don't pass the check you can just wear krix armor instead of the splint maale as a replacement and use the dark justicier Scimitar instead of the render of Mind and Body which is dropped by the rats in Char's Conflict for our gloves we're going to go with the flawed hust gloves from Damon At Last Light In by giving him a piece of infernal iron for another 1 D4 to our damage for our boots we're going to go with the evasive shoes which is sold by Mattis At Last Light in for another plus one to our armor class if you did pass the check we get to buy the render of Mind and Body this weapon deals an additional 1 to8 psychic damage when we attack with Advantage we will always be attacking with Advantage as we're also going to be buying the risky ring from the Dr arage in Moonrise Towers so we will always attack with Advantage meaning that our attacks are extremely accurate will always deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage as a result and then when we reach the mine flare Colony Act to we're going to pick up the resonance Stone to grant us and everyone around us the steeped in Bliss condition giving them a vulnerability to psychic damage so psychic damage is going to be doubled against anyone in radius of us this combination of interactions and items are going to mean that we're always dealing 2 to 16 psychic damage with just this one weapon alone consider all our other damage riters our gloves draconic Elemental weapon enchantment psionic overload for another 2 to8 psychic damage the strange conduit ring for another 2 to8 psychic damage your Divine smites this act is when this build goes nuclear just insane in terms of damage output we're going to continue with the knife of the under Mountain King for the reduction to our critical hit range you can wear the subjugation amulet dropped by malis thorm at the house of healing although there's not that many humanoid Targets in Act 2 so I would just recommend continuing to wear the perat wound closure for our rings as I mentioned we're going to be wearing the risky ring I have the strange conduit r ring because of the interaction with steeped and Bliss until you go to the mine flare Colony you can justify continuing to wear the cosic band for a guaranteed two acid damage or once you fight your illusory copy at the self stain trial at The Gauntlet of Shard you can use the killer sweetheart for another guaranteed critical hit per long rest for our range crossbows we're just going to be introducing the Hellfire hand crossbow dropped by Ure gear to possibly inflict the burning status that is required for the fire stoer to deal an additional 1 D4 piercing d damage to said burning targets so just another nice Synergy between our gear pieces there are a few other pieces of gear that I highly recommend you to optain in Act 2 not to wear but to use as abilities these being the gloves of the automaton sold by Marcus root at last Light in which grants you advantage on all your attack roles for 10 turns the Drake Thro glaive sold by Roa Moonglow at moonrise Towers which gives any of your weapons a 1 D4 of an elemental damage type of your choosing the dark fire short bow sold by Damon At Last Light in giving you resistance to fire damage and cold damage as well as a free haste once per long rest and the spell Crux amulet which allows you to restore a spell slot of any level dropped by the prison Warden at moonrise Towers what I mean by using these gear pieces as abilities is to benefit from the abilities of these gear pieces without having to have them equipped so for example with the gloves of the automaton if you put both the gloves of the automaton and the gloves you're currently wearing on your hot bar switch to the gloves of the automaton use the effect making yourself a construct and giving you advantage on your attack roles and then take the gloves off the effect persists through unequip you can use a drake throat glaive by throwing one of your weapons onto the floor and then using the draconic elemental weapon to apply a 1 D4 of an elemental damage type of your choosing to that weapon if you have a sorcerer and you give them the glaive they can actually twin spell the Elemental draconic weapon ability allowing you to apply a 1 D4 of an elemental damage type to both of your weapons the dark fire short bow works in the same way as the gloves in giving you a haste that persists through unequipped although there is some Merit to keeping it equipped for the resistances to Fire and cold damage the spell Crux amulet has the most value when you use it to restore the highest possible level spell slots you're missing especially for fifth and sixth level spell Slots of which we have few but that deal the most Smite damage it's a good way to cheat out multiple five and six level Divine smites per long rest certainly my favorite part of the video and the video game the act 3 gear for this chapter I'm not necessarily claiming that this combination of gear is the best possible for act three I mean there are hundreds of combinations of gear pieces that you could put together in act 3 and I continue to be amazed to this day by what the community creates and what they put together and the new interactions they find out about I'm not going on record and saying this is the best but this is just one variation that I put together that I think works well with all the synergies that I've been explaining and introducing up until this point of the video to start us off we have sarahx helmet dropped by sahok anev we we mainly take it for the crit range reduction but The Dauntless effect is actually super useful as the emotion altering conditions in this game are among the most common we keep the cloaker protection from act two as a plus one to our Armor class is still the most relevant benefit we can get from our Cape slot the magnum opus of this build the ballist armor this can be bought from theep echo of abigal I want to say after becoming an Unholy assassin at the murder tribunal the ballis armor grants us the aura of murder making all enemies within 7 ft vulnerable to piercing damage unless they are resistant or immune to it and you'd actually be surprised at how little piercing resistance or immunity there is in act three as opposed to act one and two I feel like there's so much more of it in act one and two convenient for us this will not only double our damage output as our weapons deal piercing damage but will also double the damage output of any other party member that deals piercing damage so if you also have an Archer on your team the game is Just over actually and you have won Ballers gate three for our gloves we're going to be using the hell dust gloves that drop from har lip in the House of Hope as they have the most significant impact on our damage of all the other gloves in the game with an additional passive 1d6 fire damage keyword passive there are a few other gloves that might do more damage with relatively difficult to meet conditions similar to our cloak the evasive shoes are still the best use for our boot slot the plus one to AC is still really nice we're in act3 now and we need our AC to be as high as possible for our weapons I'm going to suggest using both of orin's daggers specifically in this order using the blood thirst in your off hand and the Crimson Mischief in your main hand there's some serious competition for this slot cazador's dagger is very strong Scarlet remittance is a great source of consistent damage and you can even justify using the knife of the under Mountain King for crit range reduction or even continuing to use the render of Mind and Body because of our resonance Stone interaction but remember that now our enemies are vulnerable to piercing damage and Crimson Mischief specifically will deal an additional 2 to8 piercing damage against enemies with below 50% Health points and a whopping additional 14 damage when wielded in the main hand when you make attack rolls with Advantage which again we will always be making attack rolls with Advantage because we are either using the risky ring or gaining it from other sources like the gloves of the automaton again a note to use the Crimson Mischief in your main hand as we already get the offand ability Crimson weapon from our two weapon fighting style and the bloodthirst in our off hand so we get the plus one to our armor class which is a surprisingly nice benefit of using this weapon for our amulet we're going to be using the Amulet of Greater Health from the House of Hope proceeding the acquisition of this amulet you should go and Respec your character to set your Constitution to eight and tank it completely as the amulet is going to set it to 23 regardless you can put the points you lost in Constitution or you took away from Constitution into intelligence and wisdom stat distribution is going to be so evenly spread out and just a really strong character overall our ring options remain the same as act two with the risky ring being a requirement to activate our Crimson Mischief Advantage requirement unless you can gain Advantage from another source or another item and the second slot again is a flex slot you can use the conduit ring the costic band or the Killer's sweetheart for our ranged weapon we're going to be dropping our hand crossbows in favor of the Deadshot bringing our critical hit range down to 17 with this current set up and now this build is officially a crit fishing build critting 20% of the time on one attack made without advantage in terms of Alternatives the only real piece of gear that has a fierce competition for alternatives are going to be your weapons and your gloves for your helmet there's an option to go with the helmet of grit when we're below 50% hit points we gain another bonus action which is essentially just going to mean another offand attack and therefore another Smite you can get this from that one girl I think her name is Valeria or Victoria that emits the toxic gas in cador's mansion it's a really good helmet it can really increase your damage output the thing is it requires you to constantly linger below 50% hit points which isn't actually as bad as it sounds because our hit point total is So High because of the amul of Greater Health it's something to consider for sure the armor of persistence is your best AC defensive armor piece in the game it's going to set your AC at 24 I'm also introducing this as an alternative to Good Karma players who do not want to become an unho the Assassin the gauntlets of Hill giant strength from the House of Hope are really interesting because they allow us to free up our Elixir slot by changing into the gauntlets of Hill giant strength you can actually consider taking a different Elixir which actually does have a lot of value like for example the elixir of blood lust refunding an action per kill that we get in a turn just for that alone it's actually worth considering although in a vacuum for damage output the hell dust gloves paired with the cloud giant strength Elixir is going to come up on top the legacy of the Masters sold by damond are another interesting pick but the plus two bonus to our attack roles are nice and the plus two bonus to our damage rols are relatively inconsequential as we should almost never be missing at this point in the game Marshall exertion gloves have more one damage Nova potential than the helles gloves they're essentially an action surge at the cost of 6 to 36 health health as I mentioned with the helmet of gri is not as valuable to us as our hit point total is So High because am a greater Health this is another great option if you need to do a bunch of damage in one turn hello everybody thank you so much for watching the video it's actually my first time trying to make a long format YouTube video I'm still in the process of learning if you liked it and you want to see more I plan on putting out more content please like And subscribe if you didn't like it and you thought I was just lordy yeron then just dislike the video and please let me know in the comments what I could do better for next time I'll have some time stamps in the description for each of the chapters as well as links to all of the music I use throughout the video so yeah thank you guys so much again
Channel: searchingforgod
Views: 12,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: md9F3Xez4qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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