Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 7)

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to a raffle here for consideration to be a seven falls Maya welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing with switch Prime I appreciate that very much let me go ahead and take care of a few issues here while we're waiting for that selfish walk through the pile as well thank you very much for the subscription thank you for the love guys I appreciate it very very much what are we going to do this week we have got snow boss fights available it doesn't seem welcome mama Jan I thirteen months a row thank you thank you thank you welcome on back in I could certainly consider a veteran dungeon here we we need to work on this crew quite a bit everybody of course is that rank three have not given them any chance to upgrade quite yet can't kill the Baron yet no no now we're gonna need a decent squad for that at least that's a tough fight a Belasco sati miss Leung key Saturday cursed that nappy sometimes you need an that man that's no that's no problem alright let's go ahead and draw those names here I think we've given our selves enough time first winner for the newest member of the roster is going to be Palin well c'mon in Palin you're gonna be our plague doctor congratulations second winner for the draw is that a kid Spindler kids Spindler congratulations gonna be a brand new vessel and finally for our leper our third name is going to be da da da da da da da da arugula one two three four ma'am rue GU la to the VG the Crusader hopefully we find a crusader for you to use my friend welcome on into the pile all the same thank you very much for your subscription oh boy alright looking good man let's go ahead and set up a veteran level dungeon here I'd love to get the bright tambourine by the way that's like a primary objective for sure is being able to get this stress relief trinket fruits are bet that sounds like a hilarious Japanese game show game show fruits or bats Johnson we got a good old fashioned sub train going on god damn thank you very much for the twitch Prime subscription old long Johnson welcome on in it is an amazing trinket yeah so I think it's absolutely worth pursuing Oh long Johnson Lord freedom with the 1000 bits Thank You Ling Lord so so much for the biddies buddy I appreciate that very much let's set up this team shall we goodness bits for crits let's go going into the ruins obviously a plague doctor seems like a worthwhile submission into the roster and then going along those same lines I'd say an abomination certainly makes sense Maron arms could be worth some more straight-up damage so let's go ahead and throw a crusader up there in the mix up front and then to rock the coordination with the plague doctor I suppose the Vestal makes a little bit of sense not to mention the fact that this plague doctor is scientific so it's actually a little bit more beneficial to us to have the occult esteem this team the infernal contraption another subscription well c'mon into the pile thank you very very much I appreciate that Dark Lord Steve just want to say I wish to name our twitch baby happiness because that's what's been inside me for the past nine months oh also a little weird but Thank You Dark Lord Steve I appreciate it very much but it is very kind thank you thank you for the support buddy alright let's see if we can maybe upgrade the blacksmith here it might actually be worthwhile the trade in busts or something to get these last eight beads for armors thing cuz I know it can take these guys here and get those rank ups but hey that's gonna be expensive as [ __ ] so I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to afford that many of them and then be it's probably more worthwhile to get the armor smithing upgrades for these guys instead of getting the weapons so let's go ahead and sell these to health stone duplicates I think I'll knock off a few more of these trinkets down here that I don't ever use like the move charm and pretty damn sure is not going to be all that helpful and then the caution cloak is it's interesting but not gonna be kept apparently you can't sell this must be like a quest unique item or something like that and then I wonder if you need to like bring this and then it'll interact with that surprise in some way that'd be cool anyway yeah maybe I'm not actually gonna go for an upgrade here just yet I think I'll take the damage upgrade for the Crusader and then maybe even the one for him as well because that's a speed boost too not to mention the crit bonus that's a big boost for her but I'm obviously not gonna be using incision here I'll switch that off for Knox just blast let me look him to guild as well and see if there's actually more priorities we need to be focused on here like his heal for example even though that adds more bleed actually that might not even be worth it so let's just not worry about that just yet in fact none of his really seem like a high priority this is good considering where we're going the stunning blow I don't even know if I'm actually gonna be using that all that much with the play doctor it might not be a high priority maybe the AoE is more helpful but do we have a stunning crest actually I think know we've got his damage crest okay so we definitely want to use that then and maybe even given a Sun ring Oh or dismiss his head obviously is also a good choice yeah let's go ahead and do that I think I'm just gonna set him up for that right away Oh actually you know what let's not give that to him let's give that to the guy who can relieve his own stress the abomination I mean it's gonna be a lot more helpful and then the Sun ring could be fine on the Crusader hmmm well I guess let's look at the guild again first before I get ahead of myself with the trinkets here I guess I think I will go ahead and do that I'll take this slight upgrade to the protection well for 600 gold is that where that I think I'd much rather have this one and even though it's healing skills are gonna be diminished a little bit obviously that stress heal is still nice and I don't think that healing skill affects the stress Aeolus so it's not as big of a deal anyway all right so good that works out abomination has probably potential to upgrade oh no just kidding we've already spent a shitload of money on him apparently so that's good that's not worth it there is it the speed boosts again it just seems like it's a pretty high priority but I think I'm just gonna make do with this squad with what we've got right now and see how well we can prepare so with that in mind let's go ahead and resource and as I mentioned give dismisses head to the abomination and I suppose this is also a pretty damn good option for him so he can use his manacles to full effect the ancestors candle is not actually being used here so I suppose I'll go ahead and toss that on to the Crusader plague doctor obviously I'd love to give her bloody herb but going into the ruins that's not nearly as useful so I might focus on more defensive items for her maybe even something to increase her blight chance if we've got the option camouflage cloak would be okay to bloodthirst ring is a decent choice here for her as well let's come back to her in a second here at cultists hmm son ring he's got a decent amount of damage you can put out with the eldritch blasts hmmm who's a ruins adventurer - that's nice let's see how about just a bloodied fetish then maybe just go a little bit more defensive with these - I don't want to lower his speed if I can avoid it so let's just have him add more Dodge and then I might as well use the Sun ring I suppose it's not really all that helpful but better than most of the other stuff we've got recovery charm might be nice considering we have the occultist you know what I'll go ahead and use that it's not likely that we'll ever have many opportunities in the future to use this and then with that being the case I certainly think it makes sense to trade off this Crusaders swordsman's crest for the Sun ring it's more stressed but it's more accuracy for him and seems like the better choice and he's gonna be able to stress heal himself a bit at least so I think we'll be okay here Fred juillet how about just a bloody fetish how about that that'll take care of business here for us absolutely and maybe trade off the vulnerability hex for the weakening curse this time because we might run into a few things with protection here and I'd like to at least have an option for ways to deal with it so we'll make that trade-off there that'll be probably enough money for us to provision properly for this mission and that's going to pretty much put us at zero unfortunately need to have torches of course given the options that we've chosen for equipments need a couple of keys to get us through this and then that is pretty much gonna do it I think [ __ ] down to five gold I'll take the aegis scale and I doubt I'll need blood but I'll yeah I don't think I'm gonna bring a couple actually I think it'll be a waste the anti-venom obviously is not necessary but we have the plate doctor bringing that for free I think this is oh we don't have any shovels [ __ ] okay so we gotta sell that sell that and sell that's for let's see let's see let's do let's get rid of the herb for two shovels and then maybe a key as well or maybe like a the ante the bandages actually I don't need bandages I have a plague doctor we're gonna be good to go there I'll bring another torch because that'll bring two torches is that good I think this is good I think this works I'm rich filthy rich actually flat broke yeah down to fifty gold but we'll we'll be fine we will be fine we'll figure it out where's case scenario I sell everything and we'll reset his power in symbols collect the scattered scraps of faith and to give comfort to the masses well Rudy war cry bits forbear brutalize them good sir we need the bits this time absolutely we need the bits for the crits please if you have them to spare it would certainly be welcome home to measure oh there's some money awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike hey bear how would you rate the threat level of the thing from the stars may be compared to the other wandering bosses less threatening than the fanatic for sure I think the fanatic has an edge on him I'm not really been too worried about the thing from the stars fight it adds tons of stress obviously in that that introduces difficulty to most runs but for the most part it just it's a pretty standard boss fight some reward pretty easy to control those crystals easy spawns it's not too frequently you're not having to get overwhelmed by that or anything I don't think it's too bad all right so we have boosted damage and what is this crit chance from the manacles which 16% is actually pretty damn good for this skill let's give the Crusader the option to one-shot this gargoyle welcome back to the pile northern leo so good to see you again thanks for using your twitch Prime subscription I appreciate that pal thanks oh did I want to put on heard I think I might have wide to equip her double stun also obviously want to prevent that from happening whenever possible one shot damn it okay going to attempt to use his protection move for the torchlight as well obviously it's gonna be pretty damn helpful and maybe polar forward allow the Crusader to finish her off ideally there we go I don't even know if they can actually do much from back there besides laughs at the tail which is I know clearly bad if it does the things it's supposed to do but probably not nearly as bad as the flurry of claws not to mention they can't really like stun lock us stun lock us the way we can stun lock them they don't have a ton of light resistance so that's probably good the crit light even better one down and one soon to go pick up maybe take a self heal on him but he doesn't have any stress yet so it might not be necessary God you do no bandages let's shuffle is really unfortunate actually I just realized that when the Crusader there's going to limit us severely with his options five damage would do it but it's probably not likely I think a weakening curse is fine here a couple of damage points for him the Crusader will probably able to finish him off and then just keep self-healing I guess but the thing from the stars being quite non-threatening myself but especially lately I've had some trouble against him because he spammed his blight move and my dudes refused actions due to afflictions oh yeah see that can certainly get into dangerous territory shad has become horrifying by the way what in the [ __ ] just a swarm of Baird w and bear one two three four thank you to the tier twos for mixing it up this is appropriately terrifying I suppose anybody who's just joining this chat for the first time is going to be eight reduced to the proper atmosphere I suppose I'm forgiving he's already dead I don't really have to heal but I think it's probably my best bet with him anyway nurse my god the existential horror I have no holy Lance so let's work on this I guess does give me some stress or some torchlight anyway there goes that bleed finally and kablooey that's better please stop stressing us out and that's fine thanks that goddamn time it's something convenient oh my god well he was dead anyway I guess I probably should have healed him oh well hey Barrett played the M let's harvest quest today managed to buy myself a solid 77 kills not bad for your first try yeah not bad at all I'm impressed anybody else tried the endless mode what scores are you guys been putting up so far don't say 69 I'll know you're [ __ ] with me and one bandage will do Chad filled with 69 god dammit god dammit can't just get one Oh what am i doing whoops nope don't do that uh-uh it just tops the [ __ ] candle out I did not want to do that game oh boy okay hold on so yeah he's gonna be flying well use that torch good to go okay okay first it's time for me was 57 before the stress got to I that's pretty good preventing passage I know I brought that on myself yeah I really need to think before I talk so tech bear if you beat this dungeon I will consume a species for you as bit for crits for truth waiting to be spent I didn't know how to % follow your logic there but at hell yeah thank you the others are gone they were victims of a malevolent transformation their scales had rotted to sath vulnerable flesh slowly suffocating without gills the worst was their eyes closed set and forced to squint through fleshy slits I shudder recalling the horrific and unclean warmth of their blood as I rinsed my talons may death grant them soft mercy it's probably not a good idea but I'm gonna do it hey it was a good idea after all Jude tapestry cool let's dump this take that use the holy water BAM and goodbye there we go to the bear Mayo maniac welcome into the bear pile barrels please from the newest member thank you very much for the support twitch prime and seductive llama no that's not seductive Lamia I had my own ideas about that apparently welcome to the bear bile seductive Lamia thank you for the support sexy sexy llama how are they doing this one shot yeah they did seductive labia yeah that's a little weird hey das ski i doing it hey teens curious about llamas you're not alone dee dee doo doo ah let's see shuffles probably smart goddamn they are dodging everything what the hell what the [ __ ] thank you there we go good luck of a dropper once and let's try to nail this stunt I guess there we go finally got one finally lucky and we'll try to heal it's the best we can here I don't know who Botha is pop-tart ninja so I guess the answer to that is no he needs one damage both of deez nutz oh just lob it over the plate and smack a dinger home why don't you that's why I subs that's the fack you like get out of this place Dave in real life hey yeah oh yeah shout out to better help I love that exclamation point helping sheds my new sponsor better hell rate is the weapon that cuts on its own if you've ever been curious about online counseling or therapy I highly highly recommend better help it's a service I've been using myself and have been getting a lot of value out of it's very very nice very helpful okay one relic we've done it we need to dump off something already though I guess you know what there you go not worth having the inventory space or not having the inventory space I mean Oh timely - okay we might actually prevent the thirst here stun is easy on one of these boys hmm and it's still probably my best play oh I didn't shuffle up my party that was dumb oh my god maniac another 500 bits from Al maniac thank you very much my friend I appreciate it there it is what I [ __ ] tell you what's your best record for endless harvest it would be the 146 that I put up during the charity event haven't been back to it since though so I'm hoping to get much much better than that once we get to that point in the save file of course so still would like a disorienting blast year but that's obviously not the best bet goddamn the resistances that might be it oh man we've gotten lucky for the curse so far I don't think I got anybody killed during the charity event Gamecock gamers so I'm pretty sure you survived you're good man he's not getting stun so let's hope for a crit that will also work you hate the crimson court enemies they're tough suitably tough certainly makes sense that they are the way they are it's not gonna blight no way not no way not know how and I don't need to heal with him so do that little stress he'll for sure though I've not been using bulwark at all despite my claim that I would cheer Uggs welcome to the pile my friend thanks for several twitch prime bear hugs please give him cozy a second tapestry release collars holy [ __ ] and driven into the mud its tapestry Tuesday but it's Saturday bear shut up it's tapestry Tuesday all right we're doing good we're doing good we're doing good we're doing bad uh but this work Oh that'll work step it's three Saturday there we go yeah we got something we're close and boom of course no demon spaghetti kills for us today nice Dodge good to hear j-rod yeah glad to be a companion for you one-twenty and let's do this in all the size of that lab look at this absolute unit b-boy big happy try it again there we go that's how we do it and stress see maybe I could probably get away with it she has a recovery charm come on help me out a little perfect heel flawless oh there we go at least the bleed was resistant we get a little bit of a silver lining there right okay extremely unlikely but I'm gonna go for the manacles here all right fine by me hey there we go stack him that damage overtime on this sucker okay so he's dead next turn dodge stun the plague doctor probably not that big of a deal try that again that's a little better that's acceptable there we go kyoool don't need that off we go obviously gotta go to this room though it's fine I am loving the blood thirst ring so far it has been carrying me that's terrible [Music] okay towards here for sure it's not been easy but we've managed so far for sure I haven't really managed or I haven't really needed to transform all that much either it's really just the one fight stress is still looking okay I'm definitely gonna do this hope for the crits go for the plate grenade again I don't think I really want to switch skills either I'm pretty sure I'm happy with what I've got let's go in all right not lucky with the Dodge there but I think from this point forward the Crusaders just gonna stress himself and let the damage over time tick from the abomination in the play doctor deal the damage is he's just gonna bump in the night the entire time he'll probably just do some shield walls and maybe stun him which will be unfortunate but that's just the risky gonna have to take that's perfect that's literally the perfect option for him to pick thank you now I could probably heal actually I don't really necessarily need to rush this so let's do it why is the blood thirst ring good it prevents people or it prevents your companion from eating food - not a percent food consume and it does lower their healing receive but it's the best trade-off in the world in the year early game in my opinion totally worth it I got the blight at least let's try a stunt I suppose to try to prevent the shield wall or not the shield wall the deadweight no crit all right that's fine and again as I mentioned just stress you and we're good to go he's already dead I think I will attempt to heal one more time with everybody because I don't think I'll get cheese penalized for that she's cheese alized there's something in there somewhere he resisted the goddamn blight how Sheen alized yeah that's probably the closest we'll get Vegas death cult descript healing TV hero did enough full nail bleed by now only a hundred eleven bits and don't get your money guaranteed what a deal how can you afford to pass this up and I will do that he's not gonna die so I will have to do something and hopefully as is happening right now the occultist will be able to act last array fantastic we'll take all that I can't take it um I don't want the bus I already have too many bus right now alright well let's see we are out of inventory space which is the primary argument for taking the campfire early here however we are just gonna have to dump off some food anyway if we do that it's two slots though which is all we actually need for this dungeon antimatter dynamite y'all suck at puns do better can't just be calling them out and then not throwing up on our way I'll call you out antimatter dynamite thanks for the reset that I appreciate it always happy for an extra shovel always happen for two extra shovels obviously just do better low forehead ah let's see here I can't D stealth I think god I got to do that you got to do that they do weakening curse is probably really good and can I stress heal can I afford to do that here we're already four on three my family name is bears so I live for the pilots parents got bear themed gifts for their wedding met I I immediately wanted to say that's great but then I thought about it and I was like how long would that be great for I suppose you just have to make it be great for your entire life because it's never gonna stop if your name is bear people are gonna get your bear stuff I think that's just a guaranteed aberrant II if you will see we're fine at puns antimatter I think we're doing okay [Music] there's a picture on the Indians whose last name is Bieber now has that name been sullied for all of mankind for the inter for the entirety of our existence I think it's still ok it's not like an Adolf I can still be named Bieber and have a rich successful and Holtz really invigorated life managing to do pretty well in this fight actually that was an excellent pun I called out shat not you ok fair enough at least I'm doing well that's all I care about [Music] Adolph Bieber yeah [ __ ] problems in whatever field he chose to participate in at the risk of being on modded I actually rather enjoy some of his newer stuff Bieber up dude no hold on you you have solidified your mod position because I am I am Pro Bieber's music honestly I am not a lot of it like I don't listen to it but he's a good singer is what I mean to say I have no qualms with Bieber as a singer he's talented he's really good [Music] milk rit noise you know when chat just goes completely dead quiet after an opinion like that that everybody agrees with me right that's what that means [Laughter] that's a shared opinion here in the bear pile absolutely everybody's a fan of Bieber here of course crickets you know we believe you nice sea Jets find puns Randa serratus is doing fine although that does sound like a disease that's what draws the viewers saying you like Bieber yeah that's how you get popular on Twitch I have a friend who dislikes any music with lyrics in it I think you should have one less friend as a Canadian I need to support Bieber but I'm not a fan at least you have that but national allegiance right at least you got your priorities straight there they did you do let's do this lowers your protection though I wanted a come on damn it NORs national pride wall what a bunch of losers I don't personally care for his type of music I'll admit that Bieber has come leaps and bounds from where he was now B has gotten older that's the Fate too I try to give the poor guy a little bit of credit because everybody was watching his every [ __ ] move when he was 18 you know I'm [ __ ] dumb I was when I was 18 I don't want anybody judging me for that [ __ ] I think we're all pretty [ __ ] stupid Wimmers 18 you need to do oh look he's dead terrific transform down to be fair people can still be done when they're 25 so kudos to him for not being as dumb when he's 20 whatever the [ __ ] now he is right I'm a prime example hey now you're not done you're here you made a good choice all right there we go you have a quest location there as well I don't really need to go this way but I suppose I've committed at this point I'm 18 come on bear I mean odds are you're pretty dumb Dragonslayer I'm not gonna assume anything but as I said to the other person you made a pretty damn good choice by showing up here blazing star is born' goofin I started out by being self-deprecating so you know that I'm not being mean right I don't think I need this well I need to dump anything yeah I don't think so we've got like all the right inventory stuff even though the onyx is maybe worth considering yeah we're good Hey look at that I'm 28 and still dumbest [ __ ] so like I'm riding the coaster right there with you we're all we're all trying to get better everyone who is 18 is a [ __ ] bear 2018 that's fitting in it okay it might be time to camp out here I think so yeah let's do it a moment of respite a chance to steal oneself against the coming horror please showing up to this stream shows they have no taste whatsoever you monster my feelings ouch all right let's do that let's do that and let's see I could probably do this to actually just go ahead and give an encourage that works out cool no prevent but I'm fine with that yeah we did it me and b23 am super smarter than chat things mean I'm good twitch streamer me speak words good littering gold trinkets and baubles paid for in blood I'm twelve smiley face who's the youngest in chat that's a creepy question I don't want to know it never mind never mind I didn't ask that FBI go away don't know we're good I don't need to know this is in Emoto mean whoopsy cover cover our asses for a second hey let's change the subject those guys love cheese rhinoceros well my name is payal my friend thanks for some with twitch prime bear hugs please that'll get has changed over on a dime on it Jesus dopest Jesus good she's really good too good actually I'll just get those little triangles of cheese I don't even know what kind they are because I'm not cultured but it written those things oh it's only like 40 calories it's [ __ ] great it's [ __ ] wonderful hey O'Neill I'm lactose intolerant and my wife hates that I love cheese I probably would too if I was a wife if I was trying desperately to get you to not get yourself sick by eating it but you couldn't resist because it tasted too confident oh let's try this again it's good for your teeth really hold on that's that's very new information is cheese good for your teeth also someone said cheese cuts my mouth how in the world does that happen we've got calcium yellow yeah okay I guess that's true cheese is good for your soul there that just means that it's unhealthy anything anytime anyone says that food is good for your soul that means it's guaranteed to give you a heart attack in 20 years hey na na na oh the calcium and cheese and phosphates and milk help help put back minerals your teeth might have lost due to other foods like jelly beans that I eat every day heart attacks are good for your soul I guess you could argue that right yeah if you die of a heart attack it brings you closer to God I'm 17 and I'm constantly swinging between thinking I'm pretty okay and the stupidest and most worthless person in the world not just welcome to being 17 pretty much as what that is here you're doing fine you're doing fine buddy don't worry about it yay I found it finally there can I get I'm like that thanks for the 350 finding the stuff there's only the first test now it must be carried home we did what is happening we got the bright tambourine there wasn't he I fink fought at the end there yeah I had to make sure I got it accurate I'm just reading what the message says y'all are actin like I'm losing my goddamn mind like a madman or something I'm just doing what I'm told you're right Frank frog wow that's a hell of a day for her she's musical that's fun it also got the gray rot oh that's kind of cool that's really helpful actually the nocturnal sucks of course lethargy we got to get rid of ya not terrible though got a good amount of money out of that with a few tapestries yay it will not wash that's very handy all right Oh got rid of ANSI as well very good let's go ahead and do some free stress relief shall we not that we needed that much this time horse dia welcome back for nine months a row thank you very much for the recent scription I appreciate it let's go ahead and not come in to anybody else I guess that sucks you have to get rid of some disease that was a gray rot oh yeah and how about unlocking more slots in the sanitarium I suppose for the medical ward let's do that the frontline of this war is not in the dungeon but rather inside the mine that's such a great line can we go back to Justin Bieber chat behave much better they were being surprisingly good in those moments weren't they alright yeah it to cases of rape easier - alright ah let's see do we have another couple of people we want to pick up on this stagecoach I will go ahead and grab a second leper actually let's do it this ma'am understands that adversity Haysbert Seaton's the same mods porfavor entering to sub-only mode please and as I will reset this raffle and we will draw the new name sage furio's could use some stress relief it's that uh yep look at that there you go indeed good call goddamnit of course of course alright never mind I guess exclam raffle and it's chat if you'd like to be considered for the newest member of the roster here and as we are doing that I'll go ahead and figure out what we're doing next rampart shield is quite nice but it's not worth fifteen thousand gold here let's see where shall we go The Cove is tempting I always like getting ancestors relics and triggering a positive town event as a result I think I will do that actually let's go ahead and set up a leper squad for that Ross a brand new Boyle head out there along with arugula jesters seeds furiosa's going to recover his own stress for us and then kit Spindler a level 0 squad the double leper this is the endless composition by the way this is what we rocks in the farmstead that got us 146 kills so while it may not look all that good I promise you it is we'll go ahead and get this going and we will rename this leper here Ross that the da da Jacob Jacob 99 congratulations my friend you are the newest member of the roster rigged there we go alright let's take them into the guild make sure we've got the right skills to quit for him I'm gonna go ahead and use Hugh this time in place of solemnity I'm gonna go ahead and allow my healers to do their jobs and give myself options for clearing out multiple enemies if I need to this is also a camp dungeon so I'll take them to the survivalist real fast to make sure I've got at least sorry got at least decent options for recovery and healing here from these guys and let's do the same with her actually get her that accuracy and dodge buff good stuff jester actually has guild options to work with as well here doesn't he know he's already been upgraded ok so we're good to go there you need Hugh you also need Hugh and you'll take maybe revenge yeah I like the revenge buff as well we'll take that and how about how about intimidate and we'll give one intimidate and we'll give one purge oh wait no that's not gonna work out actually nevermind so I got to give them probably withstand right now I suppose these four are probably ok too if I did this that would work out pretty well I'm ok with solemnity I suppose withstand is better but it's not necessary I could give one of them purge I think I will give one of them purge but then I'm depending on that one to be in the front I suppose which isn't really terrible you know I'd [ __ ] it I don't need it we'll keep the same for I'm both of them I suppose that's fine that'll do and then jester buddy he's gonna be in spot 3 we're going to the cove right I'm pretty sure we're going to the cove so we're not gonna be bleeding with these guys yeah so then let's take these off and go for solo finale bill even though I doubt I'll actually get opportunities to use it let's actually go ahead and now you know I'll use solo I'll use solo just in case actually it doesn't make a lot of sense I mostly need finale but well I don't know I could take this off and have slice off in case I need like a little bit more damage and I don't want to move him forward yeah let's do that let's give that a try I guess and he said I'm finally gonna have his bright tambourine as well so that feels good gild real quick all right wait no we've already done that yeah we're good we're good we're all set we're all set it's time for trinkets right so berserk masks of course got to give one to each it's gonna lower the healing received but it doesn't matter given the benefits that they get from it dismisses head and the ancestors candles seem like very good options for them as well so we'll go ahead and do that right tambourine coupled with the bloodthirst ring let's do that instead and then the vestal give her the will go defensive with her I guess well actually hold on let me do this Sun ring on my gesture for the extra a little bit of damage and then doubles tambourine meta I kind of wanted to do it but it doesn't really make a lot of sense and I think I'm gonna give her the camouflage cloak well you know what that doesn't make a lot of sense either so how about we just do this will give the Vestal some extra damage for fun that dad's stressed her but it doesn't really matter well now let's do this instead that's smarter that's smarter I know it is and then we'll do that and that's good too okay cool good stuff I like it this is a solid squad I think they're gonna do just fine let's head to the cove plenty of money again now and we also get three herbs to start off with which is [ __ ] phenomenal for this place I actually go ahead and get myself a full stack of those and see if maybe I can take advantage of that to those not quite two of those actually we go for that much and don't need blood just yet I think we are ready for action let's go friend is coming over and need to act like human soon any tips clean yourself just wash your face a bit maybe take a shower if you feel like it recover these lost shipments of rarities that we may prevent them from falling into even less scrupulous drink water got to stay hydrated absolutely that's priority number one in fact I'm gonna do so myself Oh packs laden with loot are often low on supplies that is a hell of a starting fish also that's quite nice don't let them know you're an alien pretty important wow that's convenient how about we find the second one right here nope alright I'll go this way anyway though a little more experience for the crew try not saying I'm definitely a human I don't think they'll catch on if you say that honestly I'm pretty sure you'll be good to go with that I didn't see anything in the hallway by the way I don't know what you're talking about that's not a good start yikes okay hold on it let's just murder them annihilated yeah that's fine don't push me don't push me good now stress healing yeah that's gonna be easy I don't deal too much I think I'll be able to manage this pretty well let's do a hue here try to clear out the corpse a little bit or entirely oh that also works oh I need to change her skills I'm an idiot whoops I have not heard waiting June's be gone thought yet no hold on up like this and purpose is made clear this is a pretty high priority hold on is it gonna load for me I need to hear it I need to hear it you're gone that's great that's really good okay yeah I'm glad we did that thank you for the link okay so we will change your skills after this fight got to get rid of that judgment and get a group heal of course I think it's probably best that I attempt the kill but the hue of course the double hue is gonna be quite nice too [ __ ] no but at least I can still hear now okay just don't let them attack first is what I was gonna say come on man come on man all right that's fine that's fine there it is that's the good stuff another stress he'll please BAM taking care of business and let's not do that let's do that yes sir big money Oh Hughes all day cattle rod welcome back in good to have you thanks for doing this I ain't gonna solemnity here I've got a perfect opportunity to try to stress you a little bit just at the end of this one very nice good stun there I might still be able to super cheese this actually I think they'll give me one round here with the pelagic Guardian I truly believe it so let's give it a try right nice abusing the system baby hell yeah one more he'll dare I do it I think I dare and let's kill him noise that feels good these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten hell yeah all right so first of all god it was soon we're getting shuffled we put the gesture up front no matter what happens to him he's gonna be put in a position where we can make something happen actually you know what let's try to have him in spot too and then hopefully he'll be able to get to his spot three or four Vestal being there is probably okay I got to make sure I change her skills again oh she doesn't have anything else Allah [ __ ] I should have gone to the guild with her darn it that was dumb oh well oh well no need for light of course everyone's pretty much topped off but I might as well give him the final little bit let's do it behold the and there's the shuffle okay so it's not too bad obviously managed to get at least one of the lepers up front I can revenge with him I believe in that back spot so at least he's got that option there and then I'll probably go ahead and move the vestal back both times before I need to heal revenge is probably not a bad choice here but taking this damage also seems wise especially when it's 4:13 that feels pretty friggin good all right there we go now if we just finale all right he might shuffle us - I gotta consider that I do a bandages here if I want to use them finale in to move back from the vestal hopefully that's what I'm anticipating it's gonna happen first damn it games of wrath thank you for the 300 bits welcome on back in buddy think of its support all right so we don't have a group heal here unfortunately which means I might want to be a little bit more aggressive stun chance is very low in fact basically non-existent I don't really need to do anything else though so I think I might just add that one point of damage Ripley it's not that bad maybe we should try to stay ahead of the healing now let's just do this she's not contributing that much anyway Hugh seems good cilenti rent nope silent tyrant is how you say that one I keep reading in a moobot which does not properly capitalized things proper Turley capitalized I'm doing great with these sentences thanks for the subscription I appreciate your support means a great deal to me watch a way to make a sandwich and come back to ash Ambler sounds about right doesn't it words are hard words are tough q please nope alright suit yourself please don't shuffle me okay that sets up the hue pretty well I'm just gonna deal with that clapper fly guess which is getting stronger and stronger of course he is a menace ouch oh god the stress check is coming it's coming fast small heal I just need to heal how's that bleed not too bad certainly a lot easier to deal with than the other one time to chop with revenge buff there we go here we go gesture here we go stack a battle ballot perhaps I'm not getting out of this [ __ ] he's gonna have a stress check I'm sure here we go virtue I see goodness on the horizon and it's not in the form of the gesture oh it hurts oh goodness are we all that bleed wow wow that's painful I need to heal it's not stopping no come on library lab thank you for the biddies just take the [ __ ] herb okay I got a help no bleed oh it's bad oh it's bad the little penguin powerful beats for virtue there we go ouch Oh God Oh No come on Jacob yeah I was not expecting this to go so horribly wrong no my jester Mayo maniac my mother hundred biddies thank you so much oh the pain the humiliation Lucy 14 months in a row on the pile thank you so much how do they keep doing it now oh please oh god whoa okay it's too little too late maybe here yeah they're gone Wow Ling Lord gifted a sub thank you oh my goodness oh if only I had the group heal if only holy [ __ ] help him I guess he's the best choice oh man give me the twitch Brian subscription welcome to the pile oh my god great kill they survived the torchlight can be brought back the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength you are still with us friend come on baby arugula oh my god no loony me welcome or sorry thank you for the bits I should say thank you thank you for the support oh there's the passing their [ __ ] turns their passing their [ __ ] turns man and I can't even hit this guy for damage but a stun maybe a stun will do it okay oh god he's dead he's got to be gone right he's got to be gone I can't heal from back here I've got it I'm not gonna do that it might deal one nope oh my god no please no bleed no bleed no bleed no bleed yes the heart attack though can I just run please a wise general no he's dead and regroups Wow oh I got two trinkets I lost my candle oh no that didn't go well solo vessel run yeah here we go we just gotta get right back through this sham blur real quick they note a candle ah hold on a second I might as well camp out I guess together a delicious feast for the Vestal to the bear by blood rush horse of will can overcome a failing body huddled together fervent and vulnerable rats in a maze oh well she did her best oh I got it I got it all right we're out of here evil is timeless God who would have thought a team of level zeros wouldn't be able to handle a shamble he'll still do interest and obsession mile markers on my road to damnation well sorry to Jacob arugula and sage you know I didn't mean to do it to you but all the same it's been done and the week unfortunately does not pass by in the Hamlet either that results in a failure on our part so we got to get back into it man all right I suppose we could go at 10th to gather those relics again certainly still an option hold on a second those the first deaths I believe they are yeah I believe those are our first nope just getting the musketeer and the vessel from prior oh yeah and during week one wait what no not week one why does it say week one what the hell I don't know what that I don't know what's going on with that but yeah we obviously just lost those guys just now I know if only the vessel had been able to deal one goddamn damage we would have been we would have been saved for real oh well okay so let's go ahead and set up a team here and get back into the cove and figure that [ __ ] out let's do a shield breaker up front and that seems like a very good choice and then generous Samsonite chin-up bear the game hasn't beaten you yet well that'll certainly make me feel better Thank You Samsonite for the $50 tip my goodness much appreciated please get some love up in the chat for Samsonite thank you thank you for that support that is tremendous Wow alright well have I learned my lesson clearly not but this is a decent team all the same antiquarian healer it's gonna have to be the thing and then we've got the árboles to boot of course I think it'll be okay we've got defense in the form of the shield breaker I'm willing to give it a try they're pretty high level too let's try it out bucket full antiquarian team why are we even stalling here huh why not just commit that's what three lives are worth these days everyone's got the direct conversion library lad hundred bits thank you buddy appreciate it alright then let's take these guys into the guild slash blacksmith and see what we can do you obviously need a big boost I'm gonna go ahead and sell a few trinkets as well I know I've got to make some money here so let's get rid of the protection stone the stun charm critical stone bleed stone and let's get rid of Alamo all these are decent enough I guess to keep for now those are worth a good amount but got to keep them for now okay so that'll do they're all set grave-robber will take a little bit of extra damage as will the shield breaker guild big upgrades here I got to take the impale boost get that blight chance and then let's go with two blocks three speed I don't know if that's necessarily worth it I want the blight bonus is but that unfortunately does not add more damage she's gonna be in spot two for this composition right yeah it's Aquarians in there and spot three everything is indeed okay library lad thinking for the biddies man enjoy your baseball the most baseball units that'll bring the wrath of Europeans football emotes sorry sorry I'm in super mega baseball - mode let's get her battle heal boosted it's clearly a good choice and then I think I'd like to take some buffs across the board for her blind-fire sniper shot antiquarians all set to go let's do shadow fade no it's not all that great that'll be pretty good I'll take the lunge buff and then I guess this is worth it no it's not I'll do thrown daggers a little bit more accuracy I am low on money now though oh my god yeah I think it's time to maybe just call it good with that sell one more trinket probably let's selva I could sell the campers helm and I rarely get value out of that not to mention the book of Rage is never going to be equipped so there's that great ok cool a little bit more cash let's do this thing first of all set the trinkets up I'm gonna get dismisses head to the damage dealer who is the grave robber there you go lewd name here please give your opinion on the Crusader sword from the farmstead shop let's have a look at it real quick Crusader sword the dirge right no the nanak Lydian hilt more max health adds stun chance with holy water on attack hit blight that is really good no wonder it costs 200 random target 5% that's a trade-off you make for that 100% that's so good holy [ __ ] that's good anything that applies an on hit effect I think is gonna be highly coveted light scale chance is awesome actually let's go ahead and get through that she'll break she'll break her trinket and then I'll also give her mmm camouflage cloak actually might not be a bad idea but let's give her the rich cover each arm just to help her out with the antiquarian in the battlefield bandage 2 and then more damage versus blighted targets is certainly helpful this time let's give the antiquarian the book of relaxation I supposed to add to her actually no that doesn't only help her at all let's give her the camouflage cloak to help her out that way oh wait no she's gonna be protected the entire time so let's give that to the our bolused and let's give the antiquarian the blood thirst ring and the bloodied fetish I suppose no no let's give that to the árboles to actually give her the more defensive measures and give the antiquarian something like hmm really nothing I guess right yeah nothing really works so that's fine don't have to give her something maybe we'll find something in the dungeon protect me her heal her festering vapors in a nervous stab which is perfect we all this stuff for the antiquary or for the árboles which is all set to go lunch in case I needed shadow fade for the same reason than them boys Oh poison darts can be used in spot to good okay well in that case I am gonna upgrade it then for the extra 600 gold that's totally worth it bam and bam there we are very nice good good good good and then shield breaker will use impale and let's go with captivate Serpent's way impale and pierce no no let's use adders kiss actually and then we can have her shift around a bit right yeah that's probably for the best all right good good good good I like it she's all set with a pick to the face up front and the shadow fade for the shuffling antiquarian actually you know what let's gave her get down this time probably even in place of nervous stab actually I want to give her the option to get back whenever she needs to and the are bolused I think we'll probably be able to stay in her position without too much effort so there we go I do have sixty crystals yeah I've gotten those from the traveling boss from the thing from the stars all right let's do it I think we'll be able to handle this it's obviously gonna be a bit tougher given the lack of proper healing but I think we'll manage I'm gonna do two shovels the full stack of torches a couple more bandages here let's prioritize that which we know we need which I think we've basically handled already and in that case let's go with like one more shovel one more bandage maybe because we will need some way to deal with that and one more torch perfect almost bankrupt yet again hey directory how are you let's do it let's go recover these lost shipments of rarities that we may prevent them from falling into even less scrupulous quest location right away that is awesome let's do it bro flat broke straight up got to remember the antiquarian here so we got to fix that ideally make ourselves some cash this time and hey lookie there nice I have two kinds of healers I guess technically I do not really got desperation healers is what I've got none on the anti-venom all try though sick and you've got 81 ten sixty and seventy definitely got very good stuff good stuff this is a long hallway keep it going stack that up and I actually give myself the opportunity to just disarm the trap here for the small amount of grave-robber stress relief very nice easy going so far save up shards for the man-at-arms trinket super good reflects damage back at foes holy [ __ ] I am very excited for a lot of those shard trinkets they look really nice curio nut quest location unfortunately we do have herbs for this interaction might as well that's pretty good I end up dumping these two off pretty quickly along with that actually see how that's easy easy inventory management there boy come on now no curse nice they've got pretty high odds to apply it here though oh I got to remember she's got less accuracy too I got to keep that in mind we would impale is gonna be beautiful yay let's go ahead and do it nice good stuff try to get a kill he's got some protection very very good festering vapors is certainly a better not a bad choice here oh I didn't equip get down I got to do that I gotta swap off my stab [ __ ] lemme oh that's that name welcome to the pile limey oh thank you very much appreciate it bear hugs please bear hugs porfavor for the newest member I appreciate the support thank you very much all right I got a healer a little bit he's dead oh he's not dead let's do this noise antiquarian Anna battlefield Vantage ideally hopefully in that inverse order but sadly not which means maybe we do this just to guarantee the kill thank you mommy I appreciate that a lot it's very kind wow she's healing for five Thank You recovery charm really that's actually quite good that is some decent healing just by itself like I'm not too worried about it anymore for the shield breaker at least slightly tougher fight starting with an impale always feels good though alright oh thank you again I've got no way to deal with that obviously so I am going to be very thankful for any stress wave that doesn't land its target nice antiquarian hit landing the protect me is pretty important too because it's like luckily that was not too much damage but anything beyond that could be very very detrimental good good good go ahead and pop this here I forgot to toss on get down again but I'll just do that next option I've gots for next opportunity you have gone hey big snake how you doing serpents way now I think I've got the damage here let's just clear them out that's why I only need nine there we go formation right there right there buddy you got it ah [ __ ] okay I will heal here [Music] anime as well finish you off dammit yeah candle of life actually does end up making a pretty big difference for a late-game for sure like champion level antiquarian with candle of life is not it's not terrible like it is usable drag return dragger a welcome into the pile my friend thank you for subscribing with money sorry I just I get so used to saying the twitch prime thing these days but thank you for subscribing much appreciated enjoy your badge nemo's buddy ah let's go ahead and eat some food here damn there we go and again I clear out one more slot don't me okay so how about that's probably worth less than that there we go and not a not a quest item but again I'm willing to take the chance here holy [ __ ] that's nice Oh glad you feel that way a male maniac tell you well let's just kill one of these guys straight-up give the numbers advantage and hopefully be able to pick to the face the other actually oh my god this team is so good for the cove I just realized this is like the ultimate Cove squad at least these front liners are because they just Massacre the pelagic Guardian you get that straight-up damage just got three one-shot kills - that feels awesome I think I might try to heal that actually man let's just kill him come on nice I will take a hill if I get the chance but do the damage otherwise they were Yelp no need it's just Victory's mount so - still got plenty of food and obviously with the blood thirst ring that won't really be a problem I'm gonna actually go ahead and let the torch light go down and try to use the campfire to try to preserve it a little bit longer than a little go at this rate there you've been an inspiration for several years of my life and just begun the tempest journey of darkest dungeon they get an only appropriate that I contribute to the man who introduced me to the game well thank you man good tidings to you good fortunes in your endeavors I forgot the skill again I forgot it again dad I've gotta get that I've got to get down got the goddamn get down oh yeah look at that though nice he's dead holy [ __ ] that's a hell of a start I'll use the nervous stab here to make it worthwhile they have had it once beyond that I don't know what I'm gonna do oh yeah here it is worth worth it and can't reach him but I'll shut up babe and then maybe lunge lunge next turn let me have it let me have it come on nice 36 [ __ ] damage holy [ __ ] okay I do want those deeds let's clear off the crests I guess it's probably less valuable and then okay then once we get in here we'll go ahead and let the torch light run all the way probably up to like this point and then that will end up camp camp firing to prolong the light only three torches hopefully we're gonna be able to save him for the end unfortunately we don't have Sun Rings and ancestors candles anymore to consider so that's a bit of a bummer not the skill I almost forgot again there we go we got it we got it we got a good [ __ ] good [ __ ] get you thanks Chet appreciate it where would I be without you it down mr. president he shouldn't I should name an antiquarian mr. president yeah that would work really well then I'd sacrifice a sudden name can't do that can't do that never impale even if it just lands the flight on that guy it's so good even though I'm just gonna kill him a very good start to the turn here and it is indeed going to be time to heal that's too much damage way too much way too much yeah sorry I got to go for the neck kills why can it's compulsive bandage please thank you be gone fought pierce for the stress kill go what if you had a stud named mr. president well that would certainly solve our problem wouldn't it and can I get the kill 2 + fat plus that's not enough let's do that slightly better nice this is on darkest difficulty you've already proven my mettle in the stygian I just literally said how under confident I am of myself Wayne you give me a little credit there this is a store your cat stupidest or [Music] swear to God I heard him say that big stat big crit okay damn it and that's it bed I still do need to heal a little bit actually does she have the healing received buff she does Wow okay I could kill the madman here with the herbalist that's probably the smarter move actually then I can heal her next turn even though she doesn't have the healing receive buff that's okay would much rather have the numbers advantage plus the removal of stress causes hey let's go hey bear don't ever tell you about the ones time I beat didi on Radian mode in only six weeks Wow nice impressive how the hell did you do that isn't the isn't the record like 20 weeks or something like that it sounds actually impossible so I'd like to learn how you did it it still you still need to heal basically with everybody I can this time let's just try to finish him off in a slow way never mind now he is gonna die I just do this to kill time I guess for the people I follow our streaming darkest dungeon right now and I want to watch all of them it's a good time to be playing this game man look at this that's a handy trinket to find yay I should have looked at those boots at least but no well if only treasure could staunch the flow you're talking about six actual weeks not six weeks in the game okay that was that was very confusing my bad that seems much more manageable how about we just get rid of that and keep going and don't use torches until we absolutely get to the end of the delight you should have probably used a shovel on that but I'm kind of worried I might need them for the end here I use the grave robber what the shed carelessness will find no clemency in this place it's not what I did yeah yeah that was no foul here we go okay it's at least useful might be a quest location indeed it is so they might just camp out here just to make the space for the quest item or waiting actually seems like a good choice in fact let's just dump this herb take that dump those and then camp out right here it was due to a bug after I finished week five the game crashed when I hit the return to town button when I booted the savefile up at the game handed me the entry level and in such haste achievements Wow oh well congratulations then yeah you did do it in six weeks well played okay um I think I will go ahead and give her the big buffs can restring crossbow as one of those that's pretty good let's try this that's not bad don't need the stress heal she doesn't have any disease she could snuffbox the antiquarian turn at the n square and the the are bolused if she wanted to you know what let's do that [ __ ] cure the rabies why not and then I think I'll take this I want this buff I think of what the snakes get more than I want the armor piercing for everybody else and then we'll just do is resupply here shovel cool okay now we got to fight the enemies made clear two of them this time holy [ __ ] okay I know don't worry I'm aware so obviously impaling these boys is very effective does activate the repost unfortunately but I think that will indeed be our play please protect most importantly she protect move well the phone here armor-piercing not worth what's shadow fate and then the our bolused should go for a blind fire probably nice resistance at least because a blind fire has a chance actually no I think even if I go blind fire those guys will protect so it's probably not worth it maybe a battlefield bandage here Oh bowl that would work right yeah they're still gonna block it I forgot okay let's just try to kill one of these guys then I guess beautiful takes away in the impale again but I think that's probably worth it that's a very good dodge I think I'll just a serpent's way here I guess maybe try to pierce this guy I don't think it's gonna be enough though let's just try to keep her alive a little dangerous miss it okay more [ __ ] light oh my god nice okay well my goodness at least they're exposed now so I can do a little bit more damage to them let's go ahead and try to hit the backline I guess um I think doing this is smartest and then I will have him pale next turn although I'm not actually sure if it's the best choice he's gonna be guarded no matter what so I guess pick the face then god damn that sucks the big old bummer okay hmm a ders kiss with add to the blight 9 + 3 + 1 is 13 so it's not enough Pierce 7 - 13 let's try for the crit I guess lock the hit man yeah without background music it's especially intimidating and I really like that about this fight thankfully didn't choose 4 again it's still gonna be tough ok good they're no longer retaliating thankfully let's just do this and still not gonna be enough damage even if it's a blight they're not blind fire is fine oh my [ __ ] god really alright at least it's a speed buff but it's still not enough to be faster than them I don't think there's the check sailfish preservation is paramount at any cost bummer we get the action first we do all right we kill them at least there's that such exquisite 'no smushed be admired they say and so I made dance for their desperate dust pitted faces for their watery bloodshot eyes that cracked grinning lips I am NOT a person to this debauched audience I am an exotic wonder I'm a beautiful thing beautiful thing indeed a shimmering scale ten percent protection we'll take it we'll take it baby give you some food to feel a little better about things grab those use an anti-venom and recovery charm in the slot right there right I'm gonna have to dump off something anyway so I think I'll get rid of the keys and we'll get rid of the well you just use the age of scales I guess actually it was probably better to take home aren't they [ __ ] it I've already done it I need the space keep the keys just kidding we're gonna dump one off immediately do I need the shovels anymore maybe you know what let's take a chance take a small small chance yeah I know the scales pretty damn useful I just made a commitment that I shouldn't have already there though unfortunately die okay stun know right yeah shadow if it doesn't do that anymore balls all right bull uh no I think blind fire is better now hopefully the blight will take care of him it would have looked much better doing that she says take a chance take a chance they can change change chance those shovels ain't coming with no sir those shovels are dumped gonzo come on give me the space there we go nice success so clearly and boom right fantastic let's get rid of this bandages now I guess there's our quest let's see if we can make a little more cash here oh [ __ ] let's see if we can make a little more cash here just kidding let's get a spasm of the on trails that's a better idea welcome back Inc all right I'll get greedy suit yourself game put me in this position I shall take advantage thank you worth worth it worth it no matter what is it gonna be worth it still let's find out work on him first just being able to do straight-up damage to him feel so damn good I want the crits from the impale at some point to one of these days I don't worry buddy she's already feeling bad about herself okay okay then how about the festering vapors on our good friend a pelagic Rupert yeah yeah Dodge [ __ ] you naughty so tell you what I think I'm gonna go ahead and let him blight out let's go for the sniper shot there beautiful beautiful and he's gonna miss his attack it's not success this against the DEP just kidding that'll work all right Vic to the face please hey every job they do dude dude to do to do passes turn alright then oh she's gonna need a heal luckily resisted that bleed but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and toss it heal her away thankfully he's gonna miss ah [ __ ] and let's go like BAM nice and let's do this about being about a boom sweet okay he's dead he's on his way very likely to die from a spear from the shield breaker so let's try to set that up or this also acceptable another heal all right nice nice nice noise good [ __ ] precipitates Cove music is your favorite I also dig it alright you know we gotta push it one last haul one last haul for a room battle let's do it that's all the light we've got a little bit of extra food here actually let's go ahead and take that right now fill everybody up cuz we only need three to actually handle the activation you know we are of course naturally met worms here either unfortunately we'll give it a shot though alright that's helpful you're my favorite - chill Reve thanks for being here thanks for modding oh don't curse me don't punish me I don't ever deserve to be punished okay Pharaoh for one let's see definitely do that you really think so huh vampy time boys no no sir not today not happening just a little bit of extra stress to deal with no big deal no problem and then a sniper shot will do it nice nice pick the face bombing run not bad I can handle that I can completely handle that it's a bit of damage but at least it's no curse okay that's acceptable I suppose go for her go for her I said noise nailed it picked up lobotomy Corp game neck mentioned on the roundtable yesterday I just lost my entire staff to a sentence speaker system man this is really sounding like a game I need to play these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten stressful purely decorative all right all right fair enough fair enough let's go no vampy time boys all right we'll get quick reflexes they're too nice finally crafted a free weapon upgrade you say woohoo baby we'll take that and take that thank you very much I'll go ahead and give that to uh I'll give that to Kat that sounds like a fine fine fine recipient for that upgrade favorite part of the new DLC definitely the endless mode I'm very much looking forward to playing that more as we get deeper into the game Mad Catz how you doing welcome okay let's go ahead and address a few ailments real fast let's put pickle chips in there to rid himself of spaz moving on trails here I don't think we actually need too much stress recovery apart from the shield breaker so that's nice you're the hemophilia as well Joe Farrar gets to be committed there we go there we go very nice okay okay what week my on now I believe I'm on week 24 yeah week 24 okay cool I think I think that's gonna do it for today everybody as I just mentioned I just nearly passed out after stretching so I think maybe I ought to eat something I think maybe I ought to prioritize my own health for a second here so that I think is gonna signify the the conclusion of the stream today but thank you so much of course everybody for hanging out with me that I think I certainly do appreciate your time for both spelunky Saturday and the color of melfin is here today thank you so much for watching bye Mayo maniac thank you for the 400 biddies thank you all for the support that bits the tips the subs thank you thank you so much for the love today I certainly appreciate you being here of course all the VOD from this is gonna be up over on / beritasatu check that out over there if you'd like you missed any part of this dream action today I believe they're going with movie night right now so I'm just looking to make sure that's where I'm gonna be sending the raid love off they were but maybe not know it look like it I don't see them live not okay well I guess we'll send it over to last gray wolf then yep that's what we'll do gray last gray wolf there we go prior to that though of course big thank you to my sponsors for the streams here the madrenas coffee every single stream is sponsored by madrenas gothic go to madrenas confi comm slash shop or between scoff dot-com slash bear taffy rather use the code bear coffee for 444 40% off as well as my new sponsor better help exclamation point help in chat if you looking for convenient affordable therapy better help something I use myself and continue to use regularly has been an excellent balancing factor in my life and I highly recommend it so if you've ever considered online therapy or counseling of course better help is a great choice there use the link provided by Mumbai and help me out too let's send some raid love off the last gray wolf he's playing some Dark Souls some bark souls for dog Oh Phil chat with Roo Roo Roo Roo Roo Roo Roo Roo Roo for me please as you send the raid love off over the last gray wolf my boy Austin playing some Dark Souls 11 thanks for hanging out everybody appreciate your time I'll see it more than likely Monday for more color - goodbye you
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 80,830
Rating: 4.8858953 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: 10ErEIazWoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 49sec (5929 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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