Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Charity - Baer's Runs (Attempt #2)

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beep all right then I think we're ready let's do this full provisions baby well not that scorched-earth thank you so much for the hundred biddies you stay cool too buddy appreciate it uh let me toss this one herb and bring shard dust because again just I wonder if maybe there's some sort of interaction we can take part in with it but you don't know unless you bring it back to the pitch I've not used the crystals yet no I know where to do so though and I am hoping to acquire several more in this run-through the farmstead to be able to afford one of those nice nice trinkets they got there they're looking good I'm optimistic about this team composition I think we'll be able to do ok I want to mostly get through the Miller like as long as I can make progress every single time I'll be fine by me ok as tempted to try a holy water but let's be let's be smart about it shall we this is usually the starting crew it seems I wonder if it's procedurally generated or if it's the same static enemy spawns every time and if that were the case it would be interesting to be able to like plan around that well done kitten good start that feels nice this holy water do something yet increases your resistances to certain things so if you pop one it'll increase your blight bleed and stress I'll check eventually I'll probably use them wow we're doing well holy one more dodge for me okay okay she's now marked debuff resist okay yeah that sounds right yeah I just deal some straight damage eventually right keep going for the back Wow okay two for two for kitten who's keeping track of that because that's ridiculous so far how about another stun here oh damn not too much Neil yeah we've only been live for a bit mostly for setup for this this is the very first enemy crew here in our second endless run alright healing with a vestal next turn let's just go for the kill I have no problem continually smiting if that's what the situation calls for and I'm definitely gonna use an anti-venom there my god the grave robber is killing it so far crack meister welcome on in thank you were someone with twitch prime i appreciate it buddy go you bagent emotes you're dead but odd I do this first gone I do feel it's the better move and then I could Dirk stabbed broken yeah I like that okay then a stunt would be helpful but it's not necessary I'm looking at 130 against 60 which the odds are definitely in my favor but I should heal let's just stay on top of that for 14 oh my god I love the super Vestal it's a beautiful beautiful thing so here's what holy water does it's gonna provide us with those blight bleed DS disease and disease and debuff resistances ah come on let's get lucky let's not go for the guy with the propose though there we go clear the corpse even and the stress eel and his buff is protection that's awesome [Music] all right we're gonna try to stress heal as often as we can when we have a situation like this just kidding this isn't the kind of situation we want to do it in nice good hit okay oh you know what I probably don't even need to do it now welcome to the pile bear hugs please for the newest member of the pile thank you thank you so so much for the support time to celebrate with a sub yes indeed thank you well c'mon in let's keep this control game going why heal when you can prevent damage right there we go all right not too bad I go ahead and let the crusader take out the crystal well now there's dealing more damage between the two of them it's probably the Crusader right yeah by far okay which means she should do this another abomination cleansed from our land but she keeps critic she can't stop critic oh I love these this is probably a majority of the reason why it keeps happening just kill wall yeah week let's do it this is a good feeling so far I feel like we've established complete control assuming control Wow I wanted the crit with that come on Mass Effect quote tell you what let's set up a lunge advantage have some fun with that noise and I'll give him a quick little heal Z there you go pal hey motivated how you doing oh yes they just keep coming back from all you said the quote wrong so that's why they didn't give you the crit ah damn it I it up that explains a lot Oh baby litter ated got to keep buffing that crit chance the blood quickens and yeah it she can't not crit I know the crit he'll just more crit unless all you mean this guy keep pretty why stop Creighton cover the crepe don't pretty good let me finale I probably should right yeah we're go ahead and get you up there oh my god onslaught destroy them Oh except I have holy lance now so I'm definitely gonna do that sorry to disappoint yet I'll probably shadow fade hey bear skidamarink a dink abou skidamarink adoo how's the Resco shadow fade finale no oh my god wow that's cool that's pretty nice it does mean I love you doesn't it that's nice thanks buddy I'm gonna abuse this opportunity huh finale Remo LP bottle behind bottle ahead but for a moment peace thank you death metal crit with a pic that is on a stick is a neat trick but they think you're a sick dick they'll beat in the nick of time rickety rickety Rick Rick tastic great more well c'mon in buddy thank you so much this is going pretty well so far I'd say gotta remember to take advantage of my per battles a little bit more frequently and hey look she's still stealth probably won't hang around for too much longer though alright let's reset the party order real quick here all done uh are we good yeah off we go yeah it was only first wave we can't really get too stoked about that yeah I am excited for the fact that he has the potential of 91 damage though that feels amazing oh she had a damage buff still applied from the shadow fade well that was convenient I should do that more often I should carry over the buffs whenever possible which we have done his finale is already buffed and we'll stack more holy okay rich welcome back in buddy thank you so much for 13 months in a row that's appreciate it keep them full stacks up no reason not to she's only got six stress and not gonna be too concerned about that clear this yeah although it might be more beneficial to me to allow that to crystallize since I can kill all that and then immediately gain health from it but now okay so now that that's gonna spawn I suppose it was probably the right call hmm thirteen months that's almost a month Wow with seventeen months that's almost ninety one damage yeah kill him yay well too bad for you buddy I've got something to deal with that actually you know I think this is a great opportunity for shadow fade and I can easily kill that shadow fade out of here allow the vessel to go for an illumination on him oh we can finale even better is that a good option right now yeah probably oh that was a weak one that one didn't even have the ohm for the other one nice okay okay see like in situations like this I'm not worried about it at all it's not only can i shadow fade again I can also pick to the face which is pretty damn good against these guys gobble Dargo I'm gonna well you know what I'm hoping the holy Lance will finish him off so let's set that up I guess and who a stun is kind of unlikely do you did you yeah let's do this those finale crits deserve some bits and celebration will thank you kindly for obliging the five hundo yell clear that executed with impunity I mean just keep healing right there's nothing wrong with that keep healing keep buffing let him do his thing he's not gonna deal a ton of damage if it just keeps cycling you paw the ground and trample as long as I kill these things and I have an extremely high likelihood of doing so yeah and then oh that's unfortunate one of the rare circumstances where he doesn't have an option for anything but now we get to be bad they are floating yeah I love again I noticed this about the Miller in particular but I love that fragmented look all these creatures have where like their limbs are almost separated from the rest of their body it's so cool okay time to help the Jester out a little bit let's try on you I do have 160 I haven't really even taken advantage of that yet but it didn't work that time unfortunately and sadly finale is not available here let's go ahead and get rid of that V buff buff ourselves up with some holy water and then attempt something helpful let's do great it's still pretty good okay and now that's definitely better yes okay thank you have you seen I haven't seen the roaming Vasya no I'm hoping to I tried to find him yesterday but I didn't get the opportunity no he's beautiful ok and finish them off and give us a healing opportunity here I guess like that's rid of ace and I think we can afford a party he'll that's probably probably fine the jesters not really in need yeah definitely stress he'll who's got the most you his wave too so we're definitely in a small fries still nothing too intimidating yet I could still shadow fade fine as you wish and I'll go for a couple stuns try to control early on here and not take a lot of damage the buffs back up [Music] I'd love to be able to leave here with like full buffs again on these battle ballots carrying that over into the next area is huge I think yeah let's try us done here almost certainly gonna get it it's a good amount of damage still with that deal I try to mark party in this place indicate didn't work as well as I'd hoped mostly because the occultus is so unreliable a mad catz how you doing welcome I get a little stress heal there love that stress you wait for 14 feels real nice hi had to come in here oh my god madness bless you Chad says bless you she says she doesn't need your blessings check she's her training puppy with the core disrespected chat take my blessings you will have my blessings let her know that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer now when you're a rainbow unicorn you're pretty much inescapable when you're a rainbow unicorn oh well that works blast some sheltered corner of reality I wonder if this cures blight nope [Music] is it Miller time I don't think it's Miller time yet pretty sure it's not Miller time yet the guilt has weighed her down this whole time all right I think we're ready the colors transform who haven't seen gleaming yet more bleed skill chance more healing effects month oh my god its darkest enemy's squiffy gassed sawtooth nomads bit machine broke so this laughter supply is perfectly fine buddy thank you very much for that you see it the $20 tip my goodness listen to this music this is so good the new soundtrack is top tier it's incredible [Music] I'm just gonna listen to this this is so good a singular strike ill feed a dizzying blow to body and brain why is everything different it's scary I know Laura the literal horror that would have been inflicted oh hey we can get through that let's see though I'd love to stun him I don't think the odds are in my favor there though he is unholy all right that's pretty good I might have a chance to take him down before he acts I don't know why I did that actually um that's unlikely shoot well I mean I could do this and deal direct damage to the pelagic champion that's probably okay and then let's heal her for sure just make sure I don't allow anybody to get into a bad position health-wise and I think I just got to allow the Crusader to finish him off even though he very well might go after him we've got a lot of speed maybe I've got enough to be able to afford yeah there we go nice damn dog man bit machine broke here to take my money already well damn it twitch let people buy bits if you want to get in on the tips you got to let people buy pits death waits the slightest lapse and concentration thank you for the tip though I certainly appreciate that tips and bits are basically equal to me by the way if you're curious so that's absolutely fine metal piece the last bits alright it's not working for you be a little cautious here she's got a little bit too low health for my liking I think I'm also gonna go ahead and stress heal here considering I've got like full health on everybody besides her it seems like a decent opportunity and this might be a more difficult area 65% I've got really high odds for success here let's go for a crit again that's fine and then there yeah you know what stunning blows like we do let's go for it my god can't stop critic [Music] my strongest music would kill us hammer let alone a mere Chrissy you cannot hand on my strongest music Oh No still has bits as well I am honestly not a lost shot by that so no touchdown three one four thank you very much for this subscription welcome to the bear pile my friend thank you very much for the support enjoy your badge and emotes British uh yes gotta love that double damage lunge they brought in a pelagic piranha so that's not really the most threatening thing in the world let me go ahead and keep this stun game going I'm gonna try to stress heal as much as I can here - I feel like this is a decent opportunity to do so group he'll take care of the majority of these issues that bleed is unfortunate I think I might go ahead and let her heal off of this thing won't take a bandage and go for that yeah that seems good lepers yeah I ever everyone's telling me lepers are the at this point like they are unstoppable killing machines and I don't doubt it demon hey thanks for the quarter buddy I've yet to use one at the champion level but seeing what I've seen of it I I believe I believe what I hear I love that we have like no worries about party shuffle like that it doesn't even impact our decision it feels really really good it's it is funny how the piranhas are low priority yeah that is a little weird isn't it ah but let's see let's go ahead and keep working on him he's gonna take a long time he's also not really the most threatening thing here what is it would probably be him right but we can't get to him yet how about we set up another shadow fade seems like a fine opportunity I could go ahead and pop a group he'll here as well or I could dirk stab and do a finale but that puts him in unnecessary danger whereas I could just buff everybody again and really just keep riding the high here another stun is maybe viable on this guy these crits the crits tons for stress relief it's amazing oh my god yes another one alright that's okay no bleeding nice I might want to increase my resistance is to bleed if I can I should pop some more holy waters like right now actually yeah let's go ahead and do it and I do have a stun available here let's do it I'm really enjoying that control you're in unnecessary danger just by being here this is necessary danger this is absolutely necessary danger what are you talking about this is the most necessary danger I've ever per taken it no it almost certainly be a kill do I want that one though yeah I think so oh my god I had to jinx it didn't I wore wool cry bits don't make a good pillow I believe you you put the enemy in different hair did you say something sounded like you guaranteed to kill their bear whoopsie whoops-a-daisy um he's only got a protection buff let's do it again same here neo McCadden and I am absolutely in love with this new content the same list mode is a a treat for me I think we keep buffing although we are at full buff right now so this is maybe a decent opportunity to dirt stab I could probably get the kill here just me I guess you know what reverse psychology reverse psychology coming up next or maybe just don't even talk about it at all if I just ignore the game maybe I'll just get crits all the time that's probably how it works I can't say the word though it's like saying Voldemort ah I probably can't say Baltimore either well I probably it no well I think would be cool with the other area enemies had crystals on them here that would be kind of neat yet well I like that they've got their own theme to Samsonite thanks for 7:00 my friend welcome on into the pile I appreciate and enjoy your badge and emotes I think I could shadow fade again here go for another group heal real fast I'm not finale yet have I oh my god yeah hmm yes that'll help that'll help a lot all right now what am i stunned chances here I can definitely stun this boy again goods plus I've got double damage lunge slash pic to the face next oh that's no good I guess it's gonna be pic to the face and he's stunned now - that really sucks nice still double damage still a trend let's go is has no intrinsic merit unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue now still set up a lunge here and then Dirk's tab to move the Vestal forward I guess really my best choice I can at least help there lowers is dodged alright that's fine by me [Music] I'm gonna bring a couple more people in here right I would expect no okay that's fine by me die now I can heal thankfully let's go ahead and relieve a little bit of stress too and I can I think I can holy lance the frontline right I'm pretty sure [Music] nah damn okay well in that case I don't think I necessarily need to if only you had the crims and court sets all the trinket sets yeah goodness that would be pretty damn helpful here wouldn't it all right so we don't actually have to kill all these guys I'd suppose that I'm probably better off just going for the other fish because they're gonna be easier to kill right that's it's gonna contribute toward are told more quickly nice so I might go for a Dirks tab to try to finish him off still got a holy Lance available whoo that's a bit of fish fish there's a bit of pain show duck shout it up well come on in thank you so much for your subscription Tier one enjoy your badge and emotes buddy all right we can still group heal this not too bad be a fish be a fish and no longer have any shadow feeds unfortunately so it's gonna be all about this pic to the face still ought to handle the issues just fine oh this is dangerous where's my speed buffs they're all gone oh no oh boy okay okay buddy you're gonna leave I'm an idiot I just put them in position and get hit again hold them forward oh lordy Lordy lordy alright that's fun let's help him out just a little bit more I can leave him be for a minute what bypasses guard it's Dirk's tab that's a champion sure is there we go welcome on in my friend thank you thank you so much for your subscription as well I certainly appreciate it oh hell yes thank you oh okay it's fair I guess all I gotta do is survive this round here I just need to survive and a little teleport me stop printing it's not fair we're almost out let me go wait a minute I need to clear a space don't I god damn it oh are you kidding me thank you you got a holy Lance help me please game this is Sergey oh boy that sucks that sucks come on now just teleport me away from this nightmare why are they still here I thought I was done Neal cloud welcome to the bear pile thank you for subscribing I need some buffs holy this guy doesn't die course he doesn't die he's meant not to die holy hell oh no I was kind of playing this with the impression that I was gonna be teleported out I am very surprised to still be here not that I really could have affected it in any other way I guess well let's try to prevent further disaster I suppose immediately bandaged myself obviously and then this is a good idea and we're still working on this guy no more crits though we don't get those anymore those are a thing of the past I'm gonna just bandage I know I should have done it earlier obviously speed please you gonna let City B take you down bear if you best me legitimately as he is currently doing nothing I can do about it doing what I can about it anyway holy Lance please die thank you thank goodness oh my god don't bleed thank stop it alright that's good he definitely could have made that worse I never get to teleport out if you deal six damage here I'm losing my mind I'm losing it losing it it's gone my minds out of my head it's out of my skull it's on the floor its writhing around it doesn't know what to do it's out of its comfort zone [Music] my resolve has been tested this is some nonsense miss please whoa Thanks oh now you want to take me out oh I appreciate it a good job thank you curiosity's begging for examination Thanks appreciate the help hi oh yeah good oh my god you need some flex tape because that's a lot of damage yes sir okay can I use these no okay I eat all the cheese wheels [Laughter] I think it's holy water time consume prilosec all right off we go into that good night filled with blood oh all right grave-robber you know the deal by now yourself forever [Music] come on you only need 250 more kills oh oh four five plenty of time mining a time we'll handle it she's got armor-piercing she can't be more than this guy she was did I guess she lost all her mojo at the start I guess she shot her load too early I'm just gonna let him trample dabber II know with this composition that moves really not that threatening knowledge welcome to the pile buddy thanks for someone with twitch Prime very much appreciated me folks did you know if you get Amazon Prime that means he got twitch prime means you got a free subscription to any channel on twitch TV including this one if you want to go ahead and hit on up there to that subscribe button see maybe you got yourself a free sub to use here on here on twitch I'm certainly appreciated okay I've got to get her back to the bear mister that's a lot you found it thank you friend well done also dog King welcome welcome on in guys thank you thank you so much it actually worked Wow death where's bunny slippers the tier 3 holy big old bear hugs please for death where's bunny slippers in the tier 3 sub drop the bear brown the true color of madness bear brown that is a great name yeah ok so she's gonna attack random targets for two rounds I got to avoid that can't attack anyone I don't mind that too much stay hydrated got it got it I got it oh those crystals are an overlay yay finally got it back Thank You deaf where's bunny slippers appreciate but I thought that was a familiar name yeah thought I'd heard that one before yeah might be enough exactly enough does not dissuade the sharpened blade we're doing pretty well managing her horrible situation from last time at least he's not gonna be buff luckily gab man thanks for the bits dude I'm gonna try to Durack stab one of those i guarante even allow her the opportunity to this up I'm not gonna finale obviously so yeah this is gonna happen and then let's just go ahead and he'll a little bit more here because I can use the Crusader to do that I'll bounce us back up for that a little bit and then compassion roof he'll of course very good all right yeah that feels nice I could probably finale at this point I don't know if I've buffed it pretty well it seems like a decent option and she has the double damage buff applied here so let's go ahead and use that liberally maybe I don't want to finale just yet maybe I could go ahead and dirt stab some more I was gonna finale the dugout but yeah obviously doesn't need to do that anymore come give this guy a nice little holy Lance damn he's got the random target now okay well we definitely need to get him back somehow holy Lance is only gonna move us forward one unfortunately oh my god how do you keep missing that it's pretty hard to miss that move you really got to be trying to that up buddy let's just send him back here well thank you so much for the $25 tip dude Oh got it crit off the freaking return hit sucks the wounds of war can be healed never hidden can't stay must work here some indirect support for your charity efforts thank you very much very kind you I appreciate that got to be working on our stress heal pretty soon there you go that's how you do it you remember now oh my god that buff that's why she was dodging everything holy that's we need to build Krita round her in that case that's incredible let's not allow the gesture to be afflicted that would certainly be awful later on Elfie thank you so much okay probably need to heal still I can afford a stress y'all here yeah I could do it that's you bad shadow fade maybe not the worst idea either that would bring the vessel into position too so she can't stun anymore so maybe I go ahead and just keep doing this that wolf killer welcome into the bear pile my friend thank you very much for you switch pram suburi no a few more bear hugs please if y'all wouldn't mind new members of the pile please make him feel comfy and cozy also if you all are interested there is the bear pile discord you can link up your subscription to and use the emotes in there as well discord GG / bear pile thank you for the love thank you for the hugs massive tool welcome how are you let's keep healing I'd say keep healing I'd say yeah this is not a very threatening composition now that you've played this for more than five minutes why have you not mastered it yet you can ask that question but change 5 minutes for 500 hours it'd still be a valid question [Music] oh DLCs up boys color of madness it's available on Steam go go go go go go get it go get it highly highly recommended obviously in case you were curious if you've enjoyed anything you've seen in the past nine hours of broadcasting over the last two days that's a pretty damn good buy $4.99 oh my god steel of the year you got to get it that's a good heal holy let me try it mrow see a 69 something like that thanks for the pity's appreciate it buddy so no another 200 so no killing it again commander David welcome to the pile my friend thank you thank you for the support commander David I appreciate it and rebadging you must as well let us commence keep healing it up baby this is going just fine I have no qualms with keeping these men on the field this is like my healing opportunity basically I could go ahead and shadow fate I guess yeah let's keep working on him I would love to get rid of that death store debuff obviously but not a huge deal if I can't we call stun you if I can oh I'm not gonna be able to do that I don't know what I'm thinking that was a waste of a turn unfortunately whoa nice okay Frost if you like anything you've seen so far as I said this is an easy purchase recommendation from me yeah shadow feet doesn't stun enemies anymore what it does do is give you a massive deep or a massive damage and crit buff for your next attack and it applies stealth to your character which is pretty phenomenal instead of a huge accuracy buff or not accuracy above a huge dodge buff like it used to okay there he goes finally I think we'll start out and start applying battle ballads again so we can maybe again carry that over into the next area it's all possible I think I will still be able to stress heal with my crusader as well shaven okay yeah how you doing good to have you yeah this is a great situation I have to learn to abuse setups like this because it's not gonna give me many opportunities to just fix what's wrong you know this is probably my best run so far my best run prior to this has been 44 kills and I know I'm getting past that here well I dare not jinx it though I guess not too late it's already happened rip runs dead runs cursed press f to pay respects sorry guys I thought it was going well but then I said it was going well and done and we all know what happens after that rip run yeah 45 go get 45 for sure guaranteed 45 kills on this puppy and then all of a sudden they each crit three times somehow I'll come on they were trying they were trying to me up somehow might as well use my last shadow fate I guess their luck for bets before you lose I do hope that eventually a darkest dungeon better life comes to be I'll be fun I think it's totally doable I guess I'd be a little bit more complex than sitting you have to consider like you have to account for four characters instead of just one so no it was a good run I made it pretty far it's okay I guess the safe bet would just be Hellion death yeah yeah yeah yeah there's still plenty of anti-venom here I'd love a lunge for the kill Oh baby sixty damage clears her stress beautiful ah tell you what I think it is actually still time to battle ballad here despite the fact that we've got a decent amount of stress applied still I think I'd like to attempt to keep those buffs carried over so that looks good and we'll do a quick group heal after our anti-venom duper colorist with the 100 bits or even Judas with the hundred bits as well thank you guys so much appreciate your contributions y'all correct charismatic insanity the hundred bits just the sequence my goodness thank you all so much the chat is full of bits right now that's a bit of exaggeration mayor come on a little bit of hyperbole the dlc is live yes yes and Victor got a score 337 so he's put up a pretty pretty high bar he's been killing it good for him man I'm stoked for him what's charity did he choose Doctors Without Borders right I think a few people chose them great organization it's a bit of an exaggeration ah I didn't even realize you think you can beat that bear I do I genuinely think I can it's just gonna require a little bit of luck that'll work diva's Harold keep healing man stay on that healing and keep the battle ballad rockin too just to make sure that's still there I can definitely afford to still stress heal with my crusader - let's do that [Applause] mm-hmm luck and time lots of so yeah no I realize yeah we're gonna be here for a while if I end up getting to like three hundred kills that's gonna take some some investment that's for damn sure oh yeah I can just remove that with an herb can't I now unfortunately bookworm Nick I don't have any kind of an affiliate link for this but feel free to just get on Steam this mine supporting Red Hook is basically supporting me at this point they've done so much for me on youtube and twitch not just by putting the game out but supporting me directly they've been such a great team I'm happy to know that I led to another purchase of this DLC yeah the competition is who can kill the most enemies in the new endless mode exactly all right you need to do a little bit more stress healing instead of prioritizing the buffs no I didn't see it wolf my bad I missed it it was a little yeah yesterday was a hell of a day I think that goes without saying but be quick I think I'll just anti-venom here okay so first of all I want to see if there's a way that I can remove mortality debuff from someone there is okay so that's definitely something I'll do and then I have some stress removal I think I've pretty much got the right options no matter what so let's do it 14 months in a row welcome back my friend man so it seems like it might actually be important for me not to eat a bunch of food during the breaks because later on I assume we'll have another campsite and if I don't have food for that it's gonna be an issue okay well anyway I know I'm gonna do this is that super helpful and then I think zealous speech is a pretty damn good option so no the other time I'd like some buffs hmm this is actually a really good choice here Wow bad dice roll okay that's stinks hmm I'd love to do bless and encourage I really should have done his options these were way better maybe tiger's eye yeah I'm gonna do tiger's eye and then maybe just encourage him would this be better if I did this on the vestal remove 20 from each of these guys I think so actually yeah yeah that's more effective okay so that took care of things pretty well unfortunately I left the buffs lingering and didn't leave the bus lingering rather so don't have that advantage anymore but I think we're good okay onward very easy okie-dokie the stars blazed with hate light enemies have speed and protection but our debuff skill chance goes up so this is gonna be well I mean that doesn't really give us any benefit unfortunately this is this is just gonna be hard this is going to be very difficult but that's a good start you got to take off later on chill reef thank you for hanging out thank you for dodging any dodge is more than welcome here also resistance nice all right we're gonna start battle balloting right away to get our speed up so we can go ahead of these guys we very well might be able to do that eighty-four percent try it again are you kidding me pair optimal [Music] alright alright come on dodge it nice wee XCOM now we seriously have been rockin those 90 plus percent hit chances that you know we're just gonna end in sadness and broken dreams why is it a guaranteed thing and why are there so many wolves here holy okay kitten you were doing this before but then he kind of lost your mojo if you can keep it up this time I'm excited I'm ready for that bad horsies these small horses are so stupid and annoying bring the big dogs back get some Barker's in here no kidding alright let's do this I actually thought that mist for a second at 94% miss it baby wonder whoa whoa whoa thanks for the biddies 94% thank you get to fight a hundred small horses or one large dog what would you pick out large dog well how small are the horses I guess I should ask because if they're like horses the size of a penny maybe I spoke too soon um I guess I should try to crit her and kill her I love that 50% crit chance man that feels awesome could probably it's done here to the dog is as big a big as a car the horses are the size of your hand you know what I'll go against the horses yeah I'll change my I'll change my vote I think I could take on 100 horses the size of my hand I feel confident enough about that all right there goes the stress opportunity for them I'm just gonna let that one bleed out actually and let's go ahead and get some more stress healing done kill count is at forty seven so oh hey look new high score right I did it a slightly more respectable one Oh God okay that would have been perfect to have before we got to this point so I could have used the rabies cure button and the campsite SoDo I just keep the dog this is a horse I do want to have a look at that car sighs dog that you're talking about though okay can thrown dagger get it yes it can yay whoo and I can stun him too I bet that would be lovely let's do this again I don't necessarily have to stress you all right now I'd love to get a group heal up real quick thank you stand them up nice what if you had to fight a buff cat though you mean like a leopard oh Jesus but Morocco are you kidding me Vegas oh god hold on hold on hold on this is bad made a new endless estate nice good luck buddy I feel like I ought to do this just to make sure we're not dealing with all three of those guys and then I still like battle ballad here I think yeah I need to kill her immediately can i stunner nope zero chance of that oh boy oh this is scary now a giant and of arak oh holy I can't even reach the Virago with the Crusader here okay that's not too bad although I don't know if that's combo'd with him at all I doubt he actually does more damage to a marked target really oh I need to finale you're right yeah holy I didn't even think about it okay so let's shadow fade I'll go ahead and stress your room I probably should have buffed actually but the other stress feels final a buff Anneli even further shadow fade I'm gonna have to stress heal with a crusader welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing with twitch prime very much appreciated my friend I'm gonna move back really the greatest idea but this is a lot better so I can still have the finale available nice canny finale the third spot hell yes good dodge okay there's gonna bring an act up lesson that's not really a big deal forward to is fine here that's gonna be a 70% chance to crit oh my lord and finale can hit everything yeah so we're good there yep that'll work literally 100% chance to crit yes finale [Music] that is amazing oh that is amazing [Music] yeah I do get money from Prime subs yep ooh Ali okay he's got an answer yeah there goes the Virago right goodbye [Music] cold hit that stings she's talking [Music] we're starting to get the feel for this huh that was our 50th kill I suppose it's appropriate oh my god yes yes yes we are all powerful the instruments will need this but the symphony will soon continue there we go baby onward Milla time I spoil an eternity of suffering what the hell was that he just lost his protection willfully Why What oh the locket oh that's awesome that's so cool I love that that's a really neat interaction and that's a good start wowie wowie wowie bump it up the grave robber said something to I miss that we have to pay attention to that next time that's awesome I love that can I stun him yeah I mean maybe with the Crusader oh damn it does he come back that takes away the stun that's really strong CX squared welcome back 10 months in a row thank you appreciate it very much gotta get through here and I was a good sequence of events for him well played AI well played the crib there come on well this will bypass guard if I want to get through there it's not the worst idea although I do really like stacking battle valid still then maybe Crusader I'll have enough damage himself I don't think I want to give that a try I think God I mean healing doesn't do us any good so it cool there we go stray seal or no now can hit him nice very good very very good oh I need to kill him he started with it oh my god that sucks and the reaping will not hurt the grave robber now that is amazing okay this sucks crit please crit please damn it yeah bomb amazingly welcome back there we go thank you gesture it's going well my friend we're doing pretty good here I'm happy with this progress so far in our endless run yeah that trinket is really helpful here absolutely alright I can't I can't target again god dammit okay I think it's time to do a quick stress heal I'd say well I've got the chance well I've got the momentum here in the fight yikes the tide turns okay a little bit extra stress there not too bad I think I'll go ahead and buff again does he still have stealth after that no okay good there's a new guy that's okay it took so many actions there Jesus oh he did that again okay so that's gonna keep happening his grief causes my heart to something in sympathy that's awesome holy that's gonna keep happening he's gonna keep taking that debuff that is really really helpful welcome sage Vyas welcome to the pile my friend thank you for subscribing yes beautiful thank you for the support I very much appreciate it tell you about Jimmy moats definitely popping an anti-venom here see if I can get enough damage on this guy I think I'd rather do this gotta take that 21 damage Oh God okay all right you want to do a third one got another one in the mix there go for it it's your turn again oh my lord I should finale I guess right well know that putting stealth on her would be terrible actually let's do this oh thank god okay I should Group heal because he's probably still gonna end up being on death's door off of AI off of another reaping here so I just gotta hope that it doesn't happen I guess I kind of want to try this but I'm not really I don't mind this thing hanging out boy Miller fight is tough that's good it's even better that's even better yeah I can deal with this for a minute don't land it okay well at least that doesn't really matter too much on her we need some crits yeah I need a finale crit that'd be wonderful clear through him actually that'd be an amazing result should I try to kill this thing now I don't want to lunge here actually that's definitely not the play damn it that's what I have to do didn't even kill him me it's decent he'll oh goodness yeah that finale was wasteful I agree I should have waited until I had an opportunity to be actually at the boss wow that was lucky little target yeah he doesn't around this guy is difficult to deal with yay the only deals two damage to her that's totally doable yeah we got to go all in at this point let's remove the debuff and go for it yes hello baby like exposes his heart to you I didn't do any VA for this DLC now all in okay probably another reaping I have to guess let's get rid of you I will put this up on YouTube yeah the RPO i'll be putting all the endless runs from the charity event on YouTube for sure I was gonna say as long as he doesn't do is stupid he'll that's fine by me and that's not a stun either luckily but he's a loss of accuracy so I'll go ahead and use an herb for that he just lost his guaranteed hit bats come on get rid of this can set up a lunge this way lunch can hit the back line right it can it spot three which he is in I think I have enough speed all in on the Miller all in on the Miller this one to two damage might be the difference-maker but I think that's pretty foolish that just crit just crib restoration apparently can create yeah it's t IL right come on kidding me that hurts so much where can I get 24 damage not from her not from her that'll help leave him with Lyndon ah goddess injury and despondence set the stage for heroism or cowardice the abyss you gotta be me there it is just not taking mercy anymore I'm really fortunate that that worked out play that stunt through try a holy water fine just what lucky one time not even a little bit why did he choose him it's kind of weird crit to damage and I can't reach the son of a if this mrs. yes god damn Wow would even let me heal Wow thank you safe from the Comets maddening light or now for now yikes oh my god welcome penguins drummer welcome with the bear pile buddy take up the axe blow off some steam everyone gets a swing oh okay we're back that'll do stop a dog man your bits are here hey alright yeah death store does still suck unfortunately but it's not that bad so no another 500 for the wind thank you man alright then I'm gonna eat this one food and then go basalt ooze nomad so are mine for the clutch biddies thank you for the 3000 and me Wow my healing skills are more effective as is my bleed skill chance not that it matters they bleed more and they have more crit chance help me this is scariest [Music] yeah the heels are good at least so let's protect ourselves while we can I should maybe rid myself of these d buffs real fast it's no damage right yeah it's gonna set up the pig spear though Oh God boy you know what I don't know if this is aa nice that's good that'll help let's get rid of him okay good good good not a terrible start at all hey I can finally rely on that however I don't want to right now she's gonna get by get hit by pig spear no matter what basically that's fine ah let's do this I [Music] don't think I can get a crescendo box out of this fight no I doubt that that's a thing available in the endless mode [Music] definitely he'll again hope for it yeah hope for a dodge obviously let's see it first of all clear that yes all right oh good perfect that's a little shitty but totally manageable excuse me alright I'm not gonna shadow feed here get through that protection and Whittle him down I get Dirk's tab and set up a finale but it's not really that strong yet I think I should wait for a little while yeah it could have been worse for sure I think we'll just go ahead and group heal here and let them play it out crusader needs the most help still obviously she's probably gonna get covered in disease now yeah she's got wasting sickness she's got a lot less resistance yeah she's just gonna be in bad shape luckily rabies isn't really a problem for her though that's no knock-back no stun luckily okay go ahead and go for a pick to the face again nice little crit relief therefore she's at 79 I still should work on that I think I'm gonna go ahead and actually do that now [Music] oh yeah no I'm aware strategic snail I think we've already done that actually [Music] it's pretty tough yeah no need to spoil either I'd appreciate that I'd like to have things be a surprise still if I can not as strong as I wanted damn it oh my god I said it was gonna happen I didn't mean like literally every time she got hit by it she did acquire a new disease but okay let's see if I can fill up her page oh my god hmm well unfortunately she ended up in the front again so gotta move her back I don't know how I'm gonna do it let's see I think I should probably stress y'all anyway but the Dirk's tab is tempting to set up a holy Lance we'll go ahead and do that move her back so we can holy lance her to the third spot oh Jesus it's like he knows are you kidding me it won't he keeps quitting - he's just replacing other diseases Jesus Christ that's enough literally every time keeps critic or - all right I really need to stress healer again sadly I can't do it yet maybe she'll get a crit off of this that'd be nice nope alright I think it might be time to finale this boy yeah let's go for it minimum damage yeah yeah let's dress spread the disease around a little that sounds good I'm not gonna stun him so it hey that's nice maybe a finale with 4 more damage gonna finish them off that'd be cool why the did he do that maggot oh god no maggots could show up eeep nice okay finally we get to do that and we get to heal oh boy goody-goody and yeah next expansion maggot expansion heavy focus we know we all know it's the best character the best enemy in the game by far Winky when can you play as maggot good question when's that DLC come out let's go ahead and give him a solo he'll know disease thank you and you know that could stress you love it grave-robber there as well yeah definitely a solo heal here nice yay stress removal well that got a lot more difficult didn't it holy okay I'm still Liz just letting him puke all over me here I really got to stop that are we doing the stun oh Jesus the forward move okay resisted both of those how about a stun on this boy no it's not very likely I could stun you though what the what in the there we go okay that is a big advantage here I'm expecting a howl ooh double damage where are my crits I miss my crits [Applause] I miss my boss - I need my buffs back boy how about you land at this time Thanks thank you how is this pig still vomiting that's a great question Pablo Pablo welcome on into the pile buddy Rock thank you buddy for your subscription for your support is very much appreciated welcome on in laudanum and fix the trouble will kill him eventually one of these days don't you worry it's gonna happen maybe right now even now probably not shadow fade followed up with a lunge definitely a group heal here along with the laudanum now holy water nice very nice the Dodge maybe he resists you got one resist okay now we kill him finally and that'll turn into a seed of madness yep which the grave robber will handle or maybe not actually maybe she'll do this there we go we're of those bin thank you oh yeah that one hurts of light - okay I still got anti-venom thorak stab is enough here I think I'm gonna hold on to the laudanum unless that's tags yeah I definitely gonna use it now luckily it's not too much by itself and I think I'll let that play out too I think I'll just hit him with a heel this crit influence cred heal chance I'm not sure actually that's a good question you you what the Oh God this is pretty unrealistic what the hell man get rid of this all right American a pile on stress I think it's gonna create two seats here as well definitely want to use the anti-venom let that go for around I guess I gotta try to heal myself I think but she's gonna be targeted by so much let that go maybe I think I can I think I can I think I can yeah this is a yikes this is a yikes yeah definitely a bit of a yikes from me dog well unfortunately that doesn't really help us so I'll go ahead and let her shadow fade then we can Turks tab over and over and over yikes dude Wow yep yep yeah that's what happens thank you oh god no how did that even happen first what the why was that first a mic why in the hell did that blow up before I got to act what the that shouldn't happen that's broken as hell is that just random oh that's why okay that'll do it that'll do it god dammit god dammit as long as it's logical like yes well I think my best attempted survival here is that good God [Music] literally slower than a rock yeah that's actually true well we got out a place of refuge if only for a fleeting moment holy man yay okay a little bit of stress I do actually have to use this on her and maybe go ahead and pop that one too and there's all our laudanum oh boy we need to stress heal like crazy let that one play outs that's a big debuff on word I guess yep on where'd we go you need to stress heal all right this isn't too bad try to buffer accuracy up early on maybe oh no hold on she's got a double damage debuff applied right or buff applied rather so let's kill you yeah no no GTF owing here we're going for a high score we're sending this bears they're all dead bottom line look at these people as dead people around death-row let's play the safety game TNT 303 welcome to the bear pile thanks with a twitch prime sub buddy appreciate it new safe thought from yesterday yeah we still have the color of madness playthrough saved and we will be continuing that tomorrow but for the remainder of today I'm gonna be playing on the color of charity see file they provided me and I'm gonna be attempting to set a high score in this mode Thank You Missy buffs please 59 kills currently in this room nothing all that noteworthy it's okay not too bad I had a pretty tough running with the boss fight get a little bit of stress got that store does this mean anything well you know all this stuff okay yeah yeah this person's gonna dies pretty much like 99% of the situation right leg out hi you've got your what's up dear welcome on back in thank you for the UO re subscription three months appreciate it let's do that I don't think I really have an option besides stress healing for the gesture right now they've got like they keep they know I'm at that point do they know that there's a weakness luckily I just keep dodging though thankfully and I don't really need to heal so let's go ahead and attempt a bit of a control game here that is excellent thank you thank you and that's fine under stress he'll who's got the most that'll be you I am also surprised I'm not afflicted yet yeah we've managed to somehow avoid that got to keep stress healing no other choice the backgrounds are great yeah I love all the new art all the new music is phenomenal they killed it absolutely crushed it okay that's you bad I have played Detroit yeah I actually played Detroit twice I've got my issues with it but I I like it I still like it I hate it but I love it it's a it's a love-hate relationship with that one let's go ahead and clear him in case he tries to heal anything let's go ahead and just let him live infinitely and never worry about it I still want to get this accuracy buff I'd say maybe yeah it's time for a shadow fade but I gotta let the Jester keep stressing nice just so long as you let Mathis keep discussing his impressions on round table yeah he's he's making it extra fun for us with how much he just despises it I think it's a possibility to run it in the crimson quarter to me see a paradox I'm not a hundred percent sure though just fine now that actually doesn't do anything just gonna allow him to heal a little bit sweet again I have got to take every single opportunity this game is gonna afford me to like cheese whenever possible in these endless runs because I think those opportunities are gonna be few and far between I'm happy to keep boosting my crit chance and my accuracy this way as well not to mention those other buffs I get from crits when I say cheese I might have said cheese with a bad cheese [Music] darkest dungeon is indeed on sale yeah 75% off and you can get the color of madness DLC right now for 5 bucks a steal of a deal I think I just keep stressing you in mind if I rolled cheese that's pretty good okay yeah that looks good might start playing tomorrow nice Robin I have not been able to keep myself away to streams yesterday and I was up at like 8 o'clock this morning ready to go let's do it I want to set up a squad and get this rolling five bucks color you interested yes sir three more kills and I move up to 13th cool moving on up play bully there is no way to do that unfortunately Deborah don't worry about it though as I mentioned earlier just the fact that you're supporting Red Hook does pretty much support me at this point they've done so much for me thanks supreme appreciate it yeah it helps keep going [Music] we've had like this exact same setup for a long long time now and I am completely fine with it yeah indeed ever so yeah I appreciate it either way of course whichever way you see fit to support you just being here of course is supportive as well let's seal them up a little bit I guess that makes sense keep on top of that oh please keep giving me farm hands all goddamn day just wasted his turn again this is beautiful thank you very much later on paradox have a good day take her easy if only there was a way I could get rid of death store debuff so that's like the only thing that is giving me an issue at this point of course I do still have his camping skill which I can rid myself of one of them that way but sadly that is uh the only means by which I have to do so I do have the grave robbers goddamn disease factory operating in full force as well most also you are incredibly diseased come visiting a doctor's office what seems to be the problem doc well beer taffy it seems you are incredibly diseased yes you have all of the diseases everyone you have every disease known to mankind and several we've only just now discovered in you that's that's Simpsons right that's a good ol Monty burns bit yeah we've been getting this stress down pretty effectively it's looking good 2:53 here on her still unfortunately let's go flavor I mean really I I have no reason to rush this whatsoever it's not gonna punish me these guys aren't gonna be doing anything all that threatening the Scarecrow is the worst part of it but even if he does this it's three damage and what horror that's fine I'm healing effectively and I have to stressful options every single round so yeah like they're gonna they're gonna add more stress when they land their attacks obviously and it looks like they're actually kind of intentionally doing that now and that's 21 stress which is really shitty I think I'm actually gonna go ahead and let that play out too starting to think the hound master would be better than the jester for stress yields here since they buffed the chance it's possible certainly possible I'm liking the Jester so far now for sure though [Music] I'm a fan that big time stress heal we got after the Miller fight was huge like that I don't know if that saved the run but it certainly certainly helped all right gotta go for the solo oh my god yeah now they're really leaning into this and 21 stress per turn means maybe it's not gonna be as effective as I was hoping it would be this approach so well I mean do i we really want to change it though I don't think I do pretty sure I'm still doing the right thing go ahead try to keep her in decent condition of course this makes us so they take lower amounts of stress damage already to consume hydration optimum hydration it's not too bad on him oh my god that finale though you gotta use that okay no problem keep this going [Applause] all right now I say we go for this scarecrow they have been sowing the seeds a lot Belle let's keep going for them with the recovery though it is a little unfortunate well I think this might be about where we can expect to get to stress wise but again I'm gonna keep attempting to cheese if they'll provide me the option please continue to use ceaseless labor anytime I see them use ceaseless labor I'm happy Dodge would be wonderful - he's and he's not 271 huh I've really been targeting him with the gesture admittedly everybody else is getting into a decent condition at least that's a little bit of a stress attack right yeah okay this is gonna become a problem boy alright yeah this is this is looking bad I'm the crit I'm had a crit in a while a seder yes stun might be a good option here too since I don't have to heal this time yeah let's do that oh come on now nonsense alright the fact that this guy's in the mix at this point is gonna make it extremely difficult to begin to or to continue to recover this stress so I'm gonna have to consider whether or not it's a good idea to avoid further damage rid of one at least I think I'm gonna try that stun again this is good I got to keep you on that [Music] in this position actually I do feel like we've got a much better chance of oh he can target too with that will me okay now I definitely don't think I want to keep going with this second stun here give me this stun and then I'll go for a couple more okay it's gonna have the gonna have the seed of madness show up here I assume which will be cleared out by the grave robber who can heal up heal off of that and then ideally maybe even crit heal the stress a little bit I don't know I don't think that works does it I don't think critic written on these guys allows stress relief maybe I'm wrong let's find out I was right I was right yep okay then you know you still don't have to heal but it's probably a good idea chance for a crit there to obviously keep it up still doing well on stress as long as the only targets one it's only that okay okay this is good in another farmhand still don't think it's time to shadow fade I've been another doing nothing but throw daggers with her basically the entire time okay again that's not too helpful for them as long as I can kill this guy quickly don't have to heal hmm maybe I will anyway yeah bummer miss darn that's a lot of stress he gets taken on from that I'm gonna let that blight go too oh my god okay okay same plan yikes oh my god that sucks let's get numbers what oh the random chance I was confused okay got it I'll do that god damn it you know what time to change up the formula that mist attack really goofed up the system here I don't feel so good mr. taffy I haven't even seen that movie I'm pretty sure I know that scene frame by frame now now we help there we go oh okay still possible maybe I'm gonna try got a try I gotta try to help him out still I really want to avoid an affliction it doesn't make sense let's do this julik welcome to the bear pile gel-like thank you very much for your subscription I appreciate it enjoy your badge and emails my friend there we go let's do this you for the bear hugs as well welcome I'm on in please that's good okay the blight damn it damn it all the hell now the will to fight need this need this all right let's finale finally been stacking up the damn thing all fight long who am I gonna kill with it though let's kill him yeah stress relief they're nice okay acceptable acceptable acceptable very good big heel time let's go thank you and the stress heel on the Crusader beautiful and only three now all right time to stress heel again see what I can do with this double damage yes was this looking like 12:24 no thank you and still good still good [Music] that's still fine thank you how is that happening 80% chance okay again don't need to heal whoa okay going for the foreman going for the foreman yeah no more stress healing we got a we got to make some happen now how about a shadow fade actually no that's not a good idea with the best of where she is I'm gonna Dirk stab try to kill this guy with it there we go that's fine probably gonna heal here stunning him is a pretty good option though everybody needs a little love many hands more speed more protection okay interesting see now I'd love to stun this guy nice dodge good on the seat of madness we'll go for that with a grave-robber to the doctor welcome to the pile my friend thank you for subscribing with twitch prime that sucks we'll make too much of a difference on well actually yeah that is gonna fall heal him that stress no okay mark still not too bad I think I can afford this good probably need this I just never want to be worried about hell if I can avoid it pretty good odds there you know sure the ban I don't have finale for gesture no I wish I did that would be nice okay so that didn't actually activate his restoration I'd say we pierced through here try to maybe get a crit all right I think it's time to do this and get rid of this scarecrow now I imagine we can maybe stun you there we go get rid of his speed buff - that is helpful nice so I'm gonna have to lunge here to get him in position the stress [Music] I definitely want to do that I'm gonna go ahead and do that now hey Tom guy are you doing this dlc indeed does have a good amount of dabs hefty on the dabs this one it's not the Crusader kill the seed I guess nice that's good that's very very good the color of deafness indeed stress healer Dirk stabbed Dirk stabbed into holy lance okay al not a big deal always happy about the physical attacks and let's stun somebody nice do it do it yeah okay now there I go sweet or closer to Luke our house useful supplies for this harrowing journey oh wow packs laden with loot are often low on supplies I guess that helps okay okie dokie all right real quick y'all I'm gonna go to the bathroom so just give me a few minutes here okay not the not the greatest result from the curio here unfortunately but on where'd we go splendorous that's a good one isn't it yeah ooh stress healing is impacted this is the ruins effectively oh this is this is good isn't it I think this is very very good let's attack him first that's a tried to stress check god damn it I didn't even have a chance this music is pretty clunky I agree this sucks okay well it's immediately trying to fix this I guess wizard gift it from library LED wizard welcome on in thank you so much for sharing the love library all right well he was already on death's door but that is still pretty dangerous foul warding that's a guard right yeah okay so I'd like to avoid another check but I don't think I can prevent it I think the only option I have to do so is to kill this guy with the grave robber immediately so let's do that very thing and work on this hopefully he'll like crazy please he doesn't want it that's fine that's fine do your thing jester I won't stop you okay now I think I do this this song is bumpin I love it I would really really love to get rid of this and please keep spreading that damage out for me boys much obliged keep this up yay I love this game and three it is it is phenomenal when my favorite games the last like five years it is great yay all right this is a good position I am really hopeful that we can bring the gesture back down to zero here and maybe even heal up everybody else as well we'll have to see what they bring in for the fourth slot though almost certainly gonna show up they are demon anointed don't you do it oh boy well we're thought we had a chance but we're boned didn't even get to kill it Oh No okay let's prevent this from happening first of all got to do that even though we're closing in on this no quarrel thank you no quarrel with you shut your goddamn mouth you dumb idiot I cannot afford to have more than one person with an affliction so I'm gonna go ahead and have to do this here dude shut the up shut your mouth oh my god is this gonna be a check it's gonna be a check isn't it my goodness no crits no stun damn it okay well again we just have to avoid this we can't work on that sadly holy hell do it totally worth it that oh my god wowie thanks for not targeting the best old 96 90 this is ridiculous [Music] completely ridiculous let's try desperately to bring him back I will lunge here obviously all right no no no no no the true test hold fast works how in the world did you get up to a hundred holy oh my god that came out of nowhere thanks for all the crits guys ah yay dodge okay double paranoid is like near impossible to fix this is pretty awful but we'll try damn it oh that's actually really good he's stuck back there let's get rid of their damage actually there's tons are a little bit more concerning oh my god [Music] just stall yeah oh Christ what am I supposed to do one can sometimes we actually have three paranoid people Wow self-preservation is paramount at any cost yeah this is over well let's try to fix one at least okay as long as they don't add on more stress I guess that's a that's a victory wherefore art thou heroism ooh we're close close just please stop creating me please stop oh my god we did it one down three two go told kripp me I'm Bear and they got into the back fantastic okay now you're actually dead thank goodness they're still taking heals at least that is nice having the vestal better would certainly be a good benefit please don't stun him thank you okay [Applause] having the seeds I think is good even though it does allow for a new enemy spawn I feel like giving myself the chance to heal off of that is gonna be pretty damn beneficial although I'm gonna have to dirk stab that aren't I yes I am yes I am oh goody yay yep turn up the volume sure this music is fantastic so goddamn good we're just gonna keep guarding each other okay then working on the vestal still well that sucks that really sucks [Music] hmm stuns are the way to go when I don't need to heal I should stun for sure finale on him because I don't like him and then I come home I god you can stress heal after that yeah yeah Wow yeah okay well I got a Dirk stab that thing again can I even reach it nope cool thanks thank you oh my god oh he's not gonna get stunned Wow okay thanks game I can't I can't get it okay she doesn't want the buff of course rip you just tried to stun my grave-robber oh my god yay I think I'm gonna die gonna die here I'm gonna die No okay it wasn't awful that's also not awful that's pretty good actually we have three shield walls here right now Wow let's get rid of that that's fine may be able to put up another shield wall alright let's keep working on this he'll like my life literally depends on it you won't use anti-venom huh how about you go ahead and do it a moment oh really don't worry bear if they just don't kill you you'll live oh yeah that's right oh my god come on now all right I might have an opportunity here especially if they keep doing that that is fine it's so great oh my god yay yay cheese I love cheese it's delicious shield wall deploy an impenetrable fortress it's like a Roman legion yeah he protect he protect but most importantly he protect oh god no you idiot later on Ryder wonderful day how are they hitting all their clumsy axe blades least I'm not doing deadweight oh god damn it all right he's going down they're all dealing more damage now you really don't want it huh okay fine maybe she'll take it from him can you just let me have the turn I need it I need to do with the right things right now for sake I know you are the healer [Music] Oh [Music] yay no running we fight to the end we fight to the bitter crippling end crit 8 damage he's got 15 percent protection apparently that's enough oh my god he's a monster there we go he's got 143 but I'd really love to work on the vestal still and stun him maybe to get out of that danger zone could you please I want to use the character I mean that was probably what I was gonna do but still thank you guys honestly I might actually just be able to abuse this setup I should try it I don't think he has an attack does he cuz they'll just keep doing axe blades in dead weight [Music] yeah yeah I think this is potential cheese territory work him down a little bit with the heart attacks dudududu I [Applause] can't stop attacking if I pass I get stress well that just means I have to throw daggers at all these guys the entire time which is fine they'll take like three or four damage each time and that'll give us like five or six turns to just cheese the out of this or I'll get a crit which is also fine that means stress healing just move the grave-robber oh yeah that would work too huh well there we go yeah that totally does the job dude you have to take the heel though you need it god damn it this could take some time it's worth the investment of time though absolutely all boy nice could dodge okay that's fine I think I need to just move the grave robber all the way up to the front next turn and then shadow fade or not damn it that sucks that really sucks that's really bad [Music] hate them taking their own turns man that is awful and it keeps happening and he's nearly up - oh my god he's gonna get checked again I'm gonna get hurt down just in time for this guy to go back up alright just guard each other please okay nice that means he's gonna be clumsy or foul warding come on just guard just guard just guard just guard knock her back don't stun well this is still good hmm yeah this is still good that's fine I did it to do please don't shout instructions at me I'd appreciate that you infinitely Wow oh my god bear have a wonderful day thank you I'll try thank you alright that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good no no shadow fade here is that a crit that would have been an issue but luckily it didn't christ the wounds of war can be healed but never hidden and it's so obnoxious and brick from becoming on you could have avoided that you weren't such a dummy hey there we go she's got one stress you gotta be kidding me thank you all right I am losing my mind are you kidding un-fuckin'-believable do [Music] this is prohibiting me from winning this is madness this is the color of madness yay yellow yet splendorous that's the color of madness clearly okay I mean actually yeah hold on a second wait oh this oh we win yeah we win this is this is literally endless mode now this guy's just gonna keep recycling skeletons right finally got that too oh my god okay okay Wow we took a heal things are turning around a little bit Spears for months never been happy you're glad to hear it buddy thank you very much I appreciate it time for actual heals what a world and please for the love of God we have to keep this gesture from checking again that was close to checking again yeah come on give me the opportunity here there we go okay he's out of harm's way for now crusader will work out himself hopefully get a heal from the vestal - yeah I'm gonna work on the gesture but I want to keep like when I have the heal combo with the stress relief I want to use it on the Crusader whoever needs the help but when that's not the case I'll [Music] I'll take care of it gesture a little more alright it's not a big deal she's really only dealing damage anyway good yeah they just like if he would just let me heal him that's all I need that's all I need from this guy just a couple Vestal heals and he's right back in business but he refuses it constantly just let me do it thank you there we go I told you man that's all we needed just a little bit of help that's a stun oh good all right yeah we have the stun resist there wind Walker okay fine have it your when he came Wow Wayne Walker welcome into the pile thank you so much for the subscription okay at least was the right move again 82 I think I can afford this [Music] down to a hundred-mile boy definitely another group he'll pay if he stunned he can't refuse healing though you'd think right hopefully I was expecting him to find a way still thank you for the dodge here have a crit to resist my Krista yeah great he'll right yeah okay well don't want to move her back obviously so looks like I'm gonna be taking them one of these guys down again to allow him to read revive it [Music] oh just eat all the dicks then pal okay scoop them all up and have a nice little smorgasbord of dicks just eat all up all the dicks buddy mmm tasty dicks it's a good one dude yay all the dickship oh they're dicks yeah that's how that song goes right guy nope everybody's at one health perfect [Music] perfectly perfect I think that might actually be his only move apart from rallying and recovering the corpses yay 1:31 I still want to work on him he's at 82 I think probably a manageable position still for allowing him to continue to chime for the Crusader passes returning all right kind of okay with that it's just continually the most annoying thing of all time it wouldn't take nearly as long if this crusader wasn't such a massive pile of I think he refuses like 80% of the time he does not want help accepted from himself I guess narcissist only one of your guys had chainsaw hands that would be good I don't know how effective it would be against a bunch of skeletons oh well all right then I guess that was some stress relief yeah he took it all right now let's see what he does I'm almost sure he's just going to revive those and create the exact same team again right let's find out oh just one which means how far the love of God the Crusader actually this up for us by holy Lansing he this up for us that is infinitely frustrating not to mention the grave robber just past the opportunity to clear this thing out so thanks game thanks game really great really great stuff cool digging it you can't rez the bomb no it just disappears keep working keep working we still have a decent enough opportunity to try to heal this up like a grave-robber at 1:31 still shitty no god damn you this crusader completely ruined that for us thread swarm you're fired alright I'm taking this personally dread swarm you have us you have royally us you need to step it up help time amount needs to learn a lesson alright campfire CA MP fi re s OMG song well obviously doing this well no hold on we can do it on him and immediately get rid of that but [Music] I really want to do it on her let's see what options I have to get rid of the stress on him 423 whoo it's actually weirdly useful it heals 50 stress we get rid of it on him but it does cost 4 so it seems kind of counterintuitive so how about we remove a mortality debuff and the stress from our gesture we'll go ahead and use this on him Mock the vestal that was not a good use of I don't know why I did that that was that was not good oh well let's try that nice okay pretty good pretty good I think I can handle this no buffs out of that campfire unfortunately but we took care of our issues pretty well okay onward yo what boss time she's still just gonna do her own thing to okay it's so big oh my well yes we're doing that yes a dripping crystal completely normal you shut your mouth the fouling tint oh I see yeah I get it I get it don't let those happen oh it's pretty though okay that's probably not gonna work expand dong lead and blight yeah it seems like it huh nice they do have a decent amount of protection here too I got to be concerned about that my Vestal is not going to help me right now which kind of sucks and I'm gonna stun those things or the red one yeah certainly it looks like blight and bleed oh boy oh no it's fully healed oh no no not like this that's not how it's supposed to happen I think it'll let me continue I think it'll save it where we left off oh hang on give her that countdown ruin us come to our family hang on ruin has come to all family it's the boss's secret power yet okay hold on I think we're right where we just were syn Victor sabotage god damn it's in using your hacks again alright come on ruin nuts come to Austria alright let's find out yeah we're good no worries didn't lose anything cool all right then noise that would be pretty awful if it did just force me to reset from that and can I kill him with that no cash he is just useless here till somebody actually takes some damage from something all right there we go I don't want to let any of these things blow up I am not willing to stick around and see what happens oh he created a new one okay don't have that much protection actually the throne dagger might be a better choice here because it's got more crit chance and the accuracy buff obviously it seems like this is a boss yeah certainly looking that way Derk stab sounds good I really just want to try to prevent these things from blowing up which is what I assume them to do and will do to damage to the boss at the time I'm sure I'll be able to get through that no problem your Leon's Lord destroy them is that rock sweating you know it mmm-hmm another focus point okay hmm so obviously it's easier to kill them when they're in that form I feel it like I'm gonna let that go to form three although that blue one may be different from the others hmm it's probably ones here nice round very good all right hopefully the smites enough for that now I think I'll battle ballot I'll try to get myself more opportunities to crit let's do the extra two damage here or one might be a difference maker now that sucks yeah it does go to 30 health when it does that though Wow that'll do yay oh and it was being guarded by that that's kind of cool nice alright yeah that seemed like a good opportunity to deal damage there I stress you yeah [Music] let's do that getting wet it's selfish on her would be lovely I have taken no damage this is a great place to bring a pickaxe you're not wrong yeah don't hell yeah well c'mon in thanks for someone with twitch crime my friend dudududu the crit would be lovely okay let's keep going with that I'm hopeful that the Crusaders damage is enough of this I'm still pretty quick how's their speed six compared to all right damn it it's a stun oh my god that's insane okay now we know baby jesters gonna go for the Dirk stab obviously brush this advantage give them no core which does set up a holy Lance so it's not like we're completely devoid of damage opportunities here okay there's a focus point yeah I definitely don't want to let them blue him obviously now and can't holy Lance that so there we go okay I might be able to kill it before it gets to third but again it's like kind of a weird risk reward situation there where I want to let it grow to that third state so it has less health which I think I'm gonna do and I'm gonna go ahead and get myself some bus for speed again oh yeah snap to finale is a good idea - I didn't even think about that I do need to use a finale here there's okay so I think he's actually gonna burst here always guarded damn alright let's see what happens Wow she's nearly down crit would do it oh my god hmm I think I got to do this sweet the fiend pulls a faint hope blossoms and a lot of stress he'll [Music] that's probably not worth it let's just go ahead and do that you frightened someone's gonna walk into your room while you're watching this that doesn't look like it dick as much as you guys are saying it does y'all are weird like not that phallic does this look phallic to you is this a dick no I don't think so the drips don't help I agree with that my dick looks a hundred percent like this okay well luckily they might knock this thing back so I can actually hit it here one damage is gonna be the difference you watch you watch holy Lance clears it out just kidding it gets to move first Wow don't stun me light okay that's a powerful light - holy let's go dig axe to the face we got this you know what I want to bring her back I want to bring her back and I think we can I totally think we can do it nine stress which means definitely gonna [Music] Oh okay it turned into that definitely not a dick now it's a vagina no it's a oh yeah you're right okay this that's not enough is it - eight I need - nine all right well let's do it did this city oh my a shadow fade seems good actually oh wait does that mean I can't target her with the stress he'll Oh finale time yeah totally right if i dirk stabbed once more it might be better though but this is probably a fine time to do it yeah nice yeah ball mind has become real oh Jesus body and holy hell ow [Music] okay yep yeah that hurt that hurt a lot can't stun yeah okay slow whittle so every time he attacks it's gonna hurt us like crazy but that's pretty good too I need to do this the baby Vasa inspiration well c'mon in library lab thank you for another gift itself I appreciate that very much very precipice okay okay that's not terrible that's totally not terrible laudanum is not necessary I'm gonna use it on the gesture for sure there we go keep it up nine or ten at a time will do I guess don't need it here pick to the face right definitely oh my god dude injury and despondence Wow oh my goodness no check no check for me damn it well I'm obviously working on his stress now three on death's door but luckily we still have the vessels move here and she is like necessary for this fight completely necessary for this fight if you don't have a vessel here what the do you do and I think I keep up this same approach I shouldn't stress you anymore I should do this I need out that crit chance and speed bonus I guess too on balance that is really bad I also didn't use a lot in him on him I just realized Kiwi Kenobi welcome back for 18 months thank you so much well there's that jack holy christ those who covet injury find it in no short supply that's good I mean that's obvious right I'm gonna use a lot and I'm on her a momentary abatement that's such a big light need a crit neither crits so badly I don't have any anti-venom I don't have finale any more how to use it to perform beyond ones limit I'm gonna try to help him out a little see if I can't keep him up off that death's door with that blight he dodged it and brick from becoming on wound okay I know that's afflictions but still maybe one fearful kitten come on now jeez there's a heart attack waiting to happen there crit please I think my only choice at this point is to go all-in can a guy get a virtue seriously all in milk rats goddamn it where are my crits a momentary abatement please don't pass your turn minimum another dodge from the gesture and know the true test hold fast works by oh my god I need this crit I need a crit from anyone please just credit no no no no thank you thank you a little too late but I'll take it reborn yes is patient it were wait Wow corrupting a memory he's begging for examination high strangeness an indelible scar on the psyche the bullseye bandana oh God wow wow wow wow wow that was really hard time to leave yeah no we got to keep going they'll have a wonderous reward oh man okay yeah I don't think I'm getting much further than this but obviously I'm gonna try here we go first of all prevent this heart attack if at all possible hey that'll help this is endless yes don't God do-do-do-do-do-do-do there's literally no reason to leave y'all the only thing that happens if we lose these characters is they'll be gone for a week and then they'll be back the next week so we go until they die I lose my trinkets but that doesn't really matter we can buy more and we have got a million dollars I guess losing the Millers trinket is a bit of a big deal but we can also just like take it off before they die right I think oh the memory yeah I guess losing the memory is bad but this is like it's such a limited time event this is not going to be an impact because I think we need three of these to even use them in the in the districts right someone has to live to come back with stuff okay yeah that's what I thought you need ten memories yeah so this isn't gonna matter it'll matter in our playthrough of the game obviously in our color of madness the state will be concerned about that but right now it's just for the sake of the competition well enjoy your heart attack teetering on the brink you'd add racing the abyss oh good job buddy stay alive somehow yay okay well I have to do this right gone yippee please don't die please don't die please don't die please don't die please don't die oh my god please let me heal you I hate you know what die you deserve it you deserve it a moment you deserve it I'm not even gonna help you with the stun you bye mother life wasted in the pursuit of glory see you buddy that's what you wanted he made his bed he's gonna lie in it that's what that's my opinion [Laughter] alright let's see how many we can get socket Crusader I'm happy getting through that sleeper flight that felt good finale yeah [Applause] now need to heal it will stun yeah there's no point in leaving bringing it these guys killed will lose the locket and the memories live I'm totally fine with us revealed himself totally fine with that good uh at this point I'm just trying to get as many kills as I can before we get out of here nice now I don't care about the other loop this literally the only point of doing this run here is to try to set a high score on the leaderboard keeping the characters doesn't matter the loot doesn't matter the memories don't matter shard does doesn't matter the Comets shards would be nice actually okay now that's the one thing that maybe I should consider because using those I can get better trinkets so maybe I should leave I'm not gonna take those with me yeah okay well let's go ahead and yeah that makes sense that's acceptable [Music] not a terrible run got through the sleeper fight first try even that feels good that's a tough battle 82 Red Hook advised sin to keep one alive to keep the shards yeah it seems like a good idea I think those trinkets are going to be a big difference maker all right yeah I'm not getting it there was no way I was gonna be able to gonna be able to go any further with that not a chance CIN threw away 400 shards at the end at a slight win the left
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 64,584
Rating: 4.8735361 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: vya42wMMqp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 0sec (9840 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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