Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 5)

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each coach considering the outlook of things right now or maybe I'll just go with the flatulent how about an antiquarian baby that's that's a healer right she she has healing skills hmm ooh man this is a little more restrictive than I thought it would be quad shield breaker yeah I think that's where we're going with this I mean dual shield breaker probably wouldn't be awful right I haven't even really thought about that but that certainly seems like a possibility and she moves she mu Qi mu she bang she bang this could work kinda ya know ya to shield breakers alternating impale that seems really good hmm rounded out with a Hellion yeah that vel work out oh we gotta have something in the back line here and I'm I mean like it's cat mewed antiquarian right of all the choices we have available we've got a friggin men-at-arms and a flatulent in the stagecoach right now so obviously that's not gonna help us out it's either the antiquarian or the Jester or maybe we tossed these guy or toss these gals back one and let the flagyl in rock the front position which is questionable at best but at least provides us with a reliable healing opportunity she yearns for adventure she said it sir sir pickle chips is ready to go I think we got to trust him her it the antiquarian let's do it let's give it a shot worst-case scenario they all die and I regret it immediately I shouldn't have said that how we feeling here not enough heirlooms for upgrades anymore alright she's at level zero that's right that's why but scale upgrades for Little Miss here needs a fortifying vapors boost this is probably yeah that's definitely worth it that level two is pretty big for her actually and then protect me is gonna be basically necessary oh oh [ __ ] this is a good team what am I worried about Bam Bam done easy money yeah this is gonna be golden this is fine it's she's even getting a level 3 stuff look at that okay I'm actually curious what kind of upgrade she's gonna be looking at for this let's see ya famous last words I know it's a guarantee I've just jinxed myself I got to be careful how much I'm spending here two adders kiss is gonna be fantastic for this considering the blight buff and then what does this look like oh my god impale has a blight at rank 3 let's go let's go on each enemy so good so [ __ ] good 2 blocks 3 speed buff forward one fun with me and then yeah that's more blight oh my god she'll break her she'll breaker let's do it I'm gonna give her a ders kiss as well probably won't use expose here maybe use captivate since I'm gonna be shuffling those two I think I'd like to unlock in any way and then toxin trickery actually is gonna be pretty handy here I think I might even keep that skill available considering we're going into the cove however that would take away thrown dagger I guess I would be exclusively using picked of the face shadow fading lunge which I guess I'm fine with yeah I'm okay with that oh wait don't you if she's gonna be in spot 3 mmm first of all first of all real quick anything else for her I don't think so invigorating vapors not so good anymore so let's just go ahead and go with it so if they're in spots wanted to first of all let's figure out what skills they're gonna be using I'm pretty damn sure I'm gonna take off punk punk sure in favor of serpents way and then I don't think I can keep both so the fact that impale has blight leads me to favor it over adders kiss let's do that oh hello thanks for the raid I appreciate it welcome on in which dot TV slash Katrina's entrails still streaming it up I appreciate the love thank you let me go with that yeah I'm pretty damn sure that's the way to go with impale having blight so I think I'll probably give her the same skillset then I don't think I really necessarily need this move although it is a back one but I pretty sure I don't need that amount of shuffling from these guys with the amount of other options they've got so that works for that I'm cool with these moves for her and then obviously protect me is gonna be the way to go here flash powder is unnecessary a festering vapors is complementary to the rest of the build and nervous stab is just a fail-safe in case I need it get down might be nice to have to actually get down because the shuffle obviously is quite good although I think I've got enough with everybody else to not really necessarily need it so let's go with these four cool all right I can't believe I'm actually gonna do it this way but it sort of seems like it's good even though they're low rank and everything's gonna go horribly wrong don't worry about it we're gonna make this work first off shield breaker health stone only gives her three health not all that grade book of relaxation that's pretty nice I would love for her to have a decent amount of extra accuracy that doesn't matter that doesn't matter that doesn't matter I think I gotta give somebody blood thirst ring so let's give it to the antiquarian probably right yeah definitely let's do this and then give her the camouflage cloak as well well no no no let's give the grave-robber the camouflage cloak considering we're gonna have the antiquarian using protect me most of the time and then oh that's fantastic yes very very very good trinket for this okay thank you and then bloody fetish is a great choice for one of these shield breakers as well let's just go ahead and toss that on her and more bleed resist would be nice if I had it I don't think I do though let's check the stagecoach are not the stagecoach the Nomad wagon and see if there's maybe something no no dice okay oh I do have shards actually hmm ignores stealth lowered virtue chance more critical we have shard dust in the inventory which is kind of cool we're going to the cove so oh that's a cultist only abomination plague doctor antiquarian I [ __ ] we need eight more wow that is an interesting trinket but it might be might even be worth it no dice there's literally dice there true fair point oh man look at this thing that's big-time holy [ __ ] oh I wish I had the crystals for that wow man okay well now we know they're their self no extra help there from the Nomad leg and unfortunately hey how you doing welcome let's go with the I don't want to lower their dodge at all actually so I'd like to do additional crit seems up like a pretty good choice they already have a decent amount of speed so I'm not too worried about lowering it all that much and then I guess we'll do that yeah that's helpful at least and I'm gonna give her the health stone why is she so fast does she have a quirk luminous that's the reason okay I see okay okay Katherine doing well how you doing kingliness welcome welcome thank you all for joining us time to start our first run of the day we're going up against the siren having built with a shield breaker dual combo along with grave robber in their third slot to kind of allow the shuffling and shadow fade lunge picked the face opportunities to try to pierce through armor in the cove and then our antiquarian desperately trying to heal our team whenever necessary which hopefully won't be too often because we also do have the Serpent's way which I'm probably gonna be using a lot I might use that every battle in fact just to try to prevent damage as much as possible because a grave robbers got a decent amount of dodge as long as we keep our torch light up and then be she's gonna be using protect me all the time so hopefully one of these guys or one of these guys is gonna be able to keep her protected all the time - let's do it Bam Bam probably don't need that many more shovels again even be slightly conservative with my purchases here let's do this couple of more keys and then full stack of torches will bring a couple extra of those and no need for anything else I don't think I'm gonna bring one extra herb just in case because this is a medium boss dungeon I highly recommend this DLC sacrif it is it has been a thrill for me thus far my lofty position wasn't always accompanied by the fear of office and there was a time when I could walk the streets or raise a glass in the tavern without concern for molestation faithful as the tide one precocious village waif made it her hobby to shadow my every errand it was charming then troublesome later one precocious village wave I always wondered what became of the unfortunate little waif it's jus dastardly word upside up hello fun name vocal man continues to ruin everything the story of the ancestor live at 10 a.m. on slash bear taffy well they got a lot of damage off immediately although it wasn't really that much kind of exaggerating there ain't you bear Taff that'll do with a plus ten dodged from the crit bonus - holy [ __ ] I really ought not do the Serpent's way against enemies like this I suppose like that doesn't make any sense at all we can just eliminate them and even if they hit us it's only dealing like one damage so with that in mind I'll just you know go battle by battle I suppose in the limit or evaluate whether or not it's necessary but DLC is out yeah it's 12 a.m. actually bear taffy my bag Shin 40k six months in a row welcome back thank you thank you very much sorry I forgot your time zone is the right one that's my bad that's my fault yeah it's probably worth and you gotta keep keep that light up for the Dodge I only gave the antiquarian one trinket [ __ ] I think maybe I was well - the secretly hoping I could get some crystalline thing for her but anyway she welcomed to the pile bear hugs please thank you for something with which Prime I appreciate that very much look at all that me moats you got look at all that me moats there's like twenty four of them suckers got a hug you get a WoW hey teens before June waiting to be spent look at that there we go that's kind of helpful is this the inventory space anyway otaku welcome to the live stream glad to have you in my opinion the streams way better than the VOD but the VOD is good too bare Brown is the little bear Brown we've established now is literally the colour of madness this seems like a good time to use the shield maybe I love that moves her forward to that's actually super helpful bod boys where you at Truvada drop bob boys during the livestream let's see here I can lunge to try to get the crit kill and get the buff for the Dodge against the other guy sweet let's do exactly that wow that sucks hey cool it worked out anyway Lost Boys also acceptable sad boys no not sad boys I will pumps not during a color of madness morning pod BOTS double shield breaker yeah we're doing some quirkiness a little early here this I mean look I know how ridiculous I sound when I say that a team with an antiquarian as a healer is good but I believe it when I say it which maybe says more about me than it does about the team itself but I think this is a good squad I think they've got the means by which to handle most things in the cove especially mind that such missteps are the exception there's no healing at all but if you can prevent damage you don't need to heal right yeah galaxy brain points to head I hear the ladies are really into dad bods lately good message good comment I approved so pick to the face obviously an excellent choice here not to mention the fact that the shield breakers beat the [ __ ] out of these guys we've got a really good team for the cove right now keep that light up just in case the camouflage Club calls I really want to make the right choices here and I'll have a lot of control games so I'm wondering if maybe I should attempt to destroy their source of stress damage first sadly no lunge luck I think maybe we want to try to finish her off still yeah like obviously the big hindrances to this crew are the fact that we don't have any healing or stress healing so it's all about prevention and the fact that I've given myself debuffs to speed are an really unfortunate I think now that I realize most of what I've just said because it's kind of critical that we act first as well it'll be lovely we a gesture actually in place of the antiquarian I think that might be better missed have you used the official reskin for the herbalist yet yeah the musketeer I have downloaded the DLC so now I guess it's just a matter of time until it shows up in the roster for us might even show up in the next dungeon or in the next stagecoach I mean well they just welcomed that how you doing so easy just just don't get hit forehead if you do get hit well don't be bad lull let's see see I can do this again and stack the blocks I'm pretty sure not to mention that is a speed buff actually too so maybe this is a good idea oh just kidding that doesn't stack blocks now I know does stack the buff at least though uh now I can start pick to the face I'd say he does have more protection but I'm pretty yeah this ignores it completely right yeah so that's a good idea and then let's work a little bit on the heels here hey there we go see who needs who needs a vestal useless oh she can still get bled though ok that works just kill the enemies Lal all right so we're not stacking those anymore we're piercing armor again with the Pierce you know that makes sense I don't want to move forward I'm taking away the impale that way how about we go with a captivate I really want to impale I mean the armor piercing might not even killed him so that was a guaranteed kill I guess let's try to get another heal out real fast here let's do it on her yeah the aegis is really good I love it sad that we can still bleed though alright well there's our impale no luck on the blight unfortunately let's do it with her now - cycling impales this is what we needed from this squad this is gonna be fun blocks any attack any amount of damage but it does apparently allow damage over time to get through one more heal would be nice I think I'll go ahead and shuffle her around to allow for that that's fine alright yeah though resist buff - that is nice - that helps it's not useless this expedition at least promises success rate Scouts nice good stuff I might want to make room for this - let's go ahead and dump the citrine for now Chris they're worth a little more than that yay scouting yay bloodthirst ring I wonder if or what stopped the instant kill from the heart I'd seriously doubt it but that would be kind of neat alright there's no way I can use a shovel on that unfortunately it does seriously holy [ __ ] Thank You Fox dad for subscribing M Horton thank you important for subscribing Fox dad and M Houghton welcome to the bear the dynamic duo hacks laden with loot are often low on supplies thank you both for your support I appreciate it welcome in show you bad gene emotes Thank You bear hugs please the double sup special attacks like the bulls mom I mean it's worth a try I guess right we might as well find out ah that is 1500 gold but with the antiquarian I wonder if maybe it would be better to just have like a stack of gold itself I think we'll be able to find something more valuable I think I'm okay dumping those for now cuz I'm sure I'll get rid of them anyway hey lis girls how you doing okay you're a priority number one hopefully I can just lunge you straight away that would suck if she got stunned okay good [ __ ] okay well that's not too much luckily we've been able to prevent most of the stress damage up to this point but again I should oh I can't reach him [ __ ] okay well in that case let's kill this guy I think try to get the numbers advantage and prevent their stunt option right away Serpent's ways still good gets are moving forward and allows for impale next turn good lord they are dodging like crazy and I approve now let's get the protect me up from the antiquarian as well and that we've got like our full defensive buildup misread the name of the stream is the color of coffee well I mean the color of madness is bare brown so you're not far off Aegis is some broken [ __ ] agencies like it's a temporary buff so it's not like it's completely broken breaking things but when you use it this way damn does it work well alright luckily no stress attack from him the fact that he's protected pisses me off I don't want to do it forward to let's just go ahead and work on that damage I guess let the a just do its business and we will impale ezpz he lit up who needs it let's go with you yeah a just combined with antiquarians protect me exactly what we're doing right now is pretty [ __ ] good really really solid in cycling impales along with that that's what I'm saying man this team is good the grave robber is maybe be variable that you can play around with like I would maybe even trade out a gesture for you can obviously add in like a vestal to if you have the option I didn't but right now I'm feeling awesome about this like this is really working and squaring in best healer hands-down you know it you [ __ ] know it little by little here now that was pretty stupid for me to lunge up and allow her to be hit by this but she does have all that dodge so there we go we're banking on it I'm pretty sure we'll get first action here it's here yeah and there we go one full point of healed little by little bit sees this momentum push on to the tasks and this is a very good early game trinket I think I'm gonna make space for it I'll dump the herb maybe how much more oh we do have quite a bit of this dungeon left though judge G so no work today time to watch array well come on back in buddy thank you for the bits let's I do want it I haven't had the need for bandages all that much I could maybe dump those now I really want to keep the torches I probably only need that much food nor have I really use the keys but I'm about to use one right now so let's just go ahead and do that and it's Quarian Bam Bam Bam for Crusader ruins today that sounds like fun I am definitely gonna do some meme builds at some point I don't know that's gonna be early game but eventually that will definitely be happening we want to keep the herbs for curio interactions for now considering there's so much more this dungeon left to go all right I think we out damaged these guys or at least we attempt to dodge it again nice goodness they can't be [ __ ] touched let's give her a little bit of a heel for for good luck I guess resistance to the bleeds that they will not dole out dodge it okay that's alright that's alright that's acceptable yeah that's good she's not gonna die from that flight obviously or he's not I don't know what the [ __ ] they are actually I'm gonna lie I'm presuming the gender of these fish don't hit her again oh that's too much that's too much damage now I'm gonna have to feed her food what's convenient mind yourself that overconfidence and insidious killer food is the best healer I don't know if you guys realize that who needs a vestal when you can bring 24 food in a blood thirst ring okay well I did say I still need the shovel from before so let's keep that in mind set more food yay all I need is a torch stanchion now and I'll just have the dungeon do it for me food is a slow and insidious healer well played well played oh that's definitely not what I want to see but a surprise is actually [ __ ] perfect oh my god this is exactly what I needed one eight hundred yards [ __ ] train rolling through one 800 eSports can't collect the bits now beds for crits damn it 3,800 biddies thank you so so much for that holy [ __ ] all right well she's got dodge let's rely on it please protect me did I shoot shoot big trains rolling 5,000 bits from Deadeye goodness thank you oh my god enjoy your football emotes everybody always [ __ ] thank you so so much Betty train rolling through the station I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you for the love it's for crits let's go so know someone said bits thank you for the thousand affording us the opportunity to dispatch of a pelagic guardian thank you very very much let's go ahead and shadow baby oh that seems fine head of fire-ant query and healer only let's load this guy up on food you know what it's working so far I'm thrilled with the results of this battle slash dungeon that it's a lot of football emotes man holy [ __ ] yeah your deck dad ain't yet okay let's let's think about what we needed from her right now I think I small heal is in order a small heal indeed thank you for that okay impale time you got cycle impales here she does have aegis available but I think the impale is more effective why are they not blighted oh it's just a small chance isn't it thank you for the 105 bits Riven I appreciate it much love to you she's got the double buff right double damage buff from the lunge not to mention the crit bonus eighty-five percent against eighty oh my god the lunge is that like likely your chance to hit not to mention more damage against the blighted target are you kidding me let's go Oh baby right here right here that's the one you want that's the one you want likes a shoe all my bits for the crits let's see if we get one more in here for you buddy let's see it I want it I want it real bad give me that pick to the face crit of all things 9% let's see it ah maybe an impale or a pierce actually he's got an 18% chance that maybe it's four crits bits four crits oh the formula proves true he lead ghost success so clearly and few more is it merely a trick of the light it's four crits 100% confirm thank you a lead goes for the 500 biddies as well darkest dungeon is pay2win no wonder it's got all those negative reviews this is what they were talking about rigged [ __ ] rigged the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it another 1500 biddies from dead I got my madrenas today yeah international shipping oh my goodness really yay that's fantastic that's been a long time coming I have been getting messages about that since I got this sponsorship so that's fantastic to hear this is why we keep that herb I think that torch is actually worth one that citrine but whatever oh let's go thank you for the bit swarm all of a sudden the [ __ ] train still a rolling thank you guys so much for the love the bits have been out of control this week as you can clearly see on the leader board dead I just took over so no in first place by the way oh [ __ ] thank you guys again just infinitely for the amount of bit love you've been showing me that he's certainly not gone unnoticed oh yeah I don't know if I just provoked someone I feel so scummy doing that man switch me to the game though they're the ones that did it I'm just playing along with the damn leaderboard thing okay this is fun for me obviously so no is making a comeback on room though no kidding yeah if you look down there at the old time like holy [ __ ] I didn't think anyone was gonna touch room but somehow is creeping up do-do-do-do-do-do M Horton using this 95 bitties to remind danger copter that he's in fact a new [ __ ] nailed it good use of the biddies okay this is scary now this is like exactly what I didn't want to see I think I just need to go ahead and kill him despite the fact that it takes away and impale or I could pick to the face hope it does enough and that is actually looking pretty good okay yeah that's better and definitely impale no more blight unfortunately I think I still need to do it protect me although my festering vapors one of them is that enough to get the kill here I think it would be on this guy that's probably worth it yeah there we go that's good it takes away an opportunity for them to deal damage up front in the back I mean and now definitely need to go for this guy first creates the corpse only allows two targets in the back dead i OCD kicked him thank you for the hundred biddies look at that gold bad next to your name oh goodness they really can't fight it have you played with shield breaker before I want to mention something but also don't want to spoil a ride precipitates I know about the I know about the thing yeah don't worry about it I play with her before um let's see leads are good I think they're worth one in the citrine let's go ahead and do this and I guess the bloody fetish was probably worth more than the Onyx two so this is just a straight-up buff right if I recall correctly interaction here and see let's just try it out that is until camp 20% damage okay that's pretty damn good kyoool we need that not to happen furious is the trap makers art is efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes I probably eat more food is actually saving my ass here I've gotten so much extra from the dungeon - that really worked out unfortunately we are gonna have all my goodness thank you it's just gonna mention this if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption SiC on a scout that's perfect okay and then oh man I was gonna hope that there was no battle here but we are gonna have to go through there and get that first I think just to guarantee that we have a radiant light for the boss fight' ryeowon vendor just want to see if this works it sure does I can see the bits I've got the alert only set up so it goes for amounts over 100 to the FYI so no gifting the sub to folia do folia do welcome to the bear pile think you saw enough goddamn that's enough of this fight we don't have to do this every time holy hell oh that's bad okay I think I got a try for a quick kill on this one but that prevents her from getting it again and then protect me here obviously then surf its way for sure I'd love for you to dodge something that would be really handy okay that blocked a crit that was really helpful okay and then she only takes two damage that's still very nice excellent result overall definitely go from the surface way here and there by Gover and captivate to try to kill him coming in a dire time yeah things are looking a little grim here but luckily we've managed to handle this pretty effectively so far nice that's very good yeah you still get this dress from the crit unfortunately all right let's go ahead and go for that as I mentioned nice because the corpse even which might help us out actually in the long run here shadow fade is excellent that that actually allows for an impale which is perfect yes I love this shuffling party this is so effective dodge okay that's not too bad hey just saving our ass for sure nice that's really really good let's go for a bit of damage here and see if maybe we can help somebody along the way eight plus one two two plus two Hey plus an impale maybe which I think we'll have available a lunge I want to allow to knock out this guy by itself I don't think the heel at this point is all that necessary nor Tsar protecting any help anymore so I think this is probably my best play cuz he's down to six right so yeah if I can just allow him to do his thing and then focus on the others I never might he's dead all right those may be a little unnecessary then oh well um let's stay back and allow her to impale as well well no that's not really necessary let's go for the guaranteed thing for he [ __ ] six holy hell all we need is Chris Chris Chris no matter what supply me with [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] to back him up [Music] a trifling victory thought a victory nonetheless there we go 875 got to take that obviously the blood is not all that necessary I think I can dump off the rest of this and then as I mentioned gotta go for this fight real fast hopefully it's not for [ __ ] pelagic groupers again and then finally we can rest guarantee the radiant light the other or for the boss fight immune just two of them this time that's a little bit better Hey gritty somebody that'll help thank you thank you and then ooh it's guaranteed kill actually I don't think I'm gonna do serpent sway here I'll just take the lickin unless I get a crit Wow and aquarium first nah man nice wow that was convenient thank you beautiful sublime even these nightmarish creatures can be filled they can be and I know I don't need these things so we'll take those get rid of the journal page take the crests sit get rid of the journal page as I get rid of the journal page thank you and walk all the way down the hallway guaranteed we're gonna run you into a sham blur and these final two tiles here melt just kidding we're good and it's Aquarian more lag and kriti and heyo all right all the way back not too much to worry about here we're just gonna hop on in camp fire up and heal up and be good to go might not even really need to use all that much for healing with the camp fire skills actually yeah I don't think we need to do anything in fact so let's have a look at what we want to do all companions with armor piercing is not really that all that helpful actually snake skin is very nice we'll go ahead and allow her that I like trinkets crowns right now that's pretty good okay I'll take that thanks let's go ahead and add that onto somebody we'll give her her speed back that's really nice and let's see one companion can't be marked as kind of fun snuffbox unfortunately is not necessary we might just end up doing encourages here to remove the stress actually we don't even have that option do we let's get some supply items I guess [ __ ] it yay I can't use that can wait oh well man I should have looked at my camping skills first I guess this is sort of a waste nope don't mean that all companions get armor-piercing yeh that's perfect okay let's rest and get ambushed as the light gains purchase and purpose is made clear back into the spotlight by a tortured mind Rattler's hey I forgot we needed to clear the Stealth on this guy it's only one round those that's not too bad [ __ ] I forgot about that I forgot about that I forgot I need the laudanum goddamn it whoops does that go away when you wake up hopefully laudanum doesn't work right whoopsie well we do have ourselves and you know armour-piercing anyway so we know we can do that all right impale to suck it and suck it out all right well this is gonna be terrible hey cool we're just cycling and bail the entire time though oh my god leave them at one ow don't thank you al always [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no [ __ ] that okay my god dude I forgot how tough this [ __ ] fight is this is really hard this is tougher than the [ __ ] boss is gonna be dodge nope she's dead teetering on the brink facing the abyss oh man all right well that didn't work very well gonna die yeah you're gonna die fix that up real quick oh geez man well I forgot about that yep that sucks we're adding on stress luckily it doesn't matter too much now but they have lower accuracy - and the lack of background music in the snake fight is unnerving yeah it is a little unsettling in that all right so we just got to make sure we don't get a hunger activation which would really suck okay good and now give her all this ready to go got all the right skills set up okay I mean we're still in fine shape here it's just that debuff accuracy that sucks and obviously having them up that that level of stress is pretty bad but still manageable let's go for it we got that recovery charm and her now - which is good yay hey rocket how are you I think I'll start with the lunge here wise choice I see a little bit of stress relief for them I like serpents way as well the wave mm-hmm and let's see well that's fun internet blight resistance is pretty low not to mention I can lower it with this circ locked double bleed unfortunately hopefully the she might just choose the ages again which would be beautiful and I like shadow fade although that does put the antiquarian in spot two unfortunately so I think I'll go ahead and avoid that since I don't have get-down equipped oh that's terrible goodness all right a little bit of help I think we'll keep this going keep Britain and Caribbean on the loose that's too much stress oh goodness we're getting close all right got her back luckily didn't get a result check I there no need to impale just yet I think serpents way might be worth it let's go ahead and do that I think hopefully I was gonna say hopefully the shield breaker goes first but I think we're just gonna go ahead and have to pick up a face again actually toxin trickery is a really good idea here should have done it before though but now it's fine a little a little bit of extra dodge on her oh don't do it again I've got an Aegis come on god damn it well there she goes oh okay come back to me right no a moment of clarity in the eye of the storm she instead decides to create her own team after becoming focused that makes sense makes a ton of sense low she's focused on murdering us yeah you want a little taste of your own medicine I'm not gonna do it but I want to uh well I mean that's still good anyway come on back okay that's fine unless we're supposed to come back jeez I still can't [ __ ] do it nice okay thank you yeah you should be that hurt oh okay we are getting pretty lucky all things considered and now you know what [ __ ] it now good thing I dumped all the bandages right four two four two four two four two four two four four two four two four two four two four two four two what would the bear pile thanks for subscribing I appreciate it you seem like a normal person thanks frosty Jesus for gifting the subscription hmm no blade oh yeah you know what go ahead much better you can stay [Laughter] oh man I just I want to do it just to [ __ ] with her but now we won't yay how in the [ __ ] did you get hit by that you have 55 dodge you better get a crits good enough I guess um no I want this no I already have one I guess it's war is it worth more than this I don't think so I think it's worth like 750 so I'll bump it off all right cool good stuff let's get out of here not a crit doesn't count yeah we got to start the boss over whoops I'm ready for it I'm ready stay hydrated bot where are you where are you he's gonna show up any [ __ ] second what the hell somebody give me an uptight where's stay hydrated but how am I gonna know to drink water what the [ __ ] I don't know what to do with this cup now what do we do I can't I can't stay hydrated oh no I got creepin cough I definitely need to stay hydrated now where's my bod Oh modest offering from those few surrounding farms as yet untouched by the spreading calamity now you got a died rate take have horrible Bond villain lime I'll drink the dream as I can see I'll drink a little water I'll figure it out pour it into the carpet and roll around in it to absorb all the water oh that's what I do okay it's my workday I'm doing it it's not working I didn't work supply and provision costs are down what's fun mortality clarified in a single drop bolster your health bear taffy with a quick plot to the floor rid ourselves of that nonsense captain caffeine thank you for 40 biddies guess I'll just die guess I'll die shrug I do love to stay hydrated puns I do it too it's it's a fun time well then now off to the farmstead yet but we're getting there let's have a look at the stagecoach to see what sort of rabble we can pick up from there another antiquarian a hound master if we don't have them lower ranks anymore ah nothing really all that tempting unfortunately they come looking for what am I looking for at this point down on the lower ranks I mean a hound master might not be a bad idea I am a fan of that class after all I think I'll go ahead and pick that up for now yeah I've got all the DLC you enable the right guy let's go ahead and activate the subs only mode please and I'll get a raffle going with moobot reset this puppy and we'll rename this hound master I was so surprised to see that you hadn't even been a member at the bear pile yet and of course once you do become one it's at tier [ __ ] 3 Thank You Deadeye for the tier 3 sub please drop the color of madness bear brown in the chat thank you thank you very much for that support enter X clam raffle and into the chat as well if you would like to be considered oh my god 42 42 is an actual person that's hilarious sorry I didn't I thought that was just a joke so I don't mean to demean your humanity but you do have kind of a robotic name don't you anyway exclaim er I hope you win I really do hope you win because that's gonna be great for the means but X lamb raffle please in the chat if you'd like to be considered for the new member the the hound master here I'll go ahead and figure out what we want to do in the meantime oh let's see let's see let's see probably want to look at like trinket availability at this point maybe even want to try to fight the thing from the Stars does that does provide us with crystals or shards rather so it is useful to do so in fact I might want to go to that Cove for that very reason rappelled does not appear to be in sub only mode Oh ups whoops whoops yep you're right you're right you're right whoopsie sorry sorry sorry folks that's on me my bad alright go ahead and do it again reset raffle in the chat you snitched you told bottom they were gonna be eligible they were sneaking in there and then somebody just had these if somebody had to ruin the fun for the rest of the class didn't they oh well okay so if we are gonna go back to the Cove let's have a look at our options here I could go jester as I was suggesting but I think the vestal has got to be the better choice then a really really real ya don't want to really rock a lot of bleed here so maybe go back to the grave-robber again which would likely mean I wanna put her in spot 3 and have the vessel in the back man and arm seems good and then I could do a Hellion with nil bleed skills like something like the Jaap the iron swan and the adrenaline rush would be fine by me yeah that looks pretty good that's a decent amount of damage here they don't have a lot of synergies but they have a decent amount of light i coupled with the straight-up damage and the armor piercing capability of the of the grave-robber seems worth it let's do what I want to do here I could have shadow fade lunge and shadow fade and then equip rampart on my on my mantle arms not use command actually use crush this time use this this is like the default setup for the men-at-arms I'd say and that looks pretty good yeah and of course a pretty standard kit for the vestal there too that looks good okay let's go ahead and draw this name for the hound master winner is stelios ooo valley odds oooh well come on in newest member of the roster thank you very much for your subscription of course I appreciate it please free the plebes damn you moobot here we go here we go with another another Hallion run oh boy here I go killing hellions again let's take him into the blacksmith guild real quick and make sure they're all set to go we do have a decent amount of gold again which feels [ __ ] great everything's [ __ ] wonderful I don't need that definitely take these though along with a crush upgrade the Hellion does not get anything unfortunately and again the blacksmith is done for her it's about damn time you freeloader well what are the [ __ ] pile jeez it's sitting around in here issuing out commands all day like they're deserving of respect or something stay hydrated bot can't even stay on the [ __ ] job do they at least move BOTS around for something thanks move on alright what are we giving around here let's uh we definitely know don't need a rat carcass but thanks for giving me that how about we give the recovery charm to somebody that seems like a wise choice how about to the Hellion that usually seems like a good idea we could even be like defensive with the Hellion how about that BAM there we go and then man-at-arms might want to actually protect a little bit with him so let's give him the that's gonna lower Dodge that's right so let's not do that we have a need specific ones we can do that's not gonna help us this time class specific trinkets and unfortunately not look now that Hellion will just die slower yeah wonderful Oh baby yeah I'm gonna buy that I'm gonna go ahead and buy that that's pretty [ __ ] good with the twenty five biddies please let us speak sir Thank You Rio and much appreciated rip all my money yet there it all goes in the form of a Sun ring but hey worth [ __ ] worth it that's amazing I'm gonna give this to him help him out a little bit with the bleed resistance you are taking the book of relaxation for a little boost to accuracy lower dodge unfortunately but that's fine by me hopefully gonna be able to guard with the mane and arms quite a bit of the time anyway still don't have any bleed resistance I'd like to increase the crit I so I think I'll go ahead and give that to her lowered speed unfortunately and then a health stone Oh still some only mode my bad my bad my bad subscribers off sorry sorry I guess we don't have any mods in here right now I'm gonna have to fix that he said ominously free boys tast it was the snitch he's the poor I was wondering why is someone with okay yeah anyway my bad my bad I don't want to ever keep you behind bars like that let's do the stunt charm I guess maybe it's been helping me who knows whoa when did this happen the heck is that like is that from a town event maybe what does the symbol mean I didn't even notice this this candle I am assuming what that means is it can only impact one hero per roster when you killed the thing from the stars oh cool meet lots of debuff resist that is really nice okay anyway I think we're finally ready let's do it off to the cove again to maybe kill the thing of the stars one more time and get that buff once more oh my god provisions are free I forgot yay free provisions woohoo love it love it I don't need that laudanum but I'll bring you for fun alright yep that'll do let's go what buff does the crystal meth give you um I don't remember exactly I know it impacts stress negatively when you take it but it does give you a buff to something but we must find its source I won't pardon you every time you fail to read the rest of it just because there's a pun in the middle of it Wayne Open roulette for how much Hellion stays alive place your bets now for the percentage of the dungeon you think the Hellion will make it through my money's on a hundred but to each their own go ahead and pop a holy water here now I guess 69 percent yeah yeah that's fitting I guess 420 percent all right we got those taken care of 56 percent 42 percent going along with the theme I guess we want to go with poisoned darts here I'm kind of rethinking it already let's see let's have a look at how effective lunge is to begin with and then probably barbaric you ought to start see the thing is we can't rampart after a lunge lest we suffer a mispositioned Hellion so we're gonna have to do things like retribution and defender here and defender certainly makes sense after we put the grave robber in that position so starting up with a lunge defender shadow fade actually seems like a really really good option in the beginning of each fight triple stunts obviously is gonna be really goddamn helpful - not to mention the fact that we've already done a decent amount of damage to him so like I mentioned we're definitely going to go ahead and go for the shadow fade here probably try to wicked hack to kill off this this fishy boy and well that's good cuz any of your character gotten the quirk Twilight Dreamer uh I don't think so not that I've seen I'll keep an eye out for it though I guess let's go for the backline damage crit actually kills him holy [ __ ] and yeah there we go there she blows alright we can iron spawn here - it's probably better considering we don't have a lot of means to deal with stress damage in this team health damage however we can easily address any chance you intend on streaming this frequently in the future this specifically because of the DLC release I'm hoping to actually maintain this Ralpha this DLC in particular has given me renewed vigor for broadcasting because not only am i looking forward to finishing this playthrough but I'm really looking forward to doing as I mentioned several times like late-game builds for the endless mode and trying out different team compositions in that in that area seeing what works better and you know like doing some mean teams of course will be fun as well I'm really excited for late-game stuff with darkest dungeon and this game is providing its event II what do you get for killing the thing of the stars you get crystal shards and apparently a pretty dope positive quirk which I suppose is random let's do a Jaap I guess he doesn't have that much resistance and I'm probably not gonna be dealing that much damage with her for the remainder of this fight it's gonna be all about the armor-piercing in the stun control I guess and he's taking all the hits anyway so there we go Ralph ah welcome back for 16 months thank you my friend I appreciate it oh you also get a memory I did not know that you get a memory for killing the thing that's fantastic memories are very useful so yeah we want to pursue that then that's gonna be an important priority there we go because she's the corpse clearer at this point let's go ahead and give him a nice little heal considering that bleed and then how do we finish you out probably with poison oh wait no yeah she's got the picked up a face duh but that is still a massive amount of damage anyway and let's go ahead and use one of our six bandages hoorah Kabam this crushing nor Armour no it's just got a good amount of damage I guess sick man the repose for that much that's pretty great holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's going well it allows you to [ __ ] ignore enemy's stealth that's what Twilight Dreamer does holy [ __ ] that's pretty goddamn good yeah I want that okay none of this is all that appealing we'll go ahead and try for this and see if it's any good yeah I'll take all those in places like a cold I guess actually I'll keep the Ruby use all our holy waters dump those take the heirlooms I do still need the heirlooms of course make sure that's all set cool and we've gotten some pretty easy teams to go up against so far I'm I'm a fan thank you game I do have access to districts yeah and we'll we'll be seeing more of that I'm sure in the near future here poisoned Dart finish them off kyoool retribution how to do it yeah a lot and I'm probably gonna be next to go I'm pretty damn sure I'm not gonna be able to use that in this dungeon since we don't have a shield breaker but I guess again those can't be used in that either so wat [ __ ] womp grit please that was not the right skill light not that I really need a lot more radiance may we find victory some ring appreciates it though oh goodness first run into the crimson poor buggers okay looking to avoid the curse porfavor can't stun these guys well we can land one on this boy there we go they've actually got some protection too so it's definitely a wise choice to do the armor piercing option on them excellent see how much the wicked hat goes for geez could you pause I'm going for more beer bear yeah sure alright hold on we're just gonna wait just gonna sit here quietly just kidding around I'm just goofing around with you I like I like to try to be considerate sometimes yeah these well c'mon in I apologize a demo night the terrible memory but welcome all the same thanks for joining us again got you got got you good didn't I goofed him actually waiting would be so it would be good for the bed yeah I really should commit to my bits more I suppose I gotta be really locked into it for the entertainment value dude oh please no no no no no no yay he's gonna go first isn't he oh not if I have something to say about it doo doo doo kill him did someone say bits did someone say bits the wounds of war can be healed never hidden and hear it but uh welcome that but someone say boobs Oh Oh boobs you say yeah yeah I can get rid of that now I said get rid of that now goodness oh my god there's too many fish in this Cove is it possible to fight the fanatic and the thing from the stars on the same run time will tell I suppose yes lunge grit thanks how about another one and there might be enough Hey all right now shadow fade for sure get him in position to retribution this guy and please die crits have been buffed a bit yeah I think the chance has been improved for just about everybody and of course on top of that they have now added the crit bonuses to each character and which are unique to each character so for example she gets a massive dodge bonus whenever she crits something the vessel gets a bonus to healing dealt I think the Hellion gets like a bleed chance bonus or like a crit chance bonus or something like that and then etc etc etc it's really cool bear your professional science-based opinion which class is your favorite and least favorite to use things have changed considerably since the patch since the well since the dlc slash update i guess you would say hold on I got to figure out what I want to do here oh you know germaphobe is a really terrible one we should probably get rid of that those other two aren't that great either but and see if there's welco phob is worth getting rid of I guess and then soft is also pretty terrible but I'm pretty sure it's got a biggie grave robber here and let's hope for the best all right it's probably worse but one less to get rid of I guess yes since the update no you say leper fave with a lull but seriously the leper is a beast now the leper became an absolute monster with the new version of the game so he's up there now he's not all that fun to use I'll say so when you're asking me what my favorite and least favorite to use is I don't think he didn't necessarily fits that criteria but he's much better now I really like using the grave robber actually probably a little bit of recency bias being employed with that opinion but I think she's a fun character to use she's got a really interesting kid let's go with I don't think we need that many torches and I'd like to get the crest still actually all those are good I might even want to just make a stack available for portraits do let's get rid of antivenom I probably not gonna run into that anymore and then I think I'll let busts go for now paintings are an heirloom that you use to upgrade buildings yeah bomb nation now that he doesn't have the religious restriction anymore obviously is quite nice as well obviously a lot more freedom and compositions with him at this point Jake and a big fan of so we'll go with a rampart lunch here obviously hopefully in that order it's kind of dependent on them and it sure is so I can't actually ran part from spot force that means maybe we start off with a poison dart here and allow the man-at-arms to do his thing first work on her I'm always too scared to run comps without stress healing is it really not needed it's it's not not needed Ralph I would definitely not say that it is extraordinarily useful I would highly recommend unless you have like hundreds of hours in the game to to run with stress healers whenever possible teams like this are extremely susceptible to an enemy composition that would feature like two of these and you know something that came frit easily which we can run into in this dungeon unfortunately so it's like luckily I haven't had those encounters yet but it is entirely possible you really run those odds like you just got to kind of take the the good with the bad when you're looking at parties like this because while we do have that risk we have a lot of benefits as a result of giving that up like we have a lot more damage we have a little bit more control in the form of this Jaap the stun the Vestal stun obviously as well and then the fact that she can do things like stealth or self and then play a little bit more defensively with the poison darts too so we have so many more options because we chose to gave ups or because we chose to give up stress healing well it's done well c'mon in thanks for watching I finally get to be bad and she gets hit immediately part of the fun of party confident darkest dungeon is balancing the weaknesses and strengths exactly yeah that's like honestly half the game for me and it's it's really entertaining enjoyable that's why you go for hound Masters exactly well my fate with the stun Caggiula is done the same enemy three times in a row all God yeah it's it's magnificent sadly that got nerfed a little bit the cuddle weight I think got reduced the stun or like the bonus the stun chance I think got reduced pretty significantly but still an option for sure nice there has to be a way to choose virtues and endless some combination of perks trinkets and lighting mode that adds plus 15% to virtue chance you know em horton i think that might actually be what care level 0 did because he did have two characters that had a positive virtue check so i think you're right it's entirely possible to do something like that they might even nerf that at some point but right now I'm pretty sure it's a possibility okay I don't think I'm gonna for the gifted sub dead I first gifted some on the channel thanks for sharing the love buddy I appreciate it I wonder if I'm gonna regret dumping all these torches oh here we go okay still working on the grave robber here let's go ahead and add for another take it off please thank you oh wait no that's goddamn it it was germophobe that we were looking for I thought it was that one blindness made me think of accuracy immediately but now that's the wrong one shi-it okay we got herbs for that mmm-hmm third time's the charm yeah we'll find another one we'll get it eventually I'll go ahead and go to the end of this hall too Hey look another torch sweet waiting to be spent just a torch waiting calm down all right that's it might actually be our first hunger activation in it let's go this is made clear yes I'm actually excited okay this is very good for us oh boy okay so he's got little blight resistance keep in mind here too if we can build a shitload of blight on this dude early on that's gonna helpfully or hopefully help us with his [ __ ] phase change of the lower ends of his health like 45% or whatever it is Samsonite give it I don't know what it is but scale it here we go don't think that's a good idea bear we'll see I guess all right he cleanses it yeah [ __ ] I forgot about that that's why that's not a valid option [ __ ] cuz he cures himself a bleed implied the beginning of every round I forgotten okay so yeah we're not gonna be doing that then let's a lot of the best would clear out most of these shards most of these aberrations that he produces because those are obviously gonna take off health from him every time as well so she's gonna be able to take care of that for us just kidding she's gonna heal the grave-robber before she dies oh boy well can I actually do this or was that gonna I don't think that's a good idea oh you know what we need to use her armor piercing that's so good that we have that holy [ __ ] okay so she's gonna be the one we rely on for the most part Hey look I got rid of all my anti-venom fun with fire ah goodness alright so healing her actually is perfect and the crit that doesn't do anything unfortunately so again retribution seems good reset the rip post that's a lot of [ __ ] blight that sucks probably not gonna stun this guy I guess adrenaline rush makes sense that's a buff of the team or the buff or the Hellion anyway and then I don't need to do the clearing of the crystals anymore so I suppose it's to get enough time to do this this is how the Hellion dies yet clearly don't stutter don't stunner thank you okay that's good that might be a stress check though that's close oh my god we're really cutting it close and now it's definitely gonna be it my oh my that is not good okay come on now damn it man okie dokie well not quite to protection status but he's getting there I think I'd like to shadow fade so I can do a double damage attack prior to his phase shift that'll be the lunge obviously okay then we'll go ahead and do this I will defend no that's gonna fail if I do it let's just go ahead and hmm damn what should I do here 45 percent of 106 if I do any damage here he's gonna go below this threshold so I'd say retribution again just to set it up so we can do even more dammit that put him under are you [ __ ] kidding me I should have done math better oh well abomination cleansed from our lab that's sauce to damage actually put them in that spot that is oh that's a [ __ ] bummer how well Rick thank you for some with twitch prime abusive math a slow and insidious killer to withstand god damnit alright well that sucks luckily though we can still get the double damage pick to the face and that's pretty good she's gonna be our primary damage from this point forward that's nice too okay obviously just got to go ahead and use the Hellion to clear out this shard here and let's go ahead and keep chopping off the heels I suppose is probably the best play good [ __ ] man at arms and defend you alright still don't still doing quite good here I think the one damage is negligible let's go ahead and top them off we can still blight him but I do feel the pick to the face is still the best option this stress is just ridiculous that he deals feels like it's impossible to avoid having somebody get a check one more damage damn you are dodging everything okay um my riposte is gone after this let's go ahead and activate it one more time no damage that's fine though Hellion or vessel will be able to knock out this aberration oh my god see that has been worth it 100% don't pass turn please judgment to heal her beautiful light takes you and a quick wicked hack but boom that helps all right I think we got it he's gonna hurt himself for six here five I know how to do math clearly as we've demonstrated goodbye hell yes berserk mask thank you okay that is excellent let's eat food No [Music] welcome to the pile blaze thanks for 7:00 my friend I appreciate it doing bad Jenny mouths let's dump the keys we haven't used those for anything yet cool all right that went well I'm gonna try to wonder all the way back through this hall and backtrack to this point and then use the campfire in the next room after that is the plan here that's my second berserk mask that's right yeah regardless though I can either sell that or double Lepper hype all the better for double upper runs exactly which is now totally a valid thing double lepers Opie double Leopard carries you to victory and endless incoming secret room now that you've dumped Kees 100% if I see that in place of any sort of medicinal herb interaction you're banned sorry to say you just brought that upon yourself star Bob I'm sure vessel is gonna kill Helen at some point why it's got to be an interior squabble why can't it just be cooperative all the way through until some otherworldly force eventually consumes the Hellion or pardon me that was a tasty madrenas bird that brought to you by delicious madrenas coffee and my voice cracking wha triple Debra though triple leper though might as well get in my final words stay hydrated hey thanks for looking out for me unlike someone I knew it I'm a genius I'm a genius look at me go look at me go I [ __ ] knew it let's go let's go you remove three negative quirks from the grave robber in this run that's pretty great actually that is that's a good feeling oh my god really Wow thank you do that first nice all right who's next let's get rid of this writer well what's what's the worst thing that we've got here gambler nocturnal thing a phobia well hold on think of phobia and nocturnal or combined both pretty bad yeah let's work on it's working on gambit man that's probably why she got the cheque to begin with let's do that of course yeah RNG Aaron Jesus be with you bear taffy clearly he is not orangey zhis has forsaken me yeah freak root free Kruk remover from The Cove is quite nice isn't it she refuses to use the torch just go ahead and switch people here may not be any other enemies I couldn't even finish the sentence oh [ __ ] okay great that works David what's impeccable oh my god try that hi Jake so i do like i i willfully jinx myself clearly at this point pre-recorded there why do you say things why do you ever talk just sit here quietly quietly in the pause menu like we want you to we laughed when you did this this was the funny thing just sit here quietly bear like that for slipper except squealing like a pig and twitch ed those were better times [Laughter] be grateful for the good done just enjoy the memories we all made together back before I used to talk I ruined it baby you to do there we go never mind this expedition at least promises success okay probably won't be any enemies anymore here we go so you won't I knew one time it will work see now just [ __ ] with me carelessness will find no clemency in this place I mean I should camp I guess I'm kind of holding off until the very end to see who I can fix up oh my God all these herb interactions right just do it don't yell at me then I'll yell at you you selfish fish you belong in this place put you back with this rabble I'll boy nice speaking of better times did you ever walk I gave him the walkies don't you worry yeah he got a nice long walk he was [ __ ] exhausted by the end of it he's so stupid what a stupid dog let me tell you why selfish fish all right I'm sorry I'm sorry selfish fish let me feel bad now I love chubs obviously chubs is my favorite he's the best dog of all time chubs is a vehicle boy you're very good buddy dude dumb dog cuz he comes out with me for a walk he can't hear me right now by the way thankfully he comes out with me for a walk and it's hot as [ __ ] it's like 90 degrees in here though you think that's hot beer no don't worry I already know it's Lake it's 90 degrees pretty hot and he's just trotting out there like oh my goodness where I to walk this time much fun I need a runaround run full speed full speed and I'm so excited he's just like running around sniffing everything going crazy using all his energy in like the first five minutes compassion is a rarity in the fever by the time we get to the second half of the walk he's looking up at me like a tired dad dad tired okay oh my gosh this family like collapses in the shade of the trees I can't go my god y'all man we go that exact face in the emo diac that please such high so that's why that's that's why he's a dumb dog anyway let's reject the gods oh she didn't actually have get affected by that well that was convenient thanks for refusing the effect I might have actually killed you that was really nice let's do this as well did she not do it she didn't do it okay cool well hmm I'm gonna do this and the desperate attempt to make this work hey nice not too bad okay kind of didn't really do anything but I'll take it I'm pretty sure we're gonna get ambushed nice oh my god it all worked out let's go bleed to death yay we're done right we're done I really want to push it anymore let's get out of here Go Go click metal guinea-pig welcome back for six months I'm real thank you buddy I appreciate it not too shabby not too shabby level three stay hydrated but not that he [ __ ] deserves it oh nice though prismatic stability plus 25 percent movers is that is actually really great for him confirm though is pretty awful we're probably have to get rid of that all right cool doesn't really help unfortunately and is usually a good one to get but sadly not all that effective for us this week okay ahead of everything commit everybody to stress relief go ahead and go from gambit man let's put you in tavern to the fish - great name welcome to the pile thanks reasons which prime appreciated buddy enjoy bad knee Mons bear odds please for the newest member much appreciated hunt steer is still stressed this [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't fix you buddy what do you need we'll only meditate well I guess I should look at you first then I'm sorry it's kind of my fault stagecoach musketeer nice that looked a little different there we go hell yeah aim shot so this is a reskin dar bolused by the way so this is all gonna look very familiar if you've seen the herbalist already buckshot is bola this is just a mark that's the well actually that might be a little different I think the arbol this one hits the back three sidearm random target blind fire patch up battlefield bandage skeet shot suppressing fire whichever one that was there you go uh yeah she's got her own trinkets as well I believe or I don't know if she does actually I suppose we'll find out so there we go muskets here ok so I'm gonna take a quick couple minute break here maybe even a few don't you go nowhere while I am on break though I'm gonna go ahead and turn it on sub only mode and allow you guys to enter the raffle to to become the musketeer so I know this is probably a coveted position so give you guys a few minutes mods if you wouldn't mind letting people know as they filter in we're doing the raffle right now go ahead and enter X claim raffle into the chat and I'll be back in just a couple minutes we'll choose our musketeer and we'll continue our playthrough see in a sec
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 97,052
Rating: 4.9492602 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 10sec (5530 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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