Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 15)

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pop-tarts I'm 15 I'm 12 I made I'm a sperm cell I'm a baby I kind of winning no that was inverse order anyway welcome back I fueled up ready for this I'm ready for an endless run actually and you know what we've got a good team for it just having looked at the options we've got in our mercenary roster here I'm memeing it up a little bit grabbing three gestures right out of the gate but to flagellants a vessel and the gesture is totally doable just kidding I can't do patch oh man well I mean it would have been doable hold on let's see then what's gonna be our position - sound master we could do that hmm antiquarian would be hilarious I can do it I can do a hound master I guess yeah sure that seems fine ah which of these two is the better flatulent though Warrior of Light is obviously gonna be really nice I think it's got to be this guy in fact yeah it's got to be this guy yep okay so by for rares see ya the task ahead is terrible and weakness cannot be tolerated I was promised quod Crusaders I don't know if it'll let me I don't even know if it'll let me do quod gesture can we yeah I can all right good it's at least not preventing that Thank You Gabe so there's the team and I like it I like this team well enough I think they'll be able to do just fine in the farmstead so let's try it out don't need to upgrade or upgrade them at all either thankfully they've got all their skills unlocked so I'm just gonna go ahead and set these up accordingly bam bam boom jesters gonna go with those and the tiger side buff of course it encourages a lot worse than mockery so we'll go with that then BAM bam bam no need for sanctuary cool yeah I like it quad leper to lepers just spam attacks and the other just kind of exist into nothing perfect flawless no you don't lose trinkets I don't I don't think of the characters died what I believe happens is you'll lose them for a week and then they'll just show up back in the estate with a hundred stress and I'm pretty sure they'll have the trinkets that they that they had equipped at that point I got the Barons last trophy as well all right okay so as is pretty much customary at this point we'll go with a chip tooth and the flagellants punishments hood if you can't kill them all except one and then end does that mean you only get 10% of shards removed only one way to find out right how do I want to do this this time I doubt it no again this is not great for the endless run it's probably better for just a normal run for him so let's give him dismisses head then and the extra stress is probably okay gesture you need oh if only we had the bright tambourine we all really need a bright tambourine not bright tambourine give him all the dodge then let him dodge every damn attack and we need the holy water for the buffs of healing skills and she's got Vestal beads which are not gonna be used here but attempting to use one day let's see well should I give her not a moon cloak of course I really don't have a ton of great options still I guess like a swift cloak speed buff maybe I'll give her the feather crystal instead and then I could give the jest or something like bloody dice maybe I could give her a recovery charm if I want mmm what does this do oh it's just for crimson curse and it's actually a pretty decent trophy though I don't need that's let's do maybe we will do the bleed skill tell you what I'm just gonna give him this oh wait no who's got the fell yeah I thought the crystals here okay so let's do that we'll do this and then let her have this for the speed buff okay cool that'll do I guess not the strongest composition but it'll make do the group heal here we got to take this off and favorite solo finale battle bout all that etc etc hound master with the know I'm not gonna have a stress he'll gonna use the blackjack this time guard dog doesn't seem necessary but I don't know if I'd rather have hounds Harry maybe I do need this but let's use this first and then flatulent probably not gonna need that I'll take the suffer and I'll have rain of sorrows equip for the start as well and we'll watch it switch off redeem for exsanguinate okay and let's go ahead and raffle off the names of these new mercenaries shall we since we are actually gonna use the squad please enter subscriber mode for me mods if you wouldn't mind I'm gonna go ahead and reset this raffle draw some names welcome rabbit burrito welcome to the pile my friend thank you for subscribing to its prime I appreciate it exclaim raffle in the chat if you'd like to be considered and will rename all these characters after subscribers thank you very much of course for subscribing for being a member of the pile it's always very nice to see all those badges in the sub only mode thank you thank you all very very much for keeping the support up what's provision for the farmstead in the meanwhile let's bring no keys necessary I don't think we needed shovels either but there might be a curio interaction I've forgotten about bring a full stack a lot in them all the holy water all the herbs and food I guess to eat for later - the Irish tree trunk welcome to Bearpaw but I think very much for the subscription blood for the blood god sure will bring - why not okay we have sanguine vintners working on the estate as well drawing number one but the da da green grizzly has won the raffle welcome to the roster my friend hopefully you don't die you are our flageolet number two the UM master the great Gavin the great Gavin well c'mon in is our home master thank you very much for your support the BAM number three the Jester winner is sage furio's sage furio's congratulations you are our jester and then foul wait no that's not how you spell it BAM there we go and finally the vestal winner is lowered democracy Lord democracy congratulations you are the best of all right free the plebs let us go forth into the analysts farmstead we got this boy we got this absolutely let's do it the poor Miller right the victim the seasons took his livelihood I took his land and now uncountable years later the comet has taken his humanity my only regret is that I did not live to see that Saudi mill smashed to pieces by the miraculous bounty I reaped from beyond the void has given plebe loss claim is a free chatter Priebus dream is free why did you take his land Wayne why couldn't you leave him alone why couldn't you just leave well enough alone Wayne that's not gonna stun know what I'm thinking hmm flagellants not gonna kill him just go for the back line don't have a ton of damage on this team now that I'm looking at it we'll see how they go hey bear chappie can you tell future me to go [ __ ] himself for when I watch the VOD spaz NACO listen this is for you buddy I'm not gonna tell you to go [ __ ] yourself no I'm gonna tell you to do have a great day enjoy that also go [ __ ] yourself [Music] their formation is broken maintain the offensive that's already a lot of damage [ __ ] I've mentioned the stun ferrets happy almost the most wholesome streamer on all of twitch nearly there working on it fair boozled soiled again Wow oh the stress - geez [Music] it's no fun look at these buffs in level 5 that is awesome destroy feels good thanks bear I'm sure future meanie didn't deserve that I'm sure you did too later loot get down cowboy how you doing yeah it's probably finale time very nice double dagger we got the rare double taco spawn oh [ __ ] [Music] probably still him first clearly we're gonna hang on to the biscuits as long as possible [Music] yeah battle ballad chemical with her being here for now not really imperative as she moved to the third spot magnificent no problem right here huh heal him up literally wasted his turn there okay so now it's probably time to move her back so she can judgment let's do that and do that nice and that he'll 4/7 I love ranked five the enemy crumpled good God that'll do hopefully this will do - yep masterfully execute your enough about the quad crusader in endless mode how do you think that would go down I think it's possible I think it's viable I Jenny when they do I think you could do that you got healing not a lot of healing but you got healing you got a stress healing not a lot of stress healing but you got stress healing you've got like the minimal viable options for every single conceivable problem holy Lance manages your movement should you need it but of course with the same for people you don't really care about that I think it's a legitimate bill self-heal stress heal holy lance and smite yeah pretty much that'll do her I have remembered to consume water thank you I've done my best I think I might actually anti-venom that yeah I probably should have done it before but oh well still almost positive getting this guy first is the best play here too and then let's start working on that only I add the brights ham Berean no need that's none beautiful the crits the crits the crits have happened frequently I think the only viable options in this game involve a gesture and a vestal at least in endless mode it's beginning to feel that way like look at that was just 40 [ __ ] stress off a single head although I guess he does have double stress with a battle which is primarily why that's happening I'm sure but it's tough man oh my god look at this it was freaking damage over time this is insane what if it's debuff too these are just killing me here pervert yeah virtue cheese is also apparently a good way to go about it a mine solo again to allow the solo heal from the vessel if I get the chance first the debuff isn't bad either but do I have to spend to turn moving back with him if I do that wow that's terrible okay can I go first Thanks yeah let's lower oh wait no that's all that's gonna do is nothing that's not gonna help at all so let's speed bump I guess oh this is bad luckily they're both dead crit heels nice to that store recovery though obviously sucks he's dead before he gets his actual action another hit there is fine okay that's a bunch of fun I misheard and I swore you said virgin cheese bear I did we had a very long and in-depth conversation about virgin cheese I don't want to do it again though it was was a bit too much to handle great is the weapon that cuts on its own courteous Canadian thanks for the bad seats of refuge if only for a fleeting moment all right that's quite good okay then fine start I guess not too bad that store recovery obviously is unfortunate but we'll make do I've got some busts for a few rounds onward we go I guess let's do it still just within the farmsteads miasma Oh party order I forgot whoopsie my bad hmm I can just move him forward might not be too terrible nice Hey holy [ __ ] that's a one shot and Hounds Harry it's not that useful right now I don't want to move either let's just get a hit I'd say just move back next turn so I won't have anybody to stun I love this song so in love with the new soundtrack I got to start listening to it outside of this too so damn good you over watch here oh nice how is it doing what glorious how you doing I haven't played over Watson sometime it was great back in the day though and all that buds we're playing it we had some good good times all right yeah here we go it's a hamster in a giant wrecking ball oh my god I might have to go play it geez that might be like the only thing you could have said that convinced me that I immediately need to go try that and its name is Han Hammond the hamster in a giant wrecking ball oh my god they know how to get me they know how to get me back as the fiend pools heeeeelp Oh mm-hmm [Music] that's a big hit stop it dog oh that's mean you'll be nice this is your little dog Oh friend you'll be nice to him possible Top Gear reference Hammond yeah probably he's the only Hammond in the world right what's a Thomond do it oh yes okay this is worth even if I don't bleed give them closer to 40 basically it's a hamster named Haman who is from the moon and became a freaking robot fighter sure I believe it I thought chat was [ __ ] with Barrow but holy [ __ ] it's real that would be an impressive effort to forge at to collectively buy into that rumor and or just all decide to try to convince me that it's reality I don't know if chats that coordinated keep doing that [Music] what can we put in a universe with nuclear radiation ghosts and PTSD robots how about a hamster and a hamster and a hamster ball but a hamster in a hamster I didn't realize he was a Russian doll hamster that makes things a little more interesting and unfortunate shuffle you know like it's solo here but probably not I'll just grip heel and probably still have him in the under the threshold well done definitely now [ __ ] that does it and he's already dead let's do this yeah I've been here long enough to know that shat is not that savvy that sounds like a challenge chat [Music] chats calling you out chat what are you gonna do about it [Music] inspiration and improvement and sure just want to sleep in be in the now hey look we can do that there's a new rocket League mode I didn't know that actually I haven't booted up rocket League in a while oh that's an inconvenient spawn [ __ ] die 77 oh goodness hot damn executed with impunity a fine move a fine strategy another abomination that'll do the job here's an exciting one eight for you two nine damage what's the new rocket League mode what do they do or what did what did they do oh it's how it's done our crit chance is through the [ __ ] roof right now 38% of the vestal at base level wolf bear what would your last meal be hmm a Tootsie Pop does that not get to end up on one of those videos that I record the vo for that says 10 famous last meals if you like this guy ordered a Tootsie Pop how weird promise chat calling out chat chit chat about chat chatting too much chat sick a chat [ __ ] I'm sick of chat chit chat sit down and shut up jet you be nice to chat [Music] hey baron Chet hey Lord we supply and recover but be quick chat you're tearing this chat apart I think I'll be able to get rid of that eventually aka immediately finally did that and now we go the colors alter eeep they have extra dodge they needed that okay I did not hit Chad I did not I did not hit Chad oh hi chat bears last meal would be Uncrustables warmed up in his armpits band that person you band that person please yeah we got time out for one second he'll learn his lesson wow that's a lot of stress I'm ready holy [ __ ] okay she's dead you're next let's fix this yikes rain of sorrows yep oh oh just a massacre from the flatulent you can't ban all of us bear you can ban us all bear oh you believe in me well thank you I'm pretty sure I could do it oh yes the crits eat oh good double Chris with him - okay okay okay hobo Goblin my face when you want to finish the stream we've been up for 38 hours in the flesh is weak good night buddy you go to bed you go to sleep pal enjoy some rest bear I'll help ban everyone and then he can ban me last brilliant yeah the music's phenomenal like I can't stop singing his praises oh yeah oh good I don't even have the buffs applied yet right now I have one round in the buff supplied I guess oh Jesus all right that's fine Cheverus it's for enemy crits you monster monsters helping the monsters and activating football giveaways for jet yay exsanguinate oh yes there's a big tasty bleed boy yeah little horsies eat I don't need a bandage oh I should have bandaged luckily he's done though again oh not supposed to do it twice it's still pretty confident in doing this every round with him this is potentially good actually please continue to hit him and stacking this is hmm not the best play I do not do links sorry thank you for the $5 tip though I appreciate the support when did they add a horse whisperer glass when I joined up is this enough this might be enough and I missed that's fine I got blight I got anti-venom I mean I know that blight to apply on myself yes you are don't don't doubt you're the one where did that come from what's the matter with you fragile oh oh he's got impostor syndrome oh my god consumed by thoughts of a nag with arrow wowie well that's interesting [ __ ] is he dead he's dead good okay noise yeah the rabies is a bit unfortunate especially here where are the weather the enemy dodges increased well [ __ ] me no the true test hold fast cool he needs help he's dead he's dead and let's do it did you sighs alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade convenient seeds of madness at least okay holy [ __ ] they're both dead let's just do this doesn't really do much oh wow you can bleed those I had no idea all right then that allows us to do this oh I guess that just gets to go first all right ah ectoplasm new are you [ __ ] kidding me man come on that's good that's very very good very very good I need to move forward I think here that's better yes don't hit her thank you gesture passes because he has a negative quirk called impostor syndrome that makes him consumed by feelings of inadequacy I think the gesture needs to use better help I agree I think the gesture should use exclamation point help command and jet and find himself a wonderful affordable online resource for therapy and counseling it could certainly help him with these issues I concur Oh baby crits first shilling all right man his accuracy is low he passes cuz he's trashed yeah that's the less kind way of saying it absolutely all right finally we can probably battle ballot again even though I would like to get down to zero lead please all right I'm probably not gonna stun him either I may in qualify for financial aid vengeful they do offer it but I realize it is not ideal for everyone all right yeah definitely stress healing now let's I think I'll let the flatulent keep most of his because if we end up getting a campfire of course we'll be able to use the minus 50 and that'll take care of that finale the slang girl bear I suppose it is about time to do that isn't it yeah looks like this will be the last one oh I actually had decent odds there too ami the chubby little Satan what a wonderful name that's so familiar actually I believe that's a Rhys absque rip ssin from ages ago with nine eons welcome to the pile thank you very much Amy hello again yes yes I thought so welcome back thank you okay yeah let's finale of a slime girl I guess or one of them which means we're gonna solo next turn and I think I could keep doing that I suppose to do yeah sorry vengeful yeah I know not ideal for everybody hey thanks that's convenient enjoy seventy-three damage finale hey drift mark bang mike breen style and I'm gonna go for this done no all right right here slime smack him pink slime on the gesture that's not where you're supposed to do Oh perched at the very precipice stop putting him in the damn third position oh my [ __ ] guy that is horrible welcome to cross finger Crippler welcome to the pile my friend thank you for seven with which Prime I appreciate it help he's fine walk it off he'll be fine no problem just thirty damage a pop shitless the gesture is obviously a fake he should never move again don't are evil were pure evil incarnate at uluru Nicole get bits for crits one more time fifty percent you have to hit let's see if you got it missed damn it oh I'm worried I'm concerned I am you're distraught that'll help he's dead ooh yay what fun that's also nice also also nice the bigger the beast the greater the glory all right kill him the big three thank you perhaps the turning point and [ __ ] whatever there we go stress heal on the gesture please the big fat self heal right there thank you all right twenty-eight down twenty comets shards acquired on the comments maddening light or now hi Mildred yay alright let's give that to little cool even get the lock of achievement look at that to the gesture I'd say it's probably better than this yeah good good good good good already I'm gonna eat some food probably just a couple of each there we are 2025 2030 four let's do that best score right now is 146 which was it achieved during the color of charity event we've got a ways to go to get there of course it might actually hounds Harry this time definitely still need to heal oh [ __ ] never mind oof that hurts do they dinner to do just to get as far as I can me devil that's my goal for this running endless seeing how well I can perform with these mercenaries more or less a strange-looking dog I know right it's so big and spiky face Invicta [Music] promise to win bear likes dogs traitor no now is that aren't all my a traitor bear a furry friend just like me I call it a spa gas bike dog yeah like that you know if the shards here we we can go to the other shop that is shown up with the color of mandus dlc and spend these crystal shards on very very good trinkets much like the one that is currently being equipped by our vestal i'll show you in just a second here once I get the opportunity well that sucks [ __ ] so yeah you can see the crystalline trinkets are very very effective you need holy water in your inventory for this but otherwise really nice in fact we're getting bonus damage against these guys so I should be using her judgement whenever possible Solo is mainly not a terrible idea here I do have finale buff considerably already I could just finale the horse it's an early use but I think it's maybe worthwhile let's do this and they're just gonna have to move forward all the way with the flatulent this time Vegas dad why don't the horse master ride his horse please tell me please sir alleviate my confusion farming welcome to the bear nutloaf welcome to the bear payal nutloaf boom thank you for gifting the subscription to tell her who the common guy appreciate and enjoy badge MIMO it's my friend that crystal trinket + the Crimson quart trinket you have could make a great endless battle Vestal very true actually yeah I probably should have considered that we could even have done that with her we can even do that right now with her actually we can easily do that right now with her we should do it we should totally do that I just got to switch the skills what is her other trinket let me let me look at her please thank you the feather crystal yeah I could totally do it a butter Vestal yes yes good afternoon Adam how you doing that's fine welcoming the damage upfront of course still and that's awesome crit City crit crit City not gonna stun there yeah I like it I've been stunning a lot oh but I've been creating a lot I'll take it mm-hmm clearly keep stress ceiling here good day Lord aegis how are you nice oh my god and I actually bled the thing how completely outrageous you are dead not quite oh wow we were getting lucky here probably not give us stun him but it's a little bit of damage at least finish you off [ __ ] okay not the greatest use of my skills they're missing opposite dammit wow that's a lot of stress in the debuff random target on attack Jesus Jesus yeah I just bled this stone yep that was pretty impressive I'd say Rhenish wizard guy welcome to the pile thanks for something with twitch Brian get him cozy please some bear hugs in the chat for the newest member about this place does have bosses yeah I don't think I need a grip he'll still but I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna do it anyway exsanguinate now now you know what let's do this prevent his action see another dab those are always nice hey fun welcome how are you please let me explain one-eighth you might antivenom [Music] hmm oh don't hit her again thank you so now judgments definitely the play right no probably anti-venom oh you know what I can probably get away with it I can't judgment though [ __ ] hmm I need to move her back I probably yeah I should have moved forward there for sure but now we can switch the party at least and now probably do battle vessel as well oh my god a campfire yay gathered close continuous fire light an uneasy companionship no one has wound care right okay so yeah let's just get rid of this and all the best buffs for us now let's see here for the Vestal accuracy on the hound master seems borderline necessary actually let's do tiger's eye on him as well in fact and then let's see further buffs coming from nothing [ __ ] I thought I'd have it but no I could give him a speed buff which is flying a little bit of heal as well which helps a little bit I guess that's good and then let's let us pray let us pray sounds good well protected flagellants religion religious character right yeah okay great now we switch these welcome this no thin slice of nut loaf thank you very much a telecon gay for gifting substance and a thin slice of nut loaf appreciate you sharing the love hey there Dendi welcome alright so if we're gonna put her up there I think I want to roll with standard battle vessel kit see how we fare hound master I'm sure I'll be fine back here you can do all the same stuff besides blackjack so I'll swap that off for guard dog in case I need to help the vestal out a little bit and you are the same but Bubba battle vest oh and then you will suffer yeah that works Raina sorrows Software redeem actually seems wise now so I can have an option in case I need big heals immediately alright let's go for it splendorous Oh magnificent nice the one-shot kill to start off with that feels good we get to heal a little bit more now right oh no no no no no they uh stress skills does that mean I'm confused by that I just gonna have to heal real fast here these guys do a shitload of damage and they just dealt it to everybody on the team so let's group heal to seal the deal oh boy don't believe anyone down immediately is quite nice sweet house weathered creations sub-band no message happen whether it creations I see your badge there you go : ater another gifted sub from a telecon game thank you very much actually Houma congi I'm still butchering that I'm sure but thank you very much man for sharing the love around thanks for giving the subs the bear hugs balloons horse masters in the third slot cuz I'm allowing for battle vessel to be a thing in which it's not yet happened because we're just healing with her at the moment but oh you just wait you just wait til we actually use her for something valuable nice so much love thank you so much yes certainly appreciate it now I can battle ballad definitely Danu name lots of bear hugs today absolutely thanks thanks so much no more today no worries yeah thank you for that appreciate it yeah later on with her Oh God that sucks well there goes battle Vestal that's alright let's see I think I might actually do this now until she can get herself fixed up [Applause] let's do that again this chat is awesome this is a wonderful chat thank you all for being terrific and I'm gonna be bleeding a lot of these guys straight-up damage will do the job though almost do the job anyway no thank you no thank you Chad you are wonderful salt tank absolutely right there right there is who you want not that guy he's boring stupid you don't want to pinch him there we go just start a bleed please for me come on ah damn it alright that guy's gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with for sure kado Stardust welcome to the pile think of someone with which Brown appreciate it very much lunge this is gonna take a while I think EEP nice hopefully we can land at least one pleat on this guy don't do that again I said dodge it with 50 dodge come on now we've got to have that this is a very good chance next to the jet sawtooth grizzly welcome to the pile my friend thank you but which prime subscribin film even more hugs please and there's the bleed we were looking for yes yes yes magnificent absolutely magnificent finale the crab I like it I like where your head's out he's out for revenge now this gesture holy [ __ ] okay that's helping for sure now I solo - crab lows that's no good this guy's being bled enough to maybe concentrate the finale on this guy too many crabs in the Cove now boom Dodge suck my dick boom great still resisting all those pinches though that's really nice maybe more bleed yes indeed and there's our finale 19 to 35 94% chance to crit yes I'm staying hydrated don't you worry I got it mm-hmm [Music] one down one crab Oh down baby that's not too bad not too bad at all teleport not yet that finale a very quick work of this boy no no pass I needed to dance tres he'll you dumb [ __ ] glad you feel that way curious I enjoy playing it one more resist nice man I have been lucky oh we don't get the kill at Sonic on gay hydration behind battle ahead but for a moment peace all right back to business and there we go and off we go to fight the Miller I am of pious toy and a tentative suffering no more protection for you little buddy oh he's not gonna bleed though oh boy okay so that's bad I mean I can lower it maybe eventually he will but I doubt it all right so that kind of changes my strategy here doesn't it let's see the poor soul no act no extra damage there I suppose this is fine buff up the damages from the vessel for the future rounds and then maybe she'll just be a mace bash machine for the frontline actually seems like a pretty damn good idea damage alright alright alright alright yeah finale will work quite well if I can manage to set it up good enough that's unfortunate I do have laudanum though gonna be protected so mace patch my way to victory both of them let's know I don't need to stress feel I can keep doing this [Music] mm-hmm yet Miller's music is fantastic agreed there we go baby you are damned I think hounds Harry might actually be pretty pretty damn good here too I can't use guard skills with the I guess that's from him maybe remove that can't get rid of okay let's yeah let's do this bleed him yes okay very very good reaping definitely jesters stay in pretty keep that pretty face boy not gonna bleed him not gonna bleed him obviously so I just keep feeling the damage I guess really the only way we can go with this I cannot afford to have this guy [ __ ] passing turns all the time oh that's inconvenient but thirty damage is good thirty damage is very helpful how about another buff from that seems it seems to me I made a geode bleed a couple times nice dodges and now okay Vestal might need to do a little bit of healing definitely in yep ow ow ow ow-ow-ow I might want to guard her yeah I do have a guard dog equipped but if he of course boosts one of these guys I'm not gonna be able to do that so I got to keep that in mind too haha Oh God math his face where did that come from get that out of here no bleed what would that resistance though thank goodness okay um still don't need to stress you and I still think this is the best move for him now we guard dog anti-venom and group heal and then maybe holy water I guess to maybe help her out a little bit in the future actually you know what I like a little bit better is that yeah oh this is still gonna hit her though [ __ ] [ __ ] me oh no she's still guarded though this jesters is not taking damage I might have wanted to give this locket to her that's why we like that and now she'll definitely group heal and let's pop one stress he'll honor I guess it's going okay yeah it's not it's not great but it's okay so far over halfway through and we're not all completely dying quick bleed the stone it's the only way we got it fine with the gesture being targeted by literally anything oh [ __ ] I don't think you can change trinkets mid-battle now otherwise I would definitely do that Cheverus defend your hole and now you know why you lost your reading privileges or me reading your messages privilege dispensed I get setups uh yeah now finale might be a good idea at this point I've left it up considerably already solo into it would work well but I do have to get rid of this guy first unfortunately so let's focus on that you've lost the ability to read I'm sorry it had to be done Wow all right Oh how's Harry is also good here set for that part of it and that sucks stack complete a little more though good dodge that is not quite gonna be there and stress and horror Wow the abyss Wow oh my god it hurts if you actually put him at death's door from that that would be so beneficial to us hilariously enough I believe I'll be able to do nine damage from another source before this finale gets triggered so let's attempt it at least and I'm gonna redeem here for sure hopefully [Music] the hound master deals enough damage to him it's entirely what I'm depending on yes thank God okay I'll heal themselves [ __ ] and the reaping might put her on death's door okay good he's not guarded this could be a stun I think that's the debuff that's right all right good I've got another redeem coming up here which I'll definitely pop for the hound master since he's so actually now let's do the vessel for sure oh please please please finale let's go let's go a hundred and six he's done he is dead hahahaha Wow a closer look pops yeah all right Velasco thank you for the biddies Miller milled mm-hmm rid of that Popat shitless congratulations you killed an old defenseless man in his home very nice I know I'm so impressed with myself defenseless right you know he wasn't doing nothing well alright then cool let's keep going alright a little extra stress and probably gonna have to heal that up the whole time I do have the heal available perfect thanks thank you yield for five oh my god that's why that probably should have gotten rid of that well maybe you'll take another head pounds Harry yeah nice yeah do that again next turn for sure uh-huh [ __ ] ha ha holy [ __ ] ow consume victory water I'll consume victory madrenas hmm well that sucks [ __ ] I'm pretty damn sure all I can do at this point is stress he'll with him it's got to be the play good Bob welcome back bird Bob thanks for five months appreciate it ally that hurts and they get to act first but that should set up in a redeem the blight unfortunately to jury in despondence [Music] three damage which means I need not enough from that M or I don't have enough from that huh huh guess you have tetanus now yep welcome to darkest dungeon the seeds of madness more stress heal nothing else to be done and I can redeem now right yay it's still being debuff group heal again no I think I should do this and hopefully how master gets to go first there we go the crit heal off it beautiful well alright then good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] keep stressing indefinitely I'll please go back to the glorious moment of knife hugging Yama that was a great great time mortality Oh vertigo now to with a 94 stress gesture hooray yeah that'll do things are looking a lot worse okay just cuz I said that huh saw your opportunity [ __ ] god dammit there we go all right turning around a little okay also acceptable one more redeem here right another stress shield please don't let that check don't tense are in Jesus apparently I'd love to do it all I can't use that more than twice I see that's why my missus 75% [ __ ] the healing skills ah okay he's dead yes that's fine [Music] never hi pal they're at the instruments pause what the symphony will soon continue if we go I might wanted to use herbs first I'll just do it right here and more stress healing all right he just doesn't stop playing that damn lute all day long I can do it thanks buddy up to 49 that's a lot of damage that's perfectly acceptable you might even use supper here yeah let's do it let him take the bulk of the punishment I'm gonna be hitting these guys real hard just kidding I'm gonna miss completely all right now that's a little scary now that's looking like a check for him too okay oh goodness yeah that's a bet stored trigger absolutely let's try that pretty good pretty good I'd say how bout just in case death story I think well Adam a little more stress to him this sucks thank you this is scary now all god damn that adds a lot okay that's what we're looking at now exsanguinate I think is actually still my best play even though those are scary I think I just want to let him tick [ __ ] that no really that's awful okay I've got to heal him obviously guard yay that's fine Eve 95 luckily they didn't do it on him so just now right I like you for getting the herb on him now - yeah nice dodge here about the flatulence dill pickle thank you for subscribing my friend welcome to bear pile I appreciate it Joey badge Nemo Cheverus sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice are the two hundred biddies Thank You Cheverus still dodging still guarding I mean still healing right yeah I think so even though we could probably get a kill here I'd say that's better yeah alright take another chance on it that's better that's what we're looking for alright and now help me out with another crit if you wouldn't mind game 17% actually I don't really love the odds they're full heal and then just hopefully be able to stress you once that's fine there's a lot of damage the flatulent hid that more than likely keeping people out of trouble for now at least wells better I always forget the debuff damn it every damn time cat stirs 13 months you made it welcome back it's good to have you again thank you for rejoining us how scary is that no that's not gonna be enough just do it sing one eight again sure apparently that doesn't alright yeah cuz it's yep that won't work nice bad wolf well c'mon in be Arabs again I've forgotten the herbs again let's see if he goes one more round with it thank you Strix excite that a lot glad to have you oh it can't be removed with herbs all right well then I just look like a genius I still don't but I don't look as dumb I guess okay playing this game I guess oh my god no death by seeds oh how [ __ ] humiliating Cheverus sacrifice sacrifice dad to death way to go abomination they're not abomination flatulence a champion of character known for its death store buff known for its death blow resistance impressive performance a little more I guess sure why not I don't even get to finale well I guess I still might you [ __ ] kidding me come on just dive dab yourself to death oh just you're a loser you're a goddamn loser is what you are but impostor syndrome that's no imposter that's just who you are double Stein lordy Lordy lordy that's no good the [ __ ] am I supposed to do about this bye [Music] rip when I asked if you could get more of them if they were dead it wasn't meant as a challenge i I went south real [ __ ] quick didn't it oh well got 31 comma charts and a dead mercenary yippee I was lord of this place before the crows and rats made it their domain mercenaries are claimed fourteen shards as payment for their efforts well alrighty then by green grizzly have fun in the infinite abyss the broken man mm-hmm goodbye those without the stomach for this place must move on wait did I just toss my trinkets don't tell me I [ __ ] god oh don't do that thank God oh oh that would have been a goof that would have been a [ __ ] goof Wow okay anyway you're rid of this [ __ ] goodbye turn yourself now to the condition of those poor devils who remain yeah sorry folks none of those guys are worth fixing up any new ones hey there we go that's the four gesture squad we were looking for it'll be laughing still at the end and basically just replacements for the people we just got cool hooray well let's do it [ __ ] it why delight for jesters fools rush in let's go let's go what skills here let's see hmm I think Dirk stabbed on every single one of them right just so they have at least something to do no solos needed I will do this I think this is actually gonna be this the entire kit for all of them we're gonna be stabbing all day long yeah that looks good to me yep and finales for fun no trinkets though we got to do it okay give them at least a little help right actually you know what [ __ ] it I agree no trinkets let's see how strong they really are no trinkets for the jesters fools rush in defeat as many as you can change them all to purple this one deal for purple jesters you're gonna say 15 kills let's see it remove all the stress you and Gil full swap for everyone might actually need some loom care so tell you what let's take off mockery on two of them how about that to the bear loony loony welcome on in fitting name for our current expedition let's go do I even want a provision I think this is just a goof so no I really don't but I will Deepak good to see you streaming again was your original DB run that drew me to make a twitch account injustice while watching 21 months later 21 months in a row thank you very much we must name that we must name the fools of course yes absolutely we must name the fools please sub mode on for us let's reset the raffle here with moobot and let's draw our our roster positions with the fools for fools rush in how many rush out no keys no herbs to laudanum perfect join the raffle if you want to die exactly if you're looking to have your character killed immediately here's your chance we'll go ahead and draw him real quick here first winner Zen Bureau number one have no fear the anchor is here thank you loony for the $5 tip winner number two but those on Twitch see you changed your name on twitch OOP I put on twit close enough that works for me winner number three Big Mike the Hoss Big Mike congratulations and then spot number four we're gonna draw the winner it is mush and rainbows mush and rainbows great name good stuff free the plebs and let's get to it for fools rush in rigged rigged as hell let's go I'm ready 50 kills coming up I can see it I can see it now seems safe enough let's do it what if they managed to break your record kudos to them I'd be impressed considering we have literally no healing bump-up though what's so friggin ridiculous ya know trinkets either they'll but they'll be fine they're good to go I don't want to use a finale right away the buffs could become completely absurd we're almost certainly gonna be acting first in every circumstance which may be a good or bad thing they've got a lot of dodge too so I hope I get lucky but I haven't been so far nope never lucky okay come on let's get the good stabs this time the good stabs yeah destroy battle ballad [Music] to perform stabbed time no prints nah huh plus 40 accuracy plus 24 crit chance you're sitting at 41 percent by default they should at least land one yeah we have no heels on this team so we're [ __ ] we're completely [ __ ] unless we get like the luckiest curios in darkest dungeon history I suppose we do have that healing available to us hey hey we got one good probably the most useless one 30% crit chance buff 36% crit chance puff and I still didn't get it oh no and they're being kind they're spreading the damage around at least oh boy oh boy Jesus kill me now the end approaches almost time welcome to the pile buddy thanks for something with which prime bear hugs please in the chat if you wouldn't mind I appreciate it let's get kill obliterated heart you too Boehner thank you thank you very much no crits damn it when I learned down miss it yes I have lost my mind shaggy a hundred percent yes you just got party wife - I'm sorry stick your quad jester's failed you huh [Music] yep that's so great plus forty two [ __ ] percent like come on there we go this broken still not enough to kill these damn guys though this dress healing I wish it gave dodge that's like the only thing that would really make this extremely okay it's someone say battle ballad did someone say battle ballad as the fiend pulls blossoms time the finale dog oh for sure baby oh they do get the crit buffs as well I'd forgotten about that part of it oh wow that was a lot holy [ __ ] yeah executed anti-venom just for fun one at least to let him have the chance to pop this and we yell there do live 30 for her [ __ ] speed yay boom are we Fools to press on he says party har har har friend they see through your charade 21 inspiration a hundred percent chance to create with that let's say ye friend just a little 9 that's fine don't hit this guy don't hit this guy nice ooh hey we get a little pseudo healing here at least that's nice and we'll take that happily no crit damn it I'm gonna have it all the way stacked up anymore I guess definitely helpful though crit Bock just this guy though this one I don't get another kill either high heels please definitely not what I need some sheltered corner of reality definitely not what I was looking for [ __ ] alright make sure we got that party order set up properly there we go who starts with the crit that time very nice limes sparkling water thank you very much for the subscription twitch prime style I appreciate it very much enjoy about Janine Wells buddy parents please stack them up stack them up nice and pretty I didn't eat the food yeah I probably should have I might very well be my only chance imagine this team was some kind of life steal trinket though it would actually work yeah no kidding that's all they're missing is just some way to steal health or get health from something to the singles strike they see the madness will allow him the small heal off that hopefully nice Chris want to make sure I'm gonna get the crit against this guy before I hit him let's try to guarantee it maybe he'll go here another abomination cleansed from our lands and there goes that blight that one's still going unfortunately I do still feel like I should battle ballad but clearing him off is obviously a little bit better miss it nice that's not too bad even if it lands he is definitely first we fools to press on yes yes Alaris welcome how are you doing quite good this run has gone surprisingly well so far and again definitely want to go for the numbers here you got this nickel dolls oh I agree oh my goodness look at the dodge look at the dodge play oh no not that time still avoiding dead store somehow staying on the precipice very nice okay now it's gonna see it's a finale time maybe but all that sucks alright well at least we definitely get one kill here there we go the only hit point that matters is the last one that's a heroic thing to say miss it yes holy crap alright now gets real now get serious first of all see you buddy oh that was maybe a bit of a waste damn great chance isn't that high actually but I do feel this is probably a better option than just about anything else we've got right now that's how you do that that feel when no crit seriously ok that's decent when we get to heal now a decisive bubbling k he still got reposts oh [ __ ] he doesn't have a post anymore okay now I hit him actually you know what stack the battle ballot definitely [Music] okay this is huge this is an additional like 22% crit chance here from all those buffs not quite there though this is so stupid I love it concurred no I got a do it that sucks know if you'd be able to flip they don't read posts so that's why you want to try to crit these guys for example that's a lot of [ __ ] stress these d buffs are gonna hurt no no we were doing so good we were doing so well god dammit one down so they go one by one one by one the dominoes fall give me the zone two at least come on now injury and despondence set the stage for come on baby - the last cloud get me out of here there we go [Music] hmm of course begging for examination he was so close I still have no shards oh well that's nice oh come on - positive resolve checks do it there's wine self-preservation is paramount at any cost there's deer Lane my is the first one seems I'll see tomorrow after all this guy this [ __ ] guy stalwarts 46% crit chance and we still don't goddamn get it come on there we go the ground quakes I've got insane a little bit it's customary I think at this point oh he's gonna die he's gonna shove us another 200 bit he's a lot of dodge what a player don't skip your turn at least that's all I'm asking thank you thank you well slow he plucking Whittle these guys away this is gonna take a minute isn't it oh Jesus yeah I keep doing that if only there was some way to reduce stress if only there was a way there's madame that there's got to be a better way oh my god they're immortal a group of crows is a murder a group of monkeys is a congress a group of spiders is in your sock drawer thanks for the biddies appreciate it oh my goodness oh goodness I can't afford that I can afford that I can afford for them to continually dodge everything did it did it do I'm almost certainly dead here there's like no way I can prevent them from hitting teetering on the brink and I can't do that much damage against them sell last resort last resort here we go that'll do nice okay mm-hmm oh nice shot all right then thank you don't kill me bear I'm doing my best doing my damnedest to your sport slugger human ice still kicking back to that story precipice all right and more enemies we're [ __ ] and we're completely [ __ ] now yes sir all righty [Music] absolutely no chance for success but let's push on why not dude it did it who do look at him go thank you little penguin Howie Oh No killed by a harmless swipe oh the humiliation the anguish horrible another crit Belle there's a confidence booster boop boop a harmless swipe indeed maybe I'll make it maybe just maybe against all odds I'll make it to the next section somehow in some way a Dodge is good just give me the crit just give me the crit oh well just resist every single death blow right yeah see there you go still on one bare optimal this is no place for the weak or ever foolhardy no no oh my god come on mess up one more turn one more kill one more kill ah damn it dust ashes damn it all the hell you cannot learn a thing you think you know I was so sure that would work damn it how does that composition not make it through the poor caretaker I fear his long-standing duties here have affected him all right well goodbye friends it was a fun run the task ahead is terrible and weakness cannot be tolerated here we go there we go wicked clowns never die did I lose I wonder if both actually came through in rec [ __ ] by the way I didn't even pay attention to that um I don't think he did he just left he got offended by the fact that I wasn't paying attention to him and he just bailed okay great good stuff well tell you what folks I don't think I'm wrapping up I'm just gonna leave the brakes laid up for a little while and I think I'm gonna come back and place some of the crew too with Nick I'm pretty sure we're gonna be doing that here so uh if you'd like to see that stick around but if not thanks for watching some darkest dungeon today of course all the VOD we over on Twitter slash bear to and yeah the crew to it's a new racing driving fun action thingy game from Ubisoft Nick and I are just gonna drive around and be goofy if you guys enjoyed our GTA 5 bike ride I think it'll be something similar to that or we'll just end up seeing what it is but I'm gonna leave this on I may end up being done now but I may end up coming back for more crew - it may be a few minutes so just enjoy the peacefulness of the earth I suppose and thank you very much for watching I may be back soon I may not I'll keep you informed see in a bit
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 54,718
Rating: 4.9075146 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: Stq47Exe_uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 0sec (5580 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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