Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 11)

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thank you very much for subscribe which probably I appreciated welcome back y'all thank you very much for the support thank you for sticking around thank you for the love the bear hugs getting everybody all comfy and cozy in the pile so many new members of the pile today bear are you rich can we eat you appropriate follow-up question but no unfortunately I'm not alright back to business baby as I mentioned probably about time to consider putting a team together to try to go up against the bear in here we've got six invites which is plenty plenty of a means by which to return in case we fall short obviously it's gonna take a while to actually get there but before we do that we're definitely gonna have to level up our level threes too to be appropriately appropriately geared appropriately skilled up to take this bad mammoth jam it down so let's go to the cove not the cove let's go to the ruins where the thing from the stars is gotta make some progress on these veteran bosses although well then again we haven't been to the warrens in probably 40 years so let's go there instead not to mention having a feather crystal is quite nice although again the thing from the stars is really fun to fight and it's gonna be a town event as well oh that's a good trinket for the musketeer there to the warrens I know out weird there's a mention the deeds tell you what Chad I'll let you decide Warren's or ruins today Warren's are ruins right now at least for where we should go we'll do it veteran dungeon either way but we'll do the exploring the Warrens of the ruins corrupted alter activation what would you rather see here war ruins there's the easy way out looks like a heavy preference toward ruins all right we'll do ruins then sounds fun a lot of people looking for the thing from the stars I'm sure well let's see hello mr. mayor I followed your YouTube channels quite some time and this is the first time I caught you I'm good to see you said the machinist thanks for joining us buddy so shield breaker seems pretty damn good for this I think I'll bring outs let's go with hmm maybe like an herbalist in the back we could do another antiquarian run here actually that's certainly not a horrible idea Cheverus cheers for enemy crits this bastard what are you doing to me man the lunatic Oh what if Kidd Spindler have your ennui okay yeah that's probably manageable actually I think I could probably toss her in this crew that's not too bad if it wouldn't if it's not her it's probably the plague doctor right but I don't think she's actually as strong tell you what I'm even gonna go with that a little vessel again with kids Spindler probably yeah more battle vessel in the ruins [ __ ] it let's do it battle a it's Quarian right now let's do this and then let's go ahead and change off her skills here because we really weren't using this stuff all that much I definitely am NOT gonna need this this time let's go with and get down I don't think it's gonna be used all that much either let's go for or flash powder and then maybe invigorating vapors if I can get it ranked up well enough here I got a decent amount of money for this I like this squad let's go with this squad for the ruins a gellick popping in to wish y'all a nice day and good luck dungeoneering thanks buddy appreciate it hope you're having a swell day too can't reduce the cost on this unfortunately that is pretty expensive so we'll just have to pay the full price here the iron price BAM speed buff for her is worth it I'd say and let's go ahead and give her those upgrades too and that is very expensive Wow just keeps costing money doesn't it goddamn let's see here impale slightly higher blight chance lowers the crit mod a little less nobody's good Oh nobody oh yeah somebody does have klepto actually that's right the leper it's [ __ ] I mean I don't even know if I want to keep the leper how much does it cost to remove this yeah it's not too bad okay I'll get much I'll give him a shot out of that guess so all right yeah back to the guilt I guess we're still spending a bunch of money here I'm really glad we're doing another antiquarian run cuz clearly we're gonna need the cash this is a big issue I'm gonna sell some stuff that I've been using in this green area to like well the gamblers charm actually got some use didn't it stun amulet will also be kind of nice [ __ ] we actually have some decent trinkets here now lead amulet I have not used once I'll sell that sharpening chief also sort of unlikely but I'll keep it for now wooden helmet is good still for now I'm gonna sell the mantra fasting is I'm never gonna use that swear on my life I would never use that even if I had it and again check into the guild make sure there's not anything critical that I need to upgrade like these for example I'm pretty sure in that critical zone and then more damage against unholy targets buffing that up certainly seems nice the mace mace bash was at Rank one for some reason and now I'm feeling a lot better I wonder if this will get up to another higher rank of blight or if it's even worth it hmm I did want to do invigorating vapors and see how far that gets us that's pretty goddamn good actually I think I'll go ahead and unlock that and use that skill with her let's do that and then this is probably a pretty sweet setup sure thing mark rave and good luck buddy whatever it is that ails you whatever it is you must do whatever you must accomplish you shall overtaking overcome my friend good luck glutton lock no upgrades for the stunning self heal for who the this yeah that doesn't actually upgrade the self-heal on judgment and then 10% there I mean it's probably worth it I am using that skill after all in spot - yeah let's do that sell the rat carcass also probably a valid option there a GF a GF welcome to the pile bear hugs please for him thank you so much for the support I appreciate it Joey bad emotes that is indeed a single-point upgrade to that so that's probably worth it and then nervous stab just adds accuracy and crit chance I'm not too in love with that more accuracy they're majorly shady well in the pile as well more hugs please for the newest members it is just a swarm of subs thank you thank you very much for that you want this dead rat is 3750 gold digger leave it screaming deal get well tied get the shield breaker her a speed boost see if there's anything particular I want to give this squad right now a bullseye bandana certainly seems nice on the árboles you will take this you are gonna get this crystalline heretical heretical passage it's probably easier right and then what else am I gonna give her I think I'm like feather crystal for her to more speed on the vessel is always gonna be nice mark of Raven welcome to the pile library ladder yet again thank you so much one more time wish me luck for the math exam the oil right on mark of Raven well welcome the bear pile then hopefully that brings you luck along with neo flick welcome the bear pile as well thank you so much for your support now I've been very very kind today thank you for sharing the love around much obliged let's give you that and let's give you that okay very nice actually some pretty damn good trinket selections now feels nice feels good baby let's go let's do it we've got all the right stuff here right well actually we don't need exposed this time I think we could would go with something like latter's kiss is that the way to go here probably actually I don't know about having another back one sending the vessel back ever is gonna be an issue isn't it cuz she's not gonna have her heal net spot she can do hand of light and mace bash of course it's probably manageable though but I want to make sure she's got at least two options to move forward and she does so okay I guess we'll just have to play it by ear hey Dan how you doing all right we got enough money to provision here as well I'm gonna need too much you Keisel dude we're going in the room and so a couple of bandages as well a few holy waters obviously for the vessels buff a few of those get these torches not that many are necessary and then that'll probably do the job no words are necessary I don't think either okay I think we're good get the shovels got the torches got the food got the bandages got the keys neither those are necessary got the holy water for that stuff no need for this nobody's got the curse we're good let's do it let's do it man I am prepared to make more money hmm he'd add a couple of madrenas that would be nice can the defiled be consecrated and the Fallen find rest [Music] all right three corrupted altars this is a decent layout cool noise the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage okay again I bring extra holy waters I probably should have brought more just in case a waiting to be spent had more curio interactions which is certainly not an impossibility going into the ruins right my son is a cat well come on into the pile with the bits and now the subscription thank you for the support my friend bear hugs please if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption sea lion listen my raps of work today awesome by his own are apparently library lad sees that is fitting enough reason to give you with subscriptions so welcome on into the pile that's cute I am library lad yet again thank you buddy oh god damn it that's terrible alright merit gotta make do I guess oh that impale dodging I've got good credits here nice alright then yeah be supreme on VanCamp yep should be a link down below the video player - alright it's a fine start obviously gonna pierce here oh my god shield breaker GG Lord Royal man timely bits did someone say crits I think they did landed the blight here - I'll try to probably pop a heel on my vessel with the herbalist plate around microwave and have a wonderful evening good luck tomorrow the date thank you sea lion this will probably kill him okay shield breakers broken as victories mount so too will a resistance and well that's worth less than that so I guess that's the trade-off there we go but being better boom bam bam an got it shield broken yeah and with loot our often low on supplies all right um I'll take that I want the deeds I do want the deeds what mr. deeds be supreme we'll make a comeback yeah I'm gonna be doing my own stuff I'm sure at some point it was really great for me to just focus so much on that project and put my all into it and release it like I hadn't put that much effort into just making one thing in such a long time so it really felt good to be able to do that now just kind of allowing myself back the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it the freedom to enjoy that to revel in it the accomplishment a little bit but I will get that itch again I am absolutely sure to create Wow I'll get that itch again - I guess I'll scratch that one up there and all the resistance good hit felt sweet nervous stab yeah I'll make sure he goes chef let's go full of servants of the countess he's turned on me oh god damn you okay I got to finish him off it's for curses it's one of these days it's gonna turn back in my favor but I guess right now it's all about screwing me over sabotage plays with the bits yeah you've got a little protection it's probably worth it leave them with one baby nice Dodge okay and it sets up bola fairly well actually Oh ow [ __ ] me their formation is broken maintain offense nervous stab blind fire for sure well who's more important actually probably this guy right continually onslaught destroy them quatre on yet again perfect timing seize this momentum push on to the tasks alright I absolutely do not need bearing invitations anymore that is not worth the inventory space at the moment sweet eventually we'll run into a quest item I'm sure oh god yeah we don't have the blood thirst ring this time that's a little weird ok this should be a much easier fight much much easier fight fine start how it appears to kill the noble oh it feels good the crits are strong today yes indeed how about another one all right Mel effects this unbearable pun what do you call a rock star that can't grapple a no-holds-barred I blame my heat stroke yeah you know what I love this brush this advantage give them no quarter hardy-har-har-har and i confidence surges as the enemy crumbles well this is going well excellent Scout in easy hallways Thank You game the match is struck a blazing star is born my god yay Wow quest location quest look of [ __ ] course alright did both ends we go yeah and let's start here I guess gotta get it all I'm gonna try the DLC with the modded classes I have done quite a few the modded classes already actually I did that in our Monty class's playthrough unsurprisingly and I may go back to that but with the amount of stuff that I've got available now to do again in the base game I kind of doubt it but we'll see could change my mind bottom first for more space maybe um I don't know if there really matter that much I well then again yeah it's true we might adjust in I've got doubling back down this way at the end so maybe you're right either way I'm sure I'll be fine yay my goodness even though Scout II has been nerfed we still gotten a good deal of it here sheíll breaker welcome to your favorite fight another abomination cleansed from our lands she's gonna reduce her stress on her own with crits okay this is an unholy target I don't think I even want to take the time to buff it's pretty ridiculous let's just cover the stun I suppose yay the promise of safety minimal damage even if it landed Ola beautiful too damaged staff no problem all right give me another holy [ __ ] what is with this shield breaker everyone else is missing what the hell woo remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer damn son okay thank you for that and then yeah okay that'll work there's just some tasty blue gems yeah no kidding there's our inventory space all right all right then I'll give this another try nope oh well only four torches left it might be a little conservative here to give us some more money anyway I'm not gonna Welch the torch or anything but I will probably let it play out impale is not actually the best option here I don't think Wow minimum damage that's a bit weird for her gone that's more like it by and blind-fire all right [ __ ] now love Ryan Snape welcome to the bear paw my friend thank very much for the subscription we're all back come on now come on now oh hi [ __ ] God he's immortal he's gonna kill my vest oh please die he can't be killed okay executed with impunity thank God be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall it's four hits we might need it this is the YouTube file yet yay big old bufferino alright looks good again letting the camp light play down here - Wow [ __ ] me that's not what I wanted to see that sex with damage from these guys so we got a prioritize then for sure hmm nice that's very good okay please let me go first no Dodge damn it hmm i reaching back there oh yeah Boop thank you Dave in real life Annie vannie kriti right here it's coming up right now let's see it dodge womp womp oh man that hurt yikes well still want to do this [Music] yeah a single earth strike that's better and great this is pretty good pretty good I think I'm gonna do a dodge buff for that Oh baby that's nice that always feels good hmm cuz it definitely wasn't gonna get the damage here either let's look for it again oh come on singles god damn it okay I got a hope for a heal and she'll break is gonna go first so it's not gonna happen oh well might have to do a a camp fire real quick then go back to this side anyway so yeah might be time running in the cove right now in pitch black and just found Aria box nice that'll do I haven't gotten a single box in this playthrough I just realized didn't get dismisses head at least she's always nice come on nothing fancy nothing nothing crazy just just keep going just keep it easy going nice and smooth I just want to get through this hall right here this hall right here it's all I need just this hall right here don't do that mechanical hazards possessed by evil intent I know it's dark wood don't worry about it oh she's mad come on come on come on we're almost there we're almost there all right she has one arm bear that was a little insensitive he is yest all right um sanctuary I suppose I mean for field dressing she's just in a bad spot bad bad spot let's try this garbage trinket all right she did indeed do it at least I think I'll take that and that yeah it's good for the good for the herbalist anyway he's purchase spirits are lifted or these boys this is made clear well okay then let's just impale them all Oh as the final light fades right I suppose it makes sense that we can't target them well [ __ ] venomous cleek you you yucky all right Oh convenient is it that's gonna be blight though who's this dude that's good okay yay okay helper so much [ __ ] blight with that definitely want to do this oh really Matt mind if the antiquarian gets hit right now actually Oh God how long do I have tell these stealth out it's this turn I guess so it's worth staying swayed for doc Thank You van to bits doc hopeless well there we go um I suppose that still my play please thank you good lord every single [ __ ] woman all right good good good good help her out [ __ ] you god damn it that's good at least okay numbers yay all right now we get to [ __ ] impale thank you would have been great at the start although I guess it doesn't make a huge difference why do you hate her so [ __ ] much and Brett from becoming unwound oh my lord ah [ __ ] Wow all right I was not expecting that she's dead though she dead okay good marble this first is not gonna happen Cheverus she just wants the good stuff nothing else holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] try it good damage get off death's door oh I don't think you can prevent these dreams now no I didn't get him in time [ __ ] [ __ ] the walls close him the shadows whisper of conspiracy oh wait no we're still there okay I thought it was gonna take us out of here because we did that but no that's not the case all right good good Norton it's for crits let's have the very precipice of oblivion that's also a momentary abatement this blight is [ __ ] ridiculous man it is insanity I have to healer or she'll die oh my god these nightmarish creatures can be felled they can be beaten as the wagon careens along the mountain road I make my choice I will not go to the Bashir I will not be this man's prize his plaything with practiced grace I slipped my bonds and lunge for the open air the wagon teeters and the guard shouts wheels lift horse panic yikes [ __ ] hell okay Fang spear tip weird weird all right huh not loving that but alright then I'm [ __ ] oh I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] them [ __ ] them [ __ ] so let that tick once let it tick twice eat food let it tick again eat fruit again which is horrible but that's the way we got to deal with it that's what we got to do yep yep yep yep - [ __ ] now that we have time to do that alright try this see if that helps I doubt it does but I'm willing to give it a try and then can't give it holy water of course so let's just go I think it's actually better for us to have it in a battle because it'll probably easier to deal with that way we'll be able to battle field bandage er booths are healing further and may even prevent us from having to check that door yeah this is probably preferable that's good yes even better she's got an Aegis and dodge good okay going well seems yeah exact same approach here still gonna buff this dodge Oh Lord only four damage this time though so that's obviously much much better okay yeah that was clearly superior to just letting it play out very glad we did it this way that sucks okay okay well again at least that we're not to condemn to death's door off that I will serpents way to allow her to heal again nice perfect got the bleed that's alright though who's gonna do a group Gilligan of course which I kind of take care of that yeah thank you doing there goes that the death blight goodness that was that was awful okay resisted the blight [ __ ] and another big hit on the stress with the stun to boot but it shouldn't be a big deal this might be enough with a blind fire to get the speed boost necessary for her to act first and get the kill let's find out I'd love another heal anyway though if I get the chance all right that's fine unless inordinately sanguine ation be considered a virtue let's get rid of that take these okay that's fine much better much much better yeah really glad the blights gone now certainly gonna start with impale here probably go into a maze bash oh god alright she's already been checked so I guess it doesn't matter too much she gets back out to 100 doesn't oh [ __ ] nice very good very good bola was yeah Bowl is a great option here actually I like it I'm gonna stop reading those the ground quakes you keep doing this we're gonna stop taking you along damn it I need it I need help I can't I literally can't you're right daven real live for the curse ah but I don't want it not being my friends yeah that's better slightly better because of that oh he thirsted herb light that's hilarious I love that that's actually how that works that's so great the best kind of suck yeah there's my heel all right don't do that there we go I also was not aware that was a thing yeah that's funny [ __ ] dumbass mosquito get rekt [ __ ] noob alright fine if you say so that's only gonna lead to further damage to the rest of the team but if you want to protect yourself by all means I want you to take an unnecessary gamble oh sure yeah you know bastions of war can be you know you know best god damn you all are you kidding me somebody take a [ __ ] heal goddammit there we go that's slightly better all right success so clearly and boom or is it merely a captain I don't give the light there we go we have so much torchlight still this is crazy I for me so damn conservative earlier huh make it easy on me there we go that's what I like I have to deal with absolutely nothing speaking of which an empty bag Dave a nice lexicon walks into a bra but I'm Tish all right let's kill them all immediately can we not that way that's not how we do it [ __ ] okay bullet for sure shuffle him up to the front which means mace bash nice very good start apart from you you suck didn't even get targeted real glad to use the aegis though we're looking out for our best interest there oh she's hurting she's wasting away and every enemy wants her dead there we go no heels we out II would love to have that and victory victory nonetheless take this eat all the food eat the food do that do that dump that stuff I don't think it actually matters if she does it but whatever yeah that isn't DB and you don't have to suffer anymore Vestal well done good [ __ ] 17,000 zouk a level for shield breaker feels good hot to trot yo that is a hell of a [ __ ] quirk for an RV list I like that I like that a lot shuffling dead or silenced we have claimed dominion over the ruins once more okay then commit KITT that's an obvious choice sink kick knee also needs some love and I think she can go anywhere that we have available though unfortunately I'm just kidding there we go cool so pickle chips needs a love as well Cheverus soon the entire town will be under the thrall of the crimson curse you've turned against me sir full-fledged goodness got to take off good luck with the rest of the stream later on Eldridge thank you buddy have a good night I think I need to pick up any of these guys a koltes maybe if it's not all that tempting I've got a full roster - I guess and never mind epic Perez hey there right yeah I do need to look for a leper - done I forgot about that bearded Goblin thanks for other bits appreciate it so back to the ruins certainly seems wise with that damaged and resolved experience bonus I'd like to take advantage of so how about another shield breaker a plague doctor an occultist and let's do a bounty hunter this is pretty good got a little marks energy actually the money want to do something like that but that's I don't think that's gonna be as useful actually let's do that instead let's do that I like it I haven't gotten any of the DLC yet would you recommend them all I would but again I am very very biased because I'm part of the Crimson Court DLC okay yeah I like this team enough we get a little bit of marks energy here we can take care of pretty much everything besides stress you can also give the shield break of the trinket at synergizes with mark that's true yeah we get an opportunity early on to use that that sounds like fun the other stagecoach by the way is for mercenaries in case you were curious and know a couple people were asking about that these guys are the ones that can only be used in the endless harvest mode in the new DLC okay let's do it take them a blacksmith here let's go with shield breaker for sure do I have enough of these to upgrade this finally I think I can make the trade off of the bus here probably worth save us some cash we'll do that I think I'll take the dammit or the defensive upgrades for these two for sure if it's not a speed boost I don't think it's worth it yeah that's not really worth it from play dodge us we'll save the money for that for now and into the guild we go with these guys the shield breaker is gonna need some love let's upgrade her to basically full capacity on everything I suppose what skills are she gonna use expose I don't think it's gonna be necessary here I want to do marked targets obviously captivates gonna be the way to go for that then I suppose yeah so I got to do this vein spear tip and I really like this for her as well the dancers foot wraps for the speed boost it's pretty good okay and then bounty hunter is obviously gonna get some big damage upgrades with the wounded wounding helmet in dismisses head so let's do that right now I suppose and then plague doctor does have incision herbs but I don't think I'm gonna end up using those this time although it is just a nice bonus of the Mele skills I suppose so let's just give it a shot I think I'll have incision equipped anyway I might not give her feather crystal though and see what other options I've got for her maybe recovery charm could be all rights none amulets nice finally get a chance to use that I think I'll actually give that to her yeah and then a feather crystal and a camouflage cloak for my occult it seems fine - what happens if you give dismisses own head the universe explodes it's pretty cool let's do this take our marks upgrades for sure I'm gonna upgrade my stun chance on him more dams it gets a stun target which means I definitely want blinding gas this time so let's make sure I've got the right skills selected for her I think battlefield medicine is basically necessary well switch off these - I don't want noxious blast this time we'll take incision and yeah I like these four so let's go ahead and do that upgrade upgrade upgrade that's good still a low on money here I'm gonna take this upgrade for wheeled reconstruction and we're reconstruction however the [ __ ] you say that and I think that'll do I don't need to upgrade this anymore I'm gonna use it though so let's swap off yep that's good to go cool all right maybe a pistol or artillery for the more big bonus yeah incision is really really good now it's been buffed pretty considerably I like it a lot need to sell it trinket again I'll get rid of that and that's this I suppose yeah maybe even the virtuous chalice for the Vestal is not all that great cleansing an eye patch sucks okay that's enough probably good let's provision got all the trinkets correct right and all the skills are Oh hold on captivates at rank one we're gonna upgrade that I can get a lot better yeah that's huge that's math I've got to do that okay cool now we're good now we're set let's do it don't need an anti-venom I'll bring a few bandages uh bring a few holy waters um keys torches don't need a ton maybe just that many actually in fact that'll probably do that'll work shovels yes Fitz you gonna be down on our down on our finances yet again but I think this is a fairly strong team composition once more I'm not feeling too worried about it yeah it gets expensive up here in this veteran territory like every single time we want to make those upgrades I gotta consider every single purchase because it's so costly goals of your lineage once-familiar no borin Cheverus let us pray them another champion should be given the gift of the curse gift of the courtyard explorer which means we are going to every room baby I haven't done endless run on this account yet no it's probably a ways away unless I feel like grabbing some mercenaries in case I want to try to get some crystal shards early which is not a terrible idea actually it could give us a chance to get some of those really really good trinkets which will be a nice poon no anti-venom hope for no spiders we got one got one I might carry me that'll be enough yeah exactly something traps already - goodness overwhelming our ballistic cultists highwayman bounty hunter party should be called oh hi mama oh hi mark we recently got to see that I think I've mentioned a couple times now we watch the disaster honest it is so good so so good and that sucks that is so so bad god damn it I do have leeches though right so I think I'll be able to get rid of it I don't oh I didn't go into the survival it's not that I had the money for it son of a [ __ ] well what are you gonna do abyssal artillery that's what you're gonna do now never mind okay let's see just how good this is [Applause] bounty hunters got at least one of them taken out oh goodness forty damage you can easily get a 20,000 gold rewards with a party of four sharp mercenaries Plus still sixty percent of the shards you get damn that does actually sound really useful that's a great thing to do in case we don't have like an antiquarian build available and we're running really low on cash that's another great option to deal with that I like that a lot oh my [ __ ] god our damage is nuts that feels good their damage is not Knut's their damage is manageable manageable damage Oh get that stress out of here ain't taking none of that [ __ ] today low and driven into the mud thank you use that yeah be it said it did say plus 15% damage this week that's right yeah we're taking the advantage in the rooms obviously every time someone uses a shuffle move I imagine them leapfrogging over the other person we are we do exist on a 2d plane so I suppose that's really the only way to do it huh bear plague doctors aren't supposed to be good what are you doing I know it doesn't make any sense she's hitting 420 damage on the melee attack what character is this surgical incision all these Scouts too I don't know why we have such a good scouting chance must go the bounty hunter maybe I guess probably in fact good [ __ ] good [ __ ] three four three cat well done now the free torch is unfortunately I did just realize that's become a problem right away the layout isn't really helping us with that having to walk back through the same hallways is burning precious ticks of torch light sounds good sea lion yeah I highly recommend it it's good time as you can clearly see I got a shovel for this right or she's just gonna open it up herself sure do whatever you want Who am I to try to have input in the game and no Scout all right so I think serpentines gotta be the way to go right so just end up going around that way yeah good stuff sadly didn't pick the best path here actually even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage hunger tile followed by a shovel tile that is not ideal plague doctors were never considered bad no no no it's just that they were never really considered a very useful offensive character the the blight has always been fantastic but the ability for her to be able to just melee something and the deal significant damage has never really been her strong suit you know what I'm saying I just want to try to take him out quick knowing uncertainty the birthplace of bread all right now laudanum unfortunately I can probably one-shot them he's stealing 46 damage up a crit with no buffs oh that sucks all right let's get a mark on something here boy nice dodge it dodge it dodge it dodging hell yeah 50 dodging that boy finish him [ __ ] okay this is why we do this indeed incision time so brutal goodbye next turn ugly ugly gladiator goodbye annihilated oh baby these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten see it's fine alrighty oh well that's unfortunate but also fine I guess she's got some good positive quirks also some shitty negative ones oh well so I have no torches anymore unfortunately that was quick I may have to make good use of the campfire I guess let's not go that way let's go the other way that'll be easier lame no torches no torches rip stay hydrated buddy I got you I got a big old glass of water here hmm like I stay hungry guys stay fed - did you and Chet eat the rich yet yeah we've been in the process for the most of their the majority of the stream let's say I don't think we ever stop eating the rich do we it's a pretty important priority cryptic moon welcome to the pile thank you for something with twitch prime I appreciate and enjoy a bad day in New York mouths dodged it no thirst no curse thank you the rich are eating us they've been able to turn us into vampires several times you're on dammit no oh god it's horrible it's horrible they're blight resistance is through the roof I can't stand them Joe Burrus the curse is glorious deep bam dodges ma'am dodges baby that's why we like the camouflage bloke even though it's not actually taking effect right now finish him brush disadvantaged give them no quarter very good okay problem one dealt with problem - up next slowly gently this is how a life is deacon alright alright you mean an incision please I'll take a Battlefield medicine actually yeah I tell you what let's do that I found your YouTube with the release of the new DLC and let's just say I've watched about 24 hours it's the past two days thank you crap dick moon welcome to the bio my friend I appreciate your support thank you very much don't do it again don't do it again all right got a pop a heal here thank you there we go mmm there we go there we go there we go again we really don't need another Baron invite so I think I'll just go ahead and dump that off in favor of the money I guess I could dump the anti-venom too but again again again again probably gonna be other things we end up putting in the inventory apart from that stuff finding this like that's only the first test carried home and now we probably can't fire although I could okay we got a scout nevermind I'm gonna push it a little more definitely yeah we'll go to here campfire after this treasure room they'll have but the benefits for the remainder of the dungeon don't do that ignore the books black [ __ ] the books don't actually [ __ ] the books you know just as an expression how people use the colloquial expression [ __ ] the books you know how it is imperil yes yes indeed how can't you ever land that hit it's not that tough there we go one down that one point of light actually makes a [ __ ] difference for once ah [ __ ] you know I really should have allowed her to do that actually dammit I was foolish oh well he has fear of Eldridge fair these guys aren't eldred's though he fears his own magic does it is using those skills does you have less accuracy with those skills is that what you're trying to tell me because that would be absurd now versus Eldridge right yeah he actually has more accuracy against unholy targets so it's completely absurd that he's missing anything I should heal just a little bit hey Nana it takes stress damage from his own abilities exactly it's really spooky [Music] still Stealth's should be up next turn right there we all good lord when they hit they hit that's the kind of wisdom y'all come to my channel for right oh and they hit they hit now it makes sense I didn't understand this game until now [Music] it is scary dark yeah that's true goodness when they hit say it with me chat Hey as victories mount so too will resistance hey we did it wonderful I don't need this shovel nor that nor that I'll wait the holy water I guess not wait we're not using it this time okay take those and yeah I guess might as well camp out now circle in the dark the battle may yet be won I'm considering pushing my luck in going for the going for it well obviously we're gonna have to deal with this surprise battle tonight but I want to go for that extra room battle as well I don't think plan takedowns gonna help us out can't get rid of stress or can't get rid of disease unfortunately I think snake skin might be the way to go seven left we can do a dark strength buff seems good another encourage make him make sure he's feeling encouraged got to make sure he's feeling okay alright let's go the light the promise of safety I should have done a size two buff after all goddamn this dude is ready for action let's take out let's try to get a numbers advantage to start off with I guess right yeah then we can mark this guy not that lowering his dodge is gonna help us tremendously but it is probably my best play anyway that's helpful alright incision for sure lead please perfect he's done let's get that mark scary double snake oh yeah this is the this is the spooky [ __ ] oh I have that move perhaps that's familiar this mode unforeseen EEP unforgiving keep the stress resistance effects shield breakers snake dream horror I doubt it welcome to the shack dis the pile my friend thanks for something with twitch prime I appreciate it I couldn't tell you for sure but I doubt it it seems like it's a set thing like you have to take this horror damage basically no matter what you do alright I got a heal nice oh it does oh [ __ ] alright and you can't laudanum the horror no I know that much blood we can collect this [ __ ] bounty baby do it yes here it comes but killer blow she's done it she's done it the absolute madwoman miraculous let's see can I hit him I can't [ __ ] alright leaving with one you know how we like to do it there he goes hell yeah we did it a trifling victory but a victory nonetheless I'm lodged in a jumble of corpses and wreckage my arm is pinned the serpent appears silently from behind a rock tongue tasting the air the bite is quick the venom slow it runs cold in my veins inching up my arm forcing me to make a terrible choice the story of the shield breaker what's this how the hell do you say that word queer boy Lee quit boy Lee that's a big-time health upgrade holy [ __ ] hell let's do that yeah yeah yeah yeah Wow nice all right then and we'll dump this well I guess the citrine I can get rid of - cool welcome what were the Bearpaw veil thank you very much for the subscription well come on in and enjoy your badge and emotes thank you I'd say we just bounce I'm pretty sure I just need to accept this as a very positive outcome the great ruins belong to us and we will find whatever secrets they hold good [ __ ] not a lot of heirlooms that time we didn't get the moon ring out of it too though which is nice the level 5 USB these guys are ready for action in the oh my god another hot to trot nice cardigan is pretty good for him too let's replaces irrepressible own my not too much means boiled leather and French once okay our estate was the envy of this land saint kidney has syphilis saint kidney got syphilis from the brothel hmm well alright then got rid of the kleptomania right hopefully drank about all the blood down here too all right then let's go take care of saint kidneys syphilis real fast it's kind of gross here you go Joe Farrar also got some tetanus out of that so we'll take care of that one too cool no need for stress relief for anybody else right gets Finley needs some but Oh hold on need to let the dog in one sec [Music] [Music] all set it's all said I'll taken care of set to save the dog go save the dog oh we did it we saved the animals today let it let sgdq No alright another leper hey wonderful that's what we need goodbye old try to him awesome and hello new try T of awesome another soul battered and broken cast aside like a spent torch that's better that's better much much better whoo he's a Slugger even yeah that's the superior leper for sure definitely I always felt this game kind of misses a boat with trying on stronger but to slot heroes oh yeah you're saying like build characters that you can select for your roster that would be a lot stronger but take up two slots though that's interesting that is an interesting idea I'm gonna lock this in yeah that's a very oh that's expensive now I never mind I can't do it still can't do it I gotta say I gotta be a little more conservative still but I won't be using him anyway so I'm sure it'll be available to be locked in in the future any any time we'd like Shandra s-- with us pray that even the new leper shall be blessed with this curse the former nating prophet is available I think I'd rather fight the Baron though but I don't know if I've got a squad for it yet let's see you've committed quite a few people a couple people up to rank five unfortunately so I can't use them anymore want to bring people with the curse of course so if I were to use maybe you should try to get a jester up to rank three first that might not be the worst idea in the world I could probably send out another antiquarian composition I think I like that idea yeah let's go to the Weald and try to get some more money real quickly real quickly do missions scale up and down with characters in your pool I don't think so I don't think the mission difficulty is affected by the characters you have that doesn't sound like a thing or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying I think I got to go ahead and you know let's let's ease a flatulent in this team I think I'd like to get into the flatulent up there too so let's do this oh that's true I will be moving toward the Baron right now that well you know what that's that's a good point actually maybe we should go ahead and make some progress toward the Baron that seems like a fine a fine choice right now I've got a decent amount of money so I don't necessarily have to do a an antiquarian run so let's do that let's go ahead and do that then let's get this squad some experience that is the agooooo actually so let's not let her go out yet take a flatulent for sure later on cult scene have a good night thanks for hanging out do rank two on there yeah games of wrath thank you for the three hundred bits can't let your vine and stream at the same time I know it's all horrible how's this look I think it's pretty solid lots of bleed here decent heals good control yeah I think this is good I think this is good let's roll with this progress is to the bear in my friends go ahead and upgrade them just to touch just a wee bit the blacksmith get these ooh this is gonna get really expensive really fast let's check the guild first just to see if there's maybe something that I could consider a little bit more critical that is definitely worthwhile this is not so much I don't think I think I'm just gonna leave these be count master for a stun chance for sure getting more self-healing improves the bleed from the hounds rush definitely want to do that and maybe even take pounds Harry this time could be a wise choice stress heal is good too although he's only gonna be in spot two so maybe that's not gonna be his option here target whistles not all that great what he's gonna be his set of four here pounds Harry is fine can't do cry havoc I think I'll just have his self heal actually unless I want to do guard dog but I kind of doubt that that's gonna be a thing let's just do this highwayman needs a little bit more damage if I can get it so let's just do the accuracy busting the crit mods I guess and then the tracking shot upgrade I suppose is probably worth let's do that more bleed from here not quite more bleed from here but higher chance to bleed from here at least hound masters looking good vessels looking good and you're all good okay cool maybe I should take these up the grades then I think I can afford it for at least one person let's do it for him and let's get this defensive boost as well and then let's sell like sell the duplicates there maybe yeah yeah what can I sell double-edged pin and I rarely use I'll get rid of that and then something here I'm sure moon ring I could probably get rid of too let's just sell the moon ring for now I seriously doubt I'll use that pagan talisman also sellable for now all right yeah and checking camping skills would be helpful too and tell you what I'm gonna get rid of the dark tambourine - I almost never use that so there we go and that gives us plenty of money to be able to get these big-time upgrades for this squad make sure they're gonna be okay for the baron flight or not the baron fighter particular but the baron mission therapy dog is very good skill let me go unlock that highway man's got unparallel finesse which I could use gallows humor is also a nice one I don't think he's gonna be using melee skills all that much here is he pistol shot we could slice maybe oh he is gonna be using melee skills all right um pail of finesse then let's do it and then she's got all this stuff on life we're good to go there cool cool cool cool cool I think we're good I think we are ready for action here let's make it happen baby get these trinkets selected ship tooth and the flagellants hood has been basically a go-to for this guy I don't really feel the need to change that up just yet dismiss his head let's give it to dismiss right got to do it all though oh wait no yeah he's gonna be going for the melee build I'm pretty sure that's the way to go for him which means you're getting this and then you are gonna have that and this how fun alright the trinkets are easy now that's a [ __ ] blessing let's go like that let's go like that all set to go highly man's got his stuff how masters good flagellants all set let's get it bearing embark three people without the curse though yeah that just means three people three more people are gonna have the curse right pretty much the gist of that so no torches are necessary apart from a couple of Furio interactions they're actually that's just like an accuracy bonus right so let's just bring a couple just in case I don't remember exactly what I need provision wise so I'm just gonna bring a little bit of everything I suppose shepherdess is it the promised land oh I'm sure you're excited ain't you phew holy waters for the bonus from the trinket of course I think we're good games of wrath welcome to the pile thanks for someone with twitch prime I appreciate and enjoy back to me Mose buddy welcome Ionian bring all the blood it's a full stack of blood for us and I think this is okay yeah you don't need light in the tour in a courtyard it's all fully lit the whole time this just gives you an accuracy buff I think yeah I think we're ready let's do it they would arrive in teeming hoards adorned in powdered wigs and pretension seeking to slake their thirst on wine and indecency Mel's intoxication and variably took hold innocuous frivolities would escalate to ever more disturbing diversions orchestrating the hideous affair was a hunchbacked fiend who seemed to delight in proportion to the suffering he caused I could have stopped him I suppose but I was a slave to my own appetites and restraint would have rendered me a hypocrite the way they tell these stories is so enthralling what games does this diminutive all play out now the writing is just so goddamn good so damn good a long dirty wiener oh boy and gotta love them bandages that's what you do with those suckers before June waiting to be spent the combination of the riding and Wayne's voice is just a match made in heaven man it's perfect man any new new new new new cinnamon cookies and a mug of coffee mmm sounds good cinnamon cookies are a delight cinnamon flavor in general speaking of flavor I've got a nice delicious apple Synagogue Apple senator apple vinegar cider flavor permeating all through my office here I think I've mentioned I've got an a tissue and the internet told me put apples apple cider vinegar goddamn it apple cider vinegar in a jar with a little bit of dish soap is the weapon that comes on its own so I did that so now instead of having gnats flying all around over my head I've got gnats flying all around over my head and I've got a jar that smells like apple cider vinegar in the room so you know it's just great really doing the job for me here please die as the enemy crumbles consume water sounds like my situation has improved though I suppose if you like the smell of apple cider vinegar yeah beer works better really people said red wine too - don't doubt I guess oh nice the one-shot kill with a [ __ ] mace brutal maybe you got to bring the jar closer so you sit within the effective radius is it like a bear circle and spongebob you guys sit within the circle it's not gonna work hey Mads how you doing I swear though these [ __ ] gnats they're getting so comfortable and confident now in my room like sitting up here landing on the microphone like hey bear u streamin I don't know why I gave him that such a pleasant like Disney voice probably sounds more like cool mute you should name each one right before I smash it to [ __ ] bits right smoking but that's a fun name welcome to the bear piles lucky foot joey imagine emotes buddy their formation is broken it's for gnats no anything but that whew I forgot that was a thing it's a hell of a scout meet whoo all right yeah that's a hero in there I forgot but let's go thank you the hundred bits bits gnats butts beautiful I am indeed ultra gay dude yeah you may have heard me on various internet channels probably worth sick also in darkest dungeon yeah I was featured in it in this very game I'm playing in this area in fact unforeseen unforgiving I can't tell if the buzzing sounds are coming from the game or if it's Nats on pairs Mike they get really close what part I did vo / grunting for the for the Baron along with the by count and the fnatic I did all the bo work for the fnatic that's worth it let's get a minute heirlooms actually I think I'll go ahead and do this here we go all right all right yeah I totally forgot was the whole point of that yay I have a full roster though but he'll be back right he'll be back where we were hopefully he might just be gone oh well we did our best welcome to the green washcloth pile thanks for subscribing courtesy of library loud yet again library laughs thank you for gifting 14 subs in the channel my god sub gift of extraordinaire appreciate it very much you find treasure in the disgusting blood and soil gross you weirdo why'd you dig in that the buzzing is off-putting in this place as it is meant to be I suppose welcome on back in loving the BB runs keep up the great content thank you very much buddy appreciate it much obliged thing for two months great Wow welcome in Foxfire how are you alright alright stun is not gonna happen maybe enough damage here to get them taken care of fortunately not but oh wait yeah it is nice sick I think I should just stun every chance I get with this guy cuz he's not gonna get that many opportunities against these enemies nice dodge holy [ __ ] you probably dodged him Dave bloody soil gross spittoons is there anything you won't stick your hand in where's the loathing reference gay dirty crits dirty dirty crits get him [Music] and let's stun you yeah for sure stones virus another one from library lab thank you thank you so much yet another welcome on into the pile stars virus to revenge Nemo's buddy kaboom now if only you could have worked in in reference to if only I didn't ever play the original kingdom of loathing now oh baby kid Spindler gonna reduce her own stress holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] let's go as victories mount so too will the resistance kind of shown doubt thank you guys certainly thank you the library absolutely show us the new bear hug get the love spread now take your nap Oh delicious madrenas finished off use that kobera coffee 60% not for the remainder of the month welcome to the pile thank you for shopping with switch Prime just fill the chat with the hugs so many subscribers today thank you thank you very very much for the support does mean quieting quite a bit to me the pile has grown tremendously there's warmth and love everywhere and it feels good thank you very much Halon that was a really fun one I really enjoyed making the west of loathing playthrough that game is hilarious this is some stress relief if I don't if I'm not mistaken beautiful and I guess I'll give her the blood now velasco quite a [ __ ] you say yeah yeah I got six miles of blood we're good there probably Walter yeah I'm feeling pretty good about this team so far not feeling necessarily the need to uh escape yet let's mention the fact I've just reduced all that stress on my vessel that was really the only issue at this point pretty much good to go I'm gonna sell fuel here too because I got the opportunity yet again take a wild guess who could be library lab for another gifted seven another crack with impunity perfect remember when you used to use the dog biscuits those were the days seize this momentum push onto the tasks and conservative baby playing conservative we got it we got elongate this I think we can take this all the way I'm gonna use an anti-venom for that though I do not remember exactly the layout obviously is this is a massive [ __ ] dungeon so we'll just go ahead and go as far as I can I guess I don't remember how to do this deftly tease out some valuables alright that cool pardon me pardon me goodness unprofessional disgusting bear taffy yeah do it do it do it deftly tease out some valuables is a disgusting sentence I thought it was an eloquent sentence I thought it was lovely it's better than you cram your hand into the swarm of flies and sinew I managed to drag out something worthwhile damn it Brad of Wales Brad of Wales welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing more and more hugs please for the newest members of the pile hang with support please die Red Hook Dana oh hi you wrote that line we liked it that's what I'm saying I liked it I was a fan thank you for riding that line Dana and welcome Red Hook Dana let's get the Red Hook folks some love and chat please Big Ups to you alright let's see these guys can actually deal some damage so I'm a little concerned about this we'll probably go ahead and go for a individual heal there although the how master can heal himself he's also stunned definitely this should be enough just enough in fact alright we got a deal with a little bit here those bleeds will stick around at least Cheverus good night to you all good night chef rich thank you so much for the big-time support today you've been extremely generous thank you thank you for sharing the love buddy oh my God we're getting lucky okay thank you game thank you very much top it off absolutely why not like I've got more than enough damage coming out of these three fledgling on to be able to finish him and then a stun here is perfect absolutely perfect that was really good yeah the RNG is blessing me here in this barren run that's for damn sure I don't have any new ways to phrase my phrase for this game bear well at least your sentence rhymed really well we got that out of it alright good [ __ ] these guys are cleaning house in here this expedition at least promises success I will get rid of the food I don't know why I brought a full stack of fruit in here two full stacks of food nonetheless that was completely unnecessary oh this is not what you use a key for apparently to measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike I guess I'll keep that and then in Emeralds worth more than cheek bone cheek boons worth more than your phone okay that's enough that's enough apparently don't need keys in the crimson cord yeah clearly know that now yeah what we're looking to do here is just go as far as we can this barren dungeon is massive but obviously well the further we can get into it with this squad the better we're not expecting to go all the way but you still got a decent amount of provisions obviously not rolling in and running into any major concerns yet nor do I remember exactly which direction to go so it's just a just a grind in here kinda like the endless harvest but this one has a direction you go I'll go ahead and use a bandage there too I have been getting extra ones I guess I haven't killed Crocky boy no I haven't really went into him yet to the jumping spider welcome to the bear pile thanks for someone with twitch crime don't actually even need this stress relief but I might as well I guess fine with me coulda kept it I suppose might have been more useful that way kept it available for after this having her at zero stress feels good too yeah that hurt ow Dana's laughing getting the stuff is only the first test how it must be carried home okay I don't need herbs I just rid of that alright alright alright tougher fight gotta heal him for sure the guard on the big boy okay I'd like to get the Chevalier first this guy so let's go for him whoo hounds hairy yeah definitely well struck definitely the way to go there he's done he's getting worked on bear you just wiped my team I hate you us befriend him is some fanatic trouble charm city I'm sorry pal okay that's gonna hurt that's gonna hurt a lot lands it again be fine with the flatulent actually taking some damage for once we are not gonna bandage this actually I'm gonna keep playing the risks I love how much these things grossed me out they're very well designed in that respect yes absolutely well that works thanks game okay he is gonna bleed out completely from that and now it's stun time beautiful just hit the plaid just hit the flat one god dammit god dammit all the bleeds how he self heal I don't really need to move stress at all that'll work he's dead okay cool everyone's basically topped off these bleeds are not that bad that's fine I both that anyway my level one team just ran into the collector this seems bad you might have an issue there yeah you took out my vessel first and without the heals the rest of the team just kind of stopped existing that'll happen yeah I'm gonna leave that there actually for later just in case we run I need alone one more time with more stress see what we can get with this okay actually making some progress somewhere check that out so I'm pretty sure we can't actually access this without getting the key right who's our final shovel here okay I really dad I need these antivenoms like I bet you buddy who took your computer he's just weak bleed oh I don't think I need tracking showers just covered the damage on this guy bear to 1-shot the collector you have to say collector I hardly know where we can pray Oh Oh No okay that is actually kind of bad that's a massive debuff holy [ __ ] I didn't realize you could do that one seven or 165 against 90 it's pretty good odds especially with a crit there we go we could slice sick all right he's dead big oil he'll use their champion oh that's not good for them keep it up nor don't do whatever you want I guess another bleed how to do them in with the open vein or from the hound master sure also acceptable there's the bleed there's the bleed nice success so clearly and beYOU um or is it nearly trick of the light whatever ever I don't need that stuff it is just more loot I'd definitely tease out some valuables lovely and some blood tasty tasty blood you notice the hound master walks along with his hand on the dog like he's blind it's interesting I'm sure it's just an animation choice though not indicative of his character that's just an empty room there that we were supposed to go to I guess oh I think this is crock boy isn't it okay let's go fight croc boy hey soldier Lancer it's going well this is a very good barren run so far making a lot of progress without too many issues he just hit he can't help but petting the good boy that's that's what I like to believe actually yeah that's a beautiful interpretation oh we don't have a shovel [ __ ] well just do it without tools of iron you must rely on flesh bear wins the four leopard Crimson Court run happening why not today why not now once I get for lepers I guess really is the deciding factor not crocodile boy okay that's fine kind of okay with him hitting his stress check - I've really not been playing risks just been doing what works stun stun and let's try to stun him as well if we can obviously I think I'll go for the damage here beautiful completely eliminating the existence of two enemies before they even get to do anything does feel quite nice and stunning the other and then perhaps flatulent we'll go first before this guy no luck the first could be alright good lucky start opening his veins I'll leave him last he's already acted anyway oh you know what the hold on there we go that's enough okay so we'll go ahead and let the hound master try to stun this guy perfect flawless flawless execution what's my favorite trinket in the game ooh that's a tough call I do like the ancestors candle quite a bit that's the one that pretty much get like whenever I have that available that gets used almost every single time a lot of the ancestor trinkets are quite good I will use our final torch there and allow space for another stack of full of gold all right then [Music] alrighty then there's a lot of Crimson Court trinkets that are really awesome too I love the the set bonuses that those can provide hopefully we'll be able to get one or two of those now I'm very excited about the crystalline trinkets as well I'm looking forward to getting some of those really high-level ones that like the Crusaders euclidian help for example the one that applies blight every hit that is awesome I really really want to get bad let's see let's let's do this he's gonna take a minute I don't need to heal don't need to stun well I guess I have a decent chance of doing it here worthwhile I guess and can I get the kill on him yes cleansed from there he goes please don't kre I'd like to just relearn myself which direction I need to go what trinket is on my vessel that's another one of those crystalline ones that you get from the new shop part of the DLC so this is uh we need holy water in the inventory for this actually to take effect for the healing skills bonus to apply and then we get more damage against a husk and eldritch targets with the with this crystalline deal and he tried going left fair just always go left maybe maybe that is the play alright actually excited about that that means we get to you as exsanguinate there you go have it back and stunned just in case he gets to act first next turn I thought I guess I found proudly would have done them in anyway wouldn't it but then we wouldn't get that cred perfect totally planned how about another one yeah that'll do that'll work now he's gonna be down to exsanguinate territory again that's perfect I do not have bandages but I'll try it I cut my finger on a mandible that was [ __ ] clumsy wasn't it oh well okay I'm gonna try this out see what happens no connections bummer all right down we go I guess I really can't remember where to get this key maybe we do go left maybe I have to go like down this way or something but I don't have a shovel for this either I guess I could do it by hand I'm really just hoping I don't end up going in a full circle around on these areas down here only to find out that the key was like back there or something but we'll find out the key was in your heart all along I knew it I knew it I just have to dig into my ribcage there it is I found it wow that sucks okay I kill him I reach 8 to 14 east 6 to 10 crit chance is much higher here that'll work stun these nuts oh darn alright well I think I'll kill him anyway we're gonna one shot him anyway does that bleed and that's a kill holy [ __ ] no space these are worth more than the bus for sure what's that treasure room in the top left corner of the map are you talking about we talking about we talking about we talking about I don't know you're talking about you're not talking about nothing I'm talking about that secret door that led to a person there was an abomination in there that's now back at the homestead assumedly back at the estate alright well alright then off we go sure fleet tease out some valuables I'm good at that now you can move and keep them moving people are the best secrets that's true the secret we found was a friendship oh [ __ ] oh good perhaps might we be able to crit judgment this fellow almost almost obliged my request please die hounds Harry is going to be magnificent here oh yeah even better now the real treasures are the Frog God it's another mosquito man those are treasures at all oh my brilliant he's bled out that's perfect I'm gonna be able to stun her easily too even though I might not get the opportunity here I just deal enough damage to get rid of her completely or a stunner as I mentioned there we go totally unnecessary awesome be wary hmm triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall yeah I'm gonna get rid of that and take that I think the stack of gold is gonna be worth slightly more than that green amulet oh wait I got a switch up my party [ __ ] there we go ah what is this divine benefit Oh lovely that's pretty good okay cool I thought that might be what it was good stress relief for him we're in good shape again come on down you're the next contestant on is this where the key is incorrect all right another wicked slice crit thanks it's awfully nice way to start the fight how about another stun how about another one lovely alright and he's gonna die please don't add any thirst that's good very nice very nice back man this man that's going quite well this is an effective start oh hey thank you thank you thanks Colby [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell inspiration how is that happening I'm being blessed I'm finally being blessed no longer cursed only blessed yes may blessings rain down dodge it dodged it dodge it dodge it ah he nobly belle-isle he um up oh my goodness the cheats the cheats what a fight holy hell these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can't be beat my son is a cat blast bits for bear bits for every print and curse my goodness what a fight that was hmm still no shovels who cares do it almost an only crit fight seriously that was insanity no torch here I'll just give it a shot all right boom League pressure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption it's yet she needs she's got blood that's like a Tormentor obliterator let's see bits for luck but you clearly don't need it we're doing pretty good we're doing pretty good Santiago reporting stream for back deservedly so I feel so alive that's why I'm passing my turn masterfully executed isn't it obvious yeah holy [ __ ] insanity Velasco sealion the hundred biddies from each thank you dodge it mmm boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay there's this done that I don't like he's dead no he's making his way probably no their hounds rush will do it or that before that oh my god well I'm not gonna stun him so there we go sister a battle vessel that's I mean we don't really need it anymore but she's gonna be in fine position to do that my hacking monster oh goodness oh boy see it I don't know man I guess the kress I'll take this in place of that sure whatever it's gonna sell it again obviously stress is still fine I'm still willing to push forward here I've got no qualms with that but I'm have a chance to take some more damage I guess I guess it's fine by me oh these ones old riches though tax laden with great well the stack of money again is worth more than that single trinket will be in this carapace idle weirdly enough is one like I know I keep but I will get rid of if I need to I need to use this last dog tree for another inventory spot - alrighty see what we get we get ooh we're getting further you have places to go things to see that's always exciting I didn't definitely tease them that's true yeah well what's even the point doomed I say ah let's do that remove the guard even if it doesn't really matter all that much I guess he's not dead are you a bear made of taffy or a taffy made of bear yes yeah thank you for getting ahead of that for me chilly if the answer to that is yes correct here he's done that's fine flatulence it might even be enough hobo goblin blood for the blood god poppet I should have gone for the crib there I guess a little bit of stress relief coulda helped her help team I mean like inhale turn what is that oh [ __ ] yay awesome alright I'll replace that for damn sure and you can have that blood there we go that is excellent what a find hopefully get we get the other piece of that that accuracy bonus is phenomenal room battle with curio all right now jpk there's another boss in the court there's 2 more bosses in the court actually the Barons the first one with a bear in the bi count and the [ __ ] in I don't remember the name what's the other one countess countess that's the one do-do-do-do-do-do all right one down still don't necessarily need to heal here it works anywhere shaggy jackal it's just by Crimson court trinket it just means that's a trinket that you can only acquire in the court I'm pretty sure that's what that means anyway mr. humble the pile thanks for someone with twitch Fram I appreciate it buddy do imagine you wanna emotes credit this is probably more likely it's also dead now great and let's stun this guy flannel violin welcome in how you doing ninety-two stress goodness getting close getting close better create as much bleed as we can to get us out of this situation named attempt to kill this thing with the vestal seems smart I want to try at least to bleed him out yeah let's do it oh [ __ ] didn't even need the help okay the stress relief there too is nice the whole game soundtrack is just [ __ ] top-notch call it the stalker it's all incredible alright then well I think I'm just gonna have to dump off a lot of stuff at this point yeah I don't think I have any reason to prioritize I mean I could get rid of the blood that is a lot of blood to just dump off right away none of these are that important so let's just see what's in here oh this is the key the red key sweet alright then well I guess I make this trade-off seems worthwhile good [ __ ] let's go open that door then and I'm actually gonna push over here to just because I'm curious curiosity killed the bear I haven't played since early access should I buy the DLC or beat it regularly first I mean there's arguments to be made for both to be honest with you depends what you want to do trinkets and baubles paid for in blood I'll prioritize this over the holy water I guess so that means I am going to use the holy water apparently that doesn't punish the people with the curse anymore I think that was actually changed they made prior to this DLC did it wasn't it it is nice yeah a vessel loses her healing buff and I'm not really worried about that anymore I got I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose or not lose I'm gonna leave this dungeon after I open up the red door maybe push a little further than that sure he acid he kills all hellions exactly yeah I just want to get back to the red door and then we'll probably call it good from there that Wayne line was literally right for once you paid for the trinkets with blood indeed we did I have no reason to go there either I don't think I want to hit up any empty rooms I don't want to waste any time that way maybe you go to this one but me there's only two tiles I guess it might be worth checking out since I don't exactly know what it is alrighty oh nice oh those connect to this is it going back to here okay oh is that maybe I did I don't think I even need the key huh that's interesting okay don't do that let's just ignore those I definitely don't need to do another fight 93 he's almost certainly gonna get a check hi are you doing oh I do like candle of life actually tell you what I'm gonna take this instead of the food I guess well that's eat the food then I suppose right and hopefully not get a hunger check do that and that's a nice trinket for the leper too I'll take it I don't take it I'll take it okay all right that definitely means we're getting out of here really soon so apparently you just don't need that key at all all right whatever so that means we can get rid of it [Applause] mmm-hmm minimum perfect please one shot at flatulent please thank you oh he didn't bleed [ __ ] okay hounds hair he's actually not that good I gotta try this trying to prevent this check prior to the I actually I think this is a crocodile fight Beauty to dude going to the room to use it would be like a waste of time - or like a waste of precious chances for there to be hunger tiles activated kid pilgrim just started watching on twitch keep me in Austin thank you for their support my friend I appreciate it thanks for the biddies ah [ __ ] alright oh nice man really cutting it close hell yes yeah using the key with free a spot oh we can just get rid of the key - and that works - if I don't need it then why keep it right why bother using it all right there we go that fixes that heals her up a little bit to obviously just pop that torch and get rid of the rest of it right just no longer tile please it's pretty much all I'm worried about I think we made it there he is there's my boy there's my crocodilian no dog treat this time for us but that'll work fine start he does have some bleed resistance unfortunately um I guess we just do this yeah we don't have the best team to deal with him that's gonna be a check 97 oh my goodness he's still in the back okay well I don't hate this of the hill for her the how masters probably okay move forward thank you even more please if you wouldn't mind just a little bit more if you wouldn't mind buddy if you could for me me oh there it is finally alright matter of time on that I guess rapturous oh no no I'll do that got to start healing later on my son as a cat thanks for the support today appreciate it how about a stun fine with that prevents him from moving I guess but maybe you'll do within the start of next turn or something then move forward no it's just staying there and here comes apex predator yeah I still can't do anything so let's just do this again god dammit I hate this help that's not too bad no bleed either alright now let's try to stack our own no ice you're at a full lower the bleed resistance that is perfect perfect perfect perfect okay now don't have to self heal it's done again nice the flatulent can finally do something perfect what a heel big plays let's go blow at the bleed resistance even further he's done he's done and now it's tax and now the stacking begins 50% almost certainly gonna resist top off the heels baby we got to keep this stacking no problem no problem I can move her back completely acceptable nice damage love it flatulent can still hit I can't okay you know I got to do this that's definitely my move there I'm getting a big damaged amount from the flash little obviously we're still stacking those hits and now let's do this heal a vestal and deal damage once you got submerge lurking fear that's fine that is perfectly fine thank you very much all he resisted it damn still got ten damage for a round though I might still be able to hit him here he's got a ton of dodge but it is still a possibility even though he did just heal up a little bit now ice actually landed that holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay odds are horrible here so let's just go ahead and go for the heal she might get apex predator after all unless I can land this 58% nice there he goes that'll work absently Wow oh my god how [ __ ] cool okay ah tell you what I will get rid of the fortunate armlet here I think or no yeah I guess we can get that no I want to keep the blood I want to keep the blood for now and the emerald is not necessary absinthe is actually poison it's so bad disease resist blight skill chance lowers health and a crit with the set oh no you are sure this box holds something worthy of your accomplishments Wow oh my god we are just getting a [ __ ] haul out of this aren't wait well we don't need the red key anymore right all I can't get rid of it you cannot discard quest items okay well in that case the crests I guess throw away the gold I got three Crimson Court trinkets goddamn not bad Nick the camo hats what unholy ritual have you performed for this good fortune bear seriously alright I'm out of here man good stuff but not the end of things hmm that was beautiful that was absolutely flawless what'd we get no experience for these guys of course which is actually nice thick blooded replace resilient nervous bleeder is kind of meh all right all right then Yuri also do interest and obsession mile markers on my road to damnation frezzle has returned and does not exist so I suppose he just oh there he is great I wonder if he'll just stay in the stagecoach then he's ranked 3 oh [ __ ] I should probably take him I'll replace one of our jesters with frezzle the abomination let's rename him like the shoe right now just so I don't forget there you go toss this boy see you later suffer not the lame horse nor the broken man obviously gonna be good to get this guy considering he's ranked up to four on everything thick blooded ruins Explorer and he's got all the skills ranked up it's gonna be very very good so that's awesome okay Goblin absinthe is delicious in my humble opinion to be honest fam huh alright then let me fix a couple people up real fast synthetic mouse got to get you committed in the pen it's all get Spindler finally gonna fix you up as well as you know paradox I think I'd like to fix two let's send you to the bar BAM you had to go somewhere that I'm pretty sure I've already occupied right on steer yeah dammit all right now well okay I've do it I do still have that you still gotta get rid of on my herbalist so let's get that going BAM and then any other disease I don't think so I think we're good great okay good stuff good stuff good stuff well folks I think that is gonna do it for me for today it's been a good session but they've been a good time today lots of progress got some Crimson Court trinkets which is a very nice feeling - that was a great haul from that last run look at all this we're gonna have a lot of fun stuff to use next time man alarms toy soldier we got the last will and testament for the lapper absinthe which is apparently poison but we'll find out what we can get with that should be a lot of fun so hope you'll join me for next time thank you so much for watching today I certainly appreciate it all the VOD of course as always will be over on / beritasatu bare tap you used the code bare coffee gets 60% on anything on the online store through the end of the month Shawn Skye blade thank you for sub and thank you for such thank you for subscribing were the words I wanted to have come out of my mouth there thank you very much for the support thank you all for subscribing for the bits for the love today and of course another big THANK YOU through my new sponsor better help use the exclamation point help command in chat highly recommend it if you've ever considered therapy or counseling I recommend using better help and online therapy and counseling service that I've been using myself and I have been getting a lot of value out of the offer financial they are financial aid for those who qualify as well so I highly encourage checking that out - thank you so much for watching everybody I'm gonna see if there's anybody I can send some love off to the raid here Big Ups to you for supporting this play through again of course whether it be on YouTube or on Twitch I really really appreciate you guys coming out and helped me to research my enthusiasm for this game it feels great ahh looks like Nick is gonna play some jurassic world evolution unless he just went offline i hope not starting soon perfect all right let's go send the raid love off to Nick rockleesmile gonna be playing some jurassic world evolution over on his channel he's a great dude I'm sure you'll love it thank you so much for watching again I certainly appreciate it and I will see you more than likely tomorrow for some more color of madness goodbye [Music] you
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 68,690
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: qKd5cDfOpVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 21sec (7401 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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