Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Final Campaign (Ep. 1)

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it's darkest dungeon time it's a brand new save file we got to make sure we've got the right dlcs enabled of course which is you know all of them butcher circus which isn't going to matter of course musketeer crimson court districts flagellate shield breaker color of madness it's all there it's all ready to go is this your first estate start camping oh and we're also yeah we're doing blood moon forgot to mention that come on now it's the last one i have to i don't have a choice blood moon time let's do it oh yeah the final campaign it begins and one more cut scene just kidding i skipped it i'm so bad at this man this streaming thing it's hard it really is you got to give me a little bit of credit here it's tough to do this streaming stuff and not hit buttons when you're just not supposed to hit buttons come on what do you expect out of me thank you so much again so many people to thank i couldn't possibly i just want to say thank you in general being here let's do it one more time reynold and dismas two names i'm almost certain i never learned how to pronounce correctly unfortunate but you know i'm not gonna fix it now keep to the side right the hamlet is just ahead oh baby you know send these vermin a message the rightful owner has returned and their kind is no longer welcome it was nice it was nice to have the mix up with the black reliquary narrator he was good don't get me wrong there's nothing like wayne june man oh that is just delightful love my boy wayne now let's not lose anybody in the tutorial here kablam as the fiend falls oh we're back we're back in our old stomping grounds i need to turn him up give me well go ahead and turn up my master volume here a little bit but let's here here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna finagle it a little bit each volume down just a smidge narration over the top give me all the tasty waners i can handle hey buddy no i'm familiar surely nothing good can come of a dialogue with the dead i should have listened [Laughter] that's a good audio balance right there baby that's what i like to hear i just i never learned do i dispatch this thug in brutal fashion that all may hear of your arrival bits for crits i believe let's see it now it's gotta happen though you've queued them up guaranteed by the end of this fight we'll see at least one i don't know if i'm going to get it but we'll see it lead at least flip for the next three weeks you know i mean it's it's it's the final campaign what fun would it be without a little bit of drama right out of the gate especially now my goodness all right here we go certainly we're going to crit now another bleed though okay and then another 13 damage from the crit from the crusader admittedly our chance is pathetic right now he's so close certainly love to make it a challenge we do now zealous still doesn't work here obviously so there it goes i guess and one little pistol shot to finish it off now that crit chance was decent which means they're gonna crit now keep in mind game if you're stacking a crit over to the next fight that means it's gotta be a super crit that's a that's a 400 damage bonus you realize that right this is this this is the rule of the of the land continually onslaught destroy them all so be it i await my super crit oh i mean i haven't learned anything have i oh i have finding the stuff is only the first test now it must be carried home well well you know i guess it's the you know the key does make the difference doesn't it well we didn't die then that as we all know is a victory oh baby we're back and we kept some food for the fridge oh no he's horny oh boy fearful and horny well i mean that's just all of us right basically describing the pile in a nutshell welcome home such as it is this squalid hamlet these corrupted lands they are yours now and you are bound to them i mean more than you know honestly oh no i i appreciate it but i think i'm okay god damn well ain't this familiar oh no i just realized well i don't know if i want to fix that now actually maybe i just got to keep that for the for the goofs wow this is nice i am looking forward to a whole new experience but for the nostalgia factor at least right now i'm having i'm having a good time and i am very much looking forward to the next few weeks of this this was this was the game that more or less i mean like we all know uh that i did well with this game but i don't know how many people know that like this game more or less saved my twitch and youtube career i was very very very close to having to get back into a full-time job and just making this a part-time thing again a couple of years into doing it full-time and then darkest dungeon came around and boom i was good to go so i've got a lot i got a lot that i owe this game beyond just you know having some success with it for the last few years i i think i probably wouldn't still be doing this without this game existing so that's pretty cool and i'm glad i still get to play it i'm glad i still get to be doing it now this is still i mean we're i'm still here for god's sake i've been doing this for years now we're kind of we're coming up on 10 years of bear taffy this january is that is absurd that is ridiculous so yeah just big blanket thanks i guess again gleaming endowment for everything my life is dope my life is extremely dope so thank you well i'll stop dilly dallian and now we need to rename these people soldiers and outlaws fools and corpses all will find their way to us now that the road is clear i know we need to do a little bit of pick me we're excited for that too so let me before you get too excited about it let me make sure oh hold on i gotta relog in yeah so it's not gonna be ready yet hold up hold up fix that do this archive that and there we go the cursor doesn't point where you do on the screen oh no is that happening again i thought that was a mod thing damn oh no okay hold on well we're gonna have to fix that too that shouldn't be too hard i just need a reboot i think okay while we're doing that go ahead and do the pick me yeah i do i want to make sure that's fixed i think the pick me should be working now yeah we're good okay so we are going to rename all four every single person we get in this campaign we're gonna rename after somebody in chat we few wee lucky few yeah that is that is a resolution issue yeah i know i know why that's happening so all right hold up let me let me go like this and see if maybe this just does it because if we can do this then that'll fix it and then we'll be just fine i can just play in a window and that's not a problem uh now i'll probably reset the pick me for uh new stagecoach pickups chemo i think we'll have fresh faces frequently enough today to reset it okay this is fixed now sorry about that thank you for pointing that out yeah i want to make sure that's looking right that's right isn't it yeah okay we're good all right [Music] i might cut a little bit of the drama out of things that's okay we fixed it oh baby i can still see their angry faces as they stormed the manor yeah and that's uh i was dead before they found me and the letter was on its way the only reason that's happening is because i'm on a 2560 by 1440 monitor and apparently that doesn't cooperate well with obs and darkest dungeon for whatever reason so i gotta just scale it down to 1080. what's the reason for the final campaign well this is going to be our final campaign preceding the release of darkest dungeon 2 in early access if you happen to be unaware and oh baby if you're unaware well i've got a christmas surprise for you my friend exclamation point dd2 october 26th darkest dungeon 2 early access launch i am stoked they've added a few more images too i don't know if you all have seen them there's some really interesting stuff you have spicy spicy content on the on the stove pretty sure it's on the store page actually let me look actually let me look i think they added it there uh yeah yeah there's some great new images there it's good stuff anyway wait is that new ah that doesn't matter let's do the pick me back to it four names to draw p i p-i-c-k-m-e in chat if you haven't done so already we're gonna rename all four of these members of our roster it's gonna be interesting bringing randall out of course with all that stress maybe there's a little something we can do for them to begin with although of course this being the very first mission it's unlikely we even have the ability to yeah i don't think we can even get into these buildings yet this is the only stuff we have access to so yeah we'll just have to make do i don't think we have any stress heal available yet do we now yeah that's it that's okay though we'll be fine famous last words our first winner queen of sprinkles congratulations i'm gonna go in reverse order here for the namings queen of sprinkles you'll be our vestal congratulations number two dirty daws welcome into the squad you'll be our plague doctor dirty does no i'm dirty dogs no i'm dirty dogs and that patrick's not bad i should work on that i'm gonna have a solid patrick in my arsenal man that'd be pretty good blank 452 congratulations you are our highwayman and finally finally how did we get in oh you just gotta type pick me let's do one more session of them how about that just to give you one more chance just to be fair pick me right now just to be reno the main man who's probably gonna die in the first dungeon that'll be fun it'll be a good memory oh man remember when i got picked for reynolds name in the final campaign on bear taffy's channel and i died in the tutorial dungeon that was hilarious what a fun time well turns out that's all what a name dude what a name i couldn't i couldn't have hand selected a better name whiskey sunday that is tremendous oh that is that is delightful what a squad what a squad we got whiskey sunday blank 452 dirty daws queen of sprinkles let's get him killed of madness and morbidity your work begins it sure does buddy a short apprentice dungeon what could go wrong they sure are nothing fancy we've left behind i'm sure we do have a light charm oh i thought that was extra blight no it's just blight resist all right yeah that's not really gonna do anything so be it yeah i mean there's not much we're doing here i mean i honestly i kind of refuse to believe it too karma cat if i'm being real i'm sure there will come a time that we return but you know at least for the for the sake of making a moment here for now we can consider it our final expedition the cost of preparedness measured now in gold later in blood i'm gonna have to remind myself what the proper provisions look like here man i love having a shovel holy water doesn't seem necessary bandages are probably a good call herbs aren't bad like torches i keep the cash in mind here obviously too don't want to screw myself over immediately i'm i'm really starting to feel like there's a strong possibility of oh hey we [ __ ] up in the first two weeks of the final campaign oh well bye everybody we tried all right anyway i think this is looking pretty good maybe one more bandage let's do it i'm bracing myself for the new wayner same here tritium that's oh man we get a whole new catalog of tasty waners in darkest dungeon 2. oh man what a treat you have returned hey bear can i pitch you on a bear taffy extended universe featuring a swine themed nemesis named bortafi wow yeah you got my mind racing all of a sudden beer taffy boat taffy is like a vehicle they ride around on that has a face and talks no okay yeah we're getting somewhere with that let's workshop that hit me up later have your people talk to my people boo taffy the ghost one there we go that's easy that works i'm already starting to feel that this is sparing gold trinkets and bubbles paid for in blood bear taffy offspring baby taffy yeah absolutely totally works fresh prince of bel-air taffy now we're getting into uncharted territory oh my god hold on no just let me let me listen for a bit oh that's so good that's so guy forgot about that part man i forgot about that the music part it's so good it's so good man oh my god this is the first song i've heard this is amazing i forget all these things stuart chatwood you beautiful creature press disadvantage give them no quarter thank you for blessing us with such magnificent compositions and hey so far so good right can't complain about two skelly's getting whacked real quick back to the pit we have bear taffy but what about baramel or bear nougat there's all kinds of possibilities now hell with the bear taffy extended universe comes the bear taffy family of snacks bearmail honestly i don't know how we haven't been doing that from the beginning oh that that you see there's a little word there that you might want to read might try reading next time we're just learning really important lessons the hard way even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage the bear taffy bear dome bear taffy owner of the bear type of air dome the bear taffy all north bear that bear dome let's see yeah i like that yeah that's exactly why i like that let's give him a stun or two see how that plays out who needs reading i mean if this game has taught me anything it's not to interact with books in any way shape or form that being said i have started reading the wheel of time series which is going to make in uh refusing to interact with books a lot more problematic over the next couple of years i think that's a good book man i'm about 200 pages into the first one so far i love his writing style it's very satisfying to me the blood pump he is uh i was telling elise he is um beautifully efficient with uh the way he crafts his sentences i really like reading uh books that you know they don't they don't have a lot of fluff we're getting from point a to point b in the in the in the uh confidence scenes at a really nice pace typically speaking just when you think there's starting to be a little bit of a lull boom something happens just ten thousand pages to go you know i'm getting started i've taken the first step on a 10 000 mile journey but it's more than zero right i know it's a a very well liked uh series in the in the twitch community so i figured i'd give it a try and i'm having a pretty damn good time with it i did just bleed a skeleton corpse yeah it turns out that i think might have actually still been the best option there limited choices in this team right now unfortunately continually onslaught the witcher series is a fantastic book series as well i've heard as much moira has been afflicted with sickness must have been some rotting air from a coffin she insisted on piercing with her spade as terrible as this place is i know i would not fall for any trap nor crazed idiot i wager my lucky coin on it tossed to my witcher oh valley of plenty o valley of plenty it's weird that he wrote the last part out of safety oh whoa whoa whoa you knew how to spell it and everything right yeah [Laughter] from the raving masses sharon thank you for tossing a coin to your streamer oh man i gotta keep the treasure gotta get the goods do we have anybody that's i think he's he's gonna be a klepto right yet i don't interact with a crusader i remembered i remembered wait did he still steal it did he okay no he didn't right oh man i was gonna say all that to avoid the the memes and the clip opportunities to still perhaps create a clip opportunity would have been admittedly hilarious oh boy i'm already starting to worry a bit oh is that just an afflicted message that just coincidentally seemed kind of related i suppose if klepto activates it doesn't matter which one you're using oh really oh man well yeah certainly the potential was there then well crap hey good dodge though i mean our physical damage certainly isn't looking remotely concerning so there's that at least i just i mean that was just i was immediately welcoming a huge like 15 damage crate i was certain of it but hey i guess i i'm immortal right now i'll take it the way is lit the path is quite all right with that we require only the strength to follow it what does the final campaign mean darkest dungeon is being uh taken away it's not going to exist anymore it's going to disappear into the ether you know in a month so i have to play it while i can yeah i'm sorry you had to find out this way they're not taking it down or anything it's just gonna it's gonna be like it's gonna be like uh the way that everybody dissolves in the marvel movie you know the one the game's just gonna disintegrate into the sky their formation is broken maintain the offensive oh come on give me the double oh come on it was there it's just going to a farm upstate that's right where i can hang out with all the other 2016 indies and frolic can be free well no bleed for me come on now i have a thousand fifty hours in this game though never finished it oh man what better time than now right to have your glorious epic conclusion to your saga i'll give her a big old bear hug for me video games master thank you for the resub bear hugs for that and all of the many many many resubs and subscriptions today again thank you i apologize for not naming everyone individually that would have taken quite a bit of time this morning thank you very very much for all the support i sincerely appreciated uh yeah let's just go ahead and kill that now there's the crib that we had in the back pocket for for ages didn't know it was gonna come in that form but i'll take it all right that blight ought to be enough for her that'll do that'll do great is the weapon that cuts on its own oh we got another key at some point apparently and some blood early on wow all right fatal welcome back as well appreciated thank you let's get this taken care of if only treasure could staunch the flow of other worldly corruption feels good baby it's good to be back this is a treat well prepared a blazing star is born now typically i think bear would go down here and i know i've known bears of the past to go that way not this one though i knew it's gotta happen at least once right i mean i feel like it's basically guaranteed that's all right it's mostly a lot of food i didn't need it anyway treasure's gonna be where we're going though we got one more shovel here too we're good we got this well prepared nothing's gonna stop me one last fight when we're out of here i'm gonna pick up some fresh meat no this is a heck of a fight though okay okay here we go now they mean business death waits for the slightest lapse in concentration that's already getting a little scary they were definitely taking it easy on us up to this point i don't like the grape shot here we got to kill this guy oh that's bad i don't know i'll probably go for the heel i like a stun a little bit more though maybe try to stop the stress check on the plague doctor i'm pretty sure that's a better idea even though she's in danger come on now there we go that's what we like to see and a three damage axe blade certainly isn't really all that concerning another stun definitely looks like a decent idea but his smite has a lot of damage already zealous is definitely not the way to go here i don't like those odds enough to do it i'd rather just try to kill him the slow death one down unforeseen unforgiving oh that's bad wow bear optimal he's sure she's gonna be fine you are going to kill this one decimated there's the crit we knew was coming a little bit of stress healing too oh boy i don't think you can target her can you i don't think you can god damn it that load of good you've done well that's better than nothing yeah i'm pretty sure he can only target the front two with that thing all right well we got a stun chance might as well take it there we go just want to make sure she doesn't get popped and uh i mean goodness your hit chance is good i don't know how you've been missing every shot a little group heal oh yeah [Music] there we go what never hit oh come on whiskey why'd you do that you didn't have to do that you made so much worse damn it ah fine so be it just go ahead and shoot him that'll do that'll be good [Music] i mean the healing doesn't really matter anymore might as well just do a judgment don't pass okay thank goodness there we go good lord that's getting concerning trifling victory but a victory nonetheless that's basically all we get isn't it wayne well might as well try hey a fortune waiting to be spent again that could confuse me a word not for the fact that i'd already clarified that he's a little thief all right we're getting the hell out of here boo yeah didn't die on the first dungeon great success you do love to see it [Music] and what do we get [Music] i mean that's yeah that's not terrible ooh oh boy i'm i'm feeling quite nostalgic here too nume it's nice back to the old stomping grounds again are pitched banners fly and the corpse wagons stand at the ready the circus has come to town enter the ring this week to relieve 10 stress from all heroes oh festivity and ferocity united for the decadent pleasure of a bawdy crowd okay surely yeah we get to hear this track too i certainly don't mind that [Music] uh i guess we just wait we need to construct our team right actually i kind of forgot how this works uh we need to go to let's redesign your banner i think if i click this there we go okay that's right oh yeah this is the squad we used last time i think it can be decided here hmm let's put together something new let's go with let's try out i don't want to do like the i don't want to do whatever i think the meta would be right now i want to do something fun i want to do a lap no no let's not do the buff leper thing again we've been doing that like way more than i should let's go with like a friggin bleed party or something let's try that let's see if we can do a bleed party let's go with like this this this and a jester maybe we should probably have a a healer of some kind which does that work i guess this works doesn't really have any kind of synergy with this hmm oh he's not really a bleed synergy healer i go i guess the flagellate kind of counts hmm oh that's right damage over time doesn't kill in the circus that's a very good point we could still do it just for the goofs honestly i mean i'm not really here for the circus so let's just do this for fun [ __ ] it i don't care that much we'll go ahead and throw the open vein on here the point-blank shot even though i'm not going to use it that much i'll terry that'll work that'll work hit the mark all right cool good stuff hit it oh wait we have trinkets too right i forgot all kinds of fancy [ __ ] let's just give him the flagellate stuff get you the uh oh damage versus bleeding yeah there we go that's the good stuff that's what we need also while he's bleeding he can get buffs too which might actually not be a bad idea [ __ ] it let's try it god occult is too for god's sake uh he doesn't get any kind of buff to oh wait he's already got stuff equipped oh good he's already got his bleed skill chance equipped well there we go that works and then let's see hound master you've got complete skill chance very good [Music] i love these trinkets man this is all forgot how fun this all is that's great fiddle yeah thanks for hanging for so long [Music] i love the i love those in-game moments like that where the shouts like correlate with what's what's happening so well those are always so satisfying yeah let's just do this protection why not i don't want to overthink this too much and then you get that and then let's go with oh yeah sure that works cool all right just let's hit it why not fight new blood in the ring [Music] bear dance in the chat this is the bear dance this is what it looks like oh god careful here this is a slapper the a straight up certified banger this track you out there mo4 adnan you out there in chat land what's this squad all about oh man i remember we had some good times on the butcher's circus too man lots of fun although it did get to a point where the meta was a little frustrating oh no [Laughter] oh well i wonder if that relieved our stress i hope it did they relieved mine i got a good laugh out of it hold on let's go look it did that's funny that helps all right cool well let's go get some uh some new people she searches where others will not go and sees what others will not see the grave robber oh nothing for that wayne all right suit yourself yeah i wonder if you can do it again hold on the campaign can wait for now carnage calls let's find out i don't want to like abuse it i'm just curious to see if it'll work again oh yeah while we're doing this let's go ahead and run the pick me for the uh two new characters go ahead and type that right now p-i-c-k-m-e in the chat all one word we'll rename the grave robbery in the end aquarium after we're done with this oh god we're fighting a period that's intimidating the faceless man slash woman nobody goes first oh and that's yeah that's a mark party for sure that's interesting okay me each month i was waiting for that joke to come up thank you for landing it let's go with uh how master start and friggin pounds hairy yeah sure why not sounds good that's the plan right bleed them all the depth probably won't work but we'll give it a go probably go with like flagellate next okay yeah he's hurting uh i think i can avoid healing him still and i think that's actually the best play so let's do that that works yeah this is pvp so that's a human person controlling all these uh actions over here oh boy what i expected that's what i expected there so we're gonna go ahead and answer that with this and that's kind of also what i expected that's fine i'm gonna go ahead and pop another one on the occultist i'm sure or not what's this plan huh dodge from the occultist is pretty big for us okay that's actually beneficial to me he just gave me a buff uh let's keep bleeding we should probably go for one target now i'd say maybe the bounty hunter but well she has protections and we could kind of counter that with our bleed build so yeah let's go ahead and go that way she's pretty weak already might get away with something here doesn't bounty hunter have a skill that just guarantees a kill when targets are on death's door oh right yeah i forgot that's something why did i use the bounty hunter first then that was kind of weird if that's the case yeah it is nice that uh multiplayer is still pretty well populated huh those qui those cues were pretty quick both times that's good to see i'm glad this is still getting a lot of love i wonder how healthy the meta is now i wonder if there's a lot of different options for what you can do yeah now that i remember the bounty hunter thing i'm thinking yeah we probably want to try to kill that quick although this is already looking like a pretty damn good target too i should probably do something at least though ah that's a bummer damn i don't know if they're still working on the butcher's circus i'd imagine almost all of their priorities are on dd2 right now yeah that's not good teetering on the brink i'm fully expecting a loss i'm just you know writing it out here uh let's let's do you and then let's go with another harry that's fine that's fine [Music] he'll live [Music] he'll be fine uh let's do that oh great dodges man jeez sounds to get around that he's still he's fine it's just a it's just a flesh wing he'll get better yeah he's got the freaking bleed gear too man he's all set against me no concerns on his end what you got for me now buddy who's next damn that's interesting the days too okay i don't have a knock back i don't think all right yeah the point blank i'd have to wait for the corpse to get cleared there robin thank you for the 53 months appreciate it correct yeah final campaign before darkest dungeon 2 releases bear hugs are always welcome as well thank you guys very much for the resubscriptions and the new subscriptions today really appreciate it a lot thank you for all the support let's go with you yeah that'll be fine i guess this has been fun fun little diversion refreshing to be able to play with full kits again of course let's go for this i think the hound's hair is still a decent play here even though the protection oh actually no getting through the protection would have been good there unfortunately didn't happen oh boy wow that was a ballsy play terrible visitors of emptiness revealed themselves this is an interesting choice okay there we go perched at the very precipice of oblivion that's something for us two on death's door hey there we go doing a thing if only to bleed again let's see can't even do rx sanguinate unfortunately damn well our corpse is probably going to be gone soon here i guess i have to do this yeah this is just screwed i'm just totally screwed as expected stupid suzy tampon princess incredible name thank you very much for the prime sub what a flummoxed buffoon over there he's a flagellin he can't die he's immortal see literally impossible good luck with that can't even bleed him to death hey there we go all right we got hounds harry's and rape shot blasts here dude i'm beginning to have a tiny bit of faith we do need to get rid of that herbalist let's go with the harry again [ __ ] it give it a go there's a death door trigger yeah that flummox line is extremely good yeah they're in a little bit of trouble over there i'd be sweating a bit if i was him because he's not out of the woods by a long shot let's do that get that block taken care of put her on death's door oh resolve check over there okay okay the walls closing that'll help a little bit of conspiracy oh boy this team creates some problems man oh man yeah he's gotta be pretty pissed off at this point i'd be a little peeved oh [ __ ] all right okay yeah that's fair that's fair dude look at this though holy [ __ ] he's in bad shape let's see how it hounds harry does for us oh come on dude what the hell now i'm a little mad the blood quickens that's upsetting [Laughter] i mean we got result checks right frustration and fury more destructive than a hundred cannons holy hell he's gonna have to pull off something here pull forward i still got grape shot i think now you gotta do that from the middle damn it all right best chance to hit is on you you've already had a death blow trigger god damn it i mean having a riposte up is pretty damn good for us still at least so that's nice welcome hi necco thank you for the gifted subs appreciate it thank you very much for paying it forward welcome to the pile bear hugs for him thank you again all the support today much appreciated bear plush appreciates it too he's back there saying thank you thank you for all the love today i'm feeling it big time thank you everybody for being here such a terrible assault i actually believe this to be like a 50 50 right now i'm feeling kind of good about my odds of success because he's not really like clear on what he wants to do either survival is a tenuous problem and i've got i've got options for was or for where these guys gonna be positioned now i definitely have to do this oh there we go marble is down that's good for me that's good for me okay all right we got his damage done though so at least there's that and now the grape shot double kill damn it ah oh we still have her post at least that's not gonna matter here they're going right for the hound master ah man come on help us out help us out do something crazy that's good that helps a lot and how master's in trouble man he's going right for the uh the what was the boom no not that i did not think he would do that that was a surprise that was a huge gamble why the hell did he do that or cowardice he definitely should have done hounds rush that was the move i was trying to remember oh my god come on at least the stress is in my favor now but good lord the pass oh [ __ ] huge grape shot there we go we'll take one i'll take it oh [ __ ] oh my god wow oh my god i cannot believe this the dice rolls in this in this fight have been absurd one more buddy god damn it come on something's gotta give dude oh well i guess it's me hey 1v1 i'll take it i like my chances oh i like him a lot more now let's go yes holy [ __ ] i can't believe we won a cacophony that was awesome praise well hey rank up wow that was fun man that was great a reminder that butcher's circus is still good the ring master is pleased oh cool all right that's just food that's just for the uh arena ray that's not stuff i actually get that'd be ridiculous you could actually use those in the campaign okay dope it's a knock down drag out fight for real yeah that was fun man [Music] all right back to it that's a bop but we gotta get back to work we gotta pick me going still here too by the way if you guys didn't get in there yet go ahead and type pick me p-i-c-k-m-e all one word in chat that'll get you into the drawing we're gonna rename this and and the grave robber uh before we do that though the cobwebs have been dusted the pews set straight the abbey calls to the faithful i think we can probably get away with committing a couple of people if we did like a highwayman grave robber vestal antiquarian build i'd feel okay about that that seems fine so let's do this and then yeah that's good enough curry curie that sounds that sounds most like an antiquarian to me for some reason so that's what i'm going to go with for that congratulations oh damn it wanted to take it curry curie there we go and dilitito that's a name i think i've drawn a couple times before oh come on back in dilatito as our grave robber here we go all right i guess i might as well interact with this stuff cards and curtained rooms promise solace to the weary and broken alike fully forgotten was startled half the death synchron tv 18 months as well we'll come on back again thanks for all the love and bear hugs as always appreciate it very much let's get this squad settled in man and aquarium run this early honestly feels like a pretty good idea too it's a good opportunity to try to get ahead of the uh economy or get ahead on the economy i mean let's go for an explore i don't really care too much about what the rewards are going to be yet gerund given another subject curry curie as well that's exactly a hellboy yeah yeah we're gonna go with this this this this and then of course we can just use oh again yeah i gotta remember we don't actually have most of those available to us yet the blacksmith and guild aren't even available yet so that means well he does have some options she has picked to the face thankfully so that's good and shadow fave um let's can't decide here what does she have that's all backline i've already committed to we just have to do this never been in the stagecoach before i will congrats on the first time daily fully expect to be dead in the next dungeon i'm certainly gonna try to avoid it but it's looking a little concerning here um i guess this is okay because they are gonna swap spots and we'll probably just have to move every now and then having it protect me is very good along with the fortifying vapors unfortunately she doesn't have the stab hot to try this one all right i guess this will have to do you can always go on a short but that is a that's a skirmish you could rather have the explore even if it's a medium not to mention we get a camp out of it okay that's it boy this is gonna be rough right out of the goddamn gate man actually like just from tutorial on has already just been back to darkest dungeon aren't we we sure freaking are okay let's do it try our best um two shovels and two keys feels a lot better than one of each so i'll just go with that two bandages seems like a good idea i have a strong suspicion we'll be able to use those holy waters i gotta remember what those interactions are with the curios too the fat bear awards just finished apparently a 25 year old brown bear named uh 480 otis one and is potentially over a thousand pounds oh man i forgot to enter i'll try for next year i might have gotten like you know top 100 or something no i think i would have been dead last yeah that's all right that's okay you know shoot for the stars at least i'm glad to have you back i imagine that's probably uh the case for several people pace out the halls of your lineage once familiar now foreign all right that's not a bad layout i can live with that and aquarium time good dodge sorry hold on let me get rid of that there we go welcome back to 13 months on the bearpaw welcome back and appreciate it bear hugs i think this is one yeah nice wow sweet okay and aquarium run is a success holy [ __ ] we did it wow a great scout too that is awesome really helpful all right let's keep this torch light at 100. as the light gains purchase that's an easy fight okay already excited just made it clear whole team with the tier two as well welcome on back in thank you very much appreciate it certainly don't mind starting with a tracking shot we actually have targets for the bleed this time too let's uh i like starting with you i have limited options to deal direct damage to the skeletons now that i think about it yeah he's almost certainly gonna be hitting that stress check too let's go with let's increase his dodge oh right yeah that's the party way better obviously i think i might just go ahead and keep doing that with her the higher chance i've got to avoid getting this resolve check the better obviously although stunning her may prevent that entirely antiquarian's just a drug lord basically she's our plug i think that's a good idea because i don't want to necessarily spend a turn on toxin trickery here when i could do that ah i left them on bear optimal damage disadvantage give them no quarter all right that's fine keep buffing that i still like that idea she's still gonna be alive next turn unfortunately nice there we go who snitched right yeah it was me i told the whole stream i'm sorry bits for crits from death unfortunately preceding that we will have a resolve check and we'll fail it frustration and fury more destructive than a hundred cannons but perhaps oh that's not what you're supposed to do fella doesn't say perhaps we get the crit payoff now it's going to happen we know that much health wise we're still fine um that's good oh right yeah she doesn't have the that was a mod thing the ability to scavenge those corpses let's uh keep buffing that nine extra dodge per turn is pretty great and i guess this is the best play there's a bleed resistance debuff so actually does have some use too suppose healing a tiny bit is not a bad idea either oh god damn it keep having to destroy corpses at least we should get out of here without too much more stress but never hidden i'm pretty sure she's not gonna be able to get another god stressful incantation up i i really did think i was pretty certain about it certain enough to say it aloud even well that was my my true folly oh wow we've already maxed out the inventory huh this is unique um well we're used to this say goodbye to citrine that's a familiar feeling in radiance may we find victory i appreciate it colonel i've had uh many many folks uh kindly letting me know that uh they would be more than satisfied with a simple return to vanilla darkest dungeon so here i am providing exactly that and wouldn't you know it i'm pretty into it too i'm here for it baby the game's still good we're gonna get to re live all of the stepping stones on our path to ultimate victory slash eternal damnation each boss fight again run-ins with the collectors maybe a shambler shows up one more time who knows what will happen i'm looking forward to it now this was herbs i want to say we don't have herbs anymore torches for the torchlight yes the light the promise of safety i remember there we go victory kind of is damnation here here true dad all right this will be a little tougher a lot of bleed opportunities here we're probably going to want to move the highway is spot two stress is a big issue let's go for the back line first bits for more crates well we gotta get one at this point um i think i just have to move wow hey there you go that was quick appreciate it thank you do a few more of those i like buffing the dodge still here let's try a couple of stuns out actually judgment on this guy is really good their formation is broken maintain the offensive we're getting started feeling good but that is going to be another resolve check probably it's close i'm glad they didn't target her again okay so we might actually be able to get away with one here stun on turn two takes away at least one we've got the potential maybe to kill that guy but no actually not very little chance that's good at least which means we can stun this guy hopefully with the vessel's turn or not that's still very good though i mean they both avoided her i like just going ahead and picking this guy in the face over and over and let's go with oh debuff on accuracy wouldn't be a bad idea here let's go with that and we'll hit that stun or just miss it completely that's also an option i guess there we go citrine and uh what is that it's not jade is it mazeman it's the other green one is it jade there's jade emerald there's like there's like a little oh it's this oh you're right it's jd i never mind sorry i'm wrong i'm dumb big dumb idiot streamer ah [ __ ] minimum damage emerald's the big rectangle one right yeah that's right they're taking some pity on me here at least although obviously dismiss slash uh uh blanks yeah i was drawing a blank on your name blank uh stress is still becoming a big concern here let's go ahead and keep debuffing this accuracy maybe just try to take this guy out of the equation i still want to try to go for the stump the judgement is an option to kill two there we go that's matching that heals her back up a little bit that's fine obviously happy with that and one more kill continually onslaught destroy nice that's what we do the diva for and then we go ahead and heal one more time momentary abatement and start popping you in the noggin that also does the job sweet so clearly or is it merely a trick of the light i'll go ahead and throw that on someone why not and i would like to keep your so i will match is struck a blazing star is born cool oh another really good scout really good scout thank you game let's go with this i'm pretty sure is the way to go here that is dodge and protection i like that okay we should camp probably there mm-hmm even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage i am very concerned about only having eight food now i'm probably not gonna be able to have a feast another really good scout more torches either well there we go that figures there can be no hope in this hell no hope at all all right so there's a hunger trigger too holy hell yeah we are under provision here unfortunately torch is good journal page sebastian's watch was his last we rejolted during our evenings we passed the best we could make in these murky halls of our once great house house from the roar and flash of black powder we dropped our bowls and hurried to him all we could find was his spent pistol and a trail of blood leading into a maze of shadows we press on housed i live in a house don't you live in a house oh boy i am concerned very concerned having our only chance is to hope we find food and i feel good oh a book this will certainly make me feel better packs laden with loot are often low on supplies i've become vengeance i think i'm going to do less reading i got to take it easier on my voice but i did want to read that part all right here we go oh boy this is bad this is grim here we go i like the buff let's keep rolling with that i like that let's get this dodge chance up i think miracles are going to be the only way to get through this flashing daggers is not bad hmm oh boy i think i gotta go for it i knew she was gonna dodge it god dang it okay oh no the vest will move back well i really feel strongly i should try for that there we go i was gonna say getting a numbers advantage this early is probably one of the very few ways we end up in a good spot here but that's certainly going to help us out that's worse wow that's really bad okay the heart the the highwayman is in big trouble these stress attacks are only going to get worse oh boy that's the only way i've got to hurt her too right now at least oh no well it's better than the incantation okay let's see debuff the accuracy again that's not a bad idea god damn it come on now there's the old darkest dungeon i know and love let's see if only i could open vayner that'd be pretty good crit dodge the complete opposite unfortunate a decisive there's the crit and there's the stun and there's a little stress heel okay that's better oh that's terrible that's good for us though that the corpse clear is pretty important i can't open vain her now but i think i'd rather try to kill this guy first but that hit chance is real bad i'd rather do that we gotta just probably expect this oh that's a better result certainly if that's still pretty bad let's go with this oh come on now see about the accuracy i guess should help a little bit stunning this guy feels pretty good stunning this guy may be more important i'm gonna take this instead oh you gotta be kidding that's such a high stun chance man come on help oh there's another one that makes sense reeling gasping that makes perfect sense oh goodness well we gotta start somewhere i'm gonna hit this guy right now it's still ideal even though obviously he's still getting her into much worse shape too there we go finally holy crap keeper teetering on the brink here okay let's see i guess we do that right no this is slightly better obviously i'm not going to bleed him but it's a little damaged at least one hp and i don't think i can hit him oh i can do a judgment that's right oh good add 10 more stress yeah what else is new come on now 80 there we go there we go goodness be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall hmm i can't even camp man this is a disaster under provisioned unfortunately i got keys glittering gold wow trinkets and baubles paid for in blood desperately hope for an empty room in an empty hallway that's pretty much my ah corners of this place oh that's not good there oops well that's a good start yeah just about the last thing we want to see almost certainly a party wipe this is a complete disaster we are in huge trouble oh man i guess i could try that i don't know about that though oh god wow wow wow wow wow there he goes the heart attack ow on the brink facing the abyss yeah i know all about that already don't worry you don't need to tutorialize that at that point i guess that's my play i should definitely move or something though but oh god go big or go home go big or go home they're going to miss it pour that off he's dead sorry please for heroism or cowardice we gotta go home no dust more ashes more disappointment man crap failure that was bad metal of heart brain and body welcome back to dd let me get some money at least and aquarians serve their purpose more or less ah god wow what a nightmare though long years may seek to separate them action and consequence will invariably have their dreadful reunion oh god really already welcome back this is like week three what the [ __ ] zeus hulk thank you for the 19 months okay holy hell hey that's good at least a lawman and his faithful beast a bond forged by battle and bloodshed this is a workable squad here crusader plague doctor how master grave rapper that's fine that'll work let's go ahead and get a new pick me going as well we'll get a brand new fresh one going here ready to go dog spotted i think we got a taffy cam oh yeah we do look at that he's a taffy girl she's just been hanging out with me most of the stream just being a good pupper get that out of the way down here or something there we go sweet team sweet ding another back row uh let's see we've got to commit we don't have a choice it's gotta happen the bellows all the blacksmith and the open though stands ready to make weapons of war well that's helpful at least i'll die we will face ever greater threats damn it those soldiers must be ready tyler can't even commit that sucks all right well just leave her out for a bit i guess let's see certainly not going to the courtyard yet on the wheeled right now doesn't seem like a great idea either what if i tried this again but i just provisioned a lot better i think i'll be okay i might try that throw whiskey sunday up front you are gonna be our backliner let's go with this i don't need you in there anymore and you swap in and that feels pretty good i think i might actually do that instead oh fun all right yeah i like that then this is supposed to be the the mystery gang is that what this is getting at i have to do it anytime that's brought up and just obligated uh let's see two girls two guys and a dog okay yeah i guess that fits the criteria yeah we gotta draw these new names here too and your little dog too drawing our winners mr harboringer pokemon back in we'll be our houndmaster congratulations mr harbringer and fantastile hopefully that'll fit oh so close we gotta take out the underscore there you go welcome on in there it is brand new team we can take these guys into blacksmith and guild actually although i guess they're at level one so there's not much we can do with that we can't get their new skills unlocked which is probably worthwhile in fact i think i want to get the stress heel equipped on my crusader probably want to do that especially because i'm not using the zealous accusation at all bulwark of faith i might actually start using let's go with town master is going to get actually i like those moves on him you need throne dagger we're gonna replace that with that that's probably good oh that's unfortunate oh well can we get up to level two yet we can do this and then i think if we do that oh yeah there we go and then armor as well right yeah in the end every plan relies upon a strong arm and tempered steel okay well that's good certainly definitely worthwhile to get those upgrades and i suppose that's all for now let's go ahead and uh make sure the skills are all good to go got our blackjack equipped at guard dog target whistle that's fine bonus damage on the mark target there poison darts is good ones with the shadow fade and the plague doctor in the back line plate doctor needs battlefield medicine that's the last thing we need that's what we need boom there we go you're gonna swap this for that okay oh okay let's get back into these ruins and see if i can't handle this again two heels stress relief much better party composition and we'll prepare a lot better this time i'm gonna bring two stacks of food full stack of torches a key two shovels a couple bandages holy water herb all the goodies bring two herbs in fact that feels better we'll get them this time i believe i got faith i'm gonna hydrate and send it let's do it wouldn't be a campaign without a couple deaths early on right now like i'm baru or something when trying to go deathless for god's sake pace out the halls of your lineage once familiar now that's an foreign start right yeah anything goes wrong just look down at taffy cam you'll feel better it's much more pleasant imagery than this right i mean you'd rather see the taffy cam than see the skull with a sword well maybe that's your cup of tea a cold stone seems bent on preventing passage let me judge you no i'm good i'm all right no thanks i got plenty of books are you sure bear yeah i'm good i'm fine don't need it thanks welcome to the bear pile no thank you candle jack [Applause] are you real sure about them yeah fine thanks no books stop giving me books i don't need them i don't want them i don't like them they insult me they make me feel stupid give me the video games thank you a fortune waiting to be spent well so far so good here hopefully the first combat treats is kind of like match is struck a blazing star is born full cam taffy cam and picture and picture the dd gameplay that's probably for the best give me a minute here that's all i forget that'll help all right how we feel about stuns to begin this one not great when i could do this continually onslaught candle thank you appreciate that thank you for the support appreciate it a lot glad to have you can we have a whole stream of just taffy we we did that a couple months ago playing with our dogs for an hour stream that was the whole the whole broadcast that was a fun time i think i need to throw that up on youtube actually i got that as an unlisted bod i'll put that on christmas day i'll upload that vod that'll be my christmas gift to you guys is our one hour of playing with our dogs on stream ah let's go like that that's fine yeah look forward to that i like buffing the damage here this is good it was a good time i thoroughly enjoyed it unbalanced uh oh this is getting concerning another one falls maybe stun again here it's probably not a bad idea i don't think he's got his self heal equipped unfortunately so might be in a little bit of trouble press this advantage give them no quarter we're definitely gonna heal what we can right now just take the tiny bit of recovery we can get for everybody find it unlikely that he'll be able to get another hit off but i've been wrong many many many times before i think that's actually my best chance even though the stun chance is really low but hey there we go i'll take it are you a bears fan bear i cheer for them ironically on our podcast three guys in a bear talk about football but i can't honestly say that i'm a bears fan though i'm a fan of bears like the animal big fan of the species and i highly recommend that i was shown bits and pieces of fat bear week as it was happening i think death metal just uh popped in fairly recently to inform us of the final results uh 480 tito i want to say or something like that emerge victorious good for him must be proud to be the fattest bear this is very concerning i was really hoping to see a lot more stress damage coming out of these party compositions but this is uh i am worried about this it was pretty awesome surf i'm not gonna lie that was that if i just if i isolate the the game just going to the patriots game and don't think about the aftermath it's a wonderful memory that i will cherish forever because it was really really cool experience their formation is broken maintain the offensive all right i'm really hoping we're gonna be able to get away with not hitting this death door here the way is lit the path is clear should we be okay especially now nothing happened at the game but it was after the game trying to get home that was a total nightmare i'm gonna i i i don't necessarily want to retell the story i tweeted it if you wanted to follow all that but it was just it was hell it was hell nice huge that's very big and please keep targeting the crusader that's what i need right now badly in fact let's do this that's a very good idea we're probably going to want to camp out soon god the blanket fire is really unfortunate here let's see if we can kill this guy nice obliterated big plays okay that's bad oh boy that's really bad help thank you oh man helpful good good good good i'll be able to get back there unfortunately i need to just take every last little bit of healing i don't know how i thought this team was gonna manage again i think i was mostly relying on seeing less physical damage enemies but we're seeing nothing but that so far so that's unfortunate come on blight there we go okay that's one down at least gently come on he's got a mark on him for god's sake this is ridiculous okay we get at least one little string of luck there but he might have another trigger unfortunately i can heal him take him off that candle jack a thousand bits on top of the subscription thank you oh well i'm glad that was a little bit of help at least to get through the sleepless nights thank you very much for the thousand bits as well holy cow okay we do have food can't forget that all right that's at least that's something and then we're gonna just let those debuffs ride we've got no fight here so we're good we're doing okay i don't know if i want to go that way but this isn't much better so fair look a little bit of bear luck maybe that's not bad i can use a shovel here that's okay come on we're good just give me an empty room that's all i want to see just get flat out just nothing nothing that's terrible that is worst case scenario [ __ ] ah god damn it damn it damn it damn it okay um ah this is so bad that helps that's a good start it's not a collector yeah i mean hey there we go that's something please land the blight thank you that's a good start that's a very good start okay i feel a little better get the mark off as the light gains purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear okay okay this is really good actually nice wow wow that was really good could not have been a better first round actually perfect okay we're going for the stun we need more damage from the crusader the one point of heal honestly does not feel like it matters anymore oh man wow we are getting really fortunate here now we might actually be able to kill him before he acts he's got a speed debuff too that went well okay a trifling victory but a victory nonetheless purify the altar god fearing quirk removed swede well then that was ideal jesus really smart whale thanks for the 53 months welcome back goodness i'm getting away with it man i can't believe it well now we got to think about this i'm pretty sure i need to go ahead and just camp there to get my hp back up and give us a better chance of just getting through here without too much issue but the greed in me wants to push for one more room but i know i shouldn't circle in the dark the battle may yet be won gotta keep in mind we might get ambushed here too mr vacarion thank you very much for the 49 months on the bear pile we'll come on back in appreciate it heels are not a bad idea i will take that here add to the healing received which is pretty helpful too i like zealous speech it doesn't look like we're going to be able to prevent the ambush unfortunately noise 52 months on the bear pile and able 100. thank you guys very much for all that support appreciate it bear hugs for him welcome to the pile thank you for being here thanks for all the prescriptions all the resubscriptions i'll take a torch certainly and no ambush god this closes in damn dammit god damn it god god damn it all right oh that's kind of good joe how you doing resisted the blight this is already terrible no okay that's helpful that's pretty big for us dog treat time one down a faint hoop that's pretty good that helps we're just moving forward i'm gonna get that plague doctor out of there i gotta get him gotta get the plague doctor to healing territory i think i have a holy lance available [Music] pretty sure that sucks at least we're not stacking the bleed i do not have holy lance [ __ ] let's do this to get it off zero torch to help him a touch god damn man seriously so much focus okay that's better let's see probably just well i like this a little more it's obviously more damage if it hits give us the stun here please thank you i gotta try to heal him i know it's only for one but it's better than none it's better than none [Applause] sedated i need big hits from the from the grave robber though the odds of that working are pretty slim is that much better let's get four damage no it's not gonna work that's good okay thank you thank you very much um this is just not a good way to handle this but thankfully they chose not to attack him again that was more or less all i could bank on for that to be effective on its own i'm gonna try this once more just to buy a little bit more time or try to at least but fail he's got zero stress at least that's something right this guy's already dead take everything we can get i mean ultimately we added five hp so that's pretty effective but clearly didn't want to have to deal with that right there especially when we got this just ahead of it oh cool come on now carelessness will find no clemency in this place yeah i don't know if that's such a good idea i'm leaning toward it now there this is slightly easier at least but i think i want to start with this and hopefully land a play grenade on these guys is that better i think i'd actually rather do the double stun oh yeah that feels way better and then i don't need a blackjack here let's go ahead and use this while i'm thinking about it their turn's already wasted executed with impunity pretty damn good start for us so long as this dude does not whack the hound master in the face thank you perfect it could be a friendly shambler is friendly shambler here that's the only way to guarantee it oh that was a gamble but that paid off oh that sucks that's worst case not too much stress thankfully that'd be enough blight okay stun go for a little bit more heals nice back up seven hp we're getting there two more heals for me come on bring us back up from the brink or just do that success so clearly and view or is it merely a trick of the light 175 gold in the locked compartment i don't want to let anybody get a hold of that wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike you've curried favor from the gods plus 30 damage until camp that's pretty good i'm remembering all the interactions man look at me go play in an empty room and a scout beautiful all right who's got it 80 versus 90. yeah it's you there we go and no one's doing the right one we got one more torch here too a handsome reward for a task well performed you can just go ahead and pop it now and this room stays empty and then we go through here nothing shows up and we're good to go oh i'm beginning to believe i'm beginning to believe we might actually do it oh [ __ ] no surprises there we go torchlight's dwindling okay that we're ready for that that's okay hey beautiful don't mind if i do thank you very much and two more i want to say come on now we're so close no more hunger triggers please this is bandages i want to say oh it's herbs sweet help us out okay that's not terrible and shuffle's not bad either oh awesome show thank you looking forward to checking them out let's go with i think these dudes are the biggest threats that'll help [Music] hmm somehow my brain has convinced me that was the best play i think it was pretty good this is probably pretty good too and then maybe the smite is enough to kill this guy because he's got the bonus damage nice well that was pretty ideal cool let's do all that again oh that's not gonna work now oh boy he's just still on the freaking brink dude every last little bit of hp we can get that guy one more stun here let's go for this one hey seymour how you doing uh keep keep healing just keep bringing them back that's all we can do get the kill come on come on nice fantastic why not stack the stuns i think actually i might want to give her a little bit of help she did your best seymour let's hit that hey that'll do stress heal and hopefully he doesn't get to act before we do i think he might though yeah damn oh it sucks that's not too bad actually i'll survive just keep stunning just keep stunning and he's dead heal it up the wounds of war can be healed but never hidden i was gonna whistle into the microphone but i thought better of it i'm a high quality broadcaster i would never pierce your eardrums like that creatures can be felt they can be beaten plus i can't whistle that good that's the primary reason all right last run help us out come on now nice holy [ __ ] that'll help channel fade keep healing well i've got a chance one shot kill here with the smite oh come on damn that hurts that's scary uh-oh okay thank you thank you for choosing the right target he's still in trouble there we go uh i'm not gonna stun this guy that i did not think through unfortunately i probably should have targeted him now that i think about it maybe this will work probably not oh [ __ ] well you know what let's just do this uh no wait moving back there we go that's what i gotta do that's the play then he doesn't get hit hooray so clever back to the pit all right as victories mount so too will resistance oh god come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on he's done it he's done it out of sheer greed i must see what the scout reveals just let's pick up this carrier real quick let's go open the box real fast let's go open the box it's just it's just a box let's just open the box real fast and then we'll run away all right now we're done now we're done the great ruins belong to us and we will find whatever secrets they hold excellent great result there a little xp for the squad nice hey that's excellent and resilient is pretty good too good result she has paid dearly for her freedom and deserves better than this place thank you i will take it okay the latino needs to go to the peninsula dirty dogs need to go to the transept done and done man and arms let's go the raw strength of youth may be spent but his eyes hold the secrets of a hundred campaigns another how master got three names to draw exciting let's do that while i go to the bathroom real quick give me a couple minutes here i'll archive and redraw let's do a pick me in chat and i'll be right back with more darkest dungeon [Music] [Music] let's get those names fresh meat straight from the wagon who's it gonna be we've got vic vic victory vod victory vav i want to say victoriov well come on in you'll be our shield breaker there you go number two shadow strider nice the man in arms and finally fellows or philippog i'll go with that with your uh preference there phil you want to fill up hog we'll go we'll go with phillipod we'll come on into the squad there we go there's our winners this is a pretty good name for a man in arms yeah i like that i like that all right feeling a lot better about our situation now got out of harm's way there probably not nearly enough money to worry about the sanitarium yet so just keep on trucking along here let's do it it does sound out of the wheel of time doesn't it yeah okay nothing but uh apprentice or short i mean to say these are all skirmishes man they really want to throw me back into the ruins that badly want to mix it up dude let's see what the rewards are sly eye patch is it's okay taffy left darn also nice but not for her leaving that makes me sad uh lucky dice is okay i guess the trinkets don't matter too much let's just go warrens that sounds good gotta get our vestal back let's keep bringing our crusader out and uh like a backline grave robber maybe here let's actually throw the vestal in spot four and then let's go with our fresh hound master here yeah let's do that take him over to the blacksmith and uh guild real quick see how we're doing pretty sure no one's able to really upgrade too much more i think i'm gonna go ahead and make this a little cheaper actually i'm gonna swap off some of my crests for some some deeds go like this kaboom kaboom fan the flames mold the metal we are raising an army indeed and i guess her skills are still good rampart might be the way to go i do like retribution quite a bit as well oh i should make this cheaper too i probably should have done that before a every creature shows that miss the wise hero trains for what she will face let's see this is gonna ah this doesn't even increase my heel done damn this probably does there we go minimum two heel there is nice increase the stun chance there and then increase the crit a little bit probably worthwhile crusader wants this extra unholy damage that's extra protection i suppose in an extra stun chance of course too and one extra torchlight from that upgrade yeah i'm all right i can wait on that nicholas the eight months on the bear pile bear hugs for me if you got them hold on back and appreciate the resubscription support i think this squad's good to go not a lot need to be done at this point obviously trinkets aren't really going to be a concern here either i do have a bloodthirst ring huh let's do this for my crusader i don't think i'm gonna mind it too much [Music] that was max hp and he doesn't eat anymore saves us some resources early on at least a little bit seems decent other than that i think we're good man arms gonna get the rampart on for retribution i mean i think i'll keep bolster actually guard dog is fine target whistle actually isn't going to do anything here so i should probably go ahead and give him like wounds which i should have done before would have been a lot more helpful yeah guard dog or uh target whistle isn't the way to go right now all right good stuff let's do it into the warns let's hit it full stack of food two keys two shovels two bandages two anti-venoms we are in the warrens here i think the herbs might be good too i can't remember grab a stack of torches and that ought to do it let's hit it i wouldn't say it's been smooth sailing so far by any stretch of the imagination but quickly down there in the dark but perhaps we can slay them even faster i'm still feeling okay i'm feeling a regular amount of confidence not overconfidence mind you the regular normal amount that i'm permitted all right herbs here i think right away totally that's a huge damage buff until camp that is huge and there's no camp here obviously so that's for the entire dungeon that's amazing she has a lot of stress already that sucks no fight there either but that's okay i prefer it a whelming amount of confidence precisely this is darkest dungeon any confidence is overconfidence yeah it's a fair point maggots what do i do what do i do help ah someone kill them kill them for me i don't know how they're scary you're so spooky eat them it's free protein ah jesus whatever you do don't have confidence i think that's the takeaway yeah oh yeah there we go maybe i should uh boop almost press this advantage give them no quarter oh i guess we were fine all right remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer kind of already liking the bloodthirst ring based on that first interaction there i think i might use that a few more times can you imagine sitting down to eat a maggot of that size it's like twice the size of my entire head traps lie in weight on sprung and thirsting for blood and that would be uh grotesque the light the promise oh could do that's unpleasant there we go all right let's go for a stun there we go and that's probably it probably enough oh it's a one damage bleed seriously decimated damn it well i get an opportunity to stress heal here at least damn they are fast eight speed tap is back god damn it as the light gains purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear yes that's my best choice [Applause] one more stun try i should probably just judgment close [Music] that was way too much stress for that fight hey that helps that's real big as the theme falls a faint hope blossoms it is an epic exclusive through early access i believe echo which there's not a set date for how long that's to be but that is the case as i understand it right now keep on stunning works for me i like bolster here a bit of dodge buffing and this is good the too is struck a blazing star is born pretty sure red hook said in the podcast that they like the 11 to 13 month time frame for dd1's early access so it's probably gonna be a similar length that would make sense to me absolutely i remember another thing they said was something like they they want to have the game be 60 or more complete before they even put it in early access so that seems like a realistic uh goal of that being the case and unfortunate damage distribution here probably not going to stun this guy either i think i might want to go for some stress heals actually this fight's pretty good for us now that i think about it they're not going to be able to deal nearly enough physical damage to this team yeah we should be in good shape yeah no i i have like no opinion at all about this epic store stuff seymour i don't give a [ __ ] i'll download another launcher i've got 12 of them at this point who cares surges as the enemy crumbles look get the self-heal now too you'll be fine man this is great this is a total stress healing opportunity zeus juice 18 months on the bear pile welcome home back in the days we appreciate it bear hugs i think with subscription free subscriptions back in this post is certainly doing a number two man thank you for all the support today i really appreciate it of course don't forget while i'm selling out and talking about you'll be able to use that code bear taffy as well if you're going to pick up uh darkest dungeon 2 on the epic store and that'll kick me a few bucks if you do that i appreciate that too i think i can keep doing this man i feel very strongly that we are not really uh running a great risk here reinforcements are still a thing i'm fairly certain that only happens when you're down to one enemy so so long as we keep both of these guys alive we can i'm pretty sure run this fight perpetually and be fine although i guess i just i didn't really think that through damn it after describing all that too although i didn't necessarily want to do that truth be told i think i'd rather just go ahead and keep on moving i don't need to choose this all that much [Applause] oh they can appear with two enemies as well i guess i was just wrong then i'd probably best we just move on then momentary abatement is it no yeah i thought it was something to do with the size 2 enemy as well right like if this dude was by himself he still they still wouldn't show up you won't get reinforcements on this one since you're fighting a size two okay right yeah okay that's right they're a cursive champion but again i don't need to stick around we're fine we're doing just fine ah you son of a [ __ ] fine whatever it's not even that much another buff for you huh plus 60 damage for our crusader god damn god damn the way is lit the path is clear we require all i try to dan i don't think i'm gonna finish it it seems great i just don't think it's a good fit for me for the stream i just get too frustrated with it seem very impressive from what i play though [Music] um yeah sure two hits why not yeah there we go their formation is broken perfect maintain the offensive excellent start uh if you use there's a there's a supportive creator code that you can enter on checkout moth on the epic store and that's where you put in the uh the bear taffy code that'll give me the kickback that's when it actually releases though and this is going just fine man i like this composition a lot actually that's unfortunate i probably should have focused on stunning him more is that no that's still a one point bleed right yeah so he's still alive um let's just do that obliterated and then maybe this i figured that one work hey how's it going how's it going 43 months in the pile welcome back in good to have you hope you're doing well damn it you know how it's harry either here [ __ ] continually onslaught it's really inconvenient to have to do that oh come on now this is getting ridiculous i guess i might as well heal a couple more times she does need some stress relief maybe i can get one more off yeah better not success so clearly and view or is it merely a trick of the light it's actually not a bad trinket to find hey wow that was fast cool all right i'll take it good good good if only treasure could staunch the flow of other worldly corruption i still haven't used my dog treats so i feel compelled to stay let's do it full clear push on we got five torches for god's sake in radiance may we find victory we ain't going anywhere not to mention we know there's no more room battles it's gonna be easy easy peasy i had to say something didn't i mechanical hazards possessed by evil intent that's still fine totally fine with that and one more i forget what this is torch maybe no shovel anti-venom no no i don't remember oh well that's unfortunate okay let's just leave that one that's what i figured oh no oh please god come on all right still there still there lethargy and syphilis yeah you can put two and two together in his lifestyle oh man crap oh the dog treat [ __ ] i'll remember i'll remember at the end of the fight um let's do this damn it aha i did it damn it well i hit the button at least writing on some skin is basically books yeah that is that's a good point actually we ought to know to avoid that at this point oh no no we don't need to be barking puppies no no no knock it off no you knock it off yeah you cut it out you stop it you better not snug it off that's what i thought trying to do some boofing ain't no moving loud these hurts on the outside [ __ ] destroyed all right these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten that'll do cool we did it they're squeals their confidence is shaken ugh sure is we made very little money on that oh well it's a little success pillow for the companies oh this is what this is thank you i didn't know oh man that sucks damn we got some bad ones already oh boy hey sweet delusion he bears the burden of a thousand lifetimes that's good all right and we also get a leper nice oh our stagecoach our roster's full we need to expand more arrive foolishly seeking fortune and glory in this domain of the damned oh no 30 is missing left in search of a holy vision oh boy all right oh we need to remove those diseases the syphilis get rid of that queen of sprinkles needs some stress relief send you to the transept now we're feeling a little better all right cool are goodies let's go ahead and do a pick me here yeah let's hit it archive the old one in with the new p i c k m e in chat all one word if you'd like to be selected we've got a leper and a flagellum to rename now a couple of front liners probably gonna bring them out on this quest actually together in fact i'd wager we gotta go somewhere we can do some bleeding though try the wheel if i remember right that seems good another skirmish we'll be fine i can handle it i don't have a healer unfortunately i guess we do have a flagellum i want to go flatulent leopard that's kind of risky seems like a bit of a gamble here's a wheeled adventure that's good if we did this we could do hound master hound master hmm how does that look i can do one more oh is this gonna work yes yes it is why is this going to work bear easy they all have self heals easy peasy no sweat just got to equip the self healing everybody totally viable a couple level ups here too this would be good get into the guild do unlock that heel for five blackjack upgrade get this and we'll go guard dog too good idea cool and our leper is going to unlock solemnity in place of intimidate and out of work revenge is still probably a good idea and let's get you reign of sorrows instead of reclaim or redeem i guess well either one there you go cool taffy back all right let's hit it i've even got a flagella trinket to use punishment hood that's pretty good pretty helpful i'll give him the bloodthirst ring too what does this do for his healing skills it's gonna make a big difference maybe i'll give the bloodthirst ring to someone else i'll give it to you and that's probably good for now i'll add some dodge to my hound master all right here we go how's this gonna fare the blackjack for you it's all about the self-heal in the back line target whistle actually probably isn't going to matter here i think i might go to hounds harry instead i could do cry havoc yeah we got to rename them too let's go ahead and they'll name them now vario 500 congratulations you're the flagellum hope you serve us well and rob steelum's off only that was the name of the crusader that would have been so perfect rob steelums maybe you'll become a klepto too well come on in there we go these squad mates okay i guess it's time all right now we were gonna do the cry havoc do do let's do it on one at least i don't know if we're gonna have the target whistle on one maybe we should have it on both i suppose i can swap between them but i don't think i can spend the money on both right now let's just roll with this with the bloodthirst ring i think 12 food is probably enough you can't stack the dog treats come on god damn it well we know we're using those early oh boy that right there that's a concerning number hopefully we get some more i'm gonna try metroid dread this is the first i'm hearing of it i've not played a lot of the metroid games that'd be a fun series to revisit or to visit for the first time i suppose as a fresh player all right here we go let's do it corruption has soaked the soil sapping all good life from these groves let us burn out this evil the money is pretty tight in blood moon yeah we're gonna need an antiquarian or two unfortunately lost our first one if only treasure could staunch the flow of other worldly corruption early shovel is really concerning ah we're familiar with these fools bad times have been had go ahead and pop an early dog treat i played super metroid for the first time two years ago game holds up it's real good i firmly believe it i really wish i had had hounds harry we've been way better here another one falls all right i think i'll be able to kill the slimes before they fully repopulate the enemy pool here the slow death oh thank goodness unforgiving uh excuse me i did not target that i think i thought it was about to welcome in a whole new era of trouble here goodness no reward fitting i guess triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall why would you expect to get anything from that bear what do you think you actually accomplished burn it no apparently not okay i don't remember all this stuff man expertly stalling for the guaranteed hound master crit you know it might as well they got some bleed or they are susceptible kind of to bleed damn that's a weak hit what happened leper i guess he didn't take your buff yet he needs his medicine their formation is broken maintain the offensive only metroid game that stinks is other m what's the best metroid game is it just super metroid i just have to do that continually onslaught destroy i like zero mission the most fusion my opinion metroid zero mission is excellent what is zero mission on i feel like that's an older one isn't it gba oh my god oh it's a gba remake of the original metroid oh okay okay okay interesting yeah now i i have very little experience with the metroid series i know they are well loved well-loved games we're getting reintroduced to all our all our old friends today man hey there nashers how are you guys doing we're the poppers i want to go munching let's do that decimated are we obliterated very nice might as well ah come on now it's a very very good remake that's good to hear mortality clarified in a single strike all the metroid games are pretty old yeah it's fair i guess they have been clamored for a new one for for a little while huh there's another thing on the docket at least destroyed it's always nice to have something to add to the back catalog i could certainly go for a a game or two from the metal gear series as well i still have yet to uh to play any of those games i still have a copy of snake eater wrapped in plastic for the playstation 2. still just sitting in my entertainment center i might as well add metal gear to the docket list yeah like actually snake eater and not subsistence because that might be value really hold on let me go look i'm pretty sure it'll take me like a minute and a half give me a timer 90 second timer hold on i'll be right back yeah i found it here it is still wrapped still in the plastic fresh copy metal gear solid 3 on ps2 do not open it i will not open it i have not ever been tempted to kind of nice now yeah honestly i feel like it's probably better off to me just staying in the plastic yeah burn it live on camera anyway yeah now let's just light this on fire here we go it's meaningless to me so [ __ ] it hey buddy my chubs oh these are good chips did you want it buddy would you like to lick this pristine 10 out of 10 psa graded copy of metal gear solid 3 still in the plastic wrap chubs would you like to lick this would you like to put your tongue on it [Laughter] it doesn't really seem very interested here you go buddy oh nummy nummy oh yeah that's good what's that you want that bud he's a new chew toy for chubs that's me i'm chubs that's you didn't give a [ __ ] about it okay hang on i got all friggin headphone cord there we go hey buddy yeah we'll just leave that up here save that for later chubs was pretty lukewarm on death stranding pardon me it's like 130 on ebay oh cool well that's fun i'll probably still just keep it it's a fun little relic okay anyway sorry about that a lot of chickens thanks for the 32 months on the pile we'll come on back in the spiders too everybody's back the gang's all here oh man what a fun trip down memory lane today good old one damage bleed again bonk what disease did he get when did you get rabies i must have missed that oh well god damn it well he's dead at least ouch oh yikes okay that's a little concerning um here we go back to the pit probably from the dogs yeah that makes sense oh boy god please don't die terrible vistas of emptiness reveal themselves um another anomaly cleansed from our land i think we need to give him a chance to exsanguinate here even though it's going to be a tick of d.o.t i don't think that's oh he's stunned though i forgot oops good he's still alive that was really lucky oh boy oh god that was terrifying i'm just gonna do that oh wait no yeah he's gonna okay yeah we just gotta do that there we go just to guarantee that he doesn't die [Music] here we are there we go little spooky no problem we're fine he's gonna cure the blight now even though it's kind of senseless all right wow getting exciting right away buddy you can hang out i know uh yeah taffy stole your bad hunt he's like no taffy's in my bed i can't stay nowhere for me to be and then he was gone let's see i really think i should just go ahead and equip hounds area actually oh that's really nice that is big time oh i can still look sanguine wow cool there we go big bleed oh i know don't worry about it i should probably go ahead and just turn those off don't even occur to me uh gameplay where is it where's the oh tutorials there we go save boom boom there we are not necessarily nether that's just uh we're being overly dramatic considering the release of darkest dungeon 2 is upon us so assuming it's going to be quite a while till we come back to this once that's been released eric 4bz family's getting a white western highland terrier ooh cool i'll left you again damn it i was curious if you heard about inscription free demo and looks great yeah i think i have hold on that name sounds familiar i think i saw that at like yeah oh this game has a demo already oh yeah no i got to play that no inscription looks really really good yes i want to play that i definitely want to play that there we go and thank you cho okay you're dead you're dead let's go with a stress heel maybe it's probably not the time yet let's work on this guy yeah i i remember being very excited about inscription when i first saw it for sure body and brain looks very very good uh yeah sure yep happy about that great is the weapon that cuts on its own goodbye okay this feels better not even 144 damage crit yeah what am i doing wasting time here those bleeds are working out as the fiend falls a faint hope blossoms pre-ordering inscription damn yeah there's the faith place for sure the light the promise of safety all right so far so good obviously i don't have a camp for this one but we got plenty of food left over i've got a bandage i've got torchlight i'm feeling okay stress is getting up there a little bit but i don't think this team needs to worry too much about that we've got a way to combat it hey mystic thanks for popping by having a great time today loving the revisiting of darkest dungeon here don't bleed damn i keep forgetting to re-equip the house harry on one of the hound masters too but i suppose i am kind of glad to have both of the oh no i've got the target whistle equipped what am i doing that needs to be changed she's been changed a while ago i was gonna say having both stress heels is kind of nice but if i'm not doing that what am i doing [Music] stress relief there too not too shabby good dodge and that'll work [Music] success so clearly and view or is it merely a trick of the light the wound is starting to fester the flesh around it is gray flaking and rigid almost scale-like and that's it that's the whole thing okay off we go this feels pretty good here solid run who's our last shovel unfortunately nature herself a victim to the spreading corruption malformed with misintent for the conditions of this run we are on blood moon difficulty a purely vanilla run no mods simply experiencing darkest dungeon as the good lord intended one last time before moving on to the sequel there's our final room as the light gains purchase no no spirits are lifted no bear pile mod clear no nlss skins just pure unfiltered darkest dungeon straight into the bloodstream bad start but okay certainly the toughest fight we've seen so far and i still didn't fix the damn skills but oh well let's do this actually let's give him a nice big buff and get to the back line as quick as we can should be good okay slowly gently this is how a life is taken yeah just just a little bit though just so they understand what they did wrong just a little bit of being set on fire to set them straight set them straight on fire is what they're gonna do death waits for the slightest lapse in concentration okay and self-heal no not yet still do this this being the last fight i'm not particularly concerned about our hp levels i'd be able to get away with a little less might as well pop another torch the here star is born i'll do it for you let's go for this beautiful frustrating blow that certainly helps hp's probably not that big of a deal let's get the stress down seems wise his last attack probably isn't gonna be able to kill anybody i think for the two dollar tip crispy fish and chips lemon potato slices basil tartar sauce and tomato sauce sounds good right tell that to domino's japan who decided to put all that on a pizza domino's japan make some crazy [ __ ] dude japanese pizzas are nutty foolish horrors brought low and driven into the mud a fortune waiting to be spent time for greed time for extreme greed no reward a hand breath from becoming i did not realize it was on death's door whoops uh i think this is venom isn't it god damn it well that was convenient all right let's get the hell out of here good enough good enough the agents of pestilence will yet be driven from our woods yeah we gotta find some cash at some point we need an aquarium run pretty badly japanese pizza is also expensive as all heck it's like 40 for a large that's about the size of our mediums good lord that sucks i didn't know that we grip that's pretty bad yeah we're in bad shape this is a rough start a fresh irritant the sun a sanguine memory to me stress reduction activities in town are slightly less effective i'm gonna get to the courtyard soon time to get rid of some disease lethargy immediately i think i'm gonna go ahead and get rid of this weak grip even though obviously money is still a concern another man at arms might not be a bad idea we kind of need a healer more than anything though something i'm gonna wait on those guys let's go ahead and line up our squad maybe for the wheeled a wheeled explorer might not be that bad i think i'll go to the warrens throw the vessel in slot three let's get the shield breaker in the mix go with uh another leper run blade doctor in the back line that'll work pretty good get rid of all that good stuff good stuff i think we'll do uh may call this uh the last dungeon for today and then we've got a bounty to knock out after the dungeon here as well but this has been a fantastic return to darkest dungeon the next few weeks will bring plenty more of it so i'm looking forward to all that and then of course the end of the month dark has done to do it's happening it's actually going to be released i i have been waiting and waiting and now finally it's here all we gots to do is finish our final campaign so let's do it well let's not finish obviously let's get back underway i should say far from finishing this one of course let's see guild time for the leper gonna get these uh accuracy levels a little upgraded revenge buff is stronger improves his heal oh my gosh though god oh my cash situation is scary the shield breakers skill set is honestly pretty damn good i don't think i need to move or unlock anything for her so we'll roll with that play doctor could use some buffs here but this is not really worth it either the stun chance would be more than anything what i'd want to get buff to her heel i suppose is pretty decent too okay okay hey the rapture oh man this is concerning we have so little cash i can sell some garbage trinkets of course if i absolutely have to but it's still pretty bad all right 50 hp for our leper even some disease resist too just to feel a little better and then dodge on the shield breaker stress eater that's unfortunate okay suppose it's time to go not gonna get any better if i wait let's do it i'm gonna bring some extra food this time even though we do have the uh blood thirst ring equipped two of these two of these full stack that feels okay [Music] man i mean if we're looking at this i feel like we might as well just you know like go all out or as all out as we can go rid ourselves of one herb for two extra food holy [ __ ] this is terrifying i guess we're going all in all right let's do it i got that much confidence in these guys i think so okay oh boy don't die yeah i'm gonna try i'm gonna do my best to prosecute our war against the swine we must first scout their squalid homes let's get to work then that's a great scout wow that is phenomenal okay not ask for a much better start than that it's gonna be a 60 60 60 70. okay watch your step thanks for letting that bleed yeah this is absolutely ideal for an initial scout here just to see all this emptiness now i've got a lazy boy office chair now instead of the lazy boy recliner which is thankfully much much better for my back but i do have to use like a pillow to actually support my neck i think i'm gonna get one of those travel neck pillows i feel like that'd be perfect for my situation then i'll just be known as the streamer that uses a neck pillow all the time hey i need a stick right i gotta have something posture check that's a fair point oh that's a little better she's the bear plush as a pillow i guess i could try that also hydration is good all right embolden hey aren't you the neck pillow guy it's already happened oh well might as well embrace it kaboink not work yeah i know i i'm all about being ergonomically friendly to myself any way i can wild knights prime subscription thank you very much for hopping into the pile appreciate it bear hugs form if you got them i think for the support green ears good vision the end approach just keep buffing the lever why not there's a lot of stress already [Music] that kind of sucks yeah i haven't seen a single hell yet today i haven't seen an occultist yet i haven't seen a jester yet it's been a few missing pieces so far double star what's up buddy welcome back 55 on the bear pile bear hugs from devil star wild nights a long time viewer first time so glad to have you on the pile appreciate it welcome all welcome welcome welcome i guess i should go this way i kind of want to avoid that hallway fight but clearly it's beneficial to get this extra room explored like maktra 61 months as well with the prime sub well come on back in you and all the bear hugs thank you very much for letting them feel the love appreciated thank you for the support today big big thank you crit they're optimal let's just do that confidence surges as the enemy crumbles give us a little more torch light anyway kind of expected the stun there yeah beginning to believe that using the lepers buff is just too slow i think i'd honestly just rather have him attack every turn especially with how much damage he does already i don't think he needs the buff that's good this is the first day rapture from day one three hours in there maintain the offensive off the heel very good i don't think that really matters let me get this off let's try it out very good and go for that cool that supplies are kind of surprised that light landed actually but i'll take it stress healing on the leper a little bit more stress healing on the leper very nice might as well cool great is the weapon that cuts on its own all right great start there's one more hallway fight here i'll be a little simpler still got a camp to deal with still got a whole bunch of food but oh no not again oh god the horror they won't leave us alone have mercy another abomination cleansed from our lands mercy please i beg you executed with impunity thank you thank you very much seize this momentum push on to the task's end all right fishing bait i've been doing some fishing in new world that is i'm seeing all the dads talking all about that i'm seeing the appeal man i'm just transitioning into full uh dadhood with the notable absence of a child isn't this tortures oh sick right yeah it's a negative quirk removal that's really good did you catch a legendary fish yet i caught a fish that was like 57 pounds or something like that i thought that was pretty big what's the biggest fish y'all caught in the new world so far 57 pounder field i felt like a pretty big fish to me more spooters let's keep doing the play grenade that's not working at all i'm lying [Music] went on the first date where she suggested fishing irl she ended up catching a four-inch striped bass is that it seems kind of tiny that big tiny guy i don't know like what fish sizes are nice we little dude sharon that's good oh god there's the spider damage yikes let's just spread it all around that's a good call usually works really well for i me it's a three to four feet holy hell that's crazy well i'm hurting a lot might as well try that continually onslaught destroy thank you i used to love fishing with my dad we just throw stuff back we caught anything but it's still really fun i should have probably fished more growing up honestly i think i would have liked it should fish more as an adult ebbs terrible vistas of emptiness revealed themselves impale big old heel good enough and self-heal a momentary abatement that's what the games are for i guess so yeah just to give me the experience without having to go outside right heaven forbid god the the interactions i've had with people over the last week have kind of made me more grateful to be such a recluse though [Music] to be fair people have also been kind of awesome to me in that time span so i mean not being as honest as i ought to be about it a trifling victory but a victory nonetheless okay everyone but jonathan could suck it yeah basically i mean even jonathan wasn't gonna help us out until he knew he was getting you know well compensated for it so but still he was the savior of our night certainly i'm not gonna take that away from him such blockages are unsurprising these tunnels predate even the earliest settlers it feels like a good use of food uh-oh okay okay okay it's not too bad we'll manage oh john yeah no i'm not i shouldn't have even brought it up honestly just we did you know well sid viktor paid quite a bit for the ride home gave him like 500 plus an extra 100 tip by the end of it but that was not just for us that was for we had like a little by the time we got picked up we had like this little survival crew that we had assembled so that was uh that was why that got so steep that was not a good situation a moment of respite a chance to steal oneself against the coming i mean keep in mind too just looking at the app at the uber and lyft app they were charging 300 in the app for rides from foxborough up so yeah it was that bad for everybody i don't think we have any ambush prevention at all that sucks it's unfortunate um no diseases on the squad right yeah oh boy there's really just not a lot of great options here in general i guess we'll do this armor piercing sure [ __ ] it a little bit of protection i'll take some stress heal oh that's not even a good choice though chance is fine i guess let's go chant on the leper that'll help a little bit no ambush god is lit damn it this is clear oh right yeah i forgot to follow it i totally forgot about this and cry lost in the darkness okay here we go and the spooky silence that comes along so scary this is because we have a shield breaker in the squad this happens every time you bring a shield breaker out the first time [Music] and it's difficult to deal with dude this is not a uh not a pushover fight by any means okay let's see oh god i forgot about that stress she gets too man jesus so bad oh boy it's each level of shield breaker oh my god i didn't know that that sucks was the train even running on sunday bear i'm sure it was over packed even if it was it was yeah and it was over packed yes it was cram full like human sardines it was awful and they sell tickets to that goddamn thing and clearly did not care at all how many they sold and oversold the hell out of it which is real scummy that crap yeah i've heard that too soon it's unfortunate i guess the hue's good here pretty effective oh that is actually interesting to note too thank you yeah there's no there's not even a round counter in this it's kind of weird huh just notice that god this is just so bad the longer this takes too of course the more stress just gets piled up on the [ __ ] shield breaker which i'm kind of not really able to do anything about either unfortunately we're going as quick as we can here but he's dead at least the slow death unforeseen unforgiving there we go all right we got rid of well no we still have it right okay it goes away that's good remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer oh and then okay that's not so bad then and look she got her blight skill chance increased cool yippee alrighty well not too bad i guess god damn it cruel machinations bring to life with a singular purpose one more room one more room let's do it i got this no more holy water i guess we'll just try it let's use the leper that's not so bad is it yeah it's just one of the curio fascinations that's not a big deal i should have eaten food right before this my mom almost paid for her entire season ticket this year by selling sunday's game that's crazy yeah it was i mean that must have been probably one of the most popular patriots games in recent memory it was jam-packed it's blowing my my mind like seeing the [Music] amount of seats in the stadium it was no honestly i i enjoyed the game seymour like the the game separated from every other element of the experience was honestly a great memory for me it wasn't the game we expected it to be certainly but it was still a good game it was in the rain for god's sake it was so it was poetic almost yeah i know i i can't complain about the actual game experience at all that was a great time i'm a titans fan i'm still in mourning oh no yeah you didn't have such a great week you'll be fine you'll figure it out you got derek henry for god's sake who's on my fantasy team so i'm a big fan of him ravens fan here yeah you got to be pretty grateful huh you're feeling pretty good your kicker just made nfl history yeah i feel like you gotta be pretty happy all right hey there we go so too will resistance he's done it there are dozens of us more food there's a lot of food trinkets and bubbles paid for in blood all right cool let's probably just go the twisting tunnels seem there we are impossible feels good we're off still have very little money but hey we'll figure it out eventually we'll get it taken care of a shield breaker to commit plague doctor to commit natural swing that's nice resilient too cool okay work a fresh irritant the sun for sanguine memory to me i know i know it all right does go ahead and commit let's bring you over to the bar actually that'll be better into the brothel with you and shadow strider still has a disease to get rid of lethargy 28 months on the bearpaw welcome on back in appreciate it let's check our stagecoach one last time here too a jester i'll grab him sure you will be laughing still at the end and let's do you know what let's save that pick me for next time that'll be good for next time that'll be a fun treat reward you for showing up tomorrow at 9am pacific where we'll continue our final campaign of darkest dungeon this has been a treat thank you very much for joining me for the first few hours of this one everybody really appreciate it
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 12,839
Rating: 4.9626751 out of 5
Keywords: baer, baertaffy
Id: -7DcZFck4E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 36sec (10956 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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