Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 14)

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hey mu how you doing good to have you okay we're finally ready here I think goodness this is a long time coming for the prep but we're ready at least now he's definitely - oh man yeah I think the crit chance Mon on him is gonna be terrific good okay then definitely need to bring all of the blood and I can't so we will bring four I guess and I got plenty of money for provisions here so we'll bring a little bit of extra goodies - Kies is still probably fine don't really need that many shovels that I've found these days and then a couple of bandages will help us out full stack of torches and that'll work I think so I was actually gonna bring extra but that's really pretty much standard but feels good I like it dummy holy water right yeah no Vestal of course let's bring a couple just in case rituals and summoning rites had begun to ebb as each attempt invariably brought only failure and disappointment progress was halting and the rapidly accumulating surplus of wasted flesh had become burdensome oh I did it again thanks for the bits the thing is more terrible than I can describe on incoherent jumble organ sinew and bone there it is the blade thank you for 75 as well 75 greater than 10000 I can't argue with that math gesture immediately gonna go into bloodlust which is fantastic he's already there which is convenient alright math Lobby suboptimal boss layout but I'll take it at least it gives us options so we got to get the fanatic glow right away otherwise he's really just a basic [ __ ] ain't nothing special about him Deadeye oh my goodness get the [ __ ] right now rolling I think that 20,000 I believe is greater than 10,000 unfortunately still less than 75 if the math checks out but thank you Wow continuing the insane generosity good lord I think again I mean it's yet to be proven today at least but let's see if the bits have created the crits give it a little bit of a buff for good measure why not all right 11:15 gotta go 15 all right all right I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get anxious just yet plenty of chances we did get the kills so that's worth a lot Oh minimum damage okay so far not so good a little bit you say t he T he just gave me see me yeah enjoy your football emotes courtesy of Deadeye Lycos and fairness is 75 bits which of course were primarily what we're responsible for it all right so I don't need to heal Bolden n't do a ton I guess we just stun him dankest dungeon lovely stress eel yeah right never mind oh I could sulla finale yeah do that do that for sure you're helping yeah have you here this early as well doc appreciate your time seriously dead I like owes the water you've been giving me insane levels of support this past couple weeks well cool yeah you know what there you go do it yourself as Victory's mount so too will resistance just thank you thank you thank you very much back on my feet indeed wolf ride yeah feeling good thank you for hanging out again I just completely ignored that [ __ ] well I mean it might deserve to be completely ignored let's see nope never mind fear of beasts quick removed that's really nice really friggin handy here right there was Sarah you're helping thanks for the beds 25 is greater than 75 yeah we just keep getting into that into that untouchable territories someone's eventually gonna try to donate one bid and then realize it's impossible here and that naruse arrow actually hit the minimum so well played no one can beat you doc I've been noticed especially now getting those are the four twenty minutes something about that number seems fishy wait a minute wait a minute isn't that the weed number isn't that the number associated with illegal activities I'm gonna report you to the FBI doc hey four by four by we got a criminal and Chet [Music] it is legal here that's true yeah technically I guess the little penguin it's for crits here for the stream with a playthrough of moonlighter on youtube when I just finished watching keep up the good work thank you very much appreciate it that was a really fun play throughout like that game a lot it that's it's it's not perfect it had some flaws I think the combat could stand to be improved for sure and I don't know why the hell I didn't kill that guy yeah I should have killed him but actually that's kind of good I welcome that damage thank you just got here and what there's a criminal it's dangerous I was gonna say get out while you can but I think the safest play is to stay here maybe even to give some bits that ought to protect you know I sound like a scumbag damn it yeah you know I you can and it'll protect you and you'll die if you don't all right okay how are you how you doing ow ow why need a crit I haven't gotten one yet that's not what I'm looking for also surprised he didn't bleed I should probably heal him boy yes yep has anyone ever told you you sound like northern lion has anyone ever told you northern lion sounds like me who was here first huh him by a long shot by a few years actually who was inspired by who I was inspired by him I took a lot of my idea he was pretty much my main source of inspiration for doing it yep yeah Bob's this helping this helps with a bit train of course Thank You Man thank you the hundred bits appreciate it oh you got us a kill looky there perfect it beautiful grit no crits yet we got so many bits where are the crits that's no nope fix it fix what you've done jester welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing I appreciated enjoy your badge and your emotes buddy there we go great is the weapon that cuts on its own has anyone ever told you you sound like Stephen Reed welcome hell of a reference goes to Phi sorry justify welcome to the bear pile buddy thank you for the twitch prime sub hey that's fine annihilated also acceptable bear that reserved for the boss oh you know what I'll take that then I'm alright with that trade-off if only treasurer [Music] definitely don't need that much food so we take these don't need the crest as much as we need the portrait so there we go right yep now if we go flagellants still Opie he's not even in late again I'm trying to let him get hit almost cuz he's strongest at death's door him I want to take him into the boss on death's door I want to try to make that play I think that'll be fun that's kind of why I'm welcoming another battle here let's see if we can get ourselves a damn crit for once though right well let's start off with her that's probably not gonna crit but it is gonna deal a good amount of damage I just want to prevent this stress and allow them to hit so yeah that's gonna be the entire play here we just continually attempt to damage her then these guys will do their thing upfront hopefully that's wrong right there no incorrect [Music] good lord what do I have to do I think he's got like a self mark ability at something right oh yeah he's got suffer I should have this actually I should definitely have this in place of rain of light I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing that's a goof on my end whoopsie see you're dead alright good there we go fixing you up permanently battlefield minutes and hopefully first poor damaged grid we're doomed stop it god dammit leave them alone there you go oh my it can't be done I really I should have had his correct skills unlocked if I was gonna do this correctly anyway that was kind of a goof on my end there we go we found one finally about damn time how about another it's gonna be nearly enough I I made some goofs here they just stress heal himself for nothing well played buddy well done please oh my god I mean at least he just doesn't take damage so that's kind of nice go for a creek miss completely Eldridge blast great to hear it thanks for those kind words finals week was always a nightmare okie dokie this expedition at least promises success yeah okay let's do this right for once BAM and then I could even reclaim right now since I'm not gonna be used I mean I might end up using that probably not like saying one ain't though I can't decide let's just do that I'm gonna run around for a second and look for another fight actually I think we will get one here wow that's nice look sir how oh god yeah they're helpful yay well not exactly here I guess but in the long run then I'll probably be really nice okay use the torch for radiant light amazing star is born okay these guys can bleed which means hopefully we'll be able to stack a bunch onto him finally the books didn't give me a disease yeah what are the odds all right now we finally get to [ __ ] fix this and I can even Battlefield medicine him to prevent the disease for her to prevent the bleed from getting too bad but I could wait on that too but some let's see more crit chance obviously is nice man we can really buff crit heavily with this team and damage this is a good buff team it's not really lacking too much in healing and there's actually a little bit of synergy with the healing as well [Music] hmm let's do that again yeah and then probably go ahead and do an Battlefield medicine at that point I don't know letting that take one more time seems like a good idea I'm probably not gonna be able to stack this stun unfortunately that's looking at one yeah that's not gonna work out so let's emboldened then that seems fine make him stronger I guess and make the crush hurt a little more I'd like to kill him I suppose but he's also gonna be able to target him ideally so let's just keep doing this right there we go they keep picking the wrong goddamn guy hey Baron the discord people wanted to know what pizza you like please disappoint them [Music] by walking I love pie walking Pizza [Music] welcome to the pile my friend thank you for subscribing I appreciate it hey look some buffs hooray now I think I oughta go ahead and hmm do that again there is a bear pile discord indeed yeah to disappoint you further I think I'd say my favorite pizza is pepperoni maybe second places cheese I also like chicken chicken pizza teetering on the brink facing the abyss alright this is the moment of truth here this is when I should be super buffed and I am indeed this Plus this equals that 56% chance to crit with the self heal plea I one-shot the blood letter and healed myself 416 that's pretty good I'd say that's pretty good [Music] this is fine bear that massive pizza me and cam posted about in the discord was only pepperoni and the size of half but I'll be [ __ ] I don't know about large pizzas man because I've made pizzas a good deal of my life I'm of the opinion that the quality of the pizza the grades the bigger it gets [Music] the lost slate thanks for the bits appreciated buddy get exponentially more Pizza the bigger it is though I don't know if it's exponential is it I know how math works clearly but I mean you get more but it's worse pizza do you want worst pizza it is in fact exponential TI l like i don't want more bad pizza that's like buying 13 pairs of underwear for five bucks as the fiend pools bad Pizza is still pizza I used to be of that opinion until my palate expanded and I grew wise and educated beyond my years and condescending to so this is probably better he'll probably end up on death's door this is workable I'd say I've got the right skills finally - so let's do this I guess not used for d'emic saying when they can hit anything I like it let's do that I'd love to have 13 pairs of underwear for $5.00 see this is what you're not questioning and at all blockages are unsurprising these tunnels predate even the earliest I'm selling you 13 pairs of quote-unquote underwear what you're getting are 13 lines of fabric in a in a vacuum sealed plastic bag are you happy with your purchase you glad you decided to save some bucks huh can't afford to not save that much money oh boy yes that is underwear I appreciate your ability to recognize value and potentially invaluable items kudos this is a pretty good start this is pretty much optimal they're gonna heal themselves for nothing and be completely vulnerable to my strongest attacks blast welcome to the pile you can't handle my strongest attacks potion seller you cannot handle my strongest bleeds bleed it out is the underwear unused it's quote-unquote underwear you get what you pay for buddy this is the kind of savings you're looking for killing it again with another 5,000 bits for cribs nope it's coming though this is the boss fight this is where oh Jesus this is where everything goes to hell Oh God keep doing that you doing that oh man damn come and thank you for the biddies it crispy with you bear let's see if they are 15% he's got some prety he's got a lot of protecting actually goodness I don't know what the best move is here I could stun the backline police say heck my little brother is watching us [ __ ] sorry I mean heck I mean damn it I mean [ __ ] I can't control it hmm defender no command continually buff crit a lot of flatulent to deal all the damage noise that 30 to dodge how about another one that's a stun in it oh jeez man this is a Christian [ __ ] Street I did the [ __ ] christian stream bit already though finally the bits fuel the crits it's about damn time how's that bleed for you sucka you're gonna heal up a little bit but he's still taking it he's still taking it now I can't repeat bits that's a cardinal sin as to what I have to give it like a month and a half and then I can repeat bids out oh that hurt a lot yeah I get it you can hurt me you can still hurt me okay please die he's got to be dead he's got to be dead that bleeds sticking oh and I get to fix myself too right who needs it more probably well I can anti-venom match let's do this John city fool not like this that's not gonna heal enough he's not gonna heal enough certainly they're not gonna crit heal it didn't matter okay I am paying you so the fanatic stops [ __ ] me down every time I leave the hamlet no can do buddy it's a hefty price to pay for that crit high chance it is as protests in death as it was in life beautiful success so clearly and beauty on store for months in rail thank you very much buddy welcome on back all right whoo let's dump those I guess I don't think I'm gonna get too greedy here let's see yeah I'm pretty low on health let's just camp out and see if it's enough a moment of respite a chance to steal oneself against the coming Horrors that's quite helpful I don't have any disease right besides the curse so that's good no need to do stress removal love healing wound care I suppose is really my only choice and that's not really all that good healing him unfortunately doesn't help that much either so I guess it's all about buffs let's give him this I guess that makes me feel okay bad thanks to the dad Matt welcome to the pile dad Matt thank you very much for subscribing I appreciate your support welcome on in my friend all right yep that'll do that'll do one stress here three stress there we're gonna wound care her later round Sarge have a good night no ambush thank you the light the promise of safety and we're getting greedy baby let's do it how curious is the trap makers art is advocacy on witnessed by his own eyes yay holy [ __ ] more scouting chance in this very place hello ice blade how you doing on a week forty I want to say something like that perfect timing to listen or perfect thing to listen to while working at home awesome thanks for the support dad met before - waiting to be spent do it Magill finding the stuff fizzle where's that bandage we needed literally four seconds ago hurried home would have been lovely you were that yes we got one more blood which I guess it's probably gonna be the most prohibitive thing here hide Itachi I know you can't be in the stream right now but I see your message in the discord chiller we've go ahead and let him know I saw it look at me go with two chats open at once I'm a professional 80 70 60 60 everything perfect carelessness will find no clemency in this place multi chat drifting skirt skirt I did have a bandage for that whoops oh yeah just let her eat effective is that thought wait a minute now it's not I was wondering if that was maybe the blood thirst ring doing that but I guess not uh I guess I just want to go along the bottom hallway here yikes yikes we're gonna live for 10 hours I don't know why uptime isn't working we've been up for like 45 minutes though we doing some game and today we're didn't it Wow she's just one shot him that works another one shot how about a stun not gonna happen let's do crush finally the bits have fueled the crits print city baby don't do it now she's already got it alright you're fine you're fine I am a god goodness almost another one shot she almost is a guy I'm impressed foolish Horrors rotlo and driven into the mud there's a good dog owes those are cute dog owes give me that give me that boom got it where's the fanatic where is that little biznatch bet whoever voice that character as a tiny penis sounds like it anyway maggots much more threatening than the stupid ass fanatic who's scared of that Bayon anyhoo get up the very smallest the smallest of the small another abomination cleansed from our land I was actually like the maximum level of effectiveness besides a crit that those maggots giving boy the light gains purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear bear have you considered getting a sound clip that says back to the pile when someone Reese ups that would be nice I Darren asked them for yet another custom sound bite though I feel like Wayne has already gone above and beyond and his duty to us peasant content creators so I I think I'll be happy with enough or with what we've got for now I am quite happy with what we've got obviously I mean I've got Wayne Jun saying welcome to the bear pile [ __ ] awesome is that I'll answer it for you pretty [ __ ] awesome you're already bid so there we go and 37 percent confidence low and insidious killer more weiners more wieners or you're lamer sky shield how you doing welcome Spooner's dooda dooda dooda dooda dooda didn't do yeah there we go let's get out of here with zero stress shall we did you guys see winged Jews bloodborne narration no I did not we were treated recently to wane Jews begone thought which was everything I hoped it would be I laughed my ass off when Wayne said it's about tree fiddy oh my god yeah that was just one that they made the Crimson Court I believe or that's just whenever they made that big pack of twitch donation alerts that anyone could use if you're curious what we're talking about a donation a tip of three dollars and fifty cents will trigger a special Wayne Junor sorry special Wayne or I don't know what I'm saying blood-borne is a good video game I've yet to play it still having played the likes of neo Dark Souls 1 through free still never Demon Souls I guess but I've yet to play blood-borne I've got a ps4 pro 2 I really ought to do it I guess I owe it to myself members I got the email yeah I have not had a chance to read it yet though sorry I've been swamped I did see it in the inbox though as I was skimming by steal their food I do like that one a lot that's an all-time winner give me your all-time winners again that's always a fun convo blood-borne is the best in the series in my opinion mmm begone thought I guess it's got to be an automatic number one now I met in ball boos and blow this is actually a really damn good one too all right I think we're done in here unless I want to keep wandering hallways which I don't really I got one eat so [ __ ] it we'll do two more hallways maybe three since this is gonna line up anyway I got one more blood no more torches I'll welcome disaster I suppose hey that's good Kyle Fraser beyond measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike definitely not gonna need those will do this will do this black arrow you got it you nailed it buddy thank you for the tree fitty tip appreciate it uh we can dump those now and take the crests I think I just got to make sure I fill this out with the best goods it truly is the dankest done oh my god Kyle Frazier I'm sorry I did tier 3 sub I just blew over that like it was nothing wait what well I'm saying like now just a regular old tier one wonders can be found in the most tenebrous corners of this place the bare Brown Club indeed drop your bare Brown my friend thank you thank you very much that's extremely kind curious is the trap makers audio yes also quite good I didn't mean it like that I didn't you know I didn't mean it like that Goblin thank you for the 666 tip buddy I appreciate it if they could turn me up on the shitty day al but it's not too shitty a day hopefully we can make it a little better at least with this screaming pig whining yay oh listen isn't this great oh yeah that's gotta make your day fantastic feel it so much better wow this is wonderful yay I have another tree fitty louder I can't go any louder sadly hey we got the pagan talisman back though yay hooray success hooray no death despite using the martyr seal which really didn't end up doing anything we used it once to get a massive crit oh my god we got faded Palin look at that yay good stuff you answered the letter now like me you are a part of this play if there's this innate we have the vintners now luckily gonna be addressing most of our blood issues waivers tasty wieners thanks for the tree fitty buddy I am excited for Isaac for souls yeah you know we're actually gonna have Edmund on the roundtable next week I haven't even properly announced that yet so here's your here's your first notice of it Isaac four souls is awesome looking and I'm very excited to talk to Edmund about a non roundtable on July 6th roundtable hype how about a crusader I don't need two jesters a mighty sword arm or do i or do I need three jesters no more room for mercenaries like know what I want to do three mercenary jesters bread hook don't tell me what I can and can't do oh wait can I just I can only have six at the time is that what it is okay well in that case I'll get rid of this boy and take this coin those soul battered and broken cast aside like a spent torch all jester party absolutely happening all jester party we just got to find the fourth one all right imaginary welcome to the power my friend appreciate it apologize enjoy your badge me mutts thanks for using twitch prime okay welcome to the bear haze fool now give it a twitch prime sub as well welcome on in game the bear hugs please thank you for sharing the love let's see here John Frazier been watching since the alpha release of darkest dungeon never got a chance to serve or donate figures that make up the love the streams thank you very much Kyle Frazier on top of the two or three subscription with a $50 tip goodness and thank you so much for watching for so long as well I really appreciate you sticking around thank you thank you very much hello touchdown welcome on back in you explain how the mercenaries work yeah as soon as you unlock the farmsteads Unruh endless mission the mercenaries become available in the stagecoach and they are characters that you can only use aim at farmstead endless mission and they'll take 10% of anything that you get in that mission courtesy of the chard mercenary they all have level 5 gear level 5 skills level 6 of course we've got all their camping skills as well so they're set to go but they will take a bit of what you work for alright maybe we go back to the barren here seems like a good idea Zeno paradox 18 months in a row welcome back thank you very much for keeping the sub up buddy I like this idea let's head back into the courtyard see if we can take down the barren this is the dankest don't turbo goblin when I come back from grabbing dear I better see a for gesture roster oh god I hope so like the shoe maximum weiners Maximum Overdrive vestal plague doctor in the second slot I've been ok with it maybe and the back will be a little bit more effective and then we could do something like the highwayman or maybe even the flatulent actually might be a little bit more effective hmm yeah I'm ok with this we got backline damage we got healing we got means to deal with issues Aegis is good husky order more copy nice yeah you gotta use that 60% off coat yo madrenas coffee coms Ice Bear tap using coke bear coffee 60% off until Sunday I want to say something like that be back to 40 before you know it alright then I think this is the squad let's go ahead and level them up real fast let's go forth I remember losing my night after I killed the swine prints that little bloody piggy Lindh the crit on my whole squad yeah you're not alone that's a common story unfortunately god damn Wilbert this is maybe worth it I don't have a ton of money though I think I'll hold off until I get the crest naturally it's a big upgrade and we're going against the Baron yeah you know what I'm gonna make the trade [ __ ] it let's do it now let's go if portraits for crests we're just gonna need tens so that'll be this and do it there we go okay that's definitely worthwhile in my opinion and now into the guild we got to make sure they got rank for on basically everything I guess that's well what do we end up using for this guy suffer maybe I think endure we'll probably be more effective maybe even both actually so let's just upgrade everything for him everything we can afford to rather that is man actually that's not really all that great let's focus on other stuff real fast these guys are already looking pretty damn good in fact that'll work maybe we do just give them everything that's not really all that great either before it lightning it's 5% more health I suppose which is great hmm save the money eat the rich wise words okay there we go chip tooth and flatulence hood again yeah I don't think I even gave him that last time so it'll keep on with that option I'm gonna give her the speed up again and then more than likely her well do I want to do that and just negate the speed the movers display itself it's not all that great she doesn't need that much health I don't think I think I could be okay giving her a little bit more of an aggressive build we're not gonna meet marking targets here against the bloodsuckers I suppose would be a wise choice but I think I'd rather give that to her actually so she can do this and then oh yeah right there I got that battle vest little trinket I forgot let's give her dismisses head give her a little bit more damage and then no incision on our plague doctor which means I am gonna have to actually switch that skill off I'll give her feather crystal and let's do let's do sanguine snuff again maybe or hmm biggest drawback of the shield breakers probably the the camp fight that you have to deal with with her otherwise she's very strong she's extremely good I think I'll give her this should I've over 50 dodged with the torch light up and it always is up of course in the in the courtyards so we don't have to worry about that I think I like this skillset for it besides swapping these will give her the noxious blast and then she'll just have a control game for the backline I suppose just helpful too I'm not gonna be able to get much blight out actually so maybe even now I think I'm okay with this actually yeah let's just go and use that looks good to me I think I'll swap expose for puncture maybe does I want to move her back at all I want to move her forward to be able to impale and then move back got that let's in fact let her swap positions here so she can actually start with impale two and then light trinkets do work in the courtyard yeah they worked constantly in the courtyard which is kind of nice all right let's go don't need that much food three of each of these in fact let's do four this time and then I just end up dumping things usually I do want to get make sure she's got her holy water buff no one's wasting in town luckily I can only bring three of those blood though hmm I doubt I'll use those I already have an anti-venom so I guess I'll bring another one maybe you know what I'm gonna fill these stacks [ __ ] it let's be ready for this and bring one more stack of food too just in case we need to heal really quickly puncture upgrade what's it looking at oh it's only a rank two hmm I can use captivate actually but it's not as good bypassing the guard might actually be necessary you know what yeah okay it's worth it I'm just trying to prevent myself from having to read provision cuz it's not it's annoying mild inconvenience yeah there we go yeah sounds good loss late I like it when people play in addition to watching it's always fun to hear the stories alongside my own okay same story Bam Bam only a couple of those and then a full stack of torches all the blood and we are off don't need that okay let's do wait we may actually find them but to fuel my efforts it's time for a dark roast baby mmm oh yeah I need that energy and we're back up or down chat welcome to the lead the way army ants welcome to the pile thanks for someone with twitch Prime I appreciate it buddy enjoy your bed your emotes and the bear huts please up down to the side madrenas that's not an answer let's go up I think we went down last time let's go up this time it's a pretty damn even split oh [ __ ] she resisted disease okay good oh you know what they're all craving right now goodness that's terrible oh boy well we're gonna be really strong right now at least that's good goddamn Esquires showing up huh okay kind of damage we're looking at here I could rather go for or yeah let's go for him before he starts anything too fancy oh he can't be guarded for two rounds I didn't even realize that was a part of the function that's cool big old damage buff come on almost almost blew Oh that move that move is just oh it's nasty Oh oh my god I am so glad she's a plague doctor how [ __ ] convenient for me Chad I'm watching it work don't tell my boss oh you're lucky I already did that bit a different day lucky lucky you over the pile great name thank you for subscribing with to its prime I appreciate it rich treat we have no openness hell no hope at all he's already dead we're just gonna heal up a little bit a little bit little bit me he'll watching it work as well vote yay if you're watching at work right now and you should be working but you're not I've done it I've done it [Music] unforseen I'm forgiving Leah and bands that up you several you [ __ ] glitchy Robin thanks for the later crits my friend preciate the biddies what if my work is watching you you've got a great job moldering evidence of society's depravity suppress desires awaken all right that's weird Eric's real weird I won't judge Jo Farrar I'll just question she got real horny there yeah what the [ __ ] Oh King shame her bear no kidding interesting desires awakened and Joe Ferrari [Laughter] break my shield baby we get to get another person to luckily we got that extra roster sighs now impaled all right this boy needs to die early if possible or get stunned also an acceptable alternative that way we may be able to deal enough damage with outside sources miss fall welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing with which Prime the crits fueled by the bits yes all right I don't have any stress healing besides the flatulent I'm now realizing so that is gonna be a slight hindrance to this squad but oh you know what I don't have horrible odds here let's let's try it hey nice I mean he was gonna die anyway I guess but and pop a heel for the squad let the flagellants stay a little lower peers back because he got so damn horny Joe to keep the focus on the mission you wouldn't have to miss all your hits come on oh it's one often goodness there you go boo - more blood Thank You Dee gasps [Music] dgaf welcome to the pile bear hugs please thank you very much got again oh that damn that I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you [ __ ] you come down here I'm give you business sorry dgaf thank you for the subscription still got these [ __ ] gnats these sounds from the courtyards certainly aren't making me more comfortable with gnats literally flying around my [ __ ] head I'm gonna go back here by the way I didn't forget about it I just want to have it on the way back oh god he's right there he's right for you you know I'm walking [ __ ] I thought I got him this is some Karate Kid [ __ ] I swear I got him there that should not be a problem a Bearpaw Bearpaw Bearpaw let NAT play but that is just part of the courtyards immersion bear they're doing a really good job with this update sick all right now she's gonna have to end up just making this work and hopefully this works too I need two percent chance come on well 92 percent chance to land at least say the flatulent probably wants to hit this guy just kidding you'll hit this one or that one please don't do your thing please didn't just do a different thing that's fine perfectly acceptable I think they had to be in the back two spaces to be able to do that skewing repertoire Judith just certainly convenient for me oh hey look she's set up an impale that's also convenient for me yay oh holy buck that works good job damn it 1 damage 5 damage I mean there we go trifling big I already know I don't need these things but container yields the key hooray I needed that we went the right way Chad holy [ __ ] what a miracle I'm just gonna go right back to the door oh that's the boss yeah oh my god we did it we made it that's mention the secret room of course that will heat up real fast to do that's another one yay goodbye friend have fun in the estate we just have to wait for him to leave right or do we just have to walk by okay see ya I'm assuming he's gonna go home now will you go home okay good they're happy to watch him dissipate into the ether before I can continue you do have to click him y'all right out there please hurry to the Baron I have to go to work tomorrow alright speed run just kidding I'm gonna take my time here hold on hold on hold on just a minute just a minute just a minute my name's dick did be 100 shirts in boos I need to be ready for this this is the Baron this is the goddamn baron and that sucks not too bad I guess but it's not good just watch Barrett work that's what I'm doing seeing more just went over that that's what everyone's doing that's what you're supposed to do at work it's how you get more work done they just throw a blood out in that barked interrupted my ability to do that in a mood cloak you know what I'll take that and I'll take this book of rage over a jade - there we go definitely not doing that of course not of course not this is greedy but I'm doing it I'm hoping it actually connects to the green green gate anyway but I kind of doubt it shovel on that yeah yeah that's right a [ __ ] firewood that's pretty friggin helpful good yes do that thing do that interaction more bear your big dumb idiot all right I got to keep the blood right now I think I don't even want more garbage trinkets from her man these are tough fights at the end here I think I'd rather actually do a pierce I think I need to try to kill these guys in the backward or put them at a higher priority hey hey welcome back doing good strong start to the day we're about to take the barren aaggghhhh the weapon that comes on it oh love to stun him again please thank you later round robin have a good night sorry I couldn't speed run for you and getting greedy here especially with this campfire I want to try to go go explore a little bit more prior to doing the actual combat speed buff yes I'm not gonna do that so maybe this hey good [ __ ] I'll be rooting for bear taffy or Baron who it's a tough call it do you root for me or me personally I'm voting for me but I do got a soft spot for me I'm a fan of me I like me well enough Vickey me what kind of character what you want to add to dirt dungeon a bear a literal bear every time we bring this up I'm thinking yo it's got to be just an actual bear or at least like a bear handle or like the hound master but I'd prefer a real bear these promises success just put Coulomb up from Tekken in this game that's all I need that's all I want well I mean the bus for the buildings I suppose but whatever I'm gonna have to dump something off eventually anyway the bear master yeah Russian Bear handler exactly what was that Russian bear's name from the war you know what I'm talking about I still vote for the bear pile EEP watch your step Howie vice check yeah I'm probably mispronouncing that but that is indeed the bear I'm thinking of you are thinking of Winston Churchill oh that's right beep I did a video on him I think actually for month one of those top channels top list channels interact with that properly for once please I'm pretty sure I have the herbs for it work reinforced I just reinforced the [ __ ] stress heater Tim not god damn it yeah one of those top lists topless channels you heard me right top lists channels you first varcek mm-hmm we need some big heels yeah the shield Baker breakers right hand has been cut off that was we read in the journal that she had to do it to prevent snake venom from entering your body that's why she's got the shield over here stun on her is fairly likely I think I'd rather just get some flight damage out if I can though that helps a little at least [Music] you feel like killing the Baron would be the bare minimum for victory yeah yuck Kappa toast how you doing this courtesan chicks are horrible if they use thirst yeah like it's a weird risk you run with those enemies because normally I let them live to the end because that they just do anything but that pretty much they have so many like look at all those skills they have available to choose from if they do anything besides the thirst you're pretty much okay but it is like I said it's a bit of a gamble then the thirst enables them to do much more dangerous things so let's kill her [ __ ] well I've doomed myself I'm sure hey alright you did something less effective still bad but less effective come on now come on now do we want a group heal again I'd say so yeah just to top it off [Music] sorry about that land it now don't let our attack here we go here we go another blood probably won't use it success so clearly and boom Anders orders for the Crusader I suppose I'll take that over the book of rage right and then you even take this over the Emerald thank suppose is probably the best idea I want the crests so let's do that I guess ok alright then five blood still don't want to do this cuz I don't have enough space for trinkets to bring back if we go it was indeed herbs with this right oh I don't have abs I thought I did oh well let's try it again nothing worthy of your time this might be the end of this too gonna have to double back all the way oh good beyond measure ah [ __ ] awarded to the brave and the fool I know it's worth more than that and you'll find another one come on let me keep going through please oh it does connect well that's convenient yay maybe I should check out the rest yeah why not why not let's go see we need another shovel for that her a second campfire let's dump the crest now I guess you know what let's just get rid of the anti-venom I might regret that during the fight but I've got a plague doctor I think I'll be okay we might just go ahead and camp out over here having to is probably overkill so I don't think I'll get a third if I see one this make me feel safer though that's for damn sure um you light here boy hairdo ah damn it okay okay but first though she did it she did it damn it she smells Bernard oh boy yeah yep glad I at least kept the bandages geez it got real bad real quick please die thank you we're gonna stun you ideally I don't know if we're actually gonna manage it so maybe we just help her out a little more individual heal not bad and I could probably get away with that and that'll do them in next turn maybe not even necessary to do that's for another small heal to just get us out of this [ __ ] go for the crit if I get the chance BAM yay easy targets no room for that [ __ ] ah who would have thought there'd be more enemies back here damn it not me on a percent 60-70 oh my goodness we really just don't have the best skills for this fine with that though certainly not a waste of a turn 65 think I could stun him makes sense dude it do to do too much stress too much and I'm craving let's just go ahead and eat punished yes so he's dead on his own go for the spear next turn that could be good actually except for the stress but obviously he's now in buff territory and Pierce Brosnan best James Bond by a mile literally no one agrees with that opinion and then just do that you do a cool someone you are patently wrong there [Laughter] that seems it seems fair yeah cuz it's wrong mm-hmm he looks the most like Bond to me can we agree on that I think he's got the look down oh [ __ ] we got stress either going and I guess I might as well do this might be another sapphire or torch okay bandage for torch is not really a trade I'd like to make again more food nothing worthy of my time this path doesn't seem like it was the best choice anymore and I don't really want to go for a resolve check oh man not easy crit please that's okay I guess there we go getting at least one taken care of is nice make her faster again just to prevent him from getting a second skill off actually he's pretty slow I guess probably isn't gonna happen ten damage from that probably not I gotta stun you so this is definitely the best move good [ __ ] yeah just one gather the blood I guess and a Dodger right they did not get to do anything that feels nice I might even exsanguinate here I guess not nevermind we must have the blood judgments Danny Craig is good just doesn't look like bond technically since James Bond isn't a real name and double-oh-seven give me any code name anyone could be bond cough cough Idris Elba cough cough I certainly don't disagree with that I guess this is the extremely subjective idea that isn't it to suggest that it looks the most like bond because I think that bond looks like that yeah that's pretty silly can we get a golden bond check we got a golden bond checking cat and cap chat no no death's door flatulent out of nowhere that's fun hmm he's probably gonna act first now he's dead it is a brand of baking soda or something you nailed it I please don't die really prefer that didn't happen and you can die nice Oh seize this momentum push on to the tasks and about to run into the shield breakers fetish again hope she doesn't get too horny oh not again [Music] well that's better I guess she just loves them bones Gold Bond powder is not baking soda what is it is that like a foot powder Gold Bond men's essential body powder spray oh yeah look at that over-the-counter skincare product boo boo Goblin think of the under Betty's triumphant pride let's pick this game up from the Steam sale nice there's a PSA I do believe the game is still on sale for quite the hefty discount nickels like 75% off or something like that tall fake with video game I bed you know I do hate to spread misinformation and definitely don't bake with gold bond real-life walling in my Cuban drowning and work emergencies but at least I have the pile in bare daddy's sultry voice to keep me company okay look we get to use the red key right wonder what's back here enemies will we Surprise them no surprise surprise you get to die have fun that's done one well thank you most morning I appreciate that about a single shot kill thank you fine start maybe the flatulent gets one too oh no all right if you say so she asked me I didn't think that was the best idea at least now it's not totally useless probably I have to move her back though and she's got 94 [ __ ] stress so I should camp out soon please die good [ __ ] another stud loved it move her back move her back come on don't do anything foolish here that's not what you're supposed to definitely don't do that now [ __ ] is that move Oh God okay just hit him he's gonna do that yeah of course he's gonna do that yay dodge beautiful okay he's gonna be able to do that again I'm not gonna cure that bleed of course let's kill her fine by me and that's a big-ass bleed holy [ __ ] I should cure that I think that might have actually been me making those sounds that I just made literally in the game which is funny [Music] I'm reborn oh no god dammit now be run frailty chantilly claim them dude that's not what I wanted not what I seek should have avoided it oh nice that'll help and a crit or that very good these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten well I mean she's gonna stress eat if we camp here which is really awful and that sucks let's see I think we do this and then hmm I should try it a moment of respite oh god the chance to steal oneself against the coming horrors way move your line I can't see how much that is it's 3 or 5 good lord that's terrible ok might as well be bad hmm self Medicaid is pretty good Cadis long time watcher on YouTube and twitch keep up the great work glad you're back for more darkest dungeon thank you thank you buddy I appreciate that thank you for the love lashes solace for sure and then she he's gonna help her by doing the indoor that's gonna be our play shield breaker has encouraged so I should do that on her if she'll let me there we are she's not religious this would only give her I mean it would be less stress less stress for future battles I guess welcome in as well caters thank you for the support yeah I guess that's good accuracy buff anyway and then I don't think I need to use sanctuary here so instead I will do I could heal the flatulent but that doesn't really seem necessary it does buff his Healing receive which is nice too though sure let's do that it's gonna make a big difference for him actually okay now first of all do this make sure the party's right and then what we get that's the other how master tricky nice awesome okay that was worth it we've got a hound masters that no snacks apparently in the courtyard yeah I think the ambush is entirely prevented in the courtyard how we doing on blood I think we're good camping flageolet looks so sad he's all left alone yeah we're buddy wearing a little bit of a risk going back through this way to get to the Baron but I'm pretty sure that's the right way to do it anyway I'm mostly concerned about hunger tiles obviously and I might even just eat that to food he's having it doesn't help in fact let's just do that now there's no reason to hold on to that gives us an inventory slot - oh thank god I thought it was a hunger tile right away I did do voices for the crimson curse Center for the crimson chord enemies yeah for a lot of the normal enemies I just did like like stuff like that and then uh the Baron the fanatic and the by count I also provided the voices for the voice worked for I still want to say that much walking it's so damn stressful I know oh gee she is about to get the check - huh okay that's bad that's bad I actually just did it from home starving Oprah they just sent me the lines and I got to work here that's good very helpful thank you now I don't think I can actually get away with trying to stress heal yet I think I need a numbers advantage first especially with these guys potentially dealing more to her that sucks - actually it's gonna prevent him from dying next turn and that's added stress really bad that explains why sometimes the fanatic rambles about madrenas coffee in my games it was what's truly out pudding I mean it was their idea I I told them it would probably take some people like ruined some people's immersion but they insisted I was like all right just ramble about coffee for a few minutes it's like a five percent chance to activate oh my god [ __ ] bad madrenas is the only cure for the curse and I got a stun there let's try this goodie and now I think I can work on that a little bit I've been doing voices for the little enemies does the scripts say like distressed call or just no yeah they didn't just mash keys on the keyboard they gave me like direction of the sounds I should attempt to produce so for like the fanatic for example there is so death sound struggling with having just taken a final blow and you're already you know like mad at them something they like stuff like that or that like greeting from this enemy is like sound like you're kind of prideful and boastful and and make it seem like there's no chance that you're gonna be defeated you know stuff like that is mostly what the direction ended up being much he'll you do a wet fart noise but with your mouth full of sponge right along those lines we're getting pretty close here already as victories mount so to Willow resistance my friend goodbye prideful and boastful II can't be defeated so sound like a knell hail enjoy your fetish lady I guess she's had her fill oh god what the hell I might need you know I could just camp out again now and not eat anything but that would add stress wouldn't it yeah that's not a good idea I need at least three food to make an effective campfire and now she's gonna definitely get a check so I just have to accept it I suppose well not doing it with her obviously let's do it with him cool that's certainly good she's got two more ticks and here she goes it's almost certainly gonna happen hmm yeah whatever oh right yeah okay she's back now there we go come on come on Joe damn its self-preservation is paramount at any cost right yeah we do have that yeah you be all right well then again camping now is sort of not good might even trigger the Vestals so uh [Music] yeah man that's a it's a bummer I could yeah you know what let's maybe retreat right now I don't have the best squad for this we can just jump out and come right back in with a fresh a fresh set yeah no that makes sense let's do that definitely do that I like it I wonder if I keep the firework ourselves up once again it's obviously that would be magnificent and I got the hand master set to I'm excited to see that no balls okay got a word get rid of the yips for sure we'll just do that when we get back you don't think I keep it Oh God of course [ __ ] am I supposed to deal with this is he veteran level I hope so nope how the [ __ ] I can't I can't do that I can't use merge the hell okay what am I supposed to do send these for level fives with level three armor out to get destroyed they don't expect you to win they expect you to die oh my lord what the hell let your building I guess I'm letting the buildings burn that's a bummer level ones again down a level zero squad yeah absolutely I'm definitely gonna do that now that you bring it to my attention all right yeah we got this guy let's toss him in here - he'll be usable tortured and reclusive this man is more dangerous than he seems where's my damn jester I need my sixth or my fourth gesture slumped shoulders wild eyes and a stumbling gait this one is no more good to us yeah I'm losing some building upgrades here if you don't fight the wolf he destroys your buildings so we're gonna send out a suicide squad let's get you you the raw strength of us may be spent but his highs hold the secrets of a hundred campaigns not you there we go alright I don't know if you have to win but I'm gonna go try to fight try being the operative word toss you in the mix I beg you know [Laughter] oh Jesus Christ I don't want to bring anybody I've already named this is a suicide squad kill the Hellion you gotta kill the Hellion there we go the promise of payment level 4 man alarms totally gonna work level 3 bounty hunter perfect send a sing oh that's a much better idea Suicide Squad alright moobot raffle who gets to die reset sub-only please exclam and chat if you'd like to be the suicidal Hellion we send in to the hamlet to fight breaking fall welcome to the bear go reef welcome to the pile buddy thank you for subscribing I appreciate it grave danger awaits the underprepared is that self whoopsie he probably doesn't need anything I think she'll be all right take me as tribute come to the bear sashko welcome to the pile as well thank you real quick go ahead and get excellent raffle and now I'll draw this name oh she's got second wind she'll be fine she'll be fine she's good to go when there is Niki PC congratulations enjoy your early death you haven't purchased much food for your expedition hmm questionable choices bear good luck pal [Laughter] you don't say whoops no boy goodbye oh nice play well done I don't even know what she has bleed out do it let's go let's go Nick oh my god she's immortal the dodges oh okay oh boy that's not good iron swan the game knows it's giving me the Buffs dodge it come on baby that's fine right here oh damn she got to sue down I'm impressed oh come on positive check oh man how epic would that have been I will not cower I will not fear crit thanks damage ooh baby come on Nick you got this you got this Levon friend oh my come on Bobo Goblin dodgiest dungeon here we go here we go yes oh alright alright she made that she made an honorable effort to be tended I'm so surprised we didn't make it darn it all right honorable try Nick well done she tried so hard and the pistol of bidding end tomorrow folly and a curse upon us all drink bear I have a thirst it's still here well that didn't work well [ __ ] okay I guess we got to deal with that round two now I got a do I gotta be the baron I guess I just gotta let my buildings be destroyed right he died she died for nothing for no reason at all now foolish in the bar we go I need to sell a couple of trinkets I'm sure read Nick's death log met their end against an outlaw cutthroat rip just like every other yeah Oh God okay I'm gonna sell this right away I know that much hang on master trinkets yay battered Lyman's badge and evidence of corruption even the chief was in on it or against bleeding targets is really nice kyoool yeah you got to have like a level 6 squad to deal with wolf it's really tough really really hard how about selling these maybe the swift cloak hasn't been getting a lot of use I think I'll get rid of the bloodied fetish at this point and maybe that's enough money I don't think I have to do a lot of upgrading let's just see what kind of team I'm gonna be sending off against the Baron right now see gotta go with my highest ranked I couldn't even probably get away with not sending people with the curse right now so let's do um what healing option do I have I think it's actually gonna end up being an occultist this time I don't even have an occultist I don't have a healer I have no healer but I must play oh [ __ ] I committed Kia oh this is bad whoops hmm if you go in and retreat it ends the event but kills one of the guys you sent in Oh huh maybe I should try that I've : R where as a healer what are we looking at oh no she's level five though so she can't go in another one for the Wolves I yeah you know what we could do a farmstead run but I don't know if that cycles the week either I think what I'd rather do is grab another level zero to send in here in the retreat and see if that works so let's just grab this abomination and then retreat and get him killed our Blessed healer yeah I mean maybe we could probably do it now reclusive this man is more dangerous than he's seen but I'm really just curious to see if this works so let's do it well I guess oh yeah I know we've already committed people so yeah let's see if we can take advantage of it he doesn't die if it's just one person well either way I'm just I just want to see if it'll work for me so we go in here I'm just probably gonna walk and then retreat we also that we may learn to pick ourselves up once again doesn't work at least it didn't for me well let's find out I was Lord of this place before the crows and rats made it their domain alright so last time Nick oh this actually counted within the same week so it did proceed it looks like I think no it didn't damn yeah it's still stuck [ __ ] that's frustrating alright whatever you know we might end up doing an herbalist healer I think that might be okay we can probably build around that so let's try it well let's build a mark party event if we're gonna do that for sure because we got a hound master down here too yeah I love this we can do a position three bounty hunter for sure come hither is fine I'll switch off uppercut from mark for death I'd imagine or maybe even flashbang but mark for death might be more useful what can do Cal trips actually Cal trips did get that buff let's use couch ups for once yeah those fancy new trinkets for the hound master - that's right this will be fun fun fun fun I have no money I gotta remember that [ __ ] that's bad well I'm gonna have to sell some stuff let's get that bleeding okay let's sell a couple of things here real fast we'll get rid of again I mean I did just say I wanted this but it's really not a great trinket to have so I'll just get rid of that one right now I could sell the martyr seal and feel fine about that and worry about getting one later okay that obviously fix things immediately now herbalist eyes are healing of course she'll break her I'm gonna give everything every single upgrade here that I care about anyway puncture as well yeah that's her for okay that's good master is gonna use the target whistle self heal I suppose and then we'll keep his blackjack actually that's good bounty hunter as I mentioned this is the group let's just swap off that for Cal trips and she will use snipers mark actually this time so let's upgrade that - we don't need bola blind fire might help though ok cool let's do it all ranked up and ready for action let's get the trinket SEC ready - and again pound master actually gonna use this lucky they're more damage versus bleeding more crit versus bleeding more scout chance less surprise chance more stress more range skilled accuracy more healing skills hmm this isn't that good at least not for this I'm not gonna use this for this but I am glad to have it let's instead use something like dismisses head maybe oh you know what actually this would be good for him I hope the Barons a bloodsucker he might not be actually let's not bank on that instead let's do more dodge could be good more stun chance stun amulet I like that lowers his dodge but this is a much higher chance to stun now yeah it's better into normal Boston during just a normal dungeon in general to have those trinkets he is a bloodsucker okay cool and then let's go ahead and do that then yeah that's worth while more melee skill damage for you and then let's just go for straight damage from the Bounty Hunter seems good she'll breaker we will be marking targets so this is actually appropriate to use here and then I'd say I like the move resistance speed again I want to keep her upfront whenever possible and then finally the healing skill bonus for her is gonna be our choice of the day and I'm gonna give her the bonus damage as well in case we need it great chance is looking good to bear aren't you the Baron you should know yourself you'd think right I haven't learned by now alrighty I am liking it I think we're ready let's go fight the Baron finally still embarking let's go a little food I'm gonna fully stack both of these all the herbs all the holy waters [ __ ] it [ __ ] it maybe we'll need them actually that's a waste of money I just realized yeah that's complete waste of money we need to be a little conservative here so we only need that stuff the herbs are less necessary I'd say but maybe if I get D buffed we'll need them and then let's just bring like we're not gonna be able to eat food during the fight either so how about we bring for food in case we get a random hunger tile oh yeah we can bring scales as well that's a bit that's a pretty good idea we'll bring all four we'll bring all four just to be safe and then two torches also just to be safe okay then I'm ready let's go I don't need 12 food don't you tell me what it what to do tell me how to live my life the malignant merrymaking continues and you are the entertainment no move to the boss baby let's go clearing this [ __ ] out no Hunger tile please perfect all right pop a torch holy water for all let's do it don't forget to eat the rich there's our boy go how'd that feel pretty effective skill for this fight fast nacho welcome to the bear pile thanks for the twist Prime subscription I appreciate it alright then let's go for a target whistle I like it got to remember he can't do any or do as many things from the front position though so I'm gonna have to cycle him in fact I might have an MN spot three that might be a little bit more effective ah let's just try to kill one of these guys or maybe Cal trips and bleed him debuff to lower his speed to is also a pretty damn good idea he's marked I like it minimum damn this music is very good yeah I love it okay stuns are quite good too and I'm gonna hold on to the dog treats until I it's gonna be most impactful to use them okay yeah I guess I had to expect that I probably should have brought some blood too just in case I doubt it'll end up making a difference here though oh I didn't get her a skill that does more damage to mark targets did I that was a mistake the captivate oh well not too big of a deal I'm sure I'll still be able to be effective with the damage here I don't think I necessarily want to oh there we go big hit I don't want to kill his buddies just yet except maybe with the people that can only do that what bleed is good a naina made a devastating crit ideally necessary discipline ouch moved him forward to stilt Simmons you show that bear who's boss now I didn't bring Wanda my there that was a bit foolish oh well okay forced enthusiasm sounds familiar ha just kidding never forced always fun the second act okay let's see give me that oh the [ __ ] prevention of healing from the eggs that's right well how about we do that then that's just that guy alrighty I could do him one egg at a time again that worked pretty well the last time I tried it that way [Music] where's the only big issue with these things is that you can't heal while they're up let's do that again for sure actually oh [ __ ] yeah there's the argument for doing him one at a time holy cow I might have been able to actually stun the bear in there who finish him not bad promise don't knows for crits bear stops playing darkest dungeon we ride he's done it tips for crits also proven successful ow [Applause] move to the front I will heal gotta at least give myself a chance for that and now bounty hunter is probably gonna fish him off so let's go for serpents way actually seems like a good choice here maybe prevent a little bit of damage there and then uh let's eat a dog treat finally and do a little bit of this might have wanted to mark him here but I don't think I'm actually gonna get that much opportunity opportunities to deal too much damage that's a great block heals a little bit off that of course and gets a speed buff too unfortunately but I'm fine finish him crowd-pleaser literally the most Orenda thing i've ever seen yeah welcome to the courtyard self heal stun doesn't seem like it's all that worthwhile and a bleed stack is really gonna burn through pretty quick so maybe I won't go that route with it either bounty hunter in the back is a bummer hmm oh this is definitely a move there we go they'll resist it but I've got the marks now at least that AoE damage is certainly one of the more threatening things he can do nice heal holy [ __ ] the árboles just healed 4:14 that's insane yeah that's starting to hurt a little and the mark was already gone - yeah marking this guy it just really doesn't work it just cycles out so quickly damn let's see I'm gonna Serpent's way again to protect her she's already really low try to get another couple of heels off with the Arbor list oh boy that's bad ah geez and that speed buff again - okay tell you what a single stun is I mean it is worth it and I've got the bus for that very reason I suppose prevents one attack anyway then he won't have that resist coming up in the future here alright I'm fine with him being there now Ally more horror not too bad the abyss returns gotta help her out and probably even give her another heal after that and now let's do I'd like to pull them forward to and maybe even lower his speed but I guess that's not a huge difference maker either I do own consoles yeah pretty much all of them thank you this is gonna be tough again I don't think I want to mark consumed water that's what I need hmm I needed hydration that's what was holding me back 11 to 22 11 to 22 slightly higher crit chance dodge did goddamn it heals himself again for 18 Jesus the ceiling is not gonna cut it I needed a vessel for this man this is just ridiculous come on Oh that'll help it's a big buff for her I think I'm gonna try this I think I'm gonna try to mark him so at least I get the damage bonus from both the bounty hunter and the Arbor list here still after that for three rounds that's okay that's acceptable I can bandage that - okay blind foul right yeah blind fire doesn't have the buff against the marked target but that'll help okay oh [ __ ] nice big time play the third act okay about time we get to impale immediately of course and we don't get to heal now either okay let's see can't forget about Aegis as an option to come not through with you yet okay big moment right here this crits oh if this crits come on 37% big hit okay that's helpful do it yes baron defeated beautiful seize this momentum push on to the tasks and I will forget them regret is sin yes he's done it with no healer to boot kinda-sorta Velasco baron buried ah another red key perfect exactly what I needed all right I'm pretty sure we're getting out of here now I don't think there's anything led there's nothing left for us here a natan aid the abyss returns even the boldest crits sweet all right I'm getting out of here we did it we get the vengeful kill list for the bounty hunter - lots of crimson trinkets sick how did I miss some loot now well wasn't another crimson chest damn I didn't realize there was another place to go the virulent clouds from the courtyard have abated the heirs of the estate feel not only agreeable once again yay no more curse for us the other red keys for the treasure that you can get at the end which have already used one of the red keys on so that was I had thought that I was done based on that but I guess there was another chest or something I didn't miss anything I got the other one yeah okay so yeah I thought I did so I think we're good cool well no gesture here and for oh wait no yeah we're not looking at the right one flatulence oh [ __ ] you know what yeah I'll grab one of those please thank you to actually know the brew pal now get rid of the crusader and do that send this one to journey elsewhere but we have need of sterner stock I've got a mod for the roster size fits all right gonna take a quick break here y'all haven't just taken down the baron we've got plenty more action coming up here hopefully gonna go on an endless run for uh for today as well grab some crystal shards so yeah hope you'll join me for that thanks for watching see in a few minutes [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 63,390
Rating: 4.9289098 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: aTo6SyR5YNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 40sec (6460 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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