Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 4)

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flagellants gonna be rocking the reclaim I mean I have to unlock exsanguinate right there's no reason not to do that so back we go did you see Barossa admit that the enemies were dabbing on twitter god damn you Chris the actual [ __ ] madman I can't believe that that makes me god dammit they're really dabbing the dabbing is dungeon Dabish dungeon you really wanted the memes to be real huh I thought this was a serious game Chris [ __ ] okay anyway we're not gonna use that let's go with exsanguinate the doors probably good 12 months in row 1 you're on the pile boys thank you so much he said he didn't realize it while drawing but then he was like yeah well that is okay so it was accidental alright I'll forgive him for that as long as he was not from beginning to end of the process planning it's gonna be so hilarious when these guys dab when you hit them I would lose respect for that man not really I'm joking oh let's go I guess I think we're ready to do this I keep prolonging the inevitable here oh wait no that's right we're gonna go no I already did it oh dude do we have upgrades I'm pretty sure we unlock some upgrade capacity in the blacksmith we've already done so for these guys I think we're good to go then sorry I'm just trying to remember between playthroughs here oh yeah no this is totally worth it actually okay I'm glad I checked this go get massive upgrades here for all the stunts chance and actually more damage over time for most of these moves as well yeah this is huge level 3 level 3 [ __ ] gotta love it gotta love it gotta love it there it goes all my money hooray vessels were ready to go the flagellants doesn't need any more love okay okay let's do it I'm finally ready I'm finally ready let's go let's go sorry gonna correct some stuff here let's get all the food a couple of shovels right I'm trying to remember racking my brain about what actually gets used in this place we don't need torches except for curio interaction right and then do we need to bring blood I don't think so I like we're looking to get blood from here right laudanum I'm pretty sure is used these are a this is specific to the first courtyard event you need to use these to interact with the curios in here I guess the play of anti-venom already I might as well bring those and it's getting a few bandages and herbs I guess I'm bringing like everything this is kind of over preparing we don't need that many holy waters we need to be a little bit more conservative financially we'll do that that's probably okay blood can give trinkets at the key that's right yeah those have a curio interaction I forgot so let's just go ahead and bring a full stack no reason not to all right I think this is okay let's go what's the point of pride or the diligent custodians I employed great banquets and lavish social affairs were hosted here under the stars this might be expectation of propriety normally ascribed to those in opposition we mocked the stoic melancholy of the moss covered mountains and to Rubik statues our salacious twists have hidden in the hedgerows or morality slipping ever deeper into the mud Carlina goodness apologies the timing a little off there but charming alley - thank you I hope I'm pronouncing your name even close to correctly for the 10,000 bits holy hell so then syncing these stone terraces and sprawling gardens for the site of long-forgotten revelry and well remembered regret it is indeed correct good good okay I feel good now thank you very much that is insanely generous Big Ups to you okay I got to remember this [ __ ] blood now that was wrong that's nope no you know that's not the one you do [Laughter] right learning lessons again as is customary luckily that's gonna tell me what it does from now on though right I think it does the same thing for the blood as it does for the other interactable items so that saves me a little bit of trouble in the future hopefully it sucked it's my birthday and I got an awesome stream so I figured I'd share the happiness happy birthday Carm you I'll leave it thank you y'all sharing your birthday love with me that makes me feel fantastic I'm glad to provide you some entertainment thank you very much okay um I actually need to change out one of his skills here don't I or did they even unlock the proper stuff these guys can bleed I remember why he's so good in here now I was trying to remember the kind of resistances I was dealing with against these enemies but yeah they are very susceptible to this the blight to even I mean like they got some resistance to it and certainly he's not gonna be as easy to hit with it but I think it's doable in a lot of circumstances and these guys are both dead so that's wonderful let's go ahead and try well okay no that's probably not gonna work out ah I guess the stun is probably better even though he's got a little bit of resistance now plus the shuffle okay yeah the shuffle forward worked out then cuz we can hit him with this he's still gonna resist it but I'd still die bare optimal okay you're dead that was easy this won't be too bad lessons learned they're gonna take it easy on me with these early fights too I think that might be scripted actually the first few interactions in the courtyard of course the one that we just saw where we willfully subjected ourselves to an extra fight I don't think as part of that but I'm pretty sure the first fights in this place are you know premeditated willfully in quotes yeah no I I knew what was going on there totally it's all for entertainment that's wrong in hive it's too much stress realize I don't really have a means of dealing with that do I like endure obviously isn't well no yeah no that's not the one to do does he have stress relief of some kind he doesn't sign it's been a while since I've used him let's give this a try I think we've got decent odds for that yeah okay there the entire courtyard is scripted not just the enemy Matt okay yeah that's right yeah that's right that sounds right do you two do part of the new update stars virus the color of madness DLC along with the massive changes the latest balancing update allows the I know why I did that by the way allows the abomination to team with religious characters finally long time coming I think for a lot of people the balance updates they made with this patch slash DLC are massive like it feels like a different game which is wonderful for me I'm really happy I waited until now until the DLC came around to pick it up again cuz I'm really enjoying it we even met one baby that's how we do it advantage give them no quarter they have so much blood to bleed I know beautiful alright let's just do this I guess confidence surges as the enemy crumbles when I get him down because he actually gets a massive damage bout when he's below 40% let's just go ahead and dump something hmm well we do need all these pickups right now so let's and what we want to get rid of already dammit how abouts the keys I don't think the keys are gonna be useful I want the heirlooms as well so welcome let's get rid of these and we'll dump off the laudanum I think those would be the least likely to be used here just fish gifted a subscription courtesy of library lab thank you very much for sharing the love yet again gifting for subs on the channel thank you why did I do that I am not thinking straight so far I literally just finished explaining let's let him bleed out so that we have that damage bonus [ __ ] whoopsie okay this one is a shovel right yeah nice more stuff I can't afford to pick up let's get rid of that I guess really wasted money on provisions here but I guess again lessons learned in this initial offering if you don't like flies maybe this dungeon isn't for you probably true yeah I remember this right yeah nice okay I actually remembered that one cool sweet you did you did you the courtyard is so unsettling I forgot yeah there's the Flies we were looking at slash sycophants massive mosquito creatures that remind me of Jumanji actually when I think about it that was probably the scariest part of Jumanji for me was when those giant ass mosquito things were trying to poke through the roof of the car you remember that [ __ ] that horrified me as a kid I think that'd be like one of my least favorite ways to die death by giant mosquito stabbing like I'm a little uncomfortable with needles but a giant needle attached to a flying insect that buzzes around miss me with that [ __ ] he said it Wayne said they'd face he said the thing he did it getting turned into a monkey would be pretty awful too I don't disagree with that yes certainly and being like fully aware of the fact that you used to be a human being it sounds like a black mirror episode I think that actually is kind of a black mirror episode right BRB you're gonna go watch Jumanji now I heard the new ones than actually fine if not like even good which is a little interesting to me makes me actually kind of curious to see it okay we're not gonna heal him this time but we are gonna heal other people it wasn't bad per se it's actually very enjoyable ah well no okay then you seen it three to five times well [ __ ] that's a good look okay now we got that set up again and totally don't need to do this but [ __ ] it got some laughs okay as victories mount so too will resistance I know this is like a really hot take but one thing about movies like that nowadays I can't really take out finally we got that yet I can't really take the rock seriously anymore like okay they here a perfect example that new movie skyscraper right which I think actually might be out already I thought that was a joke when I saw the trailer I'm not kidding like I thought that was a goof that somebody was pulling on me because I that looks like the the most quintessential the rock movie it looks like an SNL skit you know I'm Dwayne Johnson and my family's in danger at the top of this skyscraper for no discernible reason I gotta make sure I rappel off the side of it and then it'll blow up the rock in skyscraper reminds me of die hard and the plot die hard didn't like take itself a hundred percent seriously though right like I've seen die hard now I can talk about die hard yeah cuz die hard was kind of fun yeah boss Dwayne the Dwayne Dwayne Dwayne the rock Johnson the rock in sky rock scraper the Dwayne Johnson story the [ __ ] did I just walk into exactly that's how I felt when I was watching the trailer for skyscraper raid die hard on a scale of 1 to 10 I'm not gonna make any friends with this and give it a 6 I'm gonna give it a 6 I didn't love it I really didn't it's good I think it's maybe a little dated now rate it bed early delete your channel please no I see I ironed this I think I'm gonna get thumbs down on YouTube for it deservedly sell your opinion is wrong sir the real question is is it a Christmas movie I feel like we've established clearly that it is I don't even know if that's a debate anymore now we can debate whether or not I actually have good taste because I don't think it's as good as other people there is the mummy attend I think that's got to be the top tier right we're talking about 10 out of 10 films no I'm I don't even remember enough about the money to make this joke the money that's what I called it that's probably what they called it in house to at least the second time they made the movie let's reprint the money that'll work yay speaking of which that worked nice get extra food too the real question is is it a tie dad are we still doing that what if this was a tie dad what if that actor showed up like on screen would that blow your [ __ ] mind oh man I wish I had like the resources to make that happen tibe ads are dead I think we were doing that for a little while I think there was a point at which we were doing that I can't even think of any 10 out of 10 movies go ahead and list when I say 10 out of 10 movie chat what's the first thing that you'd think of what's the first thing that comes to mind lego movie never mind we're done we answered the question in his lego movie I don't need any more answers diehard yeah fair enough it's a couple of people say interstellar that's interesting scarface paul blart mall cop - okay yeah fair enough I see your point actually Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda is a terrific movie I'm a hundred percent with you on that that's a great film I hear even the sequels are pretty good I should probably heal Cubans are talking about movies kung pow enter the fist legitimately welcome to the neon peels over the pile thank you for subscribing I appreciate it Joey bad genie modes buddy thanks for using twitch primed a free subscription service hey if you're an Amazon Prime member you have twitch prime to use a free subscription on any channel on twitch one I'll use it here it's a good time I'm all-in with John wick I do feel like I need to watch that for very good things about it but I also hear something I might not enjoy happens in it I'm actually 100% certain something I will not enjoy happens in it so I got to get past that point that's the reason I haven't been able to watch house of cards now I have a much better reason not to watch house of cards obviously but before that I couldn't get past the thing that Kevin Spacey's character did at the start it was like it immediately made me think oh that's the pace sir that's the tone we're gonna set for this shelf well no thanks ten out of ten the room oh we watched the disaster artist a couple nights ago it was it was a treat is a very very good movie we really not what's 40% of 22 quick math it would be nine so we should have it right why don't we have it the buff should be activated I think I didn't watch Sin City no I think that's on Netflix now isn't it I think I might check that out that might be my cup of tea okay I think that's a better twitch TV thing dr. Albert's cuz I don't see the emote you're referring to if you're asking me if I made a pedobear emote available on my channel no I did not willfully do that but I'm sure someone created it somewhere why I'm doing the things I'm doing here but I got a crit out of it that's nice um maybe time to exsanguination al kind of been hanging on to it for a second here I also still need to change his skillset hey that's fine you still got an examinee now for whatever reason we just don't get the buff anymore I guess judgment calls [Music] threatening to purge people apparently is the best way to guarantee a flood of people do exactly what you threatened to purge them for [Music] [Laughter] look back to the pitch and I need a heal I was expecting crock here I guess that's probably in the next one is expedition at least promises success use the damn herb use use this use it what's the matter with this guy what's your deal bud we're doing a golden kappa check we got to make sure we got a golden tech kappa check i don't know what's going on with this flatulent the herb doesn't work on the debuff anymore ah balls all right fine let's try this I scouted from that that's interesting to the bear I suggest me 93 talking with a pile my friend well c'mon in Isaac with some bear hugs please in the midst of our golden kappa check if you wouldn't mind tossing in some bear hugs there - thank you very much my friends blood garbage okay the bear the campers helmets worth more than a single bandage I suppose to the arctic fox even further bear hugs more and more bear hugs a slew thank you for this subscription my friend arctic fox welcome on in the pile I appreciate it toss that [ __ ] and keep going I've been going too long here at condo just started off in the courtyard trying to clear out this early mission here mister Ozma welcome oh [ __ ] here we go crap boy let's start with that hmm well I mean transforming is not gonna do me any good so I guess this is the move and then I'm not I'm really not gonna be able to do much to him right now I suppose maybe try to shuffle him so he gets up front so the flageolet can hit him oh we stunned him nice all right that's pretty good and unfortunately can't do I like what's going on the math is wrong here Oh 40% right yeah okay so I thought it was 50 nevermind sweet that's a great bleed too holy [ __ ] that's awesome didn't land the debuff unfortunately it's not too bad okay I have to deal with that though all right let's I'm gonna go for a slam I guess to try to move forward hopefully I can have the plague doctor move back first likely well we don't have any bandages anymore do we yeah [ __ ] so I guess that's not gonna happen so let's go ahead and heal hers to make sure the bleed doesn't hurt her too much definitely move her back well actually a stab will hear no debuff applied their crit chance is kind of negligible I don't have to do that man ask why you're not using a flashbang bounty-hunter for this fight in my experience he's the most reliable counter to this fight I didn't really build specifically to this fight I just sort of put together a composition that I think we'd get through this mission okay I wasn't really considering the croc in particular certainly seems like a valid option though 50 against 110 yeah yes well I did say I wanted to slam what's that look like forward one would bring the hmm man I guess I guess I guess I can guess I'm doing that yeah that's fine we got to move her back again well let's just move him forward [ __ ] it then we'll slam next turn oh goodness she is just bleeding out huh [ __ ] it I think actually stacking this bleed is going to be like a pretty damn reliable means of success here let's go ahead and use that slam now I'm not gonna stun him here and then more than likely gonna stun myself but I still think it's the best idea oh wait no that doesn't stun him anymore was that a pitch-black thing or was that a prior patch thing cuz sworn slam used to stun him too there's the bleed stack very nice and let's keep working on the plague doctor meaning pitchblack okay that sounds right sorry I get them confused this is good that's very good quick nice yeah this bleed is working really well all right well we're not gonna hit him here guess I might as well try though right that's 60% chance it's actually pretty decent if I stun him I wonder if that that's probably not gonna get rid of the buff I was hoping maybe with with him not being submerged anymore from that it might work out nice all right he's gonna get to apex predator but luckily he chose the two that we're already strong that's pretty easy to manage I guess here you go buddy he's done well not quite incision we'll do it though sweet all right easy enough a little bit of stress relief too for these guys Huell restoration SiC easy money nice sweary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying oh hell yeah all right much better than the disease charm slash stun charm let's do it makes the manacles so much better that's awesome and we'll clear out some space for this I guess just feed somebody there we go I'll work the C's charm better than all someone chains lose the hunger activation right on cue after I eat for food I know shovels dammit I was a lot I could have done about that hey there you are finally sweetness wings abates alright that's the whole thing cool we did it in those younger years my home was a hive of unbridled hedonism in a PRA where instinct and impulse were indulged with wild abandon a bewitching predators that dim amidst the swarm of tittering sycophants though outwardly urbane I could sense in her a mocking thirst driven half mad by cloying vulgarity I plotted to wit myself of this lurking threat in a grand display of sadistic sport we're gonna hear the moment of murder drew nigh but gibbous moon revealed her in human desires in order stultifying hideousness oh she glued us plot twist eat the rich [Music] yay oh that's good hell yeah man that death low is this we could really build around that martyr seal oh wait no I guess you'd have to do the the Crimson Court trinket combo to give that bonus never mind but yeah that's cool barons invitation obviously very nice great cool okay ah the yips now get rid of that oh my god this one sucks holy [ __ ] I hate that we gotta get rid of ANSI right away to haze oak welcome back these swarming beans carry a pernicious plague a sickness so virulent so insidious it does more a curse than a mere disease ANSI adds 20 stress for each week the character is idle aka get rid of this the moment you see it 2100 all right worth it ooh hey teens have you ever considered eating the rich it's the hot new spot all the kids are playing all right I don't think we'd need a lot more stress relief actually which feels pretty good maybe the odd flatulent but well yeah I guess so go ahead and knock it out real quick I think you can only go to the bar though right now no well you know it alright [ __ ] you then you don't get anything I feel about that just as I feared now loosed from their brackish prism they will spread like locusts across our land hey teens you ever consider murdering a countess and then drinking her blood as a form of sadistic sport for your fellow members of the booze what say what fun okay anyway get someone all right yeah let's check the stagecoach real quick as one is want to do yes more flagellants oh boy that's what we need it's not at all what we need I don't think I want to pick up another one that seems ridiculous so we'll wait yeah sex is good and all but have you tried eating the rich oh man I like this bit not like this bit mostly because the rich will never hear me talk about them they're too busy being rich bear have you got the free musketeer DLC you for the game oh no I forgot yeah I should grab that I'll try to get that for next time somebody remind me a billion times please otherwise I'll forget okay so what do we want to do next obviously got the courtyard imitation but we're gonna hold off on that the infestation will continue to grow within the other areas welcome to the pile thank you for settling with twitch prime let's appreciate it my friend enjoy your badge animo thank you for the sport let's go ahead and build a quick squad for the war and see if we can't run into the thing from the stars I like the shield breaker a lot I'm gonna use her again let's go with her and then let's see for a Warren's team a lot of bleed would be great again how about we well hold on maybe if we're going with a bleed team I bet we could build a really strong bleed team if we went with something like the grave robber the plague doctor maybe in the battle and that wouldn't really really work very well in the back maybe we need to just toss a vessel in there for safekeeping so these something like this and then this and then the flagyl in again right yeah that seems like it would be good now stress healing again but I'm not too worried about that bleed team immediately picks a character with no bleed what are you talking about you got flashing daggers oh just kidding she doesn't I'm in pitch-black dungeon mode again god damn it alright swap there we go fixed it pounds Harry which also got buffed by the way I don't know if you guys realize that but that moves a little bit stronger now so it's totally viable just like I always thought or tried desperately to convince people love okay no good no good get that get that in that sweet still don't have enough heirlooms to upgrade this any further not that you really want to yet and Gilda nothing well hold on maybe iron swan let's unlock both of those it's a little expensive but I like having those options for especially because I'm not gonna use that and I'll keep you up for now I guess and if we're doing if it bleeds that works I supposed to I really hate bleed out as a move like I don't know if I'll ever use that anyway and master he's got hounds Harry I'll go ahead and upgrade that bleed chance Vestal with the extra heal the chance to stun and [ __ ] it will do that to you 5,600 gold alright so I should try to make some money here oh joy a Hellion run I'll go well got a good history here that's for damn sure everything's gonna go great shipshape too horrific let's do it welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing with twitch Prime appreciate your support bleed skilled chance hell yeah it's like it was made for it let's go Hellion killing and actually you know what I'm gonna give the flies one with that one let's go ahead and do this BAM this isn't working easy I don't know why that's not working it's a weird thing to not work I should give him this to actually to tell you what you go ahead and have those two maybe the hound master will take this bleed scut bleed skill stone he's got cudgel wades he's got cudgel wait oh damn it okay well with that being the case hmm I could do highwayman highwayman in place of Hellion and that way he can be in spot 3 and do open vein right yeah oh that could work maybe do I have something for the highwayman I do hmm yeah I think I'll go with that trade this out to the sorry Hellion I do have your bleed skill chance pendant though that is pretty nice it's friendly and milkman welcome to the bear pile thanks for the sub y'all thank you thank you for the support a bit of a train going on with twitch Prime thank you for the love welcome I'm on in with a bear hugs please appreciate it I think I'll swap highwayman for Hellion here as mentioned allow the hound master to have his stun buff because that is really useful so go like this no need for this synergy with the target whistle I don't think there is a minimum one with the highwayman having the pistol shot but it's not really necessary nor is it going to be remaining in the kid I don't think so appearing rich means people will eat you huh we'll get ready because you're in danger you just showed up on number three in the leaderboard up there you're putting yourself out in harm's way eat Carmelita thank you for the 10,000 bits again the second instance of such goodness thank you thank you very much for that support if you eat the rich you get their wallet that's the impression we're under yeah not that they keep anything in there anymore we're in the digital age in case you forgot so no come at me he says retaking his position on top of the leaderboard it's so no good God forty nine thousand bits this week you are an absolute madman proper I suppose for these streams but goodness thank you God I keep like I'm losing track entirely of what I'm attempting to do here and I apologize for that but y'all are blowing my mind with this thank you for the support holy [ __ ] okay there's that I want to loose advance no I don't I'm not gonna do that this time so consume the well-off consume the successful and affluent for no other reason than they are that all right finally we get to do this thing that I had planned for the entire time and now the highwayman gets his Drifters buckle and maybe the camouflage cloak I'm thinking about it but also giving that to the vestal seems like a bit better of an idea he's already got a lot of dodge too so I can probably just operate on that mm stun resist let's give that to the Vestal to do this and then let's let the highwayman have less stress I suppose that's fine by me Vegas dirt looked at 25 but it says please eat me thank you for the biddies all right finally finally this is prepped we're gonna switch this off for that I'll keep tracking shot I guess and this kid's fine otherwise up in vain pistol shot wicked slice that's good how Nasser is gonna be rockin these four and then finally the fledgling up front will have redeem maybe suffer I guess is a decent option but I like these four in particular don't need to reclaim don't need endure this will work okay let's do it after the Warrens perhaps to run into the thing from the stars we shall see pick up well probably not that many provisions actually let's be a little bit more conservative as I mention and tell you what let's go ahead and try to sell a couple of trinkets to I don't need two of each of these ones right now so let's go ahead and dump those off and hey that's probably enough money already we can sell that to cool that works okay wait a minute do we have three of these Jesus Christ how do we get three agility talons what the hell all right anyway let's bring a few of these probably just like two of those two of those two of those two of those don't need those actually and then a full stack of torches this is good right a couple of antivenom for the Warrens you blood just in case well that's right unnecessary yet alright extra food why not be fully prepped this time let's go let's go boozy hello how are you the blue dust I'm not a hundred percent sure what the blue dust does yet I haven't really seen a lot of interactions for it they breed quickly down there in the dark but perhaps we can lay them even faster let's do it I never sent a room battles which means we're going this way a little bit of extra stress in the fledge not too bad this is no longer the color of charity 'save file now measure awarded to the brave this is the color of Manus a file that I had begun on Monday prior to realizing that there was a proper safe file they want to be to use for the tournament and now we're just continuing that save file that we had started from scratch on Monday it's got some good damage ha [ __ ] that's a bleed for sure it's just one shot everything gone yay [Applause] when you say eat the rich does that mean in wealth or taste although they are not mutually exclusive I assume the wealthier you are the better you taste like I think with all the treatments those people do for their skin and for their bodies drunk a blazing star is probably a bet at that point you'd be so superficial that you probably want to make sure that your flesh tastes good too right that's classist yeah I know very much so the whole conversation is really whoo that's a good buffle yes sir [Music] um maybe go for the creek it's tempting I could also tracking shot and increase my odds of that significantly I don't necessarily want to just bleed this guy although actually that would be a pretty quick way of working through him so maybe we should start off with that and then deal with these guys second so we're not having to deal with a bunch of leads ourselves so we can just hit him three times with three bleeds that might well be enough you know one more in fact hounds Harry might be it if I do two damage with this plus the one point of bleed that is not enough but if I get to three that'll do it god damn it alright that's fine I guess he'll be done next turn anyway he does get one action off unfortunately I probably should have just stunned him I guess cuz that would have guaranteed that he died to the bleed yeah that was definitely the better choice however I did at least apply a little bit of damage to these guys in the process Hey look and now he gets his thing that's nice - alright kill you thankfully actually got it I'll go ahead and extinguish a boil no that's not really a good idea here that helps and finish you [Music] poor people taste like dirt lol eat the mid class eat the lower the middle class eat everybody everyone eat everyone I [Laughter] believe everyone courtyard mission just the just the first one hashtag eat the world thanks I'm doing good huh thanks for the twitch prime sub well come on into the pile alright we do have a billion food I guess that's okay we want to bloodthirster ain't just realize that should i swap that off that's probably better than this bucket eat my ass yeah you know eventually i guess it had to get to that point huh grad school was hard but i'm back for the summer congratulations another cleansed from welcome back home friend don't eat bear though yeah lead bears alone they don't deserve it the rich would be gross because they are filthy rich I better judgement would get it I think we can all agree the world would be to be a better place if we all ate Rob's ass as much as he offers it you'd think it's probably a pretty good option right bears the color of madness purple the color of madness is bear Brown I think we've clearly established that much holy water holy water oh boy I want the money instead you know what I'm getting greedy I'm getting real greedy nice hey cool that's nice for once reading books is helpful it's you're about 40% good god you might as well just get rid of it there's literally no reason to go this way apart from preventing the stress added by going backward the light the promise of safety which I guess is worth it do you need so much food you just wait and you find out which wife who did you pick when you played persona 5 uh which one did I pick I also don't really remember their names I picked short brown hair girl student body president girl much that much to the chagrin of wife TAFIa beliefs who definitely wanted to go with blonde hair girl Mikoto yeah Mikoto yep that's right I should probably let the hound master take this one right yeah seems best she wanted an O yeah no she was all about an I don't even remember why I picked Mikoto I think it just played out that way like the game just sort of put me in a position where it's like hey you want to be with Mikoto and I was like alright sure sounds fun yay having a relationship gonna get kill here properly ah how balls you know what I'm gonna do a hounds Harry actually this is a perfect opportunity for that daba dog man seven months that's like three whole weeks that's like a whole day holy [ __ ] thanks man welcome back we play more new games for YouTube yeah I will cool Josh I apologize for that too I know it's been a while since I've done anything YouTube specific I actually recorded a few videos prior to the color of madness release I'll go ahead and spoil what it is super mega baseball to season a custom one featuring the NL SS crew that I made and I know mouth and Brian already did that but I did it also because I like that game and it's fun so if you wanted to see more of that that's gonna happen on my channel at some point I'm thinking I'll probably start releasing those in July I wide to make sure that I had at least like half the season done before I started to put them out because I didn't want to like get through four of them then make you guys wait for like two weeks before I had time to continue this season in the series so yeah anyway that's gonna be happening and I'm definitely gonna be on the lookout for new games that I can play exclusively for YouTube because I know that's a thing that people have been asking for and I kind of miss doing it like I missed the YouTube interactions alongside the twitch interactions see I think it's gonna happen at some point call up the stalker welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing get them some bear hugs please thank you thank you for the support let's appreciate it does it have more Bear Plunge than an Al's guaranteed I don't even have to watch NL's to know that that's a fact who would you choose as your darkest dungeon waifu confidence surges as the enemy crumbles hmm a lot of good choices recency bias makes me think of a vessel is a pretty good choice the caring figure that we all need in our lives of course as victories mount so too will resistance then you consider somebody like the Hellion though sometimes you just need a straight-up badass in your life you know somebody will kick [ __ ] around take care of business then maybe an antiquarian because you like money perhaps that's a facet of a relationship that you value is actual value uh seen blunder stars oh hey you found it yeah no were you looking for this I found it I found your missing thing I found your missing creature with goat legs for arms and a skeleton as a foot were you looking for that don't worry I got it okay I can stunt him yeah he's got a lot of help he's a bit tougher than the other [ __ ] I've been dealing with oh boy oh boy let's do this nice this is a great creature design by the way I'm in love with this character I think it's fantastic oh yeah this is a level one potion level one potion level 1 dungeon look at those ribs on its bicep don't you have ribs on your bicep that's pretty normal what I eat him out be buff resist though does this monsters head coming out of a goat's ass certainly seems that way doesn't it especially with head angle we just got yeah he ain't [ __ ] around he cured his [ __ ] bleed oh no oh no no no that's not fair is he gonna do that at the start of every turn that's [ __ ] nuts please don't do that I'd really appreciate it if you didn't do actually do that I can still probably stun him I don't have very good odds but it's a there's a chance there we go that's worth it to take away one move [Music] yeah this protection buff is insane that's why I'm like dependent upon damage over time and if he's gonna cure that at the beginning of every turn that's gonna suck ass for us [ __ ] me he actually does okay goodness I mean I'm still hitting him pretty hard I think now he's got the buff activated though yep there it is hmm well I mean it'll still work we'll still get this big bit of damage be able to stack that first round and that's gonna eventually kill him I'm sure not to mention the fact that he's really not dealing a lot of damage to us it's just the stress obviously that we have to be concerned about I should kill this two angry taco welcome back three months in a row thank you very much hey Cyn what's up man yeah I noticed the crystal subtracts from this health every time so it's like you just have to kind of wait it out I suppose right I feel like I've got a pretty damn good team for this at least oh my god well that became a problem really quickly didn't it [ __ ] that's minus nine minus five on this form okay I think I'll be able to kill him this turn anyway so it's not too bad it's gimmick is super stressed damaged in high protection yeah so like meaning making the fight go longer out of these sleeves now than my favor either all this [ __ ] stress my god it's too much there he goes [ __ ] alright we did it I actually killed them already in the other file but that doesn't count with the cloud save so there we go cool oh and that's a nice fine that's a very convenient fine thank you we will take that yep and 25 [ __ ] shards hell yeah well go ahead and just pop this the light gains purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear eat this food take that I can't dump it goal that's not a big deal good you did it I did it thanks for the 1500 bits it's very kind of appreciated enjoy your football emotes everybody oh boy that was stupid nice thank you okay well bit of added challenge there sin did you end up getting a higher score than your 330 I know you got second place still right congratulations by the way the ground quakes gamma good to have you thanks for watching stuff much appreciate it let's try to prevent some disease here it's time to use the second dog treat might as well use early on I guess I think I'm gonna try to stun this guy too I'm really taking advantage I can't wait all that much now I didn't beat it again not yet still though congratulations well played friend who got 900 that was care level zero who ice like I think he's gonna start at some point today but he's gonna he's continuing that run he's not done I didn't pretty damn sure he's gonna get over a thousand which is absolutely insane I could prevent the check here I love it but it's not really all that imperative I guess and I would depend on a crit he needs two more damage I can probably get the kill here nope cool you do hounds Harry yeah finishes him off and I should probably go ahead and heal real quick just to make sure [Music] IRL would you rather fight a ten-foot tall antiquarian or ten one foot tall flatulence a one-foot tall flageolet with this triple ball mace can still hurt like hell that's a horrifying concept so I think I might go with the 10 foot tall antiquarian in that case there's the weapon it's still pretty scary though cool Josh thank you for the $20 tip my friend very kind I would love some more new games on YouTube surprises like those found and don't starve a moonlighter are amazing to get your reactions to hell yeah thank you yeah I know I certainly am keeping that in mind appreciate the support yeah it was a really fun event I I agree I had a lot of fun doing and I'm competing in that way it was really awesome together furtive and vulnerable rats in a maze so loved the way he turns his back to the crew and yeah let's go ahead and do lashes solice real quick welcome Jimmy bow so close to my favorite treat jelly bun welcome to the pile thank you very much for your subscription I appreciate and enjoy your bad your emotes and your love courtesy of the hugs from the pile thank you much y'all go ahead and prevent the ambush I guess clean guns isn't as helpful as it normally is let's do let's do [Music] see if a disease somebody has disease right yeah that's the best one left what is the best one left might actually be prey even though nobody's religious well let's go ahead and do that a little bit of a protection buff for the squad and then knock out all his stress and we'll be good to go okay cool sick in radiance may we find victory that was very helpful also cleared out some inventory space which is nice trinkets and baubles cool and we have a secret room hoorah let's go finish this off first though maybe even give more inventory space that way shirt secret room knows I do have a key for that right yeah I do sweet so it's gonna be one slot there and then we'll probably move the anti-venom in then the shovels afterwards yeah we're actually good to go already sweet it's got to finish these guys off ooh and the surprise attack mode Renai Rallis close public renovacell like that welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing I appreciate and enjoy back boats better odds please let them feel the lovin well the pile - thank you as well get him cozy later on Josh thank you for the tip I really appreciate it I try and order some rich people for lunch see what they say maybe have some in the back dodj got it those are my voice-activated hacks by the way boom what do you think it's safe to gun for the Miller in a new save I would shoot for level fours the Miller is not easy especially because he's a new fight kind of difficult to us to account for the changes he he's different I mean let me simplify the sentence a little bit and say he's a different kind of enemy and I think I'll get rid of this [ __ ] in favor of the secret room stuff and I'm sure to get here we don't need the shovels though so I guess I could dispose of those now and take the emerald until I know for sure that I'm gonna replace it with something else I've got to save the key we could get rid of the bandages now I guess I know I'm gonna do this let's go ahead and do this now - and then we'll just keep all these things ooh all right there we go that's not fair so no that's been going wild diaper dog man I sincerely appreciate before it yeah that is just I mean look at that bit leaderboard you all have been blowing my [ __ ] mind with the support this week so thank you so so much infinitely for just a sec you tively over and over again who won the charity competition care level zero did with a score of nine hundred plus which he's still going with we put up a what I'd call a respectable 146 not mind-blowing like some of the results like mister Sandvik de had been elite to the musketeer can I see yeah go ahead and send it to me please I'll I'll follow up on that thank you hopefully have that download it the next time he's gonna need one more point of blood huh okay pounds Harry I made 200 first try I hit 500 first try offline you can't prove it success so clearly and phew or is it merely a trick of the light basket mask eat room Oh absorb is power alright all these fights said I think you're better than me of this game I'm not being modest on being being honest good rhyme oh yeah lucky is also a major factor in this game yeah absolutely you'll notice in the 900 kill run that he's currently operating with he did have two characters that had a positive virtue check so a little bit of luck played into it but he still was you know obviously killing it on his run to nice boom now I'll happily take that I don't think he burped you cheese didn't know I'm pretty sure he just got lucky with that bear isn't good at the game he's Bear tacular I'll show myself out please do we welcome only good horrible jokes in this channel please those the particular variety of comedy we aspire to show no cuz rune told me to stop donating bits you just hit a new threshold buddy congratulations look at that beautiful green badge and another thousand to bring you up to that even 50 good God thank you the grater else can be said beyond holy cow thank you very much and Wow nice alright then um a lot of crests here don't I maybe we could get rid of a small stack of crests in favor though I mean obviously the rubies are worth more than the citrine so we can do this and not that good it's worth more than any onyx I suppose though so we'll do that alright all right then secret room time I think we go in here now and go to the fight afterward because we have the means to make the space for it now which I should take advantage of or I mean we kind of did but now we don't really but I got to get rid of the emerald I think I should dump the snake oil maybe I have been using this but I know it's not gonna end up getting use beyond like their first few missions so I think it's maybe a good time to get rid of that and then let's go ahead and dump the emerald yeah I'm hoping to get something a little more worthwhile in this upcoming fight here as well we'll see it's bring the crits we've proven it scientifically at this point you want to see some critical hits you know how to do it get them bits I'm sorry I should probably stun something considering the fact that I put him in spot two exclusively to use the cudgel wait and then maybe used it one time throughout this dungeon really impressive stuff and that's not gonna kill her is it nope damn it I know about those Kickstarter trinkets cippec but yeah I'd like you said most of them aren't even really worth unlocking so I'm not gonna worry about it yeah food was my next choice this expedition at least promises success and obviously we'll just eat that just like they're rich people oh come on I wanted alright well that'll do I guess was this curio I just completely forget to interact with it Oh books ma'am good we outie squeals fade their confidence is shaken sweet bear won't notice me guys were you threatening me I I think I saw you say if if so no passes you you won't sit idly by I'm terrified of that I don't know how to properly react to you guys anymore I feel like I'm just shouting empty thanks into the void at this point for piling bits on me well I mean obviously goddamn do I appreciate it you're you are easing my financial burden significantly my obsession caused this great felis and it is shameful that I must rely upon you to set it right the tumultuous currents in the ether bluster with extra vigor tonight become it particulates vibrates I don't even understand that sentence sadly I don't have the money to sit up there with those who truly worship the craven gods here's a little more bits to throw in the pile thank you you can call me al you have been welcome to the bear I mean you are up there with those bit Lords at third place certainly something to shake a stick at thank you thank you for another 1,500 bits the little bits are shaken particulate sviblov particulates vibrate that's oh that's particulate s'right okay I get it cool anyway looking good here in the roster I'd say when switch this up a little bit go to the shindig go welcome to the pile dude welcome back to the pile right that's a welcome back to the pile of course you'd maintain quite the streak there for a while apex captain sorry I miss you a minute ago their apex captain welcome onto the pile as well as miss lioka miss lyokha welcome to the pile - thank you thank you thank you for the support that is the thing from the stars we actually just encountered that in the previous mission and took him down but apparently he can just come back whenever he wants so that sort of sucks but let's see I think that event might be extra shards in the farmstead oh ok so then I mean I don't think I'm actually ready to take on the Miller yet though three more months where are we going to dinner for our five-year anniversary goodness that is insane man thank you big time love for gecko please for nearly five [ __ ] years on the bear pile complete insanity how many new bosses are there there are three this one the Miller and one kind of secret one in the in the endless mode it's a cool boss fight - I liked it ah telekinetic getting another twitch Prime subscription telekinetic Yeti welcome on in as well thank you for the bear hugs for the love for the support thank you thank you thank you thank you let us set it up again please figure out where we shall go not to the Courtyard quite yet I think it's may be time to take on some of these lower level bosses here Sano is prophet or perhaps the siren I think I could take on the siren with one of these squads pretty easily let's do well actually let's go to the ruins no man looking at these flagellants I was I was thinking like we need to build another bleed party but now let's look at maybe an option to get into the cove and kill this siren actually let's go to the stagecoach real quick and see we have any lower level people to get another shield breaker I'd kind of be ok with that I might go for an upgrade to the roster size here too let's do that and I think I'll grab this for now for now sub mode on go ahead and we'll go ahead and reset this rat now reset reset raffle up exclam raffle time in the chat and we will rename the shield breaker after a member of the bear pile why are you doing that I'm gonna go ahead and put our team together but we're never gonna go into here to the slaw King welcome to the pile thank you friend for subscribing I appreciate it hmmm may actually look for that was really loud sorry may actually look for an opportunity to grab a new trinket here depending on what they have available to me look up holiness well we get berserk masks for that that is really good maybe it's time to take on the Prophet I think we could do it probably I have a squad for that if we go with grave robber bounty hunter she'll break or hound master and no healer perfect exactly what we need to do let's try this name draw this name I want to make sure I haven't already put this in the roster and pretty sure I haven't okay congratulations Joe Farrar you have won the raffle you are our new shield breaker friend welcome on in there you go rigged who needs healing not me sonorous prophet what do we do here let's go with gambit man in the back I'm thinking probably stay hydrated bot mixed up with the Hound master and the bounty on earth something like this what else could be in spot three maybe Matt Skaggs with a little bit of light at it on into this mix that's too bad take stay hydrated bought a riot he is pretty important to our overall success my odds success with this little lady here I do like pick to the face quite a bit just in general well he's an O poisoned darts actually got a buff you can use that in spot - now that's awesome interesting well in that case hmm more damage against blighted targets interesting what if we swap that off for poison darts shadow fade the lunge thrown poison with no pick to the face no armor-piercing which I know I just sung the praises of that move but I don't know might be worth it Eric hey new and welcome so if I'm gonna do that obviously I need to go to the guild with her I've actually got a decent amount of money again thanks to that secret room so that's fantastic let's go ahead and do this that that and that just in case I want to actually use it how master is gonna get some big upgrades for level 3 thank goodness and let's consider the mark this time as well bounty hunter already leveled up good Vestal same deal let's go to the blacksmith real fast what are we looking at here we need the deeds again which we just spent on the stagecoach unfortunately mark Eric welcome folks how you doing she's a germaphobe so don't give her blight uh what the [ __ ] ah that sucks that ruins this okay well never mind we don't need the grave robber then we'll go with well go with stay hydrated bod [ __ ] it let's be smart that's actually perfect for the Prophet anyway this is a great build for this for this enemy so that's fine by me I think I'll take off rampart and paper or something like bolster and just go with a super heavy defensive man and arms build and allow all the damage to come from our front line that seems fine okay cool let's do that and I think we're good then we've already leveled them up sufficiently let's go ahead and set up our trinkets and get out of here bounty hunter I know has something he's got the Talon that's right and I think we'll go ahead and give him that and yeah I guess this is fine to more stress healing during camping could help us out in the UH the pre boss setup here I guess I should consider clearing germophobe but that would cost a shitload of money considering that's already locked in I think I got a hope that I can eliminate that with the curio at some point I'm gonna try this again and maybe give him the bleeds chance so though that's not really all that full going where we are so maybe not he's got a decent amount of dodge I kind of want to play around with that maybe camouflage cloak for him I know the thing from the stars I know I'm welcoming pain but I feel like it it's not that bad I can probably handle it's just mostly the stress from that thing do you have to deal with what do I want for mr. man-at-arms here that's not terrible actually less healing received is probably a manageable thing he's gonna get one less point per heal I guess but more max health and doesn't eat food so that seems good I think I'll rock that and then let's I'll go ahead and give him the camouflage cloak cuz I'm sure he's gonna be guarding a lot and the ability to dodge at this level at this at this stage is pretty fantastic and then maybe the book of relaxation for my Vestal would be okay I could give that to my hon master - he's got a decent amount of dodge as well though so maybe not let's give it to her she's got five she's not gonna be missing anything and then I don't want to give her crate let's go ahead and just lower that to zero I suppose cuz that doesn't really make a difference at all give her the stun resistance and for the hound master I guess it's gonna be the bleed skill chance right probably there no again yeah I'm not gonna use that so let's do disease don't even lose any of these stats so never mind [ __ ] it nothing nothing at all perfect self heals good no need for this cry havoc in this instance use all those giving him the stun is tempting but I don't think I'm gonna do it this time bounty hunter has got the mark from pull hitter or come hither I mean uppercut finish him yep that's all set and good cool let's do it let's fight the Prophet let's go yeah you actually do get char Iraq shards from killing the thing from the stars right so there's a pretty good reason to want to fight them too because those are very helpful if I could get one of those shard trinkets early on in the game I'm gonna be in good shape let's get three of those a few of these couple of herbs a couple of keys that looks good yeah that looks good to me okay let's do it excavations beneath the manor were well underway when a particularly ragged indigent arrived in the hamlet this filthy toothless miscreant boasted an uncanny knowledge of my ambitions and prognosticated publicly that left unchecked I would soon unleash doom upon the world the echoes of his mindless tittering reverberate maddeningly it's kind of funny how the Prophet was right about the ancestor he wasn't wrong yeah I know exactly if left unchecked I would release madness upon the world weird how he did that he's right about falling stones too yeah this prophet is one of the most honest characters in darkest dungeon how funny he's gonna break the pews for money if I'm in a good position to do so absolutely come hither and die now or not god damn it son chances decent yes sure the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it most Jack nice nice now that's not too bad of a bleed early on though go ahead he'll have a lot more stress than I thought yeah the man and arms buffs are pretty damn significant now he's actually with the Guardian shield that later on in the game he's much more viable as a position for support characters which is so cool in my opinion I really am looking forward to building around that giving him stuff like defender command bolster bellow like that that has become a legitimate tactic I think which is so cool I love that inspiration and improvement okay let's pull forward again mm-hmm Bent's him from doing what he likes and let's do a retribution here I guess and fish muffin you intending on unlocking the Red Hook district on this file for grins almost certainly actually I was mentioning this earlier but I'm actually really looking forward to building teams for the endless mode late-game like doing all kinds of random compositions maybe like viewer voted compositions for parties for late-game that's gonna be a lot of fun for me yeah I think I'll end up getting enough resources to do that very thing which is hilarious they make it twice as expensive now I don't know maybe they did a beetle arias Ricky's not gonna worry about the journal pages early on I gotta make sure I've got enough resources as a luxury item to be sure there you go I've been using repost a lot yeah that's that was nice that did a lot of damage there maybe consider using it more come hither [ __ ] okay obviously the stress is still one of the biggest issues here so if I could prevent her from doing any damage that way yeah you know it'd be real cool it'd be super cool darkest dungeon is currently on sale for 750 I think I think it's still on sale and then the DLC the color of madness is five dollars so it's pretty cheap right now ripio coming up in a an arrow like will banish that to and we're not gonna bleed any of these guys so how about we stun somebody yeah clean so welcome back how're you doing musketeer is free dlc it was a Kickstarter exclusive for a long time and they finally just released it to everybody be claiming to me this is an easy done gender come on there we go a little bit of a stress you leavin alright let's get this going try to get the attention on my boy here he I think can actually still graveyard slash from back there can see well I'm glad I have his helmet definitely gonna need to do some stress healing in the campsite I'm stunning the [ __ ] out of this squad which is working out well for me does the stumble from back there that's right alright so that's certainly better if I can get him back in that position again but kind of doubt that's gonna end up happening here let's go for this booster damage for this one remainder of the turn while she's not guarded god dammit oh well another one still worked array now we can heal a little more before the end of the fight ideally anyway I'm not gonna use this bandage here in fact let's just sell feel pretty much takes care of that issue please die [ __ ] asking for kindness from darkest dungeon is just asking for the game to crush you sometimes it listens sometimes it feels pity he's the only thing I can describe it to be mostly pity rarely pride with every now and then continually onslaught destroy them mmm let's go for the damage hey it didn't do six what a treat be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall yeah it's easy enough definitely early on in the dungeon enough to just take this buff and go so let's do it there's a holy water interaction with that isn't there forgetting about that oh is that a big bleed it's kind of bad but I'll just deal with it give him a nice heal before we get into the next fight uh key yeah better than using a shovel early hey right here I think packs laden with loot are often low on supplies and we need to get rid of the herbs all right still heirlooms are quite valuable okay so there's the torch loving these Scouts so let's see hang on one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven [ __ ] well that blows I think I gotta at least try to go the easier way I mean obviously it's easier to go this way to go either way so yeah I don't want to take those extra fights and now I probably use a shovel considering how few of those we seem to be needing here home to measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike could very well still need one though so how about we let's see how about dump the bandages and use the holy water which seems sort of like a bad idea man this is a tough call right now I think maybe because I have the fasting ring equipped I might be okay to dump or to use rather this food right now I think that's probably the best bet let's do that I guess we'll just dump off the one okay and then we need to make one more slot for the Ruby I think I'm gonna go ahead and go like that and take a big chance I'm gonna need to just provision less considering how much of it I'm dumping off this is good up to 169 kills on my second try nice y'all are putting up some impressive scores I think I'm just gonna try to eliminate as much physical damage as I can here since the potential for bleed would kind of mascar me I'd be able to you know what let's do a defender here actually there I have a turtle now wow that's a big life change neat congratulations on your turtle what you name it what's a good turtle named Myrtle all right cool yeah I figured it out that's to be a girl though I guess well you know what [ __ ] it it can be a guy tert Reynolds that's pretty good any name but speedy that's a bit cliche in it stress check you almost even kill him with this highlight turtle says generic twitch account one that's just that's just fitting in it yay Myrtle is a manly name yeah hi Barrett went to a long champion mission and had to retreat because my man alarms Veselin plague doctor level 6 when afflicted and died of heart attacks because they were having a conversation yeah that sounds right welcome to darkest dungeon [Music] all right at least I will retaliate leave him with one hit point array oh my [ __ ] god he was marked the enemy crumbles [ __ ] you beerus this generic twitch account number one alright yeah that seems about right [Music] especially with the smiley face that's what makes it you know it makes it friendly and approachable a friendly approachable [ __ ] you are me an thank you I appreciate that thanks for the kind words nenene I should probably still heal right yeah [Music] really pushing my luck with this give me that free stress heal as the fiend holes blossoms not taking any of that and he is super buff goodness all right hopefully this will be the way to go let's try to get lucky here I think I might have to like just go into the fight without camping although that will guarantee a stress check for the Bounty Hunter so it's probably not the best play it's just that I love that buff so much we get the Scout though okay that's awesome that is very helpful thank you game the light the promise of safety there what do you think of a weber Cookson high food cooperation I wouldn't want to put ha foo in that position because I didn't want to be in that position I had to be in that position that was a class requirement okay well we're gonna throw those out anyway well then [ __ ] yes we're getting the resolved check yeah there it is I mean my brain is okay where can I get the damage here maybe just stun him he's got a very low stun resistance I leaned on the virtue yeah maybe again probably prevent it let's add our dodge or our stress received a whole pie spelunky bucks on virtue no crit and get a crit here man don't let him go god damn it all right place your bets we roll the dice let's do it get masochistic clothes who covet injury find it in no short supply balls all right nice prediction neurotic wall bun I have failed you I apologize I'll do better in my random chance rolls next time at an abusive bounty hunter in a virtuous ally in the Hellion gave everyone a pep talk and the bounty hunter responded on his turn by uppercutting her she puts on death's door she died oh man that's hilarious that's great those are the kind of stories that this game produces that I love so much along with my party was walking through a hallway had a hunger check and died of starvation good times good [ __ ] times man DVR DS leo welcome back in everybody's getting the darkest dungeon fever now with this new DLC I'm loving it by the pop-pop-pop he's supposed to dodge now I was broken those backwards god damn it Wow he is immortal thank you reminds me of a video posted at the worst run ever oh my god that thing blew up by the way on YouTube but I think like 250,000 people now have wouldn't witness my failure bad thing is the testament to my shame yeah we got one boohoo shame on you nice just finish him of course a [ __ ] course there you go team with a vessel and a hound master the hound master ended up having a mental breakdown these nightmarish creatures can be filled they can't be beaten he became abusive turned around and slammed his cudgel onto my vessel and killed her after she got crit he then immediately died afterward after abusing my antiquarian and Hellion I mean that's pretty much run-of-the-mill at this point right mental breakdowns that result in the murder of your friends and teammates that's just darkest dungeon 101 well I mean trying to prevent that obviously but I think maybe within the he's refusing to use our final torch here by the way maybe within the camp I'll find the means within or by which to alleviate his issues but just kind of gonna roll with this I guess and see if I can set up a couple of crits for him marking targets obviously would be wise but since he's gonna be acting first I guess I just got to take a chance on let's stun him hey that helps yippee and let's do that darkest dungeon discord shet I've been thinking about making some more channels actually in the in the bear pile discord so I think I'll do that that seems like a pretty logical one to choose remember to kill the pews yeah if opportunity affords us or the opportunities afforded to us I certainly will this expedition at least promises success alright well going all the way to the end of the hallway backtrack all the way back and you shall camp out set this up yep yep yep yep let's do it I'll have two more food at the end of this as well circle in the dark turtle you the turtle welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing sorry bad knee motes appreciated buddy yeah we only don't have a lot of ways to reduce stress unfortunately nobody's religious in this party either so it's not really all that great keep the bus from the man and arms are probably gonna be at my best choice he's not a size two we don't need to do tracking anymore let's go with let's go with primarily man and arms buffs I suppose maintain equipment might be a good choice too I'll he refused the [ __ ] buff come on now let's prevent the ambush as well I guess and yeah let's do that it's gonna help a lot actually in the profit by cuz he's gonna have to be taking some miss Brooke some licking on sizing star is born okay off we go just got to deal with the masochistic Bounty Hunter and it's not too bad I think I can manage all righty so since we can't actually hit him yet I think maybe I'll mark these pews and try to kill him quicker allow the Bounty Hunter extra damage up front and I wonder whether we should defend him or the hound master kind of an interesting consideration here Victorian man welcome to the pile buddy Oh baby there you go vest oh well done I think I'll defend the Bounty Hunter because the hound master can heal himself yeah yeah yeah yeah do I have anti-venom nope no well consume water I hope you all know I chug water desperately in all of those circumstances I'd arrant allow an opportunity to hydrate pass me by can I move him nope all right bucket let's kill fuse rabble of ruin rod notification the wounds of war can be healed it seems like a good idea although we could also do this and then he gets that nice damage buff and let's go ahead and mark the Pew again there we go if you start stacking those that might be an issue okay Howie yikes ooh oh [ __ ] man alarms getting close yeah okay okay well oh right yeah that thing forgot about that sweet oh that's scary let's go ahead and pop that for him no you're gonna do it you [ __ ] another one down I've never actually taken down all three queues okay so I guess I need to well know defending him isn't gonna make a difference here so let's go ahead and bolster and then obviously do the individual he'll if I get the chance god dammit he's the only one being continuously hit by everything and a [ __ ] course he doesn't want to be healed that's fine that's fine hey finally chose one target yeah I'd love to help you but if you'd let me for [ __ ] sake can't stun him either right yeah he's got a higher percent resistance it's unlikely please [ __ ] hell thank you oh I know it buddy I know it he is masochistic I guess yeah it certainly makes sense doesn't it please don't stack the blight on him again Hey look at that you didn't dodge it though he missed important difference important distinction I think that might be a new Waner yeah that sounds different that was handy hell yeah all right well guard the hound master this time and let the vestal take the head oh he took the channeling there that's interesting cool finally that blights gone closing in here let's do this on him still cuz he's gonna let me thank you and do that which again I don't think actually is gonna make a difference all right all the stun that stinks nice hell yeah and yet again on these two oh I think he's gonna take anyway yeah nice oh I love that that is awesome okay six damage where are we getting it let's go ahead and group heal again hell yes let's do retribution so that a smart idea will be better maybe command stacking that up there's a line take it okay yeah that's looking pretty good no he's oh my God we're getting lucky with the Dodge not always but frequently at least all right and I'm gonna have to deal with that damage go to the bounding under unfortunately so he's probably gonna end up being on death's door after this he marked himself - Jesus Christ there we go every pew down that feels awesome doesn't have any protections so sadly that's not as good of a target whistle I think I'll just go ahead and do this maybe let the bounty hunter do the mark or maybe not do the mark at all actually [ __ ] oh yeah again can't defender so how about this start actually dealing some damage to him dodge it dodge it dodge it dodge it dodge it dodge it no stun right now my god the stunts from that [ __ ] oh boy yeah there's the dead store that I expected okay oh boy oh bub [ __ ] that oh no I thought that was the die of ruin again okay we can defend her him you know I actually have a decent chance to stun him right now 55% I should probably mark him though although I'm losing the benefit on the bounty hunter there let's just steal the damage oh yeah that's worth it that's worth it get the bleed going - okay help maybe we should just let him die got out what it looks like he wants what you're doing what's he doing he just hates this [ __ ] bounty hunter stop stunning him thank you good lord are you [ __ ] serious fine die that's what you want [ __ ] guy fine by me goodbye as live herbs terrible vistas of emptiness reveal themselves that's better he's not marked the uppercuts very unlikely let's just do this and maybe now it's time to do this finally and hopefully the next couple of turns will prove productive oh my God he's still letting me heal the [ __ ] miracle goddamn it's another [ __ ] miracle small private manoeuvre out the area [Applause] that's not how it goes that's a-that's I run the dual song [ __ ] yes all right he's marked he's D buffed time to get this [ __ ] done we've got the correct the correct setup here for defense as well the cribs let's go finish him so close I think I'll go for a judgement oh no he's going out swinging single strike resolve tested focused that's right stay hydrated but that is right injury and despondency set the stage for heroism the hero of the day Haris rotlo and driven into the mud boo yeah hell yeah that'll do that mm-hmm nice what is this one bloody fetish it's not bad actually decent and healing armlet cool alright it is done baby bit wealthier as a result of that one only level three or two wasting sickness damn Thank You phobia oh that's a great one I should lock that in wow that's incredible luminous Opie curiosity interest and obsession mile markers on my road to damnation sick sadly excited yeah you are cuz I'm gonna rap I'm actually like very very tired I didn't realize it but this morning I was messaging in the discord my you know something something overconfidence something something I've been streaming a hell of a lot over the last few days and I was hoping to go a little a little longer today but I am feeling it man like I am struggling to keep my my energy up so I think I am gonna go ahead and wrap up here now just set up our stress heals and whatnot this disease remove the wasting sickness there muscly bear must hibernate I thought the madrenas would carry me through but I'm all the way through a dark roast here and it's still I'm still feeling it man Carlita to be honest this is just because I want the next bad yellow well yeah I know what fair enough thank you thank you for the 3500 bits clearly their strategies are working thank you so much for all the love everybody and of course thank you very much for watching here on twitch or over on / beritasatu be of this playthrough all of our runs from the color of charity events and all of our continued VOD for this playthrough will be updated over there as well so you can watch it wherever you want thank you so much for being here the turnouts in the support for these darkest dungeon streams yet again have been fantastic I am loving this like hey I hope people don't just think I'm milking darkest dungeon for the content I love this game this game is so much fun for me and I haven't so thrilled with this color of madness DLC like the endless mode is genuinely so exciting for me I am really really thrilled that people are enjoying it as much as I am so it's awesome thank you all for being here thank you all so much for the support any dots because I'm jealous of your impending death it's for it thank you friend thank you very much June welcome to the pile as well thank you all thank you all for the support let me see if there's anybody streaming is that I can send the love off to you as well you know what I wonder can anybody tell me if care level 0 is still going with his long ass like thousand kill endless run right now because if he is I'd like to send it over there but if he's not I'll go ahead and raid the NL SS [Music] yeah I'm gonna finish for now I uh I'll be back with more darkest dungeon soon though soon enough I'm not gonna be able to stave the itch I think I'll just go ahead and send it off to rat last great wolf in the LSS let's send it off to Nick actually Nick's back for the unlesss today - let's do that raid rockleesmile go ahead and watch the LSS today folks thanks so much for tuning in again and sincerely appreciate all the support big-time love for the bear pile today discord dot GG / bear pile of course thank you - madrenas coffee as well for sponsoring every single stream here use exclam coffee save coat or save with code bear copy over on my dreams coffee comm / Barret Appy thanks for watching everybody I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 122,625
Rating: 4.8696361 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: PH-mbpnw_Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 2sec (6782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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