Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 9)

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quite nice okay cool I'll work that'll work oh and now again speaking of money I suppose I should go ahead and look and see if there's maybe some negative quirks we gotta get rid of on these guys perfectionist I suppose on the antiquarian was a pretty bad one so unless she's already doing stress removal elsewhere so never mind let's have a look here curious torn rotator those are both kind of nasty soft obviously sucks slow draws pretty bad too for the Hellion let's go ahead and get rid of one of those get rid of soft on her that seems good and then up upgrading the treatment award might be worthwhile at this point I've got plenty of trinkets there are plenty of heirlooms to do that or is not in the dungeon but rather inside the mine let's get rid of ashen also that is some nastiness lowering that resistance on both accounts there we go okay looking good let's head into the ruins and see if maybe we run we run into the thing from the stars here I think we got a good selection two trinkets and skills we're looking solid with this squad let's do it full stacks of food a couple of these don't really need any extra a hole or anti-venom I will bring some holy water a couple of keys don't leave that many torches I don't think and then shovels let's do two I think I've been up for over preparing on shovels recently this works let's go Crusader hype I'm ready for it I'm also ready for this fresh tasting madrenas I got mmm mmm oh yeah you know I just love to abused you with the wave of positive energy and sound form can the defiled be consecrated can the Fallen find rest tasty tasty cafe Oh ugly layout alright just a straight shot we'll start with a book good old books gotta love them yeah okay great thanks I was supposed to be a goof see how she does yeah that's pretty damn good how do you pronounce it caramel or caramel it's caramel caramel is nonsense it's a nonsense word did they buff books I hope so oh boy here we go starting off with a buckshot wow unsubbed fair enough there are two a's in caramel there's a K and Knight but you don't say can I do you not every letter is meant to be pronounced phonetically you say can I toke a my bad yeah I guess if that's if that's the way you want to do it [ __ ] I might oh [ __ ] from the Midwest I know what I'm talking about okay my bad that's right you call fountains bubblers so you guys clearly are on top of things yeah that's a real thing they do in Wisconsin they call water fountains bubblers that makes tons of sense doesn't it when you're in grade school you have to you ask the teacher hey can I go get a drink from the bubbler same with Boston in there does Boston do that too I forgot that was also a Boston thing Wisconsin is a different country at this point Oh perfect perfect NAT just what I wanted stun them up a hybrid welcome Wisconsin is South Canada I don't know if they'd really be too hurt by that at this point it might feel okay we're doing pretty well up there mmm that's too much stress I already got a deal with that goddamn dragger e how you doing oh the crit heal very nice and terrible all right gonna go for the stress heal even though I am embolden this guy hell yes I don't need to heal I think I'm still probably best best off trying to kill her bro its BAE welcome to the pile my friend bear hugs please for the newest member I appreciate the twitch friend subscriptions cynic blaze welcome on in how you doing little low he's a little low let's try to stun her there in the corpses obviously doesn't matter all that much oh my god really okay that's fine it's even better no need to heal I think I'd rather stun you are not quite dead so I guess this helps is this a little more torchlight - even if it doesn't kill him let's go for the stress he'll one more time it's gonna be slow going fun forgiving slow goings on the stress he'll but today's gonna be helpful at least and the heels there we go on the wrong person but that's fine yeah sure still even without bleeding that is a hell of a lot of damage to put out from the plague doctor so that feels good that is an improvement I'm sure her shrink is making a big difference - it's not gonna punish me right yeah we're good we're good we're good fine as the enemy crumbles this expedition at least promises success I don't have one craigory like so I'm not sure whether or not my mixer just does that I am I like I'm not confident enough and my knowledge of audio hardware to tell you whether or not my mixer actually takes care of what a preamp would do for me but I'm under the impression that it does but again I'm not a hundred percent confident of that have I ever done pitch-black dungeon I have it's terrible it's a nightmare I wouldn't recommend it hey bear what Kaba dog you know that answered little Desmond Kiessling you don't have it now you don't have a name like that and not know the answer to the question what coffee do I use to keep me fuel throughout my stream you liar oh yeah I guess so and I see [ __ ] knows me well slummin knows my preference actual Desmond Kiessling the legend he's here in the flesh I know he's just trying to wingman me I appreciate it let's see I don't think it's a good choice to try to stress he'll hear mated I think I understand I need to desperately attempts to prevent the curse as long as they want to use pre-digestion that's fine by me bear don't call my nephew a liar says Dan geez Ling's little brother all of Dan geez Ling's family is in chat right now say hi everybody the old fam cuz he's not busy today arm just everybody say hi you know what [ __ ] it yeah that's always fun - hi Chad hi everybody barré have been playing DDR normal for a while doesn't seem all that necessary to bring torches am i screwing myself I in the early game not necessarily I think it is entirely viable especially if you're feeling confident in particular compositions of teams to go torch listen to add to your you know to your spoils of war considerably that way because as I'm sure you're aware going in torch list does indeed give you more money more loot more good more goodies but you do increase the odds that you run into things like the Sham blur and enemies get stronger oh god damn it not again there we go Thank You camouflage cloak alright well that's what we get for stress healing hopefully it was worth it he is dead that's good let's maybe go for the crit here I guess damn I'm not gonna stun ya heels there's the incision all right it's done give me one more stress he'll please thank you thank you very much everyone knows kittens are the cutest unsurprisingly the opinion of kitten 74 let's make it democratic cats or dogs only one-word answers make it known right now eggs love it when you play darkest dungeon get Danny baited critics thank you very much for the $35 tip that's extremely generous both is an acceptable answer as well looking like a lot of cats I'm surprised yeah a pretty big cat preference in chat lots of dogs to cat dog oh yeah dad oh yeah no one found a with the wolf in the fur or baby was born in touch with those dürer will new blip no preapre will be knocking a little bit okay let us all partake in the Crimson curse yes thank you very much with a 15 dollar tip my friend certainly appreciate that as well thank you thank you for the find some fault what exactly is the difference between the normal stuff in a Twitter subscription for mayor freaky so if you're referring to a normal sub B like a YouTube subscription switches subs are paid so they are charged monthly and well I mean you've got the badge on so I think you probably know that by now but oh you have twitch prime as well are you asking if the prime subscriptions count the same as a normal sub because yes they do I still get compensated the exact same way the only difference is that you are not going to be automatically renewed with a twitch prime sub you got to do it yourself and of course doesn't cost you any money that's also a pretty important element another abomination cleansed from our lands I secretly want a panther you don't have to make that a secret that's a pretty pretty normal desire I'd say I'll be careful okay okay I gotta fix that I'm getting way too risky here there we go that's better and you know I'll give it a shot nice that'll do the music sounds weird every now and then people tell me that the music gets like [ __ ] up in this stream but it's only for two or three people at a time I have no idea what's causing that so I apologize if that's what's happening to you Roberto Pedro hey welcome back good to see you again do you think it's just the track it's entirely possible yeah I could yell again he's dead already if I want to try to super cheese this and he's already and making me feel like I need to do that as just unplug it there the corpses why not oh there's a distortion effect when I miss well that's probably it I didn't even know that pil hey crit hill nice green grizzly welcome very good very very very good ok I think he's already done no matter what we do I don't think that speed buff applies yet does it I'm pretty sure we have to wait until his next turn for that to take effect I was trying to do it before this takes off but no all right no all righty then sounds good [ __ ] now let's see here I think I'm just gonna get rid of this stuff for now I don't want to worry too much about the inventory management below yes then again the anti-venom is probably not worth all that much heirlooms are worth more than money for us for this particular run just because we made so much in the previous one with the antiquarian oh my god yes H so the twitch pride and subs will not renew as I mentioned so you gotta if you want to keep that up you just gonna have to come here and just hit the button real quick and then you'll be back on doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo nice yeah they really do want us all to get the curse I mean to be fair we did we did just get the tonic that cleared the curse off of all of our characters so perhaps the game is indeed you know massaging the odds a little bit to give us a few more interactions with these guys and I'd be okay with that I guess I think I'm gonna keep stress healing here actually I'm feeling like I can get away with it and that feels very good and I can lead these guys for sure holy crap the one shot incision kill from the [ __ ] plague doctor that'll work yay yeah cured all of my characters not just the one disease but of the current all the [ __ ] hurts as well speak of the devil smoothly what difficulty or deal cease do you recommend to kind of just start or just yellow it I recommend getting all the DLCs with it right now to be honest I think it's a fine experience with everything including the Crimson cord but I'm probably biased I'm heavily biased and trifling victory I'll take that victory nonetheless when I hang on to my keys well though so let's do as I mentioned I guess the money is worth less than anything else right now I'll take the bus to Val and let's get rid of the bandages for now I do have a plague doctor in case I absolutely need to address something like that so let's maybe rely on that literally provided voiceover for the Crimson Court part of the game so yeah I suppose maybe I'm a little bit biased about it just a touch hey there we go good been avoiding the first crimson court mission until I get some levels up to mess with the farmstead I think I'm kind of subconsciously doing the same truth be told oh my goodness who did I voice I did the Phanatic some of the other characters too I did just a bunch of grunts and weird sounds that were used and I think a couple of the bosses and the Baron right yeah the bear the bear and of course and the countess of course yes that was naturally me can I get to him but no I can't but I can do that there we go and then the stress healed again from the Crusader gonna go for the full heal there very very nice need to hear Wayne say begone thought you gotta check the official darkest dungeon Twitter because they got it there and it's good worth check him into everything you ever wanted be wary triumphant bride precipitates a dizzying four we still got plenty of food - which looks good why keeps super zooming me in on the map I'm not really any more dreary it was fun for a while but I kind of just lost interest in the indie after a bit not exactly my thing I'd still probably do it again if I had the right opportunity but just to try to do it every week was pretty difficult with everything else I was trying to maintain claustrophobia let's try to do better here there we go 25 golds and boo-boo perfect paid for in blood okay corrupted altar there it is I go through at least one more room battle I have a holy water for this it's gonna be treasure finding this stuff is only the first test mm-hmm must be carried home double iron maiden was interesting see I think I will go ahead and go through here obviously do I want to go all the way to the end of it though I kind of doubt it I'll probably just use a shovel here and then back up yay or no that's the musketeer in the back there mr. Wrenn that's the new character that was previously Kickstarter exclusive is now a free dlc for everybody a surprise attack again very nice let's see I think I'll go ahead and try to prevent this very nice stun again sure sleeping weapon for the bits and buckshot yeah definitely beautiful full control and hopefully we've got enough speed to not allow him to attack next he might still just do a stab anyway no good okay what's more likely to kill him this is only four five so it's this Dan how you doing good to have you again all the crits and the torchlight I'm gonna do a stress field for the torchlight actually let's do it noise no problem no problem nailed it Oh baby as Victory's mountain so too will resistance yes please I will take that gimme gimme gimme are bolused only unfortunately so the musketeer can't use it but that's still very nice it's the plenty of food as well torches flying all right just get through this use the campfire more good probably good to go [ __ ] okay another surprise let's do let's student in bolting vapor allowing to act first so we can get at least maybe at least one kill hopefully to stun is very good maybe it's night to get the once sick a fan come on come on come on crit crit alright what does this do for me worth it totally worth it thank you buff it's extremely unlikely that I get someone else thirsted here especially because I stun him already I might just have to go for straight damage on him now god damn it don't do it don't do it don't do it thank you sniper shot please getting lucky definitely this okay smite will kill for sure one shot at him actually okay fantastic amend the damage come on snipe come on I think maybe I've made some poor choices here now no okay okay that's fine that's acceptable pop a group heal we're good to go good to go no problem I also expected you to get the curse stuff claw yeah I'm very surprised by that result why did I do that wrong move was supposed to do the blind fire oh god this is my fault I'm sorry oh I'm sorry oh god it's horrible damnit success so clearly and Bude or is it merely a trick of the light I will indeed go ahead and camp out now there we go and I'm gonna keep the food for a hunger tile self Medicaid is fine let's go for a zealous vigil no well yeah that's probably good let's do that prevent the ambush that way clean musket now let's do marching plan for the speed boost and then encourage the vestal okay cool very good in radiance may we find victory should be able to get to the end pretty cleanly here huh oh boy furious is the Treblemakers art is advocacy on witnessed by his own arm mm-hmm okay this is less likely to be necessary so let's dump it for for crests the smart thing to do it's gonna be in the very last room the very last room of the very last hall and I must have the blood oh just kidding there it is yay we did it one more thing just touch it just touch it there we go and then just quick justit's just to see just to see all right all right I can deal with that no [ __ ] problem man not an issue not an issue there we go brought to the front easy kill coming up no further stress necessary enemy team we got it Oh lessening the stress in fact is exactly what we'll be doing for the entirety of the remainder of this fight no crits for them miss in fact every single time stress heals all day here we go beautiful group he'll give me that crits give me that crap oh he's unhappy that's gonna add stress okay never mind I guess we're just gonna get the [ __ ] out of here that cuz that's not gonna be good that is no bueno I suppose we're kind of just doing this the way I'd be doing it anyway yay and all right garbage trash the torchlight matters anymore I suppose oh that that's too much that's too much damage I don't like that very much somebody drop a bear w please does somebody have a bear W for me can I get uh can I get a bear W can I get a picture of bear W there it is like oh thank you oh man this is actually working actually doing it well that's not enough though he's got one fair optimal yours holy [ __ ] we really didn't lower our stress pretty well here I got to print out a bear smiling yay these nightmarish creatures well we felt they can't be beaten oh that's terrible oh it's awful god damn it all right well we did all we could there we go the ultra gay dude hi good to have you not bad not bad not bad hey that is awesome for her holy [ __ ] yay fantastic musketeer quirk all right well a couple more the curse unfortunately but could be worse I guess curse could be worse The Cove is ready for us is the thing from the stars away too long with the sodding crew hmm first of all do I need to recover from anything here not really I could probably just leave these guys be I think I've got a decent amount of blood as well so I'll probably be okay with that let's see first of all stagecoach another bust or two and a musketeer hmm I'll probably need one I'll go ahead and grab another one of these which one's better ruins folk ruins tactician a god-fearing Vestal you know what that's appropriate let's get her a sister of Babel pious and unrelenting mods please go ahead and toss submode on for me we'll reset the raffle here and draw our newest member of the roster I've done it to you as a I am guilty of the same ex clamor Apple and the chat if you'd like to be considered for this drawing the new member of the roster have your name immortalized and then be killed immediately more than likely the necromancer pagan talisman damage against the fanatic could be nice get the bonus damage against the ruins foes as well this is an opportunity to actually root level people up pretty quickly too for if I want what kind of team can I put together for this you wanna do a vestal almost certainly will battle vessel could be fun here actually although I don't have the profane Scrolls so maybe I don't necessarily want to do that let's go with Crusader abomination grave robber Vestal that seems pretty good I like that and to rename this vessel down here go ahead and draw real fast our winner is Seoul tech Seoul tech 64 congratulations my friend welcome on into the roster rigged will get you your new stuff eventually take a quick peek at the new stuff there - okay gonna quit ball sore if I rarity good to go let's just check into the guild and blacksmith real fast again we do have quite a bit of money right now so it's certainly worthwhile to make sure we've got all those things taken care of Bam Bam can't get up to rank for just yet nothing that really matters I think for anybody get them up where we can get them and then the guild actually might have a ways to go for the upgrades yeah there we are nice a strict regimen this power amount if one is to master the brutal arithmetic of combat definitely gonna be taking these upgrades here big bonuses for the for the Crusader for everybody else actually in fact - this is gonna be really nice I'm okay with this bulwark of faith might actually get some use this time and I'm just gonna go and go for the full upgrade regardless on the abomination grave-robber might actually get the exact same treatment this is a boost to her crit mod chance and the yeah basically everything here for this one lunge upgrade throwing the dagger upgrade and then shadow fade upgrade to nice and then the vestal of course got to give her that cool alrighty well they're using all my money yep they're all gone bye-bye money it was fun having you for a little while that was a treat see you later we'll definitely go for the swordsman's crest again maybe even the Warriors bracer seems like a fun combination for him abomination absolutely gonna go with the Osmond chains as well as the baby dismisses head for him actually I could definitely see that getting a lot of use in the grave robbers let's give that to her lowers her speed apparently why does she have lower speed what Oh huh cool ok yeah [ __ ] it why not and then well in that case I guess I'll just give this to you that's a fine bonus and um sure I could do better than this then right how about a feather crystal for my Vestal and then just give her the bloodthirst ring this is pretty good then basically intrinsic trinkets yeah and this is a fine trip like I'm happy with this boost Naturals great in the early game yeah definitely that looks like it was on there early I wonder if I just didn't even notice well alright then cool looks good to me I think I might even go ahead and use poison darts this time to pick to the face and points poison darts to a couple with the damage from the bee smile yeah the abomination is actually useful now you can break them out into the religious compositions so it's pretty damn sweet three shovels ought to do it I'll bring a few holy water this time and some keys torches bandages a couple of herbs for fun alright let's go kill ourselves a necromancer baby i under tamed a delegation of experts from overseas eager to plumb the depths of their knowledge and share with them certain techniques and our chemical processes i had found to yield wondrous and terrifying results having learned all I could from my visiting guests I murdered them as they slept [ __ ] losers a devil walks these holes only the mad or the desperate go in search of him pranks just the prank bro he said is he stabbing them in their sleep finding the stuff is only the first test local man ruins everything at least it's not Florida man for once right geez murdered in your sleep noob spawn camps it's pretty lame ancestor he was a bit of an [ __ ] pretty gigantic [ __ ] actually he was a pretty large gaping [ __ ] I mean he single-handedly brought the destruction of humanity upon us via Eldridge [ __ ] and secret combinations in the night but maybe he's got some redeeming factors stay hydrated welcome to the doc doc $2.99 welcome into the pile of my friend thank you for subscribing crits subs for crits also scientifically proven hell [ __ ] yes oh goodness this team this team is out for blood baby let's do it let's do it epic sleepover prank gone wrong that's a great name for the clip oh [ __ ] alright let's try this we've disposed of the injection perfectly smile opportunity actually if it had landed there we go now what work doesn't make a ton of sense here 70 against 130 pretty sure I just smite and that's a lot of damage holy [ __ ] dodge it thanks miss it Oh already I think we lunge I think I made the right decision oh you only needs one more damage well let's get it here oh my goodness yay and he's unstuff right oh my god this team this team is doing work what flawless turn order as well wow this is being handed to me so far easy peasy lemon squeezy cruel machinations bring to life problem I got extra food for that oh hell yes it's the god run I can deal with this again no problem yeah baby oh my goodness it's all going so swimmingly do it again oh man alright fair enough can't have it all Dodge I can't have it all I can't and we'll have it all dodge again ah damn it alright maybe I should heal him now yeah I guess I guess I'll go ahead and heal him strong me forgive me go then enough on you oh it's almost there not quite knock him out mom said knock you out then we aren't give him a stress yell to Bradley just to give them an extra little boost bringing down a zilch flowing that are close to that anyway all right he's gonna tick off and die you go go ahead and give him an absolution manage the bleed a little bit I don't think I need any help from others for damage on this guy that's why I'm feeling confident about that so let's do it nice hey if I donate my soul can i well donate my soul you give it a try twitch certainly accepts a lot more forms of currency like bits like bits for example from doc $2.99 [Music] thank you for the biddies my friend very kind of you I appreciate it take those I need the portraits so let's just rid ourselves of some debuffs I suppose and then do this anything I don't know why I thought it was no soul still owned by Steam did you check the the new feature on Steam to see whether or not they actually own your soul now it's lots of fun no saw Bitcoin ATM and the mall the other day had to keep myself from wondering what the [ __ ] out loud tone seems bent on preventing passage those were all over the place in Vegas man it's happening it's happening you gotta get in or get left behind good night hi did I miss something you missed the train to pick your neck baby if only treasure could staunch our shadows mmm don't make me regret this don't make me regret that please please don't do it don't you do it game loot box coin it has absolutely no guaranteed value what's up what's up what's up what's up pick an egg secret room incoming I know it's a guarantee oh okay this is fine this is fine this is manageable I got blight oh wait no they've got the blight resistance that's right they also have stun resistance you dumb idiot nice dodge okay let's do some big damage right away doo doo doo doo stun time yes 170 resistance I think I'll be able to manage that thank you for not blinding me that could have been a lot more damage thank you if you want to get free money just yell blockchain at people in suits make sure that you yourself are wearing a fedora though while you're doing it [Music] drinking a hot tea the blood quickens baby dude dude dude holy [ __ ] look at that mega Pepe you almost got the whole thing in there I like my fedora there's nothing wrong with wearing a fedora if you like wearing a fedora ain't gonna hate I'm just saying it it fits the bill died almost got the nine parter yeah I got damn got blocked by blockchain cats that's a very 2018 sentence there's the stain the stain the stun there's the stain on my record ah [ __ ] one more stress you and I think so there's collectible blockchain cats you can breed and buy for aetherium triumphant pride precipitates I am zero percent surprised by that I'm sure it's a revolution in the making don't maybe you don't make me regret this Oh magna [ __ ] on treat me kindly I don't need a shovel for the remainder of the dungeon right that's clearly the case at this point come on come on now come on now we're gonna go this way you got the Scout no shovel no shovel no show oh my god of course at least it wasn't a shovel use the Crusader as a shovel that'd be my first option all right got a stun again is it this guy Val you know what maybe just damage one more of those will do it lunch they do have protection this is probably worth it this might we'll do it man I'm sure I'm not gonna stun these guys and the Beast bile isn't kind of unlikely but I'll give it a try give it a whirl nope all right just makes manacles sodium good even if it can't stun I think I should just take the damage from it please please please thank you all right all right a little bit of Mattie McConaughey let's kill you okay maybe a big ol heal lunge looks very good actually the crit chance is not terrific though I think I might actually be better off doing something like this that damn protection man go for this again top them off now as I said I think I'll just take the damage from the manacles here fine by me don't bleed him don't do it don't do it thank you he's dead finish you just avoid one more come on come on come on yes beautiful lovely hot place and we got it blossoms all right I definitely don't have herbs for this right yeah I'm gonna dump these bandages for the Emerald I may be the gold man don't threw the Emerald now they the goal for now anyway Wow her to check this out yeah hey oh boy okay good stuff walk all the way through that hallway campfire afterward after we've disarmed the trap and cleared out these enemies here we go another bit of protection piercing that has been very very helpful actually let's go for the stun there maybe try the judgment crit that's a lot of damage actually okay that's very good smite will probably be enough for the bone conscript I need to give him a self heal if I get the opportunity yeah definitely oh boy yeah nine damage from the conscript okay they really hate the abomination thank you thank you very much disadvantage give them no taste of your own medicine a bad doesn't taste good there we go and again with this all right close later on [ __ ] thanks for hanging out man big for the boosts to the the code for us there again guys 60% off on your madrenas take advantage through the end of the month oh yes good [ __ ] good [ __ ] let's do that Bear Cathy's for slo-mo please give us the coffee salud and there we go yep do that keep the heels keep the heels beautiful Eldridge welcome in you have found your home I think this is a fitting place for you I don't drink coffee where's my madrenas hot cocoa I think that's an untapped market I think we got something going there bear I made you a block chain ah that's cute we'll put it up right on the refrigerator this expedition at least promises success okay there we go switch it all up I don't have a key for that obviously yeah thank you try it well well she's gonna recover that right here anyway right totally okay back we go look at these noobs saying he's not gonna use the camp like I haven't done this before these losers what kind of ute we're gonna use the camp guys come on come on all right stress is looking fine the quickening seems like a very good option here bless also quite nice I'll give that to her for sure I don't have to prevent the ambush but it might very well be my best option anyway reducing stress across the party could be quit pretty good too though you know what I'll take the chance I'll take the chance on the ambush here then we got nothing else to do there we go no I don't have holy lance equipped [ __ ] okay time to transform yay you know what just died so close lunge is not good let's just finish him there we go that's nice hopefully she goes first so she can just shuffle back there it is and the one-shot kill no problem well transform down almost certainly just heal him here cuz I've got so much control game at this point yay so doc I can barely see barely bear upon take a shot don't don't play that game that's a bad game to play not here you'll die sweet remind yourself that overconfidence oh my god and insidious killer of course we get the friggin extra battle here to bear in mind you will die yeah exactly way to set the pace spiders oh Jesus Oh God how they stayed alive out of here outta here as victories mount so too will resistance miss me with that weak [ __ ] there we go all right all set to go better than maggots seriously okay I think we're ready necromancer is gonna require basically the same stuff we've been using I couldn't use Ellis in place of bulwark it's probably a better better idea I would actually equip holy Lance if I had it but it's not really necessary I don't remember what kind of blight resistance he's got but I'll give that a try okay let's do it necromancy stun lads are terrible I think I'll go ahead and just transfer him right away buzz light skin and kind of down for a while but he's helped a lot keep on keepin on thank you but I really do appreciate that it's been it's been helpful for me too it's been a symbiotic relationship I appreciate you guys hanging out these nuts nice Oh baby with the blight just with the blight resistance debuff - that is [ __ ] phenomenal I'm willing to give this another try fry still my best play no problem a little bit of extra stress no big deal no big deal combat ruins music is so awesome all the new music is so good as well all the stuff from the DLC has been fantastic I'm just gonna go for damage [ __ ] it 27 they gotta let his rake try to take care of most of the spawns and then keep stacking that Hades I do remember you now just cuz you asked me last time so congratulations on your persistence no dammit well I do have rake still the handle those I guess okay now let's just keep going for damage again nice going quite well and that is obviously not really gonna change what we do here yeah let's just do that beautiful very glad I equipped zealous for this the corpses are probably going to be the biggest concern but I'm really hoping that I just end up getting enough damage from the backline now Oh that'll help Jesus Christ yeah this is doing just fine my list is bigger than yours shopping list versus shopping list don't do it nice nice perfect almost killed the shield-wall almost killed the bulwark here one of these days there we go we got it and another stack of this definitely gonna get us close nice zealous we'll kill them no need to heal the judgments have been on point all these shits this will kill let's go this is this has been like flawless beautiful beautiful result and purpose is made clear love it transform down [Applause] selphie Oh it is live Adam hi they sure well they sure [ __ ] will Wayne welcome to the Japanese puffs welcome to the pile thanks for someone with twitch Prem I appreciate it well obviously we got to take the blueprint I think I may end up doing this and that I like that if we did let me hold on a second here there we go great awesome and let's go see if we can maybe grab a key from this I'm willing to chance the The Hunger activation because all it is all it's gonna be is just a little bit of extra stress at this point I can still just leave of course but I want to check that last curio to see if there's maybe maybe maybe maybe a key front to be found within there I am very happy with a - eldritch yeah I was very fortunate that Red Hook provided me with those wings you notifications all right well my truth could be alright hmm we'll do that and then go back to the secret room oops go on go on yeah hook me up with them juicy wieners baby I don't think I want to fight for the key you know I think I'd rather have I think I'd rather leave in the condition that I'm in with these guys because we're in really great shape right now I'll just pop this and see what we get all right perfectly acceptable result there that necromancer fight was clean as hell and we got a Jude tapestry out of it so that's pretty good not to mention the blueprint obviously in 11 [ __ ] experience yeah these guys are gonna be ready to go wasting sickness bad humors alright so we'll have to get rid of both of those perfection and style we got to get rid of that too bummer oh my life I could feel an insistent knowing in the back of my mind it was a yearning of discovery that could be neither numbed nor sated I kind of want to lock in natural but I don't think I'm gonna do that I do want to lock in Slugger but I know that's really goddamn expensive yeah so maybe not let's just get rid of perfectionist for now and then get rid of these diseases as well wasting sickness and bad humors there we go good stuff bad humors what is this the NL SS God big-time got him wolf stings ah let's see here a cultist how does that look not all that tempting I think I'm gonna I'm gonna save the spots down there I'd love another leper if I could manage it we got the other one killed didn't we we sure did we got my that's right we got them both killed we add to Nelly oh no we have zero what fun it's a shot me hey welcome ah let's see here head to the cove kill the sodden crew I think maybe we go to the farmstead but I really want to get this squad ready to go for that I might send that same crew actually once these guys are all ready to go next week I think I might send these guys out to the to the mill or fight that sounds like fun so then if that's gonna be the case let's fight the cove boss shall we the sodden crew that sounds like fun who shall we send out for that hmm what about I don't want to do a bleed team necessarily the play doctor could work I suppose let's put her in there let's grab the occultist actually although I don't know actually about sending an occult is level zero again into a boss fight probably not the smartest thing in the world how about we do the vessel instead and then maybe not a plague doctor well though the plague doctor could still work let's see what our options are let's do a Hellion up front in a man and arms maybe not a lot of damage if we do that let's see what about the musketeer or the árboles one of those two that seems good let's do the level one musketeer let's try to get here like ranked up a little bit more alrighty I like it I like it I like it I like it tried to do the Miller with a level 3 group I got white yeah I'm pretty concerned about it man I'm I'm trying my best to get us set up to handle that fight properly so hopefully I'll be able to do so ok this squad looks acceptable although you know what no now that I think about it if I want the incision plague doctor that's not gonna work very well in the cove so let's not do that here I think I've got to have her in spot maybe even in spot for actually and allow the vessel and spot 3 might be a little bit better and in this case I think the man-at-arms may very well be my like my only option unless I want to go hound master and then maybe do something like the self heal the guard dog take out hounds hairy in favor of the blackjack and then I guess that's it which is fine this is a good skill set as well it's just I don't have anything to take advantage of the hounds rush with I can mostly be a control helm master and it's not terrible yeah all right first time you see the musketeer yeah me too actually since I downloaded it nothing here I think I already checked that didn't I all right let's go ahead and do this squad I guess the sirens not all that threatening I don't think I need that strong of a roster to herd that strong of a squad to be able to handle it rank up everybody we can hear let's go to the guild as well make sure they're all set to go we got that's maybe use iron swan yeah it's probably better barbaric yawp - I think these four good to go with this make sure all these skills are ranked up yes sir get that bat fat in that thank you very much for this appreciate it and Battlefield medicine for sure along with the noxious or the blinding gas I mean good stuff okay change your skills out we're gonna go with this we're gonna go with and Bolton Lee vapors actually is a pretty good idea through the battlefield medicine for sure as well and I kinda have blinding gas so maybe I won't do embolden thing vapors but I really like that buff we might even need it now because we don't have a ton of damage as I mentioned okay there we go the Hellion still lives indeed somehow yes I'm on week 29 right now the Hellion will be receiving some buffs to keep her alive as well hopefully although maybe the dismiss his head choice is the best for her no bleeding pendant this time of course I think I'll give her the Warriors bracer along with dismisses head hound master with a cudgel wait of course pagan talisman not really gonna be helpful right now I think I might give him the camouflage cloak actually the recovery charm is probably again good for him because he's got his self heal I think I like that quite a bit youth chalice is fine on the vestal I suppose gives her an extra seven hit points and then let's give her the blood thirst ring to finally plague doctor not gonna have the bloodier at this time I'll give you the feather crystal and the camouflaged look that's fine all it's the crew not the siren oh okay well that's slightly more intimidating but also not really that big of a deal I think we'll be fine I think we'll be okay do I need to get a camping skill for anybody the heli and I suppose could use one in battle trance is really yeah I mean it would be nice I'll take it yeah I'll spend the money I'll spend the cash bamboo okay let's go let's do it shall we oft kill the crew we'll get three herbs couple of keys should I bring the age of scale I don't think it's necessary I wanna hang on to those as long as I can to holy waters for holy waters for the boss fight just to be a little bit safer I did forget blood whoops rude and so I undertook to receive my most curious deliveries by way of marine shipments a sheltered jetty was accessible by a narrow stone stair off the back of the manor and a discreet system of pulleys could hoist even the heaviest prizes up the rock face from a securely tied dinghy below he said dinghy the poor devil oh [ __ ] chained and drowning for eternity oh she's already craving that's not good well let's see what happens I guess nothing I can do just kind of hope we get some just gotta find some blood I'm sure we'll run into one of those groups of buggers at some point in here whom the treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly that's close all right she's gonna be a little upset gonna be stressing us out quite a bit here to unfortunately see what we can do preventing stress is still fairly important even though there's a lot of vulnerabilities in this squad one thing we don't have to worry about too much is the lack of stunt options because we definitely have those in abundance so that's nice control options certainly provide us with ways to win really do you like the embalming vapors here too I think that's going to give us a pretty big boost that should be enough Oh blossom she'll Reeve is definitely a cop if you're a cop II don't have to tell us don't worry about it I'll keep your secret oh my god it actually bled a miracle and so feel for no reason but it actually helped holy [ __ ] success so clearly I didn't bring blood I'm a fool or is it merely a trick of the light or is he perhaps he's saving inventory perhaps it's a next level brilliant strat blinding the things that can't be blinded rock the funk that's gotta be a welcome back to the bear pile right man thank you very much for the subscription enjoy your badge memos buddy and atom IQ not as so no but still something I guess absolutely man thank you very much I appreciate it thank you for the support it's for crits I was hoping not quite bail please all right all right they even real-life I did wash my hands after killing the net I promise I swear I did no that was actually I killed like five Nets it was horrible let's go ahead and do that against a lichte mean yeah properly like a bear does alright that's a fine target I guess saying that genocide goodness this is already proving problematic let's go for the range kill I guess now let's actually go for that much better heal her for sure okay thanks and try this one you ever get a mouthful of gnats while riding a bicycle that would require me to go outside recently which is something I haven't really been privy to but I do I'm familiar with the feeling not the feeling of going outside that's new to me now all right off we go what is outside it's a new game they keep patching it they keep trying to make it better but they somehow just keep making it worse it's being destroyed slowly ambushed but you know whatever the devs sound dumb they're doing their best they are pretty stupid a new series bear plays outside if I ever do IRL streams where I'm just walking around outdoors that is what I'm gonna call it as I've already played inside on YouTube so I might as well do the proper sequel right yeah there you go try to Yamal somewhere on the same wavelength seems like a dog biscuit fight enough that is enough beautiful please die double stun love it outside doesn't have a Korean translation so I gotta give it a negative review right now timely lul current events and let's do that did we do a golden Kappa check I don't think we did it go to check yeah golden Kappa check go ahead and do a golden cabbage check get that adrenaline rush please please please please please let me do it bear walks chugs the ending of the trilogy [Music] those are always an adventure true dat the creator of outside abandoned it a long time ago the community releases regular updates but they don't really seem to know what they're doing and it's getting buggy ER by the day fairly accurate yeah Oh God for the whole quest can I just use an herb on that no wonder she's so susceptible blows you really hate the seasonal events especially winter winter can [ __ ] off I don't know why they decided to patch that in to goddamn cold hey I like winter buddy I guess different strokes for different different strokes different strokes for different strokes that's why I meant to say hey at least we're not craving blood anymore that's a bonus you're craving food though what are we talking about we're talking about outside the new game from the makers of humanity and air comes outside you don't have to play it but if you don't you're dead that's stun everybody let's fail it's done anyone there we go welcome to the pile my friend thank you for subscribing bear-hugs please in the chat and Rugg the funk whenever I think I pulled myself away from my darkest dungeon addiction you come along and pull me right back you goddamn right welcome on back in man thank for the mideast die not enough I would have been with the bleed ha damn it Hey yup yeah definitely up chat replace at darkest dungeon quote with but winner gets a hug I like this game butts are a slow and insidious killer I beat you to it I beat you to it you can't do that one but to the pin back to the bus both variants acceptable yes I suppose overconfidence is a slow and insidious but is also acceptable yet I love that I always wondered what became of that unfortunate little but this expedition at least promises success [ __ ] you dumb [ __ ] I needed that clarity in a single but curious is the butts art it's advocacy witness before my very eyes I don't know what the quote is I tried monstrous size has no intrinsic merit unless of course inordinate but be considered a virtue that but is broken maintain the offensive this expedition promises but yes it sure does these are [ __ ] amazing this is a good game I think everyone wins this game slowly gently this is how a but is taken oh my god I think that might be the winner a handsome but for a task well perform the slow but unprecedented on this was a good idea this was a very good idea [Laughter] PACS laden with but unforeseen unforgiving a powerful bot I will do anything for but a death by but I'm already getting on top of it now yep don't make me regret it I know you will I [ __ ] know you will a but by inches also acceptable yeah ancient BOTS lie in the log ones [ __ ] thirsting for blood yeah there's one furious is the trap makers art his but unwitnessed by his own boxes okay I think I've played the joke out to its faithful land but it was good while it lasted can we pronounce a winner finding the stuff is only the first test how it must be carried home I still think it's we want more we want more butts goddamnit oh here we go alright that old metal shift our attention on a dime wanted that's a fine start to ok lets Bolden our fellows and lady fellas let's see here dog treat maybe 145 on 100 give it a try yes oh my god here we go here we go big money baby come on Chris that's good that's good I think I emboldened again to allow her to act first in the third round 17 get the bleep there we go there we go come on she's got +6 speed don't you let him go first don't you [ __ ] do it collectors tough collectors a tough one in me see chat you talk about butts and then an [ __ ] collector appears but we wiped him so I mean it all worked it worked out pretty well didn't it the butts prepare to feast there we go I thought that fight would never end the little penguin clean as hell Thank You buddy for the biddies appreciated how quickly the buck turns can you please make that a highlight could you please make that a highlight I think you can oh no it highlights REI that was thinking clips my bad yeah I'll make that a highway if I remember Zoo new ZG welcome to the bear pile thank you for something with twitch crime they are hugs please in the chat thank you very much for the sport he's done that'll help yob perhaps i think so welcome to the but pile I don't know about that I got to keep my branding straight call it the collector is a hard fight electric boogaloo just the sequel right okay spec collector it just wasn't ready bear I was distracted by all my cool skulls that's that's understandable collector you do have some cool skulls spend a little longer down in hell looking at him alright he's done she's probably gonna bleed from this because of that debuff oh wow look then alright probably not gonna stress heal he's already done so just do what I can I guess there we go what's it like being cool bear I don't know why fast J Smith ot I never figured it out myself these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten I unfortunately am mark of Raven yeah hobo goblin why were the bear pile thanks for subscribing I appreciate and enjoy your badge and emotes buddy well come on in there we go there we go and boom BAM got it hacks laden with loot are often low on supplies sweet of course of course I thought maybe for a second I hadn't actually dumped off the keys but lo would be old I don't know keys Eldridge father bear Bob my friend a foursome with wit brown bear hugs pleasing the pile appreciate the support thank you very much good to have you home Bo saving me dog treat obviously still let's go for this get the guy in the back if we can that's a lot of stress brings there to the front goodness she's just gonna have to move I think all right at least there's that and go for the one shot on the gatekeeper if I'm not getting another an invitation that yes it is helpful and we can hire an Swan him although I did I guess he doesn't really need it does if I can get this to land nope nevermind there you go glad I did that zero damage with her turn that was really effective back to the bought yield up yay wow she has zero stress never mind yucky the but the promise of safety or alternatively the light the promise of but also good it is cool Wyatt Yeti welcome everybody glad to have you here kill it yes seize this momentum eat it up yum-yum Hong to the tasks and eat up yum yum yum take that go away let me crest I'll just do this and this doesn't work but that does cool that'll do butts in a maze no I don't have orbs oh well only digested fish inside she says perfectly usable resource dude how many viewers do you think are people jonesing for an NL SS fix all of them the only time anyone ever watches me in ways when NL isn't live but he's gone for a week so I got you suckers to myself all the views are mine I'm just joking I'm just kidding I don't feel that bad about myself I have confidence in my entertaining I can [ __ ] I can entertain good I'm good at it I'm real good at it guys I'm funny as the light gains purchase the spirits are lifted and for a business mate I'm really I'm really calm confident and I'm more confident that I'm good at streaming think thanks for watching my money broadcast it's nice to have you ok there's a thousand people haha jeez oh jeez as victories mount so too will resistance why do I want to do hang on shovels we'll try it actually I don't need any of this [ __ ] I'll take the portrait but I will need to slot eventually because I am totally gonna find a key somewhere right I'm totally gonna find one it's gonna happen guaranteed welcome Jayden Jones watch your step watch your step Kayden key god damn it the way England the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it watch your butt also good yes um yes couting no more battles please oh I don't know man Savin them do I let's let her do it yay that's convenient wow that really didn't gates that doesn't it then we do this perfect oh my god we're doing it we're actually doing it making it happen just don't give me any more battles give me a key give me a key give me a key give me a key oh the match is struck a blazing star is born okay oh nice Oh II don't even your herbs [ __ ] all right just in case on the extreme off chance that we end up getting an herb from the boss fight I'll go ahead and leave that there a blazing bot is born I guess we do need a bunny mode now I think I'll get banned if I do that though no butts allowed no one's allowed to have a but without kindling without stress relief obviously is nice here I'd like to get some good buffs going on no I got pass on sanctuary oh well I guess no that's not gonna remove the crimson curses if that be a little too strong let's go with therapy dog hmm I think I've battled trance arpan spear just to make her a beast then that's and then bless on her as well I guess and that's pretty damn good okay cool if I get ambushed the light the promise of safety good stuff let's go bear Brown is superior to bear brown bear Brett bear but I agree I concur alright let's do this [ __ ] I think we're ready no need for that go for the if it bleeds I suppose I really should have ranked that up I guess I can't rank that up anymore can I yeah guard dog is good please those and I suppose incision could work here and I can swap these positions okay let's do that he's got some bleed resist suppose that was to be expected all right then well emboldening vapors is very helpful still I can do that from every position and she can still incision from here that's quite nice definitely use a dog treat right away and I think I'll just hit him now yep that'll do that's a fine start what do you got alright nice no need to heal I should have used my holy water I guess to stun odds are pretty good cool I should try to kill him I should have tried to kill him before he did that but I suppose now is as good a time as any well pop the holy water for her as well don't work oh my God look at those busts for her holy [ __ ] she's feeling good pull there forward fine with me let's not kill him yet let's go for this damage 27 hmm that seems good tons of damage on this guy already Wow I didn't land that unfortunately I think I'll just go for judgment instead of attempting another stun there although he doesn't have his resistance anymore oh I think that was worth a try anyway eldritch bits for butts beautiful oh my god that dodge that's pretty helpful nice Wow alright GG we got it oh my wits oh he [ __ ] he's done he's dead a little bit of stress for us no big deal see you later buddy easy easy all right well we didn't get an herb here so I guess just go out and interact bam bam all right we got enough for one more food activation so let's go ahead and head out to that secret room real fast as we ought to do took we take one damage oh my god yeah we have full health now literally full health oh boy yeah I can't forget about that either I guess huh uh it'll all be on YouTube yeah chill Reve this is all gonna be part of the series that's coming up on YouTube already all the VOD is up there so you can actually one percent expect that no keys oh well littering gold trinkets and baubles paid for in blood good [ __ ] [Music] solid stuff they're actually a decent trinket as well we can get some use out of this of course going into the into the good old-fashioned courtyard yippee paid foreign but yeah that is a pretty good one too we love adventure and a Slugger I got to go for that battle vessel at some point I love that we dug for months years an eternity and we were rewarded with madness very very good okay first of all toss all these failures out of here let's see what I need to take care of first of all sort by stress I guess kids Spindler might be the only one all right that's fine any disease doesn't look like it just in curse a drift mark how you doing check the stagecoach one last time here another gesture or two do I want that I think it might be a good idea I've only got the one at level zero right now why obviously would like to rank up if either of these guys have anything particularly good I think I might get him this guy's looking pretty good he's a kleptomaniac Belle unfortunately I can grab him and then get rid of his klepto and then he's a pretty damn good option I think I'll do that let's do that you will be laughing still at the end please mods if you'll be so kind as to do one final raffle for us here and we'll rename with fart and as we do that I will go ahead and say hey guys thanks for watching today's stream I certainly appreciate it we've been live for about four hours so I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up for today I will rename this final gesture as well and as we're doing this I just want to say thank you so much again for all the incredible support for the return to darkest dungeon here has been fantastic big thanks of course to madrenas coffee you can now use the code bare coffee for the remainder of June and save 60% over on madrenas coffee comm slash bear taffy use that bear coffee coat it's always super fun thank you guys I appreciate a minute let's go ahead and do this final draw for the final winner it's gonna be lokor Congrats el loco or congratulations my friend you are our jester there you go done done done all right well then that'll do it for me today everybody thank you again so much for tuning and I sincerely appreciate it I'm gonna see if there's anybody you can send the rain love off to as well I know there's no N LSS today but we'll see if there's somebody else also of course big thank you to my newest sponsor better help I really want to sincerely and wholeheartedly recommend that if it is something that you've considered counseling or therapy but you've for whatever reason not been able to get it or find it better help is a an excellent resource that I've been using myself convenient affordable they offer financial aid for those who qualify as well use the link provided by exclamation point help in the chat and I check out better help I encourage you to do so thank you very much for joining me everybody I'm gonna send the raid love off over the last gray wolf playing some Dark Souls today thank you very much for joining and I will be back with more color of madness and our Miller fight it looks like very soon more than likely tomorrow in fact so I'll hopefully see you back here for that thanks for watching I'll see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 69,423
Rating: 4.9205298 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: fEBxF5pJkXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 31sec (5731 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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