Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: Black Reliquary (Ep. 3)

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hi youtube welcome on back episode three darkest dungeon black reliquary going on back into the catacombs here with a mixed level squad trying to get folks prepped up for our first boss run have eventually nicholas hi youtube appreciate the seven months let's do it i think we're ready i think we got it trinkets are all set up squads ready going for the arbalest's sturdy grease which don't really matter honestly i've been paying a ton of attention to the rewards which is you know typically the case something unique to this one though of course as mentioned just now we gotta bring a bunch of torches to try to take advantage of this illumination skill get a lot of damage from that i guess i could have gone for the camping skills on these guys too but i don't think it's really that big of a concern yet i wish i didn't have to bring the anti-venom i wish i had the option of leaving it behind but since i'm gonna bring it i might as well bring a full stack well i guess that is kind of just a waste of money i've been trying to trying to be a little bit more conservative i suppose with my cash i'll bring like a couple of each of these i guess the cleansing salts i've almost never used so i don't know probably not gonna get a lot of value out of those i'm pretty okay with bringing two full stacks of food especially because that's really cheap i'm liking bringing the archaeology kits i'm gonna bring at least three of those uh two keys just in case we get a secret room again this time i've learned my lesson about that and i probably shouldn't worry about bringing bandages i've got battlefield medicine if i absolutely need it which actually i think i'm going to go ahead and swap this for that blinding gas i'm using quite a bit less these days so okay cool that'll do let's hit it i'm missing anything right think we're good i'm missing a quick sip of my cold brew that's what i'm missing there's that energy there's the flavor sloth burglar he's ruined 26 months people let us see what they have left behind okay i gotta say it feels like for the most part in this mod there are very few poor uh layouts the maps ah that's not that great like usually the layouts are uh i didn't bring shovels i knew i forgot something man son of a [ __ ] that was fast immediate punishment the darkness will not impede us we are the flame all right well hopefully i find one and um and or i can scout out the rest of the dungeon and maybe avoid shovel paths for the whole thing but probably not i'm gonna go ahead and put those odds at slim i gotta make sure i don't miss any curios or interactions in the background here either i've been prone to do that dope stone and lion 30 months on the pile well come on back in appreciate you yeah we'll do the cleansing salt here sounds good should reduce some stress nice good effect there i think for the bear hugs always appreciate that thank you for the support y'all very kind i haven't tried a ton of stuff on here nice okay cool i'll probably just dump that not the greatest thing are the archaeology kits though but to require spawn oh we haven't gotten a single gesture yet that's who we're missing that's who hasn't shown up to the party yet maybe we'll find him on the next ferry no combat yet here either which i'm pretty happy about hey crazy blaze i'll be doing well no more archaeology kits bully yikes all right i think i can cleansing salt that right yeah cool dope um let's try that whoa nice that makes sense perfectly logical cool uh no more cleansing salts here though oh oh [ __ ] bomber oh well good lord we've just been getting curio after curio with no combat which is more than okay with me dude he's got look at this plus 60 damage to his melee for four fights that's ridiculous he's gonna be he's gonna be even more what's the word i'm looking for his obliterations shall obliterate more obliteratory that's i believe that's exactly what i wanted to say even more damage lear than before hmm crazy blaze thank you very much for the gifted sub to feral fly god welcome to the pile appreciate it truly do appreciate all the gifted support and subscriptions lately y'all the subs are the backbone of my twitch income gifted subs are a big big part of that too so thank you very very much i subbed earlier today say my name death you just wanted me to to welcome death get him and that looks pretty good [Music] is he a dog bark there we go one down i was gonna say dodge i didn't want to jinx it though so i'm glad i didn't okay so illumination is still a great option gonna give us some more torchlight a little extra damage was the whole point of going out into the uh going out with so many torches so we might as well start trying to take advantage of it play grenade levers probably going to go last unfortunately oh never mind casual 33 to 67 damage here an apt description narrator i think that's a new high that might be a new pb for leopard damage 101 in a single hit that's pretty remarkable it's leopard 101 right yeah exactly hey nice it's a lot more than i expected all right goodbye come on now oh my god what is this is that her oh that's the same one that has impostor syndrome right i think i just haven't fixed that yet yeah i think we already ran into that before okay how the hell have we already used eight torches i guess we have been going through the entire dungeon more or less unimpeded up to that point so it kind of makes sense all right so this is the sharpened weapons again but didn't do anything that time this is a dust coated gewart's weapon of war try the ginseng powder no uh whatever oh i missed the curio in that room [ __ ] i just told myself to try not to miss those too hang on hang on wow that's a really unfortunate hunger trigger well yeah totally missed that no shovels here maybe a key no okay try it all right yeah torch nope uh anti-venom makes sense now i used anti-venom you can't get me with rotten flesh i was protected it does look quite a bit just like a pile of rocks back there yeah for sure some of these curios blend into the background a little bit more than others okay give that a go cool be gentle for sale or for study artifacts are precious that hurt um that's gonna be bad she's in danger actually kind of convenient gives me a chance to heal her i'm gonna have to pass on my buff for a turn though yup uh let's see it's a very very low chance to hit initially but healing does very little for me right now but i suppose i might as well just do that yeah cool bird up yeah and battlefield medicine just gotta pass on the buff for a second no problem oh good that actually worked out perfect she got to act before he did now we can illuminate we'll go for the highest hit chance might actually give us a hugh opportunity which be great more than happy to go for that guy that's unfortunate but i'm glad we ow damn huh okay now she's definitely in danger this is still totally an option oh god oh boy okay they're starting to hurt a little bit let's go big fat heal oh perfect crit the one with full health thank you i mean that's at least there's a crit bear come on uh helen's definitely got to move forward there baby do not relent that'll work unfortunately she doesn't have a charge forward or anything like that but she's definitely got to move back to be able to battlefield medicine there we go just play it safe no reason to be risky here probably wanted to lay this at least one more uh round to be able to heal the group again too might self heal on the leper as well uh never mind it's probably haven't you i can get away with it i'm good just hit him with this good stuff and group heal uh that's gonna go away right now that already had that tick this turn i think might as well just heal one more time a lot of good to go for the uh attack there i don't think oh boy thankfully didn't bleed again ah [ __ ] yeah you might as well just do that what a death stroke wow crazy so impressive look at him saw through those dead bodies what a warrior hi yeah [ __ ] hell he's very strong uh i'm gonna go ahead and dump this in favor of that we'll use a key cool that'll do probably one more hallway and then uh oh nice small directory cool if i go for this empty room i think go through that battle and then camp out that seems wise to me i don't mind just going ahead and burning through most of the torches here too i want to try to uh oh there's a vendor cool and eb games must be a really old dungeon okay i can group heal again hey jackson you only fight human enemies in this mod no not only humans just been running into a lot of humans here all right buddy we're ready to go again it's giving us yeah this is a pretty good effect lowering their dodge is nice their crit chance is kind of high too i think hey that'll do probably going to go for the one shot on this dude although oh he's being guarded by the grunt right yeah [ __ ] i could stun the ground i guess or try to that's a good idea ah [ __ ] well i don't know i feel like i should try to go for the hues still yeah it's probably the better play there we go definitely now even though that's going to be uh repost hit on on the leopard oh he's gonna oh he's dude he's just dead already never mind i don't need a hue although oh good lord well hellions dying what else is new i just realized yeah no i kind of messed that up look at the [ __ ] damage holy [ __ ] i really wish i could just hit this guy i guess a hue is still a pretty good choice then yeah now that certainly did the job lazars welcome back thank you very much for your subscription welcome back here appreciate the support 39 months finished watching the first half they hear it and you need to like the vestal a lot oh good lord four percent's feeling an awful lot more like 40 with this plague doctor man wow that is that is something another skirmish another step forward okay man [ __ ] gotta get to 169 right yeah absolutely holy hell i think now we probably well no i'm pretty okay with just burning all my all our torches still oh yeah archaeology kit i am sure your previous owner would not mind uh you go for that don't torch it wow cool okay um here do that keep the key uh keep the archaeology kit over the anti-venom and that'll do that's a good find and the vendor want a key or an archaeology kit what about a torch how do you feel about a torch not much but i'll take it he says yeah yeah it's not a good deal i should have given him some i should have given him something else there oh well i don't think i want the bloodied fetish it's not bad actually it's kind of good but yeah i'll keep that i'll keep that over the key okay whatever one more room and then definitely camp cause i've just been putting off the cam for way too long here oh god we must be more vigilant yeah definitely camp after this one our path is revealed march on so we go ah no key [ __ ] secure it and march on we still okay finally do this look out for one another companions here we go sanctuary um let's see oh is the leper religious no god damn it that would be nice plague doctors doesn't really help very much though hmm battle trance is not great reflection is okay go for that i just encourage a lot here producing stress on the party feels pretty good yeah it's good enough for me cool and off we go we've actually gotten through here fairly well without any shovels which is very surprising i feel like that is uh atypical usually get punished quite a bit more for not having any shovels in the inventory that's a tougher fight surprised him though that's good i'm just gonna heal though okay stress relief good stuff buff it up still got that melee damage buff for a little while drop them okay how do we handle this i love seeing that love it love it i'll guard each other the ideal let's go for you makes sense we go definitely going to hew the front liners here hmm i think i like going for you still i know the dodge chance is pretty high i gotta try i gotta give it a shot at least not a problem i mean i just want i gotta try to get a new pb here wow that was minimum damage unfortunately that sucks huh well you just kill this guy yes strike true that'll do that opens up a hue option which i'll work out pretty well this guy's already quite hurt that light stacks nicely man that's really good oh that's bad okay geez those are crazy buffs there we go very nice and a little healing for fun yeah sure a lot of this is actually just the original darkest dungeon music hug but they did great job they did great work on the additional music in this mod as well for sure yeah yeah that was definitely just an original song so perhaps the stuart chat would but uh yeah i think i'm gonna finally get rid of this thing although it's definitely worth more than the citrine actually now that i think about it maybe not there we go it was a very easy dungeon oh like a shovel cool i might as well go a little further i can just camp again oh hi more loot yay we surprised another enemy repeal our care for one another is what sets us apart what's the worst that could happen exactly it's not like the hellion is gonna die or something right that's not gonna happen right right nothing bad happens in darkest dungeon he is buffed up holy [ __ ] okay um crit okay it's still pretty good spread it around uh okay wow that was pretty sick he nearly one shot this dude on a hue that is insane sinister missed a cream full year on the pile welcome on back in so you appreciate thinking the reset thing with the bear hugs come on back in there we go he's down he's done see ya mm-hmm that's the stuff goodbye oh boy that's fun that's a lot of fun a great many battles continue let's go for that okay one more ah that sucks i was hoping to get a feast at the end cool that's easy huddle together it's a knight oh i'm an idiot whoops yeah well definitely got to do sanctuary still um i could rebel actually yeah rebel's fine here gets the hell in stress down and then we can do an encourage um let the mask down oh i should have done that first actually never mind cool there we go all right yeah hp obviously doesn't matter so as long as the stress is low it's totally worth it cool good stuff against the light our foes will fall just eat the food for fun yay we did it that was a great dungeon that was really good relics kicked out of 11 time hands excellent i'm going real smooth lots of stuff oh that's bad oh cool all right i'll take it i gotta get rid of that damn uh impostor syndrome though right away just deeply here we must be at our finest to succeed that is a problem put you in there and go like that and then you get rid of the tapeworm and you get rid of the hallucinations there we go stress everyone's doing okay i don't really need to worry about that already uh committed to quirk removal we got one more spot for that let's see that's gonna be for oh downer i kind of want to get rid of that too actually i don't like that i want you to be a downer fluffles all right no jester oh [Music] where is it where's the jester guys all right there we go only when we cannot sing and laugh these hope truly lost in another occultist yeah the begging god's power is not to be toyed with by those without proper constitution it's like i like decided i wanted to say that before i even opened the ferry up i'll pick up another musketeer with gunpowder if she can provide us with her talents i guess i might as well use another antiquarian too sure a woman's that knows the real treasures of this place will be truly invaluable well god damn we're going to draw another five names there we go easy-peasy pick me in the chat if you'd like to be selected p-i-c-k-m-e all one word i'm gonna rename these new five members of the squad two gestures occultist musketeer and an antiquarian why are you doing that let's figure out what the heck is next where are we going i like a long dungeon here oh hunter's talent actually pretty good i'll take that i won't like that a lot that's fun that's a fun trinket can't bring the occultist here i think we'll rock with the uh level two vestal seems good i can use a flagellant here i don't think i want to use the hellion again wouldn't mind a musketeer then let's go with i need a little more damage i think in this team let's bring out that could be a hellion again [Music] i kind of want to go with the hound master with cracked off put the blackjack on there for once yeah this works i like this all right hatch i welcome on into the team congratulations our brand new jester supposed to bring a jester out too now when i think about it we should try a jester actually yeah give it a go bring hatchet into the mix horse deer pokemon in [Music] congratulations tercher 85 tercher 85. welcome to the squat i got stranger heart and is our new musketeer welcome and finally [Music] viv viv 3434 welcome to the team rigged plain and simple no other explanation you got yourself on any skill buff self oh fun that's cool yeah give him the lucky dice i love that damage buff and then let's give him i guess slippery boots that's pretty good i think the lss jester is the most cursed i don't like that yeah that's upsetting prelude all right yeah the prelude to the finale of course i don't know if we're going to be doing a finale gesture here i think this might be a uh third row slice em up jester i'm pretty sure that's the play here although we've got different skills of course with this guy hmm i suppose i could do dirk stab solo finale battle ballet this is actually not bad i kind of like this [Music] keeping them in the third spot with this isn't a bad option battle ballad i think battle ballad dirk stab or actually battle ballot dirk slab solo into finale is a good way to go okay cool trying to unlock some camping skills for these guys too in a moment pound master is good to go we give him the uh you give him accuracy and then damage i guess he is our primary damage dealer i want to give you added lead amount applied [Music] and then i guess i don't know what else i want for you [Music] more experience i don't know less stress that's less speed though too i hate the speed debuffs less stress sure why not and super fast vestal which is always working for us cool okay going in a check now on the skills and weapons for this squad boom boom how are we doing on ooh close very close we should go for this let's swap some of these guys let's just do one i guess yeah i could i s i swapped one extra for no reason that was that was a dumb move oh well oh these guys aren't gonna be able to level up to level three those the things so there's actually no reason to do that right now but maybe this can they get up to rank three on level two i don't think so can they yeah it's gonna be resolved level three as well okay take off endure for probably hmm suffer i kind of like suffer that's kind of neat transfer bl blight bleed horror and mark to the flagellant that's a fun move so let's upgrade those and might as well upgrade that too i think transfer horror is new yeah okay you are gonna use this stuff you are going to use oh you're already leveled up okay and finally camping skills [Music] at the flagellants to get yeah let's get all four of his let's actually let's upgrade this so it's less expensive at least once it's probably worth it then you are gonna get ooh nice hounds watch prevents the ambush every rose has its thorn is an extremely good one along with tiger's eye i really like quite a bit and then he's gonna swap to that from pep talk there we go jester actually has some really nice camping skills and how is the religion on this squad not not incredible but maybe worth doing let's do a bless i like that all right cool good stuff good stuff let's do it mission number two today the long apprentice one in the catacombs yeah faithless vessel but certainly certainly interesting isn't it this will bring a few lot in them this time a couple of cleansing salts actually bring shovels this time as well i think i'll just bring two stacks of food one stack of torches i'm gonna go no anti-venom or bandages this time get a few archaeology kits i'm gonna get the honing oil because i know that that's usable although actually it's not as good on my current team i didn't forget about shift clicking i'm just doing it this way for some reason uh i think we're good keys i guess yeah that'll work here we go ugh there's stretch oh my stretch oh no i'm stuck back here i can't move oh it's too comfortable quick nap quick nap snap break everybody take a nap oh that's nice um okay okay that's enough ugh there is much to be gleaned from these age-old workshops establish a route through this area if you close your eyes you can play any game without paying for it indeed all right this is an explorer so reason to go to every single room steadfast pendant reduces cooldown on barbaric yacht by one round that's kind of weird there we go it's been kind of common for us to go through the first like three or four rooms in a dungeon without seeing a single enemy i wonder if that's by design for the mod or if that's something they can even change with the mod i certainly don't mind it keeping things fairly uneventful and simple for us early on all right here we go certainly love a jester for the prep round you gotta you gotta think that's gonna be a pretty big advantage for us this is good let's see what this guy can do in the first round unfortunately i guess a 13 buff the protection is pretty good for the very beginning you can also just try that that works so this guy's bleed resist is pathetic now so we should probably go for that [ __ ] [ __ ] all right valid number oh wait no we can't do another ballad right i guess we just do the solo no i think i should do dirk stab then solo then finale i think that'll be best [Music] yeah that works and more bleed would be good kind of wanted to go for that guy i probably should have actually oh he heals i definitely should have whoops oh well i'm excited to see how effective the finale can be i think we're building it up pretty damn well here it's already got plus 80 percent let's go for the solo oh we're at finale already right yeah i know because we can go and yeah we can do finale from second spot too duh and think about that cool okay well i should probably build it up one more turn still unless oh yeah we can just one-shot this guy cool that'll work go for the stun nice it's pretty big probably not going to stun that guy again so i might as well just do it go for the kill big bleed good stuff love it keeps lowering his bleed resist too actually it's zero now that's awesome we're just gonna be bleeding everybody out man it is very interesting that you can't just stack battle ballad buffs with the jester anymore it's a pretty big change 24 bleed let's make it a little more yep there you go tonight very good wars consist of a great many battles continue i'll hang on to that food just in case we run into a hunger trigger before we have to eat it to get rid of that for the inventory slot i should probably rearrange my party too ah [ __ ] oh well not a big deal i think we could just group heal [Music] might as well chance it nice it's a great start hey good stuff make sure that vessel doesn't take too much unnecessary attention i need a i need a horn a desk right next to me to be able to do that with that guy be a conch shell there we go guys done that guy though nice cool yeah sure don't have a great way of dealing with the champion with this squad yo sick that's awesome so we might have to leave him for last just gotta hope that he chest caves in the flashlight a lot more outmaster has a ton of dodge though so that's good ain't gonna stun anybody here you might as well just go for a judgment i guess debuff action speciation go with the dirk stab seems good and the kill all right oh a reign of sorrows is that gonna be enough okay holy cow this is just flawless so far [ __ ] it oh god damn it come on come on all right oh tapestries yeah we're definitely eating the food now give me that give me that um in place of that for sure and then you can replace that for now i guess i never take these citrines man i might go for a camp early on here make some uh makes more inventory space it feels like a bit of a waste though i am sure the previous owner will not mind man jackson give him a sub it's a hatchet welcome into the team welcome into the pile jd how's it going dude ah [ __ ] i think i need these more than i need more than i need the money right now here we go yeah i still don't want to use the campfire this early on though although i'm beginning to believe that i should probably just go ahead and use at least one of these early or one of these long campfires early on in the dungeon just to be able to at least get a little bit more space for stuff even if it's not really an optimal use of one our cause is righteous but requires funds oh man oh boy yeah already in big trouble with the inventory i think better do it here one more room one more room that's my old my old motto can always go one more ah [ __ ] hey mystic best wishes to you one more room i can do one more i can get away with it i'm not worried more and our enemies will attempt to impede us we're gonna do one more room oh wait no never mind this is the combat all right now we could probably this is probably good this has been working wow jesus cool and stun maybe that'd be amazing wow very lucky that was an extremely good prep round keep it up what does solo do mark's self it's just a big buff oh this is actually i don't really want to do that because the hound master is guarding him so it's not really very helpful i'll just take the buff damage stun okay i am loving that bleed so much man see ya holy [ __ ] wow ah no dodge oh horror not too bad guard doesn't really matter finale you anyway goodbye now i get to bleed him again nice like a random horror cool i love that oh my god look at that 27 per tick holy [ __ ] devastation absolute devastation homies dead for sure we know that we're gonna heal the full if we can here all good i'll transfer the horror take that upon myself no tree be cool whoa weird huh what was this bleed skill chance i'm kind of i was excited about it until that very last line i was like ah that sucks i don't really want to use that i'll take it but i'm not going to use it oh well definitely going to camp now and then go for the curio after that hi taffy bye taffy alone we will die together we will rise not one more no no no no we're okay we're quite all right go for a half there jobs is so good that's my boy hello good morning hello good morning bud he's getting butt scratches getting them butt scratches bud are you so good morning you caught some chub scratches just in time for the chips cam it's happy too every community hello puppies puppy dogs oh this is this is the moment of respite right here this is what every camp needs to be why can't where's the bring chubs to camp option that probably cost all 12 points oh uh you want to show chat your hair you just got to show them on that webcam right there can you lower your head a little more even there we go that's that's the perfect tangle yeah it's so cool it's uh well it's not fiery it's like fuchsia yeah that's a good word for it that's a fun color i like it chad says nice hair at least you look great everyone loves you that's pretty close it's pretty close to real yeah but she likes it good to hear all right cool that was fun i should get a matching color yeah that could be like a oh we'll make that a uh sub goal back to a thousand subs bear dies is hair pink how about that we're uh 170 away so good luck oh let's see probably want to prevent the ambush again i've got the jesters one to do that oh no wait no that's the oh it's the hound master right yeah the hounds watch which is actually a great one this is a really nice option for preventing the nighttime ambush adds to your party's chance to surprise the enemy mystic envoy welcome back well that'll certainly get us started i mean right and thank you synchron tv as well for the resubscription come on back into the pile allied cam thank you for the four months as well good to have you thank you very much for the support let's use some of these uh really nice jester moves here we can go for the oh actually i don't really need stress reduction i guess who's the other religious member pagan counts as religious right i suppose we can find out let's give it a try apparently not okay guess not yeah probably specifically says religious if they're religious right yeah that's that's logical bear okay i almost want to do lashes anger but 20 damage doesn't seem like enough does anyone have a disease no um i guess just man's best friend it doesn't really help that much i kind of wish i had an encourage for the uh the vestal let's just give the disease kids see if there's maybe something we can use on that with that we can cleansing salt this right actually hold on a second let's use the vestal on this one plastic fruit another 10 gifted thank you very much for that welcome to the pile everyone well there we go all of a sudden 150 away or something like that tug thank you for the bits as well as your bits for crit still active if so then here's some bits for crits i believe so i think you've just queued up a crit so appreciate that let's go let's go utilize it just in time all right battle belt yeah this jester's face is incredible man i'm a big fan this is flatulent is hitting every prep round shot too he's been on fire it i think i might actually allow the um i might allow the jester to be exposed to damage just because i know that i can go for the solo and get that huge dodge buff and give the middle of the pack a really good chance of dodging the attacks this mod is fantastic kim i'm a big fan big fan of it let's try the solo out i kind of like this plate get the focus on him try to get them to waste their moves we can finale via terps corian too seems good to me he's just gonna die that's very close holy [ __ ] target him all right that don't works bear to dye his hair he's already dead dude this is done mission accomplished use that grab the jade call it good cool that was easy stone debris foliage none of it will slow us one more shovel well bender cool i wish i had something better for you how about assault i'm sure it'll come in handy he says that's a fine deal i'm happy with that i think i go down to the bottom all the way to the end and then come back and then go to the middle it seems like the best idea with one shovel though yeah it's a little concerning for sure thus coded kvart's weapon of war no i think we need bandages for that one the sweats oh [ __ ] malfi that's not good welcome robin another gifted abra dingdong welcome to the pile thank you very much for that appreciate it bear hugs yeah definitely have to do a little bit of backtracking here well i don't remember to give that to a ranged person i actually committed that to memory now i think keep on going oh god what is this that's oh yeah i'm gonna go ahead and get rid of that actually i don't wanna have that weighing us down frees up an inventory slot too very likely that we end up camping coming back the other way here all right that works it's 100 sure what mystical skills are i'm sure we'll find out soon enough yeah the voice actor is really good isn't it yeah the new narrator is really great i think we're all pretty big fans of them around here oh man thanks oh boy welcome ymk ymk606 welcome on in as well appreciate you appreciate your subscription get him a few bear hugs folks for a brand new member of the pile love to see you thank you thank you might as well the odds are decent okay okay i think we got a really good approach with this squad this is how i've expected the prep rounds to go up to this point but even without the incredible prep rounds i'm pretty damn sure this team is gonna be doing work so now we play with the uh expectations that we had from the beginning although unfortunately a little bit of damage has gotten through here hype train success you were definitely the first target try to counter that little bit of damage there still i think reign of sorrows on these guys although again i probably want to just focus you until you're dead you are a big issue so let's get rid of you i mean if i know if i know i just gotta one-shot it i would have just done that oh no way the redemption arc man hello bear this is actually cloud 606 the real cloud 606 you're not yanking my chain really enjoy your stuff and apologize for my comment here to show you some love and support oh that's you're going above and beyond man i hope you did i hope you didn't take it too personal i didn't i was not hurt by the remark i i simply saw an opportunity to poke fun and took it i think we can all come away from that encounter better people right i appreciate that thanks for the sub oh man malfi boy i'm worried about you man let's uh i can't just it doesn't like bestow a mark onto him right yeah there has to be an existing mark for him to transfer oh this isn't good that's pretty bad simply bin thanks for the prime sub welcome all in appreciate it ken has context yeah i can give you a little context there's there's nothing this is a it's a nothing story very simply uh cloud 606 commons it's a very honestly it's like not even [Music] not even like a mean comment it was pretty lighthearted said something like hey bear i think these videos are pretty boring you might want to move on to the next game so i responded with something along the lines of you got it cloud 606 and may i say it's been an honor and a privilege to make every decision on my channel for the last nine years exclusively based on your input it's kind of funny just joking around with the guy posted it on twitter goofing with him that's the whole background man that's that's literally it this is the extent of the drama on this channel man this is the worst it gets around the bear taffy parts god it's just devastating isn't that light our foes will fall now the drama channel is going to be eaten tonight man with this juicy gossip uh i feel like i want the gold over the trinket here the warriors bracelet is actually kind of good though is the thing oh that's not what that is that's the arcane armlet i thought that was the warriors bracelet do i still have the warriors basically i think i got rid of that oh whoops i wanted to keep that oh well oh well bear taffy hates his viewers you heard it here first it did toss it yeah darn it crap dude well i mean you want that don't you so i'm not gonna worry about it i'm gonna let you bleed out that's a tough fight that's good that helps okay let's see definitely gotta go for your heel first and a guard dog for sure again even though obviously that's increasing the likelihood that the uh houndmaster is targeted but it does increase his dodge significantly as well so i think it's probably worthwhile i guess he could have himself heal actually yeah now that was a much better play now that i think about it i don't know why i wasn't doing that that was definitely the better idea you missed the bear watch has it gone under i do miss it actually i think i'm probably gonna get back to power wash sim maybe not before darkest dungeon 2 but probably soon enough probably before like the end of the year i know we're going to be going pretty uh pretty deep into dd2 once it hits so i don't want to necessarily uh suggest that we're going to be getting into too many things in addition to that that being said i do remember what i said about wanting to continue multiverse and i still intend to do that i haven't really had a lot of uh or a ton of energy for any evening streams this week but i absolutely want to play some more multiverse before we hang that up for good because that still has a lot left to offer i think there's a lot of fun left to be had with that double gin already holy [ __ ] this is the round three chubs round three and we already got both these guys transforming it's ridiculous don't you consider this to be a ridiculous thing chubber boy yes yes big crits gonna do some more alex who's really enjoying that i understand it's a little tiring though it's pretty unlikely unfortunately i'm i'm honestly kind of surprised i thought there would be a bigger audience for the vr stuff but there's really not it's not just me too i've noticed this with a lot of my streamer friends it's kind of bizarre to me that there's really not a huge the vr stuff is not a big draw we're not nearly as big as you you'd think it would be makes you nauseous yeah it's fair that's reasonable this makes you motion sick yeah yeah i mean if that's if that's all it is that could very well be enough of a deterrent i'm sure yeah that's perfectly logical vr is mostly the experience though you lose a lot of it when you're just watching that's a fair point too you know yeah now that i think about it that way the the the half-life alex experience is not nearly as cool for you guys i suppose as as it is for me just really physically being there you know it's quite a bit cooler for sure i really don't want to get it get rid of anything here man this is already tough i think i'm gonna have to get rid of that jade i'd rather have a jewelry for sure there's our last shovel that's pretty bad that's really unfortunate actually that happened right at the end of the hallway bad timing the jewelry is the uh it's one of the currencies so in the vanilla game you have the um oh my god what are the i have no idea i can't think of any of the resources from the vanilla game i thought for sure when i started talking about it they would populate my mind i was like yeah it's the this that and the other thing that you use in the vanilla game and darkest dungeon all right cress and then even even saying that one i was like okay that's probably gonna get it right that's gonna get me on the on the right okay there it is crass portraits bust deeds there we go that's the stuff i remember now so that's the equivalent to that in this game is matak salvage jewelry amber and valor marks so that's that stuff bye chubs those are good children man that thing is landing really consistently in the prep round that's been super nice i guess i better use my dog treats well that too good to use syndrome overtake me again here kind of forgettable because it's so odd yeah now that i think about it they are very interesting and unique currencies aren't they all righty these two are already basically dead it's it's a massive difference when we're able to land the um the reign of sorrows in the prep rounds such huge damage i mean this guy's just gonna die to a dirk stab plus the bleed that's crazy and that bleed alone is enough after two turns to kill the terps of cory and of course we can go for the one shot there but i'd rather just kill this guy there we go this is extremely good hey buddy you can't make up his mind what you're doing would you ever go back to phantom of this i think i'm gonna wait for that game to be done if you want to wait until that game is basically finished because i i want to play the version of it that has like all of the levels i want to play i want to play the version of phantom abyss that lets you go like as deep as possible that's the most exciting version of that game to me for sure profane scroll that's really good that's really good that wow what holy hell cool yeah go ahead and give that to the hound master please thanks that is wild dude okay um time to camp to make inventory space and to reduce the jesters stress you probably feast feels like a good idea let's go for the pounds watch uh we're gonna do turn back time i guess every rose turn back time oh that's companion i thought that was him and then oh i don't have a damn it i thought i had at least an encourage for that no no good i guess i could have done this and then done other things to reduce for the squad oh yeah disease kid is actually good here right for the uh flagellin or not the flagellum the hound master yeah that helps there we go cool all right neat good stuff good stuff oh all right fine last room might as well hopefully doesn't have a uh blockage along the way looking good hydration check time not a bad idea actually yeah no shovel for that click away i guess ow oh my god so much for his prep round stuff good lord that's really bad all right back we go why is that called foregone coffin when there's only one of them where's the other three yucky why do they call them apartments if they're all stuck together why do you park on the driveway and drive on the parkway what did i mean come on come on now what's going on here what are they called coffins they don't even cough oh no oh that's bad good lord this flags in terrible shape now how do you bake cookies and cook bacon it's just it's getting out of control okay that was a so i guess there's just random lines that are done by a different narrator okay that's weird it's cool didn't realize that all right let's see if i can keep getting insanely lucky nope that makes sense god okay use the freaking dog treats this time there this is a great fight for it you know one shot the uh terps accordion that's probably fine i can actually transfer the mark here though but i can also just solo and mark myself anyway yeah let's do that go for it and then we'll do boom pretty good stun chance i like rain and sorrows here quite a bit okay actually lands the stress come on one shot close to it pretty close i need one more hit though easily group heal to counter that ah man that's not too bad i kind of want to build that up one more round but i feel like that'd be a waste as we'll just get the guaranteed kill there near guaranteed kill group heal very nice sorrows is okay but i'd much rather just get the lock down right there stun is actually maybe doable with that but again it's just murder things why not seems pretty effective give him a stab give him a whack and then give him a bite on the face splendid all right cool another step forward that was good that master did a lot of work that around the dog treat certainly made a difference yeah sure okay very good all right we're gonna be going into the uh darkness for a little while here i think we probably roll with uh i'd say one or two rooms with darkness oh nice massively important although unfortunately that did not scout everything oh there we go that did well most of it once the path is unclear rely on each other new boy here we go any hallway we go into in pitch black darkness is obviously very scary i think he'll be okay we still have much lots of food still actually in the inventory that feels pretty good no interactions all right come on we're good keep it up keep it up buddy oh good all good keep going don't you stop oh nice okay well we don't stop there buddy we're going for the full plow god damn it we're going for the full clear yes sir here we go keep it moving no problem hunger trigger i'm all right with that and campfire togetherness is a rare thing in sick all right so we can get rid of all his let's do turn no i gotta do a i actually have extremely effective stress relief for him it turns out so that works and that works and then that works all right good use this with basically zero and yeah good enough disease kit cool we did it might as well go ahead and treat you before we get home probably do the last two rooms it's a lot better all right here we go a little inventory space might as well go see if i can get some more stuff nice hmm i can handle one more fight at least for sure definitely and i have a key for this nice perfect and surprised them wow all right yeah we have one one last dog treat too that feels silly not using that that'd be it'd be pretty run of the mill for me wouldn't be too shocking nice still landing those hits baby is there a collector in this mod i haven't seen it yet but i am uh assuming there probably just is raining raining down sorrows on this back line build up a big old finale try to stun this guy if we can seems like a good idea nice all right they're basically dead just got a dirk stab this dude there we go that's exactly the damage we needed good stuff let's get it going this feels like a waste too dude i'm gonna save it for the next fight [ __ ] it we'll go through the whole dungeon ever consider using the bounty hunter yeah we'll probably use a bounty hunter again soon actually since we're gonna be getting a good bounty hunter trinket out of this we'll lower that damage he does here lead might be enough oh no wait it's not even close i'm a silly bear thankfully he didn't actually do anything stun again that'd be pretty remarkable quick little bit of damage there and then kaboom that ought to do it nice means nothing more stress reduction god damn that's crazy great loot there too hell yeah good performance for now keep it up void hunter i'm doing well how are you doing [ __ ] man that was awesome here we go last one another surprise attack damn that houndmaster watch ability has been playing or playing out really well for us here very nice benefit try the stun again sure why not definitely give him the dog treat for this fight and one i'll take it the bleed go for this holy [ __ ] we killed him in the prep round that's not supposed to happen i guess if i was going to do that i probably should have gone for the dog treat right yeah whoopsie whoopsie i know god dammit i can't i can't help but forget it's inescapable condition of every darkest dungeon run i do there we go i don't know why i didn't target that guy that was kind of stupid just don't deal any stress damage right right right good cool also don't kill him perfect might as well basically the same story here might blackjack nah probably not no boss yet no not quite still level enough characters here nice reward there is much to do good stuff all right that'll work heck of a dungeon man nice long one oh i did not expect this was certainly not another surprise attack holy [ __ ] pure insanity there's the dodge we expect okay i am gonna do the guard dog here wasn't ready for the eagle nope sorry bud i wasn't ready for that but okay i'll take it can do and stab him stab him in the face or solo is good and then boop hey there we go big ass crit heel crit bleed i mean fine with that big money i think that's gonna kill him oh he's got one hp freaking frick dude okay pretty much just the one mod rounder the black relic green mod along with the lss reskin mod so the two mods really noise yeah let's do that you gotta go okay one last guy hey bear any tips for someone just getting into darkest dungeon yeah you're comfortable with crying you're going to want to get real comfortable with shedding tears make sure that's something you're all right with and then beyond that um you know best of luck i guess is really all i can say stay hydrated for it right yet some irl stress reduction is a good idea if you got something like i've got a i'd grab them if they weren't so far away but i got this set of stress balls you got one of them got you got some stress balls you can squeeze that might help you out all right cool that'll work i just better open that too oh this is food i don't know why i didn't dump the food that was kind of dumb oh well we did it almost almost buddy almost all right cool juke tapestry was a giant chunk of our uh collected treasure that time okay wow holy [ __ ] yay that's really really good cool all right treat my ship hands well you will not find a more skillful crew time to treat disease so i don't think you can actually lock positive quirks in on oh you can yeah i should do that get rid of this get rid of this and let's see we had i swear we had another oh that's removal oh whoops hold on that was um the poet right it's locked in by default that's what i thought it was right yeah yeah okay okay okay don't don't do that so oh yeah very clearly an x next to it okay i see whoops okay understood my bad yeah that would have sucked um so then well there was another i could have sworn there was another [Music] um really bad negative quirk i wanted to get rid of can i want to get rid of catacombs meander around the bounty hunter yeah let's do that and then calm and lazy oh lazy eye is terrible on my grave rubber i did get rid of imposter syndrome yeah i believe the plague doctor has finally been freed of that let me go pick up maybe another shield breaker seems okay i think i've only got the one shield breaker right yeah another grave robber could be good too and then a crusader let's do that the sands welcomes those who truly fight in the name of the light i need to keep some more space for more healers down at the bottom though let's go ahead and draw names though while i'm doing that i'm going to go ahead and take a quick bathroom break so do a pick me if you wouldn't mind p-i-c-k-m-e in the chat all one word we're going to draw two more names and i will be right back with more darkest dungeon black reliquary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's draw some winners who's it gonna be what do we got new members of the roster medians welcome on in our brand new shield breaker congratulations if you're just joining us we are currently drawing new members of the roster here we've got one more slot here if you'd like to do a quick pick me it's a p-i-c-k-m-e in chat all one word no boss fights yet today no i'm wondering actually i i put out that tweet thinking to myself that there was certainly going to be like a an easy level boss i don't know i don't know if that's the case actually that might not be the case here it's been bruce congratulations welcome on back into the team good to have you get the capitalization right there we go all right thanks for entering folks how's the mod so far highly highly recommended anyone has given this any consideration whatsoever i i strongly encourage you to check it out for yourself especially because it's so easy to do you just hit subscribe and then boom you're ready to play it's very good it's very good all right what's next no easy level boss okay so we are it's gonna be a little while i suppose i might have been a little uh premature in my declaration of this plus 10 dodge when attacked by levantine on melee attack hit target cannot guard or be guarded repost attacks when hit oh wow what a goddamn trinket oh okay we got to get ready for that man i gotta level up our character so we can go take this on i want this trinket it's amazing well that's gonna be the case do i dare go on a veteran medium maybe a short veteran dungeon to begin with that's probably a good idea it's pretty scary i do have two healers oh you know i've actually got a pretty damn good team but let's test the waters this is going to be our very first veteran dungeon here in black reliquary so i think i want to take it easy let's go with let's go with the uh maybe the occultist in slot 2 the rare slot 2 occultist go with the stab the amber curse the hands from the abyss hmm maybe and the vestal from the back line plague doctor in spot 3. i don't hate it [Music] i don't hate it let's get their uh gear all sorted out first of all so these guys being resolved level three is gonna be big we're gonna try i think in fact we're gonna make some swaps here and get 10 of this for 15 of those boom level 3 armor and weapons love it and maybe even make another trade just to give us the ability to uh to reduce the cost of gold a little bit here which feels pretty good to me now we're gonna start to see the gold go away a lot quicker this is gonna be about where that happens thankfully that means these guys are gonna be really well uh equipped for this dungeon level three here too not quite pretty far away from that actually that's unfortunate pretty far well we can do these a little bit of help and then you know what it'll do [Music] yeah those those costs are adding up already i can always sell some useless trinkets should the need arise let's go ahead and load these guys up so we got a new profane scroll here man this is amazing big dot damage and crit chance edition for the leper i just give him the extra damage again too pretty happy with that i mean crits stone though 13 crit chance on this guy that's pretty ridiculous not to mention the extra 5 crit chance on targets above 75 hp what is that like be up to near 20 it's insane i kind of want to do it i'm gonna do it and then i think actually with the revenge no there's no [ __ ] up from that there is a nine percent crit buff from emboldening vapors though though to get them to like well above 25 percent man that's awesome all right cultist he's going to be a weird one i think i might want to buff his damage a little bit actually yeah speed and dodge is pretty good too and resistances i am going to have the plague doctor with probably the uh battlefield medicine cream music oh we got to give you a big shout out i gotta assume that's the uh mod team's musical contributor thank you very much for your work we're loving it this uh new hamlet theme is excellent excellent very good work big fan [Music] toss a vip badge your way buddy give the dev team some love do you like going ahead and adding the vestal speed again there and then play doctor i don't know man i guess i could go for the debuff flag doctor again i don't love it but i can try it out see if it goes well and resistance on the occult is sure sounds good all right let's not overthink it too much man i think we're ready oh my god i nearly just went for the boss well i caught that we even get a campfire for a short dungeon that's surprising but there we go full stack of food one shovel might be enough one might be enough here i'm gonna go for another uh salt powder's good one key and two archaeology kits [Music] good stuff good stuff hey that's awesome korean looking forward to it yeah let's go i'm ready i mean it is a veteran dungeon let's be a little more careful maybe bring a couple bandages those are just i know those are just going to be wasted man i just know it i just know it ah that's a bummer vulgar sorry to hear it doa pc hopefully it can get fixed that is much to be gleaned from these age-old workshops establishing routes through this area here we go oh yucky okay this might be the first truly disgusting map layout we've seen so far an absolutely disgusting act oh well torch it up sure why not bring us down to zero man i don't mind that and all right yeah we were just talking about how generous the map layouts have been up to this point this is yeah it's a classic dd layout though right almost through the the annoying bit at least isn't this a good thing nope okay i gotta keep that little note in mind like that icon oh you gotta be [ __ ] kidding god damn atlantis ancient and fallen into this repair i gotta like that it's not in my brain that that little white uh ark is a bad thing it's very much the opposite and isn't that in vanilla it's a good one isn't it i swear to god that symbol in vanilla is a good thing it's like it means like it's stress relief or something like that which is probably why that's confusing oh well that wasn't too bad for the little back and forth to begin with here i guess all right let's do it it's got to be a ranged character right so yeah damn it disease the sweats not too bad for the plague doctor at least this is starting to feel like it might just be some free experience dude wander around with not an enemy in sight keep going that is i think that's an archaeology kit too there's actually nothing okay no wandering bosses yet or mini bosses or anything like that nothing i've seen so far sure this has been a very boring dungeon there we go some some action man doing something here let's see i suppose we just start with the amber curse this is the additional damage taken so this guy works and revenge careful what you wish for i was wishing for it man i was bored give me something to do [ __ ] oh after playing it feels like they reduced a lot of the battles i i agree this is a very limited sample size i think in my experience so far but it definitely feels like they lowered the frequency of combat this is our first veteran uh combat here too important to note hey cool let her rip there's a lack of minor battles against things like maggots and spiders i think even beyond that it feels like it's just a general reduction too though yeah i'm kind of with you on that maggot maggots and pardon me geez maggots and spiders were never really all that fun to fight spiders were always just a pain in the ass but i think that's i mean that's what they were meant to be right very much by design in the ass look at those goddamn numbers holy [ __ ] [ __ ] new pb everybody 140 freakin eight wow this leper dude yeah go ahead and heal him i'm sure that's going to help a lot against the leper that's doing 150 damage ahead i could probably get a stun off here gotta keep in mind that is a chance at uh well not a chance that absolutely is lowering the torchlight every time i do it i better just go for the chop [ __ ] christ dude there's the crit chance too man that's what we were building around i'm so glad it's working that's so great oh man that's it dude that's pretty good odds there we go i was really hoping to get the hue off first oh well oh well goodbye god that's so fun added virtue chance i like that too off we go twiggy you can't be stopped got our campfire for some extra light at the very end here these hunger triggers have been really unfortunate might as well okay almost certainly go through one more hallway here we shall see who's laughing at the end nice uh i'm gonna judgment one of these guys a little bit of expiation works for me thanks for the heal dude oh right yeah that's always i always forget this at the end of that not every time on i think thank you for the prime sub welcome to the pile bear hugs for him appreciate it we're just 141 subscriptions away from bear dyeing his hair hot pink hot fuchsia magenta pink three colors at once noise i don't need to heal i'm good actually i want to do that yeah a same room victory this is my uh deceives you into thinking it's a lot more comfortable than it actually is set up which i am intending to fix and in fact i got a chair everybody i finally [ __ ] finally did it just went and goddamn got the dang thing done new chair on the way don't have to break my back doing these streams no more hopefully anyway i mean this is all it all spawned from um that that fateful magic stream in which the the left arm of my really nice gamer chair just snapped the frick off metal arm just pops right the hell off there so that kind of set me off into a downward spiral of comfort for a while gamer chair i got a chair that sin recommended me i asked good night i asked the uh discord back channels what they recommended and uh justin hit me with a link to a chair that cost 2 147 so i didn't really want to get that because that was a lot of money although i do understand it's a bit of an investment you know it's like you know it's for your long-term health you're looking up i understand that i understand the justification but it's a lot of [ __ ] money that's a lot of [ __ ] money there's the uh oh i got the link for you here too still i can even like i can i can validate the claim it's the uh the steel case steel case gesture that's the one he linked me it looks good don't get me wrong it looks extremely comfortable but yeah that's a lot of that's a lot of cheddar dude we still have much to do we're basically done um maybe maybe no all right all right so i went with uh instead of that i went with another one that sin recommended it's actually a lazy boy but not a recliner they apparently have office chairs too so i got an actual office chair lazy boy which is much cheaper which is not two thousand dollars which was kind of a welcome change there this ought to be fairly easy i knew it i knew it dang it why get a chair when you just keep losing the lazy boy i mean you'd think so right every time i get on here everyone's like fair you look so comfortable i wish i was as comfortable as you bear and while i'm streaming i'm like yeah i know i do feel pretty comfortable and then i get up and i can't move my body from the position that it was in when i was streaming it's stuck there when i'm standing so like imagine how i'm formed right now but my body just stays that way as i'm trying to walk around i'm just like this hunched over mass it's pretty awful so yeah don't recommend streaming from a lazy boy recliner it's not conducive to good back health oh good lord speaking witch got it just oh i gotta move around a little bit [ __ ] okay i want to get up after this one here case the old shrimp spine mm-hmm okay they're starting to hurt a little bit starting to deal some damage let's go ahead and get you back oh no stop it knock it off yeah oh that was clearly not ideal nor was that oh [ __ ] um well that was pretty good okay oh boy oh no i should still allow the hue to get the kill for sure that's not gonna be enough so i might as well just oh wait no yeah you need to move back ah god damn it it's still hue for sure that's good oh boy that's not good at all oh [ __ ] the longer this thing lives the worse it feels i need to go for some risky maneuvers here i think god damn it that's not good oh [ __ ] very concerned yep here he goes [Music] oh no that hurts okay gotta try that there we go that's better all right i guess that's probably what i should have been doing the whole time thank you appreciate that it's unfortunate pull forward but i'll take it oh man that's what happens when the leper is ineffective for even a round we go that's more that's more like it there you go that's good that helps a lot perfect thanks buddy okay i guess we're going back one again gotta try to get the kill here there we go all right that light is enough to kill oh just kidding it's gone now i should probably heal work nice that was huge very good all right back to business ready to go all right well stress relief at the end there too very good back to full back to full love it no problem and then we just do this cool then we camp at the room which is hopefully empty nice rest we will need your strength come daybreak alrighty what's pagan right yeah it well have the mortality debuff so that's a big amount of stress relief for him so that's pretty damn good i suppose all i care about now is uh stress relief so let's go for it there we go easy enough cool we follow the ever guided light not a problem that did not work oh well okay um yeah we'll go for the curio we're not why not oh yeah yeah i'm good see ya these sandstones and granite surfaces i'm good i'm outta here nice well that went pretty good i think that's a uh that's a that's an effective uh toe dipped into the water mission right there like yeah we can handle that that's not it's not just gonna immediately murder us you have a few things to fix up as a result of that one though rest deeply here we must be at our finest to succeed indeed thankfully no stress relief needed either here yikes really bad league doctor gonna need some work done for a little while time to go on another uh novice mission more than likely i'll get another flagellate here for sure second plague doctor is really good too those who embrace struggle and suffering will be at home in the lands below let's archive and redo the giveaway here folks pick me in the chat if you'd like to be selected we'll choose two new names for our new flagellant and plague doctor let's take a quick peek on quirks up here as well clouded mind is not that big of a deal my blindness doesn't matter tense yeah meh cat comes me underwear kind of sucks i don't think i need to spend money to get rid of that though thin blooded these aren't that bad i don't feel a super strong pull coward is actually kind of bad i'll get rid of coward and then anything else nothing really stands out oh impostor syndrome on pike pride you gotta get rid of that gotta get rid of that all right curry curie welcome to the team good to have you a brand new flagellin boom a-boom winner number two cageman congratulations on the team bad stuff all right we'll bring some fresh meat out i think today want a nice long exterminate with some new folks a leper mask let's do it bring out a crusader a an occultist we'll go with the occult plague doctor combo with a crusader and a leper yeah that's pretty good feeling good big how you doing jack sultan appreciate it thank you very much for the support let's get our trinkets sorted out i can't i can't get away from this leopard man i can't stop myself he's so good so good profane scroll crit stone on there again man doing the job jackson another gift itself as well cageman welcome on into the pile appreciate that very much thank you for the support damage speed and dodge sure why not extra speed for the occultists and you know what let's go with this oh i can't do both that's right [ __ ] let's try this again i like the debuff [Music] lowered stun skill chance we'll rock the debuff kit noxious blast and maybe even actually give her like amber blast [Music] huh maybe battlefield medicine actually for her yeah that'll do let's go ahead and uh check their camping skills real fast see who's gonna need what here zealous vigil is good get the knight tam nighttime ambush prevention quarantine is fantastic i forgot about that option let's get that [Music] hmm i like leeches too disease kid if we need it cool there we go off to the exterminator that's provision power wash update available now nice again i think we're probably waiting for a little while on that game again but we'll definitely go back to it at some point more salts full stack of shovels we'll get two stacks of torches for this one one maybe two keys three archaeology kits probably good yeah three campfires for these long dungeons man i'll tell you what i probably am going to force myself to use one early on this time as well just to get the uh inventory space open and available let's do it let's go i'm gonna finish my coffee off too it's eleven times seek to establish an outpost here here we go are we simply going to let them yeah food stacks i think it's four more in this right i think vanilla stacks food up to 12 if i recall correctly so that's good that's bad be more careful my bad sorry nope maybe that aha we need archaeology kids for everything holy [ __ ] oh this is a fight we haven't had in a minute fun let me go with this to begin with i think i want to try to kill this guy first stop choosing to step on the traps bear my bad my bad everybody this whole mod seems big on upping scale bigger stacks more damage more heals yeah they they mentioned that to me at the uh oh i just realized he doesn't have a self-heal equipped i'm gonna have to change that i don't think i looked at the crusader skills either i gotta change those too but yeah it does have a uh i like i like that though i think i think it makes the mod feel even a little bit more unique the fact that uh that's cool the fact that it's got you know that bigger sense of scale to it go for artillery here that seems pretty good yeah i gotta reassign my skills again after this fight for sure that sucks all right leopard do your thing plus it begins a single blow shall fail the foe stunning blow sure a lot of damage for the stunning head uh probably not going to kill him with that never mind the unquenchable fire of the stars all right yeah [Music] he's probably gonna do it q plus zealous accusation pretty effective here i think that actually did anything so okay goodbye goodbye already full up on inventory i don't care about a move charm though nbd and we can do this good stuff hoorah okay not gonna camp in the very first room that still seems a little uh this land is filled with unseen dangers a little unnecessary go hold off for one more at least i've tried a ton of stuff with this let's try the salts let's try the antibiotic okay well now we've actually tried everything with this so i was wrong small map a very small map and we'll go ahead and take this oh cool okay i've only had the salt still now come on man come on man i didn't try the camp i'm not gonna try to camp i'll try to camp and i've exhausted every other possible option and even then probably won't do it i'm not gonna use a freaking campfire for a curio interaction you absolute lunatic hey pretty good do it coward you know you won't i know i won't i continually try to insist to you that i will not do it oh i completely i knew i was gonna forget to change the skills too even saying it two or three times out loud i was like i'm definitely not going to remember our path hey sick use campfire or face my ire oh [ __ ] it's a chat chant that rhymes i'm screwed how can i possibly combat that better do it now i have to do it i know camp it out or we will shout oh my god they just keep getting worse thank you for the three months on the power come on back into you appreciate your resubscription bear hugs if you got them thanks for the support this is bad uh-oh i hope the occultist gets to go first this is not good there we go take a nap or feel like crap that's i mean that's pretty much accurate yeah fallacy very good good day today draw that bow buddy there you go amazing stunning blue wow that was unexpected a magnanimous dispensation i am the salt blob the shock from users look feminine but sound like a guy and they do their intro laugh we experiencing a grudo link femboy situation the illuminati i don't understand that comment but thank you for the five dollars i don't think i can comment on it at all i truly don't understand what you're saying that's like a corner of the internet i think that i just i'm not privy to we press on there is much to do armor piercing a renewal i don't think i want to keep that actually nanaki red thank you for the four months i'm back to you as well appreciate it gotta keep the valor marks for sure those are very important we'll keep that over the anti-venom and then probably just dump the rest we're looking at camping out next room for sure i think it just means try the campfire please that's probably what he's saying yeah that seems right i better heal i guess okay there we go i also forgot my freaking skills again damn it thankfully it's not that bad they're mostly right three months on the pile thank you very much as well and wibble whims the full year pokemon back wibble appreciate you bear hugs from one and all three subscriptions thank you very much for the support appreciate it we sure do fella we sure do give him a little play grenade in the back ow [ __ ] okay yep that sound of that pitchfork is visceral all right all right i suppose that's not a stun it's just a debuff huh just certainly a lot easier to deal with stun chance on these guys is pretty damn good time for a good old chopperino honestly hugh is definitely the way to go here at least the one guy killed i'm gonna heal it up oh occultist oh buddy what's happening not looking great to do that at least i could do this actually oh totally there we go that's fun maybe i want to keep purge equipped he's not really even using the self-healer i don't think he's going to be needing it all that much you might want to keep that out you don't need to move the skills around after all hey sick that's fine i'm gonna do this anyway [Music] here we go and try to stun you actually that's the same guy so i supposed to do that or not off we go good old blight man all right that's not quite enough one more big heal on the crusader please and thank you please and thank you i said both so selfish game so very very selfish there we go it feels like i just never bring citrine man and i'm not gonna start now togetherness is a rare thing in this place okay this is good no ambush go for the uh reflection let's go with i guess disease kit sure probably just dump that after a minute is there any other resource acquisition here oh nice our prepare for one another is what sets us apart that's pretty dope all right very good now we can use a key here i just dump the disease kits right away indeed keep this and replace that there we go cool i don't think i'm actually gonna change the skills after having said all that and now just using him the way i have been i think i'm just gonna leave him as is yeah i'm just gonna keep purge i'm good i'm good yeah the shovel laws and our enemies will attempt to eat us mm-hmm got a lot of combat this time pretty into it let's begin i think i want to try to get rid of the pitchfork boys faster do some serious damage i'm really loving our prep round of uh options for this team just a big setup followed up by a devastating first round loving it bulwark mentioned we get a little bit of torchlight out of it too which is pretty cool these dudes are just tanky as [ __ ] need a little bit more damage over time on them volume four months on the bear pile welcome on back to you think for the bear hugs thanks for using twitch prime ow owie go ahead and rid ourselves of the bleed there yikes goodbye and we get big damage big damage stun time probably just kill time that's better that's more effective nice that's the stuff they do not want to let pilgrim boy die that sucks eot is not going to be very effective on him either [ __ ] man so tanky that's the big ass leopard damage okay no bleed right good i can try this now come on come on man all right we're doing pretty well obviously jesus this is never gonna die restoring 24 health around holy cow thankfully i don't think he has any kind of like super move he's charging up he's going to keep stabbing us with a pitchfork but certainly difficult to get around that restore there we go um i guess i do that oh that's a single target move now i just realized that i i've been completely ignoring that oh he was expatiated or expiated [Music] hey there we go wow [ __ ] okay cool yay um i'll get rid of the key now that's probably okay shovel on that totally sick okay cool uh off we go oh geez we got a lot of combat this time i'm here for it no healer this time we got three errants jesus okay i can get some light going on these guys nice this is going to take a while right this is it's making up for the previous few i guess of me thinking that there might be a chance of just getting through without a single bout of combat yeah it's all been the clerics so far huh i don't think there's been a single other uh encounter up to this point it's a missile artillery isn't really doing it here play grenade's pretty good obviously the leopard's still doing his thing i think we probably want to go for the stuns more often here and this dude's the target oh actually no i think i want to go for the front laner here yeah we're going to chop the front line boy crit would have done it but oh well not getting super lucky with the crits this time unfortunately later on keyboarder there we go here we go it's starting to hurt a bit debuff oh man yeah that's unfortunate strong expiates the target that's what that does now okay that's interesting i probably won't actually use zelus accusation then i might swap that might be our move swap target i didn't realize he was guarding him that was kind of dumb well all right oh my god those xb8 do it has uh i guess i'll just do it to show you that may be the easiest way oh my god i think the backliner's dead now definitely light is enough to kill this guy too and it sucks crusader oh thank you that's good and the hue this is what xv8 does oh never mind he's dead think about that oh my god come on there we go wars consist of a great many battles continue let's eat this food there we go stun skill chance is decent but i don't think i want to have the i want to give up inventory space for it let's do this cool oh that's the warriors bracer again [ __ ] i should have grabbed that i probably got to burn through these torches a little faster now this is our last archaeology kit cool that works i'm gonna ignore that room i don't wanna backtrack again ouch hi step lightly you're trying jeez making it hard it's a hard dungeon man oh god all right frontliner first i forgot to swap zealous again it's just the whole [ __ ] dungeon that's gonna be the theme i'll swap it at the very end right before we leave might as well cool there we go nice oh no blight no bummer not a problem that'll start us off nice ah [ __ ] well didn't get the strongest beginning there wow that helps there we go i really need that light to land that's just so much damage yikes okay definitely get rid of that too oh my god already that was so fast what the [ __ ] okay good lord hopefully i can heal first hey good stuff please let the plague doctor go yay that's huge big help there thank you very much you need for that bandage and the camp kind of early for it we will die together we will rise hopefully the food triggers are kind to us prevent the ambush let's go with uh reflection again the disease kits and then that's probably good okay and then yes i remembered i did i remembered battle heal yeah or maybe inspiring cry let's do holy lance maybe just in case he gets put to the back yeah that's a good idea that's a good idea okay cool that'll work that's not necessary robin must keep eyes peeled i always want to do it whenever they show me that symbol i'm like yeah it's a good thing more torches holy [ __ ] well can't keep that that's a lot of money to dump off here though i just use these diseased kids keep that i guess i'm gonna keep this over the bandages huh it's probably better yeah these torches have been lasting a while this time it's quite unusual i think the amber cruise is really helping that much better just heal keep on emboldening [Music] yep we're good now i think i need to heal i probably should have done some stress relief on the occultist with that camp i wasn't really paying attention to that unfortunately i could probably get away with an abyssal artillery here that feels pretty good it's not a ton of damage but i think it's oh i was going to say with so with the light it might be a significant amount enough to give us turn to uh turn to kill on those guys a lot of help nice might be able to chop this guy with a one shot one shot this guy with the chop i mean we need the sub goal on screen i gotta see with pink hair i mean if apollo has uh set the precedent here i better go ahead and try to follow in this footsteps shouldn't they if it wasn't already like nearly stream end time for me i would probably commit to it but alas i'll be out of here in a bit be on either last or second to last dungeon here i'm thinking we might go for a multiverse run later today though get myself a little lunch break come back play some multiverse later tonight sounds like fun strike true very good um give it a try all right oof yeah i kind of expected that no anti-venom anymore either i gotta get rid of that that's a lot of damage that's pretty bad especially if he's bleeding too okay it's not as bad manageable this might work oh geez that's better that's more effective oh come on now what was the hit chance there it's not too bad debuff too usually a lot happier when they decide to do that kind of attack a lot less scary well that's kind of scary though [ __ ] the leper's actually really weak now that's not good at all that doesn't help i'm with you for sure bill yeah the art in this mod is pretty fantastic very impressed just miss said miss he's not a good listener oh he he thought i meant me he thought i meant me all right he just misunderstood what i said [Music] oh no he was just delayed in the response that's all of us you are resilient bucko there we go where was that cool an adequate performance for now oh man um i doubt this is gonna be anything good i'm gonna try a torch on there oh you burn the enemy maps cool that's neat okay that does not work there this might work probably not yeah [ __ ] sweats is really bad on a a lot less hp now that sucks god damn it cultist come on buddy i'm gonna step this up a touch here friend starting to struggle it's been all clerics in this dungeon man all tanky boys all day i wish they focused the crusader a little more with that mark yeah just keep guarding circle guard oh that's right yeah we did just fight to fight the gin didn't we that's a very good point not all clerics i guess oops all clerics there's that finally stun here for sure no stun big damage i need another occult steel on you oh that's bad oh no [ __ ] hell all right one down at least that's very good whoa big money yay a cultist that helps a lot i like going for the stunts here still good i don't think so jpc we're just taking a long time to get through the catacombs here it might be though now that i think about it the other areas might still be locked okay slowly but surely getting there lead is really not that bad i think i can go ahead and let that uh play out 16 per tick holy cow nice he's already dead so hopefully we get one more healing opportunity here purge [Music] up front with you here we go finally finally a good one another skirmish another step forward definitely keep the key over the london there our occultist is in bad shape kind of worried about that that sucks i was really hoping to avoid one of those man [ __ ] oh well one more torch to clear out a spot there i do have another shovel right yeah we're good with that this land is ancient and fallen into this room we got one more beyond that shovel oh hey how's it going um i guess i'll give you a torch can i give you a key huh yeah that'll do that's a deal there we go there's a little mix up a little variety in there go for you first i'm holding the leper very good still more stuns here for sure these guys ought to be a little bit more vulnerable to the stun from the crusader should still work though always gonna do the bullwork or torchlight too good i love it yeah that's got to be pretty easy [Music] try to keep everybody topped off as best i can here good dodge i was expecting that yeah that's not that big of a deal i haven't done any damage yet really come on one shot oh baby there we go good old leper strats to boot let's go nice indeed i could go for another top off i wish i knew syncron i wish i knew when darkest dungeon 2 was coming i believe it's fairly soon they said quarter 3 of 2021 so that's running out quickly very quickly approaching q4 not a problem go for the stun on you beautiful goodbye yeah yeah sure we must rebound no this has been a good time syncrony i've been very happy to get back into this it's been a lot of fun people are enjoying it i mean i guess i might as well a better option there unfortunately i need another big heel here for sure though that'll certainly work thank you nice might as well heal up a little more right before the chalk bear taffy streams are so entertaining i forgot a pot of water on the stove and now the water is completely evaporated that's a back of the box quote from me man that's wonderful jeez it's okay i get it you can have combat in the dungeons i understand now i was mistaken before take it easy holy [ __ ] double bird double bird up that's perfectly fine i was gonna do it to myself so if it's a double bird up does it go bird up bro that still that's close i think uh yeah and then do that right that's pretty good pretty goddamn good it is in ddi quarters exclamation point br will point you to the steam community it's page [Music] oh you're hurting again ow when did that happen buddy let's get you fixed up which is situated there we go oh it's a big bleed though let's get rid of that too all right probably when his chest was caved in yeah that probably contributed to it a little bit big hits oh this is an nlss skin it's a synvictus skin i believe it will be streaming monday i believe so um i want all that definitely want all that i don't think i can get rid of the shovel already though that's a bad idea torches i think it's torches man i think it's torches all right oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yet again the citrine is disposed yep oh come on [ __ ] [Laughter] god damn it well i better go for another room i guess thing is i can't actually i gotta go i gotta camp after i get a potential hunger trigger here but if i get a hunger trigger i better not camp them i am sure the previous owner would not mind well here it is oh never mind we must be more vigilant whose plague doctor's in really bad shape holy [ __ ] okay um i better just camp no we can you can do one more nice there we go all right dolk jesus what a skillful dodge right okay here we go the dark insect are upon us keep each other safe by the fire so sell a speech um abandon hope i should have done that first actually that was yeah i misplayed that but that's okay hobby that's fun i like that all right good oh they added stress at the end bummer all right i'll take it i will take it and we will wrap up with that not bad not bad at all pretty damn good day in the dungeons man look at that 36 valor marks holy hell pretty good folks at the level two here looking good man looking good no boss fight today no i was uh i was mistaken in that declaration and the ballast pours out we press on that's gonna have to wait a little a little longer it looks like let's go ahead and commit a couple of folks to some disease removal and whatnot here too though i'll take care of that i need stress relief not really territory could use it but i don't think it's necessary to spend the money on that we got a couple of negative quirks i think i want to get rid of two tuckered out it's not that bad inaccurate's terrible there we go um calm now anemic is pretty bad shocker's pretty bad too we could get rid of that stuff where'd the other leopard go there he is no that's the first one oh he's committed already that's what's going on let's see i see well not much else i think i need to get rid of all right we'll go ahead and call that good maybe get rid of catacombs mandarin yeah [ __ ] it there all right great that'll do thanks for watching folks a wonderful day in black reliquary i had a blast i hope you did too thank you very very much for all the support today tons of gifted subs and all that i really appreciate it a lot hope you had fun i certainly did bear taffy you can catch the vod for these uh going up over there in fact part two is being posted right now [Music]
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 23,938
Rating: 4.9429736 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 25Y3iR-tASo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 47sec (10127 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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