Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 6)

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I would like to use her immediately please Wow that's nice that is really nice let's take her to the cove oh I'm being oppressed goddamn that is a nice buff okay so we do have the level of restrictions removed for this quest again sadly it doesn't really matter because we have a veteran boss you don't even have any level four characters nor do we have level fives for that matter so that sort of stinks I think I'm gonna go ahead and commit both of my shield breakers here as well sadly they're both looking kind of rough I'll do this and then I'll see ya okay not enough space those are worth spending some buss to make another area for stress healing probably however desperate without oh she won't flagellate though my body were a temple the last thing I do is harm it had to cut yourself on that edge we're going back to the cover a third time today or maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe hit up the wheel the book of Rage is not really all that good another cudgel wait here a move amulet that's not really all that tempting quick-draw charm unholy Slayers ring me big old mess she wouldn't cut herself body is a temple yeah I guess so huh actually it's gotten hidden head into the wheeled build maybe a bit of a bleed team here we'd get flagellants to mix it up with these guys and then no healer [ __ ] it no I don't know what I'm gonna do do I have a healer in the stagecoach mmm not really nope so wow this is really terrible I guess a flatulent is a healer he says convincing himself of a lie let's do this this will totally work be their stress heal on their quack attack thanks for the five dollars my friend howdy bear my family recently had to put both of our dogs ah I'm sorry buddy pretty bummed about it but hearing about Chavez has been really uplifting he's the goodest boy deserves all the table scraps he does he just can't eat him cuz he's gonna get sick you can't have table scraps no more but he does deserve him I agree with you there thank you for the bit area I think you for the tip the kind words I appreciate that sorry for your loss yeah I know level restrictions that's right so I guess I could go ahead and throw in the occultist and the vestal from up there huh it's probably better but this seems like more fun doesn't it but then again probably a lot smarter to do something like this and then actually oh man we could totally just do like a mark party here yeah we should we should do that that's pretty [ __ ] great yeah but life bear taffy that's a valid point okay I want to put her in a great spot to just annihilate [ __ ] so let's do this this is fine we'll just clear out the Weald completely you had plenty of healing with hound flageolet musketeer well yeah she does have the battlefield bandaged yeah you know what [ __ ] it let's have some fun we don't need to be Opie I don't need this kind of team for this I'm fine let's do it let's have a bit of a challenge mix it up a little bit huh let's let's be goofy let's do it make sure they're not gonna die first about to get pegged mate we'll find out we'll find out goddamn it don't need that obviously let's go to the guild get all these upgrades for sure yes yes yes and yes jester does not have those but he is gonna get these skills bam and bam then let's see how Master what are you gonna rock with this don't need a stress eel I probably won't use lick ones either pounce area is pretty good I think I'll get lick wounds well actually hold on guard dog guard dogs a great choice this time let's use that but then if we're gonna do that we should probably give them lick wounds as well and then we have the cudgel weight obviously with that which by the way I'm gonna go ahead and equip so I don't forget and then old recovery charm with all that's a brilliant combination I love that cuz that's gonna give him an extra two healing uh that's gonna give him six healing heal for 6 with lick ones that's awesome yes yes yes yes yes give me that and then beyond that oh he's in spot 3 but she shouldn't be he should be in spot too yeah okay that's good and he can do all these they're perfect that's exactly what I need okay now flatulent you are you obviously going to have the flagellants hood the punishments hood and the second punishments hurt I wish I don't need vats son ring we want to give him more damage do we want to give the hound master more damage bringing a hound master does not count as walkies for chubs darn it I like walking chefs he's just a dummy well let's give him this yeah I like that one and then I'm not gonna use that bleed skill chance is actually pretty damn good here we are using those skills after all and then a Sun ring for him sure why not oh no no just kidding we're gonna give that to the musketeer definitely gonna give that to the musketeer and then let's give the Dodge to you and give you the blood thirst ring okay terrific this looks pretty good I'm happy with it flagellants gonna be rockin the Redeem I imagine along with reclaim for healing options exsanguinated them punished is fine up front got those four got those four there we go and the musketeer sweet know what I wanna use with her how about a side arm with speed buff maybe skeet shot skeet skeet view or a thousand reporting for duty well c'mon in rockleesmile you were right on cue how you doing bud please go follow slash rockleesmile dota 2 professional if he's not streaming dota 2 when you get there you should be upset because he's failing you as a viewer all right here we go ah Skeet Skeet Skeet Skeet he's like really good at dota 2 he's super good at it how about three of each cuz I'm gonna be safe considering the circumstances here I don't have a lot of means by which to deal with ailments maybe not that many that many shovels is also a bit excessive let's do two extra torches because we have the Sun ring and a couple of keys oh wait they're mine that's probably good let's go no holy water bear my boyfriend of lesbians welcome back good to have you oh are you gonna qualify for TI Nick he is ti corruption has soaked the soil stopping all good life from these groves let us burn out this evil alright it's not to be a cakewalk no trouble whatsoever I am a man of my word let's enjoy the musketeers animations two trinkets and baubles paid for in blood with Nick here now we technically have a moderator in chat I did mean to fix that yeah that sucks curious is the trap makers art his advocacy on witnessed by his own eyes honey I think I need a couple more mods it was just we needed to if there wasn't any problems in chat or anything I just needed somebody to turn off him on sub mode but obviously I'm capable at that you throwing shade and Nick's moderation ability certainly not I would never I would never dare think of it dota2 legend rockleesmile and sold him are huge are you a madman because you're in the right place if you are hmm oh I actually really love this for this situation here d buffing their accuracy is fantastic and I like the stun game the light bed the light oh [ __ ] there goes my dodge chance oh no oh no despair welcome how are you how you doing all right let's see you stay hydrated bods gonna [ __ ] him do his job no not happening today huh all right fair enough I guess he's just a failure failure of a bot what a disappointment where's Anton down there DeNiro I love the changes they made with Hiro in most recent dota 2 patch see this guy he's always got the inside scoop this is why people love watching the stream he always knows what's going on he's always got his finger on the pulse of the dota 2 nation [ __ ] I'll be replacement but I need y'all to be on top of this I forget to drink water unless I'm screamed at by the collective voice of chat well this stress is certainly shitty admit this stretch is certainly [ __ ] it's interesting the pro the side profile is like it's it's a bit weird when compared to the lot of the other heroes Selvam take aquatic non-solid alright now I'm just confused well it got me a crit so I suppose it was worth it yay mr. Hindley 418 with that you have to drink the entire stream if you allow Chad to watch your hydration maybe I should maybe that's what I need 135 against 75 yeah I'll take it drink the rich let's do this nice I might try to stall this for like one more round to see if I can fix our ailing wounds we also might suffer some stress damaged as a result of these choices all right looks like they gave us one more round of pity so that's fine we are being aggressive still I mean I'm attempting the stun at least and I'll deal some damage wherever I can here like I would hit him if I could don't punish me for not being able to kill this guy game I'm doing what I can hiki no Ramos well go to the bear pile think of something I appreciated enjoy your badge me mouse bear hugs please in the chat it gonna rain as well Indian loving those buffs all right get him out of here get him outta here he's done he's finished that's cool sir cup in the dark the battle may yet be won SiC I know holy water so we just go for that nice alright now if we go Nature herself a victim to the spreading corruption malformed of course we want to allow the flagellants to go ahead and bleed out so we can potentially get his stronger skills available for the start of the next fight manage distress heal the hound master considerably so that worked pretty well too okay see yeah this is again a situation we're not having stress healing would put you in a pretty vulnerable spot but luckily we do luckily these guys can actually be bled so I loco good to have you welcome on in thanks for watching on YouTube okay well I'm you still not gonna be using finale here it's a dog biscuit fight to prevent stress I don't think it is another abomination cleansed from our lands yeah it doesn't really make a lot of sense that you're bleeding slimes does it you can't fake too much yeah I'm fighting my tongue you can't think too much about that my tongues too big I have tongue reduction surgery yeah give know huh did they have dog biscuits back then look if they had dogs they had dog biscuits you wouldn't deprive such a beautiful creature of their primary source of enemy happiness would you I'll tell you the answer it's no we can dump off that blood at some point we do have to go over this way to see whether or not there's a room battle unfortunately and we only have six torches left so yippee-ki-yay [ __ ] let's do this harvest time finally get to deal some damage with this boy although we should probably still stress you unfortunately MMN have enough is that enough actually oh it's close that might be enough I should have stunned this guy I was thinking about it but and make the right choice okay so he's gonna get one off and that's gonna be a random Marx nice I mean even if he got hit by that'd be good they're both dead already so we'll go for the stress he'll noise and this ought to be a hit that deals damage it lands a bleed lands a bleed and applies a debuff and boy out he was I correct boy great is the weapon that cuts on its own he'd probably try this done again on this guy where I just found this and it filled me with joy hello unforeseen unforgiving oh my god that's the most adorable form of darkest dungeon carry because I've ever seen in my life Wow that is that's just cute as hell edge wholesome that's nice I love leaking inspiring tune well I think it was in the front I'm just gonna scrap that whole sentence also why did I do that that was foolish nothing I can go again I was too distracted by Kauai dungeon yeah okay how we doing how we doing we got keys a blazing star is born gimme I should have dumped the blood well found a one shovel already geez hey or Logan how's the music going well hasn't died yet so that's good crane how you doing good to have you mm-hmm let first ring has been so nice so far as the like gains purchase spirits are lifted that purpose has made clear all right advantage for that financially speaking I think actually the heirlooms are gonna take priority over the gold for a bit why did I let him do that that was really dumb he's got like a 30% chance that was pretty fortunate cursed fish how are you where are we looking here for a campsite I'd say probably not a couple of rooms oh the torch light I wanted it thank you and print all right I'll see him crit all that often hell yeah probably still stress he'll here I think it's a wise choice given the enemy lineup oh gosh bear at this point you have been streaming for just over two hours you should have consumed 45 killer litres of water not sure that checks out continually onslaught destroy them [Laughter] [Music] imbibe liquid but optimum hydration comes at a price I'm gonna I'll take my cup here is that enough how much is that in hogsheads how much is that in stone the most logical of weight methods yeah that's um optimum hydration painful with blood I do need to heal a little bit maybe I will camp out right there [ __ ] didn't realize got shuffled up let's go ahead and give him the restoration set ourselves up for a bleed never mind stun and allow for about the bandages still measurement makes 100% sense if you want to know what things weigh just compare it to any stone you find how much is this car oh it's probably like it's like one stone the car weighs about one stone one really big one exactly bear yeah no I know now I get it and yeah okay well he's the damage I guess I'm one American male in wait and certainly a good way to get around it Annette 26.3 okay cool this isn't just a stone it's a rock now it's a says it's not just a boulder these nightmarish creatures can be it's a rock and be beaten oh that's dump that in the river that's just a boulder it's a rock wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike ingredients may we find victory I got a rock I say that all the time I don't think anyone ever gets it yes that's an ancient reference at this point I grew up with [ __ ] Charlie Brown movies though I got a rock yeah perfect yay anyone that doesn't get the I got a rock reference had no child what's not flag oh that for all right take it easy spiders yeah thanks I know you can kill things I get it is she dead is she dead is she gonna die a lot I can do about it I'll play you an inspiring tune prior to your demise god please okay there's one holy [ __ ] try to get a kill here lucky with a crit nice oh boy come on now give us a chance at least I'm [ __ ] you are you god damn it dude these [ __ ] spiders there goes our musketeer back to the [ __ ] oh my god okay oh sure good work well done would have been great would have been nice to land a couple of those in the beginning of the fight so we didn't lose the character another one cool neat a trifling victory that's a victory nonetheless I like this game it's fun real good times musketeer dies in her first run to Spyder [ __ ] CIPA [ __ ] yikes bear hey that kinda makes up for it a little bit well haven't as much inventory space anymore because she [ __ ] died but you know that's cool if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly corruption oh my god well you must see you must the lexicon welcome back two months in a real lexicon thank you thank you thank you for the support okay what is my one of my odds to hit with these moves 80 75 exsanguinate has got to be like 80% how is that not working right okay that's not gonna kill him right yeah that's only a widely but they're all bleeding now and a harvest is gonna definitely knock them out although slice off might be better oh well now we can harvest though do that wait no same situation right no now we can harvest for sure yeah nope just kidding' rabies just keep going keep them come come on nice and delicious rabies cycle coming up mmm Oh yummy so much fun why can't die it's 40% oh yeah I forgot all right let's self heal stress he'll probably I wonder which has rabies the hound master of the hound good question he needs help so let's just do it oh my [ __ ] god I can't hit him inspiration and improvement died thank you seize this momentum push on to the tasks and time to camp and sprawl go ahead and equip the Sun ring to somebody else let's give him that all right tiger's eye and let's see that's unnecessary speed buff is good we'll do that for lowered stress same with that okay cool here comes the ambush the way is that the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it all right we do have the final key for the secret room still I'm gonna go ahead and pop these two bandages don't that last one take the crest and we do have to go to that final room unfortunately the three [ __ ] people packs laden with oh my freaking hell okay very luckily vulnerable to bleed so we've got a team for this time for the curse yeah it's certainly gonna be a dog treat fight okay there's one sound the he acts first that might be it alright got lucky see what we can do here beautiful okay that's enough for that come on nice try to get the kill minimal damage got the bleed Bell come on come on nice lunch place from the hound master baby damnit they both need one more point of damage double dodged into a crib this guy is looking for the win well he gets to go first come on one more dodge for me alright that's fine that's also fine thank you be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall at this time Wayne sometimes a tree is just a tree okay come on now give me an easy hallway here come on something manageable at least before June waiting to be spent I want that so I will get rid of the blood no longer have bandages but I guess he's making my choice for me okay make a collect call no collector there we go all right we can manage this you can definitely manage this let's uh let's go for a harvest complete these guys somehow in some way shape or form they can be blend writer blocks how you doing welcome really wish I had hounds Harry here great Dodge I've got another one all right all right all right hey we're getting lucky with those dodges I gotta say all right slice off I have not done any damage to the stress dealers which is genius of me really a brilliant look to allow 40 damage to pile on to the gesture immediately in the darkness thrilling stuff there and let's go for that slice up like and he even hit them I don't think he can pretty sure he can't do anything that'll do the job pretty well yeah the music gets so intense in the dark I really love it I agree I probably should have eaten that prior to this but whatever and driven into the mud secrets do you think if Rob could have his way he would have you cook Bear Grylls for dinner and he would have you call the dish Bear Grylls Bear Grylls I think if I had my way that would happen I think if I had a production studio the means by which to create it legitimately but like make it legitimately for the before the goofs but wait is that all hold on you're making a show called Bear Grylls Bear Grylls might is it a show where I just grill Bear Grylls but that's the whole bit that's all that happens is every episode I'm grilling Bear Grylls in a different style or seasoning that's kind of horrifying I don't know if I'm really privy to that just as his head let's go nice that'll work you could grill him with questions ah okay I like that bliss bubble which one that must be fault some I got 14,000 gold out of that roast him yeah okay now now I see where this is going what musketeer what are you talking about we didn't have a musketeer that was the three-man run the bloom and the pistol oh boy a fitting end to Mar folly and a curse upon us all who's that who's the ad stagecoach I'll take an ARB list sure why not shoot bondage and pillage the dancing steps of war spyro a few and mine tossed nuts and sub only mode please I'm gonna go ahead and start up a new raffle if you'd like to be the ARB let's go ahead and type X clam into the chat and you'll be entered into the drawing I will pick a winner with the raffle and we'll rename that our bolused got the same event in the same second that's awesome that's hilarious alright here's the thing from the stars 75% progress to the boss Cove certainly looks appealing lead amulet is nice too we did just go to the Weald though hmmm well first of all I guess we need to address a couple of ailments so let's go ahead and address our stress and see if maybe we can finally fix fix hon steer there we go goodness that was a long time coming sage furio's needs to go the transept as well and then our shield master will only visit these places alright that's fine there you go and that might do it for now we got to go ahead and commit the LA Zoo to the sanitarium medical ward here for the rabies well you know what I might leave that be for now rabies is something I can kind of work around look at the treatment ward though it might be worth it to get rid of somebody at a lower level or something on someone at a lower level so let's sort by level again have a look from these guys top to the bottom let's see gambit man if nocturnal and think a phobia I'd actually love to get rid of nocturnal if I could how much is that it's 1,500 slowly worth it okay great there's that and now we've got a decent amount of heirlooms actually I'm sure we can make some sort of upgrade here let's look at the blacksmith maybe get up to rank three on something rank three on weapon sounds good let's do that and then the guild I think might be a little bit further off yeah we need 24 portraits to get the rank for another we're actually gonna be able to do that yet for anyone anyway ah okay how we doing there's the fanatic down there nothing worthy of our time in this area oh we have 62 shards now we might be able to actually get a decent crystalline trinket we can get the jesters dirge which I love by the way this is a really good trinket for him but I might want to hang on and see if I can't get something better yeah I think I'll wait because if we get like 25 more we're gonna be looking at a whole bunch more options so let's go ahead and wait on that that'll do alright hmm I think I'm going to the wheel here because I've still got so many lower-level characters that we got to try to work out so let's do let's do something like flagellants shield breaker antiquarian are bolused how's that look in the Weald not really all of that good I think I might want to sell off the antiquarian for something else how about a hound master for a little bit more bleed synergy and the shield shield breaker doesn't make a ton of sense in this lineup oh sorry yeah the raffle my fault yeah let's go ahead and do that now my bed whatever the raffle remember Alice congratulations Rena for Alice enjoy your position as our árboles and will indeed be brought out with us today there you go please turn off subfolders well if you wouldn't mind Spyro thank you sweet freedom never win anything sorry [ __ ] water barrel you'll perish goodness I think I'll sub out this shield breaker for a Hellion here and then we can use our F it bleeds like that's adrenaline rush yup wicked hack sounds good flatulent can sit in spot two for this one and I'll use the same skillset I suppose that looks fine to me except I'll trade off suffer for redeem I think we don't need to worry about suffer it's got an adrenaline rush here well actually you know what no it's not worth this lot I think I'd rather have all these things some way to target the backline in addition to the herbalist is nice to could have iron swan as well though take off the OP do this do that lots of bleed this way obviously no need for a target synergy guard dog I had never actually used unfortunately but it might be worth it and now there's not a lot of not a lot of synergy with the mark so I think I'll go ahead and equip a battlefield bandage first of all sort by activity make sure these guys don't have any upgrades available I think actually in fact in the blacksmith they're gonna have quite a few there we go again got to be a little bit concerned about our finances here bear Kasai doing welcome upgrade upgrade upgrade and bam-bam-bam do the same there we go there we go there we go and boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom uh-huh and then finally get this boom nailed it okay cool that's good I want to sell a couple of our lower end trinkets that we know we're not gonna use here because we're are you're kind of running low on cash at the moment so let's dump the diseased charm the blight charm and then that might be it for now I kinda want to be careful yeah well we don't need two of these there we go okay that's good for now helps out a little bit right on sin a bit it sounds fun remember when you had a million gold those were the days it's fun to have that added element of economy management though I like it alright so let's go ahead and give the Sun ring to the hound master here I think that's an obvious choice and then anything else that I can add accuracy with which I don't think I have a choice to do so but oh here we go yeah book of relaxation that'll work Louie's only minus six now and then flatulence hood is always a good choice along with the chip tooth alike that for him he'll Ian's gonna have the bleeding pendant and let's give her dismisses head yeah absolutely let's do that a little bit of extra stress for her but I think I can manage it and then a blood thirst ring and a camouflage cloak for our our bolused in the back line there okay cool looking good got to make sure I got torchlight of course for the entire thing you know recovery charm men actually be a decent idea for somebody we could give that to the árboles that might be up it might not be a bad choice but oh wait no actually nobody can heal her so nevermind that wouldn't help at all alright I think we're ready I think we're good to go we're gonna get all the food we can get a couple of stacks of torches here again I want to make sure we've got enough for the remainder of the dungeon a couple of herbs a couple of anti-venom couple of keys no holy water and I'll do cool let's do it bets on the herbalist of the Hellion biting the dust how about both why not both not JPEG perfect opportunity to murder my entire squad here corruption was soaked with the soil stopping all good life from these groves let us burn out this evil I've only killed a musketeer by accident because spiders suck I think I've got a pretty good thing going here in this run it's it's not a murder spree yet Hellion will die a hundred percent we are we've got low level characters that's all I'm really worried about other than that I'm feeling like we're in pretty good shape bleed it out nevermind hellions gonna die it's all over they're all gonna survive thanks aina scream dream fools always knew I could count on you yay not playing on Blood Moon no I'm just playing on darkest thankfully why am i doing that foolish choice is there I didn't just want to say his name I knew I read the name after I read the message I just like seeing positive messages challenger's has the enemy crumble regardless of the source he'll I thanks hipster Hitler for subbing the other day I'm certainly not opposed to getting my hands dirty with the subscriber names you just gotta chase that dream sometimes you just got to chase that anus cream dream nothing wrong with that alright that's gone good my madrenas until I go get a new one cuz I'm addicted as mentioned Hellion might survive if I stay hydrated it's likely the only chance she has there's some garbage loot so far hipster Hitler was also a classic webcomic bear a really cool TI l that's fun am i dehydrated no I'm actually extra hydrated now that chad has had my back the entire time so thank you for that random dog biscuit totally worth it kill that and she's dead right sweet Bob bleed was pretty sweet geez don't do it again oh no I've seen this movie before begone fiend I know how this plays out we ain't we ain't waiting around goodbye no thanks 1 million Saul god I left him at one of course I is resisting good lord 25 thousand bits starting the bit training the jet been trained for crits now time for sleep best oh my god Dead Eye I wanted it to be a crit there for you but thank you great is the weapon that cuts on its own unbelievable thank you so much the absolute madman all aboard the [ __ ] Crean chugga-chugga choo-choo holy [ __ ] Thank You Kirby welcome on in how are you major herself a victim to the spreading corruption did you know that turtles can breathe through their butt that's a fun way to turn on the dime there isn't it I didn't know that now I do turtles have butts yeah also new knowledge for me I guess I should have assumed that most thing does anything not have a butt what animal doesn't have a butt what the [ __ ] is a turtle okay we got to dial this back aways I guess my sister doesn't have a butt got her a lot that one over the plate for you tonight let's go with bola sponges do not have a butt okay I believe it I believe it coral yeah mom this isn't a stupid stream its educational exactly you learn things here in the Bear taffy Channel the other day we learned that I have seven penises all very educational stuff rocks have the rocks headbutts disadvantage I know boulders have butts but do rocks have butts this is the stupidest thing I've ever said that's saying something I've said some stupid [ __ ] good hold on for a secret room maybe that's dumb guaranteed secret room coming up oh one of the beads to you well switch it up mm-hmm [Music] and goodbye stack up the citrine fully to immediately dump it off in favor of an emerald that's the plan I bet there has two butts waiting to be spent don't help me dude already came clean about the genitalia thing you don't have to give away all my damn secrets the thing is actually the opposite I don't have a but that's the I mean I answer my own question I suppose I didn't even think about it I what doesn't have a but that the answer is bear taffy a masseuse told me as much well didn't tell me he told my wife finding the stuff is only the first test must be carried home that's probably enough get rid of it I have a big great ass who bear white dude confirm do you know it there's one thing you know about me it's that I'm a white guy true facts bear I would share with you some of my but if you've got extra but to give around apparently I could use it I'll do that happy learn to mace hmm crit opposite I guess sounds hairy doesn't have a stomach what's unfortunately so what's the bit too but conversion rate I think it's one stone I'm not even going to attempt to explain that I'm just going to let it linger and go ahead see if I give a [ __ ] their formation is broken maintained the offensive the best part about this channel is we always learn things exactly we're an educational family here at the bear pile bear do you have a nose yeah I've got a nose it's a nice nose got two eyes normal mouth low and driven into the mud ears are pretty normal night say there's no but no no what happened I didn't get finished they sent me sent me out of the factory too quick they kicked me out by my ass and then forgot to put the ass on ok let's not lose a character this time they have a particular idea in mind I'm sure the weight is lit the path is clear I'm just curious to see if this is gonna Massacre everything close to it that sucks you bye musketeer yep Ebola and rain of Sorrows would have done it another one well that's certainly better spiders aren't as bad when there's only one of them [Music] beware a triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying four definitely not keeping those citria mobile keep them for now I guess loving that bloodthirster ring baby correct it would be great if we somehow killed the Hellion still that would be incredible honestly I would be blown away minimal hit like I'm gonna try a bola here which means reign of sorrows hopefully it's gonna be able to kill her it does tremendous executed cool all right and then we can yob oh just kidding we don't have that that's just murder instead try Ebola bear oh mom okay okay I'm good don't spit don't chant collector don't chant anything there's no chanting it's the first rule also the first rule twitches if you want people that do something say not to do it anything I will say anything at all to defy you bear as Victory's mount so to will resist people that have literally never spoken in chat before will leap at the opportunity to defy me lurkers horrified at the concept of even revealing themselves all of a sudden gained the confidence necessary to defy my order only because we love you bear ah you know I did this badly oh well that really badly lurk alert were another case of rabies huh I will screw you bear you know what scissor ball I remember ever reading your name so I think you're the prime candidate okay and here's to calling you out for it these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten if I didn't stop getting so much garbage do I still have a shovel I do HJ 10 G oh [ __ ] we're done cool that's convenient Tenshi how's it going buddy good to see it please go follow HJ Tenchi for me he's just a terrific individual great broadcaster are you playing the DLC Tenchi variety streamer you'll catch all kinds of different games and sources of entertainment over on that channel you didn't shine hard enough clearly yeah you still got a chance but it's not looking good sleeping well for once so we can wake up and watch people nice you've been on your grind man which I guess is not any different from the norm for you is it kudos to you no DLC for me yeah I love it dude I highly recommend it you should check it out the endless mode is really fun I got a campfire I can do this I can totally do this we can totally do this let's rock it buff City baby crit bonus I don't think I actually had a lot of bus to give definitely restrain the crossbow I think I'll take a stress reduction actually that's going to be pretty effective here Hellion death guaranteed here it comes oh God nothing else is really all that imperative so let's just encourage to get off that last little bit from the heli and I suppose I can't do it on here oh well let's do this okay here we go no ambush thank you the light the promise of safety let's do it Shane blur hype sham blur hype I need a proper amount of hype for a proper sampler fight now come on though the first one was a bit of a goof but this this we're looking for a victory let's go dean dark bright or day our task is the same all right well first of all I do think it wise to move back to allow the Hellion to at least get a little bit further forward the hound master I don't actually think can move back to he can ok thankfully Samsonite it's for its scientific fact proven every time oh boy lands the buff ok ok they get first actions they get the crit - apparently alright so careful with the pits I guess we don't want to give them over alright that's unfortunate that's like the minimum amount it could do to not kill him but he is still gonna get killed from the next one I could pounds Harry here actually that's not a terrible idea so no it's four crits alright then let's give you the best chance for it 14% pounds rush ah damn it no good thank you for the thousand biddies though thank you thank you so much let's try again 23% looks a little better no [ __ ] I'm playing the wrists okay okay still not too bad that's not a horrible shuffle actually and I can land this - oh no Craig where is it Boyd waka welcome back for 14 months thank you so much I appreciate it well c'mon in all right what do we got he's gonna bleed out so we don't have to worry about him anymore sadly no Dodge dabba gent bits for shandler crits let's see it right here damn it stack the bleed though that's good all right come on this is the one right 24:19 with the bleed I think I gotta go with this chance 24 percent let's do it oh okay well at least this is helpful I love that he can go forward three that's so nice the crit might be enough for the kill with that ten bleed baby bits for crits ICU shady eyes real and Bender with a 69 all right a combined effort of bits from the chat let's get the crit singular strike shambleau down any biddies for the crit EES feels good exsanguinate better turn cheat engine off never is that the cheats it's the bits there he goes [ __ ] yes ition at least promises success like literally the best possible result here we go oh my god that's beautiful do it right now [ __ ] it oh my god that's so amazing they keep going got another fight right here try out our new ancestors candle for a spin here oh good stuff yep gives me confidence hey Myka loves our tube it's going well we just took down a sham blur we are in good shape here remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer all right we no longer have the ancestors candle buff after this I'm hoping for a scout no luck okay I'm getting out of here the agents of pestilence will yet be driven from our woods very nice that went very well ancestors candle is a hell of a pickup too curious and slow draw quick reflexes on Valley azu though that's probably gonna be worth locking in actually collectors failed you and confidence oh that would be cool that'd be nice but hey I like it all the same archery tournament jester man alarms master second gesture is probably worth it I'd say it's probably worth it I'll go ahead and grab that I think let's do it more arrived foolishly seeking fortune and glory in this domain of the Damned sub mode pls in the chat you wouldn't mind Spyro let's go ahead and rename this gesture and before we do that I'll figure out the party we're gonna send out and let's go ahead and fight the whizzing tag why not sounds like a treat so what kind of team can we send out for that how about a vestal to begin with played a little safer I like the fledgling again we'll send out the less afflicted one how about a shield breaker might be nice for the for the hag fight and then a gesture for a little bit more bleed on the side I think that's okay that could probably work out pretty well this team looks fine to me just the shield breakers a little bit of an anomaly but we can build around her differently like the puncture for example can be used we can also keep impale for the remainder of the dungeon although I know that blight isn't gonna be as a fact well actually there's no blight on it when it's in a Rank 1 skill center run yeah it doesn't matter she's nervous but that's okay I don't think the hag is a human all right let's go ahead and draw this jester winner is like the shoe whoo I feel like me a party one let's make sure nope okay cool there you go like the shoe congratulations my friend welcome on into the roster enjoy your position you definitely did not win good good to know all right well there you are welcome my friend you are our jester now cool all righty the hag is human oh cool well that's very good then I think we'll go ahead and give him the same - we've been giving him for the most part well first of all let's go ahead and head over to the guild and blacksmith again to make sure we're not feeling of failing to upgrade appropriately Bam Bam Vestal is actually gonna get be able to get up to rank 3 thanks porky yeah if you get rank 3 and do that this that and the other and let's see here we'll go ahead and unlock puncture upgrade these ones appropriately I wonder if you get three blocks at a higher rank for that that'd be dope and we'll go ahead an upgrade and pail as well okay cool there's that take this oh wait no that's right we were gonna keep impale okay so we'll do that's jester has those four he's good to go I believe ya reclaim is fine you know what actually I'm gonna do Endor now let's do suffer actually suffer seems appropriate here and then we'll have the best tool to take care of our healing needs and she's all ranked up and ready to go I already check the stagecoach were set to go their Nomad wagon oh man I'd be nice oh well - too expensive okay I think we're ready trinkets all set oh wait just kidding heaven jailbreaker you are going to have a lot more damage hopefully so let's give you a dismisses head ancestors candle combo mamie which is pretty [ __ ] nuts she's gonna take a lot more stress but we have a jester so hopefully it won't be too bad or maybe we should give this to the flatulent and then have him have suffer as well stack all the stress on him give him his affliction which were fine with I'm beginning to convince myself that that's the appropriate play however we do have to flatulent specific trinkets so that's probably the way to go with that anyway so there's that I'm giving up the Sun ring for damage though so I wonder if maybe I want to give I mean he is dealing damage I guess it could be useful in him and then let's go ahead and give him the bleed skill chance to for the gesture yeah that works out and then finally blood thirst ring and let's go with camouflage cloak back there and the vestal too okay that's pretty good this seems strong I like it I'm going to unlock his buff move oh wait oh he's already got it it's the other guy that doesn't have it and then you that's not all that great I'd love to give you encourage though so we need to take these guys over into the survivalist make sure that they've at least got four options to use mockery is pretty good too let's use turn back time instead though and then let's do bless ya bless is worth it I'm gonna take encourage and you need lashes cure I guess fine that's okay don't want to add stress just yet flatulent can't hit it with those skills oh yeah good point I suppose we'll have to unlock raina blight or rain of Sorrows I mean yeah alright so we'll have to do that prior to the fight I suppose which is fine not a big deal flageolet more like flatulent hail all right cool good to go few herbs is fine a few of each few shovels few keys torches not that many and I'll get holy water for the boss I guess it might be helpful I think she does light damage right if I recall correctly let's do it I had collected money rare and elusive volumes on ancient herbal properties and was set to enjoy several weeks immersed in comfortable study my work was interrupted however by a singularly striking young woman who insisted on repeated calls to the house there is method in the wild corruption here it bears a form both wretched and malevolent okay that's a long path in it alright you've missed quite a bit unfortunately me twelve yay we're nearing the end of the stream here today probably a couple more runs bit of blood okay of course again we are using things that require torch light we will keep that up as best we can a few shovels here this is a beautiful Scout sadly not a good look victim to this breading corruption malformed with BAM circa the new DLC adds a few new bosses a whole new area in the form of the farmstead along with an endless run mode in the farmstead champion level which is a lot of fun alright then let's see what sort of damage outlook we're dealing with here we don't have a ton it's primarily gonna be coming from the shield breaker weirdly enough what's she gonna be doing here The Pierces okay yeah she can she can hit pretty [ __ ] hard that's nice not to mention being able to hit literally everybody oh my god wow that sucks I should be able to give this guy wanted to at least allow the fanatic to kill one of these and then slice off seems good Hagin fanatic always give me so much trouble the hag is a tough fight the hag is a very hard fight yeah it's probably like Spyro said yeah it's probably one of the hardest original bosses you have to yeah exactly you guys keep getting out ahead of me of the things I want to say but hag requires a team mostly specified to deal with her [Music] you've got to be able to damage the backline obviously or you're completely [ __ ] you've got to be able to either handle whoever gets put in the pot or just ignore whoever gets put in the pot give them no quarter and in my case I'm hoping it's the flatulent because that obviously is very helpful for me it's trapped yeah good team rotation as well yeah just the ability to handle her particular problems that's that's why she becomes such a nuisance the hag is obviously the perfect boss for quad leper Oh yet obviously that goes without saying you don't like the hag of the cannon fight for those reasons I think the cannon is even more so like guilty of requiring you to build exactly to the specifications of it the pickaxe I'm sure from the grave robbery is able to make quick work of that now right I imagine that's quite easy or any other armor-piercing the stone the shield breaker in fact yeah she'll break her hard counters the cannon yes oh that's nice that they have that now let's get the backline dad ow ow ow okay so the flageolet hit there ought to do it a harvest on these two is gonna help out a lot good old surprise attack terrific yay there's nothing wrong with having bosses which require specific types of compensations in my opinion it's I feel it's less enjoyable than just making a boss that is difficult for every team you bring up against it you know like not to say that every other boss in this game is designed that way and designed perfectly to force you to have to accommodate to or like not to force you have to accommodate but to rather provide you opportunities to switch up your rosters try different approaches against them I don't disagree that it's not a bad thing though unforeseen forgiving that was a triple negative I agree that it's not a bad thing d-daddy whoa so many [ __ ] shovels already no died their formation is broken maintaining the offensive Davos yay little horses I might take that off him actually it's fine not worth it though a dizzying blow to body and brain no II it's rude heck in Borger second mini Barker's these are these are horses sorry to say [Music] as the fees enamels ah nice I'll do back to the pit give me the heel stress he'll even nice beautiful and I'll take that Ripoff I'm with a flatulent for one point the enemy I should have taken the one off of the shield breaker now that I think about it but oh well okay we're all in the right spot right when we are not there we go there's our final [ __ ] shovel which is a little scary collector is waiting to attack after thing from the stars yeah we'll have a triple boss fight run I fully welcome that actually that sounds like a lot of fun bring him on [ __ ] it's worth more than with Jade probably not literally right now but eventually that's a eighty seventy okay perfect mechanical hazards it up and unite to fight this sham blur two for the quadboss oh we got to do that yeah this will be easy garbage another one much better inspiration yay fanatic for five bosses I think we already included in didn't destroy already there's no more shells please highway 65 the [ __ ] is this battle yeah I'm no kidding one bandit yep and I lost my feed alright highway 65 welcome to the bottle buddy I appreciate your support enjoy your badge animo I can't see my screen anymore by the way so just watching OBS here hopefully it'll come back eventually oh I saw it for a second come back to me come back to me screen come on I know you want to do it god damnit oh there it is yay mrs. Mar hello waiting to be spent good to see you that's our final torches okay and there's herbs more food hooray hacks laden with loot I might actually have a dying monitor yeah I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna get a new one at some point here whoo we can impale here didn't even think about that Oh baby that's nice bear do you have more butt than NL I don't think so we both got flat asses it's the curse of the the white youtuber Enel bikes oh that's true yeah so he's probably got a bit of glue he got a bit of glute on him and stressing flat-ass unsubbed I deserve it right this expedition at least promises success take sweet welcome to the bear pile Attila nope and Linda nope and I was right I thought I was right welcome in the pile a little thank you very much for the subscription I appreciate it Joey bagent elos welcome on in okay I think we go to the end of the hall walk back and then campout timely torch all right come on no that's naughty don't do this yeah okay wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike I just triggered that light twice by walking back and forth over those tiles immediately that was interesting I'd also probably added more stress than I needed to but oh well cam not worth it with shield breaker oh right [ __ ] I forgot now let's try it I'm willing to give it a shot for the buffs for the Buffs baby look at her crit chance she's gonna be well actually that crit chance buff is not that great for her but I'll give it to her anyway and then let's see here I'll take this doesn't prevent the ambush so it's not worth doing I think I'll go with this buff for him compassion is the road in that all right and let's fight the snakes as the light gains purchase lifted that purpose is made clear okey-dokey impale time I love the customers baby stands are good good guard all right luckily we can just harvest those two al nice bleed this is a much better start for us than the previous attempt at this yeah that horror stacking almost guarantees that we have a shield breaker with a resolve Jack at the end of this which is why it's a risk we just got to be quick I think I harvest again I don't think I want to do anything about this dress just yet yeah I know having no music for this battle really is quite fitting for it I love it all right there we go he should be dead he's not gonna have his action this time which is great and I'm gonna be able to impale obviously I think I'll go ahead and go for a group heal I suppose is probably my best play although a judgement might be enough to go for the kill on this guy not quite shoot that stinks there's another horror stack let's go for the expose obviously very nice and that's actually good for us I think it puts us close to exsanguinate territory nice hell yeah what's his buff bleed skill chance right yeah nice and he's dead Oh almost sadly no opportunity to stress y'all there at the end either and I hope he doesn't get to do this oh let's let's try to kill him so he doesn't trigger the horror I'm a beautiful thing they say push on to the tasks and flawless as a sea of dunes graceful as the desert wind captivating as a shimmering Mirage they stare they linger they watch me without blinking are they the same one our purpose was to desecrate their animalistic shrines and thus disperse the swine folk but soon we came across an artifact this was far beyond the crude fetishes crafted by the pig men it looked as if obsidian had been grown and twisted into a dark symbol of worship with cradle the pulsing red orb glowing with malevolent light Cuthbert Bolin and I hesitated but thrice-damned mazia drive driven by crazed impulse thrust his torch in a hidden receptacle and thus sealed our fate the Shambhala Ages scale fierce protection interesting and a venomous vile shield breaker only she's got to ancestral trinkets right now I think she's good let's eat food yell everybody up districts are not endgame strictly they are mid to late game though so we're not gonna be seeing those take effect for a little bit here I think I'm just gonna go ahead and dump food and take bets and let's see here we are just ahead of the hag fight so I suppose well it would be a bit of a waste to pop the holy water right now then wouldn't it let's get rid of these I want to keep these journals just for my own sake and then get rid of those keys I guess and do that and then we're good okay cool let's swap there and off we go actually you know what I don't want to have her impale off the start I think I'm gonna have him be up front my damn blight nothing not gonna do I'll you already interacted with that that's right do do do do do do do you think we're ready so what does this do oh [ __ ] nice twisted and maniacal ass leathering testament to the powers of corruption the journals are exclusively for Laura so I just wanted to bring him back home for you know just for fun really all right let's start with a Pierce I suppose right oh we could kill the cauldron let's do that oh nevermind that's not a thing you can do you jump you don't damage the cauldron okay oh and I forgot the belong rate of light no no I [ __ ] it we've [ __ ] it boys it's [ __ ] and the vessel in the pot Oh God rip a little penguin amazing bear thank you no good excellent work I know really impressive stuff we even come back no way I've made my bed I'm gonna lie in it crits 4 bits please Fitz 4 crits I mean obviously we need them all right get her out of there yeah at least we've got that right that is pretty Evan tages know you're getting in there you're not done cooking we're just gonna plead her to death this will work this will work eventually back to the pitch flageolets exclusively smack in the pot so that's fine itaku confesses see if this helps with a hundred biddies thank you very much yeah thank you it hurts he doesn't hate that vessel oh my god one medium rare Vestal please oh no this is well done at this point Oh baby she still has her blog lines brick from becoming gone Wow Oh no kidding you're at death's door huh that's a shock all right let's allow her to at least heal herself maybe let's see yeah I got to do it Pierce wolf guy welcome back wolf guy for 19 months in a row thank you thank you so much please don't kill her come on all right thank you block it I have an Aegis that's non so it is blocked Vega I blocked one hit of that I guess use Aegis scales on Vestal I think it really just blocks one tick of the pot damage which is kind of a waste blocked yeah yeah but unquote lithium so I mean I guess right now I should use an honor that certainly makes sense if I get the opportunity I should add a yeah I should have done the last turn now I understand why well she's dead by oh god oh god Brit Vestal that was fun back to the pot tenderize mmm tasty tasty vest oh he just falls off the bone [Laughter] indeed Wayne there's the benefit that's nice at least oh Jesus okay well look at us go we did it I don't even know if this is worth keeping probably not I'm gonna keep it just in case it stays in the inventory I'm curious let's do that all right [Applause] I can take back the scale oh cool okay see I guess that's worth hanging on to them it is worth keeping all right good I'll let him eat the red call there then rip give it man a [ __ ] antsy again oh god we gotta get rid of that the blue boy and the pistol a fitting end tomorrow folly and a curse upon us all all right then sage in here get rid of that 12000 gold I got 12 thousand gold let's see what we can do here first of all stress relief unnecessary really I guess maybe I'm Joe Farrar let's do that and beyond that what can we do we have the Shrieker who is a champion Shrieker that's not happening obviously whoops Prentice Warren's maybe yeah that wasn't stolen trinkets bird that was champion birdie there's my new trinket here what's it talking about I don't have anything you just got survived yeah I guess technically that is true but it's I mean like is that worth it to get massacred farm again I'm thinking maybe we want to go for a veteran dungeon just to get us more prep for the Miller fight but I am also done I'm also done today is is the other thing so so that's that's the dominant aspect really please plane so thank you for the hundred biddies I appreciate it and thank you all of course for tuning in yet again it's been another fantastic stream of back or color of madness back to bed again yes indeed of course if you have missed any part of this playthrough as I've mentioned several times you can catch it over on / beritasatu in TV slash bear taffy as well back to the bed yes yes indeed I'll miss you too 700 thank you all so much for the support today and of course all this week it means the world to me thank you thank you for showing the love I really appreciate it more color of madness soon to come give me a follow here if this is your first time catch me live I'll be live quite a bit more play more color of madness all throughout the week here and for the coming days I don't expect to be stopping anytime soon of course spelunky saturday is not gonna stop either so we'll have that on Saturday which is in a couple days or spelunky Saturday then along with probably more color of madness after that please welcome on into the bear pile thanks for the sub and thank you for gifting the sub library lad appreciate you sharing the love around ah 10 she's about to go live let's go ahead and send some love over to tenshi he was just in here that's my boy HJ Tinchy please go check him out bear raid the bear loves the bear hugs the bear omg's whatever you want to do send it over to slash HJ tanky playing some vampyre should be a good time and thank you all for hanging out now we back soon takes madrenas cough for sponsoring every show thanks to better help for the new sponsor as well excellent coffee exclaim help check those out thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 86,196
Rating: 4.9479327 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: ovIPo7-lxNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 32sec (5432 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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