STONKS | World of Tanks

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did you hear that earlier heavenly where skulkers sound skulker sounded like an uncooked turkey running down a hallway [Laughter] whirl the tanks a game that's gotten significantly more intense since the last time I just jumped on this DW in a fashion that you would not believe yeah of course that's Russian this is like a straight-up speech from Chernobyl why are we were ramming the corner armor into the turret of the opposing tank you'll do it because it must be done first things first if you like to hit up the beautiful free to play World of Tanks for yourself with its redesigned maps remastered audio and so much more there is a link below the video and if you're a new player using the invite code tank tastic lands you at t 127 soviet premium tank with this best tank in hole 4 along with 500 gold 7 premium days and boosters / consumables - you know booze to consume thanks again to wargaming for sponsoring the video it really means a lot my buddies and I have such a blast anytime we turn on World of Tanks it's almost like we're harvesting laughter monster sinks done so thanks again just to brace you right now this is gonna be a goofy ass video because I had so many buddies that wanted to play World of Tanks we have like 10 dudes in the voice call - were playing Gears one was playing piano skulker was tuning a soundboard basically real [ __ ] our this is this is such a classic us video or [ __ ] browse and jello or actively playing Gears of War 4 in the Sun boys this playing job we kicked off our campaign with skulker showing us an artillery vehicle that was simultaneously the least intimidating and most effective long-range weapon that I've ever seen we are talking Chris Kyle level of deadliness with jello and I as scouts socking a lotta [ __ ] for some very solid looking grid coordinate a lot of [ __ ] for a man 1.3 miles away from Chris Kyle gg6 kind of looking like a G just like to take a slaughters entire village actually it was entire Bhatia battalion of friendlies because the kid in court yellow decided to plead quilty to the charges I'm getting 30 he's done I got there the 18 held Savior from the grave right there are you a snub-nosed already so much yeah this is hundred to one requesting artillery support at coordinates o two seven one nine six yeah I'm just gonna guess as somebody that appreciates firearms try to imagine sniping somebody with massive bullet drop from like 2,000 meters with a snubnose revolver that's basically well secret skulkers doing I was trying to say that instead of like like I don't know what it looks like so I'm a just a hole where the barrel should be in a dude sticking her revolver out the front like dropping all the [ __ ] try me just like an open hatch and then a part extends outwards with isn't even poking out it's just the arm coming out of the hatch and that left us kind of conflicted because on one hand it felt like pure cheese absolute cheese to hit somebody that hard from that far away with artillery when you're slow cardboard on the other hand crazy powerful crazy powerful if you even somewhat knew what you were doing Oh from down town he is surgical you're telling me that I'm a [ __ ] with artillery get out of here so having your best guy and the one designated artillery spot per squad was very important which was obviously why I thought I was the man for the job yeah yes that's a wrap boys that's a that's a that's a GG oh well you look at that heavenly huh someone swapped to artillery and look at that word at the top of our screen I wonder if those who are correlated unsurprisingly skulker took offense to this given his previous high scores with the snub nose you're gonna bring Louisiana sweet heat i'ma clap back what's the game plan yet heavenly thought his boomer status gave him special powers which made the artillery spot his burn right I'm charged up now like nobody can stop a boomer who was watching the news sit here watching c-span taking my nap and y'all just go to talk estate watch out if you guys wait too long for this next match is gonna fall asleep again I fall asleep I'm more powerful now you know to being myself bro I'm sick of this shit's good talking man who's already heavenlies already right and if that wasn't enough the list went on because even stretchy wanted the spot give it as intimate knowledge of artillery related terminology such as the term stomp artillery bombardment of dogs not only a word but it's used for military purposes but you're just sitting there and like World of Tanks launching there's french there's a French language there if somebody showed me the snub-nosed artillery and said that fires stocks but the list of applicants was getting a little too long for my taste so even though heavenly was terrible earlier in the day I gave him a shot to redeem himself and prove his artillery abilities probably fine let him serenade us Oh stretchy how does it feel to be the successful brother uh pretty solid not gonna lie Reggie's pancreas doesn't work I don't know if I consider that yeah well you connect when you sink your blood sugar to your blood sugar monitor doesn't - sans nope wait wait could you mater you're like [ __ ] sugar whatever this is can you please stay with me back to you and picking the guy wasn't an easy call because it meant the difference between winning and losing so even though it took all day I did the right thing and selected myself as the designated Rd plays this is a battlefield not a day care results come first feelings come second I'm the one dropping the heat and of story oh I wonder on that Valentine lights out damn [ __ ] all right that is really I can hit - I'm just zeroing if you can just keep it spotted oh there's [ __ ] artillery coming from the sky reloading come on come on Panzer 38 it's gonna get it to your teammate oh oh that is my god I don't see he's here oh right there right there right there as you that's another bullseye that's another bullseye I think one or two more he'll be dead oh one four three two one zero badger fades back how's a good game to end on the logs the logs I was dagger I hate to say it but I'm kind of tired of winning I've won too much today after 10 hours we like swap in heavenly or what is pg game our killer redeemed heavenly has just been a punching bag today just getting give us a mad as possible and y'all [ __ ] met him yeah I said I was tired of winning I didn't say I wanted to Luke heavenly just takes a long blink we just consider it a nap okay boomer that was that I don't think I've ever had such amazing footage from one single play session I guess it was ten hours I feel like I have enough material to make five videos I just found this particular chap of our story to be the most interesting and I was paraphrasing / condensing for brevity because much like a juicy burger you need to cut out most of the facts you're not even good yeah yes yes but I've seen old people that are willing to fight and berate each other with words over burgers and that is about it got to be the weirdest / best video that I've edited in recent memory I don't know didn't seem that weird while I was editing it in little increments but then when I washed it back here I'm like what the regardless I'd like to thank you so very much for watching there's a length of the game down below if you'd like to try it out for yourself using code tank tastic and be sure to tune in next time when we show interest in the arts [Music] [Music] booze has little looks old a the bite of the stars the more I just fade couldn't see how anything changes [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 4,715,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of tanks, rainbow six siege, wot, strategy, gameplay, tank, wargaming, free 2 play, free to play, wowswot2019, let’s play, guide, free pc games, let's play, stonks, artillery, multiplayer, lets play, mmo, wot replays, world of tanks best replays, role-playing game, world of tanks gameplay, world of tanks epic wins, russian badger, world of tanks rng, wot funny, world of tanks fails, wot fails, wot 1.0, world of tanks funny, wot funny moments, wot funny fails, wot epic, rng, game
Id: UeccD6fYBlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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