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uranium is 20 billion calories so I really wanted to bulk up you got a source that isn't a me my tuck I'd googled that there is no certain amount of potassium that is radioactive we've worked this out in high school if you ate forty thousand bananas in ten minutes you would die of radioactive poisoning yes you know what still think helicopter should have ejection seats war Thunder game I love so much I've literally memorized every single shell combination to avoid being cyber bullied by the player base just so that I understand the meme armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot armor-piercing high-explosive armor-piercing high-explosive fin-stabilized discarding sabot or Sabo sorry armor-piercing high-explosive fin-stabilized discarding stable high-explosive captain ballistic capped armor-piercing high-explosive fin-stabilised discarding stable high-explosive anti-tank high-explosive cat ballistic aft and then we just got bash bash thanks guys for sponsoring today's video you can play for free on PlayStation Xbox and PC and signing up at the link below grants you a premium tank aircraft or ship for the 3-day account food so there's never been a better time to join the community that guy's name is Jeep tab Mick fat dad Mick fat dad that guy is gonna be in the [ __ ] space force and as an added bonus both new players and existing players that use a link below gain access to my very own decal which is incredibly valuable for obvious reasons so be sure to check it out rocket pods at you that you could probably have on a wartime killing machine like what join the Marines question am i immortal the last thing that you see before dead quick update on the last war thunder video I did in fact ask gaijin to be paid with an f-22 Raptor and the response was well but you can't follow me for trying maybe I should ask for every enlisted man's dream car this time around damn all this more chimera Pooh in his final note I hope you guys are hanging in there while we're all social distancing I will try my best to avoid some of the dreadful [ __ ] posts that are somehow still contagious right now why are memes like this now we have the official voice actor from halo say who turned himself in and I shoot you not that some of the funny [ __ ] I've ever seen do you hate the Doge meme that bus that you serve in a dam everybody's fine we've identified the Shiva beyond all that nonsense the name of the game in this video old school new school because the new [ __ ] the modern [ __ ] your phantoms your Abrams your Apaches obviously bow to each one to help on this potato truck it's [ __ ] oh my god the driver side but it's also very hot here and mainly played by more experienced players so we wanted to kick it old school to give you a more realistic view of the beginner vehicles you start with and let me tell you it may be lower rank but it is just as exhilarating whoa where did that come from Wow is that an aircraft oh wow I mean I admire the commitment but Jesus old-school lower ranks are badass these dudes will drive or fly anything into combat a literal boomerang with machine guns bolted onto it hell yeah brother God yeah you think oh yeah I'm gonna shoot somebody down D oh hell yeah in the boomerang who's next who's trying to get smoke next another kill there it is mom an eye for an eye we've all my god oh my god oh how does that well Donnell and jester crash into the ground these gravity told you to what yes bear oh I'm a boomerang you can't outmaneuver a boomerang good luck you yack piece of [ __ ] yeah it's a it's ferrets rule he's back he's back go fine I got it man going from World War 2 era technology to modern day technology was weird because I always think of modern day vehicles as invisible and invincible to all adversaries including that giant fireball we all look at everyday what is this glare from this the Sun the Sun you would think they would pass that I mean hashed out the Sun yeah we have believed the Sun do you love your God I'm just waiting for you to say but we've already seen you fly choppers like the Black Shark well this isn't a ka-50 it's an ah-64 Apache Longbow can your Black Shark do this wait could i Fioretti Clee do this I don't like that truck is about 1/2 of it I'll stop let's just say that I'm glad our bottomless defense budget here in the United States can produce such marvels of modern engineer they have two missiles in man watch this splash in peace splash two and three all of those it just works and / splash yes oil not America that's for sure you should see my forearms right now dog I'm really portable [Music] I'm good oh you just take it oh well your doesn't matter got the kill what's that siren noise the temporary shed bags wallets wallets in the air I just straight up Adam Sandler this is how I we only think it's missing as an ejection seat not sure that I'm qualified to explain how that would work from a technical standpoint but seems like a worthwhile investment in research and development you know I still think helicopters should have ejection seats like yeah you're gonna get shredded by the rotors but I mean on the old-school front I was just dying to rip through some t-34s because if there's anything the Soviets can afford to lose its a few thousand of those things I can already hear the Soviet national anthem playing what the hell his whole crew got splattered this guy's a chore I'm gonna crush you with my t-34 hell yeah brother you think the fires gonna stop me think again if the first t-34 doesn't crush them the next three definitely will how many different variants the t-34 T yes your means of production or mine this dude's next boom dad yes double strike look at this Oh baby Oh baby and once we jump back to new-school I think it's obvious which modern tank I gravitate towards but look at my free room get even a t-rex would get his fade run by an m1a2 Abrams I was sent his ass back to the Cretaceous so fast the reason why is I can't get enough of Sabo shells because when you think about it is literally just the final form of throwing a rock at somebody all kinds of shells like heat and hash and fish have a complicated set of chemical reactions that are chained together for some devastating effect upon impacting another tank what the Sabo shells are literally just a rock I mean it's the world's densest sharpest tungsten and or depleted uranium Rock but it's still just a rock it depleted uranium [ __ ] or [ __ ] Y where Y we're disarming you could just eat it we don't care how calorie-dense uranium is the winner with this right here right there some ammunition to explode Oh bullseye yeah my turret can't depress the Abrams can never be depressed only its operators yes found him boom baby right in his tailpipe boom target destroyed oh look who I found Oh baby k their own seed they should be like right in front of me I think I just blind fired and just smoked and hit that guy saw like a glimpse of his dad I can't even begin to tell you how hilarious I find it that a Sabo can not only puncture state-of-the-art tank armor but go straight through it and still have enough energy to punch out the other side I eagerly await the sweet release of death when I get to see killcams like that and you'll never see your family again thanks to that round right there through my shirt oh that did it to you go elect him God little baby's gonna have a lonely dinner if you zoom in you can see the exact point where all these kids became more Wow was that far away Wow through my turrets armored through my dudes through my ammunition out the other armor what the [ __ ] I gotta hand it to the Department of Defense these are some scary ass depleted uranium rocks since we'd never done it before jello thought it was a brilliant idea for all of us to run World War two bombers which is like flying a garbage truck strapped with enough ordnance to erase a country from the face of the earth landing back on the carrier is not a priority bombs away we actually got three-quarters of its health in one run yes got them all off that is gonna be a very big hole yes I got it I destroyed it yeah thousand-pound bombs my dude I I do some serious deep slant fly baby there they go my bombs are waiting for splash oh that damage yes I got it with mine nice I'm dropping oh I accidentally hit my spacebar drop your bomb oh oh we all decided to all run tracer rounds just in case some of these interceptors one of the [ __ ] round gets shredded by a peanut bomber and jelly it is literally impossible to have too many tracers they're all a dilemma you know all tracers I hit that dude I hit that dude I swear this gigantic flying [ __ ] garbage truck is gonna take down a fighter if so laborious though yes I hit him hard come on take him down hell yeah brother Henry ended the session by checking out the Japanese Air Force which I can't tell was a major victory or a major mistake actually that helicopter with its historical boat the Japanese Air Force I'm gonna niconico need you to turn that [ __ ] off right now animes canceled anime is canceled we American this [ __ ] this is burger one one two burger actual so proud of skulker for finally making the throw video without giving any of us hearing damage that really has to be a first yeah everybody's favorite expendable pilots Coker you could easily auto-rotate this with like hiking Mikey I could lay this on top easy you got this all right now startled up nailed it at my funeral giving a eulogy I know I kind of caught you off guard there and this mug can be a little bit disturbing if it comes in a little too fast but I'd I had to end the video somewhere and you hear that the echos getting better I made this whole law sound proof to the house building theme from RTR to which I'm not embarrassed about I shouldn't tell you the music that I added videos - I tell you what Bobby I'm gonna put this [ __ ] on every wall thanks so much for watching all the way to the end of the video I really appreciate it thank you to gaijin for sponsoring this video man doesn't mean a lot war thunder is free to play via the link below you get a free vehicle by signing up down there and the decals Oh some of the ones that you guys send me on Twitter is just oh haha long a be sure to next time we face off an m2 Bradley against a Stegosaurus I don't know how but I know that I m2 Bradley's gonna find a way to flip itself over and drown every occupant inside I don't know what I should not [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 6,512,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war thunder, war thunder 1.97, war thunder update 1.97, war thunder sweden, war thunder news, war thunder apache, ah-64d apache longbow, ah-64, war thunder abrams, war thunder gameplay, update, war thunder memes, war thunder swedish, war thunder tanks, update 1.97, war thunder funny moments, war thunder planes, war thunder funny, war thunder dev server, war thunder realistic, bombers, aircraft, discussion, free to play, war thunder helicopters, gameplay, war thunder aircraft
Id: e7F0f0VWJnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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