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Gaijin need to do this more, their marketing department is really lacking. It's good that they're finally advertising more.

👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/Darab318 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Bajur gave a funny video that made us realise a game that is not necessarily new but not mainstream. Big parallels to fortnite. Hopefully we can see the same growth!

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/LegalImmigrantPolska 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

nice that the big snail gods are advertising

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I loved that badger played war thunder and his comments on the game, but since he was given a press account, he couldn't understand the horrible grind that the game can be, honest to god, I like the game, but sometimes the grind is so bad I have to stop playing or matchmaking at times can he one sided, or at least a certain nation struggles at late tier compared to others.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Rotholia 📅︎︎ May 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

oh fuck yes

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Kosmokat16 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wait people can see custom skins now? I thought it was client side.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/lgallo2595 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I can't help but think this is a waste of Gaijin's money. The new player experience is dogshit : the tutorial is botched, nothing is explained. It's no secret that the player retention is abysmal, and there are good reasons for that.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Opticatoll 📅︎︎ May 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

guess i'll look at this one tommorrow, kinda late now but heck yes, badgur playing le war thunder? gg gajiboobles you might actually be doing something right in regards to advertising now

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RobinVerhulstZ 📅︎︎ May 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
Judy Heumann number one puny human number two puny human number three and more Bo's good friend Richard Nixon hey morbo how's the family belligerent and numerous good man [Laughter] friendly ac-130 in the air war thunder a game made by guys and entertainment that is wildly different from what I was expecting Bubba keep it real wish you chief I cannot hear anything now guys and entertainment and yes that guy Jean as in the word they used in Japan for people that watch too much anime was nice enough to sponsor today's video so playing this game that's on PC ps4 and soon to be the Xbox one for free is something that you're interested in there's a link below to sign up and they even throw in a free premium tank or aircraft just because they're nice guys take a Pigs off you've got to cut me some slack with this video because I know plenty of you out there are hardcore war thunder fans but please give me a mulligan this one time in case I look like a silly novice because I may lack experience but I'm dedicated to learning new things in every game you drop a bomb like while you're landing I feel like I'm letting her down real nice and soft explodes and both of my wings are gone yeah I can assure you that although my account has quite literally 9000 wins I am most definitely at the beginner stage of my development my biggest worry when I started playing the game was that I wouldn't be able to handle the complexity because you've got both air combat and tank combat plenty of different vehicle types different tiers within those vehicle types Arcade Mode realistic mode simulator mode and seemingly limitless customization that admittedly got a little out of hand why did they give us this amount of power it's too much nobody should have this much power and should have all that power this is so terrible white why it's uncomfortable in my brain because I'm simultaneously very proud that they have this kind of technology that they allow custom skins but at the same time that really seems like a power that can be abused very easily look at what you're doing right now but after playing it non-stop I don't mind the complexity at all because it adds tremendous depth to the game and my buddies and I still manage to have a blast while glossing over most of the details slash options slash minutiae and for me that jury started to changing my measurement settings to maximize my freedom the lancaster had an impressive bomb load of 60 356 kilograms i don't know what that means man i'm american I speak pounds I speak feet I speak moon I don't actually hate the metric system because I am Canadian but after spending two-thirds of my life in the US it's hard to not feel American I sure do love me some of that their imperial system they're more Americans the game modes just start by you're just in the chow hall like shooting the [ __ ] press f to eat buttered bread then a 500 pound anyways anyway so my girl will send me this letter explosion cutting go chase upon starting the game I was faced with choosing between air combat or tank combat which I reflexively chose air combat because between the two options it has a significantly faster pace I'm out of here I have no wings left where's my [Laughter] chances I got this [ __ ] two seconds later my wings are gone he's definitely going too fast after my pilot just hates me anytime that we missed shots it's like yeah I'm just gonna pull a casual 25 G's as I become a human bean bag and lose all sensation in my limbs at least he doesn't pass out he's a real trooper about not passing out and crashing us into the ground picking a plane was a logical place to start and I won't jump all of the various aircraft choices on you right now just know that there's something for everyone from fighters to attackers to bombers there's fast planes hard hitting planes planes with heavy ordnance no matter what role you're trying to play you can find one that will fit the bill yeah is that ships I don't want to say it this way but is naval fighter anti anti air yes ok I'm anti anti anti air so you say naval fighters are the vehicle equivalent of the word antidisestablishmentarianism yes my god yes I can't I can't just go all the way up the tiers and get like an f-22 Raptor or something going through all the countries like ok there's China there's the US there's Germany is that is that Lockheed Martin what the [ __ ] is that a country in this game I swear to god guys it doesn't matter if you're in a MIG if you hit a yok with a single bullet they just go into outer space they just say nope i'm yuri gagarin now i'm just gonna make this mission mars i'm going to the moon just look at this guy i can eventually catch him but it's just like what who asked you to turn this into next comes your game mode with arcade being the casual babby option that's perfect if you're starting out or trying to learn the game because you do sacrifice some of the more realistic aspects of the game but it's faster paced and has more action not to mention how forgiving it is to have multiple plane response okay we got that was so much reloading I am so glad that I didn't scuff that ship that's the thing about the MiG man like it's so fast and it's so deadly and so powerful but once you start firing it's just oh I guess all of my bullets are gone it's like firing an Uzi so potato what's the deal with arcade versus what's it called realistic mode realistic because oh and all that I've ever seen is anybody that plays RK the comment section is just breathe briea stop that stop that oh when they closer up like this is so hard to pick which one you want because if you hit up the wrong guy that his buddy's gonna be right on your tail immediately fly in a straight line buddy thank you we are all on the board fellas I'm near that way too often I always dig when I'm trying to zag oh that's like half the battle is not crashing into another plane when you're trying to take him down oh thank god this guy that guy's so slow there's no way there's no way we got him but I'd I have lost all thrust in my engines this is not good fellas this is not a this is not a winning scenario but I do not have any ability to go faster oh there we go so apparently the upside of this thing is that the guns are extremely terrifying but the downside is that it handles like a garbage truck that somehow became a flying craft still hits hard though there we go mission accomplished we did it fellas we did it there you have it if you were ever curious to see whether or not this gigantic garbage truck gets it done in combat it do we'll never lose if I have a plane it's a quarter of attrition just like Space Marines casualty rate victory realistic on the other hand is the other major option which requires a whole lot more focus because gaijin takes off the training wheels and tons of things can go wrong like gun jams if you're not careful are you clear gun jams so I may require more effort but this seems to be the authentic war thunder experience which I'm still getting used to that seemed like five or ten minutes of a commute only to die upon entry into the battlefield so it is realistic simulator mode does exist but it's played by a far smaller group of players and is a little too hardcore for my taste at least we got to read all of the neato tooltips while we were in queue do not stand near the bomb thank you thanks gang you know that's a thing in these types of games over penetration with armor penetrating shells I really want to see the guy where like the show goes through one side of his fall and out the other doesn't hit anything is like this is fine yeah it's slide cool I got some got some fresh cow today's Bree go through my tank now over penetrate that tank just national cross-breeze yeah you guys go drafted here look at this one use your binoculars it's free like what what you actually don't know is that so this game would be in Russia these are actual hits this is real-life fight right now much like goldfish are the snack that smiles back trees are the vegetation that hits back don't hit these helpful tutorials will hit you in the face once you start up the game to get you acquainted with the basics and everything after that can be learned just by fooling around pressing all of the buttons and breaking [ __ ] it's honestly the best way to pick up the fundamentals like what weapons for use in emergency situation / do s'more than 100 percent of the rated power so you're overclocking your plane yeah it's for what you need to dip ski would you consider yourself an enthusiast and like to unlock the tools to overclock your engine and of course more customization which depending on your personality can range from slightly goofy Marine Corps training around five miles of full kit but they gave me a gonna do I'm gonna throw I'm just gonna throw a Marine Corps logo on the side of my German plane to see if anybody notices all the way down to totally off the rails aerial shitposting that's hugely unprofessional even for me oh I really just need to sidestream somebody while looking like this once you find yourself craving some ground-pounding action you've got all the same game types for tanks and plenty of vehicles available because the only thing cooler than flying in a golden Russian MIG is cruising around in a pink m1 Abrams I need this to happen now I needed to skirt on somebody with an MDA verbs when they're using something from World War 1 Oh do you want to see what 80 years of technological development looks like there chief don't let me mislead you though because in case you enjoy a more tactical approach to your customization that's definitely available thick vegetation included I'm serious I'm putting gigantic bushes all over me hey Matt blended yeah even jerrycans life preservers but guitar if you won't be that guy I hope y'all ready you you best come over to see my damn I'm just gonna crawl over you I'm not a tank I swear I'm not a rapper at all you're just and then all of a sudden like I said are you Oh overall as far as the tank half of war thunder is concerned it's pretty similar to other tank games that will remain nameless for contractual reasons but the intensity and the feel of the tanks is dialed up there's a gigantic diversity of Tanks I've said just like the aircraft I'm pretty sure glass from Rainbow six would wet himself seeing all the details that they clue you in on oh what'd you want to know the exact thickness of all of your armor down to the millimeter boom there you have it and on the topic of armor you should probably know that I like my armor like I like my women preferably from the Soviet Union and extra thick for me it was all about the firepower though because the Russian bm8 which is appropriately named by the way was just too appealing to pass up a llamar oh my god Wow I've got serious hail fire that's scary hello fire oh you can just hear it go miss skirt on this guy's so hard oh yeah I'm on fire I got him I got I'm still worthless classics are of course on the menu so for any reason you can't find what you're looking for with a thousand plus vehicles in the game there's always a German tiger waiting for you so I says to the guy knock knock he says who's there I say tiger he says tiger who I say tiger - oh that killcam so good just these these unnamed gray men taking an obscene amount of shrapnel in the face that's so good spotted unspotted spotted unspotted I did not at all I somehow exploded his ammunition depot I was not planning on doing that that's such a lucky shot I have a feeling he's gonna run away on me so I'm just let's see if I can hit him in the track so he doesn't run boom goes the dynamite there he is I'm curious to know how much damage I'm doing with my regular spacebar machine gun I fear not enough but if you're in the mood for an American tank the Calliope which I hope I'm pronouncing correctly is the obvious favorite because in the words of the engineer from tf2 the solution to everything is to use a gun and if that don't work use more good not only is this extremely loud but I feel like I'm just firing a gigantic cigarette-box of munitions is this extremely fun yes do I have any idea where any of these shells are going no this tank combat is considerably more intense than I anticipated starting with the fact that you can play on night maps which I can only describe as fun yet terrifying wait is this a job yeah oh no I think I can barely see growls what do you have in the front of your tank that's a Kappa I have it on the front of mine too oh yeah I hope it's on your take-up agile if you press space it's your machine gun oh no oh yeah thanks for firing it right above my head there yeah you're like oh let's aim at a badger while we test out pointing a loaded revolver at me and saying i wonder if this as bullets in it boom bro Roberts got a quick m2 browning it's a freedom dispenser - can we get can we get a bigger reticle or a bigger icon for the C flag please I'm not sure where it is where could it be hey yo bro you know we're CEO and the best part is you don't always have to choose one or the other because with how much ground combat and aerial combat intersect with one another why not both right Hellfire I hit him oh I exploded we got like four plates on our asses right now Jesus grouse that dude was so close what are you taking your head off and a fuselages went by yeah I got a perfect view of that all the lodges still there oh that's a plane no see Oh God oh god help me grouse told my dog ass and that's about it I was like thank you very much for watching one final thank you guys and entertainment for sponsoring today's video and giving me that amazing press account with like 10 billion dimma dollars so that I could showcase all of this game had to offer including that gold MIG don't forget about that signup link that's below the video because that premium tank slash premium plane isn't going to drive slash fly itself and be sure to tune in next time when we invade Narnia in a pink m1 Abrams [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 5,485,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, rainbow six siege, war thunder, war thunder planes, war thunder gameplay, war thunder tanks, war thunder tanks gameplay, war thunder aircraft, war thunder 1.77, war thunder planes gameplay, war thunder best tank, war thunder ground forces, war thunder russian tanks, war thunder jet gameplay, war thunder tank, war thunder funny moments, wt, war thunder realistic, war thunder german tanks, aircraft, gaijin, war thunder new update, warthunder, free to play, russian badger
Id: hlxi48TZhLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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