Aussie Coin Pusher EP 156

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[Music] i'm good hey jason from aussie coin pusher here well take a look at this one two silvers two sewers on the top tray um all right let's forget about those for a second okay that's enough wow look at the silvers um yep so that job up north that is completed that it's finished i don't need to go back there unless somebody wrecks some of my stuff which is probably going to happen but anyway let's take a look at these coins here to me that looks really light uh light like very light i mean you can basically see the entire bottom tray there's gaps everywhere um top tray yeah same thing looks quite light and not that bad for what i can see but uh anyway i've got 50 coins so uh yeah i have to have a crack at this so dave rang me last night out of the blue uh totally didn't even recognize the phone number so um and asked me was i interested in doing a buy-in and instead of buying i said what type of buy-in um because i was tired you know i wasn't even really thinking okay he said a thousand dollar buy-in um when you want to uh are you interested and i said oh yes please uh no i didn't really say that basically what i said was i will hey yep so um yeah so that's that's coming up soon i don't know when i'll talk to him today about it but anyway let's crack on i am drinking a bourbon right now and i totally deserve it i worked my butt off i have the best news i know everyone's been waiting for this but i'm gonna make you wait just a little bit longer okay that's long enough courtney had a baby boy beautiful gorgeous looking little boy um last night late last night so um yep she ended up having a c-section and uh his uh typical bloke uh warm comfy didn't want to leave so uh courtney's doing really well spoke to her already a couple times already um and uh yeah i am absolutely over the moon i've got a bigger smile on my i've got face grandkids now oh man that sounds so funny four grandkids wow i am so lucky so as you can imagine i'm in a really good mood [Music] i'm not even watching [Music] seriously i'm not even watching how this game's playing all coins are falling so i'm guessing there's not that many gaps in it oh yes such good news [Music] oh thank you okay that's my last coin and i better start paying attention on what i'm doing well that's not bad that's probably half there's about 25 coins there so after this game what i'm going to do is uh i'm going to text courtney and i am going to ask her if she wants to cut metal detecting with me tomorrow oh we're paying the price here [Music] oh nice wouldn't i get some of those off [Music] come on last coin around the gas ish oh man did i just find the only hole that's up the top yep i did all right let's tell it up and see what i got [Music] well i'm gonna have to go close to saying there's near on 40 coins there hey you stay right there now take a look at this that now looks awesome [Music] i am the worst at calling coins on the bottom tray i'm the worst at it that now looks really really good before it looked really really bad um to the point where i thought i was going to struggle but no look at it oh 10 bucks [Music] okay i'm just sort of testing out my timing at the moment [Music] oh nice [Music] okay that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up see what i got 25 bucks nice so there's some suck up flowers just in case well i don't reckon i'm going to need them because there's probably 50 coins [Applause] [Music] come on 50 bucks quite a funny story to tell you as you all know i had to go back up north to do uh finish off that job now the reason for that is uh the concreting guys up there made a bit of a mistake and they concreted the wrong section which obviously there was still uh a lot of my conduits that needed to go through there and also a lot of the sparky's conduits to go through there and they conquered concrete straight over the top of it anyway so that all had to be removed so obviously that put us off for a few days um so i thought to myself four of us were supposed to go up there and do the job originally that's what i'd planned for two of us end up going up there because uh you know we all know mr i'm scared of snakes um stayed behind and then obviously my son had his baby so he stayed behind so only two of us went down there so i said to him all this time i said well look you know we didn't see anything down there uh apart from ants which was i wasn't going to sit down but anyway um so i said to the whole lot of them i said right i said everybody can come down this time and we'll get this thing finished so we don't we're nice so we don't need to worry about it anymore we was there probably half an hour i reckon and uh the young fella that was all my coins too by the way and the young fella that scared the snakes come flying in i mean he was fanging it he's only a small skinny kid uh but he was flying right he come flying in and i said i said jesus what's the matter with you i said the toilets are over there anyway and eventually when he finally told me he saw a snake and i'm like where where where where by the time i got out there and he sort of he was like 10 meters behind me and he was trying to point out where he saw it it wasn't there anymore and i'm like man why didn't you take a photo of it anyway um i did see kangaroos i got some photos of them uh so yeah so this time i actually got to see some stuff so uh yeah i'll definitely post the kangaroos on here unfortunately he was too busy running to take take a photo so funny stuff okay we end up with 80 bucks that time nice i'll take it too all right let's get it all up here try not to slide it all down the glass help it [Applause] coins yeah look at that hey i reckon there's 70 coins i reckon we're doing really well on queens [Applause] all right what i need to do is i need to get that 50 off the top [Music] as easy as that [Music] so so i'm waiting for a phone call off my wife at the moment um she's going to let us know when we can go and see courtney so apparently courtney will be in hospital for about three days so uh yep just waiting for that phone call and yet can't wait to get down there and see courtney you see the barbie husband her husband that is uh how everybody's going i've seen a picture of him he's gorgeous all right let's get some big pushes dog [Music] so oh the timing is good [Music] okay i've got one coin left i'm gonna go right the guts no i'm not gonna go to the left i'm not yes i am oh bug will be sideways all right let's tell you that's what i got 75 bucks nice oh now i can't can't get it without dropping it oh oh get up there thank you coins well we definitely didn't lose any coins i'm calling 80 coins there probably even 85. let's get some push-ups [Music] i might speak to dave i might speak today to see if he wants to do that buy-in tomorrow [Music] so [Music] ah thank you [Music] ah come on totally missed that [Music] oh [Music] oh really [Music] that was all my coins [Music] i'll take it let's tell you did that sound like silver where are my silver coins that's how i called them my silver coins because i am not going to leave these in the machine there's one there i think i may have just heard something silverish fall down i didn't see it anyway i'm going to take a look i totally did hear a silver go down take a look at it oh nice 20 bucks and there's probably 85 to 90 coins something like that but uh yeah look at that [Music] i'll tell you it's actually really funny since i quit smoking um it's probably been nine years eight years nine years some of it since i quit smoking now i could smell a fart from like two kilometers away uh my smelling is is awesome i can smell the bushfire before everybody else can i i never used to be able to smell anything and also my hearing i don't know if this has got anything to do with it but my hearing i mean i heard that for i heard the thing i don't know if you guys did or not but i definitely did so i find that really strange that the older my the older i'm getting i can't see for them if things are real close to me i can't see it i can't read um not up close anyway yeah it just seems that my uh my hearing and my smell are getting better the older i get [Music] i should have cleaned them up before i started playing yeah this is the problem so if you if you're holding messy coins you totally stuff everything up and that's exactly what i just did [Music] the problem is i'm still holding coins [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] take a look at the big stack of money that's about to 450 50 50. [Music] thank you that's like 70 bucks [Music] foreign that is my last two coins [Music] thank you all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] 270 bucks i'll take it oh nice [Applause] coins here we've got about 100 coins i couldn't really hold them all now i can see the silver who's hiding underneath that hundred dollar note there i should really clean these coins up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] getting closer [Applause] that's probably why my timings turn to because i'm not really watching what i'm doing at the top i'm all watching that silver down here i'm trying to listen it's very very well it's not an accurate way of playing that's for sure [Music] come on i got one coin oh that's so close that's my last three 100 just fell oh man all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] 310 bucks i'm totally ripping seymour today sorry mate hey [Music] poor bugger you'll be right uh lost definitely lost coins that time so there's probably about 80 coins there so i haven't really been watching what's been going on with the game i've mainly been watching the silver that's something i need to improve on my game i need to be able to see everything all at once to be like a really really really good player if you can see everything and acknowledge everything oh yeah you'd be hard to stop i tell you doesn't matter what type of setups in here i reckon you'd uh pretty much cream it every single time [Music] i'm not there yet [Music] come on come on i just want to go one coin at a time now because i don't want to dump a bunch of coins on top of it oh yeah i got it nice take a look at that i'm not giving you guys the bird either um that's just the i guess my fattest finger to sit on i don't want to drop it on the ground um yeah nice 50. that's a beautiful 50. take a look at the contrast on now let's have a look at the back wow hey look at the back look at the seat on it oh yeah all right uh coins oh yeah we lost a lot of coins actually ah let me show you there's probably like 60 coins there oh that's not good where'd they all go all right well what am i going there 20 bucks and that's it so i'll just drop a few coins in there see what happens whether i'm even gonna chase that or not oh yeah i'm totally chasing it that just moved quarter inch then [Music] oh nice uh what do you reckon uh i got two four six eight nine 10 11 it's probably about 15 coins i'm gonna drop five coins in let's go for three to one see what i can get [Music] i don't want to double stack a single coin [Music] i definitely got back more than five definitely got back more than five but you know what i'm not gonna risk it and i'm gonna stop i'm not gonna use that so as you can see there's probably like eight coins maybe ten if you could get that to slide but then he so yep happy to stop ah all right two coins i nearly had the perfect game oh bad sorry fellas anyway i'm going to tell you everything up including the two that i just dropped and i get back to you well that was a very good time to stop take a look sammy's got another hairdo very nice not too heavy this time but that's fine plus don't forget i'll show you the backs of them first because the backs are insane i'm trying not to touch them together too much uh is that blinding you guys i'm sorry if it is i don't want to lean it too much of an angle this way because i don't want to drop them uh if i can't even see through the lens i'm sorry if that's a shot then uh yeah i'm sorry let's just pop them back up there so out of all the silver coins this is more to the new people because you know the guys that have been with me for a while you know straight away that that is my favorite coin in the world that's only 10 grams of silver that's how much is in this 10 grams of silver but this used to be a circulated coin can you imagine how much silver they would have had to have used to make all these coins i mean there's i don't know how many were made but there was a lot made so um but that's a circulated coin 1966 and look at the condition that's in uh not bad for 80 silver not bad so yeah that happens to be my favorite coin that's been in circulation that is um not my favorite coin i mean i absolutely love the walking liberty um i haven't got any any of the us style um silver coins yet but i am working on it anyway so the telly goes i end up with 200 in chips about 610 dollars in nights i'm not sure where the 10 bucks came from uh but anyway uh six ten in notes i end up with 82 coins so yeah not too bad i think i got right down to like like around 60 so i think i stopped at the right time now 82 coins is 246 bucks so that's actually not bad so i basically got my money back uh add everything together as a thousand and fifty six bucks minus the 250 bucks that i paid paid to play 806 bucks [Music] i'll take it no worries i mean that's a lot of money so um yeah 806 bucks i tell you what it's a lot easier coming down here than it is going to work so but i can guarantee you right now they would absolutely put a stop to it if i was coming down here all the time so um so yeah generally if i can play the second game uh i don't come down the next day so uh or you know if i really want to i'll i do but nine times out of ten i don't so i'm sort of give it a bit of a break i don't wanna wear my welcome out i'm gonna go catch everything in because i'm not playing the other side i want to go meet my grandson and yeah i'll be back [Music] nice all right so there's 750 bucks here so 50 bucks to the tin six bucks to the jar um for those people that still don't know what the tin and the jar is uh the tin is autism autism kids so i like to donate when i win i don't feel as if that money is coming out of my pocket because it's sort of coming out of this machine so uh i like to donate to the team i donate everywhere uh all the kids stuff i need kid stuff i'm not interested in adult stuff or drugged abila you know i mean that's a that's a whole another story i'm not even going to get into that um kids stuff it's not their you know it's not their fault so um that's why i like to um go to you know give as much as i can to the kids um so anyway um 50 bucks to the tin uh six bucks to the to the jar uh now the jar is a tips jar i'm guessing that goes to the staff here so the staff here are very very nice they're always friendly never had a problem with them so um so yes i always like to try give them something lately but uh the majority of it well i want to work out the percentage i don't even know a percentage um you guys ever think about it for us leave that in the comments i've got four tins four tins at home they're money boxes one for each of my grandchildren uh i've got to sit down and work out or you guys help me sit down and work out a percentage of the winning that i take home so basically this a percentage of this obviously not all of it um to go to each tin each tin is going to get exactly the same amount so um yeah if you guys can sort of think about that and leave that one in the comments that'd be awesome anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next oh got some news what am i doing okay uh so i can't stop thinking about my grandchildren um anyway um i spoke to dave while i was up there and he's agreed to um do the buy-in tomorrow so uh yep more than happy so uh tomorrow i'll be coming back down here and doing a thousand dollar buy-in so uh keep that one up your slaves see ya you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,327
Rating: 4.9342465 out of 5
Id: ceOCdzswc3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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