High limit coin pusher season 4 episode 11

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[Music] so hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a 500 buy-in got us 50 quarters ten dollars apiece hopefully we can make some big money we got a goodness all kinds of stuff in there a couple earbuds got some gold oh nice we just got a bitcoin wow it's doing real good we got one of them towers to fall down right there's last every quarters though all right let's check it out see what we got nice we had over 200 bucks and a bitcoin nice got about 110 quarters also doing real good see if we can't get that big old gold bar on the right that one right there you can't get that to fall over that sucks oh the the other gold bars going in the pace shoot ah the owners met got that one so we missed out on two of the gold bars already oh we just got near bud [Music] oh wow pesky screen's messed up again ain't it how about that better all right we still got some quarters let's get them in it's doing them really good though wow i got about 15 quarters left let's get them in [Music] oh goodness that's the laughter of recorders let's check it out soon we got not bad not bad at all we got 610. we got about 300 quarters also he's doing real good [Music] see if we can't get that big old piece of copper to fall over oh [Music] i think it's heavy [Music] wow there's so much money nice we got bitcoin on that right side [Music] got about a hundred quarters left get some real big pushes oh yeah wow about 30 quarters left let's get them in that was the last of them oh that was a good push all right let's check it out see what we got [Music] nice we ended up 840. got a gold gold bar and a bitcoin also let's do them good doing real good about 300 350 quarters let's make some big money [Music] oh butterfingers nice oh yeah about a hundred quarters left [Music] get that big old tire to fall over a lot of quarters on that thing all right real heavy i have lots of recorders right there all right let's check it out see what we got [Music] not bad not bad we got 290 dollars about 300 quarters let's keep it going that big old piece of copper is about to go i think oh goodness it went oh sweets tire fail ah butterfingers hey they had a bunch of 500 chips in there too sweet make even more money with that guess to kind of help out since we lost all that gold that's the bad thing about having these sides open over here see the stuff falling out of them i don't get to keep any of that stuff i got about 60 quarters left oh that was a nice push look at all my 500 chips [Music] all nice we're about 20 quarters left let's get them in all right that's the last of them let's go check it out see what we got nice we ended up with two thousand one hundred and ninety dollars and that big old piece of copper there too it's more like a weight kind of helps helps push things out i guess it ain't really worth much anyhow we got about 500 quarters also let's get to it [Music] ah you know what i almost forgot all about it supposed to be doing a giveaway so we'll be doing a 500 amazon gift card giveaway in this video right here if you wanted to run in the giveaway just uh leave me a comment saying you'd like to get that amazon gift card i'm gonna give away one on amazon gift card for 500 bucks we're only gonna have it uh available for first two hours of video kind of last our last video i said would do it in the first two hours that way you all ain't waiting around a couple days or something find out who one should know within the first two two hours or so so good luck to y'all hopefully you got to see the video in time to put your comment in there doing real good oh yeah [Music] 1 500 chips right there whole bunch of them oh nice we just got a thousand dollars all right we got four quarters left let's get them in all right let's check it out see what we got all right not bad not bad at all i didn't count this time but there's a whole bunch in there several thousand i think we got about 600 quarters also he's doing real good oh yeah making it rain ah i dropped a whole bunch of them [Music] it has elastic recorder out there got some good pushes out of it that's for sure all right let's check it out see what we got oh not bad not bad at all we got 600 bucks i lost a bunch of quarters though i probably got 200 or less so probably how to slow her down just a hair try to get some quarters back oh yeah there it goes doing real good we made 10 bucks i think that might have been homemade that's lots of recorders right there we'll find out let's check it out well we ended up making 30 bucks we got about 350 quarters also [Music] old butterfingers i was wrong there's another there's another ten dollars in my quarter bucket 40 bucks ah there's another one that would have been 50. i dropped one in there now that's probably the same one i bet i stuck it in the wrong hand just tossed it right in the machine so 40 we'll get her back though i guess you can watch that ten dollar chip go through the machine i guess it could fall out to the little house pay chute and we won't get it so getting close i think it'll skate by there though all right we don't run out of quarters right there i'm just going to reach down grab some oh nice i didn't go through it all but check that out oh yeah a 500 chip in there doing good real good [Music] [Music] that was a really good push right there nice move that 10 chips acting like it might get stuck i'm grabbing out that loot chute cause i run out of quarters i gotta i got all that out of there though it's over a thousand bucks right [Music] there so oh yeah there's another 500 bucks [Music] nice ten dollars come on baby we run out of quarters a long time ago by the way i'm just grabbing them out of loot shoot i'm sure most of you already knew that just in case nice another thousand dollars down there from earlier let me grab some more i've got about a hundred of them there's more down there getting stuck oh it's starting to go i seen it move a little bit oh yeah it's like there's twenty dollars we gotta get let's get that last 20 bucks it would only be 10 but i dropped 10 dollars in there earlier on accident i just pulled 30 bucks out of the loop shoot doing good so come on baby oh yeah it's getting real close [Music] oh we just got ten dollars fell on the side oh there's thirty dollars in there [Music] nice just got 10 bucks it's not alive but 10 bucks is 10 bucks [Music] nice 20 to go oh 10 to go [Music] let's do it real good real good nice [Music] [Music] come on it's on that edge out here pretty soon there it is nice we did it i'm gonna tell it all up for you i'll be right back all right all right we're over eight thousand two hundred and ten dollars we got two bitcoins on the rent one of the uh gold bars and three of the earbuds all in all pretty darn good not bad for a 500 buy-in well if y'all enjoy what you're saying give me a favor hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed and we'll see you on the next one y'all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 90,740
Rating: 4.902741 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher
Id: yh8bvQCxMdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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