Aussie Coin Pusher EP 111

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[Music] 108 coins that's what i've got um i got these from the game next to me uh i am actually still sore that game was a marathon um yeah i mean test of wheels i'll tell you um see whoever won was the most stubborn so yeah and trust me i'm very stubborn so um yeah i wasn't about to walk away so uh this is the game where i needed more coins 50 coins just would have got smashed 70 coins smashed 108 coins probably smashed um but i've got the money now to rebuy if i need to i can get another 50 more coins i can get another 100 more coins um i can get 20 more coins if i want to so but anyway 108 coins let's see what i can do with it i've been looking at this and i have no idea what side to go for no idea whatsoever i'm thinking maybe the left side because then the silvers will probably push the hundreds which then will probably push the coins maybe not maybe go the right side it'll push the tokens into the 50s and then push the 50s into the hopper give me some more money for buy-ins if i need it i don't know i got no idea so what i'm going to do is i'm going to drop like two three coins on the left two three coins on the right and just see what it does there are a lot of gaps on over on the left i'm not worried about the money at all well i totally missed that tonight i don't really want to drop any more on the right i already know that's not shifting too much so let's go to the left big gaps on the left i need to fill up [Applause] yeah i don't know i don't know um i'm thinking maybe go the right push the money off a little bit quicker just in case that's what i'm thinking i hope i'm right i mean you guys will probably know better than me but anyway that's that's what i'll do i've got to pick a side i don't want to play the middle because the middle sort of what's the point they're all just going to spread to the left [Music] oops [Music] so i've been watching how these coins are actually landing um i'm wondering if he's raised the top lid because they seem to be bouncing and spinning a lot more than what they used to they used to land flat now they're bouncing and spinning now i thought that was for my double stacking because you know um two coins falling over that's fair enough but look at him spinning like that what's going on with that [Music] so hands up if you think i'm gonna get my butt warped oh yeah i reckon i'm gonna get my butt booped even with 108 coins [Music] i'm really hoping i don't have to spend any more money on buying more coins i mean there's not a massive amount of money as in cash we've got five six seven eight probably 850 ish look how many tokens there are that's what i wanted with as well less talking more playing oh guys ah now i'm starting to think i should have played the right uh the left-hand side maybe i should change well i've still got tokens what do you think yeah i think i will i think now i hate being undecided it's the worst thing for a gambler to be undecided you're loose so i'm gonna stick with what i do on that'll probably double stack no [Music] i'm going to test something out yeah maybe i should have done the left hand side probably too late now oh what do you reckon all right i'm gonna throw some on the left as well i know i shouldn't you should never split your coins i'm doing exactly what i know you shouldn't let's just see yeah that's what i reckon it's going to do i reckon it's going to push those big round 50 um 50 cent pieces the half dollars there i reckon it's just going to give me some really good pushes on this and it's not going to take a lot of coins to do it that side there as you can see i'm still a long way from the edge yeah should have stuck to the one side there's a good little push [Music] [Music] i hate this patience thing yeah it definitely should have stuck to the left-hand side that's what i should have started on i can't believe i missed that but i did oops one or two coins oh yeah let that push already [Music] so mistake like that that could actually make you lose all your money i'm hoping it's not going to come back and bite me in the butt [Music] and i reckon it will you know i've got to get some some coins to drop [Music] [Music] that's all the coins i've got left from 108 coins and this thing is just absorbing them oh that's not cool [Music] [Music] so for some reason this side of the machine it's basically near on impossible not to double stack a coin unless you drop one coin [Music] come on i got some coins as i said i don't care about the money that's on here right now that'll take care of itself what i need is coins and i should have played the left yeah definitely i'm gonna i'm gonna change the right is still fair way off i've only got that many coins left and i need to get some coins and i think the only way i'm gonna do it is by getting that off that's what i'm gonna target which is what i should have done right from the start oops come on i need something to fall i think there's like two or three coins fell so far oh that's what i was looking for alright nice okay that was the last coins all right let's take it up see what i got okay well that's a good thing i've got a couple hundred bucks out of it [Music] nice [Applause] nicely better than i expected that honestly is better than i expected so there's like maybe 30 coins 25 coins there the game looks a little bit different that was [Music] [Music] nice [Music] take a look at the way the coins are landing all right they're they're bouncing over the place i don't know what that's all about that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] okay got the other 50 nice i'll take it coins yeah we increased in coins it's probably like 40 coins there now so that's not too bad and the bottom tray looks a little bit [Music] healthier i'm just trying to find the rhythm of the game at the moment i'm really struggling i didn't even have a bourbon [Music] oh wow [Music] oh come on there's my last three coins [Music] nice all right let's tell it up see what i got okay i'm getting i'm getting me my tokens back that's for sure um going 70 maybe yeah because they're all nicely neatly stacked probably about 70. i've totally forgot to guess again totally forgot too late now [Music] [Music] oh yeah that's all happening oh there's a lot of coins i watched that one [Music] so [Music] whoops okay that was my last two coins [Music] all right let's fill it up oh i thought that was gonna push it all off let's tell it up so what i got okay very very [Music] i'm sorry how unprofessional was that uh three coins uh that's three shots i've got my hundred coins back that's what i was about to say um anyway look i know where they are i can see them all i'm just going to keep going apologies still funny so so what i'm trying to do at the moment is i'm still trying to land coins flat um this machine is very very hard to do that i don't know why if it's just my timing is out probably that's why i'm dropping a lot of single coins i'm not dropping too many doubles and i'm separating them [Music] good we're going good at the moment but i can easily that could easily change nice [Music] okay so what i'm going to do right now before this gets too thick because this is starting to thicken up just here i've been watching it and for me to get any of that stuff off the back i've got to remove all this front stuff i've got 100 coins well not anymore but i had so i'm just going to drop them in a bit bit quicker i need to remove these piles the only way i know how to do it is dropping in fast but you're dropping fast means double stacking [Music] so i mean you sort of got to take the good with the bag really i mean if you want to move them you've got a double stack [Music] i'll do my best not to [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so okay that was my last coin no it wasn't i've got three on the ground let's go get those three on the ground [Music] okay got him i'm just going to wait i just want to drop them in that vicinity right there somewhere if i can or i can just drop it in the front and the only gap that's up there all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] okay i did not see that fall down um i do have a handful of coins though but don't worry i'm not going to drop any um famous last words i didn't see it dropped down i'm like oh i didn't dream it would be anywhere near the edge take a look there's the other one right there hey there's one right there i didn't think they'd be this far up so anyway nice hopefully i didn't damage him too much you just sit up there coins uh not a hundred but uh it's probably about 85 yeah i reckon about 85. so i've got to watch that silver very carefully now [Music] relax [Music] [Music] it's about to fall i got no idea what the other ones are [Music] so [Music] you can tell it's a lot heavier than the other coins [Music] and there it goes no more coins no more coins oh there's the other one right there all right i'll be back coin number two nice [Music] and where do i see that other one he's right on the edge there um so can i see any more in there was that four so there's gotta be another one in there somewhere i just can't see it so all right i'll keep watching that one thank you oh we just went over i'll be back coin number three you little beauty all right oh yeah they're stacking these up now i've had a good look through there i cannot see the other one uh at all so i'm just gonna have to keep an eye on it if anybody sees it fall just yell out stop we'll use oh gosh [Music] so and that was my last coin right in the gas [Applause] all right let's tell it see what i got [Music] bucks nice you sit up there nicely please coins we're doing really really good on i'm calling at least 140 coins in there i still can't see that other silver there was four in there when there was a three i can't remember now that's my memory for you i think there was four all right let's get that 20 off at the top thank you i'm getting good at that hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh there might have been more than 140 coins in there [Music] so [Music] i'm trying to work out my timing at the moment because i'm not wrong it's off i'm just trying to work it out that's why i'm not talking because i'm just concentrating on watching everything i'm doing i am wasting a lot of coins and i'm trying to stop doing that [Music] i've got no idea where that other silver is if there was even a four silver and two [Music] ah come on guys get your timing better mate timing shocking i feel like a beginner right now [Music] so [Music] oh there it is there it is [Music] i knew there was four right [Music] come on last coin come on push it over you're perfectly done all right let's tell it up so what i got and there it is nice i don't want to touch it too much so that's why i'm holding it like this um they're beautiful very nice wow that one is immaculate condition all right gently pop him up there take a look at this we got more coins i've got more coins yeah i've got nothing to do with them well let's start with putting them through the machine [Music] okay so i'm sure that's all the silvers that are in here wow i can't believe how bad my timing is right now it is really bad i can feel it now what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to get coins in fast give me good pushes but i need to land them flat now i know this machine is incredibly hard this side of the machine is incredibly hard not to double stack but i'm not as much as i'm doing it look at this [Music] [Music] amateur hour that's what it is [Music] [Music] see if i can drop three coins in twice and land all six coins flat that tells me straight away it's my issue uh it's my timing that's what's telling me not the machine [Music] although i like i do like to try to blame others [Music] [Applause] so so oh i've got a lot of coins [Music] all right let's just start away from the right for a little bit ah at least drop clean in first place [Music] [Music] oh i got stuck oh so there i just dropped four coins and landed them all flat dropped one coin and double stacked it i'm just trying i'm teaching i'm i'm learning that's what i'm trying to do right now i mean i've got the coins to do it so i might as well i tested out the theory or some of it that test isn't finished that was only the first stage of it i'm trying to single layer the coins and then single layer the coins on the bottom deck um that didn't really on on the game next to me that didn't really stop the big bulge well as you can see i've got the big bulge again so um i think that's just going to happen regardless of what i do it's just the way this machine is made i'm guessing but i can see the point in having coins double stacked like that unless i'm going to play the game for three hours which i try not to but i will then um yeah that's more money in my pocket ah shocking today the other side looks great [Music] [Music] yep i am [Music] that's what i was looking for [Music] come on drop all those coins in front of those hundreds [Music] oh that's a good push okay last three coins all right let's turn it up see what i got well at least i've got 20 bucks nice hey yeah we lost coins definitely lost coins um i reckon we lost probably 30 coins at that round um so but i'm still calling at least 140 coins in here maybe 130. all right why did i lose so many coins um yeah there's quite a lot of double stacks happening on the bottom shelf that's probably one thing that doesn't help there's not a massive amount of coins here so yeah i'm guessing i'm probably going to lose a few more [Music] so even coming [Music] that's what you need you're landing like three or four flat that's what gives you the best pushes wow oh man that's shocking timing i mean yeah i'm tired and i'm sore from the last game but there's no excuse for this [Music] oh i nearly dropped them all [Music] why are they spinning so much well they're getting closer definitely getting closer [Music] [Music] so i've had a few comments on people saying that i favor the right hand side um or i'm able to clear the rock you didn't just hear me drop that coin [Music] and you didn't just see me pick it up um yeah you're right i'm very very right hand dominant so i have noticed i've always got coins in my hand ready to drop when i'm on the right hand side but then when i gotta go grab another handful of coins it's come to the left and it's already it's already left the left so hence less coins hitting their left-hand side i do try to fix that by dropping more coins on the left-hand side when they'll put them but yeah you're dead right i'm very very right hand dominant my left hand is just there for looks uh and maybe give the bird to somebody every now and then if you're wondering what the bird is that's the middle finger [Music] but yeah that's um as you can see i can drop coins on the right-hand side all day long left-hand side i really struggle for some reason [Music] so that was all my coins [Music] nice all right so i'm slowly chipping away that's what i'm trying to do i'm slowly chipping away all of this and the money will eventually go down let's just hope it's not as long as the last game i did not see that go down what a nice surprise very nice very happy and we got our coins back you little beauty oh nice a great round all right let's chip away these coins a little bit more i don't really need to play on the right hand side too much but i do want to keep them moving [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so i don't think i've had my timing right this whole game i mean you can just sort of tell on the top i'm not really smashing coins yet not that fast [Music] you know what i smash coins is when i drop about 10 coins but i'm dropping like three coins and yeah i don't know look at this [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] nice [Music] so i'm sure there's this game that just does not like playing the left i think what i might do [Music] i'll jump on this side [Music] and i'm just going to use the skill stop very slowly with my left hand i haven't hadn't actually done this for a while so i might be out of practice a little bit i should have been practicing but i thought tonight i got a lot on my plate at the moment oh i can't hold the coins come on josh all right let's get these things going come on this is the only way i can get coins to go on the left-hand side but then i'll do it there he wishes i just can't hold the coin oh there i'm settling so bad well this is what it is thank you i'm just trying to get it oh nice that's what i saw all right there's all of them all right let's not do that again for a while oh that was all of them so well let's tell it up to what i got oh i've got another 100 that's nice definitely lost coins again i'm calling 130 coins maybe if i'm lucky [Music] i'm not surprised take a look at that top tray my timing is absolutely disgusting right now i'm gonna do a bit of removal [Music] i just seem to be bouncing so much [Music] so thank you oh that's a nice push [Music] so i'm just going to wait a bit change my [Music] mind [Music] nice so that's the mound i'm targeting [Music] oh i nearly got the other 20. [Music] [Music] so [Music] so oh nice 300 bucks left i gotta ask myself i've never seen that before um see how the coins are just lifting right up like that [Music] something's going on something is going on [Music] i'll try to knock those coins off so i can have a look underneath it [Music] that was my last coin right let's tally it up so what i got another 40. [Music] ah we got some of those coins back that's not bad probably 130. sorry mike got another one hey at least i'm not sliding them down the glass i wouldn't mind getting those coins on the far right off of the bottom tray so i can have a look underneath it [Music] let's have a look now doesn't look all that different maybe coins are just stuck there and it's just lifting them [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] all right johnny's gonna be another long it's time good when you start a game and you're already sore that's probably why i'm just going a little bit quiet i do apologize for that [Music] oh now we got them i'm not too greedy [Music] as you can probably tell i've sped the game up [Music] so [Music] come on couple coins left what can i do with a couple coins [Music] all right oh i'll take them all all right let's tell it up see what i got okay we definitely didn't lose any coins i think we're doing really well on coins so i'm just going to speed the game up just a little only because i don't know how much longer i've got left to play how much longer i can play for basically what i'm saying [Music] i really want that 200 box so [Music] [Music] so so oh [Music] so [Music] as you can probably tell this stage of the game i sort of given up trying to keep everything flat it's gonna cost me coins yes i'm fully aware of that [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and my back that was all my coins all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay definitely lost some coins but not too many so that's not too bad [Music] so i've actually stopped for about 20 minutes and just had a break my back was so sore i'm ready to go [Applause] so [Music] so come on oh that was good [Music] so [Music] okay we are pushing it a little bit closer [Music] so come on push off i've just noticed there's a hundred over here i didn't even know it was there [Music] oh there it goes [Music] two more [Music] come on are you slipping backwards on me [Music] [Music] hmm well [Music] that was all my coins all right let's tell you that's what i got all right got me hundred nice coins yeah look hey we got him back again up and down up and down all right let's keep pushing i don't know how much longer i can keep this up for so um i'm hoping i get to win these guys i won't be happy with myself if i have to leave him in there [Music] nice didn't have to slide back though [Music] looks like it might be possible we can get one of them out for sure [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that was an early okay i'm confident we can get that one that was raining [Music] nice now let's see what happens with the other one there's not a lot of coins on there i mean in the middle there's not many coins well on the right there's not many coins so i've got to make a decision that's worth 20 coins uh is it going to cost me more than 20 coins to try to get it out let's just keep going i want to see if i can get this pile anyway um and i'll see what that guy does if it looks like he's coming to the end to you know to the edge well then i'll keep going for it i don't really want to play too much of the right hand side right now [Music] you're [Music] come on [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got well there's the other handy nice i don't reckon we lost any or many coins if we've lost coins maybe 10 at most so that's not too bad considering what's overhanging right now i'd love to be able to get that because i reckon there's probably 15 easy 15 coins in that and it might be enough to drag that 100 over there's no need to play the right [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i can see what's going to happen here so i'm just going to drop a few coins to the left just a couple of coins at a time [Music] come on pendulum [Music] well i didn't want to use any more coins so i'll just grab like five coins out that's a few more than five guys whatever's there um i'm not going to go for the hundred oh i will end up losing a lot of coins there's not a lot of coins ready to fall over excepting for right here so i just want to see what i can do with these coins [Music] probably nothing [Music] okay i know i should be stopping right now [Music] yeah i'm stopping sorry i can see what's going to happen well i can sort of see what's going to happen will i get this i don't know if i don't get that i'm in a lot of trouble yeah okay go just for a little bit [Music] [Music] it would be nice to get that hundred [Music] okay my camera totally died just then so i didn't even notice um that's a sign i've decided to stop 100 so that's what i got out of the machine um definitely lost some coins so yeah i'm not going to lose any more coins from bad decisions and i just that's a bad decision so i'm going to leave that hundred bucks in there he can stay in there somebody else can win all this uh more than happy for that so um yeah i don't want to go under a 108 coins that's what i started with so um yeah anyway i'll tell you everything and i'll get back to you [Music] take a look at those puppies hey nice look at the shine on the way this one on the end here yeah that is mint uh my eyes are pretty bad so um yeah for that nice very nice okay very very very gently okay um yep i stopped at a good time so as you can see i was losing coins there um so i mean i'm going to leave that for somebody else that's fine with me uh coins cash look all the cash oh there's a lot of greens in there a lot of yellows okay so the telly goes i got 790 in notes sweet um and i end up with 125 coins so i gained coins which is a good thing so um add both of those two together 1 165 bucks um i already had the coins so i didn't have to buy them nice um yeah so i'm gonna go cash everything in and i'll be back [Music] look at them all look at the ball nice all right um so there's 1 160 bucks i'll put 15 bucks in the tip tips jar um and uh yeah that is sweet that's that's got some thickness to it so between this one and the last game yep um very very nice um that takes a bit of pressure off that's for sure um so yeah anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up and if you want to see more subscribe i'm going to go and have a bourbon now and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,628
Rating: 4.9019074 out of 5
Keywords: Jackpot winner, silver, gambling, gold, money, profit, funny
Id: bpSIQCbhtKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 53sec (4313 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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