Aussie Coin Pusher EP 109

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[Music] so this is the one that i wanted to play um yeah what is that v v for victory i reckon um yeah well 351 coins how do you how do you lose how's that even possible so as you can see joe is oh i don't touch the glass oh how did that not set the alarm off as you can see joe is very full and i've got to be very careful so joe's very full right there up there buddy has got quite a lot in her as well so what i'm thinking it is so unfair to this game if i play it with 351 coins so i'm thinking i'm going to get out a small handful and that's what i'm going to play with i'll assume that there's nothing else obviously if i lose the first handful then i'll just grab another head for them and wow that's the perks of having so many i coins what do you reckon there many that's probably too many yeah yeah okay too many [Music] that many still too many nah there's probably like there's probably 30 35 coins there all right let's go with that whatever that is that's what i'm going to use i'm not going to touch joe and i'm not going to touch sammy unless i obviously really have to all right so the top tons of gaps there's gaps everywhere at the top i'm assuming there's gonna be gaps everywhere down the bottom but let's just find that out you can see the bottom tray is very light with coins as well there's not a lot of coins down there [Music] okay well i'm getting a little bit of movement oh yeah left right hand side's moving all right [Music] that was early okay middle definitely definitely gaps in the middle on the bottom the two outside centriole cable [Music] nice jace you can't afford to be doing that mate [Music] ah i could have flipped it over [Music] [Applause] oh nice i'm dying just i am dying to grab another handful of coins and just literally start smashing this guy but no i've said what i'm going to do and that's what i'm going to do so i'm going to play as if this is the amount of coins i've got and that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up so what i got well i reckon there's probably 20 to 25 coins there it's not too bad you always expect to lose some coins when you first start a game fill in all the gaps all that sort of stuff the top tray is still very light on the left hand side that was worth one double stack to get [Music] that oh wow all right i've got one coin left i sort of want to stick it towards the either the middle or the left so let's go middle totally didn't mean that but all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] okay well i definitely gained a few coins so that's not bad i was just thinking to myself just then uh sammy sammy and joe have like 900 dollars of coins in them and i totally did not just drop that coin huh so i'm trying to protect all your livers out there [Music] [Music] so all right nice and i've got a good push i got a double knife out of that one 10 bucks i absolutely do not need suck-up flowers for this game i might get i might grab some flowers though just because i can that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got okay at least i've got 10 bucks out of it so there's a bourbon um yeah probably 20 coins game is going to be very hard to get coins out of because i don't think there was too many to start with i think you used half the coins out of this and put them on the other side in those towers that didn't work for him did it get some ripper pushes at the bottom [Music] uh my last two coins all right let's take it up see what i got [Music] yeah we did all right there's probably 35 coins [Music] this isn't a very good test i'm only being 100 honest um i don't find this to be a very good test at all um i know a lot of people have been leaving in the comments you know if you have a lot of a lot of coins then just play with some of them that's why i'm doing this um but the thing is is i know if i run out of coins um then i could just grab another handful so i really don't care from double stacking right now um that side of it is probably not a good test but nice i mean the theory is good don't get me wrong about fury [Music] [Music] okay there's my last three coins all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] okay um 25 coins maybe that's not too bad all right i'll do my best to convince myself these are the only coins i have to play with [Music] [Music] oh that's all about to come down look at it it's all hanging over the edge hey that was my last coin oh so close all right let's tell you that see what i got [Music] ah crap [Laughter] come here [Music] okay we actually did really well out of that i'm just kidding i just knocked a bunch of coins off of sammy um all right let's stop mucking around i mean there's a lot of money on there let's start ripping that money out of there that's what i want to do [Music] oh yes [Music] this is better [Music] so hey sorry what we can see right now you can see it's building up on this side here you've got your line your line you can see the line on this side but that's not too bad that line is real thick that line is not too bad but that is starting to build up there that's what i need to concentrate on getting off right now [Music] so [Music] hey seymour where is my i'm a winner did you hit me oh nearly got one [Music] [Music] come on push it over so i'm looking at those all those chips that was my last two coins [Music] and they are definitely going to come over so all right let's tell it up see what i got all right i've got 40 bucks and there's probably about 40 coins one thing i've been meaning to ask you if i drop one of these uh or even four of these but if i drop one of these um [Music] the is this did i just swear yeah i did that's no good to me okay i've got 40 bucks and about 40 coins bad [Music] i know i cheated on the coins [Music] yeah i don't have a lot of patience right now i use it all up [Music] oh nearly nearly so close come on sing see more [Music] of course the smallest one falls first so not only did i just get paid out i just took that whole mountain now [Music] yeah that's my last two coins i'll take them all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] mike does this make you nervous um there's 190 bucks there that's nice um there's probably like 65 coins i know you can't see them now let me get rid of them and it's probably even more probably like 70 coins there so we have definitely increased on coins again sorry dave oh man that was a big mountain that i took out too there's a lot of coins in that was there not 250s over there i thought there's 250s on the right hand side yeah maybe i'm wrong there it is thank you oh 10 bucks [Music] oh something true i didn't see what it was probably another fiver [Music] [Music] oh nice that was the other mountain that i was worried about [Music] there's my last three coins i'm getting some ripper pushes all right let's tell it up see what i got see i'm not totally nuts i knew there was another 50 there somewhere i just didn't see it go down all right what do we got 50 60 70 75 bucks nice all profit baby all profit uh where can i put this do i count the ten i can't remember oh i'm just having so much fun here i got no idea what's going on i told ya uh way over 100 coins i thought it was probably best not to try to hold those um i am trying to protect your livers so all right let's see what i can get off of this round i do know there's a lot of coins up on the top deck and i will be removing those okay so the left hand side is getting stuck i need to do something about that [Music] so come on yeah 150 bucks is about to fall oh nice i saw that oh if i can't break that that pile of coins down there with that many coins there's something wrong [Music] [Applause] yup i know oh it's good going into a game knowing you've already yeah it doesn't matter what happens you can't exactly lose [Music] [Music] so okay we did get a little tiny bit of movement out of this side so that's not a bad thing all right let's tell it up see what i got okay definitely lost coins um there's probably like 75 maybe 80 coins there but i did get paid hey 150 bucks nice and look another 100. all right i'm not surprised i lost coins but look at the way i'm playing i mean nobody in their right mind would play like this but i can get those coins back i'm not worried about that at all that's probably the best part of the game that i know how to do oh come on antenna went down though happy with that there goes the hundred [Music] [Music] so [Music] so all right i'll start watching the bottom left-hand side see what it's doing i think what i better start doing is pulling some coins off the top it's preventing me from getting uh a lot of coins over the edge so i think i'll just start doing that see what happens [Music] there's my last three coins [Music] oh nice that's about to fall all right let's tell it up so what i got okay 110 bucks nice um coins yes 66 i was going to say 665 but [Music] oh man i wonder how many people out there think i'm absolutely totally completely nuts [Music] yep nice i think that was 30 bucks i don't really need to play the right hand side i think i'll be just wasting coins there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so there's my last four coins all right let's tell it see what i got okay i've got another 50 bucks nice uh coins is probably like 70 coins there maybe 75 ah what do i need to do left hand middle middle and left hand yeah did not mean that but now i want to try to get that coin back thank you okay so we've got a little bit of action happening on the right hand side now so that's a good thing okay we had a little bit of action on the right hand side [Music] i'm slowly chipping away at that mountain [Music] and that sort of doesn't help when i do stuff like that so [Music] so last coin nice all right let's tell it up to what i got well i think we did pretty good i don't think we lost any so um that's probably 60 65 coins maybe 70 coins they are stacked quite nice quite neatly wow really thank you [Music] nice another 50. it's funny i haven't even touched joe this whole game in other words i haven't pulled any money out of him [Music] [Music] come on left hand side what are you doing to me don't make me get more coins i will totally get more coins wow left hand side is not even moving so [Music] load it up and i'll get some good pushes on it hopefully i don't need to play the right at all clearly i've done a good job on that okay that was everything so basically what i just did there was i loaded up the left hand side so now my next handful that goes into it hopefully i need to get drop some a lot of coins and get some good pushes if they land flat all right let's tell it up so i got okay we definitely lost some coins not many uh probably less than 10 i reckon but we did gain 50 bucks nice all right let's see if my plan worked well i'm not going to say it didn't work just wasn't a great plan that's all oh come on all right i might as well do some coin [Music] removal [Music] [Music] oh we're getting a bit of movement [Music] oh yeah we're getting movement alright [Music] oops [Applause] come on [Music] that's my last three okay not too bad that's not shifting any of it none of that shifting this is moving a little bit so that's not a bad thing i've got an idea i'll explain it in a minute all right 30 bucks probably 30 coins coins aren't too good okay my idea let's go slow [Music] slow and methodical i just want to see what this is going to do i know it's definitely going to empty the top deck and that's that's a good thing or it's simply just going to absorb all my coins [Music] [Music] all i'm looking for right now is [Music] movement [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh nice [Music] i got one coin left i really don't need to put it over the right hand side that was nice let's just go around the guards maybe that's what i need to do ish all right let's tell it up see what i got yeah we did well on coins not bad at all so that's probably that's near on 40 coins i've got another idea i want to try too but i just want to give this one a bit of a go i've got to try i gotta try my try to make my tactics go for longer than three seconds so what my other idea was attack the middle if i attack the middle i might be able to start dragging some of that with it so if that moves comes off some of this might get dragged around as well that's what i was thinking but yeah i don't know let's just attack the middle and see what happens [Music] not exactly the middle [Applause] [Music] okay that was my last two coins so clearly what i'm doing is not really working so i've got to come up with another another idea so anyway i'll ever think about it yeah not too bad 40 coins still not too bad so i have come up with a little idea i'm going to attack the middle and the left with the odd coin going to the right because that's my little money back right there oh there we go [Music] hmm i think i'm making my life a lot harder than what i need to be was all my coins what come here joe hey i just don't need to be making my life even harder than what it is so so i'm gonna throw another handful in oh that one bobby [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see i'm sort of not playing with it anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm not worried about the coins being at the top [Music] okay that was the other handful all right now we're starting getting some movement here so that's a good thing all right i'm not going to use any more coins from joe so i'm going to tell you that's what i got okay oh sorry um yeah there's more than 100 coins there i can hold 100 quite comfortably and all they want to do is just fall off so uh for there you go see i saved it i'm going to put a small handful back into joe and i'm just going to keep putting coins back into joe as i get them if i don't drop any more all right come here joe all right let's get cracking this is definitely this is definitely the part of my game that's lacking i clearly know that and i'm first to admit it the um when things get stuck like that i generally turn straight to brute force that's what i know so um yeah so as i said that is definitely a part of my garden that needs needs improving i'm fully aware of that and so is my patience you surprisingly need to be quite patient playing this game i'm not patient at all come on i just need to knock that mountain off i knock the mountain off i've got this game beaten once i get all my queens back off the top all right i reckon i've got enough coins up the top now so i don't need to be doing that anymore nice guys come on big pushes all right early nearly go go nice all right did i break it back okay we are getting movement very slow i find that these queens they're very very similar to fresh concrete wet concrete if you leave it alone for a few minutes like you don't get pushes you don't constantly move it it will set it will start going hard see a coin with um with concrete normal concrete i'm talking about you can play with concrete for hours and it can be 30 degrees 35 40 degrees in the direct sun if you keep moving it and you keep playing with it it will not go hard as soon as you leave it it'll go hard i find the same happens with this [Music] so that was all my coins that is something in there all right actually i must have dropped two coins because there's two on the ground okay let's tell it up [Music] 60 bucks nice coins yeah look at the coins now hey yeah i'm not even going to try to hold them in my hands you guys will be admitted to the hospital um yeah there's loads in there look there's like 140 coins in there we got back all the coins that i lost so once again what i'm going to do is a nice handful like that straight into joe if i don't drop all over the ground oh yeah joe's fat again right there you go mate and i've still got heaps of coins all right let's um i'm not leaving until i get that money out of there i might well i got the coins for it you guys can always just skip if you need to so i just got to keep everything moving already i'm seeing the middle has gotten stuck again so [Music] oh there's a lot of coins winning then feels like my arm's about to drop off this is where it's good when you're stubborn being stubborn oh yes nice so that was my last two coins all right we just saw them slide back then not good all right let's tell you that there's probably like 65 coins there uh i didn't lose a lot just don't forget i feel um joe back up again i mean i must put 50 coins in today no problems so [Music] all right now we've got things moving so so there's all my coins all right let's tell it up so what i got yeah i don't reckon we're losing too many so there's got to be like 65 at least 60. [Music] so what i don't want to do right now is take my foot off the accelerator and things start getting stuck again i've got things moving at the moment so i gotta keep doing that it's gonna cost me coins but that doesn't matter i can always get my coins back nice push [Music] oh yeah [Music] so oh nice that was all my queens okay i've just got a truck see more i've just got to try to get these coins out from in front of these and then i reckon i could probably push them i think the 10's going to do its own thing so all right let's tell it that's what i got i am calling 70 coins no worries um 10 bucks all right that um that little stack i've got going up there he's getting big all right what have we got left here 50 60 70 80 90 bucks there plus a bunch of coins let's go from [Music] [Music] so oh no until we start to block up again the middle uh basically what happened was i took my foot off the accelerator too early i was a bit worried about doing that right back to loading up the top [Music] that's all my coins all right let's tell it up so what i got i am not losing coins so um yeah that you'd be nuts to stop right now i mean on let's just say that uh i'm getting sore but i'm not losing coins so and as my good mate kenny says if you're not losing coins don't stop so what i often do is the more i hurt is the harder i go uh that's just that's just the way i am let's open up a can of wood pass [Music] and see what i can do about this so i definitely definitely recommend that grain to put that brand of wool pass that is a good it's a good quality wool [Music] pass [Music] okay okay how's all my coins all right let's tell it up to what i got once again i don't think we lost any so or not not too many anyway there's probably a little bit less than what there was not that much [Music] so come on seymour i'm not playing anymore mate [Music] [Music] okay that's my last two coins okay so the the people out there that play these type of machines like i'm talking about coin pushers not this particular machine um like the newbies type of thing i can guarantee you the way i'm playing right now is creating problems down here for me um but you drop coins in as fast as i'm dropping just take a look if you have a look at the actual bottom tray but up that way a bit more you can see they're all double stacked i can see triple stacked some of those coins are triple stacked they're actually supposed to be single stacked if you can get them single stacked then you'll play a really good game i'm not playing a real good game right now because take a look at it double stacked everywhere triple stacked in places and that's not the best way to play so i think what i'm doing is i'm creating this problem myself but uh apart from starting again you know going like real slow spending another hour trying to push all that off i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing and that's what i get for it there's probably 40 coins there all right fine i'll slow it down i should have been i should have been playing like this an hour ago i knew about it i sort of hoping it wasn't going to happen but yeah i figured it was going to so yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sorry i got bored okay that's not gonna take too much to get off eric i'm gonna go back to smashing it all right let's tell you it up well we're definitely back to 50 coins or more um and we've got the 10 bucks i did not see that guy fall i'll take him [Music] um i'm conflicted on what i should do i know i should play the game properly [Music] yep [Music] yeah i got bored again sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] so thank you that was my last coin okay let's till it up see what i got okay we definitely are not losing any coins whatsoever now there's a lot of coins overhanging here i'm going to go through once more and i'm just going to see what's going to happen my back is really really starting to hurt and i know dead i know i've got to organize that tens unit um i'll be going to the quacks quite quite soon hopefully um and i'll ask them about it so um but uh yeah i'm gonna go through just once more and if that falls it falls if it doesn't and it looks like this good luck for somebody else that's what i'm thinking so let's just try i just want to get some coins off the top i'm just going to go slow [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] come on oh that's a nice push [Applause] [Music] come on drop as many coins as you can get where they want to go [Music] nice so i'm just trying to drop as many coins flat flat on the top as i can and don't do too much of that [Music] so okay that was my last one okay i'm happy to leave that for somebody else i'm a bit disappointed that i didn't get those off i could stay and easily get those off well probably not easily but probably take me another half an hour um but i know for a fact my back hasn't got half an hour so i'm more than happy to leave this for somebody else if they can get a profit out of this then hey good good on them so um here i'm going to tell everything up and i'll get back to you okay this is going to take a while so that's joe as you can see i've filled him back up nice and i had to recount him um sammy as you can see coin's gonna hurt but that is so good so good everything i played out of this game was 100 profit 100 profit because i paid for it from the last game um and i don't forget i bought over 351 coins from the last game and bought it into this game so um yeah i mean there's all that extra money on there so don't think of one uh this amount that i'm about to tell you just on this game because yeah you gotta sort of separate it between the two anyway um i've got 330 dollars in chips i got 445 in notes nice i ended up with 318 coins so i definitely lost coins um i'm not sort of surprised i mean you can sort it you can still see how thick that is i could keep going and probably get them back but i'm not going to add everything together is 1 729 um that's the profit that's what i'm well that's what i will be walking home with because there's no tin here so um yeah i mean that is absolutely amazing but don't forget 954 dollars just in coins well that came from the you know the other game so i lost coins on this one um but anyway wow what a game anyway i'm going to cash everything in and i'll be back in a minute [Music] okay do you know what really rots your socks [Laughter] um yeah i basically went through everything and i was like seconds seconds for me thanks catches later every bloody camera died um i could do it all again oh man how annoying is that anyway um look at that nice um it goes on for days seventeen hundred and twenty dollars right there one thousand seven hundred and twenty bucks um well this is gonna be really really happy and trust me we need this for the house um so let me go through this again um there is uh 1 729 on the bar there is a tips like a tips jar it's like this massive massive glass yeah a drinking glass uh but this thing is just huge um probably take a keg but anyway um and so i just thought well you know what i'm just going through nine bucks in that um i mean obviously i'm not going to be sticking what i normally do or that's i want to save that for the kids so um but nine bucks why not these people are very friendly here so um hey i'm happy to do that uh so i might just do that you know a little bit of that from now on so um yeah keep everybody happy including me anyway that is a handful of cash nice uh really happy for that so um if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,656
Rating: 4.8941178 out of 5
Keywords: Jackpot, winner, gambling, money, silver, gold, funny
Id: zq8-ort6bWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 30sec (4110 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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