Playing the Victim to Get Attention

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what's the worst case you've seen of someone trying to play the victim when it was all their own fault i was in a crowded parking lot driving around looking for a space there was one car ahead of me the car ahead of me stopped so i stopped as well i'm not sure why she stopped because there were no empty spaces and no one was pulling out but whatever then before i even had time to react her reverse lights came on and she came flying backwards towards me i didn't even have time to honk she slammed into the front of my car got out of her car and started screaming that i hit her when officers arrived she was crying and shaking and complaining that her neck hurt and cursing me for slamming into the back of her car thankfully two people had been walking through the parking lot when this occurred and told the officer what really happened later the driver of the car that hit me tried to tell her insurance company that i knew the witnesses and that's why they lied i didn't know the witnesses by the way at any rate if the witnesses hadn't stuck around to give statements i'd have been screwed my mom ruined my courthouse wedding called me selfish and made fun of my shoes on my wedding day and made me swear to her that i wouldn't tell our family i was getting married until we had a big ceremony then proceeded to go behind my back and tell people anyway she is now genuinely surprised that i am upset and going around crying to all my aunts and uncles about how her only daughter will not speak to her a woman rear-ended my car in the car wash of all places she failed to put her car in neutral and rolled right into me she then proceeded to yell at me and insist that it was my fault for not going fast enough after we finally convinced her that the track always goes the same speed she decided to blame the car wash employee for making the track too slow my friend sister she doesn't feed her kids nor send the oldest one seven to school her neighbors reported her to cps and now she's posting statuses about how cruel people are for separating a mother and her kids an older lady walked into a construction area where she knew she wasn't supposed to go just to snoop around when the workers weren't there and then sued because she slipped on a plastic floor covering she worked there she knew the area was off limits did it anyway sometimes my children ask me why they've met my mother but never met my father i tell them he died a long time ago when i was a kid in reality my dad used to be an abusive drunk and my mother had to kick him out because he used to beat on us kids we used to spend weekends at his new house but around the time i turned 10 he told my mother to stop dropping us off and gave her a shoe box full of all the pictures he had of us we tried calling him on holidays every now and again but he finally just told us to stop contacting him altogether last year my mother passed away and he decided to reach out to me and expressed he had changed and wanted to make things up to me i told him it was okay i filled him in on how i was doing in life and sent him pictures of my children but i expressed i was already a man and don't need a father anymore but he was forgiven for the 20-year absence he then proceeded to tell me that i'm horrible for pushing him away and abandoning him that he was dying and just wanted to fix things so i just explained to him it's already forgiven but he abandoned me and i had no time for his foolishness i wish things would have been different but he's too much of a bad influence to allow in my children's lives you're a good parent and good person for being firm with him facebook drama from a few years ago this girl was leaving a bar drunk and she backed her car into the car of someone she was an acquaintance with while exiting the parking lot then the next day went off on him for telling the police he saw her do it when he knew she was poor and could have just said he didn't see it and had his insurance pay she kept digging a deeper hole and all the replies were like b don't drive drunk it was glorious insurance would pay for it either way but this way her premium goes up not his if he reported it as he didn't see who did it it would show as an at fault accident on his driving history if in the u.s my ex-husband got arrested for having child pee he blamed me saying it was my fault he was so depressed he went looking for it this is messed up i'm sorry you had to go through that i lost a lot of weight 150 lbs my overweight friend didn't i don't care she's my friend i love her i tried on a pair of size 12 size 8 us jeans but they were too big so asked for the smaller size before i could try them on my friend stormed out of the shop and when i followed her she screamed at me for rubbing my weight loss in her face i lost the weight in 2015. i've been this size for four years i once witnessed a car accident where a lady blew a red light and another car whose light had clearly turned green didn't see her and hit her broadside the innocent driver had her view obscured by my vehicle also entering the intersection i was able to stop but she couldn't after the impact witnesses stopped to help and the lady who ran the red light tried to argue she was going through on a yellow and that her neck hurt apparently she had the nerve to attempt a lawsuit over it because i was later interviewed deposed over the phone by crazy ladies lawyer who tried to trip me up by saying another witness claimed to be the same place i was too bad man i was right there and there's no way in heck you can paint me as an unreliable witness for your client to steal money from an innocent for her own stupid mistake my crazy college girlfriend cheated on me and then blamed me for causing problems in our relationship by being obsessed with the truth as i figured out what had happened edit this was a long time ago but it amuses me that 10 000 plus people have rolled their eyes at her better to be obsessed with the truth than with a lie this guy got upset saying we were always talking about him behind his back he would creep up to the door in our apartment and stand there listening to our conversations of course we would talk about him he owed two of us over six hundred dollars and refused to pay it and then we were the bad people because we would talk about it in our own apartment not knowing he is creeping around the door yeesh that is creepy af my best friend's ex-girlfriend basically her ex was kicked out of her parents house when she told them she was a lesbian she moved in with my best friend since they were dating at the time at first she told my gf that she was too depressed to find a job my best friend was okay with that even if it meant she'd have to work more which she did she even found a second part-time job for the next six months whenever my best friend asked her if she found a job she'd always get the i'm too depressed response eventually my best friend finds out her girlfriend cheated on her her excuse for cheating was you're always at work and never have time for me i need someone who will be there for me my best friend kicks her out and then her ex blames her for having to move back in with her parents the kicker turns out her parents never really kicked her out she was just tired of them telling her to get a job ro real piece of work that one local business owner friend asked a lot of his regular customers to invest in his new business in atlanta by buying shares i bought him knowing we wouldn't break even for at least three years but that he could sell religion to the pope had losses for two years break even at three as predicted four years in he closes the atlanta store and opens in another town but this time he's doing it all with his own money bulls he's doing it with the inventory and proceeds from the atlanta store even has a shiny new house cars the works for his new venture he's shocked to the core and hurt i tell you hurt and disappointed when all the shareholders took him to court my sister's friend was beaten up by her boyfriend and stayed the night downstairs of our house with her three kids next day he comes around starts cursing her out saying she stole his kids grabs the baby and start walking away with him she chases him trying to get the baby back and he punches her several times in the face my brother intervenes and separated them this butthole leaves and brings back the cops to arrest my brother for assault my brother our whole life has blamed our middle class upbringing for him taking zero responsibility he's basically a 40 year old version of no one gets me he spends his money recklessly has turned down opportunities to advance himself in lieu of making youtube videos in his shed ranting about how richie's keep him down it's pathetic richie's damn it stop calling me richie it's richard and will you please get back to work when i was teaching i had a student i adored who had some behavior problems i did everything i could to support him one day we were taking a test and he was talking i reminded him several times that talking during a test is not allowed and i would have him go in the hallway if he continued he continued talking so i told him to go into the hall he called me autistic on his way out his favorite insult and so i wrote him a referral i called his parents and they didn't answer so i sent an email explaining what happened that he gots a referral and that i hope we can work together to help him manage his reactions his mother responded saying that my behavior is unacceptable and that she is done speaking with me and i will hear from her lawyer she went all the way up to the district level to complain about me telling all sorts of lies and making me look like a horrible person i don't teach anymore my mother she pulled the old going to the store routine when i was a kid she called three days later from halfway across the country bitching because dad had shut off the credit cards to this day she tries to make my father the bad guy for her failed attempt at abandoning her family they divorced shortly after and i stayed with dad i've always been second rate to her for being in her words disloyal your father was a smart man my fiance's manager tried to strong-arm her into staying at her current job instead of taking one that won't destroy her mental health then cried about how no one at work likes her a friend's baby daddy makes no effort to see his kid on his court approved visits but when she won't let him see the baby any random time he asks which is her following court orders she's a bee and keeping him from his child my cat plays with the closet door and sometimes shuts himself in then i get an angry cat yelling to get let out and acts like i'm the one that locked him in there or just cats that want to leave the room right after they enter i open the door and he just looks at me and me hours usually he just wants to get picked up and snuggled but i can only do that for so long he probably also just wants food cats are just need food scream machines i ain't trying to make a chonka over here though a former friend and housemate who i stupidly let live at my place rent free and who i gave some pretty significant hope towards lawyer fees lost her mind when i started voicing my concerns over her new boyfriend she was still technically married to another man and the new boyfriend was into all sorts of cultish new age spirit science craziness oh and they would do things like make these lavish meals in the kitchen and not clean up or block my car in the driveway then she went on a rant in which she compared me to her abusive soon-to-be ex-husband because i hadn't put away a container of cinnamon immediately after using it when i served an eviction notice to the b-bomb she gave academy award-level performance for melodrama of her own making during a sunday liturgy i gave the priest the proper intonation for the gloria in excelsis but he started chanting the sanctuars instead which comes much later in the mass no one knew how or if to respond so the place fell silent afterward the priest blamed me the organist for giving him the wrong intonation instead of simply admitting that he wasn't infallible and had made a simple mistake username checks out my 50-something-year-old mom's very frequent non-sober calls in hysterics about how her life is ruined this was after she turned our lives upside down with her alcoholism and drug abuse throughout our childhood went to rehab five times and relapsed every time was given little countless chances by my dad and family to start fresh including amazing job and housing opportunities nearly bankrupted my dad forced him to move and raise six children on his own and eventually lost relationships with all of her family and children except me up until two one stroke two years ago when i received a call that she fricked up again got herself kicked out of her free housing arrangement and lost her job before it even started forcing me to go pick her up on the side of the road and crash at my apartment for the night i remember when i was scrambling to hide all of the alcohol and pills in my place before getting her then picking her up and her crying that my dad was still ignoring her and wouldn't give her money anymore it really hit me that i'd finally had enough victimizers am i right guys yeah there is an end to the rope my ex cheated on me and i left him he said he cheated because he felt like he couldn't please me in bed and it made him insecure mayo i manage an outpatient drug and alcohol education treatment center we're licensed with the state so that anyone who gets a dwe dui has to go through an evaluation process and complete some form of the education treatment program dependent on that evaluation in order to get their license reinstated or satisfy a probation requirement every state has its own version of this for alcohol or drug related driving offenses everyone has to do it and no one is exempt or special regardless of whether they won or lost their criminal case in court there are those who very obviously made the mistake of driving after a couple glasses of wine had a back just over the legal limit they realize they fricked up and they usually end up in the lowest level they get it done no complaints but every single day i come across at least one person who blames the state for having to do the program do they call it a racket a money scheme a waste of their time complain about having to go through it etc and they treat me like crap in the process as if i make the rules without fail these are always the people who've had multiple 3d duis have drug alcohol addictions and many of them have concurrent charges of vehicular manslaughter or accidents with injuries these suckers who walk through my doors have literally killed or injured someone because of intoxicated driving avoided jail and have to go through six weeks of outpatient treatment complaining about having to do it pee me off to no end i used to keep my mouth shut but i've experienced so many of these perpetual victim types that when they start their bitching i remind them of the real reason they're in my office family member who has a ton of tickets and warrants because of driving drunk is always mad about being arrested and blames the cops for catching them drives me crazy because other family members keep bailing them out if they have kid oh they will lose job act really gets my goat especially because it's drunk driving and we have a family member permanently hurt from a drunk driver i just can't with them sometimes a college of mine whined about her job 24 stroke 7 and that she quit eventually then she went to see a psychiatrist because she needed to feel justified that quitting her job meant she had no regrets and she was actually mentally ill and couldn't cope it was a residency program in one of the best hospitals in the country her psychiatrist after evaluating her straight up told her she was a whiny brat recently i went out on a date with a guy during the date he proceeded to hit on someone and get their number in front of me apparently it was my fault because i'm bisexual so clearly that meant i'd be interested in her too i was just like i am genuinely curious at how people think bisexuality works my roommate kept himself out of my condo i didn't know this before he moved in but he turned out to be a pathological liar and attention pity seeker he fabricated and gossiped all kinds of stories that were easily proven false and then he'd backpedal and lash out if caught i was super uncomfortable with it and privately started making mental plans to give him his 30 days notice at the end of his lease four months away but hadn't told anyone well one day i get some text messages from some mutual colleagues asking if it was true that i was kicking him out today and i tell them that this was the first i was hearing of it turned out that roughly after the third or fourth time that i caught the roommate in a major lie he noticed that i wasn't as chummy with him anymore and he started spreading a rumor that i hated him now and that i was going to kick him out on his butt and make him homeless he went crying to all of the prettiest ladies of the gossip mill at work about how he was getting kicked out tonight and the rumor traveled quickly in a circle back around and he got tons of attention so that night he comes home from drinks with his gossip entourage and starts yelling at me about how he'd heard that i'm evicting him and demands to know if the rumor was true that i was going to kick him out tonight i told him nope i had no idea what he was talking about he starts ranting and raving about how gossip gets around and continues accusing me i tell him point blank that i don't know what he's talking about because i wasn't planning on evicting him today and i had never talked to anyone about evicting him but i was upfront about my intention to give him notice at the end of his lease he starts yelling what date and then cuts me off and gives himself 30 days notice from today and starts accusing me of kicking him out before the holidays then he stormed off and updated his whole gossip train that he had been kicked out tonight and that the rumors were all true the next day he found a friend's couch to sleep on and another room to rent by the end of the week and up the gossip to billy hates me so much they kicked me out onto the street that night so he turned his own rumor that he created about himself into a quasi reality he did leave my home that day but not on my doing my home and my life are 1000x more peaceful now that he is gone tl dr my roommate spread a rumor about himself getting kicked out of my condo confronted me about the rumor as if i had started it and during the confrontation gave himself notice and kicked himself out that's a new level of stupidity i wasn't prepared to learn of not the worst case i've had experience with but when i kicked my abusive ex out of my house he started playing the homeless victim card bad understand when i kicked him out it had been 10 months after we broke up he strong armed me into letting him live with me when i got a better place and he got kicked out of his friend's house i was the only one working he refused to watch our child while i was at work he would get aggressive and violent if i even talked to another guy and there were multiple cases of my best friend and only ally would have to basically kidnap me to get me away from him and keep me safe yeah it was all just a freaked up mess but he started telling everyone i was this crazy horrible person how i kept him from seeing our daughter and how i was being a bee because i was jealous for years afterwards everyone believed him and i lost every friend i had thankfully this story got a happy ending it's been years since this happened and now i'm in a healthy happy and safe environment i met and married an amazing human being who held my hand and had my back when i started going to therapy to heal the wounds that were left and is the father of my youngest my daughter is now nine and is an amazingly sweet and strong girl and i have an amazing group of friends who are the best support team no could ask for a girl i know who's a complete drama queen got extremely drunk a few weeks back and got into her car to go to her xbs to start crap with him she put the car in drive and passed out it rolled forward and hit a vehicle that was parked in front of her when the police showed up they found her passed out behind the wheel with her car and drive smashed into another car and charged her with driving under the influence amongst many other things she wants to fight it because she technically wasn't driving at the time and because the police were bullies for arresting her she's going to start to go fund because she needs money for a lawyer to go after the police and teach them the lesson all she does is complain about how they were being unfair and should have let her go guy breaking up with me to be with another girl then expecting me to sympathize with his hurt no you spat me out like gum i'm calling you out don't claim you don't deserve it i don't talk to him anymore ex-husband never got a job until i literally got him one when i got out of the military he wanted to move to a particular town he used to live and work in despite his current employment and me getting a really good job offer as a civilian on base we agreed that he'd get his prior job back he assured me he was cool with the manager and i'd use my gi bill to finish school and raise our son since i'd missed his first steps being in the military 10 months later i've had to get a job and run through my savings and i find out from one of my best friends who ex-husband had worked with at the job he was assured to get that my ex knew the manager didn't work there anymore and wasn't going to get his old job back so i'd given up a good paying job for a crappy one used up my savings etc i told my ex that i wanted a divorce in november after he forgot my birthday and moved out mid-december mind you i'd paid out my lease until it ran out at the end of january on the condition that he mined our dogs because i couldn't afford both apartments and a pet deposit all i said when i left was i wanted him to get a job and be a dad those were literally the only two conditions i ever put on us working things out in a ho get the dogs back and their malnourished and ex had told everyone that i was an evil bee for leaving him high and dry this was in 2013-ish and eventually every one of his friends has kicked him out for not getting a job he does have a job now and likes to brag about things he and his girlfriend do and by i'm not mad at his girlfriend but i feel sorry for her because i know for a fact he cheated on her multiple times and for the first few years of their relationship he chose her over our child as in he disappeared for two years and blamed me for that as well when i begged him over and over to be a dad so when he says i'm a bee and only see him as a source of child support he's not wrong cheaters on our ant or are of mid-chest i'm so torn between these two men woe is me happens repeatedly one guy victimized himself for catfishing claimed it was totally harmless i believe he was just trying to prove to himself that he isn't a terrible person this girl who was in my school made a hate account against herself and got super p if anyone insinuated sp it was her she'd say crap like maybe this person is right when one caption was the world would be a better place without this be etc my cousin basically screwed up her own wedding by doing things like firing her maid of honor at the last minute because the maid of honor took her husband to the hospital rather than coming to the hair appointments getting pissy with our grandmother for not being helpful enough she's almost 80 and isn't the most mobile what did my cousin expect and forgetting to make sure her brother wasn't still running errands for her when the ceremony started which led to him missing the ceremony and then she winged for the entire reception and a significant period after about how her wedding didn't go the way she wanted i'm a nurse the nurse i gave shift report to was later seen in a contact isolation room without a gown or gloves on she claimed she had no idea because i did not tell her and report that it was an isolation room and she needed to wear isolation gowns i was called and woken up and yelled by my boss because the other nurse was in the room not me her so i got in trouble and was told to think of her kids she has two little kids at home who you could have contaminated by not telling her to put gowns on there is literally a giant colorful poster in front of every isolation room that tells you to put a gown on before going in like you have to push this poster out of the way to even go into the room if that's not the biggest bulls point the finger then i don't know what is and that was the moment i learned i couldn't trust my boss because she was the head of that clique if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 90,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playing the victim card, playing the victim, playing the victim in a relationship, victim, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: Y1-LpBxs0nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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